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(qrilfr qtfrqrn)

With An
EnglishTranslationand Copious

V. Subramanya
Ar.rI. Secrerary
to thebovt. of Mysore(Retd.)
andTranslarorof Sripatipactdhti,

Vol. I

It is a matter of grcat pleasurethat thc publloation of the
rccond edition of JATAKA PARIJATA, the monumental
work of Sri VaidyanatbaDikshita with the erdeltentDotcs of
the Late V. SubramanyaSastri has bccn possible by God'r
graceand the sameis bcing ptacedbefore thc public. Tbis ic
an exact reprint of the cdition that was brought out by Shri
Sastriin the ycar 1932. No words of introductionare rcquired
rs the works of Sh. Sastriare all masterpiecesby themselves'
lnd havc rightly earnedthe fame tbat is their due. The earlier
cdition was long out of print and theic war an cver growing
dcmandfor this book and thc prescnt edition is intended to
fulfill this long-feltdemand.
The importanceof this work Jataka Parijatacannot be
cxa.gerated.It is a basictext book of Hindu Astrology,studied
glmost in all parts of the country by studentsand scholars
alike. It is a book invariably prescribedfor study in almost
all orientalexrrminations on Jyotisha. As a classicaltext book
of Hindu Astrologyit ranksnext perhapsonly to BrihatJata-
1a... The fact remains that Brihat Jatakais too brief and
difficultand that was why works like Horasara, Saravalietc.
',rycrcwritten with a view to supply all that is obscure, hidden
and missing therein. Among thesc works is none that
can excelJataka Parijata in providing a detailed knowledge
about all thc essential aspectslike Ayurdaya. yogas, Bhava-
phala, Vimshottari, Ashtakvarga,Stri Jataka, Kalachakra
Dasbaetc.The work hasbeentranslated in mostof tbe rcgional
languageslike Malayalam, Hindi etc and is held in high
cstecmby astrologersas a book of great authority throughout
the country
.i fltsa{ lc}tnc t}<t qf{ii dftf,fr r rr

of Jyotisha,
,. ,,ti;lii: 3o,u,a.o
into three parts-Hora (prcdictive), Ganitha (Marhematical)
pnd Sarhhita (M:sccllancour) Predictive. Astrology was origi-
( 4)

nalty written by the ancient sagesin the form of works called

HORAS. These were very volumirrous and detailed and a
$udy thereof was very difficult and time-consuming.lt is
understood from tlte quotxtionsfound in commentariesthat
therebxisted largc volumesof Horas calledafter Parasara,
BrihatPrajapatya, Saunaka,Kaushika,Atri, Gargaetc. Today
many of these havs bucomerare aud almost inaccessiblc.
Later works like Brihat Jatakaand JatakaParijataetc-are all
condensations of theseHorasas they themeselves professto be.
In theopeningtwo versesthe authorsays:
;RAr qrt q{rnilfilfqa w1q a{T6nr1 |
(qrq nr(rqf(g(Ilil;a 5*rq6 il4.6 qrkqrtl ll
From this statementit is clear,hat the authoris summa'
risingall that is importaut in the ancient Horas of Garga,
Parasaraetc.and the later'workslikc BrihatJataka, Saravali
etc.And at the end he writes:
qsnlTl€qfqitq I
qt ilam qrftqnqftr ffitgo te'ffta"tq rr
i.e.thisworkisdividedinto l8 cbatpersand is supposedto
containftatgO 1763 slokrrs. But, the work conlainsin the
presentform l9l8 slok:rsdue to ittterpolations.Many slokas
areverbatirnborrowedfrom the ancicntworks like Saravali,
BrihatJatakaetc. Workslike Phaladeepika etc.are indebted
to thisr reatwork whichfact it clearfrom the slokasthat are
found in them, borrowedfrom this book. eg.utfqrzt<{;ff ctc.
The topicsdealt with in the X V III Adhyayasare brieffy
as follows:
l. Nature of thc signs. 2. Nature of the plariets. 3.
Birth of beastsaud miscellaneous'4. Arishta'Infantile death
etc. 5. Ayurdaya-Longevity. 6. Evil combinations
thar inar
the boroscopes7. Rajayogas' 8. Combination of two or more
Planets. 9. Effectsof Mandi, yqar, month etc of birth' 10.
Ashtavarga.'11.Resultsof I arrdII houses. 12.Resultsof III
and IV houscs 13. Resultsof V and VI houses.14. Rds'rlts
ol'VII, VIlt and IX houscs.',15.Rdsultsof X, XIand XII
lrcrrscs. 16 FemaleHoroscopy. 17. KalachakraDasha. \

18. Vimshottari Dasha and other Types of Dashar. Hundreds

chapters VI, VII anil VIII and
4,of yo8asare dealt with in
lcuch a detailedtreatmentis difficult to comeacrosselsewhere.
Each chapter is comprebensivebook by itself and it is for the
. readerto verify for himself thc contents.
Not much is known about the author exceptthat he wag
the son of a great scholar Venkatadri and belonged to the
, BharadwajaGotra as he himselfsays:
'jfr fdsrftrt tgafiaan: *'iu-arq*if: t
qt<Erctgt'tlgcrq f*gw:*,igaafrq r
lfrfamsefriltrcirrrt 6qq; *iuarc: gdl: ll
from the abundancy of quotations found from the work
'sarvarthaChintamani,tsomeopine that fathrjtof Vaidyanatha'
Dikshita is none other than Venkatesa.the auth,orof 'sarvarths
Chintamani'.But. this deservesfurther investigationand the
suggestionappearsto be incondusive.The suggqstionlthat thc
author was indentical with the writer -of the celpbr\tqdwork
'Prataparadriya'on poestics,is totally incorrect,llpr tlq latter
was Vidy?natha (fselFTrq).the confusion being du\ $o the
unfortunatesimilarityin spelling.'The appcllation
clearlydcnotesthat he must haveperformcdsom\ biq sa\r\fices
of the type 'Somayaga'etc.
The author belohgedto South India ar\,r tnost ilrobpbly
to Karnatakaor AndhraPradesh.
Prof. Katva has statcd that he belongedfo the l4th ccn'
tury and livcd in Mysore. As far as we could gather, tqe
family trce is as follows.--
Anniah Dikshita

Ifany f\rther dctailsare known to' he readers,they are
requotcd to scnd thcm to us so that lhe samecrn be addedfor
.f[rowing more tight about the author of this greatwork.

Thc author l.asbeendeclaredby KcsaraDaivajna, ashis
guru,whichfact is borne out by the followirrgslokain hir work
g6i mr :
g1,ia-rwq<11 arira: *q1c:
qtiil€sil Ganesa-Daiva.;na,the son of Kesava Daivajna
wrote his famous treariseGraha Laghava(rc qfqr{; in 1520
A. D. (Keshavabelongedto l),landigram(rFemt) in tr,tahar-
wbich is clearfronr the verse:

afiamq E6rwr;a faclfrnqrfadtaraf h

lTsgo'tfirrliltl: €rnqnrret{ fuE *ils: rr
--Tt artrr
So,Kesavlr Daivajnr must have bccn born about 1456
A. D. HcnceVaidyanatbashouldhavebeen born bctween1425
A. D. and l45t A.D
The Translation
It is hardly nccessflryto dwelt upon the meritsof this
translationas the worksof ShriSastri:rrctoo wellknown to the
public for theirremarktbleclnrityeruditionand thoroughness.
Thc rcaderwill find that all availa5leparrllel passages (morb
tbanabouta thousandslokas)from authenticworkshavcbeen
frecly and fully quoted almost perhapsto superfluityso tha.t
the book will servc ts a relf containedand usefulcompcndium
on thc subject.
If thir book should be receivedly all thv i,.jaders
tcd in this scieoceof Asirology .wrth interest and should it
provc urcful to oxr readers, wc wrtl considerourselvesamply
rcwarded for our labour.
Adhyaya I The Propertiesof Signs
Adhyaya II Nature of the Planetsand their
AdhyayaIII Manifold Births etc.
AdhyayaIV Dcath incidentatto bhildhood
Adhyaya V L.engthof Life
AdhyayaV-A Exit from the world.

qtlnq: rd'fT
I <rFr:fiorsqfq: I qt
R T-{CreqTamI: Yl qe_

f ffi;qrfrfiqreqltr: eq ro
Y Erqrf<szreqH: tul I ou
I rtg<faleqt{; lit IRY
t-g iqtR'r+rcqrq; loo t{
ll *ritsfi.m.ll


il€r qrtrtmffii t'rq ilrffid
qtA {Kt ll t ll
AdtryaYa I
Tsn PnoPEETTEB or SrcNg'
Srofra. l. Having bowed to the Sun, the Lord
of day, who i! oi t[" nature of Vishnu 1ft9]
(rrd and
Lf"".O of the Godderts Sri (g1), Brabman
Si". te,of who is rp $bvereignof the hosts of imriortal
lighte, who transcendb M"y" (qrqr) [Prakriti
I am
;.7., im"t.1 and who rules al'l animate wotlda
qtftstil) to the
going to expoundJatakaParijata (erm
i"tif dl astrololeri epitomioing the tdarry influence
treeted ol by Garga (rrrt), Parasara(vrrrn) and others
qrflql$ilrqqfugqr ?ffifu
cfrfu{tqft{r€q eirrftftqrrq: g{l t
ffit$rrefiqr( ll Rll
2 €reocm Adh.t
SIokt 2. I, the talented Vaidyanacha(lqirq),
the son of tbe learnedVenkatadri(ffi), a descendant
of the Bharadwaja(rrrCrw)family lnd a proficient in the
Scienceof Astrology, set forth ia regular order the
whole mrrter (of Astrology) commencingwith the
ddinitione of the zodiacalpositione to afford mental
injoyment to the multitudeof *ir. men who appreciate
the nectarcous -truths.
sweetsof astrological
tiuqwnfuq€qi{ fr qrffi{rRqrqn I tl
Sloka.3. Prostratingmyeelf at the lotus.feetof
the Lbrd of Raghuswhich the bardcommuniry haveto
salute (in undertaking.anything auspicious)I prepare
the work of Jatakapaiijata(wrcwrRwn) abridging the
important scientific work /Saravali(qnmft).

ia 1gl,i W{ q,i q $i ftqF Eqk ttstt

ffir wfrr*rffirdrqbqrr
ffi*dqftrqqF$drqzq lt \tl
qaqsqattsittn*sr qff qgqnfirqill? r
uft q{rrd q$€ qil *fr qzdqr{flrtflasn q tl
dlaFs{iqsgfnwr qqft'tt
Sllhas 46 and Jirst quarter 0f Sloko 7:-The
first eign, astrologerEstyle as Mesha(*l), Aja (ct),
Viswa (f*q), Kriya (ft-r), Tumbura (gqr) or Adya
(ru); the secondar Vrishabhai?qc or tlc), Uksha(ert}
Go (fr),Tavuru (ilrgG)cr Gokula (tfrW); the third
aE Dwandwa (iie) Niiyugma (qtc), Jutuma (ggr
or Rg*), Yama(cc), Yuga (tr1) or Mithuna mgf); tbe
s[.2,7. nrfrsqrq:

fourth as Kulira (sdr), KarLaaka (r{Ar) or Karkaa

(*), the fifth ag lianthirava (5vit€)' Simha ftt)'
irtiig*ao (qfr{) or Leya (Ur ; the sixth a$ Pathonr
'1er*1, Kanya (*c0. Rrmani (twft) or Taruni (Godt)
in. r.o.ottt as Thruli (lrdr1,Vanik 1nior1)'Juka
oi Dhata ('{4; the eighth 'as lli. ("9)'
Tn"i; @ -1f*t),.
Vrigchika Kaurpi (+rft) or Kita (*a) ; the
ninth as Dhanus(sgq), bh.p" (<r'i)or
the tenth asMriga ielr), Mrrgasya(€arv)'MakaralTt)
or Nakra (ns) th; eleventh as Kumbha ($x)' -lhata
(re);. Thoyadhara(rilcqt); and the twelfth as Meena
(ctq), Prithur<rna(ggtq)
ifrt', Anthya 1*u), Mathsya
or Jhaoha(tl)'
The autLc presumes in the student an elementary know'
the 12 Rasis' tho 27
lcdge of the science, such as the names
Ntirfr"tr"", clc', aidbegins to give tho different naines by which
cach of the signs is known'.
more elaborately'dealt
In slokas 18 to 25 the Rasis have becn
from Skandahora-(m-<1Kr) may be noted
with, but the following
here regarding Vrishabha (tcc) ana other
.rgn, S.tot 1Q ulrr{rqr, t f€i ggt rqbrrftilt
*ir qlFrr acrCr rlf
$, ok, rdf etErri\$qi r ft0 qrdtlt ]t
cg", *Cf qgh+c drtt' I d a*r rrr: ffi-qttt
t,;;*Ct.tt aA rit.q?tr f*cqfr *rl ftrbq?t0qhn
the several z'diacaL
The following are the I-atin names for
eigns from Mesha (lr) or.wards :
Aries Tula iu Libra
Taurug Vrischika ... Scorpio
Vrislfabha ...
Gemiui Dhanus $agittarius
Cancer Makari Capricori-
Katal€- ,:.
Kuhbha Aquarius
Simha --.. :,!., I*o
Virgo Meena Pisc6
ftfirlt{fu Adhr
qHriffiT{q*Wrr ftqrqtl t
^ Sloha 7 lquarters 2 to 4). Kriya (Arc) and other
zodiacalsigns in the heavensconsist of nine quarters
of Btars-reckoning from Dasra fqe Aswini) ,nd are
Fr..d lGhetra (ele),Riksha (*r), Rasi (rrfu), Bhavana
(rtt) and Bha(v).
Rasis are usually counted from Mesha and Nakshatras from
hswini (qhr*). Each Nakshatra has four quarters and
each Rasi
consists of nine quarters of the Nakshatras. Thus
Mesha is com-
posed of Aswini (qDrft), Bharani (qetr)
ana the first quarter of
Krithika (afr61) and so on. c/. Garga (.rli,.)

qf}fr rwfr tc: aRmrrrT{sq s r eecp.m cr€igs:

trq<-o aqrrr
frqdcrd frgd drlrgrq<uF{T{| irflrT{:scqrtcr aFrr:m*;ar:rzc: il
ft*t lTrrfi,rFt-r:cK: itE t*tiia: Lecqr<r?*it.;qr Erilf}ffiRi}Eq rl
gorf+fl{d qrmft,clrql"vrrfi raecrtfu{tqii{ q;zfh*
qwq aril Tdr crtr frtrrs q t ilflrnfrili Frydffit
{rsi (d{ ll
il{o {Ksr$i{ ilqrqqturTct | ilisFtir 6.6: g6frltq, tun ,,-
The last quarter of the sloka gives,.the several
terms for Rasi (cFr) or sign.

il(trar6atI ffig€tnt**1-
(r@3 I
sr6q qrggrpiqq6q fr
qr€t frqgrtnq{r slq tt d tl
, Sloha 8. The parts o[ the body of the person
Kala (wo-Time) beginning with Mesh", ,.rp.",i,
vely the head, the mouth, the breast, rhe"r"
hearj, the
belly, the hip, the groins, the private parr, the two
thighs, the two knees,the two calvesand the two feet.
Sl. &9. rqfrserrr:

cf, q..al l-4. The 12 Rasis are supposed to represent the
several pzrrts of the body of Kalapurustra iqiogtc), Mesha (Aries)
representing the head and so on.
' \
clr. m{t{di
rNssrgE{c Grd(fiB*rfuns+{gr{r
TrtqE aturl +loqrgtfft qt{lsqs: rl
The object of this divisiop is also distinctly' expressed
in the same work thus :
ifi1cr;rg€ffi?nf{ g€CltrtiffiqAeq6{fifu |
T{tTfl qsc?fii:Isrt rMqrfr tt
i. t,, to find out the full growth or otherwise of the differmt
parts of the body of the owner of- the horoscope according as the
Ras is typifying them are connected with beneficqr malefic planets,
In the case of all horoscopes,the several parts of the body
referred to above should be understood to be representCd iry the
signs beginning from the Lagna.

trot qrwrqitrqqfrirl €Trrftqh( r
{ffi sG qgrqqrdr qhr tqqrdsr
irqil qqwrfuilqw{rn q{ €}w2r{mn q tl
S/oFa. 9. Sign PisceEconEistsof two fisheswith
their two tails and headsin reversedpoEitione. Aqglt
rius is symbolisedby a man with a pot. Librais a
person with a balance;Sagittariw is a man armed
with a bow, the hinder parr of the body baipg,_tha_,
of a horse. Capricornusis a shark with the fage of
a deer. Gemini constitutea pair-ofhumanbeingsbear,
ing a harpand a mace. Virgo ia a woman ltanding
in a boarcarryingwith her corn and fire. The remain,
ing signscorrespondto things tvith froperties indi,
catedby their respective name6, Each one of them
inhabits the region approprhte thereto.
6 qrdsqrftqa Adh I

cf . q, qt,I. 5. r*lmaq: is another reading.

he qrgwwrrmi qrq
sflrtt! €rguRqluo{tilrfi?|
sdttrfu n I" tl
'rsq ileorttiili{raqqfur
r qqfftRg€oqrd gonnf
imrrq qREgrr{t{rrr
tqq frqqanoeT{qorfr
qt{q qHfrigfrfrrflft u tR tr
Slofras 10,12. Th: abodeof Mesha (h) or the
Ram ie the surface of the earth containing precious
stonesand yieldingmin:rals. Ihe quartersof Vrishabha
(ttll or theBull,is thetable,land, farms,the cow station
and the forest, The placeof Mithuna fcga) or Gemini
is the gambling house and pleasure,haunts such as a
park or a garden. The seat of Kataka .wm) or the
Crab it- rlake, a pond or a sand,banLin the midst of
water. The region of Simha(ftt) or the Lion is deep
mountain,cavesand denseforests: .The haurrt of the
sixth or Virgo is a pasture,land. or the pleasure,room
of a woman The locality of Thula (Wr) or Libre
is the ba:aarof a city aboundingin all kinds of valuable-
thi:rgs. The lair of Vrischika (te*; or the Scorpion
consistsof a region abounding in flint, or holes ol
.- -.-,.,
noxiousreptiles.The campor barrackcontaininghorses
chariots and elephantsis the placeof Chapa (rm) or the
.Sagittarius.The home of Makara (got) or the Deer'
faced is a river or other water'abounding region'
The seat of Kumbha ($q) or Aguarius io a water'pot
and the receptaclesof veeselsin a house. The resort of
Meena(rfr) or Pisces ia a river, the sea and similar
collections of water.
These are useful in fixing the nature and the whereabouts of
absconded or missing persons, lost things, etc., and seem to have
been culled from the works of the Yavanas, from which the
following is extracted:-
qut sEfr fvcurtqtr! irrq<r qqt rtftF: gtil: r
' : rr
sqrftrr tqr+;(tGffiqr.qtq,crttqfr
fqrgRg cfuft Afi; (tltefirorFftlrt Ruq: t
rffiWnt uftqonrcff{srsqfr: il
{qrrrqnufugii q*t: cqrcR:sa{gqiqt{t: I
rrd* mr<ftrqEd *.rcnRt{dEfiqft: ll
rd s.dt{rsPdlqfdrfraqr:rQt Rftu urg:
tqRcrqtgFdaft iis tdrr<Rqfum{ft: rt
ttt€ tr+ Cqqc+i cqrcA:wrrrgrut' t
tqrz:d,gngndrf6qrsrs* gfuaq?{r: il
l{M Ig +lq t-rr f,rqr c* ssftR{ nffi I
ilsrt{t{r vrt Ruq: q{Ir6at 61ftfuqqft: rl
qftqi q€r quqwrlcllqs Rrt: q mft *ffi.t t
gxrrHtsq rqqrqElttaepilgr**qsUfi: tl
t*ssdt gffiqqrg qln: qrlrMt I
ll;€ft qgcfr Eqcfbcrt<crgee ge<Srg: r
eqft rdq K(c <arRgrre uuvrwuqS : il
qqr{lt cdHrr* qrg&t a$IrR qqls I
rrwrltqrt Adb.t

@ ! i{rc : f t g : r r
q;;Q q ftu: stqq S* Et fiqrfirqr$rqt: r
g*rqilmg{rq cd d*reE6} qalftareqft: il
c0 g *<cqcq{dtr ilqs crfr p{t* eRilt r [,,
gtt<sq{dq{ Efirsreg snqfur:t | iln r lqrtnM.tr--
foag ap;Qqqr:'lRr.

{qtrewemnmM $irftdr
eil$ $Sft vtRtrfff{rl? ufr nqq il R tl
Sloha. 13. The oigns Merha, Vrishabha and
Kumbhaare short. Makar4 Mithuna, Dhanuc, Meena
and Katakaare of wen length while Vrischika, Kanya,
$inha and Thula.are long. The rigns are male and
female:from Mesha onwards in rqular order. Mesha,
Vrirhabha, Mithuna and. Kataka with their thrikme
ot triangular cignoreprercntttp four qufterE commenc-
ing from the East; Again" the eignofrom Merha, taken
in order, are to be considered ficrce and ousphious3
they are also termed moving, fixed and dual rignr
This sloka is helpful in deqiding tho sex, appearance, charac-
ier, etc., of the perbon coucerned. If the Lagna be a male sign
and the surroundings lead to the sagneconclusion, he is surely a
male; but if thefr should be otherwise, hb will $e a male with
feminine appcarancc and charactqr, etc., ot uicc oosat. The
student should never venture anyprediction_ unless'a11 t\e existing
coditions are fully and carefully tested and weighed. q{ S€rS-
{1ft5 11frSqrftg ffiK{dt irrfrfr rn<ikd
Isl. 14 lrfrsrnr:
..U.vffirvv!^ !v rv.YYYUT lvrtvvwYu

af. ssffi:
atqP gwr A?nlcq divqw grwt;t
t}<r g*5 rretg tt
d€fl: ftryqddrR:cERRft tmq;-iinq{; t
(Rrqrrr+goqrqrqtffrq: lr(dFtFt ||
. The sign Meena is stated to be of even length, but it will
seen from sloha 56 infta tbat the sign's length is represented
the number 20 and should therefcre be classed as a short sign'
cl. €KFdt.
qgtftilfttrdrct fr gavg:tffig'rgqr{ qtn: I
zPqq+'qr{qqftffiftfr ffi sqr<qmr:tt
Videalsa notes to that sloka.
' g r qft+rumwri, tqt eetsrftsiatc|}'iftrcdti q
'ilfl ?.
I q65f{ea'rds gt*d frt<: -qtacJ qqft kqffir&rr& tttft'

qtmril ftPtrEqzgXflSqfqlw{fir
Rrqrwt mqqqtsu{frffiq t
ftawl(aqg{Tt3ifiaot qhR ll tB ll
Sl,ofu. 14. Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, Dhanus'
Merha and Makara poEEesBotreogth at night. These
excepting the tign Mithuna rire with their rear portion
'fhe rest appear with thsir heads and have
Itrength during the dry. They are also termed rigno
characterioedby tuperiority. The-rising aign at any
given time, if repreoentedby a coupleof fieh'figureo ir
io under both tlie Priohtodaya ( sg?qq) and
$eerchodaya (t?rff'qc).
c/. q(l{(e[ffi
t qin gBrflr&a irorfusr s{kar tt
Fnr {tqttqr*c s-Tqrqtg3Qr<cr:
' Also lt€ft(trdRr
nn zsrreetRqro<rc€rrr ttarc-q! q: t
0lo rmdM Adh. I

gpnrt qPrd5.T{q ft-qrffiir ksflli}mr:q: tt .b

eiFrtq:q*q-gh<rqSnqrqqr e€qt: sdw: t
a;{rgpqrrffidn?ft Et: tr'l'it<qrqt ur{?it(frs;q: tI
For the usefulnessof this sloka, cf.
alil<} q+ntsikr{Rt<: cir& Rqcfl qotqiiEa tt
rd Also qf<i ltsr kT{a ffi qmq't{ <t+ Rc{zrq$ {rrd a ae{ lt
v,l u,
, ifl
{lrt|ts*€qrrm qftoTi{tnqF
frqrqqr qzq5firtlrfr1rlr
Rdnqeowt ihrqrqntt-
wflrflq qaqslrq(iril {t<rt il t\. ll
' Slofta. 15. Many learned men say that Meena,
Vrischika, Katakaand Makaraare termedwatery signs'
Kumbha,Kanya,Mithuna and Vrishabha, representthe
water,resolters,while Mesha,Dhanus,Thula and Simha,
representthose that traverse(dry or) waterlessregions.
Amongplanets, the Moon and Venus are tenned watery
and tbe Suo' Mars
nets, MercuryanclJupiterare water'resfftcrs,
usi rireagt
and Saturnwaterlessones. Vifu Adhyaya II sl. 13'
t{ srdr qqk il'6or:n (fr'
c.rtol N'"gpqgrq<fr54<r0.rg
$i qr$qndtRltqunR\fl
q6lt6r iilag{pr qi1ctfqwtlt
oqfail qia qrr &ril i[ttret: ll tq ll
qoli\tllqr tltnqg{ t
'I aqrqua\;eg.fi$il (QflqqHqftld eq 11lu ll
iorrrfr rf{qarq\qf
Slolos. 16- 17.The latter haif ct Dhanuo'
and Mesha' when
Vrish;ha, tbe forepart of Makar.a -the
M'n' (wra)or l0th-bouoe;
they happen,oi"iit
are calledquadrupedeigno' Kanva'
;iJessiir.ngtt "nd
8t. l8 rrrftsEfif: II

Mithuna, Kumbha, Tfiula and the fbrerparr of Dhanus,

when they form the lagna or the rieing sigr\ have
abundantstrengthand are termedthe human family of
bipeda. The latter part of Makara, Meena and Kaaka
which are termed waterv signs,are Etrong when they
tuppen to be the {th house.Vrischika which is a water,
resortingsign is strong in the seventhhouse.
c/ .rd:. T$d.irq {e: rqr
Xdnda qf.a4:r
ofiryr sfuir Frgtld R rc<rqrq:rl
s-gtq.+A{iir{t'<r&qcfbir | .
A+{r reir fqqAt it wocr<rq: rr
mltDr*: +tir s-osr{qftfrp66:I
Tgms-qisftfr{trftrq: Q q-gtqfl:ll
, {Fr€ -.rr<rts?ficfiFEeil{ R r
These are useful in finding the (iTIq iitro) Bhavadigb.t&
Izrda frqfrqqft: Ch. Ill. Sl. 2l-23

*d lrdlG ffir irctrarqg6T(r!*oqnrcrrdrqq I

*ErK u{ qR *aqqr: tFqft {ttgerrr{Fil tt qdtl
Slokd. 18. A bipedsign is srrong [n a Kendra
1*.a) positi,on(let,4th, 7th, or 10th house) during the
d"y ; the quadrupedsigns are strong au night when in
the cameKendra(*-"4) position. All reptile signs ulhen
in the Kantaka (*,qd€)or Kendra (#q) position poqseFs
rtrength in the two periodsof juoction betweenday and
night (morning and evening).
' Nores'
cf' il,-r**
{lr +.1t{rAg4dft ftitr q qfu;{ t;,. ta+(ftfrtfier:)
The term qizr (reptiles) here includgs nbt pnty Vrischika
Rasi. but also the other aquatir signs. o/.'t+dtffr:
frfq-garg;",rdrql fign-or qh{rr Trr,t{ r
*f q-q-{sffi-6r
qr+rE{rertr: Xirart I r$}
ftimm-<-Wfrq ? {;rfi{rql
ffirfitRqtu Adh f
tf, ##

qrdfi *qtmqrrrqt etE r

*rrqli d*{a: tqt+ ll tq ll
"ffi,atmr-mm-tn< of Meshaand
Sloka./9. Wise men'qayin respect vege'
they are mineral'
other signs taken in order' that
even signs'-- Mineral
tableand animal,"t "rt" "aa and
from gold to clay'
compricesthings of thtt classvarying to a
V;;ilI; in.tia* all plantsfrom a tree down
body of living
gr"ir.na the animalincludesthe whol:
ffiEv.rr faqwqrqffit tqll I
ii.g$atttrqc qil! d€rr*frarlll'o'll
Vrishabha are
Sloka.Zl. l'tleena',Vrischika and
Simhaare Kthatriyar ;
Brahmins. Dhanus, Meshaand
Vaisyas ; and Kanya'
Kumbha,Mith.rnr and Thula are
\f,akaraand Katakr are Sudras'
as Sudra (*i) and l(4talca
The sign Vrishabha is considered
correct view' c/' rrem<' +Stt
Brahmin. This seemsto be the
tg: o€t x?roft{{rrft eTr w: ftFrr;qtq:
g", *to, fsgi qttqr: *nqrrSsft Ttr{r *F: ll
qarfi{ra{$frqrfrqtfl qeffi Efu$ffitr t
,iffi *At gordu;ff qrfiGqq ffi qilt ll Rt ll
Sloko.2l. Mesha,Vrishabha and $imhr are
and Kanya are
at the deadof night' Kataka'Mithuna
ara deaf in th3
utina at midday." Thol. and Vrigchika
i;;;;. Dhanusand MaLara are 80 in rhe afrernoon.
qFqat qr{ffit lTkff{ i
rdfu{it{Fi q{osr{ofd{ft{t llltll
8|. 22,11.3. rrrltstqrr: 13

Sloke.22: The deerfacedand the bow'b:aring

oigns,d.c. Makaraand Dhanuswhich are lame become
fatal in the two periodsof t wilight. The concluding
pqrtion'of.the' signs Kataka, Vrischika and Meenair
called Riksha,Sr.nChi (*tsFn) and is well'known ar
Pqgandantha(*rrnei;.e)ie.-the end of the elbow -a
vulnerablepart (a critical period).
For the effect of a birth at qt,:t{, al. mqtc-d

cra.ta Arcft wrgrwif q\eslm.rrat t

qq Strd wcr?t qcqrft *<Xs: n

rrrfr€t{rkqrzw wrgF{fifufrctrrrJil!|
fuo' @ q'fig *Rqet'll RQll
Sloha.2l. Red,white, green(parrot's hue), pink,
pale-white,piebrld,black,goltlen,ycllowish or brown,
variegated,deep,brown,and white arethe colourl aE'
signedto the signsfrom Mesha onwards.
Nr,res. r$
cf. *q.l-20.
c.f. qgqrds
qttrididqre$qrrsfiPE{r' fReffir r
fr*6i{al1ir*<rta* writcq rt
Also qRrsd
onRaftdgrfi-dr: qr€atqftttcp:gfuTr{ct
urqaenrftn; +ftrgrtcrrfr<ul: <f I
Also qtwrm
cn: Rra:gtfttr: vra&qawogt:t
F{.x:.llitq:rqq!fi(6{:ftmr: ttrce: n
'Tg{q'fFFr' qffirtd: $rnqril: ll
c,fttri g qRrrcqqfW{rtq il
l1 qrfficrRqre Adh I;

Also A<lhyayaI1I. St. 4, inf'a.

ilqrii qrrfugcqfiq-dfrqq: wqdgcwr;{

-.qr{rtgrd fro'lrtgd fag*{Gft I t
{rqrd firffTdrqit-qfr$gtM {qfr
Fqluqrg: ll 18 ll
Stoka.24 Clothin,l and other artictesof apparel,
cuperiorrice, the collectionof forest produce, plantrin,
cerealsof the highestsort, bambcc, muiga or kidney
beanrnd other stored articles of trade coming up to
Eesamum-$acl<s, sugar,can?,iron and oth:r kindredsub-
rtances,weaponsand horses, gold and other valuable
articles,flowers springingin w,rter and all water'born
thingo are said f,o ba the materialg representedby
Mesha and the remaining.signs respectively,their
quantity being small or great, accorJing as the eigns
typifying them are weakor Etrong.
q{qgft ilttrirqfrg'{frmtffi qriqwt*'r
stur nqri(gflfiHtqnild*qT*fr TqF( qfir: llR\ll
Slotil. 25. Wise men say that Mars, Venus,
Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, M:rcury, Venus,Mars,
Jupiter,Saturn,Satrrrnand Jupitgr are respectivelythe
lords of the signsfrom Mcshaouwardsand alsoof their
c.f.E. l. I.6.
" !ffiaa1iBj1qFtl:'is anotherreading.
, c/ nreeR - ag{qgq'Sl. 42.
: $TFmsq?Aq* 1lge Wq g*a+
: irt t*r+rg"ft fiq€: fka<?il rtqi: I
^-\ -1 .\ -\
ErFr|E$rqFrqqqlr q{{!5rllrcctt q flEEr qEI:
frrr rnq&tn rrtr q ro& frsri m* sfire: rl
Sl. S,28 rrr*srqrq: I5

{Wgfr?fi{r ftamtrq,
frmrfrmdkqtaqidrsffq*qqr* I1EII
wRqrqrqgqfoAftA+dr<rq w\ r
ffisr ilfirlrr{rr{r: gEtetff rm, sd qrE llq,\ell
qrftreeqili q{rqrrurqtq(i {ti{' t
ir?Hsti qFlqrrd;qiiti zgs qqoitTt qr( ll 1d ll
Stokas.26'28.Simhe1&t), Vrishabha(1ltr;' Mesha
(h), Kanya (t'ar), I)hanus ( qW.), Thula (gor), and
Kumblra(gq) are the first triangular (Moolatrikona-
W&*f") signsof the planetscommencing with the $un'
In the ."r.Lf Sukra (gt), Sani (nft), Ravi (rft)' ind
Guru (gt), the first t0 degreesof the signs Thula (gor1'
Kumbha(S,F), Simha (lttt), and Dhanus ( fW ) form
the Moolathrikona (qor?ohr), and the rest. Swakshetra
(eia), i. e., rheir own house' The first three degrees
cf Vrishabha(yu) form the exaltationportion 9f jl'
Moon, and the.t.tt, t.t Mootathrikona(ryH*lo)' The
first twelve degrees of Mesha arecalledthe Moolathri'
lona (teflrlor; cf Kuja(go)and the rest,theSsakshetra
(€e"). The f;rat baif of Kanya(*';ar)is the' exaltation
portion of Budha(gq); the next t€n degrees, tbe Moola'
ifrtilon" ({oFr+ior); and the last five degreee'.tne ,!11'
kshetra(qt"). Kumbha(in) ic theMoolathrikona
+.tJd.hu; Mithuna(fogr), the exaltation sign and
Kanya (*-qt), the Srwakshetra (€8")
6/ fl<rrd.
clcs r;qr{i gqq griTl*: eqr ft;eaq 1
qraffirwni cdhn*: srtftrti tmrs I
,* Ei qrtFnt;gq t4* tudtqnfrar: t
1r{qrrnrr qc ffirurcd cit g *qs I
16 illrfurr Adh. I.

q{rqr{rTtsrc c BrdsrcA r* qt t
${ gN il r*sid TcFrrrt <* q* rr
frnfttcr: ilFt Frirqqcl sqr{Tdtr I
1, Wfr Frffi& qRqtq qqr €: ltt r.
Itso vrgftctsrw
QFr (10) grn (3) rtqina: (28) lfr'w: (f9 e{rror (5)
affiitr- (z?) Tirqqr: (20) rite g*qrvrr: r
tt dCqr (20) vcrffiurt ql (10) w
si tuilq !!Fr {w; (3) * (27) ffiorwr: n
giqtq un€rrT(1Z) q* ffiqw: fr (18) gri
'rsR gfr ftcr (to) rkftqil: fr (20) €r[q r
* uft: rfuq{: (15) Ff,Sruror A (16) tq{i
* fifurdwr a<r: (20) it (10) rdrwr: r
gvs ilrilr: Fr<i qrtqr: (15) rt (5) trtr:
€* qt Bdogr Rn (10) qI *Tqil gt: n
For the Exaltation!'and Svrakstctn (g&a) places of Ral'rr
and Ketu, oidc 1\s following from Pensara (c(r{-d

il*q ul* ta\Aqir gw{q I

qafu*rut** ? g.cc1i alq q n
*ar q grlt fti {t{ v erg{ qaq I

N Emqsws$*r*n-
dd q tf{rrrfirftir(nt'rq, r

fuqqrffiW{mr ll Rqll
Sloka. 29. Meohg Vrishabha, lvfakara,Kanya,
Kataka,Meenaand Thula are the exaltationaignrof the
Eeven planetc respectively from the Sun onwards;
their deprescionoignobeingthe7th from their exaltation
oneE. The higheEt exaltation portion of the planeto
counting from the Sunare the 10th, the 3rd' the 28th,
11.19-"-""""". "","-"'
"","""**:".,"," """""of
tlOth degree
the 15tlr, the 5th, the 2?th and the
- (ve) balas of
These are useful in finding the correct Uchcha
the several planets.
The eflects of the Sun and the Moon occupying their res'
pective highest exaltation degreesintheir exaltation signs (Uchcha
Rasi'sqtlRt) have been separately given thus by Garga:-
€drqirqf*ffiqwq:{ai qffitq I
sr€ir sftt c{r* €fu*rmdraft rr
and the result of their occupying their extreme depressionportions
is thus described bY the same.
Tftt M qt c{fficfrsrql
U*ortrfh*qeft g€t {rftiqnoir il
sd Etttsmoiqrdrq{tsew{i{r:$oitut-
|Wttwqqr ?qrgRaqqfrfiqrirnrlnrI
Ek qtr,rdrt+
grt Gfr Eqm ftqffiqil:Qfl:flffii {ER ll 1" ll
Sloha. 30. Lagna or the whote, Hora (it) or
half,Dreklanafirrur) ot 17$td, Swaramsa grtn) ot ll7th,
Navadea(miqr) ot l/9tb, Dalamamsa (qtrqiql or f t0th,
. Dwaclacamra (Crlntqr)orl/l2th, Kalamsa(Taitl)or l/l6th,
Thrimsamsa(ftnrtn) or l/30th, and' $trathtyamea(wutt)
or l/60th of a rign (usully called Daoavarga<trt) pre
duceloss,danger,longlife and prosperityto men' Hora
(ta) meansthe half of a Rasi; in an oddsign'the halves
belongreepectivelyto the Sun and the Moon, and in
,n one to the Moon and the -Sun' The Drekkana
(irrrql or the third portions of a sign are owned by thd
iords'of the sign inelf, of the aon's or 5th houoe, and
of the 9th or the hotne d Dbarma (q*)
IE qrdrqfit|tt Adh I

gfoca+rtt*t is anotherreading.
There are sixteen Vargas, but only teu are given herd.
Even theseten Vargasare but seldomconsulted. Six and some-
times sevenare usually resorted to and are known as Shadvarga
(q<,i) aud Sapthavarga.(stE,$)respectively. Viik slokas+7 & +8
4. the following from rr.t
dd ftrq t arrfr€ifr Erfirirm: r
r fttria*q qfist *iv egqr6e: rr
rsrnqeqftvg1tsRm: r*g €Efrrr; I
qgqdrrrfrsriefr rrdft irqqr tl
Alao q.lvrao for stert
vi frr forrmq ssiqfr mqidrfi: I
qrq{d{Isdfutlg{: qgasffs, tl
For the names of the 16 Vargas, r/. c({R
Tqh *cttiTer*,r{ qut mdrcE: r
ertt irqqqqrftifu nrrn6ft rr .
t* alrr q tu*rortgqtn'sgsiw*':| *
mirft q{rci{a qqh13ffi: il
fffi'qfr eq-{r'6€irrkrfridirm<a: r
qlqi;is{il'n: cuirt{ dirr rRq tl
That is; (l) Rasi, (2) IJora, (3) Drekkana, (4) Chathurthamsir
or lth (5) Sapthamsa, (6) Navamsa, (7) Dasamamsa (8) Drva-
disamsa (9) Shodasanlsa (tO) Vimsamsa (tt) Siddhamsaor one
twenty-fourth, (lZ) gtramsa or one twentyseventh, (13) Trim-
samsa, (14) Khavedamsa or one fortieth (tS) etsMvedamsa or
one forty-fifth and (16) Shashtyamsaor one sixtieth.
For the uses of the several Vargas, c/. *<rgam
as&ER"rfrtrrmanf{qi lrcr: r
furuno,tn-oilEftanq qgirnEI
ffiqni isittr{ fqrnrnqqd}..rr qI
\ qtriqfireffi€r
$. 8r. rr*sqnq: 19

According to the Yavanas, the lords of the Horas and

Drekkanas are as described in the following sloka :
qreirg ir rrers q;tsrfirirrct&dtqr I
sEerq*il{cnrftcni MiiWr: 6c{|qdis( tl
so that, according to this view, the ownership of the Horas i3
not restricted to the Sun and the Moon, but is shared by all
the planets. But tlris view of the Yavanas is not recognised
by Varahamihira, nor even by authorities like Satya, who has
thus stated.
sitlg €iltr $rr{r grAg{titrr *qr r
ryfi: *nrt tqr sr;qfr ifi qirrrqft rr
'r rTffitotror<qgl{ar{r.{{TTnq: Pg: I
tqrqf*ncaq:Tzr€ie{rrir qil sft": tl
But it may be mentioned here that this convention of the
Yavanas has beer, accepted for Prasna (qa) purposes(Ilorary astro-
logy) whiie the other is reco5lnisedfor purposes of horosccpy.cl.

{{r;a( m ffqi{r sr" Gr* $?rrEI

dttr qRssqqrin AtirqT qrr}Tqqg rl
sTrefig srra* qiffir €ntcr {tls&fui tl
i. asg€grrcTd Ut gd|I*igcr gTrUR'r
q*org,rcl: Rrt tr} ilrf,* (qg Errrors€{e tl
e*trfrrg elt:or s:ETeatfiT€IgatTtr qF4r[ |
q*cq Sfh{rqf,frfu qn q€rngt:$€nlq: tl

gA o? qd{rnrqfufl:trflrrrEq:
ll 1l tl
SIo&a31. The owners of the Sapthamamsas (qcctT)
or the ?th portions of Lagnirand other hougasare in the
cale of an odd sign to be countedregularlyfrom the lord
thereof, while in the ca,eof an even sign; they'are to
be reckonedfrom the lord of the 7th house onwards.
This sloka gives the ril:it:' finding out the lord of the
Saptarnamsa in the cases of odd and even si6ns;
ilmdua Adh I
'{''" of Thula' an'odd sign'
Thus, for examplo, tbe Sapthamamsasi
Mesha' while those of
will begin with Thuia and end with
Vrishabha (=theTth sign
Vrischika, an even sign, will count from
Vrischika' The magni'
reckoned from Vrischika) and close with
tude of each segment is 4?o.
character or tem-
Saptharnamsas are useful to ascortain the
if born in a
p"oro"na of the native, he being cruelly disposed
if his birth happens in a
Krura Sapthamsa, or peacefut in nature
Saumya Saptamamsa. This division is also utilised for seeking
information ibout one's brothers, etc't
cf . qfur€6
*rsmft qriwor grt eer& r$: I
sgcitrilftq{s: crT{ qt cftfril: ll
" Also lqa1q{dn tt
tqrftftr5qerrsrfr cgstEqrrqrqqmdtt
q€i1rrdiqqt{tl|'r: ll
ceqCh+cti U
*t}S ildr: trr{Fd *tqr: t
{lg werrr {r6crulrar3
iTrqtqt$iartdqiad{r€gff(q: I
w{-{rq|tr tt q qtfittt m *ftm: tr lR ll
wqgltrqffit I iroramirn aa t
umgF{s*{ttt s*erqrEsiq6t:ll '11ll
slolos 32,33The Navamsasof Dhanrie,Meshaand
Simharetpectiveiy belorrgto the nine signof-tqT
Makara' to
onwards; thoee of Vriihrbha, Kanya and
t"t"t"t" and otherc following it' The nine signs
tbe Navamsa!
U"ginni"g with Thula are the ownerc of
oi"ttairnJo", Thula and Kurnbha' The
Ar;ld Vriochika and Meena resPectively appertainto
ttt" signs from KatakaonwardE'
"in" NOTES.
Nrvrnrsas' Each
Thcso give the rulce for fiuding out tho
gives the niae Navamsas
Navamse Is 3" 2d, The subjoined table
in their ordcr for the several signs'
Vrishabha Mithuna Kataka
.KanYa Thula Vrischika
Simha I
Kumbha Meena
Dhanus I Makara

ileghn ilakara Thula Ketata

Kumbha Vrischika Simba
2nd Vrishabha

Meqna Dhanus Kanya

3rd' Mithrrot
Mesha Makara .Thula
4th Kataka

5th Simha Vrishabha Kumbha

t Vrischika.
Mithuna Meeoa Dbanus
6th KanYa
Kataka Mesha Makara
7th Thula

8th Vrischika I Simha Vrishabha


9th Dhanus Kanya

ft qri{st iq' f* q€'{ild{6:I

ftqill qfr<qfr tqe' ll lu ll
the best
Sloba34 The Vargottama (<ril-<e) or
moveable sign' the
Navamsais the firs$ NavanEain -a
dual cign'
;iJil;*t in a fixld oign' and the last in a
the Vargottarna (cfi-{c) Navamsasin thd
It will be seenthat
as the signs themsetves' For
several Rasis bear the samenames
(a1d is Mesha:the first ol
cxample, the first N;;* "f Y:.* (aEi{)
The middlemost Navamsa
K+taka is Kata'ka"oi 'o ou'
and so on-of'
J'Vrt"tt*uoa is Vrishabha
t qffi q*frr€GT: I
€ €.&g <{dqln
({lil(ci{) aJe said to
Planets sitrrated in Vargottarna-os
- bd productive of immense good'of' Itf,silrd'd
22 qTilffiQqrl i'
Adh. I

rQg q*aqqftee: gunvr m{rqtrdr: I

"Also qiq
trrrrftalqirTr rfu}g c"rr ft{f$g irrcrrTr:I
qrltvcr: cQsrfrF{a wre:g;}'g<rr:
Also qrtrad
q.rTilrTr{tqn<{rQrrt rr;rrrnt}g
q*r gvga'rrrr: il

W} gqG6r,r '
lt i\ il
Slaka J5. In the caseof an orJd oign,
the owners
of the Dasamamsa (wwtn1 or f6th portions are
to be
countedfrom /he sign iteelf; in the case
of an even
sigq, from ite 9th onwarde. The
ownerE oa;i"
Dwadasamsa (arwt{| or rtsth portions ' . ,ig" .r"
tobe reckonedfrom that aign, "f

This s10ka gives the t"il:tu::'

the Dasamamse
(iqgit)and Dwadasamsa(AfCri{r) "at.ulatins
of a Rasi.
cf. v{r{rt {h*
!nrr{ fEnfrfl m"q}i g11rats"'r{iq r
f: qdf{ q{r ftqc* q'{rpilrrtre'sr: tt
.::, ead qrte!*a ggfil-aqrilr. 1
srr€flrq r{ri}} q} sr gtnilw rr
,i ffq{rhrq lTnr{rd-ilih"raf*€ifq r
' tsffishn nc{i {irlns0arqT
fc: tl
It will be seenfrom the above that a&ording'
to parasara
(cflEK) (,r) ttrelords of the'Dasamamsas
in the case of an odd sign
are (Indra (64), (z) Agni (ufid.), - (3) yarna (+q),
fnl n.i.r,rl.
(5) Varuna (+rq), (o) Maruta (qrm), (z)
rubera ($i<),- C) ;;;;
({ara), (9) padrnaja (q-{r"r), and (10)
Ananth" f"o-i,,fr"*;;;;
counted inthdinvcrscordcrin the case of an;
8L ili r{d}srqrq:
- - - ' t - - r - ! - ! e r
J - - ' - - - v v - v
r q y v ' J v t r v v Y v . ! - ' - v v - v

(r) the lords ,of the several Dwadasamsas of each sign are
'{2) yama (zH)
Ganesa (q;nrl Aswini Kumaras (et}{-'t$clt, (r)
and (a) Ahi (efd recurring in regular order' But this view is
not aecepted bY all.

*fu t,'dt{n,{gt*m{ilI RftHd}ft{ftnmrrr

grfrftofi ffi q16ffir Rdqa' ftst qmqlql:hlqll
Sloha 36. The Shodasamsas(M'{r) or f"th
portions of a sign ate important. Their lords in the
caseof an odd eign are Brahma(lut), Vishnu tftqf}
Hara (w) and Ravi (rh) recurring in regular order.
When the lagna ie an even sign, the lorde of ths
S[odasamoas (Qrwrhr) are to be counted in the invcrtc
order from Bhaskara(urer) or Ravi (rft)
. Notes.
The Shodasamsas are thus describedin the foltowiry
' qrtrtp"r sqi{rqr P{futriM: sc*s?cq| ll
*r* @fr'ftwftRtrrir
gri Tqrrrc*{ {rdr ... .?. t
The Shodasamsa (ifc{i{r) division of the zodiacal sign is
variously knovrn as Kalamsa (q-oi{), Nripamsa (qci{f), ond so on.
'division, tbe
By this mode of ecliptic is cut up into.lg2 cqbl
segmentgof l' 52' 30" each in length. Thc sogmentsare named
in regular consecution,in the order of lhe zodiacal.signs, sd thet
the initial segmentof the sign Aries takes on the, Darne of thrt
eigu, that of the sign Taurus assumel the name of Leo, aod ro
fortl. Tbersegment rulers are, in the case of lbe positivc sigis
Bra,hma(eqr), Vishn" (ftg), Rudra (t<) anil Aditya (erRFT)'i"
rotetion. Inthecaseoftho negativesigns, lhc enumeretion of
rlobip is rcvcr.cd. r/. Pansrrr fi<tTd
,l rnwfut Adh" l.
rtffi* iw tstw: fit: rrqr I I
ruft*1rt; qfi ii gfr rtfqcq il
- But according to some,the count of the segments in the case
ofan odd sign must follow the order of the zodiacal signs com.
.mencing from Aries and be supplementediu
thc end by the
nlmes Brahma (rg), Vishnu (t?T), Ruara (qf) ana Aditya (srrtts)
to makeup the number 16. If the sign is lhu order of enu-
merationis to be reversed. Accordingto ".,urr,
this system,the positive
and negativesignsare distinguishedby the possessiori of a cqnmon
disposition. of segrnents.
There are some others whose views are also marshalled
below for convenience of reference. J*.

(J). If the sign under segmentation is positive, the count of

begments must follow the order of the zodiacar. signs commencing
from that sign (as in the case of the fffirill and be
supplemented in the end by the names of ""g*"ot.tion),
the planets, Saturn,
Mercury, Mars, and the Sun, to make up the number 16. When
the sign is negative, the order of the count is reversed.
(Zl. tne method of allocation of the segments is the same as iu
the previous system ; only, in place of the four planets, Satrirn,
Mercury, Mars, and the Sun, the names of the divinities mentioned.
with reference to the first method are put in.
(gt. The method of allocation of the segments is in no wise
different from that of (2) above, except for the circumstance that
in place of the divinities we substitute the names of the 9th, l0th,
llth and l2th signscounted from the positivesigns (under seg-
mentation. When the sign under segmentation is negative, the
order of qaming is, of course, as usual, reversed. This schemo
has a certain amount of symmetry aborlt it,_ps it provideis not only
ior rulers though not wholly plauetary, but also for zbdiacal nannes
of all segments.
The word lM (in the 2nd line)=6|'. These two woiils are
use.idin astrological classics not only in the general dense of
also (as here) in that of'a given sign or house' or
a sigo cr house under consideration, or from which a count bas to
be made for a specific purpose.'
5[ 90. r*sntr: N
'The predictivp value of the 16s11i1r)segmentation is' as may
be expected, involved in considerable obscurity' in the absencc
of any consensus of testimony among astrological
as to the afrnities of the several segments with the signs
the planets. And the sad part of it is tttat reiutable authors
like Varahamihira (e-wFntd, Kalvanavarman (tqprcd{) and Bala'
bhadra' (qery<) have nothing to say about the Shodasamsa in
their works.
An ingenious iuterpretatiOn of this somewhat obscure variant
of the verse has been oflered by Mr. T. V. Sarma of I'anjore on
tLe authority (as he tells me) of Pandit C. Saptarshi Sastrv of
" [n an odcl sign, the lords of the Shodasamsasor the sixteen
sub-divisions are those of the twelve signs reckoned from tLat
sign onward, together rvith those- of the 9th, lOth, llth and l2th
from the same sign. In an gven sign, the lords are to be
countedin tlre reverse order from the l2th sign.
Notes-In an odd sign, the lirst twelve sub'divisions are ruled
by the lords of the twelve signs beginning from that sign and the
rcmaining four sub'divisions are respectively ruled by the lords
of thegth, l0th, llthand lZthsignscount6dfrom the same sign.
ln an evon sign on the.other hand, the first four sub-divisions are
rcspectively governed by the lords of the lZth, I lth, l0th and 9th
signs from that sign.and the remaining sub'divisions are respecti'
vely ruled by the lords of the twelve signs but couuted in the
reverse order.
It is a peculiarity of our ancient Hindu authors to denoto
numbers by the two well'known notation known as the Kata'
payadi (q-zcqtii), and the Arnavadi (rrol'{fR), Sankhyas. The words
Virinchi (ftRfh), Sauri (1rlfr), lsaGtr), and Dirvakara (frqrdr), are uscd
in accordance with the latter Spnkhya.
Virinchi (ftRB) or Brahn',an (agq) represents 9 (the Praja-
patis, Marichi, (qtn?), Bhrigu (W), Angiras (ffirw), Pulasthya
(goe), PlrtFha, (gw), Kratu (n-g), otLtha (tt), Attrri (qtt) and
Vriddhavasi rS 1a (agw{ts).
Souri (ttrR) or Vishnu (fig) represents l0 (the lO Avataras).
ta (fu) stands for I I ithe I I Rudras. and Diwakara (kcrfr()
tq 12 {tne l2 Adityas)."
I ftdEqratc|r Adh I

But this interpretation presents certain difrculties. A,part

from syntactieal objections, tlte compound Virinchi Saurisadivaka'
raha (Rftffinftrf?Srdqr:) will not bear alnumerical interpretation
as neither the Phaladeepika (moatfrqit)nor the Sarwarttha Chinta'
mani (gdqfqffftr:), nor even Parasara (C.*.'.) varies the names of
the divinities into those of any other denomination c.g. Nanda
had the
Dik (ftT), and the like, as thev could have done if they
Aro*lradi Sankhya (qdrsTR€(4) in view. If numbers were in their
mind, one or other of our ancienf authors would have ordinary
is unfortunate
Sankhya Vachaka Subanthaha (€<qrqrqqigE<f:). It
that Balabhadra (soilq), such a copious author in other
much as even mention the Shoclasarns:r (ffe{ft?f) in his
does not so
Horaratna (trccq). l{ad he chosen to introduce the topic' it would
bave put an end to all trouble'
the slola
The word vitagne' (frs*) in the second half of
vilagne R-dl')
should be read with oje ("ii) in first line also.
'rising sign'. The verse as a rvhole considersthe
can only mean the
possibility of a sign' being.lpositive' or negative' or male
The lines
or female, as they are termed in Western Astrology'
quoted a.bovefrom Pararpara (c{Il.K) tend to confirm this view and
is almost n6ar the
the iDterpretation as given in the tianslation
rnark. tiut Phaladeepilia (rodft-+r) and Sarwarttha
allocatiqn of the Shodasamsa (qrgarilr)
(t{sftftd{tq) interpret the
rulerships dillerently. On that accoturt, the language of Jataka-
parijata {.iKAqntqfd) cannot be forced to bear a meaning which ifs
('ird'iiqfiarir) and
author did not evidently intencl. Jdtaliapariiata
Parasara (c{r{t( go a good. way together as regards Shodasamsa
('ilsqri{) rulerships.

teirt q{kqqarsqtrdqlorl
tfr qqtrftft{qrrqsitw-
Fl \i
ffiqi{{r: ltafrqrhfttil{tql:ll ls ll
Sloh:t37. The Thrimasmea.E(fr{rt{) or degrees,d.d'
portions allotted in an odd sign to Kuja, STi:
Bt'dhaand Sukraare tegpectively6,618, 7 and 6
sl. 87-43 gqfrs€{rq: 2l

t*n .* Su-t" t-tt**u, Sani and Kuja

5 and 5 degreesrespeccively.
C/. gtf,tfH: tTqnrtrq qrir w q q*E lrgrratg r
lrrFrgaeoEgrgtgnrgfiruri mtqim: tl
q"*a qR sr& qs q qgr'r .rrmT{ag r
wnr rrrfr+nftrgrgi cmfigifr ${rrurqI;

"' Each of the planets other than the Sun and the l{oon own
two signs one odd and the otlter even. When a planet is in
,an qdd, sign, then take the odcl lhrimsanrsa Rasi (ft+rilr <rfu) of
'the planet ln fivhoseThrirnsantsa (frqrid the first planet lies.
Thus, a plahef in an odd sign in a Guru Tritnsamsa 15 fftdrr)
r$rst be pleced in the Thrimsbnlsa l(undali (fr:Iirr Ws-&) in Dhanus
(sgq) (an odd sign) andnot in I\'teppa (fta), n'hile arplanet in an
even sign in Guru Tritrrsattrsa(Sq frrfi--r) must be placed in Meenr
Trirnsamsa (fr'.trtt) divisions are greatlyl useful in femele
horoscopes (Viac e'anyayd XVI, isfro.) Vidl a|'qo notes otr
AdhyayaII. sloka l$ inftd.
qs'r{rsrff[ftqR€grttrttffirqrgd{rtTrll: I
q {;g\€Ggqrgqi{rTr milorgfr g'{qrFf,eqrE llldil
mqiffi\ rqqt{qrfr $i€$ntftiltqn' t
qrqhmrM$mr! ll qq ll
Itg| S'€* rr{drF{frfr
sffi I
qihrffffiffi'mrll Boll
MqFr sRm{rffi: ftilQmrcqrfiqsrfi'd{sI
q<riqfrqtg-s(€sre ffir' ll 8t ll
rJqrqd'tilffi ffiq' I
i*or*gfrKqqwdhil{rotg ffi Tg{ttotfrllBRll
: srorftq€rgqfttorcqt'
terdr. r
gwqfrftqriFgtt*nll 81 ll'
g8 rrlrqrftilrt Adh. I

Slofras3843. Demoniacaland divine portionr

(enumeratedin thece slokas)whereofthe firrt ii Ghor,
amoarule the Shashtyamsas or ,#th parts in an odd (rign.
Propitious and unpropitious poriions reckoned'fr6m
Indurekhain the inirersi order govern the parts in
"toth of the
an eve.njign. The following are the dcsignaiioni
ceveral$hishtyamsao :-
Namer of Even Odd Ntrnes ot Evs
Slgn Shashtyameas Sign Slgq Shashtyamsae Sign

1 Ghc'ramsa .... 60 31 Mrityukaramga ,.. 3C

2 Rakshasamsa ..,. 59 3 2 K a l a msa ,,,.29
3 Devamsa .... 58 33 Davagniamra .... 28
4 Kuberamsa ... 5? 34 Ghoramsa ,..,Z7
5 Yakshavalyamsa .... 56 35.Yarnamsaf Amayamsa26
6 Kinnaramia ... 5d 3 6 K a n ta ka msa .,.25
7 Bhrashtamsa ... 54 87 Sudhamsa ....L4
8 Kulaghnama ... 53 3 8 A mru ta msa ...23
9 Garalamsa .... 52 39 Purnachandramca ..,2L
10 Agnyamsa ... 51 40 Vishapradigdhamsa Z1
11 Mayamsa . ... 50 41 Kulanasamsa ... 2Q
12 Prethapurisamsa
'13 A p a m p a t h y a m.,. 49
sa 4 8
42 Vamsakshayamsa .". 19
... 43 Uthpathakamsa .... 18
14 Devaganesimsa... 41 {4 Kalamsa. ,., lj
15 Kalams& ... 46 45 Saumyamsa ... 16
16 Sarpamsa ,,, 4E 46 Mridvamsa .... 15
1? Amru t h n m s a .,,4 4 4? &etbalamsa .., 14
18 Chandramsa .... 43 48 Damehtraliaralamsal3
19 Mridwamsa ...42 49 Indumukhamsa ,.. lz
20 Koma l a m s a . ,;.4 1 50 Pravirramsa ..; ll
2l Padnnabhanvamsa... 40 51 Kalagniamsa ... t0
22 Viehnuamsa ... 3e 52 Dandayudha.msa 9
23 Brahmamsa .... 38 53 Nirrnalamsa .... 8
24 Maheswaramsa... lj 64 Subhakaramgr ... 7
25 Devarusa ....3O 56 Kruramsa 6
26 Ardramsa ... 36 56 Seethalarnsa t
2? Kalinasamsa ... B{ 67 Sudhanrsa .o. i
28 Kshitiswaram$a....83 58 Payodhy{rmsa ... 3
29lKarnalakaramsa... 32 59 Bhramanamsa
80-Gulikamsa Z
.... 3l 60 Indurekhamea .... t
rtiltsrirq: m
$1.+4-+e !vwvuvrwYw t!!YVVVVYVWS
- wvvvwvvvvvvwvvv

qoftirwctilqmffifrqqrd<ltlrlwrq t
qEF(rt88 ll
tirqqdtinilqqElttffiim rfl{t
Stoha, 4t, They (wiremen) say that
hikamsasor partc of greatercellence
produced by the
Uttama (ulilc n"*t ,loit) which is
of Moola'
co.binotion (of the rpecialcharacteristio)
iirito"", gwakrtntn. Swochcha' Swa Virgottama
arising from thst€t vatgrs'
Swakshetra' Uccha
lf planets be in their Moolatrikona'
other benefic positions atising
or Vargottarna lrcsitions and have
and other Vaiseshikamsas
from the f)as[ Vargas, then, fTttarrra
slokas will result and do
rcferred to in the next two and a half
ia-uor" goo,Jto the otvner of the horost:ope'

sri q frfr{t qqi{< {tgq t

qtm{tffi ftAwftfr',qi lr li\ ll
qW dfrili rort qnr{d{Fr!l
qaE't Bq rt
wri ffi4;: qr(sd q iln
tffit q iltmi il {sqsqq I
Stbkttc, 45''t6lA, The uniou of three
r Gopura'
caltedUttaoa. Forrrvargn combinedcons'Eitute
The combination of firl? t[tgas iE called
union of sir
Two vargar united form Perljata' The
il*n is la[ed Panvathamra' When a seventhvarga
combination be'
ir ?Ja.a to thg Paravathamla, tha
joined to the E1v:o
ro*.t O."alokr' A eighth varga
;;;; of alreadywilimake theconbination Devaloka
is Iravatha.
likewise. The conrbinarion of 9 Vargas
in" .f..t. of the conbinationo lre rliltinct an'rl repente I
.30 qftrrcrRsre Adh. I

c/. cffiT{
€Eatsq ftr,eil qritwrarlttrr+r: |
',tt; qr|t{rfr rr}q e.rutrgtrf i'aFrcsqilil
'f qqfifrrilrgrrc,i
srst: it€tqh nqr I I
'61Ht rrlq qqi*tadt* q €sf\: u :
sgft{iadtorri aaiir: {Ifi{rfir( I
itfilr: efl*rrci'rirttr{. tt
For the eflects of planets in Vaiseshiliarnsasrefered to in
s l o l i a 4 4 , e s si n f ' a I V - . gl , X [ ' 6 3 , X I I - 5 ' 5 3 , 3 1 , 9 2 , 9 ' r , l + 6 , X I I I
-19, 68,82, Xl\'-I02 aud XV'62 ;
cl. Also q;o*f'qq;t
, sfrrhorgorrir$ra'{ftqaFs:qtftstaicl*:
€rqri fta,rrFtfr a figor tgtr*iit fh{a: t
M rr)grrrmrt: g}t'ctH'qhzrir lrFqi
'{: ttTar€qri'r$;qz.Frir Tqlatgai t{p( ll
*srryfhcsrt{rftf]'rt cr{r{ilrfbfEf,:
qdift '{it la$rmeita} {lTossr*acq I
aro qritft: gi;.r.€tr ittracixfura:
qsr4 lFtst;'ig?(ftir tn flq':a663 11

fto{rtdeirurqEttrnE{i{ril'll B\t ll
fiqidrsq$, u,rdg qrqt r
s6iqrfrq'q,f,W,ilsfhftth ll 8d ll
qr*tg q t{S qBtTiruspo1{|
Sloftns. a6l{'- aol$ The Shadvargaconsistingof
Lagna, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsaand
Thrimsamsa is recommendedin regard to auspicious
undertakings This Shadvarga when combined with
Sapthanamsais called SapthaVarga and is a sourceof
Itrength to the planets in all horoscopes.
$1.de-60 dsqtq: 3I
^ w
- v - - v r
v v w v w v v v Y v v v v v v . v v r v ' v - v v v l v - - v v - v v v v

., Nomg.
This is useful when the Sapthavargajabala has to be calcu'
lated. See {. c. Adhyaya III' sl. 2 & 3.
In the example worked'out in 41. c. it will be seen that
Jopiter, whoseposition is given'as 8 signs lo'25'-ln, occupies
(ll Moolatrikona, (2) Swadrekkana (3) Swasapthamsa, ('l) Swa-
navamsa, Swadasamams:L (6) Swadwadasamsa,and (7) Swa-
halamsa; so that Jupiter is seid to have attained the Devalokamsa'
Mars (ll signs 27'-57'-g) occupieshis (0 own Drekkana (2) a
Vargottama Navamsa and (3, own Thrimsamsa, and so possesses
lhree vargas. He is therefopesaid to have attainecl the Uttamamsa'
udrqqrqileffqFfor*tr ilqdu?fiiqi€stvqri? t
Srr{irtqq?rqtql'id{qqkqdiqr{qrrq rER tg' 11
Stoko 49. Kalpa, Udaya (rising)"Adya (firet)'
'fhanu (body),
Jarima(birth), Vilagna,and Hora arethe
namesof the Lagrraor the risingSignat the time-of
birth ; Vak (speech),Artha (wealth) Bhukthi(food),,
Nayana (cye), Sva (property),and Kutumba(family)
are thc names of thc second hotrsefrom the Lagna.
Duschikya, Vikrama(prowess), Sahodara (brother),Viryi
([reroism),Dhairya (firmness), and Karna(ear)arethe
of the third housefrom Lagna.
qril6flfr€gs"Rftqrdfrqr qnt$Eg€ff$qgEr'{rft
q?t{nqfrqlqqqrsrltimi{uqqqqgftgqirtft |l\ o||
S/ofur. 50. Pathal:r,Vriddhi, Hibuka, Kshiti,
(land),Matri (mothcr),Vidya (learning),Yana(vehicle),
Ambu(water),Geha(house), Sulha(happiness),'Bindhu
(relations)and Chathushtaya ftrs the termsto denotethe
fourth houee. Dhi (intelligence),Deva (deity)' Raja
(kibgJ, Pitrunandana(fatheraon), andPanchakaare the
32 urwtlM Adrr i
namesof the fifth house. Roga (disease),Amsa (parti,
tion), &sthra (weapon), Bhaya (danger),Shaehtr,Ripu
(enemy)and Kshata(w runds)are rhe namesof the sixth
qrftTtr$rffirft u-€wr{
$rftttrqTttrq Tq?*lqrqt,r
.fd gt, Ifryd,irqT{rrqm?i, \t tl
Slorie 51. Jamithra,Kamr (lovc), Gamana(coha
bitation, travelling etc.,) Kalathrasampat(Dower),
Dyuna, Asta arrdSapthama 1fe1sa/ thc eldcrs,the namee
of the seventhhouse. Randhra,Ayus (tife), As'hta,
Ran.a(battle),Mrityu (dcath),arrdVinasa erc thc rrarn:s
of the Sth housc. Dh;rrma (virtue), Gtrru (fatlrer),
Suibha(auspicious things), Tapas(pcnance),Nava (ninth)
Bhagya(fortunc)are th: uarnesof the 9th ho-rsc.
"-Tqpt$otrtbqfft Ud l5fl1g{s{dil' r
a$IEfrqtsrTqnolw:fi:qaqqulffiqisqrr?tt qq rt
Sr,ora. 62. Vyaplra (employruenr),Meshurana,
l{adhya (zenitlr), Manr (honoar) Gnana(knowledge ),
Rajaspadada(sovcreignty), and Karnra (work , af,ethe
words to indic:atethe tenth houle Ekadasa(eleventh),
Upanthya) peuultinatc), Bhava,,{1a (incorne),Labha
(gain)arethe expressions fo.rtheeleventhhouse.Ripha,
Vyaya (expend i ture), D rvadasa ka(twelfthl and A nth prbha
(lact house),arc thc namesof the twelfth hotrsc.
is another reuding,

\giqr*ua(ilitslt? rg, *q'izuqgsqtRffi r

oqfi:e*rqqqdqqiq{ q' qltath*rqgEqrffi{ {qFill
sl. 5g-54 rrrlilrl!: 98

qurqqq*{ft crqgflgqTft t
xqqftTSrt sgrrf*i I ll \B tt
Slo&as53-54.Meshurana (the l0th), Udaya(the lot),
Kalathra(the 7th), and Rasathala(the 4th) are calledby
any oneof the designationsKendr4 Kantakaand.Chathu'
chtaya.The 9th and the 6th hougesfrom the Lagnaare
calledthe Thrikona houses. They (astrologere)call the
9th from the LagnaThrithrikona. The lst, 4th, Tthand
the 10thare calledKendrag.The 2nd, llth, 5th and the
8th arecalledPanapara houses. The 12th,6th, 9th and
the grd are Apoklima houses. The 8th and the 4th
are the Chathurarraeigns.
According to some, the'biped, the quadrupedand the reptile
signs become strong when they happen to be in Kendra,'Pana'
phara and Apoklima houses respectively. Tbis view is not
' accepted by Badarayaoa (il((tcor), for he says:
hq<flPdfttr: qtwlvr: quwfim irqr: t
unl$rm: st ttvrm rnrq: qfutr: tl

According to Balabhadra, the terms Kendra, Panaphara et6

; rrc applied only to Bhavas and not Rasis. For he says.
,, qia ffirfur {rlrrfu( r rtiffift qfurq r q-qqr r*
ilffi rsr <wq*r gtftq fWr rqls: t
ilrT r ilffi{ *rrrffiifri llrqrftdu.ccril *desl ERgrfr
tRrl'r m(tqnttqtqir dr rr
ln this chdpterr the Lrms used to indicate one or the other of
thc twelve houses or a number of them may be divided into two
clesscs, ob, (l) . thosc which are used as mere conventional
unss . serving no other purpose than 'that of denoting the
_ particularhouse or houges they have been spocially.electod to
d{patc and (2) tlce which, besides serving such purpose, alsf,l
cgptc the,fuactioc of tbc houscr they sienify.
,91 rirrqrfirtt Adh.I
Of the former class may be mentioned the following:-
Hora (fr<t) for the Lagua; Duschikya (eArgl for- the 3rd house;
Meshurana G{ryt) for the l0th; Ripha (Rrq') for the l2th; Chaturasra
(S"g(€) for the 4th and 8th houses ; Kantaka (moa+), Kendra (*-.a)
and Chatushtava (qgsc) for tbe lst, +th, 7th and 10th houses:
Panaphera fquFF-{;for the ?nd, sth, 8th and llth houses; and
Apoklima (qrmtB{) for the 3rd, 6th, 9th and l2th houses.
The following belong to the latter class. Thanu (t'g) for the
Legna, (meaning thereby that everything about ths lqdy-its
grbwth or decai--h"blth, ut"., has tb bi ascertained from the
i-edna; Kutumba'(ggq) or Swa (s) for the 2nd house, thus indi -
crting that information regarding one's family, dayadiTs.andrvealth
has to be predicted from the 2nd house ; Sahaja (tiq-q)orVikrama
for the 3rd house;Bandhu (+g), Vesma (itr) or Griha (Ue), Sukha
(gg) for the 4th house; Dhi (qi) or Buddhi (gR), Putra (3lr),
etc., for the 5th house: and so on.

Slota. 55. Eminent profeeiors of Artrology say

glat the 3rd, llth, 6th and the l0thhousesare Upachaya
(rigne of inere'aseor growth) houees. The'remaining
houeeE, aiz. the 9th, 2nd,4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, l2th and the
lat arehousesof suffering. Theaehousesif 'occupiedor
aspectedby their reveral lords, or by Budha,Sukraor
Guru, but unoccupiedand unaopdcted by the rcrt, pro'
duceauspiciouseffectsin rt'spectto a birth, or to a per,
Ion makinga query.
Fbst'half , In the opinion of some eminent astrologcrr li&l
Garga,the 3rd,6th, lOthand llthbouses cease to tre Upacbrfl
houses if they are aspected by malefic or othor inimical planct*
Says Garga
s. t0. rr*sqr*: grf

rfuqtrr qrq Qut{ftsrtolq t ilrYt:rt1;lls,

I lllll1 1grftc*.'€rfuraft: ll
That is, the term Upachaya (sc-{c) is applied to the 3rd, 6th
l0th, arid llth houses provided they are not aspectedby malefics
or by planets inimical to the lords of thosehouses. But this
view.is not accepted by Varahamihira (cwffItT)r He would
have those houses alwaysas Upachayaones. And in this' he is
roppoit"d by.Satyaand Yavaneswara
c,/. sq
qrftf,rq$csq*c*tffi q?qesrrqrq I
EqqrqqilFf, q: tfroprqfis{aarli r
Also qfirr<
ct q*{ cqr* q rRr}rsrq* {tqrqdcE: I
dwlqsrcffirtfluqr lrqrlit \utrsqsqrxrsrh I
Lotttt hall of thc Slofu, r/. raq,
qec"g* ti qr lsq?*t?r?r&eryit crRr: t
tr rT{Ftqo{m rqr gdt sdtsft sr t\: tt
Also il-.Cqqt
utleaudQ&lctur csl.0 rrqft frfi r
?ftkt{r qrt4 fr}ag st{.tvt tl
so&rTcfr std *rftdr te gw <r t
tfi fudtfrufrugor rqiqdmrRr{ottieqr:r
f,rilA qrrtn.{dl r{Fil wGv{t,q if8rrdfr rt \q tl
Slofa. 56. Astrologetssay that the (lengths) nea, '
Eurerof the six signsbeginningwith Meshaare repre'
iented by the numbeit 10,24128,32r 36,and 40 respec'
|ively. The sane figureetaken in the inverse order give
ihe measuiecof the six eigns fron Thula onwards,
c/. nqrcq- fsi{ ftqqTqc:Engor.sn lftt il aq ll
Also {6{:itgSrtttT: qQ$hrilrrlr vttq tlrt ,
crifr$t aI ffiimrrrct r
Itiwill bc seen that'tho figuresgiven in tbe slokc iq tbctgt
19.,,.-.*----, --,1*i
--,--*,- ---..
lggregate 360 and are the measurements in degrees of the 12 iigns
which they subtend at the centre.
As the whole zodiac is passed over in 24 hcqrs, each degrec
isfinished iA 2+1360x60x 60'or 240 seconds or 240124or lO
Vighatikas or Chashakas.
qnnFqtnFrr AA rrnFt*T fi&qn qq{r qEft | T{f,nr rrqft
h cr cr* crwtfr
So that I kala or I (circular measure): I (cM) or Asu
, (6 Pranas being:l(qcfi) Chashaka
l.(sfrfir) Ghatika is therefore:360 (rrqr:) Pranas
tr qftwri rrt qr qEcr cr cgqffic {rdstq gftKtrrtutr
TqAc t Rr q ar qc i+fugrcrci qsqr qrfr.FnF<rlrT{r|IIr tlr
ftF( | qt *crfti.cprcFr: ffrgffrilacor wq6.t r ?a qqwrqq
Mrqfr: rcrqq r qi qtcrf@+ ntf+ ur$qfi: | "irFTet:l
Thus it is seen that the several measurementsmentioned in
the sloka in the text when multiplied by l0 give the Chashakas
(200, 240, 280 &c. in time) of the several signs. These figuros
useful in finding out the relative lengths of the several parts
ofa human body (see Adhyaya III, sloka 76).
i" qnsQ tffiifrdt *ctBrfr Er rtsq* tt .rcPdrt<dfst
tcqrtrrctt strq:
r/. €rwdr-Taffinrffraftgilrg:{fiF€rrgqrq fi{r: I
fltt;qrrtqffifr {tqh {t{r!{tct: tl
qft*whrrt: *fuq*h s{q-(cfq, t
sqnrfr; crq*r rrrctlq Uaqrhit
61roqq-qtqlmfiil qt Rrfrsqrd{Eqqft rr
ftffi Efi gfrqrqnrgw: I
q{t{ilqr fr ffit gR*wJqGS II(K{il: rt\erl
SJotc.-57. If the degreeaattainedby the Moon
in Meiha and the other signebe reopectively 8,25,22,
tL,2L, L, 4,23,18, 20, 20, 10,they indicatedeathwhen
I muhurta, a birt*r or, other Euchpoints are under con,
sLr? n{tsrnq: 3?

nll in this sloka signifies the number a (ro$t:- 8

forms) and not 6.
In this'stokaVaidyanathaDikshita givestheMoon's Mrityubha-
gas (gg*Ffi:) or fateful portions in the several signs. These aro
more are less identical wlth those given in Sarwartha Chinta'
mani (gtrtlk<mq) and Saravali (sKlqttr):

- (l)ccfttffi
, Url frnfunt qt"qtg qqrftcrr(: I
qrffiqrr€ ftfr il&g rN rr
qu& *cc'{t[ efiftirftr*sfurr: r
rlFtrt'6ft C @rili lrTcr.F:r
ffitH qr[: rrr{r{riqqcitts: | .,
ffi qdil *t qrrmn(It r
ilffirtT.l g c'lrs.l* firq: r
t ? fumimtg lngrnn'ffitu: n
il€ftctcfd q!$ft t t{Fr: I
(2) <mrwi
trl ffi rnri {rnr qq tffi r
frtt c qt$fr lfr r ra* frirr: r
Strt frtu9* R q acrd Q;traqq I
r** flftfr sRft csI qt frt r
rFqrqtnfitr {dRsun$ fr qrfu r
frG t fiftttr c|frrrqnlr rfiFrrFt:
t gw: trfufrqn:qqff ftlrtq arcft. r
w{q ft qq{rqr{q(TrT?{ronq x
But in the two works Brihat prajapatya (ftqrnrg) and
'Phdadeepika (qo<tlltt)
the Mrityubhagas (qlgrrrn:) of the Moon
lp the several signs from Meshaare given as 26, l?,, l3,2|r Z+,
11,26,.14,.13,25,5 and.l2 respectively,
,/. rtqrsrrq-?tr rrh.eft frl tt T{ fut Tcq I
26 t2 BZ52+ n 26 l4
ric crrf ci r{ $frr,t fttrcnq u
llJlas 5 v
I q8 4dh I
,f AlsonE{Ift+r
sr"f Gt do qt Etrig* ft* rnrqv}* gcrwq t
26 12 13 25 24 ll 26 l+ 13 25
ti wt ggrnrr: cftcr: lsr0dt qfr€e*fr{i{itr rl

TJre(Cq{rn:) Mrityubhagas of the other plaqets and of tho

Rasis in general as statedin qther works have beeucollectedand
given in tbe following statement for e4syrefdrence;

Mrityu bhagasor fateful drgreesof


Mesha n l9 l5 l9 28 l0 l{ 8 l 2 3 1|
l+ 29 I5 + l3 ,r'lzll g
Vrishabha 9 28

Mithuna.. t2 25 l3 t2 ll 7 t2 ll

Katatca 6 23 t2 27 t7 9 ill tol t 2

Simha 8 29 8 6 l0 l2 24 ,tl 13t2s
Kanya 2+ a8 . 1 8 + l3 l6 23 tl t + l 2
Thula l6 l + 20 l 3 + 3 22 231 8t4

Vrischika. l7 2l l0 l0 6 t8 2l 24' l 8
I 20lr8
Dhanus .. 22 2 h l
zl 17 27 2g IO ll I

Makara .. 2 IJ 2C. ll lo
t+ 20 nl t 0
t.(urxhla... 3 ll, ,15' 29 l3 l8 ,tlI 2r 12+
r,cona 6 J 28 le t5 8 l 4 l 221t0
r nrfrsrmq: t9
gi {gG=ryqrtft*qfrffiglt I
tnRt gq,trr{nitrqr duqrfl' rr\e tt
Sloha. 58. The degreee21, 14, 18,8, 19,9,24,
ll, 23, L4, 19, and 9 attained by the Moon b Merhr
,and the following signs respe*ively arE calldd Funl,
kara and are to be taken as producingaufpl,ciousCffdltu
. when a muhurtha,a birth or other-ruch pointa are uoder
f consideration

58. These Pushkarabh*T:Tt: referred to in the text in

AdhyayaVII, Sloka 25 infta.

qlq*(o+rgTwaqmffiqEr:n \t tl
ffiin*m,*fifrfi: n Qols
SIoAas. 59.60. Tlte inhabited iegione 'denoted by
Meshaand the other eiglls are relpectively (t) paala
,(2) Karnata (3) Chera (a) Chola 1S)fandya 1ei f.r.t.
(?) Kollaoa(8) lvlalava(9) Saindhava(10) North panchala
(11) Yavanaand (12 Kosala.
m{ffi r
ffi qRs,niftqfi
tuuqrq'qtHfrffio: r,qt,r
Sloha, 61. The point of the compiuowhich ir
'auignedto the lord of a oignindicates
the characterirtic
of Plava or slope of the oign. The nameof the fourth
housefron that occupiedby the $un is called Abhijit.
In the aetrologicalwork called.hrijata,,the chajter
definingthe "Propertieeof $igno"haebeenpropounded.
61. qrftqfrei is anotherrcading.
t"9:,"--"--" *i9I
r/. qRmri
qsilMt.cqrc rn qft qq*t lqat: oftc: t'
ctutil Rffttr4rqltilt cmr: q( r

.Themeaning is 'rt<l rFFr<rrri: grlHt w ftq rqt Qft e

rrftgq*{: I qqt }qthm*: srdt trc: aq AR qftor sRr<r"
ffi*sffi Egrqrrft tq{ cvqft r
These are useful in locating the direction towards which a
thief may have abscondedin the case of queries regarding
in the direction
stolen. A Kiug that sets out on an expedition
(c"q<tRi) will soon
indicated bv the Plava (SE) of. his Janma Rasi
return victorious after suMuing his enemy'

{ffifEqfq: l!tq: ll
Thue ends the lot Adhyaya on the Properties of
$icns in the work JatakaParijatacomposedby Vaidya'
oi"tt,t underthe auspicesof the nine planete'


l ,


iluerff qnwnr*r;g' qFi Sq' qrffi{q(ig I
tilqft ffirqsrrr sFIi U* grq\qr*qg!lltll
' A'dbYaYa ll.
Nlrunp oF TEE Pr.,exnrgANDTsEIn Pnopnnrrsg''
Sloka. l. The Sun ic the sou! of Kalepurucha;
the Moon, his mind ; Kuja, his otrength ; Budha' his
cpeech; Guru, the estencq of atl hie knowledge and
happineso;. Venus, hie deeire or luttl and Saturn, hio
. nirery.
Nort s,
In the notes to sloka 8 of Adhyaya Ir the sevcral partsof
I(elapurusha (+rogw1 beginning with tbe head were stated to be
counted from Mesha and those of the owner of a horoscopefrom
the Lagna. This is so far as the external appearaDce'rtc. of the
several parts of the body are concerne{. Now thc inherent
qualities of tqe persou are to be ascertainedfron tho planets.
iU"r" plauets are then known as Kara^kas(5t{fl:) ud lppcrtein
to the owDor of the horoscopejust in thc Ea,mewey rs tbcy do to
thc Kalapurusha.
o/. rrqreq
rrirrcrfrarr;cftifrru: €tt i* fr cil
*fr artgt fu<'rrrtl glt qtrrrtrv' I
Also €RIqd
qnqt(R: rtrirqlsg'ta: src wrc: {rQr*sq Eroftl
llfq gt q!tg!*q{ g*: fiFr: cfirrr(s ESsq I
12 rrtrc|ftq|t Adult
The several constituents of Kalapurusha (*rogw) will be
strong og yeak in proportion to the strength of the sevoral planets
representingthem. But Saturn is an q:rception.
" iri ilSfi g:qTrniT:q-q+ g:qnrq.{ ' Wh.en Saturn is stronS,
there is less of misery ; wlren he is weak, misery predominates.
c/ rr<ndt
qnqnrqr rFlirFfiqr{rrgq<(r3,

S{ftffi g fu{ti nl: rru{ il

and. the effects of thesi qualities will rcveat themselvos during
the dasa periods of the planets concerned.
By the wdrd st€{ used in the teit and translated as "happi'
ness' both wealth and lrogeny are also to be understood in addi'
tion to health and knowledge. For it is said
|r{T lrNFGrnrfi"rt( s<|l.id q{fr trrt r g{|rtt{
t glwqreqft*qt c qi !f(5:<i: t There is no
gre*ltet hapoiness or misery than the birth or death of oneis
Jupiter is therefore the giver of health, wealth, progeny ant
that is why his arsocietion and aspect 4rc said to bo extremely '
af. qmz
By the word'association' uscdabove,occulntion of the planet's
bouse is also to bg undorstoqd. This will be explained in
Adhyaya ll(l\. i$tt, Siturn is the, givcr of all sortsof 5:q
(nrisery), af. g'
q{nr g€ftt TFrdnftvrc;1
ftfu.r.* cqr ggt e{crqrggni: tl
ln e toroscope, lhe Sun and the Moo must-not to say of the
La,gne-DG-strong ; other'ryise it .is aot e satisfactory one. Ot
tf,eie, thc'Moon is the most important, For, it is said
rlttt regui !'qrqq: ftueroretrqf' f
;lnwqr* e{ qutg tt$ {ftar: r
S[ 2 fttltihsrnc: i9
irvw vw'
,vvtvvvwvvvvvvvvvw J!vvwvwvwvvvvvvvv'

uytfM"atetffiu <{ RT{ft qt€Ai tqrr:
EqIftqfr qrrr*qqftt rffiMeaqr& tt
|Milqrfrfifrfr*qrttfi r
Sqrirfr$qi im itq<rmqti ' -t ii
Sloka.2. The Sun and the Moon are eovereigno'
Guru and Sukra are counsellors' Budha is the
apparent).youog prince; Mars is the commander'in'
chief and Saturnis the Eervant'
it must'
In sayingthat the Sun and the Moon are Sovereigns'
bg understoodthat the Sun is the Kins,'the Moonbeing the Queen'
( and Venus his wife
Similarly, Jupiter is the Mantri {Fr{ )
c/. (c{rrdq)
* rrsr ctqftrtrrt iat qPrge: <tt: t
ftrq: srrfr q?efrq gt<r{gqr €g: ll
i"Tqtq &irtr't e<ftr trg* rr t
. wrft tr{oil qr * ci: TrTEr:(T (rqtqt
Ert cfiq{q
itt stF€f I Fr*d
stFt Frtd rrilqdqamf(: cql <ewft rfi$ra qI lF
Tffrrfqil{T6'{: I vqr
egrft neiQmte< €tqr: qrqetrcf
rrgwcrir fr eu: ffiiql
fiftrt:' tt
six signs from Simha
Further, the Sun is the lord of the
the Moon is the lord of the six
taken in the negative side while
positive side' It is by thesc
signs frorn Kataka counted in the
'tJoplanets that the suprem4cy over the other l0 signs has been
the other plahets' For example' the 2nd
\iven to Mars aud
been atlotted to Mercury'
place from the Sun (negatively) has
is the minister' Thc'
The 3rd Rasi has Uu"" git"o to V""os'who
or the 4th house hasr,been'givrenover
;il"" ,.,;"r, tlr*iqrill
Ths"5th houseisthc
to Mars who is the commander'in'chief"
has been allotted to Jupiter' To thc
house of kuolvledge, and
thc 6S bouso os $oirso of s'n
€crvaut Saturn has beou allotted
44. qrtcCrnqTa Adh.II
W ! V! V! YYY VYY v ! ! v v U lvvv vvYvw Y vY-

vice. Similar remarks apply in the ca'seof the Moon with res-
pect to the Rasis under her swaY.

\fu qtcqqRru(qrgtqrQqrffi

ll 1 ll
Stofta.3. Heli, $urya, Thapana,Dinakrit, Bhanu'
Pucha,Aruna and Arka are synonymougwords mean'
ine the $un, $oma,Seethadyuti,Udupathi,Glou' Mri'
g.ik", Indu and Chandra eignify the Moon' Ara,
iVakra, Kohitija, Rudhire, Angaraka and Kruranethra
denote Mars. Saumya, Tharathanaya,Budha' Vid'
Bodhanaand Induputraarethe namesof Mercury'
. Notrs'

ior the ssveral namesfor eachof the planets, rl' g+srtt

'i 'r qfi rrrgqrrTrffi-fh: {rtr.rl<rrn I
"{tt$ Reqrrea*ruaarQ3t.dr Ri.a1qft'| ,
r qftqqefcr: frft 6ftqffifu r r
{rerRcFfr{rrarq:{nfr ggGfft: ll '
snt s*'r qdrqg: d\ft m qtr s I
qrrrr qR tare:Trsf Ttaarrr ll
I ihql *se gq.ifu *Ttr itrrc*r t
qe d"qq gqlq: grcntq qrrKlir: ll
sFilq$ilfil-d{q' dFm?qTlifq;El
r[Er(frqn0nq:t?dnqrn{ ll B ll
bL 4-6 Qfnfrstqrq: {5

Sloha4. lvlanthri, Vachaspathi, Guru, $uracharya

Devejya and Jeeva tneanJupiter. $ukra,K"ty", Sitha,
Bhrigusutha,Achcha, Aspujit and Danavejya are the
nameEo{ Venug. Chaya,sunu,Tharani thanaya, Kona,
Sani, Aarki, and Manda are ueed to express Saturn.
Sarpa,Asura, Phanin Thamas,Saimhikeya,and Agu are
raid to be the names,of Rahtr
ge#* asq-4ft?sdrai Sfrfir-d:| ,
?t"q qfincqg€$cftRft TliT: rl
grFtqgtWr qrrgfee fta<qr I
s{rqr qsqcq$s inrq:sftfirt ei[: rt
*tqfr qFE:qrfi: Ecor:q4g* qq<nrrI
cU: qfirrq{: *rft: qresrqrg*sfrtT:rl
trg<frsgfo g"= s{t'q ieggg : 1
qsnfm *'SRfr{frfl Tqft(ffigt gfutq q|R: t
E$IA[ lT|gg({rthn ifislEqf i['8r6o{il: q3 ll \ tl
S|oka.6.Dhwaja,Sikhiand Ketuare,aEastrologetr
declare,the well,known names of Ketu, The Son of
Manda or Sani ic called Gulika. Minor planetr Kala
and others(to be enumerated irr the coming sloka) ari
portiona belongingto Ravi and other planeta and pro'
ducepainful cbnsequences.
qrar q tR*q.e Uqfr gwqnqr [ , r,,,,,
Rrs *gtffi q* $gS*sFrcqilrr I
Sloka. 6. The Upagrahas in their order are Kala,
Mandi, Pathaand Upakethu.
16 Tilrqf?tqfr Adh. II

There are nine Upagrahas for the nine planets.
The Sun's Upagraha is (mro) Kata
,, Moon's ,, ,, (qRft) Paridhi
,, Mars' ,, ,,. (Tg) Dhuma
(or*rfc) i
,, Mercury's ,', ,, Ardhaprahara
;, Jupiter's ,, ,, (qq{'rs6) Yamakantaka
,, Venus' ,, ,, (frrye or F(qm or r,|-gq) Kodanda ,li
6 Saturn's ,, ,, (qTF{ or gB+) Mandi
,, Rahu's ,, ,, (qK or 6zrfrFrrd)Pata
,, Ketu's ,, t) (sf{g) Upaketu

For finding their several positions on any particular day

Astrologers have certain conventions which are epitomised in the
follorving quotations:-

(t) qrtur.
si cdqrc'i qi fuqen qr*rt€qara: n*qr*qnnt I
wctTtitt* aa srfr M g I
ftparq&fitmg: qftdi wi ttrqrqqsqrtt r
snlqtrttq rra-{aTq(trcFftq?f<rftqq1r:tr
irrer$riki attetttt qnit catrtgqtEruq r
qsi sd TrffiE dilrrl[t: tgz on<-a.r11nqqI
q$ df,irq*hntq*: qifr r*
€r<foA rqftcra* hq&+ qnrqrnrfu( qS r
rQiS: qftie {df'rgQurkq t* qlqq1q
sq *g1c a*stgef rft: I
(r) c{t{R
iq@ES qi Tftffi&ret:
*fr orqt gffiiqtsqwrqqrdfir: tt
q€Tfr qnrfi lrr* qrrrrmrrefrrqcrt
qfi Trrr r6rfrl: rdc*f{ilcrs: tr
11* eawm: gd,T:{-d?cril" frqE: t
qqs.tc qdttrrt qftiq$dqFq, u
fl. d. ftfrtsqrt: 1l

rR*qtr*Aqqqriqq: t
rqsd{S qi *gtd: qc}Asq n
tif q{: tqrt1Lsqc: r
dctrrrmrlt i$: ctccF: Ear: il
When the leng.th of day or night is 30 ghctikns, the position t
of Mandi ({lFE) on the week days counting from Sunday onwards
is at the end of ghatikas 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 duting davtime.
These figures have to be proportionately increased pr diminished I
. according as the length of'day chosen is greater or less than 30
qhatikas. But since the lords of thefirst 7 muhurtas in the night
are counted, not from the lord of the weelcday chosen, but from
that of the 5th, the position of Mandi at night time will be differeut
on. the week days, viz: et the end of ghatikas 10,6, 2,26,22,'18
and 14 respectively

The position of Yamakantaka during daylime on weekdays is

at the end of ghatikas 18, 14, 10,6,2, 26, &22: of Ardhaprahara,i
at'the end of ghatikas 14, l0 and 6, 2, 26,22-atd 18 ; of Kala, at
thc end of ghatikas 2,26,22,18, l+, l0 and6.

The position of Dhuma is foundbyedding4 signs, 13 degrees,

20 minutes to the figures for the Sun. . Substract Dhuma ftom 12
tigns, Thp result is Vyathipatha. Thts incra,sed by 6 signs,r
becomes Parivesha or Paridhi. When Parivesha again is.subtract'
ed from 12 sigos, we get Indrachapa. Add to this 16 degrees, 4Q
minutes ; Kethu is obtaiued. Kethu increased by one sign will
givc the figures for. the Sun.

Dbauus, Karmuka and Chapa are all synonyms.

Fqr detailed effects of the several Upagrahasoccupying one or
the other of tpe 12 bhavas, please refor to Brihatparasarahora.

Six of ihese (Mandi, Dhuma, Paridhi' Kodanda' Pata and

Upaketu) however appear to ha?e been specially uoticed. Thc
, autbor has dealt with Mandi elmost elaborately in Slokas I to 9 of
Adhyaya IX. The remainingfive aregenerallyknown as Dhumadi
Papchgratas (qlrficqq(:) and for their effects, see slokas 13'14
nf Adhya:llr XIV.
{t rnfrq|fut Adh. II

qil: rqrrfdrF€ftrgqa:fueFilgil
rd ffiTr' ft.reg,gdffirr, qfr;
qqtnu?kilqreqftr *qHReCft:ll s tl
Sloha.7. The Sun poeserses a form with dark,red.
rays. The Moon ia a yoirth with a white body. Budha
(the Moon's son) haa the lovely darkgreen hue of
Durva or bent graso. Kuja is of a palered colour.
Jupiterhasa body of yellowish hue. Sukra haaa white
person. Sani is dark in form. Rahu haea body black
in appearance.Ketu-haea variegatedaopect.

m*d {tilWnrrt ingifr: ,Tr q(RgifrEg:

irq:R6frRftffieqrgft IFrr:drfuffirq;ilnfrfl:tr
SJoAr.8, The Moon and the Sun are lumincus.
The five planetobeginning with Kuja are star planeto.
Ketu and Rahu are of the nature of darkneos. The
Moon, Mercury, Jupiterand Venua are auopiciou!. -

$1, qKr<I qmffigfi rtN: I

Sloka, 9, Btrt the waning.Moon, $aturn,the S'trn,
Rahu, Ketu and Mars are'malign. Budhain conjunc,
tion with a malignplanetie nalignantalso. Of thoae
(ctylcd benign planets),Jupiter and Venus areerceed,
ingly awpiciouc (benefic). Saturn and Mars are ex,
ceedingly naldie (among the malignant planar),
1':'*"""" ""-"
About the iiralignity of weak tvtoon(frursq) opinionsare at
slight variance. cf. (tt{dm) Skandahora
rrsft rrr?4qrI
. q33: A.rcg*ci €tuil
w cnqr6cn<t Ssrml qt: n
qcrcrsi agffi q|@ q q+{f
The Moon is therefore weak only on the l4th and l5th days ot
lher waning, The Moon is generally a bene6c.
a/. ffiq(
qeris*: $qq+S q crft gur: grnrn;*rt: t
Bat cf, ffkr
qrt *cs <t g{ernsrQ rotgat: t
rs Sn*nrrqr$i cffi u
rt' Sott tiltnTs<F€5(Igtqr gi: t
rqrrcrwfr trqil|qi *c6tflfttr: ll
iuq: qrFri rrrtg &t qlctfrKr: t
Also 9v651
q{crr: g*A**drcl$iFqc: crfitgd:q,rrq*' tdrq,t
dhgqqlru*: gr*fuit g*: sgcqffiSfrsft iftrq: rt
Also qmqd
gqt|gErc drqr: trs,crit(g ftq|Tt:qrr3 |
nffisgu<gs: qftotrft{rrt: ctl: n
A very weak Moon must therefore be treated as malignant'
Mercury is by nature a benefic planet. IJut his benefic qualities
are so wcak that he may better bo clessed as indifferenf- g6it[s1
benefic nor nialefic.
+ wctt t
iffi qrrfr cdfr grqrnffic s: r
grqtw rtrtm {{tcql r
He bccomesreally benefic or malefic accordingto his essoci'
rtion. If he rs associated vith weak Moon, the Sun, Mars or
Saturn, he'is a malefic. When associatedwith the waxing Moon
(fttf), Jupiter or Venus he is a benefic. When he is alone, he
ia mori e bcaifc thea e ma1e6c:
50 ilttqfiqrt Adh ll
'' cf, q{A'E(
€hcqgffit .{nRef*foS*01:
sgeqrftqqlft n
(qiltg $qcgfte{*ft is another reading).
Also Efts
q{ftcnftrrg*dsr tr(d{qq{I: sqq?d3 | f iil

Wtt{UtgxE-4wrr efu{g R *etq*t' ',

g$tsq qs* {q} i! qq-
ilm fraffisftgqrdft r
qqrfftqqsh qs{frK
dr,ilqofiRqlte\qR qJqq,a( n l o tl
SloAa.10. In the first period of ten dayoof the
lunarmonthwhich consistcof bright and darkhalves,
the Moon is of moderatestrength. During the second
periodof ten days,he ie very auepicious. During the
third periodof ten dayshe hasno strength,but he will
prove auspiciousif he posseEsesthe advantagessuchar
beingaopected 6y benefic planeto'.
c/. q-q-rry
ert g gulftrtlg*<ri qrlft r{uqqaicqrrt r
irfr'r*.tqaoqdt? .ildq rtr qqqr{ eiF r
{6qrfirgr<r{g} ffi< r*fl r
' Rrr(rtrfiqqildtE{errmq+( tt ?t ll
Sloftrr.ll. The Sun, ]vlars, Rahu and Saturnrl,
way$ nse with the hinder part appearingin front.
Venus,the Moon and Mercury rioe with tbe headfore,
most. Jupitergoesboth ways.
i Mr R€qqcql gffqflsrqgil: {t![fiF:I
I scqT'qr{ffi ffi qg.id qtggdqqrft|l
Sloko. L7, The $un and Mercury are of the forh
sl. 18-15 &rirfr$qrc: 61

of a bird. .The Moon has the shap: of a reptile.

fupiter and Venus are bip:ls. Srtur,ranl Mrrs ara
Eortfr qqg{rR{d gqroqqwnt gdr r
oilRmff{w{rtr{nr{F( MltqrF(: rltQll
.Slofta.13. The Moon and Venusare reEtingin
water (water,dwellers). Jupiter and Mercury haunt
villageo which are the seats of learnedmen. lv{ars,
Rahu, Saturn, Ketu and the $un hauntmountaincand
rrul qtm:I[Fttq'Sqnsft{rRe,
qml(6t f{geqqrft: trilFEdqqr:
{frttdhil{s lrtBtt
Sloka. t4. Mars is (indicatee)a child. Mercury
ir a boy. Jupiter ie a p:rcon 30 y;ars old. Venus ic'
16 yearoof age. The Sun is a parsonof 50 years.Tha
'?J year$.
Moon it one of Saturn,Rahuand Ketu are
eacha hurrdred yearsold.
'/. gA'uftrq
TaETt* rirrt gT rN g* gtkqrq r
gr*: ffit rfti qilqrqc'.t rt
s.{: qff: qtdcq ?tfttrgtii: etrtt,l
" ?st c$sc+ eE(rm6Erq$: t<c: tt
rroqtir: qrqqmro€r6i fttqe: dqlq. r

nrt{rfrqrqffiqn qrgqcqgqtgqrwilr
qatrilritqRilrdd il* ffi g ftftetftgu: rr
SIo&a. 15. Jupiter, Venua, Mars and Merury are
lords of the four Vedas viz Rik, Yajus,SamanandAtha,
rvani. lvlars and the $un are planetsof thi nature of
mioeralo.Ttre Morn and Srturn rnrinly prrtakeof th:
;z mwffic Adh' Ir
-..t.- -.Ji-. -

:haracterof a root. Venus and Jupiter representthe

rnimal kingdom.Mercury representsa mixture'
Fitd hall, $frc1'd{'1rft4qrsAsq-{q-{rfafi{1qem
Lattct half , Rut accordingto TfllR
ilrw{lgq-:cfa ffiar wgkart: tt :l
q3tc$ qh{rrnc{r ffi65t: tl

flg: qg: rgt<e'{ffir {ti['r {fr(: I

dt, €oql ffi trfrsEqrT q{rrqr( lltqll
rT{t[:€rer:e\t gR(' $€h r
ilIRw fttqqaqttqm:{dltilgg: tsistRrqd: lllerl
Erfu'Ft{ftqtFd'qrqtrrffiqqfrR{q r
imK qlqnfi*ir.rrdltftS-frtMtseqn: lltdrl
Sloha.16 Blazing,confident(self'possessed), happlt,
:almncapable, bage,'failing and afraid
re the wordg deecribingthe ten conditionsof a planet
,n their order.
Sloka, 17. A planet ia blazingwhen he io in hir
:xaltationor Moolatrikona; he is confidentin his own
touEe; happy in a friend's house; calm, wh:n he has
the var$a of a'beneficplanet. IIe is capable
.whenhe shines bright with uncloudedsplendour'
Sloha. 18. He is tortured when overcomeby
another planet. He is exceedinglydejectedwhen he
occupiesan Amea.(€mr) orlportion belongingto an ene'
my'e cignfle is baseby union with the Varga of amale-
fic planit. He h greltlv afrlid when he is in his de-
presoion He is failing when he hasset or dirapqeared.
VaidyanathaDi l<shita's

( qrrq rTrRGTrf,

Witlt Att
gl islr'[ rnttsln
tiortnttd Copious
Erptlnrntorqrrotesnrtd Ernnrpl es

V. SultrantanyaSastri,Il.A.
A s s t t . S c c r c t a r ' \t,( ) t l r c ( j o v t . o f M y s o r c ( l l c t d . )
r r r t t l ' ln r n : l a t o r o l ' S r i p u t i l ' l t l d l r t i . I l r i l r l t . l a t a k a .
I I o r a s a r a ,U t t a r k a i r m r i t a c t c .

Vol. II



Adhyaya V I Marring of Horoscope 3t9

Adhyaya VII On Raja Yogas or Planetary
Conjunctions; leading to kingship 372
Adhyaya VIII On Conjunctions of two or more Planets 495
Adhyaya IX The Effcct of Gulika, year Etc. 583
Adhyaya x Ashtakavarga 649

qEnq: EG6 a'qJ6t:
q wir.sllqTarq: 1t e. toR
b <tq+fmqm: l\e1 tcl
q {oan$q15qtll' vt\ Itc
a. qret.qrfrsqrf{ tcl tRc
to qrao-qrtsqrq: qYQ \91

Rerultsof I &II Houses,III & iV Houses,V & VI X

:ii H"";.t.
- !'emal.fr
Horoscopy, L-l^l'-L--
Kalchakra Tl^.^
Dasa, \7.:-.L^.--,
Vimshottri ^^.-
Dasa. X
Reedcrs may send thcir order tr the Publisher.
ll wilifi.rTs-riqH:ll
Adhyaya VI.
Nfennrnu op e l_loHosoopp.
Six slokas' ziz. 5e5,. +8, '[9, 50, 52,99 and l!0 have been
taken from Brihat Jataka.

*i\iur qrqqrRE+r{rn
ffiq ioqn '* q iiqqqr€qT-
h qTETt
Enrrwmurtgr il t rl
Sloka I. There are certain planecaryconjunctions
which mar those leading to royal fortunes. There are
others namedt+r (Reka) which produce poverty. Some
again which are called ftt (Preshya)i.c. thcse lerding to
dependence and servitude. And lastly, rhe:e are thlose
called*rqq (Kemadruma). These four classesof yogas
aboundin fortuncs marred just as they were going to

t\ quadG itr{t qiqnai

ffrrmftqf qfl Wgi u.qtr* f{gur r
qtq{ €ftfrqqrrmRi qril REnq+
n q ll
8x) lfcTclR||A Adh. VI.

Sloka 2. When the Sun occupies in Mesha a Na,

vamsa of Tula and is aspectedby a malefic planet, the
person born will be money less. If Venue be in the
sign Virgo accupying a Navamsa of Virgo, a beggar is
born. When the Sun is in his depressionsign occupy,
ing the extreme depreoeion point, the perdon born,
though foremost in the greatesrof royal families, will
soon be bereft of fortunc, sons,wife and meansof living.
Tbis Sloka is from qiiffiGT
cl. srqcoi

Afie qtt} {i} ftqa: fiqeqiq{: I

rc€ rqdrnaiq$iq*free\ tt
eAfrq'IE *f*di qrilT:FnfiEr{ |
3TRilrT6aa{;fi't;r drTtrSeRIF{:t}
sftfr qai;qe fiqiil flrTqftqn:
dqmqgo 11srialqhnt gaqrr
Also Qkrqrrtq

il€rqi rfif,tilq: qr{ dtqqf{d; r

fqfuirqq]'nii {€nTqqkqqq tl
ffi {rri dtqqr8ro:r
{{IR ftFI fff qriqTiT qErr{Er{ll
According to Sli.anda,the mere rrosition cf the planets in
flsdx or ai?aqit is not enough. must also be in a certain
particular. bhava to be thus capable of marring tbe fortunes of
the horoscope otherwise accruing. y'.
gorqiE$qqmrrflls q& fisft r
eqrwilig RFefttt
sl. t. qtrsecrg: gzt

qflq {rrqrfq-sTi*ts.Sfi frgft

qd qrfqa*ggo wriisaqGtqfi tl
e€rfiflqfiierqqiq +arir gi I
o*ei nrng$rqrnluftqfttfurr
frt qeiri qrqqrF,{s
qqi qi t
SQ q+ds,
*d, mfiftftftqta, tt
q+t qaliqrlqrDrsftlfr g,rr r
e{fEfaefiqrdiq: ftqgdaftqfi rr
+-qrqtssfitii qr,ii qe,ilt t
,ii qn, gtn:ftq firedsEfrqft tt
erq,{fiilfif}e .Trrrqaqi {r* t
qra] qt grq] fiei fl ,at&r fr.ifd ll
wmrqqqlEirsftiafuoiilqrgtfrftqq t
A C-\ \ \\ .n.A{\
inffilerHififftt r{Erlil (tR0t (t{IIqilI
qrdsfi {gtfi f,rqi}itfrqrtqtrS{hn{rrlrl
Sloka 3. When Jtrpiter in conjurictiorrwith Sa,
by Venus arrd Mercury,
turn, Mars arid Rahu,is aspected
the person born though in body a Sudra, will acquire
every kind of knowledge and fortune. When the Sun
and the Mo:,n occupyin,gtiie 7th bhavarre aspectedby
Saturn, th,: person born will get a good living by the
adoptionc.rfmeansprescrio.:dfor a persgnoi basebirch.
cf. sqi,iFrartlfir
g'};frlanr rrflrqgriI
'iQqr{iiqfi fi.ri z Rqiqftrir'-{
322 ilctcritcrt Adb. vI.

+-r& il fiCIilRqfirdntdrqdtreD
qqTi,^fiFahmqq.ilqgei f,rgn)Ertti(ilsI
urrqru0s*istqriirfi qdtt tv\ firgr: art
qrd-e*: ds-iqsdgtrrt{r;rrlJs.rffi|arq ilBrr
Slok,t 4. When Saturn occupies either
a Kendra
position or the rising sigo and is unaspected
by benefic
planets,a person born in the +ru*r (Kalahora)
*rcftc,{fr: (SripatiPaddhati),Adhyaya B,
Sloka t4, Nores]
of Mars becomes a slave and a beggar. When
Moon in conjunction with Mars occupies\zlesha
and is
aspectednot by benefic planecs but by the Sun,
personborn is a mendicanr. If Saturn, thc Moon
the sun be in Kendra positions,rhe persor)born will
dull in appearance,indigent and feecling upon the
leavings of other people.
c/. sqirirtmq0r
qqrt*'i er* iqG qi fto* r
qrflFdf\nrmiqrfia: ;1
*o4fF,ruq;r"fcqtfr{T+t q€Tq1'.;qraq}ilftrll
qi *qlrt rQrl*Uatq;|snat qmqfi
wrdrfirgr qq fffiiilo* qq) fri't rril! |
q$qrmdtC ftrqUtt qrqqiqontr
qilqffiuq fiarflalii rr\ trrrr
Sloku 5. Whcn Saturn is in a l(endra position,
the Moon in the rising sign and Jupiter in the 12th
bhava,the personborn will be none otherthan a beggar
forlor' and in exile. when the lord of the qth bhava
occupiesthe 12th and a maleficplanet is in a Kendra
position,the personbor. will be addictedto evil, eating
Ijl. c7 q€IsstmTi 823

at othar people'stable and maintained by their money

and illiterate.
*-t qril onqt lT{nHftq uq} f\ga qa srTd:I
dtt rqgisqil i{rft{giqfti{t q?q6(
a?idtquqifhisrgirfifrsit g.$fi6(|
frqtq-iliorfr naRqnftr ffti*rd]
hr: uqgit gq{€rnrdiiryrnafktr n Qtt
Sloka 6. When Jupiter in conjunction 'with Rahu
or Ketu is aspectedby mrlefic planets, the person born
will do baseacts. Wl.ren Jupiter in his depreusionis
aspectcdby a planet which is also in his depression
sign, even a person thar is born a Br,rhminwill commit
wicked crimes. If the lrtloonand the lord of the risine
sign be in conjunction with the Sun and aspected by
Saturn, the pcrson born will be slothful. If malefic
planets occupy the l0th bhava an.l be without benefic
aEpect.the personbcrn will be a m:nial.
qlE H*fr qfEqr firrd qu*ercilqrqf4ilf*e+{ |
qniq|t f,tqqqf}qa"
il ftr Bc}rqftdiz{t:sr( ll
The latter half of this sloka reads thus ln :{rd (€{

ff* q-qReefr
isq:q1"gqdqlqflfa.+ itqq nf,tfia:rr
T*{fiil qTt-,itts?irr
gfiqt qiff wriqdt-fr qreis;q-qrqrrql
324 lrnm'Crftqr; Adh.vr.

i{aqfuwegxGa:,irqtqil \ttrq, n s tl
Sl.oha7. When the lord of the 9th bhava is in
the 12th and malefic planetsoccupy the 3rd bhava,and
the lorcl of the 12th bhava occupiesthe 2nd, the person
bcrn will eat unwholesome food, wear a trusg or other
band and be an adukerer. When all che planets, being
in bhavasother than thc 10th, occupy their depression
cr inimical signs or portions of them, tlre personborn
wrll be lackingin lcarning,intellie:nce,wife and child,
ren, will be ill-tempcredand go about begging.
r/. qii*ti'{drqfiI
qir+?jifi:qqhai.ti finirrt xrqrftaw\, 1
hai.sfhl t qtr1*ql €raigmls-qffiarrrqlll
*;ql-qiftg{ qq qrd:l!
orqrflit Rrqtrg fiqfi * sq.i ct
qrdrstiqewr S€qrJrrfiEft* qiq r
thrwqqfr a inrragfrfl{ilHfffistt'
TIht qR asqrtd{q}qrd: Sosisul ll < rr
S/o&a 8. \l/hen the lord of the rising sign occu.
piesthe 12th bhavaand Mars in conjunction with tire
Moon is in a m.rleficsign identical with the l0th bhava.
the personbcrn wili have to go to a foreign land wherc
he may haveto live in i'digence sacrificingcomfortsa.d
affiuenco, If whcn the lord of the 9th bhava is in the
l2th, the lords of the rising sign and of that occupied
hv the Moon are not in conjunction with beireficpla-
nets or are eclipsadby the Sun, the per$onborn losing
his wife and children will bring his family to extioction.
sl, g. qgrsr|r{s tz6
c/. e-sj,it?idrfor

ai\rjt ft:nqtg qr+*nF* fiqgt {rilr* |

crfrsfilnw:qttfliTfi fte{rnfl g:fHd6r{'t erd ll
.irl,.rl qrosntRqri.q-frdrilrRfi
fiqes*r'ia€{qrTqn dqigd qRfift* qrtt
By the the term *t (Krura) as applied to a house
ln the first
qn (prda) of the sloka, all the
five horrsesofmalefics, aiz., Mesha,
Simha, Vrischika, Makara and Kurnblra are not meaDt,
but only
l\'Iesh:i,Sirnha and Kurnbha. Here tlre difierence
between the
terrns r{tr4i (Paparksha) and m({{ (Krurarksha) nray
be noted.
The one rneans " all the hou.". ovrnedby malefics,,,
while the
other confinesthem to " their odclsigns."

drrqrdsqgfst-xrqiFrir qlqnlf,r
et q-fi{i{+ sfr $6widii*qnfiqql r
*rt q}rruTri'nga* vE gofrsg\
qft t.qqh q ffilFrilstkil!
$'oqfrql il \ ll
Sloha 9. When bcneficand maleficplanetsoccupy
Kendra positio.s, and the Moon aspectedby the lord
the rising sign is in a Navamsabelongingto saturn,tlre
personborn brings his race to an end becoming
of wife and children, When Mercury and Venus
occnpy the 7th bhava,Jupiter the 5th, a malefic planet
rbr: 4th and anothermaleficplanet the gth, all the bia.ra,
i' this case being calculated from the Moon's prace,
rundersuch a yoga are born those with whom theii race
c/. .rsirfi?drql]r
{rrg\: }o4lt: {ril$} o*Eqonft
fiflftn}e r
nlttn+{r qGrignhqa:$e,is*t RaX:tr
826 .ref'tlfuRl Adh. vI.
qil{ili {itrP{fuilet &taq.} qorflii q r
tl+ frohqRt*qt*ff{rrr}frf*rfrqr€+.r!
nl ou
Slrr[a ].0. Wh:n the Moon is ar rhe close o[ a
moveablesign, or in the beginning of a fixed one, or in
the middle of a dual Rasi and is without srrength, and
when the rising sign is unoccupiedby planets,Rajayola
come$to an end.
4 s1ffir
qt?rfqr aritqtq qgca {ft: ;1
owdinEqrnrqsrrrqulamtiqtlqill t
<$fhxqtrlq{iquftilscrilgqlu ?q ll
SioAa 11, If, at a birth, the planer owning rhe
rising Navamsabe the Sun,the Moon or Jupiter;and if
it rhouldoccupyin its depression signa Navamsaowned
by its enemy and the lord of its depressionsign, the
personborn will be the follcwer or servantof another.
dbft qqiqrt ilqt ilat-"\
Xlq{fNq;qt *'ilrr wqot
ilqfr RMul(* trq$qqru tR tl
Sloku 12. When the Moon is in the lOth bhava,
Jupiter in the ?th and a malefic .plauet in the 9rh, the
perEonborn becomesthe ruiner of his family. If Venug,
Mercury and the Moon occupy Kendra positions and
Rahu be in the rising sign, the person born will live
like a base,bcrnwretch, lost to all s:nse of duty enjoin,
ed in the sacredscriptures,
gl. 13,15 qlrscrr4: 321

(Fitsl half). Vrilc aks AdhyayaXIII, sloka
zo, inltd.
( t. attet nh n. aJ.sql,ii?arqFr
Hqflqcr:*'+wrgg+r *oAftqar ,ilfifi *Gq* r
qoercq}lr:r q4qqriiqm)fiqrqrrgmiQlq: rt
Aiso qrfr{A{

afrrgqgmr'*=i dgmrirgngto* r
-rosrcq,ilqqfu1arn) qr( fl
fr U,irqq{{itt iNT
g:qfi qrggiirriq I
srqiWqfta*i(rTr*qm {Eh{gfu fiuq n qI tl
Sl. Aa 13. When Venus in its depressionsign
in a Navamsa owned by Saturn occupiesa g:t,.fi;r(Dur,
stthana (such as the 6th, the gth or the tzthLhavaj
is aspectedby Saturn; and when the Moon
in .o";r".
ction with the Sun occupiesthe Tth bhava,
th" p.rron
born will be in perpetualservitudewirh
hi, morher.
rti gfr {Rnqrq+qr*qlUil qrqgif{rgwrr
H qqrtgqE&{t+ GDrgt rilFrqrft6irrtr qBtl
Slaka 14. When Jupiter in its depression
or the
Sun in the sameposition occupiesa *-tr (Kendra)
in con.
junction with a malefic planet
the pcrsonborn will
commit infanticide. When a maleficphner
is in *+
(Kendra)and has no beneficaspsct, "
andJupite, o..,r'i.,
the Sth bhava,the person born will be th:
animals of the cow and deerkinds _j.e.
will be.on. th.
purveyor of beef and venison.

wrg+tr firfrqqrtrqiqifldr{rqsqFrfiq r
fr.qqn Rifi] qrqtgrQeitqgqlna;mIIt \r r
328 ililrqftd Adh.vI.

Slola 15. When the Moon and \,Iorcury in con.

junction with a malefic planet are in the lOrh bhava
and areaspectedlikewise by a maleficplanet and when
the Navamsasthey occupybelong to their depression
eignoand have no benefic aspecton them, the person
born will be a {owler all his life.

This sloka apearsralso in qliTd(d.

qi qrfirtat"{sqrrfuigr
qfl-€t arf,qfr.
frqsfttr*n n tE tl
Slollrr 16. If the lord of the rising sign occupy the
5th or the 2nd bhavafrom the Moon and maleficplanets
be in the 8th and the Sun in the 10th, rhe p:rson born
will live by a professionvery far fron enviable.

ffi'{tfi ugi{teft dE{+Erwnqgir

snil (grrTsg{ER€iil6EE tftEfr qpq6ftriltetl
Sloha I7. If the Navamsas occupied by Venus
and Jupiter be owned bv their several depression or
inimical signs and if Saturn also be in a Navamsasuch
as deecribed above,the person born will suffer afflic
tions and live in pain and unhappiness bereft of wife
and children.
Slokas l3-l7 are also quoted in qsl{r?il,uq.
qif qmn+rdlqTR{rqr d+ttsr irqaqrft'{rtrr
tRwdt{rqtrt o}qri rttnrftlwgtsdrq lt tc rr
Sloft:r18. If all the maleficplanets be in Kendra
positionsidentical with their depreesionor inimical
eigns,andif they be at the same time aspectedby
sl. 18, qSs,qrc: 329

benefic planets occupying the l2th, the 8th and the 6th
bhavas,they destroy the Rajayogaof th: horoscopeno
less than those planets which occupy maleiic 60th
portions in their depressionand inimical signs.
It is not possible to give an example for the yoga described.in
the text, uiz , malefrcsin Kendras being at the same time aspected
b y b e n e f i c si n D u s s t t h a n a s( 6 t h , 8 t h o r l Z t l r ) . I f t h e f i r s t h a l f o f
the sloka be interpreted :rs " if all male6c planets be placed in
Kendra, depressionor ini'rical positions and be at the same time
aspectedby benefics occupyiugthe 6th, 8th or l2th bhavas,', the
following horoscopenray be suggestedas arr example: _-


For the same e{Iect the yoga described in qlttsdt (Saravali)

is slightly difterent, While the two c o n d i t i o n sV t z . , ( l ) t h a t a l l t h e



Merc, II
330 qrilEcrftfla Adh. VI.

s i o n o r i n i m i c a l s i g ' s a n d ( 2 ) t h a t a l l b e n e f r c s h o u l db e p o s i t e di n
D u s s t t h a r i a (s6 t h , 8 t h o r l 2 t h ) h o l d g o o d ,i t i s s t a t e dt h e r e t h a t t h e
malefics slrould rt::.[.c as:ocitLled uith ss aslcc!ei l,y the benefics.
c/. €t{Edr

H1 .r,{T:fr;4 qlqlRrtdT ? fltcrig4egt: I

gq/:t-q,tfi,Jq;)qarsfiqqli q41zqa:tt
il-niqmffqfraffirrdrg\€sr qfaqqqrfi|
ll qq ll
S/oArr19. If Saturrr,the Moon and the Sun occupy
Kendrapositionsand are not aspectedby bencficplanets,
the personborn will be a drunkard, If thc sam: planets
occupymalefic6rJthpcrcions owrled by their inimical
and depressionsigns, the person concerned will be
wickedly inclined and commit adultery qith another's
Fitsl hdll.-Vide 71so :l6lia gl itrftu.
Latltr half. I . ' . r r t h e s a . n r ee f f e c t , t h e f o i l o w i n g y o g a i s a l s o
mentionert inl,tlal;h{at
qitut{{rs 'if} nrg*, qnfF,ricq;q{.d{qTqt
aii Uir q{qi uqr\ idqq{iltqiArTrqstI
d g.*:*wtam& urii q EnTiq$r(qr eil( u(o11
\ l o l r l 2 0 . I f l t V c n u si n i t s r l e p r e s s i o ns i g n a n d
conjunction with a maleficplanetoccupy the 9th bhava
and be aspectedby a rnalefic planet, the person born
w i l l b e a f o w l e r . l f a b e n e f i cs i g n r e p r e s e n tt h e t 2 t h
bhavaand Venus .Jccupy thereina Navamsaowned by
Saturn,the persouborn will be e.rcessivelyaddictedto
$e t v a r r t , m a i d s .
sl, 2L-22 ltgf sc{tq: 331

T h e s e : r n Ch r l f o f t h i ; s l c k r i s q r i t e d i l ' { : r e a ti n q i i q r ? t l r q f t , u i z '
qfi;qgh qrhnt ,frqgtfhga: 11

ttt*drrrr tl
ulir qorRhqR{qa{Rrft\tiqt
r ioqigssqdi
ftrtiq fitriki tr qqrftnrrgim€qr il Rqtl
S t o k a2 1 . l f a t a b i r t h t h e l o r d o f t h e r i s i n g s i g n
has no strengtli and is aspectedby the lord of the 8th
bhavaand if Jupiter is obscured by the Sun, there wil I
be the planetarycortiunctioncallecli*r IReka)(emptying
or purging). If the lrrd of the Navamsa occupiedby
the lord of the 4th bhava be obscuredby the Sun rvhii':
being aspectedb-vtha lord of th: L]th bhava there will
againbe the yosa termedi+r (Reka)'
\ \ \ - a -
gqqdt t;{{gi6 (Itll
\ \-
qt;T{rgeq fqoqil{Ediqs( tsIIrT I
\\ \ A n --\

q;rrtcqq{ditil qit gw! t'qi**Ftlqnrr:

qm ontt{rnqiq iiqb t*rf,{{rel'fiq tt<rtt
Sloht 2). When thc lord of the 4th bhava is
aspectedby the lord of the 6th ; when tlre lord of the
9th in conjunction with the lord o{ tire 8th occupies
the 5th bhava and wheo the lord of the rising sign is
depressed,the personborn getsitr (Reka) for his lot'
When benefic planetsare in the 8th, the 6th and the
t2th bhavas, while mtlelic ones occupy Ken:lra and
3 32 qr(tqrRqrt Adh.vr.
Trikona positionsand when th: lord of the 1lth bhava
is without strength,the person concernedsuffersinju,
rious effectsof the iorqirr(Rekayoga).
ilurr qutigrr imagsqnaqftilei(
it;g€;Flqft!g\il(gttqrdrrToit*qr r
qtqtl qq\ q niq.Jatrifliq*rrir qh tt ?.i rr
Sloha 23. If the lord of the rising sign be in
conjunctionwith a malbficplanet; if Venus and Jupiter
have becomeinvisible ; and if rhe planet owning the 4rh
bhavabeing in conjunctionwich a maleficone disappear
likewise, a i+r.irf (Reka yoga) is produced. When the
lord oJ the 9th bhava is obscuredby the Sun'srays and
when the lords of the rising sign arrd the 2nd bhava
occupy their depressionsigns,there is theiqr*rr (Reka
yoga) again.
qffib frlq hqEl t
-gq(qr ttoT-
aJuiqrqqrcqil{r grTfr ffi fl
nwgdqqrrtdrfi'oErdtqrftqr\flqil!lt 1,8 rr
slohu 24. A iqrqjrrlR.ekayoga)is prodrrcedwhen
there are three planetseith,:r depressedin position or
o b s c u r e db y t h e S u n ' sr a y s , a n d w h e n t h e l o r d o f t h e
r i s i n g s i g no c c u p i e sa b a d p o s i t i o n( s u c h a s t h e 6 t h , t h e
Eth anC the l:th bhava) or is without strength. If
malefic planets-- aspecte d by de1'ressed,in imical, or
malefic planets-occupy any of the 9 bhavas,namely
r h e l s t , t h e 2 n d , t h e 9 t h , t h e 1 0 t h ,t h e 1 l t h , t h e 4 t h , t h e
5th, thc Tth and the llrd ; they will producethe lteka
e{fect in respectto tire bhavasaffected.
'lg 25,27 strstqm: 833

q<qefimqrnr!qrdflt{ |
qr* g qhq{qfr Tq{tRtrA
iffiqr ftgr*orcdve$ru R\ fl
Sloha 71. A single malefic planet,a pair of male,
fic planetsor a triad of them occupying any one of the
nine bhavas(menrioned in the latter half of the preced,
ing sloka) and aspectedby depressed,inimical, malefic
planets,will produce the effect of the Rekayogarespec,
tively in the early,the middle or the concludingportion
of the lives of the person concerned.

ftft* frqi.rcftqqGil
Hsqr {Rr{s
*{t gribilqrrfrdqwr frqr{tnr rgsI
f\qffi qfr* fi{Gnrm}qrce{rMm}
tqqrqq{rds{ftG* fiRq*fti}Cdf n REn
Sloha 25. A persc''nborn under the Reka yoga has
neither kncwledgenor wealth ; he is penurious,bostile,
iustful and wrathful; his mind is alwaysdistreseed; he
is disagreeable,
having no beautyor grace; he is crafty;
he lives on alms; he is filthy and quarrelsome;he is
full of envy and rage: he reviles godsand Brahmanas
and he is rated daily by his (wife and sons) whole
$rat sqrdlirfrfrqhqqJqrFqfr
r{dlqqsn$qq6a'ilgtltQgt It
qrilfqriT{rre Adh. VI
g v ! ! v v l v v v ' v v v r w s
g r v v v v !
v v v v v v v v v e v v v v v v v
v l a v v Y v v v !

qiqtl {Td€+r!qrqrufrirqqq
idgql qlqts ll le ll
Slofra. cJ|. A peroonborn under the Rekr yoga
will be evil'minded; he will have ugly or disersed
be ill off ;
nails; he witl be givento badwayl ; he wilt
he will be intent on injuringand ab'rsinghis
he mayb:
ir" -tt be short'lived;hemry begall round;
in mind ; he
-*.; he may be blind, daafor insane
"irv f.'f"ttful or wrathful; he mry b: a cripple; his
in his eyes'
thoughtsmay be betrayedby the clr'tnse
n qRa{rnr:ll
qrrtEtr(frqotiftriEi qt
${ii*lqiHfirtrEudR eil( t
*.naffiafiq sfltY(fr
olrrFrir qit i{€iffid qRKrll 1d ll
the lord- the
SJofta28. When Jupiter' being 9f.
lord of the 9th bhava
8,thor the lst bhrva' exceedsthe
lord oi the 11th occupying a
i"-t*"g,tt, and when the
is s:orchedby thz Sun's
rtriri"t .ther than a Kendra
per$on born will b:
l';;;';;; lt *"^r, in strengch, thr:
olfl fr qq;q gdrl€{fiqt{Rq*gqt
Cixqn{til Tril rRuqlelnEl t\gul t
qr{qtrrrilrtiqitmq I frtifrftrQe'r
6rr({:rrftrqqi c5fr qtqirrrl} f\g*l tlR'qll
or Mercury'
Sloha29 If Jupiter, Marg' Saturn
beingdepressed and otscured by the Sun's rays, occupy
or the 5th bhava at
,i" irrft, the 6th, tne 12th,th: 8th
qfr'w1q: g$5
sl' 3&'31

in the
a p€rson'sbirth, he wiil be a beggar' lf Saturn
9th bhavabe aspected by maleficplanetsand if Mercury
in conjunctionu'ith the Sun occupy in the lst
Navamsaowned by its depression sign, therervill be a
r;mRRrqgffi{qil qiE qr( |
oir{(IEitqol 6qr{lllqaFil
Eftrr11{o ll
Staka 30. If Jupiter,Mercury, Venus' Saturnand
Mars occupythe Eih,the 6th, the l2th, the fFe
"f. bha'
and if the lord of the LZth
lCth bhavasin any order
by the
va thoughdepressedin position and obscured
Sun'oraye be nevertheless superior to the lord of the
be a beggar'
rioing sign in strength,the personborn will

atqRwm trqft
'i*,i qqi soa(+{ qnil'Eitir q\( t
of {qq{httqrgt gi
ort eilql a{rqqql dtqrt ltgtr ll 1l
lRrrqft{rt Adh. vI.

Sloka 3L. If at a person'sbirth, Venus, Jupiter,

the Moon and Mars b: in their depression signoand
occupyfour out of the six bhavasnamely,the lst, the
10th;theltth, the 9th, the ?th and the 5th; that person
will be indigent. When Venus occupiesthe lst bhava
Jupiterthe 5th, Mars the tlth and the Moon the 3rd,
eachoneof thesebhavasbeingidenticalwith the depres'
sion eignof its o:cupantpltnet,thc personborn will be
a beggar.

_l I**"
(t l

ut + q(fit{GsRta
et q dqgwr qR ltUtr qq t
wtr ftnsrrgtfitao{ilt
dti ftWqqqtq rriqgftr!ll lR rl
Sloha 32,. When the lagnais a moveablesign and
the ricing Navamsa is also owned by a moveable
Resi rnd it ie aspectedby Saturn as well ag by
depressedJupiter, the person born will be a beggar.
The camewill be the cacewhenJupiter occupies the 6th
or the 12th bhavain a cign other than his own.
sl. g3-36 qdsc{rq: 337

sil(: ft* ulflqis qrqrtERafroilqqnq {t i

+.ne€trnrnrdrcg frrqr i{qrurr qr.qdfqil{ nlltl
Sloku 33. When the lagna is an immoveablesign
and alt the malefic planets are in Kendra and Trikona
positions while benefic ones occupyother than Kendra
positions the person born will live upon alms and will
owe his maintenanceto other people.

* ftont fritr frrqbenffirq+Ffiiqrrar
tror€Il iFqqRftqilr{qfi'qruaftogtrR ilil lll8ll
Sloku 34. If a moveaolesign be the Lagnaat night
time and if benefic planetsbo in K.endraand Trikona
placespossessingnc strength,the maleficones occupying
positions other than Kendra,the personborn will always
live by begging.
qTqritq(arrdrruflq{qi frrqr qiqe{FrnrrlFqr{tI
dt qtqr{ni sftr* dtbrirt q;ffit at* n 1\ tl
Sloha 35. If the maleficplanetsbe in their depres
sion sign$ at a pierson'sbirth, he will do sin.fulacts ; if
the benefic planeusoccupy their depression signs, he
will keep his sins concealed; if Jupiter being depressed
occupy the 10th bhrva or Mars be in the 5th bhava
depressedin position, the effect will be the same.

flt qoqrgqls I

frr-q qS aq\qqqrtq$$r rr lq il
Sloka 36. Planets produce depression cffects if
they occupy in their exaltation signsthe Navamsabeloog,
" ..*:,.",*""""",""^*-y:'
ing to their depressionsigne; they produceexaltation
dfects if in their depreesionsigns they occupy the
Navamsaof their exaltationsigns.
c/. ssl{ftdrqrq
*qrQrar w;lTft } ct;{rr fftrrm {FI€{FFIrrqt: I
srRmr tqlc aiqrrlrlr qEr ETg;iFd aSa rrFcq ll
The following are some moreift{ yogas mentioned by

onl{ta} aqqeif} flRi} il fatqn: t

frffist qat' tili'qrFfr"q}qrqt q{: ll
gfrek;qqil: eofoqq1;Rsq(t*^qotqIliTl:gt{T:I
flsCI{t{q{{qqf*{T: fl€sq} (s;c) ig* t+g fiQa: ll
srrffisr gvrfttu: sqifr"I+sqv{rRqqI
q mr fifrql: r+g{Ati ffi: ll
"q+ftq\6r-dqtG '
dgqfr4Rqrwrgd<qqrilsqq@r$git: ll
ar*rftt Fgqt friqq< 116;mdqfaqq8: 1
H {F qTd\q?qfif,a ll
firfiii erE{r}Trq6Fq:
aaqfr{qqsftgftqd: gdrlilal {'rq: flqot:trS I
garqqG qT<gqrtr*wrfr fu"qfffiaqtqq: ll
qflfii e.3m+s trq' fiqtqTq fre]ftna t
66fr1: qglii fifi.it qK: sFlaqiwg fihq tt
aqerqi {iTftfr aaqil{lsrci} qErt
*aqqt: flat-€t; qRfr nril qi( ll
nqtwritu "It ftfrftaq.
q<t mngdqRM n' t
r \-
flqI qqqqq qq'i nkgdq r
Sl, 86187

qirlq'il qqrqb xglscqq* aqt t

uqt w'r \q fihq' €$ ITT;I1:
qgeqgq{R(t1t sa+ifrd{t
s{i qdeasrqrfuiir ftfea:ll
orqqgR{m,eg frtm: q6ll{tqqqils<{ra( |
.r<'il g€fRilg enfrerqtR qfrqRft{a, 11
qb *qlSA: flg(: q'GD: I
sar*t] qaqnTqa
nqtt Fqi T€i erft* t qrqfrqirre}tt
q.etfr qfi+t qrRqtilq nqh ll
vnrag$ft;|g nurqdl qi ftqa,t
ErRqm"qrfrffi€qaq qlqT{: tl
{iqr gftfr q-q'g}u q gdt *}q r
*t .Bq,ifqlsqtrq',tqRfiq}n rr
aq qfrsqqtt
fftt i\ qil {E: ftaq-qgil q}q r
gc#qqqrfrfi sqdt*rqftgEqtt

ll ffi11
fr{h* R{ffi:qmftqqrftdmfrftFd
frqr$ ffirfr ftqrdr{frrrtd ilnr{rI
ffi qnqtqrrffi{E* ft*rqtd Ersll ls lt
Sloka 37. The characteristicsof a person alflicted
with qitdirr (Daridrayoga) are such as these:-He is
340 qrifs|T|frgrt Adb. VI.

be defective; he is crafty; he is reproved and rated by

his family ; he has to live by begging; he is irr difficult,
ies ; his spcechis disagreeable ; he is addictedto lust
and gluttony: he would earn money by foul means; he
daily gives vent to his spiceand speakspungentwords ;
his heart is always set on other people's wives ; he is
mean; often times he is blind, mute and idiotic.

ERfrqltuoailqrqr( SB?
qt{i ttaq( Effif I
rrqrosiqsrqtt,a?Tf Sqdtq GrTitr
S-{Rgrfit il lc tl
Sloka 38. A person born in a qfiefrrr (Daridra
yoga) is fond of quarrelling; he may be a leper; he
destroys what is beneficial to others ; he is unlraceful
and given to boasting; he has no reverencefor Brahma,
nas; he has a had wife and a{flicted with diseaserlugly

It ffiq1;11
qh rfr q.rrEiftrtir tri rFfrmwr rrr$r
ot q\ iqgtrqqt qreifi{rqi qrsr{E(an( ft lq tl
S/<;ft,r39. When the Sun is in the 10thbhava,the
Moon in the ?th, Saturnin the 4th, Mars in the 3rd,
the Lagnain a moveablerign and Jupiter in the 2nd
bhava,the person born in this yoga at night will be the
servantof another.
*Iil T,ftsnffii {.G qTqrqfr
Rqfroqt Ert
r;'riki qsri+E st"qiCIiikt iuq{il rrEfun Botl
Sl.;ftrr40. When Venus occupiesthe 9th bhava,
the Moor, the 7th, and when Jupiter is the lord of the
sl. 41,43 qdrstqrq: 34t

2nd or the 1st bhavaand when Mars is in the 8th and

the Lagna reported to be an immoveableoign,per$onE
deetined to servitudeare born.

k;niR qft ttogqt c enelr
irErailil n Bq tl
Slokrt 41. If at the birth of a personat night, the
l o r d o f t h e m r v e a b l er i s i n g s i g n b e i n a s a n d h i a n d a
maleficplanet eccupya Kendra,he will be a menial. If
Saturn,the Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupying during
the day a Kendra, or a Trikona position, be in a sandhi
ar-rdif the rising sign be an immoveableone, the person
born will be a menial likewise.

hErafrrdiift awrq*g* fno*qrdfi{r ltBRtl
Slohu 42. Whcn Jupit.:r attaining an trrftt?r
(Iravathamst- t,itle Adhyaya L, Sl. 4'7) occuples a san,
dhi and when the Moon possessedof an r<sqtr (Uttama
varga - attlc Adhyaya l, S/. 45) is outside the Kendras
arrd when Venus is in the rising sign at a birth at night
during the dark half of a lunar montb, the person born
is a menial.

h* rrtEfigr*l{qE(F\rqlil
qrqi{s {ti\ii {ri{qnftr$+
ql+iiorqgsqrsr{iu(tn( u 81 rl
842 qT"r'rtftld Adh, vl.
Sloka 43. A pereonwill bea menialif at his birth
Mars, Jupiter and the Sun oc:upy respectivelythe
sandhisof thc 6th, the 4th and the 10th bhrvas. If the
Moon occupyingthe Navansa of a malefic planetbe in
a beneficsign and if Jupiterbe in conjuncrionwith th:
lord of the rising sign,the peison born will live by

qqni& ga-(ffi;i trqil{HrsqRrs'{rfiI

wrilo€ Rqfr ftoncqrarqdcqgtfrfto( ilBBtl
Sloko 44. When Jupiteris in q+t (Makara)occupy,
ing the 6th, the 8th or th: 12th bnava and when the
Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign,the person
born has to be at another's bidding.

rrisqimqoq rr
qrqrflrrqwfrql sftil{rs.qi+crtt*l
gwit*i qres{*rqrFEa
itq FTrlqfidia rt
fr"qr*rqRrJ(qsEw r ia$rd ttrqtI
*\ qdeq* u B\ fl
Sloka 43. These are the characteristicsof a person
born in the yoga called cuGq+ (Parapreshyaka-beingat
another's beck and call). Sucha person is generally
evil-minded ; he is fond of quarrelling; he is harsh of
speech; he is a reviler of the Brahmanacommunity; he
has a liking for people illiterate, he is indigent and
depraved; he is spiteful and wrathful; his pastime is
lying; he is deceitful, lustful and intemperate; he is
clever in gimulatins tenderness and false pride.
sl' 46'48 qissqrq: 343

n wg-ffifrr: tt
qfr qrqetr
tt zt qnqt iist iqqrqE;fr
qrt qq*sGgisi qrqirqdisgfa{mrqqr( ttuqll
Sloha 46. When the rising sign is ie (Mesha),
qgu (Vrishabha) or \rgq (Dhanus) and is aspectedby a
malefic planet, the personborn will have tooth disease;
when Saturn occupies the ?th bhava and Mars is either
in conjunction with Rahu or is without strength, the
person born will be defectivein limb.
,.f. c'rffid
.eti ${€eet: ttt qtaii{t{qt: I
ciiiEsq njqrqoi ii ?r-cq;aErldu

oTt(trqqaFEtqflqa wrg3s I
iialqernrft qt$Sda] qiqqsI us tl
Sloka 47. When the Moon is in the 10th bhava,
Mars in the ?th and theSun in theZnd, the personborn
will lose somelimb.
ffqilq.rt Rqteqrqt-
riq t
qqPq{i;q Hst&fqt'
girqaiq $tldiit iiuq ll 8d ll
ttte 5th or fth
Sloha 48. \l/hen Mercury occupies
housefrom the Lagna and the other planetsare weak,
the child will haveiwo heads,four legsand four hands'
When the Moon occupiesVrishabhaand maleficrarein
the Riksha sandhies,the person born will be a mute'
If . underthe aboveconditions,the Moon beaapected by
344 {rcrcrfT,ill Adh. VI.
benefics, the child may get speech afterwards (after a
long time).
Fhst holl--,The above result should not be predictedunless
the characteristic combinations mentionedare complete. If the
characteristics are incornplete, an inordinate largeness of the
organsnamed shoulclbe foretoid, Some commentators take the
word ie"iu (Trikona) i' tbe slolia to mean
{oii-srur (Moolatrikoria)
of Mercury , that is Kanya. But this has to be rejectedon the
authority of ,itiir (Gargi) w-hoclistinctiy says:-
qouii'i: diacsq;i gir r
frgqrieFrdedi rrs&q;'rqrRrzn
Sccond halJ.--gy the words " nralelics are in the Riksha
Sandhies " it is to be understood that all the three malefics, aiz.,
Saturn, Mars and the Sun are jointly or severally to be in the last
portion of any one or rnore of Katakar Vrischika and lv[gsn4.
the words " afterwards (after a long time)," nothing more is meant
than than the ordinary time within which a child may be
naturally expected to speak.'

The last quarter of the sloka leads to the inference that such
Moon should also ]rave r'alefic aspect to make the person mute,
1'his is supported lty Gargi who says;-

$-dtrii,wqi;aei: vti*! gdiri r

q+: wirQ*: i'ntDrtq orrfr irRq rr
iqerat,i'rnt'i q-d e]r,i. qf,riqrrr rr
unless therefore all the three rnaierrcs are thus placed and the
I\Ioon has a malefic aspect, the predictio' should not be made.
there be o'ly two malefics thus placed, tl.renfrugality or smallness
of speech, and if only o'e, r.vaveri'g, slow or stammerrng speech
should be foretold. lJrrt if such Nfoon has the aspect of one or
more benellc 1r1anets, the person will begi' to speak later than
when he would otherwise be na.turally expected to speal<, It must
thus be remembered that the aspect of malefics is also required to
make the native rnute, and the aspect of benefics to counteract it.
sl. 49 qdsrqrq:


rii.larrFq.r*: trRrit g\ viciiirttite! r

d \\o-
qo: drrt€i e,a *r€rad} sqft !r
uifr g;r*'i osr=iqqt$oi€i: I
iegqrtqcrc{dt qitsfbarRd'r rrait rli: tt
The word qii (Gavi) in the sloka in the text mav also tnean
" in the house of speech," i.e., the second house frorrr the Lagna.
This view is supported by tq;iir(r (Skand;r.hora) where it is laid
lown thus:

xrsFeri: cfoAfiinr] iltr*r: r

iqr rrftd Er{sriicrqr}$r}qrrEr. ir
tTrF|r{Rt{Ftst€rrt{rq( tTcilrsT GtRff
\ Q \ A\ \

SFrfs{ {rtirfi rgt r-qrftq-ett

rsdii qwftrs*.itilmo{{tQ
"(r*frqrtrrRrftq srsfqrq +( qirqeslnBqtl
Sloka 49. (1) If Saturnand Mars occu,)ythe Rasis
or Navamsasowned by Mercury, the child will have
.teethat birth. [This refersto the time of conception].

(2) If the Moon be in thc Lagna identical with

Katakaand aspectedby Saturn and Mars, the child will
be a dwarf. [This also refersto the time of conception].
(3) If the srrljnnoe(Adhana Lagna) be Meena and is
aspectedby Saturn, Mars and the Moon, either singly or
conjointly, the child will be short in stature(crippie).
(4) If a malefic planet in conjunction wich the
Mclon occupy a Riksha Sandhi (at the time of coocepr
tron), the child wrll be dul[. These yogas trke cffect
only when their authors fail lo have bencfic asi)ecron
346 drdtcft{Ie Adh. VI"

(l) In the case of actual birth under the dbove yop, the native
will have often tooth trouble.
(Z) tn tire case of a nativity, the above yoga holds good pro-
vided the Moon is in the Lagna and in l(ataka. (See Brihat
tig oi{reFqg qntr a drctFd'iteqt? srs: I
$raar.rmati aftiirri'r lft egc: eiq tt
trfrrid fiqi +i&OrSorffieBser<t €F6s:t
riifrqi q eE gsrrfftftriir: SrTrdrrqft crfr:t
aqqi rreFd d'rrtr,drqq.ddifkar, qH u

fruut*frumet qlqrsiqfi{t;t{AotI
qtaq*qqt{ eqfrr qrqgttgqrBRnr
ar( ll {o ll
Slo&a 50. If the rising sign be the Iast Navamsa
of Makara and if it be aspectedby Saturn,the Moon and
the Sun, the child will be a dwarf. If the last Navamsa
of Makara is rising with three malefics in the three.
decanatesof the Lagnabhava (the 2nd, 3rd and lst
decanates),the child will be without armsr feet or head
as the casemay be.
arqc*i qaild.g lpaqe4elfifirii r
{rrgd'r }urork*lorofiS tg €Es: I
ft garigc<s: qFor?tfiq"|*i6ri: rr
A n o l h c vi n t e r p r c l a l i o n I f a l l t h e t h r e e m a l e f i c s e r ei n t h e l s t
decanate,the issue will be born without head. . lf they are in the
Znd decanate,it will be without shoulders; if the planets are in
the 3rd decanate,it will be without legs.
The worclsfrasdi{.{ii{ sqlril:qi}: have been i nterpreted tbus :
" If lvlars occupy the lst, 2ndor 3rd Drell ana rrfthe Lagna."
sl. 51,52 qgrsqrq: a47

But this is opposed to the opinion of q,i (Garsa) .from whose

works the next sloka has been quoted.

rtrqrd{qt;g{mitf I
oqtEGrft{.il((te} rqtfnaq ll \t ll
Sio&c 51. Mars oct'upying the Lagna Drekkana
(eraf*rur) and aspectedby thc three planetsSaturn' the
Sun and the \tfoon producesa headlesschild. The child
will be born armlessif Mars o.cupy the Drekkanaof
the 5th bhavaand is aspecced bv the s:lmethree planets
as in the precedingcase.
This sloka rs from tT,+iil {Garga llora) rvltere the reading is
s l i g h t l y d i f i e r e r r ti v i z . , - . i l s i . M ' l t i i r q : l ' ' . I n o r d e r t o c o m '
plete the idea given in sloka.50 above, this has to be read with the
following first half of the next sloka in thet rvorli, z'iz ,
itcE cacerri aff *ir):r;ir?effi: r
Its omission from the text must only be zrccidental. The
translalitrn shoultl thcrcfore lrc thus'
l v l a r so c c u p f i n g t h c { r r s t ( r i s i n l l ) I ) r e l ; l i a n a o f t h e L a g n a a n d
a s p e c t e db y t h e S u n , t h e M o o n a n r l : i i l t u r r r , p r o d u c c s : r h e a d l e s s
child. The child rvili ire boru arrtrless if Mars occup]' the lirst
(rising) Drekkanzr.of the 5th house and be aspected by the same
t h r e e p l a n e t s . f ' h e c i r i l d b o r n r v i l I h r t v e u o l e g s i f N l l ; t r su n d e r
t h e s a m e a s p e c t o c c u p y t h e l l r s t l ) r e l < l ; a n ao f t h e 1 ) t h h o u s e f r o m
the Lagna.

tRqrftrgiifrt oi. $qrf*fiffkf

rqiG(: ditqr{t*i: {Tga(fiqd!| 9.
\ a A A
6{rq{IEqdqdl ErrI I$RFFT{ {ti{l
sTgqrrfitrdm {ilqinq{i}a gtftatl ll \R ll
SlcAa 52. When the rising sign is Simhaand the
Strnand the Moon occupying it are aspectedby Saturn
348 ftncrRwi Adh.vI.
and Mars, the child will be born sightless;if rhe same
Ascendant be aspectedby benefic as well as malefic
planets,the personborn will b: blear,eyed. Tire Moon
occupyingthe 12rh bhava from the Lagna will injure
the ieft eye while che Sun in the same positionaffects
the right one; rhese malefrc yogas mentionedhitherto
can be escapedfrom in casethe authors of such yogas
happento be aspectedby benelicplaners,
r-f. qRt{dr
t.qrdiqarfii fiafir* fqtiift,il o* r
.i \^
Est Siutfirqi Eriq-'{:qqqfAar rr
eilfiqqtEqfsTrfiahiqt gqEqror gQr: r
qqqFiar{itsftqry d,trrsgilflqqt{dt tl
.qqqtnqda-a)qrc rgfi+rnafi
Qla' t
(qRitq ?iFq€qdEl qlrqdl qq.I: ll
Also qql*Earqior

grTl{iirtf,{.ztqq:qr;gqq ih: nfiaqrr{ruql{il
I3hattotpala, the commentator, ad<ls that if the
l.agna ftr
(Simna) be occupied by tlrc Sun alore anrl
b q a s p e < . t c dh v N T a r s
antl Saturn, the chird wirl ire rrri.d rf rhe right eve.
IIe wiil be
blind of the left eye if trre N{oon ^1o.e should occupy
rht (Sirnlia)
a n d b e a s p e c t e db v M a r s a n I S a t u r n .

See also 31el<a55, irt{rr.

The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn are the plenets that
cause blindness. S e e y o g ; r r n e r r t i o n e dj n ( I ) t h i s s l o k a ,
znd (Z)
Rrihat Jataka XXIII-10 qriotecu l n d e r n o t e s t o s l o k a J g i 7 7 zf a .
T h e S u n i n t h e 8 t h c ; r u s e s r l e f e c : t i v ee 1 . e s i g h t . ( t r r 1 a
.lataka XX-3). Sun ard the Moon in the 6th and
the gth
alsocauseblinduess. (SeeSlokalgg infua),
s|.63-64 Wl5sqg; 34e
Mars and saturn also causeblindnesswhen they are simirarly
placed (i.a., when they are in the 6th and gth).
c,f. sKlqdt
a*r sr $rit cr er{{r} *fhh qqqrar rr

WG* qqefufio*
tt d+ tq.r itats* r
tr{r+qrirfuifr{"i qr(
sffi'qil o{t gqilqsn \l tl
S/cr&a53. When the rising sign is iq (Mesha)
rnd the Sun occupies ic being in his exaltation,
perEonborn will be brave, obsrinateand possessed
moderarevision: if rta (Simha) take the p1.."
of lq
(Mesha) in the previcus case,the pcrsonborn
will have
eye disease; if the iagna be gor (Thula) and
the Sun
occupyit, the personborn will be nighr.blindand poor;
and lastly if *r+ (Kataka)be rhc lagnaand have the
in it, the personconcernedwill ha,.rcinfl.rmedeves.
This sloka appears in JRI{r(d.
c/. gq;atd+;

qrw;ril fs+eaqc)fi{oils} agr}

i\ nef<fq{r{a:ftWet frnrs: I
aRrlfli gg{rei:va}

XR{;{I ZqadqaiqCIilriifrfiq tf
.qi rqh( grrqis{qd t} Aianq{.qr.t f
rfoqrrr{rfk Ed}f,nflf wri frfi Eftorqs{RTi
n\B tl
Slt,ha i4. The Sun and the Moon occupying
12th bhava whether conjointly or apart destroy
350 {rcr$frca Adb. VI.

right and left eye respectively; malefic planets in the

cth and the 8th bhava have the power to take arvay thc
sight, the planet in the 6th destroyingthe left and that
in the 8th bhava destgoying the right one.
Rirrq-qi "-qqq]aqrf,tq;*qi.n'i.qEqr&e1* r
gfurqlcqaiqfr:h Ufr qi.nl'€qrrftQlitt
ftd*fr omelqafiqIfrt{Tgrnqgiltil}qr
ilqer0iEi{urqrgt-qKftqqK:IgilTc {r,q{ il \\ tl
SlcAo 55. The Sun whether in the lst or the 7ch
bhava when in conjunction with or aspectedby Saturn
will in no long time destroythe right eve of the person
concerned; but if the Sun be in coojuqction with Rahu
and Mars, other conditions being the sameas bafoJe, rt
is the lefc cve that will suffcr in this cass.
ftfrtq.* qft it:qqrfr q.ftrcq6ETq{rrtsutrqr
qiqrfiPi rni ft qr{ GqiUfrqfQgr}Trq+qll \q u
Sl;,ta 56. If malefic plancts occu$ythe 6th, 8th
and 12th bhavas,those in the last being the Sun and the
Moon, the occupar-rtof the 6th bhava will destroy the
left eye of the per$on born while the planet in the Srh
bhava will dcal similariy with the eye on the right side.
I / i d d s T o k ai l s t t ft a .

si qlir frqi uhi: {S6qraTnnrtn$itoql

cqHruHrfrGmrk q* qfrt qft qsi',{ru\\erl
Slofta57. If Mars be the lord of the Znd bhavs,
if the Sth be occupiedby the Sun and the Moon, and if
Saturn be in the 6th or the 12th bhava the person
31.59,59 q&stqr{: s61

born will be blind. tf the Moon occupy the 8th, the

12th or the (rth bhava and Saturn be in conjunction
with Mars,the personborn will b: sightiess.
This slokr is from sliTqt(({.
The following are some more slokas frbm flir..(d leading
to the same effect:-
eld qrqelagb no{rriit}gF.tag* r
ii qqrqTqi{gci+tq}q a} s g ne+d:tl
ilarsqiuq* sqrtqnqa+d{tntq r
tarffi qTu€rqtq qilgt engfr+rffiz}tt
qt qtlss\ rrrfroilq;s{ts*+ r
M qti rr{iTs'q.*qt(irq{ n \e rr
Slofra 58. If the Moon be in the Och,the Sun in
the 8th, Saturnin the l?.th and Mars in the 2nd, under
sucha yoga,the personbbrn, be he Indra himself, can-
not but be blind.
4/. gqswa+

tfrq;qnqqr qqr dqrJ

*eaqqGlq6T&dgqntqqq<qi1ilq I1
Also sfilfiAf
qBnqit{;qqd q qr+
"q+ fl"} fiw,t q.i}q r
gm*r qHgq;qr+qr 3riii qq&r qi gir qr tt

oili{E sftt qRffi

*+& ilg.rt qRhr*r-q:
dq gqngt i inn rffi il \q tl
362 qtdrtl|frme Adh. vI.

Sloha 5e, If the lord of the Znd bhava being in

conjunction with the lord of the lst, occupy a g:rqrrt
(Dustthana.6th,8th or 12th bhavas),it will result in loss
of sight. If the lord of the eye, i.e. the 2nd bhava being
in conjunction with Venus and the Moon occupy the
1rt bhava, the person concerned will be night,blind;
but if the lord of the eye occupy a position of exaltation
or be in conjunction with a benefi; planet, no such
malefic effect will happen,say the astrologers.
This and the 5 succeeding slokas are quoted in "tkTdtlt.
The under;nentioned slokas from wkf.]i(ff give some more
yogas leading to blindness.

rGi dt+
qrsFqdllTaftq;trg;sisft t
R:h qrrgagt qqqR qrq
qr{id,{raafr gigt dE;q(ll
q;qr:f,flgffi€*ne* {FqRe}sfATfiawr6'
gqrgi{q{d}T{: el€ii *q, sRtqlqTurrqll

ud Ao* qols*g+sr€lqtfrqftqrgrrdrt
qlqt Egqt wr* q'} sqld q atq Er;qq.ll Q" ll
SJoftc 60. When Rahu, Mars and Saturn are
together in the Lagna,the person born will have enlarg'
ed scrotum. tf the lord of the 1st bhava be in the 8th
and this againbe occupiedby Rahu and Mandi, the same
effect is produced, say the wise astrologers.
sl. 61,68

o*,qrmrctqrrartilapq1;qnfigtatq I' qt ll
.Slolo 61. When Rahu occupies the Lagna, Tfud
(Gulika) a Trikona position,and Mars in conjunction
with Saturn is in tl're8th birava, the result will be the
same. When the lord of the Navamsa occupiedby the
lord of the Lagnais in corrjunction with Rahu, Mars,
Mandi and Saturn,the same evil result will follow.
trq I
oh dr qftgia et glun<Eruff{iGdr
rgor: ll qRll
*t Aol {ftqfgt qqRfrrrrf\rdr
Slohu 62. When the Sun occupying the rising
sign is aspectedby Mars, the persorlborn will be afflict-
ed with colic, consumption and asthma, When Mars
is in the Lagnaand asp:ctedby Saturnand the Sun, the
person concernedwitl be troubled with smali'pox'
Two dillerent readings are given of this sloka, t'iz',t

t. eh rfi,ifigia es' atflqrqfaafigetrtaqt

,ili AolrafiqdqD {lRatuRsr( ll
1,. e* ra} ilflgtr eDqisqn4's{qogaq[dl( I
qrq tl
fit ae* rfnqiebat{if}: {tGnqEqrt
qRftt dist qttntgk
qlqrFqigtrsfifrgtieqdr t
etsqt glmiTtftgtfrGIkItll ql ll
S/ofta 63. When Saturn in conjunction: with a
male{ic planet aspectedaleoby a malefic planet occupies
gi l |tdfcrftrri Adh. vl"
the 2nd bhava, the person has to dread dangerfrom a
dog. When Saturn il in conjunction with or aspected
by the lord of the Znd bhava,rhe same result follows.

*qtF"i ugulcqrflffirqrFEt
ilgst i*o} r
wts{i fuwrRrntStr gt qoirq}frnQurr
Sloha 64. When Rahu is in the Lagna and when
the sign occupiedby the lord of the Lagni has srrength,
there is danger from a snake. When the lord of ihe
3rd bhava is in conjunction with Mercurlrr the peroon
born will be liable ro throat drsease.
stcilEt is another reading for dtqllhi. Vite ales Adhyaya
XII, Slolc 42 infta.

fi w?tsfutR$ vrtftrta6uthqr{qq I
hqTfrm?wrqrarinTr'Tasdlffir rrdr rr
Sloha 6i. When a depressedplanet occupying an
ini mical sign and overpoweredby rhe Sun'er"yr-h.pplo,
to be in the 3rd bhava and aspectedby a m"rleficpi".ret,
tlre personconcernedwill get diseaseof tlre thioat in
consequence of the applicationof poison or of the swal,
lowing thereof. In the absenceof these causes,the
diseaseif it eets in is intendedto drain off moneyfrom
the sufferer-a result in which the purpcse of the
particular yoga will be fulfilled.
qR Edit .roirnrqz
Eqi:nffiqGg( fiiqrd r
qafrqodiqR srttr{} qq r,
Sloha 66. When a malefic planet in conjunction
rvith Mandi or gome such other planet occupiesthe 3rd
bhava,astrologerspredict the diseaeeof the ih.o.t; but
ll. 6?.69 qa3cqr{: 866

when Mandi in conjunction with Mars is in th: 3rd

bhava, astrologersspecificallyascribe the diseaseof the
ear to the yoga.
Vidc also Adhyaya XII, sloka, 43 inftd.

qrtf\t ftEtt {qrt sdfs{'tqstft Eil(sI

trt qqqFeirc{ts llqql
TtrRqg?i{giil{rt sqfr€{
07. When the'?rd bhavais oc;.rpied by a
maleficplanet arrdaspectedalso by anothermaleficpla'
net, the person bcrn rvill becomeliable to the diseaseof
the ear. When the lord of the 3rd bhava occupies
malefic 60th portions of a sign, then also do astrologers
&clare diseaseof the ear to be the result.
tfu qrfr{fi frgOqrtikt qlq{qfti q I
rna]qrrt Rqbqui qrt T{& g efu Er€qq.
tl Edtl
S/ofta 68. When the Sun in conjunctionwith a
malefic planet and aspectedalso by a malefic planet
occupiesthe 6th bhava,the personborn will suffer from
excessof bile. When the Sun occupiesthe 8th bhrva,
Mars is wichcut screngthand a malefic plan:t is in the
2nd bhava,the sameis to be predicted.
cJ. rei'ir?arqlq
iirrFqraqhqq nqri qrqsghr
arrltfirrqalnRif rr
*tfot'qftd ftqfrqqft
*il qarw.rtawin16n qq tl
866 {rCTCTftiliI Adh. VI.

Sloka 69. When Mars in conjunction with Mer-

cury occupiesin the 6th bhavathe Nav.rmsaof a malefic
planetand is aspectedby the Moon and Venus, the
personborn will sufferfrom an ailment due to a morbid
stateof the phlegm. When Mars aspectedby a malefic
planet occupiesthe 8th bhava and Ketu is in the 2nd or
the 8th, an ulcer will be produced.
cf. u*irfqorqfrr
qd gfr g'rgt TgqF4gftfhi I
lria*nurgfu $qfrrr?qt;(R tl
qtqi qTqgtfrot r-brfbi ErituTgR{rf{r
q.dfui ff€{rt*t aoTrRtlaTr;giT€fi{Etiu eo tl
Sloha 70. When the lord of the 6th bhava in
conjunctionwith a malefic planet occupiesthe 1st or
the 8th bhava,the person bor' will havc ulcersin his
body. When the planetdescribedbefore (i.e., the lord
of the 6th bhavain conjunction wich a rnaleficplanet)
occupiesthe 10th bhava and is without beneficaspect,
the personconcernedwill haveulcer scars.
the next ,,r .',r,).tl.u"t,1uot"a irr ,.isirr!crqiq.

udMrt frrqau.q{HnI
€qErsqR{qrqi}il qg gqqi qdh il sq 11
Sloha '71. If the lord trf the Lagna,Mrrs anrl Mer.
cury being in conjunctiorr,occupya very unlrropitioug
bhavaand aspect the 6th, they will produce, say the
sages,a diseascof the anusor somenasty diseasesuch
as piles.
In the secondrqtt (pada)of this sloka, q{ i€{tt: dic+Ud uq}
sr i.
another reading.
sI,72-76 qErscqrq: 35?

ffit Rt{rgd cqtq'ffiqffi t( r

qb rqrEfkfrqgrd gtr qrrfrewitrftqi rrur rr
Sloha ie. The lords of the 1srand the 6th bhavas
when in conjunction with the Sun producefever ; if in
conjunction with the Moon, they lead to an accident in
water; if with Mars, they occasion some mishap in
war or dangerby an outbreakof hot boils.

ftqTilqrqqR dT.qgdFr"qiesrqRsqF*fttq I
E(fr qtq frqrfrotqqrgsn u1 11
d{q ,TrqtiQsi
Sloha 73. If the lords of the 1st and the 6th
bhavasbe in conjunctionwith Mercury, they will cause
somemishapdue to bilc; if they be in conjunctiorr
with Jupiter, the personwill be immuncfrom diseases;
if in conjunction rvitlr Venus, they may be the caueeof
Eomedangerto the wife ; if in conjunctionwith depres,
sed Saturn, they will, say the astrologers,tend to
engendera wind complaint.

{rS+(qR {,fiqHinritfqftftgtft arrr I

*.frft*t qR qG+(qd:t aeil fiqs aqrntq.
Sloka 74. If the lords of the lst and the 6rh
bhavasbe in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the pereon
born becomesliable to danger from snakes,thieves and
other such evil.doers. If they occupy a Kendra or
Trikona position in conjunction wirh Rahu or Ketu,
the personconcernedwill suffer imprisonment say the
astrologersacquaintedwith the subiect.
gfrf flgtilo+ qxrrrTiuaq r
ffi rfr.ceqr
dt fW.n nn\ u
35s crf,rqrftqre Adh.vr.

conjunction with Mercury and Ra.hr,occupy the rising

sign, the personborn will of his ou/n accord cut off his
,nembrum aerile. lf the lord of the 6th bhava be in
conjunctionwith Mrrs and:have no bene[i: aspect,the
person concernedwill become liable to a diseaseaffect.
ing the organ of generation.
urlEl Af{gt ftgO$gxqosiEffif< r
Strueriqqduqd *-'ffi'{tr qR q;qt arq n \eqtl
Sloka 76. If the lord of the Trh occupy the 6th in
conjunction with Venus, the personborn, saythe astro.
logers,will be too weak to matchhis wife. If the lords
of the 6th ani the lst bhavasbe in a Kendra or Trikona
position along with Saturn,the person concernedwill
suffer captivity.

qi it€) ftganrau
eil q or\ led q qUI
a-tsttnqilqfrqwri ffi Rwt Eilqrftqrr{n \estl
Sloho 77. When a moveablesign is the lagnaand
it is aspectedby the lord of rhe 6th bhava; when Mars
i s i n t h e l l t h b h a v a ; w h : n t h e 9 t h i s r e p r e s e n t e db y
an immoveablesign and wheo the Tth bhava is a dual
Rasi; under this yoga, peoplebecomeIiableto the fever
inducedby the incantrtionsof their enemies.

St qqt q{rtstfft tffirq* fhfts qo} r

|M dkfffi q-qefqlil qfafiqoiqr(tr\edtl
Sloha 78. l{ Jupiterbe in conjuncticn wirh Saturn,
if the N{oon in qtradratureoccupythe l0rh bhavaand if
Mars be in the 7ch,the result will be a defecrof limb in
the person born. If the Sun and theMoon occupy
5r, ?9.80 369

either Simha or Kataka, the personconcernedwill have

consumptionas the conseguence

ot raitqfugt {o} q.qrqrrqirr r{i R q|ir I

wqrEiilq{gifr o} rr* q,o}ssQffiA n eq tl
Sloha 79. When the Sun is in the lsr and Mars
in the ?th bhava,the person born will become insane.
When Saturn is in the LaSnaand Mars occupiesthe 7th
houseor a Trikona position, the per$onconcernedwill
be a lunatic.
cl. ceqt,l

qot oaqhrr{rFrrn4{:rtrt q8a.ai t
1fr narrrhgelUrrarfrq-qalft'n frTnot
eFsqlilqrl: ll
elrt qrqgd\qrFqfiFqereqr;erq: I
-i Ui is the reading adopted in sonre books for ad rel and
a p p e a r st o b e t h e c o r r e c t o n e .

o{friir Rrnr?rff* dt gt *-ffiqiat il t

qlqKglqsq qAa(rdtnqrqqrdqr?q=qoi ll co tt
.S/oft,r8C. lf the initial portion of ugn (Dhanus)be
the Lagna,if the Eun and the Moon occupy the Lagna
or a Trikona, and if Jupiter,be in the 3rd bhavaor in a
Kendra po sition, the person born under this yoga will
The last quarterreadsascl-crgit cfi s;qmftin rqlrltil-cfi.
360 qtirsrrRilt AdL VI.

Also c./. snrfira{r

aaqlqqrqat*Gq=* urq};qftfitr ,
gt afrgqqt\ qm: dl-qrs{q qr€r <tr( tl
Some books read qslil r?+.ii-for e*iltri.
f'he translation will then be "If any of the 4 signs from
Dhanus happen to be the Lagna and if the Sun and the Moon be
in Trikona position (r. a occupy 5th or 9th places) and if Jupiter
be in the 3rd house or in a kendra position,thel person born, etc.'

t-(fuf, drqtinmfrqrd.qt{flfi qq{igar

qq I
*.qfum $qfftrrrffif il& qtEe qqq*ilr n dt n
Sloha 81. If Mercurj, and the Mclon be in a K.en,
dra positiorr or fail to occ$py benefic Navamsas, the
person born will have aberrationof the mind. If Saturn,
the Moon and the Sun be in Kendra position, the person
concernedwill be idiotic and addictedto wine.
cl. qkffiri{I

zqfrd r
*,iis{ \wq<+ma: fl fif;qffi 11
$'otdqdlrqiggk q-i qqt qR gqt fl t
qA gA asffiiqgfunqrilEfqrqft s'dirrft tt 6Rtf
Sloha 87. If the Moon occupy the Navamsa
belongingto Cancer, Aquarius or Scorpio and be in
conjunction with Saturn, the person born will suffer
from a diseaseaffccting the privities. tf the Moon
occupy in the 4th bhava a Navamsa belonging thereto
and be in conjunction with a malefic planet,the person
concernedwill have disease of the throat.
Zod qrt (paaa) reads as s't sqrtir qfi geqir.fl in ilcft-
El. &3€6 q&sqrq: 861
. v w v v v v v v v t 9 v 9 Y ! ! v !

Ta qqfr qftrilqgh Rr* gt r+ntselilsft|

g;qrqrtrqerqtlsgd wilc iiei wqfrq! qq tlelll
SIo&a 81. When the Moon in conjunction with
a maldic planet and Rahu occupies the 12th, the 5th or
the 8th bhava from the Lagna, the person born will be
liable to inranity and that of a raging kind and will
develop a tendency to quarrel.
g\ i" another reading for gi in the 2nd cr( (Pada) of the

qe qfr qrsdirqt ffiift urcwi* tl

"& il q+qilfi qtqrftqrqintrrdr€tE tl eB ll
c-atffitlt t
Stoka 84. When the Moon or Rahu occupieothe
12th bhava; Saturn, a Trikona position ; and the Sun,
the ?th or the 8th bhava; the person born will have
ailmentsaffecting teeth and eyes. The sameeffect hap'
penowhen the planets mentioned above occupy Navam'
sas owned by depressedinimical malefic planets.

sdt$frnq€tfrfttqM:qrRqi$T{I atq I
@qr-*qq+{g+iE}qt ll d\ ll
Slola 85. If the 5tb and the 4th bhavasbe occu-
pied by malefic planetsand if the Moon in particular be
in tbe 8th, the 12th or the 6th bhava, blindnesswould
follow as a result of the yoga. The persottborn in this
yoga mu$t of coursebe blind when there is no benefic
aspect uPon the planets concerned. There will be no
evil effect when benefic planets occupy the bhavas
referred to above.
362 qrilE'Ttftila Adh.vr"

frffi oqqfrftoq{R+"{"ng
-qq n-ggtg w-<frrirrt ftri qftt r
qoiqfkfrfu il qfqri q*'i-gqrfal*
qoi qfr{qqjqgisriti
sd qifur{ n cQrr
S/ola 86. Whcn (malefic) planetsother than
lord of the Lagna occupy the Lagna, the astrologermay
predict leprosy; it will be black leprcsy when Sarurn
occupies the Lagn:r as described above; ir \r.ill be red
leprosywhen the Sun so occupiesthe rising sign; white
leprosy if the occlrparlrbe Mars. when the Moo' in
conjunction with Saturn or Mars occupies a Navamsa
belongingto qrs6(Kat,rka),dit (Meena) or r*r (Makara)
and is unaspectedby, or unassociatedwith benefic
planets,thc astrologermay declare the yogato be pro,
ductive of lcprosy to the peopleaffected.
qtiqi fr'rqt qRgqfrrfir
ai qgiirnqqrqgi rtq
frrqqior{ttt rR frq*qr n es 11
SIoho BT. When the Moon in conjunctionwith a
malefic planet occupiesthe sign occupiedby the lord of
the 8th bliavaand wire. the last.mentio'ed planet is
aspected[,y Rahu, the person born will suffer from a
diseaseaffectingthc privities: thc sameresult happens
when the 8th bhave is occupiedby four or three niiefic
planets; but if a benefic planet bc in the Bth bhava, the
personconccrnedwill be exemptfrom the disease.
sL 88,90 cglsqrq: 383

qfur*Rglri{tilfr ,I}qE}
tf?wWolidflrd ftqtfr tt cc tl
S/o&rr88. When tlte Mor;rt is in a w iter'resorting
sign anCthe lord thereofoccr.tpicsthc 6th bhava and is
aspectedby planetsoccupyinq watery signs, the person
born will sulfer from strangtrry; wlten the M )on occu'
pying the (rth or thc 8th l,hav.tis aspcctedby lv{arsand
when Saturnis in the Lagnr, th: pcrsonconcerr-red will
l ischarges les).
r u f f e rf r o m a n a i l m c n tl e a d i n gt o b l , r o . d ( p i
ef . ,:ri,-li.'ratqiit
czilRrqi q=| rb dq{nrf}qI
ea&r,tfiqr* a*1.;rrflt qqqtt
qtil r;qufid frq{t qrq{-erffi
s{{T( gaqGirri+\q t
qt qrqilqi{tr;arrriq-t q{qnt
qrnittdtwq{iqqRf; noaRiai iriq tt zq tr
S/,rA'rr39. When the rvaninq)loon in conjurtction
w i t h m a l cifc p l ; r r r , : tiss i n t h c r i s i r r r ;s i g n b c l o n g i n gt o
Sa(urttor in thc Bth or tlrc 6th hhav,i, thc astrologer
m a y p r c c l i c cf l l r t r r i e r l c cs,p i e e u( ) r s o m e s t r c l ta i l m e n t a s
the result of this perticulary.:ga. Wlren the Moon is
betweentwo m;il:fic plaitclsand S,tturnocctrpi':s the 7th
b h a v a ,t h c p er s r n b o r n r v i l l i r a v : m u t : hb o d i l y s u ffering
from the combin:d .'[fc.:tsof ;ilrsc':ss,slllt'tn and con'
si floh frqi;ftarirt
of wri uFrarqhil q"iss\ ufhtrrfia:ail( ll \o ll
Sloho 9). {A/hen Mars is in tb,e rising sign and
rhe lord of the 6th bhava is weak, che persolrborn will
CtqTCTfrETI Adh.vr.
have indigestion, a diseasedspleen and colic. When
Rahu or some malefic planet occtrpies the I.agnaand
Saturn is in the 8th bhava,the personconcernedwill be
afilicted with a stomach complaint.
ef. ssl'lr?-drtrrbr
qeflisftqrt qrowt qrq{rgt I
(qtfittqt,il qTgeqfaqfqqrrqi(
gfr srfit
ntftt qe*isqfroqqrtt
qrorq{tgqft Rsdiqtrd
qli s& fqgi qRqrq€E nqt tt
Siolc 91. When Rahu occupies the 4th bhava
and the lord of the Lagna is without strength and
aspectedby a malefic planet,the person born will suffer
from acute pain in the chest. When the lord of the
Lagna is depressed and in an inimical houae,Mars
occupies the 4th bhava. and Saturn is asp:ctedby a
maleficplanet,colic will be the result.
qmluffit'ntrrffi {'},{i gfr
o)'qrqfrfif\f qiiqqqrtwtftt t
qdlnqrfrqnsifrrc+ se i{ggrqir
crRr!{&oftw\fr Rruqiffigt T(r ll ql il
Sloha 92. When the lord of the 8rh bhavais weak
and the rising sign is aspectedby a malefic planet and
the 8th bhava is occupiedor aspecred by Saturn, the
personborn will be smitten with a diseasethat will
prevent the taking in of food. When the Moon in
conjunction with Mars occupiesthe 6th b\ava, jaundice
due to vomitting and deliriun will afflict tbe lrrson
sl. gsg4 qdsqrq: 865

concerned. And when the Sun, the Moon and Mars

are together in the 6th bhava,the effectof the yoga may
be colic and erysipelas.
cf . cElqt,t
qrrqtlsdo* r;q dlq{tf*nq r
r-hqilfqqa\qlq qqffiilqat rr
qrfffi qGfio{Ttsftqrt
qtsqnsnegt uffirftuq t
qRisqiiQ fioi
dssnr figqft agi ilfi Rtr( n jl tt
Slofto 93. When the rising sign is aspectedby
Mar$, and the lord of the 6th bhava occupiesthe 10th,
the 7th, or the 1st bhava, the personborn will suffer
from the effects of magic employed against him by his
enemres. When ]r{ars in conjunction with the lord of
the Lagna occupiesthe Lagnaor any other Kendra and
the lord of the 6th ie in the Lagna,the samewill happen.
qrfrfrdqEdhqftii foi sr+q{nt
*-.i qwqrcqilr
qri ofirdserqtsqrgfr
qtsfr qrofi qr?gt wiiki {rffi
wift brE{n qB 1l
Sloha 94. When Jupiter occupies the 4th, the
lOth or the lst bhava and a Kendra is occupied by utFq
(Mandi), the personborn will suffer from an illnessdue
to the effect of his having comefaceto face with an
immortal. When Saturn is in the 7th bhava and a
benefic planet occupiesa moveablerieing sign, and the
Moon io aspectedby a malefic planet, the person concern'
366 srif{$wRqfi Adh.vr.

ed will undoubtedlysuffer from a diseasedue to his

havingmet goblins,ghostsandf iends.
This sloka is fronr qTd.[{<f. The reading in the 3rd pada of
rhis sloka is q;rdi instead of qis€.

q-t qrqfrtfhi ftgqt qsdlqt qm

qr(sfiFmfQqtitEgqlglilflsfr cfr t
*rt Emssrqri
qt $qstR rcfirfr*{irttrqtd qq( rlq\rr
. Slofa 95. If the Moon in conjunction with a
malefic planet and aspccted by anotlrer malefic planet
occupy th: (rrh bhava, the person born will become
liable to wind disease; if Mars occupy the ?th bhava
under the samccircumstances, thc diseascprlduced will
be hcroorrhage duc to a currupt state of blood and bile ;
if the planetoccupyinuthe 7th bhavaunder such condi,
tions bc Mercury, the diseascwill arise from a bad
condition o{ wind and phlegm; if Venus, it will be
dysentery; if Saturn,colic ; and lastly if llahu or Ketu,
t h e a i l m e n cw i l l b e p r o d u c e db y d e m o n i a c a p
l osscssion.
is also fronr tlif4-,{.{.

qrrqfirsi qrgs{ iie}

qBfii gib*aiti *.qeoqiqaiit
ftrh qrt {firft ftgt {rg} r'qqrt
qrqiu0agU{qfiqtil{ tqift tt q,qtt
Sloku 96. When Saturn occupying the 6th bhava
in conjunction with ndiq (Mandi) is aspeced by the
Sun, Mars and Rahu but is unlspectcdby or unassocia-
': """*,iuu
"1- "--------","9-':::,--,-*",,"
ted with benefic planets, thc person[:orn wiii suffer
{rom atr illncss caused by a complication of cough.
asthmaand consumption. Whcir a malefic planetis irr
the 12th bhava,tire Mootr in thc (rth, Saturn in the 8th
and when rirc lord of thc Lagna occupies a Navamsa
owned by a malign planet,the pcrsonborn under such
r yoga wilt be liablc to drynessof the nosc resuitingin
loss of smell.
cf q'ithflr.trqltr
qt z"i {q} r=i ;q4 qn fqert t
g.r {tqii irqqrfqila | |
qE*ai ngfa+(6rr{sFr{tfht
$.i ze gh er{Ilgnrgflqrfign
q;i gdtq{r; vqt 'JqF,i
q* qdr(ed qgtft qrili I
mi q* ftgnttr?trget
oqdtt q fiqb dt {i&}rft n qe tr
5/o/irr 1i7. \When liatunt is in+at tKatakii)and the
N{oorrin rr+r lM.rkara),the persoirborn will iravcdropsy"
W h e n S u t u r r ri n c o n j ' . t n c t i r r nw i t h M a r s o c c u p i e s t l r e
6th bhava, and is aspccted by the Sun and Rahu; anci
whcn thc lord of thc L:rgna is wichout strrngth, the
r e s u l tw i l l b e a l i n g c r i n gi l l n ' : s s .
eJ- qqi'if'rtrqfr
il;ql{fl|$ lb ifirigia,li{d I
al-rt qlqqt il{ir'ft qqar: tt
qsf $+ tieut g€Rnqar
qiiliqq Gg( qr? oaq qq I
868 {TqTt|tfrfl'i Adh. VI.

qd s+ g€qtrflir(qfr
dflfqt qrRgt g ilstt qEFen gd tl
Slofto 98. When Mars is in his own house,Mer,
cury in the 4rh or the l:lrd bhava and Saturn in the lst,
the personbr:rn will be a dwarf. The result is the same
when, other conditions being identical, Saturn is in
conjunction with thc lord of the Lagna.
s{rFqqfi rreqiI ttRrfrrqrrctr
qFqr qtsqqaq rqFc cT-qI
\C r \ C
Gilit{n qq tl
Sloka. 99. When the Sun and the Moon occupy,
one of them the 12th, and the other the 6th housefrom
the Lagna,the personborn will be one.eyedand will have
the unique fortune of possessingan one,eyed wife as
well. When Venus and the Sun conjointly occupy the
7th, thc 9th or the 5th bhava,the person born under
this yoga will havea wife defectivein somelimb.

I'he Sun is in the l2th house fronr the Lagna in I and lZth
from the 7th in Ir
sl. 100 q*ssqrq; 369

The Moon is in the t2th from the 7th in I and l2th from the
Lagna in II.

The principle is clear from the above.

The left eve will be aftected by the above yoga. In the other
case the Sun in the 2ncl arrtl :he l\lloon in 1he Sth (the 2nd frorn
the 7th) will aflect the rieht eye.
If Venus be in conjunction rvith the Sun in the 5tlr, 7th or
9th house fronr the Lagna, the wife rvill alniry:; hc ailing' ic-do

cl. rnfii
qaq qqrtqq
gq* flraqrc+,r}t
qs qldt qrqrql dsilsftfidl ll
Also {l-{tqdl
sfflqqfig{d+: {r{T$qF+{a.Fdgtqs I
qqEflrTKgaq:siol qFqr {Itdqqns ll
_ n i 'F

gtqt qqE+,aqT(:I
. c

?q sqqtrr1{If,lil:
^ r t
C^ . a i"\

dirrtq{dtqqlgmi q dr+rgil frflfrflr: I

fivn"ipufrqqrfl{ Tdffifitq uttit ll ?"" ll
Stoha iC;). If the malelic planetsoccupy tl're9tlr,
the llth, ttre 3rd and the 5th housesin any crder accord'
ing to circurnstancesand be not aspectcdby bcnefic
plancts,they conspir,:accordingto their strength to do
dnmageto the organof hearing tlf the pcrson borl ; if
they occupy the Ttir house arld be without bcnefic
aspect,they makethe teeth unsightlv.
t n a n r v i l l s u { l e r f r o t t t e a r - c , - r n r p l : r i n rt v i t h c e r t a i u t y ' T h e
3 r d a n d t l r e I l t h h o u s e ss t a n d f o r c ; t r s - 3 r d f o r t h c r i g h t e a r a n d
tlre llth for the 1e[t. 1C/' also \\'estern astrologl'). Varaharnibira'
,'l7O {|rilsqmtsnc Adb. V I.

seems to extend the prinr;iple to the 5ttr and the 9th housesalso.
D i s e a s e s c . r f t e e t h a n , l t ( ) n g u e : l r e r n t l r , ' i t t e db 1 ' t h e 7 t h h o u s e
( C h . l l l - 7 7 F r g . l ) . T l r i s r : ;i r l s o t h e p l r n r - r p l eo f \ \ ' c s t e r n . r s t r o l o -
tsy. C/. i\lan Lt.u.

" M a l c , f i , : , , r r n : t - c p e c t r cbly i r e n e l r ts , ( l c c u p \ . r n g t h e T t i r i r o u s e
w r 1 1 l r r i r r g a l r r t u t t o o t h d i s , e a s e (s, i e i o r n r i t v o r o t h c r n ' i s e ) . "

1 | r l l 4 , ru o u l r l r n c l u r l c t h r ' l \ l o o n ; l : . o i n t i r c 1 - o g ac a u s i n 1 . 1
d a m a g e t u t l t , r . r r, ( ' - l .

qk &ar.rrrfnqig qr{r : iri"qq{rdl+nef-ia

ra | (wr,;gq-dqq;qr
+oilqqraqnqf;dtffiqas{rrrrafirfn iqrarqNl
,\1s() ,ll/ii.'.1
i A \ .i r.
E{I{fl(r$n{I: TT'IT:flIEzli qTn{il q:il: I
$E: fiFrTqFglaa.-dlarql!
Also nt+fat.t,
fiq'{lnT,{iFaI T*llT 4;n{fqol:ll

ot wmorrtqGqrqord r
uniiirq{ogq gqdih rnr: il lo( il
;'loku t0l. W h e n . l i r p i t c r o c i - , r p r ( ' sb e n c f i c v a r g a s
such as arrr-iiqi{r
1 Vargottuinamsa) rn tlie Lagna or the
4th bhava ; or rs elsewhercpossessingabundarrtstrength;
wh,:n tlrc oth,:r planets arc in tirc 2nd, the ll th and
other bh,avasconrrcctct-l
lvith well.beirrg and prgsperity ;
and rvhen the lord of ,r.,. risrnq sign is powerful, che
[']ctstJnborn gets on !,.r^:ll.ind is,h;rpp1r,
sl. 102 cfrsrcrq: 371

i ile{w tqq}Hwr }cqrqfrnrwr?ftaiw t

t tlnriil: qfttlffcrfrqqlfrq{gqu{Kr(n t"Rll
qft lltq-T{6-Eqniqanri}tftt qrdrqriiqri
qgf ll
Sl"hu 102. By the graceof the Sirnlnd all the other
planets,what are called qrilslTFr:tlataka bharrgaha)con,
sisting of rrqdr{rrs: (Rajayogabhangaha),irrfrrrrr (Pre-
shya yogaha), qRefrm' (D.rridra yogaha), s{Fdafrrrr:
(Angaheenayogaha), ianqirlr' (Reka yogaha)and rtfldtmr
(Roga yogaha)have beenfully treatedof in this chapter.
T h u ' ; e n d s t h e l - r t h' \ d h 1 a t ' a c - r u 'w h a t r r ) a r se h o r , t s < : o [ r ei "n t h e
w o r k J A t r r k a l r A r i j i r t ac o n r p i l e d b 1 ' \ ' ' a i d y a n l t h a u n d e r l t h e a u s p i c e s
of the nine planetS.

-----vqf,&r+{y\\-- --- -
u u-wfrrntqrq:
Adhyaya VlI.
ON R.e,re yocAs oR plaNET.r.Ry coNJUNctI()Ns
LEADTNGro KrNcssrp.

6-qrfi-+tglqrffiqglirqfuil ffi I
*ilqr{ffi{reffSoi wn qtqt rriq tt
rilqrqFs{*'qtr ggqfl: guflEftqrqt n t tl
Slohu 7, When the planetsoccupy Kanya,Meena,
Mithuna, Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus and Kumbha, the
peroonborn will he a famous king, great in possessing
an army, mightv elephantsand horses; if the planetsbe
in Thula, Mesha, Vrishaba and Meena, an enperor
comesinto the world in this yoga ; if the planetsbe in
Vrishaba, Dhanus, Meena and the Kendras, a person
destinedto rule over the earth and acquire wide fame
seesthe light.
In this as well ns in the next slol<a,the author has described
i n a v e r l ' " c n < l e n s e dr n a n n c r t h e f t r t H { ( ' i r n h a s a n a ) a n d o t h e r
yogas. Wrth a vrew to rtral<ethern clearer, thu followirrg are
extractedtrorn other works and appendedbelow:-
SI, 1 qtfrsrqFrl 3?3

(l) lrewrir.n: trqqnh

w frerqil it.r, *oqralgq* a\ I
qrt q\ <.1g't qt&qqi\ qc' tl
E;ft ctsgm]q)+TA$ goft+ra: I
zqsRq)qqft zqi frt ftusi qrir:tl
+-qrfrqt$frir qG tqfi: fhil${: frfia:
fih qt qnZgrq*qdiit e R fpqsq: t
q, fr€reqqlqdift qgq) {qrftrrit qd

il] feqrqe)qrsftqi qli si il r

qtd,* q.iritsq agai,tsfiitflntrr
q*,qfi q€r{t{i:flil: q{f,tqq',
urrf,rq* qilt{r qrnrit z,i\ req 11

1t ftt +,=qr+,eq
firfrd: Qaqrfqeqqfi q-s-qR at, t
aqa* ,iiil e*egeqlilafrfiii}
fiqqi tr
(l) qa+to-gqiq: {HardEi

fti t\ g\ h qor+iq Fqt qt r

{ft: ;rardoercoi}
hrgq{eq' il
(4) eqt+im: dtqstilA
g\ q fqgi qrq dit eqar] qa: r
e{qilgqfrftt +{ ffq e{rar:g1
t74 qRroqrRqr+ Adb" VII

qrfrteq* frt RqrFeqffiqftftqr{

qilqnrftqtnrq adt€...qqsq:
(5) uqnfrq: ftrrerila
l\ g\ a\ qrsfittqa:tqrt qdtqQ r
*orseqif .itt ilq,iltrsqilaq:u
.it qri| 'rqnoi'ft
s {EfAfi*sfa {rgqrU$: I
eT',itqqfAfQsfi* zqir ,{qftTfr q sotq:rr
(o) errsdr iirqqnd
n**qciriq qlt*rqol gqr I
oa RqTglatsfErr cdr+.qft'qi rr
qrar*mr ryrge,itaifiqhi fiqrq-
qilqeqiqqfi sfrq:siqr;qzfQ"qqtt
qttq €tq n'qsqt"hnqd qiifftnr
nwrfi ftg*qqsa+,{t
q-qta-qtiignnadt fiqr+il rTrnq:
(z) rtcr€.+rq:{tq"rmft
+ Aqat qrt gomifrqil qt r
flqt{it {iq},il il'.qs R g€qq: ll
(8)'rg:srqcitq: clq,rril+
gorwG\g,nf,til fumqt r
tg,nrtrt*niis.i n"qq] qqE)qar t
t*,qrfq=qg{t€:{IHf,: Fqliifirr{:,
il {i!:spqq}rq:11
sl. 2 (r8*$qrq: 315

qG gorqr.rmtelqttFgt+t:fldol fiCIflfla*t r
K qgcfrq(Iqtqnflfr:S{{t: qqai ath z{Iq. tl
(s) T(qgF-.rctq:'iqara.i

€t dtt {4cg;s;{;qr* tq}r rrt I

tqg;El tltl€lT{*1f,:tllq{f,:aq: ll
( I 0) fr;Es=vil.I: siqatil-+'
qil +ffift fit q qfi qt fqgi '* t
*tlrqrgq,il *,ir fi--tg"a] qilqa, tt
(l l) cqoz{iq: .{ls*fil5}

gdR rqrqrqftfqqqtdrq{qt
ag, mU qq q{qfaq,i,,ii rfige, I
gq-flrqrfq{ri qq{i qqqrqnrTQflrqlt
(12) Tfdrqlrr: .rt{5itt}
gfa+rt qfi n'id<E6qqlql'4rJ(ftqliAo

q, r
dzr ftaqfiggrrlrrrr a] liil{dikdl
{Fnr$qrfiql rrr rr
ifr o*qsrtrfrKiefr
Slohu 2. When the planetsoccupy Kanya, Meeha,
Simha and Kumbh;r, thc person born is a king.
When the planets arc in thc 3rd, the 5th and the 4th
bhavae, the person born becomcs ruler o{ countriec
abounding in great wealth. If the 3rd, the 4th. the 5th
fiircrltf|t Adh. VII

the 2nd, the 9th, the lst and the 7th be occupiedeach
by a planet,the person born will becomea just king.

ilt{*fisRil q*Trr qrdi q{rdl Klqrfwr arq I

frqraqiouUirrqrm:qrfi ftg.qiqqtr*u tt I tt
Sl<,ka3. If the planets are associated with the
Moon's hora, the pcrson born will be a famousking. If
the benefic planetsbe irr thc gch and the llth bhavas,
and the malefic ones in the 6th and the 10th, a king is

irnftqry{suuqqrcrqorF{il dt{itqi-fl ; I
$-dr*Sfrr{qrq{d Zq}qMgqTnmqr ll I ll
Sloka 4. If benefic planeta be strong occupying
the tst, the 10th, thc 7th and the 4th bhavasand if Mars
and Saturn be in the 9th and theltth bhavas,the person
born will be a king possessed of every amiablc virtue.

The number of yogas satisfying all the conditions described in
this sloha will, if carefully analysetl, be fcrund to be very lirnitec.

The following horoscope is suggestetl as an e.rirrrrple for tlris

sL6 tt*sqlqr t'l7

But sce the following sloke from €Kn"Sl (Saravali).

g(nHfirr: {{T: {Trffir:Sa{frtRarftq{ilqdffi: t
qfq q{R r{rqR: qflrFiilqqaqftait qq s$q.i\q, it

rrMffi ffi qtsqqrq;r.frgtrttr r

@HafttqFlitrFrirr aflqll \ lt
Sloh.a5. When the Moon or tlte Lagna occupying
a (Vargottamamsa)cfitci{r is aspectedby the other pla'
nete placed in the 4th, the l0th and the 7th bhavas, the
perEonborn ir a leader of men.
According to if€inltmg (Brihatprajapatya), €i(rc.oJ (Saravali)
and other works, and as per Yavanas' vierv quoted in {EwTil;E
(Brihatjatata), four or more planets (other than the Moon) aspect-
ing a Vargottama Lagna or Moon will make the person born at
that time a King.
cJ. IEsdrc{
qrfif,qqtu* q-i qr q;q1ffit:t
TflitrqREiJvrarf{lfr: F€f,I:u
Also WrR-d
qfrni sffqqi{4ilfra}firrrnarft qu}tqsqqrr
Also sle{Frul
qikiseil+\ qR il {rii\ F{tfth q qsilBfqftqrli: r
erffiqftf,q: wg riqqFa*qt: flgqqeqftfiqlodliRil
Also t{lusq
ffsff{qn -ra qvgi q qit{t
s nqqft flfiq: qg Eqrqqtoii{uf
{qrFrqftfrqrt Rgdi i q€nq{ tl
3?8 irrlcrRrlt Adh. VrI.

But our author has .gonefurther by restricting tho position of

the planets. According to slokas 30-31of the 2nd Adhyaya,Saturn
i n t h e 4 t h o r t h e l l t h h o u s e ,M a r s i n t h e 6 t h o r t h e l O t h h o u s e
a n d J u p i t e ri n t h e 5 t h o r t h e 9 t h h o u s e a, l l c o u n t e df r o m t h e L a g n a
or the l\Ioon, are also capable of aspecting either of them respoc-
tively as all planets are while they are in the 7th house. Our
author has rejected the aspectsof Saturn from the llth house, of
I\{ars from the (rth houseantl of lulriter from the 5th and 9th
houses. I{e only accepts the aspectsof Saturn from the 4th house,
of l\{ars fronr the lOth houseand of lupiter and other planetsfrom
the 7th house. llis object would appear to be to place all the
planets in the three Kendras, +th, 7th and l0th and in such a
manner as to be "capable of bestowing their full aspect on the
Lagna or the liloon ls the .case May be. The least number of
p l a n e t s t h u s s i t u a t e d a n d c a p a b l eo f : r s p e c t i n gt h e V a r g o t t a m a
Lagna or the \'{oon is four. "r-di{gmfri: i.e., "by planets other
than the Moon " has reference only so far as I4na yogasaro
concerncd,for the Moon cannot aspect itself. But the question is
" Will the aspert of the Moon on the l.agna nullify the yoga if it
i s o t h e r w i s ec o n r p r l e t"e? a r r s w e ri s i n t h e n e g a t i v e . I n t h i s
case, the Moon's aspect does not count, beinq productiveof neither
good nor evil antl the l\{oon cannot be one of the planets making
up the least nunrber of four above stated. Cf. g{.sitFldT.

e* q,ikqtqrcqatqqti a,{*r\' t
{gft: qafri:qfq{fq?fi &finfr: tt
ffe c drail +'i ilqd'trrl{.flrtTfr;r;I
qrdtRril' fu qga.ilfi{rfat
r t tt
qq'{rfq erqttg Hflq: qrf,llFqqr I
q;q: qr.qd{Iq H ftrqq i rruqefl

There will l:e 22 1'ogasz'i:.-

C* C*C:15+6+ I for each of the Lagnaand the Moon,or

yogasin a1l.
sl. 6 qEfrss{rq; 879
v v ! vv Y v v Y v v vv s Ylv v v
vv r vvvvv Y-v E t v vvvvv vvvvv ! v v Y v ! v v v

F€r ffiuq{r*tqA I qqtrrrfrt-
id ur.rfr qR ltftqitr qsdihfftEl{ ll q ll
Slcla 6. When Venus occupiesthe asterism As'
wini in the Lagna and is aspectedby all the other
planets,the person born will be the senior in family
destinedto destroy the whole host of his enemiesand
to sport with many women. When there are three or
more planetsoccupyingnot the Navamsaof their depres'
rion sign but one owned by themseives and one such
planetis in th: Lagoa, tlre p:rson brrn will be a king
arrd a v;ry wealthy one too, when there are 5 or more
ruch planets.
(Fbil hill). C/. ara+,riir
ar&;qi on{: gfi: niqtfaftfen:r
a]fr giqdiqro ll
Also q.oitifdl

ugitifo'frqqqfirpfi fiarftt lt
following from gt{qdt (Saravali) rnentioning the several
a s t e r i s r t t sw h i c l r , w h e n o c c u p i e d b y \ / e n u s , c o n f e r k i n g s h i p
also ire of interest:

qrii: grl: I
*ilft tg*i q1l{fu;qlqRHfrqd:ll
Louu holf. C/. aramta

flqiffirt qfierq =qrR&+lqgFqot,

ffi tt
380 lrce\tfur* Adh. vU.

According to U€tqTqlTetrifesilil{ and other works, threo or

four planets in their exaltation r*q (Srvochcha), or in their own
signs eki (Swakshetra)and are at the same time trine to one an-
other, make a person botn in thc tolal famitlt, a King. Five or more
such planets will make (nv lers0tt a King. But two such planets
in the first case or four such in the second case will only make
the person rich. Cl. gqerretqaT.

deqfu' egqrt: n?:e*atnaI

$iqi ef{filaF}11: sT{zq{{rq: ll

6ru<ieqftit rgoqilqfia: qr{ lr
.It has also to be noted here that it is only when the 5 or 6
planets in <&f-l (Swalisheira) are s:tong that the person born be-
comes a King. If they or any of thern be weak, he only becomes
rich. But sevenplanets in q-'{g will, irrespective of their
strength, make the person a King. C/, gttryt-r,qe+.
qgfrKr€*:Q)jl} wft fiavrq r
S-€Hq$eg€qffgFqr ufigf i}frr{{: e}ryq1 '
rGrragace+gql'qrqqqqAitzqra flaqg tt
g*ffiqqq€Tq sg{t&
old {osi sf*itqfR.qkr I
qtsRMrqlrrrrrt frrrqi
Sloka 7. When Venus is in the Znd bhavawhich
is neither the planet'sdepressionnor owned by an enemy
q,nd wlren the lord of the Lagna iE strong, the percon
sl. g qg*stqrq: 38r
born will becomca kinq. When the Moon- occupieEat
night its own Navrmsa or one belongingto a very
friendly planet and is aspectedby Venus alone, a king
comesinto the ',vorld.
:f. soiiii{r
dtarftgqwtrqfinserire*n: qQdiqr qdt q
{rq, tt
Also en+riir
nfiarJq ettqT SHETTq:
fllrriq: t
d*+rii qcdtqr H rr: gft{1qfa:tl
Frorn the two p:rnllel lrassrges above given,
it will be seen
that Venus a'tl trre r.rrl of the Lagna srrourd
both be in the 2nd
bhava- text rerds itserf arso to the above interpretation
i t r n a y l r r e f e r a b l l ' b e r e n c l e r c dt l r u s : " \ \ / 6 e n
V e n u s t o g e t 5 e r _w i t h
the lord of tlre Legna, who is :rlso strong, is
in the 2nclbtrava,
rvhiclr is neither the planet's (\'enus') dep165;s1611
s l f J n ,n o r i s o w n e d
b y ; r n e n e r n l ' , t h c p c r s o n l r o r r r r v i l l b e c o r n ea K i n s . , ,
cl. qtitqo.i

eilifiairrqa;* ze] qri.{rTf:aql I

erfi{r $eh zryflqrfi;i rlrfi qtq.tl
Also ,lladlq{ql
g};oreril aqfi *i}fi t
qpftiq ?e:$rt iqrdq tl
qti qlffi{irrt uggesnfui qqfrr
elq 6{u€riqtqwi ilctr{{r*iQh r
s{wftft esqi}qui atqrRqm
*'qqaqi qqiqfrgt qril q{tqrdffiln c tl
S/oAa E. Whcn Venus occupyingthe Lagnais
Meena and in a Navamsabelongingto Meena,th-eperson
born is a king; (2) when the lord of the rising sign is
fi€TCritqri Adh.vlr.

strong in its exaltation and aspected by the Moon, a

royal personageseesthe light ; (3) when the lord of the
Lagnaoccupiesin the exaltationhousea Navamsabelong'
ing neither to the depression sign nor to an enemy and
:hat exaltationsign turns out to be a Kendra and has no
other planet, a ruler of the earth is born under this Yoga.
cl, qa*kr
ftt dtqi{t gfr ardfyt rriqtt
Also gtttqofi "}
oflfiqfA: dli q{q.€tr€r-il;l I,i Od r
(Laltu halJ). c/. Stoka 48, infra.

{rq& f{qgffu{q{i €totrrrififr

oqw€EM$refrr qr;qrtqj{qfilt
d ttqoFqt qCISo* iffi *.qi
et qnqqFffi q Wontrqr rr{kli6q ll q ll
Slokl 9. When the full Moon is in the gth bhava
occupyingits own, exaltation.ora friendly house and
when Saturn and Mars occupy the lOth atrd the 2nd
bhavas from the Lagnr, a lord of the earth is born,
When the Moon is full and strong occupyinga Kendra
other than the Lrgua and is aspectedby both Venus and
Jupiter, under such a Yoga is born a sovereignwho will
generou:ly make gifts of land.
(Fhst hrlll. According to €t{t{oi (Saravali), any planet in
the 9th bhava identical with its exaltation sign will bestow King-
ship if the lord of that bhava occupiesor aspectsit anl two other
planets are in tlreir exaltation signs as trell. cf.
iltr.56ae ringvi qtq tqrqgn ftfrftat r
BL 10 qq*sqnq: 883

(Srcond,half). c7. sloka 47, infra.

Also 't-{atadr
on fterq*t sto*ergtia)fiuaPt, I
qr.iqtqgwqirrit nqr r{liilqaq tt
Also esifi?ilqft
qfi fiqaL I
ftar+.\ftqqi iqefrsrrr famrur
g*q euqe,dgb qrit qil nlftwrugeu:tt
This yoga 6nds an exception when Tauttts happens to be the
Lagna with the Moon there. c/. ilrr:wdi.
q\ n{ii owtd:gg{' frtr efr qfqfqft'riq I
qf? stairqqtd] qqfAfkdt{r: tt
gqlsfi qTflIerki}
For a person born in a royal family no aspectsare required-to
place him on the throne. c,f. qRtsdt.
frnnn: I
es fiqrq*d nmererXRn)
q{lt{ qrq}qisfrggfl€n qG fiKli'
€deil Uga;-qt{6gi uirsqn R:nt t
Awwftq-* sfi fut
si q4qqrrhqnqitr +ir Xstrxiq ll I o ll
S/o&a 10. When a planet is in the highest exalta,
tion point and is aspectcdby a very frier:dly planet, a
king is rrshered into the world. A king's peer takes
b i r t h w h e n V e n u s i s s t r o n g o c c u p y i r r tgh e 1 l t h o r t h e
12th bhava. When 2 or 3 planetsare in their cxaltation
s i g n s ,t h e M o o n i s i n K a t a k aa n d t h e r i s i n gs i g n p o s s e s s ,
ed of strengtl'r,thc personborn will be a king honored
(Fi,st quarter). ,f. noaTii+t
nfr5egafra,i| |
884 .r{t5qrftil* Adb. VII.

Also gnrS-d
qfi qq r$r: di* qffnqqi) qfa r
{€qRfr*des:+itfi sfq{iqfi(rr
(Lattn halJ.)
See notes under sloka 6, sultra. According to
Yavana's vievr quol.edin lirihat jat:rlia, one or two planets in thcir.
exaltation, one of them being in the Lagna and the Mclon in .dzqi
(Krtakr) will create Rajayoga. l6 such Rajayogas are possible
under the above co;nbination. cf . yalatl.n
-\--^r \ \ ^ \ \ \ A \ ^
qfll8riTg ?l,{TdqHerT €Ql5r{ {liltr qrsil tlqr{I: Fg: 1l
Ordinarily 3 cir four planets in their ex?iltationwi11,it is said,
make a personborn in a Royal family a King. F'ive or more pla-
nets in exaltation will make any persona King. r../.ga-.nwfqg.
n n C:\ ^f' C \ \n
Hrqq(agr'{qt€lqF,tlq{{n: I
Jq' eFq*r;qiaqritsfQ qnq' tl
But there are other special combinations under which 3, 4, 5
or more planets may not be in their e.raltation signs and yet the
person born attains royalty. .lhe iruthor deals with several such
exceptions to the said orrlinary yogas handed down by tradition
which are difilcult to be observed except by nren of extraordinary

t{ +qqqttilf g{wni 'ra iisafker

qrren,rR il fimRflqqr sfr qdqrds:I
qrqJsflqi fr{rwgi gsrifi'ti}rt
ffirqFrtf\isftqqoi ilsrrsenril{rqi u qt tl
Sloha 11. If all the beneficplanets be in the scqq
(Upachaya) (3rd, dth, 10th and l1th) placesand the
malefic one$in rhe lst or the 10th bhava, the person
born will be a cruel king quelling his numerousfoes.
If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon and in the Tth
bhava occupy the exaltation and other Varga positionE
while benefic and malefic planetsaspect themr a king or
SI, 12 eg*sqrqr 386

a king's equal of a very fickle disposition, will come

into the world
A manuscriptcopyreadsthe first quarteras follows:
g{ q}qlqft,:titr:6i4qqry:*rqr ftowfFqar,t
Probably this is the correct reading. The translation will
then be, " If all the n.ralefic planets be in the irq--rf (Upachaya)
housesa'd the beneficones in the lst or the lOth bhava, the person
born will be a cruel king quelling his numerousfoes."
author desiresthat malefics should be in the e{"< (Upa-
chaya places e.tce tili'ng !hc l0tl: :rs the undermentionedquotation
from ql'oFq-ilil;[ rnal<esit clear.

Hfiofrrqwra fiqJeqt<gqqrcrrqfrpqrramor,
eTRqilTqau{irT: rqil fqqqi qq{t q{qrgq: tl
(Lattct half). ol. HRFT6T

Fqacexai {FfiGFrt.tt't;Eqtrn:
figel'i*rfn',ieft eq+siilq
gn{r{ tl
" " I f p l a c e d i n a s i m i l a r p o s i r i o n , a . r .i n t h e T t h h o u s e , . ' h a s
to be understood from .{';'Ri i.r the slolia previous to this in
qrflqftaqqalqqi qrrt
fr+fhtfiwqs6u*maf r
gfMgiln Gq;rfrqr
{tqt?qilqfr gkufr wrorn lR tl
Sloha L2. If, at the bir.h of a person,Mars occupy
Dhanus,Mesha or Simha identical with the Lagna, and
be aspected by a friendly planet, he will rule over a
kingdom won by his own nrowess. If the Sun, the
mnwREt* Adh.vII.

Moon and Jupiter be in the 3rd, the 9th and the 5th
bhavas and have strength, the person born will be a
king comparablewith the God Kubera in respectto his
(First hatf). c/. q-d{k*,r
qlwAqq$qlq€ffflF,it,Iufit qsqfr fiqfoee, rr
(Latlct half .) ef . Slaka 49 inf ra. Also €rrr4df
fiafrrr+qnl' qaqqqqqfrwtrnq r
qG qqfAdqT{IqTsirc"q} qtqfd u

il{ qfi wqfr rfrr56rar(

( tro.o{Erqt.qrd
trnqAqrMll tl ll
Slofrrr1-1. If at a birth, a planet be in its depression
and if the lord of the sign occupiedby the planet or the
lord of its exaltation sign be in a Kendra position in
respectto the Moon's place or the Lagna, the person
born will be a king and a just ruler.
cf. q-o.f,.rfrr+r
qi+,] dtqrln<4rTqfqq<gal:t"| 1
qq fl g q{Eiii flI{K}$Toq;qifa:
alq fiefA q<qTf}{du(rqlqt fresrqqr
1;(Tfriqfc.{iqqs fiilrslaarqritsrqrt
*-t fisft i.rqffiqq, iqrq*,qiif
t( II
.iii q<s 'ii*qtrT] AGaqq il r
*"qrq$e+;rriTgv: uirr{<Fqn;ti
$1.t4-t6 qgqlsqrq: 387

Also qRffilrfisr

tq Qqt flq'lq qqrd<frq(adiagaarr: 1

+--dftqilil qqa'xgnl1ffiil .pftnrnn rr
Also nqlrlfsarq0r
+Tt r-qqrqrtRitqfleiusgtr
qrrrqiliil*qrsfqttqtrfr qiat: tt
ffiertaqturfi ffit
*ttqqr flUt qQ q'qo* r
ffiHt qcl€t{r€qPqt
qrq u tB tl
Sloho 14. If the lord of the Navamsaoccupied by
a depresaedplanet at a birth be in a Kendra or Trikona
position and if the e-sos (Janmalagna)be a moveable
sign or if the lord of gbs cTelroa(Janmalagna),i.e. the lst
bhava be in a Navamsa owned by a moveablesign, the
peroon born will be a king or possessgreat power.
aI. eeliftqdrqft
fra:};qffiqq; 1
q{o} nqlt A qrkrq} Til rri{ '1
qnqnrfr q(nHG qrtrqilitsqil
dqe*gEqEfrrsqttrqrifirqi rrt( r
oil dqut Wqtgft r-* qnq{t
Grt'fffiqFEt q{t qfl uqrilnrfr rr+{ ll t\ ll
Bloha L5. When the lord of the lOth bhavais in
the 8th, occupyinga Navamsaownedby its exaltation
sign, its own uftr (Rasi) or a friendly rrr?r(Rasi),or has
attaineda cnrrain (Paravathamsa), the personborn will
be a king of kings. If Jupiterbe depressed in the Lagna
crcs-riftlte A&. VII.

the Navamsa of the 8rh bhava (64th frum ihe Lagna)bc
that of a rriir (Rasi) owned by the
marefic orr"ner in
question, under this yoga also will be
born a king of

dqe 6qq\ ai'r sat'qofisEErirrcst

iirt oaqfi a ft"fqilg{iutrqi q+( |
qrrtaaTnqitiffiqt {-gR{t {r
et Er{rfti g}-qgrun gh r nqiiqr n I q fl
St.oka16. \l/iren Jupiter, being rhe lord of
rising sign, occupiesthe r2rh bhava and when saturn,
the lord of thc 3rd bhavais in thc r2th prace in respecr
to Jupiter or when the Sun occupiesthe ltth bhava
from th,: Lagna, the personborn will be a king of
If the iord of the Navamsaoccupied by cherord
of the
9rh bhavabe in the 5th or the tih bhava,a king
into the world. If Mercury be in conjunction ""r.,
with or
aspecrei by ,iupiter, the person born will be
a king.s
r/.- qqi{f-{or,{r?r
gil "r4 rql art nal qrfinqrfqqr
gii uq} fiard {rq{l;irq4ar:rr
irrrqlfitqlrqrgsi{iilfqna} g& r
gzruraqt qrsRZqhts)qqat, rt
qT-t ( D l r ^ r , u r .l a g n a ) s a l j s f i c s t l r e c o r r t l i t i o n s
of llre above

rrFitqfttfkt {rffi *.{rQ+{W

SERiildfr qreqqfr ar.dfut
sl. t7-I8 €8*rs4rq: 389

*.i n qfaffi GSt {urffioffi

oriri'qilttfti qogt{qrswflq+(n ?stl
Sloko 17. If Iupiter be in the rising sign and
Mercurv occupyinga Kcndre bc aspected by thelord of
the 9th bhava, rhe person born will be on a footing of
eilualirywith kings. when sarurnin stre*gth o..uf,i.,
the {sfrq'rsr (lr4oolatrik''a) or exaltation ,ign h"pp.ning
to be identical with l Kcndra .r Trikona
anti is urp..r,
ed by rhe lord of the llrh bhava; rr.der this yoga also,
will the personborn be on a par with sover"igns-of
ef. e-{i'i?rorqft
o* gil gt h"| {FqiT+rflf6t r
sH -{rfE€e} zqge*q+at,tr
o* ffi gt s€.r+sffd qFii
Ssq{rrt ftmwst ilqTsQrEr

ftr"tqqls {qft€lii {wrfttrq&q:ft f c tl

Sloka 18. When the Moon is in the rising
Jtrpiter in the 4th, venus in the 10th, and satu.r"in lhe
exaltation or sRq (swakshetra), the person born
be eithcr a king or equalto a king. When
planetsare in the l2th, the llth, the lst, the
3rd and the lOth bhavas,rhe person born wiil be
like a
sovereignand in great favor with kings of kings.
cl. qqifilr-arqiir
a* q-esil nie+ttr\ TuffEiI
qt ?qged|qqa{:tl
390 ltlrclRr|t Adh. VIL

qqrinrei fi:qoaFffi€reqqr
qerRgFn?.n}*qrzqgeq]r{qat' u
qt *qqq.trrr€Sililqtqr{c{gfr
{ri drtr€e{rqffit tteftq6sq3 1
trfr {dFrorrrttRst qrqrftiiltfr
iltt qfr dffii'sqhraaq) qaqtt?qll
Sloha L9. When Saturn is in strengtb and has
attainedsqsEd (Uttamavarga, when Jupiter occupiesa
Navamsaother than a depressionone,and when the Sun
is in a benefic Navamsa and is aspectedby benefic pla,
nets, the person born will be in the good gracesof a
king and equalto him If Rahu be in the 10th bhava,
if Saturn occupying the llth be aspected by the lord of
the 9th bhava, and if the lord of the rising sign be un,
associated with a depressed planet, the person boro
under this yoga will be like a lord of the earrh.
cf. ssirft?'ilft
wi rrd '{A=qtqlTqqltnfligt r
elt fiqQt qrghzgr+itqi( ll
{qsil ftfrqAftqn wi{t qilq?nqgilr t
sdffirr{TwFEil qr qnqfrqtfM ll Ro lr
Sloha 20. If two, three or four planetsin deprec-
sion occupy benefic shahtyamsa(eu.in) or 60th portions
or Navamsasof their severalexaltation signsat the time
of birth of a person, he wiil be a lord of the earth
eminently just and virtuous.
cl. ssl{fr-mqft
a* qr * eq] qrsftqFqliiflqflTdt: r
{ltluritsgtr: Qfi il q{rqft: ll
sl. 21 sFrilstqrq: 891

onis$gilftfi graErqrqrt=frqt
qr{r{N|ETurrqfr= *qqs;ffitfuel t
q'ffiqqil"rrft qdqtrffiqfiffi
qril qnqwtihtgft q-6dqr{rf!rq!
tt Rt tl
Sloka 27. following are the three yogasunder
any one of which a person born becomeawealthy. In
the first yogar the lords of the 10th and the 9th bhavas
counted from the Lagna are in conjunction and aseocia
ted with the lord of the 2nd bhava; in the 2nd yoga,
the lords of the 10th and the 9th, reckoned from grr
(Subha), i e. the lords of the 6th and the 5th bhavas from
the Lagna occupy each a sign owned by the other and
are asgociatedwith traqfh(Dhanapathij i.e. the lord of
the 2nd bhava; in the 3rd yoga, tbe lords of the 10th,
and the 9th bhava calculatedfrom the 10th, i.e. the lords
of the ?th and the 6th bhavas from the Lagna occupy
mutuallyaspectingKendrasand are associatedwith qtcft
(Dhanapati). If the severalpairs of planets mentioned
above be aspected or associatedwith the lord or the
karaka(orro) of the 4th bhava, the person born under
each of the several resulting yogas will have at his
command much wealth and many vehicles.
The first 3 quartersof thrs sloka are also capable of beine
i n t e r p r e t e dt h u s : -
" I f t h e l o r d s o f ( t ) t f r e l 0 a n d 9 t h h o u s e sc o u n t e d f r o m t h e
Lagrn, (Z) the lOth and 9th houses counted fronr the 9th house
and (3) the l0 and 9th houses reckoned from the lOth housebe in
conjunction, occupy each a sign orvnedby the other, or occupy
mutually aspecting Kendras, or be associated(at the same time)
ithw the lord of the secondhouse, the personborn will be wealthy."
39rl {tcTniilti Adh. VII.

af. qoqtft+r

+iril qq{trdqqrrfir* q"qe'i}uafR1ft a}: ry1q1',,

Out of the I 2 yogas causedby the relationship of the lords of
any two successivehousesout of the l2 ones, our author describes
here the 3 Raiayogas.

The 12 yogirsarc :
( t ) o t . Tb y t h c r e l a t i o n s h r po f t h e l o r d s o f t h e l s t & Z n d h o u s e s
(z) r1q.1eT do 2 n d& 3 r d , ,
(3)-r'nr+, do 3rd & 4th ,,
(+) 3rqro{ do ,lth & 5th ,,
(5) <mor a* do 5tr&6th ,,
{o) <rcf,.I do 6th & 7th t,
(7) icqrzla: do 7th & Sth ,r
(g) ..Trq-qql do 8th & 9th ,,
{o) .6o1n do ( ) t hc t l O t h
(lo) {iirr"r{ dcr l O t h& l l t h , ,
(l l)'dur;Tq{ do I lth & I2th ,,
(tz) firrnt do l2th .t I st ,)
cl. qlat{

BqI.q* qEqr+dtd tfrqrrqr)rr
qfdi tqoril q ft',qorfi dgaqqtr
orqqlrrrdilqi]_cq1{qfiq ll
s{qTsqrcq .fii rrq,iiq fqqrzfe{ r
rTlrqr'{{ il{q}rt ilfii;wqaq'{{ ll
fqnqrfialqlt qlqr q s,i,arFTdr:tl
T h e r e l a t i o n s h i pb e t r v e e np l a n e t si s o f f o r - rkr i n d s :
l. E A t : hc , n co c c u p y i n gt h e o t h e r ' sh , r g 5 s, , K e n c l r ao r K o n a
2. .l3oth1;iauetsaspectingeach other.
3. Any one <-rfthe two planetsaspectingthe other.
4. Both planets occupying the sarnehouseor Varga, etc.
sl, 2I €uqtsnlr.l3 393

,f . rRtlr(
sqq: PeT;ffpq=q]
elsq6 fd,ftq*' t
U,itqd+ii aG:frqil*a =qtt: tt
..1-qtq*aw rl t,t ngare-aif ftq.t r
qmfhilfl*il qrsfti*,qfiqn]qErrl
The association of the lords of the Kendra and Kona olaces
is capable of producing Rajayogas.

cl. onat-qi:{di
taR+)qqna: sfih q{Fq{qI
$twordfeirqnzqrq{d: II
frft}"rfrqdt{"}sq-* }q *qEq.r
+qrf iisfrqfuq]qqqGs iilqa( tt
Also KT{I?
ennd: gqqtqTfhrqq'tqrfim qrq t
purattr rrfirr&qnrcsoq
d{:pq141q,i} q.e1c;elqhii fq{qa' t
wn4;qiieel qrndGt il-qqE tl
q:r $-dtft ffgd il qrsRflqflsq} |
{rqifiq'it qrd uq qqfafqPrnqrr
qldtt<qT qri qriv} a6{ fF,rn:t
gRuvf{vn'qiGeriiqeq {r;qurt tl
gtrrfirrgQilofrqlqT qqTqdqflgdrir( |
Z,iitariRE qiiun@:ertqgi aqtfifilr-euo:rr
g€nqlfqql*q qfleqrtq ngil |
qiiaprqTgml arnllR( {rFqrrtqll
gia') q{qnga*e*qi.qrfQ
gil fie'q r
"___"__ "",""",_jg: J_l'
_:yg: """__
gQsrerqntJtseat qfr u-*qcn:
erqr-*qrftfrs] tt
q{rqrige++Eqt uungtr
finrqlq Eqiqtqqt sriiBilfrn r
gql dgq+ rmr qdt qr aFflqlsREr rt
' ffq: qfi +fia-d qrqsfQqfrq.r,t
{*m;} aa:gh 6,i1}arqrrt+r1
qdt goqqrii qnqqaalfrqrqq{
aqrqr'qprrt,{qftqntilsfl rfirq t
ail rdq-61qofiflquaqqqt-
fiq.ii fia<rfiqqqqqqwftrrq:tt
q{r guqqnl qnqqqi goq{*
q-qii+qlqhil qqfAt{GqTiqqit r
sgqrn +'iftf{qqrrq}tRqad
qgrqlasR\qft qtnnr.itfrqifq 11
qil il-q€irl aawga*ris{,rai
qorrrdt qs qqqfts frt nG{: I
flqr inr-qrerfiqaqfll{orfregffi
grsrctqonrq€{oqrcil qqqfr' lt
In these cases it is not very nccessary tbat the lords of the
Kendras and Kcnas should be two difierent planets. One planet
may be the 1orclof two Kendras or a Kendra and a Kona and yet
a good result will
be produced though not to the same extent as
when they are owned by two separate planets.

cf. sta-Tqr?4+r
qfi frgn: tt
sl" 22 sffi5sqzt: 395

r*g qRq1&futgrrqrfq{rq}sfho6ft!Rn(|
s+iqt:qei\frqffir srm qiqd'rqqt{r
n qRtl
SIcha 77. Vhen six planctsarc in their exaltation,
the person born will be a liing of kinqs ruling over the
whoie earth. When five planetsoccuDytheir exaltation
signs anciJupiter is in the Lagna, the personborn will
rule all rnenand all lands.
c/. qdrtfi,rrcrft
q"^luiinaqqf"s\:qi4tqrf;tirit qfq'rqd t
sqfFqt: qafq{a{rnr flrqtftqlt qi{ii i.rail-n
Also nlfl{lil{ol

;r{a(r: qa fiitqqr,tr qs qq+ q qri,*q: tt

The authr.,r suggests tlrc infercrr,:i. 1l'tt, rn tht: c.se c,i Ilve
p l a n e t s i n e x a l t a t i o ' , c r n eo f t h e r ' * ' s r irc irr the L;rgna, and tliat
preferably Jupiter. In the r:asr:of :,i:.:
| 1 ; L l r r r : ;r n e r : l l t a t r , n , i t i s
n o t n e c e s s i l r y t h a t o n e o [ t h e r r rs h o u l t l i r r : r i r t ] r e L a q n a . O n e , t w o ,
t h r e e o r f o u r p l a n e t s i n e x a l t a t i o n r r l , , : , , l _ .nr , . r tr r r l l i e a p e r s o l r f
ordirrary biri.lr zi liing. cf. .!i1r.t:

FdaFqoftqlq-isr' ei fiaq1;11
Also 1 4 q q 11 1 q a { .

iafqkauftEt"jrqi-;ifciir'' I
?q:q.qelrqitqtrisfi wrar'11
All the works on astrclogy are unaniri.rous in the al;ove view"
According to Yavana and others, three or four rnelefic planets
in their exait:rtion makes the Iirng cruel. t'1.

6: {{tllkl glq: m{Iiq'[;qKqrs--qqlI

sTn+{iifi+r, g}'q +&qrqrgdqn:
3 r/6 |IirucrRilt Adb"vrr.
Also qttrq
qt\: qtqqfi:FTl(ela'rt'i'iqicqidd: r
;qrfir}f{aqfi: gr:fiiiyar*i rga: 11
\ \ ^c
xt: firqfii{tqR: t
dlg o qlqndq'qd freftq: qqTqtll
From the above, it is also clear that benefic plauets in eralta_
tion make the king virtuous and that if the planets in exaltation
which go to raise him to kingship be both malefic and
benefic. he
will be of a mixed nature.

And (Jeevasarrna) adds that malefics

{iqaqi in exaltation do
noi- bestow royalty on the persor) born under their auspices;
will be wealthy and at the same time cruel, angry and quarrel-
sorne. r {.
qr\aqrrlelarq qqf:i .Z{i {tT: r
1fuqfa-rrf:ffiiFiFg:frfiq, fio(fiql: tl
I t s h o u l d h e r e b e n o t e d - t r r a tt h e s ea r e n o t h o w e v e r a c c e p t e d
Rajayogas by Varahar'rihira. Accorcling to hinr, if three o.nore
planets occup).' their exaltation or their own signs
and area! thc
sarnt lt,ne I t ite ltt one a.n,theyt the persons born
become kin,{s if
tlrel' b.long to a royal f:rrnill'. If there are 5 or nrore such planets,
perso.s th.,ugh born i' ordinarl, famiries (other than
royal) becorne
i r r n g s . T h o s e i n r v h r ; s en a t i v i t i e s s u c h p l a n e t s a r e l e s s
than 5 will
be possessedwith wealth, but will not be kings. ,/. g{-qfild

seeil.rr,ri'rlarqr;'{r}iidlinar tFar: I
eqrQfilrqirqi6r Siffagar a 1frlw: 11
Also og;rRT{
Bqqftffijr,ia.rei qqFd{rnn; I
aa{ilrqrff : n
Vidc also E{.rnRFfi'VII-8 and XI-13 and my notes thercon.
sl. 23-24 sErTr$qr|t: 397

qr( |
u$rqq&tfti qafitrdr+iqtrq{qdtqfrr
hiiEqAqR q-qgi dr{'ri iqgft Tqro!n Rl tl
Stoha 23. When Saturnis in *c (Kunbha) iden,
tical with the Laqnaand whcn four planetsoccupy their
exaltationsigns,an emperoris born. When *e (Mesha)
occupiedby Mercury is the rising sign and Jupiter is in
the exaltationsign, a ruler o[ men comesinto existence.
q* sqiqqGqR qqfh't-
{tsftErcq{qftfhfrarqurqr( |
a\ \ A A \
gsrat(ffi(t{( F{sttqTrTtiT-
\ \A
ilqru(wrqrlqq ll R8 ll
Sloka 74. If the Moon occupying the rising sign
qeir (Vrishabha)be aspecredby the remaining six pla.
nets,the personborn will bocome king at an early age.
If one planet be in the exaltationsign while the rest are
in their own or friendly signs,thc yoga will secureto
the personborn irnder it, a portion o[ thc gooJ thinga
of life such as it is the good fortune of kings to have.
(First half ). c ' f . t h e l a t t e r h a l f o f s l o l ; a6 2 i n A < l h 1 ' a y aI l ,
Also +11{l{,4

Sg{wae;g ieqd qq-d

qG qasttd: q{qfi aq}qqrfir
qrqFfl]n \q
rqfd qgqqtq:mri*q: gtq, tt
Also toiiitqt
398 cntscrftcrt Adh.vrr.
z,i qqqftfiqralFqaqrr
Erffi ErqR g.fi,riirqftgii-(gfr Wrorr
nCtUitriuneitghrtolqr} rrfirfi fkdirr p R\ tl
Sloht 25. When Jupiter in conjunction with
Mars and the Moon occupiesa eritrq IVargottama,aiee
I,34) or a gcai:tr(Pushkaramsa,z,idc Adhyaya1 Sl 38)
the person born is a king. Wtren thc full Moon
aspectedby benefic planetsis in tlie l0th bhava, a ruler
of the e.rrthhashis birch under the yoga.
g€fm${q;i vtrr q;(qfr
qit (g'J{qri qi\i irrTfirrrT{|
qqg€qffiQ rrrggi il: <IT(
etftrrwogilf €{i{qrsq;rrf il lq ll
S l o h o 2 6 . W h e n t h e M o r n i n c o n . ; u n c t i ow n rth
|upiter and Vcnus occupiesugu (Dhanus.), Mercury is in
the Lagna, Mars in e;;rr (Kanya) and Saturnoccupying
the 4th bhava rs in Tr+{lN4akara),chep.rson born will
b e a m i g h t y k i n g h e l d i n h i g h r e g a r db y a l l o t h c r k i n g s .
\ \ * \C
fl rff glTrrrgtflgg(trTro! |
diqifi q'ftrfi
\"\n \ \
€|F{ sq {rifgif EIaTT
;ftql: ll Re ll
Slokt 27 Tir,: pcrst-rnat whose birth lr.4ercury,
the Mocn, Mars, jupiterand Saturnoccupywn(Kanya),
fra (Meenr), icEa (Mithuna), ugc (Dhanus) and rr.D'
(Makrra,lrespe:tivelywill bccomeking" Arrotheryoga
leadirr;im kingly iortune is wh:n .the full Moon wirh
sl. 28 e8frsEqrq: 999

abundant strength occupieswir (Meena) identical with

the rising aign and when Mars and Saturn are in qlt
(Makara) and 6q (Kumbha) respectively.
(First half ). In this yoga, the rising sign must be q{( (Ma-
kara). c/. gqsna-+
€t qt o* ntqftgqd-qqqt,
{I{Ir$Tq: (atrif: gggEqil: g{orilii: I
Also emildl
qt qt ui gg'.qaqFgar
<qI ffqt flffir gqiH;fttFt: $dqq: I
fFqitarqi*'q] qgfr g(F{t il< rtq
f,qrqrd) {q: gufrHr{: ql8rrfRqrll

(Second l*tf ). c/. tRta.li

3a.qf),fii ilfflfc qi-q: sao+era: firf?1gd
si I
qqqfi{irrl E{l{td(Qf,qeqr} erfqqfi{gi rt
$I'iEqt qGWqri $aftrtq-fift ftftrn r
rtttl ll Rdll
Sloha 28. The person at whose birth the rising
sign wct (Makara) is cccupied by Mars and czr (Kataka
crdr|rtlitr Adh.vrl.
by the Moon becomesa king. Again when Maru, the
$un, and Jupiter occupy iespectively wor (Makara), *l
(Mesha) and iirr (Kumbha),the person born is a krng.
(First hqlf ). c/. qr,r{6.
Oi Ael q q|?itqqrskFWiusqrrf{flfqom,r
ttcr dEIa3flrrytri1 iqrtfabq{rdtgqrt:
onrf{\6qgi qR Krfqd
gs{e{W€ffi g nsil|
qrfl r hrqqqilq.rilTqt{r tt Rq tl
Sloku 29. If the full Moon in conjunction with a
planet other than the lord of the Lagna be aspected by
Venue, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a
king. Again, if Jupiter, Venus and Mars occupy ctrv-
Itn (Vargottamamsa)and malefic planets be
not in
Kendra houses,the personborn uncrerthis yoga becomes
a ruler of men.
c/. €racor
flilti fivuf@t{r: };qftqnr a} grlwgarar
freerqirnGq,fitil,${l-d trfl: qs{ straT:tl
frif{is AAogw qt
orrftt q{{i ftrqRri Er
urr gqrsrgf gtqfiq6; ar( il Qo11
S/oAa SrJ. When all the planers occupy ftTqo
(Seerehodaya) cigna and when the Moon
eao (Kataka) is aspectedby benefic planets,
th" p"i*on
born is a king. Again when the lori of the risiig
s, 31 s$*$rtrq; 401

occupiesthe 9th or the 10th bhava and when the Moon

is in the Lagna, the person born will be a ruler of the
c/. qnrs.€R
qiifrqqFgq{I; RqRI q'tqfiqq aqf qlTng:t
nl.tftiiis{ir* Fo} qq1-qql
qrnd rrrEt{ ffiqfrwr€*q il{rFtq\
oi rrggisiaqt{qfa(<ili q \f,;r;ffuI
q*eiw{t fkirfMtr {rrwq qr},iqqr{
ilTaqqqF( nq RqEiqlqn q'drm?rrn lt tl
Stoka 37. The Sun has traversedthe first hali of
egt (Dhanus),the Moon is just tirerd; Saturn possesied
of much power is in the Lagnaand Mars is in the exal,
tation sign : If this be the planetary position ar a
person's birth, he will grow into sucha mighty king
that his enemies,overwheimed by his fiery valour will
do homage to him from afar, regarding him rvith awe
and giving up all idea of measuringtheir strengthwith
him in battle.
This as well as the two succeeding slokas are from tn<f+&.
cf. gt-drtrf

of g*s}'dtfidqqqolrq rgfr:
c/. Also rm<{Rr
orFt qlqq:d W-alhlie.it: t
{{{Fq: sq: SqlaqFqfa+rq{
qgQrqt q{ wd ;TftTI:$n: I
qftitq nqrrasqlvr.ri n* rr
4ry1 qrtrt$Rqa Adh.vn.

in a quadruped sign. His own as well as his exaltation signs are

quadruped 'l'he
both ones. second half of qgi{ (Dhanus) is also a
quadruped sign and the Sun is stronger there than in the first
sqqqw{d q-qq}rrel q;(r(
gqr&iqqiir hqqrilq drqu t
esoiroRgfir t q qrni\rildrr
€ qEfr;rtrnQrt
qrrfgeiq$r il it ll
Sloku 32. When the lord of the Lagna occupies
an sqszr(Upachaya)placein respectto the Moon, when
the benelic pldnetr occupying Kendra positions are in
beneficNavamsas, and when the malefic planetshave
no strength at all, the person born will be a kirrg equal
in might to Indra (the ruler of the immortals).
sqrfrsdirfrar fi*\ir q{ mftw{fr qq q.frr I
( qtrfrUu{itgaqurlqfiqftru*e*tq{r\ rril rr
SloA,r 3il. If, at the birth of a person, the Sun be
about to go to the exaltationpoint, the Moon be in s&e
(Swakshetra)and Jupiteroccupy oao (Kataka),the person
born will hold sway over a region teeming with many
gemsand precious$tones.
qq frshi rGwq]fi Er
$iF( ftnofqElueiarq n iB fl
Sloka 34. If, at a person'sbirth, the Sun in a Tri,
kona poaition be in the qgH.rur (Moola Trikona) qr
exaltation sign and if the Sun, Venus and N{ercury,
being respectivelyin the 3rd, the 6th and tbe gth bhavas
from the M<.ron,occupy Navamsas belonging to them
El. 86-86 sa*srqrq: 408

severally,they makethe per$on born a king who wilf

guardhia kingdomjust as a cowherdguardshis kine.
The following is the yoga given in qltt+ii for the same effe:l
qfiiqeq:eRfrqrtsfiqrwifrrsrqr:ftrfi1q-{r: I
q-dq uif:c qlrrofrqfhdtnt tt
tffirgqshqTfr fr*i{rs0.-
* q ftg.rrrfufi,'Trttf
dtir t
q rr{FdTrg{i {qftr qr( {{rt
qqqqqofr*!iiptr te tgr n 1\ tl
SloAa 35. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and
Venus be in the 10th bhava occupying friendly Navam,
aasin a sign which is not owned by an enemy and
where they neither becomeinvisible nor depressed,the
persol)born under this yoga develops into a great king
in whose royal progresa,the dust is laiJ by the ruttish
flow exuding from elepharrtscomposinghis train.
This as well as the next four slokasare taken from grn4d.
The yoga menbionedin this stoka is applicable only to persons
born in the royal family.
{qRfdI e1r'qUqrCxir
{+*-* qR wReteil
wffIrqtqfrtqur{qt I lE tl
Slotrr 36. If, at the birth of a person,Mars occupy
in strength the exaltationsign and be aspectedby the
Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, that personthough low,born
will become an illustrious ruler of men, capable of
protecting the whole earth.
404 fiftnftflt Adh. VII

gqiqtwqt e{wil qt w-drt

fiqrt {rnf*r.qitt q{rrifrg"{hrr* iitrsur nlrgtl
Sloha 37. The person at whose birth
Mercury is
in tht: rising sign, Jupiter in the Tth bhava,
the Moon
with unclouded radia'ce in +'a+(Kataka) represe:nting
the 4th bhavaand che planet Venus occupies
the 10th
bhava,this person is destinedto rule the earth
in health
and without any disturbance.
In {{Gwfil*, g{aCtTtqq anri other worl<s, the yoga
is declared
to result from the following combination.
Mercury in Kanya
identical with the Lagna, Jupiter and the
l\{oon in the 7th house
therefrom (d.e.I\[eena),Venus in the lOth (i.e,
Mithuna) and Mars
and Saturn in the 5th (i.e.;n Makara). c/. gasila+.

diqffr'r g) o), q,il lTiurrfhhr

sqtisit fimarq {rql q;qrH}:gt tl
gq: mqrqdmTqri ffuqir n} I
q;i nqli ftrt figart r qrJii
gqlqeilq *'q gqq.d n1f|ryq
+dri gr"{(i{r'iisqiin the text arrpearstherefore
to be an error.

sL 88-42 g8*sscr'{: 408

{qHTo{tgtl srqgtlffirol5stsI
qEirsftgtt qni qnftqqitEqq.ll lc ll
-S/ofa 38. The full lr,{oonpredorninantin strength
is singly capableof making the person born under its
i n f l u e n c ea v i c t o r i o u sk i n g .

t{qr{i Fw{aiiqrdiur(qf}{drI
fiikmrfiq'soq.ll lq tl
sftft EgrrriTrt
Sloha 39. Jupiter occupying the 2nd bhava in
conjunction with Venus at the birth of a person will
makchim a lord of the earth cap,rbleof conqueringall
e n e m ise.
olir *;rtrfir0 qth efqqri{rt
rrrrthonr\ il(i{isft{r qf,rqftrtt Bo tl
Slr,ka 40. The personat whose birth the lord of
the lst bhavais in a Kendra, thc lord of thc ttlth in the
4th, the lord of the 9th bhava in the llth, sucha person
will becomea king and be blessedwith long life.
Gggwratq! e& qofr'frq.rrt
u{ftqfUrir ilcTrtaiqi sqiltqq il Bl tl
S/,,4'.r41. lf Mercury with its rays obscuredby
the Sun occupv its ao?adror(Moola Trikona) and be in
the qer (Swastha) $tate ( ritle Adhyaya 2 S/. 16), the
personborn will b,: a king excellingin his knowledge
of every kind of learning. Other planets similarly
placeddo not produccthis effect.
q.tq.qtrqm t
sltfr gwrftrafr
o*rEtq tqrir qR nqTq t{qr u 81 tl
Slok,t 47. If, at a person'sbirth, the Sun and lv{er,
cury occupy the 4th bhava, Saturn and the Moon, the
ilruTlTrftqe Adh.vrl
10th and Marsthe lst, the personborn will undoubtedly
becomea king
ftt silirrsfrEGtr
sqrqt gt qrd il*sft sf}rfiqft.u Bl tl
Sloka 43. Even a baseborn man becomes a king
if at his birth the Sun occupy in the rising sign lfr€
(Sinha) a Navamsa other tlran what belongsto Venus,
and if Mercury be in *qr tKanya).
qngM {r qqr{frgdrqft r
dttd ge-dirQqTni(rwrrit'qit u BBtl
Sloha 44. If Saturn and Mars be in the l0th, the
5th or the lst bhava and the full Moon be in a sign
owned by Jupiter, the person born is to becomea kinq.
rd Roaftqfrq ffi qqt"qit Sai rfltrrr{|
tt.qr€t qG f,rq{t qrfrsftilsil {rqFqil}{r ft B\ tl
S/oAa 45. The lord of the rising aign occupying a
Kendra in strength securesroyal fortune to the person
bcrn under the yoga. If the lord of the Lagnabe aspect,
ed by a friendly planet, the person concerned even if
low born will either be a king or a higher personage
worshipped and veneratedby kings.
cf , €Klq-di
hoi liorqpr: g€ft{\?ifhiii fir}' r
uwfFqtq *+ rlqfifi( qrqhsrq: rl
TG $Fr€r.r1{
ffi qftmu f
{flr! il eq tl
SloAa .t6. Ir the lord of the rising sign occupying
the exaltation sign aspectthe Moon, the person-bori
s\.41-4s sEc}ssrrq: $

under the yoga cannot but becomea leadingking in the

world subduing millions of his foes by means of hie
armedforcesconsistingof elephanto,tnfantry and cavalry.
cf . srnoJ
oailtqfi: qJi qrq-gqorcan
14g,r( r
qgrlqo(qqeN: qQrfi'{q{ll
or frilq *-qSq'i qolwrfutr
guqrqhdetqrdTflcTrqaEKfll 8e ll
Sloku 47. When the Mobn in full strengthoccu,
pies a Kendra other than the Lagna and is aspectedby
Jupiter and Venus, the personborn will be a king.
See notes on sloka I sultro,

otir t;qqnrt fr{qFtti frat t

qr;qftgi (rqrqr{frfr {i"qft ll 8z ll
\loho 48. When the lord of the rising sign occu-
pying a *-qrna (Kendra bhava) is not depressed,nor
obscuredby the Sun, nor in an inimicalhouse, nor in
conjunction with another planet ; the person born will
be an emperor'
cf . irF{fqFo
qgfQerqdi qE erq) {dgd: fto +.oz*rilsRil t
eTfardqfrilft dqr qq qqqiq q fiqfifrewq. tl
grq;(Rililer! gf,itfiq{qn t
iltr qG {{tqtorgiwqfiffirt ll Bq lt
Sloha 49. If, at the time of a perlon's birth, Jupi-
ter, the Moon and the Sun occupy the 5th, the 3rd and
the fth bhavae,the person born will be a king as rich ac
408 ltiNrfrlte Adh.vrr.
Cf , the latter balf of sloka 12,supra.

ilqW {Fdft{qrst
q€igi q{qi u{tdfi |
s'{ri{t {r Ugt aqqfut
g\qgd'tqftl {srqt ll \o ll
S/oAo 5Ll. Whe n the Sun occupiesin strengththc
rising sign Dhanus; when Mars in conjunction with
the Moon is in the l0th bhava and whcn Venus is in
the l lth or the 12th ; a king comparableto the lord of
the immortalscomes into the world.
tiaqsrRqrf flqr wqqsgqEtfkolt
ilsil iriNitfqei sq€qqqF(al il \l tl
S/oftrl 51. When malefic planets occupythe ,3rd,
the llth and the 6th bhav.rsand the lord of the Lagnais
aspectedby benefic planets; the person born will be a
strong energeticking extolled by all people.
cf snr4dl
orq qnlqqt qfi qnt q;qsFr U{dEr:I
qqfi nErq{fr{r, flq<ZqqFEd:flrg: il

€rt{qt qftrfrqrqrgi
ufr eqlqmqisqqr-s.i
Rqrd\wqt q{tnil
uiq n \R tl
Sloha t2. Mars occupies in stregrgththe
rieing sign Makara, Saturn is in the gth or the lith
bhavaand the Sun in conjunction with the Moon is in
tbe 7th bhava,the person born will be a fickle,minded
-""""""--""-S::: """""""-"",,""""--1'"'
,./ ff<r{6
qtqt aq(ql) qfFqtt
fmd xftgt gftit nia\
Rqrfttqsqt ulgar (q) qo€qril zqfi, qqrqt ll
ur\ gt EIflt (qqq;(qr qif I
qrfr tqgdr rtqt ftqfr qr *ralrriq tt \1 ll
S/oftc 53. If the Moon in conjunction with Saturn
be in the llth, the 4th or the 10th bhava, the person
born, if of a royai family, will becorne a king or a
wealthy man equal in rank to a king.

qrddqqqm cgqfi q;i mrqrat

*-rqr guq{rnqti grrrfiqifrqil qrftr t
qiq ll \? ll
qR q-<rqrii'rsqf,rdl
Sloha 54. If, at a person's birth, the lord of the
Lagna occupy an stTilq(Upachaya) place, the Moon the
9th bhava and the benefic planets occupying benefic
Vargasin Kendra positions have sttength, the person
born will be a king. If Jupiter and the M<;on be in
Vrishabha, and the lord of the rising sign occupying a
dror(Kona) be exempt from the aspect of Saturn and
Mars, the personat whose birth this yoga obtains will
becomea ruler of the earth.
( Lutter half). ct. sl(Fdi
$qftg3'fugSfrs\ sqqfi'qdt
qR qegit olt*t fialqq6 rra:I
tMisifl mR,igtnfr
r*ft g z5' rttfll g$] enrfe$iruefi:
410 crfifcrftrt Adh.vII.

ffi fiqwffi$ffirrfrrftffirr r
qrftfiqflaertguTqlroini a ffi d tt \\ tl
SloAc 55. If, at a person's birth, the Sun be in
Meenaand the Moon in Kataka,the personborn becomes
a king. The planets one and all fail to bestow the royal
fortune when aspectedby inimical or depressedplanete.
EnaqfigHsugwri iiT€es
{grrlruiti Mrrrq iirqq t
{txiflqdigtr \Q tr
Sloha 66. A single planet occupying his highert
exaltationpoint and aspectedby friendly planetsprodu,
ces a king (or a leader of men), Such a planet though
single wilI makethe personimmensely wealthy if lre be
also associatedwith another friendly planet. But when
planeteare in inimical or depression signs, the persons
born under the inauspiciousyoga, are (t) without
wealth, (2) without comfort, (3) without intellect, (4)
sickly, (5) a{flicted with captivity, (6) involved in
murdersand 1?) other equally wicked crimes (succes,
sively as the number of the badly placed planets rise
graduallyfrom 1 to 7).
This sloha is frorn F3rihatJataka. By the word fdz (Uitra)
in fd+qiqtq (It{itrat,ogat), it is natural friendship iis.iq"T€ (Nisarga
maitratva) that is meant and not the dt({Ifu{ (tatlatika).
First half . The interpretation given above is what has been
given by Bhattotpala, and in the face of it appearsas most unlikely.
For, from a reference to Ilrihat Jataka XlX.I, it will be seenthat
the Moon in Taurus aspectedby the Sun, Mars and Mercury pro-
duces no good eflects ; aide alsa XIII-I of the same work.
s|.67 qEgTSt"TTq: +rl
The word gq'q: (Uchchagaha) haS been translated in the text
as "occupying his highest exaltalion point." C/. ern-+rrftsn-
qqrk{ c(dlqisfrg€il e} qR qqrqfr: VII-tt Supra.
May not the word iqa (Ivlitra) in fltse: (Mitradrishtaha) mean
the Sun ?
By the word rgq: (Uchchagaha) Varahamihira appears to
imply Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Mercury and Venus are not
taken into considerationas these can never come in opposition to
be aspectedby the Sun. This yoga is possible in the following
way :-
(l) Mars in Makara and the Sun in Kataka.
Q) Jupiter in Kataka and the Sun in Makara.
(3) Saturnin Tula and the Sun in Mesha.
The Sun thus in opposition to any one of these three planets
i n e x a l t a t i o n t o g e t h e r w i t h a f r i e n d l y p l a n e t n r a k e st h e n a t i v e
wealthy as well besidesa {r (Nripa a king or leader of men). It
is only such rich people that suffer from very longstandingdiseases
s u c ha s d i a b e t e s p , l e u r i s y ,e t c . , ( l , l r i h a t . i a t a k a X
, XIII-Z-9)
qs{@q€q$*E+ tr* r
qris z{ftii(rq gurqnrqtri\rr\s tl
Sloko 57. When Saturn is in the rising sign iden,
tical with Dhanus, Meena, Thula, Mesha, Makara,or
Kumbha, the person born will bc a lord of men, hand,
some, intelligent and wise, and will lead a town or a
(iarga, as already pointed in ll-67 (p:rgc B2) srq)ra, has stated
that Saturn in Thula, l)hanus or l\lleen:r identir:al rvith the Lagna
is capable of producing kingship. :ruthor says thaI Saturn in
Mesha (though his depressi,rn sign) iclentical u'ith the risrng sign
w i l l b e s t o w k i n g s h i p , ( n r a l e f l c i n d e p r c s s i o ni s n o t b a d ) . A s r e g a r d s
Makara, .{til.tl{{q (.lataliabharana) say's:-
qtqiftqfriqdialafigt qqilftrqtqr: r
er{ltrllgddrnrail qei: qt+q,tl
4t2 r|dftTlRqt Adh. VIL
Saturn in Makara is therefore capable of conferring the appearance
of royalty. As for Kumbha, Satyacharya has declared that sign
Kumbha as ascendant is not auspicious, 'Ihe yavanas did not
agree with the above view, but were of opinion that it is only the
Kurnbha f)wadasarrrsas (in all lagnas) that are bad. This view
has been supported bv (Srutakirti) but again opposed by
Vishnugupta iiqSt

tlqr q qiRerGqtGqq6qq"uifR r
bqfio* qrdtqqftar)g:€{r}6sns'll
Also rra+lfr
HiRfteqi gqBrsiqn] qil qdA I
trrrl q rqr gfba: qffirilfi qkgw: tl
O,rqrquqrtiloffqd) q qtre* qqt: t
qlq s{qi onqdFurTfissodr srd ll
qzqlqretrfrqiq qd d.fr{{rreilil0tT{ |

flqF$qfion) q;q;qil,it q aqrq, tt

q $r{eff
. \\
{t{qR ge} q {FrtqTqqil q-{Fat
*qiaqq} q dqrsk rtifiqsqfteqfi fisggs:rr
Varaharnihira, cloes not agree with Satyacharya's views. Nor
does he al)pear to agree with Vi ;hnugupta in thinkin,{ that the
above views of Yavana are incorrect and that it is only the Kum-
bha lagna in a birth that is bad and not the Kumbha dwadasamsa.
For Aquarius as Ascendant is one among the several ascendants
for Rajayogas and leaders of rnen according to Varahamihira.
The acceptance of Kurnbha in the present case seerns there-
fore reasonable.

oi v.qtfqrfraEoirErcqffqu{
u \c tl
sl. 68 g8r{rsEqr|t: 413

Sloka 58. The good influenceof planets is at its

r o a x i m u mt,h r e eq u , r r t e r sh, r l f , a g u t r t e r , a t i t s m i n i r n u m
or nil accordingas th- planetsare in th: exaltationsign,
qorQt'rur (Moolatrikona), sta (Swakshetra), fra&n
(Mitrakshetra friendly sign), rafrz (Satrukshetra =ini,
mical sign), depressionsign or (cJmbustion)conjunction
with the Sun.
I n t h e c a s er . , fb e n e f i c s ,
:= (Ll.h.ha) Ful l eflect
{zie+irq ( \,Ioo1a.t r i kona) .i!

r.+gt (Swakshetra) I' j

fqeq{x(ntitrakshetra) 1.

azta (Satrukshetra.) +
aiq (Neecha)
e 1 d {( A r k a g a . C o r r r b ui so tn ) j
t ,

order should lte reverserl for the nralellcs.
g+ro (Subhaplrala) will inr:rclse if in :,i (li, hcha). -{{qiTl{_
c;4 ( :\subhabhevaphala ) rvill inr.reasc onl5. in qj'{ (Neecha).
B e . e f i c s a r e g o o d i r e x a l t a t i o . , N l a l c f l r : sa r e g o o t l i n d e l r r e s s i o n .
I\falelicsare bad in v*1 (l1c1'.h',1.
proportions given above are rvith respcct to benelrcs. In
t h e c a s e o f r n z r l e f i c sw e r l t u s t r e v e r . s e t h c r : f l e r : t s; e . O . a b e n e f i c
in eraltatio'gi'es'ery g o r r l r . s u 1 t ; ( i . e . f u l l . ) ; i n r l e l ; r e s s i < t .l l l 6
e f l e c t . A r n a l e l l c : i n i ' l - t ( N t , e rh : r ' rr ; r r s t g i v e ' j g o o d e f l e c t a n d i n
ea (Llch,:ha) I /.32good eftect. f'his rvill be founcl to hold sood
for frnance.

qfi' dti q{q(ft( qftr}ur fFqter-

q*i eS dqgqr{'ft
f{*ir rrg}rq r
eirnqrt ftqft r U'i Aq\ f,tqlsfi
q)ffi n*rr€qfA&"dsqlFqlqq fl q II
i \

{tfirFtfttcRt Adh. vll.

ffi sqilqfr'qat eq:qo gelq Rtqrfi t

alqdftg6e,i|ft'rano'trrftiit gftfq: tl
S e ea l s o V I I I ' l 1 6 i n f r a '

n qsrr{gw*rrr; ll
hrrRqcr qfq qil €qurdq-
qrs6rrqrcmrqiqqnqE{i( ll \q ll
Sloha 59. Accordiilg ag Mars, Mercutv, .lupiter'
Venus or Saturn possessingthc greateststrength and oc-
cupying a Kendra is in the qoB+ior (Moolatrikona),
.t-u (S*^kshetra) or srq (Swochcha),will the result'
rra (Bhadra),i'e
ing Rajayogabe namedta+ (Ruchaka),
(Hansa), croac (Malavya) or r{{t (Sasa)the beautiful'
cf tttrl4"i
qi) q qoe+q qfift: elqFqtql qt'
{nls IwFaE"tsafi'}iid'lrct qq t
qtz"ditqn: {ri'ts'lt,f}ii tq*r qqwqlll
Al so al4q,l {il t{
,qif66s rr+rt-eqt\ r+itqiqlsa
fa(ogc;l: t
*,qq iitqr eq+r."qqeQqlpqqTa6q{afiiflil:ll

GrK:{iw+ vorFm+gr'{iutftttofiml
111€1 6gqt I
gwrlt ft mftffi
wnuladtilgql ffi gtql t{rg{Slfrql ll Ro ll
81. 61 qgfr5qnr: 416

Sloha 60 The person born under the auspicious

tao (Ruchaka) yoga will possess physical strengtn,
fotrune, fame and iine qualities. He will have a know'
ledgeof sciences; he will be versedin the sacredhymnc,
the method of praying with themand the art of producing
magicspells, He will becomea king or a king's compeer'
t{e will have a lovely attractive person; he will be
libzral, victorious and wealthy. He will live 70 yearE
in comfort and happiness,commarrdingan army with a
good supply of fleet horses.
ln the following 3 slokas from (I(4o1 the eflect of binh in
the ts;h.{'}qis given in more detall :

{tqle' q;omFn{gdino: Fr{Frqrg{ri-

q'efi+wq: t
{s{qlftsfi{i Rgqeqqq:4qino-6:ssFl:
rr<l qwi Gcgtftnir:qrTI{HsrEqE:
€ilsqHrtrT+r$*ae<1qft {tf,rw*r I
HA€q'i s dq +tti $d'-{qeqq.tt
unfu qsfAsqlErr{tfl{ r
dreTnoEilffg: qqlft tqRtq Q?fi:11
Also $.s-{iftqr.ch. vI-sl. 2.

qtqort aqi,fi rurriqislinlcgi?rhaqd

wi oulfrq{ilittqq'qwqr'qqtffiR ll Et ll
Sloha 67. If, out of thc lords of the 9th, the l lth
and the 2nd bhavas,there be but one that occupies a
Kendra position in respectto the Moon and if Jupiter
be the lord of the 1lth bhava, the person born under
the yc-rgawill becomethe ruler of a full,blown empire.
4t6 qerqtftile Adh.vrl.
I t i s n c t c l e a r w h y t h i s s l o k a i r a s b e e nb r o u g h t i n h e r e . T h e
r e a d i n gi s s l i g h t l y d i f l e r e n t i n n ' . 2 ' r f t d tc l a . .

erirqqiwi+ruqitmisfQ q'qqE*{qff r
€ grolqtfqdi{tiit+usqlq;qqfa-cqift
The following slokas frcm qi,lsrTtiTd describing in detail
t h e y o g a s c a u s e d b y t h e l o r d s o f t h e s e v e r a l h o u s e se a c h o c c u p y i n g
a Kendra position with respect to the J;qo{ will be found to be
useful in this connectron:

sSaiq€qqtq*-qq q;qdfl(
qTdA qg iih: sr{rr}qrfi{qrq:t
qqfi zqfrqqJqrfiqirTqtq: ll
gfhwart ag *;qqft F{ri{aq{dlzq*{gpq: r
qrn] {iqq q\-q1t,it qqrqqTflftrg+rar{tll
Hnrftq:$;qra: +iifi frqcsqlrtqfrdis fit r
Hif;aa: erGqq] fiani g*d*al dqqflrqgr,itl
oetfqq:ft;qrn: +ilfi q.},rrfi{l;I
qa{il;qrqftmqmfiqqfiq\if €g dr qrd:tl
g?tftt ft;qqt q.*q: qlFqq{ITiI 1lu}rr+iirr
qdlsd .iltsfboqreFdrqtr{igr} zqfiqfhq,rr
guqrfqtgoqfiqraErt rarwfb,gr?q qq *l' 1
ulfqq.rg* agurrqgnit a\'qw* qqqrfqgr,tt
{I-qtdit trqt n}*qe}{fi;4: ql.glrf,TqrFtqn: I
qrdi fiRi *(fiq, ieil,ii ,i\qrRm,qqdrqlqftflq' rr
orqTqlt$-qt +rrtg: Fflr qJ,iiqrqt'd:T;rR: I
tflqr$, tfiir q-qg6)S6ara, nq-Sg|qgu, ll
sI. 62-6ff Gtsrttssrq: 417

{rmqrrq} qqqftI qtrlwqlerd

nd rguiqqrd?gorrdlq+rrilfr+r
{ qrs{tfriqilrgifiiigoryrqdiGqqrqlt qRll
Sloha 62. With the faceof thetiger, with the ma'
jestic gait of the elephant, with a broad massivechest,
with lcng brawny rounded arms and of a commanding
stature, the man born under the Bhadra (rrq; yoga will
be a king high'spirited and diligently devoted to the
befriendingof kinsmenand well'wishers. He will reach
the ageof 80 displaying commrnding genius and enjoy'
ing vast fame and extensive wealth.
This slolra is talren 6.o- q1114d' Three nrore slokas from
that work on the sanle yoga are extracted below:

TSTfRSa irrarggi g*qqdldq€lsoFfi Raq fdl{t(: 1

trglti6r15g,qqfrq'F'{dE:gqlill: ||
q HrgelaqrTqqqlT
nrqdfi(qfrgd: flqflHda3lfrwiiqqfi qpt flrgrga: I
€.s{hq{fi{(: ga-na{g}qt{, fFqncqlfrnsEnhut{n:
€it;QT:r{*r{g qnqftuFlElql I
UFqi Rqqarc fqeiqfla*. ft: tl
fifildTqffiftql grtqot E{|ttc *"qEi'
qkrg: g$IIITfi€Gar mq{gaq!gdi I
qoiltffi gor!qtdfffri gurt
qrfrsalfr*ql*ii qg{ ilgFr'{lr{RERll ql ll
Stoha 63. The personwhose good fortune it is to
be born under the teq?rthas these characteristics: He
has ared mouth and a prominent nose; hi6 legs are
418 rrcrc|ft!rt Adh. vtl.
well,formed; he has the voice and the phlegm of the
Bwan; he is fair,linbed; he is blessed with a beautiful
wife; he is himself lovely like the God of love ; he has
every comfort at his ccmmand; he is intent on acqui.
ring a knowledgeof the sacred scriptures; he is acute;
has great merits ; his life is 82 years; he is beneficient
and devotedto virtue.
Tbe following slokas from (rtlsd give more information
about this yoga.

ilr, {tqrq}o{sfrrq}
$er' *uqo, I
tqr ;qisaqrw.e grr0fifr nqrorqt.
Ia6: qrq{'rlgltrght ilr q m ftrt, tt
^ a \ . \ \\

ufreralg rut dg i qfr qqlfii{tqri: I

t"dq qootqfi:
qrfR tnrt wg
Ttqq rrTFsl{rtqlqgiFi1r€lq
qaTaa;t ru\ld ilfr{ u
;iiiaqqi a.{rq{{T€qt
See also q-o(ifcar ch. 6 St. 3.

iqdi gaqRElfiqatqrrqleifrtqfie{|t
sifl aruqriill{;xq<lftFlrqlq(qt(( I
u qB tl

Sloka 61. The person born under the wrsaqqtq

has the gestures,the gracefulbodily $tructure and the
eyes o{ a female; he is handsome, meritorious and
powerlul ; he is blcsscd with children, wife, vehicles
and '* ealth ; he knows the meaningof the sacredecrip,
tureE ; he rs learnecl
: he rs clever in the applicationof
sl. 65 ef,dhlqf{: 119

the three regal powers-energy, capacityand counseli

he is liberal ; he is fondly addictedto other women and
he wili attain to the ageof 77.
cf. strtrdl
q FTfrfr q ftqqqgalftntrr$HFq-
t'i fl1q' flilqftfi€f6ilq: grr;q: I
w iisrlr: sqfAfiq]qrghrTgqrft -
qte",iisqfresfhTq:Hsfii:q{rutT{ tl
q+r 1frqn flnrfi qflrsorfi)."1q mqnatqn ftrdq I
n Uqfhiq orZRHrTr€ilfh;gqqrRqnT1 tl
qfr qr difi irilqoril! tqrqiir s(lft-
qidiqlqr?ak{sTqt qTilrsttforr r
tqdt iiqqruqfuittnrqlfrsitilsfgrfi
mt qni{lruio*rqil E\ tl
Sloha 65. The person born in the nildtrr (Sasayoga)
may be a king, a minister, or a ^,eneralhauntingwoods
and mountains; he is cruel hearted,and would even de,
ceive in his easerpursrritof metallurgy;he is bountiful;
he hrs wrathful eyes;he is spirited;he is lovingly devo.
ted to his moth:r, he is brave; he hasa dark form; he
lives for 70 years. He is a voluptuary and inclined to
play the paramourwith the objectsof his guilty love.
cf. eRHfi
aEQrrnlqqft, wlsi nfrsfnqlitfrErqqn: I
aarflgijgqiig wr' qr,i.qql
qqlarjt qafifqrn\a'grarRf*fi-
qrit.it qqft firnaaa: +He: r
4n rr"r'rlRqt Adh. vII.

dsW: ru-dtJnrTero:gfrif
qs} flrq] *gfixrdt r-q1..1q\fl{ rr
q{nrie{wre€qglTloT,ftfrqqrqR +t qdf q \w r
qqtfhseftflnrfi*tfi nsqqmfld+:fHfrqfr:
*8fr q++:tl
C/. no{ifr+r ch. 6 sloka 4.
qq qiqq qt sili qo{r{ ifawgal t
srfuqlrrrffiilgqE{rrd$'urr{rn qq tl
Sloha 66. [n such planetary conjunctions as ql*'i'r.r
(Adhi.yoga, airie slokas 113 115 infra.) the powerful
planetto which the yoga is due and which has the aspect
on itself of lesspowerful planetswill producethe effect
of the yoga in its (nr (dasa)period.
This is a quotation from q,i€rq. The time when a yoga
takes effect is as describedin this sloka in the case of all yogas
except those which are effectiveall through life and the Rajayogas
where the 4{ri (dasa)and q;dt{t (Antardasa)periodsof^thelord or
the occupant of the Lagna or the l0th bhava will bring about
cf. {{cskrd
il;qof.-q{wr qq€q I
n3f,taqe<rilq{nqi rl
ll rrrfiqTq+rr:ll
qrdhtlqt gt rrftrgdrgrqfbeq.ffir
qt qpfidTrrsrf{uqqr flqr{ftr.qilt
rrr;q{aftf{qqr{Trftilfqdir!fq?iirriq rrQutr
Sloha 67. If Mercury be in the Znd bhavawith
respect to the Sun, if the Moon be in the llth with
sl. 68-69 qafr5tzlrT: 421

respectto Mercury and if Iupiter be in a +fu (Kona)

with referenceto the h.4oon,the yoga is calledBhaskara
(rrrt+t). Thc personborn in the qR.{q'trr(Bhaskarayoga)
is brave,lord like, versed in the interpretation of the
scriptures,handsome,wit[i a rvealth of musical tones,
good at reckoning, resoluteand comperent.
q;(ri}sqrrt $qi qfrgar(a qrfirqq'qr(
Esge! i{tf,t;IlE;T.irqiej q{roil€;ql I
rFlTr(Rr{ql:g{t$gq{tt $irq qr iii0qi
qriii ilrf?frrqroprrhsqqmqrf.qq:
il qc tt
.S/oio ti8. If Mars be in thc 3rd bhava from the
Moon, Slturn in thc Trh frc:n Mars, Venus in the 7th
from Saturn,and Jupit.-r irr thc ?th from Venus, the
yoga is styled Indr,t. fh: pcrson born in this yoga
wili bc cclcbratcdramiable, r.rorthy of r,lyal rank or in
s o m es i m i l a r p o s i t i o n ,e l o q u e n ta n Cp o s s e s sIeo f w e a l t h ,
liverse ornamelrts,fame,bcaut) and prowess

gsq qlurqfiger g{gii: gi {rfi qriilri:

fi;qqmqqnh&Rqnii 'ipit qrda*r t
ft{roUqqfr{ui(it ilrqia(
wql mqiimqgS{d {FilsrIEIdi{Tqlll qq ll
Slofra 69. If Jupitrr occupy a Kona from Venus,
the Mocn the 5th bhavafrom Jupiter, the Sun a Kendra
from the Moon, the rcsulting yoga is termed cedFr
(Maruthyoga),i e. wind yoga The personwho has his
birth in the arg,i'rn(Vayuyoga) wili be eloquent,broad-
br.-asted,big,beliied,conversant with the tcriptures,
thriving, clever in striking bargains,and of royal rank
or in some position approachingthereto.
4m qril5qffi.rIe Adh. VII.

o*6il W*'rfi GqsT
d'hrnnffi q qrwirrfrqf ir gqrqf,iifmt
n0 \ \
ftg I
ilWF TTTHTruqCil gFrrTqtr-q lt s" 11

Sloha 70. When Jupirer is in the Lagna, the

Moon in a Kendrr from Jupiter, Rahu in the gnd bhava
from the Moon, the Sun and Mars in the 3rd bhava from
the same,the resulting yoga is designatedgsirTr (Budha
yoga'). The person born in the gqi^m (Budhayogarhas
the majestvof a king. His strength will be matchless
and his name celebr.rted;he will be conversantwith
the scriptures. He will be skilled in traffic, talented
and without enemies.

onrQftRqtt qfq qr r{(er
*qffi) q{fr qt{€urfrait r
ffiqqsil Aqor{qt n c( tr
Slohn 71. When the Moon occupying the lst or
the 7th bhava is without the benefic aspe.t cf Jupiter
upon it, the result is *rrqc'rirr (Kemadrumayoga) If the
number of dots in the [h..s occupiedby planets(aide
Adhyaya l0) be very d:ficient, theseaswellas all weak
planetsproduce the effect of hcacqlq (Kemadrumayoga).

fad+arEi'qrtat tqntgt t
irrsqiiiteru sl tl
$ahilr gqwdr{rq€a$T
$1.?3-76 €8qlss{rq: 423

rinii gtuureq,qtGat q{a rrnir(qI

qodrntrqtilr}6qEqq(i qiq ll \el ll

SloA,rsiz 73. lf the 2nd. the 12th and both the

houses from the Moon be occupicd by planecsother
than the Sun, the yogasare termed g<nr (Sunapha)wtnt
(Anapha) and gtstr (Dhuradhara) rcspectively. In the
absenceof thesethree yogas,the artrologermay declare
the effectof *qqsr{m (Kemadrumayoga).
cl. .Fo{Tfq-{r
li{'{iFg gqslsnsK{g{r€i( :sit{q
g *ngr: tt
Vide also sloka 83, infro.

wi qqr* qR alqe} qnt{r+qrfi qftaqlrrqI

qii;go{Iih*ri iiqrrqiqmihi qngf (qI <rq ll \eull
5hku 74. When chc Moon in conjunccion with
the Sun occupiesa male{ic Navamsa and is aspectedby
a depressedplauet, the person born experiencesthe
effect of ti.re qftqq'rn(Daridrayoga). The very 6ame
e f f e c tf o l l o w s a l s oi n t h ( ' c n s eo f t h e p e r s o nw h c s e b i r t h
takcsplaceat nighc tim': wlren the 8th bhava from the
waning Moon is eithcr aspcctcdor occupiedby a malefic

iiWsqri(qt{iGt;*qftiqi qrsqfrrtli t
qfr aaqGell \e\ ll
Sloku 75. When the Moon seized by Rahu or
Ketu is aspectedby a malefic planet, the personborn
soon gets into poverty. When the houge representing
424 crf,lFrrrfr.ire Adh. VII.

by a malefic planet, the samee{fec follows. say-the
qt qrntqgiTqwitshqraftqiftmd'r
C<ftqqq r
figin?qdq* gorr.rufg nqTqqFiTtl
Slctka'7(t, When the Moon aspectedby a l-.cnefic
p l a n e tw o r s t e di n p l a n e t a r yf i q h t i s s l i z e db y R a h u o r
Ketu in an cclipsc, the person born is indigent. The
sameis the effect when the Moon occtrniesin the aigrr
Thula the qri (Varga) owned by an ininrical sign and is
a s p e c t ebdy a d e p r e s s c od r i n i m i c a lp l l u . . t
;i +tqi?drqirRq+iqiqri'qrifui
q;ilq"€qftTr;blTtiqii qfifr uiq r
n r!1. \
qqt{ KgqlTq(iq{UQq( qildlsEqr
!\' \ \ .\

tr \e\etl
S l o k u 7 7 . W h e n t h e M o o n o c c u p y i n ga K e n d r a
o r a K o n a i s i n t h e e f l V a r g a ) o f i t s d e p r e s s i o no r
i n i m i c a ls i q n a n d w h e n J u p i t e r i s i n t h e 1 2 t h , t h e ( r t h
or the tirh bhava from tlie Moon, the person born will
b e i n d i g e n t . A g a i n , i f t h e M o r ; n o c c u p y i n ga m a l e f i c
* { r ( A m s a )a n d a s p e c t e b d y a n i n i m i c a l p l a n e tb e i n a
m o v e a b l cs i g n o r i f t h e m ; r l e f i ca m s a o c c u p i e db y t h e
Moon thus aspectedbelongto a moveable sign and if
the Moon h;rvc riot the aspcct of Jupiter u1,.on it, the
p o v e r t y o f t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n t h i s y o g a w i l l b e u n p a r a l ,
q;'i;qEd qrftqraie* aiqdiqrqqaqfiqrft
q*e{{jiErqit rmi,i' qrdrsf'{
*ugnri.rar?tt ue tt
S l o k a 7 8 . I f S a t u r na n d V e n u s o c c u p y i n gt h e V a r ,
gaso[ depressed or inimical malefic planetsbe aspected
sl. 7g-& sg*sqrq: 426

eachby the other or occupy one and the same sign, the
personborn under this yoga, though of a princely family
will experiencethe effectsof hcqq+rrt(Kemadrumayoga).
qi qrqgi g qTqqqtqTqiqr+
{r frftr
'frtin ffitiki rr(qa*qafr.t qi( t
rrrqqnqfiibt €oS diqh*s.t ileTI
q* ftqgi fttrr $rtfr sililaT*qur ll \eqll
Stoha 79. When the Moon in conjunction with a
malefic planet and occupyingat night a malefichouseor
maleficNavamsa, is aspected by the lord of the 10th
bhava and is void of strength, the result is +ffacch
(Kenadrumayoga). Again *h.n the Moon in' the
depressionNavamsais associatedwith a planet in the
eo (Khala) state (aide Adhyaya 2, slohas16-18) and
aspectedby the lord of the 9th bhava, there is the yoga
*cqc (Kemadruma). Thirdly when the Moon is on
the'waneand occupiesthe depressionsign, the person
born at night has to experiencethe effect of *rTrcfrrr

ft{ndt t-aqt Uqjqrqiifht tq qt'taqi.tt
gqftqi in gqq€qir* qtii*i tq qfiaqinrll do ll
Slolc 80. There is no yoga producing poverty
when the Moon or Venus occupyinga Kendra is aspect'
eclby Jupiter. Again when rl," Moon associatedwith
a benefic planet or belwe:entwo benefic planets is
aspectedby Jupiter, the qilari'ru (Daridrayoga) does not
426 q{dtqrRulil Adh. vil.

GfiEi{fqR qfteaqriqdiqrt
xd a* g'{gt Gii gqqri
di+ihifiqqt q qiqiin:ri dq tl
S / o l r r r8 1 . I f t h e M o u n o c c u p y i r r gt h c N a v a m s ao f
a s i g n o f a v e r y f r i e n d l y p l a n e t o r o f i t s e x r r l t a t i o nr r r t r
( R a s i )a n d i s a s p e c t c db y J u p i t e r , t h e p e r s o nb o r n w i l l
bc exempt frorn poverty. Again, wiren tha full Moon
occupiesthc Lagrrain conjunction'with a benefic planet,
or when the Moon occupying thc 1r.lth bhavais in its
exaltationand aspectcdby Jupiter,the personborn will
not be poor-

qit hqrt qrt qfkq uikq .qftrhI

{rwir{il iqqr{f}aait eqrqEriaqtfil cR tl
Slohu 82. )f in any iroroscopc*cEn.frrr(Kerna:lru-
m a y o g ac) o m c si n , t h e R r j a y o g a d
s i s a p p c i rl i k e e l c p h a n t s
o n s e i n ga l i o n .
A Q \ iC-\
T€€li[ $Trfits;tr6tgtgfl q1;s1gq-Q{![{i
g qgrtr hqnqitotwfi t
t'i qtnqise{{IqE'jer,qili iuqi
hfirh'qqqinhsq qqirgffiqf(qr q i tr dRtl
S/o/a,zri-1. When plarrets otlrerthlrr th': Sunoccupy
the 2nd, thc 12th,or both the 2nd and thc l2th houses
from the N{oorr,thc rcsulting3 yo,1as arer,:spcctivciy styl,
ed ganr (Sunapha\, wanr(Anapl-rr) and gtrrr (I)hurudhar;r).
I r i s d e c l a r c db v t h e m a j o r i t yo f a s t r o l o g c r st b a t i n t h c
abscnceof the 3 yog;rsdcfinedabove, there is the *c4c-
drrr (Kemadrumayoga).Rutthereare otherswho wou-ld
sl. g3 qg*sqrq: 427

not allow the *lrecqtrr (Kemadrumayoga)where the *;{

(Kendra) (calculJtedfrom the Lrgna or tira Moon) is
associatedwith a planet. Scme there are who declare
that the 3 yogasganr (Sunapha),uanr (Anapha) and gturrr
(Dhurudhara) are to be reckon:d from the presenceof
planetsother than the Sun in the 4th and the 10rh Ken,
dra from the Moon insteadof f rom rhe 2nd and the l2rh
housesfrom the Moon; and the absenceof any of th:se
3 yogas indicates the presenceof ilcac (Kernadruma).
Another classwould declarethe three |ogm in ref erence
to the.Navamsaoccupiedby the Moon, i.c. f ind the Rrsi
owrring the Navemsa which the lr{oon occupies; if
reckoningfrom this Rasi,thc 2nd or the l2th R;rsi or
both be occupied by planets oth.:r than the Sun, these
three yogasexist. *cec (Kemadrurnr)is the abserrceof
any of these3 yogas. But rhe holdersof theselasr two
viewsn are not recogoised as authorities in the scicnce
of astrology.
l'his and tlre next trvo slol<as are taken frorn grsll"Td.
Nole.--In, the yogas ytropctttn,lc,l lty lhis sl.oku, tlrc Sun is
rtlutoy:; l;.ept ottt ttf consi,,lerrttiott..
(ltirst hqlf ). Thi: authoritics rclied on l;y qrt{tqt?r with
regirrd to this half of tlrc slolil a[)peirr to be {ri(i{t, rll;itr{i{
and {ra!ll{r{€ an<l srrch otlrer n'orlrs, rvlrerc. in the absencc of the
8 yogas Qtiz.) ('1.rq, s;f[t and -.o'1rr), 'L-q4{ is rieclarcd as positive.
cf . r,i< e'i<r.
Bi+RdEg 1r qr qr fFqts'qfFqaqqi(
3iil ,j}{rRfq'Sfiodr: qFRirqqfiq'}:tl
gn$TqrqsrqrEqiEgrg{rsfq qI
tqdq: F€d:ll
x But parasara
has recognisedthe last two views.
428 lrurrcrftlla Adh. vII.
Also qr-qtqq
eriq s€ qrt{ fiat il gftaf}qq:r
erodqqfrQiqrtel-itqr1 n1*+qTFrtl
faR FqgaurrraiRfrqrqqhfrq r
ca fifk qalqt.qlq Wg\efEtt
{-fraqqa:lF} q}qr*raq, FEa:1
(Thir:d guarter), En riit< (Varahamihira)relies on trt(Garga),
for the principle laid down in this qra(pa,ia)of the sloka, who says
that, in the absenceof any of the 3 yogasabove stated,theiqqqqlT
( K e m a d r u m a )w i l l b e n r i t i g a t e do r n u l l i f i e d b y t h e p r e s e n c eo f
any of the five planets lMars, I\fercury, Jupiter Venus and Saturn
i n a K e n d r ao r b y t l r e M o o n ' s a s s o c i a t i o nl v i t h a n y o n e o f t h e m .

The words "*i aTn+isqatlQfa" are also capable of being

interpreted "+t qitm+iqtitli tiqet q{gh" that is, if the Mooo
occupy a Kendra (calculated frorn the Lagna) or be associated
w i t h a p l a n e t ( o n eo f t h e f i v e a b o v e n a n r e d ) . I l u t r h i s h a s t o b e
rejected on the authority of srr€0iiir rvho says c&4 {ri{rqrqsiA:
h.hi sfi-dlagtft-(gassrd{ Ch. VL Slolia l) and on the authority
of sloka 77 supra. The above interpretati 'n is also opposed to
tlie principle laid dorvn by Garga who hzrssaid:
t\ ^ . \
oqqlq{;qqaFqTldnr qrg q {dQ: I
+flrsdlar q:i offrit-qqftsqET
.ilq' *saq] nTrT
dEr€ndr qRa: t
That is, if the 2nd or the l2th house counted from the lvloon
or any of the Iiendras-whether reckonedfrom the Moon or thJ
I-agna-be not be occupied by any one of the five planets, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the resulting yoga is Kema-
druma, &c.
SI. 83 SgrIIStzrq! 429

cl. Also gqr+<

rrqFdgqsnslgtUg qqr;elqi:
*ffirAftn*fiGaq hraq' t
q +,rc+qtqt qrftgt a hegfr
fiu)' ogelrR, nftrqri{+rcq;s\: ll
The correct interpretation of the words therefore are (l) +ti
arq cftad( at eagt Efo - That is, " if one of the Kendras or
the Moon be associatecl with a planet " ("nl' one of the five abovr-'
named) ; ( 2 ) t4;r[io+,rsqat et{'a - " If I(endra be devoid of
the l\{oon or be occupied by a planet " (^ny one of the five above
n a m e d ) . T h i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n w i l l c o r r e s p o n c lw i t h t h e a b o v e q u o t e d
Garga's principle as aiso that of Kalyanavarman who says :

gqsrqsrgtg{I:tf,iq q}'lt qaf}aqfqrRi: t

qqflF\, tfi rqqt--qzrf4$: 11
qt n qil.iiqr: h=aqdqfil:il{i$a I
*rgriisfi+e:{rf{fi q qiqqrr} tt
Iironr the above, it will be seen that, according to Garga
t h o u g h t h e p o s i t i o no f a n y o n e o f t h e f i r ' e p l a n e t s i n a n y o n e o f t h e
l i e n d r a s w i l l a n n u l o r a n n i h i l a t e t h e e f l e c t so f t h e K e r t r a d r u m a -
yoga, it cloesnot produceany of the 3 yogasSunapha, Anapha and

ll'{ote.-The llfoon in a Kenrlra ossociated rcith one of the

fiue ytlanets does not,f estroll the.e.ffect,
ttf the Kenndrunruyoga].

( Ftnrth quarter). flut the Yavanls went further. Sruta'

kirti, one of the Yavanasdeclaredthat the presence of any of the
planets(l) in the 4th house from the Moon is Sunapha (Z) in
t h e l O t h h o u s eA n a p h a a n d ( l ) i n t t r e 4 t h a n d l O t h h o u s e si s D h u -
rudhura. c/.
q;iqgii: gqsrEnqFt:+lfrorsqqr
ftti: t
s{qFqikgn *qqqflfnils-qqrq}r: ll
d80 {rcwrRsri Adb. VII.

Devasarman went still further than Srutakirti and declared

theyogas with refereuce to the Nav4msaof the Nfoon. c/.
qqlfhfli riirig,{{t ffqfi ft'lo: I
frd gugrriitrts'q,rr
tqqq: Fqd:tl
f'lre above tno views, uiz,, Lhoseif Srutakirti and Devasar'
man are not acceptedby Varahamihira or other old astrologers'
B u t K a l y a n n \ / a r m a ns e e m st o a t t a c h s o r n ew e i g h t t o t h e v i e r v so f
Srutakirti' cf , sKt{€i

gnsri{a *;qfi,qt'ifiqif}aq asxq'lrlr:I

q(rg qrilr?ittgfrgwgi+rtnt
fia'qrrftq$Ug o+t tt
But V:trahamihira as also Satyacharya would appear to be
strict followers of Skanda and Prajapathi. c/. eolwm'l
+arei};iiq\:gnst I
ffiqF{ Hrqariiqnt
:rrfi,ft{rgil *rqqW+,i*s;+: tl
And uet
fren t
IiI{ zsil qt-tnqq,fifr5
{ai;&t tt
+qeilsa ,iirits;q,llqlaa nf{n l-r t
P a r l s ; t r : rl r . o r ^ r , t h a t t h e a b s e n c er - ' f p l a n e t si n t h e 2 n < la n d
l 2 t h h o u s c :f,r o r n t l r c X I o , r nc a u s c s K c r r r a d r u r r i a ' c / .

cfiairilifaq gani frriisisr;sft'{-i

fF'iHa :
iQaurut a tQhetr: hq4q:skl{I
iriqlitftf{: F€flI:,3frf}arfr,ri' nm$}Ril: 11
T h e p r e s e n c eo f t h e p l a n e t s i n i h e K e n d r a s , t h e M o o n ' s a s s o -
ciation with any of thet.r.r,the aspect of all the planets over the
5t 83 q8fisqrq: 431

ere Iiemadruma does

not c-rperate. For ParasarasaYS:

rrtuig: t{f,nr} qil qr s?' q)'iitqrTlul:

sitfi I
italg"q rre'il qgsqqcmtt'raq AFahqAi q tt
qHQar:hoqqdgtrui grii .ittrafqhre.,i\seqt
. -c .^ \ ,on
gE Fa € qe FlqQlq$gr gql Hise q lelq{q ll
- ! :--'

\ \ \ . A ^

€q5 q;qqlTlg qq qdTEtffdq( |

nqqsqeu ug: 11
See also the follorving sloka frorn {t(I{dl'

rrqirIQfiqTi{qqH q{: qtd l,
.\ \ \
norgqgu-q qq ifiTTgql?q
qqfi qgqql'I:nli+i\ fqilf{: tt
T h e r e a r e 3 l v a r i e t i e so f S u n a p h a ,3 1 o f A n a p h aa n d 1 8 0 o f
Dhurudhara. c/. gnmr

gnwqs,itqri+frnaqFafi t
olt goi daqqfrsr
Tal<e for exanrple the Sunapha yoga. second hottse from
the l\loon nriry contain one, t w o , t h r c e , f o u r o r a l l the fir'e planets
l o i e . \ T a r s , M e r c u r y , l u p i t e r , V e n u s a n d - S a t u r r t ) . _T h i s w i l l b e i n

5 , 1 0 ,1 0 , 5 a n d I o r 3 l r v a r s - f C + ' b + b + c + c l . S i m i l a r l y
I J ;i l. ;
with tlre Anapha yoga

Norv take the case of a Strnapha yoga where the srcond house
from tht: Moon is occupied by only one planet' In order to make
lhis a Dhurudlttro yog;r tlre l2th house from tlre Moon rnay con-
tain one, trvo, three or f,.,ur planets. This can be in 4f 6+4+l
[C+C+C*C] or 15 ways. So, for one Sunapha yoga where the
2nd house is occupied by one planet, there are l5 varieties of
4gZ qtwrfrcrt Adh.VII.

Dhurudhura yoga possible. Therefore, for the 5 varieties of

Sunaphayoga with I planet in the 2nd house there are 5 x I 5 or 75
varieties of Dhurudhura yoga.
Next, in the case of a Sunaphayoga with 2 planets in the 2nd
house, to make this a Dhurudltqre yaga, the l2th house may
contain ooe, two or three planets. This can be in 3*3J-l
[C+C+C] or 7 ways. Therefore for the l0 such varieties of
Sunaphayoga with 2 planets in the 2nd house, l0 x 7 or 70 varieties
of Dhurudhura yagas are possible. Similarly in the case of a
S u n a p h ay o g a w i t h 3 p l a n e t si n t h e Z n d h o u s ei n o r d e rt o c o n v e r t i t
intoa Dhurudhura yoga, the l2th house may contain one or tvvo
planets. This will be in 2* I or 3 ways. For the l0 such riarie-
ties of Sunaphayoga with 3 planets in the ,nd house,we have
l 0 x 3 o r 3 0 v a r i e t i e so f D h u r u d h u r a .

In the same way, for the 5 varieties of Sunapha yoga wi th 4

planets in the Znd housewe have 5 varieties af Dhururl,huro.

In the case of the Sunaphayoga which has all the 5 planets in

the 2nd house,no Dhurudhuru yoga is possible.

The total number of varieties of Dhurud,hura yoga is thus

7 5 + 7 0 + 3 0 5+: 1 8 0 .
q{qitqilfaq I qfq-{Ri(q} qr
{Efr R gaqrqi qiqaqqdtqiqt
{uuEtrtt s dtoin{ Fqrilstfd-
fiqqgtlgifr ft{atriurqr{ il dB tl
84. The personwho has had his birth in the
g{qlq'lrl (Sunaphayoga)will be a king or his equrl with
oelf,acquiredproperty, and renowned for his wisdcm
and wealth. The man born under the qrqr (Anapha) will
be etrong, healthy, with amiable manners, known to
fame,blessedwith materialcomforts, well,dressed,con,
tented and happy.
51. 86 eqfrsqrq: 433

The prhciple here is that planets in the Znd (from the Moon)
give rise to accumulation of wealth and planets in the l?th (from
the Moon) give rise to enjoyrnent without c:rring for accumulation'
The position of planets is with respect to Rasi positions instead of
cf . gctld(
d A . - a. .\a{ c c

€gnEtndflqcfl1ql{rtaqKgtqitlqilfirr{qqgq" gtr ? I
q16lrq. ll
Zqfigqq{'i qlfid qlfngo qqqfA gnstoltqerEq'
ftqqnleqgilfigih{r: qf\n+tfHtq€qu0i}qq:
fiqoqitega\fiqq<,iTfiqqqi nqiEqqrqq:ll
tRqElrilTtgtnil{ tFftnEila 3
srqli?{fr gtg{r${Ef grIFTlI
*urt ribagsfiq(qiqfttulr
dsqtl q6tq {qilt qqqnnl ll c\ ll
Sl".fta 85. Taking fteely to the joys of life as they
crop up and blessedwith abundanceof wealth and vehi'
cles. the person born under the gtgtr (Dhurudhura)
yogais bounti{uland waited uponby faithful attendants.
But thoseborn under the *q{c (Kemadruma)yoga,though
they may be of a princ*:ly dce, become obecure,miser'
able,given to baseways, peuurious,drudgingas menials
and wickedly inclined.
Personsborn under 5+,3tt(Durudhura) yoga earn (becauseof
planets in the 2nd) and at tlte sarnetime enjoy or spend(becauseof
planets in the l2th). In the case of trrqq (Kemadruma), the
yoga should be predicted only rf, as stated above, there are no pla'
nets in any of the Lagna Kendras or with the Moon in any one
Lagna Kendra.
tr,:-._*^- rrurwf{ile Adh. VII

i'q: so) dtrBrqgfil' qrfiqag,€Fqdgq(r
mrclg€qe'$fi610'*qaqq]zqirqlsR rr
Also utqlq-di
rftn' gfii;qi
q rnoaq$,.qqqqRa,ilq,it.itr
{il ggrqqq,itqq<zrqtq'
Fdf,TFgegqtqqitsReq, tt
iuq: €o, gtooldqta{fi:
*gi qqfi qrftiqrrqlsflrr

|| s.-qrEqagdgrqrirrr:
ffi qr{t gftrqfi:t
wit{ qwfrao-ei
wrftnqqr{qilfr ffffffTrrt gt tt uq tl
S/ofra86, The person at whosc lrirth Mars is in
the Znd bhavafr im the Moon rvill become;r king a'd
in that capacity he will trefiercc, crue!, hypocritical,
stroltg minded,wealthy, v;rliantai:d irritable.
V a r a i r a r n i h i r a t l o t - - s, o t < l i l ] e r e . t i a t c t h c r . 1 1 e r ; t . ft l r e p l a n e t s
b y t h e i r p o s i t i o . s i r r t h e r l r r r lo r i . t l r e I l t r r I r o , . c s o f a r a s t h e
y o g a s n t e n t i t - r n e di u s l o l i l s \ / j . I 0 5 ; r r c c : r - r r r r . e r n e dI. I e a t t r i b u t e s
the efiects to the yrlarrcts clLusi.g the loga without referenceto
t h e i r L r e i n gi n t h e 2 n d o r t l r c I _ l t h h c . r u s c
cf. {{GikTd
scfllFqilqq;1q rQHql-qQlq :
nlq' qg' gqq+ f-rgq:morgt
sl. g7-90 qF{frstqrq:

aft W.$gq-ifrq,i}q,}$rrr
tq{nq{-dfrootrr g{fuEr{|
${dt frcqrqq{f q;nr?rqi St u crgtl
Sl,:.kr 8'1. ('onversantwith vedic orJinances,
arts and rnusic,well.shaped, highly intelligent,of ,gree.
able speechand pious will the p.rron be at
whos" iirrh
Mercury occupiesthc Znd hous. from the ]r4oon.
t{iiqri\sr rytqr{w.gdits{€qf I
ilqgqqrqt q q;qrftvqi gt ff dc tl
S/ofrl 88. The person born in the gml (Sunapha)
with Jupiter in the 2nJ house from the Moon'"*..r,
e\rery branch of knowledge, is prospcrous,
has a good
family, gets into the gooCgraces of his
becomeslordly and famous.
ct-rqqiqrteqdqrqrgRwq I
qgeq-{rdt{rqfil ftfr qo(n$gqi ft aq
Slolo 89. In the gaml($unapha) in
which Venue
occupiesthc Znd housefrom the Moon, the person
will be valiant, mlrried, wc.rlchy,possessed
of agricul,
tural lands,engagedin worlr, with much propert|,
in cattleand horses (<1u,rdrupedland *iit ti,r" in'regal
gurqRr{rtt:tfW qr*R gqhI
ftgonu{il{g qFil€s{i {rfi 1 3o rf
Sloka g-. When Saturn is in ,the
2nd bhava in
respectto the Moon, the personborn
will get the esteem
|Irfcri?{lt0 Adh.vrr.
of all people in towns and villages,and will be wealthy,
talentedand versedin every kind of business.

qrfr Tuil.gdffirfr gsqirsrqgl I
uttl s6961*1 sil il qq tl
Sloka 91. When Mars occupies the 12th house
from the Moon, the personborn will be arrogant,eager
for war, wrathful hold, at the head of a band of
marauders,rescluteand of an alluring presence.
qr.q{teqqgn{qfr{ur Gaqrqt
q{d {rGTr[Fs
qtiFqralqtr gt il ql tl
Sloka 92. When Mercury occupiestbe 12th bha.
va from the Moon, the person born will be capableof
discoursing cleverly on musicand drawing, learned,
eloquent, handsome, of great renown and held in
venerationby kings
gftt vrar{Gri arq ffirqilErrt gt n ql tl
Sloka 93. The personat whose birth
Jupiter is in
the 12th bhavain respecrto the Moon will be highly
honoured by kings, very intelligent, endued *itt
earnestneEs and energy.upright and poasessed
of a great
deal of statusand wealth.
g*frqquq{r qErftqqEqgEif I
lt qB tl
Sloka 94. A charmerof young women, owning
numerous cattleand similar possessions,highly intel,
ligent, rich in money and grain, will the person be at
sI. 96-98 aE*ssqg3 487

whose nativity, Venus is in the l2th bhava from the

f*tr fqetorEr{tm qEnRRd*u
Udaqrtfrgrqt{ry;(q;tqrriqrfttt q\ ll
Sloha 95. When Sarurn occupiesthe l2th bhava
from the Moon, the person born is long armed,merito.
rious, possessed of numerous cattleand similar posse$,
sions : he is a leader and his words carry weight and
are accepted; he is yoked to a bad woman.

ll gautirt: tl
wqi gqruntruq;idrrqnq.qtn qE tt
Bloha 96. person ar whose birrh the Moon
is between Mercury and Mars is untruthful though
possessed of merits,clever but very dt:praved,censcrious
and avaricious,and addicted to unchastewomen paEt
their prime.
q*fi}lTNr rrdrqlfrg{iiearr
q.Ti gqqt{in n qe tl
Slohu 97. When rhe Moon is betwixt Mars and
Jupiter, the personborn will be a renownedindividual,
owing his fortune to his own mighty exertion,but
harassed by foes. The moral tone of his house,hold
would wholly be due to his powerful example.
aqrqruftgrtqt nt Esl ffiwqftwR t
rqrfiftol qfiilffi rl$qt $qgnfrl ll qz ll
Sloha 98. If at a person'sbirth, the Moon be
between Mars and Venus, he will be athletic, handsome,
qrilTqrftcre Adh. VIL

cruel,cheerful,virtuously inclined and wealthy, but

liableto swervefrom morality underthe influenceof
$Piqffi{il *di qqqq ftgtrsiiqlq t
oTwffi]frqrnrt qtqt sqwfi\r n qq tl
Sloka 99. The individual ar whose birth the
Moon is between Mars and Saturn will be addiccedto
vile women, wrathful, rich, treacherous,contending
with numerousenemiesbut unscathedand uncontrite.
qqhqrqrrqk{rr$ wm,frlqsilrf*{il1t
qqrd q ftwtrt qw{t gqqiqq}tlt {oo fl
Sloka 100. When the Moon is rn the rnidstof the
two planetsMercury and Jupiter at a person'sbirth he
will be pious, conversant with the sacred scriptures,
eloquent, facile in compositicn, associated with good
men and of great fame,
rr€rltFrtr!$r;(Ii&qqrqgwr gdt I
{uuf,ffiq* qrq\ :XrtUT'inil l. t tl
Sloha t01. The person ar whose birth the Moon
is betweenMercury and Venus, will be an amateurin
dancingand music, beloved, of agreeable speech,hand-
some,highly intelligent and of a heroic temperament.

tnrrtqtqilsFq] aftRqprmFmrr
Rrtgqnliifr q-i q'ffiqtqt tt t "R tl
Sloho 101. When the Moon isbetweenSaturnand
Mercury, cl'reperson bcrn may have to go from one
country to another ; he will be revered, have moderate
learning and wealth but evince great aversion to his
kith and kin.
sl. 103-106 cFc}surnt: 499

:n$q$(f eturqalfiil fttqf qel t

wrfrsguritr.iq.qt gwni'n tt tol ll
Sloka 103. Acting in a princely fashion,pro$pe'
rous, politic, valiant, celebratedand guilulessin thought
will the person be at whose nativity the Mocn holda a
placebetween Jupiter and Venus.
grd iiaqlQuaGqsqgqil:qa:I
qil nrFeswA qqir rriieiqql'll loB ll
Stoka lO4. The person at whose birth ttre Moon
has got between Saturn and Jupiter will be comfortable;
possessed of humility, knowledgg learning, beauty and
worth; owning much wealth and ol a conciliatory

swqrqgoraqii$rdqaqur I
mt uidqxi ftartii{gitt;(ill t.\ ll
Slohu 105. If at a birth, tlre Moon be between
Venue and Saturn in a gtgrtqin (Dhurudhura yoga), the
pereonborn will be an important pcrsonagein a tribe
weddedto ancient customs and the lord of a band of
worthless females; he will have much wealth and enjoy
royal favour.

dqqfteqqqiqqis q{
iiqii qg-s( I
ns)fr snfirqgqi
eirrs qI iiqgQradgqs
ngnta qqqfh q{Rflan ll loQ ll
Sloha 106. The whole effect of any yoga ouchas
haebeendescribedis invariably realisedby the perEon
born under the yoga, when the yoga'maLing planeto
440 {nifqrTrt! Adh. VII.

occupy their exaltation, their own or friendly housee.

The sameis equally true, say Parasaraand other autho,
rities, when the Navamsasoccupiedby the yoga,making
planetsrelateto their own or friendly houses.

trql qflgdft qr t*gaaarcftqiqR Rlqq6r t

fltqrcTiiqrqfaqlqwt qmq ii'{ qoqrswi: I os
Sloka 107. If the Moon be in conjunctioir with
Rahu or Ketu or if Rahu occupy the llth bhava from
the Moon, or if the planetproducingthe yoga be depres,
sed or obscuredby the Sun's rays, the effect of the yoga
will be mixed to the personhorn therein.
\ V i t h r e g a r d t o t h e M o o n ' s c a p a ci l y o f d < r i n g o o do r e v i l
with referenceto these three yogas,Varaharnihirasays.

s{g'lsgg,iisf6zelf.n.ift aagagdTs;<nrs;liqq.
That is, for persons born in the day tirne, the Moon in any of
the 6rst 6 housesis auspiciousand in any of tlre other C housesis
inauspicious. The rever:;e eflect is to be understood in the case
o f p e r s o n sb o r n i n t h e n i g h t t i r n e .

Skanda and I'rajapati and others also say so with reference to

these yogas. therefore deserve consideration.

il eTer
ffiermrr: tl
karq;qqa]oqrqirrrqrse{R(stt I oc tl
Slofur108. If Jupiter occupying the 6th or the 8th
bhava from the Moon be else.wherethan in the Kendra
in respect to the Lagna, the resulting yoga is termed
r*z (Sakata).
Sl. 100-110 s(*srqrq: 441

Cl. qid-dfq-dr
" frqnetRsttrrRrfrG{tz: *q+ ilfuerr("
But Parasara says
rt oarcdFt {{,e: flq*:
If all the planets be in the lst and the 7th bhavas, the result-
ing yoga is called {+,a (Sakata). Atso s(lEfrR( (Varahamihira) rn
his EqqqfA*(Brihat Jataka) ch. 12, Sl. 3 gives the following defii-
nition of -<r+a(Sakata) identical with Parasara's:
'r Fq€t5 il'fieq."
The {trnaqiq (Sakata yoga) mentioned in sloka 168 infra is
difterent from this. The yoga referred to in tlris sloka is devoid of
its bad effectsif Jupiter, while being in the 6th or the 8th house
from the Moon, is in a J(endrafronr the Lagna'

srft w$ qrai filel dlsedi{tq:I

bflqtsqiliqei q.a[.itqfi&q, il tol tl
Sloha 109. The person born in the r+zd'm (Sakata
ycga) be he of a royal family, becomes indigent and in
consequence of the trouble and f"rtiguefalling to his lot,
he is always distressed and becomesan object of
aversionto the king.
cf , Fd2iiq{r
aRt afifrrqqR;gd:flt gn: gn:ni$n iilrqq.I
neqqqq:rr*)sfiq:di 11
*h qfkq)qfiQt,iq-m'
u srQr ll
wilgrifi.G qlqqrr?
itarqaq,$tf iiqFq llll"ll
Sloka 110. To the personborn under its influence,
aplanet Becurescomtorts if in the crRqrdtTr
442 rrcTc|ftrif Adb. vll.

cattle if in the aigria (()opuramsa);and dominion if in
the fttrscir (Simhasanamsa, uide Adhyaya1, St.45,46).

stti $ilirilrnrrgff] flqrq{r:ffigt Trron{|

G{(il* {gqrTtrrftrmdqR WRq{ n t t t tl
Slokt tt l. A planetthat attainsthe qnrEaart(Para.
vatha Varga) brings to the men born under its auspicee,
learning and renown accompaniedby gre;rtprosperity.
If the planet reach the higber Qa*+wq (Devalokabhaga),
the lucky person coming into the world under the
hrppy yoga comesto possess an army containinga large
numberof cars, horsesand elephants. lf the planet in
power at the time of birth be in the highest trrq(kT
(Iravathamsa),it securesa kingship to the personborn.
These are the effectsof the yogas mentionedin slokas +5-46*
of Adhyaya I and zrretaken from q<iatFtq.

q€qiTfi gr;Tt*n ft dd
{ri{fr fiqqfta-il?*tg'rrfrr
sT€frihftrq q"i qrftimin* qr
Sedtaet fiqqrt qr( g(fi q ft t t1 tl
Sloha llZ. According as the Moon occupies
Kendra, a Panaparaor an Apoklima in respect
to the
Sun, will the moral training, the wealtlr, theinowledge
and the intellectual precisionof the person born,
be tf,e
lowest, middling or irighest. If th; Moon
be in ite
own Navamsaor in thartof a very friendly
planet and
$1.112 tKdssqr{r: 44.3

if it be aspected by Jupiter, rhe person born will be

wealthy, if it be aspectedby Venus, he will be happy-
in both casea without regard to when the birth takee
place-which may be by day as well as by night.
This and the next sloka are taken from Rrihat Jataka.
F r o m t h e e f f e c t sm e n t i o n e d i,t w i l l b e s e e nt h a t t h e M o o n i n
a Kendra from the Sun is bad whether in the conjunction (lst), in
a square(+th or l0th) or in opposition(7th). I{ere Varahamihira
differs from Parasara with regard to giftatz;r (Purnima Chandra).
The Moon situated in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and llth frorn the
S u n i s m i d d l i n g ;5 t h i s a n e g a t i v e t r i n e a n d 9 t h i s a p o s i t i v eo n e .
T h e M o o n s i t u a t e di n t h e 3 r d , 6 t h , 9 t h a n d l 2 t h f r o m t h e
Sun is good in result. Here Parasara also agrees. Cf .

HQarftqda-) +oe*rQqf sfi r

Ft{qEqEfigrftqq{t}gurTfiq tl
eiisftsfrqeiitqrfFqi qrF",ag
vrft r
geql flqi dr qdi lqnqerflan:ll
qrfiftei11qa.q}edr qrcEqFqqT tl
fiarg $td oq'qtill''qqF{q1$alq I
fiqiqet alaifr qlq;iseqqrl n{I: lt
Also qqt,qr

*qR qftaiaqarflqqilai*t;r
: qges"iqqsqFq :I
uqlEfrdtqufaairqficr,ilirqrir ranrqqnrqtl
iqii {Ffr vrfiieenfifi{ft"rirFrfir,{:
dgil]Sfr{,{: n C lat{ e* fiqr iegiTfaiqn
T h c s l c , k a i n t h e t e x t c a r rA l . r , l r e a r t l r r f n l l , , $ i n s t w o i n t e r -
(l) If the birth be in tla1, tinre anri thc N{oon be aspected
by Jupiter, the person becornes rvealtbl'. lf the birth be at night
444 ltrnqtftqrt Adh.vrr.
time and the Moon be aspected by Venus, the person born becomes
happy. If the Moon be in his own Navarnsa and aspected by
Jupiter, the native will be wealthy. If the Moon should be in the
Navamsa of a very friendly planet and aspectedby Venus, then
the person born wiil be happy.
(2) Wtteth"r the birth be at night or day, if the Moon be
aspectedby Jupiter and Venus together, the native is sure to be
rich and happy. The amount of wealth will be in a less degree
if the Moon at birth be in his own or in a friend's Navamsa and
be aspected by Jupiter. In the same qr'aythe happinesswill be
slightly less if at birth the Moon being in his own or in a friend's
Navamsa be aspectedby Venus.
cf, wfl{d
C\ n \ a
(qra.drfqrrdTfq{rfi(; q?qqEqUqgRI
Sql.mlq qq$lgqf+rrqfaqqiq rr
st tr qrrRitqh{fil,irrrFdr
afurqtrftEltftqruffq I
*qrgqTftqnir{qqrq qtil! n ttl tl
S/olu 113. With the benefic planets occupying
the 6th, the 7ch and the 8th houses from the Moon
there results what is called the Moon's aTffi{r (Adhi,
yoga) wherein takes place the birth of a commander
(PoliceSuperintendentor head), a minister or a ruler
(of a district or Province). Those rhat are born in the
Moon's w&e'lrr(Adhiyoga) are ar the height of prosperity
and pleasure, overcometheir foesand live a long life,
being exempt from diseasesand dangers.
The yoga,will be lowered a little in effect if he Sun should
sl. 113 a8*silqr{: 446

be in opposition to the Moon. The efiects described in the third

quarter of the sloka will take place if only two benefics instead of
three as above be in the above places from the Moon, and those
mentioned in the last quarter result if only one benefic is present
in one of the above places from the Moon. The benefic planets
referred to are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Bhattotpala saysthat the interpretation put by some that all
the three places,uiz., 6th, 7th and 8th housesfrom the Moon,
should he occupied each by one of the three to constitute an
entrqirr (Rahiyoga) is not correct, and quotes in support thereof
the following from tdEfifr (Srutakeerti) who recognises 7 sorts of
qflcl.r (Adhiyoga).

ffiq Ti qd q;qglqrqEr U\gmq r

erMq: fl litd dqrgsilwqr ff: 11
The seven sorts are causedaccording as the three benefic pla-
nets occupy one or more of the three houses, 6th, 7th and 8th
places from the Moon. That is, they might occupy (l) all the 3
h o u s e s , 6 t h ,T t h a n d 8 t h ; ( 2 ) 6 t h a n d 7 t h ; ( 3 ) 6 t h a n d 8 t h ; ( 4 )
7th and 8th; (5) 6th only ; (6) 7th only and (7) 8th only. He
also adds
gI( I
qTq:qft\efilf{q<\d}o, rr
Badarayana (nc(tqq) and Parasara are of opinion that accord-
ing as all the beneficplanets happento possesssuperior, medium
or ordinary strenglh, a person born under the yoga will becomea
king, a minister or a commander.
{tftq: nl*qr' qtsd qt ftqqn*qdTqTFIJ:I
qm) zqfrilq)q;{t qrt-qqrq* qTsRtl
qrqfE*+qTd:nF.{:s**afrn' r
mqqtf-fr sr{qrr*: bqas*' gr( |
Also q-s<tfrmr
<rewniffi5ftrilq: I
iar qd WR: enmilqGqK:frqrt {iq*{t qidlt
446 qtofqrR||t Adh. VII.

But {sqMili{ (Kalyanavarman) classes the q;ilk{rq (Chan-

dradhiyoga)with Raja yoga when the planets Mercury, Jupiter
and Venus are not eclipsed nor aspected by malefics. gf. €Rl{dl

qi wwureqfhRrqri|'{fttr: gqsr: g{r:

Twi qR,ii* n qfiar:g3levqn:r
qq qotHonqr-ilq$,
.z*dg,{tqt rr
Mandavya is also of the sameopinion. cf .
s{ftp qrfr* fqqqqqilfircfidi
rlc:RHfr'qrqfle qq+girqfAq
gtiqri*r rrcifafiqrqlaqqtr
TflqTfrtqsEofae'"t qg €{r{. tt
ll oerfuirrrrtl
oqqR{rt€rsqdrg$d qTqqrirr&rt
oqrfffirilT{fr qfuqrnrtrguunRqffieq
n ttB ll
Sloha 114. When beneficplanetsoccupythe 6th,
the 7th and the 8th bhava from the Lagna and are nei.
ther in conjunction with nor aspectedby malefic planets
which are in positions other than the 4th bhava,the
celebratedosrfrrqJil(Lagnadhiyoga)is produced.
This and the next six slokas are f rom Parasara. From the
quotation from Phaladeepilia quoted under the previOussloka, it
will be seenthat Mantreswara recognisesChandradhiyogaand
of. qn+rirr

enfrqlrrif,(qft:gqqfriit{qft il
st, 116-117 .RFTIISInIFT: 447

qodtrrrl t
o{ri\fTt Tgtrrq{iliRqrftCieq
gaqK frqrqF* qtkrrro'i* qrfriqrguniarrqq tl
Sloha 115. The person born in the qnrRrira(Lag,
nadhiyoga)will producemany scientific works, posses$
philosophical training, hold a chief command in the
army, will be unsophisticatedand generous,cnjoying
the eminent advantages which f.rme and fortunc give in
the world.
cl. qaqtitr
srtGqlqqrfrq-ft snqrqfAdilerql r
For the o:rrt?.ilq (I-agnaclhiyoga)th: followirrg efiects are
given in et(fqol-
orTlrqBq{rei q& dlqr:qddghfhnr:
q;{tqusqfd:f*hrftqfi: dqi {qai rfh: r
fl;dtd rTqnrfstrqfifliiqra' 9{rr. *laq,{e tl
Ir rrq+q{tiiTT:tl
*-nffi i+gtr €{rgq *qruqlg{qqqiifrr
et thtd'(gtr qr{rTq
f,rqre{iiriq*qfiaTr(1 ttE tl
S l c h u .1 i 6 . W h e n J u p i r e r o c c u p i e sa k e n d r af r o m
the Moon, the yoga produccd is calledqw.ie(t (()ajake_
sari). Again if the Moon bc aspectedby planets,
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury without being depressed
or obscured by the Sun, thc yoga produced is rrsr+s0
rrffi{'qradqd s;rsFqEr{ |
t*il{t gqffi uqi'{qfit q+{,rr I le tl

Sloka ll7. The person born in ghs Tqffifr{r

(Gajakesariyoga) ie energetic;has much money and
grain; ie inteiligentandmeritoriousand doeswhat will
pleasehis king.
cJ. urnqdcr
tfln q{qilfte q"q*-qq(nfr: I
fiee}frsRtsfr tt
hsfidt qdi qqqq€$arfril 'rtrqr{:I
uaeqrtgfrRf, fiqta tt

il stT€t*rTr ll
qq wqaqt uRrosqffiaI qR q s{iir tqr t
eq Eitfi{qotufr lt}qrg,iltilqfttnuqdq(ll I ld ll
Stoka118.If at the birth of any person,a benefic
planetbe in the 10thhousereckonedfrom the Moon or
ih" Lrgn", the fameof that personwill remainunclouded
in theiountry and his prosperity will be unfailingtill
the end of his life.
oflil qqlr.{rerqqft glTdgi t
ffiqqqor ilq {tffu;qerdl ll ttq ll
Sloha lL9. When the 10th bhava from the rising
sign or the Moon is occupied by a benefic planet, the
yoga is styled uror (Amala - spotless) and the fame of
the pereon born in the yoga lasts' as long as the Moon
and stars endure,
tf. q,-dt-{iq-dt
Ut{€ifrtilfierrefr tt
ru5"fr qanlt{rtilil $lfqafqlt t
qM gq{taqorQqdqqlll tl" ll
st. 121-122 qn*sqrq: 44s

Stofu L}O. The person born in the qcqriirl (Ama'

layoga) is highly reveredby his sovereign, has great
enjoyments,is liberal, kind to his rel-tiveu, benevolent
and worthy.
The effect of birth in an 3{qoT{iq(Amalayoga) is thus describ-
ed in q.oth?fir (Phaladeepika).

tta: qTilTilqal gdqfl:F*lga]dtfiqrt r

gqqqiisfrqqiqrqrid&3 1
ftq.I6g6gqqn{tq qrar
wik ll tRq ll
Sloha 121. If planetsoccupy the l2th, the Znd or
both the bhavas from the Sun, the resulting yogasarc
respectively named tlt lVesi), A,?r(Vesi) and srrqqrt
(Ubryachari). When the pianets concerned occupy
their own, friendly or exaltationsigns, the personsborn
in the resulting yogaswill be on a par with kings in
regard to the vast wealth and comforts they c.rn
il(s g{atsrgqtftq'ii qpqtqdi {kqfr fuarftrI
qr{{i gsn{Tgttr!qlqFqifiiiweti(*ar tt llR ll
S t , t k o1 2 2 . T h e p 3 r s o n b o r n i n a n a u e p i c i o u s
iitrdirr (\resiyoea)is amiable,eloquent,wealthy, intrepid
and triumphant over his foes while the one born in a
aRrirrr(Vesiyoga) with atr ittauspiciousplanet is fond
of bad company, evil'rninded and bereft of riches and
450 {fq6crftil} Adh. VTI

tfr gqrusiligon{Elil
iiqffiqqriiqorar I
qmrFqiqit fiiurrfrtftqdt
urqrgt qwfqfrEdFtlfan( ll 111ll
Stohu 123. The person whose birth takesplacein
a ifu.iirr (Vesiyoga) wich a beneficplanet is intelligent,
liberal,delightingin scientific pursuits, and possessed
of com{ort, wealth, fame and strength ; but the man
born in a iis'irrl (Vesiyoga) with a malefic planet will
be very stupid,afflictedwith lust, delighting in murder,
and ugly,facedand he may haveto go into exile.
drqrF*il{qqfirrqil qiqr
nwl?ergu{ioqtt$ifilt I
qrqrtlhrqqqtqit qrquen
trt ll tqu ll
Sloha 12.1.Those that have their birth in the
srrqq?qt{r (Ubhayachariyoga)produced by benefic pla,
nets are princely individualspossessed ol corresponding
wealth and comforts and beloved for their amiability
and compassiorrate lratrrrc. But those that are born in
the slrqqfi lUbliayachari) with malignant planetsare
w i c k e d ,a f f i i c t e dw i t h d i s r a s c s ,c n g a g e d
i n s , : r v i c ef o r
other pe,:lple aud irr indirgcntcircumstances,
cl. slnati:l
qui6a r
eqqRqiiqattqqqit qtqil qirtt:ll
r=e.'rfifgarariiqrqi ffgr.qi-I Tfiqrt r
3{rq;qrjEaq+;ilqn : errifh'irisfR+ttt
qrqqfafir..ryrfr.i qIfr |
sl. 126 egdtstqrq: 161

qft\,i*Q{u&: s{fuqq; 11
gt+t ilfr q€qT{qtgqFi} q\=a{Ra,sR t
fislesr{tErrft+t wd: qrifqqqhrqrr
Also {rlit(
itinq\Aft' nnr*fiat,
,rriir(qrtciqq?ft ,ilq, rfi, qnri, r
f*&aaqigtq fiqq) fiq qrarzdl
eot m:mtiira €g€qqrifRqJ'ilqq, tr
EIfi qorsrfq{rdltt
qR o* <lraEI i ftr,itw.q€qz,raqJ
qs qmqq fteilqqqitq]qqtFsqq:
qlss< sqqrqqtqftnErqeil qirgqlr: I
;trF!*r:qqorcotsFqdnqtgs:fl€e: REr
ure'l fhrqns: fl{a€Rn{ g(, Fqfd: tl
Also qo-dik+r
ffi -g arlfharrgqqqqhFqrc R'qitrq-
rqnti, ufiq: g\: egrgld el{sflr:F€4I:I
stqrdq'r#fi'gxat w\equlr6{i
aatknlt, g\oq gq'ii q.i,iiq qrqfhi'tt
gg,t grdq'l ieiii gaqrfiq(t
$: n{rine ii{ fAqfiaur6Q, 11

ll eIEgrrffi 11
girrgqrd qfr q-rot gilgiilFfr qEffi(rft{ t
aurqsilnqtf*onq vnrcrdruq'ftsdtq p11q1 1g
Sloha 115.Accordirrg a st h e r i s i n g s i g ni d o c c u p i e d
by benefic or maleficplanets, the yogas producedare
llt;tllfrltt Adh.vrr.
termed gH (Subha) and cglr (Asubha) respectively.
When the 12th and the 2nd bhavaefrom the Lagna are
occupiedby malefic or benefic planete, the yogaEare
called qrqo-dR
(Papakarthari)and *'$t.*d'ft (Soumyakarrha-
ri) respectively.
gq+{rq* ilrqt uqdrugurrF{ilr
nqq],ifr{s{rqt qrqsqiqtrtv{ tf tRqtl
Sloka 126. The peroon born in the grrala (Subha
yoga) is eloquent,handsome,amiable and worthy while
the one born in the wgvfrrr (Asubha yoga) is lustful,
wicked and feeding on what is not his own but

qrqlf\wrqlqibfr r+{ tt tls rr

Sloha 127. The person born in a grroifrqlrr (Subha
karthari yoga) will have superior lustre, wealth and
strength while the one born in a src6'*fi (Papakarthari)
will be criminal, eatingbeggedfood and impure.
In the 3 yogasgrT (Subha), ergrr (Asubha) and cidii (Karthari)
mentioned in slokas 125-127 the Sun and ihe Moon are not
cf. qra-+rir
: ggrr( I
e{gqreq}Eqqg&Fqqat: +{ft HrTrpqldrtl
ggqtfri qtdt qqqR qfiareiit
fieitgrar€: gqqTqlrnFqa:g(rqn: 1
eruqlq]ilqrdl qrqr{tqlry}ftH;f,r{iI
qrlqrgrcqgRqaqqrq\sfifi+,orq : 1,
sl. 128-129 ss*$qrq: +6j

+iifiitt qr\:rGnqil fiqlf}r{rea(:


ll qmq3 11
*sig *-rqfig uqdt*
{ksqqrg{gi qft qier ail( |
on-tryftqR qnqGtnqtft
inifhfr ,rrit q{eqnqiqrn tRd ll
Slolc 128. If benefic planets be in Kendra houses
and if the 6th and the Sth bhavasbe either unoccupied
or occupied by benefic planets, the resulting yoga is
cda (Parvatha). Again, if the lords of the Lagnaahd
the 12th bhav.rsbe in Kendra positions with respectto
eachother and aspectedby friends,there is the c{e*rr
(Parvatha yoga).
cf. q{4
lt{t<T:qT ef;qr $QiEqtqi:t
n qia ftk qorfqtrqiq{tqdtqiqsqtqq}t tr
Also 3rddtail
eqgtofi;nivi gt r
q: +faarqqa]'ir,ils,iqidi arfi tt
qprrrf:in!q+a,ilTrqrfiiiqrRffttds r(ttrt I
qrql qwtq.{kfhirfli'q'iqqtd gFIIqsf qr{ ll lR\ rt
Sloka 129. The person who has his birth in the
c,iafrrr (Parvatha yoga) will be prosperous, engagedin
literary pursuits,Iiberal,libidinous and fond of sporting
with women not his own, full of energy, famous and at
the head of a city.
454 {Rrr\IIFile Adh.vrr.
cf . sril*rtrr
qril\ \ a0^

{qrdl qqql{ rqdhq t

qHg{nq{frf,l?iH adqTagqr;itr1ft:sr( tr
-qh-(u{n\gtrg arrir
oqrft\ {€si qii uruorw( |
qfti g ftoifilt Er
dqq* gt*qfi qR ilr€{r {tq tt li" tl
Sloka 130. If the lords of the 9rh and the 4th bha,
vas be in Kendra positions with respect to eachother
and if the lord of the Lagna have strength, the yoga
produced is 6r€0 (Kahala). If the lord of the 4th
bhava occupying its exaltrtion or its own sign be as,
pectedby or in conjunction with the lord of the lOch
bhavr, the yoga will be suchas the foregoing.

*rqqt il€{t qrdryc*e$dcr I

qr( srEe;Rril llt tr
Slota 131. The personborn in the CIrao,irrr (Kaha,
la yoga) is vigorous, daring, ignorant, possessed of an
army completein its partsand ruling over a few villages.
cf. iln*.o{r
ft=qd}a} r
offl{t{ii qe.qfi,ilrr' qEonfl{: 11
iqqrfaqqnqai qqqrqGfitflqq: r
sitf,tqii qarqlTitult er.+rqt qt: tt
qfesirq (Kahalayoga) and its eflect are thus stated in qo(tqfi.
sl. 132-133 trg*scqfrt: 456

ognftqruqqftftqailfhqruelaelgqfd*qqqeqFq: I
,i)tr' q +,rqoqfi qfia: tr
sfgrotr&,gqfa,qsa, &q.lr,+Eoa}zqrqr I

qR qtta
RqGqtfritqrtr iiuqfhgini
*{itrsqgorqR ilqri{€t rt t 11 tr
Sloka 132. If the 7 planetsbe in ? housesfrom the
Lagna,the personborn in the yoga is a king in command
of many elephantsand horses. If the rror (N1ala-the
wrt-athof planecs)be from the 2nd bhava, the person
b o r t t i n t h i s 2 n d y o g aw i l l b e a k i n g o w n i n g h o a r d so f
'q7calth, dutifully reverenutowards parents, resolute,of
stern aspectand possesscd of eminent virtues.
qrfr qErlirqqdbuni
qqr € uil qiiqq r'irrit
gffirr tegcrrrnw-
q)riiqrrEnqtq{tq:u 111tl
S l o k u 1 3 3 . I f t h e q r f b + t( M a l i k a ) c o m m e n c ef r o m
the 3rd bhava,the personborn in it will be heroic and
wealthy but sickly. If the starting point of the qrfuEr
(Malika) be the 4th L,hava, the personwho has his birth
therein will be a very liberal sovereign enjoying the
good fortune due to his governing many countries.
qfr qriOqrarqft&Erar{r
gTIEn {ifitqt{
qrp qErIEqafiaag<+qm]E{til {}q. I
458 Crurtilftqlt Adh. vII.

qnGq€qrftqrqR qgdqefr .{qR-

rrqrr dlhrqaqtsqqll tls ll
Sloka 134. If the qrfbEr(Malika) begin with the
6th bhrva, the person born in the yoga will be a king
performingsacrificesaccordingto ritual or getting fame
otherwise. If the eret (Mala) be {rom the 6th bhava,
the person taking his birth in the yoga will be needy
but getting wealth and comforts occasionally at some
stages of his life The person born in a wreath of
planetsstartingwith the 7th bhavawill be a king dearly
loved by a large number of wives. If the Sth bhava ba
the'commencement of a ctis*r (Malika),the personwho
comesinto the world under such a planetary conjunc
tion will be a distinguisheC personage,blessedwith
long life but poor and henpecked.
qdiffisr gurfriuFfisil
ilqqt ftus
qqfqrqR q{ilifi6: {qiil{: qcq*: I
orurilqqwatqftqftI u*fuqrqq*
qrfr ft'q'&rdgafii61:
{+{ Wq}r}q rrtl\ ll
Sloia 135. If the mfu{rq}rr (Malika yoga) begin
with the 9th bhava, the person born in it will be
endowedwith all good qualities,will devoutly perform
sacrificerand will be rnighty. When the yoga haa its
inception in the lOth bhava,the personagetaking birth
in it will be engagedin good acts and held in high
eEte€mby the virtuous. If the yoga should proceed
from the llth bhava the personborn will be the lord of
lovely women, princely in birth and prragonsof their
sex and he will be competent to engage in every kind
of activity. lf the qror (Mala) originate in the llth
Sl. 136-13? TlS{lSsmlr 457

bhava,tlrc personwill be lavish in his expenditureand

ll ll
aild s-flfr €g?rdit\h qrnarqqlqs
d.ffit usqRuoi aqrcqiqrqq qTruqr( tltlElt
Stoha 136. If the lord of the Lagna occupying the
exaltationsign and aspectedbv Jupiter be in a Kendra,
the resulting yoga is calledrrw (Chamara). If two bene'
fic planetsbe in the Lagna,the 7th, th': 9th or the 10th
bhava,there will be the yoga crlled Erm (Chamara).
qm€tq (Chamarayoga)is thus diflerentlv stated in qrtrflt{r.

wq& fEqrffq olt dtq,i {t r

uq*q{t ffi q}trarqrnfl+:ll
lf the planets occupying each of the Lagna and the other
bhavas in order be either in conjunction with or aspectedby bene'
fic planets, or the lortls thereof be in beneficpositions, uneclipsed
b y t h e S u n ' s r a y s o r i n t h e i r o w n h o u s e s ,t h e t r t l t e 1 2 r e s u l t i n g
yogasare respectively terrned -rtq( (Chamara), irg (Dh"tu), cni
(saurya), (Jataali), it{ (chathra), ue (Asthra), +,tq(Kama),
qrgr (Aasura), urq (I]hagya), <qrfr (Khvati), crltqtt (Parijata),
and gto (Musala).

ril' *'agirfhiczfq!: grnnirlet:

elqeqirftf+ofiqfildlit: sqt{ilqqr I
fii qrcqTqiilq(cdl frar{ ilql qibcfi{r qdqst
(fur qrtqrrrwffi ql+d ffitfrtrnun{ll tl\e ll
468 qffiscrfrrn Adh. VII.

Sloku 137. The person born in the qrrrtqJrr(Cha,

marayoga) wili be either a philosopher,wise, eloquent
and hcld in high esteem by kings, or a king who being
comprtent by birth &c.,to enter on the study of the
sacred scriptures, has urasteredeverything connected
tberewitli. This personagewiiI live a year a{terthe
t a l eo f 7 0 y e a r si s c o m p l e t e ;d i . e . 7 1 y e a r s .
cJ, .iK+t{{r
qlitsfutqrqt qrfr{taigiaarlgdt r
egtrrrftan:erqfidi qqqKrnn
ll {t$qftq: lt
A\ \ a9 \
il{rrqq i{Ugd rtr( {HiItTTtI
oeftri q q{t?rrqqfr
wrqrfqt qogt g iTqrqqila n t ld tl
Sioia 138. When the lords of the Eth and the 6th
bhavasare in Kendra positions wirh respect to each
other and rvhen the lord of the Lagnais strong, the yoga
ig calledttg (Sankha). Thc srmc yoga is said to e:<ist
when the lord of the Lagna,as well as the lord of the
10th bhava, occupy a moveablc sign and the lord of
9th bhava is strong.
ut qla\ q'rrrrrloiErTtgt
etgrrtlft**r{ grqqqfI
iltr{t;ttqlrurgthqt{rqqt}e{ aiqrwrrq{'iiril llq tt
Slotc 139. The person born in the Sankhayoga
will havea life of enjoyment,be compassionate, blessed
with a wife, sons, wealth and lands, engagedin the
p r a c t i c eo f v i r t u e , w i l l p o s s e s sa k n o w l e d g c o f t h e
oacredscriptures, will be well,conducted,beneficent,
Sl. 140-141 qs*sqrq: 459

end may live 8l years(one year after the tale of eighty

ia completed).
cf. smfli{r
t-.qftfrqqr:sH,figfldqR Gq{: t
q: dlrdq{lflreit ,i}q' qt-aE iRa, tt
ttgq},ilq+ qeJ {rdr {r diflq}sRqI I
t+arqilqgo]sfi zqffd\{ln tt
aq{rr (Sankhayoga)and its efiect are thus stated in qodft+t'

*-q*iqqgfi,iRqIS' tt
{Iqr qFr€,i}} egarafiilqiqsrqfif,d:l!
qr;drqqrar{lg frq{tg
sqrGft{dgdqfr tRrirqrt
fi,T trdr gtgill RT(IolTilt|lr
lTIr}Eiqsgt g afu {r={q.ll t8" ll
S / . 4 r 1 . 1 0 .W h e n t h e r ea r c p l a n e t si n t h e Z n d , t h e
l 2 t h , t i r e l s c a n J t h e ? t h b h a v . r sa n d w h e n t h e l c r d o f
tlre lCtir bhava is strong, the ycga is lffr (Bheri)'
\X/her-rVenr:s and the lord of the lst bhava occupy
K e n d r a p o s i t i o n s i n r e s p t c tt o J r r p i t e ra n d w h e n t h e
lord of the t)th bhava is strong, the eameyoga shouldbe
s a i dt o e x i s t .
qariqfigrcRgdlr{itrfl! |
3rrqRqiigedi{ q€rgq
\itqilnqgsil iigoTltgdtfll ll tgt ll
Sloku t4l, Those that are born iu the lft (Bheri
460 qrilFqft{re Adh.vn.
yoga)are lordly men, of gord birth, long-lived,exempt
from diseasesand danger, poss:ssed of much wealth,
lands,sonsand wives, of greatrenown, enjoying much
happinesson accountof their virtuous lives, eminently
heroic and of grcat experiencein the affrirs of the world.

{6rd t
o{riqt qogfe €ffifrqr
qrq, ll tBl ll
S / . f r a 1 4 2 . l f t h e l o r d o f t h c N a v a m s aw h i c h a
planecin its exaltationoccupiesbc in a Kona or Kendra
position; if the occupant of the Kona or Kendraposi,
tion in qucstionbe in its exaltation or own houseaod
have abundrnceof strengrh and if the lord of the Lagna
be powerful at the sametime; the yoga producedis €Ts
(Mrudanga)and confers on the personborn nobility of
mien and fame suchas it is the good fortune of sove,
r e i g n st o l r a v e .
ilt,rt st.rt qG sqftti {Fqqdgtq I
*qrqfrq: Uqqgffii qtr];R! {rfitrir Tqrosutultl
S/oArr143. When thc lord of the Tth bhava is in
the ltlth bhavaand when the lord of the 10rh is in rhe
exaltationsi n and also in conjunctionwith the lord of
the 9th, the auspiciousy,ogacalled "frqrq(Srinatha lord
of Fcrrtur.e)is produced. personborn therein will
be like Indra, the king of the celestials.
sl. 144-146 sglrsqtq: 461

But seeq-€dfr{t
e,firfi ,{fiqlFstt€lfitl: trrqRdq rfatnr,
elqqaigee{rgqq11; ff5o-5frtt q}a t
€tfr qrt gtfrft qrgftgoi\qruqqr :
dqsffi+ qgai(n: Hcgr(Rlfiqd:
dei qqafqfrsfrgxtr:
.irqrrnqtetr gil{i {qlft\ ff[t
*F(e frFnrqhftq.rutsftritqilhi t
q;ffi*rurqtgr'flgfr fr.qffiil o*
ort qrqfr i{qfurq gqFr;dnild{$rll tue ll
Sloha 144. When the lord of the 10th hhava is in
tlre 5th, when Mercury is in a Kendra ; when the Sun
is in its own sign and exceedinglypowerful ; when
Jupiter is in a Kona in respect to the Mocn and when
Mars occupiesa Trikona position with regardto Mer'
cury; the resultingyoga is callednrrqr(Sarada).When
Iupiter is in the t lth bhrva from Mercury and other
conditions metttiottedbefore obtain, the sameyoga is
saidto exist.
qti?rr Wq*$fE{fr'r I
ftqTffiflfutoe trqorar
crrili eqliftrdruft urrqrrettt t8\ ll
Sloka 143. Those that are born in the mrqrfrrt
(Saradayoga) take particular care of their wi'ree, their
462 ctf,iqtR'rfld Adh. vII.

!ons, their relatives,their personalappearanceand their

virtues; they are in favor with their sovereignsi they
show revereilceto their preceptors, an I Gods ;
they take delight in literary pursuics and have a good
dealof amiability, religious meric and strengthi they
are attentiveto their duties in this world.

ardrrmqri qet qE€giI
qgqd,rrt qrt frqlst IR<I{f,6fll qBEll
S l o k a 1 4 6 .W h e n a m a l e f i cp l a o e t i s i n t h e 9 t h
bhava from the Lagna,when the 5th bhava is occupred
by beneficas welt as malefic planets, and when the
egce (Chathurasra)i.c, the 4th, or the 8th bhava from
the Lagnahasa malefic planet, the yoqa is termed rtiel
i6'ro{s Wunft;gdor*IlEo$q{R
qrfti{qraqqiq qiqqirr{T!ffi3ll lue ll
Sloha 147. The personborn in the qit'{ (Mathsya)
yoga will be an astrologer: he will be very compas'
s i o n a t e; h e w i l l h a v e v i r t u e , i n t e l l i g e n c e ,s t r e n g t h ,
b e a u t y ,f a m e ,l e a r n i n ga n d r e l i g i o u sm c r i r ,
sarr$Titgigfrrqr:essfizt{rsdtqril |
itr'rq{qr qft t&frrrrllqBcll
S l - t a 1 a S . I f t l : e b e n eifc a m o n g t h e p l a n e t sb e i n
t h e ? t h , t h e : t h a n d t h e 6 t h b h a v a s a n d t h e m a l e l i ci r r
t h e 3 r d ,t h e 1 l t h a n d t h e l s t b h a v a s ; a n d i f t h e A m s a s
or Rasisoccupiedby the planetsbe invariably those oi
sl. 149-l5r €Eqrss{rr{t: 46tf

their own, exaltationor their friends,the yoga produced

is termed qi lKurma).
fi<"qnffi$fi rmq'rnrt qqtf{ur rTFrIIqqqFrsI
qhr grqtErllq$rrfirftqigfr qninrqftl {r tt lBq ll
Sloha 149. The person boru in the qific (Kurma
yoga)will have wide fame, royal luxuries, and will be
eminently virtuous, the quality of goodnessgiit (Satva)
predominatingin his nature ; he will be staid,comfort,
able,and disposed to befriend other people by putting
in a kind word on their behalf with the sovereignor
he may even be that oovereign.

qp+t qqqrr& q*t ilq{ffirt I
olt *-.n** RtReru l\" tl
Sloha 150. When the lords ol the 9th and the Znd
bhavasare respectively in the 2nd and the 9th bhavac
and when the lord of the lst bhava is in a Kendra or a
Kona, the yoga called wg (Khadga.)is produced.
iqrtt{ rqfi ft*orrqatqgfr -
glilnrqqu{i{gtqr$ilr t
frftutrq ft-dqidqilgwqts
Gr l qEFqSeqtgrrorrE(ilr l q\q tl
S l o k u l 5 l . M e n b o r n i n t h e t q s { l K h a d g a )y o g a
devotethemselvesto the study of the Vedas,the Science
o f p o l i t y a n d a l l t r a d i t i o n s ,t o t h e a s c e r t a i n m e ror fr t h e
t r u t h s c o n t a i n e dt h c r e i na s w e l l a s t h e i r a p p l i c . r t i o n
practice, and to the maintenance of their ratrk,power,
dignity and happinees. They are free from envy or
1A ctf,tqrnqte Adh. vil.

n tht" too'"*"
prowess; they are cleverand gratefully rememberthe
kindnesseedoneto them.
F-flt!fl:is another reading in the fourth quarter of the sloka;
wbich means their orders are readily obeyed.

ll alqfi+qr ll
t-Kqaftfiurt qpi't qdrqt t
q.€rdq oqqtfrq{dRerll t\Rll
Stoka 152. When the lord of the 9th bhava is in a
Kendra identical with the planec'sMoolatrikona and
when the lord of the Lagna occupieothe exaltation sign
and is poeseseedof abundant strength, the resulting
yoga is declaredto be oqCl'ih (Lakshmi yoga).
gqrffi qgiqqrfrflqntffifttatwf I
mltr,etqrur* wdffi qgqngrs n t\l tl
Sloka 153. The pcrson born in the qqc?sirl(Laksh'
mi yoga will be a king of kings amiable for his many
virtueE,ruling over many lands,widely krtown for his
learning, lovely as cupid, bowed to by kings from the
farthest regions of the earth and having numerous wives
and sons.
This yoga and its effect is thus described in qiriifQ-{I'
€q+i qG arq+oafigiiqrrqtgtgtil w'qrrq: I
frei qqq{ifdqTqftdqlffi'ft'Efr
tqd F{i;ft( g{,flfr qilffiqmErsrr: I
elqrq-q{i} q0qfr{i} qKTq atdtrn: P
sl. 154-166 cS*sglc: {05
cf. qrrarttr
qrqJq{t};} rrruartgtftt r
CInfrtqordq eqfifr{ $Ra: rr
q.iinqntgli ,rrrt afut Uqqtr
sqqt qdlwt er{iq}qqfrfic:tt
It SgqQPr 11
ftrcdilu,fr*t ii*aFd sffi r
irt Afts{ sg{ruiq rrt\B tl
Sloka 154. When Venus occupiesa Kendra rcpte.
eentedby an immoveable sign, and the Moon in a
Trikona position is other than beneficand when Saturn
holds a place in the 10th bhava, the resulting yoga io
g,gu (Kusuma).

ERr qdqucfifftrqfiEririiqt qU.incqNn{f€'{n

o'i* qarutftfs<t!
mrqlarri ruqt ugqigqrafq t\\
Sloha 155. The person born in tbe gge*rr (Kusu,
ma yoga)will be a powerful sovereignof wide celebrity
in the world, foremost 3mong kingc who trace their
deecent from illustrious royal houses,of great enjoy-
ments, bowed to by rulers of the earth and bourtifully
bertowing gifts.
RoqarEiUilufrratqqrtr{iilft ilfirtTEr t
qRan(qgs{ir{r qq qrRqtilrt\t
Sloha 156. Find first tLe zodiacalsignoccupiedby
the lord of the Lagna; ascerrainnext in what Rasi the
lord of the zodiacal sign firot found is. If the iord of
rtcrt5qrft.|e Adh.vlr.

the 2nd Rasi thus ascertainedor the lord of the Navarn,

sa occupiedby the lord. of the secondly found Rasi be
in a Kendra or Trikona or in its exaltation, the yoga
produced is crftqra (Parijatha).
qqr.atfrqr fl{ftqroqd gqfr* Er{0r{rtigifi!
qqrgfr.ililr qrqiA qrRq|nru q\s ll
Sloha 757. ilhe personwhose birth is in thecdiqra
du (Parijatha yoga) will be a sovereign destinedto be
hrppy in the middle and latter portion of hie life, res.
pected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war,
posoeesing elephantsand horees, attentive to his duty
and engagements and of a compassionate disposition.

iadq qeqfi gqgrstiq( |
\\ \ c \ \
q* qdqi qrqlEfrqr w( ( sorfdfn ll t\c tl
Sloka l5li. When Jupiter occupying the 2nd or
the 5th bhava is aspcctedby or in conjunction with
Mercury andVcnus or is in a house owned by (either
of) them,the yoga is calledqrsrfrFr(Kalanidihi).

un'i qorftiqqql ggurT{\ffiI

\ nn
{FII$ HqEi{l{uldl
qrgrrf:qdr il l\q tl
Slohu 169. The perscn born in the aorfriq<ia (Ka,
l a n i d h i y c g a ) w i l l b e g a l l a n t .a m i a b l e{ o r h i s m a n y
virturs, waited upcn and loyally greetedby many great
k i n g s . H i s r e t i r , u c r v i l l c o n s i s t o f a n a r m y ,h o r s e s ,
s t I O n gc l c p h a n t sc,c , n c hd, r u m a n d o t h e r i n s t r u m e n t so f
st. 160-162 (cfrsqrq: 467

martialmusic: he will be exemptfrom diseaaes,

and foesof everykind.

+-ilft fkniiaftdri tnqil'*i t

qtoi sil wq qlftsqqrilRsnr
n tQo ll
S/ofro 160. If Venus and Jupiter be in Kendras
and if Saturn in exaltrtion occupies also a Kendra and
if the rising sign at the time of birth be a moveableone,
the resulting yoga is called "r€KilGn (Avatharaja).
goqrslsmitiqrii$uHr i[tIIRTi['t6rord itarcm t
til;ct\ iq{rrqritsniqrditrqatrqts{nEilllt tqt'll
Stoka 16l. The person born in the 3fu1q61qqtr
(Amsavatharayoga) will have the majesty of a king;
he will be of good reputation; he will go to holy
shrines; he will be conversantwith fine arts; he will
be devotedto gallantry; he will shapethe characterof
the agein which he lives; he will be void of passion.
He will be acquaintedwith the Vedanta Philosophy
and qualifiedby birth to study and interpret the eacred
iiitrqqft i$Fqqinnm{ flrqqalI
qftqrrgt+qrrrR;trqpql qf ql6qq;fl-(rlstls I
r whsfrsrtqr
fiwnr gilei€fiaw{raqqirn {h n tqR tl
Sloka 162. The following are the three yogascalled
altarqa (Harihar,rbrahma) by the ancients. The first
408 .IiT|tft|tt Adb. VII.

ftTreu ( Hariharabrahma ) yoga is produced wheh

the benefic planetsare in the 2nd, the lZth and the gth
bhavas in respect to the lord of the 2nd bhava. The
2nd yoga exists when Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury
are in the 4th, the 9th and the 8th bhavas with reference
to the lord of the ?th blrava; the 3rd yoga is present
when the Sun, Venus and Mars occupy the 4th, the
10th aod the llth from the l,rrd of the Lagna.

frfroft rrqfrqrqnq
aftatPqiq*rr n tql tl
Sloha 163. The person who has his birth in the
rttrru (Hariharabrahma) yoga will be thoroughly
conversantwith the entire body of sacredlore, truthful
in his speech, possessed of every comfort, of pleasing
addresa,gallant,victorious over his foes, beneficentto
every living creature and virtuous.

ll ;ilrffitffipr: tl

Tgr*il{ frfrqraitf{ufutgr il tQsrr

Sloka 164. There are 20 yogas named after the
different figures they represent and coming under the
generaldesignationof qrAf*qtu (Akriti yoga). They are
(1) qF (Yupa), a sacrificial posr; (2) qg (Ishu), ao arrow ;
(3) nft (Sakti), ia spear; (a) qc (Yava), a barleycrrn
sL 165 qgdtsqrq: $e
(5) qss (Danda),a stick ; (6) rE (Gada),a mece; (?) egt
(Samudra),the sea; (8) oz (Chathrat, an umbrella; (9)
q*=ir (Ardhachandra),a half Moon ; ( t0) te (Sakata),
a waggon: (11)wgr (Ambuia),a lotus; (12) cftt (Pak,
shin),a bird; (13)ii lNau),a bcri; (t4) ar Chakra,a
wheel; (15) +s (Vajra), Indra's weapon, thunderbolt
shapedlike the letter X ; ( t6) as (Hala),a plough; ( t7)
+r$o (Karmuka),a bow ; (18) q: (Kuta), a trap (for
catching deer); (19) arfi (Vapee), a well ; and (20)
(Sringataka),a placewhere4 roadsmeet.
The Nabhasa(heavenly)y )gas are said to consist of 4 divi-
sions,ardz.(i) g{r$fi,ir.il:(.qtriti yoga) which has 20 sub-divisions;
(ii) eeqrfirn:(Sankhyayoga)which has 7 sub-divisions;(ili) ertarqq}rt:
(Asrayayoga) having 3 sub-divisions and {lv)to,iii (Data yoga)
having only 2 sub-divisions-Total 32 in a71.

Yavanacharya is said to recognise 1800 varieties of these

Nabhasayogas,which, when properly analysed,will be found to
have been included in the above 32.

ln this sloka mere namesof the 20 qrz;fi (elriti) yogas have

been mentioned, while the yogas themselveshave been described
in detail in slokas 168-172.
HI{iFrSra qo'nrr{qiq+dr{|
qturrflq mf\mE(qrr{rTrdr-
fl lE\ ll
S/ofra 165. tsg (Rajju, a ropel, ro (Nala, a reed),
and geo (Musala, a pestle)are the names of the three
wtxl (Asraya) yogas (named from the general charac,
teristic of the signs which the 7 planets occupy): eo
(Srak a wreath), lftfir{ (Bhogin, a snake)are the two {q
170 |lUr\|ftil* Adb"vlr.

@ala) yogaE(q€-Dala meansone of the two halves into

which a bamboo or a like substanceis split): *qr (Vee,
na, a harp), E{qtq (Varadama,a good string), vnr (Pasa
a noose), *m (Kedara a field), qo (Sula, a pike), g.r
(Yuga, a yoke) and riio (Gola, a globe) are declrred to
be the seven tcqr (Sankhya) yogas so nrm:d from the
number of housesin which the ? plaoetsare group:d.
The names of the 7 Sankhya yogas, the 3 Asraya yogas and
the 2 DaIa yogas have been mentionedin this sloka.

qiqq t
Eug*{daoqril {rcTtt{r{q.nrsrrK
**t qE(fr4*eflq{{fi ni\fi qrrrrtqn tqq tl
Sloka 166 rq (R.ajju), II€a' (Musala) and i-o,(Nah)
are the three wx+ (Asraya) yogas declared to arise by
Satyacharyawhen the planets are exclusively in the
moveable,the immoveable and tlie dual signs respec,
tively. eq (Srak,t and qt (Sarpa) are the two Ts (Dala)
yogasmentioned by wrnt (Parasara) due to the Kendras
being exclusively occupied by benefic and malefic
planetsrespectively (the Moon being left out o[ account.
benefic and malefic planets are three each).
This and the next eleven slokas have been taken from gqsqrtrd
sTt{cfrfi: (Asraya yogas) 3.
(l) sg(Rajiu). All planets should be in qr (Chara_
m.veable) signs. Planets posited in cardinal signs will make the
native ambitious by prcceeding to foreign places in search of
Dame, fame, wealth, etc.
(2) geo (Musala). All planets should be in fb< (Stthira_
immoveable) signs. The native will be of fixed determination,
good status, etc.
sl. 166 gsfrsqrq: 4ll

i3) rc (Nata). Al1 planets should be in slrq (Ubhaya-

dual) signs. The native will be dejected, depressedand disap-
{oftfr (Dala yogas) 2.
(l)tt{ (Srak). Al1 beneficsshould be in Kendras.
Q) sd (Sarpa). A1l malefics should be in Kendras.
Satyacharya has described the three qrr{q (Asraya) and the
two ei-o(nata) yogas thus :

sd q\g ilfitg qil fFcrdr

,ilrrrrq a rEq r
e{qqfqqq RnnfiauqrflT?igssll
d frrtg ffirg qErfuil U{rorqa frq{ r
wqFf fiqft{IqT giilnrrTqrflilrqT{ ll
finfts qoqfr*.il ahrfifitntoar{rr
frgqrqi geqrqiqqnqqq)fiqiqqfr tl
qrufiftit't iE, frqwfiri<{ s.'uq,I
Gn{k{tqJ'ir aenfigfifqtfqe:rr
From the words gfrlufqe: (Munibhiruddishtaha)in the above
quotation, it will be seen that Satyacharya was not the original
discovererof the yoga, but the earlier sages.
Some commentators are of opinion that the 3 et{q (Asraya)
yogas{Fg (najju), gso (Musala) and qo (Nala) are causedwhen
the planets occupy all the four of the moveable, immoveable or
dual signs respectively. But this view is gpposed by Garga who
says ;

qd e} qrxq:ni utior qil Q: r

qr+rrcqrrgi:frwwr{1qi( tt
(flfict 6-+d"nt is another reading,)

Beqr* qort'rFgqfr{i qft+tRa:tt

172 filrqrn:|d Adh.vu.

Regarding the two 4o (oala) yogas w{ (Srak) and q{ (Sar'

pa), the commentator adds that srak yoga is caused if tbe benefic
planets occupy three of the four Kendras while there are no
malefic planets in any of the Kendra places; and that when
malefic planets occupy three of the Kendras while there are no
benefic planets in any of the Kendra houses, the yoga is known as
s,t (Sarpa), and that the Nloon should be left out of consideration
and not classed as benefic or malefic. He also quotes in support
tbereof the following two quotations: viz',
(l) Garsa
fi€I ad;fiqfrfragi:ll
"(2) Badarayana

k"i"qqr\ ffioffi$, t-qHflr\' {qqf:ir {rerq.I

* sfq* qsret}tl
The a-o Dala yogas are thus described in A-Erqf<H€Kr.
t-qat fr'qeifd ITioIq€qR"qivnqrqq: €{tl I
qqg qhGnri qqre{ gdt+ftqqfAqrfiiifR u
The commentator adds that these two yogashave been men-
tioned not only by Parasara but also by others and quotes the
following fronr qiQrq (Manittha).

*-qaq.tt'w\: ffi1 qenfiil r

* fi,tl s{qrcK.qlqfitiesoq+
qFu qwi4r{q-913wrr
qEFstqqoswilosrqr I
hriqtr frffid Eor(""il-
fiergr'tr sq{sdfr rrtE'stl
Sloha Io7. According to some astrologers, the
Asraya yogasare the same as the qq (Yava , *ro (Ka'
mala), es (Varja), nfr{ (Pakshin), ri}c+ (Golaka), and
'il. 167 gtlqrs€4rq: 473

otbers* of the srrafr( Akriti ) and cear ( Sankhya)

yogasI and the two go iDala) yogas are only similar to
the yogascaused by the plancts restricting themselves
to Kendrasand consequentlyhave the same effects as
have already been described for these. Tbat is why
theseyogasand thcir effects have not been separately
Varahamihira has explained in this slolia the reason why some
of the astrologers (meaning thereby the Yavanas) have omitted to
treat in their works separately of the 3 qtqq (Asraya) and the 2
es (Dala) yosas.
It will be seen that the three eTtrfq (Asra1,a)and the two 40
(Oata) yogas some times (but not always) happen to be identical
with some of the 3{EiA (Akriti) and the q<qr (Sankhya) yogas.
The cardinal signs where planets are posited need not necessarily
v<i angular at the same time in any horoscope.
For instance, suppose all the plarets in a certain horoscoDe
happen to be in \q (Mesha) and {z{ (Kataka}. As these two signs
are moveable ones, the yoga caused is fs{ {Itajju) and will be
indentical llith rr{t (Gada) if the I-agna happens to be either\q
(Mesha) or
"riZ;[ (Kataka). l]ut if any other rtrii (Rasi] (other
than {q-Mesha or Eaq-Kataka) be the l-agna, and all the planets
are as described in the above, there is no {{t (Gada) yoga tbough
it may still be called 1;g (Rajju).

Again, if :r1l the planets be in tc (Mesha) and got (Tula)

and if oue of these llasis be the Lagna, then too the yoga is (;g
(lt.jju) since botlr the sigrr:; arc rrro'eable ones. As
tq f I\Iesha)
and d-ot (Tula) happen to be the lst and 7th houses and all the
planets are said to be in these 2 houses, the yoga is
{ISz Sakata..
Suppose all the planets to occupy +t{t- (Kanya) and qriq
(Meena), two of the dual signs; the yoga is ;ro (Nala).
If one of
* r;a1(Gada),
{r+z (sakata) among the qlafr (Akriti) yogas
and gn (Yuga), 1Xo (Sula) and httt (Kedara) arnong the R(.{t
(Sankhya) yogas.
474 qRnSqn'iqri? Adh. VII.

these two Rasis be also the Lagna, the yoga is known both as

ar+a (Sakata) and ao (Nala). Rut if iiga {uithuna) or {3q

(Dhanus) be the Lagna, it will be both qiqq (Pakshin) and c-ct
(Nala). If any other Rasi be the l.agna, it will only be a a-oa-4'm
(Nala yoga). Examples iike these can be nrultiplied'

The question now arises as to why then Varahamihira makes

(Asraya) and 4o lDala) yogas in
special mention of these 3{It{-q
his work. The ar,swer is, al I the possible irrstances of these
(Akfllthr) ar,d (-rcqt Sanl<hya)
yogas are not included in the 3{t5f}
yogas. The qlfi lAsraya) and {o.Dala) yogas may be these and
deemed it
may not be these. It is therefore that the author has
fit to treat them seParatelY'
Again, it is said of the two 4a (Daia) yogas that other authors
planets occupying
have described the eflects of benefic and nralefic
t h e K e n d r a s a n < la s t h e s e a r e a l s o t h e e f l e c t s o f t h e t w o { o
yogas, they have omrtted to treat of them separately' Varahami'
hira treats of these separately in order to make it known that
two are nli{q ( N a b h a s r t ) y o g a s a n c l a s s u c h t h e i r e f l e c t s a r e f elt

throughout life, and not like t h c o t h e r y o g a s w h o s e e f l e c t s a re

felt only during therr Dasa or ,\ntardasa l'eriod and not after-
wards. cf ,
q{i fqqRnt,i}m:nrii q.tfiq alqgl
firnqoa^tfa;elafr Rc<qill€fE ll
Also sttEdl
flr,olqe gtfa-sr: 11
R-qRig nqd fius €iFEftt I
Tffle* qqqqeilqstswtl
o{Fqfi{uft{i ffi$( il'{tt ll qqd ll
S/ofra 168. Astrologers say that the yoga rrqr
(Gada)is prcduced when tire plarretsoccupytwo suc'
cessive Kendras; a.r.z(Sakata) when all the Eeven
planetsare in the 1ct and the 7th houses; cfhd (Pakshin)
sl. 169 qf,frss{rq: 476

when they are in the 4th and the 10th houseE; crrrei
(Srungataka)when the sevenplaneta are in the Lagna,
tlte Sth and the 9th houses; and eo (Dala) when they
are confined to a group of triangular houseeother than
the one containing the Lagna.
In this stanza Varahamihira describes 5 out of ttre Z0 eTr5fr
(Alriri) yogas.
l. {r1r (Gada).A1l the planets should occupy adjacent Keu'
dras. There are thus { varieties, triz,, all the planets may occupy
(l) lst and 4th houses; (Z) +ttt ancl 7th houses (3) 7th and l0th
houses and (4) l0th and I s: hou-'es. The Yavanas recognise
these as 4 distinct yogas and cAll thenr respectively as ffit
(Gacla), ir6 (sankha), isg* (Vit)huka) and u{q (Dhvaja ' The
effect is somewhat good and sortrewhrrt bad. They will be in

2. t+a ntt planets shoultl be rn the lst and the
7th houses. The effect must be bad as planets are in opposition.
3. fts.r (Vihagat. Al1 planets should be in the 4th and tne
lOth houses. p l a n e t s l > e i n gi n o p p o s i t i o n , t h e e f f e c t r n u s t b e
4. (Sringataka). All plarrets should be in the l:t,
5th and ( l t h houses, Effect good.
5. aa (llala). All planetsshould bc In'-.'
(u) 2ttd,5th and l0th houses:
(b) 3rd,7th and'l lth houses;
( c ) 4 t b , 8 t h a n d I l l t h h o u s e s;
that is, rn trines begirtning with arrl' hciuse other thirn the Lagna.
cf. fll.lg+,t4ol
: I
oTlI;rrl{FJ{qtF,ldql FHtEqT(+q{afrqf,q
" "^\ \
, o \ \ t
qq qcql filttdl rlirFq: gql{t{: r{q{{,Fq t11: ll
urr<iro nni fiqq:Us'n&t:
ofiqerrq<&:e\: rysu-i rgilq rt

418 srdfcrRflri Adh.vII.

,*t-t €"-t{q,.4-{etfqr t
qmi g frft{r{fucqiqtaqiqq-(qrq(: ll tEqll
Stoka 169. qs (Vajra) is produced when all the
beneficand all the malefic planets are ranged as in the
tro'a (Sakata)and c&q (Pakshin),i.e. when all the bene'
fic planetsoccupy the lst and the ?th housesexclusively
and all the malefic planets are in the 4th and the 10th
houses exclusively. This order when reversedgives
the qqdtrr (Yava yoga), i.c. when the malefic planetsare
as in {rd'd (Sakata)and beneficones as in crQ{ (Pakshin)'
The yoga becomes+no (Kamala)when the good and evil
planeteare ranged promiscuouslyin the 4 housesindi'
cated (tet, 4th, ?th and lCth)' erfrdq (Vapee yoga)
would result when the 7 planets occupy the 4 tTurrt
(Panapara)or the 4 qrfrbq (Apoklima)houses.
Four more arrafr (ALriti) yogas are described in this sloka.
6. sq (Vajra). All benefics should be in the lst and the
7 t h h o u s e s ,a n d a l l m a l e f i c s i n t h e ' l t h a n d t t r e l 0 t h . T h e s p i r i t
is good; trecause bad planets are in opposition to bad ones and
air:e aersq.
7. qq (Yava). 611 62,1;:fics should be in the lst and 7t11
houses aud benelics in the 4th and l0th.
sl. 169 rrgrftsqr{tr 4n

8. {{o (Kamala).-All the planets should be posited in tho

4 Kendras PromiscuouslY.


The ellect wilt be that the perscn rises with the maxittturtr
labour and lrardship.' For example, Sri Rama's hcroscope'
9. qrrii (Vapee)-All the planets shouldoccupy
(a) the 2nd, 5th, 8tlr and llth houses'
or b) the 3rd, 6th, gthand l2th houses.
In the iq (Vajra) yoga, the man enjoyswell in early and
latter life, because,benefics in the lst and the 7th must mean
(7th house)'
good in the beginning (,st house)and good in the end
planets are in the mid'heaven.
and bad in.he middle, because,bad
Sirnilarly for 4a (Yava\'
In the:h{,{ (Kamala) yoga, it should be noted that woalth is
not indicated.
In the al{i (Vapee)yoga, wealth is indicatedwithout charlcter
or nlrn--e-a mere money' makiug ma:bine'
. g,reidrrcri|:€rcqfr:
+i{eqsat: q6gtilt: qqFr;f:g}: | -
er*trrg qqrflq:gtfflndq ftqtr{*
qr{tqrnqi+: qsl$t6qlitR}g ftfr' tt
Also sKl{di
oar<fi, ftA' qii: gentirlefdqqqI
Rqttffit ft*r qsiqQ:ft{tqift tt
478 mruffilre Adh" VII.
---,-J- --_,_ --__ -__-_____vvv_-_v_

Also vl-qlrs'rridi
fiogrri gqT:HA€$q} qlqQq(: I
qd qrq fiqrf,tqrqq*dq€ffi, tt
frry: qmr:UqT:d eff: *i5q qrrfi. I
t\ilitfbqFtql sqftsfrq qTftnT
Also {q{qa for 4q
fifi€dl$rfrq ffi; qrtiq:deqrftad, r
qfrqfr: qrTSqFf,fiTfi
For the +{o(Kamala) and ct{i (\/apeet yogas herein nrention_
ed, four malefics are required. Rahu is to make up the 4th
malefic planet. c./. *iirr*eirr

qd ilq qi+'il fqnild'ir qa: tl
e*srt Q qg{ q gq sn: qi}sg{: I
qt *nqd fiqrarfrfuq6ftpqnqu
qtg qh s qFqi n qrhr*;aqgrrq,I
ngtt: ;[aqsd:flitgruq]qdq.tt
varahamihira has another verse after this sroka in which he
states that he has simply described the Eer (vajra) and other yogas
(that is qE Yava and the yoga mentioned
in Brihat Jataka,
ch. xI-20) adopting the 'iew of the former writers, such as rrzt
(Maya), q+q (Yavana) and others, meaning thereby
that he per-
sonally does not recognise them; for, he asks " FIow can Mercury
and Venus occupy the 4th house from the Sun ?" This sloka
which has been left out by Vaidyanatha for reasons best known to
himself is reproduced below :

TqflTqTgflllqqqr {erqq' Fdr: 1

rgtrrai (qf"{fri} {qd: ir.q{ 1
The same doubt is expressedby g'rn-+<(Gunakara), a later
writer, for he says :
sl, 170 qg*ssqFi: 4t(,

sfiq"ifdrRftgPsqrelq,ifG*{q4+ ft ifr r
qalag{rei f}ra$*'i qinfifi Uqfkdqrr
But readerswho are familiar with the working of the Bhava"
spbuta process (qn$z) des-^ribed in detail in zicrtc.eia (Sripati
Paddhati , Adhyaya I and in the notes tbereto will easily see that
it is not impossible as we go to higher latitudes to have some of
the bhavas uncommonly short and others extraordinarily long, so
that Mercury and Venus may happen to be in the 4th bhava with
respect to tbe Sun, though not in the 4th afu (Rasi) as interpreted
by Varahamihira.
It will therefore be seen that rI{ (Maya), e;frt (Yavana), .Ff
(Garga) and others have not erred in treating of these yogas
possible ones, if the yogas in question are meant to refer to tho
positions of the planets in the nrs5osdl (Bhavakundali) aud not
to the (Rr=rfi (Rasi chakral.

sqfirRru+{ qg.lqrftl* r
Sgililqqsr€ql ffir uoeh Tqr( n leo tl
Sloha IT0. If rhe sevenplanetsexclusivelyoccupy
four contiguous bhavas reckonedfrom the Lagna and
the other Kendrasin order, the four resultingyogasare
Xv (Yupa),1g (Ishu) or lr( lSara),riu lSakti) and qq
Four more 3{rdit (Aknti) yogas are described in this verse :
10. {rT (Yupal.-Al1 the planets should occupy the lst, 2nd,
3rd and 4th houses. The planets are rising or are about to rise.
I l. tg (Ishu) or {( (S:rra).-All tlre planets shoulclbe posited
in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. The planets are culminatiug
or are about to culminate.
12. qritF (Sakti).-:-A11 the planets should be in the Zr.h, 8th,
9th and l0th houses. The planets are setting or about.to set.
13. <u-e(Danda).-All the planets are in the l0th, llth,
l2th and lst houses. The planets are elevating or ascending
""""""-"---,",-"-TITI:*""* """"",i*: "Yl'
(Yuna) must be good, because planets are rising' Th"
next best is (o-g (Danfla), lecause the planets are elevating
(Ishu) and {tfm (Sakti) are bad'
ascending. The other tu'o, ttiz,, <5
The eftects of these yogas are described in sloka l5 infra and
consisteut with the above principles.
r \ e \. n
Also vrtgarqsti
qdafiqq&d,q{S-FdW{'q I
gqfRssqmrttq qrq, qqiqf, ll
e}: {tfuRfrF€d:I
flTRefiqiQ: Si.uerflqn{: lt
Also €Rr.rd
tq{rftrftquqr:flslqlE&qr fqsq tt
q{Tqtc qrqdr iffi.T-qddikil tt tsl tt
Sloku 171. lf the seven planets be in the seven
contiguoushouses reckcned from the Lagnaand other
Kendiaein order, the fcur ,ogas producedaraf,t.(Nau),
qz (Kuta), oa (Chattra) and au (Chapa)' If the severr
eucceEsivehouses occupied by planetsdo not begin
with a Kendra as in the lour yogasir lNau), etc', but
qr{rlbc (Apoklima)
begin with a nornr (Panapara)or
bhiva, the yt'ga prcduced is declared to be artlq-{ (Ard-
dha Chandra).
Five more qA,t (Akriti) yogas are describedin this Slcka'
(14) f,I (Nau).-All the planets should be in the seven
housesfrom the Lagna (i.e,, in the invisible half) in any order,
culminatiog and rising.
sl. 17t (dstlr : 48t

to be in the T houses
from the 4th in any order (i,e., on the occidental side, setting and
(16) ffi (Chhathra).-ett the planets are placed in the 7
housesfrbm the 7th bhava d'e., elevating and setting-al1 in the
visible half).
(f Z) qrq (Chapa).-All the planets are to be in the 7 houses
from the lOth (a'.e.,on the oriental side,rising and elevating)'
(18) .r{qq (Ardtta Chandra).-All the planets are in the 7
housesbeginning fronr the 4 qgl6{ (Panaphara) or the 4 3Tfq}lBq
(Apoklima) houses.
Consistently, Varahamihira gives the several effects for +
(Nau) and other tbree yogas-gcod effects for Fa (Chattra) and
q-lc (Chapa) because in the one case' planets are in the visible
half and in the other, they are rising and elevating-in both the
cases, they must be good. Vide sloka from Brihat Jataka quoted
under notes to sloka 178 infra,
-- ,
cf q{rtrr
o (\\.,
€r{rEoql( el{fl: F{cEqI( q8srHi{q {urfl: t
sa qgat-qTqftii1+qh {trtq-{, tt
*,-nfqrrnfut:iT,tq#teaarpqqtfEraq r
qqnlsit+ 5fpq: lf
Also ttt;t5sFrdt
({l&Fgltt'nrt: s{Sztuq'tfinr
gqlfrq{qrdrt:6a{sfifrqt u
saq+*: 1
qqq{nRgqhtarq{eWqt3t: ll
q(FqGqlqdqitlmerrFf,mq, I
qdttqt: qsl( alq{rFqsI{T
udt ti
Also qrwo'l
Tiut dm' rg' t
182 .'l|trTft{T Adh. VII.

qfufi.}; 11
froufifutqrfqiqrufdwqrcrl teRtf
Slaha l7?. If the planetsbe rangedin the 6 houses
beginning with the 2nd houseand separatedfrom one
another by an intervening (planetleas)house,the result,
ing yoga is called <gq lSamudra) and if the planeta
occupy the 6 odd bbav,rsreckoned from the Lagna, the.
yoga prcducedie er (Chakra). Thus an epitome of the
,ilUli (Akriti:figure) yogashas been
The remaining two uttz;ft (Ak.i,i) yogas are described here.
(le) vgq (Samudra).-Att the planets should be
in the 6
even bhavas,r'.e., the 2nd,4th,6th, gth, lOth and l2th.
(ZO1 qm (Chakra).-Att the planels should be posited
in the
6 odd bhavas,i.e., the lst, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and I lth houses.
The western principles of sextilesand trines impried in
above two yogas may be profitably compared in this conneetion.
F a: ll
Also ilagrrq-d
frfi, r
qh: sgffi: lr
Also gnrSrfl
e{qldqqrt.amrmit qieeR: tl
Also qilfrtrT(ot
ni)frq&ffJ€l;alqFg: Fqtqqz.*'
mhba: t
qslfi{qlna Hgqilrn ll
g[ 1?8 ctgfr${r|t: {88

tqnrcqr qeftft $te
qromqr-tEbmi{arq tr tsl tl
Slol,r 173. w* (Vallaki) s1 ftIt (Veena), qrlT
(Dama), cnr (Pasa),*qrr (Kedara), qo (Sula), gl (Yuga)
and fro (Clola) are the seven *eer (Sankhya- numerical)
yogasrespectivelyproduced by the seven planeto occu,
pying aBmany Rasis as are denotedby the seven figurec
commencing from 7 and diminishing successivelyby
o n e , i . r . , b y t h e n u m b e r s7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 a n d l . T h e a e
€<ar (Sankhya) yogas are to be reckoned when those
mentioned previously are absent.
c/. r<rtrt
t qltrr,+ftm: gfi {gf,{rRrilrwi q}q
*qna ag:6qs{qq}:qarfiIqeFqt:
w5\<lrftr,rq qntfi{fQn nc.qr
{i rt
fraqrdiTr: (Sankhya Yogaha) 7.
(l) q-g.t'l(Vallaki) or {iun (Veena).-Al1 the seven planets
should be in 7 Rasis or signs (in contradistinction to bhavas or
(d zrfrf,r (Damini).-All the seven planets should be in any
6 Rasis.
(:) cRr (Pasa).-All the seven planets should occupy any 5
(+) hrrt (Kedara).-All the seven planets are in 4 signs,
(5) {fd (Sulat.-All tbe seven planets are in three signs.
(0; g.r (Yuga).-All the seven planets are situated iu 2 sijae.
(7) nfd (Gola) or {'lorq (Golaka).-All tbe sevcn plenets
should be in one sinrle sign,
#1 r|fiq|ftd Adb.vII.
This is a proof that all conjunctions are bad. That is why
s1tfr1(Vallaki) yoga is the best. For eflects, see sloka 179 infra.
Yogasother than {t;( (Chandra) yogas are TtiTq(Nabhasa)
yogasand they take efiect at all times and periods irrespectiveof
a n y d a s ao r b h u k t i r u l i n g a t t h e t i r r r e . 1 ' h e s ey o g a sa r e o f p e r m a -
nent effect on the life, character and fcrtune of the person
concernod. q,qE{1qr: (Karaka yoga) and other yogas also come
under ;IIrT( (Nabhasa) yogas.
The €<qt (Sanl<hya) coincide(or become
yogasmay sorJ-retimes
identical) with the (Akriti)
B{rT,fr yogas.
For instance,rKI (Gada), cien (Pakshin) and {da (Sakata)
yoge$are particular casesof gtdrr (Yu.ra yoga) mentionedin this
sloka. rrfl-aq (Sringataka) and qo ( Hala) yogas are only varieties
of qfrdlq (Sula yoga). The yogas qit (Vajra), ++ (Yaya), +ro
(Kamala), qr{i (Vapee), 1u (Yupa), q (ltitu), i,iq (Sakti), and
<',-s (Danda) are only special instances of the €<w (Sankhya)
yoga *<r< (Kedara). The yoga.scJ (N.u), 5z (Kuta), se (Chattra),
qq (Chapa) and s+'iq;( (Arana Chandra) are particular examples
of slqt (Veena) yoga. The ggtr (Samudra) and qfr (Chakra) vogas
are special cases of (l{{Ff (Dama yoga). ln thes: cases it must
be understood they ceaseto be trqt (Sart trva) yogas,i,.e., the ncqt
(sankhya) yogas are not then to be taken into account.
cf. gqld(
gorftarnsg flflqgqaflnitnqtlq {'lrn: t
{fqpqqlq;qqqT{nlqttarqfi q gfl€qrrr+ ll
i"tftitrtffisqeRq tecqi
qrit qrt q gue qguer{tilsI
aqsfrtaftWri qoq!qstii
*qrF'qfrifq{rfi {g(r€rrr{qr( ll t\eulf
Stoha 174. The personborn in the rsg lRajju) yoga
witl be envious, delighting in visrts to foreign lands and
fond of travel ; the man whose birth is in the gero
(Munla) yoga will be proud, wealthy and engagedin
ll. 1?6 qg&stctc: 1p6

yoga will be defective in $ome limb, reEolute
rlt€t (Mala)
ehrewd ; the man born in the eq (Srak) or
yoga will have many enjoymants; h: whose birth is
the et (Sarpa)yoga witl euffer many miseries'
eqzqfiqt: rgar' t
gg{t: rr}frrqd}Trfdfr
qqa'*tl{l: $gsqil: fl{ mfirat:ll
rTl4g;rfltqgar:{{lgffiI U{f}ql: €ifktt: I
fF,rqRnrgqdcqt q{f:d {tt: R{l geqt: ll
sqifnftmtil q{iqqqrfirilsftfigqtalt
q;gQmagaqt d€qlt wrgu-i tt
fH gexent qEq{et'}q}qstqat: I
zfiFf,I:gEgdfir qlotqt flce{4t: Fg: ll
ftqqt, qtr fi:et fie g:t+rfidt:gfrila I
q(gsT: qFI{clT:qT qrilr l{Ef}a 4{t: ll
Also goraq:

qil fttnfanfts"q{d<h:erqgi g{loi} r;r{rT(i![fr:I

&,0' fir,irGfngai<grxueil{tqrftttqfigoilqe*
,it,ftgdt qqr(€fq ,1Ru-ii\g,rdtg'r* iqqfi5ft{fa:I
q-'Ertqruueaq'hfi lErqtq.
d(EfrtI{ {rifieqftttilr Sil{! I
,rwe+fqrgdtui\aqorqitt ttg\ ll
will be a performerof srcrifices, have accession
The man
wealth and be ever hankering after the raoe'
498 rrdnut Adh. vII.

livelihoodby driving a cart, will be aickly and cursed

with a badwife; in the cfr (Pakshi)yoga, the person
born will be a mesaage bearer,of vagrant habits and
quarrelsoma The man that heethe €rrErr (Sringataka)
yogawill be happy in his latrerdays; and the perEon
whosebirtb is in the to (Hala)yogawill be engagedin
From the eflectsgiven above, the principle to be deducedrs
tbat planets in square or in opposition to one another give bad
results, while planets in trine to one another producegood results
and the same is brought out beautifully. And this is our old
tbeory and not the theory of others. Varahamihira does not agree
rpith Parasara aud others who think that some Kendras do good.
E g., *tft (Kesari yosa). Varahamihira is consistent throughout
as regards the eflect of squares,oppositions and trines.
The word fucS<fi (Chira sukhee) has been interpreted as
FS\qCqfr (Chirena Sukhee), i,e., " h"ppy in the latter days,"
according to the commentator Bhattotpala. The interpretation
" h"ppy for a long time " given by some is not accepted by the
commeutator as it is opposed to the following quotation from
Garga: tiz,,--
df,qeqqht,ih, rySrer)qa, r
q+i glaqt ffq ilx stF€NrgqTftqr{
For the effects described in this sloka, c/. tK[{dr.
gaii qrqriq(Tq;qn: {teq}r${rilar I
g?fi;fT{crflrq(sgrr sTiqr,qqqi q ll
nql vazrgfiRi|fi:q: I
eaift*€fqr: qrt qtdr{qFd qil: tl
H{qeq{}fqAsr{<rT:g{dl{frni} !Er: 1
+a(&qrafiei fid frt wr qrdr:u
sl. 1?6 smtsqrrt 8l

fuwesqwrqtgffi ?qt' fqqr gqrrfi;ift: I

sTlat gqftanqr:ryflefitqrtl{gir1:ll
*6rRr.iiqfiqr:gfrqerB:fbaran)ilql' r
iFgg€rfl-ernr'i'qr EenfirtgttTr:il

ffieqfgfi{ilr grrfisft{{i
+ gi€ir qir.e,I
Rtqrffitdtqrdwgow q+
{rcqtcgfurg€}filquq ilrr u tsQ rt
Sloha 1?6. The personborn in the eq (Vajra) yoga
will be hrppy in the early and concludingportion, lt
hig life. He will be lovely and vzry biave. In the
ltl(Yava) yo3a,the man born will be valiant and happy
in hig middle life. In the owo (Kamala)yoga, the person
will be of wide fame, his enjoyment will be immenre
and his virtueg numerous. The man born in the rrt
(Vapee)yogawillenjoy somesmallthoughlong.enduring
comforts,he will hoard his money underground and
will not give.
Also Frcttldr

aflq:flqqft g&m: {ffl: gwT fiffi6rq I

q* qrar:e*fitara tt
edfrqqrrsaqilqqff}q"+ g({tthgrtr: I
Eriu(:Fqqfiqrqqdlqmr:wit gtfl: ll
rqlaqrfrlprer: frqrrgfrfiwffdq: fl;irT:I
{Irn{Tff:E&{tilr' flroqqt qpqr Rp{q ll
fiftt,,{t frgqftq: ft,lrdgqqrgiil:gg{1q 1
ilng(qtrq@r Erftq]ilqil qrin: ll
188 qRltcrfrqfi Adb.vII.

Rnrrrqfl{a'gqt{qtt qn
ftdtq gwitue' urweurett
qG fiiitqlk' gt'iis;egiir 11luu ll
'the person
Siofra 1??. .born in the qrim lYupa)
yoga wiil be liberaland self pcssessed and will per{orm
.orin.nt sacri{ices. He who is born in the mfit
yoga will be of a cruel disposition and in chargeof a
prison. He will be the artificer of arrows. The man
who hashis nativity in the {ik'iirr (Sakti yoga) will be
base,slothful and bereft of easeand we;lth' while the
pefEonborn in the qocirq (Danda yoqa) will lead a life
of ,..rritude without those that he could hold dear
and children).
c/. sKtqol
eTT.qfi(flIfi{f,FelTrga} fiq*€qflsqa: I
aafiqqsefqriiXt qldl Rftea ll
Rer: sfieqfirct:{l{q}ilflEqKT:F3: ll
sgrqgefrgofl:{lsli qm: Rqwrgq{T:ll
QdsqQrrfi:qr: g{q};dtsnr: Fln{qlqt: I
g:ftadtat: iqt qssqqilq{t: mtdqll

e* qrcrefieqrgpq:IqoEmlqqnfrqqiqt
q* ilil qq<fl qsi\r1i{it{nhilt, fRiln' t
er{-fl qhqral ititr?ltaqq:irq$qiq Kt
qrQqm qif{n qR qaerqilqtle$frugl' ll t\16ll
sl. 1?8 eedtsrqtl: c80

Sloha 178. The p?rson born in the sqi'm (Chhattra

yoga) will be happy in the beginning and the end of his
life with matchless riches and strength. The man at
whose birth the ,i\irn (Nau yoga) occurs will live on
the surfaceof water and get his living there, In the
c**q (Chakra yoga), the pereon born will be a famous
king. The man who has had his birth in the qg4qlrr
(Samudrayoga' will find his living in wrter and will
be a ruler of the earth. Hc who is born in the ert=iaqrq
(Ardha Chandra yoga) will lead a life oi pleasure. The
personwho has had the qzfrn (Kuta yoga) in his nati,
vity will frequent mountainsand forestsand be addicted
to cruel deeds, If men be bcrn in tlie uEtTa (Dhanur
yoga)they will adoptthe professionof thieveshaunting
inaccessible placesand bc despis,'doutcasts.
The effects of these yogas are thus described in EEFiTilS'.

+tet ga*rog€: ziqut4tela, frslagi;tit;T{sq qkt: I

a-itqq:qrq+pqdFs,iiraq:qi4r firt1q{:s,rsl;sfuq' tt
qfr;gnr g{rt{FcEg:q{tn<illra} qtqftqfiqcg.ilft I
q*i 11oqggag{irkrrfs:tt
Also €t{li{(i.
€qilar+ qrlqrililz{{gq: qs?rf[d:r
q'la;e* sqfh r{: grailt'*tqtgilnq} €r1qll
nfte,'iqqlfifirrre6lr: Fqro*1fii|(Er: 1
SquTI qflql Q;fl *riqrnrt €oT:g6fl: ll
quralffiTirfqqfl*ftzra :I
qqftabi rTsq*rtq) qrqt q'tilrr
rl)rignrqqqnfiqr: HgitT;I
ln r.TTTftr't Adb.vu.

eSftFg.qr'geqr:ftGrffi: wgqfuraf,It
*qqaq' qH+,FattftilzqfsrqT
qfu{: I
rFrfiqs{qqgmrnfiir fr}s€q'n(A rt
a{dd*eliqe$tqtqtfrfdtqil: {E:t: T(t: I
ffi t{qFaftfig,iarfhil q${r: tl
+rai ftrm: r
+rtw)il qril qrrqlil qqfHwwi gqrx, 11
ffi'(wi*qru ftgq:WteEer|xm
4tfu{rgrsn6irrsqft: qrqrilffqrrffitI
fli do'qq6frsf{qgiriilinog: Sf,{r{
qeq,tt tsq tl
ffi Uiqiqqi{Fr€rrdi*;qlur{
Slohu 179. The personborn in shs *qre}n (Veena
yoga)will be skilled in every kind of work and fond of
musi'eand dancing; the man born in the qrcah (Dama
yoga) will be obliging, with a clear intellect and famed
Ior his learoingand wealth. The person whose birth
takes place in the crtrfirl (Pasayoga) will be very clever
rn the acquisitionof virtue and wealth, will be talkative
and have sons. The man who has ihs @q (Kedara
yoga)in his nativity will pursu? agriculture, acquire
wealth, be slow of comprehension.andkind to his
c/. qo<itt+r
qft erfi qrftdwr{t t
frqrfrt Zeqrftr&qpif
qft frft Hrqg=df€q-g:
tqrrrcilalafr*qgo' rt
c/. g{sqrfrd.
{tqJqq{ftgq: fiq'ftn1s,tt
qKFqfi$+fi(d:qgqalEffl qri wrffinwEeiFg: I
gl. lgl (tldtsqrr: f91

*qro: iDRa:gaqqfrsq:gg
Also wtr+efl.
frTrF{dT:gqrTgrfla$I{Tilqqrqfrfilq t
geft+ rg€eTl{t'trrqidftm qgiTT:ll
qrfi-qrgq+rfiqgqurgdviuil qr: 1
qq tl
{g${cdH€**it fraraF'Trq:
flIl iranqlq; e[pl-€Ir6t: strl*lilTlaT I
{gqrR"}f*rftor{g[er: TTreqrt:
U+{ruqd"ql:Fftqot:$salQq:gfrm' t
hqft fl,Inqo€qnrqldt.r: rt
qArM;Efr mtii, qtrt,nfr ii'idl
ftqr{t Sqfririirsiiqqo' flqos* qqq: t
fio lh{ft*sod'rszaqr:
qfitliufircr qafiRuqr{q drnnqt il tdo tl
Sloka 180. The person born in the qo.iin (Sula
yoga) is full of rage, fond of money, brave, with the
marks of wounds received in f ight, and without wealth,
The marr whose birth is in th: gn'irrr (Yuga yoga) eata
beggedfood and is exceedingly fickle, hereticrl and ad-
dicted to the drinking of soirituous liquors. He who
is born in the {r'r€irrr (Gola yoga) is without wealth,
indolent,of vagrant habits,shoit'livad and ignorant.
These 32 yogas havc been rnentioned by srrafuQrt
:f. m-d'.lftrr
qU Ga, *iqdtd qftq:wnudtqrE"-q{t?-l
8e: qdt't"ogr' gfflE{t,il} qld{rodtseqrgtq
492 ltdrcrftilt Adh.vn
ct T6nRFf.
{fr: qri\ qqdifAqaqq} rr
qqfirRa: qrcofr qr grTeqq'ia{
Rqqq|oitnritn: sfl{e"qefrsziri
Also ertt{dT.
fiwttesqqftarRet: SqfR"sar
TIAitil, q-drq-tll
qrqueqffi qr qaQil il .Go6m e)* f
Q n \\
gdrT[n{qil€drg{qFr rTl4itrqlili: ll
erRqretrgilfiqtflntq{fi,lr qfu;rr:I
.rlU*il qqf:an{r: tl
fte g:fl€atlqr
The following additional information regarding the <Irrqf
(Nabhasa) yogas will be found useful :-
The 3 3ilar{T(Asraya) yogas produce the eflec,s describedfor
them only when they do not partake at the same tirne of the nature
of other yogas. Otherwise, the other yogas become eflectrveand
bear fruits. t'f . g(snkTd.
ertarfislFgfiqor qqos*ftfif{ar: I
frar trt so qqfqs{r:qsaffi' n
Also tttredl.
alrarqqltErilTefqfhh frenor.rgn5fl: I
er*il-qfqfhrAfdqaqon FgRtT,it'n,11
Also gu6qq'.
ftzn q qg: s€qrqqliqr\fiaarct sd{Tq{T:Fg: tl
The two Dala yogas will coinci,le neither with the srtrT{
(Asraya) yogasnor with the gTrdfr(ekriti) yogas.
They might
coincide with ireqt (Sankhya) yogas**on (Veena), <rffil (Darrini)
qpr (pasa) or *<( (Kedara)-in which case the yogas
are to be
treated as only <o (Oata) yogas anJ not as €FCf (Sankhya) yogas
(Vide Sloka l?3 and tho notes tbereto
gl. tgo sttfrsqnrc 493

Again, it has already been stated [%da slokas from lFcftr{

(Brihatjataka), uttrldl (Srravali) and grrr-a{ (Gunakara) quoted
above] that where the eTr2{4(Asraya) yogas coincide with other
yogas, they cease to be 3{trtiT (Asraya) yogas. So that the €RrTI
(Sankhya) and snrT{ (Asraya) yogasbecome null and void (eclipsed
or inoperative) when they coincide with any of the qt5fi (A.t<riti)
yogas. But supposethe g{rlr{ (Asraya) and gFtr (Srnkhya) yogas
to coincide with each other. How are tlrey to be then treated ?
According to the commentator, if the coincidence relates to the
d<R (Kedara), lld (Sula) and g,r (yuga) yogas, the yogas are to be
treated as srirlq (Asraya) yogas only, but if it refers to the rita
(Gola) yoga, it is to be treated as such and nct as elffi (Asraya)
one-otherwise there will be no scop6 for the q'Io (Gola) yoga
at all.
According to Yavanacharya,there are 1,800 sub.divisions.of
afrre (Nabhasa) yogas: qf. EAsilar.
qqifugqr fe qe{tfrHI fifill f}<tfisr diFl{r:FII: U

Also urcrq-ei.
6&dI u}rrrcg{Hff ;tTHrI
erfinGtqr} rr
It will now be explained how the Yavanas recognise 1,g00
sub-divisions. Takingrlny one of the l2 Rasis as the Lagna,
there are 150 yogasof which 23 are s{r5fi (ntriti) and 127 V€tr
(SanLhya) yogas. The oi'rr{{ (Asraya) and
{o (Dala) yog.as are
not taken by thern into account. (T;ae sloka 167).

As already explained in the notes to Sloka l6g, the.rrn (Caaa)

yoga has been treated of by the Yavanas as 4 distinct yogas.
Adding these to the remaining l9 srmfr (Akriti) yogas, we get 23

Again the 7 $€Cr (Sankhya) yogas are split into 127 €qr
(Sankhya) yogas for each Lagna by the yavanas thus:-

The yoga {rqt which is caused by the 7 planets occupying any

seven signs has 7 sub.divisions, as each of the 7 planets may
occupy the Lagna. The 2nd n-<tr (Sankbya) yoga is qg (Drmc)
rccordlng to which a1l planets should be in any 6 housGq Tlc
.rirmfurl Adb. vn.
Yavanas rccognise 2l varieties of this yoga (number of yogas
caused by 5 out of the 7 planets being in 5 housesand the remain'
ing 2 occupying the Lagna). The next yoga is ntr (Pasa). This
hl,s 35 varieties (+ of ttre 7 planets occupying 4 houses and the
remdining 3 being in the Lagna). The next yoga urla.ht< (Xeda'
ra) has also got 35 varieties for the same reason. Similarly tfo
(Sula) has got 2l sub-divisions and grr (Yuga) 7 sub-divisions.
Lastly ri'ro (Gola) has only one, vil. the case in which all the
planets are placed in the Lagna.

So that the seven tc4t (Sankhya) yogas are sub-dividedinto

7+21+-"5+35+21+7+l o r 1 2 7 d i v i s i o n s . T h e s e a d d e dt o t h e
23 err6ii (Akriti) yogas mentioned aboie give us 150 yogas for
each lagna or 1,800 yogas for the 12 lagnas.

tt (ct tt
tqnqmi qwsqrfrqrt
WIf: ll
Sloka 181. Raja yogas(t'57), the 5 yogasRuchaka
and others (59,65),q66q (Bhaskara)and othera (67'70),
*qrc (Kemadruma)(7i-?9), the yogasww (Adhama)ee
(Safra) (1i2) and tt{ctiodr (Grahamalika)(132-136),
o6flrfr{r (Lakshmi yogi) (tSZ-:11,eitflq-sfm flarihara'
bramhayoga (16)-3), or€oirn ' Kahalayoga (130),ilR
(Nabhasa)and other yogas ( 161-180)have beentreated
of by the favor of the Sun and other deities.

Thus ends the ?th Adhyaye &c.

-*-- ! 0ofi;itr'++
ll qET2ilqT5aFrilq:
oF Two ori MoREPrrANETs.
ON Con.ruNcrroNs

il eTqr
Erq+qr rr
Combination of 2 olanets in one bhava. There are 2l such

cnRsdT{Trrlfrqrg ftgurq-'ilF* TRsq

M irfiT€qnilffit{.qrqt qqii tft t
R?rr€qqolFEd]'futqiir WFr
rqrs{qiTwftqst rrfr q-dliqd ll I tl
Sloha l. If, at the birth of any person,the Sun be
in conjunction with the Moon, he willbe submissiveto
hie wife and clever in every work he undertakes; ii
the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, the person born
will be illustrious, posseasedof strength and energy but
untruthful and wicked; If the Sun be associatedwith
Mercury at any person's birth he wili have learning,
beautyand Btrength,but will be fickle'minded; if the
Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the person born in
the yoga will be full of faith, active, pleating the King
with hie works and wealthy.
496 rldrYrftilf Adh VIII.

cf. €Tff{Rfr
gqftri qlFI: qrqFdta:6ft-egefin' t
enuqftsq$td pggqd: ffigq: tt
+qd nr(Rfr qil oom<ng{}s6aaq
qrqqfi{'+h6 1@: qlrFqqo-sa
erq t
tqraqftqwirfin*, firqeqrqd\t:
e{r{,ffiqftqfta' satq {gcqRrfurqrq.
+gqfrilH{iq: reftwl ftasqqrsnl:t
q.{ q<rqfrgt,rignuarqwatt
*Wtfteq-gwatkas{t{r qgfutet
qqrqqft! $ftrE{q} qta g+ tqi t
qrs{rrrowfiRWrffi wrqrFEt
qff fleqt ftfqgorer1q+ qilRKt ll I ll
Sloka2. A pereonvrill be intelligent and atten,
tively honor the relationsacquiredthroughhir wife if
at his birth the Sun be in conjrlnggisnwith Venus; if
the Sunbe associated with Saturn,tbe oersonborn will
be somewbat dull,witted and in the power of his
enemies. If the Moon be in conjunction with l"{aru,
the personborn will be brave,of high birth, virtuour,
rich aod worthy ; if the Moon be agsociatedwith
Mercury, the man boro in the yoga will be pious
devotedto Eciences and will havediversemerits.
af, st<rs-d
rlqr€(u|fiil {ftg,if iagieao r
tgfr Gfrnfr: dsqreqq'gqq:11
qrEfrqtqq:e'dft{q:megflEn: I
ffi{rgil: g-q:{rfrGdneq{itaq tr
sl. 3 qudsqrq: Asl

qt rq*tff rfrw+fi196q',
wry*l-qsq*} tt
+raqrqreftfqgq'g'fi: rftgqa' ggqa I
cnrilqrgwnafriffiqnr{vr gh ti*
'nqrnrffit*g $'ttusg* ffiftilgfr |
ErCtdrqqittqilqstruffr.qrFqiqgt tt l tt
Slut.r 3. When the Moon is in conjunction with
Jupiter, the person born will be very intelligent and
protect good people. When Venut is associatedwith
the Moon, the effect of the yoga on tbe person born
will be that he will be evil'minded and clever in
making bargains. If the Moon be in conjunction with
Saturn. the pereon born will have a bad wife, abuse hie
parents and will be without wealth. If Mars and
Mercury be together, the person born in the yoga will
be eloquentand clever in mediciue and fine arts.
cf. €Kr"R{
Ec*€A frfia' tfiFgqqlaatila t
gfm: grrto: g{fa+s,ifrif qqeg€q: tl
a.fi61oEqgm: gof*fr:ero{:t
mrR*tg gtro:{tfiqrfnfr' HqId\} ll
alfialaarrd {qr'{sqrqfrfirnqto: t
qr.ilRfi' g€q:qilFd sFt{lT$.{fr.i1} *r
dg&,ifs"=nRe: gadrduil{t: FqqR:I
gedfiwrat gog*dilsqf*qrFsq: ll
498 ElRti6lTtr{qlt Adh. VIII.

urqtWqgqrFqfr.rfrRf*(xit €ffii
qqsqfrsi{dr ufi} ,r,ftt
Erfrrrrdfr*qii'qqqfr:diur gt tt
qrnqtsqgq1ffisftq*Tqiqrqwfr kgi n B tl
Slt,ka 4. Loving, revered,worthl', and acquainted
with the scienceof computatiouwill the personbe that
is born when Mars is in conjtrnction with Jupiter.
The effectof Venus and Mars being togetherat a birth
wiil be that the personborn will be fond of metallurgy,
delight in tricks and be cunning. If Mars be in con,
iunction with Saturnat the birth of a person,he will
be Sisputatious, indulging in the pursuit of music and
dull-witted. When Mercury and Jupiter are in
conjunction,the personborn will be eloquent,handsome,
amiableand exceedinglywealthy.
cf, eruqoi
firerSfiniefriqrfr qrfiq{rnq}
qftqr{ r
erafiqqqr{:g{ge$qri}: gqr{ilfr:tl
Fft rrqqqd)qfhafl:q{gqfAfi d {o' ,
{irZd{laral fqzafrid\rsq}t rt
gdiq;qir?,${o:qqerFkqr.frgilea t
gqgt{q}fiq$'aqfiqa: mftdi: €t( tt
zaiqtfilrnr qrilsfqtqnafA-qgq'r
gugnrlt qfiq'i{ Srqg'ir qiqisr{q{ tl
rrrqiqrailaiqarr{rftilg} {Tff(Rrr+
+qqtzqfrii*sfaqinqrq urr ugi6gt
ikqt qFrii'rn*i qgqfr{srfrt qrftrin \ tl
rL6 srgqlscrll4: 499

unction with Mer'

cury, the persrn born will be versed in the sacredbooks'
and fond of music, play and mirth. If Saturn be
associatedwith Mercury, the person born will be
learned,wealthy and distinguishedfor his moral worth'
The man at whose birth Jupiter and Venus occupy one
sign will be enerqetic,in favor with the king and
exceedingly intelligent' If Jupiter ba in conittnction
with S.rturn.the effect of the yoga will be that the
person born in it will be an artist. If Venus and
Saturnbe togethcrat a bitth the personaffect€dby the
vgga will own largeherdsof cattle and be an athlete'
cf . qtrtqdt

eifd{qqi}qqil qgfte'iiiafi.galrq:€il1 |
'ftaf,talq(fA{'Efga'iifi : !|
TqqI{ sEqslq: nq?I: nctfifrqq{ftor t
figq' ritqaqt+q] g'{ilfiii+ gql( qlfA ll
alifFra,irirs*fifireilit ql;qftqt( tt
q{ failzr,} q'lnftqfndsJdt qr
nfi'ftq,il:qflq' lfqfi{TqrTfl'{tlm. ll
: €{qaturfq+tf{taclq r
qs),aq:egfi: n{iftaq}t gqll {qfi ll
The eflei:ts above described are only very general being appli'
cable to tbe several combinations forrned in any of the l2 bhavas'
The effects irr each of the l2 bhavas haVe been described in detail
by qqatsri (\'avanacharya) aud quotecl in ?{itr.o (Horaratna)'

The author of Saravali adds

500 qnwrftqR Adh. vlil.

g+ qd Trr;FIr:qq.frrqrrqftqm,t
srqnft fr*eiq g{Fa frufi aqTil

tt frqafrq:tr
Combinations of 3 planets in one bhava. There may be 35
such combinations.

qWffitRsosisl trfi frftqrr

iirfiart ?qnrf
iq r
grfrFgitcr(rtfimrrtsR{rft rratrrErr
Sloka 6. If the Aqd{'rrr (Thrigraha yoga) or the
combinationof 3 planetsin one bhava'consist of the
sun, the Moon and Mars, the personborn wilr extiroate
the whole brood of his enemies,and be wealthy and
politic. If the combination contain the Moo., the Sun
and Mercury, the person that has his birth in the
BcEfrq (Thrigraha yoga)will be a king's compeerfamed
for his learning. If the Sun, the Moon and
Jupiter be
the trio planets influencinga birrh, the effecl of the
yoga on the person born will be to makehim a mine
virtuea, learned and much liked by tris sovereign. If
the Sun, the Moon and Venue be together in one bhava
the pe*on born will be addictedto other people'swives,
cruel, in dread of enemiesand rich.
cf. €TttTd
fqdq, qptit rr;ilfl: {rgrKfrqr: 1
ertcft,qEUro:qfuft, Rirftrqli, rr
tq€l frgqqfr, ilre{sr{)frqTqkT:
{qastt frt GnRrqfti:st*r\: rr
sl. 7 qudtse{q: 601

saqrqrfigut:t{r5{d Gt{qFqG:t
iqrfi ?{€{fr:rcRqt*rrffit, tt
q{T{ilQ ftgqt q{{T(ir*I {rmfig'rlE I
.nq-qtst$\*dqlqt rIsE:tl
q;d{nqt €oqftqt{tRirrftfr
lllssgilfrrtrteg({| grrdqRrihart
d"*rqf,qfrftfrffi *q1 q{ftsr{r
*qluigt{Fqtdqftt ,r}.fiodr+rttEr{,
ll e ll
Sloka 7. If Satum,the Moon and the Sun combine
in one bhava, the personborn will be wickedly ioclined,
deceitful and fond of foreign countries. If the Sun,
Mars and Mercury be together, the person whose birth
is influencedby them will be bereft of comforts though
posseesedof sons, riches, and wives. If Jupiter, the
Sun and Mars be in conjunction, the person born in the
yoga will be a patriotic premier or commander,in,chief.
If Mars, the Sun and Venus be together in a itca*tf
(Trigraha yoga), the p:rson born will suffer from dis,
eaeesof the eye, will be a voluptuary, of gentle birth
and of great wealth.
cf. srtr+dt
+rt fiqrqsrfr gi: q{ir$il sRqqt
qqfiar+tfrih.&qfqt qsq: tt
qqft€qrfrqs: HTdRdfrEt frqnw: t
tf{gdwerRd: rr
qqfRfis'il rtr{' frfArfiq-d qqqfrqfsR
sq{rs:edFut{iqd, rt
nqqTq{:g;dq, gt{fi qrflieqtiga} ITAq:I
502 Gilirif,'rlrtsTril Adh. VIII.

T<rsfqfrilergtffi {rd T{t forxrq

qrg{r${Rt{gtgiilqrq{dt g€t
ifi gtrw€rtll d lf
S/oftc 8. If Saturn, the Sun and Mars form the
hcafrq (Trigraha yog") the person affected by it will
be bereft oI kindred, ignorant, weaithy but suffering
from diseases. If Jupiter, the Strn and Mercury be in
conjunction, the person born be sharpwitted,
famedfor his learningand wcalthy. If the Sun,Mercury
and Venus be togetherin onc bhav.r, the person whose
birth takes place in tire yoga will be soft'skinned,
renowned for his learning and hlppy. If Saturn,the
Sun and Mercury be associ:ltedtogether, the effect of
the planetary combinrtion on the personborn will be
to makehim friendless,poor, mrli:1nancand wicked'
cl. qi(sdi
qn{ft+riqs iiqrf}qitrga' 1
eqq{Ad}sfind:ftrfiar&q'{rgfil,sRi' tt
iargitsfiqaarlari, TllerfEfi€q;nl'-q{il:
ErqFqfagEfittftfafin, gtq: ll
srftafrqrqr2) qqqtfq:qlfqil gtf\: t
<ilRit'fl;its:nftgorfiwfit,qftt, tt
fiqrqriltuq' sifril Fgfit: qfieo: r
fr{rF.e}'gg11+&qfqR uttt: 11
dnftFitfu qqrlil{'{sn{isiheF{-{{r1
q-t;arR(qrgiq.k{* ttqiiqs €IftirsrI
si.I slgqlsc-qFl: 603

snfrlngikdritf, ouiiiil qdi,rnatFqaJ

qrqrt-ggtrrEruaqtg.*{owrs tt q ll
Sloka9. If Jupiter,the Sun a;rdVcnus be togetherin
on.: bhava, the personwill have wife and children, will
be intelligent, su{feringfrom ophthalmia,but wealthy.
If Saturn,Jupiter and the -surl combine and form the
iaqa{rrr(Trigraha ycga), the personwho has his birth
in the yoga will be fearless,a r,oyal favorite and very
pure minded. lf the Sun, Venus and Saturn produce
the f*qafrrr (Trigraha yoga), the person born under
tbcir influenceehouldbe wicked,proudand self,opinion,
ated, If the trio pla,',ets forrning tl'rei'ogabe the Moon.
h4arsand Mercur;', tlre person born will be addicted to
g l r r t t o n y ,w i c k e d a n d o f f e n d i n g .
cf . ;tti t{idt

gioag:q(: qr*]fi'sa Wa:sflql 1

qr+rdritfiei .ir,iagtqrcm\:
sfqi: ll
e1fie{Tfrl{:L;q' qrqi6q: LJlr{gdfra: 1
nfqt: tr
sfisnqfin:udl fRnrfinfqngt,iifo
qlqd(rqTq;ilqlqrqg, U€.F{nrc1rr: .t
eilfiftqa gFqI:dtnT$gu{i}: qfi'i: tt
qt|;gihfr*l ufrqEqi!$rqK{iGxli{r{
qff{{ftoi qiq t
mirrr*uqgiqoqfi isFqifi\tr il{t
qi|;gwtiqh {g$trcqm^tsqfrti}qlll t " ll
S/clrr 10. lf Jupiter, tire Moon and Mars be in
604 qn+qRqri Adh. VIII.

conjunction at a birth, the person born will betray

impatiencein his speech,be love'sick and handsome.
If the Moon, Mars and Venus be together and form the
tsqeiln Trigraha yoga), the person affectedby it will
have ill'manneredsonsand be of wandering habits. If
the Mocn, Saturn and Mare combine and produce th:
]oga, the person born in it will be fickle minded and
so wicked as to perpetratethe unnatural crime cf
matricide. If there be a conjuncrion of Jupiter, the
Moon and Mercury, the person who has his birth in
the yoga will be very rich and renowned and will
becomea king's favorite,
cf, fl<r{d
Rqatg: ddie*itr, flFflaIRwa,p4"tu ,
g:fiorqr:gr: qfAadsl: fltq fifie' t
$qqg{ftfit: qQH'Sqq€ft: rta,ftnq tt
{e} €nqqal+,ga} Gqqaei+fi&e, r
qrla aii q]il ,fgd{ftqrFfi{gdril"q
qnqtt*eq] {rrdt iqd €qrfrqf}sgo+1ft: t
glqgrfit$*' tr
diqq{ftw kqr ffigfur
srrt qrftq?qe{gqffi;ggfuuigil t
qr{r wggilsiroRl ftguil ghgtqrfttr
{nd zqqqrfrilrfr q1qffi.ffit ll qt ll
Sloha ll. I{ Venus,Mercury and the Moon com'
bine and form a r?qaqirr(Trigraha yoga), the person
born in it will be learned but dev.rted to mean acts
and yct honorable. If the combination be of the Moon,
""""*"- ","",-"y::T',-"*""",""-"--"--,i::
i 1"1
Mercury and Saturn,as a result of it, the person born
will be liberal, honored by the sovereignand worthy.
If the three plaoets producing the yoga be Venus, the
Moon and Jupiter,the personwho has his birth in the
yogawill be wise, have virtuous sons,and be proficient
in the arts. lf Jupiter' the Monn and Saturn be in
combination, the influence of ths yoga on the person
born under it is that he will be versedin the sacred
sciences,addicted to women past their prime, and
kingly in his life.
cf. qKgdl

ftelnF6dqfdrfidtqrqT(:gqr{ q};an: I
nloii vary'* gqqriq*q{i+t ll
nn] arft g\iid: fsfiq' t
qqfrqr: q*t *\-g1lrsgnlqrq tl
srfl: +Qlqf,rf,tqgSd:fllg: I
.Tlfugt{f{.itil qro: g+il rri*w: tt
nrertarqgks:qqlqqi|firnil'! : t
qrfir{qrqftdl\*t\elq-qqR : ll

*dt nqgiritdsftgwtrghgq'stg*r
sfiqqga;qtl I
{targl eri*{qqofnr gatqoqrq}r
iuql qtqr&qitseawnrnqfiqri€if ll lR ll
Stohu 12. If Venus, the Moorl and Saturn be
together in a bhava,the person bortr in the voga will
becomea learned Brahmana teacher, a king's chaplain
and will be much hked. If the yoga be due to the
combinationof Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in one bhava
qrceqrftwrl Adh. VIII.

the personwhose birth is in it will be devotedto music,

poetry and the dramas, If Venus, Mars and Mercury be
in conjunction, the eifect of the ffcaqi{ (Irigraha yoga)
is that the person affectedby it will be defective in
some limb, base.bornand fickle,minded. If the three
planetscornbiningto producea iaq{qirr (Trigraha yoga)
be Mercury, Mars and Saturn, the person born will be
a menialservant,with diseased eyes and vrgrant habits.
cf , st(qdi
rrqfrq;q Uata r
?qGqtsQqrqi afirqrfiqflYisqlt
grfi: qitoftarq' qrd
Hgrfdnfi: *rr: r
qFqiaqsflo: argqtl€gg|:rftt: tl
gs*r qtqt Qct: I
geiTfiil)egl{tgngqsg6fr:sRi: tt
inq: qqrqoh: qqrfldtAqkqilil{t r
rqir qwq{iiAiiqrftnf*,R+$' tt
qtqrn*gtr btilsg(ddgri{igflqnn{ |
qtrrqrgqiqis$iltd'rtiei rflsrF{dr
gaanrqfilti*aRgr qititrnqrpqilrll ll ll
13. ll Venus,M,rrs and Jupiter be together
in one bhava,tlre personborn in the yogawill be liked
by his sovereign, will have good sonsand be happy.
If Jupiter, Mars and Saturnjointly producethe ffrtfrrr
(Trigraha yoga),the pcrson affectedby it will be lean,
sufferingphysical pain, full of self'conceitand ill'man'
nered. If Saturn,Mars and Venus be in conjunction,
the effect of the yoga on the person born is that he
st. 14 qeitsqn: 607

-ttt -- t"a -t** t. *tiged ,o live abroad' .If

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be associatedin one bhava,
the person born will be triumphant over his enenier
and attain to fame and Power.
cf, u<t+dt
{qfttr: ttrginrf}qsttRf,tsq:
Hreenrmqaftqri{gt{fqi: mRt: tt
Hilq\ fiqrqrfrfaqf€frft), I
qqfrrt ftnagn:g\'qgilft€qlt rr
qrfidfl{t{rql g* rralrriegefrsq:t
ng*' frftoqg*' rt
Sa{: nfimflqoilZqfi: grfrt<{Tsg€dltr: r
gegqft: sfRi.iqftat: Hsqq{{ ll
ffi'Tewgftfrg€ftr €q*irfr
qrd] qi{ffitrqor{iiit qnfrqqrf}re-
qrfr ftgtilet( rt tB fl
ry* qrrs {rffiqgtrqT{
Stoka 14. The person that is born when Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction will enjoy
exceedingcomfort and prosperity and will ba attachecl
to his wife. When Saturn, Mercury and Venus are
together and produce a flcaoi'rrr(Trigraha yoga), the
personborn in it wrll be untruthful, vicious and acidict'
ed to other people's wives. lf Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn be together in a bhava, the person whose birth
is in this yoga will possessa clear intellect and be
famousaud happy. When the Moon is in conjunction
with malignant planete,the person concerned alwaye
has his comfort and happinest diminished. When the
qrf,scrrtqre Adh. VIII.

Sun is associatedwith evil planets, the astrologer may

divine that the father of the person concernedwill be
sinilarly affected.
r.f. sr(r4d
raravtu{gaqrflqgq}firGNqr{{il{ |
gfrnleawgrrriwanflagqr&fiEr€qr: tt
5€it qdfsTffir1 q}Gqqate' t
gvgtqdnat:mal€firfl:qttm: rr
;Xi sUsfiqrdiqqfiat ryfHf{so+tffi: r
qftSftq;i q6utq' q+lftnq*:I
gf fQqwqr*,g,i qtf:qP,fiffr,iq,
The author of gtc+di adds
qrqrql{r: u}nrlarlfrqnlFqf, rr
g.qqqfld qgq Tl{osoqosq*gq tl
fiflar, U{,f}oat gg,ine}h r
(lftqg:qruqftroi fiaqQlqq. tt
For the eflects of the above combinations of thre" planets in
oach of the l2 bhavas, see Horaratna-

ll qg*airtr, n
Combinations of 4 pianets in one bbava, Tirere may be 35
such combinations.

qtqtqqqs{oiftfttq tqt r
9;ilr{lgg5ft*imr{ q{dt
{qr{ffirrffirrn t\ti
Sl. ro sTggts€qrq: 6C/9

Sloka 15. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mer.

cury be all in one bh,rvathe p3rson born will be a
c o n j u r e rs k i l l e di n t h e p r o d u c t i o no f i l l u s i o a s a
, scribe
aud sickly. If the Sun,the Mocn, Mars and Jupiter be
togecherin one bhava,the person affecced by the yoga
rvill be rich, famous,talented,loyal to his sovereignand
free from sorrow an<lsickness.
cf. qr{r{di
ftRttneryg€il ilrrl qrquqe$iloaI
gtrftrrlmnr-+il#rrr:gql{ q4fall
+dqq'ilfigq, nfhqqftqrpd: qfti, rr
3TRrififf(Ugqt gGt({Trqq.
iiatq iqnrffig€t figun FqrgfI
Ursaqq$seniir?id]qrrr (Q rr
S l o A a 1 t l . l f t h e S u n ,t h e M o o n , M a r s a n d V e n u s
b e i n c o n j u n c t i o n ,t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n t h e y o g a w i l l b e
b l e s s e dr - ; i t ha w i f e a n d s o n s ,i e a r n e d ,t e m p e r a t e ,c o m ,
fortabia, shrewd and tender-hearted, If thc Sun, the
Moon, Mars arrdSaturnb: ,rssocirtei.l in one bhavr, the
personaffectedby the voga will have wild (restleus)
eyes,and be a wander?r,a cuckold and a pauper.
cf. smqdl
s{dlfqdqlr{fd:g€rtre;fiwiis,iegQq$o: t
fiqq.r{rrga:ufisqqgqrcd: nfii: tl
fiqqarlfrRe]qqrRilqrfrrnrrilar{: I
qrq: fli<l dqr{i{rf;il$qftRflq}rtu
610 qtaSrtTRilTT Adh. VIII.

qnrtqr{ gurqdqo{tgEns I
g*qwgrrfufti{ffiq qpql
qQ;5RBa*tt'{ql6ltfl! 11lu ll
Sloka t|. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and
producea qgiaftr
Jupiter combine in one bhava, and
therein will b€
iOirrurgr.ha yoga), the person born
fond of his wife and children, w:althy, virtuous'
famous,strong and generous. If the Sun, the Moon'
Mercury and Venus be together in a bhava,the person
affectedby the yoga.will be defectivein somelimb
eloquent. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn
on the
be associatedin one bhava,the effect of the yoga
personborn will be that he will be destituteof wealth
and ungrateful.
- qtrtsdi
Rlqffi*:sf,IQ{:firaq'ai}Erqilqi} {tr' t
qrd:qrdtndg:ilfif,UtqrF*: qQt: tl
fi+o: g,r,iiqtrq"tqg] uqnqniqgq:I
qlil: qltr,F;)tfinfngu'rlfii,tftt' tt
nits"qz{1lt 6pgn}'urftfifiqaq.tt
diqrefiiqitq risqii qto{.d'I
qrdifiiloaq* ngiiqr\
lt {c ll
Sl.An 18. If the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
qqigim (Chaturgraha
Venus ccmbine to produce a
s. 19 ulglttstrlTltl dll

yoga),the person born will be moving about in water

or in some forest region, be held in great esteemby his
sovereign and have many enjoyments. If the planeto
forming the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
Saturn,the person whose birth is influenced by the
yoga will be broad,eyed, with much wealth and many
sons and will have for his wife a courtezan'
cl. snF{dl
Hlts€qnoqtqiqrqt stFfrFqqT{qqfi Fq: I
gmrdge{nri\*qilt' tl
drqflifldtqrif qggdRe]qqlwlgqrT:I
sw: ll
i[-dqrsFll }lqgl{fll.t(I rq ( q
smrcqilNf\r q{A iiqdt
a{q ll ?q ll
Sloha 19. If the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn
be associatedin one bhava, the person born in the yoga
will be weak, exceedingly cowardly, with his wealth
dependingon his unmarried daughters and given to
gluttonouEhabits. If the quatlruple planetary yoga be
producedby the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the
person whose birth is affecced by the yoga in quertion
will be etrong but afflicted with misfortuseo, pcuoelred
of wives and riches, suffering from ophthalmia and of
vagrant habits.
cf. eras-dt
qfqn1geillr{:gr: qilss-ag{€nft{:t
{r: q& niefr;gfRarltr:
sffi: tt
6t8 srrdscrRqrt Adh.vln.
qdsq R{dTtlttrqit qr fiqa{Kqq: t
a1qft€i$ Er.ftq6ffiol il Ro tl
!,loha 20. I[ the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus
combinein one bhava, the person that hashis birth in
the qgra'ila (Chaturgrahayoga) will be addictedto other
men'Ewives, of odd looksand dress,thievishly inclined
and devoid of all goodness, If the Sun, Mars, Mercury
and Saturn be in conjunction, the personborn will be
a commanderof an army or a king's minister, stooping
to baseacts and inclined to pleasure"
cf . sra+dl
qurffiali| ftqqrstgfit fiqascq:
{qfaqni grfr Gfra.}i1-gi:sfit, p
,iiqr qrndltoii f,tqrqr(:+faqqTq*r
r{t Eryfialgrli6a*neir+rr
wffifrif{rqft sq: wnisltneqiqql
qtnffiiiqrstridqfr Hr<rigud;gqEI
{Sdr*fuilrifr r qfiqqqrui
ffikgqqfi{*hnilrgqqrrqrqi q.iEn lt tl
Sloha 2L If the Sun,Mars, Jupiter and Venus be
togetherin a bhava,the person born will havea status
equal to that of a sovereign, be renowned, h ighly
ecteemed and wealtby. If tbe Sun, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn combine to produce a egia,im (Chaturgraha
SI. 98 qq*5qlq: 618

yoga), the person whose birth is affected by it will be

poor, wandering, with good friends and relativec. lf
the Sun, Marg, Venus and Saturn be associated in a
bha,va,the effect of the yoga on the petson born will be
that he will be in disgrrce and becometht foremostof
miodemeanants.If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venur
be in one bhava,the person born under their influence
will carechiefly for wealth and fame,and will becone
an important personagein the community to which he
may belong.
cf, qTilq-d
girq: gFfr dh qqqrtzqeqi| gR cqrc, r
ft-qr* rq{ra{: fHqrifrygft*Rr+:I
{rgUq{q*t, sg*ql ZqIfitITd:ll
ft*ril f,tqrqdtGqqrer) r
qduqgmilt:qilqqn*fr qrft tt
qqqFgqqfl?, fHqrql q'gn;I. qFga
mqffi qntr s'c€Fqnt$rqrcfl-{
qai{Fur{Tr\t! gE(ar tttqqilqr€r{ |
*t-geg*tqfrqsftu.fl uRrfirqftr tt RRtl
Slohu 22. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
form the yoga, the personborn in it will be qu,rrrelsone,
self,conceited and ill-mannered. If the Sun, Mt",rcury,
Venus and Saturn be together in a bhava, the peroon
affectedby the yoga will be beauti{ul, wedded to truth,
and virtuous. If the four planets combining to form a
614 qriwrQqre Adb. VIII.

Cbaturgrahayoga be the .Sun, Jupiter, Venue and

$aturn,the person born in it will be proficientin the
artr, in commandof the vulgar people and daring, If
the Moon,Mars,MercuryandJupiterbe in conjunction,
the personwho has his birth in the yogr will be devo,
ted to the goodof his sovereign, becomea wise minister
and findly a ruler of the earth,
cf, srmafr
fqrqri| wit nda€fq:fl€qqr{ iitrw6: I
gtK: gqrl: qril eg€'ieq:qeq{}qdq-dr
*t ftaeqrq)tRgqfrd€YRn+Tt
;iiqnr{ I
gv: +R: eHI;t:ftredirq-lsfEq2q
urGsrttRor{wi qrd}qlP.e:rr
trregnA q\;q: grflqr*sqfl rqrgfr: I
qqn{frts (Krtltnrrfid Ruqrg€l
q<rt-g*Bqr{fuffi {t qg$$il t
ffiln ifufuq,iwGirfrngrqnir
qffiFrqffit futqftr {Kr gttt qFqilrnRQtt
Sloha 23. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and
Venus be together, the person born in the yoga will
havegoodwives and sons, will be wise, deformedand
h.ppy. If the Mpon, Mars,Mercury and Saturnbe the
iour planeta forming the sgmm (Chaturgrahayoga)
the person affected by it will have two motherc and
hthero, will be brave, with manywiver and sonr. If
tbc Moon, Mars, Jupiterand Veouscombineto produce
tbe yoga,the perEon whose birth ia influeoced by it
Sl. ge ctfrscqtq: 6r5

will be clever in iniquity, tleepy and itching for wealtfi.

The person who has his birth in the yoga formedby
the combinationof the Moon, Mars, Jupiterand $aturn
will be firm,minded,brave,comfortableand learned.
cl, eru{tt
+o$Rf{qrgffq: qu{dtqfi: grtq:I
qQi: tl
q-glsrq gqfi{Rruqgqw$ff;
{il Anuftqfrgu5.€+ I
qqRgmqlFnn, nftsqgq*Rnqlt ll
frtors: Ufioa:u+-erqlsiitq
lrS qfiegq: flRlssrUtqrtt;Hfiil: ll
qftil qqEraqt'dl-rri qmrg:frnq5ftt t
rfttrsqntu+*}€tflaw\'\: tl
The combination of the Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn has
been left out in the text. Its effect is thus described in et(I{dl

$6clqR: qq?q:flqhil mq q}}q' t

Algo cT{€r{rMil:
n]iq' e{geqlfl:Inei} qlf,d qid. tt
g{tTgtrfttt F{ftt ft{r{ q{qt qat
tri-srdq{rrHrfilg€rqqrfirqRils ll 18 ll
Stoka 21. The pereon born in a yoga formed by
the combinationin one bhava, of the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus will be deaf,but learned,famousand
616 qrarcrRqre Adh. vIH.

wcalthy. If the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Eaturn be

together and produce a agiqflu (Chrturgraha yoga), the
person influencedby it will be exceedingly wealthy,
kind to his relativeeand charitable. The person whoee
birth is in the yoga formed by the conjunction of the
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, will becomehostile
to a large number of personsand have. intrigues with
the wives of other people. If the Moon, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn combine in a bhava,the person who hag his
nativity in the yoga will be devoid of ease, Eceprical
and unfeeling.
cf. €ras-d
qq) vagnlsfrgqqq
rrqR{fr fq'rmftiqgFrrfirqrfit,
sRt: rr
sdq&frlfi(tqttqdt q.gqsif qfrqq r
?qgfrq:s{fifi' qrftrgq-frqlfrF{:
sRt: rr
fifio,{r,il ftna+ga t
qra)dfiGe; erf*ggtfrituggi,rr
{TrI{Qa:gqftrqrdfr g'fbdt qqEdto:I
{gqffi ffsw: qrf}rgnuU*Rf}:sQfi, 11
Sqgq$gffiqrfrFEil: qq
gtlgt{fir}tr wrrri fMar I
ftnqr{"frqr{ffift {qrr! n R\ tl
Sloka 25. The personborn when Mars,Mercury,
Jupiterand Venus arein conjunctionwill be rich and
reviled. If Mars, Mercury,Jupiter and Saturnbe the
planeteformingthe yoga,rhe personwhosebirth is in
it will be sickly and destituteof wealth. If Mercury,
u, 96 STEITTS€qr|I: 5t?

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava,

the person born in the yoga will have exceedingwealth,
learningand amiability.
cf, sr{lild
dmttfnQqwFfr d* q qftdflqa,
sRt' tt
Ufr An-qrrq1
ffii qrmra)ilqrFTfrtfttqusa r
The following two combinations do not find a piace in tbe
Text: Yiz,, (l) itlars, Mercury, venus and Saturn and (2) Mars,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. I,'or their effects,aide the following
slokas from €I(4di.
erFqg: Kge: fiftar* gqgdq:Qqmr:I
Trrtq flrfi+iqriqqqri'i:sRi: rr
aqdt Ragn:ddq' sqs&qarqe: r
qlqgtgmglll+,t\qtqiftnq: rl
Also qrdqFrtqqft:
fleiq gEdqr q gqqqq{rffi:t
€qnite)* rarqaHT(i+ofifrtqrr
*trqnfiufiT,Tiqli €rfrrsfe{;I
qrqr(tfrqrdit+a* qTqtTt: u
For the effects of the above combinations in each of the lz
bhavas, vide Horaratna.

il {Qr{qQql 11
Combinations of 5 planets in one bhava; thereare 2l such
618 qrdrcrRsrrt Adh.vrn.
qiwg tffi$rot ftgar rq{r t
rrdrg('Tq{6r{qtirq€r ll tq ll
Sloka 26. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury
and Jupiter be in one bhava,the person born in the
yoga will be a good combatant and a clever informer.
If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus corn,
bine and produce a ,iec(*rl (Panclragrahayoga) the
person whose birth is affectedby it may be faithful to
his various f unctions, attentive to other people's
concerneand friendless.
cf. qrrq-d
g,tff egrd qlqrRsqar&anfl:t:
qq6gqrlrd r{:gwfiaq'qgt: tt
qttq{d'tfrFi q'gg€R: Fa} Rrnsrq: I
dtqtfr q flei r{hgsqu*,*Qarr

urrgMMirqar t
cqr$ffi frqoegerlr Rell
Sloka 27, If the Sun,the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn form the {sqrqtq (lanchagraha yoga), the person
born will be hopeful and have to suffer separationfrom
the woman he loves. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury and Saturn be the five planetsin conjunction,
the person whose birth is affected by their influence
will be short,lived, bent on earning money, but without
wife and sons.
$L 2S-2e llElftrtr|rq! 6t9

cf. srtr+d
srcqrg+sq'rrfrfr sig€Qia:
gq6qte: sq&: qtf+fl6q:vilvndt t t
frgaaeagrq:qlft{IRgqfrqFtt: rt


{iqq{rq${dr qliq\s;TEl{t ll Rc ll
Sloka 28. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter
and Venue be together in one bhava, the effect of the
yoga on the person born is that he will be an aesassin,
cast out by his father, mother and other relations and
will becomesightlesa, If the Sun, the Moon, Marc,
Venue and Saturn form a tqcaim (Panchagraba yoga),
the person, who has his birth therein will cleverly turn
to accountthe humility, the wealth and power at his
commandand will be depravedand have intrigueswith
other people's wives.
cf . *lRrsdl
qftq;{Iqgg,dt{eftquqi stq s;so; r
qeft qit iqdi: gi'ggtrrriEr+ar
qrardGqqflit qfhanr(:q{r$arfrK:I

{di Tfi fiqq{frqoEqilqr r

ffu gffnfiqwrtrrsPdr
n Rqtl
qrdTqrRsnt Adh. VIII.

and Venuscombineand producea ,iacr*{ (Pauchagraha

yoga),the personwhosebirth is influencedtherebywill
be a wealthyminister,with a fame,powerandauthority
to punish offenders,quite his own. If the five planets
jointly formingtheyogabetheSun,the Moon,Mercury,
Jupiterand Saturn,the personborn in the yogawill be
indebtedto anotherfor his food, very cowardly, very
wickedly inclinedand practisingcruelty.
cf. qt<r+d
u;eil qgfaqq]
zq€fi+ qug{rqn\qr er( I
,frt: &qqreo: fr;q1ilaaa"rg
sq:vua*fr ghgg€qdrfig*:

dqtuittaw qgir.r.rnr
qrn*Tqrcqgfrfr,Tqlwl:n il lo fl
S/rrAc 30. If the Sun,the Moon, i,{.r.urr, Venus
and Saturnbe togetherin a bhava, the personborn will
be without wealth, tall in stature, bercft of .children
and his body will be afflicted with many diseasee"If
the Sun,the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5
planetsjointly producing a {qqa+rr (Panchagraha yoga),
the person who has his birth therein will have a
wedded wife, be eloquent, clever in juggling, fearless,
but haveenemiesto contend with.
cf . rnrq-di
{i'il irqnqrq}qruii.srt'igqr{gil{tq:r
relrcrffiqF\Gq-qgqrf+,ugg+, rt
sl. 8l-92 s{gqtsEqr{t tr}1

ilnfl;q-{roftraqofin:69 qsfr qfrqrdr

lgqHla,r* rflqEg*rrggi' 11

S/oAn 3I. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and

Venus be in conjunction, the p€rsonwho has hia birth
in the yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will
commandan army and horses,and be restlesslymoving
aboutafter women not his own. If tlrc planetsassocia,
ted in the ,iqcfqlrr (Panch.rgraha
yoga)be the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on
the personborn ie that he will have.to eat beggedfood
and wear dirty and tattered clothes.
cf . qnrs'd
+tft <-gErmr: dlOnfrarqfiHqnqilr:
il.rfq*fdgrrrirgenr&frqU*, ltqr(
ftdfi'ii ir,'friq6i gk ,I(rfi6 rcr r
*uhitqsqrgr tfqgEge{sdig'} : tr
qw! isilg iig'fr il{q;t1-fl:a\
trft frnrfraUr,Tqruqrir
iu)tiegru ireimga: ugrdr
FqrcirqaiiqdqErqhtr rriq rr
Sloha 3L" The person wlrosebirth is in thc yoga
formedby Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Satuin
b e i n g i n o n e b h a v aw i l l b c h o n o r , r b l ep, r o f i c i e n t r n t h e
arts, have to do greatly wirh the infliction or purrish,
ffiz qrasrmtdre Adh. VIII.

ment in the form of deathand captivity and will be

sickly. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venuaand Saturn
be associatedin a ,iqc€*{r (Panchagraha
yoga), the effect
upon the personborn is that he will be of the highest
rank, but have much misery, danger and disease to
endureand be famished.
cf . stttsol
Esffqqil{rfrfiar-e}*gffi r{qfhI
ft,ri| Q*enift:gwgvUr{I*rt:<rr( tl
uefi gfirarg6t:Sqif{ffigmrrfrrmi: ll
*nr s*gwv*ftfrv$rr
qql gwqfq{rilEsrnrtrtt 11 tr
Slofra 3..t. If the five planets, the Moon, Marc,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combineand producea yoga,
the perron born in it will be a menial servant, without
wealttr" shabbily dressed,very ignorant and thievirh.
The person at whose birth, the $un, Mara, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, will be famed for
hie featsof physical energyin the enjoyment of plearure
in toyings in the form of a lock q;z (Yanthra).
cf. vRli{ot
hfr nt{'*it qftqrqR}sfrdfr
qqftat qqrRfi:nft6q6gr,rfrnd: tl
q?.qqqqql(flHrqi6qftqg:ggrE.qqfr |
qFr:rfrwql lhfrgarfiftfrnftt:
sl" 34-36 eu*sccrq; 528

In the latter half of this s1oka,the planets forming the com.

bination should be the Sun, Illars, lupiter, Venus and Saturn
insteadof the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn which has
a l r e a d yb e e n d e a l t w i t h i n s i o k a 3 l s u p r a , F u r t h e r , t h e e f t e c t
g i v e n f o r t h i s c o m t r i n a t i o nm o r e o r l e s s t a l l i e s w i t h t h a t g i v e n i n
the 2nd of the two slokas from qrtqdi (Saravali)quoted above.

{ffi (Tqqge{rIq{gq{Irf,'3
srgi gtrr Egq;Tlqquq Hff{,
q;g-{e{gailqqi}iltf ll lts tl
5 / o { , r l l . i . T i r c i ) e r s o n w h o h a sh i s b i r t l i i n t h e
yoga i':rmc,i the five planet3 ti)j Sun, Vlttfcutf,
.lurrtlei-,nu'enrrs arnd Saturn, will h: rr,'i5e,v.,rs,":"1 in
sacred b';oks ,ind of a virtuous characler end c<-rnduct
suclras e.odsand reverend seniors always fpprtrve o[.
If the Moon, Mars, ln4ercury.Junitt'r and Venus be
tog3ther in a bhava, the pctsr;ri born under such
influence will be virtuous. h rirpy, vel y rxrealthy,
p o w c r f u la n d t . a r n e d .
cf. l{ril.{'7.1

qgflI€flInqqftaft,r'ccir rlaqi q t
giifqary{{+-{r"s : ll
qlg: {€qnrlit flaiqqqrqtiirgqqqa:. I
E;.It(flTEgtqtI ErI;gi,nnT-.{€[-ga;
qsilil*galqqiiqttr{ f,rqrgrq;qq;fI I
<Tr(ll 1\ ll
Slofru i't5. lf the five planets,the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava,
the person born under their iniluence will be hcnoured
every wkre. He will have defective vieion and have
clatilnftcrl Adh" VIIL

a Etatus equal to that of a sovereign or he may be a

kinq's minister.
cf' fltrcd
qqlT'fr?qftHfrwilct: ntoltqqq I
qm T{fr q1q-};gafrq1rftg}:
The underrnentionedtwo combinations appear to have been
left out, uiz., (l) The Moon, Mars, I\.fercury, Venus and Saturn
and (Z) the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Their
eflects are thus described in fffn*dr.

ftfrnr4 qftq: qilaqfqqrqtHil {ta: r

qg{qfiilq{: q{rEQd5fi{qfro:I
q*&rfAqr'itghggqgilfsgi: rr

Combinations of 6 planets in one bhava; there are 7 such

qrilquqfufiriffioqrqig{tttfiqilr r
Uirreusqr*'qflEasg*: Rr{rfirwr{
s;qq{u'lilq fidqqnErfiCftd rrdsn RQtr
S/'rfra 36. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus be all in one bhava, the person born
under the yoga will be a holy man calledaHg( (Tir,
thankara)dwelling in forestsand hills and having wife,
children and wealth. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus lnd Saturn combine and produce a
wlnazlq (Shadgrahayoga) the effect thereof upon the
personborn is that he will suffer from headache,
have a
sr. 37-38 stgrfts€qrq! 626

constitutionrl disposition to madness,

dwell in solitudes
and that in a foreign country.
cf . qtcqr.riliqqia
fiqrqt*do) <gir''r1q {TrqqrdI
qlfa qs3Ji1
qnti: {*rrh}: r."qrd}
{iqqrrtai{t r qerr{rts! grft|
fg{Rfh{rr$qqWfudrqieqr <rleair
5$ ffqq(ffi rldgfi qgt frid Trir u qetl
S / o l ' , r3 7 . I f t h e S u n , M a r s , M e r c u r y ,
V e n u s a n d S a t u r nb e i n c o n j u n : t i o n ,t h e p e r s o nb o r n i n
the yoga will be of wandering habirs and very wise.
lf the Moon, Mars, Mercurv, jupiter, Venus and Saturn
bc togetherin a bhava,thc personwhosebirch is influ,
enced by the conjunction of tl-rescplanets will be a
pilgrim to holy shrines and an asceric. If the six
planets combining and producingthe yoga be the Sun,
the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Iupiter and Saturn,th: effect
on the personborn is thrt he will be a robber,addicced
to women not his own, leprous, reviled by relatives,
bereft of children, ignoranLand in exile.
tf "qrC.ir " be the reading., the translation ir "shall own
great wealtlr."

#rs;q*dfiwr qqqiTsrdf
{T;rr frariqeuqrwr,ilt{ffitil lc tl
B/oArz 38. The person brrn in a wgealrr (Shad,
graha yoga) formed of the Sun, the Moon, Mara,
626 wreocrRad Adh. VIII.

be insignificant,
engagedin works not his own, afflicted with consump'
tion and drynessof the nose and despicable. If the
$un, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the
six planetsjointiy producing the yoga, the personwhose
birth is influencedby it will be a king's councillor,
bereftof the joys whi:h rvife, childrcn rnd wealth gir':,
but calmand contented.

qtr; Q?rT{aKrll;rdh'r'ifiqrqq$qdi-
€: q{isonq{q${i itoqm,{I6t{i I
{r{sqi gqiurt fh'rrg $dtofgrtRutrwgtl
d'rquitilqGi.{ftitqriqrftibt lr li ll
Sloka 39. Whe u the Sun is in the several signs
beginningwith Mesira,the effect on the personborn is
i n o r d e r( l ) t h a t h e w i l l h a v es m a l l w e a l t h ; ( 2 ) h e w i l l
d e l i g h ti n m u s i c; 1 3 ) h i s m i n d w i l l b e f u l l o f c a r e
,.g"i,iing thc acquisitionoi learningand wcalth ; (1) he
will be ignoraur: (rr) he will be versedirr the several
the acqui-
arts and be clever; (fl) he will be devotedto
s i t i o n o i m o n e y, ( ? ) h e w i l i b e d a r i n g ;
( 8 ) h e will be
( be
esteemed ; (t)) he will be a petty trader; t0) he will
c l e v e ri n e v e r y k i n d o f e x e r c i s e ;( 1 1 ) h e w i l l b e
i n s u c hj o y s a s c h i l d r e n a n d c h i l d r e n ' s c h i l d r e n
a n d ( l z i h e w i l l p r o s p : r b y s u c h i n d t t s t r i e sa s
tural operationscarriedon by irrigation'
c/. ga;nna XVIIl-slokas l-4.
q{ .{quiEimqreqqar gtqft ifiIqqtr
qi.qd qfiEiffirqsest {rqiqqi ftqqr{ t
40-41 qgfrs.qrq: 627

ft qfqsi s frfqq* fii i"-air gtft

grrt gdatfrfr qrr.rtqrisunilftrqrll Boll
Sloko 4Q. If Mars occupy hrs own sign at a
persons birth, the latter will get wealth from a king,
from agriculture and from his wandering about in
pursuit of other such occupation. If Mrrs be in a Rasi
owned by Venus, the persotrborn will set his mind on
sensualenjoyment; the effect of Mars' presencein a
sign belonging to Mercury is that the person under
such i'nfluence will speak in a dejected tone ; if the
planetbe in Kataka, the person born will becomea
king's favourite and havc much wealth. If Marg'
position be in Simha,at a person'sbirth, the latter.will
be in posscssionof securewealth. In a Rasi belonging
to Jupiter, Mars makes the person born triumphant
over his foes and possessedof comfort and happinese.
In Kumbha, the pre$enceof Mars l:as the effect of
making the person concerned served by bad people.
And lastly when Mars is in lr{rkara,the personborn is
e i t h e ra k i n g o r h i s e q u a l .
cf. g€siTfffi XVII l-slokas 5-7,
iS,TET fter'qgrt g€i
sffiA frqiqqqrar?qa-rri +giaRnrt
ffiqTA{gqffi'ft qilrqqft Uqrofrq)
qia& iq(*qil {iiG tteqt qduqsrn ut tl
Sloku 41. A person will be poor if at hrs birth
Mercury be in a houseof Mars; learned if in a house
of Venus; happyif Mercury be in Mithuna; will dissi,
pate w his ealth if the planet be in Kataka ; wrll be
lr28 oreoqrfffi Adh. VIII.

henpecked if Mercury be in Simha; will have virtueg

in abundance and be exempt from dangers if Mercury
occupy Kanya; a king's favourite if in Dhanus; a
suMued Eervantif in Meena; an artisan and a menia!
ter\nnt of another if in a houseof Saturn.
If g:q{fl be the reading insteadof [it{t, the translatiorr will
be "will get rid of all his troubles."
c/. {(swcq XVIII-slokas 8-l l.

tnfrwariqsr gtlq41qqrdr$q{ Uft

ffi1 ftilt qRrcsfitqtnrceq qt I
rr{f gffid{ sfrfr qt ffi qret tn
{rq| {|q(rfrsl{r furii fiiszqr b'qrq}n BRtl
Sloha 42. If Jupiter h'e in a aign of Mars at the
birth of a pereon, the latter will be superior to others
in his army, wealth and ooru, highly virtuous and
bountiful ; if in a rign of Venua, the person concerned
will be energetic; if in a oign of Mercury, be will have
a large following of friendc ; if Jupiter be in Kataka,
the pereonborn will be wise and rich in sons; if in
Kumbha,the person concernedwill enjoy pleasures; if
the planet be in Simha,the peroonaffectedwill bccome
famous; if Jupiter occupy a qe" (Swakshetra),the
personborn will be a king or on a par with a king. If
in the depression sign Makara the person concerned
will be a wanderer and bave a careworn mind,
c/. gwn:q XVIIT-slokas l2-13.
qnr aitritffgR{* itqrrwaqr{
,iid.qwiftaffiRilrqn]:flrdfiq: I
st. 43-44 q?istqrc: 629

gffiAni qnqRqlrfrgnther
uggt tqrffifr{t n Bt tl
S/oAn 43, According to rhe posiciouof Venus in
the several cigns from Mesha onwards, the per;on born
will be respectively (') a gallant ; (, ) wielding large
influence due to the poeaessionof fortune, geniue,
friendsand kindred; (') learned, wealthy and wise;
( t ) c o w a r d l v ; ( u ) w i l l h a v e d u l l $ o n s ;( 6 ) w i l l f o l l o w
courEesof conduct preecribed for people lowest in the
socialscale; (') will be a king,s favourite; (s) will be
served by a set of bad women; (') will becomea lord
o f m e n ; ( * ) w i l l h a v e e n j o y m e n t s ;( t ' ) w i l l b e c o m e
addictedto unmarried girls; ('1) will be posseosed. of
fortune, learning, worth and amiable manners.
c/. 1qs*n+ XVIII-slokas 14-16.

{€lrr?ilrtrqilqg(dc{Tgrfl "Sd}
mt: qtqqnrq* rMgr{rfllrur?eqqtl t
cudsgru'olRrR{qi ilq&q} ftv+rt
ilq'inqg'nfrqil{iEgi tqrqilftrfui , BB tl
Sloka 44. If Saturn occupy Mesha or any of the
other aigns taken in order, the personborn will reEpec,
tively be (') stupid (!) will not have much -".lrh
( t ) w i l l b e b e r e f to f m o n e y , s o n sa n d i n t e l l i g e n c e( o )
will be banishedfrom the joys derivable irom the kind
careof a mother (' ) will be disreputable( n wilt havc
very little wcalth and very few children (') will be
the leaderof a community, town or village ( s will
have a cruel heart (', ) will enjoy the dignity aftaching
to the poosessionof children, wife and riches (
" ) will
ililsfiR-sfi Adh, VIII.

be liked by his sovereign( 11)will have wealth ( u ) will

Burpao$in energyand other kingly virtues.
c/. grsara+ XVIII-slokas l7-19.

llgifiUgilqq sri tqrftRrfirgt

aqar'fi,o{HqRii"s +iaqr il B\ tl
Sloh,t,43. An intelligent astrologer shculd weigh
well in his mind the effect of the lr4oon's presencein
the severalzodiacalsignsbeginningwith Meshras well
as in the Amsas (drr) belongingtirereto and then declare
the result of his deliberations.
qftibi rmaqd\ii gxirtt
GrKs €qdgqMitdiar r
qmrilqig qGqEqfdror
qpefif{ sqegk{d'i:{rss
qrE il 8E tl
Slokr 46. When a planetis aspectedby a malign
one, the persor)born under its influence ruffers from
bad ailments and is without the virtues, worth, wealth
and famewhich a personof his birth and socialEtatus
ought to bave. If a pl.rnet be associatedwith a malign
one, the effeccis that thc personborn under such in{lu,
ence has a hankerirrgafterother pcople'swe,ritl.rand
women, is i-rarshof speech,fraudulently mindedand
rnE grti5(sg ({q( silKlrt'r{r:
gilqdilili'Iqi g;qfr {FtWrT! |
A \ \\ \
ril{{ i{trEdf qr( gtrrl(reFTrnil
fhaRgftaqqiqrrqrfrFatru Bs tl
sl. 4?-{g cllgrscqr|I: 681

planet aspectedby a propitious one will have children,
richec and enjoyments, will be handsome,honored by
his sovereign and exempt from humiliation or disgrace"
If the planet influencing a birth be associatedwith a
benignantone, the person born will be triumphant over
his foeein this world, conform to the dutiee and practi,
ceoappertainingto his birth and sccial position, and be
ahrewd enoughto understand(ascertain)the unexpreesed
wishes of others by their outwartl indications.
q;i tqrri $qrR€*dtisil {qfrr
qqmgEil{*t di(i (t) q}q r
ft e&qtqr;T{qqii*uqi gvt aqr
grq&inddrTq!gqftqq *rr €A ii+{i Bd
S/oA,r 48. When the Moon occupying Megha is
aopectedby the several planets beginning with Marr
and ending wrth the Sun, the perron born under such
influencewill respectively be a king, a man of learning,
a personequalin Etatusto a king, one endowed with
every amiable quality, a thief, and a beggar. If the
Moon be in Vrishabha,and Mars aEpectit, the person
I orn will be one bereft of propercy; it \{ercury be the
aspecting planec, the perscn born will be a judge; if
Jupiter, an honorable person; if Venus, a king; if
Saturn,a monied person; if the Sun, one of a servant,
class. If the Moon be in Mithuna and the several
aspectingplanets be taken in the slme order as before,
the persor born in theieveral ceseswill rcspeccivelybe,
one defective in som: limb, a king an intelligent and
aagaciouoperson, a brave person, a villainous wretch
and a poor man.
632 qnactRwril Adh. VIII.

[]:g: fr41q1;z[ seems to be the correct reading in the 3rd pada
of the sloka. c/. Brihatjataka XIX-1. The translation will then
be " If the Moon be in Vrishabha, and ilIercury be the aspecting
planet, the person born will be a thief &c. ,'
cf . €rrrsot
sTFgq{ilZqft' qqcrit qT{qqqft qrr: r
fr1:ffirrTr{tGqr e} altrft t\ u
Frorn this, it would seernthat ,,.daq " in place of ,,{R(,,
was the original reading.
{pefb+: sFiq $qe! {rf{ft llilrd: lt
anrfiqmrt:flerqq:qFqiidte: r
gue}ivrt frrrr+tne+ffigo+tft:
tqG Rqeql Ei utqr gqrcrrd: tl
wfrmqfirflil WrqRuqtra.d) rTilfiqq:I
rqf,tfisqnrtglq ftitfflfr {qfh tl
oU6qgFq) nr{: wra.iir'ftRqnafqnar
tqpt Rqrtfi nfiqret qEwm,tl lllll
+{mqfidr,t f}qqqgnqt: fl€d q I
qr+fq+;$Sd Wir rfi{tfhna;q:tr
qfrtrq $d?81gqfrut qsqilfrlqqq1
€qqd qritqi rrqi grr rrrftt\ Srt rr
qrqfr gla ae:arit Z\sgqqufid.nq r
fr rueqrwE(ndrfrryfi6q;dqfifi gotq.
UGE:ilqftsd rr
gr. 4e qgdfscqrrr 633

lf,qqqnrl€rqi $q qTnqrt;${ailil?qnrq. t
qRqrrftgrt rr
qq(tqsiied gqt i"q sqr q gqrfrqqr
grRe+glfta Ggnee, {nl grt u n 1 ll
qflrqnqmnifrg{ oqrfqdgqfieq r
*frfr {Iftaao4:11
wfiggfrxrii g€arqilfqqqoqF{rqrq I
soh figq ffil qlq fiftffisqqqq rr
urqlnrqasqrogtt aqrrfiaq frt q r
qftqqeos{riftgq g{{tRna;q; 11
Rqrilerqr+ftpqriiqsqrqqfRoq{ r
qrF{slfiqafiq: s.iffr gaitffi figt rr
qrgqfaqrcqqdinrfiqrq.lqftiFrft' r
frut sut gtfrqggunftrfiftgaetrr
greim-varftagefigeRrfdafia qrflqI
urqi o)*d*i figt rfi-ifhaa=q:rl il1tl
qit€ qrRrl?
3Trdiusfiddqftrffiqtsinqqr r
qrr nlkan{ qfr initr qT{ifr$ frair
u;qrd qfH Ru: quffdrftarf-ffior get Bq
Sloha 49. If the Moon in Kataka be aspected
severallyby the six planets from Mars taken in order,
the persons born in the six caseswill respectivelybe
valiant, honorable,endowed with the highest poetical
talent, of royal rank, working in iron, and suffering
from ophthalmia. If the Moon be in Simhaunder the
rame aEpects, the person born will respectively be a
634 waEc]Qsril Adh. VIII.

king, one speakinglearnedly, a wealthy man, a king, a

wicked personand one that is mighty. If rhe Moon be
in Kanya and be aspectedby the severaiplanets taken
in the sameorder, the person born in the several.cages
will be respectively wealthy, mighry, lordly, learned,
badly behavedand in easycomfortablecircumstances.
cf " mrrqdt
qufrgoi'rq qqrRiiilqqumqfi |
Ott erJt q--* rfqe* gi{rrear tr
qt fi+en{ttqrctqqlatfi{,i (Erqr
+ii at ezt rr
eTfa{ilqftq+t qqqftgq{tfha:qrqiterlt r
qafig1q-i Zqfllit fteqqtd q rr
Zsffi Zqgqg* aa+fr q-q: g};q$€s: I
qrlt glqagrrrdadiaqqilisrTlmr;f,{tl
q?firfi1€r+RqcqrqiqTqiilfi grt r
+iah flFedieqrqqqrq,fr {F.rq tl
s{anrTgriqRqqrgrfiefqqrf}Edqrq{ I
nfqil es: €rJt +q]ft q;q] qt dtq{ n lt 8 ll
ZqfiqgeWfr q].AeuqiqtrFql {ttq t
{iqt Ee:1frfvrnn flzld q-q: tt
tqrqfr qqu€q(g{figartireiltnq r
;rqlcgwqg{OifhnaGnr:fftf 1s
{rqrfl+ ftd <{in.igafiila:rftt r
sd gtq ed vagt+ulrrrflqa
e-d: tt
qftqrd goga qggit gqn?q q I
fii rt
5r. 60 qErll5€qlrtl 636

qqilfaqtdtri{irqqiqgqfntqqi 9,ft r
g{nfi{Eflqln dt{itEt gxn.ee,tt
E{+qqiottszaqrig,ino,i;fnt r
Gta n,r Edtgefrgt{fqqaq'fr q nrit tt ll q ll
zq+)aatrrqraq$ailfl liftretqfqqr
wqrqiqfiafrqrqt8qndt gtt tt
pqmsaq"dftfha gult a t
*-qrqigae* qrqrfari aqiigtt tt
'qlfiq*pqfifh$ {iqrqrc{g Gaf+i gflilq. I
srfn{,i m-qrqiqqqfrfqgutgtfhdsFq:ll
q;gaira g{ta yaa*t gfraaw{q t
*oqtqi gteril qqqla fiqqdiqf, q;q: ll
*'qqi ngot ftfqqriiar.iifrrqqqr@{
nnaft*fiagP.d gnt uUw ftiifhaa;(: ll
qeg€fiqfiqgqrfaawrg+i gaftauqt
r,-qiqi w€E: e'tqirqqi {fi ge'dll ll q ll
dits itq.itgeriisutrrdfttw{qq
qtl uoi*ti qitqgq{Acsrqrstl qoqgfI
ule€ {rirrft fiqra$sri rrqfrq'ialqgq
irql fh'ift+.itnoqitq\ st gqftqtr tt \o tl
S/oAa 50. When the Moon in Thula is aspected
severallyby the benefic planets, N,Iercury, Jupiter and
Veoue, the persons born in the several cases will be
respectively a king, a mint-master and a merchant. If
the Moon in Thula be aspectedseverally by Mara, the
Sun and Saturn, the person born in each case witl be
impotent. If the Moon occupy the rign Scorpio and be
636 ila{qrftEre Adh. Vm.

reverally aspected by the planetstaken in order from

Mercury, the person born in the severalcaseswill be
(t) a man with two fathers and two mothers(n) a
favorite o{ the king, (3) a mean-wretch,(o) a sickly
p e t E o n ,( u ) a p o o r m a n ,( u ) a n d a m i n i s t e ro f a k i n g .
4qq: (Vanchakaha) is another reading for qoe+: (pandakaha)
in the 2nd pada of the sloka.

cf. {Tr<t{dr
s{qqaqr&nraalftqi *rrfiry.n a t
sTgiTqiltgo* walfarfiffi11a;q: 11

dTqqqR gq T{qllqFqqr€.Tflgs'{ |
^-: \. \A

rftraaaqrr smqfA q*frf,a;q: u

r* gta q;q: ,5s1ffi sr{d${qrq{|
gqqw{fiein trcqrd gorq\Wt rr
frtfharOosiqaqfiflqx{fti f6rg, r
aafr*?g gad rarRgqTqn$et rr
afi-{qiii grrrigeafidlflrq{rfrf,
s€euUfilhn:{{t go;*rr
ott qt{itwr6i f}qqmi qqi$ii d* |
Bqq{fi g€Gii qr*rfte* fRong' u ll rgll
5th e)*ic,i gqqzi\q fi-{q.d q r
g€qfid ueq(tt
e{sqqq{Stil yfinq Tft+ Erlftgeq r
qFq+q sq\ qqq1q
tfriq fl?E: 11
qqoFil ? gfur;fr q 1
qqqfr gta ee: {'-qt dh* q ftilfl{ ll
$r. 6t qc*sqrq: 68?

$ff edsftTrdt ftflfirt {ilqd q n
e{FtqqrfrEgr.rri +Tar
gqfilffirnsni wqqft{g{tfrel;E: 6
frqn-s Fqqaqiltcraqq Rs{i q t
qqqra-ffiEs)qtqqi q;4sr: # rr ll ( ll
q;i qgQg{dtg+ Rrqnwnqdqora:t
qt sqrffihrg*r twuur qqttwt erq tt\t ll
Sloftc 51. When the Moon occupieeDhanus and
has the aspect of benefic planets upon it, the person
born will have plenty of learning,wealth,wiedom, fane
and strength. When the Moon in Dhanur ia aspected
by Mars, the Sua or Srturn, the peroonborn under guch
influence witl be an arbitrator in a court and addicted
to courtezan$.
cf. €nrc-d
yfrrara $th qI fieqraqtt'iqrt r
qrFsr€saiqFf qgqqgwrrtfrtaqtt
tqrqffrF€q g'ii tleqra+atgaq{|
sFqFlgqqT.s nrit qgfr tt
qgr:eiqrqili ;q]frqftFqftqrfifigq q t
d,sft rt
gEd fRqrRriwrqr{
o{gqqt(gd :"ftss qFaq qrt t
eq{r{rcsqfe*{qtgsrFqc qq: tt
gMr fe qf,i'iigwr sxr"ittqson
s I
qrtEfqrqrdqrir*ee, dftq, tt
638 arnwfiwe Adh.vlu.

frffi{R,i gqrr,i qg3Tf,

asqtQqd.qq r
arftqrf,yUei qqqftfr\frn, {rfl qgli u uq tl
trw qttq?ofrqq
qdtfi{tH frur I
gqft*awqt qfit fttrmt u \i tl
Sloha 52. When the Moon in Makara ir severally
aapectedby the planete taken in order from Mercury,
the personsborn in the severalcaseswill be respectively
( 1 ) a k i n g ( o ) a r u l e r o f t h e e a r t h ( t ) a l e a r n e dm a n
(') a rich person(') a beggarand (6) a lord.
cf. fl-ff{dl
ewi g:fraqe'iqffifr{ilqdtqd gd r
qft\ S{€qqlrr:ft1qo*6{tfhiii rgqr tt
erfrfiqqqfAg({t gqi qaHgdet g{qq.r
aeagqq-qo€+iift q*,fhaa;q:n
a€ wrefiA et nTItdlq,qrfti e r
qmfhqin Ee'g€rR,ifid.i geqqrr
rlqfrqgqftizqftgil,sgawt qrdqI
qgqngqfr{qrqft gnflfhaa;4:rt
qrgsftqqfi{qqqrq?qrorfhiiqt {ft1 t
frqqlaqgr qlqft qg{ffhaa.q:ll
ewdqfti <ra frgevi qrtqrfr{qgqq.
RqFr+,{g{ds: q-fr at qfrt il lt I " tl
srrffi frtrqrt lfqEtqfrqq:I
wrrilwq*or qrrfffttft?3 il \1 ti
Sloka 53. The effect on the person born of tlrc
Moon in Kumbhabeing acpectedby benelic planetoio
that he will be rich in fame. The Moon in Kumbha,
sl. &r qlrTtss{rrt: 680

aEpectedby maleficplanets makes the peroon that har

his birth under the influencea libertine.
cf. vrn+d
qftqfrq{R q qt 1r6'i qTft*aftrt q r
o€ qffi€* ttztrffir'f: Q{$HI{:tl
SlsRfldnnrimqg€frfuerosq. I
ftqi qtortsimilftSffiqa;q: tl
wrnqqrT${rA lftdFftf, &q q g{fi-{r{ 1
dsffqqgtq $q tfrft gq{tf+ra:tr$ gt rr
qrqfr*aeqiT{nq-q{T{Etq t
gtt iFraqlai sr\i gffiftn: ffift $t n
4qqg*tfti *Krqrqr&frflqa qrq{r
sat urit sgqtfrfRaftil qcq\seqgsq rr
qqtqqt qfAi KErRnni fiqqlqt r
wnrrnftqqrainrit qt frwee,lt n I t tl
ftrU sr{ttki ffi ardi* qqfrr
Rflt qrqftftftt q€q-fl{qrqtrs} qrqt I
flqit tq6*fki {aqftqffr $q;il-{nftr
fuir gr{tiht Rq*tqrdrq{rdtrr+(n\B tl
Sloka 54. When the Moon in Meena is aspected
by beneficplanets, the person born wili be a learned
king, fond of mirth. If the Moon in the sameRasi be
aspected by malefic planets, the effect of this on the
peroonborn is that he will be foui-mouthed and evil-
minded. When the Moon occupyinga malefic Amsa is
arpected by malefic planets, the person born will be
wicked and licentious. If the Amsa occupied by the
640 qTnsrRcre Adh.vln

Moon be bendic and the aspectingplanetsbe alsobeoe'

fic, the peruonborn becomes
cf. sRts-odi
fti qqrtdnhglta tiTqfi qqn€aq. t
qflft RffiGE' sgfraqrrqvqftfri rt
qfr{d gqQf, s@rgaq qrlfrK q I
qqqft aq{erqft: a\ qtq, rr
q?qfr g}t afr ftrrqa-qqT: gFtI{|
qqfrqilq Sfui {twfrsqrqd fiqII ll
U€mfiiFil ofui qFisqruqfu+tr
g$qt +gft: df}id qn}q tl
sd {Fftgrfterfuai aerra}wrqt
g*ffi flqFil qqqd nftfrqi q rt
mqrfrg{Ertqfr{fd{ |
gd lftcafr *qfrcqrsnrrffrlu u tltf
What has been said in slokas 48-54 above may be rearrangetl
and sumrnarisedthus:
(l) Mars aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born a King
Taurus one bereft of proporty
Gemini defective in some limb
Cancer valiant
I-eo a king
Virgo wealthy
Scorpio minister of a king
Segitterius arbitrator in a court and onc
addicted to courtezans
Capricorn a lord
Aquerius a libertine
Pirccg foul'mouthed and evil'minded
sr.51 qg5ifss4s: 641

Thus, Moon square or opposition Mars is bad except when the

Moon is i' .\ries, Leo, Scorpio a'd Capricorn' Three of these
q&-e (Swakshetra) and g_qba (Uchchakshetra)
lrappen to be the
of Mars, and f 'r the Moon in Leo, Mars happens to be the ruler
of the 9th from it. That is wl.ry Mars is gooti in these four signs' '
(2) Mercury aspecting the l\tloon in

Aries will n.ral<ethe person born a man of learning

Taurus a thief
Gemini a king
Cancer honoriable
Leo one speaking learnedlY
Virgo mightY
Libra a liing
Scorpio father of twins
Sagittarius learned, wealthy and wise
Capricorn a king
Aquarius rich and famous
Pisces a learned king, fond of mirth
The Moon in opposition to Mercury in any place is good
except Vrishabha. It is however not so good as the Moon in
opposition to Jupiter for finance. The intellectual side is good.
(3) Jupiter aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born equal in status to a king
Taurus honorable person
Genrini intelligent and sagacious
Cancer endowedwith the highest
poetical talent
Leo wealthy
Virgo lordlY
Libra a mrnt master
Scorpio favourite of a king
Sagittarius wealthy, famous and learned
Capricorn a king
Aquarius rich and famous
Pisces a king

The Moou can be aspected by Jupiter ouly when she is in

"","1*", ""-".
trine or in opposition to Jupiter and not when in conjunction
with Jupiter.
Politicians or statesmenare born if the Moon trine Jupiter or
Moon opposition Jupiter takes place when the Moon is in Taurus,
Virgo or Capricorn.
It therefore follows that all leaders in any walk of life must
have Moon-trine Jupiter or Moon.opposition -Jupiter.
(4) Venus aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make one endowedwith every amiable quality
Taurus a l(ing
Gemini a fearlessperson
Cancer a person of royal rarrk
Leo a King
Virgo learned
Libra a merchant
Scorpio one engagedin a base occupation
Sagitt'arius wealthy and fanrous
Capricorn a learned man
Aquarius farlous
Pisces a learned man
Venus opposition Moon is thus not generally bad.
(5) Saturn aspectingthe Moon in
Aries will make the person born a thief
Taurus wealthy
Gemini a villain
Cancer a person working in iron
I-eo a wicked person
Virgo badly behaved
Libra impotent
Scorpio a sickly person
Sagittarius addicted to courrezans
Capricorn a rich person
Aqrrarius a libertine
Pisces foul-mouthel and evil-minded
All aspects(whether 3rd, lOth or 7th) of Saturn to the Moon
are bad except when the Moon is in Taurus aod Capricorn. We
Sl. 66 qgdscqrq: 643

have already stated in sloka 3 supra that I\{oon-conjunction-Saturn

is bad.
(6) The Sun aspecting the Moon in
A r i e s w i l l m a k e t h e p e r s o nborn a beggar
Taurus one of a servaut class
Gernini a poor Inan
Cancer sufiering from ophthalmia
Leo mighty
Virgo one in corn forlable circum-
s t a u ce s
Libra rmpotent
Scorpio a poor n)an
Sagittarius an arbitrator in court and
addicted to courtezans
Capricorn a beggar
Aquarius a libertine
Pisces f o u l - m o u t h e d r ,n d e v i l . m i n d e d .
A1l oppositionof the Sun to the Nloon is bad e\cepr when
the Moon is in Leo. The Suu will then be in Aquarius and
aspectinghis own house.
What is true of the l\Ioon is also true of the Lagna. So says
V a r a h a m i h i r ai n h i s B r i h a t j a t a k a( X V l l l - 2 0 ) .
A11 squaresor oppositionsbetweel the Moon anrl any malefic
is bad. Similarly, all squaresand oppositions betrveenthe Lagna
and any ma1efic is bad. So also conjunctionsof malellcs with the
Moon or the Lagna is bad except Sun-conjunction.l\{oon.
A l l c o n j u n c t i o n sb e t w e e nr n : r l e f i c sa r e b a d ( c / . s l o l i a s 1 , 2 , 4 ,
8 e u p r a a s a l s o W e s t e r na s t r o l o g e r s ) .

q=rttr+sq ffi(
{ftterQsei |
qEft gqElt t{ g{erq}q*gar n \\ ff
SiorAa55 The effect of an aspect upon a Raei
must be held tc apply likewige to its Amsa. The Rasis
as well as their Amsas when aspectedby or associated
with benefic planetsbecomebenefic or auspicious.
644 sriila;cfiErrfi Adh. VIII'

rrfirqd\q€g+ .rn] q qerflqt dql q"a I
ilfiqo qTFftifioql*qfqfqar q nfq-s{ lt
Il oerfqqrqftTer€5-dq
qr{'d qR omlseqffiq\ qrd; gtqi f inrr
qeqnriiiuiqutr qqilsntd gqffi;rer I
il;ilqn{in gdmat{lqffi.qsttr{t
qii dwakii ^ ERrriwq;rrtt tii{qrq ll \q ll
S/o&a 56. If the Sun be in the Lagnabhava,the
personborn will have few sons, lead a iife of ease,be
.ruel, eat sparingly, with defectivevision, be given to
bo".iing in the battte-field, well-bred and acquainted
with the histrionic art. But if the sun be in the exal
tation sign also, tbe effect of it on the person born is
that he *itt a.tigrrt in the acquisition of knowledge and
virtue, be possessed of good vision, f ame and indepen-
dence. lf the Sun occupyingthe Lagna be in Meena
the perron born wilt be waited upon and served by
f"miler; but if thc Lagna in which the Sun is be
identicalwith simha, thc effectof it on the personbort)
i s t h a t h e w i l l b c n i g l r t r r l i n d b u t p o s s e s s i n gg o o d
cf. €6nFI{' \ _. \ ^c \ \i _
df:qr;ti fqtqrqqt tqqulls{ laFq
'[qljt-q: I
iq qefioft{i{{r fhtqet
qaq tt
dlts-*sq' {fttt-(qh g€e,.IE{:
Also 'nottitq;t
elsfrseq+q'f*,qtosaq,*){t qqr*ait
5t. 57-58 qg*serrq: 616

qrRq-ilqo)fiaelq,it qnFil€rqiqia tt
The Sun in Leo causes blindness at night. In Cancer, the
Sun causescataract in the eyes. The Sun in Libra causesblind-
ness. The Sun in the Lagna causessome defect in eyes.
hqq qrq{iei g rrilgt{ I
drqq+i q{qdi{gsqilot
Kililfi qii i\rrgFtfriinq tt \e ll
S l o h a 3 7 . W h : n t h e w . r n i n g M o o n o c c u p i e st h e
Lagnathe p:rsrn born will be deaf, defective,in some
limb and a menial servanL. lf the Moon in the above
position be also in conjunction with a malefic planet,
there will be no vitality in the person born and he will
soon be dead If the Moon in the Lagna be in its exal-
tation or own house,the effecc of it rs that the person
born will have abundrnce of wealth, f,rrne and much
beauty. If the Mcon in the L-rsnabe full, the person
born will attain long life and becomelearned.
c/. gaslnq

{mi;qililst;'t{trqf\(: inq, nru*a}

erliq,ri qf,tll
Also na{itt.nr
fht q-i €h €art(,iqig{q+
qftb erqtn{.qiR fiqiin qrqqtu

- {ilEit*saftsfrqqdt'ri gi swt

frmfttreqrqqdfrdi oefet q'rqtt

qli o{rrt frrguotrdt qdi 6q.{r{
qrqtw;mgrqErrci{rf}erihotUrfrrr\c tl
646 crfitcrftqrfr Adh. VIII
Sloka 58. personborn with Mars in the first
bhava will be cruel, daring, given to wandering, very
fickle and sickly ; if the planet in the first bhrva be
Mercury, the effecton the pcrson born will be that he
will be devoted to the acquisition of learning, wealch,
virtue and religion ; if Jupiter occupy the Lagnathe
person bcrn will be long-lived, and have knowledge
untainted, wealth and beauty: if Venus should be in
the first bhava, the influence on the person born will
be that he will b: libidinous, lovely in mien, blessed'
with a wife and children, and learned.
c/. gqsqrcr
e* gi R{dilg:rt gt {?aqu riti fqar{tt
tr(fisq: gfrna fi-h Wgt lt
qqwq{tsi rr
frqlg.ioqfi$ rgtegttrTfl{qnw{qJq'tt
aitwaqSs-,itfingfifr ort g* ffeqo,tt
n* gagEtfq{gfqqiqqtqlgn+tfr +fl: tt
galfrqftsqfrffirffi qt fiofrqIftssdart
q*qgaqrggonitrrrqiq6s qtsfrqrri fEWs ll \q ll
Sloha 59. The effect of Saturnoccupyingthe first
bhava at a person'sbirth is that he will have stinking
nostrils, sufferfrom fistula of an advanced type and
have a defectivc limb ; but if the f irst bhava occupied
by $aturn be the planet's exaltation sign, the person
born will be a king's peer, amiable for his special
virtues, and endowed with long life.
cf. g€-{iT{
si€Erili)fr qqmrritssoacfu{:
sl. 60-61 glg{}ss{r{: il1

Rtgd fter*' sfrCgn-ortss€Hqtt

il{sre: gFreiar{w:
Also q.o{ir?ar
elb efiqqqi frfAqret€fr
arisf;i qqfrt{gilftqrq: I
fr\g g,rarR{tfBa
il* i}u{iqqt g tnfi t
1t rrruriinat{{rliir
+1*Aot wqi{igEqrftrifht wfiqnfr.ft rrQotl
Sloha 60, When Rahu occupiesthe Lagna,,the
personbcrn wili be cruel, without compassionor moral
virtue in his natureand sufferingfrom ailments; when
Ketu occupiesthe Lrgna, the personborn will be sickly
and very avaricious, but if the R rlru or Ketu in the
Lagna be aspected by a benefic planet, the person
concernedwill hrve princely enjoymencs.
c/. mo{i{t-rr
ori aasqgrifiui fiqot
Hrn;gii findtqmgqpr{ I qyq:gret il

1i}ffi flsrrilrnqqr{it t
turdgilq $et q'Etriqi itrGfinEt tl
S/oAc 61. Rahu occupying the Lagnain the sign
owned by the Sun, promotesprincely enioyment in the
midst of affluence; Ketu produces longstandingwealth
and offspring when occupying the Lagna in a house
belongingto Saturn.
il8 crd6crftqra Adh. VIII.

il &frqtl
sFft qrcl"qErfisqtrqrtqt
Rdqrit Rrqrfr t
AmrfrafrT{rqffit Qq
Sloha 62, When the Sun is in the Znd bhava,
the person born will be liberal, possessedof property
in minerals, cherish even ill-wishers and will be
eloquent. Il the Moon be in the Znd bhava,the effect
is that the person born will b: fond of women, beloved,
of agreeablespgech, shrewd at guessing the covert
purposerof others, fond of study and possessed
of richee.

,ilrfrEiffiitqreqqtt t]fl gi fffi

rrqr ge* st t
qFfr*cnMqfigowrd -rtQgft
filqrqrq$urfianwnqffiqdktqFl} ll El ll
S/otc 63. tf Mars b: in the Znd bhava,the person
born will engagein much wandering in the pureuit of
metallurgy and agticulture, and will be hot-tempered;
if Mercury be in that bhava, the person bbrn will be
virtuous and have much wealth and moral worth discer-
ningly acquired; if the planet in the 2nd bhavabe
Jupiter, the person born under euch influencewill be
eloquent,command comfortablemeals,have vast wealth
and bestow liberal gifts. If Venue occupy the same
bhava, the person born will have learning, gallantry,
personalgracesand much weaith.
sru(q{rElqrsisfi}sq.Tf{* ggrfiqqt g Err{s I
fi$qt cn?rqtrd
ftfrq{rFqdqt tiftdt iaaiqtuqBtl
Sloha 61, But i[ Saturnbe in the Znd bhava,the
El. 65 srEt{fsrqlrt:

t"* -t. *t - tt--""tat htless,vagrant, in'

digent and deceitful ; if Rahu be in that bhava, the
peroonborn will be quarrelsorne; if the occupant of the
Znd bhava be Ketu, the person born wrll be a public
According to Varalrarrrihira, the Sun or Saturn in tbe 2nd
housewill make the person immensely rich, but will cause some
defect or other in the face or teeth, while the Moon in the same
p o s i t i o nw i l l g i v e h i m a l a r g e f a m i l y . M a r s i n t h a t b h a v a w i l l
rneke him eat bad foori, I,iercu'y in the Znd bhava will rnake the
n a t i v e r i c h w h i l e V e n u s o r J u p i t e r w i l l m a k e h i m e l o q u e n to r
fiqnGqrfaaqfin KqfArqtiqqrra:((d') tt
(q;e)fiffa: tl
qqfRfaeq){qfiqrq,$i gqqtP,{a: tt
+frrqoaqrqrR tf,) fqeraqiil lt
qrit lirqqgr({tagtq} tiir tgi}) qrt frfiq: u
milfr+firtrl: r,faqA{Gnrf:qr{
ftgrqqqqqE(a*) s;qrqffi q qar-
&aqqqqqt4qn*{T'igs{ tl
;iitfmtetr;:ft zq'{dtfii tqt}l rriit: gt4ttt
$tt q{Fq:ll
qt gdatf+aisftqaqiftnrlt
q;i frqrili{frstquitr'tq-gfrqrqtft:tins
*lqri si
qrqrddqtsa{isitqqdqtqisgq0St ll E\ ll
5sc qrd{crRsrh Adh. VIII.

S/c,ftrl65. When the Sun is in the 3rd bhava. the

personborn will be brave, served by bad men, vqry
wealthy and liberal; when tire Moon occupies the
bhavarepresentingyoungerbrothers, the person born
w i l l h a v ei n s i g n i f i c , r n tw e a l t h ,b e k i n d t o r e l a t i v e sa n d
virtuous. With Mrrs in tire ilrd bhrva, the person
born beccmesfamous,ol immense prowess,and of up-
right (uncrooked)view:; but when M:rclrry occupies
the Jrd bhava, the personborn is bent on the practice
of deception, of vagrant h.rbirs, exccssivelyvacillating
and misereble.
HI[a6q] gfr rroqqrqiiiRtt rTltt6(
g* dtEtt qtq{qqrqrqiq{fritar t
qffito{rrgqil{ qrilRTiurgi
trd iiiltsftqtd'{ft{r *di gurtiirnr{ n qq tl
Slokt 66. The person born wirh Jupiter in the
3rd bhavabecomesindigent,henpeckedand addicted to
evil ; if Venus bc in tlre 3rd blrav,r the person born
speaksfretfully, is vicior:s and controlled by his wife.
The person taking birth when Satrrrn occ\rpies the
crqrtrE (Bhratrubtrava) eats sparingly and possesses
wealth, moral worth and excellentfamily traits; when
Rahu is in the placcof v;rlour(3rd bhava), the person
b o r n b e c o m c sv e r y v ; r l i a n t a n d r i c h ; a n d i f K e t u b e i n
that position,thc pcrson concerned becorn:s virtuous
and wealthv.
g{r diqirq{qx(! |
tiq gqqrit erq g(drqft lTnisrqn qe tl
Slcku 67. Ve nus in the 3rd and rhe i th bhavas
cau6essorrow, diseases 'fhe
and danger. same lrlanrt
SI. 68 ergifsurrrq: 551

in the same position mly become benefic when in

e f t h e S u n( w h e n a p p e a r i na
arjvanco e sa n E v e n i n gS t a r ) .
T h e e f f e c t s s t a t e d i l I l r i h a t . | a t a l < af o r t b e S u n , M a r s a n d
S a , t u r n i n t h e 3 r c l b h a v a a r e g o o d a s t h e y m a l < et h e n a t i v e i n t e l l i -
gent and strong. Tlre lVloonin the 3rd housewill make one cruel
' r v h i l e 1 \ l l e r c u r yi n t l r a t p o s i t i o n w i l l t u r n
hinr a consurnmate rogue.
J u p i t e r u r n dV e n u s w h e n i n t h a t b l r a v a r n a l r e i r i n r s t i n g l ' .
Hq€dil&fiqgErt eaqdrl fl€nil: (qq:) ll
nE].ii flqroqqqq€*,iisfiaqq:(q;e) tl
ggqqqqrttilslcq: gdt ;qgqlsg+(gi) tt
fii ql: H{I{; gq({HfQa: qzrqJsi;qgm: (gt) ll
\ \ \-

ill(fl: 5qq: qdlifl€q:fiUsqT,:.ufi'(gil) t,

fiqTrgesq{ Fq,'lqf}{f}+t (gx) rr
figeqfagq(a-,qftrea q t*4 qi'tfi iflgqapn fiei q tl
wrdtur.2firlq+"i zacfi, riit fergra't(el*i g1
airgio qqqir:qq{rqn}€q *n} q{iqqqtsQqqqraqtt
ll qqerq ll
mr gtq&qir
wr'1dro+At fi-i r
*i *'g.ti g +grkar diiiiHnrqil{qrt
ff90 {ih} frq;grrotrFfiqqlqiigaru qd tl
5/oArr(r8. Whcn the Srrn is iu th.: g< (Sukha
4tlr) blr.rva, the personborn rvill sLrf fcr f ron lieart disease,
w i l l l a c k m o n e y , c o r n a n d c , l r n m q ns . ' i r s ei r n d w i l l b e
Jrard,hlarted. If the Moon be iir tlrrt blrava,thc effect
thereof is that the p,rrsol)b,rrn 'will posscsslearning,
sttiTfirrtqrit Adh. VIII.

good nature and prosperity, but will hanker after other

paople'swives. The personborn with Mare in the
a;g (Bandhu4th) bhava will be bereft of relations, and
hen-pecked, though valiant. If Mercury be in that bha-
va, the persrn born will be a fcrlorn crealure without
friends or relatives, while growing up to be a pandit
distinguishedfor sterlinqkrowleJge and a{fluence,

Errlrtqdt g€q*qosqtrrd
qr(f {Tqalqiirngft
g€a I
tfrirffiaI gr+qqirqas&ffqt
inqrsfi'rUggi qia E;gqrttt qq tt
Sloftc 69. When Jupiter occupiesthe 4th bhava,
the personborn will be eloquent,wealthy and possessed
of comfort, fame,strengthand personalbeauty,but of a
crafty dispc,sicion. When Venus is irr that bhava the
personborn will be over ruled by his wife though
makingmuch (boasting) of bis comforts, fame,wealth,
intelligenceand lcarning.
qrqrcdqlsqdtq qlil {tiiEfr rrrggt g€& |
u* q-ozrRqirqriqi*ii\ ge& q q{FTfldllrro 11
Slofta i 0. When Saturn is in the 'lth bhava,the
personborn will b'e lacking in the observancls pre'
scribedfor his caste,will be crafty and causingtrouble
to his mother. Wlren Rahu is in that position the
personborn will keep in the seclusionof a seragliohis
wives and such othersas stand in a similar relation to
him; and when Kcttr is in the gra (Sukha4th) bhava,
the personborn will be a reviler of ottrerpeople(scandal'
sI. ?1 qgilstrrfqr

Brihat Jataka.
If the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 4th house,the person
born will have no happinessand will be troubled in mind. If the
Moon, Jupiter or Venus should be positedin that house, the person
will be happy. Mercury in that position will make the native
qqqgs zqfttqr qlrflqiiqq{(q. tt
g€1,it,fi sr.ft g€A 1=d) FgQfrr('H{rr:
geQ (gi) fig6-rrqn)oitg€roqqrfl! u
Rreql{l{qTgqFrq : gER(gt) glqg€(fr{qFqtE{}ftil
q'* (gil; qlqgeFqR;aagnal$raqr;rTrFqd: ll
gqrqqgqflq{Hwrqqq=t g& (+i}) rr
g:dtq(rt-(qTiqrqBgil +re}qtrlogt (ni}) rr
aeTiufi (q+) g:€6rgg€1e{rg:
gQthnl;nuefkfriqqt rr

ll qQlqq.tt
*nqutofgri iitil t
qqd a'rt qdid u uq 1i
Sloka 7l. A personborn with the Sun in the 5th
bhavawill be a courtier with an unsteady mind and
will sojourrr abroad. When the Moon occupiesthe
g"rttir (Puthra bhava, 5th|, the peroon born will be
high,minded,rich, ccmpassionatc and diligently bent on
doing what has been determined upon after deep
664 Adh. VIII,
ims?nqgc{{tEl{ti6l I;TIITII
$rdt q;ii q qR qenqiqili I
ffTfqqn${ol gilEtdit-
iiqrqrirEognrgai q{t i lt sq ll
Sloka 72. If at a pcrson'sl-rirtli, M.rrgoccupy the
5th bhava, the person b:,rrnrvill be cruel,of wandering
h a b i t s , r e s t l e s s ,d a r i n g u n r i g h t e o u s ,v o l u p t u c u s a n d
wealthy; if Mcrcury bc iir tlre ga (lutra, 5th) bhava,
the personborn will b: prolicicrrt in sacredtexte and
in the art of ovcrccning focs by magicspellsand will
be blessedwith a family cf wife and children, wealth,
learning, fam,:and st.rengtir,
qd guirit{q€Ksqf}mrvq
qiq16ffii g(gt gmriiqri t
tqr$wqitttqqt q g* u u1 11
Sloku 73. Clever in counsel, virtuous, possessed
of choice riches br:t with a paucity of sons, will the
person be at wh,rs: birth Jupiter occupies the sth
if Venus be in that bbava, the personborn will
have good sons, friends, wealth, much beautyand (be
the masterof) commandan arrny and horses.
qdifirg{gr*t qqoq q{t
qriiriieriifiqqr gilrsigr r
{idqrgtqqs g(t fiofit'
*d narqrtofiutd{ ilrfr tt sB tl
s[|;kui 4 . The personborn with Sacurnin the 5th
b h a v aw i l l be iusane, Iong,lived, unhappy and f ickle,
sl, ?5 elgqlsEqIzT: 665

but virtuous and victorious over his enemies; when

Rahu is in the 5th house, the person born will be
cowardly, compassionateartd poor ; when Ketu is in
that bhava,tl'rceffecton thc personbrrn is thrt he will
b: cra{ty,dreadinqwatcr and ailing very much.
Itrihat Tatlriia.
If any orle of- the ( . u i z " L l t eS u r l , I \ [ ' r r s o r S a t u r n )
s l r o u l r lo c c u l ) \ . t l r . t . 5 l l rh c u s c . t l t r : l ) r t r s L r nc o r r c c r r t c dw i l l b e c h i l d -
less antl without rvceltlr. li' tl r, lloorr lre in the 5tlr lrou-ceh , e rvi1l
h a v e c h i l < l r e n . ] V [ e r t u r " r ' i rt ti r : l t l r c l s i t i o lut ' i l i t r r . r l i cl r i r l ra t l r i n i s t e r .
J u p i t c r a n d V e n u s i n t l t r : - i t l r i l l r t r s t '$ ' i i 1 i n r i l i e t l r e n : r t i r . e i n t e l l i -
g e t t t a t t I l t ; r 1 ' 1 I' re' s l ' , ' c t I i \ '
gqqqlg<{lAiaguflriirq;{lzfiqq. (ri}1 ll
ggii qqr{i zgrfiiam g'iriir (e-4) 11
ga ('ri; fEqiTsal{t:
frgen+ilsatxm, ll
fiarfilpqqatg: (i) tt
ga: bagir r{a,ri'rir !fi.Tra.
it-itqgii rr
efqfoeAqq{'r gi{idtfi.q..i ;;1;i1j tUX) ft
*";l l.rii nir i'ifi: tt
Hr;iI flqg{i,!q";'fsi1
qtniq4qii{l: r,"zlai.riigl :gfirrriil
q qiq, ll
g-rflq qetilltfi{rrdtgi Sii:i,rl,'q,;T(+;il) ra"'-r;n[.t

flqt E[ir{rqqsqi;iEqT*a'Trirffrqiq.{Hqrt Rih t
qr( qiryrq*rti{T*qd u'frsn?qiir"ft iqqTgltt
.Sir;Air75. i f ;rt th : lrir tir c'f a nersLin the Sun
o c c u F ) /t h . : C t b b h l v a , t h e p t r s o n h o r , i b: ltrstful,
b r a v e , h o n o r i r J b y k i ; - i - s .f u l i c f s c i f . c s t c . m ,r e n o w n e d
668 crfrscrFdre Adh. VII I.

" , personborn will ba short lived if it be full Moon,

the ;
the personborn will be very voluptuous and long'lived.

mdt ftgqffit: qq-dilllr


ffqrsmfr(: tri{rtsftqtttt tsEtt

Sloka Ttj. When Mars is in the 6th bhava, the
personborn will own prop:rty, exterminatefoes, have
a powerful appetite, b: opulent and enjoy fame and
strength; when lr4ercury occupies that bhava, the
personborn will b: instructive, amusing, quarrelsome,
but friendly, void o[ morality and abstainingtrom all
beneficenceto his relatives.

ilqi fffi€olsft{rtsqtct
fimqilffilidi ugh ftgQ I
{rqt mr dtst tft {eqft ll \esll
Stoht 77. Th: person bor,r *]th Iupiter in the
6 t h b h a v aw i l l b e l u s t f u l ,v i c t o r i r u so v e r f o e sb u r w ; e k ;
w h e n V e n u s i s i n t h a t b h a v a , t h e p e r s o nb c r n w i l l
s u ff e r f r o m s o r r o w a n d c a l u m n y ; w h e n S a t u r no c c u p i e s
t h e ( t h b h a v r , t h e p e r s o nb c r n w i l l b : g l u t t o n o r r s ,
afraid of troublesomeopponents,lecherousand we,ilthy.

n* figerqG fHmftr?trW,q;(g€t$drart
ftg} v tfr rr\edll
Slrrftzr78. If Rahu be in the 6th Lhava,the person
born will b: of good birth, subdue his foes,enjoy long
sl" 79 qcfrs€qrc: 567

life, and be very hrppy; If Ketu occupythat bhava, the

personborn will be kind to his relativesand renowned
for his generousvirtues and illustriouserudition.
llrihat Jataka.
If the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 6th bhava, the person
c o n c e r n e d w i l l b e p o w e r f u l , b u t w i l l b e o v e r p o w e r e db y h i s
enemies. If the Moon be in that house, he rvill have many
e n e r n i e sw, i l l b e o f a d e l i c a t ec o n s t i t u t i o r a
r nd w;ll have a dyspep-
t i c a p p e t i t e . H i s s e x u a l p a s s i o nw i l l b e w e a k; a n d h e w i l l b e
h a r s l r i n t e r n [ ) e r a l n e nat n d i n d o l e n t i n h i s w o r k . l f M e r c u r y ,
J u p i t e ro r V e n u s b e i n t h e 6 t h b h a v a t h e n a t i v e w i l l b e w i t h o u t
: (qri:) ng{rqfiqqrT{ll
ntserga;isqft€rit'frqRq{t rt
$mrT(n: a1rr1€qrir fiil iuil fiqqlZq:tl
qrdr.)irfiqiififq1gt,fturocdruFlfigilft, s1
(gr);wDerqe,isfier qft{'iiFnfqqit ,rU:u
fia3wa flil ({ml gafhqfrrfierq rr
q€r{iiqfiqrFqi}fiw.} qra qrdtR* 1'6tr1',
f}'5lredifBd;Fgqi,{*qifilg: alh1r$1 ,'
eaniqfhfet*iill qbcg.aqftqdqfiefRfiq
o}tr&qnqgoi rr
ll {THTTt{Teru
dafl qEifut Rqqttatqqs'r,fieor
fffr slqqf ({ng€Erfdtqrqqj ,irnrqr{t
ulqorftundrsrdir fiHiqi r1iqi'
6qssitrrqqoriidiqqgrerWixiqfn uq pl
Sloka 19. When the Sun occupiesthe 7ch bhava
658 cm*critsri Adh. VIII.

at a person's birth, he will hate womankind and be

exceedinglywr athful and wicked ; whcn the Moon is
in that bhava, the effect otl th: person born is that l're
will be compassiotrate, of wanderinghabits, yielding to
women and voluptuous; the person ac wilose birth
Mars occupies the 7th bhava will b: querulous
a b o u tw o m e na n d f o n Co f w a r ; i I t h c p l : n ' . t o c c u p y i n g
t h i s b h a v ab : M e r c u r y ,t h e p . r s o n b l r n r v i l l b e m a i m e d
b u t c a p a b l eo f a m u s i n gr v r t h i r i ss k i l i i : r t h c ; r r t s '
{ttqrcnorEl{Rawt{i qd uti
trqrdiq-qqgw g{ril EqHri{t Tnqt I
rlt(Et{Inntiirqiqqir qi( qryflqri
ilrfi qnf{qqiirl qiqqfi qlqiui irml lldoll
S / o f t , 28 0 . I f J u p i t e r o c c u p y t h : 7 t l - rb h a v ' r . t h e
p e r s o nb o r n w i l l b e r e s o l u t ea t l dh a v e a l o v e I y w i f c b u t
w i l l v i e w w i t h a r r t i p a r h yh i s p i i ' en t s a n d s p i r i t u a lp r e '
ceptors; if Vcnus b: in that bhav,t, thc c[fc,L on the
p e r s o nb o r n i s t h a t h e w i l l b e a f a ' r o ' r r i t e w i c b t n e
courtezan c l a s s ,c h a r m i n l l y l o v c l ' , ' b r t t l a m c ; i f S a t r r r n
o c c u p yt h r ? t h b h : r v a r t p c r s ' J r i ' sb i r t h , l : e w i l l b a
i n d i g e n ta n d d i s t r es s c di n t n i n d f r ' ; r n t h : t o i l i r c h a st o
u n d e r g ob e a r i r r ga h : l v y b r l r t l e n( ) V c r.rl i o n i l d i s t a n c e;
t h e p e r s o n b o r n r v i t l t l { l h t l i n t h c 7 t h b i r a v , rw i l l b e
p r o u d , f o r e m o s t a i n o r l g g a i i a n t sa n J s : r f er i n g f l o m
g hiii gqrqdr"{tfiffiaq\qr I
frnt firriol qtiqiqql{{Tr
. S i o A r8r 1 . W h c n K e t u i s i n t h e T t i r b l r a v a , t h e
p e r s o nb o r r r w i i l ei t h e r h a v ea b a d w i f e o r d e r i v e n o
pleasure from a wif:, will be sleepy, indecorous,deject-
ed in speech, constantlyroving and a vet rt.rbleblockhead.
sl. s2-8s srECIScqr{t: 669

Brihat Jataka.
T h e S u n , M a r s o r S a t u r n o c c u 1 . ' y i ntgh e 7 t h h o u s e ,w i l l m a k e
t h e p e r s o ns u f f e r h u n r i l i i i t i o na t t h e h a u d : o f l ' e l r e n . T h e I \ t o o n i n
t h a t p o s i t i o n w i l l n r a l t e l r i r n e r r v i o u si l n d e - . i c e e d i n g loyv e r h e a d
a n d e a r s i n 1 o v e . l f N l e r c u r l , b e i n t i r c 7 t | h o u : . . et ,h e p e r s o nc o n -
cerned rvill possessa knowledge c,f the lir.ws and rules of the
c o u n t r y . J u p i t e r i n t h e 7 t I b h a v a r v i l l u r a l i et h e n a t i v e e x c e l h i s
f a t h e r i n h i s q u a l i t i e s . I f V e n u s b e p o s i t c d i n t h e 7 t h h o u s e ,t h e
person born will plomoie quarrels and rvill be forrci of sexual
zqfaeqsf,tqFh(r<i) s"z'rrqrtqqqd{ tl
et (a-11eu:qirdiq{gqfadl;iisfiqqrr: ll
e+sfiadt irlrilsrt 1si) sa,il €dil€td tl
qrslsrfr(n) qrtqq,flF{nqfRqrqrfiqrqf€fanr{tl
fi.q.f,tgi{I;qE(Uii sf?rgqq6ldlg{Itsf}t: l,
! n \ \r
frrllqqfril{d zd+.4qqt61qq(gfi) ll
dqt g{Trfrdlfi:dls':qiifi6e: rt
elnsnqq]qq irril) sqfigits?'ii:
qt (h.itt slqrlqqdl{fiqr-aii.rqH:q{Kfagfrtqqqrgilfi{l
\ z \ {

il srgT{qtl
q*i{{rql $ou{iutr q{qqe{ q {fi q Eflr I
1 A

{r{rk ult raqft ttdRtl
Sloka B!. Thc person born with the Sunin the
8 t h b h a v aw i l l b e h e a r ! ' w i n n i n g s, k i l l e di n d i s p u t e sa n d
discontented; if th: Moon be in the sreqrrra(Ashtama
bhava),the in{luenceon the person born is that he will
be eagerfor war, liberal,fond of amusement and learning.
ffiaq,ii q;rqq qq{r'rqflgil GtTrK(! srrttsI
Rfrfrnwqw{R* qalgqnftqgissq0
n cl tt
560 qrdscdtqrt Adh. VIII.

Slyfa 83. The pereon at whose birth Mars occu-

pies the 8th bhava will be plain in attire, rich and
possessedof authcrity over a multitude ; if the planet
in the stsqlrrEf(Ashtama bhava) at a person'$ birch be
Mercury, the person born will be renowned for his
many good gualities, the most notableof them being
good breedingand will have much wealth.
t*lrqtatqrqi qR Rr?qgfrFrrqftirugr
rrrtt qrEq{&
qft ft.qrnrofrRrnquwirrtrg} t;qqft
{d b-{nqqqi qftT{lrtt qi,iffiq frnfttr dB ll
Sloka 84. If Jupiter occupy the 8rh bhava at a
person's birth, he wiil be long-livedand sagacious but
of ignoble deeds; if Venus be in that bhava the person
born will be blessedwith long life, have every comfort,
be endowedwith matchlessstrengthanJ prssessgreat
wealth; if Saturn be in the ets{IrTrcr(Ashtamr bhava),
the peraon born will be a hero, the foremost oi fiery
men but will becomebereft both of strength and riches ;
if Rahu occupy the 8th bhava,the person born will have
to enduretrouble and public censure, be dilatory in
action and will sufferfrom many ailments.
*fr qqrrtq.r*wR qrdrqrffqrilfugt I
S/ofra85. When Ketu occupies the 8th bhava,
the person born will deeire to possess the wealth of
others and to enjoy their women; he will sufferfrom
dieeaees,being given up to profligacy; he will be
exceedingly avaticious. When Ketu in the 8th bhava
ic aspectedby a benefic planet, the influenceof this on
the personborn is that he will become very wealthy
and long,lived,
sl. g6 cgclsqrq. 661

Brihat Jataka.
If the Sun, Mars or Saturn should occupy the 8th house,the
person will have a limited number of issues and will have a
defective eyesrght. If the Moon be in that position, the nativc
will have a fickle mind and will sufier from diseases. Mercury in
the Sth housewill causethe native to be widely known for his
good qualities. Jupiter or Venus in the 8th bhava will make him
{dtlntg:gqqq+}fiqnEEfiqqrr: ll
\ z \\ \
€at (q-4) {Fqefig: ll
fipflilrcqf)rug: gierF&qftilsetqueiartt
frit qlqiitew +gx.rr{tqlgfi+set
fragqfqorfEiqfinqet nfrqr:(+fi:) ll
trtq\ zftftqi qfrqrits$rfl}st€: :
rlwrglgflaq ffi ErilTq+seqrqq: (tr*)
s€qrgftEfiG{,sEq r;}r (til) tr€q{ii6aq61{f{6q}q11

il lrt{Ts-qll
smERI ;HqRQIIITq{geffiT F{tIITtT?til!
H{6{ftrdqspft gep}iIEII
";t qtt ftxfts(ftqr<<raf
Wfr g{amt
dr+} qffi g qfiqiiqs ildt gflrrrtrrr dq
Sloku 86. When the Sun is in the 9th bhava, the
perEonborn betraysantipathy to his parente and cpiri,
trnl preceptorsand betakeshimself to a religion differe.nt
from theirs; when the Moon occupierthat bhava, tk
person born will be devoted to his duties towards the
w qfdTcrQqre Adh.vI[.
Manesand the Godsand bestowliberalgifts ; the pereon
at whose birth Mars is in the gth bhava, will be
associatedwith somethingwrongand untowardtowards
hie parentswhile enjoying renown in otherrespects ;
whenMercury occupiesthe lrfrsra (Dharmastthana,the
fth bhava), the personborn will be in possession of
wealth righteously acquiredand will be learnedand
{Trtqfrt {no(ffi *? eqrtqn}
ffimorgeftqqr gh grtt qfr t
qt nnq'JaltdwrdCIFqrdffi qd
rrrq* Uqi g uffi6q1 qdfiwt ilcatt
Sloha 87. If Jupiter be in the 9th bhava, the
penon born will be wise, devoted to his duties and
will eerveao a king's minister ; if Venus be in that bha-
va, the person born will be conspicuouE a! a posEeolor
of learning, wealth and a family of wife and children ;
if Saturn be in the Bhagya (9th), the pereon born will
becomecelebrated in the battle.field and will he rich
but without a helpmatein life; if Rahu occupy the 9th
bhava,the person born will hate his lawful father while
pocsesoingfameand wealth.

tfi gwumqtg *{i qrrfi Rqqiqqftfti-sr

qq I
Wt ft{aqqtsiiqrqtqrt frc€r{rd}stM n cc tl
Sloho88. When Ketu occupiesthe Guru (9th) bha,
va, the perEonborn will be short tempered,eloquent,
void of virtue and reviling others; he will be brave,
hortile to his parents,ostentatiousin his behaviour,
delighting in the society of the indolentand full of
sI.89 qgfr5tq7q: 608

Brihat Jataka.
Varahamihira unlike some Astrologers gives good efiects for
the Sun being posited in the 9th house. The person will be
endowed with children, werlth and happiness. The effect of
Mercrlry in that bhava is similar to that of the Sun. The Moon
is very good in the 9th as the native will possesssons, friends,
relations and wealth. Mars in the 9th housewill causethe persn
to commit sinful actions. Jupiter or Venus in that position will
make him devout aud philosophical.

Rqqds} flHflfig{ilqfgtqGqqat: tt
qfr fHqrt'{:tt
Zqg€Ef\Fqlsild:gt ffrqTf,fi:(gi; rr
fiqrqtqrtfi: R-6d{ft{gt vr.n{toiisfiqpCt
Fqrd:fl?Hfiq: gt (g(})siearqeru{afrqr: 11
flqRg€Tr.qi fhftqoqqrrqgt (g*) ll
{Fqrqliqqilrdq&dRilrQ gt Bt.' t
qfirt (trdl qnX€{trrlotg1qtflf
vT thilt rr
ll EdFTqrl
qmRqtffi fffiddo-
qi co firqt qElffiqEq-
qvnqeaftumwrffi'osll cq ll
Slola 89. When the Sun is in the l0th bhava,
the person born will have hereditary wealtb, vittrre,
learning,fame and strength and will be a king's peer;
when the Moon is in that bhava, the person born will
684 qrdlFtrRil* Adh.vrn.
eageilyseekand obtain wealth, corn, apprrel, ornaments,
dalliancewith women and skiil in the arts.

\tutts*frt g silil! roqRiltoqftqn t

-qrTrdq;tgt wwi{qrq{fritr{ii{iErftglu 1o ll
Sloka 90. Those at whose birth Mars occupies
the 10th bhava, will be predominant in valour and
wealth and will become famous; when Mercury is in
that bhava, the person born will engagein pursuits
promoting the advancementof all kinds of knowledge,
fame and wealth.
ftrqra{r mg'Fnq"rft iiana} qmi qrqki t
g* ufirqrit s{srautqowCIcqit{iftgr qr( 3t
Sloka 91. When Jupiteroccupiesthe 10rh bhava
at a person'sbirth, he will succeedin his undertakings,
be of virtuous conduct and steadfastly adhering to his
own religion and also possessed of wisdom and wealth ;
when Venus is in that bhava, he will get wealth
through a tenant of his land, or through some women
and will be powerful.
rQ u.o'qdr{tqREssd
qrfr qfl frq'$orr{q {RrsI
ffiqrfrgqg{qtir it{ftd
qr=tqt siffi g wrksurqq ll 11 ll
Sloka 97, The personrt whose birth Saturnoccu-
pies the l0th bhava will chastise offenders in the
capacity of a magistrate, will be proud, wealthy,
promineot in his own frmily and of a heroic tempera-
ment. When Rahu is in tha Dasama(lOth) bhava, the
person born will have a genius for thefc and will
accordingly be void of virtue and eagerfor combat.
st. 93-94 BTgfrss{r{t: 665

gdtful tircqtiqrrqit{tffie(rfl q fttqEf{r t

r(r"F[r m{qt q *dr lt qQ tl
S/oArr93. When Kctu is in the 10th bhava, the
personborn will be wise, strong, skilled irr the arto,
self-knowing,loving the peoplebut acting in a contrary
wise, phlegmatic, foremost among brave men and
continually wandering.
Rrihat latalia.
If the Sun occupies the lOth house, the person born
will be happy and powertul. if Nlars, Mercury or Saturn be in
the same position, the effect is simil,Lr. The Sun in the lOth
I r o u s cg i v e s r n r . x i r n u r nl a b o r a n d m i n i r n u r n i u c o m e . I t i s b a d f o r
financc, lrccause the Sun there is s,luare to the Lagna, If the
X'Ioon should occupy the l0th hcuse, the person concerned will
r : o n r p l c : t et o p e r f e c t i o n a n - v t h i n g h e u n d e r t a k e s a n d w i l l b e e n d o w '
ed n'ith virtue, wealth, intellect and valour. Jupiter or Venus in
the l0th house makes the man wealthy.
1r*; fl{ftqfR: il
q,rfH(Fi) q,ifi: *,il qrdrqsr{nqFgd:ll
ffiqqrq:gfiatearfag€q=rqqqrflla: Q ti) rr
€TqI(:gqilTqqsfn{a"tfi1 qQlni}q:tt
n{qf|r1{f:U€'gfbaZfrgtrqg{ tl
qdi {r zqfilq;ftsfiqr: ry: dhdtso+\1wa};rr
Frrrfl:e tnti) seqgdls;qflifira: nc+i{lilsqq:tt
ne*fifiawgfq.qqqqus tqfH ilfH (*n]) rriiqfiqfRqq rt
il or}tuilETq
{rii or{qa g rEdgotiigrqrtd}rar
ffgsq fiqq{itsqitdr olqft?rtdtuir t
@ wrq|ftqrl Adh. VIII.

qfq* qwlffi q$Ernrdlqtl frtqr{

qfr n qBtl
dA orqqt.rt ftgrrqli{qrq{r€t
Sloka 94. The personat whose birth the Sun is
in the llth bhava, will hrve exrensive weaitb, wife,
children and slavesand will be hrppy ; when the Moon
ic in that bhava,th: p:rson born will be of a pensive
disposition and waalthy; when Mars occupieethe qrq
(Aya, llth) bhava ar a person'$birrb, he will be clever
in speech,lustful, wealthy and valiant; when the occu,
pant of ttre llth bhava is Mercury, thc perron born
will poesessan acute intellecr,be famed for his learning
and in posseasionof wealth.
qrqeisqrqftfr mo{iHaqnnrrilqil
6mat Ugi AStr{{qdroisdrilr
ftqn{ t
*.n Wno-qftqit$of{rft rrt }Trgi
qr* *rRrnrdi {ofiro€Frt
qfr qfker n q\ tf
Sloha 95. The person ar whose binh Jupirer
occupiesthe llth bhavawili hrve a srrong intellect;
his name will be celebraredand he will be wealthy
When Venus is in the labha(llth) bhava, the person
born will liva in comfort, longing for women other
tharrhis own, with wanderingpropensitiesand p.ssess.
ed of wealth. When Saturn occupies that bhava, the
perscn born will be voluptuous with large wealth got
in a king'c service. With Rrhu in the llth bhava,the
p€rrn born will loee his senseof hearing, win fame in
the battle-fieldand become wealthy and distinguished
for learning.
sqr;elqttfrrR{l?rdr{t qfrqqr;smilf\Fqr I
tqnsftqr{u(arq\qtgftq-{rm: {ilqr I qq tl
sl. 96-9? qu*strnq:

Sloha 96. When Ketu is in the penultimatebhava

the personborn will be valiant, [,ind to other people
and honored b)' them, he will be of a contentedframe
of mind, possessedof power, with lirnited enjoymente,
delighting in works of beneficenceand the practiceof
Brihat Jataka.
The Sun, Mars, Mercury or Saturn in the I lth house will
make the person born wealthy. If the Moon be in the llth, the
personwill become famous and will acquire wealth and the like.
Jupiter or Venus in the I lth will make him prosperous.
qqqtsfrqgqqgffqdaifrr qrqfA:rr
qnql {6rg{n?rnq{*: sq {t (rrfirfi) n
qqgqgfrsfit:qii irr g{d: gfr 11
q6E: HilFn+Rsouagrfi orq+(i) €ilSr: rl
eTT'{Ft(fri) qfr*sqdtseqnqri} rTT;r{:
}qrq.r,} 1g
rnrffi6nsqr{dqi{H}€u.ri ugirqfr tl
q6rg:ftqrsqqrqsQn; (afr:){i} fihr} qfl tl
ofi snqlqq:rr
€rq (hfi) sEdqqqingq gqlriqqtqfrqrqHn€rQfr&q tl
I e{eT6rr{FT
Eqqfrqi{yfr S{ildi q5r g{tq:qlt*sqs trr{ |
qrtsvni GRiqEr{t qh Rt{ tnffi{rrr n qe fl
Sloha 97. When the Sun ie in the tZth bhava.
the personborn will possesssons, will be maimed,but
very energetic, and will blecomean apostateand a
vagrant. When the Moon occupies the last bhava, the
568 qrfiqrRwt Adh.vln.
personborn will live in a foreign country. When
Mars is in that bhava, the effect on the person born ie
that he will be:ome odious and be without wealth and
without a wife
Rqwtwrflgi Rrqt
qrEtsiqqoiszqltq(rqfrSltqqr;Biqi t
g* u;gRir{ru\s;s{dqrfrqqrft
q't itlqUt rri ftqq{tdtott it{$r ll qd ll
Sloha 98. The person at whose birth Mercury
occupies the tZth bhava will be odious to reiatives,
poor and senseless ; if Jupiter be in the last bhava, the
personborn will be scepticalin regard to religioo, irre,
solute,of wandering habitg and evil-minded. When
Venus occupiesthe last bhava, the effect on the perEon
born is that he will losehis relations,becomea professed
rake and grow penurious; if the planet occupying the
.rs (Vyaya, llth) bhava be $aturn, the person born
will be deficient in intellect and turn out a dolt, a
pauperand a cheat.
ftSst iirqnriftrier wqfu{neft
l?qoqngf I
gilqitr{Rqiinr*r qq qA Rdor iifrr? aqqrt tr
Sloka 99. When Rahu is in the 12th bhava, rhe
personborn will be immoral,but prosperous,defective
in iimb and dispssed to help orl.lers. The peruon at
w h o s eb i r t h K e t u i s i n t h e a a f V y a y a , 1 2 t h )b h a v a w i l l
be fickle and immoraland will lose what ancientwearth
and statushe may be possessed of.
Brihat Jataka.
The eliectof any oneof the planets, the Sun, Mars,Mercury
o r S a t u r n ,b e i n g p o s i t e di n t h e l Z t h h o u s ei s t h a t t h e p e r s o nb o r n
$. rm {tTlstqr{tt 669

will suffer degradation. The l{oon iu the l2th is also bad. The
native will be wickedly disposed and defective in some limb.
Jupiter in the l2th makes the person a villain while Venus iu that
position urakes him rich.
fr'dt|qrifi{,o}a} fiqqgi 6qqqt(s}) rr
aqt iluri|g:dt{ftrfr rRndiwe-ar,
gi auafiAf,:Ehifsqli) ftgalsqrr:11
{ti} frqrfiqla:rfiuenRils<}
tgU ztfrwga tl
ttq] fr+uasrr6q+
licaq:mfrsog:tat, 11
qgqrqfa6q+flrfiMngrfrt rr
fr.iwrtgfr"q+({+) sqfr*e}
Kil fixqrft'n'
ft:hsgt+frRa:u (rr$)
fi'h Gtq{frqfqftq q qtd:tl

wd Rqarq*q1Quatrnqiil dt(ft
f i {rrfrqtia}wqfr'ff'qrlwerfu
qti iitr{q! glrro'qgtfter{ {qnlfrql tl to" ll
Sloht 100 When the Sun is in exaltation, tbe
perEonborn will possesswealth and commandan army;
if the Moon be in the position of exaltation,the perEon
born will have rich food, clcthing and ornamentB in
abundancebut will be cursed with bad sons. When
Mars occupies the exaltation sign at the birth of a
per6on,the latter will be valiant. lf Mercury occupy
the position of exalration,the personborn will raise the
Etatusof (advance)hisfamily, will rule over men, willbe
talented,victorious over hi*foes and live in happinecc.
6?o ilrrTdtq€ Adh"v[t.
If the planetin exaltation be Jupiter, titrepersonborn
will be the founderof a long enduring family, will
pooEeEs moral worth, will be clever, learnedand in
gh ffi furq{frilrqf,{ilUsffq}
qti mq$ndqtRfrqftqfin:Uqrftrillt
qrtl qhqiilqqs Sffin! qKs$6ff q*
*ft qlmq atqlrrqffiq] qrqt n lot tl
Sloka 101. If the planet in exaltation be Venut,
the perron born will be fond of the compaoy of gay
women, mugic and dancing; if Saturn, the personborn
will have jurisdiction over a village, town or Eome
forest region and will be addicted to unmarried girls ;
if Rahu, the person born will be a robber chief, the
chosenman of his tribe, heroic, addicted to evil deedr
and possessed.of wealth; if Ketu, the pereonborn will
associatewith thieves and enjoy the lavor of Eorne
petty king.
cf. *rorr+tr?r+t
U{ dqrrt qra: frrn-ssqtlqq I
Rt dq.rt qrdl qqq;qr&q\qiq rr
qli dq,Th qril qi ilqT rrficqfAI
n]* drqqirqrii {i;qf}rqqqlnqr( rr
gil ellqnt qril qfi il;qrGilqi( r
gh e'lqlt qrii rrqfhqqqrnqr( tl
n* elqqt ildl wqftqed qqs rr
qt sft ftq'lail qqftraqqlfqfr
qRhftsnraftqRnnq-qrqr€{r :I
sl. 102 qtdfsrnrrq: 671

q+ qilfRff** fiorq gnl*trt rr
Also qf;rsfrrdmr?:
{f1:qqusg;{d,ilr, {F: motf}fE4rq{: I
soscftqTgc, sqFq)rrrFi[.(:
grt rt
froqqqgifr qrqrf+iq *rfqfiR€t r
q$ffdr sm+gq sqF,ilRqrrr uti rr
sqearqrt$ ae nawgfrElqr
frq] gRqfrd qaRq{: fr,qro*R}.,r
eTftqfrfrt{i*^;i qlrfagoarts€rr:flftq: tt
Ftl{I{: U,r3tn:W{{q{{a qo-sdgRa: t
€.q-d 11g{taia gu{t sq,il qq tt
hilri srd q{t ffi q rrrq;n:+fin: r
{€i tl
g€srtfigRf{pqnsmar$ {f, r
lfr urq*d qrqrqlvari: fifi 11
1ir gwfru: uqwfiiarqqfhqiU€r; r
wq+orqfllqfreaeqfg€q: gpi 11
wf+r: F,{ffi atqrilit fq"qrqiqqwi} a: 1
qmqftarqo]'qrmgqn{: f}fra. 11
qs: RrgS{'tei ftrrtr?ttiq(,r
t rFd{d gETdq
ff to? ff
SloAa l0Z. Even one planetoccupyingits exaitation
aod aspectedby friendly planets can makethc
born uader its influence a lord of the carth, eaioent
and honorable,and secureto hirn alliee.
672 qffifiilrt Adh. vlil.

qrF.vII-56 1upra.
qugt srlil:qqr;ft udt
qrt<il rn(ai ftS qqrqrfrs-rfidlqtq t
sq{tg rsftg qoqr{Hg qlrdrrt
waqiqqig gfrrnflrtg dhryt, tt 1"1 ll
Sloha f03. When a single planet occupiesits etal-
tation in strength, the person born wiil possessplenty
of conr and wealth. When two planets are in their
exaltationand possessstrength,the person born will be
a feudatoryor tributary princc, When there are three
suchplanets,the pelsonborn will be a king; whert four
such planetsoccupy Kendra positions, the personborn
will become a pou'erful king of kings. When five
planetsoccupy their exaltation signs in power, the
person born will becomethe lord of the whole world.
cf. floc-df{r*r
q{qdi iln<r flqlfrdfiqrqfr t
Ad+ q fltq"dfqrri! rq'iqft:tl
c \\ \\ n
qdqilq flqrz^gI( qelq e,Ifiqlq;fi: ll

ll {uffiqq6so{ 11
ilte qfr Wsiqrtt qr,iitrfr qflrqr
q* iq-dgr{rFqeq
eR fr{i flI{tidf I
ilrrri qffi q{i g{gt rir.ii ilrcftqr
gh rrqgfli\qurftt q[t{gufr qal ll I "8 ll
SloAc 104. lf the planet in the qsB*lo (Moola
Trikona) be the Sun, tha personborn will be wealtby
andreveredby the people; if it be the Moon, the perton
sl. r05 qfr3qs: 673

born will be rich and happy; if Mars, wrathful and

ruthless; if Mercury, rich and devoted to religious
prayers;if Jupiter,voluptuousand liked by kings; if
Venus,ruling villagesand towns ; if Saturn,brave; if
Rahu,the personborn will ba poss:ssedof wealth.
cf. qr(sh
qtgft frqgF.il qq+qir6qf}figorq t
q'rfr'riqnq;dfiqqrfi {rdt Rdurrr:grq( ll
Er,)sRdFnqfHq( t+gfr{q qrRr
qH frnq{iFwRrggfi+,}qq'
od rr
ffq' gq€o*tq<ntqqfaigqltaq.r
qTil{g€{ftqqaq qrsg{}Tu{rqqfigqqq1
gTr.qRfrq enffi: '{q{FdS€gd q{q ll
Also flasr.riiqaitr
vfr gc1firiffislqret fqqr+tr
qd qii q *il q ,ili qtqq, eo: 1;
gt frdqt ftil ft+{t flqfr qr:r
Ur] qrqg{r{tqtqasfqqfl: g{t: ll
g* B+iqi gn, gwgritqttqfi: r
q-t qii *: aif qil{F: geier:rl
11 tl
€{ qTqf{qrrqtkqu-qrMt frqt
ffisqq-riioi uf\qoqd st qiisnrr
qlt il.qssiTrqsrftqti gh qqqi $ft
u-i qosrtsfrqrctir nir qqlRr{rqn ( o\ tl
Sl.ka 1t15.If the Sun be in sRs (Swakshetra),
thc person born will own a fine mansion, leada de-
674 qrir|rti?Et Adh, vI[.

Moon that is in qte (Swakshetra), the person born
will have power, beauty and wealth; if Mars, he will
be famed lor his agricultural strength; if Mercury, he
will be learned; if Jupiter be the planet occupying
eba (Swakshetra),the person born wili be devoted to
poetry, the arts, traditional doctrines and the sacred
Ecripturesl if Venus,he wilt b: intellectu'rland wealthy;
if Saturn,the person born rvill b: distinguished by
fierce prowessbut bereft of happine. ; if Rahu be the
planet in q*a (Swakshetra), the person born will
possessfame and wealth.
qrIE5\ {q} c}h qtlqq sqlqfi t
ff| sqrn:rrg&q€tGqEInfr
ewrt g+........qqd q{qrfi |
gt an*urfi1' frfeil qaanft11
qfi 61;tr:grffia.qu' qTt gil r
eq,td;afi{€, g* nfl fi-q: gAqa: tt
qqrRqraflftrqtsqffi qrrfuqirtrlrqftger{qt I
qqGfh q&drtrAqkffiltfuutuguurll l"Q ll
Sloko 106. It is exactlyas a net grows with the
growth of iis meshesthat a man attains a position of
equality with his tribesmen,a position of superiority,
an honoredplaceon account of comparatively higher
wealth, pre-eminencefor vast riches, e status equalto a
king s or a kiogship itself according as the number of
planeu occupying eha (Swakshetra),at his birth hap-
peneto be one, two, three, four, five or eix rc*pt:ctiu+fry*
sL l0T rrl$slap; n6
cf, g{sckT6

{igthrr)fiZq: d{tqar U

planets **"
,Seven | I
I occupylng | |

, their own l-l

u piter
u fhetrqoqrr
wqt q+{
ffiTqn r* esg€grilr
mtt rgqrnftreqqiHcrfr mr<+ |
ftfr gtgtqtqt Ttrdrsrrtrr I oefl
ffi frETds
Sloku 107. When the Sun' is in the house of a
friendly planet, the peraon born wiil have firm. friends
and will be liberal and famous; when the Moon is in
such a porition, the peraon born wiil be esteemed,live
in comfort and have wealth ; when Mars is in a friendly
houce the person born wifl enjoy the favor of
friends; when Mercury is in that position, the person
born will be most witty ard jovial; when jupiter
occupiestbe house of a fricndly planet,the person borc
will delight in the society of the learned aad the virtu.
ouo ; when Venus occupiessuch a position the erfect
that tbe perron will be h"ppv in the society
of hra
r?6 ql-drqrRqrt Adh.vln.

birth, the latter will be fed by another as he will have

no wealth.
cf. rntsrrffi
tlruf,: qFqfr€q:I
df fnflt r"{TId:
q;A qft qrqgtragii qtqrqfr tt
q}} mdq{{t a gt 6eq{Tfh6:1
gFfr{qtF: HiTt ll
g* fta'lt dh qfr sgarfxn:I
trq}tqrs(ittt s6qfi(frqi( tt
Also tms-dl
fleqtst: eqmftqdez.q{qril(qI
frafrtr,rrufr q((d\ e.'{H}€qqgqnq
effirqfrsfqg€{ gEqqr{q{ullflftq
{ftrq: gq(€{a: +iffn qrgdQlsqrfif,{ u
qqerqftq:kq s,rt e gfifte+nlut r
fqxqt €Ucqq:geFx,icftnl?nqfAq{q.
q{mt gd gE-tfi(!qrg+gurflqgqtsI
ffi qilq*sr q furrftrwi ffir( 11{od ll
Sloka 108. A personis famous,h"ppy, pleasedwith
hir lriend, witty and jovial, wise, voluptuous or fed
the bounty ol another accordingas the planet in a friend
ly house at his birth is the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn respectively'
qtr*qlilfrr qTafrfud.fr lr€sI
* gdAqxttt<{qfl3 eTffiffiqu{,ll t"q ll
sl.109-110 qg*sgtlr{r: dI7
. v w v v v v y v - - . - - -

g€qgst qfiil tMql qs Aq(rt I

qqF! qq.mti qtHT{ls<t|qwrkfrtll llo ll
Slokas109and 110.If at a person'Ebirth, the
numberof planetsoccupying lcetr (Mitraksheua) be
one,the personborn will live on another'saubetance;
if two, he will be enjoying the wealth of friends; if
three,he will live upon self-acquired property; if four,
he will bestowliberalgifts; if f ive, he will rule over
a communityor tribe ; if the numberof planetsoccupy'
ing friendlyhousesbe six, the person born will be in
commandof an army; when suchplanetsnumberseven,
the personborn is a king.
cf, z.s{rilfi
qqqqe{zqra{tatg tt
If seven planets are in friendly houses [or+ri]+ (Tatt atika)
and rtq,i (Nisarga) combined], the native will becornea King.
The following chart seemsto be the only possibility.

c/, nrcre-di
flarq.igtn il fh*'I$qr&il Ow,rr
qrqqg€iqml Efirfifrrdt,li6o),FztTit:I
678 qrilfqrRtf|i
Adh. vIIl.
wilqf,q+:sriqefrnd fr'rry'fidl r
qefti\oqg€q:<rR ll
Trt$qrti ltt tl
Sloha | 11. If there be three planetsin their exal,
tation eignsat a birch, the person born will be a king.
If three planets occupy eha (Swakshetra), it is "a
minister that is born then. If three be eclipsedat a
lrrson's birth, he will be a glave. If three be in depres,
uion eigns,the person born is an idior.
c/. srwd
aEqil qiqiii qfi,i +lslFqdHEr$q( I
ilrawTrTldiqwft q trq: qfril{ ll
a} *TQro}$edrgp,66 q;gxfid q-qq I
q{r6{TEeRo rqrqqil}Fre*fiqrn: rr

{tdtd rt mEgrr*ftqfr
tM rr\ ' I
qt + gr*l qrqdr
{qfr R*oisUeq,qftqr
qti ql-qr(sldt g Ud* q;tssE:frsr$CIt
f t1
Sloha 112. When the Sun is in an inimical
the pereon born will sacrifice the convenience
of his
father and engage in the serviceof others
; when the
Moon is in eucha position, the person born will
ously causeaffliction ro his mother and will suffer from
heart dieease; if Maro be in a houseowned by an eoemy,
sl. 113 qgltsrqrq: 679

the person born will be defective in somelimb, ungrate,

ful and unclean; if it be Mercury that occupiesa hostile
house,the person born will be mrserableand inclined
to evil; if it be Jupiter, the person born will be specu-
lating about the future; if Venur, he will be a hired
laborer; if Saturn be in a house owned by an enemy at
a person's birth, the latter will have to b: way-faring
and suffer sorrows therein.
d. qrail.Rtc-qk
q{ ftu€ dt* f?q\,ftGdirt, r
q* eqqii.ftq +h iar qe] Hn:11
gt fisG gtil ar<srit{:qftGa:
frl q qrqtFJ+?Rrdtdufr1: n
gh {3G qs: qt'
sgf}t,fqdi r
n* "qruqirirtqfldfrqfAiiqlq rr
5tt agqtrsdft:€i fiqqq'itRdqffEI
gftarqi+:gft eirfiqqfi'It qt ffird{tl
qFqlfiqs{Tn fri fi*b q g,i,i,iiq: r
sTanqfrfrala g*sfit i'rg,cnfd{taqrr
fri unffiqilrq{ti qqfrSnq r
gslsR$ {d{ sff1qfrg:fhnqah tl
qrptrgdisR gd qfri ;qiEqffedlrff.rTa{
ftq-qr ftgtttl tT{ trs.qilalqfT€qErlt
e4grwnf€H{dr 5-$ftqtrr{{n t?1 rr
Sloka LL3 If there be five planetsoccupyinghostile
houses,they will be productivc of mixed effects(good
and evil). If there be six such, comforr will diminish
and misery will preponderate. If there be eeven of
580 qrilTqfiilt Adh. VIII.

them in inimicrl houses their effect will be misery and

that wholly. If the planets in these positions be
eclipoedalso,they work evil.

c/. VII-56 (latterh^rfl:;?.

Also srcr+dr
arqftqq{fl}*}aEolfisfiq$qhr{ r
wffuft.pnnfi gfi qFqq+*ftal lr
fiRquqqg'qgai it: afrcqaqefanFTr{
n$qrQaagqig:crai \q qoqflt, n
flElftt qkqr {tqrsgt qKliqr{ I
rfcsFaEq*qqq{aoflai qrfoc RErll

u ftRrftso{ rl
flTA ffi g qftirwgt {ilt tes
rftdfi wfrftqguqqrEr{Si 5dH}q* t
gfr e;gi*tqaEsRrgf
U* grcrer{ft lril{qdts}frqqrqor llttsll
Sloha IL4. If the depressedplanet be the Sun at a
person'sbirth, che latrer will be an abandonedperson
without friends or relations and bent on going into
exile; if it be the Moon, the personborn will be ailing,
with little religious merit or wealth to help hin; if
Mars, the person born will be ungrateful and indigent;
if Mercury be the depressedplanet, the person boro
will be base and hostile to his relatives; if Jupiter, he
will be under censureand disgraceand turn out to be
wicked; if Venus, the person born will be intent on
sl. 115-116 qg*sqrlr frl

what leads him to sorrow; if Saturnbe the depresred

planet,the personborn underits influencewill b: wich-
out wealth,without wife, unfortunate and mischievous.
cf. qr<r+Sr
frq qfralgaf hq qt-srqnn{dq tl
RrrRrreqgoq ilfiqqfQg'rit olh r
dtqrq:fl{fraq]sat-qrilqdgqfrdtqq ll
get Rq*tge:g4 qtrfrq'St q t
,iti go: rysrhqfAi qrsrqr{rq'Tfd{taq,
+)q] fiqadte fi{f€arqT(qq{f*iq ll
dfqqT+gqo wi frfrq*qris6{{r*g I
n t t\ ll
Sloka 115. Full effectis producedby planetswhen
in their exaltation states; their effecr in their own
Navamsas(<ait) is the s rme as when they are in their
Moolatrikonas (qoH*or). Their cffects in friendly Na-
vamsas(S€fir-S"tridamsa) is the same as when they
are in e&z lSwakshecra),thcir effccts in depressedor
eclipaedstatesis the sameas when they are in inimical
This sloka appears in qlil4ctl with a slightly different reading,
drgqrtg sd ffrq e&eqeqqqni{+g I
'itaft,rrtg qEr:qtqqEds€ fleqqtn*g tt

U{ qr{M{Eatqrff€{frs5oqll ttE ll

S'oha 116. The good influenccof planetsis at its

maximum, three quarterc,half , a quarter,at its minimum
qTdTctRilre Adh. VIII.

or nil accordingas the planetsare in the exaltationsign,

Moolatrikona (toh+br), Swakshetra (e&a), Mitrak,
shetra(fuTte = friendly sign), Satrukshetra(aa*l :
inimicalsign), depression sign, or (combustiooi
junction with the Sun. "oo,
This sloka is the same as VII-58 sunra.

tqfr*urm; €Tgrfl qfutrgrnrI

qffi qit fi,rqn tt t tn tt
Sloka 117. Bene{icplanetsyield good resuitswhen
they occupyin strengththc Kendra or Trikona bhavas.
Malefic planetsproduce good results when they are in
Btrengthin the 3rd, the 6th. or in the llth bhava.
T{qsufrqgdhfiq*;nwq*qqqr{r{ wrft qrft r
UfGsrtsorft q *'tftarii qfril{qgr*a'6q{al{nff(
Sluku 118. severaleffects due to the coming
togetherof six, five, four, three or two planets and to
their being in their exaltation, qoilolor (Moolatrikona),
<&e (Swakshetra),i*e*a (Mithrakshetra), ng'fia (Satru-
ksheira) or fts (Neecha) have been treated of in this
chapter, under the benign influence of the blessings
obtained from the Sun and other deities presiding over
the nine planets.
tqnrE&dlt qril{-
qrfiilt qil{qsqrr;qrqissqlll
Thus ends the eighth chaprerbearing on the effects
due to planets occupyirrg various positions under
various formations in the work JatakaParijata compiled
by VaidyanathaDikshita under the auspicesof the nine
Adhyaya IX.
T l t r - u r r p c r o F GU L IK TY\,e e n ,E rc.

qr;qaEGsorfiqitq Ufu* uqitaftF(dtr

trft qTqgtg i{gililK!ri* grrrruq r
qrrrilqqdlqt nnqirftqrftd*srrEru I tl
Sloka l. I am ro cJescribe the infiuencesof the
time of gfuo (Gulika), of the yerr, the month, the day,
the hour of birth, upon the person born. If gfuo (Gu,
lika), be in the lst bhlva, the person born will be dull
and sickly; if gib* (Oulika) in the Lagnabe associated
with malefic planets,thc persori born will be deceitful,
lustful and depraved; ii .gi}-€({Julika) be in the Znd
bhava,the person born will have a craving for sensual
enjoyment,be o[ wanderinghabits and indulge in scur-
rilous language; if gfuo (Gulika) be aseociatedwith
maleficplanets in the 2nd bhava, the effect on the
person born is that he will have no wealth and at all
eventswiil be destituteof knowledge.
The merhod for finding the position of iJb{ (Gulika) and
other Upagrahashas already been describedin detail (rzde notes
to II-6 and V-57 supra).
ffi4 fftrTttlfrqrf Adh.rx.
In this and in the next five slokas, the author gives briefly the
effectsof Gulika occupying any one of the l2 housesin a nativity.
As these are given in greater detail in r-o41i*t (Phaladeepikar,
relevant passagesfrom that work have been extracted in their
appropriate places for the information of the reader. Ilesides a
full aspectcast on the seventh houselike other ordinary planets,
Gulika has a futl glance over the 2nd and the l2th houses
reckonedfrom it.

*r' $i fiqqifRiiqqflrerqHtai
ireqlilil gt+f+tfia)esq|1crft+.{t
1n) aer<fQqeqfi: f,rqqiqrf'-qd*tt
n qrgqrrqftd(rqrTrn} q farqlai qrtnqrfi t
n qEi(fqTd&qrflr+q]Ranqii 'qn{rffl{iFttl
fuaq{qEGfiar qgrd}qqmr*qs.Hqr
ftqefiuqqq Rrirfir fftqqrqft q=rci qil n i tl
Sloha 2. When gfu+ (Gulika) is in the Brd
bhava,the personborn will be distinguished by aloof,
nesr,pride,drunkennesp andsuchqualities, will dieplay
an abundance of ill te mper and burtling activity in
regardto the acquisitionof wealth,will be exemptfrom
distreusand danger and will be without brothersor
This sloka appearsin q6<tq+r.

fuur*-*td q-d {tilftqr

inqrfiqrt rdffifi futol
uI u
sl. 3'6 qqfrssqrqr

Sloka 3. When Gulika is in the 4th bhava' the

person born will be devoid of learning,wealth' houses,
happiness, lands and vehicles and will become a
*rrrd.t.t. When Gulika is in the 5th bhava, the
personborn will be immoral, irreeolute, evil-minded,
have few sons and will be short-lived'
q s+ rr
gufenftgi q6;g{rqliflaaoqfai+gfealeq;itft
ga;nr5ia wiiai<t
qft ftg'&qti ffEgi g wr I
usauRqfiifiIq{i irqrtl
{soqaiaftdiq;qgRt6ff{f ll I ll
SloA,r 4. Wh:n Gulika is in the 6th bhava, the
personborn will destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in
i"monology and will be brave; when Gulika <-rccupies
the ?th bhrrrr, the personborn will be quarrelsome,be
cursedwith a bad wife, will prove a public enemy,and
will be scupidand ungrateful'
laGarfiai{t figqagfU*s"i^Bge:Hfl(: ll
6-{.aFFtgfth *odt qgqTq{:I
fusrqr*q{f qeqtilss{O
gtwattffi<I qW WO t
slgrl{-ffi\af q,dt qq*ft
nq$offifrfrqrqr ll \ ll
S/ofra 5. Wfien Clulika is in the 8th bhava,the
personborn will be deformedin his face with weak
iltnfifiqe Adh.rx.
impairedeyee and will have a slight body. When
Gulika is in the 9th bhava,the person born will engage
in vile deedsto such an extent as ultimately to become
the murdercr of his parents and preceptors. When
Gulika is in the l0th bhava,the person born will aban-
don all reiigiousduties and observancesprescribedfor
his caeteand beingassociated with hundredsof shameful
deeds,will become deadto all senseof honor or self-
0 o. -
+tnrt fqilq, tt
wftgqqii.risrqrt (rnqfr
ftq*tg.dg*qrqciaFoqmr I
frqqGq+it qtq.{rqqq{'tsr}
ftrtqqqru{:q1;q;qfrRrqqrt il q il
Sloka 6. When Gulika is in the l tth bhava,the
personborn will have much happiness,wealtb, power
and beauty, but will occasion the demiee of an elder
born person. When Gulika is in the ltth bhava,the
peraon will have the appearance<_rf an as:etic and by
cleverly employing the languageof the distressadwill
get money from every quarter.
Uqgilqftfq: ryFaqi SrrrflFilll
fiqqfirRit ,iiit rg.uu:qrEq+gfbr,@ lt
qri)ffiufrr{rd{+ofq(eq{tt qfqfi r*iir r
qr;qiiqeiqft(gr{arEs{il €Ersiis$ilrri{Fittpt!
SJofta 7. 'Fhe Lagna occupying a Trikona poei-
sL g,-g qr*sqs:

tion in respectto Gulika, and aleo in the sameNavamga

or Dwadasamsaas that cccupied by Mandi, and the
planetassociatedwith Gulika anC the lord of the sign
occupiedby Gulika,all tend to b:cone always malefic,
gfa+&{,}'{\ qi q=qnqTa{ir.t
ql tl

{gil rTRrltTfi{q grsifi qK: Heaqsl

\ \ A\ A \ \

qr{bumagfrau?rr iii{q {iargwrt


ff;rtKf {n{il;T ({gtott gFtros$r

\ A\ \ \
(q{ r
ghtr {qErfilrqqadidtqrw'{t.IgiTi ll c ll
Sloku 8. lf Gulikr be associateCwirir" ti:i: Sun,
the personborn will hate his father; if witir tlre i'.{oo.t,
the perscn born will cariscdistress to l-ir,;rnothcr, if
w i t h M a r s , h e w i l l h a v en o y o u n g . r b r o t h e r ; i f w i t h
Mercury, he will ba insane: if with Ji:piter, he will be
a blasphemous heretic; if with \/enus, the personborn
will be afflicted witir vert.:r.:rldisi:rsrs :rntl '.vill b,: the
f a v o u r i t eo f b r s e w ( ) m en .
qfigdi ftT{-otcq}iii finirug.ni
ur{fidfr: qbE Tqgrf,q;fi q dpqr* 1
g€gfoqnuel {*gd qlqfliqdTqq'rt
STKTI{T€"TGTKJqF(ililI I{;(q gfi ITil
utfu ilqr{€Uiuiimr qi}aqE}qrrt r
itgr urftirrGgil'&i qqru-*fi yi
qrddrqqrrrFqm qrT;rrrr:
$fi,sfrf Eo{ il q ll
S l o k u I . W h e n G u l i k r i s a s s o c i r t e dw i r h S a t u r n ,
the person born wi.ll be devoted to pleaaureand enjor,"
588 srdr$Rqre Adh. Ix.

tr"t *r-" -* Rahu, the person

a poisoner; when Gulika is associated
born will become
with Ketu, the person born will bacone an incendiary.
When Gulika is in a houseaffected by Vishanadi, the
person born, even if he be a ruler of the earth will
undoubtedly become a beggar. In fact, the major pla'
nets united with minor ones (Upagr,rhas)proCuce a
qrfigh {rftg} Ug'qruqEaa
frwrg: tt
fisil'fr u€gt frrfrgh qFdtRn]qroeit
gF.c,qE nii irqRs{x fifft-q t
qrwu-er€*isi* *ql€qq tt
q'lqqqrigfr+ qdtqq g{qqfi wer,u&fi:
Fll( |
u{+ q sTaqnaq-qrt
For fisqrf} (Vishanadi) see Adhyava 5, Sloka ll2 supra.

n eTqqffiq ll
The narnesof the 60 yearscan easily be retnemberedby com'
mittiog to memory the following slokas'
q{AI ftq1: gg: qq}'}s'l qqlqfi: I
eiftn: 'itgqi rrril gri qIdTdt1 q tt
$+rt ag*"qa qfl"ft f]+q] w, t
fraur1:H,iISat ilqnr qrfti arq: ll
Hifr( qiqrfrq fail{tfiafr: GR:I
a-qi ftqq& q+ q-cqgielrr
tqaft Rtql q Rtrft {rdfrsq: t
st. 10-11 qqqlstrrFr! 689

gqa( alqaa +,)'frfiqrqgrn,r* tt

grs' fior' q}'q, grfltnrfitq-5( t
qftqrfrqqdtq qq=q]ntdtsro' tl
fiso: ifiIdgsa fkqpff rlqg,iiit r
g:gfrtftilerfr rcrqfr*l{q' qrq:tl
{T{T{R silKriltfr tti{ilqt
rsuyr€itr wrufrq$rn*t
fim{rft qrqtfi{d frsgsr
q{oqqst* q;gRumrditt I o u
Sloha 10. The person bcrn in the year Prabhava
will be daring, truthful, pcssessedof every virtue,
proficient in astrology and pious. The person born in
the year Vibhava will be lustful, pure, constartly cheer-
ful and will have prodigiouewealth, relatives,learning
and fame.
cf, ffiqqrtrfi

ryfr: siqq4 grthf*r q t

qqt qni at: tl
siqagsfi.it erq Enqarctr&qn,
qfieil {r-qgSqafiqqrQqfr r{i( rr
gsr6t qtqrwiiraqu'qerrfi
qqd rr+(
qdt qr{qirsfrqrqqqgqkr nirErhr
q{t ilrqtFmf g$FT!il;il! rffi
*fr{i ftgor,Eqrgrfr{iqrfrrurEqff rt t t tl
Sloha Il. The personbcrn in the year:Suklawill
be an adulterer,effere,but liberal and intelligent; the
perron boro in the year Pramodutawill be clever in
590 ilrd.€qrPqre Adh" IX.

whose birth is in the year Prajotp;r"tti will be virtuous,
bounteous,rich in sons and of a tranquil rJisposition;
the perscnwhose yearof birth is Angirasawrll be rich,
sagacious,experietrced and ever compassionate.
cf . {{ditd+
g{rT: lilf:f,qr{ }r\ft gaelrnrTf}q.t:I
t qf*l'i'tqq' t
r{qlf;lliil Rfqqldi
tqoirrfln:gr{t ndt qiiE qrqd fu{, ,l
qcrqiqtzit qrif aqnernqilqri:t
tqqlqqq.fial mtlfarlg'qq: ll
+,rr1gc{ts qt;itI riinrra.ii'{ee?q:t

qRI! qlurqq.qt qqqqdrolgiqi{iqtq

q\ql nsmfi qil'Iqqoq"{tr qqlt qE: I
Sdqqg.dqi!E{tqqilg: drui gqlaef}qq
qrdi qrgiTqls;qqnfirf,:
{I'{riqKt {61 ll tR ll
S / o A r rl l . T i r e p , : r s o nb o r n i n c h c y e a rS r e e m u k h a
l o n g sf o r w o m . - nr r o t l r i s o w n . i s h o n e s t a n d w e a i t h y ;
the personwhosc birth is in the vear Bhavawill be an
a s c c t i ca, k i n g ' m a k e r ,a n d r e n o w n e df o r h i s v a s t w e a l t h
and strength; the personborn in thc year Yuva will b:
c o v e t o u sf,i c k l e ' m i n d c d ,i l l ' t e m p e r e d p , o s s e s s i nagc o n '
s t i t u t i o n ,l i t t l e l i a b l et o i l l n c s sa n d a c q u a i n t e w
d it[ tire
healing art ; the personwhose year of birth is Dhatru
will be addicted to other people'owives and a crafty
sl. 13 |ltFfrsqFT! 691

cf" {fiflird
*qra. ggrft: m<: g:lqtl: g,tiit: t
"lqtgqggaa dieQs4qlar: u
qrqqqFgiqrniqir .u6 slqqqrTt
qrcit qnfin: nfroernugn, tt
g{eft: qilc}ger"tgr,q}qiq rr
e.Iqlg: flr{nT qQlI qalEqqndFT{:I
ss,itqrqfwit xrqdanrt q&rr
dtqrff,fl qrttsqoqtS
utfr gourarr
ffisff ifgqr-qqiqrq* lilqt {Frq Ri,4q 1
T{t rTpTrdf
{rldtfifi dqi ir*-gl gr*t
w(i Rirr{EiqtqR qatkdTrfrrffi1q u ll tl
Sloha 13, The person born in the year Easwan
will be prosperous, steady.mindedand a good judge of
merit; the person whose year of birth is Bahudhanya
will be a rich merchant,beneficentand voluptuous; the
person born in the year Pramadhi will be cruel, addicted
to evil, hot tempered,friendless but living in comfort;
the person whose birth is in the year Vikrama will tte
wealthy and valiant and commandan army.
cf , qEilcr-qi

fl{flr sinTt gerdsfrg<r:r

f& qrqt qei:HflsM qit u
a.rdrrtrfl€w lgvpQ q-{rqhtt
t{rdteq{i* q q{@{fi{r.{e* r
6VL ErrcTcdtEre Adh.rx.

{rertr: flq{t +q qqritqffft q*q. tt

gqqnrq{itaa qttrsqfiq{*'t
qrq+rlqa' qi\ fi*nr.t qlar: tl
r?s{qRErt* qtao*Rqqi
fiamsqidiqqn{ iieql* t
qR itqsoitflqnq{r gvr*
rgqato{rotqtwrt R+stll tB ll
Sloha I'1. The person born in the year Vishu
will be a paupcr,lost to all senseof shame and engaged
in doing what is wrong. The person whose birth is in
the year Chittrabhanu will have the energy and the
beauty of the lord of day. The person whose year of
birth is Subhanuwill have the learning, conduct, and
virtue characteristic of his tribe or race. The person
born in the year Tharanawill possessexceedingwealth
and etrength and will be a philosopher.
cf. qqirqrtr{
q-{lsed'iqfln€J ,ine61q *re,{ t
qr+r{t,i aTil Egt;l qredtqio. tt
di fiqrnfEfiio.
Ra.nrngqd\ r
.rlfiqrt gfrril attf|q€]fiqo: fitinq:11
fir' unliagft' 1
Hqlgqi€\qiei +tFaqraftg.it.tt
qnlvnrn'd ..nr)frS' qu' t
q5€aqal qEKr{qraqn{Tqq( ll
1 \ q q

arqrRfeftila$qt gdt
nql {ie'(droiimqqq qrql6q{q qR I
s. 16-16 iadtsil|r' ts
{rr{t t{fltqqtsRrwr{ dr$ gdtiF{tr(
{rrqi qR u{qrRqfocrfreqt{qrcrftqlll t\ ll
Sloha L5. The person boro in the ycar Parthirn
will be a king unequalledfor his prosperityand happi.
ners; the personwhosebirth is in the yar Yyaye will
be lurtful, cowardly, immoral, staking his property in
gambling, and addicted to wickedoesE; the perron
whose year of birth is Sarvajit will be eloquent,
posseased of great physicalstrength, versed io cacred
ecriptures,virtuous,and conversantwith tbe real oature
of all things. The person born in the year Sarvadhari
will be well,todo, versedin the artsandliked by kings.
cf . tF{{-IliF[

TEqrfi{qqr.fr {rqfl:g{oHul:I
figiauzea qrfti qFritq(: u
qTqq(fl: dqf "qni tnqffrd: t
arrqflqrrtilaa\qrqrftlh rr
q+ffita: {RqrqftrrFqq{ut:I
FFf; FTdif{: T{Irl: g{fq:g{il q{: lt
qgiJs]q{t +rrr1q}rit iqHag+ eg: I
siqiRft il qR: sqlqrqitqi( tr
nt frt"q-q+
qmfi qEirsrifilditqi q;aftqrd;{qtrI
qrfrwr-t w€r
iidkt RgoilsitdmffIs
qEii'qqir ?qiMr q;{dfuffEt u tq n
Slokn 16. The person born in the year Virodhi
will be afflicted, delighting in the company of the
wicked and addicted to sinful deedsand cruel. The
604 ltcrrrRtlrt Adh. Ix.

perEonwhose year of birth is Vikriti wiil be full of

guile, love,eick,and devotinghis mind to magicformu'
laries and their practical application in ceremonies.
The personborn in the yearKharawill be unattractive,
worthlecs,depressed sinful and mischievour.
in speech,
The personwhoseyear of birth is Nandanawill delight
every body, enjoy the favor of kings and wilt be
converEant with the meaningof the sacredhymns in
d. qqiTsTRrd

H{anRil{t ftitsq&fiqq:
tqTq: {oT#dFEft{q: 1
fqaeqqkq{a{ qil frtfia'ir, 11
qfr.fqrudtil {tqtg' qTflsft I
oriatar ftdqr t+{flqR ;R: tl
Hqrqti nEe:wt6rilsrqE( |
ordqtdtgrite*r qi} fiqnq'{q:t
qR qq{G qrflqwfr Zfr Ert
dupf{deilvrqt€16tfifior il ts tt
Sloka 17. If a person have his birth in the year
Vijaya, he will be virtuous, and will aboundin real
excellences. If the year of birth of a personbe Jaya,he
will be either a king or like a king. When a peroon
has his birth in the year Manmatha, he will have a
craving for seneual enjoyment and will be victorious
over his foes. The perEon who ie born in the year
gl. 18 mqlsrqrq: 696

Durmukhi witl be void of virtue and wealtl and will

be immoral.
cf, rFriq|ilfi
q(: Hrrrgqq: t
sr*qmi+t*'ft fi'rqpt qt qiq tt
ftmn*t d+qrfrrr{rnafrnrq:I
qsrqrfrfflsir qqqtsqrqt tt
gcrdil$il:fl q firfi q mq: t
gurwrrh,rrct:rTaTtqi€\ qt( ll
fi6d qqdqh:t
4rdrqqqqrq)gWr.t qiar: tt
qG tqufrqfftr ScqrRsrcf
*qrFilwqrf*t: qiuqftsrrftfror-qtq* t
ir{frrffidqrt qoqft-ff* furftE*
flffqft{t{q}Wrrrt (sirflilrcrr{ ll qd li
Sloha 18. If a person havehis birth in the year
Hemalambi,he will be ill'natured and will ardently
pursueagricultural and other operations. The perEoo
Lorn in the year Vilambi will be prosperouE,recorted
to by the Brahmanacommunity and diainterestedly
benevolent. The personwho hashis birth in the year
Vikari will be sickly, cowardly, indigent, irresolute
and of an ignoblenature; if a personhavehis birtb in
the year Sarvari, he will have exceedingwealth and
enjoymentand will be cbeerful,honestandwell'behrved'
cf. q"Frflff
effilnilg({r@a tqvqggEq: tt
696 qr6{rRca Adh. I)L

rr.i lp*safr g:tft*"q€4n i{efi:I

ewqfftro'n{t M +.g\fug, rr
qRtfr q€Fr{Frfte:!s{ro:$o. I
q-4:noltq{R qem:r
<Fqq1:ge*fr frfr,avascqrr
u=+qnuqffi(tsqw trr qeqhTfr
qrdrmel $ruft llls grrtl g{ll t
{rd *{aft ffitqgq*rt RqrRirqi{t
g,ikft'TrErr{rTsqltr*"q.cqr iliqT{ n lq tl
Sloka L9. The person who is born in the ye r
Plavawill be tranquil, generous,compassionate,brave
and devotedto his own duties, The person who has
his birth in the year Subhakrit will be the dupe of
women, but learned, handsome and intelligent i the
perEotrwhosebirrh is in the yrrrrrSobhakrit will be
vrise, pouessed of royal virtues and fo4d of learned
purruits. The perron born in the yrar Krodhi will be
an adulterer, addicted to evil ways, crafty and of an
angry temperament.
cf. qrrmkrn,
qaoqqQf: 6rfr Tft{Rd:w I
wxrdr qeilgqtfrqqgqT€q+ rt
gry1:gqffi q ftqrqicilqq: r
flqtghg{T,ifUqua'$riqq' rr
qh fiqfi *t qI€€frgwFqa:r
Z'lrrg:n]t{SAqqrfr T{ft q'q: ll
11.20 qa!6r{Ftr 8l
@ v t r r Y v

nq*rrq q-Errftdtg:
fr-srq+ t
natft-m q *,fiflkfl\ itr tt
llsrrd"$rdlq ftqtEd
qrd Erqt€FJFfr,
ggFIRtRsqttqqficsrlr $ot{llfit I
urft q;grdrg{rilft,il\dr€frfrq;Edr
trqnqm.rtttfig{-udqtt}Eer sto* ll Roll
Slaha 70. The percon who ic born in the year
Viswavasu will have a high senseof honor, wilt be
fond of the comic and will evlnce admiracion for those
who are rich in mcral worth. The peiscn whose binh
is in the year Parabhtva, will be engagedin wickednesr
and will prove the ruiner of his family. The person
who has his birth in the year Plavangawill be lustful,
fond of relatives, evincing a partiality fur children and
rlow witted. The person whose yea.r of birth is
Keelaka,will devotehimself to divine worship and will
be exceedingly fortunate end valiant.
cf. ?FFrqRTfi
rgnia grfrqta.t
{rFd:fl+goitti}EIdrfisraS{ gft: 11
KERKAq {lB: Qtffipq-q; 1
q{rqqFgqd:qqqFqftqFn, tt
sqfqift qrfr rt qqftfrfrffi 1
tto: 'ilKfr gu:q5ryq6\sgft: 11
fidt gftqTflffn] qr, t
ffi qfr(+d rKoqEs'qq,tt
il{nnq6{rdsft{ofr3 qrqqonqTo I
5e8 srdrqrRqri Adh. Ix.

srrurg{ *fr qRE}setr

grrfiol qRqrR{tr(qifl rnt6{T{rF{T{r{ll Rl ll
Sloha 21. The person whose year of birth io
Soumyawill be tranquil,universallypopular,exceeding-
ly wealthyand firm,minded. The person born in the
yearSadharana will b: versedin the variousbranchesof
learningrnd will possess a soundunderstanding.The
personli rsebirth is in the year Virodhikrit will be
credulous,^ll,tempered, indigentandgivento wandering.
The manwhosebirth is in the year Paridhavi will be
ill,behaved,harshin speech, and possessedof wealth.
cf , ?FFTGnirn
qFsil '{q'frqlq {qflftfif,nfi: I
ilrqH:6{Fed il' n}'} qqrqt tt
flqgR, {fr: {,Ir{{Ra:qttntr: t
tqre*fit' *,)fr ntqrtorggql:ll
fat{t qffiarqificqfoR*fia:t
fdrlftawrn qrfifrrdi lrln rr
faarl.6rcrfH a{HRgrr€; grit:r
{Tq{r.itqrufto: qftffiegqq: 11
qrfi l;gfrrrrrf( qr{qdorq{rffqtr
*Eriut ftft.t toltftnqnFqeril€ft( t
qrfi wmtft qfr Eiodtqsdt qilt
(|-il qFgETFrfr|IoqqsE[I<rs
Sloka 22. Th: personborn in the year Pramadee-
cba will eEtrangehis - and will long for women
not his own. The person whose year of birth ic
Ananda will be of a joyous temperament, will be devo,
gt, 2f) arr*sqrql 699

ted to the study of traditional dirctrines and gacred

scriptures and will be acquainted with the real nature
of all things' The qan whose birth is in the year Rak'
shaea will be sinful, indulge in vain talk, and will
injure the virtuous. Ihe person born in the year Nala
will be a donor endowed with many liberal virtues,
tranquil and well.behaved.
cf, ffidqrtr{
qqrRqd qrfr qil q'gGilqaqr
$grq{iit g.''lq fl{tdm: g{t: ll
frqlneqfr{:qlql 1
qla: gafteflr{frd: tl
RRs)ngnnr{iileifl}st qiar: tt
\rlzfr{q1 ie 5g'ngo: {lfi: I
qe.g?q(I) {1I qrdl ne,flqcfl(n{: ll

frd fqf,oq?qi rriq
6rcfr qGqrog{htqlteisqr.mdqrq
ftarrii gtiqqfrftwr ftqritilar gqt!
qft tRquf,qr gQoqiqfat
g(lqni{l{ll 11 ll
Sloka 73. The person born in the year Pingala
will be a raint with his mind under controi and will
enqagein the practice of penances. The man whose
year of birth is Kalayukti will become an astrologer
and will have fortune, enjoymentand works of benefi'
cence. Tbe peraonwhose birth is in the year Siddharti
will be succeas{ulin his undertakings,will be reverent
tcwardc epiritual preceptorsand Goda and will be intel-
6m q|lffiAca Adh.rx"
Iigent. The p:rson who has his birth in the year
Roudri will be a rake,p€rverse,proud and wicked.
cf . ?FrTnffrm
Fe: +,+flilqiq]qq)qqtii{+( :
so{rcqRilrftfQqo;).qlat: tt
olmtq+nt:aril qtqrqqqa nsi( t
negsFg{il qi} ,r+ftr}tpn rr
ERfd&gil fid q].ftfinFnnq:t
q'* fr1ffi qrdrfrqreifqqdrrq:n
r,iraq w{i fQga:qnaq}( |
ilqqr.rt qrfr rq: €eqrgfrt{+( lt
wmg{iffiqsqfr: ffiwrqsr
qdsffieq€o-(Is qrqFgfrtrrr*rqt
g(dlq efttdffi furq
il<i r;gw{&*ftgwlr rinTltqsdufl{ ltlull
Sloka 24. The person born in the yearDuro.rti
will be lustful,dull-witted,distreesed
by afflictioneand
base-minded.The person whose birth is in the year
Dundubhiwill havea bodily frame distinguified by
big thigho,belly, arm!, and head, and will be h"ppy.
The personwhoseyear of birth is Rudhirodgariwill be
wise,truthful, happyand rich; the pereonwho ic born
in Raktakshiwill be of a tranquil mind, fond of rcla-
tives, exceedinglyfortunateand amiable.
cf , ?FTiTstkTfi
qd' *qn, +,rfiqdqqqqfrq:I
€rqrdrqaqiAqg&il aee}qq: rl
sI. 76-|26 rdlsrrr 6r

tnd.ft rcr*q: trqmtRn: t
gqiqlsqdtqrfr €Rtilftmrt rr
irilfi HErq=€ei'rtifi,(: flErI
gfia'mrr+g*rtl$+ifr ?R:Il
qrfr qnr fmqt;t ${Fff FgAfi *qfrgrtil <n( |
gruqr{t€d qrfrffitnrqqFt
fUsrqru ll 1\ ll
Sloka 26. The person whose birth is in the year
way6' a hater
$rodhanawill be a rake addictetlto evil
of lir relatives and devotedto brigandage. The perron
born in tbe year Akrhaya will be vittuouo, cheerful,
handsome,endowed with a high seose of honor and
o(emptfrom foes and ailments.
ct. *FTqfirr
qt+t: t
ilrqfr fidq' At qrCqrE]
+fir4 {t qr* qa{: qngfrirTR ll
36tr[6qq v1tqrfiT: w I
arqfrqdtqril qt qfRqftt: rt
n sFFt$gII U
qftonfiws {qtrtqF*€RdtqFlffitt(s ll tE ll
Sloha 26, The personborn in the Uttarayanawill
be devotedto knowledge and contemplationand u/ill
leada chastelife. The personborn in the Dakotrinayana
wilt be confident in hic speech mainaininga distinc-
tion between rpirit and matter and will be full of
WA fitcwrftnri Adb. IlL
cf, qfirqkFh

&wgn: Sr"qgqrftaa d.irfwql(qfi: qfiq: I

fr'qtqi qrdiit q{Gfi tl
qt: r& r'lngaalq, 6q* '
daeruqtrft: f|1ga{erqRulreaqqqaft;q:
il Tgs-dq tl
qlqfg{fud}wailTrrt qrdr grt;qfr{il
ffimffiqqgtffiu'{n*rgrffr t
qndffieirqt gEqfr qrdqr etorrtr
gqgl g€t qR qrcwutggtsrgfis Rrr
S|oho 77. If a person be born in spring, he will
be long-lived,wealthy and fond of fine scenls: if in
Eummer,he will seek reliei in the use of ice, will be
clever, voluptuous, lean,bodiedand inteiligent; if in
the rainy seaoon,he will b: fond of milk, salt aud
pungentflavours, cloquent in speechand possersedof a
clear intellect; if in autumn, he will be pure-minded,
bandsome,faced, hrppy and lustful.

*rfi UmW:UfrEqffi t*.*t*rTEs {rdr I

€riihqrflilil sqfr nd q{€t fritniqr qrq
Sloha 28. The personborn in the winter season,
will be a contemplativesaint, of a opareform, following
tbe buainess of agriculture, possecsingthe means ot
enjoyme't and capable, The person whose birth ig in
the cool dewy season,will be devoted to ablutions and
gifte, of great capabality, with a high rcnae of honor
and of great frime.
gr 29-30 rqcl$crcr ffi

lr qRTsoqrl
** duurqqqi?qtffiqqr ffi
t{re qR;ftrrq$ilurqTq'fudt
att qrfutttr$tdrfr u;rilnqr$rfrcr
qrvd.ftq* uqtgft{i q}.ft(taqsstt Rqtl
Sloko 29. The perEon born in the month of
Chaitra will devote himself to tl1e study of every art,
science and the scriptrrres and will be perpetually
engagedin merry.makingand delightingin the company
of women; if in the month of Vaisaka,he will be con'
versantwith every science,independentand hold eway
over Eomeregion; if in Jyeshta,he will be blessedwith
long enduring wealth and sons and versedin magicfor'
mulariesand their practical applicuion to ceremonies;
if in Aehada,he will be very wealthy, compassionate,
perpetually h"ppy but betraying an aversion to other
fu (Chaitra), tcrrt{ (vaisakha), etc., are the names of lunar
mouths (qrqqtn-Chaandra masa), and are sotnamedafter the star
occupiedby the Moon at FullrMoon (qjoidl-pou.tami), d.e., the
end of the bright balf. Each lunar month consistsof thirty tithis
(ffi) commencing from S5c$trqq-r (Suklapaksha pratbarna the
first day after the New Moon) and ending rvith the following
qqr4rgr (An.ravasya'New Moon).

stt(l silEUFmQ
i+nqftiqdi ilirfr
arErtqneqqKq{qRd n*mcu-qq 1
qrt qwgfr qstqwiitqt ERfrrrqor
gsrsr5R* |MI ffirtr {Tft*ll lo ll
Sloka 3A. lf a pereonbe born in the montbof
qrilsil$ilu Adh"rx.
Sravanahe will devote himrelf to the worship of Gods
and Brahmins; if in Bhadrapada, he will take delight
in visiting several countries,be full of tbeorier and
inaginative;if in Aswija, he will be hostile to his
own people,indigentand base-minded ; if in Karthika,
devotedto agriculture
h,ewill be f rt.limb:d, broad,eyed,
and surgaesing in wealth.
gTgefrdmirqr{Hldq q{i
figqqotrrd ggarmus\ |
qRfr{gqriliq,regi{mo}o:ll lt ll
S/o/r4 31. If a person b: born in the month of
Margaseeruhahe will show reverence'to Gods, hi!
elders and his parents and will be virtuous ; if in
Puohya,he will be possessedof wealth, virtue and
strength and will havea prominentnose; if in the
month of Magha, he will be mischievoualy inclined,
though very attentive to his duties and well'behaved;
if in Phalguna,he will practisedaily beneficenceand be
fond of music.
il qqrssTltl
Eiltilqtqfi geft*qilftfr q{wr EqrgfI
s{ri{rfi ftqqr{qrs€{;gtfi qft worqtttlq u
Slol;a 3?., If a personbe born in the bright half
of a month, hc will b: distinguished above others by
the fact of his being blessed with sons, grandsone and
richesand will be virtuous and compassionate ; if a
person be born in the dark half of a month, he will be
urging his own interest8, reverent towarde his mother
but inimical to his relatives.
sL &3-84 q-Rsqtc! 606

il $Toqeq tl
{i$tft cq{ftq(r qisfrfifl g(ft
qtqrt qR uwgFquonr1 qrdiTG qff t
ct{qrow*rgnamiiarcJu: tlorqrs?fr
rr* arqsiqdwrgor qmd qrqtn li tl
Sloka 33. Tbe person born in the early morning
ic attentive to his duties, leadsa life of benelicenceand
is happy; the personborn at mid d"y will have princely
virtues ; the person born in the after-noon will be
wealthy ; the personbcrn in the evening will be fond
of fine scents and lovely women, base,mindedand of
wandering habitg; the person born at rright will have
the samecharacteristic as tir. on" bcrn in the evening.
The. person born at sunrisc will enjoy abundant
n ftftrq,€q tl
qAtdrftwdr{itqR ft'fi i'qqftot
ffiqrqi tqrqgqoqatftrq€orI
il iB tl
Sloka 34. If a personbe born in lfrrq (Pratipada)
or tbe first d"y of rhe Moon, he will be very indus-
trious and lead a virruous life; if in frf,rqr (Dwitiya) or
in the 2nd day of the Moon, he will have abundanceof
splendour, cattle, strength, fame and wealth: if in
qaier (T'riteeya), he will be virtuous and very timid
and will have a sharp clear voice; if in aguT(Chaturthi),
he will be credulous, accustomed to wandering and
conversant with sacredtexts.
606 qrffiqrRid Adh. Ix.

I qn{l arnFercl
ittoiooq,qr{itmflf}mr t
qwqi qftqi€ils qaqfdrtuqqqraiqdi
qwqrqRsRls!gaqtror ifiq'Rrrrrr\ lr
Slofto i5. If a person b: born in cqq.t(Pan:hami)
or the Sth day of the Moon, he will devote himself to
the study of all sciencesand the sacred scriptures,will
be lustful, lean and restless; if in vfr (shashti) or the
6th day of the Moon, he will have smallotrength,will
be equal in status to a sovereign, wise and of a very
angry temperament; if in qsit (Saptami),he will have
a stiff extendedvoice, lording over people, phlegmatic
and powerful; if in eredt(Ashtami),he will be exceed,
ingly lecherous,fond of his wife and children, and
phlegmaticin temperament.
cqdr fti"qaglg(t{il;trtfilfr q{sqi tteft
qlqq firrqi qdt t
aftAfi nurFqilifuEr{
qdi qfteerll 1E ll
Siofra 36 If a personbe born in qEn?(Navami) or
the 9th day of the Moon, he will b: known ro fame,
have a charming person,but a bad wife and bad sons
and will b: iustful; if born in gttdt (Dasami),he will
be virtuous, with a clear,voicedwife and sons, pros-
perous and wealthy; if born in {rrfift (Ekadasi), he
will revere Gods and Brahminsand will have many
servitors and wealth; if brrn in Er{rit (i)wadasi), he
will be engaged in very beneficent works, will be
liberal, wealthy and leprned.
TmqrqtgFqquffifr{rqtq rfl{rt
sl.3i-39 qc*sqrq:

qdtlt *fr qq*rffigduwatt

I ft il$qqI{FFItTt\
qdt rurq;i qG goqurefi
q (I{aI, 11{s ll
Stoka 37. If a personbe born in afrqdl (frayodasi)
he will be covetous, very libidinous and possessed of
much wealth ; if in sgt{ir (Chaturdasi), he will be of a
fiery temperand he will b: ever wishing in his heart
to becomepossessed of other people'swealth and women;
if born in sTffarqr(Amavasya), he will be credulous
and devoted to the worship of the Manes and the Gods ;
if in g$er (Poornima), h" rvill sustain the reputation
of his family and will b: weahhy and cheerful.

qnt ft gafu{roi{qilgqlReqrt
mrdtqrnqgfugrtfii diqigqrtqqrt
iF't3qE(qrEsrdfi(fi qqgqrt qET
iqqrsurqFsr(f,{qarfr.qe ErirEttt ld tl
S/oAa 38. If a person be born on the day of the
week sacred to the Sun, he will have a lofty senseof
honor, with brown hair, eyes and figure and will be
lordly; if on thc day of the lr4oon,he will bc a gallant,
with a lovely form and will cver be tender-hearted;if
on the day of Mars, hc will be cruel and concerned
with daring words and deeds; if on the day of Mercury,
he will honor Gods and Brahmins and will speak
r"ETqlft+errqWrqr{aqrfi lftdfr
qqt{qiriryc frft+ riiiqr irTqdsI
qqqrqqfu {trqrlqg{ltr('|qEilF{ril'
608 qrdrwRqrt Adh.rx.
tfr wgwr*tq${rd q;qarqrtrgqlu iq tl
Sloka 39. If a personbe born on the week day
dedicated to Jupirer, he will perform sacrifices, be
popular with kings, have noble qualities and become
celebrated; if on the day sacredto Venus, he will have
corn, lands and wealth and be universally popular and
devoted to gallantry; if on the day of Saturn, he will
be for the most part dull-witted, living on food and
money supplied by others, indulging in inconsiderate
utterances,assumingan attitude of hostility and cleverly
boycotting the whole body of his relatives.

$s(qr'{gqfefi€rTl qql 6ill;qi qprt q rTF{TtttI

q aiqmfrftft|i:er{rd'dq ftiM rr
ft rqqr-nq€rq'$gqqqftraorcqrtr.qrd
qTPfifdign*ikfr grqqdl itrqgsqritqn r
qrM$Wr itEqqin'qErrf q€gdiqrnq,ieF
efr-wqlqtre"iT{rfriil fiffti Wqerrurmtl tt
€$ q frn$Erd*t g untrmarnrrrtrurrtrqrf I
rilgf{qks qrd'riqqrrrqrftt*rnrtt+*{urRn BRlt
qqtHr \qT
g{qriqst$qug{{or6ggq | |
w; q+ivarniboqsa'r'+rfi
ililqrn fi''f qtqfirercffrt1urptt Bi tl
Augqfrrii rq urqFrngI qii gr{g-
qrEarlrriril{ifirEeuriiqr*rqKjsq{r( |

tiqisqqd,fiqtqitt.-'iiil rlrsn(
W iqftfi.onile Uftrtr q*lffiilft ilq BB
Sloias 't0-44. p
-tz nrlrnir. ^ 4U1
q?nq{Ir{T: qITiT Specialmarks The name
of identifi- in English
lJefty Synonyms Caste
cation Astronomy

l qiH qllFiT
${F: Turanga. {n! Vaisya 3 Spots in
As w i n i The 2 Aswins Dasra,urga fr.*ayuk, F Arietis
Horse's face
6rr Haya
2 wo?r qq3 Yama zr{r:!46x. ZttilrR: Lowest 3 Stars in a 35 Arietis *
Bharani (God o{ death) Kritanta, qrlrrq
caEte triansle east of
ariH (Aswini)
& Musce
3 aR+r erlii: Agni ERrfli Hutasana, wFr: Brahmin 6 Spots Kshura- 'r Tauri
Krittika (God of fire) Agni, cgor Bahula like. General of Pleiades
the celestial
4 ftAoft rqrcft: ft&: Vidhi, AftE Sudra Five stars like o Tauri,
Rohini Prajapati Virincha,trda Sakata a car Aldebaian
(The creator)
qrft Specialmarka The name o
o d{Tq ^t';'.11f*
ry q{rqaaqr:
z N"tli"'r'" Synonyraa Caste of cation
identifi- in Englioh

qq{tt{ dq: *la 5ou.ya, qFqChandra &rving tr Orionic

Mriga- (The Moon) enltrroft Agrahayani E:gc caEte
sirsha Udupa, q{n?r{qMrigasiras
-Tr4t QAI arrq Taraka, *{q, Butcher Coral'like red o Orionis
Ardra (Rudra) Roudram caste

s{+g Gfr' snRq Aditya, Vaicya Five stars like B Gemi,

Punarvaru(The mother gcdqdt Surajananee a house norum
of the

sc iftTrft: Riq Tishya, Kehatriya ThreeStars d Cancri

Pushya (The tutor of qcfrr Amaredya like au arrow
the Devac)
cnBc sct: wft: Ahi, gw: Bhujanga Lowest Six Starslike , Hydrae V
Aslesha (Serpents
) CaEte a serpeDt ;
l0 cs ftm: ftq Pitru, qqr Janaka Sudra Five Stars. Rod o Leonir, CA
Magha (The Pitria) of the Patki Regulur

ft qdsqdt tr{wr: Aryamna, {r{rirq Brahmin Two in each
d Leonig $
Pu.rv.a (Aryaman) Bhagyabham joined form A

phalguni a square
12 a<r,qii rrrT
Uttara (Bhag") sii Uttaram, rrrrq Bhagam Kshatriya F Leonig

13 !F eft"r^ rrg Bhanu,srwt Aruna, Vaieya d Corvi

Haeta The Sun rr*' Arka {
fa !-er 3E qer Thwaohta, gnrift: Serving A pearl-liLe c Virginis, !
Chitra Tiashta, (the Suravardliak-i caEre Star $pica e

15 qnir qcq Marut, ?riT:\,/313, Butcher " Boctia;

1€ Red like a coral
Swati Vayu, the sqtwt:Samlerana. s,g,' casre Arcturuo
wind Vayu, n*t, Sameeri
16 fr_ar<sr q-q & oriir fr?qa Dwidaivata Lowest Five Stars like o Librae
Visakha Indra and brrft+ Aindraenika. caSte a potter's wbeel
urpab"ba o
o Aqr:FI . ESTT qqfcq6qr: sft SpecialmTkE Tbe name F)

z Presiding of identifi
N.irlir" lJefty
Synonyms i;;;. in English
catlon AEtronomy

17 wdrrsr fr" iaq, Maitram Sudra Three Stars re- d Scorpio,

Anuradha (One of the sembling a lotus ntE
18 eisr EE gft*anr Kulisatara,fimq: Serving Three red Stars Scorpionis
Jyeshta Indra Satamakha,grffi Suraswa, caste resemblingan " Antares.
1 9 qnsf ft*ft ugr Asura, Brlggq Akratu, Butcher Six Stars like an tr $corpio, ol,
Mula Nirrity bhuj caste elephant'sgoad nlE

z0 qltqrcr qir
'Water v<: Payal, eftaq Salilam, Brahmin Two Stars like ( Sagittari
Purvasha, woq Jalam,diqr(Thoyam a danda

zl irnRmitT R*irr: Rrq Vls\r.t Krhatriya Bed red 3 $agitari

Uttara- Vigvedevae A
sh adha
qftk{ ilTr Vaiaya a Lyne cl2
Abhijit Brahma r5
z3 rTEror Rog *un Srona,Rog,Vishnu Lowest 33 Stars like o Aquilae I
Sravana Visbnu 6ft: Hari, xlt Sruti caSte a,n ear

z4 xiqw qfr age; siigr Dhanishta, ag Vasu Serving White drum.like F Delphini
Sravishta The 8 Vaaue caste
Taf*q. 33tr cr+di: Prachctas, {lainFFq Butcher Red. A hundred \ Aquarii 4
Sata- Varuna Satatarakam,atorrq Varu, caEte Stars 7,
bhighak nabham {
7 6 q*urgrqr rqqsqrE q+*qrE: Ajaikapada,irTsrqr(Brahmin Two Stars like o Pegaai
Purvabha, Aja,Eka,pat Ajapat, gFi'idcErPurva, a sword
drapada proshtapada

z7 snRrlrr{Tqtci}d."q: s1trciCCEr
Uttaraproshta- Kshatriya . Of the4 Stars y Pegasi
Uttarabha Ahirbudbnya pada, uft{u;<: rD a square two
drapada Ahiibudhnya in tbe east

z8isar qq qlr Pushan,ft.orrq paushna- Sudra Likeafish (Pisciun

Revati Rrshan bham cp
614 ilrtf,qrRqre Adh. Ix.

qoqr<i{flTmqqffi qrfu{r{ t
ctgqmqilRsflqqftur vuudar uiq
aqrctqqqrwrgffiglwngo,;rsiilsll B\ ll
Sloka 45. rtr-sr;rr(Gandanta), which consisrs of a
period oI Tl$ ghatis at the junction of eachof the three
pairs of stars qgt (Moola) 3nd slur (Jyeshta),ner (Magha)
and wtret(Aslesha),andiqat (Revati) and qfb* (Aswini),
is productive of much evil to living beings. The qftar
(Ghatika) at the junction of s?gr(Jyeshta)and qor (Moo-
la) is termed ugm (Abhukta). A.y girl, boy, beasror
slave born in the ghatikr in question causethe ruin of
the family owning them.
af. afrqfr:
qa *er(o'i(Fd{ra{ |
ilfr rroseragalfiii R qnrq-rildr{mraEqfis{
The term srgsrfd (Abhuktamoola)is thus defined:

M qfim inr qgTq]qEnaq{ r

s{gs(sfqsEs{ ilii e}Fagq rt
A child born in Brgs{s (Abhuktamoola) should be abandoned.
If this be n.;t possible, the father should not see the child for 8
years; after performing some religiousJapasand Shantis, he may
see the child in the 9th year. c/. rfi=<t
s{gs{€qTaniqfterq}fitqt r
s{qd} arfQfQg:s C frksqre{{ ll
qqt qFfl\ mfin q;q$ fie flrlq r
st. 46-48 q'+qlstqrq: 616

a#a qnrqr
gd r$Fqalgas ftaqr( lt ar+sft
e{gsxrq ga g*qfq qRsiq r
qqil='qie* f,rdR-g{{q faor+iq tt

{twn Eqrf\frgr:rq*rffiwl I
widtflil kdtt qqiifrfl il Bq tl
cntt qi*qril qR qffi qgrib t
q{t qrd(qqfqUrriRraruutn Bs ll
qflt {tTq$o-tqsi .innuqq I
ffii qgt EF(€{' aFaqrri{h rt uc tt
The verses are elliptical ; we have to piece together the
various portions as we best can to get at the sense they are
intended to convey.
Slokas 46-48. Make ten equal divisions of the
ghatiLas which the Moon takes to pass through the
asterism slur (Jyeshta). If there be a child,birth in the
lgt tenth of the star, it will cause the death of tbe
mother'smother; if in the Znd tenth, of the mother'e
father ; if in the 3rd tenth, of the mother's brother ; if
in the 4th tenth, of the mother herself; if in the 5th
tentb, of the child born; if in the 6th tenth, of cattle
and wealth ; if in the 7th tenth, of both the families;
if in the 8th tenth, of the whole race; if in the 9th
tenth, of the father,in,law (in prospect); if in the lftb
tenth, of every tbing.
cf . T((r{d
+sr* qrilqqit qIdFrEfiftqh r
qfit qrgeqFaqg{ qqdtdqrlt
ailFrfldqqt {Ff, qtsfieqr,itqt( r
616 ||'F TTRilfr Adh Ix.

wi gil{rfl: srqet sffiqt{ 11

rai algt Efu s,i<ignt nqrr
Qgi RqFqqoqrq,€*ifiR.ch rr
ilg{r(Rfrta qgwrEsr ET(il 8q tl
Sloka 49. A girl born in eisr(Jyeshta)coupled
with a Tuesday will causethe removal of her eldest
brother from the world, while the girl geln irr lf,€r
(Moola)happeningon a Sundaywill cauteher father,in,
law to depart.
*$qqR"{q{e q;qrqftetqqTa qrQeffiiig{ |
Eftqni fH litfk qt qgt €ft\it silRrf
n \o tl
Sloha 50. The personborn in the first quarterof
tbe star Jyeshtawill soon causethe death of hie eldest
brother; if a personbe born in the Znd quarterof the
star,he will occasionthe death of the youngestamong
hrs elder brothers; if in the 3rd quarter, he will
lausethe deathol his father; if in the 4th quarter,the
perEonborn may himselfdie.
The following ve{ses contain similar and some more details
about the bad effects of being born with the Moon in Aslesha,
Visakha, Jyeshta and Moola.
qisTA&ffgqqrGq qHelqr dumqr
{-flfrqwr frilEsqt qa&qw tqt
fi"it"gqtg qrng€fr
ffffi h.fiwg,11
xrqr qgt qFnwow q dEsqrqI
gl. 5l-66 qq*$qt{It 6r{
+snr qt${)
# tt
** hi ERtqar
da ";"
qn€nfitrqrg flt-t *qq, gqq I
q *quBqrt e fa<Atgqffiarrr
EsrghfHtqHqlilr atft r *qqr{ t
dffgh GiqF qrnr(Fa ntqq u
&tilKrqrfr qqtqi'fldiqmrrqil.ii
E i{q. r
t*sfrnngd: gdriT nErqqtagt ftEfh rr
effisq1|qfiar a qFa aetmlqrRqqTfi(?q tl
Wqrfr ftet ftttqK i?itt,r+qnrailgaFr t
Edqtrffirnruf a{qqgtqfiwtfr frc"qtf\ltl
SIofta 51. If a person be born iir the lst quarter
of the atrr Moola, he will occasion the death of the
father; if in the 2nd quarter, the death of the mother
very soon ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will occasion the
loss of wealth ; if in the 4th quarter, he will be happy.

Wdftftrdr ;ilEn itiqqs:Sqtfrutfuatrt

qr} fril f\U'{rdrqatt qititqftr ll \R lf
ftarqaqg{g qnr qrqlt qat t
qBg qriltTirrat
unt uqoRaIIll \1 ll
qsqiirireqqt fttt{aig qEi{+|
q{i qg{hrt'l Uer(+isrfitt{+ll \8 ll
erqt g €,i Grrit!ircctgrge?iiEtt
qgtt ilst\{ ffiA IililrIEKqTlt \\ ll
Slotas 5l-55. Make 15 equal divisions of the
618 arf,{cTftqre Adh. Ix.
ghatikas which the Moon takes to paasthrough the
aeterism Moola. If a person be born in the lst l5th
portion of the star, he will causethe death of his father;
if in the 2nd t5th, of the father'sbrother; if in the 3rd
1Sth,cf the sister'shusband; if in the 4th l5th, of the
paternalgrand-father;if in the 5th 1sth,of the morher;
if in the {rth 15th,of the mother's Bi$ter; if in the 7th
l5th, of the mother's brother; if io the 8th 15th,of a
paternaluncle'swife; if in the gth l5th, of everything;
if in the 10th 15th, of all the catrle in the house; if in
the 11th 15th, of the servants; if in the l2th 15th,the
person born will die; if in the l3th 15th, his eldest
bpother will die; if in the l4th l5rh, his sister will
die; if in the last 15th,his morher'sfather will die.

sTpdqriT rro€ail( $Frus&ffi |

fittt qrqrloqiJ iiEqo€qW* ll \E ll
S/oftc 56. If a personbe born in the lirst quarter
ol the star Aslesha,there is no drnger to any perEon;
if in the 2nd quarter,there is the risk of losing money ;
if in thc 3rd quarter, his mother runs the risk of losiog
her life; if in the 4th quarrer the father runs a similar
qorqEnrEq1oT ryi Tqgq
qflIEq{07 nTrtftSq
qKt irgr qqgqjfi qttR qrt
qril qErfqiir iqts.rTqwt.rfr{ n \e tt
Slotrr 57. The person born in the first quarter of
Moola, Magha or Aswini will lose his father, but if the
birth be in the last quarter of Revati, Jyeohta or
Asleoha,there will be loss of the mother,the father and
sl. 6&60 lqqlssryq; 619

the child, it being immaterial when the birth happens,

whether during the day, in the nighr or at the two
junctions of day and night.

This slokai,.;alsoquoted
i'fir orfig fqatui*silrqr# ilcil |
srrfl;t ffisqfrfi)( qrfr qosf{q$qltt \d tl
S/ois Sil. The person born in a Ganda losegthe
father if the time be day, and the motherif the time of
birth be night; and if rhe time of birth be in the junc-
tiorrs betwecn.da1' nighc, the personborn wilt
himselfdie, so that Ganda fails not of effect.
qR tz.kfffi |
{'qqr* rr+ilrrr*rd
{T;€rngEStrtFrttG il{ilRocaiqrrTq
ll \q El
Slofra 59. There is G;rnda at the conclusionof a
Gandatarasuch as Revati, Asleshr or Jyeshtaat night
and at the commencement of a Gandatar.r such as Aswi,
ni, Magha or Moola during the day ancl,at the junctron
of a pair of (landararas in tfre junctions betrveen d.y
a n d n i g h t . T h i s i s t h e d i s t i n g r r i s h i nm
g a r ko f a G a n d a
qrfiwiqg$i qrilrftuf*n{r$rI
g6tsffi oil ftuqrgsrrrrtqtrQ"tl
S/oAc60 The person born in the Dhanur Lagna
when the Mccn is in the asterism Poorvashadawill
lose his father ; again the person born in the Karkata
Lagnaand when the Moon is in the star pushya will
likewise cccasionhis father'sdemise.
q{m s gq q ftdi {rsi gq I
qtf€{ tWqtq ryqt{rsilrrqr{ n iq lr
qr€QtrRctt Adh.rx.

Sloha 61. The child born when the Moon ia in

the star Poorvashadaor Pushya as describ?d in the
preceding sloka will cause the loss of the father, the
Loth"r, the of fspring generatedtill then or the mother's
brother, accordingas the Moon rt tbe birth in que$tion,
occupiesthe first, se:ond, third or fourth quarterof the
lateful star referred to.

rfisrqll dRIqertEwi qit t

ftEqrffiq'qsqlEirelrqiffall hRll
qlt ildit ftrrqtr Ktd qq,Tqq t
ilffiirs*ilRlql{gqi}1rewr q ll El ll
qrdql ffi aila snKI+Iflai aw I
Slolas 62-63*. If when theMoon passes through
the 1et quarter of the star Uttaraphrlguni or the two
middle quarters of the star Pushya, or through the 3rd
quarter of the star Chittra or through the first half of
Bharani or through the 3rd quarter of Hasta or through
the fourth quarter of Revati, therc is a birth, the father
or the motherof the child born will die accordingas it
is or the male or female sex.

ll rIUgifiTO:ll
qqril qTgitruttlI
affi8 rilrfaRHt n(q l(t(qlg,taq l. h Q B l l
qfr q{r'i iq iqsriinEi{rrI
* ,nfi qlmrirqrw{ g i{qr{s{ ll q\ ll
rqt qlft ttat qqtqrimq}tq t
ll qE ll
6d qii qrdqlftqt arq{r-6E*
sl. 6,+-69 qirqtsErrTs 62l

g{sftnt aFein{on(|
sruifiqsqfid qA df*|il qni{sI
itq,t{rw dtqr{qgtqrfudtsq{r
tl Qutt
Slokas 64-67. The Ganda period (r.e. period of
risk) is 16 years when the birth is in the lst quarter of
Aswini ; it is 8 years in regard to the lst quarter of
Magha ; one year with referenceto Jyeshta; 4 years in
the caseof Chittra and Moola I l years in the case of
Aslesha; one year in regard to Revati; 2 months is
the limit of the risky period in connection with lJttara-
phalguni; 3 months with respectto the star Pushya;
the child born in Poorvashadawill bring about the
removal of the father from this world in the 9th month.
If a per son be born in Hasta he will cause his father's
death within 12 years, The personborn in Abhukta,
moola (see sloka 45, latter half) will causethe death of
the father at the very moment of his birth. If the
person born in Abhuktamoola should live, he will be
the cause of his family's pre,eminence,raiseits statug
and will be prosperous; he may perhapscommand an
n n \
ll TFiletqtq'll
u6qqt qg{rqi rei, qq} g{q. I
fldtn fiet afla iliitt qldr dailll qc ll
qgt qrgd tFt qst Hr{:TIIFI{|
qbqfr ftrgaiic.rosE\q
qdftarll Eqll
S io A a s6 8 - 5 9 . l f t h e r eb e a b i r t h o n t h e l 4 t h
day o{ the Moon in the dark half of a lunar month and
that in the first sixth portion thereof,it will prove aus
822 aril{qrrfqra Adh.rx.

piciouo; if it be in the 2nd 6th, there will be loss oJ

the father; if in the 3rd 6th, there will be loss of the
morher; if in the 4th 6th, it will causethe deathof the
mother'sbrother; if in the 5th 6th, it will remove the
brothers from the world; if in the last sixth, it will
causethe death of the child born. Tl'rus the :vil of
Gandahagbeen mentioned
af, +ilox-+t|n{t.
asqqfl qqi{qi qqo} rdg;qt t
qci{qtq q$frqqt i g {fw':rqtl
Adi+'fintdla qfit rrqaruiqI
+gi wrEedln qet qgqpl{q.ll
qbq aqqtFc qEtrqinii fig: 1
3r{r'{r;g {E[IiIr;TtqsrTntiliitt ilil |
qd q qiaqlEt{iqrqprt fqirqill ll reoll
ftdtqreiiqqnritFrtqq{ it q{qr r
frtqrq $Rtqratqr(h gqlflfiqrr{:t
qrii itamtqrqiqRsrftfiqtqhil et ll
SltrAas1O-7I. The abandonmen[of young of
elephants,horses,cows, buffaloes and more especially
oi the human kind, if brought forch on the day of the
new,moonwhen a <iigit thereofis faintly visible in the
morning-the abandonmentof the young of theseani'
mals is laid down as a rule. lf they be brouglrt forth
on the neq' moon day when no vestige of the Moon
becomesvisible, expiatory rites should b: gonethrough
in accordlnce with the prescrib:d rules to avert the
evil of such births ; the rule of abandonmentis absolute
except when the creature born is a specimen of
gl. 72-73 qtclsqtcr 6n9
ffiqr;ii " The real meaning may be, the day on which the
Moon rises with a thin crescent of light scarcely visible."
Monier Williams. The term appears to apply to the first 6th
portion of the New Moon, while the period covered between the
second tth to the sixth Attr is designated .rd (Darsa). The
seventh and eighth $th portions are termed 5R (Kuhu). Accord-
ing to qrocflF<rfl (Kalaprakasika), $R (Xutru) occurs when the
Janmanakshatra or either of its l'rikona ones synchronises with
the New Moon, the ending moments of which coincide rvith
yam. Kuhu signifiesan evil yoga. Various expiatory rites are
ordained to ward off the evil arising from births during these
ll qtqilt1! ll
q;qqidmdg{silitfr* qftr<f lt el tl
Sl,tka 7?.. The child born under the samestar a$
the father or under the 10th star from the father'a (oee
sloka 78 for the meaningof Janmarkeha and Karmarkehai
will occasion the loss of the father; the child born in
the sameJanmala;naand the sameNakslratraNavamsa
aEthe father will causethe father's death on the very
day of its birth.
cf , <fts
fiit*r ffr{;rrr+qtitFgfQgrrqqrt
ffqqlTt q ds* qTd:fl+ €ftrq: 11
g{t URfit qnr *wtnrrq t
fterqiEfirqqntgit*swR*anqn'sa tl
Sloka 73. 'I'hechild born under the M"rsalaor
Mudgarayoga will bring about the lossof what is good
or auspicious. Birth under the Vishtikaranabetokenc
irr(tsqrRqTt Adh. IX.

day, the personborn will have a defective limb.

Rurqf qositiqrft qsl ttreruqrg+1

qnt tq=nfimrn \eBtl
Sloha 14, The personborn in a Riktha thithi be_
comes barren; he who is born in the yamakantaka
period of the day will be a cripple; he who is born
under a srar assailedby a bad planer wilr be afflicted
with ailments.
iirr r?rt(nitttr. thithi):q-g{f (Chaturthi),a+{ (Navami)or
v-g*a'i (Chaturda.i).

ftgfo qifhedqdg+rutq gcrr

urqqRttgqyqrqn e\ tl
Sloho 75. When the Lagnais free from any planet
but about to be occupied by one, the son born will be
given for adoption to anotherperson. when a birth
takes place in a Vyatipatayoga,the person born will
have a defective limb. The child born ina parighayoga
will die.
tsdt Rd aflefr"*rt qrtarftmr
{o q {fsrmt qq qot qosqflrril( il uQ g1
Sloku 76. If a personbe born in a Vaidhruriyoga,
he will causethe loss of the father; if in Vishkambf,a
he will cauoethe loss of wealth ; if in the Sulayoga,
will suffer from colic ; if in Gandahe will get a goitre.

q.dsql €i gr.(fRgrerqqUR,dliiqlitfgri erq tt
31. 77-81 eqrtlsrqrq:

Stoka '17. The child born with teeth will caute

damageto the family from the commencementof the
secondto the conclusion of its fourth month ; the rie ing
of teeth at the time of birch may cause tbe death of the
father in the 6th month of tire child. When thir
critical period is over, all may go well.

rl vf*ldlt|{{l fl
ffq{{rd ffi{ g q{ tqrfr't i'tgtri lffi I
srrqnt*rit(fitrfr! (rq ll
erfrfiqfuar*tilfitsftfr traq.I
wRttiltqrqrTts qefi{tR mrun ll eq ll
cr;{ril{r(mqq ftarl qHftq*t I
Uril'q:.TSilwVgil grrqr6{il1ll co ll
S/oAas78-80, Thc star in whiclt the Moon is at
the time of birth of a person is to be reckoned as the
firet and is calledwwd (Janmarksha); the tenth there-
from is calledor*ai(Karmarksha); the 16th, they say, is
styled ffit-{ (Sanghathika); the t8th is named €gErq
(Samudaya);the 19th is called umr (Adhana); the 23rd
is known as tqrfuo (Vainasika); the 25th, the 26th and
the 27th stars are called rerpectively wrft (Jati), tqr
(Desa)and qf.r\+ (Abhisheka). If the ffcfl (Janmarksha)
and other stars aboveenumeratedbe occultedby malefic
planetsat the birth of any person,they will causedeath
on the very day of birth ; if occulted by benefic pla,
nets, they will produce benefic effects.

lt 51oqgpffif{r tl
tnn* lTrqtqR spg1qi'"irm{wq t
ermagrqdrfuAt qrfhq flilqq.ll dt ll
wisqrRqft Adh.rx.
qr{ q-.g.io-crdrql
qrflb ilk g.* 1 dR tl
,Slokas81-82. The Ganda in the months of Vai,
sakha,Sravanaand Phalgunais such as relatesto the sky;
in the months of Ashadha, Pushya, Margasirahaand
Jyeshgha,the Gandais suchas affectsmen; in Aswija,
Kartika, Chaitra anclBhadrapada,the Ganda is such as
relates to the P.rthaia or the nether world ; in the
month of Magha,thc Gandaor risk to b: run is death"
The evil of G'andawhich relategto pathalaand the sky
Pusbkaradoesnot conccrnthis world and so does not
reallv exist for us.
Enrffiri$qrcarg€qT#dhfrm r
E*q { frg+il grq gr*E{f{qu eQrr
Slofa 83. Thc father should behold the fase of a
Eon as soon as born ; by seeing the son'g face, the
father is releasedfrom his debt to the Manes.

il qq TqIT60TI tl
qtq;qmitgtqiiffi mq{rq1rds({t
qrqfr Rrdrs;qEnfnar fil uarirqdl I
+qdtagdreqlqurfrs{d{ hqrfii
frfioqiqrcHlqiladirgfi{t qrdwr l dB tl
Slcla 84. The person born under the star qfffi
(Arwini) wrll have a greardeal of intelligence, wealth,
mcdesty, saeae rt! and fameand will be h"ppy ; if at a
perscn'$birth, the Moon be in thc star rtqit (Bharani),
he will hiivc a clefectivelimb, be addicted to another's
wife, cruel, ungrate{uland will posseEswealth; if in g6s
st, 85-86 qrriisqrqr

Etar $Rsr (Krittika), he will be energetic, lord-like in

statuE,not dull but with some valuablelearning; if in
iiltqft (Rohini), he will know the weak points of others,
be lean, enlightened but addicted to women not his
Compare the etlects given here in slokas 84-90 with those
given in Brihatjataka ch. XVI.
qr;i firqrr;inn: Srrdsqin,rqEntnr*rq
sTKtqrqqaryo\siqmo I Ud)6qrqfto{r{r
Wrflr q gdfr qqqssr6{tt(:*Rl mgml
ft.\ Rrgfrqr {q{dt flqfm $gqr{ n c\ tl
Sloha 8l't. If a person be born in q.r{ir,i (Mriga,
siraha),he will be soft-hearted,wandering, squint,eyed,
lovrsick aud ailing ; if in ar4i (Ardra), he will be des,
titute of wealth, f ickle, with much physical strength
and addicted to baseactions ; if in gaafg(Punarvasu)he
will be dull.witted, strong in wealth, lamed, learned,
and lustirrg for women ; if in (gca;Pushyahe will love
Gods and Brahmins. possesswealth and intellieence,
enjoy royal favor, and lrave a large circle ol relations.
efi qariis 6ttg{qtf *df gflqnqr{
wut gzrmsifarrrrrrfiqni qqrqtqdi I
sq-qt TIof $sfrqftilwFti earstgfii
q'r{fr+rqtncU{iqqftftqrfr E({sgfrs il dEtt
Slcfta 86. If a person b: born under the star qttcr
(Asleoha-i.e. when the Moon is in th:t asterism), he
will be silly; betraying ingracitude by his speech,of
haety temper and depraved; if in the srar rTEtrlMagha),
hc will be lustful but devoted tc virtue, indulgent to
628 qrCrqtftcri Adh. Ix.
@ v v r v v v v v u v v v

hir wife, proud and wealthy; if in

t{qeg* (poorva,
phalguni),he will be restleas,practisingevil,
t:r:og and longing for women; if in vrmegdt (Urtara,
pbalguni)he will be voluptuouc,with a
honor,gratefuland intelligent.
mff qfr qrqq{iimfrrsrqsiriTft
RnqrqftUfiffi qrf,rq(dkilrr
qrst t?Tdgtfrqdr frqt qdtqq{r
rft EnEfifurrRtfrffilqt R{n€}ffisn de tl
Sloha87. lf a person be born under
the star itr€
(Hasta),he will be devotedto love
and to virtue, be,
friendthe learnedand rivein opulence;if in ftlr (chittra),
he will be very wary, goodnatured,and endowed
e high Eenseof honor, thoughlooging for
wiver; if in <rtr (Swati), he wili try
to pleareGods
and Brahmins,devotehimself to enjoyments
and will
havemuch wealth but little intelligence;
if in itqrrrr
(Visakha),he will be proud,but uxoriouo,
overcome his
enemies and betraymuchirritability.
t* gft*f rft gwilsFfr quqtRur
*r*rq qr*{€* fiuq|f{T:,
qo$pmP*qil$roi'di 6il* q*
ntwaffisfffiil qrfrgrmu<dl ft cc tr
Slofrc 88. If a personbe born in the
star qgrtwr
(Anuradha),he will be very affable
in epeech,opuient,
ease,loving,honor.rble,famouE, and powerful; if jo ,fui
flyeshtha),he will be very ill.tempeied,addicted;; _;,
men not hir own, Iordly and juet; if in qF, (M;L;,
hewill beeloqueni,fot diaton"i,- with niJ
sl.89-90 q{TlssqFr: 689

marred, ungrareful and iudigent; if in glercr (Poorvx,

shadha)he will be uniformly well,behaved,endowed
with a high senreof lronor, well off and calmminded.

qt;qs{rFdIIq! gdt q tr'f{I{ ftqafw qfrsil:

AqtE'.rffiiirfr {ffi qfr q{qr{ r
snarg{gqr{fiNqfter fr*rwul grdt
firo{r {rfirrr{idir;R3trr-djs€{llt{Edt ll eq ll
Sloha 89. If a person be born in the star silrlfdr
('tJttarashadha),he will be honorable, cf a tranquil
nature, happy, possessedof wealth, and learned; if in
the star acor(Sravana),he will have revercnce{or Brah,
manasand the Gods, be of the governingclass,opulent
and pious ; if under alew lSravishtha),he will be credu,
loue, wealthy, plump in the thighs and the neck and
joyful ; if in the star unfirq (Satabhishak),he wilt
be an aatrologer,tranquil, sparing in diet anJ daring

gfr wrfi ugr
rrfl qFsert
lqiqtgeoFwhrrdgs TptKRtgfqir
q;:rigrsorfrT{frfr qrilsftKft{tr1l \o tl
.S/oArr90. If a person be born in qinruvqr (purva_
proshthapada),he will be bold in his speech,mischievous.
cowardly and weak; if in the star sntcigcrqT(Uttara-
proshthapada), he will be gentle in his nature, liberal,
opulent and learned; if in ien't (kevati), he will have a
broad mark in his person,rvill be love_sick,lovely, clever
in counsel,will have sons, family and friends and will
enjoy steady continuous prosperity.
630 ErawrRcri Adh. IX.

tqQ qR dil,fr q qlu.{ mrql(sl) qft'rrq,iil'
ilar qir;(qirqir€'qwruornqi q\.ri t
qlqflgrgtilqqngndr uel]{i gnq*
gtqqa;} sdRrQin qt n
Sloka 91. If at the birth of a per-son,the Moon be
in Mesha, he will eat sparingil', long for rvornen and have
enterprising elder brothers; if in Vrishabha, the person
born will be liberal, lovely, rich in fame, of excellent
behaviour, and have his chilclren all daughters ; if in
Mithuna, he r,vill be blesseci with iong life and skilful in
ministering to love during amorous pleasuresand evincing
a fondness for jest and merrirnent; if the Moon be in
Kataka at a person's birth, the latter's heart will be im-
passionedwith love; he wiJl lead a rvandering life and
will speak eloquently.
c/. gqeqra+XVII-I to 4.

@ sgdq?rgrr{i qrfie&r gr{r

fr ib&sqdiqrriil{rfi ff gd}qif*wrI
d6A {ftrii {qr€c'ir iirrt q gafrvar n qRtl
Sl tk s 9?. If a person be born when the Moon is
in Simha, he will have broad eyes,a beautiful face,grave
looks and wiil bc h.ppy; if the Moon be in Kanya at a
person'sbirth, the latter ivill be afflicted with a craving
ior sensual enjoyment, of graceful address, eminent in
learning and prosperous; if in Tula, the pgrsonwill view
with reverence Gods and Brahrnanas, shorv affection
it. 93-94 qqglstrtFt: 68.r

torvardshis relatives and will be opulent: the personborn

when the Nloon is in Vrischika will be heedless.ailing,
avariciousand given to wandering.
c/. Eqswaq XVII-5 to 8.

tfoqmitR\qqr $oirt!fed'$rgst fr*

rrld{! EUqREiiTqrri ard nefttr t
w{* rtil$loqr{ gqqqe{iq ileniirair
{hQ €rrarr6+qrcgffier{qgdqfutt ql tl
Slukit 93. When the \,{oon occupies Dhanus, the
person born will have handsome limbs and bright eyes;
he will be the choicest specimen of his family and con-
versant rvith ttle arts; if the Nloon be in Makara at a
person's birth, the latter will be acquainted rvith music,
broad-headed and addicted to u'omen not his own; the
person born when the Moon is in Kumbha will be without
virtue or morality and inimical to Jearned men while
surpassing in knorvledge; if the Moon be in Meena at a"
person's birth, he will have :r handsome person. be learn-
ed and become the lord o[ m:rny rvives.
c/. .Jticwrc+
XVII-9 to 12.

il {r{qil$so( ll
tarddqqr{itarrqa{i€ iqi{rt
e$t frfr t
qr{st {Ilkrd fuMr glqiqhqffsdr
nrrn$f itEgrqlq.nfieqri$dkt{t il qBtl
5/ol.r 94. The person born when the Moon is in a
Navamsa owncd by l\{esha will be a commander of an
8t2 silgtslllTllE Adh. IX.

army, opulent and distinguished by reddish eyes and

destined to become a freebooter; if the Moon be in a
Navamsa orvnerl by Vrishabha, the person born will have
his body, the face and.the shoulders fat, but his frane
will not be cornpact or rvell knit ; rvhen the Moon occru-
pies a Navamsa of Mithuna, the person born rvill have a
lovely form, rvill serve under a master as a scribe and will
be learned; if the Navamsa occupied by the N{oon
belong to Kataka at the birth of any perscn, he rvill be
black and rvill be withou.t the joys of having a father or
a son.
m;qit Egrilqurs
fi6gfufrqr*lfiqr I
md qlitkqrr gari{A ardi{fut
+teiirit*dsqd! i5{1fl!Ir
Sloka 95. When the-Moon is in a Sirnita N:n'artsa,
the person born iviil have a fat body and a lolty nose,
and will be famed for his wealtir and strcngth ; if the
aain (Navarnsa occupied by thc Nloon bclong) to if;at
(Kanya), thc person born rvill be distinguishcrl for his
sweet words, leatr itr l)crson and clever at clice; whcn the
Moon is in a rein (Nar':rmsa) of qvr (Tula), the person
born will be a g:rllant, in the service of a king ancl rvith
lovely eyes ; the person born whcn the Moon is in a qfbo
aniu (Vrischika n;rvamsa), r.r'ill h:rve a defective limb,
will be poor, lean, rvandering in quest o[ service and
qrqit umlfrtrgngt,€tnr{fi
trEfrirTqq;tqrriirqR r
ttEnirtrq!$rqitrt {ft-drfr
gnilt ft qq tl
ffrtt qrg{mEinqqadfqhqr
g, 9?-99 qcrlsrqrqr

Sloka 96. If the Moon be in a cst{r (Navamsa)

owned by qq (Dhanus),the personborn will be lean and
long-arrned,liberal, devout and wealthy; if in :r trqiv
(Navarnsa) of rrnt (Makara), the person born will be
covetous, black in personal appearanceand rvill have a
wife arndsons; if in a i$rrreit (Iiumbha navamsa), the
personborn will be hypocritical ;rnd henpecked; and if
the Moon be in a ri}rqeiTr(N{een:r nav:rmsa), the person
born wi,ll have a soft voice, but speakspiritedly,will visit
holy placesand be blessedwith sons.

ll qrq$'orT tl
R.t$t fuurcfqgqq qifr qr*r{Tr
qrgsqr{$r;rqttgrlrqlfinrqqrilr gd I
ffi fiqnqhrfr qqei\qirlsitqutqal
qqiqrcetg{{qffi Eet qil*q(r n q\etl
Sloha 97. A person will be victorious over nrs
enemiesand possessed of rvealth and cattle if born in the
ffiq (Vishkambha yoga); subject to the will of
other people'swives if born in frit (Preeti); long-lived and
healthy, if born in tnlfnq (Ayushrnan); happy, if born
in the Srt"q (Sowbhagya)yoga; voluptuous if born in
drrr (Sobhana); murderously inclined if born in qrtqqs
(Atiganda); wealthy and devotedto the practiceof virtue
if born in gn$ (Sukarma); and taking away other people's
wife and money if born in sfh (I)hruti).

dt iirwuuqs TariluRQ
Efl qeil{rq *sftrqffir{ 5qTqTil-fr
ilil E{qnrqqssdqil r.ir qff fitgss
u q6 ll
ftS frfuilt)ftr xurtr ffi aqilqrilsilf
834 qtlw|Rcri Adh. Ix.

SloAa 98. If a personbe born in the {Ffr.t. iSula

yoga), he is wrathful and quarrelsome; if in ws (Ganda).
he is addicted to evil practices; if in Utt (VriddhD, he
is able to discoursewisely; if in n< (Dhruva), he will be
exceedinglywealthy; if in .qtqt? (Vyaghatha), he will be
ferocious; if in 6iur (Harshana), he will be wise and far-
famed; if in rs (Vajra), he will be wealthy and lustful ;
if in ftFq (Siddhi), he will be the refuge of all and lord
like ; if in scdcre (Vyathipatha), he will be deceitful.

gcfir*q {ftqqqcqRt Raq*rfrwr{

ttrq{s it{itqqq ffiEr{ qnds*ffiqr t
fhil q{q{rqors irgnf flst g{rq|qqT
qr{Sl gqir{rqq q{EIt urliliKt i5trol ll 1q ll
Sloka 99 If a person be born in the lttqrittt (Va-
riyayoga), he will be lustful to a culpable extent : if in
qRs (Parigha), he will be inrmical but wealthy: if in ftq
(Siva), he will be well-versed in sciencesand scriptures,
rvealthy, quiet and liked by kings ; if in fuq (Siddha),he
will be devoted to virtue and engage in.the performance
of sacrifices;if in env (Sadhya)he will be virtuous: if in
trtrrt(Subha)he will be beautilully formed, wealthy, love-
sick and affected with phlegrn-

& q*resqg€ET{f*ft Tsr qFsit

qr* qurfrsRwqftstsrrfrfttrrgr t
B dwrlqErtqRar
qmEtqftruq roEttt{r{rtq* ffi ltt "otl
Slofra 100. If a perEonbe born in ttre f,ui (Sukla
Ioga), he will be virtuouc, eloquentio epech, wrathful,
fichleninded and learned; if in rtr (Bnhna), he witl
sl. 101-1@ q6fr5tqf{r 636

*". t. retlY kePt wealth'

" of forming soundjudgments;if
be liberal, and capable
in i=-t (Aindra), his life will be universallybaneficent;
t,i, inr"tt..t wiit be all comprehensive; and ha will
possess muchweaith; if in tuR (Vaidhruti), he will be
.rrnning, sa[umniating othere, powerful, liberal and
iFFFtqmranflo6'Ftt *Itfr
ffifr qr€\ flsrt€qrI
q-qiFrrutil *o\ qftmqt
€gq-gqq{s {{r(tt(I} squlor ll tot ll
S/ofrrz101. If a perEoobe botn in ea+{q (Bavakara'
na), he will engage in juvenile worke and wilt be
valiant; in rrq.l (Balava) he will be modest in his dress
and deportment and will be honored by kings ; if in
*sc (Kaulava), be will have elephants and horses
with him anrl will do all that he doesin a handsome
way; if intRo (Thaitila),he will speaksoftiy and impres'
aively and will be virtuoue.
frffirT rdrfr
Rffiir* qrquqlq{rqt
qffirfrftemlttffi:rl ll 1.1 ll
Sloha 102. It a perEonbe born in q{wrwl (Garaja-
karana),he will be without foes and powerful; if in
<&q (Vanij) or qftwotq (Vanijakarana), he will be a
.l".rL, speakerand intrigue with mistressesindulging
guilty paasion for him; if in ftfuowr (Vishtikarana),
686 *rlqfnd Adh. Ix.
he will be hostile ro every body, addicted to sin{uf
deeda, under public censure, but honored by his
attendantsand self-reliant.

srill[su$*gql frKgd qrmqfrsrwr

_ *daq
M wqraiitEqc{r{ flqrofii nr.r+
ftKi q{sr{uqqd*{heqi Erqtn t.i tl
Sloha 103. The person born in fiSqewr (Sakuna
karana) will be an astrologer aod enjoy oteadypros,
perity ; the personwho hashis binh in the urq (Karana)
called sq6q{(Chatushpada),will have a multitude
miafortunes, will be acquainted with every b'sinese,
very gentle,intelligent, famousand wealthy if a person
be born in amao.or(Nagavakarana),he will be dignified,
rich, exceedinglystrong and boastful ; in etgsq*"r (fim_
otughnakarana)is born a person who works for othera
and is fickle,mindedand fond of mirth.

lt uflrsoq ll
rglwrlszrTr 6{agf Tld RqKffi
unt g&owgrfuwqr
qt€ *frqt r
,iiqrt iqWitmr&{dreqrqq: ur<dir
ftqwrqnlssEq srril qJuqql ir,r{iuflf ?oB fl
Sloha 104. The person born in the lqorc (Meaha
lagna)will be hostile to his rerarives,or *"od.ring
habits, lean in peroon, hot-tempered,q*rrtuor"]
proud, weak.kneed,poesesaed of unceftainwealthai
heroic. The person at whose birth the riaiog,ig"
gw (Vrithabha) will owrr many cor.r, pay
sl, 106-106 qrrqlstllfi4:

homageto eldere and to the Brahmanas,will be fond of

iearneddisputations,inclined to wanderirtg,fortunate,
lustful.calm.mindedand with but fcrv sot'ts.
*rft q;grfr qqrgifquetiqtq
frqnqr gffir?qlsfdgqftirrft q grqiEt I
fruqrrnwfr ofril{rEmrqaqlddErq
qrilqcse{trqwaCitt;W'fiirEtu t o\ ll
SJoAa 105. lf ftga (Mithuna) be the rising rign
at the birth of any person,he will be voluptuous,fond
of relatives, compassionate,exceedingly prosperou6,
worthy, acquaintedwith the real nrture of the world
and the spirit, contemplative,liked by the virtuousr
very beautiful, but ailing. The person born in the
.Fero{rr(Kataka lagna)will have sumptuousmeals,cloth,
ing and jewels, a soft voice, and a mind inclined to
{raud,but will be virtuous, bulky and takirrgdelight in
dwelling in the mansiousof other people.
qrnlfraiMserfiTqs wguffimr
''stdiiqht nnr t
ut qrqq{rttti}ofigr
iqrqlqiimiEoTqift*i q.gilqrwr?{ssut,Etl
Sloku lil6. Tire pcrson born in the fiiasrt (Simha
Iagna)has but few sons,is hostile to people contented
w i t h w h a t t h e y h a v e ( b u t w o u l d n o t b e t t er t h e m s e l v e s ) ,
brave,will charm kings, overcomefoes,iong for women
and repair to a foreign place; the personat whose birth
the rising sign is o;qr (Kanya) witl be skilled in varioua
works, prosperous,talented,of soundjudgment,taking
pleasurein the blandishmentsof loveiy women, fond of
relations and sincere.
638 lnittFlrnEltf Adh. Ix.
t v v g ! ! r v v v v v v w

ofueqEqi*rtrqwq{ fuflq
qEqrftiadil etqqtr{rd t
qoqftdt{iwlqi frfuai 11lou tl
Slokr,1i-7. The pcrson botn in the gorcrt ( tula
lagna)wilt lrave a lovely face and charming eyes;
*ilt U. honored l>y kings, learned, fond of the pleasures
of love, possesoing women, wealth and lands; his prin-
cipal teeth will not be closebut apart; he will be
pensive,btrt irresoluteand exceedinglytimid'
1t{r gfidrqq}sftqqd tiru&fi
Retqsittoqq{ gqdafiiiqr(frqrt
3 $oin I qiqr{ qdhftqqR
wfidof {fr flaqm 11{ od ll
Sjo,fra108. The person born in the {|**vn lVriy
chika lagnawill be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly
f ickle'mlnded, proud, long'lived, wealthy,
hostile to good men and nuroing sorrow
is 'r-gs
The person whose Lagna at the time of birth
(Dhanus)will bc wise, the best of his family, prosperous
porrrrsing famcand wealth; the man born in the
"nd (Makara lagna) will be fond of lovely women'
perfidiousand will speakdejectedly'
learnedfool in Christendom'
51.109-111 qqrnstqrq:
- - v - - - v v ' - - - - v v v

frqlqwgrsrqqa{ fiff{ ll t "1 ll

.Slcla 109. The person born in the 6qcs (Kumbhe
lagna)rvill be crafty'minded, fond of dalliance with
women not his own, of miserly habits anl master of
much wealth. When *a (Meena) is the rising sign at
a person'$birth, he will be learned,sparingin his enjoy'
mento,kind to his friends rnd endowedwith. spirit and
strength,while posseesingmuch corn and wealth.

tt ilnq,eq tt
rt qrit frq{r{ rrwq;qs
s*qrrfr rrcinnrqms 1
ilrCtqrm qndn qqeqfuffsqqi{rqR erq tt.
S'oka 110. lf the Lagnabe an odd sign, and the
tn (Hora) be owned by the Sun, the person born will
be of a cruel disposition,lustful, rich and honoredby
kings. But if, the Lagna being an odd sign,. the da
(Hora) be that of the Moon, the person born will be
eloquent,.liberal, ltandsome,compasoionate, but will
havean intriguingwife.

qrilfrq*ilqftal qq{ Tr;et5ilffiqdsftStr t

qqq tnn,rEl mtrr*rtfrsfiTs$H{ttrs Rrq t t t
Stoha 111. If a person be born in the Sun's dlt
(Horr) in an even rising sign, he will b: clever in coun-
eel, sensible of frvors received, but irresolute and
exceedingly timid, If a person be born in the r?n
(Hora) b:longing to ther Moon in an even Rasi, he will
be fearleroin rpeech,laeyand fond of a virtuouo wife.
640 ffiarcdtqift AdS; IX.

il {spr6o( lr
*qTfbiWrrFellrilI €qHIf I
w q{fr ru?ffiat
qrqffo6{qgrr mEF( wd! n { tq il
'l'he first Drekkarraof fta (Simha), lc
SJota 112.
(Mesha) ilu (Kumbha), qfbt (Vrischika) and r+t (Ma'
kara); the last Drekkanaof ira (Meena), Zfh-+1yt;t
ka), fea (Simha), ger (Tula) and the middle Drekkana
of *ze rKataka)and ?ib+ iVriscirika) are, for the u:ost
part declaredby the sagestc be malefic.

*dffiqfr eqroti*argarqflEtq"qfiq t
qjgqqiG€qaHqrfi {qi}d w-Sqq{rEqlo'rtft 11
Slola 113. The first Drekkanasof ero(Kataka)
and dtq (Meena), the middlemost of diq (Meena) and
il"qt (Kanya) a.nd the last of q'rrr (Vrishabhr) and
frgq (Mithuna) are the six water-bearing Drekkanae.

aglq{frgrKiqrff| |
EqTurdil!qlTEfh dtfl lt It t 8ll
Sloha 1I4. The secondof *q (\4esha), w-g<lDha-
nuo), qcrr (\/rishabha), iirc (Kumbha) and ru't (Maka-
ra) and the first of gat (Thula), o;qt (Kanya) and figl
(Mithuna) and che last of vg{ DhanLrs',+;<r (Kanya)
and ii;e (Kumhha)are termedbenefic Drekkanas.
iFat qnaT q K{qril |
frRqtmr{fi s{dk tr t t\ H
Sloln 115. The last of q+t rMaka ra)}l (Mesha),
sl. 116-11? itE$tsrqFt: 84L

and *ao (Kataka), the first of qtrr (Vrishabha) and

qgq (Dbanus) and the middlemost of frga (Mithunal,
gvr (Thula) and ika (Simha)are termed mixed Drekka'
nas, say the astrologerswith one accord.
rqsqftTeis qnqqisvffi
(ru, qlTriqqrgruRcfuoqtrniqrliidto: I
{TFq(qMcTrq! gc{qTiffiq{FF6ql Eqrgs
ilil ft* sdor rngqfrtunre&qoriffllqtqll
Sioko 116. The personborn iria maleficDrekkana
will b: evii-minded,of wandering habits, addicted to
e v i l d e e d sa n d i n b r d r e p u t e ; t h e p ? r s o n b o r n i n a
frqwi*rq (Thoyadharadrekkana)will be libcral, volup,
tuou$,conpessionate, b;nt on agriculcure and irrigation,
a n d v o i d o f m o r a l i t y ; t h e p c r s o nb o r n i n a n a u s p i c i o u s
D r . k k a n a w i l l h a v er i c h a n d h . p p y s o n s ,a l o v e l y f o r m ,
w i l l b e t e n d e r - h e a r t : d ;t h e p e r s o n b c r n i r a m i x e d
Drekkarrawill be ill,behaved,addictecito young women
not his owo, of cruel aspectand fickle'mind:d.

]t ilqErfioTTtl
qnirstiT rFiltiql dogntni{t{ frFsttilq firft
tril{r SrqurslqQ{ftttl qiHr nirqqra:I
qlqit Tqsqi qoqfitail fq{irft q gps:
irrrft dft g'lih ofuregqq€qrilfidrqltql 11{ lu ll
Sloktt 1t?. tf a p.rson beborn in a qiaait (Sutya-
navamsa), he will be evil'minded,strong, prolific, rich,
and lustful ; if in a Navansa owrit'J by the
Moon, he will be voluptuous,addictedto youngv"Jmen
not his own, learuedand rich in cows ; i{ in a Na'ramsa
of Mars, he wrll be addicted to cruel deeds, fickle'
6+2 witrSqrGrre Adh.rx.
ninded, of wanderinghabits,afflictedwith bilioullcom,
plaints and avaricious; if in a Navamsa belongingto
Mercury,he will be liberal,impassioned, handsome and
well.knownfor his learningand goodname.
{idrg&rqdfr enagrilir rrrtrrrnq:
tqdt grfircqr€ns: qrqrllrin;qEr I
R-q. qrEfdrRqsus-it r*.rqqd; gdf
6{: atqntq{irswdi{i'rwiriai* ct: u
rrai* +qs'srFaatftqtfnwi : tit roag{trqril€i q: gr& r r
q$*ricRwilqdfrdr gwtr;itvagt*glr: cftdui*sth u
*v& +fro; lps.lzlr! gtaftRn-d.1
rilrr*: g;rd ssn{kilhn 6rc?sd cieit I
Xti; *uairisfigro: rri'rseeu{: gdf
a't: flsficdq'rsfiscq, qrrfcaiir cr: u
, orirrJd=a : <eagHdrou!*d,
fl eielbaq*irii qmziloiifirrrdftr: r
rr?orig:xafrrlg gnroiu?il una: g<ft
G.qqqrq-tql€q{qoKit: vrvaqoii m: l
qtqiirqR tqhffigru *g: grfi uqnq
q;dt qio-wqru {qqq(fr trqdWdql I
ffii't qqilfifiqatawr{ft Sdr qfisfi
qqtt qfr nqgRrffif({ofA* ftril{ ut te rf
Slola 118. If a person be born in a Navamraof
Jupiter,he will havegoldenhair in his person, and will
be eminent,talented,beautiful,clever in counsel,speak,
ing learnedly,of a cheerfulmien,and liked by emperora;
if in a Navamsaowned by Venue,he will delightin the
society of womennot his own, be liberal, comfortably
phcedand learned;if in a Navamsabelongingto Saturn,
sf. 119-120 ififtsqFr: 6f8

he will be evil,minded,.indigent, with large teeth, and

afflicted with ailments.
{ rtclT: ltrrail{r: gcq3i {rs}rqor}qqr:
ctg: qfr{c{tifisfifrqo; cld'r gi<rkd; r
g"t{it rRfq&fr {grra:qitrncs*
&nrufi cg{€(r gtgiri* q}rqrtcr tl
rdrqr.dtqftnc{i Tw*r: gq*:
+rg*ir rrqid Rrul {qtd: tnf}r r
l[r: rffcrq t'etftqfr qr{d}* gq*
?nilq*rriF.$qftr* qrtir rrrteit I
cftrstgrirrtr cx*tt: S{nF:rrqR orffia: fircqol: etiltt: I
rg[urvftgl: cidfta] f*qd,cftrtasrRTrrftnm* rrg<iir rr
nst{rqf,rqgava drra, grrrg+$sRo}i}d'rer t
g*: gm: ql: cg{rrnarfiqi, grg€ € a q1q 1

ll er{{EI$qII ll
ilil lqalEqtt trfltqr *tr qtqnnwlgmr r
ilfrtr|aft ftqngq{itrg.qit g q(ERTt
gdot tl\
Slola 119. If a person be born in a ilqdn (Dwede'
aamsa)owned bv *s (Mesha), he will be a mischievcur
robber and take to the evil ways and practicesof a\rch
a vicious class of people; if in a twelfth portion of a
rign owned by wrr (Vrishabha), he will haw plenty of
women and wealth and will su{fer from diseases; If in
a flq{rin (Dwadaramsa) belonging to fug{ {Mi$unr),
he will be a gambler but well'conducted.

cvdl ftt Tnt{rqlrnrs(Utl I

g$imt u,,{-sth
trnqns*m FTdn 6qlqr{qrfifuqtt T{rat ll
qnsqrRqre Adh.rx.

samsa)of u*z (Karkata), he will be addicted to bad

practicer; if in a erqtritr lDwadasamsa) owned by {ka
(Simha),he will b: virtuous,engagedin rhe businessof
a king and will be attendedby brave men; if iu a eF{r
Arq{ri?r(Kanyadwadasamsa),he wiil be a gamblerand
addictedto wom3n; if in a Thula dwadaramsa,hc will
be engagedin trade and have abundanceof money.

sizi{rh qqdiidaqiur?I-
{Hi{h iiilTtlg{firti6'! |
{qrGTqiEquqhrrT{s rTUeT!
lnt qoftqiifli [TfiT{frer{ il tlt tl
Sloku l2l. If a perso:l bc born rn a frT{rtfl (Dwa,
daramsa)owned by qilr (Vrischika), he will be a
murder-loving master of roguesand robbers; if in a
gtqcrtT(Dwadrsamsa)belongingto qlt (Dhanus),he will
diligentlv pay homage to the Manel, Brahminsand the
Gods; if r'n the rr{{rirt (Dwadasrmsa)of rlt (Makara),
he will be the lord of growing corn and wilf have
rcrvants ; if in a grrr 6rqtitr (Kumbha dwadasamsa),
he will be a mischief maker; if in a qt{6rqqin (Meena
dwadasamra),he will be rich and learned.

lt R{ri{fsuqtl
f{qtt vtdigeq qqorffi;qE1q {t{r
rr;Ea{rarftqfr drr{ r
fut g€tq{fhfrwr{rgi}q}q;gnE
qr{i fir;t{g! g€l q Ugqfl{itr* qrqt ntRvl
Sloka tL?.. If a person be born jn a thirrieth
Sr.tzr-rz4 mrtssqf43

portion owned by Mars in eny sign, he w ill be ficklq

stiff,voiced and cruel,minded; if in one belonging to
Saturn in any aign, he will be addicted to wandering
and of a depraved nnind; if in a fl*cria(Trimsamsa) of
Jupiter in any sign, he will be wealthy ; if in a thirtieth
portion owned by Mercury in any sign, he rvill have
greatrespectfor his preceptorsand the Gods, delight in
the societyof virtuouu men and be attendedby relativee;
if in a &qrt{ (Trimsamsa)of Venuo in any sign, he wil_
be loving, lovely and happy.

u ir€T$€r{tl
{rdi ftrsrqr€{€qqifrd6*t6 iidoi ffTnlor r
t*fqilsqil{ ffiq'{rEi{tmrfir q€eorqqmrntRltl
Sloka LZl. The person who is born in the €i{tar
(Satvavela)is eloquent, conforming to the duties and
practicesof the .riEe, devour, constantly persevering,
pure, bountiful, possessedof lustre,learningand beauty,
truthful anrl without enemies.
etr|ilqnt ltvfiqti rrc1rctl
{a*il{irgffitqt qqo}firil tRBtl
Sluku 174, T'heperson brrn in the dttor (Rajo-
vela) will have happiness,weakh, flme, beauty and
strength; he will overcomehis foesand will be love-
eick at heartI his mind will not be kindly disposed
towards his relations. The person born in the a*tor
(Tamovela)will try to securethe wealthand women
belongingto others and will losehie happinessthereby.
846 ilATctfrfi* Adh.rx.

tle will be a master rogue,at variancewith his relationr

and venerablesuperiors and fickle.minded.
ilqtsiirtqJ+or(Iqf€Ff Gffiqs I
u tR\ ll
Sloha 125. The times pervadedby the qualitiesot
fn< (Thamas - darkness),eea (Satva- purity) and tqq
(Rajas-passion)are to ba reckonedby semi,yamas(half,
yama:an hour and a half or lslGhatikas) regularly in
the order eru (Thamas), ert (Satva), {at( (Rajas), wr<
(Thamas), eea(Satva), rart (Rajar), &c. from Sunday
forward through the other days of the week.
According to this sloka, edch day is divided into 16 half-
yamas; the first er*crq (Ardhayama) as well as the last of a
Sunday is a nitiot (Thamovela); the first and the last of a
Monday are Satvika ; of a Tuesday, Rajasa; of a Wednesday,
Thamasa; of a Thursday, Satvika ; of a Friday, Rajasa; of r
Saturday, Thamasa.
il rFtuERtqo{ ll
srRrrT {Ril em {r* rTtIHrGr!il lRq tl
Sloka 126.Jupiter,Mars,the Sun,Venus,Mercury,
theMoon,Saturn-thisis theorderin which the lordsof
the lloras follow in auccession.The Hora in any day
of the weekis reckonedbeginningwith that day i e. ics
lord. The Hora on the night of the week,daychoren
ic reckonedftom the 5th week-daytherefrom.
For example,the first Hora of Mondayis the Moon's; thr
noxt, Saturn's; the one after that, Jupiter's; and soon till the be'
sl. 12?-129 qr*stqtq:

Einniug of tbe aight. The first Flora on Mqnday nighl is to bo

reckoned from the 5th day.from Monday d.e. Friday. The lord of
the lst Hora on Morrday night is Venus; the 2nd belongsto Mer'
cury, the third to the Moon, the 4th to Saturn, the 5th to Jupiter,
tho 6th to Mars, the 7th to the Sun, and so on.

bmqrsrwqqr{irsrtr,ifrqrfrd q*wqiqu€{ I
qroalmii qq t|
qrqTda.titqqrq\ ftfrurqwradnrq
Sloka 127. The effect of a peroon's birth in the
Sun'8cT€drr (Kalahora) is pain and fatigue ; in the
Moen's, pro$perity; in that of Mars, sorrow and sick'
nees; in Mercury's, learning and wealth ; in Jupiter'a,
possessionof every kind of blesaing, in that of Venus.
conjugal bliss ; in Saturn's, the loss of property.
nafreqw{qwqrlrqrft tqrutrqqgtqnrrElftdsTfr
?nrtis,ffirorfr qrfru*titarfrtRueqqu{Kr(
tqarqfffii qTils$ft
E{tafi?Er&qqt snfta*Js.qrqr
Stoka 128. ;The variouseffectsupona person'alife
due to hir birth beingconnected(1) with tbe preeeoce
of Gulika in a certainbhava,(2) with a particularcyclic
year,(3) with the formeror latterhalfof the came; (l)
with a particularseasonof the year; (5) with a particu'
lar month thereof; (6) with a particularhalf-month;(?)
with a particularday of the Moon in the half,month;(8)
with a prrticular ctar in coojunctionwith the Mcon on
that day ; (9) with the particular cign occupied by thc
Moon than; (10) with the particularyoga prevallingat
the time; (11) with the Karanaspecialfor the day ia
question;(12) with the half (Hora),3rd (Drekkanalgth
(NavJmsa),l?th (Dwadaeamsa), or 30th (Trinsusa)
portioo of a partkular rign; (13) with a Thamasa,Sstvr
or Rajovela, and (1a) with a certain Kalahora-tlrc lev€"
d48 qriltrq,Rqrt Adh.rx.
ral effectsdue to the birth bcing viewed from various
atand,points have been treated of effectively by the
blessingand graceof the Sun and other planets.
Thus endc the 9th Adhyaya in the vrork weuqli{ct"
compiled by Vaidyanathaunder the auo.
picesof the nine planets.
It is worth while to know when and how the various ellec ts
treated of in this Chapter will come to pass in the life of any per'
son. In this connection, the foltowins slokas of sta{trl(q lfaraka'
bharana) will be found interesting:-
csrft t{€rqiorqi qsrft atcrfdftft csa"qr r
qiqrsi €rrrq'{q'lervrisn{*rri'qdclr: n r I
crstf;i qr€ce€H: udqqao*{ v <q vrq r
frfirrqn fi(uirrt q q-qltais*a qmiau,i ,, a ,,
ar{t{4 srr& *fiis'd q-mitqi{ee*qorF{ilq I
osl-di orqc*iarqi €rlrr{gqrfirq}{qlsq rr 1 11
The eflects of the year and other division:; of tirne wherein a
b i r t h t a l < e sp l a c e h a r - e l ; e e n d e s , : r r b e d . T h e o c , , u rr r : u c e o f t h o s e
c f l e c t s s h o u l , l b c s r , t l l e d e s f o l l , . r w : i ;\ \ ' l r , r th ' r s b e e r r s t a t e d f o r t h e
U e o r , w i l l t a l i e J r l : r c ed u r i n g t h e r i l r e r r i n go f t l r * i d a s a o f t h e l o r d o f
t h e € I . r a ( S ; t v a r r i r )s , e a r( i . e . a y e ; r r c , f 3 f r 0 . l a l s ) ; t l r e e f i e c t f o r t h e
h a l f - y e a r a n c l t h e S t o s o r r ,d u r i n g t h e d a s a o f t h e S u n : t h a t f o r t h e
m,onth, during the dasa oi the lord of the rnonth; that for the
h a l f - m o n t . hq { ( l ' a k s h a ) : r s r . , , e l i a s f o r t h e o s t e r i s m , d u r i n g t h e
dasa of the l\Ioon ; tliat for the feiir (.|l,ittri) and the :+,r.q(lia-
ranrt),in the sub-lieriotlof the }{oon rn the Sur:'s tlasr ; that for
lhe uteek tlq!! EI{ (Vara), during the dasa of tlre lord oi the week.
q)q iYoga), shoukl be <:onsiclered lvith reference
,1ry; that for. the
t o a h o r o s c o p en ' h e r e i n t h e S u n l n c l t h e M o o n a r e s t r o n g ; t h a t f o r
the Lagna, during thc dasa period of the lord of the l.agna ; thal
for the Rasi rvhich has a planetary aspect on it or is the seat of a
bhava should be deduced in this wa1'-f. e. as iikely to occur
during the dasa of the lorcl of that'Rasi.
cTrilffirfr q{rfrsrryqt
n stEl?FTrtf€qrqf
Adhyaya X.
The following eleven slokrr frorn dtttqq1;1(Horamakararda)
are rnrertodhore, because they form.an appropriateintroduction
to this Chapter.
q*si wqu{q qudi gqq qd. *qrrrRrTEs,I
wt atcaigEt q{rq tqr*Tmaogsqr*: u ! tl
Each planet moving from tho place it occupiedat the birth of
a perlon admittedly producesits own peculiar eflect varyiog with
its progressthrough the l2 Rasrs. Owing to the admjtted varia-
tion in this efioct, theencier:ts say tbat it.cannot be laid down as
absolutely identical (evon) in lhe case of personsborn uudcr tlir,o
s3me star.
rrlt Rra: r*cqri {(tgri grq€r{rfnr ag?rerf}a t
qrff aqr \ lqr, trwifr: lser c t egoir 11apen r u
Astrologers declare that to be the :r.ri-nttt (Janmarasi) of a
p€rson rvherein the Moon was at the time of his birth, The severai
places in which the planets and the Lagna rnal, be in all possible
NBtt cannot consist ol seven.

rtisurrRrdg'iise qii: ffise irra gvtgrrlfr |

sorfr tqi s fit'rqfrrrr qqrss{rr'ii?rt6d
qFi qr( u 1 fr
Hence every person is decla,red to have eight signs as the
seats of the seven planets and the Lagna and it is with reference
to these eight places that ali thc good antl evil eflects of a person's
life due to the drsjoined or conjoined states of the planets and the
I-agna are calculated-a process which when completod, the
qtr{-{.i (Ashtakavarga) result as it is called will become revcalcd.

82 649
650 qrF.clftEft Adh. x

gfirqcrftfi r*tsRcaqafrqnrcdtgicerq r
qtargrrrrR+.diag rrRrw'{nsrqqqkqig
i*t orrrq 6{qtrrFqqT(Ira:gmrdt'ucrt}qtt u rt
With referenceto its e{Eei'itl (Ashtakauarga) the Sun is de-
c l a r e d e x c e e d i u g l ya u s p i c i o u si n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h '
lOth and I lth places from itself, Iilars altd Saturn ; in the 6th
i n t h e 5 t b , 6 t h , 9 r h a n d l l t h p l a ces
e n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m V e r r u s ;
from Jupiter; in the 3rdr 6th, lOth and Llth p l a c c s f r o m t hc
I t { o o n ; i n t h e 3 r r , l ,5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h , l O t h , l l t h a u d l 2 t h f r o m M e r-
p l a c e e
cury ; and lastly in tlre3rd, 4th, 6th, l0tb, llthand l2th
from thr Lagna.

qrqgdrrrqqcmlbltru ifgdtE nsqqftTeg

qe$q' t
lrrq {nrrritg qck qcEnqfog ;<reu?lq1X
!q trnrqriqqrsDg frgtrgilt o;qtxrcsor*
gsr$qiqtgqtqf,q;ririlrrTrr m<t: tl rr ll
Tho Moon is euspicious in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and llth
9 t h ' l 0 t h a n d llth
from thcLagna; inthe 2nd,3rd"5th,6th'
l O t h a n d I l t h p l a ces
p l a c e sf r o m M a r s ; i n t h e l s t , 3 r d , 6 t h , 7 t h ,
fromitsclf; inthc3rd, 6th, 7th,8th' lOth andltthpiacosfrom
in tho
t h e S u n ; i n t h o 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o mS a t u r n ;
l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c o rf r o m l t e r curv;
l s t , 3 r d , 4 t h ,5 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h ,
p l a c e s f r o r n J u p i t o r *;
in the ltt, 4th, 7th, :th, l0th, I lth and l2th
gth, loth rnd llth placrs
and lastly, in the 3rd, 4'h, 5th, 7th,
frorn Vcnus-
*rlr rcnfrt: qt€qdr{a*q*l:
:n*rririi: qlil€: rrrrq(qqsqufqrt$'tg irrrttt[ |
detr gron
!r( tqrarerelg aqqiig{{rrTrag
rqtrurwrels ftfta tdgnrE #n+nqsif u e I
places from itself; iu the 3rd, 5th, 6th, lOth and I lth

+ t h , 7 t b ' 8 t h lOth and llth placo from

"In the let, Znd,
Jupitrr, eccording to some'
qtrslsqnr 061

thc Sun; in tho 3rd,6th and llih places'from thr Moon; in thc
f st, 3rd, 6th, l0th and llth places frorn the Lagna; in the 3rd'
s t h , 6 t h a n d I t t h p l a c e sf r o m M e r c u r y i i n t h e 6 t h , l 0 t h , I l t h a n d
l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m J u p i t c r ; i e t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , I l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e s
from Venus; and lastly, irr the lst, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth and
I lth places from Saturn.

u: gfF( {rsvr}ttsn;Is{ga c&g} gmrrlT:

qr{r{ttsq dtarqtaqfigfavarig trdr ft+{flq t
{tqql'uiRur* &ngq{rgi qarq€q{rrftt'rt-
eircrruftr![tr]sRtrgeelilag6il{CIrig €rtllF( ll e ll

M e r c u r y i s a u r p i c i o u si n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 3 r d , 4 t h , 5 t b , 8 t h ' 9 t h
a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o n r V e n u s : i r r t h e l s t , 2 r r d , 4 t h , 7 1 h , 8 t l r ,
l 0 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o r n \ { n r s a n d S a t u r n ; r n t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , l l t h
a n d I 2 t h p l a c e s f r o r n J u p i t e ri ;n t h e 5 t h , f i t h , 9 t h ,I i t h a n d l 2 t h
p l e c e sf r o m t h e S u r ti i n t h e l s t , 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h , l 0 t l t I l t h , a n d
l l t h p l a c e sf r o r n i t s e l f ; i n t h e ? n d , 4 t h , 6 t h , 8 t h , l O t h a n l l l t h
D l r c e sf r o m t h , M o o n ; i n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 6 t h , t j t h ' l 0 t h a n d
I lth places from the Lagna.

diEi trq,q q$*ryrrregRg t*: qftlriltqq qrq

(rrqfugstq vs.€tlagtlaga'iiqqqitlt,
sr,, r( trI*S EFfl?t€tlfQr'laqfiqrfdita'i gqr{.
tfrva3reE grtir. qr1lagirq*cmftA&tg ua u

Jupiter is benefic in the lst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, l0th and
I lth places from Mars; irr the lst, Znd, 3rd. {th, l7th, 8th, 9th,
lQth and llth placesfrorn the Sun; in the lst, 2nd, 3rd, {th,7th'
8th, lOth and llth places from itself; in th,: lst,2nd, 4th, 5th,
6 t h , 9 t h , l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o r n l v l e t ' c t r r y ;i n t h e l s t , Z n d , 4 t h ,
5th,6th,7th,9th, lOth aod llth places fro'n the l-agna; in tlre
2nd,5th,7th,9th and llth places fronr the Moon; in the 3rd,5th
6th, and l2th, places from S'tturn; and lastly, in the Znd, 5th,
6 t h , 9 t h . l 0 t h a n d I I t h p l a c e s f r < - r r tV
t enus.

'pfrslcr Rtg aqiiq{d{}i, ;&g orarq rtrdr

j3srrilrffig Fnq rlqiaqqr{ffifi itr*dt t
a6r, {nfi'ltft||| Adh.x.
Strutqre{.g&{{rg TftqR(riftoq:lrtur*
c?sr{ urq dtfrqr}Tqrilmggrr{irrrft&is I qu
Venus is auspicious in the lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th,
9th, I lth and l2th places frorn the Moon; in the lst, Znd, 3rd,
4 t h , 5 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e L a g n a ; i n t h e l s t ,
2 n d , 3 r d , 4 t h ,5 t h , S t h , 9 t h , I O t h a n d I t t h p l a c e s f r o r n i t s e l f ; i n
t h e 8 t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e S u n ; i n t h e 3 r d , 4 t h , 5 t h ,
8 t h , 9 t h , l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m S a t u r n ; i n t h e 5 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h ,
l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m J u p i t e r ; i n t h e 3 r d , 5 t h . 6 t h , 9 t h a n d
I l t h p l a c e sf r o r n M e r c u r y ; a n d l a s t l y r r r t h e 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h , 9 t h ,
I l t h a n d 1 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n l { a r s . t '

€rq difrrTqr?gerfigwihgcir{ €6{qrig qqi{

|;4eruzg rrg aaqgf;<rtTqr{rRqdg sr4r{ |
.q{rqrq€ir fiorcrgcqqfig+r*g qcrii ft :*
gsr{rq$Tezr6{qa;tqr{irr{r{tgqri{flR: il Io tl
Saturn is beneflc in the 3rd, 5tb, 6th and llth places
f r o n i t s e l f ; i n t h e 3 r d , 5 t h , 6 t h ,l O t h a n d l l t h a n c l l 2 t h p l a c e s
f r o m M a r s ;i n t h e l s t , 2 n d , 4 t h , 7 t h , 8 t h , l O t ah n d l l t h p l a c e s f r o m
t h e S u n ; i n t h e 6 t h , 8 t h , 9 t h . l O t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o m
M e r c u r y ; i n t h e 3 r d , 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e M o o n ; i n t h e
l s t , 3 r d , 4 t h , a ) t h ,l 0 t h a n d l l t r r p l a c e s f r o m t h e L a g n a : i n t h e
6 t h , l l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n V e n u s ; a n d l a s t l y i . t h e 5 t h , { r t h ,
I l t h a n d l 2 t h p l a c e sf r o r n J u t ' r t n r .
+ftrar;q:qrii Tsr;.ld:
Eri aiaqi aiirsiq+nd {q: €ffif,€r: I
ft*drcqqfteftr gr$rfr WrFd il{riln.i
iirae{icsqi}rq6rrdr: l1r{: %q .ir g'.{q. M 1 (gorrfi:)
The benefic positions have hccn cnurner:rtcd; the rest
are to be understood as 'ralellc. i \ ! ' , r . f o 1 ( l c l i s t i n c t i o n st i z .
of benefic and malefic should be clearly s,,.t forth. T'hc r;lanets
produce the effect of whichever of these tw-o preponderate in the

' B u t a c c o r d i n gt o P a r a s a r a ,
t h e 3 r d , 4 t h , t 1 t h ,9 t h , l l t h and
l2tb places from Mars,
qqt*gqrqr 668

Ashtakavarga calculations made from the Rasi they occupy at the

time of birth (vide previous Slokas). In their own, friendly or
sqqq (Upachaya) places, the planets invariably advance the
beneficeffect revealed by Ashtakavarga. In their depression,ini.
inimical or srqqq (Apachaya) places, thr y generally fail to sustain
whatever good effect may appear from the Ashtakavarga process.
sr-rrFraqil q? itrumtqrr*sgiq r
x tqrR;ia aed qrtnr€&sd.T{:
n (<war{;)
From where the planets are at the time of birth, the benefic
and malefic dots should be marked. A planet in its progress
through a Rasi producesthe effect of the malefic or benefic dots
app:aring therein (as ascertainedfrom its Ashtakavarga).
* In other books
i<qr(Rekha) is used to denote what fr€
(Binau) signifies here uiz. a benefic dot i the term i|;g (nindu)
in other books is employed in the sense of a rnalefic dot. This
has to be kept in mind in rnaking out quotations from other
6E*gst {riEr aqFd{q?rrilnaq I
sr{shEr<fsil crEodtftugiiw: n (Qe*ftt:)

The several places detailed above are to be reckoned with

respect to the Rasi (and not the Bhava) occupied by each of the
7 planets and the Lagna at the time of birth. These pracesshould
be understood as benefic and the rest marefi,:, As each Rasi
happensto be counted 8 times (once for each of the 7 planets and
the Lagna) for ascertaining the bonefic as well as the malefic
places, the: maximum number of countings cannot in any case
exceed8. If after computation of a planet's 3red{i (Ashtahavarga)
it is found that a particular Rasi has more countingson the bene-
fiic side than on the malefic, it means that the net result is bene-
ficial to the native.
If we should denote a beneficplace by a <lot(.) and a malefic
one by a vertical stroke (l), we can at a glance understand tho
difierenee between these two kinds of countings in any sfE{T{
664 ilrflTqriisri Adh. x.
(Ashtakavarga). The eftect of a planet's arrivat in any bhava
(Goch:lrr,), i. bene6c, rnixed
in its progress throrrgh the orbit ftet
or malefic accordinq as the nurrrber of benefic dots in ,the ttasi
the fr{afSq;qfi (ghinnashtaka'arga) of
representing the bhava in
t h e p l a n e t i s g r e l t ' ) r t l t l n , e q r t ; r ll o o r l e s s t i t a n 4 ' D o t s s h o r t
planet belying any favourable position it may occupy; while dots
in of the prescr rbed mininru:tr betol<en good' notwith-
"*."r. planet concerDed. For
standing the unfavolrreble position of the
exanrple, if all the 8 hairpen to be benefic it maans that the
is fully beneficial. lt only 7 of the 'n are bcnefic ancl I malfic,
the result tt *ths beneficial. If in any' Rasi the number of
b e n e f i c d o t s b e 6 a n d t h a t o f r n a l e h i c s t r o l < e sb e 2 , t h e ' " ' u 1 t i t C ?

or * beneficial. If the nuurber of benehc dots be 5, we should say

5;! lf it s5ou1dbe 4,
that the effect will U" or lth bcneficial,

t4 - 4 0; that is neither good nor evil, lrut neutral
the result is
and so on.

qic c: grT: grrrlrg: tqrn: 'i crcer rrcit I

q({ cqifTds:ntqi tilInlcaqq u (at(I{a:)

in llrihat Jataka,
f . a l e f o r e x a n r p l e t h c h o r o s c o p en r e n i i o n e d
6 , a n d r e p r o d u c e d b e l o w :
Chapter VII, Sloka

i ^'::'*r:,r
l.i I;; I
strores_ssrr r
l,,rl I 1 l

ldl,r l- iu,l
i', l',,,f
strokes. 3 benefic dots neutralise with 3 of the nralefic
strokes. The net result is 2 malefic strokes which means that
l\fars when passingthrough tbis sign will be productive of ] or tth
e v i l . S i m i i a r l y f o r t h e o t h e r s i g n s , t h e r ei s o n e p e c u l : t r i t y t o
be noticed in the qc{'{ri (Ashtakavarga)of lt{ars. In sign Kumbha
i n t h e e x a m p l e t h e r e a r e 3 d o t s a n d o n l y 4 s t r o k e r si n s t e a d o f 5 .
T h i s i s b e c a u s et h e l 0 t h p l a c e f r o r n t h e N { o o n h a s b e e n d e c i a r e d
to be inefiective,that is, neither beneltc nor malefic---a;4liqrEqtg
Chandraddigviphaleshu-for the qs{iri (Ashtaliavarga)of Mars.
T h a t p l a c e h a s t h e r e f o r en o t b e e n t r k e n f ; ' t h e c a l c u l a t i o n ' T h e
4 3o,
net evil arising there is thusonly *th'
In the case of a planet n'ith more benefic tlots, the benefic
i n f l u e n c ew i l l b e a l l t h e g r e a t e r a n d m , o r e n r a r h e di f t h e p l a n e t
concernedshould also be posited ilr an sq;{'-{(Upachaya) house
( w i t h r e s p e c tt o t h e L a g n a o r t h e l \ { o o u ) , o r o : c u p y a f r i e r r d ' s
h o u s e ,o r h i s o w n s i g n o r h i s e x a l t a t i o n l i a s i .
osrgqdrcTttqai4r6t eq6qosif tE: t
fl{aiiauii, qr sosftd}ir: gri EqtE rl (?srtFfr)
If on the other hand the planet though getting more benefic
dots should happen to be in an 3Ir4r[ (Ai;aclruya) hou''e (reckoned
either fronr the Lagna or the Moon), or in his depressiou sipn or
inimical sign, the good eflect will be considerably reduced. If in
the above case there be more malefic stroires instead of benefic
dot:;, it will worsen the bad ef{ect.
sfqqq(di aiti a3&i s GFTITT$ qrq t
q{g € qqftrllti qocfr{rftai qq[iFtoq tt
-ALB.-The sr{-t.f (Up^chaya) or siqq'{ (ApacLal'a) places
have to be reckoned rvith respect tolhe Lagna or the Moon at the
time of birth and not by the position of the planets at the time of
q'lqt {Goclrara).
cf. qqiqt
qqg sdiq rRgEiqrfutfi ilrii girsica$eili: r
qilra{Fnq-ir su(t q s;cfr qru{sdi fitu: tt
666 |rlrrrfrt|i Adh, X.

* wn*sqe g aardtr&Eqr'"gria cgStrvrtuq I

Also tret
q"c€qqqltqi nd'cn uwtg gE6ar:I
ircscq{*tilr: c?Er€rii &qcrq n
These autbors have in their turn specifically stated, by the
words srqfitA /Janmakale), qft (Sutau), wm? (Jaumani)r that
good and bad places havo to be determihed with respect to the
positions of planets at birth-timc only. But at the time of produ-
cing the ef,ects,all pl4,pets excepting the Moon will cause their
full good or lrad efiect to come to pass provided they are strong
and not otherwise. In the case of the Moonr even if she is benefic
(r'.e., placed in places such as gq-{q (Upachaya), etc.r and the Rasi
cbntaining the Moon happeningto be associatedwith bencficdots)
if she does not possessstrengthr she produces only evil effects ;
for icffi (Devakirti) says -
gengEst[,v qqftRc-&{}{ triqg I
nf q{ edd6; rss* rofltE?qt rr
Varahamihira too has said in his work qret (Yatra) about thc
inability (to produce eflects) on the part of planets devoid of
strength owing to their being in depression, defeat in plenetary
war, or combustionretc.

frrlTr cEfrii-dr (r{irT{dr ftaqri"r 6qr: I

gqrr {{ cedar *ifr orqtQlcr ol rr
Thus it will be seen tbat whatever eflects-,good or bad-
have been ascribedowing to the planet being placed in a sign of
exaltation, SwakshetrarUpachaya, etc., it always refors to the
position of the planet at the time of birth; and whatever effects,
good or bad, that have been ascribedto the planet itself generally
wifhout referencein any way to the particular place of occupation
should be construed as indicating the result of the planet's transit
to tbe concernedplace.
It may be mentionedhere that in several Panchangams the
beneficqtq< (Gochara) pbalas of planets are mentioned; j.e.. if
qqrfrsqrq: 66?

particular planets in their orbit in the zodiacpass through parti-

cular places from the Moon, they become auspicious and so on.
It will be seenthat theseare sirnply the benefic positions of that
particular planet with respectto the Moon in that planet's Ashtaka-
varga and do not cornpletely representthe entire benefic results of
that plariet

The Ashtakavargasare usedin connectionwith transits. For

e x a m p l e S a t r r r nt r a n s i t t i n gt h e 3 r d 6 t h a n d l l t h p l a c e sf r o m t h e
Moon is good provided the benelic dots in those places are above
4. Supposehe is transitting the 3rd house from the Moon in a
n a t i v i t y w h e r c t h e b e n e f i cd o t s a r e b e l o i v 4 . H e w i l l n o t b e v e r y
g o o d . H i s c o m i n g i n t h e 3 r d h o u s ei s n o d o u b t g o o d ; b u t m u c h
c a n n o t b e e x p e c t e do f l r i m b e c a u s eo f t h e s r n a t l n u m b e r o f b e n e f i c
dots, The oosition in the 3rd housethough good, the smal1 num.
b e r o f b e n e l i , :d o t s t h e r e i nd i s q r r a l i l t e sh i n r t o d o g o c d .

I t i s a f a c t i n d i s p u t a b l et h a t p l a n e t sw i e l d a c e r t a i n a m o u n t
o f i o f l u e n c e ,w h e t h e rf o r g o o d o r e v i l r d u r i n g t h e i r t r a n s i t s a t t h c
t i m e o f c o n s i d e r a t i o ni n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e n u m b e r o f b e n c f i c
dots which the planets gain to their credit in their respectivo
Ashtakavargasbasodon the oosition each of the planets occupy et
the time of birth.

. h - oe
r x a r n p i e ,l e t u s c o n s i d e rt h e i n { l u e n c cw h i c h t h e p l a n e t s
nrey proJr-rceon the sample horoscopegiven under, say, about thc
f i r s t w e e k o f l ) e c e m b e r1 9 3 2 .



668 qRFFqmqrc Adh. x.

It will be seenin the abovethat the Sun is occupyingVrischi-

ka end the Sun's Ashtakavargafigure in Vrischika is 5. Mars is
in Simha and the number of beoefic dots iu Kujas takavargais 6,
Morcury is posited in Vrischika and the number of beneficdots
undcr Builha's Ashtakavarga is 5. Jupiter is in Simhr and the
number of benefic points in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga is 3. The
planct Venus occupies Tula and the number of benefic dots there
in the Ashtakavargaof Venus is 6. Saturn is in Makara; and in
Sani's Ashtakavarga; the number of benefic dots in Makara is 4.
Thus, the sum total of benefic dots for the said week for all the
sir planets taken together comes to 29.
Norv 48 beneficdots are the maximum fixed to pass a nativity
for good in all rtispects. It rnay however be safely predictedthat
!.he native will be free from worry loss, etc., and his situation
will only be of a normal nature if the sum total of the bene6cdots
of all the six planets taken together come6 to 24. In this speci
mcn horoecope,as the number of benefic dots comes to 29, it can
safoly be said that the native will bo free fron, anxiety and worry
in the said period. The less the number oF beneficdots. the worse
will be the eftectsto be experiencedby the nativc.
Bhattotpala adds :
Varahamihirahas stated (Brihat Jataka, Chapter VIII, Sloka
23) that when two similar effectsbut contrary in naturc are
producedby one and the sarne planet (owing to its owncrship of
two houses,or ownership of one houseand occupationof another
house), the result will be nil when the two effects referred to are
equrl in degreeand that it will partake of the nature of the
preponderatingeffect in case they are not of equal degree.
grrc(<r csfr s-sqiitrii ard qffist rrivsli rq tr
A questionmay now be asked whot the author's objcct was
by making a similar doclaration again through the words " dR
ffidtuq;qkt{Ki}q$-oRcffi qqqRrr {q:." Thc rnswer is-
" No, it is no repetition at r,ll. What was* statadbrforo without
thc aid of Ashtakavarga Table relates to the canccllation of two
tdsilar effects but of a contrrry charactr. For cxample, a
plemt in one capacity msy be a giver of woalth ; the rrrno planet
both the effectsare similar in character and become neutralised
with the consequencethat the native neither acquires wealth nor
incurs cny losses; But if the planet's capacity to give wealth be
in any way stronger for more realons than one, the same will of
course predominateover the opposite current (of ttre other effect)
and thc result will be an influx of some money. In the present
verse it has beer.rstated that there is cancellation in the caseof
good and bad effectseven if they are not similar in nature. This
view is further supported by ql(qqq (Badarayana) and ffii
(Yavana) as they ha'r'e admitted this principle while speakiug
about Ashtakavargasantl their severaleffects' Thus, for example'
a certain planet may be the giver of gold on account of a certain
reason, The same planet may on account of some otber reasoo
causeloss in silver- Though the effects in these two casesare
n o t s i m i l a r ( b e c a u s eb o t h a r e n o t i n r e s p e : t t o g o l d , n o r t o s i l v e f ) ,
m e r e l 1 ' o n a c c o u n to f t h e e f f e c t s b e i n g o p p o s i t ei n n a t u r e
givingand the other tal<ing away), t h e r e s u l t i s n e i t h e r b e n efic'
n o r m a l e 6 c , A f t e r s u c h c c n s i d e r a t i o n so f e a c h R a s i o u a c c c unt
of its 8 countingsrif it is found that benefic points outnumber tho
malefic, the eflect of the planet on that Rasi should be declared
as beneficto the extent of the excessbeneficdots as already stated.

Now the following qrestion may be asked: lVell, if Ashtakr'

varga then is so important for ascertainingthe natureof the effects,
wbat was the necessityfor Varahamihira treating separately iu
his Brihat Samhita the i'rstrq-s (Gocharaphala) of planets with
respect to tbe Moon's place at birth ? The answer is, tbe
which have not
tion of Varahamihira is that such of the effects
been stated in connection with the Ashtakavarga should be stated
in the rilsK (Gochara). Further, as ftqK (Gochera)is wide-known
to all, and as it has been treated of by many authors in thoir
works, it has to be inferred that Varahamihira too has adopted tho
in his
same course followed by his predecessors. For he has said
work qtTI (Yatra),
qq dl=sffiu{qtgtdt eq iqssleqqf 'r qr I

sr{{t a sgsl.i'ft<ii cqcrrrtnci lt rfrst: n

660 qrffi{rRcrt Adh.x.

Yavaneswaratoo, after describingthe offectsseprrately, ha6

acceptedthis Ashtakavarga systemalone as of prinrary import-
ance ; for lre has said

s.ore{dgrrc{wq} swi{aqr{sd cQd r

vrr{rltqrcrer sd itsr;l qrilfit{ri s sggi q rr
Badarayana also has said

rsii nFqda? c,S iq qrdi ardTr$ata(lT qr€t: r

sIE{r cf*qTsftfiucir: qrE tqri tqr} otrii saer rt
and has thus accepted only the Ashtakavarga method.


The processof 6nding the benefi: dots irr the Ashtakrvargas

o f t h e s e v e r a l p l a n e t s i n a c c o r d a n c ew i t h t h e r n e t h o dg i v e n i n
p a g e s6 5 0 - 6 5 2t u p r a i n v o l v e s h e a v yl a b o u r a n d c o n s i d e r a b l et i m e
cspecially when it iras to be done for several hbroscopes. Some
methodsof simplifying this work have been suggestedin the past,
but a new contrivance has now been devisedwhich has several
n c r i t s . I t n o t o n l y d o e sa w a y w i t h t h e p a t i e n t l a b o r i r v o l v e d i n
the dull and routine process, but also shows the results in such a
way that one can see at a glance how the benefic dots irl any
particular househave been contributed. The sqieqad (Sarvashta'
ka varga) figurescan also be very easily read from the plates at a
glance. The Dractical uses to which the results cao be put are,
as is known to astrologers,several. The more important of these
useshave been explained in this Adliyaya in tbeir appropriate
The construction of the Ashtakavarga plate and the metlod
of readingthe results from the same will now be explained.

The contri vance consists of nine circular plates (discsof

zinc, copper or brass), of successively larger radii placed one
ever the other in the order of their size, the largest being placcd
at the bottom and tlre srnallest at the top. A radius of one inch
q{tq'lstqr{r 661
for the smallest and three inches for the largest, the diftereace
betweenthe radii of successiveplates being *th of an inch will
fou'd suitable. The bottom-most plate has an axle with screw
a r r a n g e r n e n tf i x e d t o i t s c e n t r e a b o u t w h i c h t h e o t h e r p l a t e s
revolve. By rightening the screwat the top, the plates can be
fixed up in any desired position. Each prate covers the central
portion of the next bigger plate, exposing to view
only a circular
strip or rim. The top plate is of course fully exposeC.

The top plate and the narrow strips of other plates are each
d i v i d e d i u t o 1 z e q u a r p a r t s . T h e d i v i d i n g r i n e sa r e s o d r a w n
thev fornr a straight 1i': when the plates are-adjusted
for any
horoscope. f-'he twelve divisions of the top prate are
t h e t w e l v e s i g n so f t h e z o d i a c . I n t h d v i s i b l e r i r n o f
the next
bigger plate are arranged the figures inrlicating the benefic
counted from trre Sun in the severar Ashtakavargas.
r.'he next
plate contains figures of beneficdots counted from
the Moon; and
t h e n e x t o n e ,f r o m M a r s ; a n d s o o n i ' t h e o r d e r o f
the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and
the Lagna.
one of the divisions of eachof these plates contains
a dot denoting
the position of the planet to which the plate relates.
Thus the
dot in the largest plate indicates the position of the Lagna.

T o a d j u s t t h e p l a t e sf o r a n y h o r o s c o p e k, e e p t h e b o t t o m - m o s r
plate in position aud rotate the 'ext pl:rte (relating
to Saturn)
until the drvision containing the i|ot is as rnanydivisions removecl
from the dot in the Lagna plate as Saturr is removed from
Lagna in the horoscope under consideration. For example,
Saturn occupies the 8th bouse from the Lagna, move the prate
relating to Saturn till its dot comes to the gth divisionfrom
dot in the Lagna plate. Then hold the two platesin position
and proceecisimilarly with the third plate. Then hord the
plates in position and proceedwith the fourth and so on. when
Sun's plate also has been thus frxed,rotate the topmost plate
the name of the particular Rasi representingthe Lagna in the
horoscopeunder consideratio:-:is brought directry above the divi-
sion containing the dot in the Lagna prate. lt will now be found
that the divisions containing the dots in the several plates are
662 cril6crRqrl Adh. x.

by the
directly below the signs of the zodiac respectively occupied
planets in the radix
planets at birth, so that the positionsof the
plate itself. Fix up
of the native can now be rea<l out from the
the plates by tightening the screw at the top' Tltey are now
' 's
I indicate benefic dots
ready for reading the results' The '2's
r g a ;t h e i n d i c a t et h o s er e l a '
relating to the Sun's Ashtakava 'fhe ' 's
number of I in the several
ting to the Moon's, and so on'
' dots in the
pt"1". in the Mesha' division representstl're benefic ' 's
the nurnber of I in
i.httk"uorga of the S:u in that division;
'Vrishabha' representingthe benefic
tbe several plates oppositeto
dots in the Sun's Ashtakavargain vrishabha an<lso on'
' plates opposite to
the number of 2's in the divisions of the
' M e s h a ' r e p r e s e n t st h e b e n e f i c d o t s i n r h e A s h t a k a v a r g ao f t h e
' ' ' partsof the plates
M o o n i n M e s h a; t h e n u m b e r o f 2 ' s i n t h e
'Vrishabhr,' the benefic dots in the Ashtakavargaof
oppositeto 'fhe ' 's
' ' number of 3 will
tie Moon in Vrishabha; and so on' ' 's '
4 for Mercury' 5's for
similarly yield the results for ' Mers' 'f
' 's he figure in the
i"oi,"t, 6 for Venus and 7's for Saturn'
for the positions of
next page shows the plate properly arranged
given below:-
the planets in the sarnple horoscope

i sun
I ercur)'
l l -uM
p "i t .e r

of the plate relating

It will be seen that the dotted division
Kataka as the Sun occupies
to the Sun has been brought against
(W=dl): the dotted p:rrt o[ the plate
Kataka iu the Kunrlali
Qtrqtsrrrr{r: 663

7/"r, er;\-
-l.-:-. ( /

. \ c
1 \

,gv o\

i\\t -1^\
r 1[r"'
--<-^ 6 - w
tt *?)

\) |
Lt t,1

relating to the Moon has been arrangedagainst lvlithuna as
M o o n o c c u p i e s M i t h u n a ; t h e d o t t e d p a r t o f t h e p l a t e r e l a t i n gt o
Mars has been brought against Simha as he occupies Simha; and
' 's
so uD. It will further be observed that there are six I in the
divisions against Mesha, four in the divisions against Vrishabha'
'2's '
and so on, Similarly, there are five against Mesha, four 2's
against vrishabha, and so on. representbenefic dcts in the
Ashtakavargasof the Sun, the Moon, etc', in the several houses'
The numbei of figures (irrespective of what planet they relate to)
in the ssveral divisions against a particular house indicates the
Samudaya Ashtakavarga (q1541qlgq1fl}) in that house. For exatDple,
it will be found that there are 31 figures in the divisions against
Mesha. 34 is therefore the number of benefic dots in Mesha in
the Samudaya Ashtakvarga. Similarly for other houses'
6M drffscrftqre Adh. x.
q* frfuaqr{ orfrilstrir
Wifiwrt;$tffIfirrimon{ |
ihqreq,iqiiari€oiq;E*tgr u I tl
iq) qqi*iiqqmrinurgr?rrrrTg'0r$(rftfrrc*r
tt*odet qs{tqRtE* sElerr|lqgErqi{mr1 R tt
S/ortirsI and Z If a diagram of the zodiac with
the rising sign and the positionsof rhe Sun and other
p l a n c t s( a t t h e t i m e o f a n y p e r s c n ' sb i r t h ) & c . b e d r a w n ,
and if all the benefic dots produced by the separare
(8 fold groupsof figures) be set down
according to the directions co^tainedi. the Ashmka.
vargaformulaseachcontainingeight divisions in respect
of the eighr sky,rangers beginning with the Sun and
ending wirh the Lag.a or rhe rising sign we should
then obtai' the figures48, 49, 39, 54, 56, 5: and 39 to
representth: bcneficdots of the Sun and other planets.
fhe tigure 337 wiil representrhe aggregate beneiicdotc
of the planets. sale+ari (sarvashtakavarga)or the sum
of all the Ashrakavargasis called s{1qrc ("samudaya) r.r.

tqrftqeaqil {gdqqilqr-

ffisT{gk{osiimuwF( r
aidt;ggirqTti r ulinrfi il I rl
Sloka 3. ln wharcver bhava(eprcsented
by Mesha
and orher signs occur eighr beneficdots given
Uy pf",
nets, that bhava,they sr,rVeto support,streogthen
sl.4-5 {rrfrsqftll 665

prosper. Houses containing 5, 6 and 7 dots become

beneficent. Those that have 3 , 2 o r I dot are not
ftli sd {Eft qrq{P{Fgfrt
trnq{rqqqil.G qiq{r*rr t

ft-q|sEriqftTffi ffiltq n I fl
Sloha 4, When a house has 4 dots, it produceo
mixed effects. Those houses that have no figure in
them are productive of disease,infamy and danger. I
now proceed to explain the full effectsof the Sun and
other planetsbeing associatedwith dots l, Z, ete, as a
result of the separateAshtakavargas.
stflt qmrfiqtqgrswrdilrqtft
q frrRegrr
fr* qqwrqwroqiuf,rnTilfffirffirfr
n \ tl
Sloha 5, A planetassociated with one dot pro,
ducesvarious kinds of diseases,miseries,dangerr,
wanderinge and similar hardships,while *ith t.Jo, it
leadsto mentalanguish,condemnation by one.sking
(censureby the sovereign)and deprivationof food bi
1'he excessof benehc over malefic dots may be 2, 4,
6 or g
which when put in ordinary languagemean i o. i, I or
*. S or, t,
$ or full. IIence the followingslokas:-

\erR-.g+*rg{ilfqaqtqrrk \qrfEfir
il tQ qqt qd€ sqqflrl€u{rgu-q: I
nfgrligordrwq{iifAw rfi fi qEr
\qT s{sG-tqfreqq$i
sqFil flirgfi: 11
ffi6 qmecrRare Adh. X.

+ri qrt+terqi Apqt{qqrq} qA(|

fift: $i fiqr{tqt(eqft' flI{dTrTf,IU
qef\: q{qn;q:vEruitr,i}.ritr t
qsfq: q{qln<Frqs{l:g{n'qq: tl
g*q q' {q: qK nQ' sufi'.s flqq] qqn t
ue agfi: tt RIt:qiqU*,edt qK ll
k{K tqngqnEdq-*tqr-qTsa{iqfd
gt*rgfi&qqtqdolq$or(s qrrnilFgssqq ||
Sloka 6. When the number of dote are three, it
caucesmany bodily privations and discomfortsdue to a
wandering lrfe as well as much mental uneasiness' The
planet with four dots yields a mixed kind of fruit con-
sisting of pleasureand pain, expenditureof money and
accessionof wealth.
RqHiTftoft n$qqftgr I
q{i.gutg qqdifisqntit-
frfiq{iqqqtiiEaqmiTftll s ll
Sloka 7. Where the dots happen to be five, it
leadsto the attainment of good apparel,fondling of
children, association wich the good, acquisition of
learningand wearuh. A planet that has6 dots securec
a form fresh and fascinating, excellenceof character,
victory in war, wealth, {ame strength and fine vehicles,
wdtqrgtrrlftqnt qtq;t{TitEtitqqTfi
qsdlqtfr ll d ll
ff;as*r wgqrfl{qq{tstttilili
Sloha 8. When the number of dots go up to 7,
sl. 9-11 q1tfrlst:qr{rt 667

sessionof horsesand other meansof transport' ln arny

and ouperiurriches. When the maximum of eight dotu
is reached, it opens out a prospect of kingly glory
gracedwith its seven-foldadjuncts(errlerug6toiatr(gti'
Some books read aiglriu'l{ n'hich would nrean kingly glory
g r a c e d w i t h e v c r y o n e o f i t s a d j u n et s .

urGfucfkdilrtqkrr qqitqqilg{fig frtqq t

erfrs;qqti<qo{ilil rilqnal {Fqse qqld ll q ll
S t o k c 9 . A p l a n e ti s i n v a r i a b l y b e n e f i c i n . h i s
own vargain any sign which has f ive or more dots. If
otherwise, it yields no good effect. In its rangein a
sign which is without dots, it becomes positively
r *qrRqot$dr
qiqssoEtlqt qeqfuggil qR tt lo ll
Slofra 10. All planets without exccption, stand-
i n g , i t m a y b e , i n t h e i r e x a l t r t i o ns i g n s , i n a f r i e n d l y
sign or other b:nefic places and possessedI'lso of the
strength which a Kendra or similar position gives,
produceuntoward e{fectrif thcy happcnto b: associated
,vith dots short of the required minimum-

gsanqffi t q t q atqriiqi{TtlfI
i qt grqr frsqttk'Egdr qR ll t t ll
Stoka lL. But planetson the other hand which
may be in bad positions and have evertreachedtheir
depressionpoint, or an inimical sign or portions of the
qr(ffqrRqrt Adh. x.

samewill invariably yield good if associatedwith dots

which are in excessof the prescribedminimum.
qil {ftr {R;{qi {qKI! |
sfrfr tbnGurnqqnrqatq
tqrft{qroorfi u tR tl
Sloka 12. When Saturn passesthrough an empty
(void o{ figures) house in the Ashtakavargasof rhe Sun
and other planets,he occasionson a largescalediseases,
dangerefrom enemiesand other troublee to father and
other relationswhom the severalplanetsrepresent.
il qSsoq tl
on ft fffi ftgfflini
qRr 6{rri$Irfr;ggaq ftrt I
*isqqt ftqG zqftfrwf n ltr tl
Sloha 13. When the Sun is in the rising sign and
in that part of it which either belongsto an €nemy or
forms his depressionpoint and when he happensto be
aasociated with 3 or 2 dots, the person born is sickly.
But if the sameSun should be in . thc rising sign in
which 5 or more dots appearand which happensto be
his exaltation sign or his own house,the personborn
becomesa king and'is endowedwith long life.
Parasara adds
eilfiilenqii q fifrcqr{raqlfig I
qffi6q qqq)trRr:fie'It Fud{ tl
6ffi q66eqTf i{{f}"a}':q ftos{,{ |
wHa)qii ii qqr{{ili {rgq: ll
nfut ryUaq de {HerrftGfif€tr r
sl. 13 {Tl*stqrq:

dfu{ ilt ftqb{ilqqiiiRq fl{rqrrr

rFxrlqqt qrfrftil fiqrrlsfQer r
nq ilq wfrmqu ftqg neqlqrt
u{nk ga} rrS qt qr qfiq-qt r
gqlnwet ftoqrqnil qr, tl
onr=l:qrfrGqriqrt q{gt +t r
ftahltr i{r +tAfifht qrqsgtrr
8{ltg6666o,i}q}errEfitq: t
orrigtttrqltnEnrqia fiqru, rr
gqil,rEilrqig <6grnastq' r
finq-qpi qnrrqlt oatsfQqr tr
ilfu fQEmlflrmntar?F{r{: I
gQi qr,larrt qoqarffrGfrq-a.
nwgb qra,frqrilErl:I
iri< Rgaulqimfiii qqrqlqrr
ftnqoqndtqiiqK' fQg+arfla:
n*it oesrusfr
grlefr l-*q qrnsq.Riqfi n
*et] qrqg:erfiqlqqR qqFdq rr
$rft fio flr.qrqrtrqf?rsqrq\t r
sn)"qfire q,ie Fqqna qtlq rr
etqttGenr"ilitqrfaqq4.gq' r
dfr-.qrfrqfi fr.qrnfrElqqfrsfQ
qr tt
qrii qrw\ eft, r
670 qrd6crliine Adh. x.

qrrtiElrt w..qe{ilsslt
*=rffi-*rofr t{il |
eqrqorfioqil6trg ETI(IAT qig! lltEll
il dGq{i[,'QI
S l o & 4 .1 4 . W h e n t h e S u n o c c u p y i n ga K e n l r a o r
T r i k o n a p o s i u i o n i s a s s c c i r t e Jt h c r e w i c h 6 , 5 , 7 o r I
beneficdots,the personb.rrn or his father will have his
deathin his 22nd, 35th, 'J0thor i6th yelr r'$pectively'
gni ilnniui Qpgrrdt.ga*
lrrfr qqta(Rqtdf {€qi cI{QI ttcrli{rrl{lE{lrTi!ll
S l o A c 1 5 . I f , a t a p e r s o n ' sb i r t h , t ' ' : S u n o c c l r p y -
i o g a K e n d r ap o s i t i o ni n c o n j u n c r i o nw i c h t h e M o o n ,
Saiurnand Mercury shouidhave in thrt position 2 net
beneficdots after the necessaryredr-rctions are mrde,
(f*iqaiqar .t q+riirqqdiqarTrikcnasodbana & Eakadi-
patyasodhana), the father of ths p3rsot)'say the rvise
,rtiolog.r., wiil havc a leaseof abundrnt administrative
power sctting in aftcr the completion of the first ten
y e a r s( o { t h e P e r s o nb c r n ) '

Elirilqdatilmi{ir€{d di'i
qr.i iriir ffiogqi s{ih eilGqr{rgl
qsqrc€i{ri{ri{ agirtfiojrslf\R-<i
qufrdr"stRqqoii}Hterilqt q tt tR tt
S/olir: 16. If, in the Ashtakavarga-whether of the
of benefic
sun or of the Moon-there be a housevoid
and the
dots, the (sol,rr)month corresponding thereto
purposeof every
rign i$elf are to b: avoided for the
person's life' If the
,u-rpi.io". undertaking in the
or 3
M;t occupyingthe Lagna be associatedwith l' 2
sl. 17 qltrcistqtq: 671

and debility. If the Moon in the above position be

aleoin conjunction with 2 ot 3 planets,the person will
meet with his death in his 37tb year'
Parasara adds
l;qmgtil qTq:qlfllqqllTfr.dn{|
?;ilsq{ llii q {Fqtrhqfr f?ql rr
f,aQrrqfis;q ulr'nqifulfi(q( |
q'qut{qtaRn}5 Gqqa'tt
eqi qie nlu' 1
ffel.g€s€diqo€ qd*"iit;q d.t ti
iqfr q qtq]qrh riqqrfi fifq€.iq t
q;flsfflFg.lFqlq fit qr qlffiit.ITi I
erqt il n*: tqd lilh +ieutrt tt
?Tqqr+q.i z.gdqrl;dirffiq ql I
l.qirgQen ilifbtlol f)..qqi{qb tt
qnr Rii'rrrqctfi
fqfeiewa,fig' t
fioql qrofi;dlqi qlF{rrih q+eqh tt
*-.afiqionqqtqrurkfiqfiit ziffioriidi t
fuGt {r qft t &ii;* (sIE;IIdistlqr?das{If ttr
Sloka L7. When the Moon occupyinga Kendra,
Trikona or the llth bhava is also in its depressionor
inimical sign and is not waxing and when the benefic
dots associated with the bhava occupied by the Moon
happento be 2 or 3, the bhava in question,say the astro'
logers acquaintedwith the subject, is extiuct'
672 qffiilt Adh. X.

\- aa \ \
ort ltql qogtqft rrr€Grr
ifuas+{ftrii *rq.rtg wil
trqrr il ld ll
Slufta 18. If the Moon posseesedof strengthbe
in a Trikona, Kendra, or the l lth bh:rvaand if the
number of benefic dots in the bhava in question be 4
or more than 4, the bhava becomesadvanced, Jf the
Moon in a Kendra position becomesassociatedwitb g
benefic dots, the personsborn under this yoga will be
eminent for their learning, fame, wealth and etrength
and will becomemastersof men.

ll gNTssqll
dfqq* wg€tiqqnqtt
it=ee+q qR siftqilw eil( |

St qceqs*qGq usilu lq tl
Sloha 19. When Mars in exaltation or in s&e
(Swakshetra)occupies the 9th, the 4th, the tst or the
lOth bhava, and is associatedwith 8 beneficdote. the
person born will be lord of wealth to be counted by the
million. If Dhanua,Mesha,Simha,Makaraor Vrischika
be the rising sign, and Mar-soccupy it and be associated
with + beneficdors, the personborn will be a king.
Parasara adds
qlneqi nfi-e qrqfrmq\d+{r
*qfriae flefr ilftrqiq'IE
sI.20 {trfrssqrq: 6?3

frfrqrrlqqsnr we\ qe\frtt: t

aa ,fi{ q .Trqfq qq }€ frfo6}q 11
MA e alq qe$f*fifrfiiltr
q+lf{qs n*'q qo qx q v"-qt tl
ffir y:qrftaru:rettaqm€:
qofi ae rpifH drq<* ffi q tl
fifr qefi-{trdfl'rfgutu*}
qh r
nsrf<qa q{tq-tar iftan: F€ITI:lt
nqrfdqogda qqiqi"q €qa t
iqqqrqr+qrt urqcrfififrfiilq rr
*qr-n f,gq:gqlnw,i *t qdni il{T
arcq nGlq *eqfi{r {arqo}iq qqq.I
n}+q+l{tft"ilFflt ue.ft-
u{t: geraiqrft:tt
qfitqr egqf q qdqftl qq I
qfr tmrql
tirqqrTiimiitzwaEdill 1" ll
Sloha 20. If Mars be associatedwith I benefic
dots the person born wiil become a petty prince ; if
the above be in the 10th or in the tst bhava,the percon
born will be a king. If he be alreadya scion of a royal
Iamily, he will become lord of the whole country. If
Mars be in exaltation or in s*a (Swakshetra)in addi-
tion to the above, the person born will be an emperor.
874 qKrTqrR!rt Adh. x

il $u5sq 1,
*Fffi*ir rgffi i qrdH{qrfrr'frrnrrd
il-{HER* q vrq{rft! llRlll
Sloha 21. When Mercury in a Kendra or Trikona
becomesassociatedwith 8 benefic dots, the person born
will be pre-eminentin the learning peculiarto his caste
and will have great enjoyment. If Mercury in exalta,
tion be associatedwith but one, two or three benefic
dota, the bhava occupiedby the planet is advanced.and
not impaired.
cf, parasara"
gqm{ ggrl q figalR{Eor: I
d*n q;rftqTfrfi$qsrR fi-alq tt
fril"q ilqflftqt {* r
rygftaftilfiqlffi ire F{q: tl
ffi Tirffrrurt frqrwqrq*Rqrfir arq I
rilqftqr{q *qrdqQ qt ffg{rfrdqkdr{! u RRtl
Sloha.27. Find in which house there ic the
greatestnumberof benefic dots in the Aehtakavarga of
Mercury. In the month correspondingto that house
the csnmencement of any seriousstudy wi'l culminate
in the acquiritionof every branch of learning. Mark
the housewhich is void of beneficdots in the Ashaka
vargaof Mercury; when Saturn pa$seEthrough that
houe in the courEeof its progreEsthrough its orbit,
corneaS (Bandhu) or vfr Jnati, a near paternalrela,
tioo) will die; Eolnebenelit or advanrageenjoyedtill
cbeo will be lort.
sl. g{} qqtcl$qtrt 616

ll {re$'ss(ll
oil fttur gd g.nft,
eilRrfrFqrq.ltffi fiRrffirfr rAF q tgslllltl
Sloka 23. Note the house that has the greatest
numberof beneficdots, in the Ashtakavargaof Jupiter.
In the lagnacorreeponding to the housefound, impreg,
nationwill answer its purpo$e rasultingin an offspring.
Cattlg wealth and vehiclec located in the direction
indicatedby the siSnin questionwill beginto multiply.
Parasara adds
ffqriqacfrvrr gaqtqnfi+( r
gil{efiil5 Hirrirqftmeq}qrr
Uoftnngawfiqtqqfieil qo{ r
Bala'bhadra reads gr1gl| instead of gte{f}.
n3;itaeqsqr{r ilrffflar Vdr: pg61','
also {or(
gwqrrgilFtrtqR qrfixgut f,qrI
e*toFdil qrqfEeeGgq deirn
g,reb q il+qgk: qrfif\ilrtR I
qr{q}qq+qtma dHF?t: $qT qiTr:ll
ctl;il lpurrnat ila;g€tr irrril: I
uire+6g gf,ilfi &,i;nsq.rr
qqFqd;Trr: fl gqfifl€: qqrqt t
frFqrfii{rd?qril il{lTrqrqqr${: I
gekraita flrrFTrql& wqta. rt
uMg d"q ilmuft q r
616 qrfficrftqti Adh.x.

Tilftds"€ ffiriqr tgrcq.qqr: FuiTr:ll

e fqiq) U* qaqilsfi qr r
qr de.rg*rl wrrfcid tt
$igmrta *efi.mrofinq:I
*gorrorniiinqrafe( Hqrfai(rr

qr* silrftrsgrrrfr
frirftmii r
Enrrf\flsrfifrqfieiitrr qfiI n RBtl
Sloku 74, If, at a person'$birth, the Sun occupiea
a houre which in the Aehtakavargaof Jupiter gers the
least number of benefic dots, the personborn wili be
lucklesgin that every undertakingfor his benefit will
fail. If Jupiter occupyingthe 6th, the 12th or the 8th
bhavabe associatedwith 5 or more beueficdots, the
petsonborn will be long-lived,very opulent and victo,
rious over his enemies.
**ssgr fiq.Jt +gfr-ggt
h'rtUt $gfr g€ilqt {r I
silil qsirTqdr{Tr
gh{iqitr arq il 1\ tl
Sloka 25, If Jupirer, whether in exaltation, in
eQe (Swakshetra\, in a Kerrdra, in the 9th bhavaor in
a portion of somerrih (Rasi) unconnected with the
planeta depressionor inimical house and not in eclipc-
ing proximity to the Sun-if Jupiter in any one cf the
sl. 26-28 (ffirsq1g3 617

positions above namedbe asecciatedwith 8 benefic

dots,the personborn will becomea king by virtue of
hig own fameand glory.
qil qfr{so$nqreqftrqtt .R{rCIgq13
ll Rqll
Sloha 76. When personsof Brahmanicalextrac
tion come under such a yoga of Jupiter as has been
describedin the precedingsloka,they becomelords of
great beneficcnceequal in status to kings and admired
for their conspicuous intelligence, energy and other
great qualities.

wdkq] sa(nrrt)otqtq wit qdtuagxir<s

T{hg+ Erariisr;ttr{qeilit;d wqutsir<Is
lt i\e'll
Sloka 77. If Jupiter in conjunction with the
Moon becomeg associatedwith 7 benefic dots in the
positions referred to in sloka 25, the personsborn under
the yoga will have women, wealth and sons in abund,
ance; if with 6 benefic dote, the person$ concerned
will have much wealth and many vehicles; if with 5
benefic dots, they will have victory and virtue.

ll Uiffi(aq tt
qffi€soultr*qt qldil g irsi{Eilftqs I
qqrdqftilrr*{rqr{ ftdmR{rfiF{rgh ll le lt
Sloku 78. When Venus occupyinga Trikona or
Kendrapcsition is associatedwith 8 benefic dote,the
personborn will be at the headot anarmyandtransport
animale;if Venuc in the above position be associated
with 7 benefic dota, the person boro will be lord of
6?8 qtllTqrft{tt Adh.x.

--t" * tt..**r*t .", *" unfailingenjoy-

ment up to the end of hig life'
Parasara adds
.z.il{emfiq ftlh'qrtr{qTfig I
Bfron:tqqE qrqaRafiqem{ tt
tg tg ssrfeFg.fqiftflo ae g t
{ft me*fl< q aR fif{*zqTq tt
gstalfqffil oFqqRarFqn&rqil t
srtrftqfr{dde {ilq-qd+ Rg' 11
ndqdtqtrqr\qr hfrfE.of}anBq' t
neinqFdt qrqrqtqrq'q sqt( u
oir.ilqttqt qa{rqqFdgfrRnn: t
eftsfitrqtilul qrqtqrffqaffTt{ tl
cfr: q{ffiqfr q {Fqqffi gBqr{ t
efraffi qrRqfraEi'rfrsR
eftqhprfr qrftqs"q qqCIq{ufq l
gdiilfr{il e'F+RdorluRt fqq: ll
ffitfu ERrEr;q{srfr<Er r
eruffirRffiffiqmR: ll
.rrJqli{gofrq€ffFqrffi ftg' I
hffi m*q{qs Gguiaat rr
FEii q-qflfir q'qfrlsqqrufi t
ffii qrqng+ftqd{ffi tt
qt$nqga: frc<rElssng;qfiilffnrc1: ll
*qiqtnt gh frqMsR il r
sI.29 {Ttfrsrqrq: 8Is

dt" gdElq r{d+rfusft ll

ql{rqftq;efit $qifr r-q(Iuqiflfri qq $s: r
srndRrqrftufrsqoril hqr qrdterfrsdtqFdtrt
qrf,{}qrq,r}qiila.ii'i qrS$q} r
tflr il qrRrftedqns ,{rqlq nwr tl
qnroaintqt qrfqx qr
"qqisft t
vrvaqrhat gh dtil: gqqrqt(rr
g*in*uurard aoiolgurf:<cr t
.ri"sar$.oen qrqitrts guil}<artt
sqnqnt fi* "qlqarqtsfttt
gqrqqr,iaswnrftf{na: UqtqEqt
ffraifl*qqrft+r'lcdl qqFaRfrqr:
{q{i{fliqitT: FrnrrtQ?irH(qr:
gmret ffiqr\ id fti g€qE(|
tqi qorqodqqrqtqrewi qtt r
dqqtgwr{lq'ri q{r€( ll Rg ll
Sloka 79" But if Venus be in depressionor occupy
the 7th, the t2th or the 8rh bhava, the aforesaidrrq{Fr
(Rajayoga)will be destroyed; in the direction indicated
by the house with the least nurnber of benefic dotg in
ghsgtrEta* (Sukraehtakavarga), it is best to have the
chamberwhich is to contain the bed by means whereof
women are to be won and kept in willing bondaga
680 qRrFnrrqra Adh.x.

g qt
qqqt Ert
q *-t
$trs€(IsfqEiGisaqqrurtt l,o tl
Sloha t0. If in the qeret (Aohtakavarga)ofSaturn,
there be a sign thoroughly voiC of b:nefic dots, the
p e r s o nb o r n w i l l m e e t w i r h d : a t h o r s u s r a i n l o s s o f
wealth when the planet passesthrough the sign in
question; if the planetoccupyinga Kendrabe associated
with one,two, three or four benefic dots and if the
Kendrabe the planet's exaltrtion sign, any chitd deli.
vered from the womb at such a time will be short-lived.
{qaliftqnfqrqKsli ffrttqt r
qrire*il 1 <ege{ ftfifiin rr
€nFqqffq;qi;antr;}.nl +r{}t I
effrEsel?qiat uqrfqttgqrf*{ tt
s;arfa;Td.n qar-*{a flgfl( |
;qif\ nq nqrR*( tt
airihsqr-t { €cgritr:qq$t r
qil';qfqgrr;ia.qr fqu€flFqtq qad: ll
ureqrqqt{cqrEgfiilfAqrfiil{ |
qroiqsiqr: tt
{l?ll{';i q af}qo-s
e{tg:f}ofg qrilqr( srq}oi g +en}a t
Rrq.qs tl
SI. El qr*srrrcr 6g1

ffi tFryrcqgqiemqeqi:sil |
wHaftE.il T€+ni ut*u, tt
cpred q qr1qtfu rs qt r
dr ;ilfr w aq {rErqrfr qilqr, tt
r*t GF* *a.qerfl"de
qft tq r
sng\qq H{rq:tr
q-qudrnffim} Hfrqaq.r
qt *tat qt atut.rUgftqt( rr
REifi gerfi *lF fiqrqFn I
Efrntr{ilqqilR gq fiu€gfiqrf}qftfosq{F{11
errn Fqr;Hq{qcrrr+{q tt?dsgqr-stqr
il+ftd wfiq qrU"qrft yft ErqG{rqrqq rr
q-{HrinrrfiEer<tn*qiTr-Eqt u seq.I
srq'ddqlr(qrm*rtfll cqrfiry{fr rft: erq rr
ftIrr {uril
wqrQ5:ttRgs$nnrift I
rt firfffilq€qiln+
qnfffiqqnihd n lt tl
Slola 31. When Saturn with abundanrEtrength
occupiesthe lrt, bbava and is asgociatedwith 6 or 5
beneficdots,the perronborn will suctainlosaof wealth
accompanied by mucheufferingfrom his very birth. lf
tbe planetin depressionor in an inimical house be
arcociatedwith 5 or more beneficdots and if the Mcon
occupieaan auspiciousVarga, the perronn ill have loog
082 rceqffi Adh.x.

ql(gqftqqQnftilit a-gQt
fifii+96 qnrasn lR tl
Sloha \2. When Saturn occupying the 5th or the
lst bhava ie in an eclipsed stateor in the house of an
enemyor in depressionand is associatedwith 5 or 4
benefic dots, the persons born under the above y.rga
will be possessed of female slaves,camelsand property.
If Saturn in the same position be associatedwith I
benefic dots, the personsborn will be lords of townohips,
pooseseed of administrative machinery characteristicof
cities ; if the number of benefic dots be 7, the peraons
affectedby the yoga will possessabundant wealth.

n qRfRtEqqri: tl
snP{aqq* q{KiiT{rqrrimqar ETq Rcn t
q6rdi qourEftqsld
qqfqgusrs{qrl*qr( ff il tl
S/o[a 33. If you draw up a diagramconoistingof
9 parallel lines at equal intervals from East to West
croaeedby 13 parallel lines from North to Soutb with
the cameintermediate spaceas before,there will arice a
table containing 96 squaresin I rowE compricing tbe
results of each of the severalAshtakavargao.
dnudtqlqrusq{ft r
fi}q efil€qilffi(rr rgl tl
Sloka 34. The Lagna,theMoon, Mercury,Venur,
the Sun,Maro, Jupiter and Saturn are the lords of the
diviaionsindicatedin the 8 rows extendingfrom South
sr 84 qqlfrsrqrq: 688

y one of theo, the

bcnefic dote appearingin the 12 housasof its row.
Note tbat the planets here have been mentioned in the order
of their orbits round tr.e Zadiac.
Let us now draw the rrKr(tSi6ili (Prastharashtaka Varga)
Table and set therein the benefic dots for the Sun's Ashtakavarga
in the sample horoscopereferred to in page 657 supra,
The 48 benefic dots will be distributed as shown below :
There are three benefic dots in Mesha, and it will be ssen
that thesehave been contributed by tle Sun, Mercury and the
Lagna. While the other {ive planets have each contributed a
malefic one.
the Sun transits through the sign Mesha, he will give a
benefic results only during three periods uda., the 4th, the 6th and 1
the 8th portions, that is when he is passing f r o m ( l ) l l + " t o 1 5 ' )
(2) lsl" to 221" and (3) 261' to 30o of that sign ; the remaining I
five periodswill prove malefic. Similarly in the case of the restJ

! q
E P V6 3

8at- I I

rll I


=J :l
6d+ qnrecrM Adh.x.

"t ""*- qRtssqtr|

Rd ft'lt flFsefrR+,rdRfr'lqrq
{r;qsfl € ft'lq mflrmilqtsi nerqp} 11
{rfifffr} GUr: s€FrI
fied nzq qfigq rt
flqreMirRtsEqnn mronftrftqaRgdt
c$ -qrq m}q tt
ffi-qur s{qorqr qTffi€d qqs€qilil |
qqrft{tqadr a*qr Rfrd*sft qM n l\ ll
SIofra35. If a planetbe associatedwith benefic
dotc, it producesits full beneficialeffect; if it be oot
;onnected with benefic spots, there ir no beneficial
effectproduced; a planetin its depreasionor inimical
sign or in an eclipsedstate causessorrow evenif it be
arcociated with benefic dots,

11ffiqa1 11
qrrr{ilRrtarq{Fqrmr*r Effinr;eqgqrr t
rrnqt{ilfi6+wrfrr vq'fftraerftftWwfl il iq tl
S/ofa 36. Draw five parallel otraight lines at
rqual intervals from East to Wert ; and acroErtfiese
linee draw five others with the sameintermediateEpace,
in ruch a manner that the four inner squares(out of the
16 resulting ones) should appearomitted. You have in
the diagram the 12 celestial signo that rule over the
EautandLotherlquartersand are the owners (jointly) of
the etarry zod6ac. .a
qq{rtcqqt${qffi qrqltr€-
{qqeqdctr-€ffir I
st 97-88 (ct*sqrqr 685

ollnwr{Fr fr;({r qjitiln tgsn le tl
Sloha 17. In the Ashtakavargaof any one
of the
Sun and other plan-ets,
take the sig-nsby th. tri.nguiar
gloypr (l) Meeha,Simha,Dhanus(Z) Vriahabha,Kiya,
Makara(3) Mithuna, fula, Kumbha(4) Kataka,Vriscii,
ka,lvleenr; and examinerhebeneficjot, in the 3
composingany group. if in one sign of a group,
the numberof benefic dots be"nyreasthan that in .ior, ot
the remainingtwo, or equalto that in eachof
the other
two, or !s 4ero, the samewill have to be subtracted
from the numberof beneficdots in each of
the three
signr of the group chosen.

Aqqn+gq,Fqfr,gs€{ffi( wilK mgfi r

n fr{+rqtsr uYRilft ,iit.i+rq*q,n
Slola 38. If a sign in a triangular group haa
leaetnumber of benefic dots, the other two signs
have their beneficdots altered into this least number.
If a sign have no benefic dots, the remaining
aigne of
the samegroup will keep their figures unalrcred.
If all
the signs of a triangular group have the same
of benefic dotr, they must all be removed (i.e.
by aeros).
cf . c({K
BfrQgq Fti dseqftg rilqtq r
q6frt,rqi qA aF*doiq fiq+qrr
H*uts{}fu r{ drfu}il{rr
To this q-!qq s64s in his q-c*frmT
qqrffi{f+ g fiq}q-qqFE{q.
686 qrdiqrftrfi Adh.x.

" " t w The conflicting views rest on two distinct interpretations

put upon the sloka euunciating the rule for kq'rqiFTil
,oaU*"). "i?-itnrg r{ c"{d' il1vq frS airqid' which when translated
will stand thus:-when one of three triangular houses contains
subtracted trom
tbe least number of benenc dots the same is to be
group' This rcndering is not
the figure in each of the triangular
"a-t"i fi5 cir*T+(' means that
accepted by some who maintain that
group are to be altered
tho figures in the three sigos of a lriangular
The latter view is advanced by
so as to equal the least number.
irorq (Balabhadra) and appearsto be curreut in Southern India'
the subjoined
For the example referred to in sloka 34 above'
and aftgr Trikona
charts show the SuryashtakavarAafigures before
reduction :

a ,_|

{.rfti s6[ri q ftfl $qG-
ffi qiiqq u{wEIqI-
'r+qrltqeqRffintftitTs (gsll 11 ll
Sloka 39. Leave out the signs Simhaand Kataka'
Tbe figuresin the five pairs of the remaining eigno
belonging to tbe five 'planets reckoned from Mrro,
sl. 40-41 qqrdtsqtrr 68?

whether alike or unlike, representedby 2,erc,-aseociated

with planetsor not assoiiated with them, have to be sub
jected to the pro3essof the reduction otyled qsriWrrir
(Ekadhipatyasodhana), and their net value obtained.
cf. q(ta(
q{ ffiq fl{ii'rqqart+rftqflilrr
*ee,i sorti FgKqT srilq**q: rr
qftAqsq qr;qfu;tnlqlsdffit r
qwt sa Rlt qfl'{Ii sorfr+ ll
eTias€ ?rFqfkt*qtawffi* r
sorfE*qtti+ qw{k( m{g.q$(rr
g'Fildqgh n flfrEq: {qrqi I
s.rqlk{tqrr-qisqF}r+e siq tt
flqflqqleq.qK.s4 mil"qq{trq I
sftffrqm rnril:sqTq+iEqts-d{ll
ilfte{ qqrt q dqtt{i a+ q'ryq.qr?nftqt
sorR i*gi n sA( S€qrilfr{rfiil{ qffi( Bo
Sloha 40. lf the two Rasis having a common lord
be both occupiedby planets,no reduction need he made.
If one of the two Rasis (whether occupied or uooccu,
pied) have no benefic dots, then also there ie no
reduction. If one of the two Rasis be occupiedand
contain more benefic dots than the other, remove the
figure in the latter, If both the Rasis be unoccupied
and have the samenumber of beneficdots, remove both.
qtwffi.Tspt qdqAE{affi€qrq r
ffireqR-d t qrnQurqfirsqrfttqr et
Sloko 41, When one of the rwo Raris ie occupied
088 ltRtTTrRtri Adh. x.

numberof beneficdots, remove'the figure in the unoc,
cupiedRasi. If both the Rasisbe unoccupiedand have
an unequalnumberof benefic dots, the greaterfigure is
to be replaiedby the lesc.
frM vgR€ilfr ilftqrn.nFeeqerffcqni
ti ffid qRuicqqqfuqsq imrs6q1r 81
Sloka 42. When only one of the two Rasiewith
a commonlord ir occupiedby a planetand haga amaller
numberof banefic dotatban the unoccupied Raai, the
figure in the latter ie to be madeequal to the former.
The Trikona reductionis to be madefirst of all ; the
net figures are then to be subjected to the qerfuqq
frqqftsTftwffi Mqrid'r* R qrn( r
wtRflfr gfrrcrsqfrqt ffiMtgrFiqEFiln Bl tl
Sloka 43. The net figures after the two reductiooc
in the several signs are to be multiplied eachinto.in
ilRtqn (Rasimana), r.e. Rasi factor ; and the producB
made into a total is calledrn?rgvro(Rasigunaka)i.e. the
sum of the Raei,products. The net figuree aasociated
with the Sun and other planets in the eeveralsignr are
to be multiplied each into its appropriate planetary
factor or ftcr;T (Grahamana). The total of there pro,
ducts is calledrrEgsr€(Grahagunaka),i e. total of Graha
I torltrM-
thrffitrft{ ai\gq*dnfiqr?t ilqr( |
nfrr qqMf trtrqftUgftdttu-
q{ "tqilni\nqgqfu(r$qrftRtsn uBtl
S1.44-f6 Ft'qnr 680
@vvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvw%

qfr rffi-
Trs iliwrdqrsg*ir(g ll 8\ rl
Slokas44 & 45. Ascercainthe tum,total of .tlre
Raeiproducts obtainedby multiplying the figures in
the eeveralrigns from Mesha onwardsby their appro,
prlateRasi,multipliers.'fhese for the 12 signs ftom
Meehaonwards ate 7, 10,8, 4, 10,5, T, 8, 9, 5, 11 and
l2r Ascertainalsothe eum.totalof the Grahaprodgctr
obtainedby nultiplying the figures in the signsoccu,
pied by the severalplanetsinto their appropriateGraha
multipliero. Theee for the 7 Grahao fro.m the Sun
onwardsare6,6, 8, 5, 10,T and 5. Add the aggregete
of Rnai prductt to the aggregateof Graha prodo"tr.
Divide thc grand total by .30. If tbe quotient ohould
exceed12 years,divide it by 1? and what is left exhibig
tbc Ayur or perlod oil life giveo by the planet.
cf. cflfi

i swr"qtrftrqfiqq'ilt r
q&rlq] il Uftfl: to.rfiTrTfi*
nt: rt
fu: dqrqgflratilRtrTFiltl *qrt I
gqq npq{iqrqi qAgildq}(sr{;{t ,
E nRrq*u r+qdI
690 qftrsclftfrr Adh. x.

Ffrfr*qgfrq eiFEr
u ualgil' rr
€rp6.ffiqdqrur:fi.fl Rateqiil, t


Sun'sA. V. S""t e-t/.

Af ter
L After Rasi- 8
Eliadhipatya Gunaliara I
( s l . 4 4 - 4 s ,I)-
Slokas39-42 Rasi Gunaka

,6I '*i

S i m i l a r l y t h e G r a h a G u n a k aw i l l b e 9 0 , [ c o r n p o s eodf l 0 + l 4
for Mercury and Venusin Mithuna, l0 forthe Sun in Kataka.
20 for Jupiter in Tula, l6 for Nlars in Vrischika, l0 for Saturn
in Kumbha and l0 for the Moon in Meerra.l
The sum of Rasi Gunaka and Graha Gunaka is 162*90 or 252.
The Ayus contributed by the Sun is ,"t# or 8l years. Simi-
larly for the other planets.
tsut both sor+( (Balabha,dra)and q;Qq1 (Manthreswara)pres-
cribe a methoddifierent from this for calculating the ftafr++.rigeiu
(Bhi nnashtakavargayurdaya).

S gFr.qrni;q nsf\dq*qgq:r
qqf;-cs lt
: srrr( |
ffipgq: 11
Multiply the sum total of the two products (r22,, those for
Rasi and Graha) by 7 and divirle the prociuctby 27. The quotient
will be in years,monrhs, etc. When the number of years thus
obtainedexceeds27, subtract from it 27 or multiples of 27. The
r e s u l t w r 1 1b e t h e A y u s g i v e n b v t h e p l a n e t w h e n n o t l i a b l e t o t h e
reductionsto be mentionedat the foct-note to the next sloka.
sI.46 qrfclstumr 69r

qrd{ t
v* rns irgtt dEt4*ri rmarrftrrrirar
qelsffrri trgqrilqrgffiar
ir+ Agrfifii qr( tl 8q ll
Slttkn 46. If a planet be in its enltation, double
the number o{ yearsobtained for it by the Ashtakavarga
process. If it b: depressedor eclipsed, the number of
years in its caseis to be halved. Obtain by proportion
the Ayus when the planet occupies an intermediate
position In the case of Mars when retrograde, the
Ayus obtained is to be doubled.
Corr,parewhat q;}q( & qd.t4 say on the subject :
ur.q)"qrq6ruiqeg* g {R+;1|
'it?sdq<il5"q{quig nr}a rr
qd*firrrrilr erlrfu nrrrt
qqotrq{ilqq}Gt: qrdflr{qqrqfE
qgci qrfr qrt +rtt(effi{q I
qaRrd H{qr{ 5.qr qfl*i f{qfanq,tt
rndsoerigqtg,iq-ffi q n{tq: I

KqlqqqrFr-qsFErds qt|t rtE( ll

Ei rqruridqt qrriOdr 1q :qt I
qgilE111rfiq:fl?rilgiqFrr: 11
The Ayus obtained is to be halved when the planet yiclding
the Ayurdaya has another planet associated with it in tbe ssmc
bhava. The same reduction is to be made when a planet is dep-
ressedor obscured by the Sun's reys. If the planet occupy an
inimical houseor be in the visible hemrsphere,the reduction is by
t. When tbe Sun and the Moon being in the nodessuffer eclipse,
the reduction is also 5y *. Where several reductionscrop up, it
will be enough if the greatest of them be made. The net years,
nronths,&c. thus obtained is to be multiplied by 3'z+ end divided
691 FrirFl|r{ilftr Adh x,
by 36S. 'I'heLfe.prriqdwill be obtainedin yaars(of
monthsretc. In this way, s,scertain
severallythe DasaperioJsof
all the planets. l'he Ashtakavarga
processls the bestof all.

g$Tffig{qffitf*ffi* |
qrqrftfl$ffieqfrqreqrgru u\etl
Slofu 47. In the caseof planetrthat haveattrined
their qu&+lqr,qte (Moolatrikonr, Swakahetra)or a
friendlyhouseor occupy such benefic vargasas their
andarein conjunctionwith benefteplaneto
or arc aspectedby them,the Ayus ir to be calculatedin
the mannerprescribedabove. When E pleoeris in the
vargaof a maleficor inimical planet the Ayuo arrived
at mustundergoreduction.
tftq€qiqiq(vdqqri qurgi rtrffil qnqnr{ |
Sloha 48" The oumberof yearcrepreeeoting the
maximumperiod of life in the caseof men obtained
by putting togetherthe figurer denotingthe yearegiven
by thd Sun and other plineta. Theaetatt.r, ,o.-"
upoothe authority of greatteachers(like rcrn-pararara)
ghouldbe supplementedby the number
of yearsfor the
Lagna (deducedlrom the Lagnaashtakavaiga) in order
to get the Ayua conformablywith the conditionrof
any horoscopothat may be underexamination.
Tbe fcllowing slokas from rRlir1 (parasara) give tho deteils
of the orfcfi+tl (Lagnastrtakavarga).
sTqFqri 5qaqln€re faflsf,qI
sl.4t| qcr*$il: 000

En€ng*g{tnr drqttrrrnfr*r:tt
trst sl*qgeilqt:qirtnpsar, r
oqr*qry(gd s{ gifrfirr nfrrr
{< g*mw$ {* il'c.1'4a,nr
qt wfHilfr fr art g*mm tl
dq-* on R,hffi ssq ftRoq.r
il o*tretlE|ifiq tl


In the I-agna Ashtakavarga, the bencfic placos of the Lagna

are the 3rd, 4th, 6th lOtb, llth and l2th housesfrom the Sun
t h e 3 - d , 6 t h , i O t h , l l r h a n d l 2 t h h o u s e sf r o m t h e M o o n ; t h e l s t ,
3 r d , 6 t h , l O t h a n d l l t b h o u s e sf r o m M a r s ; t h c l s t , z n d , 4 t h , 6 t h ,
694 Enrcftcte Adh.x.

8th, l0th and llth)houses from Mercury; the lst, ?nd, +th, 5th'
6th, 7th, 9th, l0th'and I lth housesfro:n Jupiter; the lst, 2nd, 3rd,
4th,5th,8thand 9thplaces flom Venus; the lst, 3rd' 4th,6th,
, e 3rd, 6th' lOth
l O t h a n d l l t h p l a c c sf r o m S a t u r n : a n d 1 a s t 1 5t' h
and I lth places from itself.

qrgt{ ir{ran} Sqqrqgisqil ll 8q ll
5loh.t 49. Wben the Moon occupies any bhava
other than a Kendra and is in conjunctionwith another
planet, it is the Ashtakavargayurdayathat should be
calculated. The same Ayurdaya is appropriate when
the 10th bhava is occupied by benefic and malefic

eqrRffieqfirqrm I eqitqqrifr{rfugtcurl
hilrfltqqilg(6El rt{tk q{ awrftqt{ ll \o ll
Stoka 50. The figures indicating beneficdots that
appearin the rigns occupiedby the Sun and other planeta
in any fqqre*qrt(Bhinnashtakavarga) whe n put together
representthe number of yearsof Ayurdaya arising from
tbat Bhinnaehtakavarga subject to the reductions men'
tioned already.
The total of the net Ayurdayas in the 7 Bhinnashtakavargas
i s t h e l e n g t h o f l i f " , a c c o r d i n gt o t h e v i e v e x p o u n d e di n t h i s s l o k a .

((csrfsr{rEfi;ggfui sd
fioffiqasnf\qftqdadrffitfr t
ililGqifr qAlnq* ffqi gttf d e'i
ftoli {qd}( ftW{awtgq qr ll \t ll
sl.61-5tl qrrriswtrr 606

the two reductionsand multiply the total of the reoeio'

ing beneficdots into the numberof beneficdoto
planct ir
reiuction) in the particularbhdvawhereofthe
*to tX.rttka,) reckonedfrom the place occupiedby tbe
planet. Divide the product by Z? and ascertrin the
asterismcorrecpondinq to the remainder'When Saturn
deathwill take placeof the
frr.., throughihis asterism, (Karakr)'
p*ron indicated by the bhava and its ryto
it,l," Sun be the qrErm$(bhavakaraka),it is the father
that will die; if the Moon, the mother; if Mars, a bro'
ther ; if Mercury, a reiation; if Jupiter, a eoo: if
Venus,a wife; if Saturn, it is the owner of the boro&
copethat wilt die; if at the time mentioned,the perooor
nameddo not die, someothetson a par with then will
die or much wealthand prosperitywill be lort'
the sun's Ashtakavarge b
the sun is Meena. The figure there in
total of the bonefic dots rc'
5 biile chart in p. 636)' The sum
is l9 (seep' 690)' Multiplyiqg
maining after tbe two reductions
get l4' The l4th star countcd
5 by t9 and dividiug bv 27 we
passesthrough thil
fro- A.*ioi is R:n (Chithra). When Saturn
of tho native or somc
asterism, we have to say that the {ather
may die or much wealth and prospcrity
others on a par with him
may bo lost.
ll sFr €gEFtlgdn:ll
ffil sqrfueqr{rtetqiiqqrcftdFtrffidE{ t
{6qG6trrqq{+srqt furywrtw qErftlf \R ll
Sloha 57. Draw up a diagramof the zodiacexhi
biting in itc severalhousesthe aggregatebenefic dot!
096 I'liTcrntlli Adh.x.
given by the Eunand other plane$ dnd arrangedeppro,
priately in Mesha and the other Reriu. I shell now
ptoeeedto treat of the effect upon eachbhevsof the
beneficdots groupedin lt.
The following 2 mnemobic slokas from (qiqt) Manthres-
wafe'b q,otfr+t (Phaiadeepika) give the aggregate of the benefic
dots appearingin the l2 places with referenceto the sevenplanets
and the lagna in the several Ashtakavargas; The order of the
planets is from the Sun onwards,and Lagna appearsas the 8th.
The figuresate indicated by the convention commonly called
*zccdtq(qt (Katapayadhisankhya) given below.: (l) drk{s (Ka-
dinava), (z) afra* (Tadinava), (:) qrftcs (Padipancha), (+) qrqfr
3 t 3 3 | 34 53 51-r 9 t 5 9t 5 9' '31 |
rnir TR* ar-{qn{rqtgtrrrfrgrr{t fir*@rrrrqi r
4-5 35 I 3l {167? 3 15t6 6 1t55?S
ff rrH qgrrrs-digri.i+ohurg ffflii n
9' t2 3 4r!21 7 3 | 3 3 A 4 42 J 4 :l 6 3
eif: ct rtt{*rTffi {rrft q-jt rnrnrfhfurGr, r
-a.l _4 4 { 33{ 44 6r 5 3 56 2 6 I 9t 6?l
ftfr lessFrccfreqrcr qil {c ctftott ihiEE tl
The figuresin the l2 placesfrornthe Sun are respectively 3,
3, 3, 3, 2, 3, +, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2; from the Moon,2, 3. 5,2, 2, 5, 2, 2,
2 , 3 , 7 , 1 ; f r o r nM a r s , 1+ ', s , 3 , 5 , 2 , 3 , + , + , + , 6 , 7 , 2 ; f r o mM e r -
cury 3, l, 5, 2, 6, 6, I , 2, 5, 5, 7, 3; from JupiterS2, 2, | , 2, 3, +,
2 , 4 , 2 , + , 7 , 3 I f r o r nV e n u s2, , 3 , 3 , 3 , + , + , Z , 3 , + , 3 , 6 , 3 ; f r o m
Saturn 3, 2, 4, 4, +, 3, 3, +, 4, 4, 6, l; from Lagna,5, 3, S, 5, 2,
6, l, 2,2,6,7,l,
The statementin the next pageshows in a tabulal form the
figuresof beneficdots for the esfumcf(SarvashtakaNarga)accord-
* The figuresfrom
Mars ought to be 4, s, 3, +, 3, 3, +, 4, 4,
6,7, 2. But see foot-note to gfiE{ari,(Strkrashtakavarga)p. 652,
S T h e f i g u r e sf r o m J u p i t e ro u g h t t a b e 2 , l , 1 , 2 , 3 , + , 2 , 4 , 2 ,
4,7r 4. But see foot-note 1e aqtE+-qii(Chandrashtakavarga) p.
$L 6rF63 qqrdls$rm: 69?

ing to the above slokas for the sample horoscope reforred to in

page 657. It enables one to find out from a glance how
beneficdots bave been cortributed by the severalplanets in oech
of the 12 Rasis.


4 a 37
4 3l
llithuirr 2 'I
4 5 zit
l(uhLa 2 I 3 .:) z.l
;';;.; r) () 3 5 37
Kruye 2 I J 4 t') 3C
Tula (a ) ,| 'tb
t) i,

;;,";,,;; 2 ,l 6 4 () 29
5 I il I 22
;;;""" o ')
I r) .1 I 2 2+
a 9m bhe
1 I 4 3 2 27
lf,eena 3lz
'6 49
o t
6 ;n

qrqefit{ftsil;q$or',3 ftq-
qrfraEa(Rmfrq qrr{qn?|
fr{rffirfrr gt*fr-{q{€i{nq
q er${rtn \l n
S/trft,r 53. In the trsiu+sf lSarvashtakavarga),the
@B qrisrfuft Adh. x.

-r"r.t -*" doo

"t 25 to 30 beneficdots in a
arevoid of effect. From
bhava produce medium effect. More than 30 benefic
dots in any bhava produce happineso, wealth and fame
while eerving to advancethe bhava wherein they appear.
Statement showing the several i.lers'l{,i (Bhinnashtaka Var-
ga) figures for the same horoscope.

o la IFI
lp lSarvasbta-
lq) ka Varsa
a t> tu) I

Mesba ,l 7 + 7 'l'i 37 6

Vrishabhe 7||,3 ( 3 -i -l 3r 3

IlIithuna zl2 6 T
'l 'l 2+ +
Kat'aka 2l 3 3 7 sl2l ?3 +
Simhe 7l6 ti 3 +i J 37 5

Kanya Jl o 5 5 30 +
Tula 3t3 + 5 6 25 3

Vrischika sl I 5 6 3 29 5

Dhanus +t 6 + 3 I I c2 3

Nlakara 2l s ? .{ .1
T /+ 5

Kumbha 5t2 + +
l'l si -t

FFi r+l 56

cl. su{t{t{r
t q. il{tqt {IttT(T:t
qsfi{E?qtqui q,i dglrqq:so{ ll
sI.64-66 qtrfr$Tqr 699

Also qmfltt
ftrfr+ tsftilerra{frmafhilrrrd } a{n:
|sr quqlq .fi$: 6q1 {i rar geili }silft: r
ffqtfutrfliqrgilng q q{nAg +rig merl
srQ sqErr'.€figqfAqd)rs+sat{rqitt

Sloha 54. Planets occupying, it may b:, tlreir

exaltatron, their own, a friend'e house, a frrkona, a
Kendra, or an vrtr4 (tJpachaya) place or posaesscdof
such strength as is derived from being in benefir ,"'arg:ur,
may do evil if associatedwith insufficient ber,e'frcdots
(in the neluo-+rt-5.rva
t qn{rtfrgcqgrtrrrrnr
t flqqrqftgrMsif,ls I
n qrffiilfl tr{ inqfiq
t r{geqsoErtiqftitq.{r*( u \\ tl
Slo&c 55. Planetswhich as occupyingportions of
the l2th, the 6rh, the 8th or the Zth bhavas are consi-
dered m:rlefic; secondly,thoee that are in the vargas of
their depressionsigns or of maleficor inimical pianets;
3rdly and lasdy, thosethat conepirein conjunctionwith
the lord of the sign occupied by crflq (Mandhi) ro
work evil-these three classesof planets, i{ only associ-
ated with a higher number of benefic dots, produce all
important beneficial reeultsto the personconcerned.
qnfuilrgrqztqgtiorwggiiqfr ftrs{rfi r
RrM* ffi Enr6
g(fi fuq{t{s's! tt\q tl
qraTcrftqri Adh. x.

Slohn 56. If in the scis+ilt (Sarvarhaka:Varga)

the number of benefic dote in the Llth bhava be greater
than that in tl're l0ch, but the figure in the lZth lower
than that in the L lth and if the f igure in the Lagna
exceedthe figure in the lzth bhava, the pereon born
will be h"ppy with abundanceof wealth, fame and
cf . qodfc+r
rTEql.$otfit eril epil.duf& 6q+ t
qs ;q,tTfq*q* ,itlarafiaquttr tr
wer{ qErrHwdftii qgif
*firyrftdla qqqfk d* ll \\e ll
Slcrla 5?. Three divisions maJeof the 1l signs,
the first commencing with Meena, the second with
Karkatakaand the third with Vrischika and exhibitirrg
eachits own beneficdots in its respectiva t housesare
madeto indicatetht first, tlta middle and the concluding
portion of the life under examination. Some opine
that the three grand divisions are madefrom the 6{qrm
(Vyayabhava)to begin with.
cf, qa+Acr
qlq{rftrdrR} g qqnF5qil fiq(akgqq t
qet quqqqqqtfldqEqF4ii5;gqrrUft HT
SarflFqsqftq{Fr Eaq}a aqrftE:dffq: ll
frqi w.-{r B;qufrqqni iird t*od}i!1qEgfiil€iil |
{FqqeqriY{qft;gt}ulfi{ grr{ wqEttgft1un{qa
sl_68-60 qrrfrsqrc: 701

S/otc 58. Some recommend the omission of the

beneficdots in the tzrh as well as in the 8th bhava
fron their severaldivisions ; rhe aggregateb:nefic dots
in any one division shourd be comparedwith the same
in the other two If the figures in the three divisions
b: equal, the life of the person concerned would be a
mixed o:rewith its joys and sorrows evenlydistributed;
if unequal,the lower figure implies diminution of com_
Iort, i.e. misery; the higher one betokens increaeed
c<>mforts, i.e. prosperity.

drqrtrd qft gffit f}qt ftaqli

rro-sq$rqqw€dbvqtlrrui qr( |
li|;g€aqi t{R rqqamq{q qrq{r{
ifunttqt {qft itgo{u}iri rsrr(!n \q tl
S/;i?a 59. If b:nefic planets occupy the signsof
any division. the porrion of life eorrespondirrgto this
eq (khanda)will be happv. If the signsof a Grog(khan-
da) have both malefic and benefic planets in them, the
effect on the porrion of the life typified by the arl€
(khanda)will be mised; if any division containsmalefic
planets exclusively,the period of life representedwill
abound in accessionsof affiiccion. If the numb:r of
beneficCots in any division be smrll, the personborn
will suf{er from diseasearrrl ment.rl pain and will be
rpeakingevil things. Ii there be a preponderance of
benefic dots in a <Tos(Khanda), the person concerned
will enjoy extensive prosperity in the period of life
thus distinguished.
qrqi rrqqFT{|
iq=tg* qrftitqrgiit qrcrwqsiiqurotn\ n Qotl
7U2 qTlrqrfuft A&r. X.
--'--- -----v--''

Sloha 6A, If a pirron have hia birth under a yogx

betokenioggreatProsperity,he will, upon the expiry of
a nrrmberof yearsindicatedby the eqls+T{t(sarvaehtakr
Varga) igures in the Lagn4 be in a fair way to get a
royal .rehiil. (such as a palanquin),riches, sons and
knowledgesurPassinglY great.

Rrqrqtaq;qrt{rflq irtn-brqrfrfigidi t t
{r${qFilllqt tl
uil qrEfu;Sd€qm{trTl
.Sl.rbrr61. When the lord of the l2th bhava occu'
piesthe lst represented by a Rasi baiungingto S'rturn'
and when the lords of the Lagna and the 8th bhav;rare
weak,th: pcrsonborn will livc as many yearsas there
are beneficdots in CheLagna in the edemrl(Srrvashtaka
fiqriircqrR;fi1ffiqt( qrartrqmiln dm QR
Sloku (,L. When the lord of the 4th bhavr is in
the Lagnr and the lord thereof is in the 4ch,and wh:n
the numberof b:nefic dots in eachof the Rrsis occupieC
by theseplanetsts :)3,the persons born will'brome
lords of men and centresof kingly glory.

6iqq;ffi fiEflts tt{;qmri\qqfr?.qilsI

qnt;fliiqgi{ q {rcriqiErft{rtrwtt-*f{fdll ql ll
Slofta 63. When the lst,4th and the 1lth bhavas
areeachassociatedwith benefic dots exceeding30, the
personborn will, afier his 40th year, attain to power
irrd protp.rity irr abundanceculminatingin kingchip'
r;gfuer aqqdt${hE{qt
sl. 64-6? qqfrsqrq: ?08

qqsk q€ ffifftrwn
qA rt {I({t Eriwfiras tl qu ll
Sloha 64. If the number of benefic dots ir the 4th
and in the 9th Rasi from the Lrgna lie betweerr25 and
30, the person born will be rich as Kubera at the end
of 28 yearoor in gome year subsequentthereto.

t{rqrt {raq0€g* qtqrftrrftrgtcqr{itI

tqrqft uqt ilqlt ilfr ilqt oetreqt'{ilql llq\ll
Sloka 65. When Jupiteroccupying the 4th bhava
with 40 beneficdots and the
in exaltationis associated
Sun is in Mesha identical with the Lrgnr, the Percon
born will becomea king and be in command of a 1001000
qiqrfrdtegh ffi qri qtt ilft ffi t
*+ fit t,tir nggt q1ilc{*q{r w{Sqrll qq ll
Sloka 66. With 40 benefic dots in the Lagna,
with Jupiter in Dhanus,with Venuoin Meena, with
Mars in exaltation and with Satgrn in Kumbha,the
personborn should becomean emperorblese ed with
every kind of good fortune.

ffinfritcq\qqrn q{F( {ilftqqfter*,

sorf\{i qliit ft{ei qqGsRqgtrt *3 11Qull
Sloka 67. four quarters beginning with the
East have been assigned to the four triade of Raair
whereof the first are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna and
Kataka(Vrdc Adhyaya I sl. 13). With refetenceto a
hororcope that may be under examinacion,ascertain the
quarter in which there is an abundanceof benefic dotr;
't04 aftrFtmEnil Adh. x.

acceEsionto his wealth, etc.
oqrflt{;q;(rrdgt$r dWq.anr6oaqqit
(aqG qlt qR {luri n ffiqtqr ii$or .RFrTtll
SJ.;Aa68. Find the aggregateo{ benefic dots frtrm
the Laqna to Saturn (both ioclusive; Multiply it by 7
and divide thc product by 27. Whcn, in the asterism
indicatcdby the remainder(reckonedfrom Aswini) or
its Trikona, the Sun and other malignant planets pass,
the personconcernedwill suffer from dieeasesand other
ills on a large scale.
qqfto{Fffiei q Gg{r;(r{Klgqrlq $Enr;q I
gq{t M {$il ttqq ll
Sloka 69. Deal in the above way with the aggre,
gate of benefic dots countecifrom Saturn to Lagna,and
with those lrom Mars to Lagna,as w,ll as from L gna
to Mars, severally. Find the aggregareof beneficdots
in the Rasis occupied by benefic planetsand the star
indicated thereby. When a benefic planet passes
through thie asteri$m, good things, they say, may be
ef. s-d-4fr{r
q<r;ntdias sorfi i I
saf{dq}.qa{IFHH fA{r€iTlFs-€{||
d.flrTrnrriai g:ti qr ilrtrri$qrqI
qi rirf4ear=ddqrrd"oi so{.rr
Also erctt?t
oilfl tq g'lferalalqnGrrdiT,T g{iqr
g* ilfut gerHnnafis-€gflr6q+
iiqdir' r
sr ?0 q**srrtrr ?05

r;ErqrufitqftftggrarruTfuti R€nt-
The following additional information based on the tr{iE6q{
(Sarvashtakavarga) figures are extracted from qa*tttr.
q-dqlrr QQrqT{$s{rgeq qqKEiII I

qrftqa qrgrfttnfi n:fier q €qGq( ll

offrqsqgfqdq{qi qFqrAqtq*
amihaqwflaqqfFle{rft flq}q+( t
sTr&{,iq-g'ilqre qi{ iqig{dt stqe:
qfid qR frq*rsft{drrerqqmffir Hrq.ll
*-qFqrq{qqqflraqri}frq{ii I gqrErft 1
qq:gqlgt fuq. il
.if rftr' qftarftfrstrtrq+t
nwn* +*
ilqi qawai wvgfh,EifQqsFeiI
d q rqflT?-
E{ i}w}flsq: u
d=flflfrqi: FIIITqrrffr
qsrfrqcita*urqdl wiruqtt;ecq Rffil t
qqfr"ql q Etqil{tqrfr wtssfifki qq ll so ll
St ftc ?0. Make the Trih.rna anrl Ekadhiptya
reductions in regard to the cetEssrt($arvaohtakavarga|
figum Out of the figuresleft afterthe two reductions
in the reveral Raeie, go on subtractingl? ar often ar
poroible. If the redtrcedfigure happenoto be 1l iteelf,
it 's not to bc taken awayr The figurec containedin
Nlcrha and other Rrir are to be thuc treated.
706 qrilTwRqrt Adh. x.
q4e-{iiffgq-s qqqi uftrqret r
qrrqfh*oi fr{hq qart+T&qeryar{rt
qsfu( queorft+,idqlq*qos€q I
enie g 'Ifrqrt{n{gufrrgtt
r*cgq+Rea q'f+qEqq:q1|
s.dfaeaa'R{ ssfqdqirgq: tr
ggfffiqarsl wrg:fioq:qfiqt I
Alq{TRgqrwq qrsrRqflorcn: tl
mqd o afroequeoalq*q flq r
uail g rldhrflqtgdTrd.rfl
aBqs+e F-iqrq(r*.{fiqf+dqr
qa{q* tt

{itni flftrqqrWrhr
a€ri$egqor6i o.!rqrR.i;qq I
nilf\ri ftqaq{t mmrgftr*r
ri{r rrii ftqqiiqtqig$rgqqqr rf el tl
Sloha71. Multiply the net figuresin the (qqH)
Sarvashtakavarga(after the reductions mentioned in
the previousslokahavebeen made)by the zodiacaland
planetaryfactorsand makean aggregate of the producte.
Multiply thia by 7 and divide the productby 27. The
quotientconsistingof years, montho, daye, etc., if in
excet!of the standardAyuo, i,e, L00yearE,ahouldbe
diminishedby 100yeara; if chort of 100 ic to be kept
unaltered. This will repreEentthe anlrrgt (Nakohatra
Ayus) which when multipliedby tLa anddividedby
365 will give the period of life correctly in oolaryearE.
sI.72-?3 qqisrqrq: 701

gt'rqruuqqrF(s{il1 qRoftqqsaqmqqr(
ll el ll
Sloka 72. The yearsiaking up the life whether
ehort,middleor long of a person (obtainedby the pro'
ceEBabove mentioned)will equarewith the period
otherwise obtained,by the diminution or addition as
the casemay be of a multipleof 27 accertrineduPon an
examinatioo of tbe aEpect,if any, upon the Lagna, by

tdfteK $ruelqu(Kr( ll sQ 11
ll tR qqfrswtt tt
Stoha7\. In the work 6f Jatakaparijata compiled
by Vaidyanathaand containing the essence of treatises
on planetaryeffects suchas Parasara"s, the chapteron
benlfic dots, appearingin the Aghtakavargasdeeignated
r<m (Prasthara),fm (Bhinna) and €3Erq (Samudaya)
has been treated bv the graceof the entire body of
The following from soq-( (Balabhadra) for ascertaining thc
month and the asterism of the death of a person will be found
lt sTq q{oTTTt€f,FtrI11
tq rgut}dffuq*qq*fr i tr
?6 Adh K

elc{ttrarF}i qqrM r* t
ug ffi ffqrffqmftx*umqrftqt (
qqtqffirftqEqrqru$fr5 r
oFTqErrqE6 s{ffi3xfr1 x
qfu5mor: FqroTI r
fli' rgizfior€m'
qnfrErecr€dq qlq+ffFs\ rgt n
metqrrfi qfut ilfu.qfr?ft d( |
affi qrftfiqqa* ftfrir tt
qsrrftqfrfi+ qd qtsIElftqr t
qrrelRflrqq n'qTtqrq qt{ tt
sqqfr,{iq;qflq{ I
eutt Afrqrt ffa q frqqdn r
wqeqhttq;qffii{tnrqfi qr tt
s$ q:vBftt fiqq q fifrf{in r
q-Tqffreilm} q-.rsfrqlRil u
arTfi-ffi qrRtqt Udqt €R: I
End of the 10th Adhyaya.

c/. Wrm<
q?E:*rrrd: q*rqft q+E qs{RFII triffr
ft?t gqqhfr Trmrr:err;a:rQit gt: r
qrfr rrRq€rnqt fto'o: rtqtEfg$gf*: r
tri {rqrril: s$rsrtfrke , traftn fiPga:u
qtf rercftFfinfuoqrgcqft
osrga: scqf nrcrqiFfa:t
td grn$F0rurr;qgl3lqJfi: .w!s:,:
rfrdt i}f*crfi:
qgsrrffi rrclftgq co'rfr r
r*ft rl gq a*
' Ecft rnur;n'ikqgc€ tri tr sIP,
en{igdr rds* k*tsRrfriA:
qrtfrRfr rr{n} agg:tltfr+: I
g:crFiti'r rraqfi aftarfhgdr
t{TFft e.afr *eg6oorct rr
t[s: srfr gftt: ntc: lrdr ftfift* rftr: r
Roq: qoa rftr& m cfiTt ctt ERqru ,,
dt Tqft s frE: ss: srJt gg{rJt Uhn: I
irtt: gvqtrsf: ail: r$zfouqroarrr
, ffir tfrge6lr cEftTil fttf*r&cqr
qnmorcqat qdr a?i *r: trgrtorre:rt
q?t ftq{fk gtq: cdrcEvrrftaruQgqr}.I
vqqrfu hdrl qqqa.tftnqgs3 rl
tstq: stft q;qft rarfr gcrFt rr+rR<rtr1r
W*tqecfh* {a'rr;a$Erctf.{q-?aRu .^
gR* lEosfi gftril'fffift{qilaqR{i; r
gfq6rrscrftqr{: {rc€t5r.nsnr i rrqte
trr;i qqtreartrr:g({qqirrlfrc€ni: qfuq: r
ftqq cfrcsrt *futi wrri grl: 1 ,r.
{teqcra{q"}ftlqqfd gttl: sETffi t
qfta: vdwts q cTslc?qqft ttreqre:n
g:tsdikl*trtfl*: c{ts'rh {tfuare} g t
tnfttr Ftqtid qqgiEdimltwis: r
TgtTltrlrsrt{tqt {cir<iro: qfrfirfr Rgql 11
il{rgccft AfW fi}d hi ci crg: t
cceTriqftrs: ffi qfi6-{:rqrFt criqrq tl
Frl<cdt' fto$ ftgcor{aAaftql t
Crc{qg:qaq' qq6qila6l5gRarRtt :t
a qrrit tir+rrrt tqqfr qo*Cft gtq: ll
EcqsrF(ffitat ?srdq rffim, lr tq ll
Sloha. 19. Red,white,reddish,green'yellowirh,
variegatedand blaclcare thd coloursof the planetsfrom
tiheSun onwards. The samecolours are declaredto
belongto them in queriesregardinglost articlm, etc.
o/. Wnw
tra: te rfrur*orRfte: fte:6,a0rtEfr qqtftq'qt ,
Also qtqrffi
era: grxrFr ilrrqi aqr dmffi: t
RfuerRm'it: qil rr{lqr: tlricd: (q[T: tl
ciinh g qewttarrui].r efitgcqqfttfsq'srrr: ; qanrr uftwr:
ntffsl ilndWftieTs{Iftqw *rilit
qin"qq{ frraHg({qEroTf

,f,(efiRErfig€rfr{ret' F' t 1o ll
Stroka, tLA The subst.ot"t ascribedto the planetc
from the Suo onwardeare copper, gem$,gold, alloy of
metalc,silver, pearls and iron. Fire, water, Kuoara
8[. gt frrffisnm: 6t
(Kartikeya),Virhnu, Indra,Indrani,and Brahma the
deitieeof the planets from the sun in their
c/ ffr*trqr€r
* il* tqFcftffifuilqa)
' ti.n g grrro*fr
r* cqfr er qqrfus.c{rgrqrft* futtq r
Tlr rqt ftr-dgit: gqdqft ikaqq il qd€nt cr{rrcfri
c*q{ cFn curfr ftqkrishtr }lSgatl grft: I
qrfiq rt * cs.& Rqirr ariq
*dqnrr". is, u
fttrigkqirfiq qf{ Uqorqt e rqqrft dii{r: I
sffi I qft+rrJt Eaq{quq.ciTrilrdqrili13rE{rrtt drrqarq:
qqqTrqi AtrqEnelYi 1 Vitlcatsor\dhyaya XVllI.st. 19. F-or
the deities of the severalplanets c/. ratarr
tqr .trwrt qaffqqqqfir€-eq*rdqgq :r
c-d{r+-{"a*qfueg*i"r qtrg q+d ltrrr. tl
ilr *cqrqrcqt qeraFirc?carqq&arqqi6aT: I alrr q qt?r.
qi TrtTdi tga eiit *e,

qEqqqRl{qr{'i fu ilwrql
q q'hrr+-

Slola. 21. The ruby is the Sun'spreciouectonei

0 ptrreapotleospearlthat of the Moon, Coral belongr
to lvfarg. Mercury's preciouc Etone is the emerald
-rhapedlike the bird Garu_da.Topazberongoto Jupit.r.
Venusowns diamond. Seturn'sgem ie ihe ,Lid.r,
capphire. Agarea2dthe lapirlazdlior turkoic are caid
to belong to the'remaining planets Rahu and Keru
36 qrdfitniln Adh. Il

Tt(uTrftT{ffirfui finiuirqredquryqrft
satgqi*frAnemratqqnqq{ gq* qqFil lrlRrl
Sloha.2L. Atl the sagessay that the articles ol
apparelappropriatefor the $un and other planete Te t
ttrict cloih, n.* fine robe,one singedby fire, a clotl'
waehedinwater, an ordinary garment,a durablemantle
and a rag respectively.
q{ q13rrgvcfrs6d qc{ E* tsrftq 1u*fu)
Alsosfifili(dr{Tol ..lpf
. a . {.
tt1* d3qila at6+6frqt qbtrEii ,,.,,,,,uw
I qcqqdr€6is qfofsftq r;qG&eiq tt
Also. qKH€l
{€nutt tTsrqaFrrFqcwact-rsagdufiilq tt

rnrtGsrqrgfrilRrqrr;*ffifo' S' '

Sloha. 23' The Sun, Venue,Mars, R.ahu'Satur.n'
the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are reepectively
lords of the quarterEEast,South'Qlotr$outh'
\il/'estr Nortliwesc, North and North'eaet reepectively'
The lorde of the six seasonsreckoning from
V"noE, Mars, the Moon Mcrcury,' Jupitir'.and
Sr*- accordingto the Drekkanasor the third
of a rign Presidedover bY them'
a/. q1q-qei1
rrq1:{ts: srrflIftr:tfi*q: nFa:mft t
dr.akqttcrfr q'cr€crfrfrrrrf{rtr: n "
RRsrfusA<t q *.*<rir qt qfhstr{Farrtqrdq' | {tr{sTftg
Nqfrffiqilrcqrff{ qnrcsi
sl. 28 ftffigatrc: 6l

trrelfiqqlt+lrEqt*ltstiqg: rtitT: ll
,rsrs r,
WtR.r.&rcco*: rmftw4 {mansl,I
i +-dt'{sitlEarq?l nrftfk fitsfta: qfrEq rr
x'garfurirs* g asera* rsntn: q q ?lti'it qft rraft
trt< Erd: r qft q qi a *.tsft qgi qr fwrurerFtairr r qft q
tl qrrrr: rrrt: rra?)t irEr {vzt{cglia r artr q rIFRq:
Tfutdtttfi soErdil<qrtg h{qr: rrqFt
ha Ptancts and thc tcts,ns indicotcd bY thcntz-These are
useful in finding out the proper seasons (of birttr) in the case of
lost horoscopes.
If there is a planet in the l-agna, then the season typified by
that planet should be predicted' Wl-ren there are more than one
platret in tl're Lagna, then it is rvith reference to the strongest
planet. If there is no planet in the Lagna, it is only in that case
that the season should be predicted with referenie to the planet
orvning the Lagna l)rekkana'

The six seasons'their approximate periodsand their'lords are

given in the following statetnent:-
Nameof the S"*.o., Approximate period. i Lord of the
l From To I Seasorr.

I *ma (Vasanta March 19th May Venus

2 d,q (Grish h May l9th July Mars

3c* (v 20th July 19thSeptr Moon

4Tq (Sara Septr. 19thNovr Mercury

5 tq.< 20th Novr l9th Jauuy

6 RTRK (Sisi Januy l9th Satprd

A!llio,tlion of thaptiwilh,-Suppose the Sun (in progrqssion

t" p., *y sy"tei to be affiicted by the Moou. . Tie .renflt will
bc ill-hca-lth and bad'things to the native in G'r-sbina({1qy
38 ||ilrtfuii Adb.'lt
The Moon afficting Mercury by progressiou will bring i11.
bealth in Sarat Ritu (qrcf,g). Good things may be similarly prc.
dicted for the periods if there b" gpod aspects.

Suppose for example the Moon has progressed to Aswini

Nalishatra affiicted by Mars squnre opposition Saturo in a horo.
scopeat the same time. \Ve have then to say that.troubles began
itr l"ebruary and March (fqri],J(-SisiraSaturu's) and very badly in
May and June (Grishnra-I\.Iars'.)

isffikn 18 tl
Sloka,24. A ehrine,a thore or river,bund, a fire
place,a pleasure,ground,a treaEury,a bed,chamber,and
a heapof rubbish are to be asoignedas the placec of
the planets from the Sun onwatdE. Rahu and Ketu
havetheir placesin the cornerEof a houoe.
r/, 1q-wrct
.rlqrffimM{grlft: f,irq" (rttO I rq}qt
rucft rrl srfogtr} cscirrf-Cr"ttt{r+ ilqsrt lurq! r
The articles of apparelof thi scveralpiaaots (mentionedin
sloE 22),the placesassignedto them (Sl. 24) and tbe.substances
01.94 frrftftsrqrc, U,
rscribed to them (sl. 20) are mrrshalled for purposes
of roforencc
in the following statement.

"-"o II
Their appropriate r articles of, Substances
places apparel I ascribed
I to them
tun Temples,.
ptacesoi la*r.u cloths f aooou,
worship . I I
Moon Marshyplaces ...lnu*
. . . j N e w ccloths
l o t h s .---l
. . ' JI"*",
I ' (olnt-
I t Mani)
llWars Fire-placessuch as cloths ...1Cofa
"rj Kitchen, Engine lBurnt
rooms,etc. .._l. I
Play grounds ...1,"",
Jupiter ...'Ir{ediunr clorhs Sif ver
Venus I
. . . . E x c e l l e n t l p-e a r l s
I cloths |
Saturn Hillock,, useless
placeslRagr, torn | ,roo
- clotbs
Abfticntio; of thd oDoat_suppose the
il{oon in progression
(as per any system) cornes in
trine tc Venus. It has to be
predicted that the person will get or
wear new aod good clothes.
suppose the sun is square to Mars. we
must say that cloths will
be set fire to by accidents. In tire case
of a nativity for example,
the Moon, as ruler of the 4th house
indicating investments,
in cgnJunction n'ith Saturn means useless
marshy lands, etc-

fteedrfiaflu<{,r, r
Rftqw{d, gTfrrfld !ilt, {ft, q€ fiqrqilr;ilqrr
Sloha.25, Mars.territoryextendsfrom Lankato
the river Krirh'a. $ukra'cswdyprevailcfr;J;i;
oentionedboundaryup to the river Gautioika.
60 ftaoqft*it Adh. ll

t"* t.* --..t ," t*rhy.. tt"tr ;*^ .

the Gangeslies the region of Mercurl,r. Saturn has his
sway over the countrt' frorn th: Ganges up to the

Rfrqtffufifrf{raeft{qrd* trqrr{
{d, qqgolfrq:{rRrgfrq;Eisqrdiqfr' r
qffif {iimrililftrs
$ilfl ttwtgofrthuagf,r ilq'qrftfr il qq ll
Sloka.26. JupirerandVenusare llrahmins. The
SunandMars are Kshrtriyas. The Moon is a Vaisya.
M:rcury is the lord o{ th,: SutJracommunity. $aturn
is the ieaderof the c,utcast:.The Sun,
Moon are planecs typifying rRq-Satva
Venus and Mercury are ess:ntilllr the- planete
passion. Saturn.andMars own tqn-Tamasoi darkn:ss
aetheir dietinguishing characteristic.
(tst ho117,/. gqrm
qrrfi?rgrnq rr3frir qftaqi& l?ra+rrnrqq r
, fr,rrftrrcrqfuTr rr{til q|tir, (IsttrlTqrnrqrl
Also IfSTT{-fi
" ficrQir: gfig€ silrfi rEft g,rhi{f}dtseo.rcrq tr
according to tTncJ(the Varsya conrrnunity
. .Rut is represented
by the Moon and l\fercury and
the Suclrasby Saturn. c/.
nt.g*i flccfi gnr+rsic+ ftw r 'i
rTGrqtrii?l€fi nfr: ltfr ftc}cr tt
qdts-ct.rauflg qEqvr{ Sra{ar'vritga ,

ags..r rfi i
sriqrftFt -qtrqqq*{ q!,itccrdi ar€c: .:

Justas the four ca-steshave been a1:portionedto the planets,

it has to be inferred that the four:upa),as(qErTq'rqq-crr"t""uiai.palat
viz (l) Hi{ Srma, (2) tr-Dana, (t) irt
Bheda and (4) to*p.ia.
81,2&27 frfrilrsrqtc: 61

have also been assorted to the planets, thus: To Jnpiter and

Venqs-Stg-Samp; to Mars and the Sun. rys-Danda; to the Mosn.
{r-Danq and to Mercury and Saturn-\t Bheda.
r/. ffitirc
qrrllwr rnmft *Sg gr{rit,g* c I
l'urther, the division of the planets into (l) biped (2) quadru-
ped (3) n'inged and (4) reptile isaLso hinted a/, Xwil-a
qclic*€gft q?tscrlrqtrrcs;e: r
Gcerugaqlfcsqpr4rqilg"r*t rr
(Lollu holfl y6""e gunas should be ascertained after
cxamining the strength of the planets owning, occupying and
aspecting the lagna and the Rasi occupieclr.by the Moon. Rut
it must be renremberecl that the planet in rvhose Trimsamsa
the Sun is situated plays a prominent lart io moulding the guna
of the native c/. gqmt
sr{ rrffcfuorra: fue*r rinilq3 qcrniq*gC[ |
qsrq€t&FTfr Qlrcrqe {€({rQgor}r1r:Rrrq.I
cttfrsft | <rErqrir*
,,qri tc<it cr fttri?r rr<I qrcft<rrEq tl
c: €tRc{Ks qqrRrra €({r.*a rruq}cq|*: t r
r*fur: ortrr-srqrcdffrsq'Gmrgrirsftqr: il :'
ft*dftftlrgqt€rrqr F{rSt t{ft rd}.*rqr; r lft
q;eib.&;fre'qf*{iq6nTrqrc(sriq}: seqrBgqN rr$ rnG
€n t '{ir qc{eEsnrqe cAfltffi r agfi }q#tr'ilnr .,rqqlt
{fi rrisrr,l:" qft: qe ftnritr+fr gqrP{qilrg(.tT: I qqrf *rqt:
," qs f*aiarreqrt ggdt wra'$trr*rt "
rffim .Tr-gfhftqg€:
qq{rftd I
Wqr{vrg@qfoqr: ll R\erl
62 fimqrftilt Adh. II

Sll}.a.'A7. Tne Sln, Mtrs an:lJupiter are males.

Venusand the Moon are females. Srturn and Mercury
are eunuchs. Jupiter, Mercury, Mrrs, $aturn and
Venueare respectivelythe lords of Ether, Errth, Fire'
Air and Water.
(Lcttot halfl cl, tq'-il?rfi

" Rf€a,.rrlrqrt{rai sfuir {iqgrrlr: stot "

cdci tr{{r.{i qir{c$.ri arci :tt rft t cqrfi rr I
ernic{r{iEei q s{site rra?.r <{{trcirF{ |
., Trlpxqr{.{{qqTqirqdr{Tr<r.ilqaqnrorrg}t1n

sFrqqge :i
qs fnfgrrftqgnd\(i{rrrfc {Ft[ 6qt-
qrudfc{Ri{9fi[{€dnxlil! *tftcn ll le lt
SJola. 28. The planets in the zodiac reckoned
serialim from Saturnin accordance with the lengtlr of
their orbitsareSaturn,Jupiter, Mrrs, the Sun, Venus
Mercury,and th: Mrcn. Mrrs, Srturn, Jupiter, the
Sun, Venus, the Mocn anC Budha are respectivelv
declared to be the lords of the following constituent
elem:ntsof the bedy: mrrrow, m rscle,fat or grea$e,
bone,semen,blood,and skin.
(Fhd halll.Vidc Sroka 71, infta,
(Latlet ha[) al,Iqsmr6
rf€ftt{qq"rtrt 316{0 ! ctnr
rrqr*i6qgtgtscrftcr: rr
rdrrt g wmtt * dt cacrd tnrgRrq: rqrqflr\ inrilc
crfr mk-Tlt Gffisl& qi ftccctr*a{T: .{rflrrt rr qril<tfl
rqrntqrrlffiqc{**r ftn r rurW rr
s!.2e fffilstrr: 63

All diseasesmentioned in Chapter VI are based upon this :

r. g. Mercury governs slin diseases. Venus governs venereal
diseases.. Jupiter governs brain rliseases, such as madness, etc.
The Moon governs diabetes,menstrual diseases,etc.

erffidlqnTdsq{ilqrf I

tfficqlrnr<ft;ttq{ n iq tl
-\loha.29.Saline,pungent.astringent, Eweet,bitter
acid,and mixed flavourshave for their lords the Moon,
the $un, Satunr, Jupiter Mars Venus and Mercuri.
The Sun,Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and
the Moon Ewayover perids of half ^yearl, a day, half
a montb,two'lnonth6, a year, a monthand a nuhurta
(? ghatikasor 48 minuteo)reEpecrively.

Plaoet l,eriod !'lavour

The Sun Half a year I'uugent

The Moon wr (Kshana- 4 8 ' ) . . . Saltish

Mars One day Bitter

Mercury Two months Mixed
Jupiter One rnonth Srveet
Vsnus 15 days Sour
Saturn One year if,qfq-Kashaya

Applicaliorof thclrinciffr-If illness is indicated by Saturn,

it is long-standing: if iDdicatedby Mars, it is of short duration.
This shouldbe appliedwith referenceto ChapterVI.
61 !R$Clf,qtt Adh. tl
cf ,- gf,slrf,s
qqi{orarTtlda} nrer{ s
Rqrrq rtn?.lrE I
+glvaoPonflrtar qgrrrdra +wz qvit
(Pfrst hail) lqtei-siltrnEr* q] qoqrd agcreeffi
Also. inrsdr
rrfr q{r} diqi qkEsitorlisaqqqg
rF{[\"q;q E rr
rrisirxi I r* -Jer* rrait ar (ag6erraaaiaarn)rcerFe

(Latter hall) erranfteftrimqcr( cl0riq: (*arrarrt r)

qrqit*qftg€a: +r& vrlftcimrcgvr: r
' rtrwfr ftgQct lrrrfurtsqsrEdqli l
qtqr{: I ofr qn;dt qEiir: v?qarrra€e anq trol: +nl'rqq;
qrffiq in6q: I aqqr qR aqilredr{t rRfrsft il{r arr{fireai
rr{ftlttsft-q+ <ri nnqqah;ilt $r} arqfta*rfterpq }qq
tt trf,qqft( cqAsft urSt *q: *fuq rsafi qer qu<r @t
rrqft ( c ru€qrl-di{r+lqrsedqt mii rrlft a<tretrmiqrcarftrt
ffi qr srd qfit.q {errg: tl
Supposeat'the time of a query, the Vrischika Navamsa in
tbe Mitbuna lagna to have risen (2 signs 4 degrees 12 minutes),
and the position of Mars, the lord of .Vrischika, to be 9 signs I I
degrdes 13 minutes. The period typified by tbe same planet is
e day. According to the first view, Vrischika Navamsa being the
2sd in the Mithuna lagna, the compretionor success of the busi-
ness bas to be predicted to happen in 2 days. According to the
sccond view, 9s Mesba, the Navamsa occupied by Mars, happens
to be thc 6th when counted from vrischila, the time in which the
successor otherwise is expected to occur rvill be 6 days.
Frndtheplanet that is strongest at the time of Adhana("rrqrq).
Thc pregnant woman rvilf desiru (lous for) food mixecr with the
.0rvour typifiod by this perticular planef
3[ t0-81 Cftlrsrclq: 66
q|ild rqft fratqr{{r{q}-
t{ ffiur$dsffiqtrurrt r

Eqf<tt lo tl
rffirroqrd qr{nqtdqtn
gtf,€qftqatffi$1 Rn(|

ffrurnrmrffl wt g|qilrtilr:ll lt ll
Sloha.8O, Aatrologersray that all the planetscast
a quarterglanceat the 3rd and 10thhouses; halfa glance
at the 5th and 9th: three quartersof a glanceat the 4th
and 8th; and a full eyeat the ?th.
Slo'hai31. Saturnis exceedinglypowerful when
be hashis strongquarter,glance. Jupiter is auepiciousin
hio obliqueor angularaspect. Mars ie potent with his
tbree.quarter,glance.All the planets in generalhave
rtrength of aepecton the 7th house.
clo il<ran
tq$lft qlrarqvqr qrarorrfrc: v* r i
kqntr*Mqg(wsgcrit c-d cfrin l
Tf T{qfr rfrqedtqqnrT R$turrTft*q3 I
cgtt {fig.il qfla ffir$il: sqrr: t;,
The following from Parasara1'fifqrr)regar{ingRahu <jrishti
(<rgre) will be of interest:
a"he aqs grarqwrit aqftr I
"rffi As-{F{: cRE: r
s{qfiVftqtc1rrqc{i gdFqr Rvuarsa}
.To calculate the correct Drigbala (6rAo)of planets, pleasesee
chepter 2 of Sripatipaddhati (ffi cCftF)
&66 rnrrntt Adh. Il

q{fe'gfr:qqqnEfuftnqwknm*, n RRtl
Sloha.B?^ The Sun and lvlaro look upwirde.
Venus and Mercury look eideways The t"totn
Jupiter look evenly. The looks of Rahu and saturn
tqrRq,qnwrftur, q: tilltl
Rierr{frfogFf$iT{r{ r
?uaiQniqqQqt{.f *q?r: (g: lt lS tl
Srotu. .t3. planetehave predominantatrength of
position ( tur<+er-$tthanabala
) when they o..upy the
VaiseslrikaVargas(Vidc Adhy_aya l, Sloha, 44. iufra,)
Lrroduced by the combinationof three or more of the
Vargas enumerated below:-
rle-SwochclLr (the planet,eown exaltation cign),
(the pra'et's Moorathrikona),ig-
f,q-Swasuhrid(theplanat{riend's house),tcturor.$wa.
drekkana (the planet'sown Drekkana),RRnt,SwaRaoi
(the planet's own house), ret{r-Swa-amoa (the planet,c
own Navamasa),and being in:the ascendant'porr-ar, ,,u,
merousbenefic dots (morethan 4, aitle Adhyaya 10,
on Ashtaka Varga).
sloha. i4. planets which do not poslessbenefic
a$pector other such good influencegrDay not prove
auspiciouowhen they are in their depreroion,tr io
conjunctionwitb ininical or naleficglaneto cr acpectcd
Ul, 35,U6 tBtlrrlsqn:

by then or in their Vargasor i; the $rndhis or have

fewer pointo (in the Ashtak,r Varga) or when they
ocrupy the bad portions of a sign, or whan they are
cclipeedby thb Sun'srays or oveicomein planetary-far.
fhe positional strengthof jlanets will be better understood
by a referenceto Sripati's rules r.rnthe subject, Vidc Sripatipad-
dhati trft q&.Adhyayc IV-sl 8
gwr}cd-u-g€*ft r
d qqgR{ruttiq riloTt filEo{rftn:tg, nl\tl
Slola. 35. Mercury and Jupiterhave their fttcs'
Digbalaor Etrongquarter in the Eastor Lrgna. Venug
'North or 4th
and the Moon have it in the bhava,
Saturnhar it irfthe \il/est or ?th bhava; the Sun and
lvlarr in thc&uth or the l0th bhava.
c/. lriry<
1 gftqt l{ftorrkeft cc:qo$I q fttotrt r
iriti<tr' g*nr*il g dr Rrm<crr& rrlmq u
Also ilnc-Sr
cfi qtq$ eEr€rs* .fih qt rrrrnt
Also {Iq'lffil, Ailhyayplll, sl. I and 8.

nUqrqr*wr:qffiffin: r
fteftrurqqr: g{rs$wgs: {il isroilft{urftt'QQ
Sloho, 36. Th: Moon, Srturn and Mrrs have
rrcreKalabala or temporal streirgthat night; the reet
during the day. Eachplanet is strong in his hour, day,
month and year. The benaficanJ malefic plan:ts have
Itr€ngth in the bright and dark hrlv:s of tha monrh res.
pectively. Mercury is always stroog.
68 ltftqfiqrf Adh. II

cf, tqqrar
ffir nQrglsln: e*qr irsfu qrF>r
rgofutaar: q: gft.lr: **ur r
rrmAcs€tromd' {r€4irq.
The reader will see that the author has referred to six of the
sub-divisions of Kalabala (nn"as; in this sloka, Vit, (l)Natonnata.
bala (rfur*o), (2) Pakshabala (qqqo), (l) Varshapabala (dcru)
(+) Masapabala (qr€qc-€), (5) Dinapalula (kqq-qa), (6) Horapabala
(trfi-{-d) a/. Sripatipaddhati (4rqhcqft'\, ldhyaya-I I I, Slohas{,-li.
Alsp af. mFrd
*qrffiifrsfr Rq sat mtag*cr ftfu
irrcrcqiretcrq {fsn: *}rrr, fuiselfth r
*nqamqqhqf k({RrtrfGqrfu{r
f*qruHqtqitwfttorlisnut{rrfufl' r
twfq {6rFfi: qfruwrqrdg+rtnrjrrlun
Sloha 37.' Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn,when in their retrograda
motionor in conjunction
with the Moon,are consid:redto bevictorious(in plaoe,
tary war. The Sun and the Moon are strong in the
Uttarayanaor Northern course. The motionaletrength
of the planatstak:n in regularorder from Mars is addi,
, tive in the; northern course. $aturn, Mar8, Mercwy,
Jupiter,Venus.the Moon and the Sunris: eucceosively
in natural strength (,pfftw-Nairargikabila) -
'cl. tn<r+fi
tr.fi ciqit ffiqqaq: tq@ 16r:
q+q g"entor Eftr+ qdcicnre rr
ffi{qq{ cr$: gu!,qr*rFt&0i qfua: r
cr't ctft{itg* r}sft qrRrs'eT|ten rr
gl 98 ftCr{lsrcc: 69

Atso ttqnrq
Eqqsltftfiffi{$ Eraqmmr: qftttqr: I
' ftgan.{r ge ftr€rcqrifua{rtgrn: cRoac{r:I
The wordss{{+ts.t in the toxt have been used in a purely
technical way, the meaningbeing "when in conjunctionwith tho
[foon" ,.f. "{m'rqfi:7.1q dim: qffq gE, qAot fttil qqqt {Fltfi-
grfu 4q:n (ctq-€:)
cf. 6ffi Adhlaya.Ill.ls & 16.
Also {rg{nrqflqr
c* dt ffi ftqt isr.RatrscrTtsfr n
For details regarding tbe effects the several kinds of
balas, please refer to Saravali (qra+tfi)Jal. 7. Slokas'28'46.'

ftrffiqnPfiffiqqqfolft r
gqdtfrrgfrgtoffi eift mqFilqtRI:rr16 rl
Stc&o.38. Professorsof Astrology say that the
cix kinde of strength (w.co'Slradbala) takeninthe follow'
iog order namely $ca'Dri-bala (strength of aspect),
grrccst thanabala (posi t i onal st rength), Mlq-N i saraga'
bala (natural strdngth), tsrr€Cheshtabala (motional
strength), Qrro-Digbala (directional istrength), Fr€ntq'
Kalabrla(temporal$trength)have varietiesindicatedby
the numbere1, 5, 1, 5, l, 7.
Here the author wants to mention the number of lsub'6itt'
sions of the several kinds of balas, oil',
(t) origbata (rrqo) is by itself one;
. (2) Stthanabala (smqo) consists of 5 sub'divisions, viz; (i)
Uchcbahh (vrao) (ii) Sapthavargajabala(sr*ird{o) (iii) Yugma-
yugmrbrta (gngrqlr) (iv) Kendradibrta(tqiitro) an{ (v) Drek'
kanabala 11t6qqo)
(l) Nisatgabala(htfso)is by itself oneandhasno sub-division.
(+) CUesUtabalaiiero) is said to eonsistof 5 sub-divisiogs;
rbst theseare, it is not exactly known. [i Vakra (rt), ii Saoagaoa
(tcrtrc), iii lUdagayanabala (s<tmi{d) iv Ayanabala (cw{u),
pnd v Yuddhabala(gsso)l ,Vidc Slohrsl6t to 18,llh1ayc IU cf
(5) Disbala (f?so) is by itself one.
(e) Katabata(mo,ra) is composedof (i) Natonnatabala({iltlrilro)
li il Patstabala (q{lo r (i ii) Di narathri th r i bhagabala(kq<rFftect'rso)
i(iv) Varshapabala(qfqqo),(.') Masapabala(rneq*a), (v i) Di napabala
(R-<qs-o) and (vii Horapabala (troqso),

F€qwdTrflq0fit{n qqGftitqqEot&t'.r
.hhure*rr{t {ilqrt qaifAg,frf}qt q:6n u Q1tt
. Sioha 39. 60th partsand 360thprrts (of a Rupa)
foined to cercainRupasor whole numbererepresentthe
shadbalas of planets.as following the strength of thek
position;in the signs Makara eto (w.rmu'Ayanabda).
The otrengthof planets is full, tlrree'quarlcn or half
pecordingto the varying intensity of the fcrcesmaking
up tte aggregate of lqro'Shadbala
il{ftq'd qts(tdqqt, gnq qrrffieq{ r
'qt€g{e qd qi}.i, Stutft' qftq{6qfr*q1!o ll
$loka. 40. The Sun and Jupiter have-6ff Rupro
cach ; Venus has5* Rupas; 7 areassignedto Mercury;
the Moon gets6 ; Saturnand Mars have 5 Rupar ar
their. qlrao Purnabala
c/. q-d{tTrdl
qdh q {rqltt't ed<rq si{til sa^qs ?gamq3 |
asgqft q$€ ffqfft csrq ft* qd sn( u
tq<g cta A @ t*q qqrcrqrs;rwq' i
qs ,TEIqisqd aorh fih;er wtq oulr*vift rt
ffiaqq:trThffir t
,aF r ({fi TiliPddFqqr{r lrq q|trrft lr 8t fl
9.112.t5 'itln;: ?l
Slgha. 41. Planetsare mutually friendly for .thd
time being when they occupy the Znd and the l2th, thc
3rd and the llth, or the 4th and the l0th plaoes;[rom
one another. They are iuimical if they occupy other
This sloka gives only the atqt&r frientlship of planets Cne
to tlreir occupyingcorlain houses.
c/. ttrgtms{Rr
l0 3lr4Ztz
r!/iilFrr{b;sr:(g: glfi r*,m: q fuuqrcqqi&pr. qq1.;
ft t7 E e 5 6
' : qrirqqrgq u{ g*qqrftrrr*
ftcc} hqur: n
S*q* rrrte: *Fqgrt *nffirrrri lr* ft r
sil lrrrtqqr eTrq{-d, a*thir,{i A&rorq,,
Rrtft rtnJt$q$iqlqr: tgs RnrqTnftrql wnifs
qqat lqi Rqar'{siiiqql geHrqRmfters r!: n8Rtl
qrrq frrriir rftgffqrrant Rg:gsqrqtwrqt r
wtgtcrilggqlgqe qqr,rdfcirqnirFrrf.g,,,rl,t
qfr1qq1'gTfit dr sT fril* rRqr{qrr: I
fri ffidl WffEqQfuarq{qtqcqlqqrf,n uBfl
q;qq^uil?g$cil{{Tr: {q: duq' WElfti;gil r
msrailffiTffi {qqr gr; {serqrt.*Rftrtrq=,ilB\fl
,Sloht. 42 The Sun'sfriendgareMare, the Moon
and Jupiter'venue andsaturnarehrsenemiee. Mercury
is neutraltowardshim. The Moon's friendeare the
$un and Mercury. Jupiter,Man, Venus.na Ut*rrr.r.
Sloho. 41. Mars' friendrarethegun, the Moon,
aod Jupiter. Mercury ic hio en€oy. Venucandgaorn
areDeutralsto him. Tbe $unand venuaarefriendr'of
n r]isqlfrrfr Adb.rt
Mercury, Saturn,Jupiter and Mars are his neuffalsr
and the Moon is his enemy.
Sloha. 44. The Sun,Mars and thc Mo,rn arc the
friendsof Jupiter.His enemiesate VenusandMercury;
'Saturnis neutralto him. Saturnand Mercury are the
friends of Venus. His enemiesare the Su:r and the
Moon. Jupiterand Mars arehis neutrals,
Sloha. 45. The enemiesof Saturnare the Sun,the
,\{oon andMars,Jupiter is neutralcowardshim. Venua
and Mercury are his friends. The planetEare to L^-
deemedexceedinglyfriendly or irtimical by their being
friendly or inimical both naturally rind for the time
being. Thus planet'aredividedinto 5 clag;gg,vi;, (l)
ftr-Mithra, (2) srF{ft*-Adhimithra, r3) rg-Sathru,
(4) dft{tg- Adhisatlrru and (s) qq- Sama.
In order to tinil out the naturirl friendship or otherrvrseof
planets with respect fo any ,rne of the'rest, the following
by ;i€[;rP{ -satyacharyai Vh.,
gencral rule is laid cl<.ru'n
gtrqtkdlurqT{rtqs ttrdi e'atsq}Fnrq'f I
sfi Aq+ rril dt* q wqe( cl itqr: n
Planets are friendly to any given planet when they happen t<l
own the 5th, l2th, 2^d, lth,8th, anrl llth housescountedfrom the
planet's Moolatrikona Rasi, or when they happen tql o'wn the
plenet's exaltation Rasi. The rest :rre his enemies.
Place the planet in its ]Vloolatrikonairnd mark the 2nd, l?tlt'
sth, 9th, the planet's exaltation Rasi, the 8th and the lOth. Planets
twice invited become friendsl pli.nets-,once invited beconre
acquaintances and planets that are uninvited become enemies.flut
the Sun and the Moon become friends on a single invitatiorr (as
each owns only a single sign in the Zodiac).
The Sun invites Mars twice, Jupiter twice, the Moon once and
Mircury once. Venus and Saturn are uninvited. Therefore Mars,
$[ re-rl |lit{}sqiq: ?s
Jupiter, and the Moon are thc friends of the Sun,and Mercuryhis
acquaintanco. Venus and Saturn are his enemies. Similady it
tho case of other planets. c/. g(sftiT.tr
veit ggqfu*torqsir{ Fm(Frncn*tdcr:
tiwg:$nqr: reoapnqwtHr}qr&R il
But Yavaneswara holds the following view:
' riftffiscqr.i gfr€ Srt qRW st r
crrttatt qnf{rFRrr<*geSg6q: ftbr: rr
' Ttrreqgp: trftrqrq flq* E:fi{* tcgr s f}qnt r
I *rrr ftnruq;fugqnt: trvq fiqffi qortrr ilrtl tl
Only some authorities hold the above vierv and not all, sgyg
a/. 1qw6a
firs?*cg$ est:gffidi -rr+tftSqr: lFrtr-
ffi Rgr*;6na g6q: H'Rti cnqn
For frieuds of Rah'u antl Ketrr, the following is stated in
€qt{fuilcfu :-Sarwartthachinthaman i:
rr*rg ftrrF qdkrfrqr: *ffiare qqF( w{r: tl
afr' gF* i{ftfrrflr qA,$M iI qqtftqr{: I
Wruqttg€aq*qtiRg,ffi: ll Bqrl
Sloka. 46. If there is friendlinese both naturally
and temporarily on the part of a planet, he is a great
friend. Those that are enemiesboth ways are deadly
foes i'rvariably. That planetis but a friend which hag
the characterof being {riendly and neutral from the two
points of view, while the one which haa the character
of being neutraland inmical is an enemy. A planet
that is inimical in the one caseand friendly in the other
ie to be taken as neutral.
qft: fos qftmlx: Rr![il:Uq{qgil€ ftq, I
qg:ffiqgfratgqqlt, gilFr:qftfrffi' tpsl
11 ucxrfuil Adr. II

Eloha, 47. Sageseaythat the Sunis steadfast; the #

Moon'is wandering (unsteady);Mars is violent; Mer'
cury hasa mixture of diversequalities;Jupiterie gentle;
Venus iu light or easyand Saturnis harsh.
ffirarft{qsy5qQqql:q' ll 8z ll
Sluho.48. In the case of moveable,immoveable
anddualeigns,planetsoccupvingreEpectivelythe llth'
gth and the Tth housesfrom them or their lords will
_proycexcecdinglytroublesomeplanetsif they happento
own at thc sametime the housesoccupiedby the lord
of Khara(nrlor Mandi (qrFn).
Ititlc inhu Adhyaya ,\VIII sl.30. F'rr:(qq) Khara,Vide Y-56infr,l,

wffi il{lllqfie-qrnffiAqff<iq

wi t{nrqEqnftRgarehqnqgnr
tt uq tl
Slcfrrr, 4lt. A pereonought to divine abouthii
own selfrfather, influeur:e,hcalth, Vigourand fortune
from the Sun. It is thc Moon that determinesthe
c:haracter'ofone's heart, understanding,royal favour,
mothcrand affluence. It is through Mars that a person
c.rn ascertainhis own rcourage,disease,characteriotic
qralities, younger brother, lande, foes and blood-
(parternal)relations. It is Mercury that:influences
learning,relativesin general, dircriminationr maternal
uncte,friends,speechand action.
q{rRttrftge(qrffitfr qF{i'fir(
rftqnn$qrlt qqn€qrqnfi<d qrfr,I
$[. t0,52 fr?frsrqrq: 16

qrgdkTE(ItnorRqii{ilEmr rtfr:
fiil{ ftilHii g ftrR*rrqrilFdAte\ lt\oll
S:oha. 5q. One ought to conjectureabout one'E
own genius,wealth, physicrl devalopm:nt,'sots anf
knowledgeby referringto Jupiter. informrtion regardi:rg
otle'8 wife, vehicles, ornaments, love a{fairs and
pleaoures ir to bEooughtthrough Venrts' It is $atq1n
ihat oettlesa p:rson'e period of life. liveli[cod, thg
causeof death, hie advereity and prosperity' One
oughtto guessaboutone'spaternalgrandfatherthrough
Rahuandaboutthe maternalgrandfathertbrough-Ketu'
WRaeaqflqrd* rtt!f!!x: I
ft{stRRisql dqwt{il:
g(geRi|qg:iffisfi: qH-oqT( ll \t ll
Sloho. 51, The Karakasof the Bhavasbeginning
with the Lrgna or the rising sign are (1) The Sutt
('l) Jupiter (l) Mars (a) Thc Moon and Mercurv (6) Ju'-
piter (6) Saturnand Mars (?) Venus (8) Srturn (9) The
Son Jupitar (t0) Jupiter,th: Sun, Mercury'and
Saturn(tl) Jupitarand (12) Saturn.
cf , qloP
qfi $: ge: Crdtgtfiw: fta: tFt: t
q5rqe{gfr fi-{1ffEav rlr4stcot: ll

tTilErI$:rtRftfu<,qr( ll\Rll
S/ota. 52. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter when
they occupyrespectivelythe 7th.,the 4ch and the 5ch
houserfrom the Lagnaale indced .harmfulln all horo'
,r0 rrffiffr Adb'II
t YYYruvvY YYv:vwYUviYYYYUYvv
rtt:YvrutvYY rYY

gives in'
tcopet. Saturn in the Bth housefrorn the ['tg*
pariablY what ia agreeable-,
in his mo{if{ril
The harmful yogas as given by Manthreswara
are as follow:
clt q,it:66qfqgrrri irt *s: quei tsrF{t t
6tt g""-,ti {IJq: iFqirreqftrFtcga? rt
mfilrfi qqrqtt, ffiIrraqr!ilq[Rsst{'
ffi, q#tffRlqi f{*q't' qIGrtIqtHFI; ll \1 ll
as wine'.of a
b"dy;. ;hck'red in mien, of eyes bright
torr"lywith his linited quanriryof hair,
;ifi;; ne^3ure,
,i. Sunconsisrschieflyof the quality of
cl' fl(qdl
t-g,fr cgfttrqrtaqi: {t: saoc: Rn: t
t q€r{.
rfiqrragffirgaaru: ffirrsTt
rrrdtragc+: Egir'{:*rgrmrer rft: tt

dqIGnAqe{rFlH gtqq{rail(fu$t' I
qffifrqriil { gqsqr ail-( ll\B l
dF {qtwggqfiq:
Stoha. 64, The Moon has phlegmatrdwind in
his compogition,and is given to rambling' Hit
i, ,oflie is discrimioating.He hasfine eyec;his
are firm and exceedinglylovely. He is always sensible,
with a figure slim, but round'
,/. ff{Kal
drq: rrrtffi ngrarrftt' 6ar* gr
' fig: qpffilme3 cri €6i qrft{r: t
qrtql-r*mrtc6:&c€(+ t*6'€rfr gfr rr'
1g{rg rerUtsftgtra: IFreRTf{cl: ll
sf. 6g+c fttjts;rnr: 77

urq?adgorftg trtt$rtrt:tt \\ tl
Sloka. 55. Mars has fierce eyel, a youthful
appearance and generouEdisposition. I{e has bile in
his composition; he is exceedingly fickle. fle har a
slenderwaisr His limbs are fine andof a reddishhuc.
He is energeticand luetful; and his tendencieeare to,
wards the quality of Thamaslcrg) or darkness.
,' cf. wa*dt
, trs: fuootsrit aag{f.eif}anri}amif
qqf€firrwrmn:qgir: qtar rtem-*rqt
f gt$F s efi rlnet'rr : fttncs6q€-
{os: qclt+t ftera${ro: tcuirr:.6a: I
tfiTl{{grdGl: ($Fr{ !5ttTf:
etm twtgE{ilrqftilqefo.
uftffr RfdtQtmn,rfruriqr
{Gl:rdlqftfm:ufrtqt RrfE ll itQ ll
Sloha. 56. Mercury has a persongreen at the
bladeof Durva or panicg(ass. He hasa distinct arti,
culation. He is spareaod thin, He is thQsovereignof
thoaewho are endowed with the quality of ruq.R.x;1g
or passion.He is exceedinglyfond of fun. He delightc
in danage. He hasplenty of bile, phlegm and wind
in hic compoeition; he haea weahh of ready e$et111
and is a 8age.
r/. ercr+dl
ilur<rtqileill* r1g€rqctEoe{rs o-
rqwrtsfffift+: Egqqr: t*cfrfrveirr r
t8 s!*clftlte Adb.II

$r wnrsn<rq Sftgf. g<: ffi<e:

c*qrguftf* iqa*: vrqrrtarcIt gq: ll
i {Iso!rytsi('q*il€rhwtt r
Efrstltuqt{: tnfrtqintq {qrt
qogEqRRa, {qir t{r.rt 11\u ll
slokn. ,7 Jupiterpossesu?s a big'beliied body ;
hir colouris yellow. FIeis of a phlegmatic temperament
He poosesses all virtues; is endowedwith'an aPtitude
for every gcience. His eyes and hair are brown. He
por0esse8 the quality of goodnessor purity.' He ic
erceedingly intelligent. His p:rlon is graced with
marksof royalty not to be despised.
a/. armsr
tqfitrodtct g ittrt : ft€rrotrE: ftrrt :
Q(irfttr:g?tgqoraareg {tiftdtqo: t
rd tr&dt f+s?ilAgdredr{ara: {*
qrdleirsrsssrcq*tSfu :cqrit 1t: tt

{rqilftfttrg' s}rqeqsrq{ffs'1
qRqffisq.rilTrsnr: qtfdqn'
lfqq6{fgqrrdfiFfi(a{Klg{: ll \d ll
S,ofta. 68. Venrlghas black curled hair. He ic
dfrt'hrown and handsom:.His linbs ar: very stnrn3!,
rieal end lovely :He hassefteyes
and an amorou$dic'
position. He has much wind and phlegmin hic compo.
sition and is endowed with Rajas(twq) or the quality
of paroion. He haean amplitude of grace,ease,vigour
and all kinds of excellence.
,/. sr<rcd
qrtft&gq: EqEq": ga;rltt: +rffrrq
. Scqrgrr?anqqcotkrQgitq{qvlqrqq; 1
ilfr smqsr{d'tsRgrrrtFsqflrqitarw
*orqrdqftqlftqgPraa: qg@w: Rre:n
ilAFqiqn"€: iftttflr Fiftrcrr' $$qltilflt I
ffiq{relqliqs& dfMrg8dtftoq,Rn(ll \q lt
Sloks. 59. Saturrihaestiff hairand limbs; he ir
tean. FIis body is dark asDurva grass. His compoci'
tion has phlegmand wind in it. He has large teeth
and eyeoof a fine reddishhrrown.He is intent on dark
designsand disposedto inactivity.
cf anl+dr
ftfr hraEslsi: ${aT{tt: frrtdsqs:
EsIrF:qqartcrmftgns cnarrir A'iur:t
q* : qga,t&;il :ft c fan'rcrFr,1ffi
ti* diqcir wnftqa. ?Ftonnitrrrwft: n
si[01q;q:qftrr rfige, $'Aqd* gwnfrffi<: r
fttr gfr gtqF{EI![s,gQaqq, €g {sqt rcil 8o
Sloha. 60. In planetary war, Saturn is over-
poweredby the $un ; Mars by Saturn Jupiterby Maru;
the Moon by Jupiter; Venus by the Moon; Mercury
by Venus; and the Moon by Mercury.
Rae q& r
tt qt tl
l{rt Rqq0r{irnaqar{
S/oA.l. 61, The Sun is invariably Ettoog,in the
following poeitiono:-his exalcrtion, bio own horer.hii
80 di$ffirt Adh.Ir

Drckkana,his Hora, hie weekday, his Navamsa,hie

northernpessage, the middle of day, the time of his
enteringa eign, the initial portion of the Navamsa of a
friendly ptanet,and the tenth house.
qE(,sftilar.ffi ltqffirsrq*{{*
<nq-igffiUq ftfrr ge qrrqrqtqld{q r
rd: tffi qR rdt q{e qFr Rqr
ll qRll
s+aitr{qileilq$* Wuqti ?lunq.
Stohtt. 62. Thc Moon hae strength in Cancer,
Ttutur, his weekday, his Drekkana,;his Hora, his
Navamsa,the end of a sign; when aspected, by benefic
planetss' at night; in the 4th houae; in hie passageto
the south of the Equator. The Moon with all the digits
completeio otrong ir: all poeitions except the Riksha
Sendhis(d. e. the last quarters of Aslesha,Jyeshtaand
Revati). The samewhen aspectedby all the planets
bring to mena royal destiny
qm €irRaqqmsqM{il
q* q qTsqfrRr
qrf $drm+ q g€ qKrRll Ql n
S|rla. 63. Mars hat abundant otrength in his
own weekdry,in his Navamea,in hie Drekkana,in the
rigns Meena,Vriechika, Kumbha, Makara and Meeha,
during night time, in his retrograde movements,when
he is in the southern quarter, and also in the intial
portion of a sign. He gives prooperity when he is in
tbc 10th hotrrc from the Lagnaand also when he is in
tl. crtc {hfltrm{: ct
riltqTfrr{f ffi
q|t Rn qftqrm3rg: r
ffiqrq{rtfr qfrT{e
uil qr qq zdfofcc (I( tl 18 tt
Sloka. 64. .Mercury is oighty in Kanya and
Mithuoa, in his weekday,in his owo Varga,in Dhanus,
shen witbout the Sun,b! day as well aeby night' in
hir northern pasEage (that portion of thc ecliptic whicll
lies to the north of the Equator)and in the middle of a
rign. He invariably promotecfame,strengthand pros'
prity if he be in the rising oign.

qs{Gffi qR qrRrqQt
tt q atqrqffrqd stq]
, uil gt q qirt rgRr(: qr( ll q\ ll
Sloka. 65. Jupiter ie powerful in Meena, Vrie'
,chika,Dhanusand Kataka,in his owu Vargaandlweek'
day,at mid.day, in his passageto the north of the
Equtor, in the middleof a sign, in Ktrmbha,as algoin
hil depreasion'aign. He gives much wealth when
lo the rising sign, in the fourth ac wcll as in the l0th
housefrom the Lagna.
ilgqqtgwt a$ qn} t
gr}f,rq gqfrqR frll' qr( ll qq ll
Sl..rla. 66. Venuo is aucpiciousin his exaltation
rignr io hio Vargar in hio weekday, when in the niddle
8Sl ftTq|ft|t Ad[r.tI

of a sign, in the 6th, t2th, 3rd and the 4th houseE

the lagna, in the afternoon,in his conjunctionwith
the Moon, in his retrograde motion and when he is h
advanceof the $un.
qqqfnqw*qd u,q*
qtr{nql Rqgquftt $nqq I
qt U{q wt qR Eqtrrt
qh w€qE*g 5vrfrq: enq ll qe ll
Sloha. 67, Saturn is predominant in Thula,
Makara, Kumbha, in the 7th houre from the Lagna, in
hio paesage to the south of the Equator, io hie own
Drekkana,weekdayand Daca,in the concludingportion
of a sign,in planetarywsrr in the dark half of a month,
and in all the twelve signr when retrograde.
But according to Garga, Saturn in Tula, l)hanus or Moena
idcntical with the Lagna is capable of conferring royalty on the
native; for he says.
qortqc<#<1r1ionts: rfrrr: t:
aitft {cfr cncrqwdt rr{(Fq tl

Urt q w{rgcrfrq:qR(|
|5;qrdff{'lqrilqQ ftnqF
sqra*gqql q ffi ret cq flq4ll
SloAa. 68. In Merha, Vrischika, Kumbha,Kanya
Vrishabha, Kataka, and in the l0th house from the
Lagna,lahu has otrength. Ketu dominates over the
concluding portion of Kanya, Vrisbabha, Dhanus, the'a
night.time generally and over a birth occurring at
period of any striking phenomenonsuch aB an eclipoe.
sl. 69-72 fiftftsrn{: 83

ftertru{er?{iltt q&ntrfrftqot{rFe t
uh qltg({rttg r {Ir{gfif{nnfilqi}ettEqtt
Sloha. 69. Those plan:ts which pcose$s the
str€ogth dcscrib:d al:ovcb?com: rrtuvriling whztr ch-:y
rrrt'bhrva or
t"ppi to b: in the initial prrticn of a
hrus. ae ascertainedby rrrltgir'bhavr sphutr (correct
culations). Accordingly, none of the effects alrcady
yogas and
deecribed in so far ae they relate to Bhrv.rs,
the various fortunes of a p:rson's tif': can be.exp:cce..l
to hold good in this case.
N . B . T h i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o ri rs o n l 1 't r r n t a t i v eV ' S '
qqlutlrffirq tirgftm ril: t
$€ilt{s ll eo ll
q{iltf€ilr qrr}etfr:1g:
Slofra' ?0. Planetsin the six signsbaforethe Sun
arecalledProne: Th:se in th: six behindthe $un are
sufinc and are productiveof happiness and wealth'
firrrr{{rrd{ilr:nlor w<rttrqr*Reilr|;il' t
ts ll sl ll
ilflqqsirnt'rqdltt{ agtdl{oss{flt
Stoha. ?1. Satu(n,Jupiter,Mtrs, the$un, Venuc'
Mercury and the Moon are the planets adranged- sari'
atirn a*ording to the lengthof the time they abidein
the zodiacal .igo.. Rahu wh rse position is at the
topoost point of the Errth'e orbit (ascendingnode)has
prldooiniting strengthwhen he occupies posicion'
felow the planeteabove'oentionedr' e' when he is ba
fore or to the eastof them
(Tbis nreaning is only tontative')

{qrgfr[,{firq{gt q€'gt-qftgilt$tt I
W,-wi (Rq'sel trdrdfritqor*{rA iletil'
84 rratqftnrd Adb" It

Sltha.7r. The Moon in conjunctionwith the Sun,.

Mercury in the 4th housefrom the Lagna Jupiter iri '
the 5th, Mars in thc 2nd, Venus in the 6th, andSaturn
in the ?th becomebarren of effect,
, Saturn is said to have his full (Greo)Digbata in the 7th house,
Vidc sloha35 sapra, It is thereforedifficult to reconcile with
the abovethe statementnradein this slolia that he becomesDarren
of effect when in the 7th house.
\. \ \ \
(Ilfilq ${t a;ngmt(I lFl{r, I
Tqrsri$rq'r aFeqgofrflr4ffifu: ll el tt
{qril trq;rl q {oodtrqg r(fi: r
ffitfi die{rflatrql(tilq+rreB ll
SloA:rs?3,?4.Mercury (whenin strength)cancoun,
teract the evil causedby Rahu. Saturn t'in a similar
poaition)cancounteractthe evil influencesof the former
two combined;Mars (when in a posicionof advantage)
can remove the" evil .causedby the three foregoing
ptanetsput together. Venushas power to nullify the
evil caugedby thesefour. Jupiter can destroy thd evil
worked by the previousfive. The Moon can obviate
the malefic influence of the six preceding. The Sun
can renove the evil effects of the foregoing 8eveo.
This he doeemore effectuallywhen he is in his north'
ward course
ilrAFlffffi{iF{, qifr frqaq{t R{ttt' ll s\ tt
S/o&4. 76 The Sun (when malefic) invariably
producesmentalincompetencettrrough the instrument-
a[ity of the gervrntsof a king, of Gods andof Brahming-
iri aggravationof suchailments aE an aching head, rag.
ing fever, wasting consumptionand'dysentery.
ill. 76119 flGQsraq: 8e

q|qqirrdAr{rfrdl qlt{rR(qqtfilqf ' t

trlturg€{tMqM q $d ![ Tfrtn' ll sq ll
Stoha. 76. The Moon ( when malefic) cauFt
trouble by m:ans of diaeaseegenerallybrought on by
venereal indulgence,such as pallor, cahrrh' :iaundice
and iiflamnrtion of tbe nose, and alsowith the aid of
oumerouofemalegoblinsand demonesser
(tldqrqqq${{ffqw{qqrtlstqi' r
+raq,,Mti-CftSftqtg of qqKil:ll es ll
fearby a swellingof the scrotumphlegm'weapono' fire;
til; tumours,boils arr1 suchdisea'e'asareborn of
l;Jig;r."; and also through the instrumentalityof
Siur"theroichostsandthe terrific formsof that deity.

$ffi rled ll
St.ha ?8. M;rcury (when male{/'r)rporhr much
o{ the privities andthe stomach,by bri'ging on
iiJig.rrion, colic, diarrhoeaaddotherdiseases; ald alro
throirghthe inetrum;nt;lify cf spirirs, the devoted ser,
*r.otrlf Vishnu of whom the leaderis called Budha

fiqrfrEg€t{grilq$' d+ q ga{€qfrrrrua'-u'tfil
iiiniiuhlmo,grir €sf'rrrqrde&'rq61*',
Sloko 7',, Jupiter (when malefic) cauees Eorro\rr
by preceP'
due to the evil effectsof maledictionsuttered
tors, Gods,Parent.iand such other venerablepeopleand
, Btahqinr, as well as the diseageof the eple:n
Veaus producee'perilthrough euchcauseEas drlnk
aod Ciabeteoarising from the diseasesof the beloved
wo6en associated with a result induc:d by addiccion
to femalecendearedby exceeeive gallantry.

lf 6ilPdrRq'ea*ftnlt' r
€tqn{rugqil?qftr*9, tt c. ll
Sloha. 8). Saturnoccasionsdistress,by leading
!Q astswhich the evils of poverty breed by neansof
)iends and thievesag algoby diseasesaffectingthe jointc.
And Ketu causeathe affliction by ih: itch, by an
outbreak of enallpox, by o.rchinitions of en,:mieo,bv
direaseoin generalan3 by the instrum:ntalityoflow
outcast hordeo,
qitsqrqn{(Rr6gu*uft}eiWr{{t: I
$ii}r' ftggtqrR{t tttqrr(|lct rl
.S/bfr.1.81. Rahu 'causeEgraat fear to m:n by
nidhd of epilepay,smallpox,halter,flies,worms,ghosto,
fi€rldolandgoblino'; also by leadingto suicidesbyhang-
ingl:6..*Use of disoaseeicsulting in want of app:tite'
and lcproey.
'flqw6q{rfiq{rdr n*rn-
aKGI(t:(t-i[ffFr$qEi${(;RtI( ll cR,lt
-Sloft.i.,i31.- 'Tlie planets-sh-rwn'inthe following
three prira-the $urr'and- Mare,'€atrlrh' an.l thl"\dorrl,
Sl. 8g{,1 ififtrm: 8?

Jupiter and Venuc.--respectively producq etfect whan

they are in the beginning, the end and the rniddleof a
cign. Mdrcuty produceg effectat all times
cf. ttqmq'
Rctithft nitc.rt gttgst qqis ctqqn\ t
rftgtnftr*r ftftfu{ft rrftraqq;qtK qf5rq n
Also qcFrc
qr* sund $rsr* cQ ftir{* r
elqr l: aqftf,-{tq{qrt qor* ll

inflqqrgqrdfrdrmes I
r{ qil'gtrq{rherdtil q: ll zl ll
Sloha. 83. Wheneverdieeaees arecausedby irri'
tation of particular constituents of the body, people
should,in view to allay all suchdiseaoec, propitiate the
lord of the irritated constituentsin quectioorby ocano
of prayere,tibationsof water, oblations (thrown in the
fire) and by liberal gifte. When their minds are'and by
thesemeansfreed fiom apprehenrionsof diseare
sorrowr they will becomeporreroedof health, happinerc
hme and otrength.
rrorgntsq t5nq !d €ir{ {Frq$Snts t
frsut"fsqil: tti rg,{tqqh1:gak fl{rt ll 4u ll
Sloha. 84. In an odd sign,accordiogto the nun'
advanced,a planetis caidto be in infancy'
ber of degreea
in boyhood, in adoleecence, in advancedage and in
c*lrcnis, But in an eveneign, theeeceveral divirionr
bave to be againmaderegularlyin the reverseorder'
'50 'Adh. ll

cf. ttrl cttoli rtarqsamutft c{ts{n{tcq
rrd tgt (6) ft€f ctg|tt$ Tfft fr $il r3: | "t
qTcrq n
Id: ffqcsm: cct ltorqqqr tfuir
n* g.ft*rdift garr{ ${R} qrri c tgrq t
qqitsqlq: st r {t'qrot qlrq: n
l3r qci
states or conditions
ln somcof .the astrological works' these
nature of the Rasi occupiod
of a planet are describedas du" to the
in a state of infancy whcn
by it ; thus, a planet is Bala'qr€i or
subdividethis condi'
it is placedin the houseof a friend-some
It is in a stateof Kumara'
,il il AaiiU"t"'ffiuto and Bala'{ro'
'vhen in its own house (or in a Trikona Rasi ac'
iFrIKor boyhood or a state of sdole'
cording to some).It is said to be in Yuvan'$fi
or Ucha Rasi'sta{€r; some
scencewhen it o""ont"' " irikona'Fr*m
and call thern Yuva'lfilt
recognisetheseas two distinct conditions
and RaJa'tr<trespectively
n-' and so on' Seperateeffects.are
;JJ to eachof tt conditionsand aredeclaredto be felt dur'
"r" planet concerned' cf'
ilt in" u"* perio{ of the
qftrro: €qk{fr rt* tegqt fue: t
glrt ta< n
!ilm: aFIfQI: srsftrdit
srsrflrdt rrtrr rgg: {t$f fure: I
rrttt lt
{tt{rflftC?q€0 qftd rqrddt
, qqfftt(: t
rllt'! sgtrrstt{ g"ttq aa: tfitq' ll
qtnrl {aim @ Tfvt'
" lrrrrt<qn xfi qdts(trfi fttt rt
qftilaqnrdre ci lr{qas{: t
tllv(l g q{Ir6rs *lTQrF: nusffi tl
!!nf{? qllrfie hqrsudtrr: t
{tT{g' $rcte trfr lrrsrrqq: tt
Iqtvqtttrr0 cct* 3s66t: I
|gffuri T{otctft ftrlqq u
gL 66 ffiill{: 89

AIso qKl{cft I n
etrnri*etmi rgrttt lncfrlt t
qfffiF ilrdi i Scffr'qrc frfril: r
qwf *niterr{i grrrq: qdffa: f
rqhffir<i q rqr crr iliRil: u
ffi sUqi q {qn qrsrtQttt t
ffitsscstt|er s$qi g qrtr rret n
ctt: S* g{ft<r"q"ffiryr: t
fd{*dr qqil rqqq 1
g{ftnt: grcirdkr: s$ffif*lit sfo{: t
ftr$: gvftr: qn qfrr'q qrqth il
gcffififurig ir €{d: qrrmfrt-tt: gtrtt3 |
wqgr<efttar: ftrsr: teat: qcdfgr: ti

sqi'ritl{qtri q qFr€*i*qFt fr t
g(qEt{rftcd gfi etqrfuhmqll d\ ll
Slolc. 85. That portion of a'zodiacalcign'in which
a planet io in itg exaltationanCthat Navamsawhich iE
owned by it, they say, is its waking rtate. The Navam'
ra betongingto a friendly planet is its dreaoing Etate'
while itc sleep is that portion wherein it is ih its de'
preocionas also that which is owned by an eneoy.
6J:cmR-*trtrftt fuff.r q EecP{€rgrq tlrt I
RsrT& rl0n * 1 gqttil+q n
firnq sqdget cr*anrggRis'I3 | .
ftiqa: q{sr1 <ntrm1351{qnffi: il
srtrrfiqr q$r6ETsqier qrfr t
h!q,€rq(rua€{r tttsrTt gftqilc I
Bcside,s the teu Avastha's (qqgr:) or conditions described iu
slokas 16r-18strfra and the three ones mentioned iu the present
i.''ere are some rriore Avastbas (lt*eff:) wirich bave been
tscribe,l to the several planots due to their being placed iq'certain
90 Adh.ll
positions. An accurate knowledge of these app@rs to bo very
essential for making correct predictions. It has often been seen
that, in the case of 2 or more persoDsborn at one and the sanie
time (say in the same Lagla, in the same day, month and year),
the. phalas or effects are not at all similar but quite different.
This is mostly due to the entire change in their Avasthas (E{s-gr:)in
n'hich the ptanets are situated in these lioroscopes' !'or insl.ance,
.one ought to naturallj' expect Sarrthanavriddhi (rqrta?) if -a
'benefic planet (ga;6r)
occupies the 5th housean<l Puthrauasa if a
palefic one should occupy the same. But it is stated that beuefic
planets in tlre Cheshta (=)st)state in the Sayana (:f+q) and Nidra
Avasthas (fr4r w<vr) occupying the 5th house do moro harm tharr
good for progeuy, while malefics in the same positiori ancl in the
eame conditions are capable of .helping the Santhanavriddhi
(silIqER) of the native. As the several Avasthas (qcqrl:) of the
planets are thus seen to play a very iruportant part in moulding
tbe nature of their eflects cluring any birth, a detailed description
cf the sante here will not be cousidereclout of place.
rIEMisg.ftqr rrFrr:{tQlat rrGe: ga t
ft,il{Tt {qk{ fuE4t q rFrr-'g"rll
ofqdr .rftia*e gRrerfm<ur t
gqd: Sft{dia .1trn+' cffrfer:
gztgm; knr rrgkggftrRq t
Tfltffqs*$Ffr affinr qt qq q ll
g6{riqt} srsft ftr4ilir& rrftga: I
rftt* *sft rrRfrgFft: s'eftqt: n
flgitr {tggdt RS€* rrasft r
qqr ttqt ll
!fte: s s Atq: {dfgdr
norft Rra: ta: qlSqTsr<Alft'd: I
g{.lFr { $mfil qfr<: s irfliFt: lf
P{*rdt ftTgd f**sr qradftt: t
gaor sftiiit qtr gkd: q c*Rd: tr
rfor frfr qal qmt: T{cFdrAqr t
&fut t Mrqr€3qr qq *firn: n
9[ It ftOiltsrqrv: 0r
lg tS r urig qeffi qtqr I
gftrc: tr)fu8tqrsfts at g:slrrw: u
. t}or Aqd{ q*rl{g q&t: r
rorqddtq tnrsl: strtrqs n]
ffi s gqr gtu qt ilt rftgr: I
GOA asfitft: sr$ q cf,merqI
utenl Rq-frqq ftre€a&ecsl r
gfue: 8rfun tsft q atr g:<rrca: u
gmml qnqq vFrft rT.E q;r it I
gnat?ffrqhs qnksrA t.dqr r il$l
frfuetqfnrlc €si qq .rr trq I
Bqt es qrft ir s<tqr( itrtrqr: I
Six varieties have fortnerly treen declared,'lry Sarnbhu rgg:rrd'
ing tl,re.conditions of planets, vizi, (1) Lsjjitha'q8ilil ashamed or
abashed,(2) Gan'itba-rrfqa (hauglrty or conceitd)' (3) Kshudhitha'
gf+o (hunsrr), (4) Thrushitha-ufre (thirstv or Snedv), (5) Muditba'
gfm (pleaied or detightecl) and (o) Kshobhithn'trilm (agitate-tfor
(i) A planet is said to be in a Laiiltha'sGrfr condition when
it occupiesthe 5th botlsein coniunction with Rahu, Kctu, the Sun,
Saturn or Mars.
(ii) [t is saiJ to bc Garvitha {t{flaghen it is in its eraltation
psilion o* in its llloolatrhikona.
(iii) It is io a Kshudhitha-gF're state whcn it occypies an
inimical houseor is in conjunction witlt Siturn or an inlpical
by an inimical planpt'
trirlpnetor aspectecl
I (iv) If the plarict being in a rvatery'sign be at the sarne tinro
aspectedby'an inimical planet and una$pected lry benefic ones'
it is said to be in a Thrushitha Tt!il state.
(v) gut if it occupies a frien<l's house apd be in cgnjunction
with a friendly planet, or Jupiter or be aspectud by another ffiend'
ly planet, it is in a Muditha gfm condition'r
(ri) Lastty, its condition will be Kshobitha dfre when
it is eclipsed by the lun and has on it the aspect of malefics oq.
llrqt of an inimical Planot'.
,l |l|f||fiFTNU AOO. 11

Tra {rqtt rrtlrrq qhF6{r& $ntr' t

qtTqi . d gq, wt q* qsmcq[
ttqi q'tEttr q ffirxeiflaql
mle-gTq rr*i srnt c€ft<rrr u
qrrft ffi tn tqr$qsTr ,f?gqq g
Rr qer"rt*sr q rfuei: qfuRfh: u
ftze q.tE k*{ t sfttrtq I
Sfitr tli tr{?rt foq}qaq,,
srr{€ eqr@c cgr g}: r
rRqr q€ lrrlr tTt ili1ffi<Qitt rr
tnryfta'{trmlq gr: {rqqq\ I
qrcrqftottg*'!-*6c (Run da' il
r* q- irql t{ st $rrt{rt aqr r
g* et I tgrii g! dtFr ffiq n
gft eiqr: *qrrq n,i qqrr qrtr r
cIft e{cfi tq rlr qqtlgssq I
trt 6* s rlor WMi eR* *Qq,r i
ff{Er Rtsr q rFrdr gftErfi. tl
dt sq* it tsr* Rgti svq r
Fierqi qdr q sr+i rfutti fug: il
g{rg:,i lttruli q sfrqqnl relFranrI
lrerri f{fttq ?r<ift trqr gt, rr
There are twelve other conditions of planets which have qlso
to be speciallynoticed. They in their order are (l) S4yana{rFl
(lying down), (21Uwvesa Efr{r (sitting), (3)NethrapaniMI
(witb the hand on the 6ye), (a) PrakasanaTrfi?t-d(making brieht ot
irradiating) (5) Gamanechcharrqkz (desireto go), (6) Garrqaa.E{
(soiqs), (Z) SabnayamVasati tr|{tci {€fr (dweUiqg or. beiqg in gn
assembly), (8) esama sTrrrfr(cominb),(9) Sr{-d(eatiqs),(tO; t*ruEq-
tipsa:Wtrqr (desire to dance) (lt) Kauthut" *f+ (deliAl, jgvr
pleasure)and (12) Nidra fr{ (sleep).
To find the particular olirtrt1of any planet, tbe fo[o11ipg iq
tbc method to be adopted':-
ttl*srme 90

gicd tbe product of the folloring thrcc numbers:-

(l) The numler rqpresentingt\o order of thc plan.et (couqtpd
(e) tno-.
from the Sun whose Avastha'q{gl has to be found'
lumber representing the order of the Nakshatra"(countedfrotu
Aswini) in wbich the'planet is situated; and (3) thenumber
]egfppentipgthe actual degreein whicb the planet is at the time
Buderconsideration.To this product must be added the nuqber
tpdicatingthe order of.theperson's:Janma Nakshatra-wwF (Z) thc
Dunqbr represenlingthe order of the Jananalagna'wrrou
horq uesba) snd (3) the nusrber represeutiqg the ghatikal that
of birth. Divide the Ie-
lave elapsedsince suorise till the time
jult by 12. Thi, remainderwill indicate tbe order of the Avastha
rtit{n (corrntedfrom 6qa) of the planet'
Again, multiply the remainderaboveobtained by itself' To
:this add the number giveu in the marginally noted table ur:derthe
initial letter of the nameof the person concerned. Divide the re--
sult by 12. To the remainderadd the Kshepa'Sv, rihich is also
It ql appended in the margin, belooginq
t' lt c
t' _ to the planet, and divide this by..3.
tlll r !
The rtmainder will iudicate in
tft g ' which of tbe tbree-Drishti, Che-
T3C |t q sbta or Vicheshta-rt, iur, or ftiut
trtq ! ! conditions in' tbo Avaeth*'qgt
rIrq ( q already found, the planet act'qlly
is at the time'
tlf,q C f

188 4 5 Take for example the case of

tbe horoscope gived in the notes
Surfs Ksbpa ig t afirrM.
to 3ripathipaddhathi
Il[@a's ,, 2 is required to 6nd tbp,
Soooose it
Mq{s' ,, putti"ular Avast!4'rrvt of Jupi'
, Meqcury'g t, 1
r ter. The birth is stqted to be qt
Jupiter's ,, 5 t.tf a glrati&a before Sunrise or
Yg$+e's ,, 3 io the 60th ghatika from the pre-
Sqttru's ,, 3 vious Sunrise. l'he position of
,, 4
,BabB ;upiter is 8 signs, ldegree,.25
Kethu . ,, {
miootes, ! socoad. Jueiter is in
o4 {l5{rtrtil Adh. II

is the lgth
ii ttre sttr when counted from the sun. Moela-not
ftom Aswini'qttffil.

fherefore multiplying 5 x 19 x 2=190'

by the Janana'
1'o this must be added the number represented
t*gn.-._;; (which is ltfesha-lc in thisloroscope), the numbbr
(which is Sravana'tltlul
representing the Janmanakshatra":fafrfQF
ald the number representing the gha-
o,r 2211&fron Aswini'qfA*)
celt case)'
whicl" nreans that Jupiter's Avastlra'
we lrave 9 as the retuaintler
arirql at the tirne is Rhojana"fra-a'
of the native.begins
Again squaring 9, we get 8l' -Tlre -nanre
the number giveo fol that letter is l' So we
with the letter S and p remainder l0'
' this bv 12' there iR
;; 8l l I or 82. Dividing -
tlre Kshepa'qirof Jupiter'.viz' 5' T"',11 t-
t ;i; nrust be added
this is airllae{}v.3', thcre is a remainder 3
,U-"rii"t" fS' Wlren the Bbojana
J"i.*"s that Jrtpiter is in Vicheshta'Rlsl'in
planets are
thereinin whic\ lhP'serse?al
the sub'stateo, "ooiiton '
under reference:
iitt*a in the horoscope *

Actual position Nameof the The Sub'state

Planets in the Licliptic'
('*lwr) or condition
s. s.
"' Drishti (ED)
r{l-17-43-$ Kauth'uka (#gd)
'r ti t' tt
Moon 9-l+-29-39
ll-27==53-- 9 ." t'
Mars "
Mercury ll-24-13-44 " " "
8- t:25- I Bhojana (ftc-{) vicheshta (frist)
O-.l+"12-51 Itauthuka(AIgd) Che^shta(isr)
G-27-55-4fi "' " tt
Saturn " "
1r' '
For further detailssee Hora Ratna'
Sl.8e+z ftfrSs.qn: 95

ftfrqqqe,t{e, flsrd q,sEr

urq I
gd(qtl, qrsif qEIqlmttRr{r:ll cQ ll
Sloha. 86. A planet io a $irchodaya aign (Vidc
Adhyaya 1. Sloka. 14) yields fruit at the initial portion
of tht period of lite influenced by him: But .the same
planet .n a Prishtodayaiign doeeit at the final ttage.
But if he should be in a sign which hasboth the charac'
teristicr, he becomesfruitful at all times
r.f. rtv*rrc
gBmq*ar*qt<+ee}:e:lutg r*qr: n
Also rnFt:
rQn:gshrm t
q{ncfi cc} ftc;ql=* qffifu il
Also. frt<t+dt
qri q{rrg soq: qNqrrrfucRr* fttrr: t
sqAnt q q* €{r+{ gtH q *s! r
fiq{il*{qq(rcr.. qlilfiqlftqrt t
ll ds ll
dttfre: rfuuqmztqq
Sl;ho, 8?. By the specialfavor of the planets'the
diversity of their work, form and properties has
iet forth in the JatakaParijata which hac thereforE
.or. abuodantlyilluminatedwith the pith of
effectstreatedof in all astrologicalworks'
fi *qEq{urqr?qilt{fr$rt
qrdfiqfiMrtrcKquontqrfrftitqt tt
Thus endc the second adhyaya upon the
urd Properties of the Planen' i'n the work Tataka
[o'-."tnored bv Vaidyanathauder'the auspiceaof the
nine plane"'
r or'r-nrn*..r-"'-*

"-r"ii,.li{3;i r.'r3
Adh'yaya lll.
lflrrrror,o Btnrus, eto.
Out of the 80 slokas in this Adhyaya, 46 have beeu taken
from tsrihat Jataka,fiz-, Slokas l.:4,7-15,2l-25,38-40, +3'+1,
46.17,58,60-79. I :rr1 sr,(ry.,
The first l0 slokas of this clnpter deal with Viyonijantna
(REftq-rcl. The words Amsa (sfEr)and Ithag (rTr.I) llave been used
to imply Dwadasamsas (Aiilt) and not Nar-amsas as will
be scen by the wotd Dwirasa bhaga (l*(gr{rq) in the opening sloka.
The information contained in theseten slokas can Lre used with
advant4gcfgr horary purposes$when a thing is lost or an anirnal is
lost, or to enable tbe agriculturist and breeders of animals to
find 6rrt the best seos(rnfor cultivation or for breeding purlnses'
It can also be applie<tto:rn rJtdiuttry lioroscopetri see hos' ttluch
of anirnal uature the Jataki ("indf) has or to see if the horoscopc
irtdicates'hunranactivity or becr.rntesuselesslike inaninrate beings.
!'urther, it can be utilised for ascertaining if the native is
fortunate or not with respect to aniurals or cultivatiorl aDd if so
to what extent.

trd, grRti\frfrqftstr

. ?re{tsq qi6 frftfrts:'of

ut rr
SJo&n 1. If, at the time of the'birth any living
malefic planetc
creatureor of a query regarding it' thd'oner
are fouod to be ltrong anil the benefic weak, aod
$b 1. tffitsrqrq:

if I neutral planet (Saturn or Mercury) be in a
position or aspectthe rising sign' the astrologer may
L"hr" the birlh of a living being similar in form to that
, indicatedbv the Moon'e Dwadasamsaprovided this
tp.ra"tttr" b.longs to what is calleda ffifr (Viyoni)
rign (\[esha. Vrishaba, KatakarSimha,:Vrischika' first
, hatf of Dhanur, Makara, or Meeoa).
Viyonijanma (fttrkq;q) means a living being inferior in status
[o man, whether of the animal or vegetable kingdom'
For an animal to be born, determine whether the Dwadasanrsa
(ffift1nt')' These
occupiecl by tbe Moou belongs to a Viyoni Rasi
Along with
are the Rasis wbere an animal is likely to be born'
the above, the benefics sbould be wealc, aud the malefics
or Saturn
bc stroug. One of the neutral planets like Mercury
with respect to the Lagna or'aspect
should be in ao angular house
predict that an zrnimal indicated
the I-agua. Then only we must
by the Moon
by the house owning the Dwadasamsa occupied
will be born.

Mer. Sun


question (Horary) and

-J"itionsB person comes and' puts a
of the plaaets in thc zodiac as above are
Then we have to judge that the person has-
"o"f, an
at the tirp:
..an;rnet end of the kind indicated by the 4th house from the Moon'
I l3
08 *nnrqltqfr Adtr.itt.
' Supposewe come across such a position in the nativity of
ittly person. We have to judge that the nran is fortunate in
Another interpreta tion for (qalqr1i4lq'.Tr.rs{rrei) (Chandro-
l).gsadvirasabbagasarnanarupam).A form typilted by the Dreklsna
(fi'€-cr.r)=2 x l; or 3rd) occupied by the iVlocn. In queriis <if
;{lreft,etc., thesearreuseful.to predict the forrn of the thieves,etc,
c/. 'inrcdt-d: gaort*: +rj\frlr$rffirfte! ar r
drrzn*,rqi *at afiftft Er fifrii: Rr.qtl
qrqrqfua:€qrril: qRTtfi'q-orqdrrtqt't
I ofi q R*rfrtlTni=$HrfrRqlftqfttrq uq,ll
s/oftr. Z. Finding thatihc malefic planetsareEtrong
;tnd in their own Dwadasamsas while the beneficplanets
are strengthless and in Dwadasamsas not their own ;
and finding alsothat the rising sign is a ft.ilft (Viyoni),
thc astrologermay announcethe birth of a ffiFrarq
(Viyoniianma)as before(r. e. correspondingin form to
that indicatedby the l2th portion of the sign occupiecl
bv thc. Moon, provided the- Rasi owning thc tZth
i:ortion in questionis rrffih (Viyoni) one.
I1 tlrr.:untlermenticlneclexatnple, Moon '[^ iudilates Vrishablra
l)r\r:rdasau)sa. T'he nlan, we judge, t'ill be ptr.5psrous in cow.,.
ln lrorarl fii.tutc as itbcvc, breeding ol cows, etc., indicated by


I \ l a r s9
Jupiter 2
Il turo
St.3-1 qditcean: 99

Vrishabha will be prosperous or we may judge according to thc

question, that a cow has heen lost. In the above flgure, suPposl
the Moon was in 39" of Mesha. lte will then tre in Meena l)wa'
rlasamsa. This will be very good for fishiog.
Bhattotpala interprets €rTlrr{ (Swabhaga$a) to mean'in ti9

fiq: fuM Gilq'qrdq* qsgttqqt$r

lQcqqritrsw t6wdr fu{S*.EFrdrra
Sloha. 3. [n the body of a quadruped,Aries
signifies the bcad; Taurrrs,the mouth and the dewlap;
(iemini. the forelegsaod the shoulders; Cancer, ttre
back; Lio; tire breast; Virgo, the eides; Libra, the
belly; $corpio, the anus; Sagittarius,the higd legs;
Capricornus,Membrum vitileand the $crotum; Aq*-
rius, the bttttocks;and Pisces,the rail.
c.f. qKHJi
*v1&.gertq,iric+'rfrgftgarft* <: r
vdqcclts q ffiftt+frinrnt u
ffi nsiaft qffir nqatgqftqrEl,
.irrgo"*iuR"qedr q6'de$rr
frgi-.n{c€atFfr stt rrrt oilqrqni q t
sd {qqerltqq+r€tveiffi;qr: u

@+rrltqtfratg(ra+fl r
€s"{r tst fuU{ gt tr r rr
Slota. 4. By putting togetherall the strong points
whetherderivedfrom the rising sign or the risingDwa,
dasamga, the presencetherein or the aspect thereon of
cerain planets,the astrologershould be able to give out
the colours that may be found in the creature born
(ffift); the numberof the prevailing hueg, he should
declareruiably to the planetc on lhe Lagna ; and as to
Ioo mmfiqft
Se etreakson the animal'sback, if any, he may guess
fhem in accordancewith the planet in the ?th bhava.
w.{tvrA4ldl is another reading. cs?ar'6ci is another reading
sb q+{€e<€r.
Find out how many planets are posited in the Lagna or
spect the Lagna. If tbese planets are strong, then only they
6fu.st be taken into coosideration. [f not; find out the rising Dwa-
and predict the colour of the animal as dqscribedio l, 23
r'nd, 1I l9). The greater the number of planets io the Lagna or
;specting the Lagna, the greater will be the varieties of colours
o the auimal. The colour on the back of the aoimal (natural
tripes of the animal at its bar:k) shculd be predicted tbrough the
,lanets place<lirt the 7th bhava from thr"Lagna.
r/. aHrdr
' q€gt'*a rtqt r
€ € 1<re* ee #r srsft r
e.ntrqrtMl c{t?r+*utq. r
,' Graqdql:e{t g&i€i sseqilq r
ffi qrqd ffiMpe irrrq: I
Tsffr rrqqqr:ofrft qfi ftt*rrq rr
fri 6tPd*rq: nrft fti qrtfr ftfti s t
rul CnmqtftitrfoE: urorifu: {r<v{ n
ir r* qrqrncTilrfr€H ftst r ;j
t6q{,cdsfr vi SsffiI gq1 Sa* rl
qfiffi: ql*6etS'={ fipv r
f' !f t . = fw
fFqrr{ofu S3 arrrg: vtgffisR u
t:. q-rtq ife: qttt<rta qfrTrBffiqq I
tanrr?friurqi eti'iufi ccfu qrf,rirq rr
Gunakara (S"nfl) and Bhattotpala (rrilm-o) interpret the worC
lmsa (qrr) in the sloka as Navamsa-

, t€fgfi gsftfr qgqlqili uiq r

: Ri sgn E?drds*qd{fr' n \ ll
:i:- --,---,-.]j1
Sloha.5. Grant that the lords of the 4ch and the lat
bhavasoccupy respectivelythe lst aod the 4th Bhavas;
the'blrth of a quadrupedmay ba possible;the birth of a
brote may likewise happenwhen the lord of the Lagna
and the ruler of the 4th (wa) bhava. are in coniunc-
tron with Rahu and Ketu.
g*fti Tfrqiliqfr.qrf*qf?{it
{rg*SWiq, qrqr&s;qqdqi?:
ll Q ll
:n il{

Sloha. 6, If (in a fltdftffqtla'Viyonijauma Yoga)the

rising sign be aspected by Venrrs,the birth will beof iur
aoimalof the cow kind; when the Lagnais in conJunc,
tion with or aspected by Saturn,theanimalbornig of the
buffalokind;it is of thesheeporgoat kiod when there is
Rahu or Ketu in the Lagna. An animalunlike all these
tailGsbirth when the rising sign abounds with malefic
c/. eaftifu;ssfi1
gslre fttrir rfirtqr: qc$rr*trre gir: tras: r
rev4q1*qtqrtirsq ee] e'rtq ertfrs;lsg6*.r' ,,
rqt srru qsdwr n fturgt qtqi{rffi r
gqffi r fr€rn:qoigqr at*atqqrtr{rfrqqr:uetl
Sloha. 7. When the rising decanateis a ciQi
;wt (Pakshi Drekkana)or when the rising Dwadasamsa
is that of a moveablesign or of Mercury andhasa strong
.pl'-et in it, land or water birds may, comeinto exist,
( . cording as the rising decanateand the Dwada,
Eamsi in the three caEesare occupied, if not aspected,
by Saturn or the Moon.'
For Pakshi drekkanassiilc Adhyaya5, Sloka 55 itfra. But
t02 ilCT|Rilt Adb" TII

Mitlruna, Zod-in Thula, lst in Simha and lst in Kumbha.
lf a Paksbi Drekkana as above is risiog on the l.g8na ead be
aspected b1 occupied by Saturn or the Moon, then birds are born
or indicated as the case maY be'
If \{akara, i\'Iesha, Kataka arrd Tula (uroveable signs) Dwe-
dasamsasare rising on the Lagna aspected or occupied by Saturn
or the l'Ioon, then birds are born or iodicated as the cass may be.
tf the Dwadasamsaq of Trlercurl' (tlithuna or Kalya) arc
risiog onlthe l-egna o.cupred ot aspected by Saturn or the Moon,
then birds are born or inCicated es the ease rnay be,
ln the above, Saturrt indicate:: birds who live on earth as
.op1",osedto birds li'!-inc irr rvater. The l$oon indicates birds on
. The previous sloka holds good for predictiggi tbe cqlour
'fi( Atrua il tbe slCba
tbe bird, Bhattotpala and Gunakara inlerpret
3s f$3vaolsa.
'c/. r.n<ntt
Rurif?accrh clq s&it qi q qtrrtir t
diil il flt.i'tt €r< rqr{r: dtfkitftat sq{: il

; qRi:
i '
€r{fir q{ ir€f aRtilIqqrfls ll c ll
Sloha.. 8. With the Lagri,a,the Moon, Jupiter
nd the Sun, all devoid of strength,the astrologer may
.*o,rn"" the springing of trees. Iil/'hether they spring
.n land of, water is to be decidedfron the cbaracter of
risiog Dwldasamsa;i- c. frod the hct of its belong'
ing to a land or watery sign' The trees gtowing in
laid or water will be as many as ther€ are Rasis from
the lagna uP to the next land or water'sigo
81"g lod

The-Lagua, the l\toon, Jupiter and the Sun must be power-

less. Find the Dwadasamsa of the Lagna. If it be a Viyooi (ftfi?)
sign and at the same time be a lancllor watery Rasi, thdn wE uray
say that thetrees are either in land or watery places.:: Supposeit
is l\{akara Dwadasamsa (first hatf) ttrat is rising. This will indi-
cate a tree in a garden or park. Suppose the Lngna to be l7n in
lianya. Then the rising Qwadasamsa is that of Meena. 'l'his
wilt inclicate a tree near the river.
lf the rtsft' (Taruprti)-the ruler of the I-agna Dwaclasaursa
is away from the Lagna, predict the nurnber of the trees by the
intervening the Lagna and the atcfr (T'arupati). As..r6trr* tt
(,1ferir (Dasaclhyayee),the following is the rule.. yrind crut the
r\1'urtlayaof ttre gio:rd1(Kundali). Convert the years, months and
days into days. f.'he number arrived at will inclicate the number
clf trees or plants.
Supposethe l4th degree of Mithuna to be rising. 'fhen the
rising l)wadasams,r is the 6th in Mithuna lhsi, r. r., Vrischika
which is only a watery sign. lf at the time the position of Mars
(the l,rrd of Vrischil<a)
be Kurrrbrra, the number of trees wilr be
lhc nutnber of Rasis separating Mars frolrr the I:agla l. e., fronr
X'Iitlruna to Kurnbha d. c., t). Again, fronr lhe slokas
of Saravali
(lu.rted below, the follorviog has also
to be noted,: If the trord of
the ris.ing Drvadasamyaeither qrccupy his exaltatiou
sign or bc
rettograde in his motionr the number already
obtairred should bc
treblerl. If he be in his Vargottarnamsa, or bis own
Nevarrrsaor oDrekk^na, such number should be
doubled. For
eraiirple, if l'Iars in the instaunr:e
cited be retrqrade in his motion,
or rnsteadof o'.:cupyingKumbha be in Makara, his
the nunrber (It{akaral being the tith fronr lllithuna)
should bb
trebled. We shalltthus bave 24. But if Marp qhor,rldI
Mesha llavamsa or illesha Dwadasamsa of Kumbha, d.a,
hir own
sign, the nurnber of tlees qrll be only gx il or lg
and so oa
c/. $trsnj'
aar*rfrEsrf{r$' lrt'q {rq}fti grtt I
swtr|rc?htfl|n ttrnffi rt1ry3 x
104 rtuuc|ftcfi Adh III

erocatrt ssrsrqft rrd g isft arqa: r

frFrgqd ?vrqqqtqc+rr?eqn
" lt should thus be understood that in order that a human
being should be strong and powerful, the Lagna, tbe Moon, Jupiter
and the Sun shoukl possessstrength. Illse, the uative beccmes
powerless lrke a tree arrd becomes a depeudant on others.

effi :{f{l-{ wqft f{t$il{ qfqgs

SiQqiqkqfrer fiuancf{ *q, t
EFtRrfrffif,ffi Sqifiiliqgr:
fuiqrRFg:sg$freqr{qftgilg {3, tRtt
Sloha, 9. The Sun generatestrees that are in,
wardly strong(nrassive);Saturmproduces such as are
unsightly.The Moon givesbirth to thosethat aresappy;
]r{ars brings forth thorny ones. Jupiter and Mercury
produce respectivelyfruit.bearing and fruitless trees.
Venus ushersinto the world thosethat merely blossom
but bear no fruic, \l/e haveto say againthat the Moon
makeehis trees oily and thoseproducedby Mars bavc
. Nolss.
. This rnust be appliccl to the horolicopg, ,if every landlord.
The Sun governs timbcr ancl othcr trees which are rnwardli'
strong. . Saturn inclicates useless tret:s; l{oon, saplr1'trees i anrl
Mars, thorny tree:; cr plants, lrrlriter .!{(.rvern$ trees bearing
fruits. l\Iercury r{overnsgood trees but not hearin;gfruit. Venus
will produce llolvery trees or plrrntli, I\,foorr relrrest'ntr;oill' trees
while i\Iars denotes ugly ones.
land investments are iridicated by the 4tlr bhara and rts
lord. Some people are unfnrtutratti in land investment, . because
the 4th bhava and its l.ord nrc weak. Corning to progression (by
any system), progressed Nloon in any aspect to planets in radix
goodor bad, wift indicate- grrodor tad fortune in:thc 'trecs or
plants indicatErl as :tbovc.
$1.ro tftqtsrqt{: l0t
c/. qFr+A
rrnf,:qRr{wr{ ilgt{t{ rtft trqr{ |
$$nre}er{nrft gc sirsHr n
rgrueft* tfu: ggffi{trqr $tF: r
Wqqo*egert gtil's racfthi ctlq u
qur{ qiqft q,il $tTrn q,ttlr: r
ufrifurf€w *rf : figi,iqr{ qrgil [
$ gd e'norFqxgsqsr{ qrr}: gr: I

'' gfrtgqii efu


' STdi
tttft Eqffierqqr r
*, q(t{r*qHfrfr"ueltnllE
{Ek iFqrc{fiilqtftqrill I o tl
; ll {ft Rdftwqrs{nrr:ll
Slo&a. 10. When the phnet presiding over rlic
birth of a tree, being benefic, is in the house of a
oalefic one, it generateE.aeoodtree in a bad placaThe
rerult ig revbrsedwhen the condition is reversed That
is, if the tree.producing planet, being malefic,occupy
the-houssof a b:nefic one, a bed tree wi't[ spring up in'
a good soil. 'Tbe number ol trees of the kind spokenof
beforewill be the number o[ Dwadasamsarreckoned
from the.planct's own Dwadasamsa last occupiedby it
lp to th: alicn onc which it now occupies.
' c!, qrr'Rff
guit r
, Tr: *rq'Jtqrr}yefti otrit
irrqrq crqqEiffifr gnisft r
qrrfri: gc.$t qcrk ftrr: <g
106 qtn+qii'ilR Adh.nl
tqotqcaqftqi Proqoqni g <tu-l qfl: n
tlicrrcri{qrfog annrren rralh f,te;il: I
torsiit qr sr€tcttil irct: nq fu<qqt e'{ft 11
.V.B-'flre reittlerrvill do well ro go througtr Chapter 53 of qrttdr
(saravali) fi;r detailecl i'formatio' on fidfhr=q (\riyoniianma)

ll qq ftffi{Br ll -'t
.ril g fiuFqg5nfrrir'
we\-qw&gq$qhQiftor irimdft ttFtil ii ?I tt
Sloirr. ll. The menses of a woman which arc
due to the interactionof Mars and thq Moon, i' e', of'
bile and blood, set in every month whcn the Mcon is
in an slqqqqrrFT (Apachayasthana, d. c.r lst, znd, 4th, 5th,
,8th, 9th or l?th) from the Lagna' But if the Mcon
occupiesa different position, i. e', is in an ETqqrrrrrt
(Upachayasthana, 3rd, 6th, 1oth or llth) and is aspected
by a beneficmale pianet, the woman lovingly uoites
with a man
,liorrs '$ 'r
Mars signilies
!'he Moon governs fluid natter of a t'onran'
combination of the tvo causes ntenstru'
.the blood of a wottr:ro. A
ciq (Narena) ttre rvord means a man in the true sense,tlrat
is ure capable ,f procreatirrge,Tffit,Kaptini rrreans1 female who ca'
rmenstruate. frsk (.Peedarksha) Rasis are {Jcq{ (Anumchaya)
p l a c e si . a . l s t , 2 n d , ' l t h , 5 t h , ' 7 t h , U t h , g t l r a n d l 2 t h l r o u u e s ,
grtqc (Upaclrata)places are 3rd, 6th, lOth and'I ltlr houses'

tsy the vorcl ga5r€ (Subhapunrgraln),Jupiter is lrere nreetntas

he is the only benehc male planet. if the \Ioon iil his transi t
occupies an srFt{ (Upacbaya) place "and be aspecteil by Jupiter on
tbe 5th day aftcr menstrud'tion, the woman ioins her husband and
.r';$'ir ,;".r|$ rla,i;it-,.i ,*$1e , .l
sl, t 1. t!fltdlstqrq: rM

be cou'ted from the Laguaaud not from the r.c(,i{ (Janma

IVIoon'spiace). lt is necessarythat Jupiter must throw
his aspect
on tlre I\{oonon the 5th day after menstruation for conception
lre possibie. Along with this, should any hermaplrrodite
strong in position aspect the Moon in transit,
the conception
cannot take place. 'lhe position of all planets
except the Moon
slro'rld be rvith referenceto the radix, (oativity
at birth).r
If we take a women's horoscope, it will be seen
tlrat there
will only be 3 housesrvhereMars afgicts the
rloon, IJut 2 of ttrern
ure liliely to be fteEi (peedarkslu) bouses.
in t'e follorving 'oroscope l\Iars aspcctsliur'b'a,
and l\'Iithunaslrich happe' to be the 7th, lOth r,ntr
'respectivell'. llth houses
Lea'ing cff the lOth'and I lth which
are sq{zt
(Upar:hai'a)places, Iiurnhha is t[e only llasi
where *hun tl,"
II.on corrresin his transit that r'enstruatio' is capable
of .Rect
i t t g i ' - i n u o r c a u s i n gc o u c e p t i o n .


i n"o,* I il

I of a $orr:an I
Sarurn lt

I I rt

For conception to take place on the 5th or the following

nights, the l\{oon by transit o' the 5th ilay after nrenstruation
ttrtrstreceirretlre aspect of Jupiter without,'.their being
ary orher '#,
nsr)ectfronr a hermaphrodite pJanet. frrorir the above principle
is possible to deduce rvhetlrer o worlran rvill hnve issues or not.
follorving additionar infirnrrtion is f'u'd i' otlier
If, in the case of a rvonranas soon as slre bathes after the
stoppageof the men.es, the iltoon in her orbit slroulcl ccupy
t0E tr|rrr$ifi .,: Adh rl.l
Upachaya Rasi qndbe at the same time aspected by.posrerful
Jupiter, she will have s'exuil intercourse.with hbf husband. If the
Moon in the above said Upachaya position be aspected by the Sun,
she rvill have sexuil'union with an officer of the King. If thc
aspecting planei be'Mais, the union will be with a voluptuaiy.'If
.it be Mercury,. the intercourse will lle n,ith a fichle-nrinded pdrson.
!f venus be thi aspectiig planet, it will be with a beautiful loveri
If it be Saturn, she I'ill bave criminal iutinraci \'itl, ao ordinary
servant. If the Moon be aspected. by several malefig planets,
thO woman rvill leave her own house and become a prostitute.
nftfirftqrtgt qgRwf,t'clRe:
{fuccc,ifrn r5{ftItilir q?frt t
qrrsrarnF&gqqqnat iqd
trqRftalf*i <qforrrlrtft d r
{tfn $ ^ e64; qrq ftrcigir (rnnirll(qr I
c'lq €srFtnArgfk: qila t} ftsqrl,t fqei I
Also qRKdt'
ugvwnfiir,tst*gg4rrrrr*i rfutua I
rfirrr* gqftnt {s-dtt dr ga.fr* rr
frg.S@ gnlsffiv.eqrrrflftft{ frt snt
qi rG dn ft*a rtil: rrtt *g r
qt qrqft rfr qts ftft<tq qftmiart r
Eqlcd€ f}gtirqfffi qff{ ifd r
sqrrqqrfrqqqqdr lwn gefr(cqrClr
Serntrft {'ri ftirqc: Sa*rs: rr
c;i S*{ st g.qsft e6 rfu tq}q r
rrqgt.tq rfrqr rR*qrfrh q*i il
q**in sb qr< siqr*: gaffi: ni: r
d: sqi effqr qiqfi{ ar'{rq Srrfirru
qqTciltrfrgiftfr dm {r'.mftgqqqh,r
qcq{ilfrfriltgttk qtq*, tt{srT{m,il tR tl
Ft ln, lOftcl'rri 10r

Stoha12. The kind of copulat'ionthat the native

,canhave is suchas it is with tbe creature typified by
the ?th Rqsi. If the qetrfu (Asta Rasi) or the ?th
housefrom thl qrur-I (Adhana) Lagoa be aspectedor
occupiedby a maleficplanet,the union will be in wrath;
,but if the sreFs (Asta Lagna)be aspectedor occupied'
by benefic planets;tbe union will abound in amorous
pliy and laughter.
lt"shorrld;be noted that the twelve R&srs arc Night and Day
Signs. Night signs represent enjoyment in darkness and D.ay
signs. enjoymcnt in the presence of tignt either of a hmp or of
the Moon.
Further, It{esha and Vrishabha repredent the enjoymctt of s
quadruped of the ram and buffalo kind. I{ithuna' Kanya, Tula,
I)hanus' 6rst half and Kumbln represent the enjoyment of a
Iruman being. Vrischika aud Makam (latter half), Kataka and
Meena-dlz(Ke:tn)-represent copulation among centipeds,
which is bad. Simha (t,ion) represents an enjoyment by force.
Why ? Because, the lion is a forcible animal. Makara (tst tutf)
is very good for enjoyment ;'and so on. A combinatioo. of the
above two ideas rvill come to thip: consider that Mesha represents
the 7th houseat the time of enjoyment. A man and woman.under
such circumstances enjoy each other like a quadru;rd in thrltness.
Sirnilarly for the rest.
If malefics aspect or occupy the 7th house'from the snrllaof,
(Adhana Lagna), then the enjoyrnent takes place hruch against the
wish of one of the trvo.
Atothn intctftctatio;-If rrralefics aspect or occupy the 7th,
the woman corrcernedgets into tnget ofin satisfaolior if Mars
should'be the planet concerncd : aithott sal$facliot ov csiol,'lssl
if Saturn be the occupying or aspecting plinet' If the Sun be the
nralefic concerned, tlere is n tcltttlsion at tht ottlstl ilsclf. lf bepe.
fics aspector occupy the 7th, tlren the union nill be follorved''by
fteta (\'itasa) and qrs (Hasa), i. r. real conjugal bliss.
110 rndft{rt :Adh.III

. c/. mcnd

eq"<*rgqrsrirrrrlqri awfr1aqn ^rljj.,

wtt gnga* ctrss.oi rr?grrq, I
stf qtrt: g€ qrrsrq{tmirtrrearrq u ,il
ffiggilHrf,fr,eqrrrttt frqilqilfl{Rqtf,tn r
qrdrq*ft ffift{rfril wr frqtffieqf{ilssr:rrt Qrr
S/ola. 13. When the Mocn and Mars (in the case
of a woman)or the Sunand Venus(in thecas:of aanan)
occupytheir own houseor their Navamsae,there wif l
be a conceptionof an cffspring.Co:rceptirnwill equally
takeplacewh:n Jupiter occupiesthe Lagnr or one of
the Thrikona hous:s. These planetary conjunctiorrs
fail of effectwith regardro p:ople void of viritity, jtrst
as theMoon.beamg in the caieof ttr. blind.
The corrnlentator Rhattotpah exprains that it is not necessary
that all the'four foregoing pranets shou.ld rre sinrurtaneouslyin
their Navamsas; for conception to take place, it is
enough that
the Sun and Venus are in their Navamsas in the sqrrs (Upachaya)
housesof ttre 'rale, or the Moon ancl Mars occupy their orvn
. Navamsas iD the sqq4 ({.lpachaya)places of the female.
If Jupiter is trine to the qrsFI (Adhana) f.agna, the union is
likely to bear fruit. ii*flii (\ribeejinanr) l,eru nreans of thosc
who have lost their seedor poteutiality on account rrf bld age,
occident or operation.'
tu '
cf gurrm
€d{rit ftr{t sr$r i{rurt
trttrrf,nrgcc] qF{ qrrnrr{ r
.rrrfc tT{ft ee ftcirq: rr
q .{i qRrar*rrr qrik{c&rA r
ftsq.ori ft,ftlrrqrggir FtrltrFtr rr
St.rr qSrhsrlta: ill

Als,o flllFlol
sqqq.t rF{g* cft* gv: qciu€rrir r
. gatrt S{q"et Tqr ilil rrtfurrir rrsft il
Also of"it*6'
rvgit €'&iirc*$R€rgcqei* $v-rqr
Ctvricr gwsrft rqr aqrrr&tTfr ccfr tl
The abovscombinationsneed not uecessarilybc with respect
to the male or feurale. They rnay :rlso be rvitlr rcqnct to the time
of conception or r\dhana Legna (s{I+rn'og).
ct. tRFfs't
gtr**earftft: qlrircsqfqt: gld n r
tr{ff{qnqq& ss{Rt rr*b *qa} mfr rt
qrtrtaqnrc*-aFra*cr ftcilt+r : r
g*sqccqt sngrRih erti gt n
z\nother meaning can also be attributed to the sloha as
fol lorvs:-
gd wler: ltur; ft*srqi ! {rtrt: I
So <fr-Ravi in the slolia means fffi) Pingala and ag-Indu nrearns
{lr1 (Ida) Thesi are thewirtls passingthrough the right antl left
nadis itG.arteries and veirrs-). gmrcfts-Sukravanija will mean
semen blood or the malo and female energy. The sloka
will then mean
(i) tf ttre author of conception has, at the time of connec.
tion, strong tvintl passing through the right alB, then the fernale
rvill conceive a niale child ancl if in the lcft q ferrralechiltl.
(ii) If semenbe greater, tlre fenrale rvill c<rnceive
a rnale child
and if blood, a female child.
In the caseof equality of rvind in the right and left natlis or
of the semen and blood, the frrnale .uill cenceive a eunuch.
c/. e;ttt<r
qrqqr tqr;q€qrdilr qntFt 6qq r
gctRcg3rcqfrsrdft *c" n
il2 rrefiRill Adh. III
Also trte
r*sfr* rftgsqrgb rtnirrilOnSuqrrr r
qqrqil:gsrffiqrft frlfti.crft rqrqrrfrrn
lnd guattct. d. U'lTd
qxsftrrrt tfri aFa*qqisft sr r
qs.Sttqrfifr Slqrt ftlrqt: n
ItctdFit:sFil snd$ qqrql$qufifuit€Er
Irqg{dt€tgsitg.fi'ilqraqwsqtqwrqsm rrtBrl
Slo&4.14 Mars anu Saturnin the ?th ptace fr.om
the $un t ring illness upon the h,rsband. The two
planetsin the ?th placefrom the Moon afflict the wife
with disease. They bring on death if they be 'iq the
l2th and the llnd p'laceof rhe Sun in the one case and
of the Moon in the other. If one of them be'ir^ conjunc'
tion .with the Sun or the Moon and the other aspect
the $un or the Moon, they likewise cau$ed:ath.
. NorEs.
(t) tf tvtlrs and Saturn occupythe 7th place from the Sun at
thc time of copulation,the tnan is likely to suffer very much from
rltncreel complaints.

(2) lf Mars and Saturn occupythe 7th place 'Srom tho Moon
et lhc tlms of copulation, it is the wonlin that worrld grffer.,
El. 14 qrftc'i$rtf: 1r3
e Tth from the Sun'
arxl Saturn, tho Tth.frorn the Moon, the man and woman will
respectively fall ill. [See chart in the previous page ]
ln olher words the above cas€s can be brietly put ihus :
(c) Sott opposition Mars antl Saturn ;

. (bl Moon opposition Mars antl Saturn :

(o) Sun opposition Mars: and Moon opposition Saturn'
lf any such yoga as mentioned above happens to be in the radix
c[ a native, we may safely say that the native is bouncl to sufter
from venereal diseases. This is e:<actly the western principle also

If Mars and Saturn at conception be on both sidesof the Sun,

Oo.tl2thanrl2nd from the Sun or l2th and Znd from the Mo6n
the death of the rnaD or the woman should be predicted. In the
ebove principle, Mars shoutd be in the l2th and Saturn in the 2nd;
it is an important principle that Saturn in the visible half of the
zodiac will increase the life. Hencerin the preseut instance if the
life is to be cut short, Saturn should be in the 2nd atone. 5{r4ii}
gdt ilar rlq-gwr (Kujarkajau yutau'tatha tadeka drishtva) means
Mars must bc in conjunction with the Sun and Saturn in opposition
or in the 4th from the Lagoa. Then it will cause death. This
mounts to
(t) Sun conjunction Mars square Saturn or (2) Sun con'
iunction Mars npposition Saturn caus€s death of male.

Mars i

(l) Moon conjuriction Mars squareSattrn c:

I lt+ ncffid Adh. m
(+) wtoonconjunction Mars oppositionSaturn ciuses death
of fcmEle.
(5) Sun conjunction Saturu squercMars or
(O)Sun conjunction Siturn opposition Mers csus€s d€atb
of male.

--l (ot
-j (7) Irtoon-conjunctionSaturn squareMars or
(S) Moon conjunction
: Saturn oppositionMars causesdoath
aof female.
: 4g'm
ftnrfr wtfi trfurrrd: *qrftlrq* Trrc:ri: r
, qtw* qftt gcTr'ffi s *fd ftftrgr* rr
F'er sorne rnore similar yogasr of.alsa frt(tsrflil{

, T-qR{i. saq't|firfuftfr{r ft* Frli irq| &!3 |

h, ri: nqrr$Eq ilrFTer g*r trn: g5rp1mrr:I
I w@qrfrffiirr&g61rr!ftr
I gSRq, furE't Tcrqt rtlrr *ftr g rar*q r
. ?igw! frr€{: *?,t g<riue: qr\e: c.hq: r
i ilrfi*{frfrr rRgr frfr: sfiri: cqqFil ssqlq r
qfteftrqfrF T(: U* qr ftftvrqfihtgft:qri il r
?qr wi' qryffi.fiqn*teq,tFn€ $srq I
f ic{ffi ffir,iw r
ffi g erqfiqql{trnirilfr, sqi ltt\rr
81.1t,16 tillrlqrq: ul
Slo&4. l!. The $rn and Venrn are termed fatber
and nother rerpectively of the ceed cown cluring the
day; Saturn and the Moon during the night. Failing to
play the role of parentoeach of thece paire of planeB
Bet the.designationof paternal uncle and maternalaunt.
They becomepropitioueto the pair they representwhen
they occupythe odd and even signs (the mrle among
them being in the odd, the femalein the even).
;rt 'and
The Sun represents the father at dal time, Venus, ihc
mother; Saturn, the paternal uncle ; aud the Moon, the mother'i
sistcr. ls1 night time, Saturn represents the father, Moon, the
mothef ; thc Sun, the paternal uncle : and Venus, the mother's
sister. If the Sul is in an odd sign, and Venus in an even onc, it
is good for both the man and the woman. Similarly, Satrxn in
an odd sign and the Moon in an oven one is good for lntornal
rincte and maternal aunt.

The Sun and Saturn are planets that stay tolerably for a
long period .in. a sign, Pia., 30 days and 30 months respecti.
vcly. If the above principle is applied, it becomes fallacious as
ghere cannot be so many deaths alnong those born during thc
lrriods when the planets in their transits complete their passage
in that sign. It should therefore be taken as drqq-{ (Ojabhqva) and
qot Mt (Ojarasi).. Then it will prove correct.
C/. sKwdr
ftct rnr&(t grr* rffi ftqnqt q r
rrq{ft*frqsft Rstqrqtffift 'rtt: n
',lif Rc* fiftrn,q qrfrq lft ftc: r qE ftnrqrfusrrft t
anrff{tdrn: ftg: ftqtcq tqr: qc: r
rlqrlftffi: <rrq$frs€ cq *g u
nrerrtqttg qrrfiirftS wq: Mesq! | lnrRil1ut: r

dilafiftfr,frffigFqqqtl r*fttd
qRiqdssG tr$ Nr:{rrqq1 {iqiq r
lto r|irrflTtilt Adh.III

*sfu{tlqon ftffi $qfffir*gqr{

wd{F\q qot g,rgtqdffilkt lltqll
* Slola. L6. If a woman'Bmenseseet in when the
, Moon is in an or$rsq placeandaspectedby Mars, they
)ecome favourableto oonceptionand not othetwiEe.
f'he husbandshould $ow the seedwhen the Moon occu,
piesan srq{ houseand is aspected by Jupiter. Thir iE
to be doneat an unexceptionablelagna with manygood
with ct and other
points in its favor and unconnected
, .objectionable periodsof time.
s The last quarter of this sloka reads thus in s'o'illEq;l
s, srsrct qrrn grrrftrgt cnlfrfldlftFt.
n Rut the reading in the text is the more geoerally'acccptcd
' onc.
A few of the objectionable periods nre
Afo+l,qEi, mbr6 qrtrra ^ndgrlwtra.
(a) Nakshatras
(b) qc$and other Vishtiriktas, and
, (c) Sankrama and such other sacred days, fasting days, birth
days, anniversary days and their previous ones. For detailed infor-
inatiott; see Muhurtha Sastras.

tITIil{Es t
uftqmtilqffirfu{at Ti[frqTqr
ilrnfiqiT fiHtnm qil{ {nnl (K{r: ffiGtrr[lsll
Sloku.17..The firgt 16nights from the menEtru,
ation of a woman are termedthe season.The firet 4 are
not fit for impregnation. The other nights-;thosethat
are.bven'-arerecommended asconducingto the concep,
tion of tr maleoffapring
There is adiflerence of opinion for discardingthefirst four'
days as unfit for irnpregnation. Somehold tre-<rftqn:'
others hs16kg€hK{fril:'. For impregnation, pirrity of the womb
is dcsirod,
, qqTiq qrt il€ftsi ctrilR*q I
qt{rRnrdt tirfttrwr frftdr rfrq rr
At this time the female is supposecl to attain the following
qual if icati,ons:
cf. Yahata:
{rrtlTfffi{qit cgt:*Frr,fr{rq, I
e<rrfhg€i Stfici Rqreqqfrtiieq n -\,
For this aud the following sloka, see slslS{IS( for more
gffi6r {nsd q;sn91'gq{d Rwr r
{rqr{ qtqrqtdftoKqr
dt t**' en(s'l(r},ttqltqatt
Slofta.18. The offspringconceivedduring the 13
nightscommencing with the 4th aftermenstruation, will
be of the following description: lf conceivedon the
4th night, it will be a short,lived son; if on the 5th, a
girl ; if on the 6th, a founderof a family; if on the ?th,
a barrenfemale; if on the 8th, a son; it on the gth, a
berautiful female; if on the 10th'a lord; if onthe'llth,
a deformcdfemale; if on the 12th,a fortunateson, if'on
the l3th, a sinful femalewretch; if on the t4th, a vir-
tuous son; if on the l5th, the very goddessof fortune;
and if on the 16th,an all'wise son.
qsquqiq{ ftis{ft, gfrmq'r
fi*rurfrGfr* ll tq ll
Stofta.19 When the Sun is in the 3rd place from
the NishekaLagnafiitos, (herewill be the birth of an
i$ue. The same result qay be expectedwhen the Suir
occupieo a Trikona Rasi fr$rorrnft from the Adhana
qpnir or Nisheka l.ag,na ftitqs.
qfoqrqrffit iI gq€sgh$rfl |
{qtSdtqEr{ il(: (r{ffit ll le ,ll
118 rdRq|l Adh" III

$pected or occupied by a benefic planet, the con born

will be long-lived and proeperoucand will attain profi-
ciency in all branchegof knowledga

dWsnt{*s@: "\l

fnq rqt( wtffifttr\s tiiter r

ggHffi at {ft?rnrrfi{ gntfr{
:n{w grft{onqqqds{fu qt * nrttl
Sloka. 2L. With the Lagna,the Sun, Jupitcrand
thc Moon otrong irl an odd rign and in a Narnmra
owned by ao odd sign, the astrologershould declarethe
birth of a mrle bhild. If the Lagna and:the planecc
above-namedbe in an even eign and in a Navamra
owned by an even sign, the birth of a female
cbild ir announced. Jupiter and the Sun in an odd oign
(irrecpectiveof the Navamsasoccupied)producea male
child. The Moon, Venus and Marc in an evenoign
(irrerpective of the Navameaethey may be in) nake for
a femalechild. Theoe five planets occupyiirg a Narn,
msa ownedby a dual Rasi,andatthe sametime aopected
by Mercury, produce twins correopondingto the
characterof the dual Rasi to which. the Navamsa mey
happento beftrng;that ic to my, both malesif the Na,
vamoabelongsto a maledual Rasi, Mithuna or Dhanuc;
both femalesif the Navamaabe owned by a femaledrul
Raci, Kanya or Meena; maleand female when the Na,
vamtiu are of both kindc.

" If mrle as well as female plinets gccupy Navamsas of dual

rigne, onc being aa odd dual sign and ono evon, for iostance,
8[ zz Gftlgn:

tithuna and Moena, or Dhanus and l(anya, a twin is likly to be

born, ono being a male and the other a female.
cf. qmrdl
ffi &qcirrrril trrcrffficlr16n rfta: I
:; Utfin cq gqi <i €cit gaft'*rclrl rr
ffi gaqfi iRrt tc: <* fdtrig$ir: r
rrqrit q;ln6c rr{fiilt ftm rfuq. rr
, ftgl d.*gq ${d qrroa* tiqr: I
f a*rg* t',mi it-an?trrilcrf,i u qrassssl

Also ogqnq
liFt Aqqt Mt frftreir gtwnqomrt: r
gqFcfiI qq\ {fftet qrriqiwqitr: n
ffu* fi*s*g€ ni fui cca$ gt;gfucr: I
AtrtTitrtkrgc?wr <ilngtr* tl
Ruqqt Rrq*dssfr('|frfwqsfrRorqr
fururrTwdqq*{ qt"{ xqil g?frtqril il Rl tr
" i Sloha 22. Saturnnot being in the rieing sign but
occupyingan odd house therefrom, aloo bringe about
the birth of a male child. Thue the iseue should be
declaredto be male or female upon ascertaining the
preponderancein strength of the ceveral planeto above
menti@ed intluencing birttu
Tlre latter half of the sloka is applicablenot only to tho lirst
holf but also to the previoussloka.
./. 'ir<n-d
"' '
wt gt{r ftqt rfum: Seqwqt rrcft r }{iir ' i
n rri Vr, dtt REqs ss qd?qcqtri Rrt qrsft n (i:
It may here be observedthat these slokastiz. 21 & 22 oto.
pound fourteeu male and fourteen female y%as, ttisa r,
8 of each in the first half of sloka 2l
lz0 ltlr't|ftil Adh. III
' 3 of each in thc 3rd quarter thereof
2.,,,..Do 4th quarterthereof,and
1......Do in sLoka,
-l-ieforemalting any pretliction in this connection both the
yogasshoulrtbe carefully weigled and that which has a prepon-
dcratiug inlluencepredicted,
dr;iF{ qR qwril:{Ftrtdtqqlfr(ffi
q* mw,i GfuqrtFrtd *(M ,
gfr &rrmqft
qF.S{inilRtElItRI ll
$qft Rteendla?twrn
Sloliu, 23, The following are the sir planetary
positions tending severally to the production of a
(1) The Sun and th,: Moon in opposition-and
thcreforemutually aspecting.
(2) Mersury and Saturnin oppositionand so mutu,
ally acpecting.
(3) Mars in oppositionto the Sun, the $un being
in an evensign; or the Sun in an evensign, being as"
pectedby Mars (Mars being in any sign); or, in other
words, the Sun in an even qign in .oppositionor 'Equare
to Mars or in quincuox i8p?3r..
(a) The Moon and the Lqgna being iu odd signs
'andaspectedby Mars (which means'afflictionby Mars
being in squareto one and in quincunx to another).
(5) The Moon in an evensign and Mercury in an
odd sign both being aspectedby Mare; and
(6) Venue, the Moon aud the Lagna occupying
Navamsasbelongingto odd oigne.
gftftsw: 121
st.23 vvYYlYvYtYYYrvv$


i r'"
r(t) iQ)

nl'-) I
I !
+Ql i-

s(,)l_* s(z)
Irrn"" I
'fhe copulation will result iu
above six yogas at the tirne r'r['
rvill be fruitless and if any
nothing. ln other *o"lt, the coiticln
hrrroscopeof a male clr fenrate
of the above yog&sare found in the
procluiing or bringing forth issues'
the native will not be capable of
(Ttris is the real meaningof gftq-kleeba)'
tIz rili|'llht Adti. ItI
A closer examination of this sloka will lead us to tbe follow.
ing conctusions:-
(t) fn" Sun and the llfoon in oppositiou (or qfdlrrPoornima),
(Zl Saturn in opposition to Mercury ('l'wo herrnaphrodite
planets in opposition),
(f) Mars afficting the Sun in an even signn
(4) The Moon and fhe Lagua both in ocld signs in aff,iction
rvith lvlars,
(5) l'Iars afilicting the I\{oon in an even sign
and alsr"r Mer.
cury in an odd sign, and
(O) Venus, the Moon and the Lagna occupying
belonging to odd signs or male Rasis
are inost unfavorable and detrimental to conccption.
AlsomFrdr I
q;de,i ftq-* ftqrffi ftt?*ir
f€wRgi| qr tff iA* aftv+ t'(n! tl
.c{cfe qE! sn* q{ q ftsr* | 1
clt rrfrrq: St'& gftft:"rirq*
sgrQs: I
, oitsernrRR{rcilil;(.s,t SiQn$t$ttr: I
c{i Mi fliqgw: fuarfttgr {r I
These eunuch ycgas take efiect only in the absence of male
end female yogas. They are to be predicted from the qlsl.f (Adl,o-
na) Lagua or ql{o[ (Prasua Lagna) and not from horoscopes. And
if they be predicted from horoscopesof the last child and if thbse
yogas should exist thereih, then the mother will bear no. mors.
The author of the <tmarft (another commentary for Brihat Jatali.r)
after commenting on the sloka says: Ei $cSt{frfi stt: c}{-€cr*{rdcs
aqrr.{i a1fqt<'qqq61:aftt3r cFrr;fir}nrft iqndfrAliiw<r: rrt+f}qr
The commentator of llrihatjatal.ia twists this slolra so as to
bring it in line with the slokas he quotes frorn }iadarayana which
tre given below:-
f,fqh{,rft{ftr*ffiii Mft ffi&t r
Eg.qrfrg*r qr r*d agv* iffi: 11
tll. 2' q|tllrilt: tzg

tfi ffi qt: er.T*t n6qrdtrq r

ifif* otq rrraQm:Ufucd{cft il
gqsrff scdf Mccafft *nntr r
siltqr{tt{rrtirr ofugffitmr: I
The English rendering rn accordance with the commentator
would thin be as follows:
The following aro the six plnnetary positionsiending severally
to the produition of a eunuch:-
(l) The Moon and the Sun respectively in an even and an
odd sign mutually aspecting;
l2l Saturn in an evcn sign and li{"r"ory in nn odd ohc
aspecting each other ;
(t) Mars in an odd sign aspecting and being aspected by
the Sun in an even sign ;
(4) Mars in l.n even sign aspecting the Moon and the Lelina
n an odd sign;
(5) The Moon in ln even sign and Mercury in nn odd sign
bGingaspectedby Mars; ind
(ft) Venus, I;tgna and the Moon occupying male Navamsas.

gfi qqfifcr*rfrqrrfi
ailt{ ilR{Arfrq wft g'ig il fitq: t
USRfrgt lftqqfrilr*qt{uFqrqfr
e|t t fril{ rqtqtfirrgw€fr}: ilq uRutl
Sloku24. The Moon and Venuc in even signc n
with Mars, Mercury, Iupiter and the Lagna in odd
signacauoethe formationof a twin embryo.The rising
rign and the Moon being in even signr rnd aspected
by any maleplanetcausealcotwins. Mercury, Mars,
Jupiterand the Lagnabeing in even signsand poeseeeed
of strengthlikewiseleadto a twin fetusbeingconceived
in the womb. There will be a trio of eobryoE cos,
lz4 rfircfitfrt Adh. III

ceived when Mercury in his own Navamsa aspectg

all planetsand the Lagna, or if the Lagna and all the
planetsoccupyNavamsasbelongingto dual signs.I*o
out of thesetriplets will have their sexesdetermioe,J
by the characterof the Navamsaoccupied by'Mercury-
baingmalesif the Navarnsais rhat of Mithuna, and
femalesif the Navamsais owned by Kanya. The tri-
plets will be of one and the samesex if all the Nava,
msasconcerneC are owned by dual signs of the same
sex; i.c , the trio will be all malecwhen the Navamsas
are thoseof Mithuna and Dhanus; females,when the
Navamsas arethoseof Kanyaand Meena.
J'here are three 1'ogas. rnentioned in this sloka for the birth
of tlvius. Iu the first yoga two female planets are in even signs,
while Lagna, Mercury, IV{arsar.rdJupiter are in odd signs. In
the second yoga, a rnale planet (the Sun, Mars or Jnpiter) rnust.
flspect the I-agna aud the l[r.ron, both these being in even signs.
In the third yoga, N{ercury, I\'Iars, Jupitef and the Lagna must
be powerful in even signs.
y'. qrcrqdi. $,$ wp'
qri qcr?Rf.rt q;i q t?{iffrh eagtr r
rrfisqr silst flgt {r*F€[ftfi(qq. il
rrlrtr{ir rihlsa{if&q} rJFr*s\rcofrS I
f*{r{?} ar rfug c"},q.dtsf€cc*c t
B.'ntrir*girr{ u-6n?aori' q r{qfrgge I
ftrg{iir qib+r ;ii Stii ftaqfr,i <rt?r.
ftnitiir+gurq r6rftvri' qi4d€qi t
" rr$
T:riir f *t Stqq ftrftqi rr
!8' ftgt ugirr.rdfi{ q€rF{er' q l1-{rTd€g(l
{rr. ftg{itrq{rr uqr gtfrat aa-rrr$ rr
.s;{rrfraiasrd frern.gq,fa g{frqnnra. ,
Ywft fttftrrgaaq; ffc|frrq il{I rI*: 1
. SLgt;s gd{srnr3 18t

In the first ling of the sloka in tbe text, some books roed
1gr* q--d*d\ilfiqq-{+' for 'g't +'ntar+qiqwi'.'
qgftqFerrrtffi qkfiqrft{fut, r
ffiqr {rtgtr e} tft q{drqft drtr$qm'll1\ll
SloAa.25. Many are the etnbryosencasedin the
embryonicbag when the risi*! sign is the laet Navam'
sa of Dhanrsand the planetsare strongin the Navamsa
owned by Dhenusand when the Lagnais aspectecibv
Mercury a:rdSaturnin their strength.
(gqrif,qr is another reading for ircffirr.
If the last Navamsa of Dhanus , is rising, then more than
three children are 1'rossiblein tfre case of dogs,.etc. The commen-
tator, Bhattotpala is of opinion that the word c-l[Ft:(Prabhutab)
may mean 5, 7 or l0 " g-,{ sg {{r antrr trr4i}d."

,fr{tt*fltgstq ffir{ wr q qrqft |

u;qtqweqffifid ffi EiqrrRqtl
grqt{fiRt fi-"t6r* Sqtff}q qrtqrrI
glnftmrF{ufq qtlult gQqIQrq: llRetl
saTrntiils,qlrqlftdtq&qerFrfll Rdll
Slofra.96. When Mercury in a mit,NavamEaowned
by *crKa-nya aspectsthe . other planeteand the rioing
cign,eachof which is in a rEtt'Navamgaowned by a
dual Rasi,the aatrologershoulddeclarea trio to be in
the womb.
Sloka. 27. Mercury occupyinga Navamsabe,
lo'ngingto Mithuna aspectsthe other planets and tlre
ricing sign, in the position describedin the previous
Sloka,a teqale and two males are in the urnmh rc
t26 mrrqRqfi rAdh. Iil.

Mercury in a Mithuna Navamsa ehould aspect the

planetaand the rising sign every one of which also
occupiesMithuor Navamsa.therewill be threa malesin
the embryo.
Sloka, 28. Mercury in a Mithuna NavamsrNpcct'
ing the otherplanets,and the rising sign occupyingthe
,Navams,reown:d by any of the two signs Kanya and
Mithuna will tend to producethe same resuit. But if
Mercury be in a Nava.msaowned by Kanyaand aspgct
the other planets and the rising sign io the positions
describedin the foregoingsloka,there will be th1ee
femalesin the womH
These nre rnere repetitions of what has nlready been stated in
sloka 24 s11,pra.,

6qqn{il{*gs gq?fitld I
$n $eerq diqrf,figilrf ll R\ ll
${tk dlgt ir* qonofttne:t
dq${ffiIF(' $a$uutr*wrll I oll
29 and 30. The Sunand lupitcr in a dual
eignarpectedby Mercury gerlerat:maletwins' The
M-ooo,Venus rnd Mars in a similar position produce
, twin iemales. In such cises,accordingto 6is peculiar
l.otrengthor weaknesg,,Mqrcury tends to produc': .r
a maleone.
femalehernapl\ioditewhih Satu/nproil,rct's

"r' rr?di* grprgd"ineir gtflai) |

tKI.c c?c*tci{rfurdt $gn at'r rt
.itlqgfl drcdtcaia.r€ar g*fhm: t
r*gdt qrq$f,ih rrT gr*tgtt rrtq u
gl. 31194 qrllfrsrrr: lrl
! ! l l vtvvtvv- vvvYtv:r t 'Y vL"n ' #
s;- v g vv v v t r

R66* qqmffiat qR q{,ry6,t

etq qqqd qr Sw;qx* ilr ll lt ll
, Slpl,c 3 t. If at the time of impregnationthe Moon
anclthe $un aspecteach other, they tend to producea
eunuch, The Moon and Saturn aspcctingmutually at
ruch a time, do likewiee.
ftt+ )Trtrfuqitqqo?twr
slt xqsqQ sl* qrqqolfiqrfl 11ll
' Slokt t?. When the lords of the 3rd and the lst
bhavasare in conjunctiott, twins will becomepossible.
'\[/hen the lord of the rising sign is in a Varga-at
'owned by the 3rd bhava or in hi6 own exaltation,twin
issuesbecomeequally possible.
qt{il ffiq-.ft gq! qgrnJqR I
gqql q qqdqq qr ulrluur lt ll ll
gvtqr*{tfrqr $affit *( t
S/oAir.33. If a housr: owrtedby Mercury be thc
Lagn;ttt r birth and if the lord of the (rth bhrvil be in
thc Llgua and Mercury lrc in thc ( th bhava.the pcroon
brrrn will be a fernalehcrmlphrodicc. If Saturn be irr
the phce occupiedby Mercury (i.c be inthe 6thbhava)
in tl're grevious case,the pcr$on born will be a male
qilfr s{ftrrfr iqqolaqsqr( |
rdtqirtr * fti* Srqlnrgh qfr qrqqr(rn18ll
S/oftcr.34. Therewill be.twin issuesif in the
rising sign there be its own lorC as well as the logd of
the 3rd bhava at the time of Rfu Nisheka. If the lagna
128 t|Crcrnd A&i III

t ava in conjunction
with Rahu,the child will beborn with the legeforemoet.
Th" readi'g of the seconcl half 'f this sloka is difierent in
sqivlfuilqpr uf.?.,
qfrq{rf;r gti lii'r+dxcttmtEi ete arrd nppears to be thc
correct one.

uaqt arrnt ilfrd qrEdqiI

t<rtl r;x\ o* qnr qq di{ic: ll n\ ll
S/ota. 35. When Rahu is in the Lagna and its
lord is in the 10th bhava.the child will be born with
the legsforemost. When the lord of the 8th houseis
in the Ltgn" in conjunctionwith Rahu, the personborn
will havea cord coiled round his body'
ortcri i,i"i hori fFfr-qgitr sft crqcril: t
As a rnatter of fact, this ought io be the frrst half of the next
sloka. It is dilncult to account for the omission'

clqi qrqgtRsi qralqt{itnta*rq qq I

*A etrd gfthil $ aarTqrfrqt{gt ll QQti
q atfiuro}ilfr{ffiffi€fl{ qq I
S/ota. 36 When the lord of the 8th bhavaoccupy
the Lagnain conjuuctionwith a maleficplanet,theper'
eon born will havea caulwoundabouthis body' When
a Kendra is occupiedby Rahu in conjunctiqr with
(gfu61Gulika,or the lord of therising siggis irrconjunc-
tion with the lord of the 8th bhavaanditrhenthe rising
sign happensto ba a Drekkana of a'malefic planet'
.the perc; born will havea cord coiledround''hiobody.
sL xrl8 {Ortrrm: 129


tqfirqt q €fl fuftf qKktmftfrqr{ qq llQstl

Sloka.37 When Mercury, Rahuand Srturo are
in the ricing (tTcI) iDrekkanaand when thic last i0 occu'
pied by itg having no alPect cf bendic planete
upoo it, the pe(ton born haer cord wound about
'fhis also appcars in ttl{fi;rrrrFt' The reading of the first
half thert is slightty difterent: oiz.,
r orrftrmisns-ffm ar.qg't il ilr frnft I

{ilt @ {rfi*{t?rnt t
rtr cnRqtEtilqtdtirsft {t lll6rl
SJofrct.38. When the Moon occupieoa decanete
owned by Mare and benefic planetoare io the 2nd-and
thc llth houres from the Lagna,the iccuewill be a
(eerpnt) reptile; or a child will be born with a navel
.orj toond itt boCy. Again, when the riring oign ic
that of a malefic planet and is in the decanateof lvlarc
and beneticplanetsare in th. Zrrd and llth bhavas'
p".on born witl lravea cord coiled round hia body'
y' glrrd{
qrtqt qlqgt ft,rft qr tffi tftcrrftrfi t
qqft qinrrqfftfufr t I
$ffiqTxrrrl: rrt(rr;
Also qRnol
tsrrfrlrA qrn* lS- ffirgl lr t
tlrlqt: *ftfitrila* g*c il
Also rt
ffirrtr r€ Sr&tmrftril: r
sffitqmqe ftftfiltqr
t30 fifrTqrR3nt AdL III

. Neither in the text, nor in the slokas 4bove qqoted, tbe posi-
tion of the rnaleficsis specified. But they are to be either with
j!9 Moon or the Lagna and for tl:ris purpose Crqr{(Sapap6)has to
of (qtctqtq) Adhyaharana.
be.addedon by the granrnratical 1'rrocess
sqdrshtn: k* imis*n*rt r
: arcftr q ostt qrcfut$: gt: il
sr{i}a&ilRa Rrgtfr Frrnq}q I
af4trwr srrazniliqHrrritd: rr
Also UtitTInFIq
nRFr:c+*. .rft, {r#il<rqf'r$ r ,
rrnqrflrrc{rcrctr{&ttQ*:gt, rt
wrfrcT{fMft os *aRra: c? r
dttss +d qri?G qrd dq *Eeq tl
r,, dr cfrt niaq oss tftralsEirt t'
i' r{&uqftl*'iar *rt: crrrt&t: rr
qrfi t\fit{ql'{* |
frng&qqre qr{: mtfr rllq ll
Sloka.39, When the Sunis io a quadrupedsign
and'theother planetsare possessedof strength and in
dual or mutable signs (or Navamsas),there will be
twinsporn wrirpped in one theath(secundineo).
, qKr{dt
rt{agcqSef: trqr Bqrft<itqil cRrn:' t
f,.htfuttd "{q* qg c{ciftTer
Also gaffit
qarG Rqt t* Qfitrmaf*l\' r
{Ai +gt*ft a qoffifu* rt
Also rrrt
qgcqqtfirq{ ft<rna{t' rt' r'
eqtm qrcffiftfrei&* rr
tl 3-,----.--...-.,-*"*- . ttl
- -
"""..", """ ""
Here is an illustration for the birth of twins (bottr matbs):-
lg32January 19, Tuesday' one at tl'19 P' M' and the other at
I l-50 P..M. Madras Time. Place of birth-Madras' .
Pada (qtt) of the star Rohini (tfRdtt'
The Moon is in the 3rcl




I-agna or Ascendant for the First child-5-:2+"-36'-30'

,, r, Second child-6-2o-19'-30"'

From the above chart it will .be observed that almost all tho
planets occupy either a dual Itasi or a dual Navamsa'
The Sun is in the first half of Makara and therefore in a
quadruped sign'
The Mosn is in his e:sltation sign, in the bright half of the
month and is thereforestrong'
Mars is in his e:<attationand in a dual Navamsa'
MercurY is in Dhanus, a dual sign'
in Meenn Navamsa, a Resi of
Jupiter is in exaltation and
dual nature. Further, he is retrograde'
Venus is in a Navamsa owned by Dhanus, a dual sign'
Saturn is strong being in his Vargottamamsa' Rahu aud
Kotu are in dual ltasis.

Eri R st of e.Qfrtsqil ut t
rm4ttqEtqA qrqt qroldnl ll 8" ll
Sloka. 40. When the rising sign is Mecha lq,
Simbafit{ or Vrishabha gqrr, and when Saturnor Mars
,occupieait, the percon borh will have a cord coiled
ryl qtl5lft|fr Adh. In

-,'". ;;; d;;; bv thc,iringrigl

";; sign owning the LagnaNavamsa.
or by the
ef. qr<r<tfl
fifrrcdffi erfr ar&t lfttlt wrg:I
sA u+ss ftl rn{nsqrilEr rr
'arqrQR t
tq oi is another reading. lt will tben mean " If
Ifleshaor Simha be tbe I-agna and be at the sarrre time occupied
I by S.tutn, or if Mars occupy Vrishabha identical with the l-4na,
and ro other planet rrccupies the Lagna in eitlrer case, then thr
cficct seid in the text will happen."
c/. t+'rir<r
vqA *q-dt nt frhrc{qqc| nt r
6a Sr q$rd tl d( liiarn ll
Also Tftqrflqq
qi urt fi €trTRf€r funfrqfr t
q* qriffi t rrtrilrf ctt r
;i srlfuSelqRrrrft vccdtgft t
dqrq etffi ax Rmffi qR n
d wfr rl'fiqst tqqqrqt qfttsww t
qtwerrtg frfit {r rrfr qt ntofttfrilTt!llutll
Slctha.41. When the rising sign hasa malefic
by manl maleficpla'
planetin it and is either aepected
netc or occupied by Rahuor Kethu in addition, the
pcrsonborn hasa cord coiledround hio'body. 'Agern,
rnhenthe Lagna bclongr to a malefic planet and tbe
other conditionsmentionedpreviouelyobtain,the camc
owt wul ui Sil trqnrq* t
d TStflfr{ s} qril rt noftnfocu:
ll 81ll
Slohu'.47. When a maleficplanetotherthan Marr
ir in thc Lagnain conjunction with Rahu,or when
gL 18 N138

ectedby'Rah", or
when Seturn ig in the Lagnaand is aspectedby lvlaru,
the perubnborn will havea cord coiled round his body.
r r" '
tqt{(ql'{ t
Venkatesadaivagua reads Valaranatha instead .of
' in his qsf'{Herqft Sarwarthachintamani.
Tr{R{iq' Vasuranatha

R$qrrffii96, n{l
qlrrdfr Rnftqqrd{Ff-
REft ms fiqG( lrq ll 81 ll
SJofta.43. Find the particularDwadasamsa (ertntritr)
of a cign which the Moon occuiier. Find the Rasi to
w.hichthic DwadaoamEa belongs. Count from this sign
as Deny Raeiaas the number tepresentedby the Dwa'
daramsain question.' When the Moon is in the Rari
thus found in the monthof delivery, the birth cf thc
child in the womb may be expected. Secondly,tiad
wbat fraction of the DwadasamEa haaboenpassedby the
Mo,rn at the time of the query 61 unnrr'Adhana(impreg'
netion). When this muchof the Raei is passedby the
Moon in the month of delivery, the birth may be predict'
ed. This givesthc (ete) Nakehatraof birth. T'turdly'
find whether the rioing sign at.thetime of the queryor
{rcrtpAdhana,is q day or night' sign (ztidecrf,ccdtilrc.
JathakaparijathaAdhyaya. I. S/. 14) ar,d also what
fraction of the Lagnais pasaed. When so much of the
day or the night ie passed,the birth in queotionshould
be declaredto happen.
cr' ihrrtfrtr sffi
wstl ctrore qr qhtseth* adi I
,ri,, ln,glmurtd ilfr ntsfun ret qii, lt " ' :r't
ta4 rtlrqrft|tt Adb.III

dqr{l5.rllaKftrRrfrriEr rri qrq r

fqnr€rraqqfr Td€i &rdlsrt sr n
rfirrRrqt aT ficfteq *dar t
afti rfigrrq* $st oFFdr€q rr
I aqr.Id rrt +iqRi *qa wct I i
', f<iF miti ar Uilq qofrrrn: il
q?-{t{rfii cft art**r csd {{+{ r
trErritr iei{r*crflsRm+gft u
eirrqftrrwi sqt.t{# qrrce I
k<rrfuFslrrrn&a;* ftrrqa: zg n
. qs ttsarrq ffi* qrqdrRqR: r
ilirerT fi ndr iicr sr rsir rrlq u ,
aroreaeafifuqift qra€rqrqqftarft: t $r,
arq?rlt rrir eer Er cffc} }Iiq r
rrfl*arffi ori wi Tr {rAs€TaII
RflrRrTresfi r;i ar frarcrar.rr
.rq i\ffiqq cgai*qrsdtRrfa; r
arai rrmqi qrsqi {etrsth ar fritt rr
q{drqq-d: $ v&;<ncahir r
qfusrqrrfi{rq aM qrFn I
E'rrrcqriT{€*qffiA*c c{r gi I
tri ftagriarqr( c{ ftfr frri'rrq i
uc qr{}snsrnrEc{T{crs{ri g*qn*
rrqfsr* qi wfr r*t rrrfr q+i r
ftrrti T.{ri qrft e*'t+,r{A s tt: I
qfut rd'r q.A efi rs* rri+qft qfuilsrrrarfqrr r,rltt: r
. qrErqairrflitr tfnrQc'jqlrterf,:t
atere*q<dirrft,idrii aei rrlq rr
qqrri: r *qritrrorrqr ers?qrGiers{riir wd{r smRqi{tlfl
Rr<rc<€ac]ql uit<q .s*qti q*q, qsFafrft r orqa;rgr{rTi-
rrcqtira t-1" qv.neqlF{ t\o e*o*qqfulE(fittrrifet teoo
wqi tr<r qfi'elqlr{€rrcrd ftftqgcrdocti q1ftrgi6 iFrT
til.43 qdlisrqrq: I35
(* ltr ail'lsEtril{,erssT.;r{r
q;4a{T icfufu f}.lrc:rff} g il{Tr-
lFgrr qift€a+r arfitlTm arrt&n<r*ce{mriN.q;| sie rsqtrU
g$AI q$rq: I axrl ir (rr{rqqtrq | {.}
oBpgrqtnd rrchTri rqqRrf,rrd: I r
e3y.{ crffi rr*s lrntQrqrr: n
.. rgqercfusft
o61 Erqrritil' qfo-<rftd ffi r qft
qa q;lsrtqi{u} * roerq aq errqriffiqfrr s;{efifiq:
trUi gru'ero*r
,, *iiff rerlrEas frrcrffi rrfrr:t
rrrrinnrnTrirrftr: fu[e f]* rea: rr fc.
rr rr&grrqrt{rtsqr+nEr@ t6 qr.cq.
Suppose the oTrq6og (Adhanalagna) or qryaq (Prasnalagna)
.,to be'3 signs 8o 12' 20" and the position of the Moon at the time
4 signs lO 35'. As the lUoorr is in the 5th Dwadasams.t of
Simha, the Dwadasamsa is Dhanus. The birth has 'to be pre-
dicted when thb Moon passes through the 5th llasi counted
from Dhanus, i.'. Mesha. This is the view of sonre.
According to others the birth should be predicted thus:-
Find by counting from I\{esha the order of the Rasi representing
the Dwadasnmsa; when tlre Moon traverses through so many
Rasis frorn the DwadasarrrsaRasi, birth will happen. According
to this view, Dhanus happens to bb the 9th from Mesha; the birth
witl happen when the Moon is in the 9th Rasi from Dbanus. i.c
Simha- The former view seems more rational.
. Thcn, to 6nd the cxact position of the Moon, we have
of Ctq):Mesha as having been traversed by the Moonat birth iime,
or 5o'l t6 or the second quarter of the star Aswini.
To know the time, we proceed thus:
Lagnr is 80 l4 20" inifizs (Kataka) wbich is a night sign.
time will therefore
t" flfi$, fo ghetikas (tfre
poiul,of !ryht) or rt 8 ghatikas,l2tiViglatit aein tha nt$.-i
*usrffi Adh" III
case of the Moon and
Balabhadra also adds that obly in the
of query or (uilsrt) Adhena
the lortl of the 5th bhaua lt the time
to lrc lrredicted that the
ot:cupying orle au'tl the sattreltasi, it has
at that very instant '
pregnsnt womau t'il1 be delivercd of her child
nnd not otherwise'
tirne of conception
The cooverse process of cleducing the
given for any birth hEs
(,{tcta+ta-Adhanalialn) frorn the data
works as far
not been defiuitely stated in any of our astrologicat
ls I har'e seen-
in Scpheriel's
But the follorvrrrg geueral prirrciples cnunciated
been fourrclto be truc
" trilanualrif Astrology,ii ^nd which have
useful :-
after elaborate tests will be found to be very
(t) wtren the ilIoon at birth tt *axin8 and visible' 9r waD'
between qN|a (Adhana)
iog and invisible, the period intervening
for l0 lunar revolutions
aod bilth will be les'i thau the time token
or'9 Solar lnonths. ({rcri'
(e) tf ttre Moon at birth be waxing an'l invisible
interval between concep'
Atlrislardha), or rvaning and visible' the
be more then l0 lunar
tion and actual time of birth will
revolutions. '
or more-is obteiocd
{f) f'ne actual nurnber of days-:loss
fronr the horizon' the distance
by findios the distance of the Moon
i"tn, fronr the Lagna when the Moon is iuvisible' aod
"o*,"d house (q(ers-Asta Lagna) when the Moon is visible'
i*. ,U. ,,n
the result W 12' Tbe
Convert this distance to degreesand divide
' will represent the number of days required'
(4) tf the birth takes place in {f5q{ (Suklapksha-bright
the Lagna will reprosent tbc
baff of a month), the sign denotinel
qHId (lairana)'
Moon's position at the time of
(5) If the birth be in ifwmqr (Krisbnapaksha-dark hrlf of r
bhava wilt contain the Moo rt
monttr), the sign denoting the 7th
ofiqta (Adhana).
(6) 'The Rasi occupied by '{hp lrloon at birth will bc ririry
''rI{FT{'Ia (Adhanakala) according es the
C, s"tiirrg at the tirrn
srid Moon is waxing or'wauing'
Let us take the following exemPle:-
1900 (lFrqf-rr
Tberewas* birtb. et 4a;m' ou'8t! Jaquqrf
fi, 19 qrf{tsrrrr: t37

Ayenamsa,22' 26' +')-Vikari yoar, Dhauur month-Z5th, Sunclay,

night and Monday morning,I-at. l3o N.
. tVton ... ll signs2l'15'
Sun 8 signs 2+o2f
i Lagna ... 7 signszio Sl'
The Moon is waxing and below tha horiaon(invisible). Ttc
interval betweenconceptioutime aud birth time is thereforc porc


enus' Chart at Mars

r conccption
l8ttrJan. 1S00, timc 1899
Venusl 4 a. m, April, lst


than l0 lunar rnontbs (Rule 2 above). Tho distancc of the.Moon

from the borizon is-
Il-2lo-15, tnin*t 7-21"-Sl. (Lagua) qr 3-tgo-24r
rbich wben converted into days at an averagerate of l2o per day
(Vidr f,u1s 3) is t# or 9'95 days.

The conccption should thcrcforc havc takcn placc lOx

27'32305(period of one revolution of the Moon is. 2V'32305 drys\
+9'95 or rougbly 283'180days prior to birth. The Moon baingin
thc 22td degreeof fr-q (Meena)at birth, the qt{rf,€s (Adhana I-ag.
na) must have been Meena,ZL'. Looking at tne Panchanga for
tbat time, we deduce that the time d. conception should have
bccn at about the early hours of the morning on the lst .l,pqil 1899
rhen Mepna had not fully risen
[Thc child died at 3-30 p. u. on Friday the 22od.Merch 1901
tfi6 th. Moon was transiting (Aswini 2nd Pada, g$It{f{ ) t!e'
6tbbmftr thc lrgns.l
tE8 rtq|lluf AdT III

qgqtt qrqt q qt
qi?mft R-*rqfr(qqrfur
qftft g Rfti{ e,rEilQr
Sloha. 44. Ifi at the,timeof conception,ihe rising
Narnmoabelongoto $aturn .nd ih.t pl'rnet occupies-thc
7th trouse(vn;the child will take 3 years to be born.
If the:conceptiontakesprace when thE Moon ,it under
gimilar eiteums,ta.ac€E, i. tr. when the rioing Na,mmsa
belongeto Kataka'andthe Moon occupiesthe ?th house
(nrl}th. birtb willhappen afrer L.L y?irt. Theeff;b
tbat bavebeeRdegcribedin this Chapter.asdue to pla,
ne6ry coojunctions ar the time of rle (qrqr+)Adhana
must alsobe predicted in regardto the time of the birth
when the eameplanetaryconjunctionsare foundto exigr.
,/. ss{qR|Ii
d mRt c1N ftAr& glmFTF(|
tft: urfu €Aft Erqrr"r{srrl
Also gwrl:
sqq qRr agts*istr st \q crn<rqdiq r
reqqini'tfr* q"rldfr.* ,
rrqi q rrci qR{" urrqtn
Aleo grcndi
qrl tttrdit nfirl erdTfr ftt* r
{c"tur qfirifirti{, ;vefr,f" isq,l
Thethird quartor of the Sloka is interpreted in
{qrTcqfd (Dasa..
dbyayj) to mean "If the Navamsa Rasi of theMoon
at the time of
sorception be one of saturn's houses and if saturn be in trre l*,
bhara from the Moon, thon thc.birtn WiIl happon
in tbc twetfth
$L +l ttttsqC: 1|9

(Brihath.prajapathya)is quoted:
' TrTtntcrrs qcqEl<rgt rre: I
c|'ir il Qg* qriqRrffir.r6Btt u
In trnqms (Brihathprajapathya)it is said " tm qg6,1
Septhamamhibukam va ard in the text gnr& s (Sapthamasthcchr)
is used. This q (cba) sbould be taken to meaDggqr? ffi s gfi
(SepthamastleHibukastbe-chasathi.) The object of Varahaqrihira
in putting Saturn in the'7th housois.-not onty to .securs bis full
aspecton the Lagua.or the Moon, but also to givo him bis full
Digbala (directional.strongth) as Saturu's Digbala ia too Ztb
bousc ts futt.
,1. qrrqthr
teaorff"i tt*stlmi tlir r
trlRcflr t&ry rts qitttqnrgqrr
It is also opinod that if,theseyqgal crist, tbr feneldwiU b.g
no more.
'n Etqfitm
qr{rrcne qrdfuilssrma: ft r
i'qefr ril tr: sqk cqlt rdRlft: rr
, f$t tur: oqkcrq$.t Allva I
qi qtqftsrU"murrvcftrililTr I
qlrtr q trfd| Rem: rel gl: r
rq{ffi * itfr wtr rrrilfr: cfr: n

tEttqil S,dtit rotgt r

ftil drilnqfrRilrr g.i r tffir nu\tl
ort rfr qrrt,tr dqFilgfr
qiq t
Sloha. 45. When the lorda of thL 9th aad tfth
bhavacare in bad pooitiooEr tod the lord of trhe ririog
aign is strong, the iscue bac undoubtedly been boro.
eithout. fxa (Seenabtha)--and-other.guritiqagory. rtta,.
t40 rlcrdf€A Adh. III

bharn and rhat is owneC by a maleficplanetalro, there
will be no issuewith th: purificatory dlwae(Seeoantha)
ceremonyperformedupoo ic
o/' udtFrnfir
[:Qrrifr r$gurffir s& ftqrrr&cfiaqrdtq I
elqrdrclt R*l qFfi rfrrr: ctlrftrls& ae n
srt sqri tec ilq1le cr wn) q(; $qihls& er r

ftsqfcrqtwq orft?al{$qft r
fttrse qrt qsqrgu
|{dmtn Bqtl
Slola. 46. When the Moon doesnot aspecttbe
lagna, the birth of a child is out o[ thg father'rsight.
And be ie at tbe time absentin a foreigncouotry,if ihe
$un be,ln a mcveablecign and has falleo out of the ase
(lvfadhya) er the l0rh bheva i. e, h in the gth or 9th
o/. tr<r*A
r.ffi qIfrft rti{fun ftert rinr: r
llrwsgl cr c{* rrir fa1.rni,t
qt fualcft dfht ggla r
qcqnfrRtctqrcqns cT{irrahqn
Also 141a4
cst ftfr*;q ftg: rrlt fiqFm:crcft tt Frrq.I
' qrfutsi$s:cq{i cl &qqrf* Rattf qtl-{q il
lf tbe.risiog sign is unaspected by the Moou and thc Sun lr
eirher in the 8th or 9th bbava, tbeu the father is not present at tbc
place of birth of the child. If ttre above Sun be in a movcable
siga, thc father will be in a foreign conDtrt. If hG bc in tr b
ngrnabfr s!n, tbc falb,ef ;iU b. ia tbc srotrthq fts
n4t 1 l4l

rrtcre btrth took placo. If the Sun be in a dual aigu, thcn thr
father will bo on his way home. The Yqa deoicted is g day
E'or the secondyoga given in the latter half of the slola (ia
thc text),the c.onditionthat the Legna is not aspectedby the Mooo
ia accossary; c/. (9a'srdq,) Sukajathaka:
qmftmt qrlr qilrrgtftql r
Rnl: ftar frttnt sr;r qtor lftraq rr
{r qt Oi il.h qqrrfur
ffi qpn:qqnr\ ffirtsdarrt3ttBetl
Sluha. 47, When Saturn is to rise on the lagna
or Maf,qio setting (occupiesthe ?th rmr $[nv.1 or if thE
Mqoo be between Mercury and Venur, then alro the
hther will'be away at the time o[ the birth of the lhild,
Balabhadrasligbtly difiers-He says
trlqkt nsrcnrgi flffi-*sc.qqqt stl t
riqqr qffiwrrl ftitretn qi* Ttt u
tbere the Moon if between Mars aud the Sca it dC to causc thc
lErnc aflect.
In tbe preViouseloka, the day scenerywas depicted. In thc
prcrcot sloka the oight scenery(birth at uight time) is describc4
since Saturn (the Karaka of the father at a night birth) ig tel*
iitd consideration instead of the Sun as io the previous sfda.
q{irr}rtifte{t: gfr{ trss,it:ftgrnn: | ,

srrrtr cGir gtfrrit*q al qe: n

The Sun at a day birth and Saturu at a night birth, if espectcd
by Mars, iodicate the abseuceof the fatber. Aad if the sign tbst
ir occupiedaud aspectedrespectively by the above'meationedtwo
pielets be a moveableone, the yoga indicgtesdemiseof thc fathot
brforergoplaceat the time. Tbe autborof SaravelifurtDcrsstl;
qnrftrni {foi qq'*Trrfuqq{t*n I
rr l?hni r{qft Qaf tg* n
t1g rilmh!|lt Adh, III
4i-*aAtthAG r_s rrJ{Jty Lwrryy-! -.ff _ar jg .j-

dmmqtsrfrlF{ffit rrBztl
Sto*a. +U. If the Mecn b: in a sign owl:d by a
benefic planet or in a mt (Varga) of Jupiter, the cbild
born is legitimate.
,/. gmcrfr{
trwltlrn qt'grmfftsfr er r
crRqRKrfttsft a chfe pli rr
Vidc also sloka 59 ialto

Sir q ffitg' T{rt qr$r?tqr

N{ qium,{ft-fi {r qorFqe: t}81tl
,sr Stoha. 49. When Jupiceris not aspecteC by Marr,
and the Sun and the Moon are in their sd (Varga).the
child born is a tar (Kshethraja). The sameis the cale
also when Jupiter is stroog and in conjunction with
. Mercury.
rcfFit qA qfrrgke{qt r
ffg{Ft*tiztgr' tntfr t'r{ rr\o tf
Sfola. 50, When the Moon is in the rrt (Varga)
of Setrrrnand the 5th vtE (bhava):isoccupied by Satwn
and alsoaepecteJby the Sunand Venue, the ooo botn
ir a lhnfc (Pounarbhava);i. c. the eon of a remarried
Gqtrnwtngt qd {rwtqif,tr t
qFffitSqrfriltrfrt frqq: n\t u
Sl r[.r" 51. When the 12th W-tr.bnava
is aspected
by the $un,or the Sun and the Moon are.in the rrt
Varga of tbe Moon aod the Sun,the peroon born ic a
t[ 58't5 Erflcl$crr: ;Il3

Eqgfrqtq(r tl \q tl
Sloha. 52. When qrFE(Mandi) is aspecred by the
lvloon and ic in conjunction with Saturnor aspected by
s him, tbe child bom will be given away
by the parento
to aoother to adopt-
'f,gtcd'nsq,iqt t
qirc{tftttD,uH{g frftt}( ri\t tr
S/ola. i3. When the ?th or the 5th Hre-!6.u. 't
o occuDied
by.Saturnabi!'Mare and is unarp*ted by otGr,
planete,the son born should be marked out as6ftf,
Krithrima (i, e..to be adoptedby othere)
qcqQrrrdg ffiftrfr wrourqr
oil{fr ft Rgh{rt {r E{qr?€g*qfii qtq u\B rl
Slof,a;.J1.. If tbe lords of the &rr (Hora) and the
{th.vn.bhava count4dfrom qqqrr (Janmalagna) occupy
eaqh otherts.houses or if either of thembe.in conjunc,
titro with Rahu.orKetu, the-chitd bom was begottenby
s,i mr* gttrinqari
r {qt Mr& il'r
E *frq,9{ ilfift qrii qtwqwrqtar,\E lr
S/ola. 55. It Jupiterdoesnot aspectthe Lagnaor
the Moon, or be not in one and the eamehouee with
either, and if the Lagnaor the Moon be not in a rrcl,
Varga of Jupiter, then the actrologer should declarethe
child to be boro in consequenceof tllreootber'l congreEl
with eqcher,
LU rlTIfufi tf,; m

qnt ftdiqrdtqr€w qwqt rftqffi qr

firqnl rqgeafteri\s qnr qtfr qElhil \q rr
Sloha,56. A chitdboroin any of the threefollow,
iiogcombinationsof ftft-Thithbi, qn,Varaandrlr,Nak,
rbatra is declaredto be the rerult of the notherb
congreEs with ancther: ( l) fi*rqr-owitheeya,rffrrr.,sun-
day anCsrdt€wather,,e) wadl-Sapthami, glm-W,edner,
day andHt-Rerntbee,(31Erfift Dwadasee,{tgfr(.Sunday
and rFlu,sravishttha.
Balabhadrain his trcrr (Horarathna) statcs that this cloka
ir from ffir (Thathamisra.) Thc readius given is as folloos:--
qrifrtfiqrtfffii s?mqi eettHrg r
eq grEdcrGnqaqcfr
criq qrfrsrEqgrrqq il
qt*ftqqfts qtdrdfrfr{fig' tt\e ll
Sloha.57. When any oneof the 3 weekdayrrvi!
&turday' Sundayand Tuesday,is ascociatedwith a
qrfff-Bhadra thithbi, (r. e ftilcr-Dwitheeya, ecfr-Sap,
thani, or rcrft-Dwadasi) anda ftqrrnnmhripada n.L,
rhatr4 (i'c. gq*q-Itunar\asu, ffqtKl,lrlrakha or $rq-
vqr),the child born b declared tobc begottenbyanorbgc_
, Thc folloving arc somc morc yoges for iltcgitimatc o$pring$
: tffieireffffqrriwr gileldt qrqfl lmilrrt I
, sfisqfl qqgfecrsr: ir&r gfficrrs; n llornnrr
rlqamrgei" si wftffi r
, lrenrnr:s ftM *.isftrran sqq il
[ .tlrnrnrr! rt g$ qrcril cQ'i
ttfoftmr gltwrqwil: s rrri r uft r
Cl.iE rtdtSrltrnr: 116

Tffisrffirgett?f cuqkcttt! I
. frlnt fuhtt qgtrft arnnrsms! qreme il
&fi'* I ftftrrril ar* rqftg r
, tnltFi c rl ilr: ritsecrre:c$fffrr: I
qmtq*t@ftfi tTqeftqfr r
sg{i ti*qrqft ilr* qrqt s€rq,r
n orFFtq lKfrttqilr {r mr* Gfi wrrrctr
wrqdsillrgdrrr*rqntqturild rrqlk furqr(riqar
Slola 58. When Jupiter doesnot aspectthe rieiog
'cign and
the Moonr or ttre Moon in conjunction with
the Suo; or the Moon ia in conjunction with
'the Sun
and a maleficplinet; the offepringie poeitively
declaredto have beenbegotieaby toother.

Fore child to b" a""rlrll' ,"*,r,mate(l) Lagnaor the

Mooa must rcccive iu''iopect of JupiterI e) ttcsuir lr.conjunc.
tion tpith the Moori sboukl be aspected by
Jupitci; of (.})'tbcro.
sbould not be any maleftc aloog with thc Moon in coniurction
rith the Sun.
"/. sarqd
} qtqRr.r ge!.rfiri qi q ftilri tE{ |
lr er*{nt fi qrcslrd?RnEtl
., "nrg,i
But it has to be strted hore that if the Lagna en<lthe ftfoofr
bc in a Navamsa belortsirlgto
Jugiter, theu tbe child ehoufd-'uOt
bc drclared as illegitrmate.
c/. qftr<
ctrtrtstnqiQf ar iflir +ilsr reurit rr r
En rrWft
3aFaanl siirrr lvrcdutq u
? lt tadl <fo|l qclqe: Nava Sas.ankoRavina Samarpthaba.
le sno$rr rcaAirrg. Tlre whole sloka is
cagrableof 6ei6g inteo
prctcd thus:
l{e rtfinnr|| Adh. ltl

qrr !IG!yd qrd t i ftO{tr tqTrr{trt: rQor ecrrrrt

r cft q*;ug(: mft qcns; qfr il gar: rqri clq ild frrqnc
qFr n
That is, if Jupitcr does not 'aspect the Legna and the
Moon, and at the eeme time tho Moon be not in conjunction with
the Sun, and secondly,the I-agna and the Moon being unaspected
by Jupiter, if the Moon in conjunctionwith the Sun be also esso.
ciated with a malefic planet, then the child should-in the
absonco of any restricting (unm,Apavcda) yogas-bo declared
Cf. tq'<*e
{: i q{r qnftd q ql qrqqfteqr r
s* iregqtortrilfr.nnfinr arut: ll
qqrqsl qr giq: ql|gcdqq r
gt: mrfrcttutdrfi ilirr* il
hftluqsrqr* rgtse $Fenrq(|
acftc ftqnrq nlQq ga{t rrrq rr
It would appeer that +{ ur<R (Apavada) yogaswero aftc
great penanceobservedone after anotherby Sagcsas statodbdlow:
Brahma, Subrahmanya\ Garga I
ald surya t + .Marichi Iz
Vyaaa ... ... 3 Manu ,.. I
Vssishta ;.. I Anglrag o.. .r. 5
Attri ... .r. ... 2 l-omg1gg,, ... ... I
Prtasgra o.. .- ... 2 Peulase -. 3
lleayepe 3 Chyevena F ... I
Nrndl ... 2 Sauneke .,. o
7jdc Srutis.

wffiq* ae* qFqilFdrI

nffi ett qrr qtderqt rr\q tl
.Slolo 59. When the Moon io in a nrQr(Raei)
oyrnd by Jupiteror is in anotherrrRr(Rmi) in conjunc,
tion with Jupiter or ir in Jupiter'eirqpl'lDreehLnil
lfriftsrnr: l4l

or crtn (Navamsa),the child born hasnot beenb:got,

ten by a.paramour.
This stoka is'from Garga. Pleaseseesloha48 and thc noto
thercto. qF{(m (Vanyarasige) is auother reading and segmsto
be the correct oue.

T*.rdqitr$ q{kffi{FqqRqfr t
r{R fffitqrqr € mdtqu+fr QmllQo
Sloha 6f. If the two malefic planets $aturn and
lvlarste in maleficsignsMeoha,SimL and Kumbhaand
occupythe ?th, the gth cr the 5th place from the $uo,
the father of the child born is in a state of forcedoeclu-
rion confined in a foreigr, place,in his own or on his
way to his own country, accordingasthe sign occupied
by the $un is moveable,inmoveableor a dual one.

4. smqd.
crrnqqui qft{6t! cntfr r
q\ \a

rq: lQar;<ft}TRrrrtrqtswrcrT il
From the plural numbors usod in tho abovc guotation, it
tould eppear that the term " malefics" ncednot necessarily bc
confined to Saturn and Mars, but may bc extndod to woa& Moorr,
Snbu rnd Kotu. But it is aot .o. Aod by " T(d o'Knrrarksbl
r{6 rRsl*il| Adb" lil
ll the five houses of ma{eficl, viz. Meshe, Siqlhe, Vrirchitn,
[alrara and Kumbha are not meant, but only
Mesba, Simha and
iumbha. Here the difieronce between the terms paparksha (tfCd)
nd Krurarksha qtf{ rnay be noted.

The one means "all the housesowned by

nrale6cs,, wbilc
lo other confines them to " their odd signs.', ,/.
fftrcwril (ocn4; q<\ urrrncgattrt r
grilt fit in$ ci* {req ei.rmrq u
i{+<q adds " If th" Sun in the above case be
in gqrl s.
nui*tcr (Nigala drekkana), the father is forcibly (illesally)
dofintd; and if any other l)rekkana,
on account of business oi

Sffi cd$ ftr\ o{qhs\ sfr r

et qttitsftsfrn qt tnqerrqi* Inll
S;loka61. When the Moon ig full aod in his
,igni.e. Kataka,and when Mercury ie in ihe ;;rt";;;"
rnd Jupiter occupi€sthe 4th house, the pregna"t -o,
nan is delivereil of her burdoo in a boat. This nay
)appenalro when the rising sign io a watery one and
;he Moon (whetherfutl or io the ?th bharn.
Thc word si€ (saumve), may also be interpreted as bencfic.
Iho meaning will then be " If the Moon be full and in Katat a
rnd if benefic planets be in the lagoa and the 4th$ousc, then tbc
birth takes placc in a boat., tT the l.ag!8 be a watery sign and
the Moon be in the 7th bcing rlso full, then alrc the birth taltcl
Dlace in a bet."
,1. qr{Ir|0t
ih* qa g s{r'rrh Erfi,ft€ftTffi |
qrtrofrrffi afis<nqtRrfrr
Tba.rrcrdgc (Subba)in (Subh6,Sukh6),!g\ *' in tbe tcrt
brf b|fc nndoritoOdto meenpnly .Jupitcrby tbe commcntrtoras
tsp'il.rn'.dlrr r jee*ihilitrcf vcuusoceugyingtho.{tb plror
Dl. 60 qfirilsrrrri: l+',7

from Mercury in thc LaCna. " amgq-qgns sgW*T(Tgtri

$&q: n (qqrd cl. rgfqraq
{h{: *t[gi t qfti drr{rr fr.
oy' .l,tso gcn*"1
ffi t gan $illi st ect{ft Nit '
efi ffi fffifuft cr rqrThnF{dqrs;rr
r* r
Rut the word Swarasig6€fftfi may apply to (Sasini) qrftrft ot
(Saumyc)ttlq in the text. For the latter view. c/t 16g1ilr{il
oft qgfi grqFmTrTqr eilA gi I
qlt: ridr qq*tqr-+ ffi c?q n
Also tqr<qirr
ait'fr gtfiTe dqr ffi r grqt I
qiilrrQT3lls! gt fitfrqi [€ir +q I
According to the above, the word ai\ (SubhU) may alsr
include Venusand (PoorneSasini) td rril,fr will meanthc Moor
during the ten drys from fu.1fif to Srqtfq1f11it
qr rS tTfil s{i{isq{r t
qr( qfr:.qfrfu
t$qrr'gsrrrs r tuql nQirr
S/ofra62. If the Lagnabe a watery rign with the
full Moon in it, or if suchMcon be in oppositionto the
Lagna,or in the 10thor in the 4th bhavafrom the Lagna,
then the child will be born near water.
Anothcrirlnfuetation. Whcn the rising signis a watery onc
and the Moon occupiesa watery sign, the delivery takes place iu
tbe vicioity od.rater. The same happenswhen thc fult Mmn
aspects a tratery sign; or the Lagna beiog a (Jetaresi) fioilflr,
tho Moon occupiesthe l0th, the +th or the"lst bhava.
cFfrfi qprlq: is anotherreading.
t €r<rt,l
rrfrerrarl cqft qer* {tat cqr q0: r
qqt qb* ft*rfa{{qqfrt{qa rnf u,
r60 qrfiilctfrwl Adh,m
strrrffiq&n g.Frtqrqff,fffttql r
M dr\ffi?rfrsqt rrqtrr
S/<iAc6.i. Wh.n the rising eign and the Mo.rn
happento be in one anrl the samerrfu (n"ri) .oa *i"o
Saturn is in the 12th rnq (Bhava)and aepectedby a male,
fic planet,the delivary will take placein a EecretEpot.
(Probably widowsderiveringchildren
secretly is hintedherc).
Again, when the Lagna is E&r (Vriechika) or uzr
(Kataka)and $aturn occupiesit and ie aepect'ed by the
Moon, the delivery will take placein a pi t,
c/. trrmilrs
orffirtqemt srq: qslr{rihil: r
gfr rqft"rsl atortcJccrQrq rr
' eA offi qqr ibr m frri Er* r
ir{sgqel: rftdigrfa csh stq rr
Also G[;(fr{r
sqA?ftstqafri c"E: cFlft{tftril; r
rRTtwvrwft tcti cqfr *Ra: il
Also dt+rttcr
qq€r*0tiqcnf tr, qilq tra: r
{frq'lr *lrrqt: qqt Ta{iroi rr
ffiwltifrf c€Rirq* r
qcft rrs": ff {qfu qq:fr; rilt qfir(ir, t

rqssqrrfRu{i gqfrgPrtfirftilqr(t
stsrr{t gqut {u{ *qr(frERtrEir qBtl
Sloka 64. According asSaturn,occupyinga watery
,riring sign,ie aspectedby Mercury, the Sun or the
Moon, the delivery will take placein a pleasurehouse
a temple,on a saltishground or on a sandyplace.
EL66 Ifti$ilT: t6l

c/. sr(r{df
rRS qashafi dffi gqfut !r(E: I
rRpr M aqlcl +{ a'Qorrr
ln the yoga described in the sloka in the text, the especting
as woll as the aspectedplanets must be strong.
ol. t*qtrrr
nftSorsqefr gtq q?{ frtira: r
ffioq orrst?qrrri ltaraar rr
sqt nrftrr sit {6at qoariirr I
?rdrnhq.Wr {q{fi at fttotgr(t^rdi*t
ltqrqt {r q({ stit uq\tl
Sloha 63. If the ricing sigh be a humanRasi, and
Saturnoccupying it be aspectedby Mare, the delivery
will be in a cemetery,cremationgroundor kitchen, If
Venus and the Moon aspectSaturnin the poeitiondes,
cribed, the place of delivery will be a lovely one, If
Jupiterbe the asp€ctingplanet, the delivery will take
placein the house dedicatedto the cacredfires. If the
$un shouldaopect,the placeof deliverywill be a palace,
a templeor a cow houee, And laetlyan art,gallerywill
be the placeof detiverywhen Mercury is the aspecting
a/. gr<rqdl
ail{oqqqae* FRqreil am ril qfi r
a&ifrA 'qlrr* ftrer+Qu'ig ilaia rt
qXQrt d'rtq'aaqri'g*garrai reofm!fir t
a*ass i?trzfAe.Haieif arffiglk WRq,n
Also rgq-+rt4,
liur{n '-{d'c*EatQffil0 I
e ,qwriRrdqTt cteil cl tl
162 rtmftd Adh.III

tnq{mrnd qrilw{* ftfr ut t

qarffi qqFqirotrrrqil{aq$*r n QQrr
' Sloha 66. The placeof birth of a child ir ur,rnlly
that correepondingto the rising sign or its Na\reora
whichever of them ie etronger. If the stronger of the
two be moveable,the birth will be in a building far
away from the native place of the father. If immove
able, the birth will be in farher'c own house; if in a
dual oigo, it will be in an out,houge. If the ricing
,,Ilavameabe a Vargottamaone, then the birth will be in
)he child'o maternalgrand,fatherbhouse.
I *ot'"
1r' \'
o/. 6-qtl<r
qcql qfidhner wri qftrr*t I
'dt qtrArtrrqi aarQastmqftfrq: ll
qfr .futrsnftrfrltrr€r
qcltqfuit q'nrrq;q*qqurrrql: ll
trrcrfurr sr *d* arlrltfr qr r
qtm&< cr
{qrd"r nq qtq rr tt
qqrr{rf }tnrqtsQq {ftoq r
Aiso ttFdIIqFrdT
rt ftfr sr rr* cTEFIFdrrr;R{m tl
usrftrzqql n<} edat gffisft cr r ,
. riri qnt qnqitt ilwFR I
ftg clsr cut: dqiftnr}rar r
f* funqqQrqr rgwrrilsmrrrfttl
For the last quarter of the sloka r/. ffirdKl
rtffiet qtlqcnnkrrr
wtrnlrdurr r\f,r* rislt+ |
8[ d? dllnrtr:

trft6 t]lflrnrcr
lggdt qca{ rlEr sufrrt t
ftrrftrrrqrqrc* cqffi{ fr qt ll
of tbc iq19' viz', Rasi and
The considerationof the stronger Sup'
J*"yt bc bomo in mind'
Navamsais important "tJ**u thc onc
of tu" n*ti 't"t is dircctly contrary to
;;"fi."t or tbo Moon' Wc
given for the Amsa o""opi"a by the.Lagna
,*o is strongcr --"d :l*j:ll
oust 6rst decide r::ich of th" hie worr
prrceed.Varahamihir" o'r"' this ori-ncldc throughout
of the Rasi aloqc will
Brihat Jataka. ruf"." "*lideration
thcrefore sufrce.
q Rqdsrqqr
.}s{tnqqF{t- {qfgr gsffq= *' llqtrtl
Slofra6?- If the Moonbeintrine to Mars
house' the child
andoccupiesat ,h. t";t time the ?th
born ir ab.odon.i byl; io*tt' But if the Moon be
arpected by Jupiter,tt'c cnila becooeglong'lived'
and well.cgredfor.
Asothctisdpctalioa." Wbcnthc Moon. T:ttnt--:l:.:lb'
Srtrrfn occupyrlg
Mars aud
tbc 9th or the 7th houscia rcrpect to
t/' ff(t{ai
oac and tbo samebougcretc"'
n $"rgptt g<rFc* tfiffi r n
Also qlIlETilT
'-* -'-;--tq,.ot{*:
*itst t* ftqg'llsrrrtr lt
Chandrelrreq-Nisanotberreadiogfor(ChandreAethc) Sun
qi*r aod the t""oiil''tiir ii"o bo "If the Moon or the
bc trino to Mars and Saturn etc"' 'cclipsod" i'!" itl
qk (nstna) mey also bo iutcr-prctedas
'1: 5<it<t-
coniuuction with tbe Sun'
q$tt wcrtl &frq I
qt ; ecqt qrrr ei! q! ftt'fqc I
ta1 incgntrd .fan. nl
Tlu slbka quoted above distinctly says that
the l\Io-onshburd
bc 6 (nfooana)i.a., eclipsedby the
rays of the Suu and so the
words (Asttagatne) qgqir and e{Ril
.q,stie in the quotations from
sararali and samudrajatake do not
m.an ,, the 7th house,, but
mean @lipscd;"
For rlleviating tte efiects <if'the yoga
- describedin the text,.
JrqpitermuStbc st?ong.
c/. qqinr
rfter g1q1r} dr* eq r{R r
qS E, CBfr ffig, {qngki e *ga: rr
Yd Qarqft$qt*q+€.nsst I
ft*sft qrqR;q,frqqcifr
' ffifrg rqgqfrsqry: nq6fl
Sldka 6f. When the Moon is in tfie lagna
arfct.d by,a maleficplanetand \rfars occupiecthe ?th
4-."* the child perieheebeingabandoned dl;; i*fo
Tbe carneh.pp"or when lv&rc and Saturn ii O"
lltt qrt?.Whenatenefic planetarpectstte Mooo, "r the
chtld pasletirrto tbe b:rrrdsof'a pereonof.acrasecorrgp,
pondingto;the.aopec.ting beneficplaoet.II .oott * .ii"
nc under'theaboveyoga aspectsthe Lagna, then
child bereftof the motherwirt fail into thl handc
or di
peopleand will die. Evenif cared for
Uy otn.rr; L
qhild lives not.
' *:ll
c/ sr<r{O
fuqil qd€ qrrftFr&sri sts€}r erG: I
wcF€arq rmqHgqrg! qr$irtd{ il
qITft Strc] wqrqrrr.JGrpt
argqil snil; I
- l5ucrclrrrififuttlsfreffin
Sl. 6E tdtftsqrr: ,lis

etitg {qr Aig wfi glrtrtt: t
qqft asrffi<lee*stg il
Balabhadraaddsqil$ftrfi ffA s's} g{qrll6r|rl
TqNt crar ff6 cn'iU[rft t sft Smild*
qnltqfi*frg qei q{qft a g{r: I
q6qoH.oi Utrft ftqt c('
grervr! qq irccn.6 ndt frqt rft n
Also lltqFtlqg
giffi Rrnat otaQt6ql ng '
irrrtrr rreffi 116rwqfttlrffi: n
arn flri frnrflt qrfr qrar ftqsqt I
crtrts<r gfirt!€qnq ti rtt: ll
qreitiqrq crt" *flSksr eqr fuh t
errrvrc*gerittftqr mgk* ll

l--r: I

t l l
l06 ltf,r\rRwt Adh II

frqqrqutseeoqeeiloffis ilqlr,gt
qRtilrtr u dtftfrolq. ftql rqril uqqtl
S/o[c 69. The delivery will take place in rhe
houoeof the father, mother, paternal uncll or maternal
aunt accordiogto the strength of the planet represelt-
ing theoerelativeg(vide SlokatS Supra).It will happen
in an erpoeedphce auchaoa grave,a rampartor a river
.bank,if the beneficplanetsbe ia their depressionhouses.
If the Moon occupying the Lagoa be not aspectedby
tbe benefic planetso:cupyiog one and the eame oign,
the child will be born in a lonely place.
a/. gr<r,rot
trcddmtt|Qr csif tc: q{isu gdftrt r
ftqdft EtFt qan*r aqrs'q1t il
rrgrisRt Yi e$s<Mkuti t
ftqfilxtrsilc€tr{rrk refrrnq ll
nnnrtrfrg r qffiIt: €r&' I
ffflil cfiqqtrsmqu cwccrqr
Also tnrrir<r
ffiSnaBgqrt: i@g r
rq3&sirrffiritffi' rf
c/. mq*a
e*qr qnrft€ c r sfaqft c{qft r
cqt t ss* qrt ftqt ftffffi rr
,And lteqHTte{
q rf$ + qt rtftqrft *dFrqr
S*sgfr sTttr c| As* ffi q aq.tt
qri q qft cr{tqrq-dq-q{qffi tl
etr6l ffi qft eqr iltq ftrqrq, u
81.?0 q{tdstrn: t6?
.tvrvYY u Y!Jt!vt!,@E.@vJv.@

rqfi{ {ftfr Ggsqqetr-.sr\qr

(gk il (qR {{;i dtqmtq{fr |
qenrit*q?q aRtqtqlqq il((
qfrq;ff(qKerlfubuqrgtr;'nsll eoll
Sloka 70. When the Moon ir in a Narnmsa
owned by saturn or in the 4th(wl)Bhavafrom the Lagna
or ia aspectedby Saturn, or occupiesa watery aign' or
is in conjunction with saturn, the accouchement is in
darknesg. The sametakesplaceon the ground whel-3
ot more planets are in their d.epressioncigns' The
coming ow of the child from thc womb is exactly
i. c,
the eml.rg.nceof the rieing sign,from the horizon;
U-i, it a"{rffqa (SeershoCaya) sign, the child
'. * i , l r t h e h e a d f o r e m o s t ; a n d i f a g i r q c ( P r u c h t o d a y a )
srriqq (Ubhayo'
;6, with the legeforemost;and if an
aly.l sign,with ih. h.ndt foremoet'If malefic
the 7th or
in conjunction with the Moon or occupy
it is said
ii. +ti qrq (Bbava)therefrom, mucb diotress'
has to be enduredbY the mother'
or is aspectedby Saturn' etc'"
if.iA t Navamsaowneclby Saturn
be taken tb mean (eUjea'
Iu this sloka qsai'(Abjage) should
"-r*t,$ffi$;" #T',gi?'"ff":#f.Xil
**rea *ft" gt dlur ergt t
qE ll
. qqictRfi * td a'qQ rsdr
lw qrqacrcqqqaroft *qq: t
tE'q{q guiteQn aqtmrq
158 flcrlntq|l Adh. III

t i$cm.rtt q&qtqrb{n€ttqilt
qtc *ftrttEFa vrirt{ren gt, rr
And f(artqflrdT
dtdqrser!drlorg:: dngfrsft <r I
, q*{rrt coilr cr qt€ttqfr Rqa:ll
aqt eTTrqrqq{t<rr<cig irrq I
q IIE:qiqs&kw€a aqrQr r
q:iFtcSct: vfrnlqt btg{tq tl
qet * qib* ft't a'4geq g&o: t
ftihtrosi drqtt' &)$rqR{ha Tr ll
{Rd rTftrcrq* aar f6g6*gcr tl
Alsotr<ndl ,
drritsqiloiiT a;|s*wghruar i;g* r
ilE* Er sdr<qft csi a eqt: ll
' bir orS,r'i*r"rcrr*t mr6$et r
.tq"ffiah qFr cwttztaafrgur: lr
tal mnrriiEqrq
- eriqiffsft qt{ttfficdHtllet rl
Slrla ?1. The quantity of oil in the lampwill
vary with the portion to be traversedby the Moon in
guessed from
th"'rigo enteredupon. The wick is to be
of the riaing
i[. LJgnt, d.e.wilf vary with the portion
of the lamp
,Lrr ritt below the horizon' The character
i."to b. gueosed from thechlracter of the eignoccupied
fixed' or
iy-tf,. Sit, i.a. whether'thelight ie moveable'
the Rasi in
i"rlr'ic to be declaredfroui the nature of
*ii"t, the $un is. The door of the lying'in'chamber.is
occupying tbe
ti U" go.rsed by mean!of the planets
those that are
Kendrapositions; or ratherby meaneof
possesged of strength; i'e' *itn more than tlne
;."*;. Kendra-pogitions, the door must be gueroed
|I. '12 qft$rq?r: t6g

by the strongestof them; when thereare no planetein

the Kendras.find which of the Kendraoia strongeet,and
rhe direction facedby the door is guesoedaccordingly.
The Moon determines the oil in the lamp; tho wick in the
larnp is dotermiaed by the l,agna and the Sun determinesthe
chlracter of the lamp.
If the Moon is waning, there will be little oil in the lamp. If
thc Moon is at the beginningof a sign, the lamp will be full of oil..
If she be in tho middle of a sign, the oil in the- lainp rvill be
moderatelyfulf ; if in the end of a sign, little oil. The same
holds goodin the casoof a wick.
If the Sun be in a moveablesiga, the lamp is not a fixturc btrt
can be movedabout. If in an immoveablesignr the lamp is a 6x.
ture and not capable of being movedabout. lf in a durl sigu,
thc lamp can be separatedfrom its place (rerooveable).
If tbe Sun be in a fiery sign, we may say that the light is lit
by electric power; if fiery and also moveable(siep), the electric
tanrp is moncable,and so oa.
t/. qr..riltr
qrqtr{tr|la} arelt,aRvt sfHidt I
trcs{ftsnGg R'}EqFr4:strqile il tr'l',
qragF-{rfrii effitrw S are* ftt I
{rv, 41 '4fr:aGrh qftt erqqttos il
wcftqil * cg{wa@t I
;. B{*r& qa{ili: q$r tdftdrlrdftll
qft'ftru(qtt ft?dghEnii{ qftilfr
Etgrdq Ei rfr {frgt iltsfraqwq I
Gdfrrgil *i q ug+ilt EeqfrEt
" q*t€ q*qt{€dt qrq;ilqFt*q tt sRft
Sloka 72. The lying-in chamber will happen to
be old but repaired when Saturn_ir rtroDg. Ic will'be
ro rrmtnl[f Adh.m
e building epoiledby fire when Mars ic powerful; a
new building when the Moon ir in strength;a structure
aboundingin timber, but flinsy, when the Sunis power,
ful; anedificebuilt by the combinationof severalartisanl
when Mercury ie strong. When Venus ie predominaot,
will be lovely, possessiogworke o[ art
anJ quite new. [t witl'be strong and durable wben
Jupiter is powerful. The astrologer may guet! the
sttucture, in the manner indicated, of other houses
begioningwith thosewhich areimmediatelyaround the
lying,in.chamberby meansof the planetsin the Zodircal
this Comparc lI--24, &'ll-22 rcgardingthc pleccr
and cloths indicated by thc scvcral plaaets.
,1. qr<rrd.
Q,i it €ggf r. $ gft r q,lr $ qiaf vttqtrtruqI
!t r rgrQrtcsrtgt c qfi *q1ttudurtnr* r tl
tqu.@: r
qqfr* l|91ls
qftrra{*0r fdild Eftr{rqrqrt
Stoha73. Tbe direction of tbe lyingin chamber
ir determinedby the cign owning the planet that is
strongeEtin the Kendras. If the sign in queotion be
Mesha,Kataka,Tula, Vrischika or Kumbha, the ly_ing,
in.chamberwill be in the easternportion of the house.
If it be owned by Jupiteror Mercury,the lying,in,cham,
ber is in the north of the houce. If it be Vrishabha,the
lyiog,in,chamberir in the weEternportion of the house,
If itbe lvlatara or Simha,the chamberwill be locatedio
tbrgnutbero grfita of tbe hourE.
gl. 14 tilfr!ffi: l6r

tuen the lying'in'chambe'r'
, SupposeJupiter is the strongest;
will be in the northernportionof the house.

Directions N Directions
of Rasis of Rasis
according to as per this
s l-13 E Sloka

E N l*
s'lm{:- ftqse{qprfu*f+qrtqnrrt*ffot qt I
gq'Tg{qErftgirfu*{w€rq{$qFcil: fur?fr: ll
conrmeutator Bhattotpala is of opinion that the direction
of the lying-in-chaurber is determiueclby the rising sign at birth
(and not by the sign nwned by the sirongest of the plauets in Ken'
drasi videsloka 18 supn al\sls it is stated that yowerful
in Keudras will indicate the doors of the lying.in-charnberaud the
charncter of the buitding where birth has taken place)' His vierv
is not acceptable. il

lrEqrd ffiI fi * 5iu1ii6iffi' ,

s€qrgRqng{ekGl qqFin'-sffifrs llsgll
Sloha 74. TheJour pairsof moveable and imrnovc'
ablerigns begirrningwith Mesharepreseptthe Eastand
other.lrincipal Poiotsof the iompass in order in the
tying-inchanber. The four dual signs,t)iz',Mithuna'
ti*y., Dhanusand Meena,signify the four intefmediate
poinie,ttiz,,$.E.,S. W, N. W', and N' E The astro'
ioger rhould make,in regagdto the bed of the confined
woEa$ statementEof facts EuchaE havebeen madein
r6pect to tbe lyingir:hambet, the legsof the couch
lee rnrrcrffi Adh, III

12th bhavaefrom the Lagna, The head and faceof the
lying,in,woman are in the direction indicatcd by the
Lagnaand the 2nd bhava. And the 3rd and the l2th
bhavas reprecenr the fore4egeof the couch (the 3rd
beingthe right leg); the 4th and the 5th bhavac, tfie
right oide; the 6th and the gth, the hind legc (the 6th
being the right leg) of the couch. The Zth and the gth
bhavie-from.the Lagnarepresentthe legsof the lying,in,
women. The 10th and the l rth representrhe left ride
This is the principrc of Directions zrspsr M (Kerara.

rhe four corners of the c.uch are indicated by the-3rd

6th' the 9th and the lZth houses from thc r-agna. The
lst and
2nd houses from the Lagna indicate 'the head and face
of th"
mother and consequently the direction io which shc is lying. jfhe
left part of the body of the mother is indicated by thc visible half
of the zodiac at birth and the iovisible helf indicates the right
part of the body.

/. wtr+eri-lrtqGqtbilf .,An{ {nmrr rrnr'r r

ureqirtrr: ffi qrgq{ gnri al r
r1grh cr P;|adfo{id r ftqffiq r r
l$marrvr{ {iqr: c{*srrft {rrR: trrrr il
dt. ?5 ttffctsqrd: 163

1;rwrdcrdi: Tsur€G6r:
qfrGffi ffid lte\ ll
Slt'ha'75, The femalesattendingon the womanin
childbedare as manyas there are planetsbetween the
rising eign and the Moon. Suchof these as are in the
visible hemisphereare without the lying'in':hamber.
lThogethat are in the invisible portion r€prr's3nt the
attendantsin th: interior of the lyinS'ia'chamb:r'
_Othersa$sertthe contrary.
Iu the following e:rample, there are 5 planets between the
Lagna and the Moon. We have therefore topredict that five wOre
in attendance upon the woman. Of these 5, 4 ate in the visible
half of the zodiac. l'herefore we have to say that they were
sidc tho rcon wheie the acttral delivery took place an4 could br
scgn. This is applicable only to females and not males'




Nota.-The earlier slokas will indicate the presenceof a male
rttendant on the wornan prorided the following conditions
(l) Lagna with Saturn in it should be in opposition to the Sun'
(2) The Sun in the Lagna should b6 io opposition to Saturn'
(3) Mars iu the Lagna should be in opposition to Saturn'
be in opposition to the Sun'
i+i tut"t" in the t-agna should
(S) Tfre Sun in the Lagne should be in opposition to Mare'
t64' rrcrqfiit Adh.IIt
(6) Saturn iu the Lagna shouldbo in oppositiontb Mars.
That is two of the three maleficsshould be in opposition,one
in the Lagnaand the other in the 7th.
rl. gpffi
qftTr lrqr: t
ugftwxr:ftgteeltrrqr qgfr* u
" Also ogqftrs
flQrqsrrrt$ar cfgr{r: qlirrr qlf,s{r; I
vqfis+'rrerrnqrrr{fis Eris* rr
For visible and invisible portionsof the Zodiac at any timc
:iFrd {saunaka)says-
rilir siriqfr ft:*.'rrq: o,t ilir gFtr:r
arhrrg€fiaqtt 316** ,, ,..f
n, 'l'heS
, text gives the generally acceptedrule for ascertainingthe
actual uumber of pers<.ns present at tbe tiute of confinement.
Sonre authorities view it otherwise, liz,, that the number df
persoDs witlriu the lying-in-chamber should be guessedby the
uurtrberof plernetsin the visible hemisphere, while tlre number
without should be teckouecl by the nurnber of planets in the in-
visible portion of the zodiac.
c,/. fi'fitr<r
va.ngwatrnqparffihfi iTrs?n:I
rti*sr{;drrn m[rff{ ct'q-{+st rr
Also *rc-{rtr
' EqqaftcrKt{it: qFcr(rftsr@ |
E-q.rt$stt qnrufrR;iltfrw: t
This view is uot acceptet'"by Varahamihira and that is why
he said irsrqqr (parenyatha) in the sloka in the tert.
But when the Lagua and the l\{oon are in one and the sarne
house, the nunrber will be as stated in q&q,I (Chrndrika)
{dr, irfoir ofi qA ft€: qI: qi}ilaEr: r
Balabhadra adds in his 'irr.1161
afi a{rqrn{ iIT qI?Ft: g! rrcrftn! |
rnrQtTJ|nrfn t q urqrft: qFm slR I
81. 76 qffisr<rr: 165

qq€k-dEiqqEfrrqrffi{fi'{ril:rf n sQ11
Sloka 76. The nativewill correspondin mien to
the lord of the rising Navamca, or his appearance will
be like that of thg planetthat hasthe greateststrength.
His hue will be that of the lord of the Navamsa occu.
pied by the Moon. His body and lirnbs will be com,
mEDourate in their proportionswith the rising sign and
other Rasis which are describeda8.forming the head
and other porriono of rrro$ec (Katapurusha). lVide
4dhyaya I, elokas8, 13 and 56,Supra.]
' Short and long signs arc thus ilescribed iu
jata l-l 3.

srrortI Srrort Even



! Long

Remembering that the Lagna representsthe head; the 2nd

house, the face; the 3rd, the neck; and so on' onc can predict
whether the several parts of the body hre long or short, or dispro'
portional, by the length, shortness or otherwise of the signs tyfi'
fying the particular prart of the body as' well as by the plauets
occupyiog the particplar Rasi.
I In the following examplc, Lagna bdiug Mesha, a short sign,
the native has l snrall head. The ,3rd house is governed by
Mithuna and rrrust indicate a fairly long neck controlled by planets
tborcin, alzr,
t66 rlibcrRila Adh ltr
'@y ULrvsvvt irrrutvYUrYlYvYYrlYllYwJ-v-!w

Sun indicating mcdium

Mercury ,,
Venur ,, :,,
Moon and Saturn indicate tong fonn or stature rrd Msrs
rhort stature.

o/, mndt
arirrqqrqllaqrqftfufr gareurfi r
csrrr|Iqr!'ifs: rflffin1qa qils I
Also 3tta*lRfd
orarqqestifrrh qBfl qqelr qE: r
-dqailFttadff4gtinilqsq ||

s€q*nqilsqrse{m qE{q Ekrfl-

k q"ctffiiltgqr&{ETfiM arfq€El
qfkl fraS ffi{ i$oiltr, wgxl
qgdr${qr {rqgR}qrqrrftQfi lt reell
Stoka 77. The Lagnaand other bhavasevery one
of which is divided into three parts (Drekkanas)tQ'
present the three divisions of the body ao detailed
b.lo*: The first decanatesof the Lagna and othct
housesindicatethe head,the eves,the ears,the nostrile,
the cheeks,the jaws and the mouth. The seconddrek'
kaoasof the sametwelve bhavascorrespondto the neck
sl. 77 i{tifrrrr: r6?

rboulderc,the armr, the sides, the heart, the chect and

thc navel. The third drekkanaeepecifythe pelvic, the
s organsof generation and the anus, the testicles, the
thighs,the kneeo, the calvec and the legc. Of the two
rides of the body, the left ie eignifiedby the drekkanas
riren already , i. e.r drekkanasof the tigns in the visible
heoirphere. Thuc, the firct drekkana of the riring
rign ie the head. The firgt drekkana of the l2th, the
lltbr the lOth, the 9th and the 8th houses from the
Lagoarepretent tbe eye, the err, the nostril, the cheek
and tbe jaw *rnthe left side. The first drekkanasof the
zddr the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th housescorric'
pond to ttte eye, the ,ear,etc., on the right aide, And
the fint drekkanaof the ?th is the mouth.
The 2nd drekkana. of the Lagoaindicates the necL.
The ldt choulder, left arms, left ribu, left cide of the
heert and the left cide of the chect correspond to the
god &ekkanar of the 1.2!h, the l1th, the 10th, the fth
aodrhe 8tb cigns, ropcctively, fron the Lagna. The
{LrCdecanateof the ?th rign is the navel; and Eoon.
< . ..'.......""""
lrff < . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."""1
. . . . rr -. t6f1| r..t........................

' Head
x.t " ly:"'
Legna lst I
| "r"

rr r r r.rrrl
<l fa'a...a.a..ab..r.oi.rr roo a', ri..i.d.aa'r.ooor
168 qrGciRiln Adh.rrl
Votr.-If the first decanateof the Lagna happensto be thc
first decanateof the Rasi, then the usual order I, II and tII is to
be followed. If the first decanateof the Lagua happens to be
Left < .i, i.............r...... r'.

l';i; I
Calf I III I
----l in"i"r* lPclvisl i
Lagoa3rd 16"*l:
Legsi Drekkana
| 'orqan ;
| :
* i-
Catf I xnee
lThirhl' cre

tbe 2nd decanateof the Rasi, the ordcr is tI, llt and I. lf thc
first decanaieof the T-agrn is the last decanate of tho Rasi,'lln
order is III, I and II. This is the rneeningof ste+ftror'ilt: (Uditair'
P{Ttrrt oftrnrq.frd t{ i{t€ w} gmif r
T!6iq*r qrg$i c 'TIt fsilrqnt{! cftr.tr fifti r
ft<,rr Rr*gt q 11trrT6{rrsnggit q ril t
cr+ q{r}rgqt ft {r* Rqs* qqorceqfiiq rt

fu{ nqgtqd wgt e} q owRtq

qqtt fur€S q rr€stfuqatqm€n I
qtilrffisff{tm,ir} gU{rrqr
uil wuqg'qaq Gq,iltr€eftil grr{lledll
Sloha,?8.-When a drekkanais occupied by a
maleficplanetrthere will be an ulser or wound in the
part of the body indicated by the drekkana. But
whgn it is .q[sooccupiedor'aspectedby a bi'nef,ic.pla'
neti the aEtrologerrhorrld declare the exirtenceof a tpot
$ sl. ?g Wiil$rrq. r@
,.there. When the planet happenoto be in its own Rari
ir or in conjunction with Saturn, the ulcet, wouod or
i mark rhould havebeenin the portion of the body indi'
catedfrom the very birth, tf the planetbe in positions
other than those describedabove, the ulcer, etc., will
crop up later on. If Saturn be the planet to causeguch
ulcer,etc.,it will be due to a hurt causedby a stonc or
Eonewind disease. If Mars bc thc planet destinedto
tt inflict an injury, it will arisefrom fire, a miseile,poison
ir'or serpentbites. I[ Mercury be the maleficplanet,the
1l ittiutv will arise by a fall on the ground trom a helght
or by a blow received from a clod or somesuch earthy
lubstance. If the $un be the malefic planet, the iniury
will be inflicted by eomepieceof tiober or a quadruped
Lagtly, if the Moon be the malign planet,the hurt will
cone trom a horned creature or by liquidc, suc.has
acids. If other planetathan theget oil., Jupircr, Venus,
the waxing Moon and Mercury not in conjunction with
malefic planeta occupyadrekkana,there will be''no
mark ot moter and the rerult would be all lavourable'
'' ftr1gg$g (Sttnira sarqyutelhu) ;bas bccp interpretd 4s " in
conjunction with sa1u1n.'t In the following nativity' all the

-l Ven r
II Sun 25o
i rl;';t|fu
h.'' '"ridt
Ll3'i *i
-l J .$$ t;

t$v I ieS[cd*
170 lrirffiil* Adh. III

malefics are in the invisible portion of thc Zodiac.

Therefore, if et
all there should be marks or moles, they
must be on the right
ride of the body. In the above figure,
to determino the decanatos
of tbc various bhavas according
to the principles laid dorvn iu
Sloka 77, we proceed as follows:_
Now I agna is Mesha 25". It is the
3rd decanate of lt{esha.
Thc first decanate of the Lagna rules
from 25o of Mesha to 5o of
Vrishabba. The 2nd rdecauate of th6
Lagnabegins from 6o of
Vrishabba. The 3rd begins from l5o
of Vrishabha and extends to
25o of Vrishabha.
As thc lst decanato of the Lagna happens
-Th.r"foru to be rthe 3rd
dccanatc of Mesha,Table III applics.
the lsf decanato
of thc Lagna symboliscs the pelvis. The
2ud decanateof the Lagna
happensto bc the tst decanateof Vrishabha,
order being III, I and
II throughout; the first (I) appties. Therefore the Znd
dscenatc of tbe Lagna symbolises tle hcad.
Similarly, the 3rd
dccanatc of the Lagua (;nd dccanetc of Vrishabha)
the neck (Fig. II); and so on with rcspcct to thc other
bhavas. In
horoscopc, (he order with rcspcct to cvcry bhava
l!: ry. being
III' I aod II, the sun's position refresents the
right shoulder.
Saturn,tbc rigbt sidc; Mars, tbc right testicl"; M-ooo,
ridc; Mcrcury, the right I sticle; Venus,tbe right
-- Bhattotpala intcrprcts rGgt (stthira samyutc) in the tcxt
ls " in ao immovcablesign or Navamsa."
ergqRilrqRr{ nt rq: eff q6.
tr{fr ftqqrqqnrfil:g}E{gtg il |
mtqgq:qfrtt q-frMqh
fidteq {owr{t{ ueq,tf '
Sloha 79. When four planers whereof Mercury
rhould be one, come together in a decanateof a eign,
tbat part ol the body indicatedby the drerrana w-ill
invariably get an ulcer or wound or somemarkaccord,
ing astl.eplar€tsccrDingtcgttherarebeneficcr nalefic.
TLe parr bf tbE btdy inrfitatd by tbe dccrrbtEotrr,pftt
gl. 7g {u?lrsqrq: 171

by V:nur (in caseVenusbecomesan qgq Agubha)will

havean ulcer, wound or mark. [This applieeif Venur
is alone.]' If Venusbe aspected by benefics,a mrle or
mark will be caused. If he be in conjunction with
benefico,the personwill possessan auspicioueoark io
the portion of the body inrticated.
Venus becomes an q{Irt (Asubha) if he be in combustion (that
is within 5" from the Squ) or if he be weak in Navamsa or bo in
inimical house, etc. Sole books read the 3rd quarter of thc sloka
thus: tr,4di{f{: q} osmi) rrsmftr The' tranrlation will then bo
" A malefic planet in the 6th bhava from the Lagna brings on the
.ulcer or wound in that part of the body which the Rasi indicatcs.'.
The reading rcl >.? is better. qg here means tbe 6th plauct or
Venus. I
In the example giveu in. the prcvious sloka, Vcnus .is in r
neutrat house (tq) less powertut than €rJA (swagriha\ or ET
(Uchcha). He is going to the operative conjunction-hencc
He is in 1rtrd{i{r (Satru navamsa). Hence he is an Erg{ (Asubha).
He will therefore cause a mark on the right eye. .
l'his tsloka indicates qp_rmanent marks causcd rfrom birth.
The time when the ulcers, etc,, indicated ras abovc occur will bc
during the Dasas and Antardasas asrmentionedin Ch. VIII-sl.2l
of Brihat gataka.
c/. srfrf ilot.
* W {trqnrrr: trrjr gxr: Ttr{ ir11q I
, ff lw q*nri inu*,i Flr1g-i( rl
sft|rt l|fr "
m<4rq6qrq ccEq, r
' .Erorf,1g zn* d? qr aA!* trof: tl
, lSTrEtt qrirsCr
SfrA rlo+ f{rq r
, Q{EEcgrrgr6iftglnsFtEr Tfttr: I
r srqtlEcg€as* qn €mi q srrer t
rrmt il sqc|ft qrr{rqfufritlr{ r
172 t]rrt|r|RilT Adh.III

fr,itftwffi frt*{qi su{ | .l

wqiloqRilEi qFilflqTftflrftqn co tl
th mmaqntqnqmm irerqrRqrt
Slvka.8O.A knowledgeof miscellaneoulbirths,
effectdue to conceptionundervarious
lagnaand planei,
ary positions, theagcerhinmentof thetime
of birth
of a child, all this hae beenfteatedof
in this Ch;;;;,
as declaredby the srrqr{sqftfft (Acharya
Thus endsthe Brd Adhyaya, on eonceptioo
Ifirth io the work onrcrRqrd (;.t"k"prrijata)
try Vaidyanatha.underthe auspic., of
th" oio" pl*.ir.


,tS{t $;*i',fly1'1691 lT't'
.tuffi/ 'ted\.



., slRlsqrfrqTt i{,

srit *r lI
'$tt ''w
1Ttt qrqftgpqrq:U ln"
o' r {Ji
of e,
l*':. Jt'
Adhyaya IV.
ro Cgrr,DEooD.
tr I n t h i s A c l h y a y a , S l o k a s 1 7 - 1 8 , 3 2 t o 3 9 a n d 9 9 h a v e been
taken from Brihat Jataka.

qmilnnngrsorfrtrg q {Tfr t
qt:rtq frrr u-tqrqfidurr
{ro{tdtrdR qRF[ru I tl
qfu qgt* qrmftt g fte,rf$evnS,r sb;
rrutrFsrglgrutg q+t{ifr' uUtftlrq nRtl
qd iluftumfrilMi qhrRtnqtrt{dt uq r
qd qrflfi{rfr qs{Tqrlgr$tgr,
wtwr {rffiil{ n I tl
Sloka1. In the caseof viviparouscreatureE, it is not
porrible to determinethe period of life within' the first
twelve yqrs. In consequence of tha sinful acts of the
parents(whether in this or in a previoue birth), the
child meetswith destruction being seizedby demons
called rnolr6 (Balagrahas).
Sloha 2. If the child dies rn the fiiit.<[ryears, ir io
because of the mother'ssins.If inthe middle 4 years,it
ie owing to the accumulated sins of the father. If it
comec by its deachin the last 4 years,it must be due
to iis own rins (in a previousbirth),
tl4 rldrlrftilt Adh"rv

t Slola 3, The first 8 years in men's lives is the

period of rrqrfts (Balarishta-ills that afflict children).
Till the 20th year, tbey say, it is 11t" inrtu (Yogari,
chta)period(evil broughton by planetaryconjunctions).
It is called {aqqlq (Alpayus) or short life when the
period extendsup to 32. It is calledTt{qrgq (lvfadhya'
mayue)or middle agewhen the period of life extendsto
70 yearc. It ig qohgq (Purnryus)when the perioC of
life extendato 100 years.
Mantreswara in whose work Phaladeepika also'(q-odRfit) these
three slokas. appear orbalin suggests in the following sloka the
methods to be,adoptedfor palliating the evil effects described.

, ntsrr* cftsr.qir{qrilq{n"i qcdql+q I

qri5ri of faqu ildt cns fff*srP-rt& tht ll
Rcgarding the three divisions of Ayus nrentioned in Sloka 3
he adds '-
{rl* * lr

tr rtsqrgffi sc{qrtt q{q?trrr+' $ffT

ffit eqrg{q qcft mifr sfd t vf,. F fl
'ttfrt ftqtsi genfud+Arq1 ,,' ;
ll ;'' i glk sqrt ftfus gprt: ll W
' "*ft qlrqFl
Vidc also the followiug from
. rqmq{ffirqc I
i rrt ftfu tl
61ss qqitffir
@iatrrqt, },
wicdcnir"..;h { elerq ll "fc'
ri : ffirTi€m: *h*iqqrsqift |
qA Ruqmt fTft'{r lrrstlql: l!
ffi ffiffirfut uur*r
Rdfrt q|qffiq ftqrgqr€qu\fr qnnil I tl
$. e6 rgrl${tf: r?5

Sloha 4. Eveir Jupiter may occupy the lagna; but

if the Moon be in the 8th. the t2th or the 6th bhrva
and be acpectedby the mrlefic planet'Rahu, the chitd
6ee$ with death.
c/. +wc:
snft:.rrrrctrst. * frfttr: I
qnq qqfq: sq<qE*: girltt: rr
qEFilililftn EII* rillbh fiqffiFqt il t
rd e{ qrfr qE{$ft qA mnqrqlt{tf\t il ll \ rl
Stoha6. When the Moon ic in the (Gandantha)
rFrri portion of a Nakshatraaqu and is aspecteJby,
or io conjuoctionwith, a maleficplanet th: child D3ets
with early death. The same thing happenswhen the
Moon happenc to be in the (Mrityu) qg or fateful
portiont o{ the reveral Racis (Vide Adhyaya I. $loka
J7, supro). or it aepectedby a malefic planet.
rt Eu{m6r
'i rnt
qrqfuttnrftrqftrvqf qd fumi u{ ')
qrrFfr ftqcrt&rfug?ftdltuP{ wtcft: t
ilqr qftqqgglsEag{€gtfut qrqft:
atrrtrrrr* c et sft Afr i-issh st qft: il tu
For Gand"nlh (qtq;-.:), vide Adhyaya l-22 sttpto. 't

cntffi<qrgon qrilqd qffiei q qlitsI tr

tglRt, {rqqfrqfr:nq$lnrgailf drq ll q li $

Sloha 6, The hther, the mother,the brother, tbe

naternal uncle, the motfier's mother,the mothertgfather
or the child itself will die rqon wben the 5thor the fth
(rn) Bhavafrom the Iagna bea (Krurarasi) rrnft (male'
fic rlgn) and occupiedrerpectiwly bythe $uo,6it Mooni
it?6 mnqrftqti Adh.tv

Mars,Mercury,iupiter, Venusor Saturn. w*,

* Notps.
Ttris is cvidently taken from lg,qittlaif,. The reading in thrt
work is sligbtlY difrerent, rtiz-.
arcrfter+rargsfuacrdrr€rcdtgs RIq, r ,tr
qaiffii: trg rgceft: iieFa st rc{t cq* u

tetild{il qR qrgg;ftffi: qcfr q{onqrng'I

qqrT(I fiftrr'i frsrrq q{ftIt' frTdntg: tle ll
', Slcka 7. When the Sunandthe Moon aretogether
in the 4th crq (Bbavaifrom the Lagna and Saturnie in
tbe ?th, they all conspire to bring about the mother'r
death. Whenevera malignrnt pla::etis in the 6th ma
(Bhava),it may occagiona brother'sd:ath'
,.Fhst halfl cl. E<rrriqwfi
qrargg,tn:crfr qR atr{orttn! |
w qn1{€ grffi gr0 qR n r,r.Frtt'$.
(Lilier half,\
For the sane efiect, i. e., tl|{cftill the following sloLa frcm
r|rqis.t(o witl be found useful.
qqr crc€snifr s?cile qilrrrq"F?f,rrqnetiq t
dgrg arrt n&&rq Srr cftRqrqq:ct5{turtgsqr: 0
| ,r,ry,$

krqfi qqft{qirt lnwt {rdl (dfr il{t ll4 ll r

s{i Sloft,r8. If the risiog signandthe Moon beacpect'
ed by maleficplanets and at the same time be not
acpectedby or coonected nlith benafic oneo, and if
Jupiter be oot in the Kendra,the mother of the new'
botD'iohnt will die.
\gl. g-10 cldsqrq, l'17

cf. ftrrrrbrcr tr
lqfqr qft cnqrii AilT rc{+d r
crqinril qtnq gu?E gri sirr ll
wrgt ffi fu'{r( REffi\RrrurM r
qugt $gt ilildt fMd qaqtwrrrtn 1 rr
S/ota 9. When the Moon is in conjunctionwith
Saturnand the $un is in the l2th housefrom the Lrgna
and lvlarsin the 4th,the morherperisheswirh the child.
Rwq;ft gqg0,Tfr?T{{ha5fiqqrrrd(d
frt{ffr $KI wlqt E(Fdst gqqqgqftrr1lI o u
Slola 10. If the rieing sign and rhe Moon bd
devoidof benefic aspectEand be, batwixt two rnalefic
planets,the young womanand her child die togetheror
cparately, say all the aotrologere,
Lagna or the Moon to ba in the midst of two maleficsshould
bc within a distanceof 5oon either sidc.
Lasna 9o
Mirs 5o
Moon 2o
Suu 29o
Merc. 20o
Venus 16o
An erample.

4t sqgd
Ffigr qtr?t * grrvfe lr{qnr I
1?8 ilRrr|l|fiilt Adh. Iv

ifntcE{lHffi{t qtrtrnrq n
rn wlq srcrrd'€it tf. {Ar rnrfr I dqrn
qnecr{trtftQTfioQ-qc q drq{riarir r
gwufire cr Elrrtr rrrlgarftcqe ll 'e ibp
Also gw5q
xrrredt lfrrUrrtr ttvraqe4 rrTd]icQ$r
gscas]6-{ai}* tq a'{r srrta ftcq} $ ll
$S ii.,rrc*ffitSr
\rnril.&ugngt Erarilqrg{r
eft g (qr n t t tl
Slofta11, When mrl:fic plan:tsoccupy the 6th,
the 8th and the l2th trr{ (Birava)from tha Lagna and
are not in conjunctionwirh beneficplanets,and when
Venusor Jupiter is betweentwo malefic planett,the
lying,ll womanand her chilJ die forthwith.
aqnilqrftqri qrqfrqir
. s\tgd u+EitdHnl
t r::' n'
{riq qit sgtii rrilurl
frsfiJ qil qh lr lt tl
.cJ,Aa l?. Wherr the iord of a month of aivanced
p r e g n a n c vi 8 m a l e ifc a n Ce v i l p l a , r e r so c c u p yt h : L a g n a
a n d t r e 7 t h w l ( l 3 h . r , v i )b : i r g n : i c h s r i r r c e n j u n c t i o n
with ben:fic plan:ts, ncr asl-'ect:d by the'n,thc pr:gnant
woman m3eLswith d;ath in consequenceof an operaqon.
,,, Norrs.
\ a/.
irqqr<me]: gnrd{rfiiwr crragfr sqicr I
crsritrcdr iitiie nitn* qEqi sqriqhq tl
If it he before 7 months, the de,th is by an aborfion and tho
after effectscf abortion. The monrh of death of a pregnantlsoman
c r n b c r a s i l y d e t er n , i r . ed i n t h e f o l l c s i r g u . a r u e r : t h , e e e v er r l
-""". " Y::T
planets ruliDg over the tee mcnths (in em5ryo) are given in thc
l/j[ 5lefta dry'.r. Whichever plarret is wcakest will cause the
death of tbe woman in his montb. The day also may be sirnilarly
d c t e r m i n b da s P e r s l o k a 3 9 ; z / r r .
q;ff{iltitqrfttuisqiafkt I t}unz4fo: t
aqrqnilqlqii qrst{r\qlilat qrdrftq4 q{rfi ll tl lt
S/o&z I 3. When evil plan:ti occupythe 4th place
from the lr{ocnand ar: nct asp:ct:d by or in conjunc'
tion with b:nefic planets,the moth:r of ch: new bcrn
c h i l Jw i l l d i : , T h : s r n : e v : x u h r p p e : r lw h : n e v i l
plan:tsoccupy the t0th plac: f ,'omth: Mo rn arrd rlle
Sun is amongthero
qr'igi; truaads*: is ancther rerding in the 2nd qurrter of
the sloka q \14
gififlTt r{{qq ilura ffil'{iT II;({qF-Td qr I
\ r \ - A\

qrirquRfqft qt{qft qnrrtrgrriq{rsiqiq il tB tl

St' k t 1 4 . W h:n th e S u n p o ss:ssin3abundtnt
strength.occupiestha 3rd placefrom Venus and is
aspectcd by cr is in conj,rncticnwith Srturn, andthe
lylcon is either on the wan?or in ccnju:rctirnwith a
m a lef icp l . r n a tt,h : m :th :r a n d h :r ch i tJd i : quickly.
A\ \ \ \ \ lr---- ,\---A\ .

sqlKi| iflgqq gilq qlqlqil €trTz[T I{E[;I I

ilrr0tt skffirfi{r{ qRIIETFiIq{qt gifr ll t\ ll
Slotc 15. When the Sun or Mars occupiesthe
8th placefrcm the Lagna,anclt'te Mocn is on the wang
anCis aspected by mrlefic planets,an'Jis vci'J of benefic
atpects,the motherwill di:.
Tdqtt*:rornt {t} wqq I
{r6o qrarctfuili Adh"tv
0 qftiktq grrfrrre{r
Yi antqtfr qrfr Rqilm* ulq rl i

Slcla 16. lf Mars occupythe 9th or the Jth place

from Venusduring the day, if Saturnoccupy the sane
positionwirh respectto the Moon during tbe night and
the Moon be weakand aspected by mrlefic planetoand
devoid of all benefic aspecrs,
the mother L..t, with
I ef. gano,
'ei crgtfh Rrt't, eqd ilq} I
*rcoirih a-atrrftevgu31
, rrdt &+ingaritrftq: nnTrrq
t;' wkqq'iE ggiitsft ettaaerqtl
Also w<r+f,r
*qrqAiiturnqft rftir urg*i iinft rr* I I tl.f,,, d
grritn list
las-' Sc'
qr'r' c&r
ir*r tuEer
t'lrEs' tl
ll '4 -
fl 'r #I${lr " l'S
. q;qr.iT(
'' ftr?t wqrq llstq€ c-i crcfittldt r i l?'
rl P q
&sr gsmqr rtri qaii hqi Esq u
But according to Garga, if llfars be in the 5th or
the 9th lrousefrom Venus and uuaspectedby Jupiter and Venus,
the child doesnot l)romotethe well-being of the father.
*iaqriwd\ $Frcgaii'{$l$ft er r ..,.f' tfl.W
iihit gtg:nrud tari ftct itGI: rr
I $*lrrg j,i il

sd:r lI r,'
$n t
cii '*

q{it gtttg{ q qmrftqilrnersqu ls tl

Sloha 17. From the clme of conceptibn of the.
sL 1? t[plgrrtf{; r81
.*r," .;; ;
wombin the t0th month, th:reare severalstagesof
development.In the tsr month,tl'resamenwill bc io a
liquid statestill and th: lord of the month is Venus.
During the Znd month,the embrvohardensand becomes
nore solid, and the lord of the monrh is Marg. The
lord of tha Jrd mcnth duringw5icir rhelirnbsBproutup
ie Jupiter. In the 4th morrth, the bcn: is formed and
the Sun is the lord. In the 5th, the skin appearsand
the lord of the monrh is the Moon, In the 6th month
the hair bagios ro grow.. The l,rrd of the moorh.iE
,Saturn,,.In the 7th month whereofthe lord is Mercury,
consciousness appcars.The lordsof tharemriningthree
months. viz., the tith, the 9rh, and tire lOth, during
which the fetusb:comespalprble,f:elsrhirsuand hunger,
drawsEuEtena{ice f ron thamoth:rthrou.gh rhe uobiiical
cord, move$abrut (shakes) and becomes f it for deli-
very-the lordsduring thesemonth: are respectively the
lord of the (Adhanr Lagna)qrqriTvr;t, the Moon and the
Sun. The goodor evil happeningro the child during
eachmonthis dependenton the condition of its lord;
l, e. it the lord of rhe month is srrong and occupies
,beneficpositions, the child is happy; if the lord of
the month is weak,in its depressionsign,conquered
'in planetary
fights and troubled, the child suffersand
pherewill be miscarriage,etc

Jupiter is the planet ,rl"::rt", brain and ihead irr ti:e 3rd
month. The Sun rules the .lth month as he governs the boues.
That is why after three nrorrths rniscarriage is not possible. If, at
the ti*re of conception, the Sun is strong, the issue will resemble
thc fethcr. lf the Moon is strong, the issue will resemble the
18s srdscritsrt Adh. lv

mothcr. lf any planet at the time of conceptionbe wealr,then thc

fetuswill sufferiu bealthin the monthgoveroedby tharplaoet.
; qrqn€idr.t qihxlo iii*a: r
r|trifd gqsldr€rq?arf(€ir qqqrGfi{: u $ tl
Alsc qgi{d}
erkrrurarfig rr*s qqril'lur srqEi I
, €gg {.ie,vrus5{nqrfue*xi*qdr! tl
q rTrlrsSl qctlr Qt€Ilq qei atr'1-4n: I
" q's
q{ritreu *gi: cmi{{ cali u*; ll
g$Itifi.r {iifi i?rdrig'rrloetig I rriiarr I
qI€FT.u:<gli,i&er grrg* iq;q{. ri r,
According to Yavanacharya,the lords of the first and second
months are Mars and Venus resoebtively; for he says
q?e14i-garmn6 w i'gr?arrtrsrr( r
qrsrftrqi{{rrn}a \qi wqi qqririeprrr;? rl
Vasishtaholds the former view, cf
firetri rrerqirq ie:iril|fu fi trri;gqr?; r
cr+rr|*qr:(g: srr{irqlr} firfi-Riilr garf&[
Balabhedrasayswith regard to the abcve two contradictory
,, atrr;rh{El:fi*qrraar?grrt}-iFrrilr rrtTrTAfr
| qt U
tf,kamqtq cftfiirqra.gr :nnorqI dzrr{ rdr: ,
os$ cqir qrfu err cTsriWr €g: I
f{tlf} qrib gqllrrr?tnr4r{raaqu
qu,kte.I*l <ni€r qrsri\frsi*tr: r
qqri€tirrir wiir aglt rrrtr;}sfl{c:n
qsi rnfh d*tietq({rrt trrcr t
' srr gqh{rrqr qt ag cteTl4q; qlir n " r'riulli . ,i, si].'
gl. 1g rgtff;t{rq: lE8

"*r0r I urtFaag: rrlnggl r{trir grr t

- flirhrirsgfr crlt gaqqrs\e] qle ll
oftq1 Tfr€tua crsai aq+ rnir r
lqirfui crik wffir rrrr*ir rre: ll
qq qrcrn{fr Rqi {tit erstrrrhJsii qr r
n6parrlwi qrih r€+rstr rrfirrie il
lmnFginmts gqfrltrfturqrqTtgrflwqftqtr
qfiqond.rieriqtrgqt urrTgwrriirtfhar fr?ctl
Sloka t8, If bene{icsoccupythe Lagna or be in
conjurrcion with the Moc'n and be aspected by Jupiter
andthe male{ics occupythe 3rd andthe I ltir, eafedeli,
very is assured. If beneficscccupyanyof the following
houses, viz.,the 5th, the tlth,the 7th, the Znd, the 4th
and the 10th, reckonedfrom eitherthe Moon or the
Lagnaand be at the simetim: aspecccd by Jupirer,then
aleogafe delivery may be predicted
Somc books read (ftqr ftrirkc, (Ravina Nireekshitaha[
Tbere are tro -distinct yogas in tbis sloka as stated above.
Thc com,neotator Bhettotprle doesirot however accept tbe reading
given in the text but would h:tve the other reading and would
interpret it thus: " \\'l,en benefic planets are in the rising sigu,
or in conjuuction with the iUoon, or occupy one or more of tho
following places, oiz., the 5th, the 9th, the 7th, the 2n4, the 4th
and the lOth; and when the malefic planets are in the 3rdor the
llth or in both, the fetus is happy if tbe Moon or the rising sign
in the positions described be aspected by tho sua." He guotes in
rupport the following from qr<n-ejt
fii; ggi ; e^r+iiq*rqqnrg<rrerrdr$:
,cfrReqrxqrt:gdi q qr,Tfi{i&d'r l}}$"
lf Tbis is furrbersupported by the followingslokafromg,4rfir
qr;;guri fqti.;qr?*ior art, rirGeqrqqriq qr'sr-t
rJr tt."^,
:I l Cr&nriiea.vmqrfi iishas]qrrls
r ^1[ri:
O& ruqr r
r84 qtwrftc|f Adh,IV

But the other readingis supportedby the following works.

qc?fis&iqn* er{ qr ftdt: g$' I
crt{rqqerq*R(eeerri gti rr
orqqrgdrnrq*+cidcqqfte*, r
frht: crtaq ftuft: g?! cqr llr{at fiftirq il
Also {ftmqrqg t $,tl'
uqfroE;i) t*a ga,ir$'1gs{'r:I ipti

orlsulgaria rrrrqrcftgqfc{i t
fl i 1C!
ruirq ili$? t
aRqen,lar rir*<fu+]qdqqgg ri
ri ,,

',lsmsr, ,
srGr?ire?rrcrqi qq?{r ee} r$ 1
Lragell v""
qfrsqrqqfirqrtqrrqi cqcQfqqr{ ri
," , {l ,ir
rndserth rrrl tggtrqr{grrrqtt
rn the light of the above quotations, gevu {Hifre: (Guruna
.'ireekishithaha) rvould appear to bb the original and correct read-
ing: and tfioiliTfi&n: (Ravina Nireekshithaha) must be au inter-
polation in Varaharnihira's rvork and must have been followed by
later iuthors like +({IoFth{ (K"ty.navarman) and Uyrrq<.(Guna.
kara). Varahamihira has used er{r}q+: (asobhanaihi)-crc+: (papa.
kaihi) is another reading-which means more than two malefics,
a. c, three or more. Rahrr and Ketu are not reckoned as forming
part of the malefics in this yoga, for, at the end of the ftkd.r{rq
(Nishet adhyayai Skanda has said-

Et segfr?rr;il {fq: RE qdQil: I

*cr" imiterr afuiqsqqrrc il
The three rnalefics can therefore be nono other than the Sun,
Mars and Saturn.

6qqRqts*Wt ffi qhfr qEiqrt I

ffiir{ mEFilqq:gtfQt g frtfiaqq|trlt tq rl
SloA.r19. When the Sun and $aturn occupythe
12th placefrom the Lagna, and the waning Moon. the
g[ z0-zr ruqtrrqtqr t86

7th place, they predict the loss of the father quickly.

In casethe Moon is aopectedby beneficplanets, thit
event takeaplace in 3 year$.
qini l;f,qfr FrqrqtglQri (nqti lrlriil |
t {fl qrggtft{rqt AM qIRfrdrfutq{ ;1Qort
Sloha 20. If the birth takes place at night when
the Moon occupieoa moveablesign, being aspectedby
Mercury, the father of the new,born child has to go on
a journey to a far region, If SaturnandtheSun occupy
a sroveablesign at the time of birth in question, the
father goeEto a foreign country and the.re meets'rhrith
For the latter half, c/. gmnre+'
qtc.tt c(ff!S*a gitstftil r
n\ftsri qt ntt qft ctq} flftrrqntn
Also (r<r{€rl
qtrrerrrt fti qqd ilMteil I
raft ftitnt crrqft ftat rqpv n
trrstatg *rrrrrtq trfur.cft(iq r
ssqFdMfr cQA cre dr: n
Yiilc a,lsoIII-+7 $ufta.
$t qRtqfltr qR quefiqr
qrfisqilfrqilfrffiCirTo: I
ildR qwr(tt Rt rr
ftetr E-dFilnrt
Sloho 21, When the waning Moon occupiesthe
riaing sign and a maleficplanet is in the *rr (Kendra)or
in the 8th placefrom the Lagna,the child dies. If bene,
fic planets occupy the 8th or the 6th from the Lagna
r86 tnllrfutf Adh tv
-aa-^^a- -

child goesto Yrna's

and be aspectedby.maleficooslrthc
city in a uronth.
r7. ggl-*f|.
qfr4srtrft'fteilqr?:*Qg €rgRFiqf
,r,., qEfrRqfilqrqqqnrfiqtfrtiaq tf ,,il
,x "eftillrftfr ffi 6egmfrqrrBrteqr
qft: r
v, ril.qre}r&U:flq: €sq ftifi: 1 :{
*'.n: q$sqil: nt{rl}qg*:st r
nta rgilfr qii q g\ce freer:ll
Alco lrrfttqlirt .ri;::
flEqFq)r$gq) oh .iqfr q;Atil! | .tt
siletrri Rni $c qrfit q q Hrtqrrr
gsi q qqrQgtfi rrlft q;qn: I
qifqE{qwi qns q ? H{q: ll
aul eGt *q: v* qqft +qq[: | {i,,i,,
qel qpaq R qIft qqqfr1q 11
qrr qqrqiM {iqlQrdr{r Rgnftqrcn
drfuqil q frdrffiwrraT aiilrqu{Er:er utltl
Sloha 22. Saturn,Mars and the Sunbeingtogether
in the 8tb or the 6th house from the Lagnaand being
neither in conjunction with b'enefic planers,nor aop€ctr
ed by them, bring about ihe deathof the new,born.ftita
at once.
qlrtt wt li{ fiIqglQffilqtI
cfiqflFfilrrqtfr q(ofRr$ rr1{ tl
Sloha 23. When Mara occupieea Navamsaowned
by the Moon in the ?th place from the.Iagoq and ir
31.8c4? rg{tsrrrr: r87

"bo rn c h i l d h a p p e n so n th e co mi n g o fth e T ?thNakshafir

(fron the star of the nativitY)'
qanqMel g*tqn(qF{er| 'r'''
qtd *( ll 18 ll
qnffifrfi* €nkrar
Sloha 24, When $aturnrMarc andth: Sunocctlpy
the 5th placefrom the Lagna,the astrologerurry predict
the deathof ghenew'born infant upon the coming of
.the ?7th star reckonedfrom that of the nativity'
q{gt wnaqtrs* ort{* qr? q ffi t
'gqftt fffidffi ttfr qr$t trfiig ilts lt R\ ll '
" Slofta25. When Margie in a Navamsa ownedby
the Moon or the rising eign'andis not a$p?cted by
5th ptacefrom the
iopit., and whenthe Moonis in the
L.gn., the chitd dieaquicklY'
** * o{qfr ffirr( ild qt il u{q ilr* |
ot* eu*qEtnrtq'uqiort{silotd}fr ll Rqil
8th or ?tb
hic depressioneand when Saturn ie io the
etill'born diec
, hougefrom the f.gn., the child almogt
after much suffering.
,. of, $fismq
I fiem&r* ft+ ftq?qffi qt( t
ffifA ll
S-ir^'t*fifr fiqreqqrq]
qrfrfuqernrdl?{trnfrqil{qt tft urggqql'1
qT{a{ ilq ECf{ Et lrlirct qtgs 6qqfr qaill llRsll
' Sl.r&a 27, When the Sunand other planetegTuPl
; tberrriltr lapotiinai placee(3rd,6th,9th, lzth) rod
188 r|ltc|nilt Adb lv

are s$ength,leEo,the life of the child, saf thoEe that

&now the scienceof actroiogy,is either a couple of
monthsor six months.
C/. gmqra+, t
$alilRl GEm'sTqil wfraffiat:t n
surtlHil faqr€il f,€r$: flgqladqll
uqnft;qaqqtuor* qrtqEU$qs&f'ft t
*:lg dr.uaqfrkg{rfrtiqtiqqfrlr$ilitilt Rcll
Stoha 28. Wh'en the Moon occupiesthe rising
cign, the 6th, the 8th or the 12th place from it, and ic
aspectedby a maleficplanet, but has no benefic asPect
pnd when the Kendra-placesare unoccupiedby beoefic
planete,the new,born infant will die.
, Nores
This sloka appearsto havebeentaken from qrff{Gt(Saravali)'
Iu that work the first half readsthus:
. d{rquq€tflt {rflT* qrQqgfr gq€E€ti I
aryrugtqdr is another reading. Vidc g'13ssloka 34 infto;

fr Tqt qtcn Ro*ilffissi fr drein t

frfrs *'Arffis q* qrffi iIfi q{im?qg|
Stoka79, When Saturn occupies the 7th place
from the Lagna, or is in tbe Lagnaitself, and whbn the'
rising sign is a watery oneandthe Moon occupiesthe
Lagnaor qf*{ (VrischiLa)and when beneficplanetsare
in the Kendras,the Yavanassaythat the ngw'born child
will die quicklY.
*qkr,rt S+ riqtlttrqtsqirlI
q;tqt1t q tqrdi qrffi€igdft ts ll 1o ll
Sloftn 30, \l/hen Jupiter occupiesa QGr( Rasi)
pwned by N4an or is in his dcpressionand when:thE
gL 81-81 rlgfrsreir: 189

birth takecplaceprecicelyin any one of the 3 sandhyai

i, c., the point of junction betweennight and day' day
and nighi or mid'day,the child will die in a month'
c/. ssltfatilrcFl
ffi ?r{c? g Sq&qtr?sqil I
sfet{*sft era€ eneirq€ cqrefil n
ai qtlqgRi{trn q|il{gEg ru?RqI$( |
*6u qQRtte wil qmfr{ qfrmrft lllt ll
Slota 3l If Mars,the Sun and Saturnoccupythe
8th housefrom the Lagna,thz new'born child will die
in a month. If Ketu occupieethe Lagna'the cbild wi[[
paeooff in 2 months.
cl. qr<RSt
*cR{Tr$ril}ca qns Src{l r
htscqq'e qit qrrFil&sR crka il
*g,ifuuks€qa<nr{ rr[4t A R I
crsEic qrqi fiftfltns araq r
qtqqfltco* gffi {d I
Eglr$t qil €ig{ qiEPquqHIRtl
Sloha 37, If two malefic planetsoccupy one tbe
Lagna and the other the ?th place from it, and if the
Moon be in conjunctionwith a malignantplanetand be
not aspectgdby beneficotl(Brthe deathof the new,botn
child will soonhappen.
If one nralefic in the Lagna be in opposition rvith another
rurlefic in the ?th bhava and the l\{oon is in conjunction with a
malefic unaspected by benefics, it will lead to death.
The word *r' (Krura) may mean Mars onll'. lf the Moon
be with Mars while ttle Suh bnd Satur,n are in opposilion..in the
ldf andthe 7th hduses, theu it witl be twilight.
r90 tteqrfllrl Adh tv

a/. mnra
qtrrtrsiFcfi qt gi qr fltq{i snt t

rrrtngil fcqtqtilkfo6sg: I'

Also ttr(il<t
TF qr:{|Tir:qrq<t||t(Trta[tr: t
Tpur eqiqwear s cf;ia:t'
fqt cn€ trq: trr;F(6 irrdqrnlrtq t

*-Asgilrr r +( M P{qi{fiq n 1l rl
Sloha 33. If the waningMooo occupy the l2th
placefrom the Lagnaand all the malefic planetcbe in
dre Lagnaand the 8th placefrom it, and the beneficones
be not in the Kendras,the rstrologer may prediit tbe
deathof the new-bornchild at once.
When the waning Moon is talked of as being in the l2th house.
thoo tho Suu rnust be in the Lagna. Thereforo two maleficsis
tbc first and one in the 8th, or all the three maleficsin thc Lagqr
ere possible. Three malefics rising in the Lagna at twilight tirno
ie bad for iife. Two uralefics in tbe Lagna in quincuar Bsp€ct
*itb e onleftc in tbe'8th house or thc Sun rising in tbc hjra b
tl; 84 rgfrsrrrr: t9l

quincunxasp€ct to two malcfics in thb .8th housein conjutction is

elgo bad.

,/ Rt<tcd
ffirrtrwfo qfrr Stt rqqhd rt r
snriRr*lr{fi sq: ffig tqgrrr: n
Also rndf:
dit qd nrqqt: qtihwatitt r
*ifnrr*: *rniftr€ fttrd *( ll
*tq tW! {il qq;6rqq6m: I
spu$rrfts*{ilfqir{ qRlEsll l8 tl
Sloha 34. When the Moon in conjunctionwith
a maleficplanetoccupieethe rising sign,the 8th, the 7th
or.the l2th Blacefrom it, and be not alpectedby baoefic
planete,thece latter being in positions oth€r than-the
Kendrag,the death of the oew'born infant will happen

T€St: lr$ is'anothcr reading. Cl. the slotra quoted from

sRtcol (Saravali) in the notesto sloka 28, ttfra.
rtl qrmftiln Adh.Iv
gwY --
Y!9.gv!i Yvvvvi !v! t" ai'itffi

11s6 tt;aqlfl
qg: ntr ggct rq{ttrr'ilcrirr' ;
q@g ftrqstasr sgq: ll
Tho word ftt (Krura) rnay mean Mars wbo unfailingly causes
death, aod as he is one of the planets governing childhood in the
afttt-+<qn (Naisargika dasa). Then the Moon in conjunction
with Mars in the 12th or the l,agria will mean that the Moou is
just risen or rising. Note that tbe lloon in the l2tb, lst, 7th aud
8th housesis baA (Vidt Brihat Jataka XX-4 & 5). The Moon iu
the lst,7th, 8th or l2th, that is, the rising or setting position for
Moon in conjucction with llars is bad when benefics are not in
angular positions. This is also the western principle'
qffi€r*i f*nqrg q**
gttq sqTniEoqffift\ftt I
qqil€*|t.t qRftr€ qrdgt
uuxgRtq qrqR&tffi ll Q\ ll
Sloka 15, Wlren the Moon occupiestbe 6th or
tbe 8tb placefrom the Lagnaand ie aspectedby malig'
nant planets,the deathof the new'born infant follorpc
quickly. If the Moon in the posirion described'be
pectedby beneficplanets, the child will live 8 years.
If aepected by beneficandmaleficplanet'smixedtogether.
it will live only 4 vearg. If the lord of the lagna be
beoeficand in the ?th in op:ratiog conjunction with a
nateficand in affliction with three malefics,then the'
child,diecin a month.
Thc Moon in the 6th or 8th is generallvbad (/ddc Brihat-
jataka Chapter XX). If sheis also affiictedin oppositionby thc
3.:n, Mars end Saturn (maleficsbecomingoriental), it is bad for
When such Mdon is in oppositionwith benefics(alt the threc),
81,8a rgfillqn: 10s
iti b.dfor tifc bcforc 8th year. According to the Naisargika
Dasa,it is Mcrc{rry that governs the period from the'4th to the
l2th ycai of a child.
When the Moon is in opposition with malefics and benelics
it will shorten thc lifc by 4 ycars.
In thc abovc, if the combination be of-
(l) three boneficsand I ma1efic,the child will live 7 yearsi
,&l'*i' (2) three beneficsand 2 malefiis, the child will live 5 years;
(3) ooe benefic and 3 male6cs, the child will live I year;
(+) two bonofics and 3 malefics, the child will live 2 years,
ffi trcftsgucoftnirtqrirsiitr{,I
, eru:drft, d*r.qrsqt" rl
rgugt: tr& t{agqof fqfttrq-tq r
qlfri: r{rq: @ltfA tt
Latter half.
As interpretedby me r'. r", s'cl{€id.lMqt g\ w/}f*i nl,,r
(Kalbthrasahith6 Vitagnadhip6 Subh6papaviiith6sathi),the fol-
lowing is an example:-

--..lMithuna. Jupiter ilx

Saturn are in
the same degree
i Saturn
Thc lord of the Lagna, i. a', Jupiter is ro the 7th in operating.
conjuaction with Saturu, a malefic. He is further affiicteil by 3
malcfcs. or's.,Mars, Sno, and Mercury (who should be considered
re a mrlcfic when in conjunction with a malefic planet). Tho
nrlcr-of the I-agna, (the benefic Jupiter in this case) is setting in
ilc 7th houso in operating coqjunction with a malefic while it ib.i[
l94 friFcfiEri Adb,tv
affiiction with thre.eother malefics, which aro r.ising. This witl
lccd to death within a month.

N' B.-ts these two cases, Mercury should bo tahen as a
malelic as otherwise the yogX will not be complete.
The comnrentator Bhattotpala says in sounection with this
It qqiAq cgrEsri q;{.Tft i Mt(aflsri Rsctmrm: I
srdgr qft qEturr<r: ttrprt*mir qEarq{r qm$nca: frrcg*
rrft trqr ? qwlrqs"il
That is, if the Moouin thc 6th 6r thc dth plaocbc notaspect'
cd by any planet, the child will not die. Again, wheu the Moon
in tbe 6th or the 8th bhava happens to be in a house owned by a
benefic Dlanet, or, being in a Rasi of a malefic planet, be at tho
same time iu conjunction with beaehc ones, then too, tha child
witl not die. Iu support of the above he quotes from Yavancg'
wara tho following sloka;-
qsFeqf Xvqfts$rf, qtsqsrqrqftffttry | :
er@tFa gtiafuettrAmts;qrg{q** qr ll
He also addsthat the I\[oonin the 6th or the 8th housefrom
thc Lagna aad aspectedby planets whcther benefic or male6c {oes
not causedeatirto the native wlten the birth happensto be ia tbe
day time during the dark half of a month, or in the uigbt lipo
during tbe bright half of a month (1. qgc-6'lgilsrtw4tF' ctc.
Brihat Jataka, Chapter"XIII; Sloka 8 ) and quotcs in support
(frear) worl.
of tbis the follorving sloka(1V.75.)from Mendsvya's
sl. 85 rgtisrar: lT6

t crffi ftsRinrqalstQqnn{\I wr{t ffit ftt r u& u
The commentator qtssl, cr Frfr s*
' fofrsfltli qrnrq I
*rrrrct Rqi arkq efa!*: cftti qras
efr crqftft qr frrteqhnt <aqefh$rtt ftsqlrncn: r ssrqi'
tl ctcqrd* qrf,q I
tffirr: cfr*hnrtqdftf,? rr lrf,ttr: t
crfrTc{qqr:q: crq&fr osc{r*r ll
Also -,lra-c,tnt .' ,
qfrtttt figrernt rm: 'trVhh glt: r
gttcstirq qr€g g[* {tqrETq il
. *acrfurttsfh( cr* cqqqgq t
I qd&stqft{afs 1afrrrfunniiih*|
qftsfue'qrirs 6r$rTrg:
tt dl ri
tffir ftqlfr vtr ftF*t gft t
qgctt rr qnq nrerrgt{iiq u
Noli.-1'5" 6th and the 8th bhavas arc congiCricd bad, bc'
(Bad planets
cr,ueorone is settiog ad the other hcs alrt*dy set'
in tbose bhavas rro better tblrc thao gocd onC. c/. ffilir Rt
swulg.Viparocthnm rihppha sbaeht shtatnechu. Ftala
XX-10). Opporition of bet;fics to t&t Ms6tr ie t&l* tucpllcor
only hastensdeath.
Again, some take tnu trordr aftfirttrqt (tHttffitl to mead
i. a., the I"eeD& and qrgcilnt?
thc 8th from the 6th horse,
(Asupapekshite)when aspectedLy the Sun (also called wqmrr
(Asugamec) or dflq4t*'l (Secgrrrasam€d artd ia s*$ffit .cf thc
above quote the fo'llowing from ltr+f (Sarlnaka)'
qitqd dniffi q 1t rnqqlhir t
Rq q{ cqRr{f xld qrt dcfq: u
Thc word qq (etba) in roe 2nd qra (P+dd of the tcit ber nccn
ondersto6dto mceD" with'the condition lbove Sivtb tlf Sc nrst
qrlf,tcr of tlo rloLr)";i r-, lrhen ''bc rfril rool ll tb' t{t r
196 qrdr|ltnilf Adh. Iv

aspcctedby tha Sun aud further by gl: (Subhaihi) rl.r., Mercuryr.

Jup.iteiand Venus,tben the child will liqe for 8 years.
$r.{ grrfr.f{:stdqffirscn&hr
l;j q€rrtui itfo wce q(|Tgi rt
By <oreq &*tQt (dalamathaschamisrekshite) is mcant
"when the weak Moon id, the Lagna is aspectedby the 3'benefics
end also by the.3'mslefcs, thc child'will in this case livoonly
for 4 years."
ttu{dh gt, d' qMtftt I
sril&t xsrRKrcrg{{"ggqq u
In the 3rd {I{ (padd oi the sloka in thc text, it the q{tk
(padacbcheda) be made as qflS-ft; (euauuuihi);.the meaning will
(being h"uefic) is aspccted
be " when the ful1 lfoon rn tbe Iagna
by 3 wcak malefics, the dhlld will livc only for o;re mpnth'
o/- drrt.
q{ftoH ftvrite g{ rcffiit: t
qfr{tQfissffitffictcgfttq u
Thc +th quartcr may. also be interpreted tbus: " When thc
rord:of the l*gaa is defeatedby a maleGcplanet in planetarywar,
aod the.boneficMoon occupiesthe 7th housebeing aspected by
thc 3. weak ma1efics,.'tbemaxiinum life of the child will be onc
month. o/. iiram.
q$ffirrtrq'fttH* ct r
?t fith\.ffi qfti AGTesftq r
qgmRt lR q-"iui M{t
qqfrgff{ftgd{ Fir g tr {tGtct;I
A rQ C\ \

vqqfr-6{fidft n ft*rqffir
I g*rgttst ll lE ll
Slola 36. Wben the Moon with Rahu is in con'
(irrerpective of its '
iunction, witb another malefic
SL;J6 rqfrsnrr: r07
porition) and Mars occupiesthe 8th, both che mother
and the child will die; and the death will ensuefrom
the effectof an operation if the Sun tr in the Lagna.
(The force.of g (Tbu).cao only be brought about.asabove)
Again, when the Sun or the Moon occupies the
lagna and malefics be in the 5th, 9th and 8th aod
beneficsin their etiength do not aspecsor be not in
coojunctioo with the Suo or the Moon in the lagoat
the new,boro child (and the moth"*) will die.
The words fr qt (Gra:.th6Chandr6)have been ioterprcicd
\ Moon ia associationwith Rahu " and-aot'nccesserily'eclipod
by some.
is lnderstood
l -

*"" IUarc
*Fq'l- I q-{tignfi i- u"r".l
i €tFtl$: I-agna I
-l supI

Seturu I JuPiter Ketu Mars

rl1 g ctrrc:
Venus I Moon lMercurY
10s rnrltrftqfi Adb lv'

Thc ugu (AsuUlE)in conjunctionwith this'qfr qt'{G'rt*Uc

CLandr6)may be either Saturnor the Sun, as shown in the prebod'
ing e:rarnples:-


il-atter lalf of
the Sloka --! the sloka l-
Merc. I Emnpla lM"r".
-l I reo
t I 'enusllagna
Kctu I Sun
I l(etu

The iuterpretation given above appears morl ratiohil ibA

many instances (of the simultaneous demise of mother and child)
that are of common occurrenee may be brought under the
cited in the first half of the Sloka. In the first ioga, thc Moon,
wh.rtever may be her position, is very puch affiicted, being in con'
junction not only with Rahu but also with another maleficr and
the 8th house is occupied by Mars as n'e11. With the abo-vq tho
Sun's position in the Lagna is further nccessary to cause the
demise as a resul.t of operation. Moreover, there was no aecesity
for Varaharnihira to use the word ergq (Asubha) if he did uot
intend any one of the planet*, ttiz,, Saturn or the Sun' Tho word
ofr (I-agne) should be taken onlv with <sl (Ravow) ttrat is next
to it pnd need not apply to q..i (Chandre) in the first line which is
frr removed, inasmuch ss so manv words S+ ft*Tar&a
ieg: (Kuje Nidhanasrithd Jananisuthayormritbvu) intervene.
The commentator Bhattotpala takes the word ctc (Grasthl)
as referring to eclipse (lunar or solar). According to his view,
the translation of the first half of the sloka will be " when the
Moon in' conjunction with Saturn is eclipsed iu tbe Lagna and.
llars occupies the 8th place'from it, both the mother and the child
will die, and the death will eusue from the eftect of au operation
if the Sun be in thcabove position, (i. c', if thc Sun in conjuuction
irith Mcrcury and Saturn bc eolipsed iu tbe La$nr ind Mars bo in
.sL g? rgfrssrr: 199

the 8th place fron it.)" So that such deaths shoqld be expccted
only lb times of eclipses, and tbose by operation especially io tbe
Solar ones. According to this ,interpretation the word etgu (Asu-
bha) in qgrrcfet qR q.R (Asubhasahithb Grasth0 Chandr€) can
mean only Saturn and no other malefic planet. For, an eclipse of
the Moon can occur'only on a full-moon day and the Sun will then
be in the 7th place or in direct opposition. Consequently Mercury
will not be near the Moon.
qfrilqrri qd ssi orai gtsrnt r
l l
cr"r sr* hqt s-asE{ q nr*q ll
ui <ds* il qmref?"aflarflurfteigr
ft&qEg6T: €d c{ors n?rQarqst: lf

{qft qrorqn[
tlfii qlt qfunWWa {tRmrnletl
Sloka 37. If Saturn, the Sun, the Moon and lvfars
occupy respectively the 12th,the 9tb, the 1st and the
8th places,they will conapireto bring about the death
of creaturesborn under thic combination, uulessthey
be aopectedby Jupiter possessed of strength.
. In the example given below the sun is squ4reto seturn.
Thc Moon is quincunxto IVIars.
900 mt|qrftcril g
The Sun has gonc down the midheavenwhile Saturn asccnds
rt. The Moon is rising. rFn gwn tnt*r:{gatina Guruna
Veekshitaha) may mean only trine aspect (frftq r&') (t'rikona
af. gu161
TRI: I ilil i t.t( l
UqenftfrTtsttqq"t{ qq: rl
From the quotation given below from gr<rqnt(Saravali), it
will be seenthat the sameeftect is producedif Sdturn and the Sun
intcrchange places in the yoga describedin the tert.
erarqan*qqirgwrr{q{frrrar I
ildq Er{!iir: g; €ir gcor rt i{Esrr n
In order that the four planets may be aspectedby Jupiter, the
i lattcr.:must occupy the sth housefrom the Lagna. If he shouta
aspectonly someof them, or be weak though be might aspqctall
tho four planets,the child will die. It bill escapedeath only in
case Jupiter in ful'I strength aspectsall the four planets.
Also ttilwt|.s
srnsrcfr R:Eofi Rqftdkrscq I
nr$mtqrfiftedff rfuil cft *ftnrr: ll
gtorrc{oi l<ritimrg qraq| \
qr*fi *i w*q q{isrqn gQ,o
Tho plancts mentioncd iu tbe sloka ia the text as respcctively
occupyiagthc l2th, tbc 9tb' the lst and the 8th houses may also
'Saturn in tho 8th, the Sun in
bc takcn in tbe fotlowing order, oit.,
tbc lstr the Moon in thc 9th and Mars ia the l2th.
,/. Gwrsrc-g
The sloka is also capable of tbe- following.. interprctatiresl-
eplit up .rF{-{{iT(*t{t iuto two, thus i, r{Talq: and vaq+5q; E13s
ffiadq{frinto.two, thue: ffi 3s4 ffiE{fuq. When
SL 87 qgqTctqrql 201

Saturn and the Sun are in the l2ihand the Moon and Marsare
Lagna and the
the 9th, or when Saturn and the Sun are in the
Moon and Mars are in the 8th, unaspected by powerful Jupiter in
either case, the result will be the same.
qqr6qqq*-S*d *aqi tr* I
f,qrwqa sqa delrq{qqlfit( ll
qEreffqfr *q.* ?Rqq tI* r
il{r qFqasqa dqrrTvrrnRta.
The inverse order may also be applied in.the above vtew'
c/. at{*
eTqqldq{rrftqpq;qtfrfr ffiT dq: I
frqr* qdu-qi*tr aqrqqqTfqt( ll
il{r awn\ qTqr-E*q} il{Erlq. t
ffi qtrd inql q(oHIGlr(u
The words ;qqmlr<q*qa may also mean the 8th house count'
cd from the l2th, the 9th and the lst: i,c,, the 7th, 4th and the
8th from the Lagna. C/. gE.FiTd-
{iq q{-t *qqt qft: tl
frwqr ffqg+€r1gil:€Rtilfi,t: 1
{rcsrqrr;qql+ar-frR aqd}srqqrtt
Again, the words eRrer<F{{rqr*Uter are capable of being in'
terpreted as 3{fkil€fffi{4.6qiqo1:,' that is Saturn and the Sun,
Saturn and the Moon, and Saturn and Mars placed in'the 7tb' the
4tb aud the 8th housesfrom the Lagna. Cf,
aqt t<ugs*rdq1, n* a'n t
Stei ftqnwaq*qarg€frqq:tf
B{{rfi qog.trqelelil f{Frt: ;
ftE$eh: $rn?nqnfi€r* ll
m rlillfiilt Adh.lv

qflnq drtfrrl t
uweuffiwt{R rftft{ sfrsildtftfr
il utctl
Slo[a 38. The Moon in conjunctionwith a male'
fic planetin the lagna, in the 5th, the ?tb, the fth, the
8th or the 12th placelrom it will briog on the deathof
the new-borninfant unlecgaspectedby or in conjunc,
tion with, Veouq,MercrrryandJupiterin their srEngth.
Maqqlftrrm: qhqq*ila:
?€ egtR qGFrdr
tq *ti sgf: t

qnmrerregilAFftfr:frgfr* tt
Tho Moon here need not necessarilybe waning as opiued by
Bbettatpqle. If she be in conjunction with malefics (not oae-
qg,rgit m"y br interproted as qgttfi-)in setting or culminatiry
hdrizon, it is enough. Bhattotpala baseshis opinion on the follow.
ing quotation from sKH{-
fr'fir€6q{qilArhtrn: qfrqq*g$r: I
qtrl qBfq: gfrcefl{ril TrdRFgt, tt
itiltqqilfrffidnGnrqqdr I
{ilff rGfr qrftEtqlt fril lfuntrdqll lq ll
Sloha 39. lf a child is born under a fatefulcombi,
nation(qfiEiq"Arishta yogr) whereofthe periodhas not
been specified,the death of the child will ake place
when the Moon in its periodicalcoursesgoes to the
houseoccupiedat the time of birth by the strongestof
the planets producing the Arishta yoga (uMrr)' The
laure event Bay alro happenwhen.the Moon goesto her
SLse qitsftt: gB

place (occupied at the time of birth), or ttc Lagna (et

the time of birth) and is arpectedin strength by malefic
planets. The sagei say thio death may be expectedto
happo within a yeat.
In thc previous yogadfind out who the worst d.tloft planet is
that causesearly death and the place occupied by it. Fiad out
thc Rasis of the Moon antl thb Legnr.
Now, we kaow that the time taken by the Moon fur rilhing
one revotution is 2?'32305days approiimately. Tha Moo-n$trc-
fore makesabout 13 revolutions in the cour$i: of a ybat. Wlicn.
ever the Moon in the courseof hsr orbit cornosto a.ny of th0 tkoc
placesmentionedabove,ur.l.,(l)'the Rasi occupied by thi Mooo,
(2) thE RaSi sigfrifuint thb Lagna aud (3) the Rasi occunred by
thb strlibgest rnalifiC Dlalot ceirsing the .A.rishtb vd8r (iRrhr0,
dbrh sill happen.
wc thus 3€t 39 probrbilitias. T[l Mffi ifru3t b6 ]rr6iful
(roft-Balavati) to cause death. That is, shc dbtt lO t$l
Moon or bc the ruler of the 6th 9r the 8tb horlse. Thus thl f,um-
ber of probabilitiesis limited to 13. There is anothcr conditiofo
odr., thit the Mooa should receive strong aspectof all the raalcficq,
thc Suri, Mars and Saturn. Thcu only, death will talre glrco.
ThiC radueesto dne cirtaintY.
it rtray be noted hCrethat the general treid of Varlhanihira
in treating 6f early deatbs rtfors cbi'eflv to tha PbsiGi€$ ;oei! or
otherwise,of tho Moon, thus indicating demise within oDoycar,
which is the Naisargika (teltr6) period accorded to thc Moon ia
aly onerb rativity (Yidt Adhldva 7. Stoha?.trfl,eli ottur tbter
pcriods of demisebeing alluded to as rtray clse*
6/, sKr+€r
,iii qRq,FqTi€ il ai qtsRQr.fi r
{trcfrqnftqqit ?€firo: €r( ll
Also fr;rc
Mtl rfd'{tsRfrilTttl
20d-. rnnffi Adh. tv

Sr* qrsmreir Fqqr: fiq+qqTtl

oofidfrAr:qMtA qrq qeilrr ,, ,fi

*trr*r {T.It ffi r
$*n ffi Eul E{eqqiqqR'{qrilqu Bo tl
q+Rfufffitrfr #nFilt*qfr xqrqu'Rtl
Sloha 40. Saturnin his retrograde motion, when
occupyinga houseof Mars, a Kendrapoeition,an inimi,
cal houseor the 8th house{rom the Lagna and.aspected
by lvlan in $rength,:givei a Z..years'leaseof lifeio the
Sloka 41. "lupiter in a house of Mars and in the
8th housefrom the Lagna and aspectedby the Sun,the
Moorl Mars and Saturn, oendsthe new,born child to
the othet world in j yeare,if devoid of Venus'aspect.
Rftwt|frit n'rft{fraqfi*h r
ffiq: Ursoft{+
E$dqfisilil{il<i}n rfiffiiEvqnrggt{ €e: ll
Thesetwo glokasas wellas slokas +3, +j,46 anil 50 aro from
qgrstsfrtDrffqo{r( frst gqnffitrqqqro}r
qtqdtr qgtfr rnr w* .ru ff.iqofurfi ngRtl
Sloha 47. When Cancerhappensto be the 6rh or
the 8th placefrom the Lagnaand Mercury occupiesit
and is aepected.bythe.Moon, the person brn wiil in +
SL 49*{6 rutfsrfir: n6
of every
yeart pay the debt of naturealthoughpbssessed
kind of etrength.
o/ w{r@r
miad{f,qftrq: nsrEqflfr{ilftorert(|
q+q €sffil{q*q qnqfr ll
rRq'Ffrqgeitt duttr r
tftqtifirqffir*dwrt*s q{i\Wf ll BQll
Slohd+1, If the Sun,the Moon, Mars and Jupiter
be togbtherin one sign at the time of birth, the deatbof
the new$orn child comesto passin 5 years. The same
happenswhen the group of planetsin oneplaceconsiets
of Ntars, Jupiter, $aturn and the Moon ; or tbe $un,
Saturh,Mars and the Moon.
o/. gqr+.(
nrqEdEnflrqfiqg+,*,qrifi'Jqrf*k: t
gffiilfer.{ffT fHtqer.qamqaFfrqat: 11
qfl gqnfiqiqt{sefrfttfi[e' {ttdq qe{l I
eqrftqqqgil qHr qnratqqq{R'fr ililssg!ll 88 ll
Sloka 44, When Saturnoccupiesa Navamsaowo'
ed by the Moon and is aspectedby that planet,and the
lord of the rising sign hasalso the Moon'g aspecton itr
tbe child's life will last for 6 years.
oi fr isroilffiit{sqmqws: t
quFI qrdl a qqfr$qEsn 8\ ll
riaing (Drekkana) be one
'of Slofta 45. If thc fwrur
those otyled frrro (Nigala'fetters), fr-Ahi-snake),
ftgr,(Vihanga,bird), qffie('(Pasadhara'carryinga,aatel,
eqd be occuBiedby a male{ic planet a44 tdalPected by
tnc frrflnltt Adh,IV

yearE. [For tbe names of the Drekkanasin thie ils&|,
iefer to Jataka) ch.27, algolkilFrfifirr'
(JataLaPariiata) Adhyaya 5, Sloka33 in{raf.'
i"nqr omtr:giryfiqaT{qfton*
sq1q1ffif at: qamdftft11;1q
sl tfrdhfrmIrrG fi\ trS Sq:r
qr( lt 8q tl
til a t{gt'n cnfil€ftrcq*Et
Sloho 46. If the Sun, Saturn and Mare be in
the Lagnaand the ?th housefrom it be a signowned by
Venus antl occupiedby the waning Moon, and if Jupltct
aspectnot that Moon, the deathof the child may happen
The last quitter of this sloka readsasrffift(tllrtfirR in
ffigqgrr! grqmT€qftns
rr qTiliqq$r qffi qEttaqa imqs ll Be tl
Stoha 47 If the Sun, the Moon and lvlars oecupy
tbe 5th placefrom the Lagna, the new'born cbild gocr
to death'shabitatioo in the 9th year.
c/. e<itii;enrft
f,{utsEgit:g{Ftni fur a frrqrnrt
qrfr qqsi qrft qqlsFtq €{q: ll
qTfrffis {ilifrcsRrd'rGtlfrq}( |
q?rt{{sfr .G qr il{m 6ilr<r
ftgd6 o{ fir{sllBG
Slola 48, If the lord of the iising rign bea mnlettc
planet rnd oceupy the 12th placefrom the Moon aq{ bG
rcpectedby maligu planeta,the chiid will die in 9 years.
Tbe gameevent will happen if the lord of the rising
rign be in a Navamsa occupiedby the Moon or happen
to be the lord of that Navameaitaelf.
c/. tmlff
?srftqfi: qrq:{rfti}i ftlq,} qGq q;ilit I
ffid+nrrfr nqqfiftS aftrt: tl
Also gunt<
tnwt eit fi*r'sq'
qt&q6g,fi\ft q?f\E{rftrril' q*ffiT{tl
qtqquR {fi{ tqrg{T{itrq u Bq tl
Sloha 49. When Saturn occupiesa Narnmsa own,
ed by ldakara and is aspectedby Mercury, the child
wdll live 10 years and will have to e*periencb hatred
riocc itc birth.
qrt rqi{_tuilqts+€fr
ffi wq }
qqrfrftfrqfti {qif<qdfrritqq
n \o tl
Slota J0. Mercury in conjunctionwith the Sun
and aopected
by beneficplanets,deotroysthe child in 1r
year$thoughbroughtup in the interim in regalcomforts.
(This perhapshas referenceto an qRcqh (Arishta
Ttre latter half of this sloka readsthus in wfmdt.
ftaii wrnqrr
qqs{nqqrq{, qsq Wfte: t
arsflt irger il \t tl
Slola 5t. If the Sun be the lord of the eign occu,
ng rtrtqtfr{lrt Adh"lv

rising oign in conjunction with Saturn and if Venus
.aopects them, the child will pass away in the l2th year.
c/. gslr+<

tRqt fil{-dtqtuf\qrrtfr: n}ft qg qft €ft qil r

q+qii Gqil' flgntdtqFs:frtq qqqqfttaat: s1
wiqqsRr{qq qsfiqfitRt r
ftdr{qrr*r Ew{rdtq qt{fr n \R tl
Sloha 52. When Saturnoccupiesa Navamgaown,
ed by Vrischika and is aspecredonly by the Sun, the
cbild will live 12 years hatedby the father.
goiqsRqtqt qhffiAt r
Tfrfit* qtofqwq frEtfror'n \Q tl
Slofra53. When Saturnoccupiesa Navamsaown,
ed by Libra, and is aspectedby Jupiter alone, the child
will be disl{kedby the father and die in the l3th year.
qt fiqs&€qlHil |
qg&tq qtoiqmr*qt dfr q n \B tl
Slofta54. When Saturnoccupiesa Navamsaowo.
ed by Virgo and is aspectedby Mercury, the boy will
be ill,temperedand passaway inthe 14th year.
ftrti{Fftft qt {gonq frffit r
qerqtsrqiqq qqr q{fin6({{ lt \\ rl
SJofc 55. When Saturnoccupiesa Navamsaown,
ed by Leo and is aspectedby Rahu, the child will suffer
hurt inllicted by a aharpweaponand hie life will consicr
of 15 yeiuE.
gf. 6l-w qfrsrrp: 209

sqffiqi qt *ag&rnftt r
rftfrr qhrc iiryrqrqitftq rr\Q tr,
Sloha 36. .iWhenSaturq,occupier,a'hlrsrilmra.own.
ed bv.Cancerand is aopectedby Ketu, the grgroonwill
be hurt by a cnakeand die iohis l6th year.
q+ umfu{ftqt r
t'r '

't,J {.Hfr qtrq}rnq6,sgflrq} n \s tl

Sloha 37. When Saturnoccupiesa Naramsaown
ed by,Gemini and is aspecteebv the lord of the ficing
rign, the person will be a hero in war, leada life ol great
hxury and hic deathwill take ptacein his l Tth yeai.

wfuqft n r;Bromffia ilFfi |

fuqfit il gwnffifi iqsrq{RPrrrixqrlt u\dtr
Sloka 58. If the lords of the rising oign and of
the 8th place from it be in erch other'i 1t."", and if
they be not benefic, the native dies in hir lgth year.
The samething will happ:n when the lords of the Lag,
na and the 8th houseare nor benignand the t2th or thc
6th placeic unoccupied,byJupiter.
,asfimft! n r&iq g-*
The3rdclri (paael'ofthissloka reads
;n qTtffi;ilrqtft.

*{ffiqt rt rrgnn q Fn?fttr

tilfTt gqr&Enir:
r.rfrffi n \q tl
btg qfrgftilqn"rfrs'rrtftuur*ffiirs
wsi rI '{R darir qril' gdt fiiftq-wnr{ nQotl
gl0 inllq'frrqrf A&. lv

sloha 59. When Saturnoccupieoa Nav.aoga own-

ed by lupftor and is aspecred by Rahu, and the lord of
the Lagnair not aspectedby beneficplanets,the new,
born child liea at once.' But if the lord of the rising
oignis in hig exaltation,ohelife of the child is [9 yean.
Stoha60, When maleficplanetaoccupythe Ken-
drar andxjs not aopectedby the Moon and other benefic
planetsxsd when the Moon ie ,in the 6th or the Sth
placefrom sheLagna,the child born lives happityup to
the endof the 20th year.
Some mofe yogas restricting the period of lifc to within 20
yGarsare 6y1gcted, belorv fronr lFmqpf.n

q\s{tg-twit qfi d"qar'fi+| ,h$S-r,lit

sq(ffi oil qnrn\*'rqfifr,rifrE l
qAleqi: qtt:
fi'qarRqfff* nsrgfrflfi: q{q{ U
fin arnqri rfirei #e,ii qgrEd I
ems] qriiqg+ qrtl
ileq sFc' qfr oqtq:ffitqr I
qsqdffi rt erfimgq*qfir ft qt tl
;-toha 61, When the Sun in conjunction with
Jrpiter sgsrrpiesth: Ltgn,r a.d that happnr to be Scor,
pio, and rvhgl the lcrdof th,: 8th hous: from the f.S*
occupiesa (t"r) Kendra) the person will die i;J;
ZLnd year,
s[. 0s{6 qilrT.tqrT, 2ll

The followiDg yogas from Tffqff,{ (Yavanajathaka) fixing

thc length of tife to a period ranging from 22 to 26 years will bc
fousd to-be useful:
qdH geil {fiat ilgqr sl?t il r
q: *f{Rqnqa}q{q qq+(|A€afieqrt rr
r'ilqir qrqqf,r.rTdr,ilerr tqq;nreigqFt
g,fhi*{qrrhq, tr
frqia{nrq-iseqeqgrq:flfr q rTwrfi(:I
Ir;qSilEri ?ecs1g' qgfiafr: 'rcq. lt

qqiEt{etrfiftffifrffir t
qqBrcC* {r qr( t*ftfufr ll qRll
Gtr qf{H qfr
tirrd qqt €:q€rfr{ftfiR il qQtl
T{||;(ftIqrg q{qrg{{iRqilrt
qdiffi fr qrfr qq$ et* tt qBll
e ft{rifi .qt utrt
(ffifrn frqffiRqr€:fr'rrQ\ rr
Sloha 67. When Saturnie in the rising sign and
that happensto be' .an inimical sign and tba benefic
planetaare in qrirfuc (A;nklina) places,the end of the
lrrron born will comeeither in the ,26th or in the 27rh
Slo&a 63. When the lord of the 8th house ic a
maleficplanetand is aspectedby Jupiter and a malefic
planet,and the lord of the house occupiedby the Moon
is in the Eth housc from the Lagrra,chc deathof the
native will acur in the ZSthyear.
2r2 rlcrqffrfi Adh.lv
Sloka 64, W{ren the Sun occupies the gth house
from the Lagnain conjunction with the Moon arrdSa-
turn, the person born will go to yama'o abode in the
29tb year.
Sloha 65. When the Moon is berween the lords
of the 8th howe from the Lagnaand of 15garrqrrfu(Ja'nna
RaE0, i.e. the eign occupiedby the Mooo, and
io in the 12th house,the death of the narive will happe'
either in hic 27th or 30th year.
For additional information see the folrowing slokas from
€fuq-qrfhfr,r5e*rr:*qggilRrFq. r
ila nqa:ed| frqil erflsff1|qTglf
slqfraftd{tq q-{r*il6fr 96r: I
Sqm ennrqrfiil -qqt derftqe{ tt
.rt"qqfiqpil Trl ff+sR;tT frgr': I
fl8rsqfiairErinr€nx:qt f+{R u
qA St d frqifr *-qlssi qrt r
olt qdti iilii€ng: qi ffqR u
*\t qe{t sd qqn.ia}gofl r
ftqiii *'rq? qtiT€rrll:
( ffnrq.rr,
quqrfrqfik-l CIttqaqRtr
ffirrmfr €R,u qqtl
6q nrr* qlt qrqgtr+rft\ ffissl n r
nqrFritnrb.RotrlfrtrEt ftqf xqrfunqetr
SJoln 66. When the lord of the gth house occu
pies a Kendra, and therlord of rhe rising sign io **houi
gL 6E-?0 qgrilsrnt: ,tt8

rtr.eogth,-the p€{son born will lirrc nc fewgr than 30

jwc;perbapc hic deathmay happenio the 82nd year.
Sloho 67. When tbe Moon is oq the wane aod
the lord of tbe 8th housefrom the Lagnaoccupiera Ken,
drr or.thc Stlhhoure itrelf in conjuoction with a mdefic
plaoet,aod tbe lagoa is without ctrength aod occupied
alro.by a maldic phoet, the perron born will die io hir
3lhd year. .r
" NorEs.
Yide il?o the following ftqrn Tfi-1rf,6 (Yavanajothals)

ffifrrrt vt qltr c nt{ ft r

rrfft d@ d}leucildorqu
rqrsaqqdi trrrrarcri rr: ritt I
rqrlkrrrrl qpqrqrr*ght+ il
Atgo qntt?u
rrtr dq: rrff ft€t Hsrl crt I
.*ft rql* rnsqI: ci fr{rq ll
r$urd qfruffi Ef,U
eR ,
qilt|5rrrdt qr {rttfrr5ffi ll qc ll
S/olo 68. When a oalefic planet occupierthe 6th,
thc 8th or tbc lztb frolh the lagna and when the lord of
the rbiog oigo io weak and it not in conjunction witb
or arpectedby benefic planets,the peraonboro'if eitlrer
rhordived or childlego.

T!dr$ ilsfrriiir qrgtsftn t

qqFqtrrr€t qrq{grftftqiqrrtq il
qqnilqtq€gdg{ftR{frd r
il so tl
S$TTf,: II
llt4 ffrfcrftqfi Adhrlv

the Lagnais either Saturnor a mrlefic pl rnet io coojunc,

tion with anothermaleficplanet,and this lord of the 8rh
houreoccupiesan unpropitious 'rurir (Shashtyamsa) of a
cign. the personborn shouldbe pronouncedto be ohort,
Sjcrla 70. When the t2th and the Znd placerfrom
the Lagnaare occupiedby malefic planets in unpropii
'tious Shasbtyarnsas,
and arevoid of b:nCic aspeccs, the
perEonboro must be declaredshort,lived.
Now ends ths trertmenrof she different kinds of
chort,lifeduero rnqrfle(Balarishta)
anddtrrfis (Yogarirhta)
coupricedwithin the maximumage.limitof 3l years.
The following is anothet ontgtTt (Atpayur yoga) montioned
in qRqmn (Yavanajathaka)
r' gGotr:l$: g$r crrrra: cr] gwdgft r
.q.ftnlrrqfr cr*sqrft?fdl ftnrq rr

I sTqrftgrTsf!
Nur.r.rrrcArroN oF EytL oR OouNTERAcTIoN
qs<tr€ qR onr;ilq erErr€futft
haftt 'Trqs{n (t{rrgl tNrtrr
R{ri {frFqgrr.qtlft
Sloka 71. If the lord of the rising sign posce$!
exceeding strengthand be in conjunctigrrwith a benefic
planetor aspectedthereby,and occupya Kendraporition
and br freefrom any malefic xspect,the person borry.
will be very fortunateand be blessedrvith long [ife,
g. ?2-78 qq$fs.qrq: CA6

cf, q
wgftfturaq r{rg:nrtrqin11 |
gq*;rqtsfttqi uir,ifi qurq ll
dqrlanti'rsrqiar qrorcftr arrq r
tn*i qrqrroieq mnrgtqqrBqt tl
q?qfk{ftHK fis,{ffirsft qr t
mtRsRffiran( fl{n$qu*eil: u \eRtl
Slofur1't, The Moon with his digits full or iu thc
h<luseor thc N;rvamsa'lf a benefic planet becomesa
deetroyerof all evil; antl this all the morc when aspeit,
ed by a beneficplanet.
l'he lasttqre (l'ada)uf this slolia shorrld rea,las Rllr=Enll
fuc' (ViseshatchchukraVeekhithaha). In supportof this, *" rlu"
the .follow ing f rorn zaqr{tq et ( B, i hatprajapathya)
cfiWrrgr4: grr& gqqr4rr: I
arfti trst s* gErA ftlrve, n
cl. qrrrgaqa6ifi
qeq:tliragr Srl&mr fuer grtaift
. crtiift nsn* ftlrm: gnirr:: ll
Also ST(lTo'i
qq: trftcg: g*!r htfu, gttri r
Ruurrqt*tr cKtrrrqt9{r qft: rr
nq$(aerh*(qd Rsqryo( ns111
SloAa 73. If Jupiter, Venur or Mercury occupy
(ftd) K.endrain strength and trc free from ,hr'.;;;;,
or conjunction with a mirleficplanet,g6sqft$(qtirht ir.
prrllif ied tlren and .there.
cl qlusqilirfi
${qrffi{rnlrrtr: tqqqt} lqqr{ |
quft rrcwq3 (A ffw crrq ll
Also qrcc
q*s& drig:rrof qqr*Frr* cR t
fril Aft* tGe ftnt qrcnttqsr r
Also rf+a
qdrft af{ *qcr: g:n a} ars*trcft: t
T{t * garrrt e*fti foar<}cr
drrq: s.ftswflft g.dqtfr q ftrqq qr
.u1&rsrfrftc {rtrqtdt c*fofr n t
ftt EFilg6t ffir ftqtr|if qqr lreB
Sloka.74. The full Moon in ito own exalatioo,
in irs own housc,in a vargaof friendly planetror of an
aurpiciouc one, in it.r own varga, if aspectedby a
beneficplanet but free from the alpect of inimical oneo
and free from all malefic aspectEand conjunctfono-the
Moon in such a pooition dertrciyc diotreu, howEver
difficult it may be to tide over. juet ar the $un deotroyc .
This elol€ is taken frqm {r<t{'dl (.Sgra.vati)
Also ef, qro+rr.{
r;4: 1fif,g: Ulgqqfl: An qb'qr fufd
ft*: <rf*mnt*qdl; ft'tn* dfto: r
51t1, spq.rt: stftqftflr"kd€rilsqar
c.qttfifuiqRgqtrs qFfo qqt rrex: tt
qfr lR r-{Ril;q qG
" -gy-'--,
- twffirR,gffifr^qil
:n qtq€ GrR ft+{ €Tt {sffql\${.ll .,
; Sltrlri 73. If a birth takecplace during the
in the light half of the month (gccs€uklapaksha)
during thI day in the dark half of the month
Krirhiapafsha), the Moon at the time though]occupying
the 6th or the 8th place from the Lagna,if arpected
beneficar well as mateficplanetsprotecterthe new'born
infantverylikea father afflictione'
Thc rcading
This is from qplqs[riFf, (Mandavyajathaka)'
thcrc is as follows:
c* ft* rrfir qeg qt sqrqtpilsrrrsrft gsngrrFrrt: I
i rqqr ffiarrrrnFft crr(rc{g rrR Rtc t?rt T tFt tt
Vidc rlso notesto sloLa35, Srfia.
c/. vqi'l&'ilrciq
g$ r ck qft rn?eq qtfifu.ctcsilftrgsr I
qfir; 6tordQ sqq: gflffia qrjrq r
Atso ''triltffq{rl
rrt{: I
fiqtq'fr'fT atq rr*r antrftarErftrirft
rhq tl: grrrreftE'ftia sr'i qitcreritq:u
Also ta.r{q:

,flqtfr E,urq*a'rr fisfuilr{F. il ry

irfurfrsfrqc{r{ts,ffi| r*
mitfir&qRqr uqt€lq( |
' qdtqEfrgRcrftsgtnftr
I|iFtt qgrF {rr {etqt qU[Hsll tgQtt
:rtrd Por'
.$lolrr ?6. JuPiterirr a Kerrdraposititrrr
brig$t raYs'call
ressedof exceedingEtrength'witb clear
218 fingrltqrt Adb tv
ringly and to - .
hoodevefldiflicultthey may be to tide over like a saluta,
:iion humbly and devoutly offeredto the trident hearing
This is from nt<rcdt (Sarevali). Tho readingof the tirst half
t'berois difrerent,oiz.,
mthnreqftrq: qrrigflel qri fke: ftrtrq, garccElt r
Jupiteris considercdto be the strongestamongthe.beno6cs in
tbc matter of waqding of ail ovils and increesingthe happinessof
tho nativs. ct, qa (yavana)
ftrlrctrqgil g3cdl s +i Srftregfuqftlqr I
tftisqgadirr$ qgSr qrrt r* g Mrt{rqq il
Also qnqr)"t
oqrq iqrq, tft tirnrW: *4i ndt ffi rq-*q.r
{tihc' e'nrglcq{ sr.i {tE dt{+S srmr{ tl
ald qqqstq,ltdit il qgst I
qREqlq$iljsftrr0r qf\lt ftrqr n ss tl
Slvha 77, If the lord of the riciog eignbe ltrong
io a Kendraor Trikona porition,the child thoughborn
underan evil produciogplanetaryconjunctionsurviver
it of couns
c/. wqq
gG qq R sltr k{rttcl rcrlhilr r
iRt Fifub d?e Rar$r ffi <n rl
rnsErqRilifer qtrqmqrftilis t
Rfist P{dqrrisftsr r tqqr u \% tl
Slola ?8. If, at trhe time "of the birih of a child,
there are planete occupying some of their exaltation
rigoc, others their own Rasis,'they will undoubtedly
Gontributeto the long lffe of th.enew$orn child.
Sl, ?9-f0 sgfrsqn: 219
,'!.v.Y.Y.Y-v.v"v.Y-v.vwt vvvvvvvvyvvy yv - r r vvYY vvYvvvYYYvwYY!!YY

This sloka is taken from {Tqq (Kasyapa)

rrgfhwor'ramridrsifitikerwt! |
il{{ii e*gRiqrcilt{ (orf,r<r(ll sq ll
l, , , qrz{sf*r?s}R.rftqffuei Tto(|
ri gh{ffil: {Rqt E-ilTttqtnn g!H( ll do tl
Sloha 79. Rahu occupyingthe 3rd, the 6th or the
llth placefrom the rising sign and aspecteJby benefic
planets dispels all evil then and tbere as the wind
Eweepg away cotton.
Slota 80 Rahu, if occupyingthe Iagoa in lr
(Meeha),glrr (Vrishabha)ot inir{' (Kataka} prorects the
child alwaysas a clement sovereign EaveEan offender
froro (the) death (he may have merited).
Thesearo fromlnr<rqdr
orirEqffici errfr vrtfuu: gTrqqqra:t
Ril{r€rsrgsqqilt a* lw srgraq iqrq ll
Also il-d61q{vr
aftg rrlftrmqc{r ftt 6&e gt: ttt: u
tvrilt,dra{iffi€fr 1efiA4ffi r
Also s|ffiA{r
(erirr: etrn&qr fttilrit rlfi gitr r
dcifir"' qqfrcig rJ: SffitM rt u
Also tnrq.
cf<rAq* cr cfu c?$rdg3r I
,, eqtlr rn crn Ri s* crcqfn tt
Also -gsns(
1rlfirs.irqfrwrqsfr tu: g* ftwr: fru: 1
g)0 mwftaf Adb, lv
" Al*
r eqr* T||r.ft. I
ngQwontr: gHryfttQm: lt
rrdrfoirqrft c*ftgfrrlruq r
frqmr dfii{tgil gtfter ffiltqror t
ffittr ftrtqqfuqrg frFil qe{ qdt qGqE n 6t tl
S/ofa Sl. The Moon occupying the varga of a
beneJicplanet and arpectedby benefic planetcand shin,
ning with full radiance, averts coopletely all illr drat
threaten the oew,born child as the Garuda reqoves
poison (threateningto causedtath).
Tho rcading of this sloka is slightly different in sqt{F{enqfrt
(Sarwartha Chintemani) uiz.,
Fiqtrn rhrr*cdfl gtQft ffiftcrq; r
iircs ft:ffi*rg cqr ftt fcteftirtq: r
rqfiffitbqrfrgnqtttt t
flftilq-A qA Rli Aw ll 61 ll
Sloha 81,. When thr' lord of the oign in which the
Moon ir, occupiesthe Lagnaand is acpectedby benefic
planetalrhe evil threateningthe child io averted. Thic
is the casealso when the Moon is in itc exaltationancl
''aspected by Venue.

E{ A€tqfffi q {ttqrgr
il{ drffieuqornn n cl tl
ll SqRtFry3il
Slolc 83. The iord of lhe t'i-cingrign; wnel poo,
recsed of great rtreocth aod unaipected by maldic
sl. 84 tlrlsmr

planetsbut acpected'bybeneflc onee and occupyiog a

Kendraposition wards off delth andsecuresto the child
long life graced,wrth tbe Etrong virtuea of a vigorouo

This slola is from Tllrts6tiliffi (Mandavyajathake)

qo{l Rdfu *t hqF*dqtt
T8lsqaqtqfu q6q$$qr€iTq.
ll 68 ll
nffiqeiqilgvrt{FRItti qqqrg{hr tt .
Slohu 81. Whcn the lord of the rising sign ir
without strengthand Jupiteroccupiesa Kendraor Tri
kona position, and the 6th, the,Sth or the 12th place
from thc Lagna is occupied by a malefic planet, the
perEonborn is declaredto posEess the meanperiod of
Mean periodof life rangeEfrcm ths 33rd year upto
the 70th year (bcth incluoive!

A few of thc nn"u,,r^)liiti**n,gqJosas cultedfrom

other wurks are given belorv for the reader's irrlormation ls the
same nppears tu have been eitlter lost or omitted ffom this work.

fr*: qrqin*t'S:qri: fi"flri<,{rI

qEqqrgrdrit{: fr't' tq6qffrtt t
qilGFlril: qnr €illFs{ft q''qqrgoq{ r
.{i !}rl
q-qrntqGqt' {il"t{i{tfhflI n gqgsl : tl
gf,a.{r}df*: erfaqi raqftt oq} qiq t
+t sqfroetqd qG' nlqqQ{i}:r
.rdsrltd Adh.Iv

s qtq,frcwt sqA*Fqfrtrqr qRqrftfrif r

[i'. frttfrt qnq\tqrfislffiqft{dftdqq.
s,i ;1 {* qgfr\qgb ,itnqzRgrreqfi' n
uagdq *'qFil dt nrqflglt
.{Titfrqtt Pqsi qTnerq
qnq'q{t S unrt {rg}{qHt
qrfla Med, q(qr{ Geqq tt
ri tr onff qs 1';4;gqfiEfft|:
1 u
deW*alqi qmqrt$qq'ill
E5r*tsnrttnffi wqtrfrtqgilftsFti:
qrqcgq€ gfrf€Et-tqqft nrq'{q\'q'qet t
nutifrra notrtfiqrqhail qroI
td q gqg+ tt
eil,fr*.t qqrthqrsR! qAffi l
q,qtftnad qrglft drfl:gfr il'rr'fi {Fatil( [
qR qtri t
n{fii iuoe\f"il td$fr lr n
ntt*t *a\fi *f,*u'+'fh*Bqqrdhttt
ia st;frF qls*q* t lFn' ffirl'r
*e ft q* sqrnfrt
qot** aqer* *iSeaEgqq' '
*i a; ftta.di *t'd fiq{d"' '
qft wre* qg{rTqlnliqFqltfiY qarfr lt
ffqrffi ta{qt-ntti qmftt onqrt|W r
qsrFqtar guefteghosr6qqtfi'r<qqR tt
Aqtr{r} aa'l gqil il+Ri Wfr€
qnnnrurtq sil fidi ar{rFqq!fiqisqrRI
81.8r rlfrsqrr:

qdftqiqil q'i effirtqrq{tftt r

* i,, frA*oG{ta flq{Fqqqeq{tl
, eilfr ftqqtnrtenit fr{i& | "
qrrgiit ttfl drt: qqr{raHtfiil'tt
furfrtqqqrtqt q.i -qlsi qrsRr
, qgd fraqlfir Sremqtl
fiqil ufitm:HilqFiq+"qd.qqtsgqr: FII:I
ei., 1! lqr.rtrf,ng{ftad qrdfilT$ qragq! tt
qfi git arsntsEqFt ,iti sntl gfiqtqqTr
(4 rt ilqrril {Rrri qmFqtqu{ffissilfr tl
rr*ateffi nqfnsqe*frnnrir
AsA d qr ilif€qrsT€nr( tl
qeuqqwil$l' eq€{rts{t q r
qfuailt nn: KqTgsnEqq{( ll
qe *t qrqgfta) fifrqGi r
qB{qi( qt qtk qft: qqqdfr?'rr
ert* aqqflftqeqffi qqgtsft err
qBqqftqtqTF i arl q Eqrrft: tt
ert{flprygquxtqFql:'Tler:pfi| lqi qs{dFqlr
qffiil qrqt * qgrq<srg:er( qfbq{r'.F.eq tt
dt ne'* Rg* {vT* s} +.etqqi Riit i
tfirqf iGtitlg aiqRjdiqfrq,iqeEr
emrftqrhfig{rftq$ gttqq-}' qRqrqqrit
qraqt $qft q?r@dtfr qe"r gtt-qg*+ tt
frfr G@{gfilefiililrqt qgeqoql,qrriRqil: t
qilqsrqqinilf{q}} r$1fr: erfrqi q qtsarI
224 rrr*rf,uil Adh.Iv

H{afttisi} ffi s* H$tqGhqnnl r

&{1i guqqRilatqr ililFE qw1 ffi qqrfrrr
H sqrt itgt 6qq* oti& rqrrt Q r* tt
Afirrili qTqqfr
s qrdsffi Eqqiqqat n
Aqq-qTRqff *-arr* Tgqrq{is# |
, aqqgeqtli hgit o*;sqqt;nqtl
q* fuf eqi rqrt ft+ {r* ,'rrqftes}q r
qful qrfr{rgfrnrfrgcd}
*ia. qE,qsf\:nqg.s:ll
pat q ki
dt ardlfi5foqawfi aqr+tfffurFqilq r
qeqiqqftEttqifiq?qf\Raa-rdlt nBs
fr Hilvlqrsmqftefrft tqiqht qfthE' rl
*i tta+ glqffi dtf {r* erqi {ftdr{qlr
qtil dil qrqqR{€qm q *ta qgnrqqg(nirguq,n
*urrqnRa:RRari{Fer:frRf*er1afrcr ftgt d"q' r
srRr'di ilqqri {grf; EiroitcfrT{aqsqsil
erdgqq.qg+reqffithrqw* r
T* rq+gt qrnsfteqtfrflafHqrq:ll
: dft qt *-d qrF*ft
il* ** ,ilFrt qrnnlA r
frt qra,qffi qtda] ilff srf,:sstfts<ror{tt
rrU *FE+dQ nqi rfuqiffiilr
qrilRi? w&rqfr#qfrFHfr s1
rrq* qwq1ldti rQsct rfl r
qfu{,wrr}q$qe wt Aq?riq. tt
gl. 85-89 rgdrwrcl 226

qse snr{+w}t grtgi t

ll d\ ll
IIwr ElQt,iiitturqrgrTrarttt
S/olo 85. When the Kendrais occupiedby benefic
planetsand the lord of the Lagnais in conjunctionwith
them or is aspectedby Jupiter, the astrologer nnugt
pronouncethe period of life of the native to be full.
*'ari:tt frwlt g€gil$qlAtI
totqrgi{rtHt(lt cq tl
Slolro36. \Vhen the lord of the rising sign occu'
piesa Kendrabeingin conjunctionwith or aspected by
Jupiter and Venus, the personborn mustbe declaredto
possess long life.
ttSrl a$rngtt
'i r& qr{Rrt}q frfurgf{-fiftiq
rrcs rl
Slola 87. When 3 planets are in their exaltation
aignsand the rising sign is occupiedby the iord of the
8th house,and that again is without a maleficplanet,
the personborn will have long life.
u'ih qotg+qttngftftfiir( u cc .l
SJola 88. When 3 planets are in the 8th house
from the Lagna, cccupying respectively an exaltation
lign, a friend's house and one'sown Varga and when
theLagnais possessed of strengthi the astrologerie to
declarethe pereonborn to be long-lived.
li, ffiq*ffiHorsqftqilr I
{ftd r;qnnr}EltttqrgfiRfl&(tt ct s1
226 Tirtcrfurr Adb. Iv
Slohn 89. If Saturnor the lord of the gth housA
from the Lagnabe in conjunction with any planet in
his cxaltationsign, th: life of the personbori must be
declaredto be long.

gqn kd?fr\orflr t
ffiftfrt( lt to tl
S/ota 9J. If malefic planeto occupy the 3rd, the
6th, anCthe llth placeefrom the Lagna and tbe benefic
plonetsbe in Kendraor Trikona positions and if the
lord of tha Lagna possessesstrength, tbe pereonborn
will havelong life.
t -

rtttt{ilrtig gtg qRtSq r

{MsqfrsffiFfriEnql tl
Sloha 9l; When benefic.planets are togbtherin
.the 6rh,the 7th or the 8th Bhava from the Lagna and
when the mrlefii ones are in the 3rd, the 6th aod the
llth places,the personborn will live long.

Rlq{rflrilnqrTru}tr qQkrqr r
rmnsdul dFwrRrqlt
qlqatsRqtqtgdnqgdrd{n qt tl
Sloka 91. Malefic planetsare in the 12th and the
6th housesfrom the Lagna,and the iord of the ririog
sign occupiesa Kendra: this is y6ga (l), Malefic
planetsare in the 8th housefrom the Lagna; the lord of
tlre L0thhouseis in his exaltationsign: this ig yoga(2).
The qajqrity of astrologers agreethat in both therc
yodas,the perron born attainolong li[e.
8t, 98-96 rqcTlqr: zzl

Tfitreq{rqtfiqfir{ qrdaqqfficr
Tqld o{ttrrn *qril qq ilrsqqn 31 lt
Sloha 9-1.. Find the Rasi in which is the lord o--
the sign occupiedby the lor<i of the 8th housef rom
the Lagna. If the lord of the Raei ao found and the
lord of the Lagna occupy a Kendra, the life of the
personborn will be suchas has beendegcribed,
ftsqd qko* qqtt k*rsfr qrt
n',i; €.tq{ilft*rfr {r ftt qtEfdqF€r{ ll qB ll
Sloha 94. When the Lagna is a dual sign and
when its lord occupiesa Kendra,its own, its exa[tation
or Moola,trikonafoign, the personbotn will live long
and be fortunate. ',,
Asm{.R qnafun(*-'Ffiqt r
fr qtfrqq trdl eqqfrtiqGtqrrq\ ll
Sloha95. When the Lagnais a dualsign,and two
maleficplanetsoccupy Kendra positions in respect to
the lord of the Lagna,the person born may be pro'
nouncedto have long life.
q{t{ffisrftq;Tftqu ffi tKritctr I
tqt{ WqtillKrqR qq ir(r wgqrR! talg! ll qq ll
Sloha 96. If the Sun-,Saturn and Mars lre in
Navamsasowned by moveablesigns,Jupiter and Venue
be in thoeeownedby immoveable'signs,and the remain'
ing planetein Navamsasowned by dualeignr,the person
born will live 100 Years.
tl qsqFRqeni(&qg'iht 'r
From the ?1gt year to the t00th ycar (both inclu'
-ri{c) it calledqgfr'gqPoornaYus
888 iirwM Adh.rv
This appearsto be from gwnt (Sukajathat<a).
Tbe I oga
uoted there is slightly difierent, uit,,

Niflqtw: mfrq-qitqrr
fiqqi{rtr* rfrqqqq}r
i* g grqi{mgqgd{tqtgrM qqi zqrcrtl
Oneof the meansof findrngout the q€q, sEq(Alpa, Illadyba)
and diqfut {Deerghayus)in boroscopeshas been taken from Para-
sara and given below in a tabular form for easy reference,

qfqigt qcqrg'
_, Tqtg:_ . __
wqt ofin: erq! otan: wq! urinr
q{yu}u1* liq{qt'orsfin: crrq{Rii cEhlr:
II ftR.ti orld; Rutqi.or*rr, fur.lt qriqr:
Eqcrnir qslqr: qrudqdm: fifiqtss*{r
EWr{Filr Ori{; c,Tqrd qrittr s11qrRi'ror?a:
NI Rurqlsu*g: srrq{rqtrctc{: qtUtsek;

Erflaaation:-There are three sets of yogas uuder each of

(id Deergha, H':'-f Madhya and st"qrgv Alpayus, Llhat particular
kind of ,Ayus will have to be predicted under whiclr both the
condition5 ryhich constitute each sbt are satisfied. taking
tbe first set under each of tlre headsof Ayus, (r) if ttre lords of tho
Lagna and the 8th ,house are both iu nroveahle l(asis, {qigq
(Deerghayus)will har:e tb'be, predicted; (ii) if they occupy move'
eble and fixed sigus respectively, qt.{qtgq (I{ad}'.yanrayus)rvill
havo to be stated; (iii) if theyare in'q'. (Ctrara)antl s.1q (Ubnaya)
hasis, then the native will be ,rtirrgq(Atpayus). Similarly nith
reference to the remaining two sets.

wddrssrdtqtilfiqr qfiftqermaqilq*srsI
rodhil omc\tiqtgtqrnqEtf*qqrfirfr n qe tl
s]:'gf;99,,-* ---ST'. --*----*' ---,-'o?u
Sloha91. If theSun,'JupitetandMarc beinthe
9th houre from the Lagna, and i'f the Navamsa'
Lagna antl
occupy be owned by the 9th houee from the
the fth
*leo Ly Saturn {i.i,, it Makara or Kumbha be
by the 3 planeto be
;l;." and the Navamsa occupied
it. cfiRfi (Vargoththamamsa) and if the Moon
occupy the Lagna in etrength, the lerEoo born
be blerttd with a htppv life ending with the end of
the rvorld.
The reading of this sloka is slightiy different in a(lq{ttl
arqiaten rftfunr qd?rar: rdgtt ErqtatrI
rnqneri frqtfi'rRan ll'nftrcrgr F*qcrEdt tl

lfqtgfr qtM {r qRq*ftfl r

qilTqt d*qfatqqqpil glh$iEilqftttgt ll q4 ll
SIoAc 98. If Saturn and Jupiterbeing in the 9th
or the 10thhouse from the Lagna occuPy one and the
oameNavameaand be aspectedby beneficplanete' and
if the Sun be,in the Lagna,the personborn in this Yoga
will be an inepiredsaintetidowedwith long life'
gwfr{Rt solrc}tfdnai 'qgHq hEEt t
' wRgraokiqt\qftdtar$gaqrHilqr( llqqll
* Slofta 99. Wherr Cancer'is the rising eign and
Venue and Mer'
Jupiterand the Moon occupy'it, and
.uiy rt. in Kendrapoeitiont and the remainiogplanete
happento be in the l1th, the 6th and the 3rd bhavas
froro the Lagna,the personborn will havean immeneely
long life without referenceto the order of reckoning
*gclc (Ayurdhaya) chaptere.
Itre;ted of in the
e90 IGTfufr Adb"lv
This sloka gives an exception where the ordinary rules of
.{yurdayaar6 bot to be applied at all. tf. €r<r{d.

* . . i ,

I Lagna ''r'{r.
I JuPiter F
I Moon .
IrIars , Salurn

qlcqnqirqq?Aas.rftSSn fteiwqrqqfqa; (rrq{ qq: I

a* r{tagaawa* q or* gpmaa"_qfiq{&ii tq1l: fl
Also cf*ofi lt€r €g: fuqrir gqrrlr$i r t,"l',,*1,
trtfusr{sE&f}rergir*m : n
Also gur6r diafiftgtsr{fq{S *a4narg{|itrqnfrrrf I
arqfigfirrat: qfiiqtr
ffiir $qftft ** fr"qftqfthr
air qnftttt q qrtel{R{fus r too ll
100. When there areno malefic planeta'in
t.re Trikona placeefrom theLagnaand when the Kendra
placesare void of beneficonet,and when the Sth is un'
occupiedlry a maleficplanet, the perconborn will be
like a celestialbeing,
sloka leii<ist,-,the rnterencethat malelics are rsorsein
Konas than in l{endras_.c.f.
i}t,'rur€S c&S St lta qtflqc: I
qrrmftI: S'qlr{t tacafrsrrqruiq rt
The slqka rn the text is also capable of berng rnterpretcd
thus: "\,Vhen Aries or Pisces happenstobe the Lagna with Jupi-
tcr or Venus occupying it, and the lVloon in the middlemost
Navamsa of Taurus, or N'Iars has gained a tf,EmqiEr, (Simhgea'
namsa),the person &c,,'l
81.10t-105 rlrlsrn: 88'r

ffqrQ*qqfti o{rts t*qilr ftqmrt

Airffi{r{gil qrdrfrrm{H{:u {ol tt
S/ota l0l. If the planetsreckonedfrom tha Lagna
are placed in eucha wry that Srturn is the first and
Mars tlre last of them and they occupythe 1*nrRnial
Vaiseshikamsas laicle. Adhyaya, I. Sl. 44-41 Sut'ra.),
the personborn will resemble an immortal.
M {gt Uft qrfr{ndtfiuaqsqqtt
ffit qREreui ililF{taqrrutRwtr tttottr
SloAc 102. When Piscesis occupiedby Jupiter
and Venus, or the Moon ig in tbe piddlemost Navamsa
of Taurusi.e.,gtra<iar (Vrishabhanavamea) or Mars hae
gaineda ftasqia ($imhasanamsa) the person born will
attain to yearsuntold by tha recitationof sacredhymrl6.
tqffirh qq ft qnnili{* r
ffi gt ont*fr qhoir qt( n loQ11
Stolc 103. When Saturnis in Devalokamsa, Mars
in Pararnthamsa and Jupiter occupiesthe Lagna and is
in $iohasaoaruEa!the person born will bc a saintly
qlgdt $ hA sh qrffqatq*r
frt}t sft wi srttRirr c qtdfrll tou lt
Slofta 104. When Jupiter has attained a Gopu-
ramsain a Kendra position and Venus a Paravathamsa
in a trirngular placeand Canceris. the risiog sign, the
perEon born will live to the end of the world.
qrqltr{ft o"} 1ftTfilq1Rf{ |
frqq${ftr*-A qTfrruqt eiq tt I o\ rl
?-82 lt{6$nctf Adb"Iv

avamsa ia Kataka
is ownedby Dhanusand Jupiteroccupiesit and when 3
or 4 planetsare in Kendra pcsitions, the personborn
attainsto Brahma'sseat;
The sameyoga is a11ainteferrerlto in Adhyara. Y'122 inf a'

$i kn utr {rt s;qnTggil{*|

qft irffi uq qH]qrit qt rE{ llt oEll
.Slola 106. When th.: rising sign is Dhanus
anclis <lccupiedby Jupitet and when th: rising Navam'
sa is o',vnedbv Mesha,when ltettusis in the ?th house
and the Moon is in Kanya.the pelson born will attaiir
final beatitud*.
For the same togat seeAdh!ryt V sloha-123inJta'

rraTREqiqqff(qa{ tqi lt-Srqs{t qNqrgl t

qfrffi T$riffii ;11osll
F'i qlTr'+qr{qqffiqrAilgr
qfr 'fnry€EqqttqilqRn?t cnmsqTililt
Stoka 1{}?,,srorfis (Balarishta-afflictions in child'
hood), early death duE to planeurrycombinatibns, thcir
nullification, mean a!e, long life, divine life due to (1)
abstractmeditation (2) recitarion of srcred hymos, etc.,
thesesevenlrave been treated of in thiq Adhyaya.
Thus ends tlre Fourth Adhyaya styled Balarishta
ararfis and other yogas in the rvork wta-+srftqte
parijatha)composedby Vtidyanatha under the araspices
of the nine planets.
,i i''f

n sftIqlqnillrq'll
'! i]

AdhYaYa V'
IrsXmg otr Lttr-l'
g' llt 17'l8' lg' 20' 2l' have boon
In this chapter,slokas7'
ta,ken from Brihat Jataka'

ffifiiqncqlgffFklll q ll
qffiflQr qftrflfr qrft trlq eilt mq! rqFq ll
their order the
SJo&c,1' I abridge and give in
oevcralmethodgt*- tiiliig tlie lengtht { of by mwr
;;;;;Jt.rt.t Ttii"* authoritiesoo A1trologr
(2) M'Piodaja'
underthe headsJtrl-Att"'Uicargaia (5) qlaChakraia'
(3) lrr+Amcaia,''til"a"t'naeoija'
qt*-otvaia and (8) qsrrta-
16) itrc'N"trtt tr)i', izl
AshtakaVargaia(rrg0 AYus'
;;o61 d # sft{ ufrrqrrnG$fuqq
q{frqqrrrl ll
*:A*ti Fqfrqrt"tffi+ sqR
g' 18'20 and 50 tre the figura
Sloha2, 2b,i,2'
years prescribedresPect@y
iodicatiogthe nuober of ya
in the Naioargikayurda'
for the $un and lftt-ni#tt
gil lrerclftrtf Adb"-v,
Tida arlqfhg<ftV.- 28.
l'Jso4. emsut
ftlqfr\* kr,i m sndftr I'ilnfir rgt{r( |
eclotrqfcfr<er: qet{tai ffirrat: u
ffi Tqqqr!tr(srrrfrq6o. q{g{s Sqfl! l.
.Tm{ qlqilu€rq1qf fto3qq}s:n ftqgdrmrfl{ ll l tl
Sloha 3. The aggregatenumber of Rurrgr.tc+in,
dayurdayayeareasoignedto the Sun and other planetr
in tbeir higheatexaltationpoint are reopectively19,25
15; '12,1 5 , 2 1a n d2 0 .
, Norrs.
Zidr rftqftq'cft V-19.
Also af. ttqnrfi
ftA&Acclfqt trEr|dtilt qtrft: sgres il
Ateo etqrdi
g*a?ffich): aRrq:cim: t
frrrq: fhftgpq rr{ih $rs U r
gtl: lrqnn{rR gnarQ$n'ltr t
ftnnl qRgps fhrrrg:€rrkRd: ll
Thc fgures givcu for thc severalplanots in this sloka arc also
hclpfui to find out the.approximateincomc or salary of a pcrson'

ffirqgilr cqt frdrq\ rTqowr(WrEdffit( |

qql&!: rqq{ilQ6}q fufoer q50rd\Mr rrull
ffi €rH((q;rc]-€eqi eft qr(rqt sqq,I
qrt Rurqq{geqttt r tt
Stolos 4 and 5. Subtractthe figures of a plaact
from thore denotingito highertexaltationpoint. If thc
rerult is lesr tban 6 cignr, gubtract it from 12 rignr'
sl. 0-7 qrfisrqs: ,N

exceed6 oigns, keepit as it is ; reducingthe Eameto

oinutes, multiply this by the planet's yearg. Divide
the product by 21,610. The quotient tepresentedby
y."ri, ocnths, daysetc.,is calleJthe.ftnrlgg Pindayrrs
of the planet.
P;dr $cftrqlft V'-20,21-
frfn$u*qt qfr qsrctqqffi Q

ftfr6€ ftililsqgFr{ ilrtfttflrfdtt I

iffi*qFe u{q:M qq(ft* ll q ll
S&.rft,r6. Sagessay thaq irn tlre ft'!Ergqh'Pindayur'
day:rar well ao in:tlre tefiturgrtc'Naioargikayurdaya the
wrhing proceEsis as follows: The interval between
a flanet o actualpositionand its higheetexaltationpoing
it lcsc tban 6 signs,shouldbe subtractedfrom 12 eignr.
fbe rerult reduced to:minuter must be multipiied by
the number of yerre aosigoed to the planet and divi'
ded by 21,600,i.e. trhenumberof oinuter iri'the 12eignr
of the zodiac, The years and months thus arrived at
correcpondto the rrglt+Ayurdaya of the Sun and other
planetsobtrined upon the applic,rtion of *rcrt Neecha
idha anOsioil.rr ProPortionatereduction'
This is simply a parapbraseof the 2-foregoingslokas'
riin.|'t wRR
ia AqxitqqqiuiigEi {$il |
" nFI ffi Rgrtqtetqt
!98 finwffiFtta Adlh.v
Slvka 7. When a planetir in its depreorionpoint,
the period ao$rgned to it is reducedby hatf ; but when
it occupiesan intermediatepositicn, the reddctionia to
be proportionate. The number of yearEgiven by the
r agoa correspondto the numher of its Navausasthar
have rigen abovc the horizon. According to some,the
tswg( (Lagnayua) is ac rnany yearc aEthere are Rasis
reckonedfrom Merha up to [:agoa. The planetsexcepr
when their motion is retrograde loeea third of their
Ayurdayas when in inimical houses. When they are
eclipred, their wrgdq (Avurdaya) is to be dininichedby
half. Thir lact reduction doee not apply to Venuc and
First qr,att /. ililltntK& is the reading adopted ia tfie
comrnentariesof €Fco and ft+<q but in ftcratr it is nfit;m&
Fhicb clearly meanstrArtiTtfif(*.
Secondquattt! By the word sr'ft (Apare) inthis sloka is
meant (qFrts) Mauittha (somecall him Manintha) and mea of bis
school. For, according to them, the number of years contributed
by tbo l-agDe is thus found:
orr{tftqffirqr rmilqfirgqrda: I
Arn qtefttni cqtffiRilq ll
tr^\soviilc slokas 14 aud 15 infua.
Thus if 15" 47' 24, of Vrischika bave risen aithc birth tinc
of a person, the nunrber of years given by the Legne accordiag to
Varabamihira's view will be 9+7'+120Oor 4'737 years.
But if Maniththa's view he adopted, the IagDayus wil.l bc 7
years (number of rasis that have elapsed counted from !q) plrs
15o or ?'5263 years,
Both the methods of calculating .rtfltgs (Lagnayqr) existed
from tbe very begioning. qffi:Iq (Rasyayus) was not a aew metbod
found bg cltfil or men of his school. For, rrre see in rq;lir.f
rll rrrcttr firM Rg, ,r
-gl, c-? qtdtsccrq: 28?
But rtfrtq and men of his sc\ool fotiowed the 1att6'
thb past
otbcrs pref€rred the former. Under the two methods,
years molths,
Navan rs aud Rasis and their fractions represent the
&c. B- attotpala adds that [fcnittha's method should be foilowed
if the lord of the rising :iign be pcwerful, and the first method
should be adopted if tlre lord of the rising Navamsa be strong'
s,ndquotes in support thereof the foltowing sloka frsm eKl:ffr
gr.rwfrrttdeq:<rtq"tt qt:$rnil: t
ilcii satfi iltg€t sqft& rr
d$: This view is not howev€r accepted by Varahamihira'
flrr" For the latier balf of the sloka in tbe text, c/' '{trln.qd|l
A planet is said to be eclipsed rvheir he disappeais iitbin s
particutat limit from the sun, his light beingthen overpoweiedby
that of the sun. This limit in the caseof the sevcral pllSets is
as folloss:
The Moon when within 12' from the Sun'
Mars wben within l7o
MercurYwhen within l4o
but wben rotrograde l2c
JuPiterwheu within I lo
.Vcnus l0o
but when retrograde 8o
Satura when within l5o

l,et us coasidcr thg followiDg example:-

238 lrlrfifrra Adh" v
Ianna .d. O-l{F-fl | Mecury .r.- ll -240,-14'
Sun o-l7o-43'I lupite. g-lo-?5,
Moon 9 -14'-30' I Venrts O-l+o- 3,
' Mars ,....ll-27o-$, I SatuFr O-27.-Sd
l. To Srd the iacoms or srlary.bFjnd tbe lord of thc l0th
houseor plaret iu the l0th house(or thlt planet whicb is acar
oeridirn). The fture iudicated by thd said ptanet gvcr.tberp,
prorimate income.
In the example given abovc, the Moon is in tha l0th housc
and is stroryer than tbe lortl of that house. His figuresflre thus
obteiuodt Thc Moon's yearsin depressionare l2l i,cars. He is
7lf removedfrom his depressionpoint and therefore gets 12|
t i$ x\2tr or aboutl7l approximnteln

Tlic netirclE incomo must tbercfqt b ll' approriaetolg.

2. To 6nd tbe Ayurdsya.-
The Sua's enltatioa is 0-l0o
His prcsent position is O-1)o-43,-3g,
Tbe bun tlercforc contributcs l? +W-425 lo -
' f i-re'sczt
Tbs Moon's position is 9-l+o-3d
His depressionis .!. 7-3a
uu3f,*Trrl1fuor t7:465
Mars' deprcssionis ... 3-Z8o
Hib position is ll-27o-S3'
His ycars thcreforc *" !r!*Fl or t2.5 ycars
Mcrcury's position ic ll.-Z+o-W
His depressionis ,io I l-l5o

He thcreforecontributesl: +fffLa6'31 ',ears

fupitorsimilerlys". f; +f; t ffi=A SZStog

ttrg-0 qdt$rQ {2;

f Of+ff *19'9? yera
Saturasi"o tO+ffi$= lO'44ycars
In thc erample, there is no planet tbat is quartorcd in tha
hqrsc of its encmy. So thero is no reduction on tbat count
As regardsthe rule about combustion, Veuus and Saturn ars
cllpse4 Thcir years should be rcducedby hatf; Birt tbey come
rrlilcr lta"cxccptioa irnd their years are thorcforc aot reduci.blc.
Thcycarsfor tho taaaa=+ffi or {,36ycars

\anr gt r$rAilsRrmnFs: cqqgqfr frml{t

qfr rcrr r{ qqr&flfsutkrtsn;qlfofl r c il
Slo&c 8. All planetcexcept l\darswhan in inimical
.bgo* dectroy a third of theii Ayurdayas. When ec-
Iipred by' tbe Sun they lose half their Ayurdaya; the
qceptio$ in this'latter qaeebein..Ventu
and $aiurn.
Tbc word m (VaLn) il thc preccdlng sloka may bc uadcr.
atoodin two senses. The first meaningacccptableto tbe majority
ir given in the translation. ' Tho second has tbe support of so
illustrious an authority es qr({tqq (Badarayana) from whosr
rort this sloka has been takeu by the compiler vaidyanatbr

q{ftfrttqqttgrpm srq{ €{Tffif'{fig {nq I

rgt t€?d
Sloha9. When maleficplanetooccupythe 6 bharnr
countedbaclward from the l2th, the whole, ahalf, r
third, a fourth, a fiftb, or a cixth, reEpectivelyof tlreir
$zao rrrftd Adh.v
Ayurdaya is lost. When beclefic planee occupy ruch
poritions, the lose is half of tbat incurrd in the care of
oalefic ones.When severalplanetoare in a bharn, only
the strongeetof them cau8e8a reduction in the rEdq
(Ayurdaya). Satyacharyasaysso.
Thc cosr"mentator adds that Varahemihira concurg wilh
Satyacharyain tbis view uie.. tbat when sevoral planots occ.|nf
a siogle sign, tho reduction shall be madefor the nirct powcrful
'/. mr*
(|qe{ silqi{rag{: ttrf,6qr I
clrtqrsn qrft 3qqrEriqt M il
ffi wami crtuiri qftffi: r
{s qc cai ffi srgt: r.iqr lt: u
qFrqftnltrsgctfqfr sa norrefrFrI
qr$r!.*{frqt: srrri dit: ll
qfis"oi qgt* cr* e $i q r
urg: ftvrrcrn 6rfu *rqrawrtft l
ItE{Iks: tilq: €rqFi ctcs€Ast g I
wnh s{crg*cr I inrcsft dq u

I -1, l,asto


'i gt. 10 rrfrsrrri; NI

The p-rinciple to be noted hore is that the deduction is enjoin'

od for planets-whether benefic or malefic-.if they are in the
visible half.
n In the presont horoscope, according to the obovo rute, thcro
planets in the l2lh, vit" Mars and lWercury, of whom
l erc two
" I[trs is stronger; Mars therefore loses all his years. This reduction
is enough and reduction in the ,:ase of Mercury is not necessary.
{ Th. Moon is in the l0th l-rouse. He is beuelic and therefore
lorcs *th. His years when reduced will be 14'55*.
I Juprter is iu the 9th. He loses *th nnd his reduced period is
t7'766 years.
lt should however be clearly understood that the above com'
rrutations are only rough and not quite accurate iuasmuch as no
distinction is made betrveen a planet occupying the beg:inning 9f a
bhava and another occupying the end of it. Both are rnade to
sufier the^sameamount of reduction which is not correct. Again,
'fsupposethereisa planet occupying the beginning of the l2th
houseaud another the end of the t I th, the relative distance between
t them being say otrly 2 or 3 degrees. If the rules enunciated abovc
are to be strictly applied, one planet (that is ib the lZth lrouse)
loses his whole period while that in the llth loses only one half
whiclr is rnathematically not correct. To calcutate the Ayurdaya
periods of the several planets correctly and accuratel]', readers
ero requested to refer to the 5th Adhyaya of 4tCirqqR: (Sripati-
and the samBle horoscope worked out by me tlrerein.
asfrqrdntfr wR rdrF*rftlfrlr t
qrqfr eqiutd 11q{ ilafrsft il{e6 1g{ o tl
Sloha 10. When several planetsare in one hous".,
only one planetthat is pre,eminentlystrong aud no other
carjsesthe losc of crg*l (Ayurdaya) porcion'in the wly
qrdiftKffi fi hEilrigIItII-
ilil( |
24t mrTqfurf Adb"v

fr.\ftfr aiiwirs
ru{ rqfft n t t tl
Slokar11. Multiply the Ayurdayq found tiy the
number repreeeotingthe Navamsaportions, whole and
fractional,of the Lrgna that have emerged from the
horizon. Divide the product by l0g, Tf,e quotient in
years,monthE,etc , is the period to be diminished from
the Ayurdaya found in coucequence of a malefic planet
occupyingthe Lagna.If the malefic planet in the Lagna
be aspectedby a beneficplanet, the reduction will be
only by half of the period abovefound.
Tbe greatest amount of reduction under this count will bo
rllzth of the whole Ayus wheu the Lagna happensto be the vcry
end of a sign. According to somc,the numberoi y""r, of reduction
is obtained by multiplying the total number of years already
obtained by the number of Navamsas betwcos the first point of
Meshaand the Lajna-whole and fractionar-and dividing the
product by l0S. Thus, should the Lagnabe at the very end of
Meene,and if a malefic should occupy the same, the whole Ayus
is lost. The former view appears more rational. The latter
viow is not favouredeither by Bhattotpala or by Kalyanavarn-.u.
c.f. qRH6t
qrqttrtfrcr Aqr cA*i Rtrngqr I
qwr cocqfu$fudsri qdmsqq il
srg* qrqi st qeesrd gSffi r
qqis rs'dti frncrfitm-ft rr
The Commentatoralso adds " rrftr{ eu}atft t*fDro} TErqtq.
€,qlrrcilffir ql quJRet{-d'€{'tc{fis q qntr fur rfr
When there are two planets one,malefic and the other benefic
occupying the Lagua, the planet that is nearer ib the rising
Navamsa is alone to be considered and not .the bthers. Jf the
mbkfic planet bb neeter, then the reduction enjoined bas to bc
fjl. 12-13 crfrslqrq: 249
hade; but if the benefic nearer, then no reduction need be
The word fi( Krura in the sloka doesnot include the wauing
Moon, for, saysthe commentator
q{fsrtr+i€fu{ wi}r qsfh artq:I
Rftqr tcir $r&iR *; qril+€Eqq u di
In the example, the I-agna is 0-l4o-32! or 4#& Navamses.
This is to be divided by 108 and multiplied by the Ayurdayas
already found. .As there are two malefic planets, uie., Saturn and
the Sun in the Lagna and aspected by Jupiter, a b-enefic,the reduc'
tion to be made in the Ayus will be f.btq * *

Rtfr,frdrrrrtf{€iqrflI& sqqff{ |
drqrtrufugqQlt\rq qtsEl.n=slsqw(God{t ||t 1
qil( t urt M irRr{r& effior{fr$ttq I
qqqrtd{fi itEqfr.srg{(nt tsflfr q ll tl ll
SloAc; l2 & L:3.Convert the degreesand portionr
there,ofin the Lagnato minutes(the numberrepresent,
ing integral eigns being left out); and multiply here'
with the qrgqtc(Ayurdaya) of the planets eeparately.
Divide the product by 21,600. The quotient represent-
ing yearE,etc. found for each planetmust be eubtracted
{rom its qrg{fu (Ayurdaya).Tbis reductionis enjoined
when a malefic planet occripies the Lagna. But if the
malefic planet be aspectedby a beneficone, only half
the result obtainedby the aboveProcessfor eachplanet
ig to be subtractedfrom its qrgttc (Ayurdaya). Thie
reductioo doesnot apply to the *STrgEtq (Amsayurdaya)
The processin the iafrrsrgfi (Naisargikayurdaya) is
algothe game as-in the ftorrgEtq,, lPindayurdaya).
Srme'as *cttr<ii r( Sripthipaddbeti)* Y.'26, 27.
241 rlirqtfuit Adh,v

qrgdis qotao{frtrq il{tr{ ueierfttsrt
q* Eqs r qoq.(tt ftqrG.uilgft ilq qlgqq.utull
Slokn L4. When the Laguais strong (i, e,, when
the otrengthexceeds6 Rupas),convert only the degrees,
elc.,containedtherein into minutes,the integral aigns
beingleft out. Divide this by 20J; the quotient in the
form of years, etc.r should be added to the qsqlq
This sloka is taken from ffi: (Sripatipaddhati) ch. V.
(r) The Ayus for the Legna in the irlrrgiic (Amsayur-
daya)systemis found in the following manner: Reducethe sigus,
dogrees, etc., into minutesand divide it by 2400. The remainder
is the eTtifftat: (Ayushkalaha) of the Lagna. Divide the
slqlrfi-ot: (Ayushkalaha)bv 200. The result will be the number
of years given by the Lagna.
Thus, if in a nativity the position of the Lagna be 0-l4o
-3L,-46', the ofgv,ot: (Ayushkalaha)=871'76. The number
of yearsgiven by the Lagna:4'3588. This is the view of Varatra.
mihira. (Viilc sloka 7 su!ru),
(D) But according to some, since the Lagna in the above
instenceis ascertainedto be strong{its strength being9'I 37 Rupas),
the Ayus has to be increasedby *#gof ayear'
-i.'48,$3of a year,
Thus, the aggregatenurnberof years derived from the Lagna
ir 4'3588/lrr or 4'843.
(o) In the 3 Ayurdayas,tiz,, ftoergd* (pindayurdaya), ftrrqi
f{h (Nisargayurdaya) and frsqTqtg'.rc (Jeevasarmayurdaya)the
[yus for the Lagna has, to be worked out iqsl as in the.oWfgAh
(Amrayurdaya) lYidc (e) abovcl.
81.lt trl$rsrqg: 2$
v v vYv v ! Y! ! u t vvv!!!!#
vtv! v v v ! !v!v

we have
Since the l-agnais strong (in the presen\' example)'
(already obtainecl), 4'3588 years morc'
to add to 4'3588 years
will thercforc
Tbe total'number of years tlerived from the Lagna
in his com'
be 8'717i. But ftsm(bsrT (Dirvakara Daivagna)
mcntary on the 2{th sloka of the {icfs,Tsfi
quotesapprovinglS'the following reading of the sloka in the text :-

urgqnlteacatrqsfi fltuq qrcftdAffisa I

a.t* tnoce{qilqqgrBerrrge c! *€{q I
"tt (Alatadhva tagne) q** aot& Tr of (Abrle
ani ifEoraliti
""pl"in" or strong' And
i"i"aftt" va Lagne),i.c.,ioa Lagnawhetherweak
importing a{R1ff,ftt{ (Lagnr
c{rgr? (Lago.yoshi) he explains as
The sloka with
yoriirrrittUtm), i.'', for the Ayus of the- Lagna'
tbe abovereadingas interpreteauy ftcr+&ffi
would therefore mean
and take only the
tlaya and Jeevasarma'yurdal'a,omit the signs
minutes and
degrees,sl6.r in the Lagna; then leduce tlreseto
aiviae tUe sanreby 200. The resuLting quotient will
, thc numberof yearsdue to the Lagnayus"'
According to this interpretation, Lagnayus works out
(Diwakaradaivagna) adds that the
to,f.35gb years. And ff+r*q iqt
interpretationis largely accepted'

ofigEtq{M{ afmmft{Ir<tsll t\ ll
SJota 15. People versed in Astrological$cience
would havethe qsrg.((Lagnayue)consist of as nany
*t ot. yearsasthereare whole Rasie indicated.by the
figures clenotingthe Lagna and some inonthsr etc'
oitained by proportion (ri'c'some months which form
the samefraction of a yearas the' risen portion of the
Iiagnais of a whot"ta.llJ;.,""" trrciffiiir V' lE'
SeenotoEto 2nd quarter of sloka 7'
246 {re.qTfurr Adh. v
Ft..!...t,.ffi tl@w!!yyvvvtvy!yrrYwrvvvVr

o{ttFrsa ghq?cgeqqrgr
u tE rl
Slo.ka16. Effectwith carewhich ever maybecom
nece$saryof the six reductionsin the Ayurdayasof th-
$uo and other planetsin resp:ctto their being affecta-
bV (1) the presenceof r maleficplanet in thp Lagna(2)
the loasof lustreowing to too great a proxirnity to the
Sun (3) occu;ation of an inimical eign (a) arrival at the
depressionpoint (5) conjunctionwith other planztsand
(C) positionin the lith, llth, L0th, 9th, 8th or ?th
housefrom the Lagna' The reducedAyurdayaoof the
planetsif joined 'to the wqrgq (Lagoayus)will give the
proper urg<-Ayus (in the aggregate),
The autbor here talks of the 6 kinds of reductions alluded t I
already,viz., (l) nr.r<q<q (Krurodayabarana) lsloka lll, (z
q<i.rcqrq (Astbangata harana)- lSloka 8], (3) a$nnq (Sathru
kshetrarharana)lStoka 8], (4) al-{t*{<ur (Neechardhaharana)-
lSloka 7], (s)ft{ffire(gT (Grahayogatoharana)-lSlokal0], end
(6) 6{qrftm (Vyayadi harana)- lSloka 9].

qqhr fr-eraft{{ql ffiqrt rrrlrgqsmhq r
rauuaeififrlg{ TgRn{ q*fr (q{Eqt litell
SJo[r l?. Jeevasarman layodown in accordance
with hir own doctrine that the (maxioum) paiod of
81.l? qlq$rqrqt 241

life given by eachplanet is *th of the maximum eggre,

gateperiod (i. c, 170yearcacd 5 days). The declaration
o{ ratya (vo) that the urgqk (Ayurdaya) of a planet
correspondoin yearsto the number of the Rasi whose
Navamsaie occupiedby the planet,is in agreement with
the viewsof the majoriry of astrological authorities
(aide the next cloka).
Fhtt htll,According to qifirf{ (Jeevasarman)each planet
when in exaltation gives l/7th of l'2\,vears,5 days or 17 years,
.l month, 22 days,8 ghatikas and 34'3 Vighatikas. rJ. intdr
Rgqftdrfaq* qqa] *qnacl qt;4rqrq I
cd€rst"t f,rqsrrrrcfr{ q.rqll
cti€cnc: qr{rich ftqcl qfroisq r
R!!rg{ tl eti ttq{ rfter|q*: ll
Jecvasarman'sAyurdayais to be resortedto when the Lagna,
the Sun and the IVIoonare all weak. Cf ,+lnh
sraqtnffi lrqif;rttsqiqrse crcrgtqi{rqt
rl qi cqa q{d'{ .i'i{qr{rrRtft qrg: rr
It has also to bc noted that just as in the iioerg<fo(Pin.layur'
aya), the sevelal reductions, I'ir,, '{qitttiEwt(Cbalirapata harana)'
i.rr*q<tt' (Neechaardhaharana,), l.r*;raarr? ( Sathrukshet ra hani,,
-(Frilllt? t(Asthangatahani), mtlcqqrq (Krurodayaharana) will
eve to bct made and then the resulting length of life ascertained,
By the rvords €qfrt (Swamathena),Varahamihira means that
eevasarnran(of the Bengal School) standsalone unsupportedso
i,r'as his method of Ayurdaya is concernod.
Thc Amsayurdaya method has been occurately treated tn
ripathipaddhathi, 5tb Adhyaya and the reader will do well to
refer to the example worked out by me in the notes to that work.
It pas to be rcmembered that there are no years fixed fbr each
plenet as iu the Pinda, Nisarga and Jeevacarma Ayurdayas' There
ir also no Krutodeyaharaua in this systonl
%8 rnnltril Adh"v.

cdilhffins ftrfrtr{rsfirnrrt I
qlr tflT qTfifls ll tz tt
Slofas. 18. Accordiirg to $atya'c rule the signc,
degreeo,minutes,etc. traversedby a given planetought
to be convertedinto minirtesand divided by 200.If the
quotientbe a numberexceedingI Z subtractfrom it ar
manymultiplesof 12as you con;rthe remaindergiveo
the numberof,years,months,etc'
qunqftlqrrillffi Gsqqqtfsqfr{rtfrrr
fqffi{tqK rrcil{r'Ailf(@ ll tl tt
Sl,l',rs 19. The wrgdr (Ayurdaya)of a planetie to
be trebledwhen it is in its cxaltationor in its retrograde
motion.The sarne is to bs doubled when the planet
is In xVargottamamsa, in ito own NavaruEa or in ita own
houseor in its own Drekkana. This is the peculirrity
in the method.of working out the urgdc (Ayurdaya)
accordingie qqrcr* (Satyacharya).All else is similar
to what haebeenalreadYstated.
It€{ qfErrrtddffi ffiFEilI ilRrq{ q *(r | ,
frsqqqr{Tarr ur{ q nQr rqqMt: ttqoil
.SloAas20. But the Lagnagivesitr urgdl (Ayurdaya)
ccrreopondiogto the characterof its rieing Navamla,
i. c., aomanyyearlr,months,etc, a$the number of the
Rasi owning thc rising Navamsdindicatec. If the
Lagna b'estrong,it givegin addition a! many ysareas
there areRaeis in the figure denotiogthe Lagna.. In
this scrgqtr (Satyayurdaya)the reduction due to ttre
preoence of a maleficplanet in the Iagna does not find
placc. Tbe yearsauigned to the planetc in the pre-
oio* Ayurdayaoare not to be ucedfor calculation.
ll, gt-1t2 qtdtlilr|lt Lls

fr< ctnqftri runhnfi:I

llil\Cm {Gr?r
qlqrrw€r r5f{rqrrd g qft ilaq6rq ll 1l ll

Sloha 21. The rute of stqrrr{ (Satyacharya) ir

prcferable (to that laid down by rq'Maya or ancnml
(teevasarmma).But somemake the procees inconsistent
and unwarranable by a serieeof multiplicatione. The
dictum of the Acharyas (eu-Satya and othere) ie the
(1.).where severalmultiplications crop up, only one
that the higheotie to be gonethrough. (For instance,
when a plaoet ie in its own houce,and in its exaltation,
and in retrogrademotion,.the Ayurdaya is not to be
doubled firrt and then the result trebled, and the oecond
rerult further trebled. According to the rule, the qrg{tq
(Ayurdrya), chould be trebled once for all).
(2). Again, when there are severalreductionsappli'
cable,only one and that the greateEt should be made.
(For instance,a planet may be in an inimical eign and
may be eclipeedby the Sun. It ic enoughif the reduction
by half i. c..the q<ra (Aethangata) reduction is made).


Sloka 22. When the $un and otber pla.neteare in

they have respectively10, 9, 6,5,7,8
their exattation,
bnd 5 rays .
/. qori(-dnne.
" s'rq& fir qt aa afr te qgh I
Itr i ftgi aQlt ssrtr rrrti qrft {r u
zffi |lncrrnua ,
Also rr.
frnr crkfrfih{&ifi Tomilrndru$wr*crarq| "
awglsqrrftts qFn:r.rtoralfrhraq:W* rr
The rRrsrgflc (Rasmijayurdaya) system founded by Mahendra
has been in vogue from a very long time and has been recognised
by eminent astrologers such as Manittha, IVIaya, Yavana end Bada-
rayana. A brief description of the method of obtaining the correct
number of <?tq(Rasmi) or rays of planets is given below :
The seven planets from the Sun onrvards have respectively
10, 9, 5, 5,7, I and 5 rays when they are in their full exaltation
position, the corresponding number of rays when in their depression
being zero in each case. The number of rays which a planet in
eny intermediate position is entitled to, has therefore to be deter-
mined by mere rule-of.three
When a planet has emergedfrom its dtq (Neecha) or depres'
sion and is on its way towards its exaltation, its rays are said to
be efug< (Abhimukhal or facing towards the front. These
rays are declared to be capable of producing benefic results to thc
native in a very short time. The reverse is the case with,tho
q(|{gC (Parangmukha) or down'looking rays of planets which
have fallen from their sq (Uchchs) or eraltation aDd are going
towards their depression.
The rays have to undergo some multiplications and reductions,
befcrc their utilisation for purposes of prediction.
When a planet occupies a Dwadasamsa which is his own, his
craltation, or tbat of e friendly planet, his rays arc to be doubled.
The same remark applies when the planet is retrograde in bic
motion or is in his g&e (Swakshetra) nasi. But if the Dwada
gsrmsabe that of an enemy or the planet's Tlq{lfu (Neecha
the rays suller areduction by l/l6th portion. All planets_
Venue and Saturn excepted-lose their.rays whm they becooe
€N<Ird(Asthangatha) or eclipscd. when tbe retrograde motion
a planet isabout tocease, the rays suffer a reduction by{tl.
The quality of s hororopc varice dircctly with thetotal auo-
bcr of raysgivcrrby the pla,nets
at the timo of birth. porna
,51, vrfisqrr: %l

with I to 5 rays will be vcry insignificant, miserablq low.mindcd

unlucky, etc.; those born with 6 to l0 rays will be dependants
with no perriranonthome and poor; those with l0 to 15 reys wilt
bc somewhat bettor, bqing virtuous, of good temper, good spcci.
mens of their family &c; those with 15 to 20 rays will in addition
tre rich, femous and respected by their relations, and so ou.
It is also stated that the native should be declared long.lived
when the number of rays exceed 25, as one of rnedium life when it
is between l5 and 25, and short.lived when thc number falls short
of ls.
c/. vre*rtr
s+lt rQFtrTs qrfifit ftuglr I i
ewrgi qarccQwqe qsqqRllr:u $
rFor detailed information the reader is referred to tho scveral
hapters on the subject in Brihat Parasarahora, Saravali, &c.
The following boroscope of e distinguished personage, it
given as an example :

Sun I 2 55 30 8 't5 +
Moon ll 23 35 2+ 7'289
Mars 3 ?+ I 26 7'35+ a)
Mcrcury 0 l3 l0 +8 7'550 F
Jupiter 6 25 +3 23 5'678
Vcnus 2 l8 l5 50 7',7t9 o
Saturn 0 17 59 38 5'053 a

I-sn{ 7 t5 +7 2+ 7'345

Thc position of the Srra is l. 2-s5-30

His fi (Necha) position is 6.10.'0-O.
t62 rnrqfid Adh. v

raysare therefor"l?9r! 1 19 cr
I{is r<rqg€(Parangmukha)

,ss Saturn ^ | venus

Moon 5un
i n"no
8!0 Rasi |
Lagna Jupiter
Ar be is occupyinga DwpdasamsaRasi of a neutral planct.
thcrc is no reduction or multiplication of any kiud.
The Moon'sposition is ll'23'35'2+.
His irq (Nccche) is 7' 3' 0' 0.

His qFrgq (Abhimulcha)ravs are T x 9=7'0295.

The Moon is in thc DwadasamsaRasi of his enemy. Ho

tbrrcfore roe"s of 7'o2g|or
The Moods net rays are thbrefore ' 6'5902,
Tbe positionof Mars is 3-2+' l'26
His ds (Neecha)is 3-28- o' o '
-- |
His distencefrom *s (Neeche)is 0' 3'58'3+
'| ?.o1?1
ravs *e :-'f,:
Hbrrrfl[<{ (PerengrnuLha) x 5 or'1103+75.

He is occupying his own Dwadasamsa. His rays will tl.erc-

fors have to be doubled.
His reys arc thur
tilcrcury'spcition is 0'13'10'+9
s" 22 qtdfsrcrr: ,t68
His depression l l - 1 5 -0 : 0

Subtracting, we get c.28-10-48

Hit *ftgtl (Abhimukha)
raysare x 5='7827.
But as he occupieshis own Dwadasams,, his rays will bc
He will thus have l'5655 rays.
Jupiter's positionis 6-25.+3-23
His f,rs (Neecha)is 9-5-0.0
His distaacefrom ilq (Neecha) is 2. 9-16-37
Hisr<rqg<* (Parrngmukha)raysare 2'30923x 7=2'6941 a
He occupies the Drvadrsamsa of a neutral planet, henoc
tbcre is no reductionon that accoubt. His motion is retrogradc.
His rays wilt thereforehave to be doubled.
FIe thus gets 5'3882rafs,
Venus is in 2-18-l5-s0
His depressionis 5-27- 0- O
e{' His distancefrom deprcssion
is 3- 8.44-10
His T<lvgq(Parangmukha) rays x 8 or +'3882+
As he is occupyingthe Dwadasamsa of a very friendly planet,
his rays will be doubled.
He will thus get 8'7765rays,
The position of Saturn iis 0.17.59-38
His depression is 0.20- 0-0
.His distance from derrrcssionis a-2-0-2?
His rnega (Paraugmukha) rays aru l-0!9? x 5:.05525.
Though he is an astangata planet, as he cornes under thc
crccption, he sufiers no reduction.
Thus the sphuta rdys of the geveral llanets are
Sun 8'726+ Parangmukha
Moon 6'5902 Abhimukba
.M r|cfqlftqfi Adh.v
Mercury l'5655
Jupiter 5'3882 Parangmukha
Venus 8'7765 Parangmukha
Saturn 0'0557 Parangmukha

Total 3l'3232 (of which only about 8 are

Ablrirnukha rays).
For personspossessing3l rays, the following $o (phala) is
stated' in crr{.il{Crf (Jatakabha,rana,')viz.
il ti qr{rirni rqertofhnq frcleri;rtqr: I
fttqrm& ilqqcqr: lt{rir ?tin tarqrftq: rc{Fc ll
61, Also wqr& Saravali r ilr
Srffirg $rr: aqmrrfgorfra: n
This has bcen verified and found to be true.
Next we corne to the tftqa (Rasmijia)rAyurdaya. It has to
be observed hcre that this system of ayurdaya has to be adopted
only when Mersury possesses tho greatest Taq-o (Shadbnla)
aiCa (sloka 13 infn),
, The Sun's position is l. 2.o55'.30, and the Sun,s exaltation
is t.tt-t-g
Subtracting,we get 0-22o-55)-30'
As this is less than 6 signs, we have to subtract this from
12 signs. The result is I I signs 7o +' 30". The number of years
sivenby thc Sun ,, U#Px l0 or t!# x l0=e.363
years. Similarly for the other plauets.
trVhereverthe (f<q) Harana mentionedin slokas 24 and 25
have to be applied, the sameshouldbe made aud then only thc
aggregatcAyus shouldr . deterhined.

tinffin".i fr rEufr{
mrfruirq ulfufidqgqfirI
t gL *26 irihrqilr LrJ
Sloha28. A planer diminiohedby itc exrltation,
if ters thrn 6 signs, is tb be subtractedfrom 1|| cignr,
aad the result reducedto minutec ehould be nultiplied
by its rayE (mentioned in the precedingaloka) aod
divided by the minuteecontained in the l2 rigne. Tbe
quotient in years, etc.,thuc found for the Sun and other
planeto,represents,they say, the ftErgg (Rasnijalu)
due to the nyc.
{rdr nqrqmufi! il qB ll
Sloka 't4. When the planetis in ite own Raci, in
itc own exaltation,in the hougecf a very friendly planet,
or in its retrogademotion, it hao in rayc doubled for
qrgqf{ (Ayurdaya) purpoEeE.When the retrograde
tion comesto an end, the rays are diminiched by an
eighth portion. When the planet is in the housr of an
cDemy, the rays becomereducedby a twelftb.
' sNdnAS$g qrt Rffi qrtitqnqq&tq I
etffiqftqwrgdtaqnilRerrgoqfsu i\ tl
Sloha85. The qrgqtc (Ayurdaya) is to b€ halved in
the case of all the q<irra (Aetangata) planets ercept
Venus and Saturn.Sageetay that the qrgqfq(Ayurdaya)
yielded by plaueteaccording to their raye is treated
of in the Artrological Science foundedby lvtahendra.

. toqrrwdqr{trqd qrqEFilqnrgRqRurrqfr
216 rrrnM r Adh. V

"" Sloha26. The rrge (Ayus) consistingof the aggre-

gate of the reveralperiodsbelongingto the untraversed
qgllmr (Nakshatrapada)or Navahcas
frl,ortionsof the
p.pccupiedby the Sun and other planets is caid to be
the csrgq (Cfuakrayue)of the soven planets reckoned
4from the $un (aide. Adbyaya XVII sloka 6, infra),
flFhe nameqfllq (Chakrayr,rs) applps alsoto what ic got
by meancof the foroulas relating to the qtrtt (Savya)
and qqtrq (Apaeavya)chakras. (aide. Adhyaya XVII,
Thc sfir{+{T (Chakrayurdaya)is to be-calculatedin tho casc
of c horoscopoin which Venushas the greatest(Ec") Shadbala.
Thc yearsassignedto the severatplanetsare those mentioned in
Adhyala XVII, sloka 6,
' Assumingthe Sun's position in any nativity to be I s'r8n
2o 5y 30', he is 1975''5removedfrom thc First Point of Mcshe.
* As eachstar c(ryers13" 20' or 800 minutes, the .Sun is in
the sscondquartcr of the Star (tRrqr) IGittika having alreedy
travorsedthere 375'5 minutes. The numberof yearsof .
Ayurdaya given by the Sun is therefore#\5-11-9:r'r$ - v'
800 32
ycsrs. Similarly in the case of the other planets. There is no
tol (Harana) in this Ayurdaya.

qiffi{rtni rr$il imilr:I Retl
Sloha27, The qrgd{ (Ayurdeya) whose initial
portion consictcof the yearcdue to the unexpiredghe-
tikac ol a *trm (yogatara)at a birth, whereof tbe tord
qr*sqnl: c26t
sl. 28-29


(Ayurdaya) is called qqlrgq(Dasayue)or ruore

this sngqfrq
commonly a{Tfirrgq (Nakshatradasayuo). The last ir
the urgt (Ayus) derived from qsdi{ (Aehtakavarga)
wherein, say thoseconverEantwith it, is treatedevery'
thing (to be known).
The nine planets referred to in this Sloka are the sevcn
planets from the Sun onwards and the two nodes Rahu and Kctu.
Tbe years assigned to them are those mentioned in Adhyaya
XVIII, 31sl<a3, infra,

d Nrfi{ sdsAffit Eqr(ll td ll
Sloka 28. When the lord of the'Lagna i8 strongl
aud aepectedby a benefic planet,the '*nrg<{Amcayus)ir
to be calculated. If the Sun or the Moon be rtrong and
havebeneficaspect,the &qc(Pinda)or the fterQ< (Niaar'
gayue)reapectivelyshouldbe reckoned.
This Sloka is from (qfr..T) Manittha's work.
,/. r<rcrc
rrffickrfigq*qRdt: Frnq I
qriqmriTqr: q: <rfoit ensft rcrrtfl
ttlltllrs s8lttit wT q*iffir I
qsD: s( q sqt st *tstgqt il
rftw€ roi ilrrrotq'fiktg eq fteq,l
rqq]; crcqrqr{q* ($Flulr ll
st rrt rff qre qftrgrrtrq*lFilr I
ft dq{rig {Ril qqtq* u,Rqll
.qi iqttgqiqiffig rrfregr r
,38 ff(rTqlfrctt Adh.v
qrrr*,ls fr g *i q qodgtll 1o ll
rmq'iisqdgtqqrc qtrtnrtt 8l ll
SloAas2947. When the Sunis in his exaltation
andthe otherplanetsarestrong occupyingKendraand,
Trikonaplaces, when all the planetsare in their exalta,
tion, in the {T{t(Sasa),
strongest or aqfin (Hamsayoga),in
all otheryogasreckonedas thoseof long,lived people,
in theChandrayogasgenerally (aideinf ra AdhyayaVII
Slokas 71-73),in the 4s6qr;qahChandrayogai.e.Kema-
drumayoga(**gefin) whentheMoon is strongest,in the
Mahapurusha yogas n6rgtvitar:-uide infra, Adhyaya
VII, 59), and in all Rajayogaswhere the planetsare
strongert, Parasara says fiwrg< (Pindayus)is to be
Thei,latter half of Sloka 30 rea<lsthus in cc{r?Rt (parasara.
e;6riig flg;a t;fr g <oar<lrr
and seemsto be the correct one.

The ttanslation ought to be: " lVhen the Sun has reachedhis
oxaltation and the other planets have attained their maximurn
strength and occupy Kendra and Trikona positions, when all pla.
nets are in their exaltatioo, in the strongest {r{r (Sasa)or tqf,q
(Hamsa yoga)(Adh1oyo VII, SlohaS9), in all other yogasreckoned
as tlroseof long-lived people, in the three sF{ (Chandra)yogasS"rn'l
qis,t g{3(l Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhara,'oidc Adhyaya VII
Sloha 8:,) when the Moon is very strong, in the €lg$T (tvtaha-
purusha)yogas, Ailhytyt V I I Sloha.59)when the yoga-producing
plinets are possessedof erceeding strength, and in all Rajayogas
Ailhyayd VII, Sl:hts /.58, Parasara says lto-erg<[*(lrindayus) is to
bc cdculatedr"
oi gt -q&trtq ,Irf,rqthsh gnTt
*roH Hqi q dr*tqr\,iqrqlf$qtg toq( lllRll
the Sun
31opa3;2. Whan Jupiter is in the Lrgna'
is in-thg4th
in the 11th,rncltt. M"''tfull'of strength
o:ctrPya Kenira'
or in the 7th anJ otharbcn:ficplanats
phce anJ whln th:
Trikona or an sler iUpachaya)
(A2lktimr) hr'ri:r, the
mrleficrnss occupyit. sfriirlr
Rno,gqlPindavus)is to bEreckon:d'
in (Parasarahora')But the lattor
This Slokaapp€ars
half there readsas follows I
1il flr$rqlqqt glg lrterurircni'fuRg
tosi .rrfifrthr{rgsqfr{iqi- q}qgl
fit ftarsrqlReqgtgt *roqalgqrgr t

t*nrif q{rgRrn{ililqtru{tq ilot

ll 11ll
it -tuiigi*tu qogtqEffitts€{tf
Slioha13. Ttie lea,d:rs
,r, ii", the ftost (Pindaja)' t*O:
iR.snija), f-,rlrEtatq
(Kalachrkraja),aa* r(Nakshatrrjal' {Trllircr(Samudryajr)'
i **t (Amsaja) Ayus is to be
,h" Sun,,h.Mooo,Mlrcury, Mars'
or the Lagnapos$esseo the greateststrength'
as to the severat cases whero
sorhdpgre detailed informltion
be reckoned will be found ts
dgifi [Fipdeyurdaya) &c. have to
"' ---
be useful: -
g** hi Hqerqts+fiqqt \oqql' qRe{ t
*l mqr.fictrg\sq: ll
lsoo ilfficftltt dAdh. V

qnrs* qTetflFt qTfrqr, qB*dir ft:rt t t

dtqrqrt\rqE1q:qfqdlqt oh etqir? g{rea:ll
*rt* q* rrqrqrqfq-q+
ffuTrqi |
- iqkrdt o* grud <
nfri tt
rilA g qtaivtrgfrq:I
uil qetxErq: frt lt
sgqrqre{,iFg c qoq-R I
qpqiqrt m qi HgqrftiRg rfirn(ll
qfrbgq{idkt} ge:\rer: qirt: t
ftqrg.r gTfirq)aqrqi{tifta' ll
rS frei qrerqiqUq gr* mqr(I
ffi qq:mniqlt'} t"qr* g {€R tt
troU{r+} q qt+t* *qr{qrfr' r
ffiq* grnRil tf
.€afiruqilmntqq#* I
tt y
at qG n\ qr'f ilU rynr* gq' r
maltt mqrcior'toqril: ss t Gq tt
tqrefr gErairolrare{a'i+t
a"firfrgqqifrgarqntigq ffin( tl
m€ifuaq+sr qqrbqg.t:gi: I
Q[il*r(;fl1:fsftrnmw t
Sa.nt{r, F{TrIr{fiTa[
q€trRqffq qqqrft a^Srfrtr"qfqfffi: q1fu 11
luqwqr,el-qqw qfta:m}qqrq}ftqa: qGe;t
acqrffiqeqruqgqrd{€rfr{fl rrqqrq}Er: ll
q€fr$qr{; 261
ul, 34-86

qflarqhcHgEtqwnwilFil hr $tse{t: t
qagh"fur6rqgd €ila qrl afE\oq eTrq:tl
fib qgAeern'rqrif qnaflqRftnnt*q tt
qteM ifsr qrq\uql{il<rqlI
qwrgqft firtssiihssqqrt11
qcqlfi{t€+iqit qqr{i{e} na,I
itg q.^gtq' erqr* qfr+qrqq tt c*w
wrd*qft+lil-t.fiqqqoafir* | ffi :
*;.nRgq(Mi q {dir€{Tr(mrr:ll
qtirntqmqqtqfiilqnmqt t .
wgtnRffqt {'flq ll
{er.qroftqrtq I
wgrilRd qt fi*t gffuil{ t
qrtt{ Et w{ frtqrngwqtlt 18 ll
Sloka 34. The argu(Ayus) in years,months, etc,
multiplied by 360and divided by 365 is termed drrgq
(Sourayus)i, eo the period of life in solar yeilrE.
i q+t{fuil Gst{qnr
t qs,qffq(drRRaFqqrqr
t qnqrflft qisotttodlqr-
mt tkeqrswr*fit n l\ tl
t qlqwqt*tt t tqqrwrftqirtr I
rcrtqqtMrry{il tq tf
Sloha 35. Thie wgu (Ayus) hasbeendeclaredby
wise men in respectto those who are engagedin the
practiceof virtuous actions, who are devoted to tbc
Brahminoand the Godc, who eat wholesomedia, wbo
262 qrilwdlril Adh.v

hnd,marksof chara:ter and conduct pecuii"t to their

high {anilies.
Sloha 36. Prematuredeath overtakesthosewho
aresinful, covetousand thievish, who revileGods aod
Brahmins,and who are adCictedto gluttony.
Zida $qfrqqii V.SZ-:S.
q REqr{|
d frsargdf{tgrrfforrt
Tmo[rTtq iilit qq.qrrilfurr{ tl Qell
t{vf q€iurtiigre q t
qq{iqr€t{Ht qrquilrqftflatll ld ll
ryrffiq qaFTllrqqfenf
Rgrtt lq ll
w\qrg(ngf atGfr {rrqRE}
Slokas37-39. Suddendeath seizesthosethat are
rcepticalof the forceof morallaw, that are viciou'qand
are the enemiesof Gods and Brahmins,that filch other
people'sgodds,that are a sourceof dreadto all, that are
ioois and turn ipfsfmer$, that have abandonedtheir
dutiesand traditional observances, that live by sinful
courEes,and thosethat wouldnot out of folly abideby
the ordinancesof the sacredscriptures. Those that
know the sacredsciancesregard the wrgq (Ayus) pre'
scribedas applicableto people other than those that
havebeendeclaredliableto untimely death.

desffi (I) $qt{wiurtq ffiq{q I

*rqm{gsqqsTqf qrcrqs ll 8a ll
Frr{rg;{6rittqffirtr*Tftq r
61. 4l-44 qgdlrtrrrq: 263

qrurt$sflurtq fttirwrd {igr n Bt tl

flfhrEtg(ryr?t,iqiEuqr*teir t
gqqGrq]*rq-geqrR qrq(f'u BRtl
q frsqrr
nttsrgtwqi srrrrEtqt
tqe qfiqqi aKqrr6(rftqr {rfif n Bl tl
erqntEetrf q $tr.ctils iti(tn I
ilaifdnrl'qqrrriqfikeqtf (qr: tqKlt tt Btstl
Slokas 40-41. A thousrnd years is recognisedas
the maximum length of life of vultures, owls, cranet,
crows and serpants. Hawks, monkeys,bearsand frogc
live for 300 years. Rakshasas havelengthof life lasting
l5'0 years. 1?0 yearsis known as the maximumlife of
men aod elephants.
S/ohas 42-44. The maximum ageof a horse ie 32
yearE; of an assor a camel,25; of a bull or buffalo,24;
peacocks,l0; of a goat or sheep,16; of a goooe,14;
of a cuckoo or parrot,L?; of dovee,12 likewiee; of a
fowl 8; and of the bulbul or elstern nightingale, the
maximumageis 7 years.
c/. srffidt
frwr: qGt{rr: c€ src qrqF€qrqr
frFiqrEfqilqrg:emr€raig Qcn [ ,
ctrl*r: qqsrt u.qfuiqiZsrftg I
gii g qrgn ch6rrlDr*ct*rgcq,il
aftc( rqran adwwrguffiq I
qRE{{n rl

In the following ten slokes (i.a slokas 45.54) the author has
explainedthe various clues to frnd out the srft.e(A.rishta) perio{
of the native:
261 mircrRqt* Adb. V

ftquseqtntE qrqfcgR
gfut t
q ftqqdqgunqflt qfr qtq ll 8\ ll
Sloka 45, in oneof the threecyclic divi-
lions (into which the 12housesmay be arrangedunder
certainconditionsfe1 w(ffi1<'Ayurdayapurposes)'there
is a maleficplanet devoid of strengthand unassociated
with a beneficplanet,the astrologer can announcethe
deathof the persooaffectedby this yoga at the conclu'
cion of the ({r (Dasa-Ayurdayaperiod) of the weak
maleficplanetin question.
n The following sloka from "ilr"6h{r wilt explain the cyclic
divisions referred to:
srilrlrrnTr&nQrnitioa Ufol*: t
qrr**taiar trtcuqrcrdifta:ll
People have long,. medium or short lives according as at the
time of their birth four or more planets are grouped together
the lst, the 2nd or the 3rd cf the three groups of 4 consecutive
bhavag beginning respectively with the Lagna, the 5th and the 9th.

qftffiqq*eiat q$ lrqqEr+q I
Frqffqrgn;ilfitrqt q(orZrr[t ll Bq ll
Sloka 46. The dasaperiod of a planet occupying
the end of a sign brings on disease. Deathmay happen
in the daaa of the planetin question when the planet
hae progressedno further than the thirtieth degreeof
the qrRr(Raei).
c/. qoffi+t
(qar) usr *{aqqdrdqfiftr-ds g,vnr#e ll

qulsqeil wUtnnhqt
qreEkrqtqwtrruIt qqftirsAffttr{ qrt ttusit
JL d?-49 qrfr$nl: ,86

Sloha 47. If a maleficplanet occupyingthe 6th or

the 8th housefrom the Lagnabe aepectedby ite enemy
and if that 6th orthe 8th housebe itgelf owned by a
maleficplanet,the deathof the person concerned will
take placein the subsidiary dasa period of the planet
occupyingthe 6th or the 8th housewhen the main dasa
belongsto a planet conqueredin planetarywar.
c/. glnq.r
q{rqi qR tqfrtffim rri: r
qitcrsrqxi qgKEr q?,*tgvnft rr
qwsqrn? xr: rrtefr rQeir$a:t
q*o, lr.&" &**t efdG:r
qtrntt qfr gA qq;$rrorirst: t
€SrqrfrRqdt srstQf,rr<ffamc: il
qid €r( qs giftr t
thrgfi ed vrqq ila}qqfltr u Bdrl
Sloha 48. If in the order of main daeasthe 5th
happenoto belongto Mars, the 6th to Jupiter, the 4th
to &turn or the ?th to Rahu, every one of these will
prove fatal.
{fiTgff q glr€g qS qcTrS-drd+fr qr* er I
qil €r{frrqq qtqgilrfttvc n Bq tl
S/ota 49. If the 3rd, the 5th or the ?th main dasa
happenoto be that of a planet in depression, in an ini,
mical houseor eclipced by the Sun, it wilt prove fatal ;
and thie will be the caseall the more when the fatal
dasasare alsociatedwith malefic planetealso.
966 iltITc|ftlrt Adb. v

nwrqffqwferqeq+fffit n \o u
S/ola 50. In the main dasaas well as in the sub,
ridiary dasaof the lord of the Znd cr the ?rh placefrom
any bhavathere wilt happenthe deetructionthereofby
(1) the planetoccupying the bhava; (Z) the one aEpepr.
ing it; or (3) the (bhavaKaraka)riltr511.repreoentingit.
ac*{rcftr *nr*rq* rq?fi({ rrdl rqu: r
TFq qcrt ftlTlrt er slcri! er.cftg{s}q tl
Also cileR
vr<qg61$qit *n,it qft+t€'t r
rfr t
etnqqqrq{ qt Erq(t *q tt \t ll
Slota 51. When Saturn goesto a hougeoccupied
by the lord of a itorq (Drekkana)of the 8th housefrom
the Lagna,deathmay happen. The same event may be
gxpectedwhen Saturn passes through the rrftr (Rasi)
owning the Navamsaoccupiedby the lord of the house
in which is the owner of the ioom (Drekkana)referred
to above.
This sloka also appears in qodf\qt (Phaladerpika), but the
reading therelis eryqq (Ashtamasya) for elgqat (Ashtamastha.)

Gt{t tarsd Gq($ qtqt I
rpqf\q$l{ qcsEgrnarmll \1 ll
81. 6g qlfrrrlml 2gl

rilqufr{Tq W fuilil r€irrlI

il qQ rd qfg qq ili €ffi *iq u \E rl
Slokas 52-53. Tbe following reven are termed
fud (Chhidra) Grahasor planetsof vulnerability: (1) the
lord of the 8th bhava; (Z) the planet occupying the
lamer (3) the planetaspectingthe 8th ; (+) the lord of
et (Khara) i.e.,Z?,ndDrekkanafrom that of the Lagna,
(oide eloka56, infra); (5) the plqnet in conjunction
with the lord of the 8th; (6) the lord of the 64th Na,
vamsafrom that occupied by the Moon; and (7) the
raq (Athisathru) of the lord of the gth house.
Whichever of them is strongest, in the dasa of that
planetshouldan astrologerpredict death
,/. qfrqt
qqcrdqg*nrxqrqsqince'iisFr t cfr: r
eS gtoqqnqRrqr: Est e{k qtc"Et u
e*nqnrrt{rrffi{rfr : cftrrfuqrftffirr€r: I
EnrrrAqgcgilqiclafudqn tcgft rgsa: ll
Also qlrqrh
cgrrt qft qqdt qfltsftqtgqq(dtqi,}
rrgtg ggt0r wg?s.il qil-crfrri Rqd:
qrvr$rtilirg*sq rt qil sr$r{q q4fqt il
qnnt \m<nrqtcteat
ttottcft RsqP{FrftcE!tII.rTrc:I
', frrqrd'<t qqn"f grlqqcqftttT'qrq: s w:
qtr qr qqrflqqstQrgrn frqrdt ftlttrq ll
i'! i
268 rrci\rftEre Adh.v

Also no{tfrtt
frertil{.5lelrirqtrlsqrqrf]rqqrFqir{fi :r
ii g:crqr*odft glrdr q: rTrrnt;Ft{t<T{crrcEitrt
r ffisliffiqarct agril{r{Gl qr I :
{r{r\ilq tqeq qr* uq* fr{rqrll \8 ll
t sloka 54. The deathof the relative signifiedby
any particularbhavaw'ill without doubt take placein
the main dasa(1) of the planetoccupyingthe 12th place
from that bhavaor (2) of the planet owning it which,
ever is Etronger'
The reading of this Sloka in nc<rrQfl (Phaladipika)is as
tnrflflrtqer<t qAtc.qqcq rt I
fttdtrq t*aq cr+egrerwrq ll
Udtdfrfilqil €{tMI qsqt{flinqqr Uqf,rt I
q?ofrfffreqbqdr ttq qrq]frrr-d]flftffsn\\ ll
Sloha 55. The middlemost,the last and the first
Drekkanaereapectivelyof Kataka,Meenaand Vriechika
are telmed ttt (Sarpa)Drekkanas. These are also called
ct{t-Pasa(noose) Drekkanas. The 2nd Drekkana of
Vrischika is er-vledfT{rs (Nigada-fetters) Drekkana.
Th: first Drekkanaof rVfakaraas well rs of Simha ic
termed v& (Pakshitird) Drekkana.
According to 1o{r{ (Balabhadra) the first and secondDrek-
kanas of me{ (Ibtaka), tbe fust and secondof tf.}a-n(Vrischike)
and the tast of dlc (Meena) are tt (Sarpa)Drekkanas:For, bc seys:
gL 66-6? qrfrsqrr: 26s
'r T*er cqcft€rft q&{q cqctsrfi
firqnc&h qr frTrqr:,,

' @ffirr(urt)rnf r
qh rf \Q rr
Sloha 56. vt (Khara) is the 22ndDrekkanafrom
that of the Lagna, The 64th lrFavamsa
is reckonedfrom
that occupiedby the Moon.
It is evident that the\2And i*Tnr (Drekkana) reckonod,
,theos**iur (Lagnadrekkana) is the first!*ar,rt (Drekkan") i"ir,u
8th house from the Lagna. The 64th <qi{r (Navamsa)
from that
occupied by the Moon means the first qlitt (Navamsa)
in the gth
house from the Moon.

of qsili q qfffiqe fluRSi{rfqnt

qqq {$eqfdr gFri ti sqrftt$ilr I
*rri gfuT*$s
' qslffiqfqdlgs
wrilrkidqfr ri q\err
: Slqkajj. The figuresfor the risingsignmultiplied
by 5 and euperadded to thosefor crF.qtfyf.,riil *iiigi".
the exacrfigures of what is cailednor (prana)i. ,.
livine beings. The figuresfor rhe Moon rur,ipri.Ju-y "r
8 and added to the figures for enaq(Mandi)g.i-rl"
designation?t (Deha) or Body. Seven
,i.".. ;h"
figuresfor crt (Mandi) joined to those of the
Sro go
by the.nameof gg (Mrityu) or Death. Long lives
personborn at a time yhen the sum total of-*q
and tr (Deha)i, c., life and body io in excess
; G
Mrityu) or Death.

r In findingthepositior (Mandi)the fotlowingfroa

Parasrra rRH( will be_tretpful.
210 {lfitrftflt Adh. v
, {RerrrQ5t;q<igfuafr ft6tqh I
Gcenesr Eteraltcn{q}qafiq ll
qsqiqt iifrcT: qrq mcEirgfut: eEe: t
rr&cqesr rrrrrqrhrrqgcTRarrl
* rtqiqcct qqfr ftqdt, tTft*,f*ilil:I
r Qre,iirgfu+.:*u: gih qqsqer: rl
**fr r!t@e: to{tr ryqfrvo; I
SrqiMcu<t: tl
The following is the rule for finding tbe times of (Gulika) gftq
and others on the several week-days: Divide the day into 8 parts.
The lords of the first 7 parts are the 7 pLanets counted in order
from the lord of the day; the 8th portion is tordless. Saturn's
portion in each day is called gted (Gulika).
Nights are similarly divided into 8 portions or muhurtas.
The lords of the first 7 muhurtas are the 7 planets counted from
the lord of the fifth week-day from the day chosen; the 8th portion
lis without a lord- Here again Saturn's muhurta ir gfut (Gulika).
Jupiter's muhurta.is styled ?m{.'r-dfi(Yar4akantaka); that of Mars
is termed t.rj (Mrityu). The Sun's muhurta is called wo (Kala);
Mercury's, Br.i$6( (Ardhaprahara). The position of gftq (Cutita)
and others is assignedat the end of their respective muhurtas..

For the horoscope taken for illustration in page 238, the bosi-
tion of qftq (Mandi) is thus found out :
The time of blrth was Friday rigbt. The first Muhurta on
Friday night belongs to Mars, the lord of the 5th weekday from
Friday. Therefore grtt (Gutit<a) i, e, Saturn's druhurta is ihe 5th.
The length of Friday night in questionis given* tobe r29 s.5 R.
Therefore each muhurta is 3 c. 38'125 ft. The 5th muhurta ends
at l8 e. l6'6c,5 [t. Gulika's position is l0 signs, 20 +7, S+
correspondiug to this time. Similarly ihe positions of qsf,qq (Arana
prahara) etc. may be found. lVida also notes on ll4 sttpra.f
In tbe same example, the I.agna is 0-l4o-3 l'-46., Multi-
Dlying by 5, we get 2-12o-38'-50." Adding q|F< (Manaii
lf2o-1?r-51,, we get for nq (Prana) l2-l'"-26t-,++.. (A)
{i1.5&69 ciqls'lqrq: calL

The Moon is 9- l+c--29'-39." Multiplying by 8, we gct

7*25o- 57'-12," Adcling qna,{ (Mandi) lo-2o --47,* 54,r
we get for te (oetra) 85-28o-+5'-6." (B).
Againmultiplv (crda)Mandi's positionby 7
wc gct 70-190-45-18'. Adding the Sun 0-l?"-43-30,
we gct for g.g (Mrityu 7l-7o-28'. 4E.' (C)
nq (Prana)or ds (Jeeva\Plttsia (neha;=98-l+o-ll,-.50.'
=(D) This is greater than Bg (tvtrityu) (C),
Adding nq (Prana), *q (D"tra) and gq (Mrityu). d.r. Af ts
*C wc have 169-2lo-+0'-38." So that when Saturn is iu
l-2lo-+0'-38o or transits Vrishabha there is Death. Thisis
found to be correct as Saturn was then retrogradein Rohini.
c/. ctrcrfr
qill{ flcgrqrrqi tril qrFq Qfr{q*: r
nGfr scr( <rrdigantFg:garltr: r
qrggr* rrkq1rgfifrkqa?firraft rr
dtq*gagimafit ,ilqlorGt qqqqrI
ddFdqwrisqil ilqt qqqhrqgiqlt qtq r,\ztf
SJofto58. Wben Saturnin his progreEsthrough
his orbit arrives at rhe sign indicatedby tbe total of
tt (Deha),sfl'e(Jeeva)and *g (Mrityu), thereis waste
of m,oney. When Saturn,is in a triangular sign from
theRaei referredto aboveiorin a Navamgaowned by the
Eame,the astrologermust predict death.
qnh*rrt q;t rnqiw *eql r
qrnftqftdfrqrUt nt d*,tiq n \q rl
Sloka 59. When Saturn arrives at a triangular
rign from the qtllqh (Ayurbhava),the aetrolcgershould
predict the loss thereof. sameevent, r. e., death
will take placewhen Jupiter arrivesar a triangular oign
from where the lord of the qqqrt(Ayurbbava) b.
212 qtrtqtftrfr Adh.v

o{r*nr?tt$ffi*.qsriqrng t
il.stri {r qffilfr wdf ll Q" ll
Slota 60. Find the houseoccupiedby the lord of.
of the figureefor the
ttre sign indicatedby the aggregate
Lagna,the Sun and Mandi. When Jupiter arrives in
his progressthrough the orbit at the Rasi found as
aboveor in a triangular sign ihereof,the native meets
with death.

This as welt as the next }."lli;, are also quotedin ss{Tq+l

r5t Auqnqq ftfrsq qqqrai( |
rrftaEqmQdit sg+ tqqr n qt ll
Slolc 61. Subtractthe figuresof the Yarnakantaka
(croom) from thoseof the rising sign and find out the
Rasiandits Navamsaindicatedby the difference.When
Jupiter comesto cccupythie Navamsain the Rasi thus
found,deathwill take placewithout doubt.
qTFfi$tq|gs€'ftqlrqndq'sifrrfrt qltr RnqI
$dttqqatnqrftiinurqrtsdgtq filf u qRtl
Sloha 62. Subtractthe figures for Srturn from
thoceof crPq (Mandi) and find out the Rasi and its
Navamsaindicated by the difference. When Saturn
arrivesat a triangular position from thic Navamsaof
the Rasi thus found, deathwill takc place. The came
cvent will also happen when Saturnarrivesat the parti,
cular fwt (Drekkana) of the particular Raoi indi-
Gatedby the aggregateof the figurer of tbe live (ww)
Upagrahaoreckoned from qr (Dbuma),(uideAdhyaya
81.63 Erdfsr|t: 218

(The five Upagrahas reckoned from q$ (ohuma) are (l) TIr
(Dhuma), tzl (Ardhaprahara), (l) rtqsoa'fi (Yamakantaka)'
(+) *rrne (foaanaal and (5) qrF( (Mandi). For finding their posi'
tions, seo notes on sloka 57 above and II-6 ttp'a (page 47)'
,. The figure for rft4 (Mandi) is l0- 2o-+7'-5+n.
Sobtracting Saturn'o-27o-'5s'-41'
we get 9-4o-52'-1 3' which means
Makara) Rasi and (Kumbha) Navamsa. Whcn Saturn pdsses
through a Rasi trine to Makara and a Navamsa trine to Kumbha'
death may ba predicted.
sqgrc{t{sfttFnqq* |
iqrq*Fnrqfm q Erg.
er( ll Ql,tt
Stroka63. Ascertain the Navamea,the Dwada'
ramcaand the Drekkana indicated by the figuresfor
lvlandi When Jupiter arrivesat the Navamoa,Saturnat
the DwadasamEa and the Sunat a triangutarEignfrom
the Drekkanain question,and the rising Navamsais that
denotedby the aggregateof the figureefor the Lagoa,
the Moon and Mandi, deathwill take place.
Mandi is in lO-2-+7-54; that is, ho is in Tula Ni''
vamsa Kumbha Dwadasamsa and Kumbha Drekkana' According
in a
to this sloka, death may be expected when Jupiter arrives
Navamsa trine to Tula; when Saturn arrivcs in a Dwadasamsa
trinc fo Kumbha and the Sun in a Drekkana trine to Kumbha'
But c/- c€rcrlt
nmqrfi qr{ln rrilfi{Tr fieqcfllnft
rr* $Fcqtr|Ffrs r ci adrRrilql;} r
Trq?gtq qgrcrd gt:
Trjt[fq{rqF qrfttrtl|r ffiflq{ {nfr- [
274 dnflim Adb.v
Mqrgafrwid frqtqql* xTffi ilG{r!|
frqturqdgRi{Ttil uriffi<q}rrq u EBrl
Sloka 64, Find out the Rasi .nd it, N"r.r.u
indicatedby the sum total of the figuree for the Lagna
a.ndwrft (Mandi). This R.,i and its Nurrrmr", f.y
the Agtrologerc,will give the clue to the parricular
monthand the portion thereof in a year in which a
p€roon'sdeathmay be expectedto happen (i.e.,
; when
the sun arrivesar this particularRasi and the paiticular
Navamsathereof the person will die). The Moon at
the time of the deceasewill occupy rhe Ragiindicated
by the total of the figureefor Mandi and the Moon encl
the.risingsign will be that denotedby the totar of the
figuresfor the Lagna,Mandi and the Moon.

Fitst hatf. But see.r* lo""ttt;rrowing

(t) c{rcFi
qsfinrf*i rrRrcrsesft
cfrsft |
q-,{dntP*orarqrrr*t cr frftq
(2) qgsmq-qii:
€rrqrrftmTr*+.}urqrftq{ artrr: e ig
qq*;rRnlsetqrqarrinst (aerrm{fi)
diqfurt r
, afirrtsasiqnrftre?rt as fti)ils (rQ)wr
qil BggnFd qqqqrr: eii rRqqft il
,., I.alict half. r,f. *o*rfr-
qqffieqrn q* r'hrf*dftqq, r
A*Hcrri nF+ trEr€sign<qrtl
rkiimif& sr ftHt wroilunq I
, trtQnftorrtsl itrq sFqq<Tirr tf
ffito€ qtcrtrnrFri cr ftg qfi.: r
ftqilqft qfut i gfussrrrRS rr '
81.66-6? gttrrqtr{r 215

gPdf,f{qd q gFr.{rq{d€qqrt
fl\ qttr ll q\ ll
Sloka 63. Multiply by 9 the figuree for crFq
(Mandi) and Saturn. AdJ the two productsand find
out the particularRasi and its Navam:awhich the.total
indrcates. When Saturnpas$es throughthis, deathwill
qgn{Ir;triutst*trEi Trhr
ilq|t*rsrJqtiilsft qt $g{q ilrrq. ll qq ll
Sloha66. Find out the sign of the zodiacinJicated
by the sum total of the figuresfor the lords of the 6th,
the 12th and the 3th bhavas. When Saturn is in thic
houseor in a triangularsign from it, death has to be
cl. vra*rt{r
fgitear.rm t?ci orn fltcgFtr *rg wat <r t
tguirrrareirflffuirqi rrrgb rrtaq{urqtl
dli a;EatfrftiirgFriq-{ q qrR$i
tirat grtssRft{strqriqctffi( t
Glrffiil$eqq{d ffitd.rt
qlt qiqd TErqR {urtfrdorrnail
qtq rrQg
Sloha 67. Add nine times the figures for Saturn
and flFc tMandi) to nine times the figuresfor Jupiter;
repeatthis processagain.Adding the two eetsof figuree
relatingto Saturn,Mrndi and Jupiter, find out the Rasi
and its Navamsaindicatedby the total obtained.When
Jupiter progreosingthrough itc orbit arrives at the
particularRasi and its Navamsaabovefound,the percon
concernedwill havehis exit froo the world.
216 ftirrwftnr Adh.v

qrg$) i{{t ft,i q qrlq

$il m{ufurfusftqq,t
qtfiEgrr ar*r adq gnql(
, Slolrr 68. Add nine times the figures for Saturn
and crFq (Mandi) to nine times the figures for the Su_n.
To ihis sumadd againnine times the figures for efiq
(Mandi) joined to nine times the figurea for the Sun.
When the Sun passesthroughthe particularRasi and
,thq parilcularNavamraindicatedby the grand'total,the
demiseof the personconcerneJwill takeolace.
'" gtttgi6;tq{tru[i'q{rrsq*clt fl{ffilq{lf,ts I
c€bRtqrfuqit {ilodqEfteofionltll rr11 ll
S:oka 69. Add together the number of yeart,
months,etc.constitutingthe Dasaperiod of the planeta
in conjunctionwith the lord of tlre Schor the lst bhava
and divide the sum total by 12,. The remainderwill
indicatethe month in which, astrologerssay, the death
of the personconcernedwill take place,
qqtt* nqudgFrtg qrFq
rd q a;n<mgmqrtqtt.
5€r s{t{ailffist wri
qirrN{tT{{fr*WH(sqq ll so ll
Slokt 70, Add nine times the figuresfor Saturn
*rfio (Mandi) to nine times the figures for thc
Moon. To this total add again nine timeathe figuree
for qrFq(Marrdi) jcined to nine times the figures for
qdrt (Na'
the Moon. Find the particularrrRr(Rasi,)and

When the Moon

vrmsr) inCicatedby th: graod tolal'
p..r.rittt"u3h t'r: rrr?r(Rtsi) and aatlt
willtake place'
iouoa,th':d:ath of the personconcern':d
. silirG qffiqf,ft5aqq-
mGftqlqE{It {{aqt I
t* qqtsiilgfiltlil;ITI(ll el

Sloku 7I. If the birth of a personbe during
time, his exit from the wJrid is to bc thus determinecl
Addthe figures for the Eunand Srturn; and find out
th: asterismawe (Nakshrtra)and th: portion thereof
qar'"{tt(Mah;rdasa)of this
indicatedby this total In the
asterismlziide Adhyaya 18, sloka !, inf rn)' find out
*nirr, p.iiod correspondsto the parricularportion
the etaialready found. The death of the
cernedwill occurat this point of time'
If the birth be durin! night, add the figuresfor the
Moon andRrhu ; ascertai;asleforetheprrticular
of the Mahadasacorresponding to th: portion of the
givethe time
asterismindicatedby the total' This will
of ftqlof(Nir.v^anat.
rlf (Garga) gives another clue for
The following sloka from
(Nirvane) of any person'
ascertaining the ffi
nr rrfutfu*r\asqhffi rrh{Tir r
, rTruiRiQtstilrt Rt (i{1 qrri <{<t l'

uflKil{irriffiii (iltt$rwt €d: r
cqtHqq iiqlir qqttiftRilqs ll el ll
lrilrrlftq1t Adh,v.
Ceusnor,e PgnscN'sEXI,rFRoMrnn Wonr,o.
Sloka 7L, The 22nd Drekkana from the quiarq
(Lagnadrekkana)is the causeof deach. An astrologer
thoroughlyacquaintedwith the appricationof rhe p.in,
ciplecof his scienceshould i'dicate tha exit fron the
world (fidur-Niryanr) of th: p3r$on concerned in
referencero th? lord of the Zznd Drekkana afcresaid.
(aide Adhyaya5,A Sl. 11).
cJ, Also grcn$t
r uq,rr{6fi{riRawfuroirrraih +rrh qeit: I
asrrffitqir qr fiefsr r(qlq, s,gtr,r|
{ Also qotfqmt

r' wrqurtrt: slrrT{rqiei e}Z.gq r

Asi{rq qqinR{aulirRi'tr<icftii fi ll
Viile aks Adhyayt V- A. Sloka ll infra. For the condition
as to when this sloka has to be applied, see latter half of sloka 75
inl t o,

iqr ffqlt qq{t{sqft qrttsettqrc*

{nirtftBfil^tqE**girorr{fr€h .tr ftr I
{g} trtor Eieq}ffif,rEhtr
{qi+{ ffir{fi Uq{qndtqrtg}
ekwq tt \egtl
S/ofta 71. If a strong benefic plaoet occupies the
?th house from the Navamsa where.crflq (Mandi) is at
a person's birth, that person'$ death is sure to cone
about l,appily. But if M rs be in such a position, the
death will be in battle. If Saturn should occupy the
sameposition th: death would be infricted by thieves,
demons, srrakesand other reptiles. 'If the Sun or the
waning Moon hold the aboveposition, the death would
gI. 84 flrilsrqre; 219

an aquaticbeing.
c/ cactfr
qr.qt6?qEtfl iirct6{nr drrqt, gqiglrqr:
qnr€? rrarrg g{taErrftte* <rffci; t
qftor€t efui gfir rfrrRgarqaltn* aear
qA' Rq(c{rirq tl
{€: qqrri{r{rtctol'i
{;d tqo a * afiTtisi iroEilIeqrgfiqrqRr
qilE?qqowqlffi qQlqr-6ttqnq3 I
oqr(sqflqt ng.ft irla<t'&&r
&atir q qqfut\qqqit{nftii t qft lt eB tl
Sloka 74, When a strongplanet aspectsthe 8th
bhava deathresultsas rhe effectof the inflammationof
the humour belongingto that planet' If the aspecting
planetbe the sun, it wilt be due to an ailmentcaueedby
r butn; if the Moon, from a diseasecausedby water;
if Mars,from a disorderarisingfrom a hurt inflicted by
a weapon; if Mercury, from fever ; it Jupiter, frcn
phlegmaticaffection; if Venus, from famine; lastly if
S"tutn be the aspectingplanet;the deathwill arisefrom
thirst. If the lord of the 8th bhava occupy the Lagna,
the diseaseleadingto deathwill be locatedin that part
of the bcdy of the $Iogor Kalapurushawhich the sign
conEtitutingthe 8th bhavarepresents. If the 8th bhava
be a moveablesign, de;rth wiil happen in a foreign
country; if a fixed sign,it will takeplacein the peroon'r
nativeplace; if a dual sign,it will occur on a road'
Fbsl quattc''. t/. sn6d
{t regd Rsri qwft qqrqfuq} utg:t
ar€gasgdt r1ftffufu{Icrt(: qrq il
280 |tdtcnill Adh.v
For the humours of the several planets, see slokas53-59of
Adbyaya,II. I SuPrc.
Stcoqil qaatlct. cl- q{d
ftnErcgdrftrr&iffi qgtft mtE r,qrqr
T{cdt snird:rF{qnFi}sr{tri Gr gt1q1 qqr n
For lhorl,olc iloha, 4 Wrm'<
frqlfta: c{cR qqd q<qrqinFqfurcrrFt I
iqrfiiFr€F!{als rtr* afo1rfi rgffirnq rr
dffiAn""ifisd tiq t
A;qrl5i s qrt q&
cr?qqs aqRqt<rQct1 s le{# r
Ugrrrrt(;qil{l qfb}rGsdqtlR hqtir I
Egifr lls\
tr Efrururiqfufr iq ct?qrqcrffqr
Sloha75. If the oign representiogthe 8th bhava
be an uncccupiedhousebut aspectedby the $un and
other planets,deathwill be broughtaboutby the influ'
enceof the ctrongestof the aspectingptanets.If planete
do not aspectbut occupyit, they will be the authorcof
death. If neitherof these conditiongexist,the person
will comeby hie deathtbroughthe lord of the Drekkana
repreeentingthe 8th bhava(i.e. the 22nd Drekkana).
qrdtr(tqqaffiffiftsqtil t
g{nqrt tr
Slchn 76. If the houserepresenting the 8th bhava
be occupiedby a maleficplanet, the personborn m'etl
with very lamentabledeath either by"a dieeasedueto
the ir flammatiqr of the humoursof the planetsor by
the hurt inflitted by cruel perconewho are the vile ins,
trumentsand agents cf the malign planeto. But if ttre
8th bhavabe occupiedby a benefic planet, the peroon
wilf die happily. C/. Slokar73 and 74 stfra,
sl. 77-79 qsftsqlqr 281

Gurqitffi qfuE$rARq|stt
qt qq.& qrt ftuqti qqEqh ll \eell
Sloha17. If at a person'sbirth Mars occupyLibra
and the Sun Taurus and the lvloon a sign owned by
Saturn,the astrologermay predict sucha p'3rson'sdeath
in the midstof fecesand filth. (c/, Adhypva5 A.-Sl. 8)'
This sloka appears sttr{di (Saravali). But the readingof
the secondquarter is difierent,ur:z.r5qSqrti( ftqt
qftarqrfr{re} dh=Et{isrnP{tI
gilqe{qtsqtm Egr {qE-eItrq tted ll
Sloha78. If the waning Mpon occupyingthe 8th
bhavabe aspected by Saturnin etrength,deathwill take
placethrough the agonycausedby a diseaseof the anus
or the eye, or through an operationby meanoof an
oqrFsrfHqMnnfiftqrstI t
q1g:q1ffi6{ {q$qrf(?tr{ ril ll sq ll
Sloka 79, If the Sun,Mars, Saturnand the Moon
occupythe 8th bhavaor a triangularposition from the
Lagna,the death of the personwill take place from the
effectsof a strong mountainstorm' the fall of a thunder'
.bolt,a wall and the like.

A slightly different reading is given in €t(tEdlluis'

sfu{r sia e! Shdr.<;rrtrs'$i qg: I
gcrr6fr<<ar iirlaqr€rgqEir rreR tr
vrqrFanlififi g r;mrf*frtrroi: t
gg: tlr=bon*a Ere$arGqrac:ll
lf' See alsa Adhltya V.A, doho l0rinfrc.
282 qrtrcTftqre Adh.v.

ll rqt
'.! iI'J
' lri
wriifitgqqtff'qi (tit lt zo il $
S/ofta80. If, at a person'sbirth, Mars and the
Sun occupy housesownedby eachother and are in
Kendrapositionswith respectto the planetthat is the
lcrd of the 8th bhava,the personwill at his latterend
incur the displeasure of the sovereignand sufferdeath
by beingimpaledat the strkeor by someotherinstru,
ment of execution. li L$

iri.i"r ii L
he following is the readingof the slolia as given in qJA(K
" irqrdi\ qi{crtccrrrrfrdr bh:qer tauatagt q *i{ r
flqrTansci{ fler?dcro*crqqgrfurgq{r'ifrqq s}ft il
q;t e* iirst frEtssq
grgfrgtlt q qft |
** oIIIEI}r
smar i1qt{rffIliEgiltggigs
. {Aq qr friir iiflEak{ {r qq tt cl p1
SloAa81. When the Moon is in the Lagna and
the Sun is wilhout strengthin the 8th bhavaandJupiter
occupies the l?th bhava,and a maleficplanetis in the
4th bhava,the personborn will die by fallingfrom his
couch,or beingassassinated at night by a low out,cast.
The following is the readingadoptedin e'ltfFR.
s& {r{ir frn* Rc*eqrt orcraA g<<utEftq crcQAI
aKRTE<rdqc€gat{*g: niq sr frRr ftqrqsez?r trnr tl
!jl. g2'95 cgfr$crc: 'bBl

olh ftqrt{& qt qB{tsrHI

Q[Arqnq q(drq;gtrt q{fd$ ll uR ll
Sloka 82. When the lord of the Lagna occupies
the 6{th Navamsaftom the Lrgna or is eclipsedby tire
$un or is in the 6th bhava,the deathof the per$oncon-
cernedwill be by famine on the brre ground with no
relationby his side.
qbrtrfr quqgTsh{strI
G En itq {(til ilGiltflthqrqtiltt tit flttrvq tt
Sl,ftc 83. If, at a person's birth, the lords of the
8th and th: lst bhrva be bcth weak and Mars be in
cohjunction with the lord of the 6th bhava, he will die,
cay th: astrologers,in brtcle, and thrt toc by a blow
irrflicted by a weapon. ..;,i
Norns 1./
qti(Paaa)read;as(t* qasEeirJgtn't
The second in ssi'iiqtfl{i?r'
, uir{t ErefiIIEg+ qrrfiq\Efitut tqfrqr\
qftEi qq;Ii{irtriinrqrf}qtEIqtorel*ur\ ucu
Stoka 84. When the lord of the Lagnais in con'
junctionwith thrt of th:4th bhavaasw:ll as of the 2nd
bhava,deathwill result from indigestion. When the
lord of the 7th bhavais in conjunctionwitli the lords
of the Znd and the 4th, death will resultfrom the same
Nores. . r *dJ,.'
qsiqiq;ilq& for 'iltal*t in' qfq'
iiqt is the readingadoptedin
ft-qr{tr iu the latter half of this slol<a'

U{d{fr qqgeagd grunnfrqrFnqqdat

Rnt{r EI frrRrdlq ilr qig&\qsPd{ofir ll d\ ll
284 qnswa.ni Adh.v

from the Lagnais in conjunction wirh Srturn or occu, "

g:{{Irl.Dusthana(i.a. the 6th, th: Sth or the l2th
,pies a
bhava),the person concerned will die by swallowing
poison. When the lord of the I rltb Navamsafrom the
Lagna is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, death will
be by hanging.

This slokareads thus ,"*llii.**rq

UftagQ'iurgghr gd g:qqrqriiqr ftqrrqrtq t
nguxqr{i eiia'r q grenl1e;rr{Rq git aqFa ll
ftnruq *irmRq.(Fqiriil
gt I
di\ {RrT* q
ftqqRqh greiiirqqnrTqruRr dq rr
Slofu 86. There will bea troubledueto demonia,
cal possessionor danger from fire or water when the
waning Moon. in conjunction with ,Mars, Rahu or
Saturnoccupiesthe 8th bhava, If the Moon underthe
conditionsstatedaboveoccupies any otherbadposition,
dearhwill follow from a fearfulepilepticfit.
Vidc atso Ailhyayt XIV, stoha62 (tatter hatf) infua,
qESt il qo{ftft |
tit qrqdt* ntirqF€it qtq rrde tl
slofro 87. when the sun or Mars without strength
occupiesthe 8th bhava,and maiefic planets,re in ih"
2nd, the astrologershouldpredictdeath from a bitious
q* qteqtttqErgfr r
@ rntrn;qft {t( lt cc tl
81. 88-92 qgfrstqrq; il

Slo&a88. If the Moon or Jupiter occupying a

watery sign be also in the 8th bhavaand aspectedby A
maleiicplanet, the astrologermay predict deathfroq
' qsqtqnrlgt qrqqafttti*rtt
rtarn $ {t( n dq tt
ndrqr( FqTeTsfi
S/ofta 89. When Venus occupiesthe 8th bharn
and is aspectedby a maleficplanet,the astrologercan
predictdeathfrom rheumatism,consumption, or diabetes.
q{rnqqt ft*} qrqqtitiifR t
ftirn.{rt iiarqG{{tturqrEt( n 3o tl
Sktha 90. When Mercury oecupiesLeo and ic
aspected by a rnaleficplanet,the astiologershouldascer,
tain tbat death is to result from a disorder of the three
humours; or he may declarethat it will be broughton
by fever.

€eq6q1 n* qmqrfittfktt
qf{rqr;Eft&hil qt tl
Sloka 9L, When Rahu is in the 8th bhava and
aspectedby a malefic planet, death will occur from a
heat,generatcd diseasesuch as a boil, or from an injury
inflicted by a snake.
'{trrrfiri rr* qrqftftqtftt t
qqirsrRtqurftq*{Fgfr aiq tt qRll
Sloka 92. When Rahu is in the 8th bhava and
aopectedby a malefic planet, death will happenfrom an
attack of smallpox and such ocher affliccion ot from a
fall brought on by biliousness.
t86 qrdrcrRqa Adh"v

u "ergt{{Eqcfunrftc{rq{rg:" {flt cdrrt: q,vqfrftorcrq,.

qil {+r qlsqgt a3lt fiFs'fl qrffi qrr
qrgr<*ruu qq.tqgftse "fr ql
stRtrilr*qft silit!n tl
S/ola 93. When Saturnis in the 9th bhava and
Jupiterin the 3rd, or when the two planetooccupythe
8th and the llth bhavas,therewill be an amputationof
the hand. If Rahu,Saturnand Mercury occupythe 10th
O"r" *il*:e a slit in thehand,
The versereadsthus in ssirihtmqtQ
qii qrir ar egir Wii sftaist frqn cqt st t
ftq} wi aqi,eae er g;ia gn qft <r qfri r
' q*fuft'raqR rrgrtEdrrqr:'rq.eblgqi5lard: I
g*tr €t tr( t;qir\ q{ rr* qrqfunqgkt
Eqrtqsq{qfFqi {r i{EAd ft6td +qttil ll qB ll {
S/oAa94. If the Sun being the lord of the 8th 'i
bhavais aspe:tedby Venus, or Saturnin conjunction
with Rahuoccupiesa malefic6tth portion of a sign euch ,;
predict decapitation
of the t
assr (Krura),tlre astrologers
p"'iooconcerned' ''}; I
,r,"'il;. g1
This sloka is also in Tsrti?'mqfi. The eadingof ihe frrst
half is slightly difterent,oiz.
ghqe! iEsqr&qrt ei( tttr er sFrrr*g* |
q{ ffi q& qrr* s-qrPatllrftqqd q t
iti}sqwq qtr nt{ tl q\ tl
qtt {il* qErntrgfr
Slota 95. When Saturnis in the rising sign and
Rahu in the 7th bhava,Venus occupiesVirgo and the
waning \tloon is in the ?th bhava,the personwill suffer
the amputationof hand and foot.
''gI. qqtfr${rq: tr28?
t ! v w v w w w v v vvvvvvvvvvvvvv!v!vvvw t Y vvvvvY r
# i

'f Notns . ,;,

' n{ttq-.f,rqi}r reads {qI*} for *qf}qi. ,h ' 'ri n"ln

uqg$t qR qrilit qqiFqtuourffi g t

q!ft{q-ffqq{gidilfi qEriil+ffrtEq.u qq tl
Sloho 96. When the rising eign or its Navamsa
is owned by Mars and occupied by the Sun,and the
waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu and Mercury
occupiesLeo, the personconcernedwill have his belly
The latter half of the Sloka readsthus in eiliitr.ilqfi
wfFqa;4rtactgFs*rlrqrrtrq.lq((s tE: r
qr*& ifi.qetnftfii qqf*g* qR uqqi t
ffimtqqrsr {htr ilitat KI{ttEIIt tt 3rgll
Slcha 97. When Saturnin the rising sign is with'
out beneficaEpectand the waning Moon is in conjunc'
tion with Rahu and the Sun, the person born, say
Parasaraand other authorities, will suffer a wound by
a weaponin the upperregion frorn the navel.
q;i oaarQqEtftftt
qqffiqr$tgk aq gtratqtq,tt 1c tl
SIofro 98. When the Moon in the 6th, the 8th or
the 12th bhava is aspectedby the lord of the rieing eign
and ic in conjunction with Saturn, Mandi and Rahu,
the personborn will die an rrnnatunl death.
f$qU qtt Re,ilfr Si qgt q q frsqsh I
ffi ftw-{r\G g sb frqw: {oftqrad}Erlt qq il
t zgg rffiqrffi Adh.v
Sloha99. When the Sun is in the 10th bhava,
Mars in the 4th not in conjunction with a l''eneficpla,
net andwhenMercury is in the rising sign,deathwill
be in{lictedby the horns of an ox or cow or by the fall
of a dart or spear.
vrq t
qrftrfr(g|I€Aq-gt qrgg} D
qsqwtretiqR q lirt u {oo 11
Sloka 100. Wlren beneficplanetsaspectedby mala'
fic ones occupy the tilth, the 4th, the 1st or the 8th
bhava,the death of the personconcernedwill be due to
the fall of a spear. When the Mocn is in the rising
rign, Saturnin the 4th bhavaand Mars in thg 10th
death will result from the bad effectsof a fracas.

od qhffir awfiTli:*
qfriaftto{irqqqrgi?rvtq I
afr iEt{ErPdi
qM\erqR rf<tqGqq ll tol ll
Sloha10I. When the Sunis in the risingsignand
the Moon in Virgo aspectedby a malefic plenet, the
deathof the personconcernedwill resultfrom risk in a
quarrelor from water. If the Sun and the Moon be in
the Lagnaand other planetsoccupy a dual sign being
aspectedby malefic planets,death will be causedfrom
the fangof a hornedaquaticanimalfound in largemaEE'
esof water euchas lakesand rivers'
'sl, 102'103
vtntsrqfrt 2@:

'* NorEs
"1, *<rgn
*fl,q.ss.rfi frffig vngqr* r
eoqsifiat ryrqll
Vide also Y, A,.4infua,
gftfiPfiqorrr( qmffirwTTil
{qqil-{Tfld qrqt+drlt {T r
UqqfrrrsqrirFqffi qfTtrfir
cr;TiftTqrrgrilTtgg6oq+{1 loQ 11
Sloha 102. When the gth or the 5th Rasi from
that in which the Moon is, is either occupiedor &sp€ctr
ed by a malefic planet and whetr the Drekkanaol rhe
8th bhava (i.e, the eend from the rising Drekkana
happensto be w.hrt ie teroed s* ($arpa),firrs (Nigada)
or cnr (pasa),(uide sloka 56, supra), the astrologer
may predictsuicideby hanging.
ffi {fu€t qit qrqgd
qfrsi* q qqdwfiuh RTqI
qlt gt{ R"st qRqrq(&
q'tsst dtfr qrqRhwq{ n toQu
Sloka 103. When Pisces is the rieirrg sign, when
th: Sunand the Mooo occupy it in conjunctionwith a
maleficplaaet and when the Bch bhavais algo occupied
by a malefic planet, death will be brought oh by a
urietresr. When Mars is in the 4th bhava or the Sun
in the ?th and when Saturnand the Moon occupythe
8th bhava,deathwill be causedby food of a specialkind,
q't qi gqqt uiirff Frqr+
qTilfrt qqrrtqgRrtlt t
890 rllwrnltl Adh. v

q=gffisEfrgtq* mn*
qr* Tqqu.rt g qsnrqr.ffir(n I og 11
Sloka 104, When Saturn is in the 2nd bhava, th"
Moon in the 4th and Mars in she 10th, the person
concerneddies from the effe:ts of a wound. When
Mars is in the 4th bhava, the Moon in the Znd and the
Sun in the 10th,deathwill be causedfrom the elfectsof
riding on an elephantor a horse.
,uuftrri ffiffi {rrrR , i',:ffi
i,v,; il 'llr".!t
,Trilgt{ ftUil{r&ta tsgsI , '' $'l ,r
qTqtdwnsqqft qt.ft
octuil tqogt ffi q|qdn( ltt o\ tt
Slolc 105. When Saturn is in the 8th bhavaand
the Moo in the 10th without- strength and the Sun in
the 4tb, deathwill happenfrom the effectsof a blow by
a pieceof timber falling unobserved. When the lord
of the rising sign associatedwith Ketu is in the midrt
of two uraleficplanets, and the 8th bhava is occupied
by an unpropitious planet, death will be causedby a
mother'ewrath. .Tr
rh* Tcatt il*SdarflTq Tft T$il r' loQrr
Slo&a 106. When inauspiciousplanetsoccupythe
4th and the 10th bhavasor Trikona positions,and when
the lord of the 8th bhava being iu conjunctionwith
Mars occupiesthe rising aign, astrologerscay that thc
D?rronconcernedwill commit suicideby hanging.
sl.107-109 6f13ufrrr rA91

' NoTns 'i$ l.!

c/.frcsrc r'
- qaerqftrlq's&r ert*.rrqFeroft&st I
srtqrlrin-<*rt rtAa vgh ll
wi dr gt q't {;qtt gftiig+ ,
qfrqt wqil Eil{ttiqqtlfrr 11| ou ll I
Shka L07. When the Sun ig in th: Lagna, Saturn
in the 5th bhava,the Moon in the 8th and Mars in the
ftb, deathhasto be apprehendedfrom the fall of a uree
or thunderbolt.
c/. tramt
q#qls+nf{ gat r=hf}'ii si rrn)rI : , ,,
Earrnirs;acfr,itt$tfurqftfd*trtqs ll i
qr\6{r{H-grn?ftuig{ltr iIRIdIIt}{rrili I
qq ll
qqrFsffitnuiit .it qrqmmrt ilTdrqr1Pd:
Sloka 1C8. the l0th and the 4th bhavasaf,e
occupiedby maleficplanetsand the waning Moon is in
the 6th or the 8th bhava from the Lagna, death will
happen at the time ol pilgrimage to a shrineby the
machinationof an enemY.
qr{r.s,il {riltT{gilrltfril{|Tkwfi q(tlrts I
gffiqtqn{qQd ffis{ft lH iI qrdsll toi ll
Sloha 1C9.When Saturn and Mars occupy respec'
tively the Lst and the 12th bhavas, the Sun,the Moon
and Mercury arein the ?th, the lerson born will meet
his end in a templegardenio.a'foreignland.
For the sq,meefiect the following yoga is quoted in t(tqR
292 .r!|rfrrl Adh v:

qrnc r;ft furrirareq* grroirerl rr

\ \ a\

& *-qt {Tr

g* gCr,tMfi ggr n tto rr
Sloka 110. When a maleficplanetoccupies the gth
bhavaand the lord thereofoccupiesthe l2th or a Kendra
and the lord of the rising sign is deficient in strength,
deathis saidto resultfrom the evii effectsof pursuinga
wickedcourseof life.
Sqrft{*rrft rnrr}qftit'ftqrqr+rTr-rrrt
ffqrrJt{r fi-gftqqrigRiqtqtr{qrrqqfir
u ttt fl
Stohalll When the Moon occupyinga sign be,
longingto Marr or Saturn is aspectedby a .rt"ti.
planetand is between two malefic ptanets,death will
arige from expo&lreto fire arn!. The sameevent may
happenalsowhen the Moon occupiesthe 4th bhavain
the sign Virgo and the other conditions hold good as in
the previo$ cele.
Yide N* Adhyaia V. A, Shha3, infta,
c/. ir<rtsr<
trcrffis.* $vqcwr1 a itagtrl
I qcqrqiRr.rl sr qdF@ici n
qR Aqqeffi{Iqst fiqgt
Rqfufhqqqtqht ilar$gr i
r$frRrtg*utt srslt
q${:r€ffi €q}R lmrilrn tt? rr
Slofto,t!2, It ir per$odbe bstn io flccRr ryfiha.
sL lls qrirsqr: WB

ghatika)when the 8th rnc (bhava),fs occupiedby malefic

planets,hir deathwill be causedby poieonor fire,arms
When the lord of the risingsignis in conjunctionwith
cweral planetswhereofone is the lord of the 8th HE,
(bhava) the death of the person concernedwiil be
simultaneous with tlre deathof a largenumber.
For f{qqtn 6./. S{dqnfi'e
qgr{ 1o f*a 18 €Mq 1o *I q5il 8o eryqog€lt8
,rr* .qLn q;Sal i, t
f6n 1o Gn 1o Gr: 11 qilrT1o iR 1" T& q( firfqat
'n lt fhfr: 1. I
ut {s * t, {rr lo 'nnqrtB (F{m!qq fr{r-RBq€r
1o lII to Rr) l.
Fi{ t( E tt frq ls t+M+ {o ftqrr*,if$sFqildf
aQlqqrfr'qitrgeil: ile€qr qB€?t
fle: erqrs'dq6uqra{r:
AlsosreTr6it6lcl. 30
qflqqlqsrqrg aiig1qe*frg t
Srqwifuqrg qr* cisfid* ftrr1,t
qni Rt gqrct ttq* tJtmlirq I
q€at g qrrtrct ilfttft qqtqter. I
./. *trtrt
fiqqft*rqiqrn]frqi $ffvrffiit r
fiqiar\ fiqi* {rgt nfaiqrd\q tt
qft q rgqagi+(-lt r;q\sr Fgt I
l$ " i qgq-dq$mUfiqi cTrf,sfiraq lqrd ti
294 rRrfqfu{ft Adb.v.

ot{qfit{rqdirtrtrs*rqt r t
qig ilq qE?i\h*Rqr g?rgwmrr t tl tl
S/oFa. 113. .Someeminentsagesversed in astro,
logy eaythat a person'sdeathwill be causedby. diseare
ariaingfrom the inflammationof the humoursof the
rign to which the Navamsaoccupiedby the lord of the
rising signbelongs.
effir{qt g Uq1T{ilqcE11qg+il,",i, A ,
br\ iqnrEto\rr
udrwqlftt fuwn'nft:
"! u;qFliqailF{g{qfrtqtilqutt ftq llt tulf
I Sluko.114. When the Navamsaoccupiedby the
lord of the Lagnabelongsto hq (Mesha),deathig saidto
be brought'onby a burningfeveror othersuchailments'
If the N".r"tt. in questionbe owned bygsu(Vrishabha), ,
deathis produced by an aggravationof asthma aod I
;;il U fua (Mithuna) be the owner of the Navamsa, i
deathwill be due to headache.If the Navamsabelongs ii
io * (Kataka),rheumatisn and insanity will leadto i
death ; if to fta (Sinha), virulent tumors will break
out ending in death. If the Navamsa is ownedby
Kanya (*ar), death will be due to diseases arising
juice and the
from a mrbid condition of the gastric
gq 6lrq{T6'{rtrFfrffiqltaffi
r;rretqqil xqRtnoft lnlirelEgxElllt l\ll
$1.115 sdrsrr: ,93

(gv0, the causeof deathwill be grief, a quadrrrpedor
i".r.t. If er*€ (Vrischika)be the owner of the Navamsa,
deathwill be occasioned by a stoneor a weaponor other
cuch missile. If the Navamsabelongsto tlgq (Dhanus),
gout cf a virulent kind will produce death. If it be c+r
(Makara) that owns the Navamsa,the end will come
from a beastof prey sucha$a tiger or from a diseasesuch
ascolic. When suchNavamsabelongst9 $tr (Kumbha),
deathwill be inftictedlbya tiger or a woman.And lastly
if the Navamsain questionbe a {traaia (Meenani,vamsa)
water or dysenterywill be causeof death. T'he
placeof deathwilt be the haunt of thelign (aitie Adh'
)raya1. Sl. 10'L2)to which the r;lrtqin (Randhranavamsa)
(-6{th Navamsafrom the orlrqit (Lagnanavamsa) be'
tongr. (SeeAdhyaya5. A. Sloft,r.12). .!,
For this and the previous two slokas, c/.rt-k{R. , 1.,
€fiIqglT{rt:qrnqeiilm{ fiqlfrqrq I
qr u " '
ftqittq qqitrfrTd{rtirftfqqfuqfrn
iqit i\ q1F{Fqqailfhfirur1a:I
+{ qtq g* e} qI n-flIn'}h ll
'tst wqi,frarffis1g{aeqr$*: I
qtfAt qrgsii qeg+ dcwnqJ\q 11
figt ftgqi{ qr affiqrfl)Eqq{Vrar r r
q;qft wqt'-iqnFfle€rqilqntersR
u ,,s
efratwfiqfu"qiaftt aqfril r
qsttf*gadaQqqtf,ilaq fiF{nqtqll
qF cc{h q1qfifi\ot Fqt sw' I
ag6 nmftwt Ad&" V

t&trr:ii qit qrugqwii'rttlfitrrfi:
Rq{reqqso}arvit qlqflgfiq&: tt ,i\

qft qt,{t il P{trilafigfkirqqr;TcgrI

rngt -qHrA'sqlilqtq {iit(: ll
st strtft qrqrqtqrq{egnarfr,t
qrnqwftsi*qrq(4 sqrfae{ll ,.
ffi ftqii qr €qq6ii uer-amlrt "l**
q*qt qqq"aqow{r;tq{if&il €rg: tl
qft Rqqsgh ffio} te;tt{ t

Rfr uRgqqrits[mfiqtft{s n t qqil

Slola. 116..Whenthe time of birth is duringthe I
day and the riaing sign is a Raci strong at night or ;
when the time oI birth ie during night and the rising
cign ic a Ragi ctrong during the day, the person con'
cernedwill meet his deeth in that direction which
belongsto the planetpredominantin potitional rtrength
erFrr€t(Stthanabala)amongthosethat are in conjunction
with or.aspected by the lord of the riring Navamsa'
trlffimmqizsr fr,arq{iirtd(
qrttiaguft6qfrgfrret Otfuq(t{KtltrI
fi-(rqq(ftFqftmgt'retfr ffi tffi -
qft qrft {tqffitiftqEg€t! rqq llf lvll
LL7, Sloka. Find out the rioing period of the
portion of the Lagnabelow the horiton at the time of
sltll8 rrilrqqr 297

birth. The duration of unconsciousne$s prior to death

will be measuredby this period. If the rising Navansa
be aepectedbv its lord, and that a malefic planet, the
period of unconsciousnesswill be twlee that giverr
above. If that lord be a benefic one, the duration o[
unconsciousness witl be three times the original p:riod'
According as the principal Drekkana concerned, vii. the
22nd from the orqlara (L:gna Drekkana) is a :n(, (Krura.)
watery, ben,:fic,or mixed, (uiJt Adhyaya 9, Slokas lLZ
-115) the body suffcrs extiuction by fire, by water, by
absorption with the elemetrts,or by being eaten up by
beastsand birds of prey. (SeeAdhvaya 5 A. S/' I2'I3)'
c,r.a){{rr ugibaadn+r} frt'i iggo: gw6} oii t
Friatg* izgar fi'{+ a vrvtg* rr
tEqtltcanuro'rqr0rfr t
$$kgugfr$il** qrssrori{s{rrr
fr 11
| lell
Slolc 11$. Jupiteroccupyingthe rising sign at the
time of deathmakesthe dying person a denizenof the
abodeof the Gods. lf the Sun or Mars occtrpy the
(lvfarenalagna)they procureto the dying the
wortd of mortalc. The Moon and Venus in the above'
mentionedposition send the deceased to the world of
the Manes. Lastly, Mercury and $aturn o:cupying
tbG rising sign at death cast the departed into the
infcrnal regions.
C/ q'rqm<dshiei eri grdt'fr rrflcqfhr
qttirdrfl h cfra;i+ rriltl?a r
dr.aqrqg; oft {&d}g qrqt t
g*En eqr t* fi'irwrftg tiiiq r
298 rtrrqrRcrri Adh.v
crqrrlgri,i QA ctsalt qfloqfri r
615e l/idc Aclhyaya V. A-sloka 14, infta.

{q*t er( U€1r€iqg.,* itUqmq Uiqfiqfgs I

qnriAqil€qq6qai qi+rSskmi* utR u t tq tl
Slohu119. The four Rasis begiuning with (*e)
(Mesha) form the region of ln$.r*(Bhuloka). Those
beginningwith fhe (Simhr) are termcdgnoT+(Bhuvrr,
toka). The four commencing with ugu (l)hanus)con'
stitute the geoT+(Suvarloka).The soul goesto the *o
(Loka)to which the q{qora(Maranalagna) belongs.
tt:nrqitqnqsi{qftqfr&ald iir{tfr |
trdttilt qrilqt'hrg* {rrqTn€ftd irqrqqntRo
SloA'c 120. When thJlord of the 12th bhavaoccu,
pies a malcficqriqt lShaclrtyamsa) and is aspectedby
maleficplanets,thc dying persongoesto thc region of
hell. The same will be the casc when Rahu is in the
12th bhava in conjunction with crFE(Mandi) and the
lord of the 8th bhava, and is also aspectcd by the lord
of the 6th bhava.
!tq(t gqtqi aq ti rqqi:dr,fir
r.qt giTqrt*a iigti qrriR {lrr Et( |
t{tunqft g(;Eqt rtrfrqqrisrrqr
irqm{d qq( tt t1t rr
SJofra121. When a bcrreficplanct in its cxaltation
occupiesa benefic iri lVarga) in the lith bhava and is
atpcctcdby planctsboth beneficand malefic,thc astro'
loger calr predict gteat celestial happiness. When"
Jupiter being the lord ol the l0th bhava occupiesthe
12th cr is aspectedL! beneficplanets,the dying persoo
will attain to the porition of an immortal.
*,,:zl..tz+ gtdlstqrq: cag

qttqff qrqt{i{s$ qorFEtr*esqqd t

hl{qgfh rrair'e*g aq{tiuq( qqriilu til tl
Sloka 122. When Jupiter in great strength occu-
piesa Navamsaowned by vgq (D,ranus)in sign Cancer,
aod thereare three or four planetsin the Kendras, the
dying perEonwill go to Brahma's region.
c f, w - 1 0 5 s t t p t a .

qgf{o}fr irqti{rho} Ufrcrq{qfttshr

ffqrqt dten\qoFft qt qt d'rngtiirrrail{ntRltl
S/ola 123. When the rising sigh is Dhanus
anC.fupiter o'r'cupiesa Navamsa,thereof belonging to
Meshr, when is in tha ?th bhrva and when
the Moon in strength occupieso;rr (Kanya),th: dying
pirson go:s to th: region of ecerna,lbligs.
cf. lY-10(t. sttftn

ftefrflrmq€rgcEtsf{qtti gErtH\Er
ffiorqrs$Hr{t{ estfteruElgqr$r{r(
n tRBtl
tearqitfqe' qrilt$Rqril
qHilqt€qrq3 rr{qr ll
Slofrr 124. The accurate probessof calculating the
years of iast (Nisarga) and other Ayurdayas and all
the differ.:nt circumstancesattending the last portion of
onc's life and the precise moments of time when the
cxit frorn th; world .mry be looked for, have all bren
frrlly treatedof by the favor of the Sun and other planeto.
Thus ends the sth Adhyaya on ths ', Length o[
Life" in the wcrk JarakaParijrta c,rnprs:{ by Vaidfa.
natha und:r the quspicecof the nine plauecs.
rr q*lqtFlnpqputiqr ll
AdhYaYa V. A.
xtr FRoMrntl Wonr'o'

(Clrapter XXV
This Chapter is no other than the t{nt+ruqtt
of Rrihar Jataka.
The Adhyaya deals with the native's exit frorn the world'
It eDablesthe reader to t:orrectly guess the titne wten, the
where, and the manner how, death happens. From the first eleveu
slokas one is also able to fairly divine the particular diseasewhich
the native sufiers from and vhich culminates in death. Unnatural
deaths-by drowning, by being a pre]' to witd beasts' by fire,
torture, suicide by hanging or falling, decapitation owing to royal
displeasure-can also be ascertained- The l2th sloka sives a
to ilitermine the period of unconsciousnessone may have before
The next sloka deals with lhe kiud of transforrnation the body
undergoesafter death-whether it is burnt or buried or exposed to
the Sun and wind to be eaten by beasts and vultures, etc'
The last two slokas enable one to 6nd out what his past
birth was and what his future birth will be, whether he will attaiu
final emanciPation, etc.
T€tigutqeaqfutlnfl rq'
ffidgtrqnfi qrfr qtqffttrhft: i

rdtnlt q{GgqrcrqqtWEftttI ll
Sl,oka 1. When the 8th housebeing unoccupicd
rE aapect{'d by a rtrong Planet, the humour belongiog
El. t tqlfttemrq: sl

of the bodY which

the Rasi of the 8th house represents,and death ic
thereby produced. Wtren there are teveralstrong pla'
netsaspectingthe 8th house, the humours peculiarto
them becomemorbid and produce death' But if that
hougebe occupied,and the occupyiogplanetbe the $un,
deathwill be due to fire; if the Moon, it will be by
water; if Mars, by a weapon; if Mercury, by fever;
;f Jupiter, by an ailment not accuratelyaecertained; if
Venus, by thirst; and if Srturn, by hunger' And
according as the 8th house i'sa moveable,fixed or a
mutablesigo, death will be in a foreignplace,in one's
own house,or oE the road.
'l'he Sun:bile

The Moon:wind and Phlegrn

Mercury"=6i1e, .wind and phlegnr
Venus=wind and Phlegm
,If planets are not posited iu the 8th house or are not aspect'
according to the
ing it, the 8th house causes diseasesas above
planets aspect the 8th house
o",oru of the ruler of that house. If
ptrongest of the planets acting best) in those pprts of the body
typified by the sign representing the 8th house' The Sun
be by fever, etc' The Moon represents
fire; therofore -t will .
diarrhcea' dysentery' blood
watery diseasessuch as loose motions,
deaths' epidemics as
impurlties, etc. Mars will cause accidental
produce fever of brain or
cholera, plague, etc. Mercury will -worry'
smallpox. Jupiter will cause mental or some unkno*n
diseases. Venus will cause thirst by excessivedrinks,
by starvation or excessive eating' If two or more powerful
803 rtrwrftlrt Adh.v. A.
the man. If the 8th house happens to be a movedble sign,
the native will die in a foreign place. If it tre an immoveabre
one, he will die in his own place; and if comrnon, very near his
birth place. lf the planet be powerful, there will be tleath wheu
he is engagedin good work; if it be weak, then when he is eng-
aged in bad or indifferent work.
a/. qrtts-O
RrfusudrTcr(sr<ct{cqe.gq;iil*-q(g, t
qalr{t\?iuqt: cQlr ciq q* errtq ll
'ft rogui frqi e1c?haqrq{}vir €igr r
f,?€gs<gq'rqiltfufrlig rrR! <rrq r
Also V-74 Sugra.

toufYfdq q{$sirtis3.€r;gerfrs
ntq;firurgrffifusffistffir I
T'qrqiqwflfrfturfi+ qrqqtgs*r
frt eqrqkq: rntt
Sloka 2. When the Sunand M.rrs occupyr6pec, i

tively the 10th and the 4th housc at a person's binh,

liis deathwill be causedby the fall of . rtoo. from the
top of a mountairr. When Saturn,the Moon and Marr
are in the 4th, the ?th and the l0ch housesrespectivdy,
lre will die by falling into a wcll. When the Sun and
the Moon are in Virgo and are aspectedby malefic
planets,deathshould be tracedto the evil deedsof his
own relations; (or he may-commit suicide owing to
differences with them). If the rising sign be a iul
Rasi, and the Sun and the Moon occupy it, he will
perieh by being drowned in water.
Varaharuihirahere tallis of accideutal deaths. If the yogas
mentioned in this. and the succeeding srokas are fouod to be
s[. g tqlltrrstqrq 803

applicable in any horoscope,the effects mentioned in the first

^sloka need not then be applied

In the lirst yoga, it is not necessary that Mars and the Sun
should respectively occupy the 4th and the lOth houses; they rnay
occupy any of the houses either singly or together.

c/. 'rl(rqoi
d w"fn*ir: qq€Ttfi: hsrccrirri
l1grfaai'grrrlpal: qt <<ergilt r
qrcroiteaqhthicuml'i|: ir;qr$rql{rqft
ori qln*rriiikftgn tiii agr lrlrt: il
o, q;f u.*znwffi
qqt{n* qn
ffirftxm: qftrqgr'frtQ$q{ fuft r
ftfr qR natqffi qqEqffi3uils u I tl
Slol'c 3. When Saturn occupieeCancc'rand the
Moon Capricorn at the birth of a person,his deathwill
be caueedby dropsy. If the Moon be in a sign of lvlara
between two malefic planets,he will die by a weapon
or by fire (or he will die cf tetanugor by shortageof
blood). When the Moon occupiesthe same position
in Virgo, deathwill be due to vitiated blood or emecia"
tion. If the Moon be in a sign owned by Saturnin the
ramepoeition, his deathwill be by a cord (by hanging),
by an accidentnearfire or by a fall (from a high place).
c,/. sr(H€ft
6ffifu Fq r{+t qA qgtlrfiEil: qrq I
qrqrrdt q* ssrrel rrrqdiq{: ll
trqrci {fuarae: ltwwrr<: <qt I
r*cri$iEg.ilfr rr<te f6 1
804 (fitrtfrntv Adh v. A,

et(fr gqqldQ q{ft rcsrfiqreqqr

gcftFg a siqqrqrqqqi aw u

rqr$ffi qwqkgqqirft rq'JEr€sqlr

itFrrywnrdffis(fuit{rqer r (.'
FwngmF*i*rrdr q-'(fri tvn
ril omt q RFd{rrt ftG qRt lt B u
Slchl 4. When two malefic plan'.:tsoccupythe
5th and fth housec and are not aspectcdby benefic
planetsat a person'sbirth, [iis dc:tthwill be in captivity.
When the decanateof the 8th house is what is termed
t{' (Sarpa),rrn (Pasa) or ftrr-s (Niqada), the dearh
will be the pame a8 befcre. Wben the Moon is in
Virgo occupyingthe 7th houscin.conjunctionwith a
maleficplanet,Vcnus in Aries and the $un in therisiag
rign, the perEon,concerncdwill come by his deathin
his own housethrough a woma.n.
Slokas 16 of Chapter XXIII and 6 of Chapter XXI of Brihat
Jataka dial with the yogas of imprisonurent. lf in the above
Yogas, there be a strong nralefic in the 5th or')ih, such planet
causesdeath to the person while so imprisoned, pror iderl the rnale-
fic planet is not aspected by benefics. lf the 22nd det:anate(the
first decanate of tlrc 8th house) be a4 (Sarpa), 'lt'"J (Pas:t) or t?rla
($igada), death will be painful. This refers to the irbove yoga.
If the IMoonbe in Virgoarrd in ttre 7th house iu conjurrctiou-with
a malefic and if the Sun be in the Lagna and Venus in r\ries, death
is due or can be traced to his wife or wolnan or lady-love either
by being poixrned by her or himself comnritting suicideon account
of her bad conduct, etc.
It may be irterestirrg to noto here that of all the zodiacal
aigns,Virgo (*;{-Kanya) alone ,has been prorninently rrreutioned
in Slokas 2, 3 aud,f in the 3rd ql( (I'ada) of each sloka in coltnec-
81 3 tqtthrser<: 905

\ion with accidental deaths. Western authors also say that
ciluscs accidents when afficted by malofic planets in squares.
(C/. Arcana.)
,.rrr{ln*rgccJ: crcqrssqlrffugg:r
ffi: rrrgwrrflnS@sv<r g36q 1
{rfrqt fltcrotqt qrcrFsts<i ARI
Tdiegtfr qroi€sFd SIET€* ll
triftffiegsgtsEfrgtqilsfrErt{ qt
q{Sqneqfuft{Wr.qriffir r
qr-$t q rft ffit dt.gd{hQi
stffiril snfr qrur
qqirt'wftuin\ ll
Sloha 5. If at a pbrson'sbirth the Sun or lv{arcbe
in the 4th house and Saturn ir. the 10th, he will be
impaled.If the threefrmaleficplanatsnamedabovesimul,
taneouslyoccupy the first, the 5th and the 9th houses
in conjunctionwith the Moon, deathwill be by impalo,
Eerf. If the Sun be in the 4th house, and Mars be in
the lfth and aspected by the waning Moon, the same
death will bdall the person. lf in the yoga last
mentioned,Mars be aspectedby Saturnninstead of by
the waning Moon, the person will die from the effectc
of a collision with a pieceof timber, or {eath may be
causedby his bdng:beatenby wood.i
*Saturn will bave to occupy tho Lagna" the 4th or thelSth
bouse. In the first two yogas,theldeath ueed not necessarilylbe
by impalement. The personmay die by accident.
c/ st<t{d}
fR gtswr* iiqit q* q?qsr{sg*: I
qrtrtdlrot qFcidq firftlilRgrq tl
806 freTqffiqlt Adh, V. A.

GsAs+ffi 65 4it€gt*b" trt r

oMrraa: eFqqt crfr r ett: r

tqrftq"lqu{rfreurririuq tl
Sloha 6. When the waning Mcon, Mdts, tiaturn
and the Sun occupy tlre 8th, the 10th, the lst and the
4th housesat a perEon'sbirth, he will die being beaten
to deathby a club. If the sameplanetsoccupythe 10th,
the 9th, the lst and the 5th houses,his deith will be
due to suffocationby smoke, to fire, to imprioonment
or to thrashing.

The commentatop Bhattotpala would place the planets, odl,,

Moon, Mars, Saturn and the Sunrctpectioalg in the gth, the lOtb,
the lst and the 4th housesin the first yoga and in the l0tb, the 9th,
the first and the 5th houses in the second yoga i in that case the
Moon cannot be waning $ he will be in the 5th house from the
Sun in the first case and in the 6th house in the second case.
cfi sr<ndf
tcrfrn{a{atttft$at: qrE ll
ftt${ltditr qgt*nqE&-
Sql qefrftruaqqrfrqrdrn e rl
. Sloka 7. If at a person'sbirth Mars, the Sunand
, Saturnrespectivelycccupythe 4th, the ?th and the lOth
housea,his death would be broughtaboutby a weapon,
fire or the displersureof a king. If Sa.turu,the Moon
end Mars be in the 2nd, the +th and the l0th bhavas
at a person'sbirth, he will perish in conse,
quenceof worms in a wound Q.c.by an operation or
by insectbites).
:f- sr<radr
ftg6r<{*dEt: g'ilTrg{ftatffi qrg. I
wgwgegqlftintqlnrE; sEr $srq ll
eocftgitid$t glgwt: wa: frtcFdis-ir: tl
qA*qG& wwdqt qrrq{rilufr
q*fltsaqs s+s€{qtrftltrn+sfr} r
ql&f qftt..Sqft€&qihr€q-qr6qr{
Slo[a 8. When the Sun is in the 10th houseand
lvlars in the 4th at a person's birth, his death will be
by a fall from a vehicle. When Mars is in the ?th
bouserds Sun, the Moon and $aturn are in tjhe Lagne
808 {rcwrftrr Adh V. rq.

the personconcernedwill be put to death by an loltru,

ment of torture. When Mrrs, Saturnand the Moon
respectively occupy Libra, Aries and a sign belonging
to Saturn,or when the waning Moon, the Sunand Mars
are in the 10th, the 7th and the 4th housesrespectively,
the personconcernedwill die:in the midst of filth and
If the Sun be in the l0th, Mars iu the 4th, the manwill have
a fall from a vehicle and die. If the sign on the 4th is a quadruped,
death wiil be caused from a four-footed arrimal, and so on accord-
ing to the nature of the Rasi. If Mars be in the 7th and Saturn,
the Moon and the Suu are in the Ascendant, the man will have
an accident near a machinery and die, or he may undergo as
operation and die.
If Mars be in Tula, Saturn in Mesha and the Moon in Makara
or Kumbha, the man will die uncared for after badly purging.
This yoga arises by the planets;being in the Rasis. If weak Moon,
the Sun a*rd Mars are placed in the l0th, the 7th and the 4th
'espectively, the rhan n'ill die under similar conditions.
c/. ttttEdr
t*Ss*gs$ il lprcqncilcEril: I
qsqrr{i .ioi' *i*gitqr+ur$FrSri u
Ir<qrqraq qa€Farqrs-flTffq{qrq I
gilqi cibt qri gaff vrt* Rqi u
TE c.qrgri ni ffncc} +ffri rGr{ |
rrffir6*q$d:qTcrsffgg I
ftoc"'i g u*Ug: rffir: r.rne il
qitt'd Arcrutsfr t
qrqferq ufr{rqflaq3ll q rl
Sloka 9. When the waning Moon is aspectedby
lvlarg in strength,and Saturn occupiesthe 8th houre
tte person concerned will jsuffer from piler or firtula
sl. lo-tt tqlitoreqrq: 309

of an aPPlication
of a causticsubstance.
The man wili die from hernia, piles, kidney diseasesafter
s/. sr<rs-di
cRt{t gt}a * eftAt* qarris'*fr qRI: I
r gcqq€r*{aqr iinfrqrarg'{Fir rreft rt
in the yoga given in V'-78 sypra'
IThere is a slight <liflerence
fl qt dr {noibtfr.1it6g}
$fr wmsrti AriI ttqro! |
q+K {sftK{n{iq$qqft: ll t o li
Sloka 10. When the SunandN{arsare in the ?th
bhava,Saturn in the uth and the waning Ldoon in the
4th at a person'sbirth, his deathwill be clusedby birds.
If the Sun,Mars, Saturn and the Moon occupyr€sp€cr
tively the lst, the 5th, the 8th and the 9th houses,the
person concernedwill die by falling from a precipice,
by the fall of a thunderbQlt,or of a wall'
,/. sr<na
€\ ettui oi ft*rt qfrtlT} |
teraq$ Rhn\ q?g qfqatil'rriq rr
qr<ffia+.rqs r*rqrffiftmd: t
gg: vr.*u'nic rlssarQqrdrq: il

affiqrilfteK srrt i"6rtirfrqaq qRttrt

wnqqfr{qisfrmfiqtoiegfrr{q€ffi ll t t ll
Sloha ll. (Wherri the foregoing tests do not
apply), the causeof death is dcclared to be the 22nd
decanatefrom that of the Lagna, The lord of this 22n4'
8r0 rurqfild Adh v. A.

decanateor of the sign containing it produceo death

accordingto its characterirtics. i
In the absence of the yogas mentioned in Slokas 2 to 10, we
have to apply this principle and not otherwise. The 22nd
decanate from the Lagna drr:kkanacauses the diseaseaccording to
nature of the ruler of th'it decanate with certainty. If the
ruler of the 22nd -decanate be the Sun, he causes fever as stated
in Sloka l. Sinrilarly in the caseof the other planets mentioned
therein. The ruler of the 8th house modifies the influence of the
22nd rJecanate. This is irnplied in .T'irsitqr (Bhavopira).
Take for exanrple*-Lagna Aribs-Z.5'. The 2\od decanateis
the 3rd decanate of Scorpio rvhich is ruled by the l\{oon. The
ruler of the 8th house is Mars. Therefore death is accidental,
unexpectedor short because it is l\{ars. 'l'he Moon gives water
diseasesand as Mars modifies the Moon to a certain degree,we
may say death will lre due t') loose bowels, urinal complaints
(suddenstoppageof urine, etc).
qtfitfui gintr{trnq:nfiftqrrraie€r ss: r
rft{snr qr rgiiiqat ffi frqtqsrf,?"gtt,irft tl
Also stil{A
sqqqmq-dkilRaiqeil: r
eqrGrqihrrfril {il4 qq}q cfi: n
For the cause of death due to each of the _?6 Drekkanas
nappening to be the 22nd Dectnate, the foliowing slokas from the
same work will be found to be useful::-

iqri i*dt TnEflfrh q Hgt I

w;aRFlqfqflT;iqtgt 1,4i wrq{q{ ll
fiar<Gdtqqilqrq qeAfi trltot: I

{q {iitqlflrl na+,6lrlTilcl ll
fi q i{Eqii*q} z:cgilqitqeA
fiqrfrqro+flBftrrrrtttftq ir
sl, 11 Hfirnsqrs' 31r

q(q lqfiRfr qEreaatqtt

. g€i qqftR
sTrUftgq?i'i *nmqIHH {Efr t
ffgfRqfiqrilEBtilqqriq nfiq|ntellt
tqqq(qrrinr rn6nm'rr.uq tt t
qqfr iE €eg:gsrq-.t,rrit q ggq€ ll
qrtq qqqnt( q,'er.A\olqI aql €fllit. I
qqfaR **a+ri zrUguri
AfrqrrrtA tr
slRqrdrBqqqFq"* uqil qq sqrGgq t
ff{rqkwqrurrada\q q aqr-* ll
s6qffiKrffinqri ;qnhqieiqq r
qrt qfrq{} qsrqqafr+fr?ilrr
frq{q.iltr+firFffiFlarffir q 'ililtdt t
ur"ilffii TdAR er${qtq' u
e{ri ft-qrqil qw+ihmqrsftvrF€dll: I
dqroftftgfiEa+ nrt ,*neq-{Sqqr tt
wqq{qilqrqfrffi dt( daflrqqrrrilrt
eT+ FqrE{t fli Tq' flEr€$ tl
qla qFFRqrt-geRqquqrRqrd+qq t
q'A g q6{ilh(n
"arergnilq: ll
q'i q qeqm€sqiti,iqfttrg: tl
erf& qiitq,TltdeilTqrotqfinid"qr I
qqft R q{otaqn pt agft$rvEnqrr
q|qqrAfi gilftesgn}frRqfri,
3il| r]n$q|ftsnt Adh. v. A.

qril nqgc$rfqea+ql
.q=Adqqrt q-or"teesgFdqlsft
T.f{-i air +anqdrwrnn'
qqtG Nr uqGsr;qufirplrFtFg: I
saRqT{nflqr EoE{g.{rffi+nnsqh tt
qflieaF+i*fr 1
qfirq* "qila.qrgs&tqqriisq
e{ril <{tqt{€: sgrtrt ll
grt s'n>di drq<lt<qr qaqil*' r
ifr yrgyriq{aq$Gsrht rr
qd eiaog,ilffiii,iaft eeg'r
eit fr{grrri geqffiqkgil*it'q' r
*Y{r#ds+ a\ EqrqrGfiqqrnnrq I
eq'ilqqfrR qqqlgFnnitli utt, lt
qMtq I
qkK ugqqEsglqflidrgaq,
€fflA Gg0rilfqgqr:
stq n tR rr
Sloka L2, From all this we have to detcrmine
generallythis ftqfsr(Niryana) or exit from the world ae
occurringat a placewhose surroundingewill be indica,
ted by the planet occupying the Lagnaor by the planet I
ruling the rising Navamsaas alsoby those that are in :i
conjunctionwith or aspectingthese. "fhe rrnconscious
stat€ at the time of dearh lasts for such time a io
$, 12 tqfltdsqrr: 8lt

lagna below the horizon. This periodbecoroes doubled
the rising sign is aepectedby its lord anCtrebled
when aspectedby beneficplanetsgetrerally'
Bhattotpala interprets tlre 6rst half of the sloka thus: The
exit from the world will occur at a place appropriate to the
occupied by the lord of the rising Navamsa, with such cir:umstan'
ces as are the result of occupation or aspecting by plzrDctsof
8th houseor the absence cif both (Zicr Slolias I and ll) and
that the following are the places appropriate to the sevoral signs:
Aries, Place frequented by sheep' l'auru3, Place frequented by
oxen; Gemini, a house; Cancer, a well' l-eo-a forest: Virgo-
a nrater.bank; Libra-n Ltaz'zrt; Scorpio--a hole; Sagittarius
a place frequented by horses; Capricorn-:watery tracts; Aquarius
--a house; and Pisces-watery places'
view' The
But the above does not seem to be the correct
in chapter II'
following view which is advocated by verraharnihira
Sun-temples; the
sloka l2 seemsto be the correct one: The
(green all round); Mars -operation theatres'
Moon;a fertile place
I\'Iercury-pl:ry grounds I
kitchens, store housur, factory,. etc.;
roonrs ; Seturn
tupiter-treasury rooms ; Venus--well'furnished
--dirty places.
will be irrdicated by the
The place of death attd surroundings
rising Navlmsa' It there
planet in the Lagna or the one ruling its
ruter the sign occupietl by tha
L" no pl"o"t in the Lagua' the ,of
or the risihg will depict the
of"n"t owning tne Lagna -Navamsa
If'any planets itspect or
surrouudirrgsof the .place of death.
of the Lagna 'or lt-s-frlvarnl is
occupy the house where the ruler
place of death irt ed;lition tr what
situated, they also indicate the
for elample' the Moon indicates
has been stated above' Suppose
the above principles and together
th" pt.". of death accortling to
tasi principle. We have then to say
with it Saturn *
"" where it is grden (Ittooo) but dirty
that death takes place at a'spot
(Saturp). ..,! ,', .,5; r i {i d
314 crqlftlti Adh"v.:A.
The period of unconsciousnessi will be the time taken for thc
portion of the rising sign below the horizoo to rise. If the rising
sign be aspected by its lord, the period is doubled. If aspected by
a benefic, it is trebled. If bv two benefics, 6 times and so on.
Malefiis aspecting the rising sign will not deprive'cosciousness;
The oblique ascension'of the remaining portion of tbe sign
rising on the.T agna corresponds .to the iime taken by it to riso ln
thb East. lbke an exarnple, Aries 251is rising. The remairrfg
portion is 5'. 'The time taken for 5" of Aries to rise in the Eas
will be 20 minutes'generally (calculating at 2 houfs for the whole
sign of Aries to rise). I'he period of unconsciousness undergoei
multiplicatton twicd or thrice, etc., . becauseof the ruler and a
benefrc throwing their aspect on the Lagna. The multiplication
should be done once only. Suppose thg Lagna is being aspected
by its lord. You have to multiply the period by 2. At the same
time, say, a benefic is also aspecting the LaiEna. By the rule
tbove, the perio<l is to bi niultiplied by 3. By natural process,
the period will thus have to be multiplied by 2X3. is not
o. It'will }e enough if it is multiplied once by 5 i. c. (3+21,
Vide also V-ll7 saPra.
c/. tlt({di
s${ilqiTrf\cer qcrr{ft qqrft qslqr: I
ccdnwrrd: cft;ie",iqr;qllr{ft ed: u
stdinsnl cle: h\q ftfideftftgfrre: srq I
ftgor:gtfit sq<gi{t .{iaTdh u

dt {qqft.nqfl{nrfr'fr
rlkftmilkswltlhqil Rn ,t
S/o&c 13. According ar the decanateof tbg.Sth .:
bbava (i.a,, the 22nd from the Iagrn) htrot out to b e
liery, 1 wat.ry ir e miredone,tb€re ir I firr
$t, 13 trlfiHsrqrq: 3t6
vvrwvvwvvvvvwvvvv J vwwwvwvvJlwvvv -v.i-- -*---- <

ol the.dead boiily by its being turned into aohes,or

,beiogthoroughtywetted and softenedin water, or being
driod up by exposure t.r the Sun and wind, If the
decanateof the 8th house hrpp:ns to be a srrolant
(Vyaladrekkana), the body is eetenby b:astsand bird s
of prey,is assimilatedinto t-heirbcJieslod.thrown out
aaexcrement. Thus, the finrl sta{gof the dead body
hacto be thought outin the mrnn:r st.rtcJabove. Th:
tollowingis the essence of whrt hrs b:an culledfrom
bigher works (euchas citiicr&ibcr+- Jyotisha Karma
Vipaka)regardingpast and future life.
For'ficry (fi(: Kru.a or {qa'Dahana), waterl' wa{Jala) and
mixed (&*misra) decanates, Yi'ie lX'slokas ll2-ll5 Infrt.'

For convenience, they arc shor*'nin the following statement'


Krura or Jala or Saurnya or Vimisra or

Malefic water-bearing 'Benefic mixed

L€o (l) Cancer (l) Aries (2) . Capricorn (3)

Aries (l) P i s c e s( l ) Sagittarius f2) Aries (3)
Aquarius (l) Pisces(2t Taurus (2, Cancer (3 I
Scorpio (l) Virgo (2) Aquarius (21 Taurus (l)
Cepricorn(l) Taurus (3) Capricorn (2) Sasittarius (l)
Pisces(3) cemini (3) Libra (l) Gemini t2)
Scorpio (3) Vireo ( I ) Libra (2t
Loo (3) Gemini (ll I*o (21
Libra (3) Sagittarius (3)
Cencer (Z) Virio (3)
Scorpio{z) Aquarius (l)

=ll :ll

916 {rnrrrftcrt Adh V' A'

' see notes to Ch' XXIII

Fo, aqrd(Vyala) or serpent decanates'
i-to of stih"t letaka-
burial or other'
The 2hnll&caoate is the cause of crernation'
accordinq t9 9lane^ts
wise according to the nature of its ruler or
A benefic
posited thereitr. A rnllefic planet cagses'crernation'
then the body
burial. lf a rnixetl planrt (lihe lt{ercury),
"oor". J-agna Aries 25o' The 22nd
will be exposetl to dry' away' '
as pei above rule' the
.l""anate is o*n".l by the l\/Iocn. Therefqre
native shoulcl be burietl'
above rule: "
The following are the exceptionsto the
qt (Sarpa) one' the bodv is
Tf the 22nddecanate be a
eaten by vultures, dogs, etc'
8th house'cremation must
Al 1f 1l1i:reare malefics in the
he predicted.
Vide also V- I 17 snPra'
q'ltn\ qqfl
aRsM{ ${r I

ffir€qMll tBll
" Sloka 11. Of the Sun and the Moon' find out
which is stronger. If the lord of the decanate
it-it. trt"nser"of thcse two planets be Jupiter'
from the
,l...r*.d shoirldba rnadeout asa personcome
the lord
world of immortals. If the Moon or Venusbe
;;i;; decanate camefro'' the
in question,the 'Jeceased
worid of Man':s. lf the Sunor Mars be'the lord the
particulardecanate, the deceas:din the'previous birth
t.longed to rheworld of mortals. If Saturnor
[" tnJ owner of the decanate in question,the departed
personcemefrom the linfernalregions' In th':
[ir,tr, the rank of the departedwas high'
io* ,..ording ar the owner of the drekkana
----.S:: -""-'*-""-"-'--'-311
?1'-ll-. off hrd f rllen
mideration was in his exaltation print,
therefromor in the depression point'

of the decanate occu'

ftsj Deternrine the past birth from the ruler
powerful) aud predict
pied by the Sun or the lt{oon (whichcver is
(l'ol<at from where the soul is come'
accordingly tbe particuler it+
that planet is in
Thc lasl quatlct. tlt'o!heriilerftc!alion' If
gootl position ; if culminating'
mid heaven, he should heve held a
a bad Position, and so ott'

$r, grg<ierroriaaagSrft1oi
ir*ss*cc€rsii<{hai <i<ra: I
*fu g-crfrgit art*'tqmq
h fte cg ciirA;eiinaq+rafru tt
qfrft itgl;q;q{q}snitni!qI
W{erRgt;qito(rtl dqtqr
fon qrit-& ftrqqTnfr€f
{q?dqtt qta frGrcrmrfrflr ll t\ ll
ig the lord
Slctc 15. The refugeof the.departed
(f'r'; the 16th decanate
of the Drekkanacf the 6th house
i-rn ,t'," rising decanate) or of the Sth house (i'e'' the
gg"a <Jecan.t"from the rising decatrate)or the planet
the ?th blrava lBhattotpalaaddsthe 6th and
".*nti"* #avas also). whichever these planetais
;;li, -of
wor]d thereof doeothe
found to be strongest, to the
is in his exaltdtionand
departedp"rroo gi' If Jup,iter
il;;;;'the 6th bhava'a Kendra poeition or the-8th
will attain linal 'emancipa'
;i";, the cleparteclperson
;i;;:-'ii. ,"t. happensalsoif the rising sign is Piscer
riaing N"vamgais that of a benefic
818 Tnrdhqft Adh. v. A.

Jupitenqccupiesit, while planetsother than Jupiter are

without strength. ,,,
Rf<+r=tw (Ripurandhratryamsapa) may also bo intorprcted
as the ruler of the decanate of the (rth or the gth bhava counted
from the 7th, i.c., of the l2th or of the znd bhava. (This agrees
with the western view that the l2th and 2nd housesindicate future
births and the 6th and the 8th iodicate past birth).
placed in the 7th will indicate also futirie birth.

Erccflions. Exalted Jupiter in the 6th, the gth or in a

dra position will meke the native attain bliss. If pisces be
rising in a Na'amsa of n b.rneficl it leads to bliss. tn the above
two exceptions, tbe other planets rnust not be powerfur as
dl.B.-Bliss CI* (Moksha) is higher than ?s. rr (Devaloka).
This is clearly hinted by Varanarnihira talking bf M;ksna (rlf)
as distinct and quite apart frorn the slokes containing ?git{, (Deva.
loka), flEit+ (Pitruloka), etc.

tfr€dittz?cilTqfr{Ali qftete{rr{ r
ErSs{cqttrqdre iergwgfr frc€qdh c n

( \ilTni qrfuilril )

Witlt An
attd Coltious
Explu trttonl rtotesutrLlErontplas

V . S u b r a n t a n ySaa s t r iB
, .A.
A s s t t .S e c r c t a rtyo 1 l l c( i o v t .o 1 ' M y s o r c( l { c t d . )
a u t lT r a n s l a t oor l ' S r r p a tli, a d d l r t i[,] r i h a tJ a t a k a
I I o r a s a r aU. t t u l k a l l n r r i tcat c .

Vol. III

1 6 ,A n s a rR
i oadD
, a r y aG a n j N
, e wD e l h i - ' l 1 0 0(0l 2
Adhyaya XI The effects of the Ist and the 2nd 709
Adhyaya XII The effects of the 3rd and the 4 t h 748
Adhyeya XIII The efifectsof the 6th and the 6th 755
.{dhyaya XIV Thc effects of the ?th, the 8th and S45
the 9th Bhavas
Adhyaya XV T h e e f f e c t so f t h e l O t h . t h e l l t h a n d g 9 6
the l2th Bhavas
Adhyaya XVI Female Horoscopy 935
Adhyaya XVII Kalchakra 965
Adhyaya XVII t l)asas l00ir

tt qr+fifrqwrqq-{rh eoQ
qR gf,fu 4rirnEsFlft .9/t
tr qFqq6-6rTT4TcqT4: rsQ.{.
?Y qKITE'&T{qqIqTEITTq. cY{
tr {ri qrqaqqqlErEqlq:

tq e{tqre-+'trzrrq: et{
9tq .6'TFfqfr-E{lt€qTIT: e.E{
lc <qrr<€{rEqrq: too{
il sTstrTlrTsorfttl
Adtryaya XI.
T H g e n t . n c T s o t . 't t t n 1 s T A N r ) T H I ' 2 w D B t t A V A S .

il{rdurrgrq{$eqq.s1ffi wtfh gqi

ilii {-{Fq I
t i ,THnfkeurtlluqitf\r tgm {iflq-cr
qr.t{eT{ Ifmr.G gqsoil qfrhnGtg trttt
S/oArl 1. I am to treat of the good and other
effects which are the chief source of adornment to the
science of astrology just as they arise in the several
bhavas appertainingto men owing to the prepondera,
ting influence of planets. Among ttre Lagnaand other
bhavas, such as are occupied or aspected by Venul,
Mercury, Jupiter or the rrtccfk(Bhavapathi-the lord of
the bhava concerned),but unaspectedby or trnassociated
with thc rest, produce llappy results.
cf . s({qt{t1.r{
,ii ,ii qra'erfladl gdi qrd\-tEttqrnqnqrf\t&: I
qriii aq qrEs ilfifi4e6qT q"dil ffq;i qTtl

ffiETi(rragg*rdg (srnTTqlqqilfktgt
.r qrKa)ftedgtsI R tf
7rc cmEqrfrf,ri Adh. XI.

Stoka Z. When the Lagna and some of the other

bhavaghave banefic planets appaaringin them or are
occupiedor aspectedby their lords, a wealth of the said
bhavasmay be declared to exist provid:d they are un-
aspectedor unoccupiedby malefi; planets.

d{q} ftgtrftrul tiai rrrEii;Tlttifi!

qrEeRm\qh ll I ll
S l c r f t c 3 . A p l a n c ti n i t s d c p r e s s i o no r i n i r n i c a l
rrqn dgetroysthe bhava chat it owns' But in its
(Moolatrikona), exaltation or friendly siun ic rdvances
the same.
cf . s((qKlit(
qqrlrlsftdtqeii W] EIda'{{qfd I
tft.E qr fafifi.i'lt rr
qrln: art+tsfiqr&g'{qd}qHqq\qqTfiI-
q;qlqril qqtrqrqfinqftgf,}fif*'+ ri'qEd I
qilq qrqgfz'isfaqii flq* {'tuo*4i gl} qr
ed\qrqrqqrtd qafi iigdtq'aq'r'\q ilfi: lt
qi qtqfi { f}qite qR qt q: atsfi rrT{f{q:
qq'reil-qeR*nqqitae:ql{"qrr' 1
lTrqsl|frqi a flRn qG qarrrfqii q,ftwit
dtqr<rfiT€Tritqfi ra.rrffit {tfqrn,tt
qrnarrftiigftrw;i gfqrnfrqaqqfufrEIt
ffirrflqi uqqFa(rilf qti\eksorr{tTr R{r{ll B ll
Sloha 4. When a bhava has its lord in the 6th,
the 8th or the 12th, or is occupiedby the lcrd of one
these three, it suffers annihilation, say those that know
sl. 6-6 {ttC{frsqrdr 7U
the properties of a bhava If such a bhava be aspected
by a benefic planet, the effect will be different.
qfrr*q!hrrdi {iolr( ffiurq} {r qit firqes: t
WriEqqlqrrfrqoraefiHgfd, surrg*u1sn \ n
S/o,ftc 5. If the lord of a bbava occupying a Ken,
dra or Trikona position from the Lagnapossessabundant
strength being either aspectedby benefic planetsor in
its exaltation and other Vargas, that bhava,say the wire
aatrologers,is in a flourishing condition.

qfiu: +rr*rsfieqqgmo]qsn)qr lqqrfr

f{* qui ilqTii qfi qqfi ftqrqrq,il,rr4sfb:I
qdt-,i n3til qEfEq qadiatqqriqil qr
(.] ut lngdl d Errfltalt qrqaniqqfl.art
gqqqq.Jt{rsswt drqgt
qHHtEbdti ir{Eq{iti nq€}rgfo|
THHi glsqrs! {{oginsqtwrreil +.Trnd
ftai fq{qttdkoqft irErqft{r*riqsrn{l q tl
Slc,hu 6. Astrologerspronounce the strength
a bhavasuchas the_Lagn,rto be amplearrd rhorcirghly
b e ' c f i c e n tw h c n a r r i k o n a , t L r e4 t h , t h e 7 r h o ,
th" ioth
p l a c e t h e r c f r o mi s o c c u p i e db y a n a u s p i c i o u s
p l a n e to r
lnsc (bhavapa-thei'rd of the brrava)
and is unoccupied
or unaspectedby m;rlefic planets. A bhava
decay when the positions referredto aboveare
ly occupiedand aspected rhe effectof a bhava
will be
mixed when the positions noted above are
acpectedby beneficand maleficplanetapromrsci:ouely.
7fa *rqftvnt Adh. xI.
- l v t v - - - - - - - - - - -

aru([Iflrft Rqriltf(;dqtql qfiHq.|

ilfiTre{ffi Utrqqn{{i}il t}S
qq*rft sorA rfr qqr{shqrri rqr( tl s }l
Sloka 7. Of the Lagnaand other bhavasexamined
in strccession,whichever bhava has ita lorJ occupying
rays or
the 8th place (from it) or obscuredby the solar
in &preosion or in an inimical house, while no benefic
planetsaEpector are aseociatedwith it, the astrologero
d..lrr. thl total destruction of such a bhava' The
being asso"
of the bhavaconcernedeven in the event of
producing any
ciated with other planets is incapableof
good effect.
grqrt qISRt{i gft qw{rq+r
{rqq qqt qd a {ffr rnqqli}rfll ll c ll
Slok,t 8. Planets occupying a bhava cannot ad'
vance it when its lord is in a g:vra (Duhothana-6th'
or in a
8th or 12th placefrom it) or an inimical house
stateof ecliPscor imPotencc
qr t
gsfu* ilsit qEI;T$tqr
EI'{G dlqar<n( llq ll
Slofrrr 9' A planet mly even be badly placed
occupya <qit (Navamsa)owned by a mrlefic,
or its orvn dcpressionsign; ir will nevertheiess
occupiedby it is
bemficialwhen the Navausa or Rasi
or of a friendly
its own, or that o[ its exaltation sign
planetno leseti.ranwhen bene{icplanetsaspect
qiq{r#Fatt{R grQ r{IEq gioq t
dmf\xstlM qrqsfrdaqr ll t" ll
StrfO.lt tififhirtfqi ?rit
Sloha 10. \l/hen ttrc p&rnerowning the sign
occupiedby the lord of a bhava iii badly placed,the
bhavabecoilegweak. Btrt wheo the planet rdarsi to
aboveis in its exaltation,in a frietrdly sign c in itg
own house,the astrologermay pronouncethe bhavr to
be ffourishing.
ffiilr qE[rriilqgdfi (Iiirt-;fi6 1
$'$k WRf*qffiar*q rr
SloFc 11. When the lord of a bhava,rhe friends
of the fiw lbhavapa) and the lord of rhe emltation
sign of the, r+rqq (bhavapa) occupy the llth, the Znd
and the 3rd placesin respect to the tr{rava,those plarreo
advancethe strength of rhe bhava, provided they be
not eclipsedor in an unfriendly sign or in depreosion.
t-a frqfi-drrr qqqfrqqi mi(fl qTfircTr
qTqnt{iEr t "qqfiqnftgrqT<{tm I B,Fqr:t
,rrqqrfr{df,}sfruqqRgfu i{qf{a errqr-
q--qFqrqrciim:sg {aft rq;}q qil;qql qr( ll
rnirrgeqstrg dqrartrfim{{qt6dRq+ r
nqh* qrlqfiT+q A) *trftrhrn ffii Mq tt trti
Sltha Ll. A planet producesthe full effect of the
bhava in which ir is when its distance from the bhava,
saadhi ie equal to that of the bhavamsa(rrrst{r= Eemi,
bhava). When the planer has a less or greater dietance
from a bhava,sandhi than a bhavamsa,itd ef{.ectmuat be
alcertained by a rulc-cf-three procecs.
This slokais takenfrorr,afiqfffi (Sripotpddneroi,).
711 Etf,fqrailt Adh. n.

ll enl QA +tlq"ha+t tl
ffi qttgursngeTgaTft,
Mqorfrwq{qF{rFilr u tl tt
Sloha L3. The body, its hue, irs form, its charac,
teristics, fame, qualities, happiness or unhappiness,
residenceabroad,splendour,strength and weaknessare
the products,Eaythe wise a$trologers,of the lst bhava.
This sloka appears in stil{(d The thrrd qr< (Padl) reads thus :

ilft{rstrqils gd od q+qM qqnilcnI

u{ qe qftftftlhd *1frwrrrg&r$ostffir*t. tB
Sloka 14. The more auspiciousthe rising eign ie
f,t a perEon'sbirth, the longer will he live; the more
will he command the respect of the rulers and the
happier in coneequencewill he be. And if the rieing
aign be also aapectedby its lord, he will be a masterof
richee, quite a genius and a great credit to his family.
The fol{owing additional information regardinglength of tife
is extracted from siT(qltt{tt

d"t qffEftl
ert o'q{qd nftrqqqqil
qtg: qsiq afqaRnffigl.iifrriqTfigt r
ftRa$ qffi rag,rlagnru<ng: €qA
aseng<q).t eaefafig!:qrl<lgfl*qT( 1
Efr eqeagqq-q}-qqSr{tga}
ad qr rilqtil"qq qfefrfA* wiqrg'gtq r
.ls 16 qqrqEilsuqr{rs ?r5
gp*se,iqtfiq:qrcs€qgqqct uo tqrlc[Rtt
oil* q{q}q} g,rgt ofi q ddtRt
qrtqrEg*nflffrrut qroi{Eitqr
6cr.t qggqtuqgqlee{ nElgiqr{ tt
qulq,rnfqosat,tngr{i{gq&*q e} t
=g gudgaq rD {drTTg: qqqFaSfir;a: r
urriiaq d EIfi: ila4lTeqrg{rfifrq
sqii qEqq fi* fti f,atgrrqlq 11
fiqrqraq,ilfiolflnqqr der:g\al gfli: I
s{tg:gs4:arrrvpry'frt}gr, qilQqi
flTr*q';qqwrgiewftt,qr\,iqflasqr( u
efrdt +oqd){qmlga'er.if =qfqa}qril
n] q'.\rqoihqnfaga] qr;q q o'j nqt r
qivi I qon-eqqqdlrqrg:qfiqrrftq:
argriulrflegqriaa*6;qflc qros ft tt
sn{ f}esjf qFHrTli{ q qq{{ |
uvr agfr{di {zafi-qqT{,4q
(fr <rcqrfiPrsqunft
oetqqrft{geq{rer r
u t\ tl
Sloka 15. An astrologer may declare the i*ature
and peculiar features of a person fron the lord of the
riaing Navamsaar his birtr. or from a powerfui planet
occupyingthe Laqna. llrs hue shouldbe guessedfrom
the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lr4oon. All
?rs sfliF!ilEnErir Adh. xI.

goodaod evil in the life of the per$onis to be ascertain'

ed through the Lagna.
cJ,III-76 supra.

ffiqh;i qR ornt grrriht frua{tfqf qr t

(tft ll lE ll
gwarlnqil qord qg3{rgilnrq{r!
Slttha 16. If at a person's birth the lord of the
rioing sign being in great strength in the house of a
beneficplaneg occupy a Kendra or Trikona position
from the Lagna and be aspected by or associatedwith
auapiciousplanets,the fameof the personborn will
extend up to the four oceans.

This sloka appears in stdd{d. The reading there is gqqtqfatrt

for qrrwnrrc.rt'
cf. also the following sloka from thesame work'

onrfqtgqgt qii qs,{ril*oqfifrqqQt g'refEg*I

mqlfttqsRt qR qI elt flqrqfrlffiqnqlFqR{rg\ft

ffint ftSrrtrftrhqlqTmqrqfttfht{r t
qrq{aruri {Ed'l{.ii3 11lu ll
Sloka L7. A person becomes obscure if, at his
birth, the lord of the rising sign being in the hougeof a
malefic planet, occupies the 6th, 8th or l?th place from
tlre Lagna and is aspected by or associated $/ith a
malignant planet.
For ihe 6rst rIT(, .$lil{(q reads o}qt t;rrrti s Et'

slfr{nxrft fts{qE} iilril:<r{ ttftq|q

frqQs RimttukcrffiFqt t
st. 18-le qargtilstcr.l: 111

- qrilqrdrr {ffigqtftxrqr g-dtr

+* dtr.tt gqr{st qlrrgd qr{t ll 14 ll
S/ofra 18. If the lord of the *tffirrrq(Keerthibha'
va), i,c. the 10th be in the Lagna,the person born will
becomelamous. lf the planet be iir the Znd bhava and
have attained its ex.rltation and other benefic vargaehe
will have remarkablecelebrity. If the planetbe in a
bad place,he v.zillbe knocked up by ceaselesstravelling
or will be a knave. But if the planet occupy a Kendra
or Trikona in conjunction with a beneficplanet, the
personwill have easein travelling'
This sloka tinds a Place in akF[{at'

frtrqTfrftqertqR gqent{g*sqqr
rrr{t q1qR qrqtn qfl{i o}'q{rd fter t
xqffiqqd ao{Tf{i dGfiRirilqqr-
asd qo{nfuftq qfi {r ffiHtflr*titmq tt
Bloha 19. If the lord of the lst bhava occupy the
5th or the 9th or being irr conjunction with the lord of
the 5th or the 9th occupy the Lagna, the father of the
person bcrn will be a famous man. If the lord of the
3rd bhava be in the Lagnaor the +rw (Karaka-Mars) as
well as the lord of the l*r{rnir (Bhratrubhava)be together
in one houeeand posseosstrength, a brother of the
personborn will becomerenowned.
For the latter half of this sloka, ;rldefi'(€f
has the following:

oinrfFrrt ltqq<g(*.qft{'i+
iild: flqg€ ua e <gi HslgqT+{ifl:ll
718 sfFfficrRqre Adh. xI.

ffiq\ {r dA qqqfr o} gt oqn+gtil r

wrF{t 'T$reilftflf frqrqqtdtrrqft qqrdlnRotl
Sloha 2) When the lord of the 2nd bhava or
Mercury is in the Lagnaor when the 2nd bhava is occu.
pied by the lord of the Lagnaand when rhe bhava in
either caseis strong and free from maleficaspect, the
personborn will becomefamousfor his learning.
rrietiqc(Vidyadhipa) here 'ears the lorcl of the 2nd bhava ;
(aide sloka 49 infra) and not that of the 4rh bhava referred to in
XII-59 infra.
The sarnerenrark applies to the tcrrrr grT.
qqHfi qEfrfid qfrrqd agqdfr{r r
dtqfiqRmi'gfi qq tqfr qnittirTo{r{T{ ut(tl
S|oku 21. If the lords of the grh and the lst bha,
vas from the Lagna be in thei'r respective bhavasor if
the lords of the 1scand tlre 9th occupy the 9th and the
lot respectively, and if the planets in their several
pooitions be aspectedby or associaredwith Jupiter, rhe
personborn will enjoy good luck for a long time,
omftqq6{qt agqft} $EEsqirQt{r r
irnTfirtEr{rfr ft{t{t ilq tfumqqg'w** RR
Slohu 27. A person wiil abide in the placeof his
birth when a planet occupyingthe l2th place from that
of the lord of the Lagna happens to be in exaltation or
in a friendly house or is aspectedby a planet that is
friendly or is in exaltation or when that Rasi ie occu-
pied by a friendly planer.
o}qrFrt R-oqqfrfr
qrfrqtft RmurgwqTfrT
Et qqr
sI.23-25 qsEfrsqrql 7le

e*qRrffi ftqc.oi itosrfrqr-

rriq ll Rl ll
Sloka 23. When the lord of the l2th house from
that occupied by the lord of the Lagna is the latter'E
enemy or is in depression or vreak,the person born
goesto a foreign country. He will abide permanently
there if the "qqq(Vyayapa) referredto abovebe aspected
by Venus in the capacity of a friend. His haunt will
be a small township if the same6zT{FI (Vyayapa) be
eclipaedby the Sun ; if the aqqq(Vyayapa) be posseesed
of strength,the haunt will be a wealthy municipality'

trtniqqi froeqqff( h ildluTi\ti

ftrd1qT*{t gqsi qTffi rilil{s I
Rfr rrRBll
Stoka 24, When the lord of the i'2th place from
that occupied by the lord of the lagna is in a Kendra or
Trikona from the lst bhava, and in a Rasi which is a
friend's house, its own or its exaltation sign and has
auspiciousplanets on eachside, the person born will be
a sojurner in regions pieasingto the heart. If the tqqc
(Vyayapa)referred to above be aspectedby Jupiter, the
Moon or Venus, he goesto a charmingly beaucifulland;
but if this rqqc(Vyayapa) occupy the Znd place from
the lord of the Lagna and be unfriendly to the latter,
tfie person will abide in his native land.
qi estt q(+estI
ffkr,{r{{ qtt itr€?r
fui qat i{gqrnTsirr qr( ll R\ ll
Sloha 25, When a moveable Ergn is the Lagna
7zo utQnvawil Adh.xI.
ancl its lord is in a moveable Rasi and aspectedby pla'
netr occupying moveable Rasis,the person born will
have his fortune in a foreign country. When an
immo'veable sign is the Lagnaand its lord is algoin an
immoveablesign and aspectedby planetsoccupying ia'
moveablesigns,the personwill be in his own country;
exceedingly prosperous and possessed of abundant
This sloha appears also in clild{d.

ftnftt aqtt ftgg qlqerlqrggfugt t

{6[r+ rcqr *qar in Eil({IosTdrsqqr
*qgtlf llRqll
S/oftc 6. S/hen the lord of the Lagna ie a malefic
planet and occupies the 6th place {rom the Lagna being
associatedwith Saturn in a malefic sign, the person
born wiH be like a Sudra. And if Rahu or Ketu take
the placeof Saturn in the above,the person will be a
Chandalaor somc equally low person in his habits.
G{r&tlirrnnftrghrdqqt aggis}ft|
offit F€ftqlrrtgse|rltiwd i qft n te tl
Stoka 77. When the lord of the Lagna is in an
auspicioussign and is possessed of strengh,'theperson
born will be in good ease having a command of all
bodily comforts. When the planetin the Lagnais in a
depreosionor inimical Navamsa and happensto be the
lord of a E:tqrr (Dusthhana), the person bcrn will lacr
bodily comforts.
cf , sldd(d
o*q: T{H{F.qnAqnqn}eqrRfqqraift t
draqEoqr{rq(sfine g\ftrnAilF€{;qq1
€I( ll
91.28-80 rttril*${rq:

qqtr#rqqilrq S{orqR qqr* q sd r5{r llR'4ll

Stoha 28. If the three planets owning the 6th,
the 8th and the t2th bhavas from the Lagna be connect-
ed with the Lagna, one of them aspecting it, another
owning it and the third occupying it, and if they at the
sametime be in their inimical or depressioneigns devoid
of all strength, they can do no good at the time of the
ripening of their severaldasaperiods.
s* qafrgrrt€fr milr,dtqgflE{F(t
ilmi\\ fiqtnr q(nd frtqrP'{i ffiggfrqr$3ll qq ll
Stoka 29. When the Lagna is a watery sign and
is occupiedby benefic planets,astrologersdeclarestout,
neesof perscn as the effect thereof. When the lord of
the Lagna occupies a watery sign and is in conjunction
with beneficplanets,the personborn, say tfieaetrologera,
will have a sound constitution.
iq the 3rd
alq.ld ls the reading adopted in srad{d for ilqei
stt of this sloka.

ilnrfrt aT{rqtc g6{{Ifi aiil msqth 6ict]( |

wriqqrqiqnrlta1qr gci[q{! arrggsqqrg! ll 1,oll
SloAa 30. When the lord of the Lagna is in the
8th bhava and in a dry sign, astrologerssay that
personborn will have great bodily suffering' If the
iord of the Rasi in which is the planet owning the
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna bg a
planetowning a dry sign, the effectwill be emaciation'
Sornebooks rea& oei{qs{iaq<tiaatqr
722 crrdifcrftvrrt Adh.x{.
qsllt Ftg€str€gqfr qrnjsftrft,ir
*d oqqisqilqiqqfig$ froirft\ r
ilint aqiiuuiffi tutqG qtn
oi ttrqfrqiur'.qcrgr
iaaotEre{rqu Qt tl
Sloka SL When rhe iord of the Lagna is between
two inimical planets,the person born will be in dread
of enemies. lf Keru or Rahu be in the l.agna and the
lord thereof be in a 6'elrq (Dusrhhana dth, flth or l2th),
the personwill suffer privatit_rnof some limb in the
ripening of thc dasaof the lord of the T_ragoa and in the
antardasaof the lord of the {ich irnr:se(ir.m the lord of
the Lagna). If the lord of tire 6rh house from the Lagna
occupy it in conjuncticln with Rahu or Ketu. an ulcer
will breakout in the bodv.
f iris appearsi' ."1{ri4i{r.;t. ln the 3r<iql,i, tiT'j.l:Jrs the reading
a d o l ; t e <tlh e i c f , . r rl e 1 1 1 1 , tt h r : t e r t .

ToITAmqK OcFtTtls;(ffiWur {til ilrtr1Tqq1T(t

{ir_l11 A _____ \ \ \ \

g{eta{Rqr{ n iq tl
31" If rhe iorcl of rhe Lagnacccupyinga
Trikona or a Kendra be devoid of strength,the person
born wili be ailing. If the lord of the house occupied
by the lord of thc Lagna be in a S:t'{tit (Dusthhana),he
will havea weak constitucion.

(tr'irsthatf). Tr,. f.,rro),"rltl;-r leacli'gro rhesameefiect

is given in nki{(Qf.

{:Fqrqt{Tfigdi fieaqrd fie* n C ilq'Tff tqrd.ti

r \ \
ilrtt tai grQoqd ilsE ti{rqr{ tf il tl
sI.33*35 {Prfifrscqrqr 723

12th, 6ch or 8th bhava (from the Lagna) in conjunction
with a maleficplanet destroys the bodily health of the
personborn. He will be ailing if the lord of the lst
bhava in conjunction wich the lord of the 6th occupies
a grtflil (Dusthhana)or the Lagna.
ori qqrt u{ii qodi*sfrq}rr{r{t
6Qtrg{d frlqtfr-qtih3f,.6qffi n tB tl
Sloha 34. When a malefic planet is in the Lagna
and the iord thereof is without strength,the person
born will ba sickly. He wiil be o{ a fretful temperif
the lord of the Lagnab: weak; exempt from ailmentif
the lord of the Lagnabe in a Kendra or Trikona.

ti{fucrrqirt ilu't g+"iuiq r

g**, n {\ fl
S / o f r a 3 5 . I f t h c l o r d o f t h e s i g n o c : u p i e db y t h e
lord of the Lagnabe in the 8th piacc from the Lagna,
the person will be weak. Bhavas generally become
weak when their lortlsarc in Rasis of which the owners
are badly placed(1.c.are in 6:q?nql)uhstirana).
uqkqldratfr.irhm u{q;qqirt
o* *'i ;Trfliru?qwurdrc'rqrfafu
Sloku 36. A pcrson has an enlargedscrotum as
the conaequence of the conjunction of Rahu and Mars
or of Rahu and Satiirn. S/hen Mars occupies the
Lagna,an astrolcgermay predict swelling in the navel,
ankleand in the testicles.
oit qRitrqt ft;mwrnfrnqrt'hi
721 sRf€fiftrfi Adh. xl.

s{dEft.rttrt?q gt wtrsftrfiS}.qt
g wffifr
mil onaqfr t}ft Tq.tt l\e ll
Stoha 37. If the lord of the Lagna occupying the
12th bhava be in conjunction with the lord of the 6th
bhava from that occupied by the Sun, the personborn
will get readily married,b: characterizedby much hair
about his person,have a slim f igur.: lnd a hue composed
of red and whire. If the iord of the 6th bhavafrom the
Lagnabe also in conjunctionwith th: lord of the Lagna
in tbe aboveposition, the personboru will be dark in
personalappearance ; but if Rahu be with the lord ol
the Lrgna,the perscn concern:dwilI surelyrun the risk
of treacheryor poison.

ffiti qrq+TrqI
ont Ut tilqfi€ffis iTI€rTRgd
gldi 'tiurwgtEriit ont g qlaqFlnuttfrIrlEf
ll 1c ll
Slofra 33. A personwill b: htppy from his child'
hood when the Legnais auspicicusand is aspectedby
beneficplanetsprovideC there are no malefic ones in
the Lagna. But if sev:ral maleficplanetl should be in
the Lagna,the p:rson bcrn wiil b: unhappyfrom first
to last.

tqdmtfi s* onitrnirgdrr*
u.l gqqi{t q.qri freqqlqqr(ll lq ll
S/oic 39. A personwill be happy in the middle
and concludingportions of his life if, at the time of hie
birth, Venus hasattainedDevalokamsr(rririr Adhyuya L
,5/.46),the lord of thc Lagnaa Gopuramsa(aidt ArIhya.
ya I . S/. 45) and benefic phneto aspectthe rising sign.
st. 40-44 5qqftstqrcr 715

ori gt qi flt h-i qrqtqi.qtt

ortEi qsqitr qr* gtd ftI; gt{{ ll 8o ll
Sloha 40. When there is a benefic planet in the
lst bhava, but a malefic one in the 2nd as well as in a
Kendra, and when the lord of the Lagnahas attained the
LJttamamsa,the person born suffers misery in early life
and ie h.ppy thereafter.
ofiir gqqrf{r&gqqqftfti'qtI
.ilgriuut qrsfrfreilsililt gt*q.ll 8l ll
S l o f t c 4 1 . W h e n t h e lord of the Lagna occuPiesa
beneficsign and is asPectedby a beneiic planet or har
attained a Gopuramsa,the person born will be h.PPY
after his 16th year.
s,trrqirnl| g t;n*uriq{S I
or\ n qsdgkfrrraskqigt*q.ll 8R,ll
Sloka 42. When the planet owning the Navamca
occupie<lby the lord of the Lagna is in a Kendra, a
Trikona or exaltation,or is in the 1lth bhava pos*tsed
of strength, the person born will be happy after thl
first 30 years of his lifc'

oot eqrRqet qlE{tfsoqPqi 1

ilqt{t iEilq* qoqoirq€H;t: ll 81 ll
qditr €{oitar qrftqri{rtqqfiihil t
ilqqs* 4(gfr trqrwF'iqfl gd ll 88 ll
S/olas 43-44. When the Lagnais aspectedby t'he
sun and other planets,tire effect in che sevetal caseson
the person born is given in order in the sloka-quarttrrs
planet, the
that follow: lf the Sun be the aspecting
728 qRrrttrRwril Adh. xI.

his father; if the Moon, he will engagein sea-borne

tradeand be opule.t; if Mars, he will be virtuousand
bavea brgmembrumztirile; if Mercury, he will have
Iearning,artistic skill and fame; if Jupiter, he will be
Lonoredby his sovereignand devoutry observantof
religiousvows; if Venus,he will beaddictedto women
of ill,fame,opulentand voluptuous.
q;Eetfturi g Eqffi qd tqorr
or{ \ilftrtrEE{rd( il B\ tl
Sloka 45. If Saturn aspectsthe Lagna, he
bave agedwives, will be uncleanand be mischief,making.
If no planet aspect the Lagna, the astrologe. shouft
make his prediction in accordancewith the planet
connected with the sgrrftr (Lagna Rasi).

oA srdiiqt nqr (M il qfr gqt I

fiAf\isfud dpd nqst rruirq{ tf uq tl
},loka +6. When the Lagnais aspe*ed by its lord,
the person born will be either a king or his favorite,
wcalthy and well-off. lf the Lagna be aspecred by
auspiciousplanet,all will be auspicious. If bv an evii
planet,everythingwill turn out ill.

sd orf ETr@t{€u Zfr u*( r

wi x?Ttgrn trsil gf(fi rnq{ilGtq!ll 8s fl
Sloha 47. When the Lagna is aspectedby
two or
more beneficplanets,the person.bornis happy.
it ia aspectedby all the beneficplanets,he wifl be a king.
When there are three benefic planetsin the Lagna,th"e
effect on the per$on born is, he wiil make a good ting.
sr 48-60 qtFtftnmrs 721

If there be three -tlefic planetsin the Lagna,he witl be

itqfuei grrtqin{drfiqri: r
n{ g0{gffitruoprr n Bdtl
Sloha 48. The lord of the rising sign when poc,
gessedof great strength and unaspectedby malefic
planets, but aspected by benefic ones rnd occupying a
Kendra position wards off death and secures to the
child long life gracedwith the strong virtues of a vigo,
rouE Bovereignty.
See Adhyaya lV. Sloka 83, supra.

ll srE Udqt?1qsoqll
Rii AT Rqrilqgril{:fil?
ai gd Rq q I
frHiqenffqrfi tri*fttilfid figr n B\ ir
Sloka 49. Wealth, visual power, ease, learning,
speech, householdand food-these, the astrologerEre,
cognise ao regularly derivablefrom the ZnJ bhava.
qfrgir ffifs'r qrqil
iv'rr t
oriiT rtftrrqttftrqgtont rgFqqr{ u \o tl
S/o&a 50. A person will have exceedingwealth
(1) when the 2nd, the tlth and the lst bhavas in bic
horoscope are occupied by their lords ; (2) when thc
iT.""" 131"
lsr&ofthe?ndandthe llth bhavar are in the IIth
bhava and happen to be in q*a (swakehetra), lneiu
(Mithrakshetra) or in ereltation: (3) wheo the lorJs of
the llth and the Znd bhavas, being friendly planete'
occupy the Lagna and lastly (4) when the lord of the
Lagnair in it in conjunction with the lordt of the 2nd
and the tlth bhrvdq.
Tbis sloka is also in sEl6{(t'
Tbe following wealth'prbducing yogas are extracted frqm
{l} cqtcr-I{r(
qilqoft+fatft {\' t
rr,ptf+n:saii S+€q qtqi ll
+ehegrlm ftgqft{rtrrrfk{rq FrdI
€frar qR qTfrftm qftft} qr+f,qd' {ft, r
emqqn4ilqqilqT a&*l dafi q{ tl

gla uf4qtfril g{g* {a gs5sq1
arntgrat fit atSg'qiaql-
qrEfi ti&( dqfq+'noTiq( tt.
*riuegirm figgfinrig onte<r
qiaiFrrftaal .reqfr qsf*w 46qqqI
reqtqiqGt qfiaqqfq:h-eB+)qfrqnr
n*,<r*qettfrqqfif\ft o qqtri frq: tl
fqaqft'la* qEr{gdtt€q€qn{tqilr
;r;.frn'rftft :,tlFqql
s. cr qFft$]silrqs Ttg

ilfr H {ilil qg sn{. ffia nild' n

qfrn:wfi +FsfrR qq ds g e.{rr
fttqr qftipg.I qqqR€qfRqRa'I
qt qTqrffqrqswftilrigffifr: I
(z) qkTifi(€r
qord t
tilfr+tt uR qsrrt q-qrftt.qtini qrlsil tt
oriq\q ffit urufrrqrt+i=qFqtqrqogaqia* r
tilfqdmgt gqefgg+alt eg-.exaolqfiilgnql: tt
Gtq\q nRt qqd{rqrqillftqeqaqqrqqefrg* t
tiR*aryi qrqlqqrtiri agravaorqfiilgnql: tt
+qiftti nfqt qq<rftqrtelaifFqnq-qt{rqiitq\q t
Ebqggqttir gtrefz*il mil ag.anqort{gtfdql€Att
orrtorq,rqtgqAfr+ dli ge.e,Riraf{iTfrniiiI
gqiril qqqfrFnqinqr\ e! +geuaolr$ftqr* tt
daat uati rawg orit ef\+ituatraeexoigtr
e]"efq*qei gqdgtqI qrf,:e{t'iqqifrrgx+ft:tt
q{qt'{frqelqGeratq: *'qfFqafuqlqftangara t
titqfiqrmgilvqtrftrat*fat ef iqeilifiaqqtqt' tt
e.irsgraqiwfirqaftra* qtq sfto] qqqFg flx: I
*-efi+]qsQteqQurtfiqtn:eqtiqiift egr+lt:tt
q*qqre:q{*'fififf ri Affm qqqq{dlq;I
ffiqrd$fit wrorqtft riur disrrsqrtqgt( ll \t ll
Sloka 5L. Note first the planeroccqpyingthe Znd
rhava; next, the planet aspectingthat bhava; tbirdly,
730 qtnTdlilt Adh.xr.
the planet owning it. In the ripening of the dasasof
theseplanets will the perlon concerned get his vtealth
through a source indicated by the Varga attained by
the wnrrfir (Dhanakaraka).
qra qt ilrt ftftqr{ ro{gi t
w wqdgt {qqriiso dq rr\i tl
Bloka 52" When the lord of the Lagna occupies
the 2nd bhava in strength, the person born will pessess
a treaEure If the planet in question be weak and asso,
ciated with a malefic planet, the person concernedwill
suffer the consequence of deception or other trick
practisedupon him.
qafuarqrrsdtrsler wdfrqrtwfqilffl t
ftnsv:d qffirdrqrg( qlt\ gsqilFqfriil n\lfl
Sloha 53. When the planet occupying the 2no
bhava is aepected by a malefic planet and is unfriendly
to the lord of that bhava or in depression or eclipsed
by the Sun'grays, the personborn will suffer pecuniary
loss in the ripening of the dasa of that planet, The
samething happenowhen the planet in question in its
progresEthrough the zodiac becomes powerful for evil.

$gr{qfi qg+{gt qqtnaq}qqtrord r

qgtrftrc.Jfrqi {Tq{ q}emrqrfiqrgrn \s tl
Sloha 54, When thc 2nd bhava is occupied by
many (benefic) planets and the qrffir$r (Dhanakarala) ia
poreessedof atrenglh m occupies its exaltation, a friend,
ly sign or its own house ;fue person born, say the
artrologere, will be getting wealth till the moment of
his death.
sl. 65-5? qsrq{tss{q: 73r
s-{tr{ (Dhanaprada) may also rrean the lord of the znd

itqrdit qlqlhr g* urd q qrilft{ {tft |

qreRtqgrtirni}qilaqi qr( \\
Stoka 55. When the lord of the Znd bhava is in
the Lagna associaredwith the lord of the 3rd, the person
born will get wealth acquired by a brother. If the lord
of the 4th bhava take the placeof the lord of the 3rd
bhava in the abovc,the pcrson concerrtedwill inherit
property from his mother. Generally, wealth comesin
conncction with that bhava whereof the lord occupies
the Lagna in conjunction with the lord of wealth.

iiqpfiir urt oqErtfiqqrisqafr iiqiq t

qmrEdo{rq+artrq aoqor 'Fqtifrftrqr{\E
S/ofur 56. When the lord of wealth occupiesthe
Lagnaand the lord of thrt bhava occupics the Znd,
wealth comesto the person born without any effort at
all. Whatever bhava the lords of the lst and ?nd
bhavasmay together occupy, it is through that bhava
that acquisition of wealth on the part of men usually
ff(i SEGttIqi ghor ftttiqel {ffII q I
*.t g*det q q{ qEEr{trEttqr u \s tl
Sloka 57. When the Moon occupying the Znd
bhava is aspectedby Venus, tire person born will be
rnunificent If Mercury in the 2nd bhava be aspected
by a berefic planet, he will have, be it remembered
wealth at his commandat all cimes.
782 wwrqrM AdL )n.

qqlffi qr ffi ffiqi (fu{ qrt ae sPdHi$qr

qmrtq a€{dr{stfr Er}sdr
iGg wt{frfrr ri,rcp
Sloha 58. Note in what quarrer the lord of the
Znd bhava is; it is in that quarter chiefty that men will
find their prosperity during the dasa period of the tord
of che 2nd bhava:for when moving ordinarily the planet
leadsto the acquisition of wealth in the region indicated.
If it be retrograde ar the time of birth, there will be
acquisition of every valuablething in all quarters.
qlt ornigt or*+$rnrri I
ilrgfr*qfr qr&m{rt €'nfrqr{,rriq rr\q ll
S l o k a 5 9 . I f t h e l o r d o f t h e 2 n d b h a v ab e i n t h e
l l t h a n dt h e l o r d o f t h e l l t h b e i n t h e 2 n d o r t h e 1 l t h ,
or if the lords ol the 2nd and the l lth bhavasf rom the
Lagna occupy a Kendra, the personborn wili be wealthy
and renowned.
qTntqrrt ori arqqdt sqftqa:r
f,fl{ gq(Ezra rrf,rFaqqgFrr{: ll
qil qqqsq 6qtt'fl+rfisqqrt
ortir ftgr-uQaqi il fi;rr{Fr{ 1 Q. tl
Sloka 60. If the lord of the 2nd bhava be in the
12th or the 6th, or the lord of the 12th in the 2nd, and
the planet owning the tlth occupy the 6th, the 8th or
the lZth, the effect will be loss of wealth.
qtt ffit {oEffrtI
ghdi{i o} ft-{nrdqq'frer
n qq rl
sI.61-64 qsrqcfrsqrq;

the lord of the Znd bhava is without strength and the
Lagnais not aspectedby benefic planets,the astrologer
shouldpredict loss of wealth.
oirrrqflrRr€ qiir onnrihi I
ortt qrfior0 ftuqritqqqwqq n ERll
Sloho 62, If the lord of the Lagna occupy the 2od
bhava and the lord of the latter cccupy the l lth or the
lord of the llth occupy the lst, the person born will
get treasureor other valuableproperty.
etirir .{ i{,ze.i is another reading'

o*rqqalTFi{rs q(IlJqiqrrigets
ttfrqiqr.rrErsfitrErfiid,{ir rrtq ti Ql rt
Stoku 63. When the lords of the lst, llth, 2nd
and the 9th bhavashaveattainedtheir highest exaltation
Navamsa,or Vaiseshikamsas(uide Adhyaya I. sl,44'
471,the petson born will be lord of a crore or crores.
Cf. {{iriii.mqft
oainrrqqrlrn, KqlqinRgar:t
tirft,rit ofit nqr+]frairqtd.rt
Rtqffir=sAqiir lffirt t
qrqqu{{€gh Totq€}qiqtl ll EB ll
Sloku 64, When the lord of the Znd bhava is
eclipsedby the Sun's rays and in depression and in a
malefic 60th portion of a sign. the person born will
becomeplunged in debt.
For tbe same eflect the following yogai quoted in at6f61iil.
134 qftriF(TtREfrd Adh.xr.
q|Eqi qsq* q
"qt s +qlqil qqg* fi? r
ur<iqilar gr+d\rr} ;nqrQf\icoRl*qK' tl
g*;gaqnmtiu$rcitqrrqr: I
q{gtfrt}tre*,fi'qeilq1 ll q\ ll
SloAa 65. A person b:comes night,blind when
Venus, the Moon and the lord of the 2nd bhava are
together in one bhava. When the Sun, Venus and
the lord of the lst bhava are invisiblc (beingin that
portion of the zodiacwhich compriscs thc bhrvas from
2 t o 1 , b o t h i n c l u s i v e ) ,t h c p e r s o n c o n c c r n e dw i l l h a v e
eyeeof medium,visual power.
This ( s+ in qm€:) in the liglrt of Sloka 5s of Adhyaya 6
s h o u l db e t a k e n t o r e f e r t o t h e l s t b h a v ao r t h e L a g n a .
cf . qRIdtd+K
gm:ftgfb*,il qgRfifh qt' !ts{tq;sa;{'
q;qtFg: nrtgt<grr{ilfi: q5qqrfi rfdsit: ll
gn"g'otngt taart fi{q-q: qwtqeDg}i I
gilfi qr ontlq gh warilqTd;qi qEqa{retn tl
ftsqftTrnilqsgtil ftWqqfbruiil'Tlnils
crrrstt QQtt
Sloka (,6, If the lords of the lst, 2nd, 7th,9th and
tlre {.th bhavasoccupy the 6th, 12th and the Sth, and if
Venug be associated with the Lagna, the person born
will be blind.
Some books read qd{t:
This sloka appearsin alfld(Qfrvitlr a diflerent reading for the
3rd ct('aa., Rorrqqi;qrrtikilt q1
sl.6?-s9 ttrFrqlftsqrq: 186

fter gertl{gfrRs} atrr*rflqwnqr(rI

qittqtql qR sqqrfi {utq rtrt *qq?+eit€Is qe
Sloha 67. When Venus occupies the Lagna in
conjunction with the lord of the 5th and the 5th bha,
vas,the person born will run the risk of losing his eyes
in consequenceof the displeasureof his sovereign.
When the lord of the 2nd bhava and Mars are ln the
Lagna, professors of astrology declarethe effect to be
cf. qrcmGil
nqrfiarqlnRhfqerqoia adlq faouattt
atq ,{}ti fiitfr+ iaqromlqla{i€qril: rl
x;qnffi gib*agt ti,ft dr g Hrrp t
i* qErqrqrgiqqltqia €t (fr wutiT: tl Ed ll
Sloha 68. When Saturnand lvfarsare togetherin
the 2od bhavawhich is occupiedby its lord in conjrnc-
tion with crFE(Mandi), the effectwill be eye-diseare.
If therebe severalmaleficplanets in the Znd bhavaand
Saturn aapectthe same,the person born will have
dieeased eyes(will be blear,eyed).
This sloka appearsboth in IH{{RT and eel*iii-dtqfi. a rofe'
rence to these two works enablesus to get at the antecedent of
dT in the above slolia as referring to the 2nd bhava.

t}{ri g{si gqgi}gfsQrirI

gqt{ufut qrsfrgq€q( rh q*( ll qq tl
SioA<r69 Wh:n the lord of the Znd bhava is
associatedwith or acpectedby benefic planetsor occu,
pies a Navamsa owned by them, the person born will
have fine eyec.
736 qt(TcrRqft Adh xL

cf. qRffi(6

snfti nl'qqfq gh q-orflqtantQdtt t

t* g\ nqqia{t il ft'qrFqa,n}'qErnqta' tt
qrfrqft$Ur*rgt Tfirt U*R,.d.rtFqt
nariqR*'q{,iffii Erqfufififr3ql
qnr +IEqUwU{qilri u* q qftfqt 11so ll
Sloha 70. When a benefic planet is in the Znd
bhava occupying its exaltationand other benefic vargas,
the person born will be fair-faced. If the Znd bhava
consiet of the vargasof an auspicious planet, he will
without doubt acquire the faculty of speakiogwell. If
Mars aspectedby the Sun cccupy the uawn (Dhanabha'
w), the person gets sTrEI{tq* (Ajyasparsa). If Rahu
aspectedby a malefic planet occupy the 2nd bhava, he
will have to subsist chiefly on the coarse grain called
*qq (Kodrava).
This sloka appearsto have beenpatched up out of two slokas
from qftd{d. The following is the latter half for the 6rst two
qrftt q€flgt grrgi <ilqrRq,iFqt
tie}l qongegqsh qT{nk}fr Bqq.tt
cf , sclifi.{rcft
q.qF{qq sfR?iqfs {}u} fiirsrqTftqadirgqnt qTt
Sq ffftagt q;uTqilt FqFqFgilRfiqii qqsfif,f,Fflt: ll
.IIGcic?iis said to be a kind of Prayaschitta.

oqremWsil St qrrcifkt t
srrqgdsftSftqi trtqF( qqFwl ll \el ll
st"?1-?4 q6r{rfrsqrq; 737

Sluka 71. When one of the two planets-the Sun

or Mars,-occupy the Lagr:a the 7th, the 2nd or the
8th and is aspectedby the other, errcctt{i(Ajyasparsa)
cr risk of fire or small,poxmay happen.
Cornparethe follorving two lines frour "ilr{d{Rfwhich consti-
tute the latter half of the last trvr: lines of the previous sloka.

5i gdsaaraqiq
eit;qFqiq?lrfsdtlaqqqr :,ilenq tt
fieassuqfiarrr\fttag.n fofaqggtr
StE ur 4TRiasdD
rn:zifsiift liqE4oirer
qfidi s€qT+Edqrqtq{ti{i I
*wair ;r(f qlqi(Elirgiburflain sR tl
Sloka 12, When the :ird bhava rs occupied by
m a l e f i cp l a n e t st,h e p c r s o nb o r n w i l l b e u g l y , f a c e do r
foul,mouthed. If tlig bhava be aspect:dby a malefic
planet,he will be fretful; if rire lord of that bhavabe
associated with Gulika, he will be wicked
qggi{Eardnq ilt g€q* qErI
drqffirqrl0 gg€f gqEtftt u uQ11
Sloka 73. S/hcn the lord of the 2nd bhavaoccu-
pies a Kendra, the persorrborn will have a beamingfacc
and be {ortunate. lf the planec be in its exaltation,in
its own or a friendly varga and aspectedby a bencfic
planet,the personwill be fair"f;iced.
qrlirrqir{rW+ q gt€rrEtr;ffiEnrrErr?q+ qI
qr* uili ilar q;rnqr arTqflarftniil{flqggqft uu
?38 qRrcqrftdrt Adh. xI.

Sloka 74. When the lord of the Znd bhavaasso,

ciated with Rahu occupiesa g:eiliT (Dusthhana) and is
in conjunction with the lord of the Rasi occupied by
Rahu, the pereon born will have tooth diseasein the
ripening of the dasaof the lord of the 2nd bhava and in
the eub-periodbelonging to that planet, and a tongue
malady in the sub,period of Mercury.
cf . ;lEr;n{Gt
qrqrqtqeq?rsrt] ngftrrmnlfuqugt
q-dlRiiq: qaqq kvi g.i\ iritqt qqef-'dirSI: tl

qrilr{ttR rrdtrrrrft{sgq.I
EritFr*(ffii Tfirfrmft
,frqTt* ffiarM qtaq. u e\ tl
Slahu 7i. If Rahu and tbe lord of the 2nd bhava
be in conjuncrlon with the lord of the 3rd bhava, the
person born will become iiable to a throat dieeaseof a
severe type. Sun and Saturn in the 2nd bhava
engenderpoverty. Mars and Saturn in the samebhava
produce every kind of disease.

wqdt g{gt il{rt q5ilr*q r

nr6q g (fr dtqeffi nr ttuQ11
Sloka.'16, When the lord of the 2nd bhava is in
the 8th place therefrom in conjunction with Jupiter,
dumbnees will be the consequence. In every casein
which a planet is in exaltation or in its own houre, it
doee not produce the evil referred to above.
Comparewith this the trrst'half of sloka 79 infra"
sl. 77-80 {rsr{tfrssqrq: 789

{FfrWrqt}gftf*d rnrig q I
hls il kslt {r qd n RqqrFqirs
lt qr tl
Sloha 77. If the lord of the 2nd bhava,
and Jupiter occupy the gth bhava from ir, ih. p.rron
born will be destitute of learning. If they be
in a
Kendra, Trikona or in a Swakshetra,
he will have
acquaintancewith somebranch of knowledge.

ftKtigft ftt tr{sqanJ

eiiEr&tS+dil qfira{Tri{qnrr
u uc tl
Sloha 78. If Mcrcury be weak in the 2nd bhava,
the personborn will be killed in a ,Juel.
If Jupiter and
the lord of the 2nd bhava be ugeakin the 2nd
the personconcernedwill have wind dieease.

*ttqq F$F. Ut qqriwqi q qil |

{r${Ri d.qgt fHrtr knft'rt n tqt q irFdttl
Sloka 79. When the lord of the 2nd bhava
pies the 8th placefrom it in conjunction with
the peraon l;orn will be a mure. A person *tuta
eloquent wherr thc lord of the 2nd bhava,
Trikooa or Kendrafrom it in conjunction rrith
a benefic
planetand is also itself benefic.

{r{rM{rt fi.t di {r grdifktI

qw{di{* {tsft {Fql qeilfrrr\ rt co
S/oAa 80. When the planet owning
the Navamsa
occupied by the lord of the Znd bhava istenefic
and is
in its exaltation or aspectedby a bensfic
planet or is in
a qrrtqilirr(Paravathamsa),rhe person borri will Ur.to.
quent and clever.
740 qrdSqtKata Adh, XI.
! ! Y ! l @

! v v v t r v ! v v v t v v t Y w v v v v v v v v Y v v v ! v v r !

*.{ffi qii {h dr{ {ri qft t

qp,rrqtggi qr .rihf,frqtqtr tt <t ll
Slofa 81. A person will becc'mea mathematician
when Jupiter is in a Kendraor Trikona, and when
cury owning the 2nd bhava or Venus is il) exalratiorl'
qm qkqRirErri{rtqfta<i r
qdq g*rf€tH qrfrqatqt ll 41 lr
r^loArt82. A person becomes a machematician
when Mars is in the 2nd bhava in conjunction witir a
beneficplanetand Mercury aspectsthe sameor occuple$
a Kendra.
{ir iTit Wgritiiiqi t
qr({dtdrsqrit a*gfilqilrms ll dQ ll
Stofra 83. When the Sun or Mars bcirig the lord
of the 2nd bhava is aspectedby Jupiter and Venus or
has attained the qRreai{t(Paravathamsa),the person
born will be devotedto the scienceof argttmentatioll'

tqoiqodgfi gir ffiqi'{i t

iiirrugtet uf,*q*ti qiqtr ll 4s ll
Sloha 84. Vy'hen Jupiter in full strength is the
lord of the 2nd bhava and is aspectedby the Sun irnd
Venus, the personborn will becomea grammarian'
cf . iKI4'(q
gil qqrq qatoigh q*'4 Sq q rfpgh t
gh va datris,iqif! qrdtqi: fl;4filqillat( ll
iiltaqftrrl€rqr{ hqtlfr gi qft r
gtq uilEr Et t* qiil{d'{} ll z\ ll
sr 85-89 q6rqTirsrqlq: 14i

Sloha 85. A person will be devoted to Ontology

when Jupiter occupying a Kendra or Trikona is aspecl,
ed by Mercury and Venus, and Saturn is in a qnr.rai?r

ua gt dqrrt afirg ql{rqilFt€gttqii I

g.) util qr dgqTqgbiqr-f,falnq{Fl0t:sr( ll

U qti Erq"{qfuit
ffrarqi,irgdt Erril{€riu\gt rt <Qrr
Sloha 86. A person becomesa proficient in the
six scienceswhcn Jupiter is in a Kendra, Venus hrs
attaineda fhareci{r(simhasanamsa) and Mercury, owning
the Navamsa occupied by the planetin the 2nd bhava
is in a wgti'r (Gopuramsa).
cf . qTftfi(d
qEilTafqlh;q{is,rsit{ gt q nrqr;irrdg} q
sqsrhqar ut iltrt nigdrt r
qd-t uRerequfi qruqd{r*tr c\etl
Slo.trr87. When the lord of rhe Znd bhava has
attaineda Gopuramsa and Venus a paravatamsa,the
personborn will have all his peopleliving rrnder his
protectionand prosperinghappily.
ilrfh iflwfti g grtus qt qln n cd tl
sloko 88. The ratter harf of tbis sloka is missing in arl tbe
manuscriptsavailable and the sloka cannot thereforebe
made our_
gsd q msquc*a{iqiilr1 I
frqrit\ qo{it sruftrt Er
gsrm qRqfft {-S}r( u dqtl
742 wrf,$1rrFdr* Adh. xI.

Sloka 89. The lords of the ?th and the 2nd bhavas
if associatedwith Venus or malefic planets and badly
placed,will causethe loss of one or more wives accord.
ing as one or more planetsare in conjunction with them
in the g:vr< (Dusthhana). But if the lord of the 2nd
or the 7th bhava be strong occupying ite exaltation and
other beneficVargas,only one wife will fall to tlre lot
of the personconcerned

ft,i qrrgifr qreaq{ qt+gffirGqt r
ufuqrnqitfr {rf{gft o}arfqqei
rtrt qrqiifiiqi qa.rilsilils*qqrRu{ n 1o tl
Sloka 90. If the lord of the 2nd blravaoccupy the
Iagna or other Kendra in conjunction wich Venus and
the Moon, the person born will have a silver plate to
eat out of. lf the lord of the gfktuta (Bhukthisthana)
in the above circumstancesb: in conjunction with
Juprter,the Moon and Venus, tltc eatiuqplate will be
of gold. If the lords of the LagLraand the 2nd bhava be
in conjunctionwith Satrrrn,the astrologcr may declare
the plate to be of iron or otber less costly metal. If
Mars aspectedby an evil planet occupy the 2nd blrava
the personborn will haveto suhsiston bad or unwhole'
This as well as the next sloka are found in qlnqi((.

ffiH* uPmrftwlt ElErfrEosrgqsrwrt
ffiqrh qrqiitiqt q g*i qlqrqRit\i iil lrqttl
Slofta 91. When rhe lord of the Znd bhavaasso'
ciated with a malefic planet is io the 60th portione
sl. 92-95 qsrqfrsslmt 748

(Shashtyamsa)termed qrErfr (Davagoi) qqgs (f)andayu,

da) or +ro (Kala) and in a depression Navamsa and
aspectedaleo by a malefic planet, the person born will
be a glutton. If the planet owning the 2nd bhavabe
conjoined with or aspectedby benefic planets,the evil
rnentionedabove will not follow.

u?tnqrig{gi eqlt s{rfgi t

g{qigrffi gs{S{€ rt rr\ tt qRll
Slohu 92. If a beneficplanetoccupythe 2nd bha,
va and the lord thereof be in conjunction with a benefic
planet and if the bhava or the lord of the sameor both
be aspectedby a beneficplanet,the personborn will eat
q{rqu{ a-{t{"frfrqqrsqFqi t
atq(aq(tfstrqqnrqrrdru ql rl
Sloha 93. \\/h; the lord of the 2nd bhava is in
depressionor in conjunction with an inimical planet
and aspectedby a planet in depression,rhe person born
will eat mealssuppliedby another reviling them at the
ndfquraft uiknt ola{iiqi r
fut ahitrTffi:Tg n qBtl
.SloAa91. Ilthe lordof thc gi*-rrra(Bhuktibhava)
be aspectedby the lord of the Lagna, the person born
will eat timely meals; but this will not be the caseif
the giuarq (Bhuktinatha) be in a depression Navamsa
and aspectedby a malefic planet.
€eqnftdiqrqr eilq UFiffit gt ui t
qili g,ia riet qaqritsq{htff q\ rl
114 qRrscrftsfie Adh. XI.
S/oAn 95. -
of palatablefood "when the gfo.arw(Bhukthinarha)is in
an auspicioushousein exaltation,aspectedby a benefic
planet and occupies a bene{ic Erei{r(Shashty,amsa)
as is termed qg (Mridu)
gdt,.ft $qilfr qor& eleftqh qr q€slfh*qTI
gqqQr: ft;qmra ed waq g$sarft+ grqq.ll

Wy,*rlti qt e<ttrErssitqgi
qti"rq,gar Et arqgqqfti irslt 1Qrr
Sloha 96. When the lord of the Znd bhava is
Saturnor in conjunction with Saturn,or is aspectedin
depressionby Saturn,the person born will be continu,
ally eatingin Sraddhas.

itarqqtirqR iqt"i {*;qil niT$l{Inrg* r

twdir qqi qor6r Grrflrfftrieqri\otq*rRrr(qs
ll tfr clltsrlftsrriqqrfiilsrqrqill
Sloku 97. When Jupirer is in a iirarsrriar
sanamsai,Venus in a drgrtn lGopr,ramsa)and the lord of
the 2nd blravabeing possessedof strength occupiesan
tmaia (Iravathamsa),the person born will maintain
an untold number of dependents,
This sloka is also rn .dkt{(fr.

End of the ltrh Adhyaya.

n UftqrC{}TrEs€rfr
^A,dhyaya XlI.
TttE. ultt.uc'fs or.- rrti- -Jnu AND 1'rIl..-h-ti ngaves.

u srq e diqilq$o{ tl
roaerqi(qrwtqirutii t
\a ^Q9
tr{Tq {rrdoq[o50T{rilTFr
qS ildiq{firr( 5qqi1s^rr?tt t tt
Sloka 1. I am going to treat of the following
which are deduciblefrom thc 3rd bhava in the order of
their enumeratio,'r: Ihe welfare of the elder and
youngerbrothers, enterprisg,darir,g,voice, tone, ear,
selectornaments,articles of apparel, steadiness,valour,
strength,edibleroots and fruits.

sdqtqrqq fr+tqi q{l;firllqEqfifiqi q t

fiql{qr qldmilteARtq{tqqrqmq qlql ll
qolqriit:qRqlf\{fr qtq U€qrRgqa*diqt
soqnqi TqilFgneugr\ ililqrqfil[€frrfr{tl
qrdqrt Wi{ q q}6TE{rwq{|
ffi{t{q{Iqt q qrcsrdr qtq[rl{ ll R ll
716 lrknFcrfurr Adh.xll.

Sloku 2. The placewhere a brother can be look,

ed for is the 3rd, the gth, the l lth or the ?th bhava
from the Lagna. In the dasa period of the lord of any
one of the several bhavas named, men may have an
acquisition in the form of a brother.

qEr r6{Tdq ({r irdEtdET il 1 rl
Sloku 3 Find which of these three is srrongeEt:
alz. (1) the lord of the 3rd bhava ; (t) the lord owning
the Rasi occupied by the same; (3) the planetoccupying
the 3rd bhava. The dasa of the strongest of these
planets will lead to the increaaeof brothers.

dt ro€aHi{qf$dq} utq t
M rd qq rrrsfisrTltus (tfdsil I t,l
Sloha 4. If Mars occupying the 3rd bhava be
without strength,the person will have long lifa Il the
cnt (KaraLa) of the uqrrra (Bratrubhava) i.e. Mars be in
the Lagna,the person will be powerful.
{qurnRqiefril qrEfrfi qurfucrll \ ll
Sloho 5. The +no (Karaka)of the 3rd bhavathat
poeitionat the time of
is strongand at an advantageou$
a per6on'sbirth, producesprosperity. The lord of the
3rd bhavaevenwhen endowedwith strengthleadeto
decaywhen in the 10th placefrom the Lagna.
It will be observedthat the latter half of this sloka is merely
an illustration of the general principle enunciatedin XI-4, 8 and
t5 tupru.
sl, 6-f rrqrflsrrq' 141

dffi {rd.rfr*frKqqr r
qrq*ft {qrfi {r xrgifnn il{d ll q ll
Sloha 6. If the lord of the 3rd bhavaand Man
occupythe Sth, there will be loss of brothers' If the
t*o ll-.ts be in a malefic sign or in conjunctionwith
a maleficplanet,they will bring brothers into etisteoce
aod takethem away.
qrtfhil fritatnrrg' I
qnaiil qlq{ql{i} il Hlglqgrqrafinltq: tt

flqd,il rtqtqr** ilqt{rfi qlq(qmd{r I

il{rfi Hq{ {utificlft-qrukrll s ll

1. If the lord of the 3rd bhava and it!
eire (Karaka i.e. Mars ; ztide Adhyaya II' sf' 5t) occu-
py their depression signs or depressionNavansag' or
Le in conjunction with malefic planets or in malefic
60th portions sqtt (Shashtyamsa)of a sign srtrch ": T
(Krura) and others, their influence will be to bring brd'
ih.r, into the world and to remove them
The 6rst rI( reads thus in ntd6(q'

fq,it ,{rfAfqarilgqg* gnifhil r
gtq {€q;'{,lTssfi fiqqnrf}qt tl
748 wraocrRqrf Adh. xrl.
qrg: 6n.rq1qqrefrdQerodFqgsrqil
S:Fqq qftegnFgqerd:sr(;zilaelxrqan,
{:Frrrt{ q};g{{Ua} &q aneqr}
q^rdqil€qrgkqft ql ilrhsfi qr t
ilsTffirqhqrsitqrei frsc{r{ri{ n d tl
Sloka 8. When the 3rd bhava, its arro (Karaka)
or its lord is asscciatedwith a very malefic planet, the
personborn will lose brothers in his early years..
qtEi alslrri qoft.tqrqrilEttlErc1fiGt I
ifar{sRqq{ud q {HcT{rgs€EGTI
{$( il q tl
Sloka 9. If the lord of the 2nd bhava be in ,rear
atrength in the 8th bhava and if the urq*n* (Bhratru-
karaka)be in conjuncrion with a malefic planetand also
with the lord of the 4th place from the 3rd bhava, the
person born, say the astrologers, will have brothers
from a step mother.

]rruarfiqft g{gt *wqf fkrgr

qHFsFf€€qrqi nq€URrnrq t
clli aF( eruttrgvemrltIIIq€sl
dwqr-Wqdi-qi $a qqh sfiErq.!t lo ll
S/ofa 10. If the 8rd bhavabe occupiedby benefic
planets,the brothers of the person born (say the astro-
logers)will have long life. lf there .be maleficplaneto
in the bhavaanclmaleficones aspectit also,the brothers
will die prematurely. The Sun occupying the 3rd
bhava and aroectad by a malefic planet kills the elder
.sl. rl-13 eq'drsqr{' 749

born. Saturn in such a pcsition removes the next

younger brother; and Mars, if in the same position,
dcesaway with all the youngerbrothers.
This and the next nine slol<as lrre also found in f,kTdtiT.

fi*orhi qR qrqdt qdkrnrqgqa{il{q I

grilqqTt€€qrf\ziqfg{rgii ftqqii qqf}ilil t I tl
{iloku 77. If ;r maleficplanet occupya Trikona or
a Kendra from the .3rdbhava, the consequence will be
the loss of the next youngerbrother. If a beneficplanet
occupysucha position,it will redoundto the prosperity
of the younger brotl'rer. If there be a combination of
good and bad planets in the positionsreferredto, the
.effectwill be mixed.
gsQffi dc(sriqg*'qnqroftIalqfi qdla t
fiqlrril€rrTfi6gnfi ili€ qqa{racQftprqillRrl
Sloha IZ. If the lvloon in conjunction with the
lord of the 3rd bhava occupy a g:tqrc(Dusthhana),the
personborn, say the astrologers,will suck the breastof
one, not his own mother. When the lords of the 3rd
and the 4th bhavasare in the latter,the xqvra (Bhratru,
lfiqrilE*ftEtd qtmwqr{ifr qR ;ngqsarq I
fnrailttgcrTr{silifi$g(r €@fitrq n tl rr
Slofta t3. If the lords of the 3rd and the 4th
bhavasbe in conjunction with Mrrs, they l::l to the
birth of an younger brother; if in conjunction with
other planets,there may be no youngerbrother. Saturn
in the 3rd bhava brings about the loss of the next born;
760 qrilt6qrft'Jfrt Adh. XH.

the brotherg that follow.

w€wrfi oGn Rqr\s{uat sasrr&ntI
rqw: qr( $qrttesqt et* tr tB tl
Sloku 14. If the lord of the 3rd bhava occupy ao
invieible sign or be in the ?rh bhava in conjunction
with a malefic planet, the person born will have one
younger brother and no more. The gamewill be the
caseif the lord of thc rrr{qr{ (Bhratru,bhavr)occupy a
male ei {Varga) in a visible sign and be alao in con,
junction wirh a maleficplaner.

g gq{it ilqr$fi qrqt

srq{ qR qrfitorrrirrqrgt;q-*rfrlqil r
ftrq$ gqtqifrrdgi*.dlaffit
q{rsnRrffiifu {qt$rfoqqr{ lt t\ tl
.Sloha 15. If the lord of the 3rd
bhava be Ia a
malesign (aide Adhyaya l, S/. l3), the owner of the
horoecopewill have a your.tgerbrother born after him,
If the planet in question should tje associatedwith or
acpectedby Venus and rhe Moon in an even sign, or if it
occupy a Kendra or Trikona identicalwith an auepiciouc
sign in conjunction with or aspectedby a benefic planet,
the after-born brother will b: long.lived, healthy and
continuously happy.
t*rcrnqil1 ilgA €irnt qM r I
rrfrsrq]q;ilrq<rsilftilitirRrrilsqil il-t{ n tq tl
Slola 16.- lf the lord of the 3rd bhava be in the
I"agnaor in conjuncrion with its lord, the child born
ncxt to t}re native will be securefrom danger. If the
sl. 17-18 tqfrsqpr: tl6l

*"" - oc-*, tt,r *4 -

", \\
gq{ttaq{-dqdTs$€cil T{Fd I
q€qrqaftqgllcnrfsqqFil(qu! 11ls ll
Sloha A personmay have as many elder born
as there are planets in the I I th and the t2rh bhavas
from the Lagna taken together. The after,born will be
as many ae the number of planets in the 3rd and the 2nd
bhavasfrom the Lagna.
Trqq[ril{R*frilgm ffiqffi qqEr
ilEuft*€qqrsgsmiGnirs {rtfr T{ |
q-tfr qG ilqqgftS{rrffie qrngiil{
q{rsn qdtl
n s{FilewRu{frnswtgcrmt
S/ofra 18. The gistersand brothersthat a persoD
mayhaveborn after him will be as many,at all eventa,
as thereare planets in his horoscopeconjoined with
the lord of the Tr{}rriT(Bhratrubhava,)its urrc (Karaka),
the planetaspectingit and the one occupyingit, provi-
ded out of thesefour an accountis taken only of those
that may predominace in strength. If the four planetr
alreadymentioned be depressed, eclipsed or in an ini,
micalaign, their influence witl be to do away with
everybrotheror sisteras they are born. In casethese
planetsbe friendly and posseosed of strengtb, they
securelong life to every one of the person's youoger
brothersand sieters.
* qt{qd qqr
nwnnrso{d trqilil flqtftur*oql t
762 qnnoc|nqrA Adh. XII.

tatr q-oq€*q€{sn $enir{ndqur

qtrdililc€ifEraqgsqtrff{aqrgqr! || qq ||
Sloha 19. If two out of the 4 planets,viz. the urq
+n+ (Bhratru,karaka),the lord of the 3rd bhava, the
planet aspectingthe last-mentioned bhavaand the one
occupying it - if two out o{ thesefour planetsbe strong,
their preservativeas well as destructive influence on
the bhavawill be equal. If three of the four planetsbe
strong,they will causea slight diminution in the num,
ber of brothers. If someout of the three strong planets
be leminineand occLrpybad places, they would add
slightly to the number of younger brothersand sisters
possibleunder the othcr iroroscopic conditions and the
number of such aftcr-born will be the number of whole
Navamsastraversedby the lord of the xrqrrrtt(Bhratru,
bhava)in the sign it is in.
qi\+ €q{Ert ?Trqilii}qi qoq.I
qef,rqd elircnilHft! {tws {Tils il Roll
Sloka 20. Ascertain how many planetshavebene-
fic dots in the 3rd place from Mars in that planet's
Ashtakavarga. From this list deduct those that are
inimical or depressed. The remainder will give the
aggregate number of brothers and sisters to be born
r,rT*dqeid\ ilTfi 1iq€qfnft
dqirsqi arci xneugq{* u Rt u
Sloha 2t. The lord of the qTEITIET(Bhratrubhava)
and Mars occupying a sign owned by a femaleplanet
and capableof causingthe birth of brothers and sistere
will provebeneficialto the brothers: The sameplanets
occupying a sign belongingto a male planet under the
sL.22-24 Er(qfrs.qFqr 763

same circumstances will be auspiciousto the sisters

that the Jatakawill have.
didrqrqrgEttrturgt ft urgutiiorrq t
naJqfrorqgiftqlil: qa(t ffiKfrsaTail
iq rt 11 ll
Sloko 72. If the 3rd bhavafrom the Lagnabe con-
nectcs by a femalefrr (hora) i.c. the Moon's, or
occupiedby a femaleplanet, the pcrson born will have
a sister next after himself. If the conditions be other.
vrise, i.e., the hora of the 3rd bhava or the planet
occupying it be male, the person concernedwill have a
brother born immediatelyafter irim.
$tt[s {Ttqrqt{nqqiiae dRqel t
{sffiresffiiqi Rrffirr;il{{rrgq lt il ll
Slaha 23. The +rr+ (Karaka) of the $rrqlTrq (Bhra,
trubhava), its lord, the planer aspectingit, and the one
occupying it-these four are beneficial or otherwise in
their dasaand antardasaperiods.
EcqlftqrftwiTmtirdu Rgoftuenn RBtl
Sloka 74. Asccrtain rhe Navamsaattained by the
four classesof planetsexplainedin the precedingsloka.
Take away from them those amsasthat representdepres,
sion, inimical and eclipsed Navamsasand doublethe
swakshetraand exaltation Navamsas. The result will
representthe number of the afCer-borns.

Thefotlowingslokatr"J#il; givesanothermethod:
qolnrdurqfFqniql ,i}qrFqat{iq $qt1dt} r
nqlqri{ q ntq ,ft"q Bqrq€dqH(qr:tqq lt
qt€nrad Adh; XIL

Find the number signified by ( t ) tt Navamsa occupied by the lord

of the 3rd bhava (2) the Navamsa occupied by Mars and (3) the
Navamsa where the lord of the 3rd house' from l\Iars is posited.
Add theseand take a third. This will represent the numher of

Eftarcurrfrur {tq r
o}ttgqsktqn qrrftEgqqilf u R\ tl
Sloha 75. It is with reference to the ?th place
from the xrqrilir (Bhratru bhava) in a person's horoscope
should ao astrologer make a prediction regarding his
brother's wife. Thc planetsthat inf luencethe brother's
fortunes for the worse or the better are (l) the lord of
the Lagna(2) Mars and (3) the lord of the llrd bhava.
q.,fi;qftefrgdg {ilflqt
unFltr qRt qRffit' t
w"nr;qi'*uqqtqiefr qCITai
ulqql ffiqt a itlTrqqrgrn RE tl
Slohu 26. There will he much fraternal affeclion
amongthe brothers ,:f a person ii the lord of the xrqrrra
(Bhratru bhava) in his horoscope be in conjunction
with the lord of the Lagna. If these two planetr,
being naturally friendly and possessedof Btrengthat
the same time, occupy the Lagna or the 3rd bhava,
asttologerssay there will ba no partition of property
among the brothers (during their life time).
This as well as slokas 27, 30 and 32 appear in TRF[-(€.

olugqatqsl ff qtt?H;fr;qffi q*
q qRn giurrrilg{d r
6t 87-99 rrqrtsqrq: 756

mqfr{aq[qr({oi eqFrq$wi
dq tt Retl
Sloha 27. If the lords of the Lagnaand the 3rd
bhava be weak and mutually inimical, or if the planet
occupying the 3rd bhava and its ort+ (Karaka) be weak
and occupy a g:tsri (Dustbhana),the astrologeris to say,
there will arise at the time when the dasa (wo'Paka)of
the weak, inimical or ill-placed pl.rnet maturesitself,
quarreland confusion along the brothers, their ruin,
waste of wealth, culminating in rankling feuJ or closing
reconciliation and other such events according to the
nature of the planets associated with those that bring
about a breach among the brothers.
gtEtsgi g* argtuutinq(r
{fu} gi ukt gE€{t{sti
iriq tt Rdll
Slohu 28. When Venus aspectedby Jupiter occu,
pies the 3rd bhava, the person born will devotedly
cherishhis brothersand sisters. If Mercury occupying
the 8rd bhava be aspectedby the Sun,he will alienate
the affection of thos'3that would otherwise be friendly.
cl'. nkFfiI-+Kq

{l(€e: fl€n,} qg: q€qR}aqq:ll

qffiTi utqiirmurrglllq ll
finqt qq{R{:rrrt
Slok{t 29. [f the planet occupving the 3rd bhava,
its lord, or its +tto (Karaka)be in depression,in an ini.
mical bouse or in a g:ani (Dusthhana), the astrologer$
say, there will happen in the dasaand antardasaperiod
of a planet such rs has been deocribed,loss of weahh
758 wriri[qrRqre Adh. xII.

and energy, discomfiture or the death of a brother or


uitt$rdt fqfiuq ttdcTaffiTdirqar

ilqqrG ufr S qwimqifiroriqiq I
rcG ($Tffc qm&{ qtq q ffif}i
nfr {r-Cgietq q qgfrmwaitrs,rEr
l io tl
Sloha 30. Subtractthe figuresfor the lord of the
3rd bhavafrom thosefor the lord cf the Lagna. When
Saturnarrivesat the asterismindicatedby the remrinder
in the abo';e process,the astrologer is to divine the
deathof a brother or sister of the person bcrn. Again,
from the figuresobtainedabove,subtractthe figuresfor
the lord of the 10th bhavaand Mars. The resuk indi,
catesrhc Rasi which when Saturn occupies,a sirnilar
event is likely to take place. Thirdly, add rhe figures
forlthe 4 planets mentionedabove; when Saturncccu,
pies the *tt (Amsa) denoted by the aggregate,the same
event may happen.
(gied: fl€'tzr(qfi is the reading adopted in rlddtq instead of
{Fzf,-g qiqTari in the 3rd qtr of this sloka.

qt gfr tTiqra1q1q€.
(ilTstarEErrrgffilqffqrq€t{qrftat t{T( il lt tl
SioAa 31. Find out the Drekkanaindicatedby the
sum total of the figuresfor the four pianets connected
with the (xrqrrr<-Bhratrubhava)3rd bhava. When Ju-
piter passesthrough the sign owning the Drekkana in
que$tion, astrologers sayr there may be the loss of a
brother or sister. Find tlre asterism indicated by the
$um total above referred to. The dasaperiod of the
sl. 32-33 rr{ttrsqrqt ?8t

planet presiding over the star will be greatly productive

of happinessand prosperity to the younger brothers.
rrqs$efifrd'q sfrrdtYfi*t st
srkrargsnwtfqfigd qrSew'iuiq t
qailqnq-{,iq$eui qi}sgir ,qrqt n lR tl
Slolta 32. Subrractthe figuresfor Rahu from thoce
for Mars. When Jupiter passesrirrough the triangular
signs indicatedby the remainder,there may be the logo
of a youngerbrother or sister. Subtractthe figuresfor
Mars frorn those lor Rlhu. When Jupiter passer
t h r o u g ht b c p a r t i c u l a rR a s i a n d N a v a m s ac o r r e s p o n d i o g
t o t h c r c m a i n d e rt,i r e r cm r v b e t h e l o : s o f a n c l d e r b r o ,
t h e r o r s i s t c r . F i n d t h e l { a s i c o r r e s p c n . l i nrgo t h e s u m
t o t a l o f t h e f i g u r e sf o r t l r c l o r d s o f r h e r i s i n g s i g n a t t h e
time of birth or conccption and of the 10th bharn.
Jupiter traverse s this llasi, the birch of a younger
broth,:r or sister mav ' b,i rrxDeCtrtd.
I r r t i r e i a s t q r l t l r e r i ; r , i i : r ' 1r l ) . r ri i , j ' . r i s s l i q l r t l y t l i r l e r c r r t , r . r f a .
ftffiriQq* drq rnpr qrqdgilr
q{{Aii q{i{tal gqti1i rfl i{}( p QI tl
S / o h r r 3 3 . W i r c i r r i r : l o r d o f t h e j r d b h a v ab e i n g
in exaltationoccupiesthe Sth bl-ravain conjuncrionwith
a malcfic planet in a moveabie sign ancl in a Navamsa
owned by a moveablesign, the personconcerned will
be firm at the prosp.c! of b.:ttlc.
I n t h i s c o n n e c t i o nc c n r p a r , t)h e f o l l o n ' i n g y o g a sg i v e n i n : n * f . 1 f i . .
768 qrirltrRqr(r Adh. IfiI.

nlqlftt ffi'rt qord h-qg*il oil fi*qg! 1

pfx+,$te'Itstt \frft+,itg€q:H{t{: ll
gqrfirerfiqq\ qfrq' {i{4rt *'qgh edi r
?qrfr*i* qetoig* sia* 4I UttT:R qlt: tt
ffih qodi* {TTrrgqurigi r
grrenfi.rrntiiiqt ftaiEl u iB tl
Sloha 3+. If, whcn the +R* (karaka) of the jtd
bbavais either weak or associatedwith a malefic60th
portion of a sigrr,the lord of rhe samebl-ravabe either
aspectedby or in conjunctionwith a beneficplanet,the
personborn will prove victorious in war.

fiqtftt rtrggisr{nq.qri?Ttqrqu}{.ilarr
gurudr*qf{ ffirqi qirrqri}r(
cttrt[-.it(rtKllrtrri{{iq: w{Rr{t{QlpttE{trt(t
(Tq i
srqKft g:Fqqflqi g d;qus\qq irsa{qtqr lt lq ll
qsi q+{rr{rrqq,gg*sftiiirisiurdgiqr( |
qltdqi Er(wrwg6 *.-lilqi qrflqgi atq rr le tl
Slolas 35*37. If rhc lord of the 3rd bhavabe
associated with the Sun,the personborn wiii be valiant;
i f w i t h t h e M o o n , h e w i l l b e f i r m . m i n , . l , : d i;f w i r h
M a r s , h c w i l l b c d e p r a v e d ,s c r l s c l e s sa n d i r r i t a b l . ; i f
with Mercury, l-rcwill be cndorveCwith an excellent
u n d e r s t a r r d i n ei ;f w r t i i J u p i t e r ,h c w i l l b e w i n n i n g o n
accountof his stt:adyvirtu,:sand thoroughly conversant
with the truths of all tire s;icnces; if with Venus, he
will be subjectto carnalapp:tite and will cleverly pur-
su,3quarrelsand intrigues into which his lustful impulse
m a y l e a dh i m ; i i w i t h S a t u r n , h : w i l l b : s t , , r p i d; i f
sl,.3MO erq*E$ffi 7ffi

with Riahu, he will bc a great coward; and lastly if

with IGtu or Mandi, he will suffer from the torpor due
to heart-disease and will be outside the pale of othet
Thesqas well as slol'as 38, 39 and 4l are also ir: cK;6(Qt'

ot gt ftqilqgk qsqtErqtqq-qk Sfrt t

rrEtTi il qoflRloi qoqqtt qgiR eilil ll lc tt
.S/ofta38. If Jupiter occupy the Lagna in conjunc'
tion with the lord of the 3rd bbava, the peroon born
has to apprehend danger from quadrupedsor from kine
chiefly. If the Laqna be a watery sign, he will be
exposedto risk from water.
c/. sloka 44 infra.

gqq gk €q\ qfut qi?iqo rrlag3i(ifr |

qio$ ffiqtr ll lq ll
Sloko 39. lf the planet associated with Mars
pos$ess the highest strength, the perscn born will pos'
ses$ courage, strength arrd wiil enjoy the pleasure
derivable from music. lf thc 3 planets, 1rie.Mar$, the
planet occupyinqthe 3rd bhavaand the lord thereof,be
in grcat strength, the person concerned will be a hero
in battle.
iqf rqrqnqansrtqt*sqnqguorRftwqt
qr{gilGarq ll Bo ll
Slota 40. At the time the three planetsmention-
ed in the previous sloka have their crv-trt(Apahara) or
cm rPaka) laide Adhyaya 18 infra) of a dasa, will
come the enjoyment of fruits, roots and other Eweet
760 q6r5qrnql| A dh. XII

edible thingo, edifying speechessuch aEit is a pleasure

and privilege of the auditory organs to hear, ,rrd h"ppy
events re*rlting in the accessionof brothers,:sisters,
song, daughters,etc.

{tft{s} Tdt {r{ilft\ frrqqdq^i rorFqi r

ffq3ftgrrqilltrtqrrru c srcdtn Bt tl
Sloko 41, lf the lord ol the 3rd bhavahas attain
ed beneficvargasand is stror)g,the personbornlwill be
virtuour; bur he will be rash if that plancc be in
depre'ion or eclipsedor occupyan inimical or malefic
rign and also associatedwith a malefic planet.

firqfftt ilSnt-nrfu{mihtilgg?rffi r
wk{ ffirnt g+{ gt rr€fr.r{Rqr( tf BRtl
Sloha 42. If the lord of the 3rd bhavabe in con.
junction with the lord of rhe -sign occupied by
and if the la*er be in the Lagna, d,rnler har to be
dreadedfrom a snake. if Mcrcury be in conjunction
with the lord of the lrd bhava, the personborn wilt
ruffer from an ailmencaflectirrgthe throat.

frtrrq r
$ 1{i
rlnfq; ilggt irn6r gir<naiioe 6ognrlt1 Bl rr
8l.oha 41. When a maleficplaner in conjunction
with Mandi or som* such othcr plnn.t .ccupiesthe 3rd
bhava, ascrologerspredicc the diseaseof thi
saturn possessed of .bundantstrengthbe in conjun.riSr,
with Mars in the 3rd bhava,thc p"r..,n born, they
will be liable ro the irch.

. t .i:;,: , ,, ,roro.
tldde atsoAdhya5,a
sI.44-4? ilrqtilsnqrq: ?61
€ - t - - - '
# . v - t - - - t

tr*trgs udqfr.ilrrtffi t
ilgun qr sfrril=ilTRftqgfl qlt ll 88 lt
Sloha 44. The lord of the 3rd bhavaand Jupiter
occupyingthe Lagna in coniunction with Rahuor the
lord of the eign occupiedby Rahu point to risk from
c/. sloka 38 supra.
qsil Rrqqft{ot*n1 riq t
ll 8\ ll
fttsfrftqt {fr ftqndr RqG-o,(
Stoka 45, The lord of the 3rd bhava associarcd
with Mercury will occasionthe diseaseof the throat,
If a maleficplanetin the 3rd bhavabe in its inimicalor
depreesionsign, lossof brotherswill regultfrom poicon
or other cause.
gtr ilii fdftri il ffitrfr ror{gtq r
ffi qFrFrfut Ersr6qiqrcdttft luqll
Sloka 46. If the 3rd bhavabestrongand be either
occupied or aspected by Mercury and Jupiter, or if
Jupiterand Mercury occupya Kendrain respectto the
3rd bhavain question,the person born will poEsecs
exceedinglyfine voice.
Et-dtfug* frrqtqrfff\t t
ilfrt srrtgt {stft,ftt Etq.tt 8s ll
Stoha 47. When the 3rd bhava is occupied aE
well as aepectedby a benefic planet and when the lord
of that bhava ie in conjunction with a benefic planet,
the astrologermay declarethe acquisition of an ornament
for the ears.
78tz crdEqdtfte Adh. xtl.
g* ililt qR dfhfi g qt+soqtqwfqEi.ilr
trtqnisq{ fiht qt qgrqr{rsi{il& u Bd tl
Sloha 48. When Venue is in th: 3rd bhava.the
ear ornahent will consist of a pearl if ir be
; Jupiterr
the ear ornament wiil be a Tulasi, i. e. oI the form
Tulaai leaf; if it be the Sun, the ornrr"n, will
be a red
Etoneset iq a ground of blue; if it be the lvloon possess,
ed of abundantstrengrh, there will be a multipiicity

Thetatterhatf of ,,r,. .r)*oJ.""]ros

thusin qn*drd.
qrirg Fq;qghcdtt sruqrftoqri
ffi sti $qt* ftRrrqrofqiq r
iltqfrdq{,fo fuqqTqrof
uq(ri Bqfl
Sloha 49. If Mercury occupy the 3rd bhava,
ear ornamentwill be dark,green; it will be variegated
when the 3rd bhava is a sign owned by Mars. fin.o
the lord of the 3rd bhava in the last-mentionedcase
in its own varga or exaltation, the
ornament will be
c/. vro+w
vd g.nwi g nl+ lqrri qinFfliaqgg*r
qrqQqirqnWqft ftrqqii aqt
H {qqqiiqftwi frrq Sid ot( r
{iqial q{H{!q|ut g*igqqHfi
qrdt qtqqnq{qqrttqiqilg+ftfirrt" rr
Slofta d0. S/hen the lord of the 3rd bhava
pying the 10th or the 4th ( ? is
) in a benefic sign and
sl. 61-55 ArEtfrsrqmr

in conjunction with a benefic planec, the personborn

will get ao article of attire incomparablybeautiful. If a
beneficplanet be in the 3rd bhava, his wearing apparel
will be of a superior kind. Venus and the lord of the
3rd birava when possessed of abundantstrength produce
abundant clothing and decoration; when associated
with or aspectedby Mercury and Jupiter, they secure
the advantagesof listening to sweet discourses on reli'
gion and nrorality.
as well as sloka 52 appear in ;iir{{{d-

tqiffi fr6it fi-qqaqqiqr*t

tiki srgil i,tfruwilqh ll \q ll
Stoha 57. A p.rtot will be courageousif at his
birth the lord of the 3rd bhava occupies an auspicious
Navamsaor is either aspected by or in conjunction
with a benefic planet,or is in a Vaiseshikamsa(*ifiota)
( v i t u S u p r a . A d h y a y a1 - S l . 4 4 ) .

*qilR qrqgefttil gra{FlitdfinuiA t

*;nfuirfrs{+d$i siiht irrqR Q{trrd ll\1ll
Sloha 52. If the lord of the 3rd bhava occupy a
(g:ern; Dusthhana (6ch, 8th or lfth) and be either
aspectedby or in conjunction with a malelic planeq,the
per$onborn will be lacking in courage. But if the lord
of that bhava occupying a Kendra or Trik:na bg either
acsociatedwith or aspectedby a benefic planet, the
peroon concerned will be endowed with courage.

{'fftt qftsta g* qrwt *{RrutrtgrI

*l'(mt'ffit qsr&*qtfrqj,rinrgoutt{3
784 smscrRwrt Adh. XII

malefic sign in conjunction with Mars, ir will brced

cowardice in the person born. But if the lord of that
bhava possessstrength and occupy a Kendra or Trikona
in conjunction with Venus, the person concernedwill
be endowed with superior courage and shine conspi.
cuously by his great capacity for enjoymenr.
gs fr{rw Frntilo{R*{rir qt r
(tfr g€trqq n \B tl
Sloka 54. When a benefic planet other than ye,
nus and the Moon occupies the 3rd bhava and is in a
benefic Navamsa,the person born will have palatable
food at his command.
qt{q ilftrErrrrnqrurd€
dtqlf\t qR srffiGft qr I
ft*r(sluruatrqfri qsrd
qrd((Isqso{otqfrql qq il \\ tl
Sloha 65. If the lord of the 3rd bhava occupy a
Raci, Navamsaor Drekkana owned by Jupiter, or be
aspected by that planet, and if Mars occupy in great
etrength a Kendra or Trikona with respect to the lord
of the 3rd bhava,the person born will be fond of roors,
fruits, radishesand syrups.

frffirP{.r grl ttHq{q{Et t

t*q grfit qr( grmqR qrc'srqlt \q tl
Sloha 56. Venus in the 3rd and the 6th bhavas
caqsessorrorr diseaseand danger. The sameplanet in
the gameposftion may becomebenefic when rn aclvance
of the Sun (when appearingas an Evening star).
sl. 6?-6,9 erqrilwqrq; ?66

Sameas Adhyaya8, Sl. 67.

gtgrst vd qrt ftqgttut t

qor€T€t {r ifiKfiIr qeru ll \s ll
Sloha 57. If in the 2nd bhava the lord thereol
becomeassociated with Jupiterand Venus,or being in
conjunction with or aspected by a benefic planetbe
powerfully aspectedby another benefic planet, the
personborn will dispensefood to many.

ft't d{ qt u* ftqq€ftttt}rtt
nt qtMir {r gqufurA,{inu \6 tl
Slofra 58. When a benefic planet in its exaltation
in the 2nd bhava is aspectedby another benefic planet
or when the lord of the aforesaid bhava has attained a
tt&oit (Vaiseshikamsa),the personborn will become
the giver of food and happinessto many.

il sTqqg{}Trqsoq u
r$il ftqrqiqtgqrfi gwurfu;gqiqqft t
qdqqrnRffiEtrFrqgd,Tr{{wrftilt{rf u \3, ll
Sloha 59. The acquisition of learning, the welfare
of the mother, happiness, sweet-smelling subatanceo,
kine, relations, mental attributes, royal vehicles, Iands
and houses ariee from the 4th bhava,sav the sapieat
cl. sld;n{<f
g{Eq€ ffgg(rgq;q qri q g&Rg* {if\a r
fiqr q fiReqqqFaITtq€qIqdql q1(nqr dlq. tt
786 qRtsqrKwRr Adh. xII.

frqrrrfifiqqfrgt fr*qg+f{t {r
qrfr frqriiaqqgq{;(uftqfut t
grfr eTqqwqGt
Rqrdqiwfi ugwrqrqilfirlqtin u Qotl
Slrrftc 60 When the Rasi representing the 4th
bhava is occupied by its lord or is either aspectedby or
agsociatedwith a beneficplanet, the person born will
be amiablefor hir learning and humility. The same
will be the casewhen Mercury is the strongest. If the
lord of the 4th bhava occupy a g:€nrT(Dusthhana)or be
asscciatedwith or aspectedby a malefic planet,.the
person concernedwill be devoid of learning. The same
will be the result when the lord of the 4th bhava is in
a maleficRasi.
This as well as the next two slokas are also in ;rlil4t$.

ftqruHqqilff ((rqr l vqilawrglfuei:

frqEqfttudiqquil atqrRrnErqf( r
*qqdqeiit*uruarrp t.dRrnril qR
*M*qqriiufufrguil trqrftnqfiqstt qq ll
Bloha 61. If the lord of the 4th bhava, Jupiter
and Mercury be in the 6th, 3rC, 12th or the 8th place
from the Lagna, or if they b: in depressionor inimical
rigns,.the effect of the yoga will be to makethe P3reon
borq devoid of learning, intelligence and judgment.
But if these planets be in their exaltation or cil
(Swakshetra)or ia a Trikona or Kendra position, the
perEonborn will be perfect in the combination of such
advantagesas fortune, learnrng and education,and will
becone a favourite of kings and emperors.
sl.6A-64 ffistqrq,

gh sitti; qR qr {drrgdrstiqi rirrnilqgfr l

qgst qEdt dotd qrgfu{tg; (gqtadiell ERll
Sloka 62. When Venus hasmost power or when
the Moon occupyingthe benefic portion cf a sign in a
Kendra is aspectedby a b,eneficplanet and the 4th bha,
va has amplestrength, ascrologerssay the mother will
have long life'
Itegarding the Iongevity or otherwise of the rnother, sfr1{ft11q
has the following sloka.
r{I{6rn}1u-4} eueag€q;dFq gqrfqga}
ael gs] g\A<v vft g*i*'iEqqTliqqlnl I
q€i as mqriefiR aargnqgsdqrg-
qG flfa+ qnflr:qeqfig: tl
ft} vruqrqlrTq
qreqrirfqtqt qi Er{o{fqi I
oir qri qH€U
qrEil{ Etaqrir ql rr
Sloke 63. When the lord of the 4th bhava is in
the 6th or the 12th and without strcngrh,and when the
Lagna is occupiedby and aspectedby a male{ic planet,
a shrewd 4strologermay predict the loss of the mother.

Ihe fotlowing sloka ,.}rtTl*.. regarding

tossof mother
will be of interest:

€'r,i qqq(af,+gQfi{rqrr}airg"ar}
g:r\ mqmlRqaq{t qft q ac&at
alt e-Eiduarftfrga q-aq itd qt( tl
dir q-i.et qt 6qt qTq1qdgiI
qrd* qrq{tstqrqqr,iid
q{{q:il qu tl
qrifsrTtRqrt Adh"xII.

Sloka 64. When the waning Moon is asgociated

with a maleficplanerin the 8th,6th, or the lZth bhava
and when the 4th bhava is occupiedby a malefic planet,
there will be loss of the mother undoubtedly.
fft flqq€?atlfuit
qrcndftfrGt( u q\ tl
Sloka 65. When Saturnin the 4th bhava is arpect,
ed by a malefic planet and when the lord of the 8th
bhavaoccupiesdepression or inimical house,the agtro'
loger may predict the loss of the mother.
qr{STqtqft qrflittsftffi r
qA qrqwrs+
wfr.i ftfrq+( ll Eqll
Sloha 66, When a maleficplanet is in the 3rd or
in the 5th bhava, and when the iord of the 4th is in
depressionor in an inimical sign, and when the Moon
is aerociatedwith malefic planets,the astrologer may
predict the mother's ailment.
d*q tRer$wRnr'fr
-TfiM silitqrpr
fta uirPet
{rrqrftt{ (ffi qR qrfirql
dqqlUfr Gilasqr fr?is'tlt tt qs h
Sloko 67, The lord of the 4th bhava occupying
the 9th bhava in conjunctionwith the lord of the 6th
hasthe effectof maling the fathera voluptuary. The
lord of the 4th bhavaoccupyingit in conjunctionwith
the lord of the 9th producesthe same effect upon the
q'qrilfrftil{m+ftgq aqftqrrdt
qrdirilfGitiufii 'Iwilerril qd ll
sL08-?r (tntseqrcr ?60

Sjola 68. The lords of the 6th and the 4th bhavas
in the 9th bharra produce profligacy in the father. If
the lords of the 4th, 9rh,6rh and the lct bhavas be
togetherin one bhava,the personborn has beenbegot,
ten in the motherby one other thanher husband.
rnntt qrqstw* ffi {r qRffi r
qG nrst ilil ilr uqR qrflrrditflqtl
Tt gt il
Sloha 69 If the Moon be asrociatedwith as well
aE atpectedby a malefic planet or if the Sun occupy a
Kendra poeition arrd if the 4th bhava be either marefic
or aspectedby a malefic planet,the person born will be
guilty of incest with the mother.

qA U,il{r W qm}Eqna*r r
qr{rrrqlqfr ErIfeERqr{ft so ;1
Tt gt
Sloha 70. Wheo the 4th bhava is representedby
a malefic Rasi and the Moon or Venus occupying a
Kendra is aspectedby a malefic planer, the percon born
will commit incest with the mother or becomeaddicted
to the wife of a venerableelder. The same effect is
producedwhea the Moon and Venus happcn to be in a
malefic 4th bhava and are arpected by a malefic planet.

g€A snri+ qA qrdrs;*gfir

6qnrqRxfr|Tri!;( (qqiirqs! il el tl
Sloha 71, If the Moon occupying the 4th bhava
be in conjunction with Mars and the lord of the 6th
bhava,the mother of thc person born will have had
intrigues with another The Sun and Rahu in the 4th
bhavawill make the mother incontinenu
v'n rtrdqi Adh.xll.

rrg+gqtgir atfi iqqr t

q?EgtC qiur trta $qqtrmll sl lr
(ffi qf{fur{fr+qtfts{rnr t
*i q.nr gqnt{g$til.sdi qiE tt \tl ll
Slolas 72-73. When the Moon, in the porition
deacribed in sloka 71, is associatedwith (1) Rahu or
Ketu,the mother intrigues with a low'born Person;
(2) if wich Saturn,the intrigue is with a Sudra; (3) if
with Mercury,it is with a Vaisya (4) if with the Sun,
the paramourwill be a Kshatriya;(5) if with Jupiter
or Venus, the lover will be a Brahmin. The Moon
aecociated with Mars and the lord of the 6th bhavain
the way describedwill produccthe effectspecified in
the severalcases'
In this conttection, compare the follovving f rorrr-{f'T{rG.

sElciksqqEr+ qrtxrtgrgt gqFt I

qfifht qrqgrrrqi
qr ;n{rRqBaqrsqFqisfq
are& {Egt sqrqnta\qrfi fsqr+\qt
qriTr;qflsrgq+rrfiqrqqg.nfimftlnldq rr
gQt.itorrrd q€Id gfi=1*<rruFfral aEr
iifr*,irt gq?|efrilqfiqatds {AFHia*ll
,rqr{q}rita+} sile} +di nRft qE dtsqor r
qta grt sfr dtqqoliria fii6t dlf{gqgt tt
{6qrFqtafruerfrgqr e'iEagt faqgg4at
{fr: gtarfi aqrfi}q qr.q'i dle{qr Hil{ ll
q?ilsftsqlrrls mg+{i il(qr;qt;qqli utft t
nfr*gtffirt wrd ll eBll
st. ?4*?? Etqthsql*, 771

position in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd bhava

forces the person born to suck the brerst of a woman
other than his mother If the lords of the 4th and the
9th bhavas be in a grwra (Dusthhana)and the lor.dof
the LagnaI :rong, the yog:, will lead to the death of
the parents.
This as well as slokas 79 80, 86, g8, g9 & 90 appearin qp6{,q6.

fieEqhttgr&olt {odgt I
Hnfrewt urq frq-il(ffisqil n \e\ tl
S/:ta 75. When the lcrd of rhe lOrh placefrom
the Rq{rs (Pithrubhava 9th) is in a g:rqr.r(Dusthhana)
and the lord of the Lagna is possessed of strength, the
person born is either to become the bane of his pareJrts
or has had no dtc;frrir+rr (Seemanthasamskara).
ilRrrffi qR r
qmritil ft €ilTrtq rreEtl
Sloko 76. Il the lords of the 4th bhava and rhe
Lagna be in Trikona positions with respect to those
two bhavas respe*ively, and if the lord of one of the
Trikonas be in the Lagnr,the rnotherof the personborn
will die along wich the father.

trilo}{ftEqr h(ffiilr qft r

a{{n;dlrmr}qa;qrcrgqillEls ll ss 1;
Sloko 7 l. If the lords of rhe 4th, rhe 1sr and the
9chbhavasbe in Kendraor Trikona positions,they will.
during their dasaaqd antardasaperiods,Iead ts the
motherof the personborp following the father in death.
nZ iltinicrrtili AdL XII.
v v Y ! r Y v r w !
. ! u l r w v v v Y w v Y : v Y i v v v v v ! v v u v v : - f f i

tr(MqReng*sfi t
e{mqegt il fidrfj'il{€tn ll ee ll
S/ot r 78. The Sun and the Moon occupying res
pect,ivelythe 9th and the 4th bhrvas will lead to the
mother of the perEonconcerned following the father in
death. Ihe sameie the casewhen the bhava associated
with the Sun has the presencein or the aspecton it of
the lords of the 9th and the 4th bhavas.
t rqrwfurmffi{*fl-
ffqrddirmffq*fr*n: I

qrirq qlilqwt ffiEFil {tfrIs ll \eq ll

Sloko 79. Ascertainthe lord as well as the orrt
(Karaka)of the 4th bhava and the planetsi[ any asso,
ciated with them, as also the planets that occupy or
aspectthe cr{qrir (Mathrubhava). Again find out which
of theseplanetsis malefic. During the E{tTtT€tt
hora) period of this iast mentionedplanet will happen,
say the astrologera,the demisc of the mother of the
fHrq {rftFiw}wrtqt*
di* rrrggtn mEnutatmiqt{r EonqI
qrr'trfrqqsod ftqfirfqrfwe rgt
ililril diffq+ r (Et rft tt do tl
SJoAa80. Subtract the figurea of the Moon from
thoseof the Sun; find what Rasi the remainderrepre,
sents. When Saturn and Jupiter pass through that
Rasi and Navamsaor through the triang,rlarpositions
cqrrcuponding thereto, the deachof the mother may
sr . 8r-83 qqqft5tqFr: ??3

take place Again, find the remainder rerulting from

the subtractionof qq{qz6(Yamakantaka)from the lord
of the 8th bhavafrom the Moon. This remaindershould
indicatea certain Rasi and a Navamsathereof. When
Saturnpasseothrough the Resi and the Sun through the
Navamsain question,the motherrnaypassaway.
dtg q gct qqqrf dt tl
SioAc 81. When Jupiter has attained a Vaieeehi-
kamsa (zirlr Adhyaya 1 s1.44) such as Gopur.a and
orhers, or is in the 4th bhava, and when the other
planetsoccupy the 2nd, the llth and the 4th bhavas,
the person born will be happy.
gqs&gifrct fr.qqrqqtsenr
qhildlr+ {rsfqSorttq6rgqr tt di, tl
Sloha 82. When the 4th bhava has upon it the
aspectof Mercury or is b:tween two benefic planete
occupiesa Navamsaowned by
Jupitar, the person born
will be ever engagedin holy worke.

gcfuerdrrilrffir qail
gd frcilt
aqlqqr$ilqift qrtE! u cl fl
S/oAa 83. If the planet in the 4th bhava be atrong
and occupies a benefic Rasi and if its strength
enhanced by an advantageousconnection with
Lagna,then the person concerned will enjoy
rupted eaae through the instrumentality
ot'" people
belongfng to the class which the planet
774 srdqcrfrwt Adh. XII.

Adhyaya I-s1.2)) aud will possessa wealth of the metal

appertainingto the samepianetQtideAdhyavr 1, sl, 24)
qrt(fT€qGftiErqrg!il c8 ll
!loh,.t 84. If the lord of an untoward bhava from
the Legna,occupying its depression or inimical sign in
the 4th bhava, be an enemy of the lord of the Lagna,
the astrologerssay that, through the dire influence of
rhis adverseplanet, the personconcerned will be bereft
of bodily and other comforts.
qgtqr{fu(qitqnw qod}qilqqfr(tcqtgsn t
qfrEil ftqsqilWfif gtr girngqq;qft*l ll c\ ll
S/ofta85. If the planetin the +th bhava, the one
aspectingit, and its Karakabe all strong, they will pro'
duce much happiness to the person concerned; if those
planetsbe in their depressionor inimical signs or be
eclipsed,th:y will produceunhappiness-the rule being
that joy is occasionedby an auspiciousplanetand miaery
by tho inauspiciousones.
qc'it lilsq$fr€gh qilft* qrRffifiu*rit t
elfiseqflo(drft *cq
gxrFEi{;*rRgaqqtt tr
Slo&rr 86. If the lord of the 9th bhava occupying
the 4th in conjunction with Venus possesspredominant
etrength,the personborn will live in pleasureand opu'
lence for a long time ; but if the aforesaid lord of the
gth bhava occupying the 6th. 8th, or the 12th place
from tbe Laqna, be associatedwith a berrefic planet, the
happiness of tne person concerned will be but shqrt'
s[ 8?-8e EtEdsqrq: 776

geR<r rltgapqiur{t+m SQr'$rI

grrai l16lf{r}-{i{trrT$rryor{lt de tl
Siotc 87. Every calculation,firstiy, in respectto
one's easeand comfort should be with referenceto the
4th houseand Jupiter ; 2ndly, every thing concerning
the mother should be thought of from the 4th bhava and
the lrloon ; 3rdly, all fragranceas w:ll as cloth, vehicle
and ornamentsshould be gueesedin referenceto the 4th
bhava and Venus.
cf , nslti-lomqrGl
gqui{alqiqrfi.qtq qt it
gfrEi rriunrirrgtg*q et wfrqgi {r t
qife .t 14 ll
S/o&a 88. il the lord of thc 4th bhavaoccupying
* ireneficsign be either aspectedby cr in conjunction
with Venus, and at the same time free {rotn the aspect
of ;rn inimical or depressed planet, the personborn will
,:ujoy the pleastrreduc to ungents, odc,riferousflowers
a n d s i m i l a ra p p l i a n c e s ,
{iqiBqi n"inqis{q srit.q} dide iqifrt
dirq* ufiqgtq rafq{ rch {T{FTIC 5saq lrc3,ll
Slola 89. When the Moon is strot'tg,thc person
horn wiil have good clothes to wear; if tl-relr4oonbe
associatedwith Rahu or Ketu, his ciothing will be
tattered; if associatedwith Jupiter, the apparel will bc
of silk; if with Venus, it will be variegated with
jewels; and if with Saturn,it will be of a dark colour.
u\;gniuiii gwrftalt
ghoraiediar qfrtihi il t
7 76 qR{rqrltilfi Adh"xII"

qrrtfrRrdW oqii q$qs tt \o tl

Sloka 90. 6If the lord of the 4th bhava be asgocia,
ted with the Varga of Venusor the Moon, or if it be
aspected by or in conjunctionwith eirherof the above
two planete,and if it be ar the same time]freefrom the
aspectof a depressed or inimicalolanet,the personcon.
cernedacquirescattleand everyother prop€rty.
l;g$rfi,qtfrA fr'qq{frtftt r
ilt* rddtd rggq] qlq(r n qt tl
Sloka 91. When the lord of the 4th bhavabeing
an auspiciousplanet ia aspectedby another auspicioua
planet,and when the Karaka of that bhava is in full
otrength, the person born will be esteemedby hie
cf, Tffir(
ffi g*o(ftfllnt r
trft+ onflg+ ryggq}qim: rl
For the same effect, the following yoga isgiven in slflifi((t.

efiq\ o{Tr} flffgnr?ti gt qrqtqqr} r

*oqfFqirn)r{qefbg*Aiiftil qlfE{r q;ggrrr:u
d.r$sdi ffid *;nirqrq{gi r
ttRtffigt qlqgqlrr{ffii ll qt ll
Sloha 92, A person will befriend hig relativea
when the lord of the 4th bhava occupies a Kendra or
Kona poeition or the llthl bhavatand has artaineda
Vaiseshikamsa and is free from the aspectof, or associa.
tion with, a malefic planet.
sl.es-eo Tr+fisnq* 11r

{tgafl qiftrd qlqrrlt {wdt I

{qrtntairg+ gwsnffift il ql ll
Sloka 93. When the 4th bhava ir occupied by a
malefic, depresredor eclipsed planet and is void of any
aspector conjunction of a benefic planet, the peraon
born will have antipathy to his relations.
cf. qrffR(d
qTqrFqtqrqat q ff* dtqrFqi qr,.rflqF$f& |
ar lfaqaqqqtGfrttrqrr
qqfr q;qi (H sqd q$€.t t
gtfint tt qBtl
qlqi'qrq{rkt Frourqai
Sloku 94. If the lord of the 8th bhava be associ,
ated with a malefic planet and the 4th bhavabe occupied
by an inauspicious planet, the person born will be
deceitful; but if the lord of the Bth bhava be in exalta,
tion, in a friendly house, or in its own or a friendly
varga and the 4ih bhava be aspectedby a benefic planet,
the person concernedwill be candid.
frgtr{qqrtrt=il{qtt, q6ffi I
.il9il?ia* {rsfi uiur?qqqfH tt q\ tl
S/otn 95. A personwili be pure,mindedand calm
when the lord of the 4rh bhava is strong,or has attained
Gopura and other Vaiseshikamsas,or is in qg (Mridu)
and other benefic Shashtyamsas.
qrait qogtqmtrfiqurFqtt
qtq tt qq ll
gqstEe qrqilrGs(i
SloAa 96. When the 4th bhavaand its lord por
sessstrengthanil are appctrtedby a beneficplanet, tlre
778 lrtir{,fiftufr* Adh.xrtr.

aotrologer may declare the person born will posse$6

vehiclesor similar conveniences"
qTatt ile{Q t.St Srftfwfrr
sr€qnndt {ETTmi qtA lt q'sll
Slohu 97. When the 4th bhava occupied bv its
lord in a benefic Navamsain conjunction with Mercr-rry
is aspectedby a beneficplanet,the astroiogerm y preclicr
the acquisitionof vehicles and other such convenienc*r
on the part of the person born.
*Ej iqordq;ql ET€.ruwFEee I
g€il€d ilar i{Efk gfrggqn u qd lt
Slo&c 98. When the Moon is in the Lagna irr
conjunction with the lord of the 4th bhava,the peraon
bornosay the sages,will havea horseto convey hinn.

kd\ ErqgEil qA drwnrtirt t

{Uqtqrttgt qgts"{{Tai{ ll qq rl
Sloho 99. When the Moon, in conjunctionwith
a beneficplanet, occupies the Znd or the 4th bhava,
identical with a behefic l{asi, the person born will
have a horse conveyance.

H qgqff\qf, ftoi oil*qrfq gisEorril I

Str gt qfa EElt iarilqi EREEr{d qr( n loo tl
Slohu 100. When the lord of the +th bhavaoccu-
pies the Lagna in conjunction with its (Lagna's) lord
and the Moon, the person born will have a horse; but
if the lord of the .ith bhava occupies the Lagna in con,
junction with Venus, the perscn concerned will have
an elephantto ride on.
sl. 10t-102 en(tfr$q{'a: ?7e
This sloka is found in qlfffit(.
{ftffi 'rTfsry
*;ri*qfruruilfr I
qq gt-ffifrtrtm*Ufr
Erll t " t li
Slof* t0l. Venus ancl the full Moon having
strength and occupying a Kendra or a Trikona poaition,
will give to the person born under their influence the
honor of being conveyed in a palanquin" When the
Moon occupyinga Rasi belonging to jupiter is either
aspectedbv or in conjunction with lupite: will lead tc
the acquisition of a red apparelor jewel.
qr;frf$fiTgt{ot{gft? crr6t
gfu;glnndqwgilcrgffirs I
qs{ ?iEutqHqr;(qffi3
*rnfi*ior.&Ttl{U{frq6{{ lt ?"R $l
Sloku tOZ. A per$on will get a palanquin or 'l
horseto convey him when Venus, the Moon and the
lord of the 4th bhavaarc associated with the lord of tlue
first. lf Jupiter, tht: lord of the 4th bhava, the Moo*,
and Venus be all together in a Kendra or a Kona posi"
tion, the person concerned wili get a vehicle bordered
on all sides.
See sloka ll8 infra. With this as well as the prt loka
compare the following :-
qfuugg'lqftRil utifF*
7W llrtTqrawe Adh. xII.

gqtqguFd Grdlwqr-*ftmr
w+egqfqf-*tdq&t no f,{q( rr
emtrrq*{ra'qFtqra{r$tq I
*aqTqeMqfl(qed or-qqrt,,lil
qrqrftil r
qaft4 ffiqpq6u'amn*
qa'il qft {afurfifrfq grqEql€q,
flqlt g6gt qgrilr€q{rfi{ |
qrit Wt qi+qu€rdga: n t tl
Sloka 103. When the lord of the 4rh bhava is
associatedwith Jupiter, rhe p3rson born will. have a
vehicle bordered on all the four sides. When the lord
of the 4th bhava occupiesthe t0th place in conjunction
with a benefic planet, the person born will have the
appendagesof a chowrie and an umbrella.
gA* hnqf ilEtt oqfui qraafrqn(rt
silqi urqqilildt s{i* qsunarr;ils
u toB rl
Sloka 104. Wherr the lord of the 4th bhavaoccu,
pier a Kendrathe lord of which is in the Lagna,the
perronsborn will have facilities for keeping a conve-
yance. When the lord of the 10th bhavais in the llth,
and the lord of this againin the 10rh,the personborn
under the yogawill have ornament$and vehicles,
The 3rd padaof this Slsln in eEi&iqilqth rords differently as
dlft €nrrta{ir rr
sl. 105-107 qrqqitsqrq: ?81

qrtt omrrftQgt qrorqt g* |

frqilft* ucqrrfrddwr tt I o\ ll
Sloka t05. When the lord of the 4th bhava is in
the llth orthe 4th, and when Mrrs is in shl (Swak-
shetra)or in the I tth bhava, the yog.rwill undoubtedly
leadto the acquisitionof a kingdom'
cf , qq|ri?E;a1qtq

fr*a\ €Hqt q€rdEnqi qE qr fhftqqg$ t

{qilr+ qfeil gQi} rr;ardfreqrqtutlftqn{
Eq eqI
rfrqq{gEqtgqioarhrfrt}onqflf I
qrqig q;qFd
q-gd{qii{{rfiq{rtdr€qrftWFdt tt t oq,ll
Stoha 106. If the planet occupying the qth bhava,
the lord thereof and the one aspectingit, be in a Kendra
or Trikona position or in the l lth bhava identical with
their exaltation,their own or friendly signs,and if they
be also poseessed of strength, they secureto the person
concerned long life, beds,seats,apparel, much landed
property,a good mansion,friendship of relatives,charm'
ing vehicles,fameand happiness-

ffirrcqlFft hn*rcrsqFqet t
RqrqrratqfrE,tft ffi trd{ ll tos ll
Sloha 107 Mercury in exaltationor in $wakghetra
(ser) iderrticalwith a Kendra or a Trikona place from
the Lagna,leadsto the acquiaitionof ab,rndantknow-
ledgeand vast wealth.
782 qriri6crftwft Adh"mi.

For the sameeflect seethe following frorn .r{({le{l-(.

frqtt TrarfqnTqr€dfh'rqgat
dqF,il-qrftftqfprftfioqril qifhdlt"gtEf r
d gd .niorwrgrugqCat,iftfqe'
ffi;qwaft firti qif:{*' drdt q il
\ d \ r! d[
omnigqnrtiRrs{iltt rTr{rrwF{nwff{
qiin{! UqETirfilgqiba& orsqf}qar t
sr;qlqd\mtfkar qR q{rqroflryrrgr
iqfr q$d;ilqrTihgodirwil6rfte: tt t oc ti
Slofta 108. If, in any horoscope"the four planets,
-via., the lord o{ the 4th and tire 9rh bhavasreckoned
from thc lord of the Lagnaand the planetsoccupying
the two bhavas-be slrong in. ;ruspiciousvargas and
relatedto chc Lagna in someway, and if they whereven
possiblebe associated:withor aspectedby one another,
the personconccrnedwill b: a kinE long,lived,energetic,
in possession of four,corner;dvehicies,largewealthand
other symholsof sovereignty'.
; affiHoriqqn*iihnfl rrqurffipqq. I
Ard El{gt fto} adiqqr*{gtft d*o-r. tlt o\ll
Sloka 109. If 3 of the four planets (mentionedin
the above slokaj have superior positional strength
(<rrt-co,Stthanabala)the effect will be the acquisition of
diveree kinds of precious stones, ornaments and com,
forts. If two of the planets be possessedof strength in
the Lagna,the person born will be happy in their res,
pective dasaPeriode.
sr.r10-1tr2 lr(qftsqrq: ?8i!

sirqmTir6tqt f,6t {r€:RrRlqs

uruft{rd*q?egu EErlrEr
lt I I " u
S/ofra 110. If the lord of the 4th house occupy
singly and in strenqrh one of the three positionsmen"
tioned in sloka108,srzlrc (r.e.trsr,4rhand 9rh bhavas)
and be associated,with tire Lagnaor its lord, the dasa
periodof the pianetin questionwill leadro the acquisi,
tion of veiricnes.
qgiiqqtqqirftrarqrf|6qwqrqrorftur*t t
{UEft qra,q squrrrrntqq-€rrrrrfq
ll t t t ll
S / o a a1 1 1 . I f t h e l o r d s o f r h e 4 t h , 9 t h , i l , t h a n d t h e
Znd bhavasbe reiateci to tire Lagna in some way and
have strength, thcy will, in their severa! dasaperiods,
respectivelylead to the acquisitionof a kingdom,good
fottune, accessionof wealth and property.

t rqfrsfhinirsgirr
N u*ft i{go g{or g€ilf egfI
ft{ ftit€gqftqEl sr(* rTlqqrPfr
fr{ril{ftrffibqrilfr rr ilR tl
Sloka 112. If the four planets (mentionedin the
previoussloka)havesuperiorstrengthand bc connected
with the Lagnain someway, all this will rake placeon
a large scale; if they be all weak, they will produce
misery. The effect will be mixed if their strength be
of a mixed character. If the Karakaof the bhava con-
ccrned,its lord and the planet occupyingit be inimical
to the lord of the Lagna and be weak, they will prove
exceedinglytroubl eoome.
,NA |lilmfut Adh.xu.

Entttrftqt grt udfttfutr

n l t tQtt
Sloka 113. When the lord of the 4th bhava being
in an inimical or depression sign, occupiesa g:wrd
(Dusthhana) and is aspectedby the lord of the 9th bhava,
there will be acquisition of a vehicle which will be
either unsteadyor prove a very bad specimenof ite kind.
cf. ssf'ih.mqlq
€:rq fiEli qR qrqifl qrr]'tftqrRsqtkt qr r
gqlqdteaoeqf,til or{rfrqqrfimftfht qr n
qrfiufRo'rqrKglqqgqlnil! |
o{dtti tesr qrilt gstlqgqqn ilB tl
Sloka.114. If the planets in the 9th, 10th and the
lst bhavasbe benefic ones in their exaltation and be
aspectedby the lord of the Lagna,the personconcerned
will cometo grief when a vehicle habitually used by
him ceasesto exist.
cf. sdtfr.arqh
m{qrqfiar?g€}a s}oqqil''fFqm,
etg +ro?TqnqTiFd g:t+qqql( ll
dti Ergtqtgqrmgiemwrurtt
qt td nqrcdfttat ilsililqft{ilq I
grQqrqgisa;iiqRgtqrni*nni a fr
q{ (ffih furgqqFdtrsrtaor{
n tt\ rr
Sloka 115. If Jupiteror the lord of the 4th bhava
associatedwith a benefic planetoccupya beneficRasi
identicalwith the 9th bhavafrom the Lagna,the person
coocernedwill moveaboutin royal splendourin a vebi,
cle borReby men during the gteaterportion of bir life.
sl. 116-119 etq{tsrqTqt ?85

If the planetsreferredto above occupyinga g:wrn (Duo'

thhaoa)be eclipsed, depreesed or in an inimical houee,
there will be no vehicle or other such meano of plea'
surablelocomotion; if they be in their own houseand
poEEeEs superiorstrength,there will be a long apellof
enjoymentculminatingin progressin a palanquin.
ffrrtd.&Fftfrurqqnrfrq* t
qoqd qRq1dw{qrrqsilnfr u qtE tl
Slofta 116. If the lords of the 4th and the 10th
bhavaseither occupy or aspectthe llth bhava and be
$trong.they will bestow every blessing.
orrrd gtrrnQd qffifi iil $ftrr€q I
{rafr e{rrrrqrni{rqfrftst qE(ll qle ll
Sloka 1l?. If the lords of the 4th and the 9th bha'
vas be in the lLth bhava or aspectthe 4th, the pereon
born will have many vehiclesand an abundanceof every
earthly blessing,and be capableof pleasinghis sovereign'
qq\rearratddet{qFqftqR I
ffigfr tt I tz ll
Sloha 1l8. Jf the lords of the 9th and the 4th
bhavaebe related to the Lagna in someway and be a!'
pectedby or in conjunction with Jupiter, the person
born will have the capacity to ingratiate himself into
the favor of a king and other such ornamental
See sloka 102lirst half suPra.

grl{Enrfirft grr€q{{g* t
qtnFnr e{tqr{qfofrqR qrqi ll t tq ll
?86 trrcqcrRqre Adh. xll.

- -t *"*"
bhavasbe strong and associatedwith benefic planets.
the personborn will bc opulent and in crmmandr:f a
c/. omfic
nleqrf\qqhqrGq\qqrddtqrfqgas,rrr€r( r
dangci fl'qlfaeni q€ciirirqiolri.Trqq
qltrf qrcilni{ilt ugndii g{€eqldi I
{FqIFlt s'rqqgstEr.r$q-({rir{qrefqt{{
u tRo tl
.S/oAa120. If thc lord o{ thc -trtrhlia,.,l be in
9th, rdenticalwirh a sign or,vneclby a benefic pianet,
a n d i n c o n j u ' c t i o r rw i t h J u p i t c r a n c iV , : . u s , a n d i f
lord of thc 9th bhava be in a jionr or .r Kenclr.rposirion
t h e p c r s o nb o r n r v i l l h a v e t ; r u a r n : r l t sl,v e a i t h
;rnd velri,
cles collectedfrr-rrnrnany cur.rutries

flfliiqrqggqilrilor{aqtar r t
gariuiawgrrrrrwl{rtrri{r{ u tqq tl
S / o A aI ? t . l f t h e l o r d so f t h e ? t h , 6 t h , 4 t h 3 r c l r, ) r h ,
l s t a n d t h ; l 2 t h l ; h a v a sb e r n c o n j u r r c r i o nw i t h r h e l r i r t l
of the 5th bh,rv.r,the pcrs;u born will riossrrsslandr
t c c m i n gw i t i r i r u , ' n b c r l c sm
gqriqdriegtl fHr qr qqt iioqrqtri'rq'rmr
fr*urh;*{rrrrg}{r: €tih warugerd{ftu ltq rr
S I o A a l J J . l f r h c l o r d o f thc .1thbhavabeing
ter or Venus occupy thc gth bhav.r irom the Lagna in
great strength,and if the lord of the gth bhavabc in a
Kcndra or Trikona pc'sirlon tire nerson born will get
many vehicles.
s[ 123-126 grEtftsqrq: 78?

rurilfr Rm qloqdqrrqtgt I
*rA*urqiqlsft qg{IEilt{rIIT{ll 111 ll
Stoka 123. lf the lord of the 4thbhava in conjunc'
tion with Jupiter ,rndVenus, occuPythe 9th bhavaand
if the lord of the latter be in the 4th or in any of the
other Kendrasor in a Trikona position, the personborn
will possessInany veiriciesand lands.
orh;nfutfirt qTewqariqi
qit *onqrq&riiqr frUeqq: I lls tl
Sloko L24. if a benefic planetbe in tlrc Lagna-Ken'
dra,i.e.L:gna itself, and the 9ch irhavabc occupied by
a planetin exaltation anJ when the lord of thc Znd
bhava is in a Kendra,thc yogr is c;rlcttiatcdto leadto a
*"{ fiarq qar.dg.t'{qlf}{ilrirqa&ql-{r
dEfF,{aftnqniq ffe ffrqrtartfng{t(l.f}dtl
qFt giihi ft;ftgtr {a '{{f'.rtI
sqf€ iintqfr ffr{ fir€r${{E{fl q1\ ll
S l o k a 1 1 5 . W h , : n t h e a t h l ' h a v r i s a s p e c t r :bdy a
benefic plarretand tire lorrJof thc:lnJ biravain conjunc'
tion with ben':iic planets occupies a Kt';1s113, and a
planetin ex,rltation is in thc 2nd bltava, the birth in
such a yoga is likelp'ro leadto a thronc.
cf , iIiT.nGt

fr*ne '{iqt g h'i qi}a'{ainqQq}oi

sqflqii fir t<flqr*ific{rqqqrfh
o{inwlrnriqnrdqt: qdqnfrt
ot qrqft qr t{ei iifraffiqqo{Es
n tlE tf
788 qrnrqraqfi Adh. xII.

Sloka 126, If the lords of the lrt, 4th and the 9th
bhavasbe in the iOth, and the lord of the latter occupy
or aspect the Lagna, the effect of the yoga will be a
cf. fl.ffi{d
+t+rtqdigt figri ffronanrRgqrflfld
udungq{r{mr{qrnrcr qit r
q{fr aFltffi fr€rffiq?d{iq.tt tRs tt
Sloka 127. lf the lords of the 10th, lst and the 4th
bhavasoccupy the 10th bhava and the lord of the last
mentionedbe some way connected with the Lagna, the
person born in the yoga will become the master of a
Some books read, "grTlt{t=<Tl:tt
in place of "g141gtttl:',

qR I
gwtgqmtilr *;quiurFTril
u tRd tl
Sloka 178. If Jupiter, Venus and the lord of the
9th bhavabe in a Kendra or Kona position, or in the
l1th bhava,the person born will have an abundanceof
vehiclesand becomea monarch,
qriffiitqqfr qiodtqt{r€frqlt eqil}n t
ranQewrqfin ftarrqnfttft xlrrq u tRqrl
Sloka 129. If the lord of the 4th bhava and the
planet occupyingthe 10th posse$smost strength and be
aepectedby or in conjunction with the lord of the 9th
bhava,or if they be eachir the other's house,they wili
pave the way to the attainmentof a throne.
eqrn.d{rfit nqrPirqqrnrrt'
ilErquiil{nt ffs:sqq?tdiqtt 11" tt
sloka 130. The personrcferredto in the
throne when, in the
sloka will becometh. o..upunt of a
4th bhava' its own
rnain dasa(qlrr) of thc lord of the
the progress
antardasa(eta{rn; sets itl, and when. during
(fi6tr) and within it the
of tbis antardasa,the vidasa
bhava is reached'
up.d.., (Yqm) of the lord of the 10th
qqt{Qfis€(ritrTrfigqritfr onrldsgqd I
i.iiu *1.t qutii iaeiqqdqlftqft {r{qrq{ t lt
the lst bha
Stttka131. If the lords of che9th and
the latter be in the
vas occupy the 4th and tl're lord of
person born
Lagnaidentical with a beneficRasi' the
i{ the lord of the 4th
will always enjoy happiness' Rrrt
tire other conditions
bi"rr^ happen io bt in the 6th and
will be overtaken by
obtain as in the above Yoga, he
be{allsan enemy or a
misfortune-a fate th'rt usually
hostile person.
wilIIEIiqqfi m:r&glrct qod$ I
qqiiqi{r{qGqqq+w{ilii t* gsnerEri lt llR ll
bhava be in the
SJoftc 132' if thc lord o[ the 6th
t)rh ur aspectedby bcncfic planetsor possessedof much
the yoga will have to
strength,th" p..rot bcrn under
the dasa period of the
surrender,for sometime' during
to his enemy'
lord of the 4th bhava,his whole fortune

gtqfi\t fiqqAegse{rqqmt<utfrrieq t
qrqdlqirc firr;€fi gar<rw{ wtfr r{q tttlltt
cet forth in
Sloha 133. If, under the conditione
7m qrdEqftqrt Adh. )ilI.

with the lord of the 4th bhava, the whole fortune of the
person concerned will be with the enemy during the
whole of the dasaperiod of tlre latter planet. But il the
planetary conjunction be malefic,the fortune vrill return
to ite former owner at the concluding portion of the
daaaof the lord'of the 4th bhava.

trqri girQ*Tdirg{rtgt I
ilisn* iln {ft qgtd*rnrF{iln t Qutr
Sloka 134. If the 4th bhava be a benefic Rasi and
ics lord bc in conjunction with a benefic planet and the
Karaka of the bhava also holde a similar position, the
perEonborn will have much land and wealth.
**Et flqsqdqfi worfhlor,rsyBflt I
qIqrFEiqlq(frid qr *nRffii $erqFilffi{rs tl
Sloha 115. If the lord of the 4th bhava occupying
a.depressionor an inimical varga has attained any one
of the malefic 60th portions of a sign, ztiz. Kalagni,Sula,
or Anraka (kala) and if ir be also in conjunction with
or aspectedby malefic planets,the yoga will lead to the
loss of landsand other such sourcesof livelihood, say
the astrologers.
oni\qq wfrrqRqtrfu-
qri{rgft€q} ftqq;g{rftr
il t{Q il
Sloka 136. If the planet ownrng the sign occupied
by the lord of the Lagna be an enemy,there wili be lose
of land and houre when, in the dasaperiod of the planer,
sl. 137-1s8 atq{tst?rq! 791

its own gfo (Bhukti) sets in When the Bhukti of thc

lord of the 4th bhava in the main drsa referred to
approaches,the person concernedwill becomebereft of
some relative ; and the Bhukti, in the same dasa,of a
planet in conjunction with Saturn, Mars or Mandi
will occasiondisasters.

Rittr swriqqi trErlq!S*qrFqerfitqt

fr ?.iwtit orrr}F{fr I
{q{dtqr gqgfi ft*qiuRriiq
ofiur gqrrftrr grrgfi fi&qRilqs tf lle tl
Slohu 137. lf the lords of ttre 2nd and the 4th
bhavasoccupy, in conjunction with a benefic planet,
the 9th bhava identical with a benefic Rasi, the peroon
born will comeby a treasurelaid un der,ground. Again
if the lords of the llth and the 2nd bhavasbe in the +th'
and the lord of the last-mentioned bhavabe in a benefic
sigrr in conjufr:tion with a benefic pilnct, the acquisi-
tion of hiddeh trcaslrrewill be the result. Thirdiy, thc
lord of the l lth bhavacccupyingthe 4th in conjunction
with a benefic planet is a giver of wealth concealed
This appe:rrsin 't16q,1q,

qrlaqqTddil amqr! qrq{gar I

qnitl{gtg$Imlqt€KtttiqElstf I ld ll
S/ofrc 138. lords of the Znd, lZth and the 4th
bhavas occupyingthe 8th in conjunction with malefic
planetsoccasion languidness in the house which will
increasein propclrtion to the number of evil planeta
con joined.
crdofiftEtir Adh. xII.
- . v . ' r ! t v v - - Y ! . #
r v v ! ! v v v ! ! v v v v v v v v i v v v v v v v r

ntsfr il qlqsUgt t{gqrffiqR t

fltsudr $tS qr gt qIET{irnf ll ?13 tt
Sloka 139. If a maleficplanet or Rahu in the 4th
bhava be aspected by an evil planet, the person born
will be a suffererin the matter of domesticcomforts'
If Mars or the Sun occupying the 4th bhava be in
depressionor in an inimical house,the personconcerned
will be houseless.

dttsei qI irtfr wIraEIfiqfttqRt

St qft ql.Tr{rqqqgAqti gt+utqfll tuo ll
Sloha 140. lf the planetin the 4th bhavabe depres'
sed or eclipsed,the Dersouborn will slip into a well or
eomesuch reservoir. If there be a maleficplanet in the
4th bhava,he will experiencemisfortunes. If Saturn
occupy it, there will be loss of comfort and happiness.
.Jtt I
"qq\ o{t6 {ifisadqrql
Gi uuq{n} qrqbiliqG{l(€! ll tBt ll
S l o k al 4 l . l f t h e l o r d o f t h c 4 t h b h a v a f r o m t h e
Lagnaoccupy the llth, the person born will lodge in a
stranger'shousein a foreign land ; if it occupy the 8th
bhava,there will be no house etc.' owned or tenanted
by him; if the plarrctbc in thc 6th bhava,he will lodgc
in a houseof which thr: master is a paternal relation,
suchasan uncle,a cousitr,etc.

3rmfr qflErorqE:qr( qgriqar qodtui qr t

glanqqigsir€Il?q(t<teeidr€{ikd EI ll lBl, ll
Sloko 142. The lord of the 4th bhavaoccupying it
or any other strong planettherein will easily lead to the
sl. 143-146 Etqrilsqrqr

acguisition of a house. If the lord of the 4th bhava

occupy a g:rrrrT(Dusthhana)or if the planet occupying
the 4th bhavahasstrengthfor evil (as an adversaryt,the
housefalling to the lot of the p:rson brrn will b: either
cra\y or haunted.
q{R6qqrsqjnilaffi qqg ft q1l
qHiqrq{ifrflr€IqR€Rildrql!ll lBl ll
Stohc'143. The lords of^the 12th, the Znd and the
4th bhavasoccupyingthe 6th, the 3rd, the 12th and the
8th bhavasfrom the Lagna, lead to the loss of a house
in proportion to the number of m,tlefic planets in
conjunctionwith them.
oamq+fr,tETqrrrowFqilt I
ilrqitaqstrtrd qdlqtq qiaq: ll tsg ll
Slokn 144. Awise astrolog., -iy assertthe sound
condition of as many housesas there are planetsin the
Trikonas and Kendrasfrom the Lagna.
cf . q-{Fr{
*-afi+;iotgfjq€q gi ndla'tarJ(rf\ofiq:
qgq\rqrttqdrfioqrq affiq| qltl.f€ qtfr t
ffidqqt qordfriq{ft d\t ccrgrttlu\n
Sl<thu.145. If thc lord of the 4th bhava occupy the
12th from the Lagna,the personborn will have a dilapi.
dated house: but if the planet be in a Trikona or a
Kendra and possessgreat strength, the house would be
lovely and of many hues.
rdit fpqdgil Rt wrtgt r
frguq{rtErsft{tft eaqf<rq.
tt tBEu
Sloha 146. When the 3rd bhava is occupied by a
beneficplanet and the lord of the 4th bhava ie strong,
qrdsqrfoflt Adh. XIL

che personborn will possessa strong house; the same

will be the casewhen the lord of the 4th bhava has
attainedGopura and othcr benefic Vargas.
twri {rqriI
gi ciq tt lus ll
Sk* €igs{tftqft
Sloha l4'1. If. the lord of thc lOth bhavaassociated
with a malefic planet occupy the 4th, the astrologerg
say the perscn born will become bereft of lands and
obedient service. The samee{fect is producedif the
lord of the 10th occupy the 4th in a malefic Navamea
and in such a baneful shashtyamssxs filiur (Mrityukara)
and be at the sametime in conjunctionwith the lord of
the 8th bhava.
uttt drqdg* irit eqodlqf I
olt qotqda"i nsn$gaqll lge ll
S/cAa 148. When the 3rd bhava is occupiedby a
beneficplanetand when the lords of the 4th and the
Lst bl:avasare in strength, the personborn will be in
possession of a mansionwith encircling walls.
qn1qatut ircnt git;gq1pqtr
uiiwrrf{r+ it*t .&q&tq ll lsq ll
rfr a'iaq*aarqrtqarqft{Ri
ErrfffiqrRqft ||
SlokLti49. If the lord oJ the 4th bhava be in a
(Paravatamsa),or being aspected by Jupiter
and the Moon has attained Gopura or other em (amsa),
the astrologershould declarethe possessionon the part
of the personborr"rof a divine abode (Temple ?).
Thus ends the XIIth AdhYaYa,&c',
il qerqgrtHFqrHrll
AdhyaYa, XIII.
THa nrnecrs oF tttr 5tn AND THE 6Tll RtrAVe:;.

ll qq[ q{grrir$o{ ll
qHTIIR(Ne's{,T*itreiftrqel I
oila;gRi{re: frawi qlqrcqwa{Her
wrffifffttr qhir{{'-d+(ll q li
Sloka 1. It is from the 5th bhava that an astro-
loger should think about a person's tutelary deity,
oovereign, son, father, intelligence and religious merit.
A pilgrimage has to be guessed with reference to the
?th, the 6th, the 2nd and the l0th bhavas. Any wan'
dering to a far-off placeshould be ascertainedfrom the
l?th bhava. The father's happinessmay be known
with reference to the lst and the 4th bhavasand the
Sun. The acquisition of children is to be determincd
in connection with Jupiter and che 5th bhava.
wife's accomplishments,the astrologer may predict
through the 7th birava,the lord of the Znd and Venus.
cf" qrd$I{<ot
gdrfil{rAqaqqriqi t}nqqt, qftRoaf,tqq
7s6 sfrdtfcrRqre Adh. XIII.

oqrqlilfr gqtftilgf $tqilruq,i

sq silfr{rrqtftegtftqmii=sfr t
qrfr qrcfitgEqft;giter){i}ti
gqn s}
fiog qrqst gt {rftrq{nr;qrRq}tqtr{ ttrtt
Slohrt Z. If the 5th bhava from the Lrgna be oc,
cupied or aspected by a maieplanet, the personbrrn
will adorca male deity. If the Sth bhava be an even
Rasi and asp:ctedor o:cupied by the Moon or Venus,
he will prcfer to worship a femaledeity. If the planct
aspectingor occupyingthe 5th bhrva be the Sun, the
deity worslripped'will be the Sun chiefly ; if the Moon
or Venus, thc goddessiirft (Gouri) wilt be adored; if
Mars, it rvill b: Kartikeya; if Mercury, the object of
adoration will be Vishnu ; if Jupiter, ir will be Siva.
If the 5th bhavr be in conjunction with or aspectedby
Saturn or others, zrie., Rahu or Ketu, the person will
worship other deities.
This sloka al)pears in :ltdfr{d,
The word sltq{ (Athman) deuots tlie .5th bhzrve,. c/. r,.aa1iqor.

{TqI;* gRq+..rt;qqlqfi6q( ll
ofiirrqqrcqqil]uqfrntq{ikl gffimrtcr I
wrdil drrft g€AQwnnuqrsifru I tl
Sloha 3. Devotion to the deity indicatedby rne
lord of the 5th bhava leadsto the loss of children when
the planetis inimical to the lord of the Lagna. If the
lord of the Sth bhava be not inimical but more propr-
tious, the effect 'uvouldbe even. But if there would be
fuiendehip between the lords of the 5th and the lst
bbavas,he will, by worshipping the deity indicated by
sl.4-5 ?{I(ilstqtq: 7s7

the lord of che 5th bhrva, securethc infinice graceof

that deity.
ilneri gegqi{tfiiki qgi {r
(il{iri {oitit tqffiwqfttft t
qrqltrt ft.raqfifi qrfift fiI{ri
qrdi frqrft{qgqdittet;mtrdql ll B ll
Sloha 1, If the 5th bhavabe occupiedor aspected
by Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, and if the lord of that
bhava be strong, the personborn will qet into the good
gracesof hts sovereign. But if the 5th bhava be occu'
pied by a malefic planetan.l its lord being void of
strength,occrlpya malefic pcrtion o[ a sign, the person
born will be void oi lcarning, dducation; virtues,
intelligenceand royal favor.
oi qraqdlg€ tgqdtsirsq{t€*:
ffi g qg.qqq ct;ri qrgqelll"qmqtI
ftffqrfrkgfu{ qia{tq-tqet gt
cTldf'TKg(l{(eglfrqii (fr qlftRr'all \ ll
Sloka 5. If the lord of the 4th bhava be in the
Lagna and the lord of the latter occuPy the 4th and be
aspectedby or in conjunction with other planets, the
birth of a quadruped will take place. If the planets,
aspectingor in conjunction, be Rahu or Ketu, the crea'
cureborn will be a goat; if those planets be Jupiter,
Venus or the Moon, the birth vuill be of a cow; the
creatureborn will be a buffalo if the planet,asPectingor
in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna be Saturn.
If the lord of the Lagn:r ba in the 10th and Rahu in the
Lagna,the creature will come out from the womb with
the lego foremost.
798 qrdoqrRcra Adh.XIII.

furerf iqqqnarftqrtRftwrerffi * 1
$ufuuftgeqft* qril! uitrilqftsrotr€il!u q rl
Slol.r 6. If the lords of the 5th and the 4th
bhavasoccupythe 2nd and the ?th severallyor conjoint,
Iy, and be aspectedby or in conjunction with a mrlefic
planet and when a male planet is in a Drekkana owned
by a nale sign, the creatures born will be monkeys,
pigs, cats and the like.

efq.qrqgtfhta qnf ftoerafrqlWftr

ffiir€ffiq.* qit q*hF{q} ho'* t
qsangfiEqrgiliqrs g*;gglitmr
q*sft ffiqift ilrtoi iEqrutfr
Sloha 7. When the Drekkana referredto in the
precedingsloka is aspectedby Saturn and Mercury, the
birth will be somethingin the from of a lump or a
round mass. If Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu be
united there and be aspected by a weak planet the
personborn will be of the Brahmana caste and will
rtoop to do vile acts not becominghis birth. If Jupiter,
Rahu and Saturn be united there and be aspectedby
Venus and Mercury, the person born though a Sudra
will attainto equality with a Brahmin, and as a twice,
born will receive inscruction in everv science.

q;ilet qR s.qqihfr aqrH*sqrswrnsI
qrqHqqtqfi fqgir *aie.ril]ilrar
sranirn{ gxqroig*s{if.B'fr il d tl
sl.8 ldqqtsqrq: 79e

Sloku 8. A person can have prosperitv (sons,

wife, etc.),according as the 5th or the 7th hous" calcu'
lated from the Lagna or the Moon at the time of his
birth is occupiedor aspectedby a beneficplanec or by
its lord;.if otherwise,he can have no son or wife' II,
when the Sun occupiesVrrgo identicalwith the rising
sign,Saturnis in Pices,the latter planetwill cause the
deathof his wife. And Mars in the 5th house in the
previous yoga brings about the deathof the son.
This sloka has been taken fronr gEsildin (Brihat Jatakar.
I f t h e r u l e r o f t h e 9 t h h o u s ei s p l a c e d i n t h e 5 t h o r t h e 7 t h
bhava from the Lagna, it will bring atl liinds of prosperity. The
sameholds goc'dfor the Moon. This is one interpretation. Here
g{ (Subha) is taken tc mean the 9th house.
Second interpretation. It Jupiter, the \Iaster of Benefics
(qxai qfn:-Subhanampatihi) is placed in the 5th or the 7th house
fronr the Lagna or the X{oon, the yogir causesalso every kind of
Third interpretotion. If planets rrrling the ttrtzrt<l:(Ishta'
stthanas,uiz., placesother tharr the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and the
lZth) be placed in the 5th and 7th houses from the Lagna or
t h e M o o n , t h e n a l s o p r o s p e r i t yi s i n d i c a t e d .

Fourth interpretotion. If the ruler of the bouse occupied

by Venus be placed in the 5th or 7th bhava fronr the Lagna o' the
Nloon, it leads to prosperity. Here glrvfr (Subhapati) is split up
into { (Su;:* (Sukra), u (Bha):qi11(Itasi) and qii (Pati).

Atnther uiew. It the ruler or nakshatraoccupied by Venus

be placed in the 5th or the 7th from the Lagna or tbe Nfoon, then
also prosperity is indicated. (The rulers of Nakshatrasare accord'
ing to iEli'lnt-Vimsottari System).
In all the above interpretzrtions' the planet or planets con'
cerned may take the role of aspectdng instead of occupging.
800 qrilEcrRqre Adh. XIII.

In the absence of the above yogas, the nran is sure ,to be

If Virgo is tr.rrise with the Sun in it and Saturn be in Pisces,
the native witi kilt many rvives. If Virgo is to rise witl, l\lars in
Capricorn, such a peison wili lose nlany sons who are born.
It may however be asked "Why does Saturn in Pisces with
the Sun in Virgo as Lagna kill wives?" The ans\ver is, Saturn,
as ruler of tho t'th, in the 7th aud in opposition to the ruler of the
l2th is bad. To be mo.re explicit, the rulers of bacl houses sh<luld
not be in Subha Sthanas igqtqta) or good houses.
T h e S u n a n d S a t u r n i n o p p o s i t i o n w i l l i n c l i c a t en r o r e t h a u o n e
wife especially in dual signs.
j \ I a r s i n t h e 5 t l r n r a y l ' r sg o c d f o r l i n : r . n c e ; b u t i t i s c e r t a i u l y
b a d f o r i s s u e sa n d r v i l l a l n ' a y s l i i l l c h i l d r e n .
itq: qgquq?qrc qrdfqqr{qfrgqq.t
aDgur sqq lRiq q r nidee:tt
l \ l a r s c o m i n g i n t o t l r c f i r s t p o r t i o n o f t h e 5 t h b h a v a r i ' i 1 1k i l l
the rrst son: con,ing into the nriddle portionl he n'i11 iiril the
middle son, and if he cornes inro the last portion, he nilt ki1l the
later issues. Further, 1\l:trs ni11 always ki11 chiidr en betrveen
the ages of I and 3 I'ears ( Qf , r'.,T, ei aq fdirii: etc., l lrihat
Jatalra-Ch. \ r l I I . s l . 9. ' \ c t . o r d i n g to this principle, the lioon
rules for the {lrst ye:Lr and llars rules for tbe next two 1'ears.
Therefore childre n l iil be l;illed tt:tthin three years I.y llars.)

l;ilS+: gdr,eaqtqarqdrtfn?rI uQhdqqrfaq R: I

ftqlqi sfiaft erils*gi qrqiqfi:Ud?ft:gail gr: sr(u
fiqwq q;q1€ e qff,rct'-ligur rnatqr{ q,rf}dI
c{ \ \ n
ggls;qqr qK{aI lQ {ra: ll
T,-qtot{q{ (Kalyana Varr.nan), the author of qtrrqe,t(Saravali).
s a y s t h a t t h e r e a r e 12 k i n d s o f s o n s w h i c h a p e r s o n m a y b e d e s t i n e d
to have. They are (t).rltg (Aurasa) a son born to a iawfully
married wife; (Z) *ac (Kshetraja), one that is born to a wife
through a brother or other kinsman of her husband duly appointed
sr.8 tffissqtq: 801

to raise up issue for him ; (:) r< (Datta)' one tlrat has been
receivedas a gift from his natural parents for being adopted;
(+) *iiie(Kreeta), one that has been purchasedfor purposes of the
c o n t i n u a n c eo f t h e f a m i l y ; ( 5 ) f l T q ( K r i t r i m a ) r a s r o w n - u p s o n
adoptedwithout the consentof his natural parents; (6) 3{qqcrr{
(Adhamaprabbava), an offspring born to a low'caste woman
through a Brahmin; (7) €rtqx (Gudhotpanna), a son born
secretly of a woman when her husbandis absent, the real father
being unknown ; (8) 3{ciaq(Apaviddha}' a son that is abandoned
by the father or mother, or by both, and adopted by a stranger;
(s) ficrfi-{(I'auuarbhava),a son of a widow rernarried; (10) 6tdia
(Kaneena),the son of an unmarried wornan; (l l) {il6 (Sahodha)'
the son of a rvoman pregnant at rnarriage; (12) <r€tci{a (Dasi'
prabhava), the son of a female slave. particular kind of son
tbat one may get is thus describedin Saravali'

gd{qn {qgiir gfr€d1r wqlfit }rrq t

tqi qsq: gsi qqsq{qq faqiThtt
qfidi Utqil grruara\nl qq.gx: t
€*Iff4lqqqT q€?iifialfeffisftqr n]+i: ll
flFqI iql{Tq€qt flIFqI{ dlqil flqI eel I
mt n\Xqfgq{eigr$qr*,erq1q:
fr*qg{ qiqfa q}'iisft.iu} {aqee: tl
qpqgndfi;gfiilfni qR nia\q gnq.r
e.fl{g*rqlt:+,lc*rgqs Ai st( tl
flflqqri +lii frrgi qai q{ qqi t
aflqg'i fq-qt.&qq(udq1;grt tl
qil qaqrrdirii\ q{q ETsa
ng+ |
AfadeuqFit qrdq gilsqqqqq:ll
q-i ,tiqt{rqaqkq q;etEAffit qqfti I
802 q|(sqTRqft Adh. XIII.

{flF9a: 91: sJqq€q{qrrTFt

afoiq q qii qlfiq,irtfitfrt Gqr r
gaqqqqfi g+sqfia qft *6,tgfiqqqr(tt
nfhitt qoi nfigft qai sErqqt r
g*,rfiuuieUga' ilq,ifr qqfi tt
TsT qqrsflHT.fi€redq{ qqq +FI I
sfRt qrqta:Rqqfa
ifiebssqq gr: il
gatt qo4uqngtr
g*.n eenriga:*fin: n*aa tt
diarr$+ qrqdqai HEr{rrft |
\ c ^\ .\
qldlsgr: gQq:HFqq€{ilqKIiT ll
graai{ nfuag},orAflfht eqqsda r
Srt nr"qiels'rqrfqfrg-i I
qt+q+.oq*T: qrqw g{r: tl
S u c h o f t h o s e i n w h o s e h o r o s c o p e st h e 5 t h h o u s e i s o c c u p i e d
or s p e c t e d b y l r e n e { i cp l a n e t , so r r : ; i t s e l f a u a u s p i c i o u s s i g n ( b e i r : g
o n ' n c - db y b e n e l i t : s ) ,w r l l c e r t a i l l y b e b l e s s e d w i t h o n e o r o t h e r o f
t h e l < i n d so f s o n s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e . I f i t b e o t h e r w i s e , t h e r e w i l l
be no issue.

If the 5th hr.ruse,couuted either from the Lagna or the lloon

u h i c l r c i e r i s s t r o u g c r ' ,b a p p e n t o b e a \ - a r g a o f J u p i t e r a n d s h o u l d
also bc a benelil sign or be aspected by benefic planets' the person
concerned rvlll have an ctfo{(i(Aur;,sa) son.

The numl,rer olt sons that a person may lrave is that signihed
by the number of benefic Navamsas that have elapserdin the 5th
bhava. This nurnber will be doubled if the bhava be also aspect-
ed by benefics. 'fhe numbcr lost will be ascertained through the
number of malefic Navamsas traversed, and tbe number will be
s[8 *irqqisrqrqr 803

doubled if the bhava be also aspected by mate6cr. Also ff'

XIII-+6, *7, infra.
If the 5th housebelong to a Varga of Saturn and be aspected
bv Mercury but not by Jupiter, Mars or the Sun, the person con-
cerned will have a ta; (Kshetraja) son. The same will be the
case if the house in question belong 1e 3. Varga of Nlercury, be
aspectedby Saturn and be at the same time devoid of the aspect
of Jupiter, IVIarsor the Sun.
I f S a t u r n s h o u l d o w n t h e 5 t h h o u s ea n d a l s o o c c u p y i t a n d i f
t h e M o o n s h o u l d a s p e c tt h e s a i d h o u s e , t h e p e r s o nc o n c e r n e dw ' i l l
get a (({ (Dattal.a) son. If }Iercurv should take the role of
S a t u r n i n t h e a b o v ey o g a t i r e n a t i v e w i l l g e t a f t t ( l i r e e t a ) s o n .
I f t t r e 5 t h h o u s ew i t h S a t u l n i n i t b e i n t h e S a p t a m s ao f \ l a r s
a n c lb e n o t b e a s p e c t e db y a n y o f t h e r e n a i n i n g p l a n e t s ' t h e
person concernedn'i11get a SrQt€(Kritrirna) son.
If the 5th housebe in a Varga of Satu-'n or be occupiedby
the Sun, with the aspect of i\{ars on it, the son of the personcon-
cerned will be an 3Tqqqif4(Aclhamaprabhava).
lf the Moon should occupy in the 5th houseanamsa of Mars
a n d b e a s p e c t e db y S a t u r n a n d n o t b y a n v o f t h e o t h e r p l a n e t s
the son of the personconcernerlwill be a lf,aiiq{(Gudhotpanna).

If Mars occupy the 5th house identical with the \rarga of

Saturn anrl be aspecterlby the Sun, the personconcerned will get
a son of the aqiia (Apatidclha)class ; so declares sageKaruna'
The son of a pdrson will be fiqii+ (Pounarbhava) when, in
his nativity, the l\'Ioonis in the 5th house in a Varga of Saturn
and in conjunctton with that planet, and is also aspected b1'
Venusand the Sun.
tf ttre 5tU bhava be in the Shodasamsaof the Sun and be
o c c u p i e do r a s p e c t e db v h i m , t h e s o n o f t h c p e r s o nc o n c e r n e dw i i l
be a da}< (Kaneena).
If the 5th house belong to a Varga of the Sun br the Moon
and be occupiedby the Moon or the Sun respectively and if the
bhava be at the same time aspectedby Venus' the native will
bave a son of the t{Eid (Sahodha)class.
ildcqrRqre Adh. XIII.

If the 5tl house being a malefic sign be occupied by three or

more malefics in strength and has no benertc aspect on it' the
person concerned will not bave any sc,n.

I f t t r e S t t r b h a v a l r a p p e n st o b e i n t h e N a v a m s e o f V e n u s a n c
has the aspect of that planet on it, the issues will be of the atdi.
qlt4 (Dasiprabhava) c1ass. Sorne sey that the srnre should be
predicted through the \Toon also , i.e., whert tlre 5th bhava is in
the Navamsa of the Moon and is also aspected by that planet.

If the 5th bhava beiug in a Varga of Venus or the tr{oon be at

t h e s a m e t i m e a s p e c t e ' 1o r o c c u p i e d b 1 ' t h e s e p l a n e t s , t h e i s s u e s
w i l l g e n e r a l l y b e < l a i r g l r t e r s .T h e s a m e w i l l l r c t l r e c a s e i f t h e
s i g n r e p r e s e n t i n g t l r e V a ' r g : ri n c l u e s t i o n b e e v e n . O t h e r w i s e , t h e
i s s u e sq ' i l l b e a l l s o r r s .

The author of Sar:rvali gives some detarls regarding one's

wif e, ai,z.:-

g*;g*enfiri' qtaibfla atuqi{?flqq{ q n}'fihl I

qqt qtsfi s qfts't faAfn( EI flf:d fe* qEqqfi€rrFlqrll:
u3$dril' asiq;qrfiqaqq,iiqnI
afirrfiq,it,rai qn?gqi gq.i: €tI( ll
qqqdtqi{r(eqT qef}dqril f;iitflqlarsfE
qlq qfauqiirutgqqlarRqrfii tt
qftq ffafha,irii ghsnarfiqlfqi I
eEar eg'l:o,itqqFnui fii\or tt
{!{m'it: aaui ifiSaaftqrgi'ia-F{ir:
gh turrrqal-isfi aaflnhtqTol€ql:ll
grelnqfr e qI ;IEr{to{lFso}sEEI
sq€ qi{gmqiikavtgeiair qrqf t
$qd gt'{f{rhagi iIIffig gldi{r}
qlfliqeqntireq ffTqtldtqRfqst ll q ll
st 9-10 aqlqtfrsqrq: m0
Sloha 9. When the lord of the 5th bhava or of
the 9th from the Lagna occupies the 7th bhava or an
even Rasi and is aspected by or ia conjunction sith
the Moon or Venus, a gooJ number of daughterswould
be born. If the two planetsreferred to above occupy a
male varga and be aspectcdby or in conjunction with
male planets,the number of children born will cootain
a majority of sons. The question of obtaining irsuer,
an astrologermust propound, with referenccto Jupiter
and the 5th bhava.
cf. noffi.r1
s{{qil 'it+ittqt*gt e} sG g xgfi: t
drrtii elqtdmzb dtqiq=ssrFgdfrgti tl
If the 5th house or its lord be posited in a rnale sign or Amsa
or be in conjunction with or aspccted by rnale planets, the child-
ren will be all rnales. fhe birth rvill be of dirughters if the said
house or its lord be in a fcnrale lt:rsi or Arnsa, or be associated
with or aspected by fctnale planet:.
Ilalalthadrzr,tal;es it{;qriqtlii: o,-, r-rrrins in the last gta of the
sloka to nrean " fronr t h e 5 t h p l a c e reclioned frorn and
quotes the fol1ou'ing :

gqfaqlilfq-qn *'qAz C gni. FII( ll
This as rvell as thc ne.rt six slolias are in lidl,(d.

gx;gtd grt iqoer;g+q-iiq girq w t

ntrgfr {ggr{noi{;qn€t dt grdiasll t o ti
S/oAa 10. If the 6th bharra from the Lagna be a
vargaof Venus or thc Moon and be aspectedor occupied
by either of them, and if at the same time no maldic
planetsbe in the bhava,the person born will have many
808 arftnFltRiri Adh. XIII.

children. But'if SatutnandMars shouldasPectthe Sth

bhava.he wili be bereftof children.
ftaqrft{qS} gil.IffifTtrq mqd*
aqrtgr(ffifuagt ffitsun
eft*q{t c g{u€tilfrsaqg*qt(
q+sgi qh tt t t tt
gM{qfts RII{t{r$qa}
Sloha l'1, A person will have a grandsonif the
?th plscefrom the 5th bhrva be in the Rasi and Amsr
o[ a beneficplanet, or if the lord of the 7th place afore'
said be aspected by or in conjunction with a bene{ic
planetand occupy a K.endra or a Trikona' If the lord
nf the Sth bhava be in <wa (Swakshetra), the person
born will not have many sons. If the planet owning
the Navamsa occupied by the lord of che 5th bhava be
in its own Navamsa,the astrologer may give out that
the personconcernedwill havc but one son.

gx& qfirfti ftm'ir qrqriidt*sqqt

g{Kgq{r1Rl$r&il1 qrTI:$o'6'itr*tl I
nfr rqrqri{rir il(i.ft gfaffit g{{I
g*& ilgt t* gilqfr rJaifrqrilFqcTqll ?1 ll
Sloha \2, If the lord of the ?th bhava be in the
5th, the person born will have no children or be'bereft
bf a wife. Malefic plan':ts in the 8th, the 6th and the
12th places from the 5th bhav,r bring the family to
extinclion. Rahu occupying the 5th bhava and the lord
thereof in a g:tara (Dusthhana) vrill causethe death of
children. If the lord of the Lagna be in the 5th and the
lord of the latter io the 1st bhava, the person"'-qcerned
will adoPt a Bon.
s[ 19-14 zqtqdcqrq: 8nt

For the lst {l{ (paaa)of this sloka comparethe following
from qoaliiqt\\ '. ^\ \
e.lw gf,rt qqeqtanlsgqls'iqlll

C<risdq sr&ldtRfi q( t
rJ6rREqffi4qreq€fraqll tl ll
SJofta13. If the lords of the 1st and the 5th bha'
vas occupy a g:<nrT(Dusthhana) and be aspected by a
benefic planet, the person born will have a legitimate
son as well as a scn by adoption. Find the vargar of
the planet occupying the Rasi repreeentiogthe Stir
bhavaanCalso thoseof the Karakaof the game. Find
again which of the several Rasis to which theeevargas
b.long are unoccupiedby planets; from someone of
the class of people irldicatedby these Rasis will the
personconcernedadoPta son.
*nffiqtJ$r: gdt{: grTd
d'qri:Ee'iqfa gd qqtfr qtti I
qtqT$rfrqFrgfurrEf}Krg! ll tB ll
Sloha L4. If the lord of the 5th bhavain conjunc'
tion with a benelic planetbe in a Kendra or Trikona
porition in a benefic Rasi, the person born will havea
son in his carly yearo. lf the lord of the 5th bhava be
in conjunction with Rahu, the son born in the Bhukti
(girn) of the former wrll be short-lived while the one
born in the gi* (Bhukti) of Rahu in the sanaeyoga
will attain long life.
809. qnnF Rilt Adh.xlil,

qrejffit gilIqri€tfr qqtl
qR Wqtqfiim qtshT{r q{qrE
qbtaiiitiqi gilEdiqriurtqrqi n t\ tl
Sloka 15. If the lorde of the 5th and the Znd bha,
vas be weak and if malefic planets aspect the bth bhava,
the person born even when he has many wiveg will
certainly have no children. But if his wife be born
under a yoga which makesa Bon possibleand if the 5th
bhava be aspectedby a benefic planet or the lord of the
6th place from the 5th bhava, she will become the
Eother of a son by a paramour.
With this, compare XIV-I6 infra.

S{qfi il{tt {r gt il gqqiikt I

gqqtE{gt g{qritf drqr n lq tl
Slaho t6. If the 5th bhava,its lord or
Jupiter be
aepectedby or in conjunctionwith a beneficplanet,
personborn will undoubtedlyhave a
cf. so{tfi+r
gFqTfierilftii: gdt{;iiar: gpiraqrqgq?firgi
gafr r
qRg*q fqq:sas]di qrrqrifrud gl'nA,
If Jupiter and the lords of the
5th house reckoned from the
Lagna and tlie Nloon be well-placed
and rvhen the 5th house has
on it the aspect of a benelic planet
or of one'owning an auspicious
house (i.e. orher than the
6th, gth or l2th), or if the lords of the
Lagna and the 5th bouse be posited
tog.thu, rn a house or have
rnutual benelic aspect or occup\.
each other,s places, the acquisi-
tion of children is assured,
*,--.,.-ff*'-,.-. - -*".- Y
cf . also the following from SITIKER

sgrrtMta qqtgqtlnlFqligrqi{r {e
gaernftas: gag'*Fq * qqqdsfls: I
gtr+['d stil qGeaaqfrql]taruraa:
rrq)friqeulqqfi qggir:erflneilgtr x
u}ril rGg{tuqTllgecq*if ga' t
s,*q)gu{: ensai wg,trrw*tt
s{iit q=uq61qEqgle{ ng'r}irvn r
q-.q).dagee+1q.JE il tiq gerft il
ed r'ilqrq"q'ilqtqg,fir\ g,rw I'i t
wa, gegai€$q{isq' gaa qmt{h
qnhra<e rflag qt ftAr-nfleilqfi:I
qlrqqnar,i 'qqfigfauaq{ia Rrq ftq* i-
q;*;q{i-€fnaeq6gwra} +trqnfi €qtq( |
geardieaO€q:H qqfrR aw n+qfi<Fufi(rl
erai dfiiriqfd q gftfir* arqgvn<afi n
r ring* qrcq{g€irsqqnfP{fi
rrqrfi-qqErin]drgnl ad glal a'rrr
,{raa}qfi qlf}a:€qaqfi'tfltgfi{i-
ti t6oflalrafrg'<nrgi<rq Het{Tqtl
oit s{qrq0S}i qq*gt t
qRrotq*dit g{nfr* d{qs ll le ll
Sbhu L7. When the lord of the lot bhava, occu
piesthe 6th and the lord of the latter posEetsec
and Jupiter also is in full strengtb, there will
undoubtedlybe a Eon.
8r0 ctaqcrRqR Adh. XIII

grtlrrriddi qltxdrsrfRt
usrftrr ffi gr{ritf tuqr lt ld tl
Slofra 18. When Jupiter occupiesthe 6th bhava
n full etrength and is aspectedby the tord of the
Lagna,a son will undoubtedlybe born.
ttiqst{t di s}t q ilr fkt r
gr{rtr *?t g+ffitE tl 11u
Sloka 19. When Jupiter has attaineda Vaiseshi
kamsaand when the lord of the 5th bhava is also in a
Vaiseehikamsa,and when the lord of the 9th bhava
aEpectothe 5th, the astrologer may declare the birth of
a Eon.
qrot@i XIEtfqrftn;sA I
ilq wditFi+Etr{it"qft a tqqr ll Roll
Sloka20. If the Moon be in the 10th bhava,
Venus in the ?th and maleficplanets in the 4th, the
family of the person born underthis yoga will not
cf. d<nc \ .
e{t qs{ q;q: flE} qq+ftd: I
qr\, qrarf,gFDa
qflqrq*t at: ll
qrnili q;i taqsrt u,it, Si r
qri' qr,rloct{rr}<rq+fiffi: tl
Also q-€ffiE;I
a\ A.
ar.IrEtrilfiwt6quqrrgqfl$q: I
qt nfrft* qil gnw{tagfFft:
W aRrRtq-q"qqageqqr\rR
sl.8r-82 tq?qrfrsrnrrqs 81n

t" t"t"-* t*-tas"ta a*ilv extinction: (l) tho

4th, the 7th and the lOth houses in aoy nativity beiog occupied
(2) the
respectively by a malefic planet, Venus and the Moon;
l2th, tlre 8th, the 5th and the first houses being occupied bv male-
fics: (3) Venus and Mercury in the 7tir, Jupiter in the 5tb and
malefics in the 4th houses; and (4) the Nloon in the 5th and rnale'
fics in the 8th' the l2th and t\e lst"

qgrsqqftotw qngin gdlftmst

rfr n ryrft& gd{Ifr*qur rl Rl ll
Stoha 7L. If the lord of the Lagna occupy the 6th
or the 8th bhava and the Lord of the 5th be either in
conjunction with malefic planets or aspectedby inimi'
cal or depressed planets,the astrologer should say the
personborn under the yoga will losechildren"
qrq€fl$ |
*{it-Gffiftor: lt 1q ll
Sloka 22. If maleficplanetsbe in the 18t, ?th, gth
and the 12th bhavasand occupy the vargas of inimical
signe,they will causethe extinction of the family
The following yogas leading to the same eflect are fronr
onFsgfllErrilktgfrIqlqq{terrfiarufg: t
gti{ a;gfieafi:s'E{rqfi"}'i{iie qtr: tl
g*art {tqqeufi:$eriq\ q;Egiq gft t
qTqqQI fi:sgauttrt: q{s ft"}miia {ta: i,
Bw+t awrasitq acsatq[-{gt aq)qr t
ffgrrdl4t d q{ie ih}q*ila
qTqqQT qK: I
qrGqa*rgi sgmo'tgfrEugilgnrt r
ars qrir$c'rRqrt Adh.XIII.

t* .nnrgr(€Rt q vrQirre fa"beprlqqK: ll

qrt fiort geil n{rr} e,r}'s\wruflrgt r
qAfidiiqft orart qatqfi-Frqqiiaqrd:tl
iFExrrgqr 6{rr qrorirftrqi sEqdtert
fitqrr tqui61q qpitsfi qii{i*ilr: 1 Rl tl
Sloka 23. Eighr classesof femalesare excluded
hom the benefit of the rules governing the birrh of
children. Theseare: (i) a barren woman; (2) one ad,
v a n c e di n y e a r s ; ( 3 ) o n e e m a c i a t e d
by disease;'(4o
) ne
that is a child; (5) one discased; (6) one without
menstruation; (7) one whosc body is rouglr; and lastly,
(8) one that is corpulent.

gtolnntrrgeqlrilfr\Sq r
u{s qo-di?gEtraqrFfidxretiilil i,B tl
Sloba 24. When Jupiter and the lords of the lst,
the ?th and the 5th bhavas are all weak, childlessness
ahould be pronounced.
This sloka is taken from I'arasara.

grvri nrtqri ildt Cffirt r

glrsfrt{&} g fifi€'{Tr
iffmerf,ril R\ tl
Sloha 25, a maleficplanet is in the bth
bltava and its lord is depressedand without benefic
arpect,childlessnessmust be pronounced.
cI. q€{rf.{qt
flrrftndwrtgii R:s,ftt-n&vegtmr
gim nnr:+ftilsx q$' g\e} gnt get rr
81.26-?8 lirqlr)svrqr 813

If the lord of the 5th housebe in depressionor in an inimical

houseor be eclipsed,or be in conjunction with the lords of the
l 2 t h ' t h e ( r t h a n d t h e 8 t h h o u s e s ,t h e r e s u l t w i l l B e l o s s o f c h i l d -
ren, say the astrologers. The same will be the case wl.renthe lord
of the 5th is posited in the 5th antl is not aspectedbv benefrcs.

U€'oei6q1*1qsq€Qiiqt I t
gqrr+rr(Rttu-qr ifi1t€til ll Rq ll
Sloka 28. When malefic planets occupy the 5th
placef rom Jupiter, Lagnr and.tl'reMoon and are neither
with nor aspectedby b:nefic planets,child,
lessness must be pronounced.
grqnrri qrt il{rt qHIIE{tI
drqeq'mGi qffi-qr ifirretil tt Rs ll
Sloho L1. When a maleficpianetoccupiesthe 5th
bhavaand its lord is betwecn two maleficplanetsand
is neither aspectednor associatedwith a beneficplanet,
childlessness musr be pronounced.
cf' qoqtiqat
oaifrcanfiai gr,rgcri€+fhi'aeg')ngtfhhgr
vlirnlg galg giralg g:t-'lr.{tga q?f}f,gdt: fi'rp( ll
When the 5th places counted frorn the Lagna, Jupiter and
the Moon arc either associated rvith or aspectecl iry malefics and
a r e d e v o i d o f b e n e 6 c s o r o f t h e i r . r s p e c t ,o r , w h e n t h e s e h o u s e sa r e
surrounded by malefics on botlr sides aud when lords of tbe
above said horrses are posited in Dustthanas (i.e., 6th, 8th aod
l2th), the person concerned can have no issues whatever.

qrqquq{tqE grn qu{Rt I

firqqrffit qila{n €ilGfirr ll R6 ll
S/ofrc?8. If Jupiterbe betweenZ maleficplanetc
and the lord of the 5th bhavabe without strengthand
8r4 qttscrliq e Adh. XIII.

with J ,r0.., by a benelicplanet,

devoidof association

${eni gqt} qqt}sqqr qR r

urFqwEgfrqt aqrEqrqqsgdrsll qq ll
Sloha79. When the 5th bhavais in a Rasiowned
by Mercuryor Saturn anCis occupiedor aspectedby
Mandi or Saturn, the personwill have sonsgot by
adoptionor otherways.
This sloka is from Parasara.
cf. q-of,rftqt
qr;qgdd q{i qH *q qr-qftgarf}qa{tfhd
ta t
qillFrTq: fi<o, gtn: ll
If the 5th bhava be a sign owned by Saturn or \llercury and is
aspectedby or associated with l\'Iandior Saturn, the personcon-
cerned will have a son by adoption. The'same will be the result
when the lord of the 5th house is weak and is not connectedin
aDy way with the lords of the ist arrdthe Tth houses.

EiwRrftr I
$CIRdrdlql Srl iT {T;<tRill 1o ll
grqrl gdtt qrqtt W\ ttrqi t
ftrdi qia$rqrdtrnndwt ltonq.ll lt ll
S/olas 3C-31. Jupiter in Meena, gives very few
children; in L)hanue,gives children after much diffi'
culty; in Katakaor Kumbha, no issue at all. When
the 5th bhava is in Kataka,Meena, Kumbha or Dhanus,
and Jupiter occupiesthe same,the effect is as declared
in aloka 30.
sI.89-33 lqHssqrq: 815

n gnTrr&g!ll
Tho causeof shildlessness,
qnfrurret iqilqq gffiqr r
qgTfqrgist RqaTqq$ffiqr ll 11 tl
Sloka 32, When Jupiteroccupyingthe 5th bhava
is seenby a maleficplanet;the loss of issuesresultsin
consequence of a deity'scurse. If Jupiterbe in conjunc,
tion q'ith or aspected by the lord of the 6th bhava,the
lossof children is dueto the curseof Brahmins.
With this and the next four slohascorllpare the followiug
from slld;[((f.

€nrFs?Ggt fHagdtqe nrqr(t(

u}} verngtafi,{qrn}€h1!p{rgs:
rlrlta aelqotqtqqrftqarRrn,i
qrr+{}sfqg}rqrrrgt mqfin{ffiF€ft:11
glils'qftrigt ga.It *.ilRg+ aqr
gar,geqfsuil g€gt sqfforqFgft:1
dtoqGqoqnfid m snt aa:
tdw raror€qqrTflnq1rflFqrnrgrq{
snir$qffi ftgqrttflf\t t
gr€&R*+r ftgcivqWqqrn 11rl
Sloha 31. If the lord of the 5th bhavabe in con-
junction with Mars and aspectedby the lord of the 6th
bhavaand is devoid of beneficaspect,the loasof iasuer
chouldbe tracedto the wrong doneto enemies.
816 crfisqftiln] Adh. XIII.

qr{enqt qfr git qrE*St

qrt qrilf,qr($rrqqrlt lB rl
Sloka 34. If a malefic planet be in the 4th bhava,
and the lord of the 5th be in conjunction with Saturn
and the 8th or the t2th bhava be occupied by a malefic
planet, the loss of issues is in consequenceof offence
againstthe moth:r.
aqt qrqrtghq;qg* g?Ti\i I
Grslt qrilqdgirfiacivq (Fr{q:tl lB tl
S/oArr35. If a maieiic planet occupy the 9th and
the lord of the 5th bliavabe in conjuncticn with Saturn
and if Mandi be in a Trikona position, the losaof
children shouldbe ascrib:dto offenceagainstthe father.

ilg*'gvi st qei EoEffiit

il{tr qrirQrr
qft dqiqr( gileilqr
n lq tl
S/oAa 36, If the 5th bhavabe occupiedor aspcct-
ed by Rahu or Ketu, or if the lord of the bhava be
similarly placed,the loss of children is broughton by
offenceagainsta serpent.
geffiErqFrwr tfcr q{t t
gtq{tnqrgffi *eqt 11Qull
S/ota .3?. If Jupiter,the lord of the 5th bhava,
the lord of the ?th and Mars be together in one bhrva, a
wise astrologer may declare the loss of $ons and
daughtersto arisefrom troublecausedby evil deitieo.
sr{( qftqg/li{-dli}{ilt
sr€sfgTarQrqq ilil Eqr+T!gils il Qull
SloAa 38. If there be a planet in the 5th bhava
st.89-{s rqtqtilsErFtt 8r7

U of the 5th be
unacpected by any planet, then the person concerned
will have eonaby adoptionand other ways.
There are two other readings, rtiz.-
(l) cc$ Sr<rla end Ql;ng:s"ilq4q.

qrqtnrtq* Setq{rrfuit
flrdq qrnfr$tfis ffiqq: ll lq ll
Sloha 39. It the Moon be in a malefic Raei and
the lord of the 5th bhava be in the 9th, and if the lord
of the Lagna be in a Trikona, there will be a eon by

wfrEt grilq{e+qntfrsftqrt
q;qt{s{qT€AEqg*'t{ffi ll Bo ll
Sloka 40. When the rising sign is an even Rast
and the lord of the 5th bhava occupies the 4th or has
attained a Navamaao[ Saturn, there will be a son by

Wqiirqt5qRrqI giqilsirgwfuerI
Eqgrq qFrft{ilfuqii qfrtqft ll st ll
Sloka 41. If the lord of the 5th bhava in conjunc'
tion with the Sun and Mercury be in a Navamsa
owned'by an even Rasi or by Saturn, there will be a
son by adoption.
q;Ett g*nrqt$ qrrfr gelil{fi r
d qqsdxrftrqt {rqft g:T3
gil! ll 81,ll
Stoho 42. If the lord of the 5th bhava occupy a
Navamsaof Saturn, and Jupiter artd Venus be in their
818 ffirc|frq|t Adh. XIII

adoptionand then havea son from his wife.
q-{t{rsR{ilntal gsqqnqqrfutrs
gdfr grqrf Etgtmwafrrll 81 ll
Sloka 43 If the planets predominating in the
light half of a month be in a Navamsa of Saturn, and
Jupiter occupy the 5th bhava,the family of the person
born will be continued in the line of the son taken for
ffi wrqil ftqart Rqmit
gfr qrgrrri€U qiq tt BBtl
grr mror;fr
Sloha 44. When Mars is in the Lagna, and the
Sun occupyingthe 8th or the 4th bhava is aspectedby
a beneficplanet,the pcreonborn will have a son iate in
cl, t-nnq
qiq iieeqrh qreqilfifFairfiixUtr ,
qi aresgn{ig1: zsrar;ilqqfAlt
Also nu{'nr*r
S arelgnqltfiqq't q"Ewq ont
6fl e6{Tq}
: arileadttarecrqnfrgfr
q'i vlt{qt gtftqagarql}nqrt qq-
\ \ A \ \

wTs;Ttqqn;qil nqqqls enTot;ittQdd: l!

When the Sun is positedin a childless Rasi, Saturn is
in the 8th and Mars in the Lagna; or when Saturn, Jupitcr
and Mars occupy respectively the Lagna, the 8th and the l2th,
and the 5th house happensto be a chiltlless sign; or whcn thc
Moon bccupies the llth, and thc 5th house reckoned from
Jupiter is occupied by a malefrc. planet, and there 8rG morc
St ,f6-46 aqlqiisqrqr 819
! v ! vY uvvvvv v U v UvurY vff
v v t u r v vvvvr ! r
! v Y v u ! v v v v v v Y v v v

planets stationed io the Lagna; the person concerned will have

a child late in life and that too, after a great eflort'
qa{irci is thus explained by e-'iar in his s'oirfqfl'

The signs Vrischika, Vrishabha, Kanya and Simha are termed

Childlcss Rasis. (vide also Adhvava XVI, 29 and 43 infra')

ohfrfrq(ait;mqnrrilgfr r
q{i f{A fift St iloralt go ll 8\ ll
Sloha 45. When Saturn is in the Lagna,Jupiter
in the 8th, Mars in the l:.th, and the 5th bhava is weak'
the peroonborn wrll ha'.'ea son late in life'
' {ru<e
*i Gqrffiq* s{.eqgFtg* q qR *i I
qeqis€qqnfrgx, ,T,IaIFd\
Also c({r(
a.ri q;a grl r-i -q* rilqHqF'qtt
qqet €trqqI fitt gxdfr s: tt
gil{ rTerrrilEildtqw;rr$E{ {orr( lHd
ilfiq iqrfitrirrarttrtfiRrdq iteftr q I
qrdt*E aqirrffiq.S{eqn Ki{I ffit tq\q
afrqadqdlfttcq g ffnqslaf glqql ll 8q ll
Slohu 46. An astrologermay a-qcertain the number
of sonsfrom the 5th bhava; of brothersfrom the 3rd;
oi wives from the 7th ; of servant-nraidsfrom the 4th;
aod of menialsand friends from the Znd. Multiply the
elapsedNavamgas (in minutes) in eachbhava by the
benefic aspect on it (in Rupas) and set down the result'
Divide thir by 200 (which is the number of minutes io
820 qratc|Q!fi Adh. XIn

one Navamaa). The quotienr representsthe numbcr of

sons, brothers etc.
See also next sloka.
cf, tri.
gitil+lqgiriagew 6q1 grrin* |
Gnrgtfht fr$: qrqifrqrqitfhtll
Also cttt4dr
Reqrqqi{qeqr*rqii arqd'ts{ ret I
gttFt d(BgoITF,er qrqia*s,{il $ tl
qilqi Hf,q?nrrdT
rrrqFqFqr qia&,im er
dHin€fi ryQ,iaft at€grtt:$R6t:g*a-r 1
ufr g+,aga-a)fRqgdrfiairrriqrft6tfi
hfqq-arflqr,igfiEmftdnBfqosqqii rr
Also va;qqpq1
q flaftdeldqrs,lqqian}sR ET
61se |nr;46;a

€;aHrrr4l$scrqdpqrq6H;dfi: Hi€* gdFt I

Also q'aifq+r
g?rgaagmtfttcqrfii' r
gnfial grqrfaiiiln(gh nt' gefqfafifqosh
The nunrber of issues should be deterrnined by a consideratios
of ( t ) tle planets in the 5th houseor those that are posiredalong
with the lord of the 5th bouse, as to boc' rrran! of them are in
f r i e n d l y , d e p r e s s i o no r i n i r n i i : a l N a v a r n s a s . A s i r n i l a r e x a m i n a t i o n
s h o u l d a l s o b e m a d e i n r e s r ) e c to f t i r e 5 t h h o u s e o r i t s l o r d r e c k o n e d
from the gigr: occupied by Jupiter or the sigr: representing the
N a v a m s a o c c u p i e < ib y t h e S u n ^
sl.4?-49 qqiqrilsqFrs sitl

g* trEr{ sutgci qr{ q ilft ffn

afrrr: gqQeelqd{fl!rrgtlrRqirn sqq I

rqqn qrqafirrsrdor.{ftgrGirttrr(ts il Be lt
Sloha 47 Leaving out the figures indicating the
number of signs in the bhavas to be mentioned below,
multiply the degrees, minutes, etc. in each, converted
into minutes, by the figure (in Virupas) representing
the beneficaEpect and divide the producta by 60 and
again by 200. The results arrived at in respect to the
6th, the 3rd, the 7th, the lst and the 4th bhavasreEpec-
tively represent the number of sons, brothers, wiveE,
menials whether male or fernale, and friends that the
owner of the horoscope is to have. The figures got
similarly from malefic aspect on the several bhavas
above,mentionedindicate the number of sons and otherc
that will be lost.

S*rft:siEtf]ear$eg(rwinicqrsgils I

.fi.T,iftfrqqSiqqqqt gdtsn Bd tl
S/oAa 48. Add the correct f iguresfor the lords of
the 5th and the lst bhavas,and find out the Rasi and
the amsa the sum represrnts. When Jupiter passel
through this and its triangular positions, there is a
possibility of a scn beiog born. Agrin, take the pum
of the f igures for jupiter, the Moon and the Sun, and
ascertainthe Rasi and the Navamsasthe suro repreqents.
Tbe number of the Navamsasobtained give the nunber
8n Gs'fun Adh. luII.

of irrues of the perloD concerned. Two nore alterna-

tive methodsfor ascertainingthis oumber are: (1) edd
tfre ligurea of the lords of the 5th, the ftb and the 4th
bharns and ascertain,a8 in the above care, tbe number
of.part Navamcacin the Rasi fouod. Thic will be the
oumberrequired: (2) add the figuresof the planetaif
any in the 6th, the 9th and the 4th bhavas. The nunn,
ber of childrenwill be the numberof elapaedNavamcag
in the Rasi found.
Ihe following from qodfrqt givesa clue to ascertain when
conceptionmay be possible:
qogd swifrqtfharqqqqa{fr
isrq r
frri qr Wq-+ qiiTdql t,TqRrr{: tt
Conception (of a birth) may take place when, the Sun and
Venus in the case of males, Mars and the Moon in tho case of
fomales, being possessed of strength pass through their Rasis or
Navamsasidentical with an orq-qq(Apachaya) place.

qM 'Aowqar(gIqEqrd
dqrqltui q irrftfiIu* $fddf*q t
g{sr;rq6nT{$ugeqqruil ilq{r
il&aF{rftrfsrmfifirURq gTf,(r tt Bq tl
Sloha 49. The 5th and the 9th bhavas from
Jupiter, the Moon and the Lagna are child'producing.
During the dasaand bhukti of thelord of a child'produc'
ing bhava,the astrologermay predict the accession of a
child. Add the figures for the lords of the 5th and the
?th bhavas,and ascertainthe star indrcatedby the totai.
ln daaayieldaa son. The dasaas well as its bhukti of
a pluet which either aEPects or ie in conjuncrion with
sl. 49 tfiqqisqtqt 883

the lord of the 5th or the 7th bhava will prove to be

fhis as well as the next one are in el{'d(fl.
The following additional information from q?tlicmt about
(Putrabhava) glrqg will be found to be interesting :

3rd q grqi{+
gdqfri n+remo1r
dtqi dqEaea.Fa
qIwg{ gwg}+q qqqscq}
iqi frqqdSnqcftqflA g ftri +tq rr
Add together the liguresrepresenting the positionsof Jupiter,
the i\Ioon and f lars irr the case of ternale horoscopes. lf the
result denotesan even l(asi and an even Navamsa, the strength of
f e c u n d i t vi n t h e l e n r a l ci o r p r r d u c i n g o f i s p r i n gi s e s s u r e d . I f i t i s
m i x e d( i . e , , R a s i r n a l e a n d A m s a f e , , r a i e ,o r u i c eu e r s a ) , t h e r e w i l l
be children only after a great eflort. If the sum total of thc
figuresdenoting the positionsof the Sun, \'enus and Jupiter signify
a n o d d I l a s i a n d a n o d d N a v a m s a 'i t d e n o t e s t h a t t h e v i r i l i l y i s
t h e m a l e t o p r o d u c e o f l s p r i n gi s v e r y s t r o n g ; a n d i n c a s e o n e o f
t h e t w o ( R a s i a n d N a r a m s a ) b e e r e n , o n e h a st o p r e d i c t a m i x o d
q€fl;rfii: qTgFSinlqt-
{tearnafafrfte gqft+ s+sesq.irqft
Auirarfr gafttierurfrqr(qil, qq{.i}'
qfrfuqfiqiq fafr{tQ';t €rrqftqnet $d: rr
Subtract llve tinres the ligures for the Sun from five times the
figures for the \'Ioon, If the Tithi representedby the result be ru
auspiciousone in ,6" f1;ght half of a month, prqfeny is assureC
to the native (even) without nruch exertion. But if it be ooe of
the dark half of the month there is no such possibility. It rt by *
close examinationof the strength of tbe Titbi-whcther it rs aus.
picious or otirerwrse-rn both the Pahshas-bright and darlr-thai
8s4 qfrrtwaqti Adh. xlil.

ono hiurto divine the possibility of the nativc being blessed with
issues.During au Amavasya, a *fii4 (chhidra) tithi, the ftB (Visntl)
Karana or any one of the i€t Karanas, there will be no issue at all_
*Chhidra Tithis are (l) qg'ff (Cnaturthi), (2) sO(Shashti), (t)
eisdt (Ashtami), (4) TTnl (Navami), (5) <rtal (Dwadasi), and (6)
.r$ht (Chaturdasi). These six ane generilly avoided for any
auspicious function.
There are I I Karanas distributed over the 30 Tithis of the
Lunar month at the rate of 2 Karanas for each Tithi. Four of
these viz., (l) Chatushpatthr, (2) Naga,ra, (3) Kimsthuehna and
(4) Sakuna are called (Stthira) Karanas and are so named as they
permanently hold sway over the four hatf Tithis commencing
from the 2nd half of KrishnapakshaChaturdasi. The other seven
viz., (l) Bava, (2) Balava, (3) Kaulava, (4) Taitula, (5) Garaja, (6)
Vanija and (7) Vishti or Bhadra are called Chara or moveable
Karanasand occur in 8 cycles to preside over the remaining 56
h a l f T i t h i s o f t h e l u n a r m o n t h b e g i n n i n gw i t h t h e l a t t e r h a l f o f
Suklapaksha Prathama.
ct. frrgITqrRffiI
gglftr$€r!:IilwzT 4{ult: 4qTE 1
sqGqarr fqw;arr egnwgrif,riiorr rr
ai q srsi *s Slnoq'*qoavr r
rrrei afirq] isi!: stti firorr:s'qr( tl
qss.rtqct iiiers{"i q{rrrrre: t
{*rqlqi ci iaiE: qi qd€c{iq rr
qdiqrqi si gri qwqi q{'qmar t
q{r{rcq? iiieagftqt E qia: rr
trSi q1Fcqqrrt i*TXEiq ilt{ a I
fuuiq ;Fwr;lq qgitccrr'.id: rr
g-gsias-{-saicd-ii a'rw?eterq t
hwi ageqt ari frrgi flgii nerrtl
lSitgx*nifir qrcunFAg ffqAE I
affi q eS a 6rErii aur tr
qe{l cedt *a ccT.ls6"r:cdtftdrt tl
sr.49 rffistwqr 825

Rld' Rqt il wt qR qrd E*i q+d.ftqqmq*' r

qwi gilflqqlTfl +r{ qiaguqT fto qTrnrq{tt
(lqrqqs aqq qqEqiqqEfr ia:qan q t
qge{ft?qfats(dr <il(arqrfttrrqaqaErqtt
qft ftEqrfi€ qeqqqigi'it q{Fqr:qa}sfr+e-tqt
qTrrrdF+,;qq &a aft mlq tt
Should however the result happen to be one of the chhidra
(fu<) fltnis, the iliii (vistrti) Karana or a fu( (Stthira) Karana
alluded to in the previous sloka),one ought to worshipGod Krishna
by meansof the Purusha Sukta mantras to ward off the barrenness
lhreatening the family. If the Tithi disclosed be Shashti' he
ought to worship God Subrahrnanya; if lt be Chaturthi, he ought
to propitiate the lord of serpents: if it be Navami, he ought to
arrangefor the rerrdingof Ramayanaand hear that Stogy; if it be
Ashtami, he ought to observe the Sravana Vrata (bv fasting); if
it be Chaturdasi, he must worship God Siva by Rudrapara'
yana; if it be Dwadasi, he must propitiate the Gods by liberal
feeding; if it be Amavasya or Pournami' he ought to propitiate
the Manes. Thcse things he ought to do all the more and with
greater care and effort when the Tithi happens to be one among
the last 6ve of the month--uiz. after 5!Tl'{A({riil. Generally, in
the dark half of a month to whichsoever of the three divisions
a Tithi may belong, worship ought to be resortedto; the particular
deity to be propitiatedbeing Nagaraja in the first division 6iz'1-
5 Tithis), Skanda in the second (next 5 fithis i.e. 6- l0) and
Hari in the third (or last 5).
g** Rgdtqils<qqilft 'qrsfi ftfrqn-
€eegfl€fFqiisRqfa EI g:FqTnqRa{TI(
gilqlqftETilq *qlt drftqilmFf,q"
fr*,qqawRfiri' q-{rq€g
qtq tr
lf at a birth the lord of the 5th house be posited in its inimi.
cal or depressionsign or be eclipsed {by the Sun's rays} or occupr
8s6 qnr'lqrftqrt ,q,dh.xlil.

aDy of thc,g:gFrrfr (Dustthanas, ajz., tbe 6th, the gth

or lZth); or
thc planet occupying thc 5th house be similar.ly
situatd or happeo
to be the lord of any one of the three houses, viz., lhe
6th, gth or
the i2th' one ought to declarechildlessnessas an inevitable
He ought to divine tbe source of the same by an examinatiorr
the particular deity, tree and animal representedby
the sign occu-
pied by that planet.

"dggqoiridR rt-
wrq frqfrtqdr
*rtrforfffi qgrilflersraaq-
dqt*g.l dqrFfr ul} g'qgq"&qaq
qtqrR+rlq sr
q-tsEplqqr6$ frqft: ii: ftffq1fift: rr
€qlil aail gtvnftt s{e {rT'rrirrtT
hal qrqomqdagfot \alqm{ qi( r
gh-{ gfdmrFqd}
oGaq.kfrr6' gt
$q) eTqffi mqtfrfrqtaN+qurqn:rg
lf thc planet in question happens to be the Sun, the percon
cmcerned becomessonless owing to injury done to God
Siva and
Garuda,and the consequent curse of the Manes; If the
Moon, it
wiil be due to the displeasure and anger of the mother,
a Suman-
geli or other venerable woman or Goddoss Bhagavati
owing to
her feelings iraving been hurt; In the case of Mais, it
wilr be due
to some fault done to tbo village deity, to God
Kartikeya, to an
s.t!€m:r,or one"s dayadins : if the pianet be Mercury,
the sonless-
ness will be due to curses made try youngsters
or to the kiling of
tbe spewns (oSgsof fishes end similar creatures)
or to ths wrath
f Gsd Vishou ; I,f Jupiter be such planero it
will bo dus to sonc
st {9 qfr$ilsqrqr 8r8
hsrrn done to the hereditary Brahmin family'priest or thc dcstruc'
tion (cutting asunder) of a tree full of fruits; if the trord of thc
5th or the planet posited therein be Venusg the ceu* df child'
lessocss will be due to the cutting oft of a tree full of .flowcrs, or
an iojury caused to a virtuous lady or to tho cow-kind or a sinful
dced to people that ought to be rcvered; if Saturn be tha planol
under advertance, it will be due to the destruction of an qrtttl
(Aswatthe) trre or on account of Yama's ire or through tlepartcd
Spirits, Goblins and the like ; if Rahu should occupy the gth,beu
c bo ersociated with the lord of that house, it will be dnt to tb
curce of a serpont; in the case of Ketu, it will bc owing to thc
curso of a Br4hmin. if it be Mandi, it will be due to a cursc
from departed Spirits. If Venus and the Moou in conjunction
with Mandi should be in such a positiou, the cause will br
attributed to the murder of a damsel or the killing of a cow.
Tf Jupiter or Ketu in conjunction with Mandi be in tho 5tb bdfl,
the son-lessnesswill be oo account of the murdcr of a Brehmin

qq R q-qgqt rctiq.qfiqtftf, gftil{e qqf*ilflQI: I

@q{TFilftr ftE gtfrEtu
Tbus have been detailed the several sins accrued by oue's
acti,ous in his many previous births and now revealed in his
present nativity which lead to childlessaess and to ward off which
and to secure a son persoDs versed in the Astrological sciencc
have recommended (appropriate) particular Japas, gifts and such
other good actions prescribed for the several planets.

Wr{t: frqt: qil{fr |

frEF{ri+tfii nrq,ryrqr:
qrqaTraqqqrq$Rsigdqt, $gqlFH;ilffrtr n
A boly bath in Rameswaram' eng"agingoneself in rcciting
the rccounts of a venet'able aud a revered pGrsonzger worsbip of
Gsd Sive, observance of vows with reference to (propitirtq) God
Vishnu, gifts, ceremonios in honor of depertod spirits, ilstrllatioq
of tbs serpent deity, these are the various modcs recoromendcd bt
wbich o[e can attain ProgenY.
828 qRnrqrRlilft
Adh. XIII.

grqrilmn+q{gil glqrrqrg{ur
glwrawRqffiuft'rqtg*nrnni qin I
qtilt qoflf.ba'iqft g,Trnrqffiuftqroi
grdfrgdtrqqfqUdqflit q O{i}ai n \" tr
Slofrn 50. If the lord of tire 5th bhalva,its Karaka.
the planetaspectinqth;tt bhava, and the on,: occupying
it, own a g:ttttr (Dristthrna) or be wcak or be posited in
a gserrrr(Dustthana), tb,: astrologer Inay prcdict the loss
of a son during the ,Jasaor bhukti of rany or-reof those
planets. But if these {our planetsbe srrong and benefic,
in their dasa,bhtrkti a.nd antara, they lead t<_rcheacqui-
sition of chrldren, tl'reir prosperity and thc favor of
men in power.
cf. mea'lhmr
glrmq girrTqq gilirR: I
g}{|ilfi{qar qq{Ez{d qli qt aqqfhlarqiaq qr tt
The acquisition of a son should be expected during the Dasa
or Apahara of any one of the 6 planets, viz., the lord of the Lagna,
t h e l o r d o f t h e 7 t h , t h e l o r d o f t h e 5 t h , J u p i t e r , t h e p l a n e ta s p e c t .
ing the 5th houseor the one occupying the 5th house, or when
Jupiter in hisorbit transirs tbe srgn or the Navarnsa Rasi occu-
pied by the lord of the 5tlr houseor the Upagraha, Yamakantaka.

eilrfr{T:gfl{rtq ,irq ei+i qS qnqsr wfa I

gaqrft:qt(qt ar;n,t: gas qrqrft*nrgq il tt
F i n d w h e n t h e l o r d o f t h e L a g n a c o m e sd u r i n g h i s t r a n s i t ( l )
i n c o n j u n c t i o nw i t h t h e l o r d o f t h e 5 t h h o u s e ( 2 ) t o h i s e x a l t a t i o n
sign (3) to his own Rasi (4) to the 5th houseand (S) to the sign
ocbupiedby the lord of the 5tlr house. During any one of these
transits the acq.risitionof a son is possible.
gt 60 erT'lqrts.lmqr 829

Raar,tqT:qqqlqfl.ri qFmt qrrfiq q{ri q(trqr{ t

g.aaadtnn*q{tqianrqr}g gi}aq: €tT(ll
A d d t h e f i g u r e s r , Ft h e f o l l o r v i n l ; t l r r . e p ! a u e t s : ( l ) i - o r d o f t h e
Lagna, (Z) ttre lord of the 7th lrouqe nnd (:) the loril of the 5th
house; drrring the course of the \'Iaha f)asa represented by the
a s t e r i s m a n d i r r t l r e A l r i r h a r a s . - r fa n y o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g , t t i z . ,
( l ) t h e p l a r r e t i n t h e 5 t h h o t r s e ,( 2 ) t h r , . p l e n e t e , i J r e c t i u g the .5th
houseand ( 3 ) the'plan.t ( | w n i r l g t l r e . 5 t l rl r o u s e , t l r e : r c q u i s i t i o n o f a
son may be predicterl.
gaqtdgil{rrlr dq${r{qttdrtgqrqrel I
q4qGdq q{rqrqq€q at €rqrfq; ll

F i n d w h i r : ho f t h e f o l l o w i r : gi s s t r o n g: ( t ) ' l t r e l o r d o f t h e 5 t h
h o u s e( 2 ) , J u p i t e r ,( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) & l 6 ) I h c l o r d s r e s p e c t i v e l yo f t h e
R a s i sa n d N a v a n r s a so c c u p f e d b y ( l ) & ( 2 ) . l ) u r i n g t h e D a s a o r
Apahara of this strong planet, ;rr:qr-risition of a son is possible.

fi g ilqr.qqarutit'nflttqitgeqfi,i{?om.
3T'tT.qrra4q ffqfl€i) fqaq*.soaftrotrgx' tt
M e n w i l l g e n e r a l l yh a v e t l r e b i r t h o f a s o n w h e n J u p i t e r i n
the course of his orbit passesthrough a Rasi trine to the sign re'
presenting the Itasi or Antsa occupied by the planet owning the
5th housereckoned frorn Jupiter. According to other treatiseson
t h e s u b j e c t , o n e o u g h t t o i n v e s l i g a t e i n c l i c a t i o n so f p r o g e n y f r o m
t h e p o s i t i o n sc f p l a n e t sa t ' b i r t h t i m c o f t h e n a t i v e .
q-r{;rE{f4rqg q.gtqr|fqqq q I
\. ^ \\ \
Fgizqu rd 5i1?T Tqf,M qI gdlq{: ll
Note the ruler of the asterism occupied by the Moon as also
that of the 5th from it. Add the figures of these two planets.
When Jupiter in his orbit passes through the sign representedby
this result or through one of its triangular ohes,the acquisition
of a son is possible.
830 qrf,Tcrfurt . Adh.xlu.

siletrs{qfrTqwl u*mqu \l tl
Slofra 51. If at any time Jupiter or Saturn moviog
in their ceveralorbits arrive at the Rasi aod Navamsa
indicatedby the total of the figuresthen for (l) the lcrd
of the 5th bhava, (2) its K.rraka,(3) the planet occupy-
ing that bhava and (+) the one aspecting the same,they
will causethe birth or dearh respectively of a lon to
the perrbn concerned.

Mdt ft.t sR*sq.1=tr t

uri il swgt frsftt fritfrtq u\r tl
Sloha 52. When the lord of the Sth bharn ie
benefic and its Karaka or the bhava irself is associated
with an auspiciouoplanet,the aatrologer may announce
the happinessof the father.
It is not clear whether by the word kZtrna, the 5th or the 9th
bhava is meant. 'Parasara says " fucrfi itr€r ac,i efdit " The open-
iug sloka of the present Adhyaya gives fi{ as ft;g or ascertainable
from the 5th bhava, I accordingly interpret ft-Zerm as the 5th
bhava here being germane to the Adh5'aya bearing on the 5th
bhava. The slokas 52'57 occur in qEf{fs-drq&r under the 9rh
bhava. So ittrtqra must mean the 5th as well as the 9th bhava.
qrmilrd ffit ilt* q itqrrftqt r
Elqftrt{r* ilsit fr{qtql$Ct{ lf \Q tl
$loka 53. When the lord of the 5th bhavaher
attaineda Paravathamsa or orher higher Vaigeshikansa
and the Karakaof the bhava occupiesa similar pooition
sL 46-5? tqiqslsrqrcl

or be in its own, exaltationor friendly anEar, the

astrologermay announcelong life to the father.
Tcftqi{rstt il qrfiTrtq il(+ |
q;qqFqgw+it{gsd frtdf*tE u \B tl
Sloka 54. When the lord of the 5th bhava and
its Karaka is in a maleficor depression amsaand ic in
conjunction with Saturn, Maridi or Rahu, the aetrologer
may announcethe father'sunhappiness.
fi.t dqlE\Ersitftq5tRnitt r
T{qsq{*Ersfrfrilg:d'ftfrRt( u \\ tl
Sloha 55. If the lord of 5th bhava, even when
benefic, be in depression,eclipsedor in an inimical oign,
or in a malefic Shashtyamsa,the astrologer may pro,
nouncethe father'sunhappiness.

ftf6*.1l snnrfrqgqgqftqert
n \E rl
S/ota 56. A person will have the characterirtics
of the father when born in a Lagna corresponding to
thc l0th bhava of his fathcr. He will be dutiful to his
father when his rising sign correspondsto the 3rd bhava
in the father's horoscope.
itqrrrst qrdrftu{eqhc{Rt
flsH't Roeei iqil{gi q{E $ds ll \e ll
\ a. \ a \--

S/ota 57. When the rieing sign corretpondrto

the 6th or the 8th bhavain the father'shoroacope, the
person concernedwill be at variance with dhefather.
But if the lord of the 6th or the 8th bhavain the father'c
horoscopeoccupythe Lagna in that of the son, the
latter will be superiorto his father.
89s rnwTM Adh.xln.

oTrflqilqRqilrI uf{q*g*rqqi tgEr-

Rrilqdwggfffunf, {Toarcqrwil |
qrt n qR q{t Uw?+srqr$qfri-'Eqr
r* mgoilffiroqifrdnt{s*Fil t tt uc tt
Sloka 58. Saturn, Mars and Rahu in the 1lth or
the 9th bhava from the Lagna occaeion the father's
death ; Saturn and Mars in the 8th or the 7th bhava
bring about the death of the child. Mars, the Sun,
Saturn and the Moon in the l0th or the 5th bhava bring
about forthwith the death of the maternaluncle, the
father,the child and the motherrespectively.
cf . tel'ih'orqinr
orrr gt 4r qG {;qrttri}qoit-qgfr}fQe6sqru:I
offr;gq milq Xftgi qrqfht qTqo€Fgrilg:
qtq gt qft sxe€ ffa R d;qT{€ftHqrtI
c- 0
figiiaairtarqts*;r {t{rq:qrqz{rqih tt
This sloka appearsin dtit4.rG'.
I should think that the three planets ulz., saturD, I\,Iars and
Rahu should ail be trosited in one or other of the two bhavasor
in both to bring :r.bout the eHect. I wo alone will not be able to
produce the fateful effect. Similztr rernark applies to the yoga
given in the 2nd qti of the sloka.

q{i ftuqrtt ott-gqqg{qrr

gforqR ffiqrcd&ftqtoiftgrn \q tl
'S/ota 59. If rhc lord
of the 5rh bhava be srrong,
and the lords of the lst and the 4th bhavas and the
Moon be weak, ohe morher of tlre persDnborn will die
at the next colrception.
sr._60 lqiqfrst{tTr 888

qqqrEsqr{d iqrTr( qtrisqn I

A\C\ . \ A
UiffiiS rt: Tits €lTq( ft{gqq: ll Qo ll
Sloha 6J, When Saturn being the lord of the 8th
bhava or GIt (Khara), both reckonedfrom the 9th bhava,
happens to be malefic in i't (Vedha) positione, the
planet will causethe death of the father.
A knowledge of .il={tno (Gocharaphala-eflect of transits) is
a condition precedent to the understanding of the term c'q (Vedha)
used in the sloka.
It is a rvell.hnown theory that thc rnovements of planets in
the zodiac from mcment to nrornent signify good or evil. This
is the basis on whicir the fransrt Systern rests' As the physical
and menthl qualities anci tire chief eveuts in the life and career of
the nalive could be foretold .by a reference to the position of the
planets and the Lagna at the time of birth, similarly, any changes
in the prospects and conditions of t;fe of the individual at any
required time may be ascertained by a reference to the personts
Janma Rasi (e;c(ri{r) and the conliguration of planets at that time.
Thus it is said that rvlren the Sun rluring his trar:sit comes through
t h e 3 r d , t h e 6 t h , t h e i O t h a n d t h e l l t h h o u s e sr e c k o n e d f r o m t h e
house occupied by the Xloon at birth, success' ruin of enemies,
gains of labour and pecuniarl' gains respectively are the results
to be predicted. But there is one thing tu be noted in this con-
nectron. These rq5ults will happen only if the corresponding ct{
{Vedha,) sign in each c:rse is left unoccupred by any planet at the
trnre of consideration. If there should be a planet in the \redha
posrtron,hc Irres to nullrfy the orrginal eflecl' that would clther.
r v r s e t e ' u l t , r n : t ) ' ,t : v c r r b r i n g a b o u t : r q u i t e c o n t r a r y e i l e c t s h o u l d
be happeu to be strong at tirat tirrre.
W h a t t h e s e s e ( \ , e d h . r ) p o s i t r o n sa r e , r v i l l b c c l e a r f r o m t h e
f ollowing slolias frorn +,tsqdti'{{t
l9 lt J h t-t T $t0lult

tfi, gr) qt ftarcqflqli+rtgrtri: I

j I lr J r,t9.27 t0 lSll -.

nfi qtqrq,ilqqiwar gqgr{i: 11

884 nHtqlRcrt Adh.xllt.

gs:;# d.fr's"id;i&t'fi,tl
*u'+-ii,it{.\ 1
u+ E*ilff it*t*.i* qR,tr
a qq, flqgazft:tt
F o r t h e b e n e h t o f t h e r e a d e r s , t h e - t r ( 1 ' s 4 h r t D o s r t r o n sh a ' u e
b e e n r n d t c a t e d r n t h e t a b l e s t t h r o r n e r:l

V e d a h i r t : , ! g n sr c ' l r t r n e r ll r , . r r nl l r . ; h , r u s e , , l t h e \ l o o n .

rr",,t.r i t'
i i','j'uj " i"'i,,,,iu,,,1
'*1* 1*,
suull ,', rlri .l', I ,'l .i.i*islrr

) 'l'i'l'l"l'i'l''l -l slrr
ilarc I zz lyl 't2z i1,3t l 4
4 ll e
eii 6
6 ;i T
7 , 8 18110r 0Il s
s lllrl r

| ! ,i *i,i,l n!,1,1oi,ul,,l,,
Juniter I ', ,i,i-i^l ,lzlrolrrslrr
'il ' j_'lj'j"i'lslrr

l-l' j6
Vetruo I E

There rs no iq (Vedba) betrveen the lrather and the son.

C o n s e q u e n t l y (, l ) t h e M o o n a n d l l e r o r r y , ( Z ) t h e S u r r a u d S a t u r n
do not affect each other through Vedha.
Take for exarnple the uativity referrerl Lo rn p. 657.
I l o o n a t b i r t h i s i n l l e e n a . S u p p o s ei t i s r e q u i r e dt o h n d o u t r f
t h e S u n ' s t r a n s i t t h r o u g hN l a k a r ai n . f a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y ! ' . 1 3 3w i l l
prove propitious. X'Iakarahappeningto be the llth from l\leena
(the Janma Iiasi), the Vedha sign for tl'reSun is the 5th from NIeena,
that is, Kataka. This is not occupiedby any planet. So the good
affects,'uee..pecunrarygain, due to the Sun's Lransrtthro' lrlaliar*
sl. 61-89 lq?qdrs"qtq! 835
r v v v v r ! v ! ! v v Y v v v ! v v v v v v v v i - r ! ' w r
. v v v r v u v v ! r ! r v v v e v v v

the llth housefrom the Moon will happenin their entirety. Simi'
lar is the case with the other planets.

u}urttfr t
ll qt ll
SloAir. 61. Examinethe strength of the Rasi aE
well as the am:a occupied by the Sun. Find the stronger
of thesetwo. When thc Strnoccupiesa Kona pooition
from thence,the firther'sdeathmay be expected. By
similar processascertainrvhethcr the Rasi or the amsa
occupiedby the Moon is stronger. The mother's death
may be predicted with rcference tliereto, i, c. when thc
Sun passesthrough the Kona of the amsaor Rasi that
is stronger.
.ft qa q+Fgqhrtt*{qrnq{ lt ql ll
S/olo. 62. Find the lord of the Navamsaoccupied
by cheSun. Find next the Navamsa and Dwadasamsa
occupiedby thc planetfound. When the Moon passeg
through the Navam.saand Dwadasamsafound, the deaths
respectivelyof the mothcr artd fatirer will take place.

t{faFRIitE{II{{ |t
nfr {tarrsnq{tuh
(gtqldmr lltil
qrdhqffiriq{ lq-{€i$rwort ll ql ll
Slola. 63. [f, wherr the Sun occupies a g!€ili,
a peraon hau his birth in tl^e Dwadasamsaoi Simha or
Meena he lnust iravc causedthe death of his father prior
to coming into the world.
For ttre sarueeflect the followiug is another yoga quoted in
..i I6{'i{Q o
886 rrilwrRwrt Adh.)flrr.

ett nm* asrnqgtnarFrtq-qqtg\ei r

ffiqil qrq(ftan?'qftqgdegerlear{r:
tri ecqrre tqfqi eigai{irqt r
qrftd ttn"eu'rgagiililRrdiilgil
tri aafiiq+sffi ilKr<rani €q n EBtl
Slola. 64. Subrractthe figuresfor the Sun from
those for Mandi. The resrrh will iudicate a cerrain
Raei and amsa. When Saturnpassesthroughthe Kona
of the Rasi found, the fatherof the person concerned
will fall ill ; deachwill supervencwhen Jupiter passeg
through the amsafountl alrcady. Add the figures for
Yamakantakato thosr for the Sun. Thc result will
give a certain Rasi and a Navamsa. When Jupiter
paEoes through that Rasi or its Trikona, rhe father of
the person concerned will fall ill ; and hc will die
when Jupiter passesthrorrghthe amsaforrnd.
Tlris sioka al)pearsin lrtd4;{FT.'llre lrd qt( tlrr:re rcedr thu: :
aTTGA rrftfafiq ilii rr
*t ftrtd fi +( €igndfhdrorrl
tt E\ tl
Slohu, 65. When thc Sun or the \4oon occupies
a Kendrain a moveablesign, [he son will not burn thc
father'sor mother's corpsehimseif. lf cheSLrnor the
Moon occupyinga Kendra b: in a dual sign, th: death
and burning will not be in the uameperiod of time.
cf . qqlq't-r.TrqFr
H q\s* qfq qr {rnr} gn} qtnf.qrii c nq i
fiSilr{} qR di q hA n.ir{fi qr qtnrG+;ra:
sl. 66-68 ritqalso=rrqt 8i|?

qgtTqldJftEqrfirlft ftrlCI({r(lt{* q+n{ I

grrfqqisq$rfrrrr*qgrrr{rnfqq}$sureu Eqtl
.Sio/ra. 6ti. If the lords of the 9ch and the 4th
bhavasbe irr the invisible prrc of the zodiac, it will not
be the good fortune of the persor)concernedto see the
faceof l'risparentsin their last movements.- If the lord
oi the 5ch bhava be 'in the invisible porcion of the
hemisphere, the personconcernedwill not see his son's
face at the moment of his death.
irr qftrr rrrEnqgiqwilt I

(rwl grqqHqssilTrT
_--._\ -_ -\ \ a \A

tri qiorfirqmrrt{g'tfi,itti gffitfrilil u qs tl

S l o k o . 6 7 . I f t h e l o r d o f r h e 5 t h b h a v ao c c u p y a
g!(crrdor be in the invisible portion of the hemisphere,
the personborn will have a rather dull understanding.
But if the planet in question be associatedwith Mercury
or Iupiter in a Kendra or Kona oosition and have
strength,the person born will be-incc,rigentandfcapable
rtf shrewdly guessing the thoughtsof others (bv their
geoturesartd other expressivcsigns)
frwoir qi"qii efir qiifiigi r
rrlWEi{sErsftg{t{r grldiihi l Ec tl
Sloku. 68. A person becomes cognisant of the
past,the present;ind the futurc whun Jupiter is (1) in
his own Navamsaand has attained the benefic Shash-
tyamsaq5(Mridu); crr (1) hasattainedGopura and other
higher Vais'eshikamsasand (3) occupies a benefic
N a v a m s aa n d i s a s p e c t c d
b y a b e n e f i cp l a n e t .

€irrri qst qrt Hqrtq ffim&I

Trvg{{ritgfrgwrq}qEi*At[ Eq tl
838 qrtrcqrKili Adh. XIII.

Slohu. 69. When malefic planets occupy the 5th

and the 4th bhavas and when the former bhava ig in a
maleficShashtyamsawithout being acpected by or in
conjunction with beneficplanets,the pcrson born will
ouffer from heart,degeage.
qqEr{qtfrei qs}t'g{ttr* t
Urr*wt{gh qft} tq$itrf ll uo 11
.Slofta. 70. When the lord of the 5th bhava is in
a beneficamsaand Mars occupyinga Kendra is in con-
junction with benefic planets' the person born will
ever devorehimself to rhe dutiesof hospitalitv rnd the
relief of the hungry and the famished'

il qq q$il{s'oq ll
gt trrtt drqftst dit tililrfiriqqt
futfemqueil{ et\t: q} roild^{qrtt rgl lt
r u g h tt o d i v i n e d i s e a s e e '
S l o k a 7 1 . A n a s t r o l o g eo
enemies,bad habits and hurts that a p.rsorr may have,
from the 6th bhava and Mars' What relrtes to
diseases has beentreatedalready (Vtde Adhyayas V' &
VI). When Jupiter is in the 6th bhava, the person
concernedwill overcomehis enemies. lf che lord of
the 6th bhava and Mercury be in conjunction with
Rahu and connectedin someway with the lord of the
Iagna, the personconcerned will be impotent' Mars
occupving the 6th bhava together with lord of the
Lagna will produce damageto the organ of generation
by an ulcer.
sl, 7s-?3 lqkdsrqrq: 839

,t. nrdifr'(a
irr gE{tlffi. I
: rr
For the Znd ,nt, cf, ,Trtquoted by <oU4 in his fprcq.

eit gqit Erqd gorflaqrr

Fs:q|n{isiqqrfts: tr
q*q'aiq+fr{d{q-{G srqt {rgict
.ftt qrc{ * Rgwarri{rqrqigtfr |
fi.t& gi n i .rqqfusrilwit u.*otil
{rtr arqilftaqqqf}goqiTi il56* in nst rr
Sloka 72. if the lord of the Tth bhavaoccupy the
6th in conjunction with Venus, the person born will
be impotent in regard to his wife. If \{ars occupying
the 5th bhava be aspectedby Sarurrl, hc will havc a
l i a i r o n r v i t h a n c n c m y ' s w i t e . I f t h e 6 t h b h a v ab e
either aspectedor occupied by bcneficplanets,there is
no clangerto hc clreadedfrom enemies; if aspectedor
occupierlbv malefic ones.there rvill be a good deal of
hurc or othei Jrmage inflicced bv an enemy, danger
from ulcers or some mark of ignominy put upon the
p e r s o nc o n c e r r : e d .
qt ilqfr sw{rqsftfidq1Ri g{t
wffiftqilnitrdffidr o}uiqqqtr
{s€mqrr} freiqg6t mlqqrt {fr
{Ktd Tgil q(F( €rqr {{iffiq1qqTt lt ul tr
S/ola 71. If the $un occ.[ying thc rith bhava
identical with the planet'o depression or un{riencily
&10 nRi5clftile Adh.xlrt.

rign, be inimical to the lord of the Lagnaand have no

strength, the person born will have to associate with
the enemiesof his father's party. But when the Sun irt
the 6th bhava is fritndly to the lord of the Lagna and
in a friendly sign and has attainedits own, cxaltation
or friendly varga, the person concerned,say the sages,
will be distinguished among his relatives for being
unhurt by enemies.

{rar:iliilsRatqrIarii q* qfr Ers€rfr-

irsaaegrq$fq,ii iil ilqI I
qgqgrrig rnwrglffiqgig Trilif.
aqisnsrie+dftgutrqqtiU(l {rililq ll eB tl
Sloku 74. If the planet in the {'th bhava or thc
owner thereof be in an inimical or its depressionsign,
retrogradeor eclipsed, the person born will have mdny
kincmen by the father'sside ; and his body will hrc
coveredwith many sores. I{ aily one of the plancts
from the Sun onwards occupythc tjth bhava,the persou
will be annoyed continually by the foe of thc class oi
peoplerepresented by the bhava c'f whrch thc planet
occupying the 6th bhava is thc Karaka"

oprfrrm qqtiiqftaiqrtafiI g+€I

qliAqqqqru'iiigrri giila q;qlitar I
t td qodrlfri\qit gqr tr?qnqqrft'fr
ilw?i smolqt{{iadtqrftardei( lt \e\ ll
Sloft.r ?5. lf the lord of thc 6th bir,rva frutn tirc
Lagna, thc planet occupying the samc ,tnrJ t'lt.:ottc
aspecting it--if ches,:threc planets he maleli: ;i.rirlweali,
they prclduc* the rlcstrr-tcirun oi cattie, discase a.rld
Sl. ?6-77 :rir<Ssff{t 841

.";;; ;'. * , tr;;,; ;;";";";;;".*t

beoefic, then the effect will be wealth of cattle, horses
and other beastsof burden, royal food with condimentr
of every sort and the disappearaneeof ailmenteand
enqrqtqrfrurrqfdg.ii h;(ffi ErqdT
afrdi qd{rfbfi nR egaqtw{Ganiilgrrq.I
q*sit q{d qR arrRgbrrGfuiks$
xrfffirrri{dqueft{dfrE {qrt g qTll sE ll
Sloha 76. If two out of the three planetsmentiotl'
ed in the preceding sloka be exceedingly beneiic and
occupy a Kcndra, or the l tth bhava in great
strength, tlrey will quickly causethe disrppearanceof
diseasc,etc., spokcn of before. If even one among them
be very strong, the trouble froln ulcers, enemiec, etc'
will operate only to a small extent; and all that war
said about the evils be:etting the bhavas of which the
planetsundcr cortsidcrationare thc Karakas rvill be
belied or rcplaccdbY haPPiness.
qri oqqi lTqiTqgtka.i tRii
geQitqgefrrguqi qrcsiro+Rqr t
q+& sit qrgoqqafreerg,qqqui
urrrt e ffilrqq fttri qrfr gEtii q+{ tt \e\ell
Stohu 77. A malefic planet in conjunction with
the lord of the 6th bhava in the Lagna afflicts with an
ulcer or vsound the person concerned;in the 5th bhava,
his father or Bon or both ; in the 4th, his mother; in
the ?th, his wivee; in the 9th, his maternal uncle; in
the 3rd, his youngerbrother; in the llth, his elder
a2 $ttfrTcrfuil Adh. XIII.

brother; and lastly, if the malefic planetappearin the

8th aEEociaredwith the lord of the 6th, the person
concernedwill suffer from pain in the anus.
This sloka as well as the next one are in

*ig{A uqfigtsqftsil qt g ar}nq-

{tFErqtM rset ixrq,i {rdqrt
qd qnqftq *geEt-riliirgqtrrir
olur dtlr qtf\qa] gaauiqffi u \ectl
Bloka 78. If the planet capableof producingthe
ulcer be the Sun, it will break our in the head if ,t,"
Moon, in the |ace; if Mars, in the neck; if Mercury
in the lower part of the navel; if
Jupiter be in such a
position,there will be exemption from aiiments. lf
Venus be eimilarly situated, the consequencewill be
6ore-eyet. Saturn as well as Rahu in thc position
abovedescribedproduceflatulencc,and Ketu, diseaseof
the stomach. The lord of the Lagna aspectedby or
associatedwith Mercury and occupylng a sign belong,
ing to the sameplanet (in the 6th bhava) generates an
ulcer in the privities.
cf . T(r{(
qnAet qTscqsh fF,lf,,I
f,qTqoii,ref{ #rurqscq{fqfu:tl
qd fQqrfaqrqwEa<i*rr,+rigm:
qqlftqgdTqrfr wergdT qfa u
iqrqfr asiil"qq'fqrqqftqjqqqr
Fgil q gQ *,oi *qq iq ifqg n
?l-19----"-".--- --f *y':l::---"-"---"---"---'1u
gtqrrqtftntqi q qgqr aqt qt t
{fiil {tgotrqi} *q-r q fl'lr qit tt
qd}ett s\ ll
ftgttittrt qtnq'{rR{4
79. A p:rson hls a mark or mole in that
part of the bcdy which correspondsto the ordet
,b. L.gn, of che R'rsi which Rahu occupies
rspectei bv Venus' (ridt Adhyaya 3' slokas
conjunction with
If the lord of thc 6th bha'r; b: in
Saturn and Rahu, astrologerssay, dangeris to be
ed from horses,cows, ?tc'
qrqtrtrqEt qoilisRqrqt t
'Irqtalui qrsftr*{rer rrRsqidll co ll
Slofro 80. When the lord of the 6th bhava is
without strengrb and aspectedby a mrlefic planet or is
betweentwo maleficplanets,there will b: trouble from

{renqTiirigr0 fiqqgrfttrffi t
oii' qo*gfrqnardqiaq; ll cq ll

SJofta81. When the lord of the 6th bhava is in

a g:trrn (Dustthana)and is depressed,eclipsed or in an
inimical sign, and the lord of the Lagnais possersedof
strength,a wige asrrologershould divine the d,'
of all enemies.
tg-ff(qr(I{( says
Inlthis connection compare what the author of
about this bhava:
844 qNr|ICIfuft
Adh. )ilrl.
qimTilE g:Fqngrrdtg*qif*ii}
il {trA-
a$qTe Ed qGg,rflflai 1l3T6d-{i€
qq+qgt{il ? qqfrR rqr ft'rgm,g}Aa
vuEiafigf{nqf{qr:qhmeerfq,ir ?rqqJF,mrqmi
efsgfug qqFnR qeU"aglqol;qlqfirqgeqil-n,
qq ftqt Gqrisfi str agmrAcqrFa flqfiqrqpqilqr,
agrail R gtqr rzgw gai*)a.
rtr;arqrf-l rF}r qq<ilfi, il

Su ntgol.ndREmiatft.ar
ar,&tqo€rtt ilotngqmR5il il cR tl
\\ \r

qft ,ftffiqa5qqrtffirr;fre^qi wffiqftqrt

rffisr'*ql lt
Sloha BZ. When the lorcl of the 6th
bhavt has
attained_ G9pu.t or other higher Vaiseshikamsa
1 and is
aopectedby the Sun and when the 'lord of the
Laqna is
in full rtrength, rhe person brrn will be beneficer;t
hio kinsmen.

Thuo ends &c.

ErTil€fi :

ll €Hrgr[eT{TTiiltttb"{FT:
Adhyaya XtrV.
THE EIrFE(]TSOIr 'lutr 7'ru, flTlt ,t\u 1 . g r , -g L r l I ] I I A V A S ,

l l q q { T f r qf l i { s o q f l
cn?Tglirwrrntq qfbsidf+r;qlqttffrr(
v* gegr*rg{arrrqqd tf q qqai( t
cttt:inlqqf ft{i qqq.tilR'..Tiqr (en
qirqffiiki gq* qdr r wnirr*qft t rr
Slok"t l. It is frorn the ?ch bhava that an astro_
loger can divine all about any journey a person
undertake, his sons. his wives and his .nioym"ni.
what has beensaid in rcsardto scn'sworrdry comfort
or misery as the effect accruing from the preceding bha_
vas may also be predicted from this bhava.When V.nu,
is in the 7th bhava or the rord thereof is in conjunction
with Rahu or Ketu, the person born will become
adulterer. But this effect does nor follcw when
?th bhava is a benefic sign and is also occupied
arpected by Jupiter,
cf . crdfrnr<rr
rurr$oiqffi qfttft'qt*r ;TrqrfaqmqqqsrqTgl{
Trqsfrilf€ftqrptqfr€{fi+ f+os{}cn rr
qrmrcrailt Adh.xlv.

Also sfliFfitq
ory1q{nfkft g*rar q rusr{ rl
gr0wwfl g qrqg{tqrifkteeil
qq{Trr$tu{ giqr.qqr t
ilqqr{rfr fttq dRt qrqdinqqtr
slrq{ grfiefiftNgt qmritaterqtq n R tl
S | o h a Z . I f t t r el o r d o f t h e ? t h b h a v ao c c u p y i n g
a ![:anrt(Dustthana)be in a malefic house aud aspected
by or associated with a maleficplanet,the effectof thc
7th bhavawouid be irut m':diocrc. If theseconditi,rns
be reversed,the effrct of the bhava would be wholly
auspicious. If the lord of the 7th bhavabe in conjunc-
tion with Venus and occupya malefic sign,the person
born will be lustfully inclinbd; if it be in a benefic
sign and associatedwith or aspectedby a benefic planet,
the person concerned will get a white umbrellawhich
ra the emblemof royalty.
This andthe next threeslokasare in
^ \
fqaef€q al.nira
rtq{rcrq{d} q*
ed qrflfAnigta grfri':q q,.+qq q I
q* ds fra1gf,cgq itltq'iq=qrn
.rrr gm1ffi,ltn
ftcd qrfq*.iirrqradtt rr
q il iqgqqfi{* ql'{dd {ad-
a-ii rrltq e$qqqR fDft* qrtsv*q qtfr: I
ert+r;q.we Rgqqqqnl qlaiiq qt tq
q-dqifirftrfrqie qqfrqf{6:il{gt a mfr tt
sl. g lgtqistqtqr 84?

qg: firrTqrTritrftgfiqFnrFqilq
i-q'ioqs lGzrdi) {diqdisfq qG qr s*afka'ti\: r
qlqR: Rqgrfqar fbrgnoit*i flqq*eil-
tdtrtilri]{aagilirs rqz: feu: 11
iqilnrRqurtrngnilr qtqdlqilsq1gq3
agRguFTriqfriwr t
srqQRgi+vorqgtqri qr*rar
rTrrrKrit$@rqr sTqrgtqHt il I ll
Sloka 3. When the lords of the 2nd, the 6th
and the ?th bhavas and Venus occupythe Lagnaand
are associatedwith malefic planets, the person born
will be libidinous. The same will be the effectif the
lords of the lst and che Cth bhavasbe in conjunction
with malefic planets. If a malc-ficplanetoccupyingthe
7th bhavabe associatedwith the lords of the 6th, the
Znd and the lst, the person concernedwill be addicted
to women not his owit. lf the 9rh bhavabe occupied
by a maleficplanerand the lords of the 6th and the ?th
bhavas,the personborn will be afflictedwith excessive
cf. eadi-r.mqftr
orftqar fia+.eru3irrlr:H{sr qG flqgifi.l:t
nra: q{a'igtil: $qrrif grlftrada dqTqqq ll
afl-rfiq]qng+ uf| erwra: q{efig{d: $qrif I
€raa\{3sg'firt qfidt qTqfaqnilrrill
qftr: qK{ig iil: lt
q*t $dq?r€q fiiq{n! gTrfEffiu{n
gserdgtwqqr giltt qrQftisarcqql
flt?ttFlttr{flrt Adh.xlv.

dH qfi qrfrurqdtfr urt egdrer

gmwu{nitr.rqomttitqi qEafqftr tt t tt
S/oArr '+. If the lords of the 10th,the 2nd and ?th
bhavasocr:upythe l0th bhava, the persoo born will
have intriques with wonen other than his wiie. If the
lords of the 5th, the 9th and the ?th bhavas which are
the initiatory planetsin respectto an offspringbe in a
6,tqn (Dusttbana) and if the 5th bhava be aspectedby
a maleficplanet, the personconcerned will be childlese.
If Jupiter arrd Mercury or the Moon and Venue be in
the ?th bhava, the person will be addicted to mally
women. If Venus occupying the ?th bhavabe strong,
the personconcernedwill have nalry wivcs.
cf . .l4t'{[q-Jrqli,l
qltfi,tfrt qrg(r{iFd tl
titq&rr,iiq+us'rr.i E:Frrrrirttr<u.i Ulr{ I
et ga Eriq€.q.itil-.rqf,iil{ giqi .Tqfh n
gifrfr qElii6or{ft* qqhqqd aqt
{Terrmfrrhrqqf'liil.l}rur} rriq t
oqrn'"q'rigqqq{rtqtfi gt gda
r'qrdqitiE qnqgqi qlqtif€iqisqiiln \ tl
Sloht 5. If Venus and Mars be in the Tth bhava.
the person born will be bereft of a wife. 'Ihe same
effect will Iollow if the planets be in the 9th and the
5th bhavas. If tbe N{oon and Venus occupy the 6th
bhava, the p.rson concerned will have only one son.
If maleficplanersoccupy the lst, the ?th and the l2th
bhavas,and the Moon occupyiog the 5th be weak, the
percon born will either have a barren wife or be
sl. 6 tutrits.qtqt 8t9

cf ' ftrrc
€rrruqqi:qr\:qftil{trt fru+t r
gxrrqrr€as qrqt ffq frfailt tl
Also qrtr+6

1i San,itdqid' goil qi&neqR:r

cralrqrflFi: qr\: frft A{rd\ {td I
et{tai rrcfril, q}s fisfiir qlq rr
Alm c'd(lft{r
srtt gdi cqsqfiilsgirElsr{tat
W ut fiqn'dilsfagG qeii f+nn Ert r
$Ar-c,}ga,r;.aurcngi, vrlrqnr.rrf:
If the lord of the 7tb housebe in the 5th, the natrve witl losc
hrs wife or become son-less, The loss of the wifc is certain if the
lord of the 5th or the 8th house happens to be in tho 7th. If the
waning lloon be in tbe 7th and malefics should occupy the l 2th,
tbe 7th and the lst houses, the person rvilr he bereft of rvife and.
children. If the Sun and Iiahu be in the 7th houso, .ne o'ght to
rrredirt loss of rvealtb through the assocra.ti6p
6[ rvom€u.
irs{nqit! firdrqt qqilqqq}
q'i.rd sqrJt irdarFft qq I
snfti Seqil{gdstri
qi${Ei\agidi frrconu E tl
Sloku 6, tf Venue and the Sun be in the ?th or
tbe lgt bhava,rhe person born will have a barren wife
lf tbe house r:ccupiedby the Moon be an even sign, hi*
wife will havc the proper femaleform; if it be a male
Rasi,the wife will have a masctrlineforna ; if the houee
fiRrsqrftsrrn Adh.xlv.

in which the Moon is be either occupied or aepectedby

l>oth male and female planets,ehe will be of a mixed
fuir {r qirrrfi Rarrr({rqwi ffq{ {r {TTrqI
qrn ilCi *qarcttr EsT il qrdql qfftn tt,ett
SloAtr 7. tf the ?th bhava from the Lagna in the
caseof males,or the lst bhava in the caseof women,
be either in Mars' house or amsa and if the planet own,
ing the amsaof the ?th bhava be either w,:ak or eclipee.J,
the woman concerned rvill be a servant mard or will
becomevrciousin her vonth, arrd will bt: a[xn6nnedbv
her husband.

gqi{Rr{ftqft ffiorrdl gtfkt qrwi sorq I

qqi{rh g{uqrqirnleilil qltdi qde c {rsqln d tl
S/;Aa 8. If the ?th or the lst bhrva adverredto
in the precedingslol<abe in thc Rasr or amsa o{ e
beneficplanct,thc wife rvill be virtr:ous; rf ,rspcctcd
by bene{icplanetsalso,she rvill be ami.rbleall th.: ffiof,rr.
tf the bhavabc in thc Rasior arnsrowned by the N{oon
without strerrgth,the womair wili cause the deatiroi
her husband; but if the Moon he strong, shc will bc a
faith{ul wifc.

s{id g6drftq}q.Jat{rqirtg{r&fdi
oi alaxsqfl rr(d* dhrRqgF**t
qnarlroiifsa{ft rr-di6rur{rrnm
q;will i{qarer q Rqql il?Rr Gilqrqt( il -q.tl
SloArr 9. If thc Moon occupying the lst or the
?th bhavabe (l) in a Navamsa belonging co the $un,
qgicfrsnrrc: 86I
sr 10-11

, nchaste; (2) in its

own or exaltationhouse and aspectedby a benefic
net, shewill be virtuous; aoC (3) in its depression
inimical houseor in a state of eclipse or in a
Drekkanatermed a'i'Sarpa, qig{-Pakshin, {rfl-Pasl'
hrre-Nigada, (Vide supra Adhyaya r'1,sloka 55) or in-a
position foiming the t{€ii{ Riksha sandhi, the wife
will becomeeither insentinentor widowed'

fiqQ ilg\ g{trq$ sA{ilqlsit

ilS qqi Ru'{tqurg{wrmraq t
q $rd qd$Id-mEtt
$qiqnuqarsRrt{ift {qrersdlll t "
SloAa 10. lf the lord of the Lagna be in the ?th
bhava and in conjunction with e b:nef ic planet,
personborn will get a wife born of a good farnily' But
fu ,n. 7th blrava occupiedby the lord o[ th: Lagna be
a mrlefic sign, the wife will be a base-bornwoman'
Her bue, form, attributes, fcatures etc' tht astrologer
should declare from those prescrib:d for the sigrt
constitutingthe ?th bhava. The woman finds pleasure
in the man whose featuresare in conformity with those
of the planet impelling her to evil coutses'
uo* $.qrfufr|
d qrrqrg {ffifr ,frorS aqftqrftsiill qt lf
Slofta Il. When the 7th bhavais occupied by a
malefic or an invisible subsidiary planet
gralraaide Adhyaya'2 sloka6), the wile will be wicked'
be tha
it ,U" S,unoccupv it, she will prove barren ; if it
waning Moon, she will be unfaithful'
qtf,w|frrtt Adh.xlv.

n lr rr
Sloka LZ. If the Tth bhava be occupied by lvlars,
tbe wife will die ; if by Sarr:rn,she will be ,Jisliked by
her husband; if by Raliu, rhe husband ,vill take ro
sromennot hie owr, a'd wiil fi.d no delight in
wife and will have ro chird bv her becauseof
ahsenceof cohabitationwith her.
qt ft{rr{hr qrfuqtru* {til |
q?tlig ilfrur ffi 6rq1qdi q+{.n tl tl
,\loku 13. If the 7th btravabe in
ae (Dhuma),ttre
personborn will have no marriage; if it be in ordr
(Karmuka),he or his wife will die ; if in qftic (paii
veeha)the wife will be ill-be haved; if in Ketu, she
will be barrenbut virtuous.
qr* ftffi: qrt g qfqrtur {rgil |
g{t6r frrqilr q dqrt gqrsi n lB tl
Sloku 14. If the ?th bhava be in oro (Kala),
personborn wiii be wifeiess. if a marfic pianeu
te in
that bhava,the wife wiil have miscarriase.If it be occu.
pied by the Moon getting full, she will be virtuous
bring forth children.
gAggrr Erriit gEgrilggf*qftr
gh *tTrrqdwer *qdr q {-driht n t\ tl
Sloka t5. lf Mercury be in the 7rh bhava,che
wife will beargood offspring; if Jupirer,she wiil be
virtuousand haveexcellentprogeny. If the 7th bhava
be occupied by Venusin srrengrh, the wife wiil eniov
a happyweddedlife anclwill be highly proEperous.
sL 18-17 tltrilsqcr 818

*grt {fuft ulqdQrsa

vurftr\"ffit (fn {tf\t n r
qfurgrqftougtft qrqt
(qr ql qgrerggi$qgr:ll tq lt
SloAs 16. If the lord of the ?th or 5th bbava
poasessingstrength and aspectedby a benefic planet be
in conjunction wirh or aspectedby the lord of 6t[.
the wife will acquire a son by Paramour. Her hus
" of many wives, will
baod, though he rnaylbe possessed
be childless.
Seo Xlll-15 tqna.

aii Ut {fii ffi qeErft

{t} qor{E} fti at* r
r;ilRp{T{qrrrrri g{G}
qrr] mlt{gilwqf}Ei qr 11{v ll
Sloka 1.7. When Jupiter occupiesthe 7th bhava-
in depression,the persooborn will lose his wife. lf
Saturn occupy the Ttii bhava identical with lvfcena,the
effect wili be the sam: If Jupiter occupy a Rasi or
Navamsaowned by S.ittrrn or Mars, the p€rJon con
cernedwill have intrigrr,:s with other women. The
e{fectfollow,; also when Jupiter is in conjunction with
Saturn cr Mars.

-l]rst hatf !'or thi: :rnd some rlrore yogas relattac to loss
.rf rvife, c/, qeerl{+,r

$; sfa*$ qq €aq* +rq tqrt gq

*ilfleqq dtai grgil qnfqct ilqTr
&54 |rurtarrt Adh,xlv.

lfr* mt nqlsn aqrSlsqlr *eF

ffqMfrqsftgrrq]: qrfi sfi fiqqr rr
Wheu Venus occupiesVrischika identical with the 7tb house,
the wife of tbe person boru will die soon). The same will bc thr
cflect when Mercury is in Vrishabha identical with the 7lh house
or wheu Jupiter occupies the 7th and is in depression, or when
Srturn or Mars is posited ia Meena identical with the 7th house.
If Saturn aud Mars are in the Zth house identical with Caacer,
the wife of the person concerned will be of a good dispoqition aDd

eGt qr€nqatqfrfiQgd
fiqnrmsttl-sflqt rqrffiorqfr{ |
nt il gdqTrqqlF4fioErfrsn]
wrt lil rr
lf tbe 7th house or its lord be associatedwitb, aspected by, or
gosited betwixt malefics, or be in depression or inimical sign or
bc eclipsed'by the Sun's rays, one ought to predict loss of wife.
Venus in conjunction with a malefic occupying the 7th, 5th or 9th
bo0sewill make the native bereft of a wife.

ilffiirt Rfftqfi€t nas'l<rqnfittfga qr r

{ofll qlqgtsqeE{t-dr(rfl qqd}d fl;ir: tl
lf tbe lord of the 7th occupies an rnimical or depressrousign
or be eclipsed or be aspected by male6cs, and tbe Zth, house be
associated with or aspected by malefics, tbere will be lcss of
wifc; so say the wise.
Latter halrf. Accordrng to Mantreswara, it is Pcarc (aud
not Jupiter) if in a Varga of Mars or Saturn that makes thc artivc
\ t ^\ \ ^
gfi fl $qqqEqREa €E Tt€rRfl: tl
When Veuus is iu a <,i (Varga) of Mars or Stturn. or has the
tsp€ct of these planets, the persoo boru will have a liaison wtih
otLcr peoole's wivcs.
sL t8-r0 1t{alfsqqr 855

wl nS qfr qqe Etr,ftgil

w{t qR ilqTt rut?rffinrrpqtqtt ld tl
Slola 18. If a malefic planet occupy the 7tb or
fie 8ih bhava and Mars be in the t2th, and if the lord
thereof be invieible, tbe personborn will have anotha
Tho followrng sloka from qa*fu{l gtvos some rnorc yogae fot
having two wives:

.r}gr+drt$qnftitqtcsisgfr <r
disra il qq{Aqqq} a} qS *aq €H I
raqlti qqqfrfta\iT€rqTrrEqqR
. \c a \ 0. .
nIErlI gs{qiriaulfllqrFqr qE;t[ ll

lf Venus and the Moon are in opposition to Niars and Saturn

in any nativity, the person concerned will be either wifeless or
issueless; when there is a hermaphrodite planet in the 7th houso,
and the llth house is occupied by two planets, the person will
have two wives. If the lord of the 7th house:lnd Venus be each
posited in a dual Rasi or Amsa, the person will have two wives,
Generally one ought to predict the number of wives in such cascs
through the number of the planets in t'onjunction with those two
riz.. the lord of the 7th and Venus'

gqqEqnirqd Ee o}lrfr ilqdg!+( t

Rtaff;€rft€ilwErii gFqat{tSd{tq'#il tf tq tl
Slota 19. If the lord of the Lagna be in con;unc
tron with that of the ?th, the person born will get a
oature excellent wife, If the lord of the Lagna in the
above porition be at the same time obrcured by the Sun,
the wife will b€ entirely devoid of good featurer.
866 ilurqrftlrl Adt XrV.

ftt qwg.aq Folt ilqrftt I

fiqqtpr{d E,srxq{rnqt(ll ?o ll
Sloha70. When thereare severalmalefic planets
rn the 2nd bhavaand the lord of the 7th is likewice
there aepectedby a maleficplanet,the peroonborn will
have three wives.
6. F{fifRFar{fi
fri nrwgd g fidi il ilqrfit r
afit nqse} rsfiqqFqt( ll
*-ffi*fr Efttdqitee{,ft t
sqlftta qrEtrqgdisfrF]qlE tt lt ll
Sloka 7I. Wben the lord of the 7th bbavaoccu-
pyrnga Kendra or Kona is in its own, eraltation, oi
friendly sign or is aspectedby the lord of the l0th
bbawa, the perron born will be associatedwith many
sa;n{trdl*d sqftikfrlqt t
gqtir gTtRfrEIrdt i|lnilqm lt tl ll
Sloka 77. When the lord of the ?th bhava is in a
Kendra and is aspectedby a benefic pianet or is in a
benefic Navamsaor Rasi, the wife will be devoted to
the observanceof vowr

fiiftt N ftgaruurit
wft frqTRqd
qTqrdt{r{Err q}i wrqrq{iC}$-d-{rRnt
{n{ ll
Sloftc 13. tf the lord of the ?th bhavabe Mercury
in a depressionor inimical vargaand assocratedwith a
rnaleficplanet,and if it also c.cupy the 6th or the Erh
bhava, in the midst of two malefic planets and aspected
st. 24-26 85?

by a nnaleficplanel, the wife will kill her hucbandand

ruin his familv'
This as well as slokas25, 26, 27, 28,29t 30,31, 32,34, 37
3 8 ' 3 9 , + 0 , 4 1, + 5 & . + a r e i n s f i T 4 , t.G f
same efiect is ascribed to a different yoga in fRtt<f
nfioql qq.iti{qarft'ilfaqq,irsft
q{urtfd dil q{offirrqq rRfiqqTqfidTqi( ll

uqtt gqd€t ar\ qrqr griqil t

qr{r6t rrrrTirt(q qr{il c{{il ll 18 ll
Stoha 74. If the lord of the ?th bhava occupy a
benefic Navamsa and be aspectedby a benefic planet,
the wife will be of a good family. But if the lord of
the bhava be in a maleficvargaalreadyoccupiedby a
maleficplanet,thc wife will be base-born,

srqqTtqti fragnr*qtdkdrcqt
dtqepfrqilqJa qEti qG gtgtfrqi t
qrqrdii fked qfr qaqqi gtigufiqqt
TarakugtrElindEE{qerft il ll R\ ll
SIoha 25. If the ?th bilavahe occupiedby a planet,
thc number o[ wivcs is declaredby astrologers to be the
nr-rmber of planetsin conjunction with Venus. Out of
tire abovenumbcr,any planetthat occupiesits Swakshe'
tra or exaltation is to be ornitted. If the lord ol the
7th bhavaoccuPythe ?nd, identical with a sign owned
by Venus, the number c,f wives will be the number o{
planets associaled with Veutts ; or it nay bc tha"tthe
personconcernedrnay gecas manv new brides as there
are planetsin conjunction with Venus and the lord of
the ?th bhava.
858 rrcucrQile Adb.xrv.

Erttn$grqtr tfrei qrq{qgfurr

glerrnreilqR t
qm*fr qoufra I g{silrr-{<rrcilqRld
s{ffi {osfrqtrqrir$q.rrrq tl
Sloka 26. How many weak planetsthere may be
that are in conjunction with the lord of the ?th or of
the Znd bhava and are at the sametime the lords of the
6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava ( g:un-Dustthana), so
many will be the wives to be destroyed by them. The
more there are benefic strong planetsassociatedwith
the lordg of the two bhavacabove named,the more will
be the wives with whom the person born will live
happily. If a single planet possessinggreat srrength be
associatedwith the lord of the ?th or of the Znd bhava,
the personconcernedwill have but one wife.
cf. wo{tfrmr
dtneqi qa.ii\faqnrd)*r fl|q: ftqfi
nifr nlil gt ufi rg: sp{f gsrf;qdT
qlilsft qT€ qa: Wsq: qFqramrqfFqAl
ft+r nguq{FqqFqqilfi'n]-qrpqSr<nq' tl
It is through the (number of) planets in the 7th housethat
one ought to divine the number of women that a person may
associatewith. oF these, the number that will die (at an early
ase) will corresoond to the nurnber (of pranets in the 7th housey
that are malefic, w-hile the number of benericswill denote the
numbef that will survive. If the lord of the 7th be benefic and
possessed of strength, the native will have a good-natured woman
as his partuer and be endqwedwith gooc children. Even a malefic
will do good to the wife if he shali be in the 7th owning that
house. Benefics in the Tth.will be productive of good unless they
happento be the lords of the 6th,8th and lZth houses.
sl. 27 rg{dswr<r 859

Also cf. ciliTfi(<r

qil rl,nru*rrq<tr( |
efr *errfqq* OgrEqrt
f,rL-qiflqirJ(ilq+d ftsx{rpqi q{iFd ffit: ll
o{rasqfttshqu{i*t fr'{ri{t(
q;nrftFcenwqqq,frt{qi{*{r ilI I
dl+ ftrnqttrt *d qlqEldlE(r
stt ffif,t.CIr{tqq${q{rqsqcsidr* ll qe ll
Sloha 27. Add together the f igures for the lorde
of the Lagna and the ?th bhava. Find the Rasi, etc.,
indicated by the result. When Jupiter traverses the
Rasi, etc., above fo':nd, the astrologer may predict a
person's marriage. The time of marriage may also be
determined in the same way in respect to the total of
the figures for the ruler of the stars occupied by the
Moon and the lord of the ?th bhava. If the Navamsa
occupiedby Jupiter belongto a friend, the person con-
cernedwill have but one wife. tf the amsain'question
be Jupiter'sown, the number of wiveg will be 2 or 3-
If the amsabe that of Jupiter's,exaltation,the perroq
concernedwill be the lord of many wives.
According to qodiqfi the probable time for marriage is thus
gxlscit ErdgnTqqiatFfrqqrqlfA
dqrfirrq' 11
The marriage may be expectedto come ofl when Venus or the
lord of the 7th house in its orbit transits through a sign which is
triangular to the Rasi or Navamsaowned by the lord of the Lagna
fio{{iFqrqwae}tuqt qlsq.soTrs r
qql fiefrrfEqfirsrqrfifi€rii dx .foron: tl
Tbc rcguisition of a wife may happeuduring the dasaperlod
860 ffi Adh.xlv.
of the planet (l) posited in the 7th house, or (2) aspectingthe 7th
house. The same may also happen when the lord of the Lagna in
his orbit cornesto the Rasi signifying the 7th house.

iotqw t
iqgt ${,Er il Rz tl
Sloka 28. Of the two planets that are the lords
respectivelyof the Rasi and Navamsa occupiedby the
lord of the 7th bhava,f ind whictr is stronger. During
the dasaperiod of thac planet,the marriageof the person
may take place, when Jupiter traverse$the Trikona of
the Rasi and amsaoccupiedby the lord of the 7th bhrva.
Again, find the stronger of the two planets Venus and
the Moon. During the dasa period of the stronger
planet,the period favourableto marriage m1y be folrnd
in the samemanneras in the abovecase.

g nltilfi-drrltt qqnruihfifqr{rT(r
u.rrktqittrtriqrqmlUdi q ffi56: I
sqfu*{iliqqrqsEfluri itnaf rqq
frrita gilf ifioxrl€rltiqrsgd g i{t ll 1q ll
Sloha 29. If the lcrd of the ?th bhavabe associa-
ted with Venus, its Dasa and Bhukti may lead to
marriage. Failing that, the Dasaand Bhukti of the lord
of the Rasi occupied by the planet owning the 2nd
bhavamay have marriage,producinge{ficacy. The Dasa
anclBhukti of the lords of the 10th and the.gth bhavas
come next in order. Lastly, note the planetagsociated
with the lord of the ?th bhavaor the one occupying it.
During thg Dasa and Bhukti of one of these,narriage
may take place.
sI.30-31 rg{tfrswm: 86t

It is, perhaps, implied here that each succeeding alternative
is to be resorted to when the preceding one is found to be not pro'
m i s i n g b e c r u s e o f t h e w e a k n e s s ,e t c . , o F t h e p l a n e t c o n c e r n e d '

glT'Jtql* qqritp$i
qrqdg{frqft qR Euqtt iimrqq t
qii qei qffitqqfi qqt
T(! qlqq€irTni1
" uJrqdqfi q{urofic(l drtqf}qe:qfrml llloll
S/oAa 30. lf the planet powerful for producing
marriagebe beneficand in a benefic house, it will bring
on the h"ppy event at the commencementof its Dasa.
lf the planet,being itself benefic, shouldoccupy a male'
fic house, the marriage and other such h.ppy eventg
wiil takeplacein the middle of its Dasa. If the planet
and the house it occupiesbe both malefic, the event in
question will happenat the end of irs Dasa. But if the
plan:t in question occupy a b:nefic house and be in
conjunction with a benefic planet at the sametime, ito
influcncefor good will prevail during the whole of its
aq gt;qtw q i[-sToIrT{|
his'lqr Wgi dt rRor tl lt ll
Slola 31. Astrologers say that the acquisition of
a wife may take place when the Moon and Jupiter in
their progress arrive at the Znd place from the lord of
the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagnaat the
birth bf the person concerned. The same event may
also happen when Jupiter reachesa sign occupied by
8os lrcwrM Adb.xlv.
is whenthe Moon and Jupiteroccupya Kendra.

fi*FqruqsnrRtnqq{ ilfini il {uri

ilsr6t ueftibr{q(dr sailqild uiq r
oqrfiilfruffirq*grtriu* tq{r
qt {TIqtqq:q€rEwurt rct ntq fru: n QRtl
.S/oln 32. An auspicioustime for men'smarriage
(other than what has been mentioned before)occurs in
the yearof their lifc indicated by the numbermadeup
of 8 and thc figure dcnoting the order from Mesha ol
the sign representingthe 7rh bhava: this year b:ing in
the natureof things subsequent to the investiturewith
the sacredthread generally preceding marriage (in the
caseof the twice-born class). Add the figures for the
lordg of the Tth and the tst bhavas and find our the
Rasi and amsa indicated by the sum total. The girl
born in the Rasi and amsathus found is the one to win
the heart of the person concerned. The husband,elect
must equallyprove acceptable to the wife.
qqr(ff{ $rrrr q qftfqqrqT( |
dqrd* q qf6ffi Eqii
iE Etrqluggfffiorfrqar lt 11 u
Slofra 33. Note the planetsoccupyingor aspecting
the ?th bhava from the Moon. A girl born in a sign
belongingto any one of these planets vrill be higlrly
fortunate as a wife and enjoy her husband'sfavor. A
husband determined similarly in the case of a female
hororcope will prove acceptable. The direction of thc
st.34 qgtdsqtq: 863

country of the bride will bc that of the lord of the 7th

bhava from venus'
According to Mantresrvar:r, the direction of the country of
the rvife will be that signified by the ltasi orvrted by any one of
(2) owning the
the three planets, viz., (l) occupying the 7th house
7th house and (3) Venus. Cf,
fst {infa ds q-.ql: ll
Seealso the follorvrl;i:

q*fqfrd{Fqrrft.qir EI a.l{tlq{:I
g.Fclfi{di qrfqqitaq firilsqqt tt
;na1€Fqqndin+s affra2;t{€q 1;zit EI I
f<qarawaqsEffi,oa tqtsatqt*l qfi d'is tt
gileqfi fift"q qitqqm, du g r
nrqffrqlR(rqitqinot;q+,af+qit rt
Eqt uq{ qgf€gta qrrfa{iqit r
sTft+riqq ftqr.gqg+ fiilqa,tt
qsrEitl:wta ngatGtr{ilq-dl
*S tg solfq+qaf{.'fr ql{saq:I
erqqrg{frgffrnrifluqt fqR;ah t
ll qCdb{nTildd+rr:
wr{riliwqft qarilGI I
qG eqregfis(! qis ll 18 ll
rh t-.qr-wawqo{fr
Stoka 34, Mars occupyingthe 2nd, the 12th, the
864 \ ilrcccrftrrt Adh.xlv.
trt*-" * tt@
person may causethe ",
deathof his wife. If Mars occu,
py the sameporition in respectto the horoscopeof the
wife tp be selected,the planet will prove injurious to
the husband.

tadrqt: qiwqsqqi fuoqatt

*qtftqnqisqit qqlwrqi: rr1\ tl
Sloha 35 if a malefic planer occupyingthe 8th
bhavafrom the Lagna in a female horoscope be in
deptession. inimicai or malefic vargas,it proves fatal
to the husband.
\ R qrfiqnfaqiqqgrt*sft
fi |
gfq{Gsil{ n tQ rr
Slota 36. If there be maleficplane1sin the 2nJ as
well as in the ?th bhava,thcy causedistressby bringing
about a bereavement of the wife. If tfe pers(\)ncon-
cernedbe joined in wedlockro a woman born in a yoga
such as has been describedabove,he lives possessed oi
children,wealth and other blessings.
qo*rrilriirisqEtRrr(ir{idrtgsrilfirsit r
ssftrfu{R gfirroteqF{tftdq Uratq:u ie tl
Sloha 3T. lf the srosrrftr
(Janmarasi)of the wife bc
included in the triad designated*oarrih lKalatrarasi)
or in the triar:gularsigns of the Rasi occupied by the
lord of the 7th bhava in the horoscope of the hu:band,
the latter will have sons. If the q.cofu (Janmarasi)of
the wife be other than those that have beenenumerated.
he will have no isaueby her.
Sl. g8-39 rgtdt qrrt 866
r g !!1.'/.#
t v vvvvvvvv : ! l g v v vvv vv-vvvvvvvvvv!vv

For qr-oecfithe,c, Cf. eElfi?il{Fr
fiildqTqFrilildti oftr qoqq ftgtqr-a: t
adqitq qR qi m@{rtfrr aqqrf}ilqdflqq.ll
Great astrologers have recognised the Rasi occupied by the
lord of the 7th bhava in the husband's horoscope as the
(Janmarasi)of his wife. The exaltation and the depression signs
of the lord of the 7th bhava in the male horoscopeas well as the
Rasr of the 7th bhava forn.r the t:onstituent parts of the triad re'
presentingU1g"r;q{tfr (Janmarasi) of the +oa (.Katatra) or wife.
\ \ .A-1 ]
urfu;qrcuq q( tfi6{ $Ftflttqfrdrl

diiFg{fudrF+igas{I {!r65q1qR I
wflflraqfrqrr Wfr{gtqKilRtqi
qltd iiqqrsftaaqdigrusq{l ifiIII\ ll lc ll
Slofta 38. If the Sun be in the 7th bhava,the wife
will have breastsexceedingly strong. when the lord
of the 7th bhavaoccupiesa Kendra in conjunction with
Venus, she will have a
Jupitt:r, the Moon, Mercury or
tro"d and awellirrg bosom; i{ Mars appear in the ?th
bhava,her bogom will be shrunken' If the 7th bhava
be occupied by Mandi, Srturn, Rahu or Ketu she will
have fat pcndent breaste. If Dhuma and other invieible
planetsbe in the ?th bhavaor if the lord thereof occupy
a g:wra (Dustthana).her breastswill bc ill-shapcn.
fiEqt{iqiqismirffi{{hft itqrqrqh
qg+ g {qtrQrcr;fifiq-tqn'{tit lr t
hqrft;gg}r g Rxrftnj dit itt qitdi
diqd.iiiqiirtq{'dRq{tii;q41gftdq iI +"' ii
Stoka 39. lf the $un be in the ?th bhava at a
866 fiilTqrftqa Adb.xlv.
perEon'E birth, the object of hie love and dalliancewill
be r barrenwoman; if the Moon, a womanof the same
claosas himself; if Mars, it will be a woman in mens,
truation or a barren wedded wife ; if Mercury, a
courtezan; if Jupiter,a womanof Brahmanicextraction;
if Venus,he will havea liaison with a womanalready
enceinte. If the planet occupying the ?th bhava be
Saturn,Rahuor Ketu, the objectof his affectionowill be
a low,bornfemaleor one in her periode.

ffii *i St+{riqrcqit Rql

qg* ffi $qfusft gt qrfr Rrnqot r
fr tr.IEftt a (ftd qtsqqrqqir
*fr qrqq{$frqgruri qq3lrt n Bott
S/oft"240. lf the Sun occupy the 4rh bhava the
person born will prelerably have the society of his wife
in a pleasurehousein a forest region ; if it be the Moon,
a fine room in his own residence;.if Mars, a snug place
encloaedby walls; if Mercury, a theatre or similar
placeof public entertainment; if Jupiter, a temple ; if
Venue, a retreat in water ; if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, the
favourite haunt of the deity €fuflgt (Hariharaputra)
describedas the offspring of Siva and Vishnu conjoined,

grtir rqqf€tsqitgt qrqlfqiqert

qTqrftsut{tsmqh qr* mu{rriqrq t
grd uru6grqft qqgfi gkffiqlfr S EI
ffidqqnisu{Elqogfriiqrnfr il€R tt Bl tl
Sloha 41. If lr,fars occupy a Navamsa owned by
Venus in the ?th bhava, and if the lord of that bhava
be in the 6th, the perEon born will suffer bereavement
sL 42-44 tg{risr<rrr

in the deathof his weddedwife. If the planet occupy,

iog the ?th bhava be the Sun, he will be bleseedwith
wife and wealth. If the lords of the Znd and the 7th
bhavasbe associated with Venus in a g,wn (Dustthana)
or in the 3rd bhava,he will have the ill.luck to loceso
manywives ; but if the lords of thosebhavasbe strong,
his wife will continuealiveduringhis life time.
\A \
stRf: €rilil w$TilTqffillE
d{q ffftnwtugqFEtETI
q{ ugrqqfiriqqfr iln Ril(
ER{rrE{qt ef.gte-tqtl 81 ll
Sloka 42. If the lord of the ?th bhava be aspected
by or aseociatedwith Venus, or occcupya houoe owned
by the latter, the pereon born will be so extravagantly
fond of hie wife as to indulge in irrrgrea (Bhagachum'
bana.) The effect is the samewhen the lord of the Znd
bhavais in the sameposition as that describedfor the
lord of the 7th in the preceding case; or when the lord
of the lOth occupiesthe 7th in conjunction with Venus.
trlqtr iqgar iffi qr t{ rrri qred ttww I
fti rFi Wr{ufuTr}tr;ft;gilRr6qs{rqriltt Bl tl
Sloko 43. When Jtrpiter or Vettus is chelord of
the 7th bhava, the pudendum muLiebre of. a young
woman would be lovely and symmetrical. It will be
narrow if the lord of the ?th bhava be betwixt the
the planet Saturn, the Moon and Mercury.

ff qtft {qqc$frqodmfi(* qu.It}r.rtatr t

wi wi qEa\,€g{t|ttsst
gd €-{rM q{qrt tl
Sloka 44. Ito spacewill be ample if the lord of
rtefitftili Adh.nv.

It will be moist i[ the Moon occupying the ?th bhava
be aspectedby Venus; but if the Moon in the position
describedbe associatedvrith a malefic planet, it will be
void of moisture.
oM{rIETtt dti ntft fr{
dtqrnfra{i{r*ffi esffi ftctsqn t
oil ilqqfrqsumqEi
fii €ff frftc: ll 8\ ll
oI qflqflRrqtseQt
Sloka 45, A man is joined to a woman when
planetowning the
Jupitcr is in a Rasi b,:longingto the
Navameaoccupiedby the lord of the Lagnaat his birth :
but if the Navamsain questionbelongto the depresrion
sign of the lord of the Lagnaor to its enemy' the person
concernedwill lose the wife that he marriee or ltave nct
wife at all. subtract the figures for the Lagna from
rhosefor the lord of the ?th bhava. The difference
indicatesa cerrail Rasi. When Jrrpiteroccupieathis
Rasi or its Trikona, astrologers say that the death of
the pcrson'swife will take place' The sameevent may
happeu when Jrrprrgris in a Rasi indicated by the
.*i.*. of the {igures for the Lagna over thoseior the
lord of the 7th bhava
g{stt qtqiiq* wt
qm q1s'giiaqigq{urqiq{sknqtt
nlqrfunq{rrq{ittrIIt gfirsqdii{t
{rdt ril{gil silrq{oi fr} mtqntqi tt 8q lf
(loArr 46 If thq lord as weil as the Karalracf tirc
frcrrnthe Lrgna b: propitioueand occupy the
rch ti;1.:ve
sr 4?-48 qgfdsqrq:

t th place be prede
minant in strength and unaspected by or unassociated
with malefic planets,the wife dies simultaneouslywith
the husband. Her death will occur during the period
of the dasa or qcEK (Apahara) of a fte (Ch.idra) planet
@ide Adhyaya 5, slokas 52-53) with referenceto the
?th bhava,when Saturn occupiesthe Rasi ascertained
to be fatal to the wife through the Ashtakavarga of
Venus (vide Adhyaya 10) an.J when Jupiter ig in a
Navarnsaowned bY this fatal Rasi.
q(tqirililt qtftqrdrRqd
$gegil€t qrtrdqr|qti t
{E gfuf\ilq qrcfir.Trgtftu Be tl
Sloka 47. If the lord of the 7th bhava attaining a
crRqra (Parijatha) or a higher varga occupy a benefic
placeand be aspectedby or associated with Jupiter, the
personborn will have at his meals food of a refined and
excellentsort accompaniedby such appetiaingeubstances
as curd, honey,clarified butter, sauce,milk and seasoned
r : o n d i m e n t s ;i n d h e u ' i i l i n , r c i d i r i o nb e b l e s s e dw i t h a

ll sTeTlwrileffircq
effirtdsoiqqft ftqi{ri q{$ g{s I
qeqrga{qisqqr ftgqt qrqriR {;Ht
oita gt a ffi frq+qrfrftr*{t .Rsnsztl
Sloha 48, From what haebeeneaid already,it io
8?0 |t(rrcrfuri Adh"nv.
life as affected by the untoward .rr"rt, due to ihe posi-
tions of the lords of the l st, the 10th arrd the gth
bhavasand of the planet Saturn; but as it crops up
again in connection with fka (Nidhana) or the gth
bhava now under treatment, it is to ba dealt with once
more If the lord of the 8th bhava being associated
with a maleficplanet occupy the l2th or the 6th bhava,
the person concerned will be short-lived. The same
effect is produced when the lord of the gth bhava being
weak happensto be 4ssociatedwith the lord of chl
Lagna in one of the two bhavasabove-named(zie. the
6th or the l2th).
For things to be deducedfrom the gth bhava, aide the follow-
ing from (t) qraa,cd.
gaiil dlr-q+ar{ea;arRfrq{r
E qo-erTRqds fq: fiar rTr€qrqt iqqx tt
Q) qki+rrrror
aqf,rilil;dtqFqgi'in<i Erg: es.t tfa sqq.r
5-spu1d sier *€qfrq qr*anmrflqr fld+H: tt
qS r;qqfi iu.teoflFtiliUfr qBfr
ftrqefrv8'qi stfr qsfr qrdf*trgfv{|
aqnrtrfir;qtrRnin ! ffirunqqr
dqbtqoTs(tmgfiIrilq€r€w,Sfrqn Bq tl
Sloka 49. When the lord of the 8th bhava occu-
pier its own house, the personborn will be long,lived.
If the lords of the lst and the 8th bhavas occupy the
6th or the l2th bhava, then too will tbe perlon born
enjoy prolonged vital energy. The lorde of tbe l0th.
sI.50-61 r|gtqlstrrrqs 871

the lst and the 8th bhavagin a Kendra, a Trikona or

the llth bhavalead to long life. But if they be weak
and in conjunction with Satrrrn,the astrologer may
declarelife to be ehort;
T h i s ' r s w e l l a s s l o k a s5 2 , 5 3 , 5 4 , 5 5 , 5 6 , 6 0 & 6 - j a r e f o u n d i n

Eqrilitilgitrr;Eaqffiar : t
Erq'qifiEqfufr qfr q6Tqrg-
tsl {d egn{rgrilu{arr n \o tl
S/ofrir50. If the lords of the lOth, thc Bth and
1st bhavasbe all of them strong and unassociated with
Saturr, the person born will be long-lived. If even
two of them be strong,the person conccrnedwill have
rnediumlife. If only one of them be strong, his
be shorter than in the precedingcase. If none of
thern be srrong' he will have no pcriod of life worth,
{;qritt qrqUdqqfrgtaflii rTrrTg}sqqp3
glfht c{qi itrrgr 1 \t ft
S / o A r r5 1 . I f t h e l o r d o f t h e , g t h b h a v a b e i n g
in conjunction with a maleficplaner occupya malefic
sign or Grrqrc(Dustthana--6th,gth or tzth), the life
the person concerned will b: short But if the planet
owning the 8th bhavabe associotedwith o,
by a benefic one or occupya beneficsign or".p.cted t^hegth
bhava rtself, the life of the person born will be long.
il{& agtsemfiq-di qria g,tfki
qisawis?i{r frgrJtqrfr rrilg{iq r
8rt ilfiqrfrilrt Adh.xlv.

Aqlgffil{st gqgt ffiftq-*t

r'n rdilqfrRilSeEiqrt Ro'{rftqll \1 ll
Stoka 52. If the lord of the Lagna be in the 8th
bhava or if the lord of the latter bhava in conjunction
with or aspectedby a maleficplanet become invisible
by its too great proximity to the Sun or be in the 6th
bhava,the penon born will be void of vitality. But if
the lord of the Sth place from the Lagna be in its exalta'
tion or in conjunction with a beneficplanet or in a
Kendra or a Trikona or in the Sth bhava itself, the
personborn will be blessed with long life' The eame
will be the casewhen the rising sign is occupiedby its
onrrs{arfqt {€Efr qd fiilgr gdi
ui{r} qR Gqqqqiir* *-nttrfr iqw t
gut wr{
ll 'tl ll
$fi{m{qFctftegd qqtg{R]rrT{Iat
Sloha 53. If thc lord of the 12th bhavafrom the
Lagnaoccupy a q&a (Swakshetra)and be strong' the
p"r-ronborn will live long in comfort' The sameeffect
iollows when the iords of the lst and the Sth bhavasare
strong and occupy a Kendra. If Venus, Mercury or
place or the 10th
Jupiter occupy or aspi:ctthe Ntloon's
from the sign of conceptionor birth or from the 8th
bhava,the personconcernedwiil enloy healthand long
rit iliqmgd €fi
u;qrrr;qi{qffiQqi riuu*t illn I
n* argarRrq a<gfiFileud c qr
ffi qqil* dfr;v qqrh
Tdffidqqa tt \ti ll
Sl. d4-66 q{dtsrvrrr 8?rt

6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava, the aatrologer nrY

predict the demise of the person concerned(t) during
the dasaand bhukti of the lord of the 8th bharn; or (8)
during the dasaof the planet owning the Rasi occupied
by Saturnwhen the bhukti of the lord of the 8th bharn
ic in progreEs; or (3) during the dasaof the lord of the
8th bhava when the bhukti of the planet next in order
to tbe aav (Randhrapa-lordof the 8th bhava) is takiog
place-the questionof " which of the three alternatives
ia to be chosen as applicableto any particular case"
dependingupon a nice balancingof the etrensthaod
weaknessof the severalplanetsconcerned.

uffi,Arnnn!q,g{tsrdq+frg n
iiitrcrrqrt5{ftE{r ildq rligrfl |
M {wrrlrrcrqf}rarqrfirqqtTqr( n \\ tl
S/o&a 55. If the lord of the Lagna occupy the 6th,
tbe 8th, or the l2th bhavain conjunction with Rahu or
Ketu, the fatal daea to the person born is that of the
planet which is associated with the lord of the Lagna
or of the Sth bhrva. (If there be no planeteo aesociated)
the dasaof the planet owning the Rasi occupied by the
lord of the Lagna or the 8th bhava will prove fateful.
The death of the person concerned will occur during
the bhukti and apahara of Rahu in the fatal dasa when
Rahu takes precedenceof other planetsin ripening that
portion ol the fatai dasa.

rQ iig;gqfe nqsqd ur I
811 wr€qFqftqa Adh.xrv.
iraTrfuRF€qntrtd TrMi
il ll \E ll
Sloka sO.= ff out of the lords of the 10th, 8th and
the lgt bhavas and Saturn the weak one be asaociated
with Rahu, death will usually take place during the
dasaarid bhukti of this weak planet; or during the dasa
and antaraof the planet. aspectingit or associatedwith

ilt nruqfril ormqqngdqtsrq'i

e* ceqfr g oqqEtrruditrikritqr{ t
q{rqmqilrrd aggri ri'rqqtqrqi
\\ . \ r Cr A\A
c!ru qottg(I dllqililq fliI(re;il{ ll \\e tl
Sloha 57. If the lord of the 8th bhavaoccupy the
s&rD€rthe person born will suffer from ailment during
the dasaand bhukti of the lord of the 8th bhava. If the
Lagna be occupied by its lord, the dasaand bhukri of
the latter will bring on bodily suffering; but the person
concernedwill survivc in eachcase, regain health and
be happy. If the lord of the 8th bhava be strong, the
dacathat brings on death is that of the lord of che
nirarwqwt fiqt Rot
oilqtr;rrqiiflirqiiiEssq. I
q{KdiEg€tft iioqnrt
qiqiflqi iiwrqq ufk{urqrqn \d fl
Slofra 58. If, at the birth of a person,the lst bha,
va be void of strength, he will have much difficulty in
,tiding over the dasa periods of the lords of the Lagna
sI.69-60 qltdtsqrqr 8?&

aod the 8th bhava. Surviving thia, he will haveexceed

ing happiners. In the casein which the lord of the
Lagnais strong, the death of the personconcernedwill
occur during the dasaof the lord of the 8th bhava.

tit q tinr{n{ogi ffids}Eiq+

il€r6q€${gfuIr|It q}qqq1q:ssq I
qrssqi €Fg(ift !r{q [ \q tl
T;rrerFTrTile \?\

Sloftrr 59. If the lord of the Lagna identrcal witF'

the lord of the 8th bhava be strong and occupy a Ken-
dra or Trikona position, the person born will suffer
from diseageor be exposedto public censureduring the
dasa of the planet if &oy, aesociated with the lord
aforesaidof the Lagna and the 8th bhava. If the lords
of the Lagna and the 8th bhavas occupy a Kendra or
Trikona in conjunction with another planet, the person
will surely have his demise during the dasaof the planet
if any occupying the 8th bhava.
a]\qsqffi qit elrnta dfuil+(
qt oaqiser{rssqrfrilittffilliil} qftr I
dnfr(*lrqd srtqft uwa) g&u}
rqffi(q} ud q FE qiq il Qo tl
Sloftzr60. But if there be no planet in the 8th
bhava (in the case considered in the latter part of the
previoussloka),the deathof the personconcernedehould
be divined by meansof the planet occupving the Lagna.
The event will happenduring the dasaof the last-nen-
tioned planet when Saturn arrives in its progress
through the orbit at the Lagna or the 8th bhava. lf the
8t6 qnrrf,rft{re Adh. )(V.

with other planets,then find out which of the agaociated
planeto is weak ; and it is during the dasaand bhukti of
this weak planet that the aetrologer should declareas
probable the death of the person concerned.

{€qmt-dfdnM FE fA"A,ufrr
$d q itqqiordii(s erta df\renE,
om? gmeq{rrREil dilrfM Rqq.n qt tl
S/ofra 61. (i) Find the aggregatenumber of yeare
(according to qgqqr-Ududasa) of the planets associated
with the lord of the 5th bhava. Divide this by | ?.
The remainder should indicate the zodiacal sign occu-
pied by the Sun at the time of the person.s demise.
But if such lord of the bth bhava is not associatedwith
any other planet, then the aggregate number of years
according to qgT{rr(Udu dasa) of the lord of the 5th
bbava ghould be divided by lZ and the remaindershould
indicate the zodiacal sign occupied by the Sun at the
time of the person's demise. Again, add together the
EgE{n(Udu dasa) periods of the lord of the Lagna and
the lord of the 5th bhava or the planet associatedwirh
the lord of the 5th bhavaas the casemay be and divide
the eum by 30. The result will indicate the day of the
peroon'sdemise counted from the Sankramaday of
fr*t H qTqft ftEogteqefr
E{tuill tnrgqwmg$fhrun. r
{ftt qqrd sttrgfilg i-Et frmt
FFtqRR{[oqqqqffi Effdfi il lR tl
St 6g-6t! lgffisqm: 8??

Sloka 62- If the lords of the 9th, lst and 4th

bhavas should occupy a Kendra or Trikona, the aager
say the mother of the pergonbcrn will followithe father
in death during the dasaand bhukti ofone of these pla,
nets (which one of them 7 should be determined from
other sources). lf the Moon in the 8th bhava be
associatedwith Mars, Saturn or Rahu, the person
concerned will become liable to epilepsy, and death
will result from that disease. The sarneconseguences
follow if the Mcon on the wane be associated with the
above mentioneciplanets.
Cf. V-- 8t' supru.
Cf. eei*iiq;mfir
gtvwrlufloaamrf€*)am,q-qrrirra{fi |
gol qqr aeqftqrffiItfter Rarggft q {r(: tl
rh qt{I* rfharug* {ti rawrrg6: sqt I
qoqrq {tsr rr
a* fFqtEFqerrflrhfQnrq{ter
g+ e{tiltrnT*fiqqftqtsfE
g:Ft iqrgt{qqr€fi: qTil fqilqqqi GqqT€fr: qq 1'

qt itqqtsqnfrqrtr qrfr etcnq

5fqm{ri Oilg*lgtgrl;vtfru}q r
qrt q;qqie qrq(frtfrqqqrilffit
ftrq'ilq.Iisfilduagt qnrs€frEsgrqt il ql tl
Stofrc 63. When the Moon is in the 2nd or the
8th bhava, the personborn will be liable to excesgive
perspiration. If Mars occupying the l0th bhava be
associatedwith Mercury, the person's body wilt emit
foul smell. When a_malefic planet occupying the 8th
878 crilTcrfrwi Adh. xIV.
bbava ig aeeociated with another marefic planet,
person born will suffer from a multitude of discasee
and dietractions. But if the planet occupying the gth
bhava be benefic and be associatedalso with a benefic
planet, the pereon concerned will live in ease and
rrxritqq Usrrerqrnq{Rf
UirEi qiR ildq€rnurqe
qeilqeGqtcq €fr qtil u qBtl
Sloha G4. When a person is born with a cfidEq
rr&r (seershodayaRasi) for the rising.sign, his death'will
occur in the dasaand apaharaof the lord of the znd, lst
or of Rahu accordingas' the dilq+ (seershodaya)rising
sign is moveable, immoveableor of a dual kind. If the
Lagnabe a yii<< (Prishtodaya) Raqi, the death will
happenduring the dasa and apahara of the rord of the
Lagna,drekkanaif the Lagna be a moveable sign if
; it
be an immoveableoD€,the event will take plac-eduring
the dasaand apaharaof the pranetaspectedby rhe
of the Lagna,drekkana;if a dual Rasi, during the
and apaharaof the planet in conjunction with the
of the Lagna,drekkana.

ll eTEWtl
qprrxfiEgwfrqfgrrfr df\<tqrqt*.rtRapqrs I
rrritr{Rfi gmffi untgrlqcgi
*utn rniqrr
Sloka 6i. It is with ,referenceto the 9rh bhava
and Jupiterthar an asrrologershouidthink of a person,s
fortune, power, father or other such elderly peroon,
sl. 66-67 qgtrilsqrqr 8?e
good works, strict observance of duty and general
welfare. When the lord of the 9th bhava and Jupiter
are in aurpicious vargas and the 9th bhava is occupied
by a beneficplanet, the person born meetswith good
cf , ;tRFfitrrwl
qdf=xqTqiqrfl: qTfdqhirqqfrffiqo
q {froqr
frtqqroiqurq:gilil: goqro+
gq*{ird(rlrrl ftq**r({I?Ft: qdkq I
saptTi qTFf,fl€lrigq.Erq+qqfrfiqr( rt
Slokas 65-87 rrrealso found in dld+{€t.

rrrr{fuerqft qrrlqaq{atnrr
q€ii ilrqr{ il EE tf
urQ g rrrf{rq-€E!
Sloku 66. If the planets occupying che 9rh bhava
be malefic, hostile, depressedor eclipsed,the persons
born in the yoga will be void of good name, wealth or
moral worth. Even a malefic planet in rhe 9th bhava.
if in exaltation,in swakshetraor in a friendly house,
invariably doesgood to the men concerned.
frrqerflrgiihi aqqf qr.rq-(nilrai
aqrfiuqiilriinquir rIFIIQT
uat rriq t
qTrt{rrqftqrqqtq{ft ffiSdEt qtqq-
qfAffi rrrd'xsfrt<il tt Ergrr
Sloka 67. The fth bhavaoccupiedor aspected by
a benefic planetor its own lord recureEhappineccto
880 rffi Adh.xtv.
the persons concerned. The planet owoing the Rari
occupied by the lord of the 9th bhava is the author of
the good fortune mentioned above. It is the lord of
the 9th bhava that maturesthe same. The lord of tbe
5th place from the 9th bhava ia its awakener. If tbese
planetsbe in exaltation or in their own signs, they
qrnr0 Esnfilqqffiqffi qq*
{rs{ {tfisi ttft zqfrffiqrfts*frt t
qi{rt {o{rffi :F{qil qTnf{q€6fr il
gf;qt{q(rr qiqP{tri ii{;ln qFqt{ilr il qd tl
Sloha 68. If there be in the 9th bhava five planets
occupvingan exaltation house, a swakshetra, an sfkr
(Uchchamea) or a swakshetramsain connectionwith any
of the 10 Vargas(uide Adhyaya1, sloka 30), and if they
be at the sametime acsociatedwith or aspectedby the
lord of the 9th bhava,the person born will have good
fortune aboundingin wealth and glory and will become
a lordly perEonage.Four suchplanets oimilarly placed
in the 9th bhavaand poseessingstrength are capableof
yielding good fortune to the person concerned. This
good fortuoe,they give in the country of one'sbirth if
they occupya poaition of exaltation,swakshetraor an
amsabelonging to either of these'two. If they be in
any other ?rD$drthe good fortune will crop up to tbe
peraonconcernedin a foreign country.
qrt mqfdth,rik{st {rrq qifr r*i
qdnqgtufr ffirft {r qrfrddi., r
st*!r gft Wr iirftUqrq' ft gqiltnq
glunqqfr!g€l Guidarqd" q]sfrqr{nqqrr
gl. s-70 qildtsrrrr 8E1

aspectedby its lord or a beneficplanet,the personborn

doesaseuredlybecomeposeessed of good fortune. If
the Moon or Venus be in the 9th bhava asauciated
with a maleficplanet,the personconcernedwill become
tddicted to women belonging to venerableelders. If
Jupiter(in the 9th bhava?) be aspected by the Sun,the
peroonconcernedwill becomea lordly person; if ae'
pectedby Mars, he will be a minister; if by MercwY,
he will be wealthy; if by Venue, he will command
cavalry; if by the Moon, he will be happy; and laetly
if aepectedby $acurn,he will come into poceetsionof
camelsmd suchotherriding animale.
For the secondquarterof the slcka, cf. qril{c€
qd HqrtqR q&rrqil.zth' gi qI gtqr(qldlI
n\q gft aut dre{Enrrrfill
ilqwr{a(ffir{r{qt frt oqr*flqtt
ftqrEr{F{ilcRtii gor qteganirrffi
gfrftsfi{iht italtq il} aqrqratlt so 11
Sloho 70. If Jupiter occupying the 9th bhavabe
aspectedby both the Sun and the Moon, the person con'
cernedwill be wise and in possessionof elephants,
cowE,horses and wealth ; if by the Sun and Mare, he
will have ?,oorrDlr vehicles and precious Etoneo; if by
the Sun and Mercury, he willamuse himself with learn'
ed discussione and have abundance of wealth ; if by
the Sun and Venue, he will be polite in his addrees.
ll a
882 crrilscrftiTn Adh.xlv.

rqrqi4fitfrnt gqfriqrnil qwnqqr{

ilt wEoifri ggqilst.rrgu*uerr
ilt&gq{tiht ytgtl {sr{uzqrcqr
ghgxiiolifii {icrqr qt $tt t$aq u sl s1
Sloka 71. lf Jupiter occupying the 9th bhavabe
aspectedby the Sun and Saturn, the person concerned
will abound in moral excellenceand be wise and in
possession of many villages; if by the Moon and Mars,
he will have extensive fame, comman<lan army and
enjoy easeand wealth ; if by the Moon and Mercury.,
he will be blest with domestichappiness,valuablepro-
perty, bedding and furniture; if by the Moon and
Venus, he will lack children. though brave,active and

qr{ iqtri rrdl

ili gnstfhi r{qt ftqriirr,}qlqt I
u{dqq}l}rt il{fr ilsn qgq'rTqr{
drq: qrtRwrcrnil(r! qil ilqrqr{rnr tleQtl
Sloku 7?". If Jupiter in the gth bhavabc .rspc*c.i
by tbe Moon and Saturn, the person concernedwill be
meritorioua and become an expo,.rlderof the law in a
foreigoland ; if by Mercury and Venus, he will surpase
in learning. If all the other planets aspecr ,lupiterrn
the 9th bhava, he will be a great personage,a king, in
poaseeaion of much valuable property. All rhe benefic
planetr when founci together in the gth bhavaare cap,
able of eecuring,to the personeubjectto their influence,
dominion and wealth laetingfor a long time.
sl. 73-?4 tg{tfrsrnrr 888

{Fqe {firfr {fi*Klil{ftf\t {qft-

KffiEfrqqlirTrercrttqqsgr1ffifr I
H tr*t g ir* qfr* tnqqmlqeq
g:r*lqr{mr$ti €Rt rrrfrilrsflqr tf sl tt
Sloka 73. If the Moon occupying the 9th bhava
be aspectedby Saturn, Mercury and Mars. the person
b o r n w i l l b e a k i n g ; t h e s a m e t h i n g h a p p e n sw h e n a
planetin its exaltation in the 9th bhava is aspectedby
a beneficone. If the Sun in conjunctionwitli the Moon
occupythat bhavr, the pcrson b,rrn will be wealthy but
afflicted with Ophthalmia. lf the Sun and Mars be
togetherin the gth bhava,the personconcernedrvill be
i l l a t e a s ed, i s p u t a t i o u sb. r r t l i k e d b y k i n g s .
qrfr kgg( {qil{gdrgretwrr{sttfl
nrltta gt ftqfq{rsftenr ed ftT{rd t
ftrit grgil tfr qriagie'qr iqil gite E
q;( RI.TFFF(i g GTA{iE;ittWIRTITIiTI{ll s8 ll
S l o k u 7 4 I f t h e S i t na n d M e r , . : u r ye p p e a ri n c o n ,
junction in the 9th bhava,the person born will hav.:
numerousenemies,will be unhappy.rndaiways suffering
from someailrneirt. It the Sun in the qth Frhavabe
essociated with Jupiter,'theperEonborn will be wealthy
and do what will pleasea father. If the planet in
conjunction with the Sun in t,re 9th bhavabe Ventte,
the effectof it on the person born will be to make him
sick. But if chcSuir arrd Saturn occrrPYthe 9th bhava
together,the peraonconcernedwiil be ailing ae a father
ancithat ilom a stomachic complaint. If there be the
Moon and Mars associatedtocether in the gth bhava,
qr(TcrRrrt Adh.xrv.
the peroonborn will perpetrate
matricideand will have
to renouncehis wealth.
qpqtfltrsurqrr{ iqqt qt rdrrcil
kfi qAm ffiftE{: *qr{ grvnt r
iltiil $ddrqRsr€gi wqil{r{i{qr
q-{ q;EgifHqrtggt{RqrdrsE{€gil lt \e\ tl
Sloha 75. If the Moon and Mercury be together
in the 9th bhava,the person affecred by the yoga will
be eloquent and conversant with many sciences. If
Jupiter occupythe 9th bhava in conjunction with the
Moon, the perron born will be firm.minded, illustrious
and prosperous. When the Moon and Venus are in
the 9th bhava,the pereon concernedwill have a strum,
pet for his wife and will be in favour with his step,
mother. If tbe Moon in the 9th bhava be associated
with Saturn, the peroonborn will be void of all reli-
giouo merit and hie mother will be caBr out of hic

si gqgttst qfl q&ilr

{nfr frr1g1*t
ghq kqqftr F{ $}-{rElftid m! |
di qr-gwT{i{tiqqt qr{i rdtrer
fitt mwd\i qgqitit{r{ qdi qFEaltt \eqtl
Sloka 76, If Mare andMercury betogetherin the
9th bhava,the personborn will be learnedin the eacred
bookganddevotedto pleasure andease; if Mars combine
with Jupiterin that bhava,the person concernedwill
be wealthyand respected.The effectof Marr being
aseociatedwith Venus in the 9th bhava is that tbe
pcraonborn wrli irave two wives and will be an ex-
sl. ??-?8 agiffiswrn:

pounder of law in a foreign land. If the planetcombin-

ing with Mars in the 9th bhava be Saturn, the influence
of the yoga on the person born is to makehim wicked
and addictedto women not his own. When Mercury
and Jupiter are found rogerher in the 9th bhava, the
person born will be keen-witted, wise, wealthy and
Iror the 2nd qK, c/. first quarter of sloka 5, supro,

ffi].iiffifdfrq! rrlgi wfliqil qfiEer

qhn q.qgt g tlrrdgs]ftqrffismmm I
ilt ssst tuistrQr*qnwt gt
qlqtraqq:fhtslftgt qnogefrufu 1 sn tl
Sloha 77. When Mercury and Venus combine
in the 9th bhava,the peraonborn will be wise, devoted
to music and pleasure,and learned; when Meicury and
Saturn are found together in rhat bhava, the pereon
concernedwill be sickly, surprssingin wealth. but un_
truthful ; when Jupiter and Venus occupy the 9rh
bhava together,their influence on the personborn will
b e t o m a k eh i m l o n g - l i v e da n d e x c e e d i n g l yp r o s p e r o u s ;
when lupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in the 9th
bhava,the person born will cuffer from djseaee and will
b e r i c h i n j e w e l s ; w h e n V e n u s i s a s e o c i a t e dw i t h
Saturn in that bhava,the person born will becomea
king's corDpeer.
qfaqarrr f\qqtEa'tir
rft-g.r\rrai{qiqqmr t
frm ftsqi rftq.(drqr dbsqiqr:gnEla;trasnectl
Sloha 18, If the Sun,the Moon and Mare combine
in the 9th bhava, the personborn will become an or-
886 srdrqrftqrt Adh.xlv.

phan and have an impaired limb , if three planets

occupying the 9th bhava be the Suo. the Moon and
Mercury, the personborn will be cruel and engaged in
forbidden actt ; if the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be
found togethetin the 9th bhava, the person will enjoy
much easeand will be rich in vehicles.
q'fffi {fkdl EqFotuffdiimfilr{I
qnqdrftateqtrffi' utqiftfrqtrn{ |
taqtfrW* g ffi g{qs td f**r<Aqt
qrqt ll sq ll
tsfi tqfquilqr gilq'{frqri}qa}
Sloka 79. When the 3 planetsin the 9th bhava
are the tiun, the Moon and Venus, the person born
wiil be a royal favourite and lose hie wealth by eogaging
in quarreisfor womell. If thc Sun, thc Moon and
Saturn be associatedtogether in the 9th bhava, the
effect on the personborn will b: that he will have tc
serve as a menial and becomeobnoxiou$to good people'
If in that bhavathe Sun,Mars and Mercury be united,
the persouborn will b: lovely, bur ill tempered and
quarrelsome. I f tl'rc combination in th; 9ch bhava
consist of thc S,.rn, l"tars and Jupiter, the person
concernedwill evince love to Gods and the lr{anesand
wrll be blessedwicir children,wrfe and wealtlr'
wit sitdr ftqr(i?tersiql e{!["{'-$:
orqrqEfdtii6gru-ir flgr i\gqimr t
qd€iirfrq;nq\ Wgf,rilii{{'l i+qqrq.
{r;di ilq€qi iilTlgc{fr qr{i qniiqihr tt co ll
Sloirr 80. ii the Sun and Mars appearin conjun'
crion wich Venus in che9th bhava, thc effect of the
;r.81-8? qgtdtst{rcr

'ogaon the person born will be to make hin disputa,

ioue,irritable and rakishly inclined to the seduction of
vomen. If the Sun and Mars be associated with Saturn,
he personbcrn wiil be friendlessindigent and will be,
,omea parricide If the planetsin thc 9th bhava be the
iun, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a
o1'alfavourite and own large wealth. If the Sun, Mer-
:ury and Venus be together in that bhava, they will
nakethe person born equal to a king ; if the planet
:ombiningin the 9th bhava with the Sun and Mercury
>eSaturn, the lxrson born will be wicked and addicted
,o women not his own.
qlqmiiter{gfi q€q{tni qal qitetr
€rqitdfqRnnfrqR iieedi eqrqrqrrl
*rR**qrrtEr irr{rrfidifr EttiH
qret ffiqqrrgal q qrc{;(nqiinigqfilt dl tl
S l o f t a8 1 . T h e S u n a n d J u p i t e r c o m b i n i n g w i t h
Venus in the 9rh bhava makethe person born rakish,
wealthy and learned. lf the sametwo planets become
rssociatedwirh Satuqnin the 9th bhava, the person
born will becomea notorio,rslibertine. When the Sun,
Venus and Saturn appeartogether in the 9th bhava, the
perEonborn will becomea vile convict. The Moon,
Mars and Mercury conjoined in the gth bhava give
birrh to one who, thoughatflictedin childhood,will be-
comehappy in later life.
t*ntqrarn\ rqqt ff qRqr{tt,fir
qdl qs$oTiTr{qrffrgrgh;gqa;qir t
g'] nreui q*qfAsqq;il{qqkqit
wrEr{RUqrwqtirq{aErfttrll cl rr
888 qrlr6crftwil Adh.lCV.
| . @ @ v v v r r v v v v v r r e v ! v ! t l v y $

Sloka 82. lI the Moon, Mars and Jupiter be to,

getherin the 9th bhava, the pereonborn will devote
himselfto divine worship. The combinationin the
9th bhavaof the 3 planetsthe Moon, Mars and Venus
will makethe personconcerned bereft of his wife and
rubject him to accidenteresulting in bodily hurt;
if the Moon, Mars and Saturnbe the trio planetsin the
9th bhava,the personborn will be of a base disposi-
tion,looehis motherbut will becomea king'epeer; tbe
Moon, Mercuryand Jupiterappearingin the rmq (Bha,
gya,9th)makethe person born a teacheranda wealthy
rilgf wf,rqrsi fiUl qr( qFffignt qEqiq{iln t
qrqtfr{rqiffigtn} snrds
gqr6qg{r*gr' tf dl tl
SloAa 83. When the Moon, Mercury and Venue
are together in the gth bhava,the effect will be that the
peroonborn will becomesubject to the control of bis
etep-mother'sfather. If the Moon, Mercury and Saturn
be the three planetsin the 9th b\ava, the pereon born
will be wicked and inclined to pick quarrels.

q;ilqlafr qfutr q*qsfistiqqt qrurq,d{i-€r

||;({gilt ttt{ogeqsSftMtwt"gWrf lf cu ll
Sloka 84. The Moon and Jupiter in the fth
bhavacombining with Venus makethe person born a
king ; the aametwo planetsassociatedwith Saturn in
that bhava makehim inclined to virtuous acte. The
tbree planetsSaturn, Mercury and Venur in the gth
bhava give the person born a status equrl to a king's
and convert him into a money-makingfarmer.
sr.86-8? rqilt'fsrrr 889

{rqfr* qrqftmrtffifr qrrRrfr {Sffiqgfl |

ildt sgd TRrqStr mrrgfrqrfltsm{s tt c\ ll
Sloka 85. Mars and Mercury combining with
Jupiterin the 9th bhava makethe personborn a ruler
of a province. The sameplanetscombiningwith Venur
in the samcbhavawill makehim convergantwith Sar-
tras,but fickle,mindedand cowardly. If those two
planetsagainbc ass<-rciated
with Saturnin the 9th bha,
va, thc personborn will be captiousanclincompetent.

€qdrRn{ q{Erqfr*fr'fr qffi Enqrqrffi t

Rqrqrrfrilitf, qfr'{rilqnr!dtqq *{gr{-*ilf tl
S/oArr8(r. If Mercury and Jupiter be aecociated
with Vcnus in thc 9th bhava,the pcrson born will be
celebratcdfor his learningand virtue, The same two
planete,if associaterlwith Saturn in the 9th bhava, will
make thc person concerned learned and eloquent.
When Jupiter, Venua,Mercury and the Moon combine
in thc 9th bhava, a fortunate pcrEontakeshis birth.
6nirrilE{rftililffiffirt *1a6il*fi I
{rr r{gqxqgnft{rgrrut+dtr t
rtqqHqgHmr€i ilQ u}ft 0T'i
{rsri{{g} f{ftrrgfr cnr(l{kqfqqq ll z\ell
Sloha87. If the Sun,Mars, Jupiterand Saturnbe
togetherin tl're 9th bhava, the person born acquirec
wealth by his daring and prowecl. Venus, Marc,
Jupiterand the Moon in the 9th bhavamakethe perEon
born valiant,endowedwith every virtue and a critical
faculty to appreciateworks of art. When thc combi'
nation in the gth bhava generallyconsist!of 6, 6,4 or
8e0 fiilfirftwre Adh.xtv.
3 planete,the person born attains prosperity, If the
combination includes Mercury, the person concerned
gete regal power ; but if the combination be without
Mercury or Jupiter, the person born getsevil fortune
for his lot.
qiqFe nr{tqr Ugftrqftqf.*er rtrf Sw{ |
aqftqrqq{r<tq-{fri ffqqr{qft*qqn zd tl
S/ofra 88. Planets combining in the 9th bhava,if
dissociatedfrom lvlercury and Jupiter, causethe birth
of a personthat will .be diseased,unamiablc,forlorn,
pining in prison and exceedinglymiscrable.
This slclka has been talien frr.lrntilrtqol.

{Fqrftt fiqrrr0ilwxr*+pq1,
mttirflqurqr* lTFqdfrqtqrr u cq fl
Slota 89. If the lord of the 9th bhavaoccupying
tlre 8th be apectedby a depressedor inimical planct ,i
be itself in depreosionor in a nraleficamsa(ldr,Shaetv,
amsa?),the pernonborn will bc unluckv
{rrqrfqtgrrgilgry{fttlqt r
ilSri gqqr{;} F.stffiqrqrq{r{ ft lo tl
BloAo 90 When thc lord of thc gth bhavars as
sociatedwitir a beneficplanetand ie aspectedbv an,cher
beneficplanet and the gth bhava itserf has a be'efic
planet in it, the person born will enjoy good fame,
wealth and prosperity.
The additional information in the ncxt pago from
will bc found usoful I
sl. 90 egffist*rr 8el
qtil qft +rrhrtgeqekfF,rt
str6q1;{'1-qqtsft qr qqgh r} qR qrflnl
qtqriraem,ilgrgilqimqaiffin :
g'{t sqrqq?i}fiqqh qr,r:q,rrrd ttt rr
qFqt'itfl faar+iiq,rg* er"ir-qfqx]qfi
EriiarfQgtr +arfiiil ni a'iqaniqft r
qiqlgftne* n 'rfR*rdl g\' qiltft:
.rg&'arreqtq lQq,it dt* q qi) qft lr
T h e f o l l o w i n g a d d i t i o r r a li n i o r n r a t i o nl e l a t i r r gt o t h e 9 t h l i o u r e
i:i extracted frorrr q"talf?+t.
q{ qq ar g,i 4{ g:5\ ilqlq*,qfAI
qiqq"qqatR figrronrfifrq11
I f l v l a r s o r t l i e S L r no c c l r p ] ' t l r e 9 t h l r o u s e a n r l t h e l o r d o f t h e
l a t t e r b e i n a g : r 5 1 J 4 obre t w i x t t w o n l a l e f i c s , t l r e e f l e c t w i l l b e t h c
d e n r i s eo f t l r e f a t h e r ( o r o n e e q u a l t o a f a t h e r ) o i t h e n a t i v e s o o n
a f t e r l r i sb i r t h ,
fiqr W finr qt grt qrrfiitftri r
qii qeng+fit {rfi nfiqarrr
!f the SLrn in the case of a day.birth or Snturn in the case of
a r r i g h t - h i r t b b e r v e l l - p l a c e d a n d a s p e r : t e dl l y b e n e f i c s , a n d i f t h e
lord of the gtlr be alco strong, the father of the native will live
for a long tirrre.
q=qnfr:aftandq qtrft{)qt n'sadlfQCrql{|
sot qqq-{giiRirle} naifr griitfrrrg: rr
I f t h e t w o l u r n i n a r i e s( t h e S u n a n d t h e M o o u ) b e i n t r i n e t o
Saturn and Mars, the child will be abantlonedby both the parents.
I f t h e 9 t h b h a v a b e a s p e c t e db y J u p i t e r , t h e c h i l d w i l l b e l o n g .
lived and happy.
afiqlrqrftq:Fqriqrcd|q g{ftd: r
S{ g,tqntscq-qFed qqfrqfi tl
8v2 lRrrqrft|rt Adh.xlv.
If Saturn owning the 9th house occupy a moveable sign and
be unaspectedby benefics,and if the Sun be in n E:€TTa,the child
concernedlives under the care of a foster-father.
qfr ilJ.tfrqTq-Eg+elsft qTq\ |
qril qai qqTi 6qAriqflnldfi u
If, either the 9th houseidentical with a moveable sign, or the
lord thereof being in a moveable sign be in conjunction with or
aspectedby Saturn and if the lord of the lZth housebe strong,
tbe child born is sure to be adoptedby another.

tr{rmtil ffirt s}tr ftttftt t

qh tt qt fl
sqfRr rfrQTr€rffisfr
S/oAc 91. When the lord of the 9th bhavahas
attained a Simhasanamsaand is aspectedby the lord of
the Lagna as well as by the lord of the lOth bhava, the
peroonborn will bestow great gifts,
qmf Sftfril qrsRqq{qnrgirqrI
qtirqd\Tsrfr eraqlHiifiqT.iln ql tl
Sloka 92. The person born in the aboveyoga if
of Brahminical birth may rlso become an officiating
priest (of the royal house.hold?), or thc benevolent
director of alms,house. The alternative caprcitiee are
to be assigned according to the caste to which the
person concernedmay belong.
gft ilmTilug+;HM{rftilril |
s{trfqt ilfi w{PtnrfrqAEtt ql tl
S/ota 98. $/hen Jupiter is in the 9th bhava antl
occupier its own Navamsa or is aspectedby a benefic
planet, the person born will evince a high censeof filial
sI.94-97 rgirilsqrq: 893

geqrt ftqgt gw,fsqFEtr

il{t geqrrrQlFrffim: gdt lr qB tl
Slolrr 94. When the portion of the qth bhava
which is associatedwith a benefic planethaelikewise a
Varga of Jupiter and the lord of that bhava occupiesa
Varga owned by Jupiter, the pcrson born will clelight
in servinghis parentsand will be happy.
qm Smqilr
gwrrortqtrr0 q{ow ail $q n q\ tl
S/ofrr 95. If the lord of the 9th blravaoccupieo
an amsaowncd by Jupiter, Venrrs or Mercurv and is
aspectedby a beneficplanct or is amidutbenefic planets,
the person born will engagein virtuouBacts.
qI qri qrT{rqqmEtirqm{gtI
r€g"i{+ {rsfrqd{i* riinr il qq tl
S/r.rftrr96. When thr:re is a malefic planet in the
9th bhava, the person horn will be sinful. When the
lord of the 9th bhavais associatedwith a maleficplanet
or occupiesa maleficti0th porcion of a eign, the person
concernedwill be void of virtue.
{ff{h gffirt *-'qfruM
gweuqqrftqn$ Rot t

ffiqqq"t il Elafrqnqdiu qe tl
Sloho 91. lf the lord of the 9th bhava occupy a
Kendra or Trikorra in great strength and if the Lagna
be aspectedby its lord, good fortunes come in a crowd.
The same result will follow wlren the lord of the lOth
mrscrfrant Adh. xIV.
*w! t- vvt !vv t u vv! vr-@vvvvv

bhavaoccupiesa Navamsa,a.TrimoamEaor a Drekkana

of Jupiter. But in either case, the person concerned
will not indulge in enjoymenrsbur will devote himself
to a strict austerelife
{ss{trlT{rwr drqfl rrrq(t{il
qii gq€qb*Rr €sr;Tfrrrr
ftfraaRgqqfiit"trl gdiftlru qc tl
.S/o&a98. Every planetwlren in itg own horrseor
exaltaticlnin tlr.: ath bhirv.r,proJuccs most efficientlyr
superabtrndance trf wealth and g,:ld to the personcon-
cerned. lf in tlre ath bhav.rtfie plapetsbe aspectedby
treneficoues,the per$or) born rvill overcome all his
opponents,po$sess a charming constitution and enjoy
good fame'
T h i s s l o l r ai s f r o r r rq t r t q d i .

?rrtfirrdtrqffi;frgrd rfrr gTgdr ss{,

*qfr*t qR* {*{r1qtqqirgrgdft grln 1\
S/oftc aQ When thc lorJ of the ft1xre (Pitrubhe-
va) and its otrr (Karrka) o('cupy a grerrn(Dustthana),
the aetrologeris to declarethat the child's facewas nor
seenby the father becauseof the planeta bcing badly
placed. []ut if tlrc two planets referred to' occLrpya
Kendraor Trikona position, it is possibleto declare
tlrat the father has had the sood fortune to sec the face
of the child.
iiqftqrrqt qruigd{rg*qql wqil irofiFilfI
ilfiqttn;qwt etq qtq diarrgitqr qitr trr( t oo
Sloha 100. tf the lord of the 4th bhava,Venus and
sl. 101-108 qtlfrsqrqt 896

the Moon be otrong and should either occupy the 6th

bhavaor be in conjunctionwith irs lord,, the deathol
the father will take place ac night time. If the Moon
bc eliminatedfrom the planetarypositionsnanredabove
the yoga points to the father dying in thr: day timc,
fr* qw{Frd {Ftt qo*git
gtgrgt et qq.qFTwrfuqt1
lt l"l tl
Slohu.101. When tl'rc lord of thc 9rh hhaval>eirrg
bcnefic and in strengtir is aspectcdor associatedwith
Jupiter or Vcnus, the pcrs,'rnborn will engrgc in the
rccitation of praycrs, holy conternplationor abstract
mcditationon the r)?lturcof thc Spirit, accordingaB ttre
portior] occupied l>y tlt,: lord t-rfthc 9th lrhava bclongs
to a moveable,immovcahlcor a dual Rasi.
tqolmftqrqd rtqi \Fq\sfi qr I
qrilEilt{*ftr} qilft$qt ,riq tr t"R rl
Sloha I02, When the lord of tlre lOth or the 9th
bhavahas attaineda Devalokamsaor other higher Vai.
scshikamsa,and a benciic planetis in a Paravatamsa at
thc eametime, tire person born will bcconrcabsorbcdin
thc contcmplationof the suprcmespirit.
qKF{irfEqrqQ qt't Wr{gt t
ilit gqist lr{IElqstrr}q tt t"l ll
S / o A a 1 0 3 . W h e n t l i e l o r d o f t h c g t h b l r a ' r ab e i n g
in conjunction with Jupirer has att,rirrcda Paravatamsa
and the lord of the Lagnais aspectcdby Jupitcr, the
personborn will bestow grcat gifts.
Eft {qqq€6qrntqqrqft{t\t E{KsnRqrt
Thue ende&c.
srrrTifinffi qEqq{fr$qFr:
Adhyaya XV.
T U E E r I ; D c l ' s o F T t r u l 0 ' l ' r r ,t r r r llttr aNo
Tge lZ't'u f_iuAV,\s.

il 3fE ({rrtrrrE$oqll
Bt1{nprfiWUI|fi i{{Ft6rlt'IRfr
Tr{r( |
fu et -
t t er{ifq} u{tuagc'otqrge
SilneqRilqtfiqgt qrr Rqr* r{( n ? tl
S/otrr 1. Ap,rrt from rvh,tt has bccn etatedpre-
viouely, an astrologer may asccrtaina pcrsoll'sauthority,
his honorablc rank, ornamcnts, apparel,activities,slecp,
agriculture,retircmcnt from thc world, beneficentacts
sanctioncd in scriptures, nrear)l;of livelihood, farne,
knowledgeof the specialarts and lcarning gencrally,by
mean$of the lord of thc lOth bhava, thc Sun, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn. Whcn thc l0th bhava is inauspi-
cious, the perron born will bc void of honor or prrde.
cf , stdiilr{tur
6qTqr(gElzq{trFq qfrqq erR fqgcil t
rt(irrqrft:eg niiatr ilcqlftqfi {qi fqqriq tt
Rt R q{nqA ni+{ q6rqqr
st.2-8 trlnFfrstqrqs 897

firrrrqfiEeil ilftrQzqr{ri:
q*oqfl fifi;Fi srq'frrnng{tft:
u{t roqlfrt qqo{luidrgr<rcq
iqqioa]glqTriirrhErr r
rrfrwnsai{hit qr} u* iqi}sr{r
{li qfitr q;Nrr{$ieiqterr gu}rrtqrrr rr
Sloha Z, tf the lord of the iOth bhavahave no
strength,the personborn will be fickle-mindedand ill,
behaved; Jupiter, Mircury, Sarurnand the Sun if badly
placed lead the person concerned to viciour acts.
When Rahu or the Sun occupies the l0th bhava, the
peraon born will get the benefit of bathing in the
Ganges. \l/hen Meena foims tbe 10th bhava and is
occupiedby Mercury and Mars, the per;on born will
attain final cmancipation.
fhrs ,.r€ ds fell as slokas 3 to l0 are found tn dlf+{(i,

qd,f{ gfrgs I t;i gSiUililr€{d}lttlsI

'qi gt ilgfiriq\ il drqrflqt anugnarrRqr( tr
Sloha 3. When the lord of the 10thbbrva occu
pieea Kendra in conjunctionwith Venus, or is in
exaltation,the person born will purify himcelf by
ablutionsin the waterof the Ganges. When Mercury
occupiesrhe 1]rh bhavaor thelord of rhelast-mantioned
bhavais in swakshetra or exaltation,the merit of guch
ablutionswill accrueto tirc personconceroed,
q;i uditr crraqliTltudf
{d} ft {dq-fr
qrqiq=sr?qCqii{qoqRqEihf,rmwq I
89& flil€cIftiTe Adh.xv.

fiqr gffi filllilr mqdft.,isqr:

uil{rwrftil ngut dfue wqqi( ll B ll
Sloka 4. When ttre Moon u,ith clear rays occu-
pieo the 10th bhava the personborn will be purif ied by
the ablutions in the Ganges water. The Moon when
malefic in the samebhava leadsthe personconceruedto
gamblingaod acts of violencc. Benefic planets when
weak in the 10th bhava destroy the beneficent deeds
which the person may be inclined to do. The benefit
of any sacrificewhich may accrueto a person should be
ascertainedby meansof the lord of the tOth blrava,
Mercury and Jupiter,and then announced'
cf . s{ltcRRlt
q fii
.nq{l: +,Tr{rl "'{qfigfqql1z.;q6r:{'f
\ \ -\ ce \ r.
€{r€t;ql;'{FqaEql ryr{gdllld.rl qllrTqlqs ddi I
^ (\ . l'
rq}..qfqafiq {8l'qr1{{qtq: $?4 { €ict,ll: ll

qsd ilgs,iqiqfr eqftqrfirwig n

Eilrilr(|ri*ilqqia uw q*iqurlkwq t
ffdf qn*a mfriirft{frgir q-nt}tq:
il-{iunsffi qli gi taqrftn{:nfit tt q tt
S/ofra 5. If the lords of the lfth and thc lst
bhavasbe in one placeor if tltcsctwo bhavashavc clne
e.ndtne samEiord the person born will perform sacri'
iices and other such meritorious acts with the help of
money acquireci fairly by hi,nself. If tire lord of the
lOth bhava be aesociatedwith Saturtt, tirc meritorious
acts will go on with the help of money contributedby
st. 6-7 q{f(drrstqr||r 8qe

Stdras. If the sameplanet be associatedwith Rahu or

Ketu, the sacrificial acts of the person concernedwill
take placeby meansof moneycontributed by deopicable
people; if with Jupiter the sacrifices, etc., of the
person born will be set on foot by contributions lrom
kings ; if with the Sun or any other of the remaining
planets,the rites will take place with the help of the
money supplied by those relations whose karakathe
planetin conjunction with the lord of the lOth bhava
may happento be.

{Eg{gii qfi qrqtqr?qfrRr

fregqgildir€rft* gffi t
qR affiErlsft qrrnm
ll q ll
{irfr qtqnqi ETqqrqntfror
5l.,A,r 6 When the 10th bhavais occupiedby
rnany benefic planets,the peroon concernedwitl attain
the merit of performing a Vajapeva sacrifice. But If
the lords of chc signs occupiedby Venus and Mercury
Lrevoid-o{ strength,his sacrificial works eveo wherr
advanceda grcat rvay will suffer interruption and will
he lost. He will passoff ior a perstlnengagedin works
,,f thc highest merit being characterisedhy the practice
and nature o, tht: Asttra ..ommunitv: viz. hyplcrisy
, r n J o s . e n t a t l o u cs l i s p l ; r y .
q.(r( sliiir {n{i {ughggri(+lfut
qrrriiq giikt i€i rrG{Iq{rd}qiq t
efiq{rgtKi}(fueuart{itrft nri TrilI
qai risos{ilaft 6dt sii{ri nu.rq ll e ll
Sloha 7. When a sttong beneficplanet occupier
qrtfcrfrwe Adh.xv.

tbe lOth placefrom the Moon, and being in exaltation

or other beneficVarga is associatedwith or aspectedby
Jupiter, the pereonborn will be a personof imporrance
performing cacrificer and of wide celebrity. If che
lords of the housesoccupiedby Jupirer, Mercury and
Venusbe in the 8th bhava,the peroonborn thoughper.
forming meritoriousworkswill not attaintbe glory,
the rank or dignity whicb the authors of cuchworks

futm qogdrqf,ftseuqilr
fre,rdrqqtur{liqugnr* ilr}qfqqrq t

sfiqfr gi{ rrirrgturi fiugtrl tt c tr
Sloha 8. The lord of the 10th bhrva, N{.ercury,
and Jupiter when possersed of str,3ngth lead to the
performanceof gocd works such as sacrifices; if those
planetobe aspectedby or associated.wich a beneficone,
the personborn will attain to the merit of performing
Vpjapcya and other sicrifices of mertt. The planets
above,mentioned Eecurein addirion tl'remerit accruing
from the repaircf old works, erecticnof towers,digging
of regervoirsand laying out of prrks. Wl'ren the lord
of the lOth bhava is beneficand in conjunctionwith
the Moon, but free from the presenceof Rahu or Ketu,
the pereonborn will perform sacrifices.
u{erihf} qFqt q qgni rnrrrftsisdqrtt
silir ftqgsi gq3i il{Ki iltsm}t
rfr rymi qrdr{Tirt gqq il q tl
qrqqfrsrqm* 90i
sr s-11
ssociateC with Ra-
hu or Ketu is in exaltation or in the 9th bhava, and
gthr rhe
when the lord of the 10th bhava occupies the
perton born will be engagedin the performanceof sacri"
iices and other merirorious works, When the lord of
the 1Othbhava occupiesits exaitation and is associated
with Mercury, cr when the latter planet occupying the
Trhrbhava ie in its exaltation at the sametime, the
personborn gets assuredly the b:nefit of performing
sacrificial works
fide qrf{a;q?q{t6i{Ii?sqi udat
qHt ftgt;'ri(rsu€tqqiqtdtqiq I
qHqq gqw *di{qi ndr q€tistr
o ll
ASq{rirrdltf}i5dqafrSrar;TIIrc{A ll t
SJofta l0. If Mercurv ba in the lOth bhava, the
but if
personborn wiil engagein srcrilicial works ;
with Rahu
il4.r.ury in tfre abrve fosition be associared
destroy rcligious
or Ketu, the person concerned will
rites' If Rahu
or the 12th, he woulC irnpede religious
idanticrl wich the
occupiesthe lrrth placefrom Mercury
born would be a
lord of tha tOth bhava, th: person
'lord of the lOth bhava
deatroyerof sacrifices" Th<
religious work undertakenwhen tha exaltation
the*planethappensto be a gr$Tta(Dustehana)'
err,{l{a{wt g}TAee*
dqrerqiqilgfl ir€$I?A&A t
qwrir q{ft frqeorq{'qlll q
902 IRrF|ltt|t|tl Adh. xv.
S/oAc 11. If the 10th or the gth bharrabe occupied
by beneficplanetland the lords of thosebharnsas well
ae Jupiter,and the lord of the Lagna be strong, the
person born will be imbuedwith faith born of the
performanceo{ such excellent works as are bagedon
customand moralityand will be reckonedas the fore-
rno8tarnongthe sacredotalclass.

ffiEerfr g€#strrgr-
o{Tfrqq qqilfr giftnfr |
ili{rTsrry{ffi qR {T{eH-
frwf*qffis{rregqqft$n tR rt
.S/oArr12. lf the gth, 10rh, 7th,5th and lst bhavas
be occupied or aspected by benefic planets, and the
lords of the five bhavas in guestion possessstrength,
the person born will surpassin iris knowledge of all
truths and be rvidely celebratedfor the complete excel-
l e n c eo f h i s s a c r i f i c i a w
l orks.
! qqilorcn
gqeqtqKsqlrqqgq IqgHqlqqFffTalr
enq u li tl
Sloha 13. lf the occupantsof the tra (Gnana-5ttr,
+th and the Znd ?) and the 10th bhavasas well as the
Iords of the lst, the 9th and the lOth, be posseseed of
abundant six,fold strengtb (sgq - Shadbala),the person
born will be conversant with the six gcieucegand know
all the Vedas and will receiveinitiatioo iu sacredknow,
edge lrr th: rtu (Paka) and. crc(R (Apahara) of tbe
lords of the 9th, l0th and lgt bhavas, of Mercury and
s[ 14-16 qrqdlsqrqr 903

of Jupiter, he will beco.mea mine of sacredkoowledge

and sciencesecuring to him the benefitof performing
sacrificesof all descriotionand all kinds of beneficenc

ffi Eilt ilfirRrg+ t,irft doiiq{on&WqqI

ilerd{qriffirtrw{rqstai nirgrwng*tt {s rt
Sloka 14. When the Moon is in the 3rd bhava
identical with a watery sign, the personborn wi[t
engagein acts of beneficenceeuchas repairingold worn
out worke of public utility. In this connection,if the
lord of the 10th bhavashould have attaineda Gopuram,
sa,the works repairedwill lx such as tanks and wells.
ll {E$e|tzffi; fl
cfrilr r{srirgfiq-{,{i: t;qfidluriui-
Htfrfu q+ilt

qiaqqfrqrqi\gqtsr:{ITq}ffi+.n: n l\ tl
.SloAai5 If at a birtlr, 4 or 5 plarretspoasessed of
strenqthoccupy togethera Kendra or a thc
peroorlborn will attain the stageof life indicated by the
strongestof the planets. According aathe Sun, Saturn,
Juprter,Venus, Mars, tlic Moort or Mercury posse$seg
qrcateststrcngth will the person concerned becomea
?tilr(er(Vanaprasttha),a iien{ (Vivasa) a lug (Bhikshu)
;r q{s (Charaka), a lrFrrrlSakva), a gr (Guru) or a *E+
Iror the erplanatiiur of these ternls, see tne le,rt sloka.
es* lrcrq{fuft Adh"xv"

ef. x{6il1s6
rrlqgqTqrrrfFaqrqr+,iti: ffi{Iq
qfrf*: H{r: rqpft*csrfhfit:qigfrt: ll
fddq]ffi {ftfr ftErq$
i\gr eiiuqod trcegqfnq-fi{iig}rr{riw i
rnrkqmrel qr{qfilq13qmr{Irft sdld
w*qtq q{di gqrmdr qaq* dtqE:qm. {l
Stoka 16. A slq*q (Vanaprrsttha) is a religious
mao gngaged- in the practice of rigorour and devout
p.oro.J 6 itere (Vivasa) is a naked ascetic dwellirrg
in hille and forests. A f\g (Bhikrhu) is an illustriou.u
aeceticwith a ringle ctaff for his symbcl engaged
of the
and anon in the ccntemplation of the truths
qr* (charaka) ir a religious mendi
eacredscripturee. A
A rml (srkyr)
cant wandering over many countries.
Buddhist class' A g"
is an ill,behaved asceticof the
teacher erdowed witb royal
lGuru) ie a celebrated
and glurto'
,plendo,.rr. fi dtao'(Ieevaka)is a garrutous
nous mendicant.
{dq[| qfoqwl {t{Fmrrqitqrffinlfqnrr
rfr{q quriqq\aft nitmgqulu}sqilt
xti' qaqffrhTaq{qn&gilqnqlq
qrqEill0&te ll
Sic,tc 1?. If there be three strong planets in the
or other
lttth bhava occupying their own, exaltation
bhava aiso
benefic vargaa and it rhe lord of the l"0th
preilominant 1$ strengtl:, the p€r$on born wiit
sl. 18-tr9 ffisqrt: 906

an ascetlcor a personof similer habite. But if the lord

of the t fth bhavabe without $trength and occuPythe
7th placefrom the Lagna,the person concernedwilt be
ill-behaved. trf the lords of the 2nd and the ?th bhavas
l-'cannidstthe threeplanetscauoingthe arceticyoga,the
ilersonwill be lustfully inclined.

Wtft fffidaqdd*fr {rr*f I

*e qrqRfr{t {qfr il qrd qfrd {+il llqull
.9lo&a 18" lf the planeteproducing an asceticyoga
|re aneociatedwith the Sun, Saturn and Maro, a perEon
taker to ttre aoceticorder becauseof hia being without
,,'realth,sons or wife. If the Sun occupying a benefic
ameashould aspect the planet cauoingthe aecetic yoga
and occupying ite highert exaltation point, the person
.:oncernedwill becomea lordly ascetic in his youth or
cven at a much earlier age.

s*q{ft*frfr {ffie o{rm ftin

qrqfr t
fugr ur& mqi{rssf,trwrqiil
qw{&€ifrftts {gftd}d dfker
aqfi not ll qq ll
S{,oka \9. When the lord of the lst bhava is weak
and aspectedby Venus and the Moon, the person born
will be without wealth; and he will becomea mendi-
cant if a planet in an exaltation sign or amsa should
anpecttire Moon. if the lord of the Lagna be.aopected
by several grlanets conisined in one sign, the Praon
born will co$secratehimcelf for asceticisflo. The effect
q)6 ctcwrQw* Adh.xv

of eachyogawill takeplacein the bhukti of the Karaka

of the bhavathat producesthe yoga.

detwrffiRqqi n olmr qt{R {fqer qrq I

qtfu?r{ffi qRteq tt 1o tl
dqfr q'qerrroFnt
Sloha 70. If Saturnor the lord of the Lagnaaspect
the lord of the sign occupiedby the Moon, the person
born will betakehrmselfto a religiouo order or mendi-
cancy. If thB rMoon occupy a Drekkana owned by
Saturnrn a Raai occupiedby Mars and also be aepected
by Saturn,the pereonconcerned will become an accetic.
c/. ttssr6q. XV-3. Also seeslol<as40-+l infra,

MsffEg&gfgq I
orTrq{.rid} tqfnftsftfr-f6( ll lq ll
Sloka 2L. Whenever the Lagna is owned by
Jupiter, Mars and Saturn and has on it the aspectof the
last,mentioned planet, and Jupiter is in the 9th bhava
from the Lagna, even a Rajayogathat may poasibly exist
under these conditions will have the effect of making
the personconcerneda ** (Tirthha) or a holy man.
:rqqrqntq-i a*tahdtftt r
{qffisfr ffi {iqfr Trfrrfrt(ll Rl ll
Sloka 22. When the Moon occupying the gth
bhava is not aspected by any planet, the personborn
even when poosescedof Rajayoga, beeomes an ascetic
prior to becoming a lordly person.
lFu trdht qhqdtt6( qr( |
q1qfr$qtcr Cfr7
st. 23-24

ffiqqqadd FEtsftr.€t
rrrfr r{qftfr fiftrerqTftt'(sll Rl ll
Sloko 23. Jupiter, the Moon and the Lagna
are aspected by Saturn, and Jupiter occupies the fth
bhava, the person born in the Rajayoga will become a
holy illuctrious founder of a system of philosophy'
Wherr..Saturn occupies the 9th bhava and is not a$pect-
ed by any planet,the person posoes$ed of Rajayogawill
betakehimself ro rhe holy order beforebecoming a lord
of men.
This slol<ais from Brihat Jatalia. The following two <:harts
illustrate the two yogasgiven in the sloka.

- L--]--l'"*"'l

cf. lrt(I.I{q(o(

{;tfhtg nfiroegeqb} qEgnltofierqR,iiqqm'

1+a: tt
eetlflitsR zqqlqqq]
grlcri aqqts;q€)rret
tffifrqr*gilr q{rqorrgtcqqffiIlrgqrgsrl3|
gfr;eflrffi{il {i uq rrflicw{qft ilqtrd{ru
Sloka 74. Each of the following groups of planeta
when powerful and occupyingan even sign may produce
devorrt hermit or an ascetic: (l) Vt
r, Frrt{s(Thapasa)
908 wrtwtRqfr Adh.xv.
nusethe Sun,lvlars and Saturn; (2) Jupiter,Mars, rhe
Sun and Saturn: (3) Mars, the Moon, .fupiter and
This as well as slokas 26-39 are from lr<nsol.

dqgftrffitil(lt*rmffieuil: I
u{qfrr{qsqrqrfrftsrrrs{m Ufdl u q\ u
9traha25. When the lord of the 10th bhava con,
joincly occupiesa Kenclra or Trikona position with four
cther planett, the person born wiil attain emancipation.
If four pianetn be in the X.Oth bhava the effect ol rhe
yoga will be, say the astroiogicalsages, that the person
concernedwill take to a life of asceticism.
This as well as slokas 23,2+, 26-41 are in skf;fi'ftr.

wil'$i{f,qrdqiqffie:fqr*qqrcqqffEqr{tr r
aild'sil a{i! u Rq tl
"5loAn26. When (l) Mars, the Sun, the Moon,
Saturnand Jupiter, {2} Mars. the Sun, Mercury,Saturn
and Venusor {3) the Sun, the Moon, Mars,Saturnand
Venus combinein one bhava,the personsthat are born
s w*;sttcqgqr*i;qtsr
ftfugg1rffi{trrg{fr*&qqd fiq$illrqf lt Rrstl
SJsfra8?. A hol',rulan destined to dwell in a
sylvalr or mountain rerreat has his birth when there is
in a bhavaaoy one ${ the followirrg cornbinatiom : ( l)
\tenue, h{ars, Satrlln, Jurpiter and the $un ; (2) h4ars.
tha Mcon, Jupiter, ;Merc.r*ryand $aturn; (l) Venur,
ldercury, Saturn, tlre lr{uor.ranci hdars.
st.28-31 nagrfrsrara: 909

q*eg{Klhqqnstr {trrgq+gqgfr{ftfrs
ll 1,4ll
Sioftc 28. Those that have at their birth, the
Moon, Mercury, Mars and the Sun occtrpying one and
the samesign with Jupiter or Venus will becomewise
inspired saints of such sanctity that the use of all
weapon$will be proscribedin their neighbourhood.
rfr;gft;gr$tnwffi! gqrs(RrfrWr{rtui
ll 1qll
Sloha 2-9" A person will becomea devotee if at
his birth there be any one of the following combinations
in any bhava: (l) The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus; (2) The Mooo, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter
lr4ercury and the Sun ; (3)\{ars, the Moon, the Sun, $a,
turn, Venus and Mercury.
| ftilffi*qr*qqrge}q*rr
qffi qfuhilatt *qr rEFil ilirr Udrffiui€arulott
Slofra 30. Each of the following combinat.ionsof
six pianetsin one bhavais capableof making the person
born under their influence a devocee--(l) Venuu, the
]v{oon,.}upiter, Saturn, tlre $un and M.rrs ; (Z) Venus,
Satrlrn,.Jupiter,the Srrn,the Moon lnd Mercury.
{rfrmfrarrir: ftcrffiqi-{,Tqq;a.Uft
$frsqrrfi fr: t
qfr qqTa:
qmwqfidqarutdqr u qqtl
.91,r**31. A peroon wiii brecorne one of the asce
tic ciase,i{, at l'rishirth, ane cf thc following groups of
s i x p l a n e c sc o m b i n ei n s t r e n g t hi n o n e l i h a v a : ( 1 ) M a r : l
l\,fef,crrry, jupiter, Venus, $aturnend the Sun ; (?) Venur'
$atur$, Jupiter, Mercury, tbe h4oon ancl hdars.
910 qRTFffiN]It Adh.xv.

tffrgqrrlmi{rg*rr+{i-etftft qrq{r
rft.gf*fkftqrqt"t€qffi{osemnrqr n Qr tr
Sloka i)2. Any one of the following combinations
o{ 4 planets in one bhava has th: effect of making the
personsborn under their influence take to a devotee's
life with their susteoancederived from roots and fruits :
(l) fhe Sun,the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn; (2) Saturn,
the Moon. the Sun and Verrus; (3) Thc Sun, Mercury,
Mars and Jupiter.
qs&rilsrrrft qq q'frfierdt{anoqitmt u Ql tl
S/ofta 33. A person will becomean ascetic clad
in barks of forest treesand wearing stripes of ashesif
at his birth one of the four-fold groups of planetsmen-
tioned below appcarin one bhava: (1) Mars, the Sun,
Mercury and Venus ; (2) Mars, the Moon, Iupiter anj
q{t.gqgf€itw*gergq{qrgr€Mil ! |
qifiTrrrqer;Rarqm gtf:n t eiqqtq{tFir{ 18
Sloka 31. If, at a birth, therc be any one of the
two following combinations of 4 plancts in one bhava.
the effecton the person born will be to make hini a
t r a n q u i l . m i n d e d c v o t e e :( t ) t h e M o o n , M e r c u r y ,M a r s
aod Saturn: (2) Mercury, Mars, Iupiter and Satrrrn.

ffff*{rrtE{tdtrggil qRAr
qt€qffiqitfrnr itqd q-ffi
s{fk qrt 6ilittr66nnnrq n l\ tl
sl. 36-38 qSqqfrsrqlq: 911

Sloha 35. Four planets of grear power in one

bhavamadeup in the following wise invariablybring
into beingasceticso[ harmlesslife dressingthemselves
in barksof treesandsubsistingon fallenfruits: (l) The
Moon,the Sun, Vcnus and Mercury; (Z) Mars, Mer,
cury, Venusand Saturn; (3) Saturn,the Moon, Jupiter
and Venus.

ffitilAqtr gsqta;gvttrt
+{fr Friffisnilrq(r q{ffqs tt {E tl
SloAa 36. A devoteedwelling in hills and forests
and revered by all ig born under the influence of 4 pla,
rretsin one bhava grouped in one of the following 5
ways: 11)The Stm, the lvloon, Mars and Venus; (?)
The Moon, Mars, Mercury and the Sun; (,3) Jupiter
Venus, the Sun and Saturn; (4) Venua, Saturn, the'
Moon and Jupiter; and (5) Mars, Mercury, Venus and
the Moon.

6gvuf€qflAd{R mt grit*diEtartt l\e ll

Sloka 37. An ascetic devoted to poverty and
pcnanceis born under the influenceof 5 planetscombin,
ing in one bhava irr the following 3 ways:-(l) Venus,
the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; (2) tire Moon,
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus ; (3) The Sun, Mlrs,
Saturn,Mercury and Jupiter.

q{{ttsqdrqfrdilq( qafirqdiorrgi il Qdtl
9rE flnrTwftila Adh. XV.

Sloha 38. Asceticg clad in a tree-bark and wear,

ing mattedlocks come into existencewhen one of the
following five,fold groupsof planets appearE in one
bhava: (1) Mars, Saturn,Jupiter, Venus and Mercury ;
{2) Saturn,the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Mars.
\ A \A
flsrctErqg6 ilqa$Fltrt
n li tt
SdoAa39. Wlren the Sun,thc Moon Mars, Jupiter
and Venus conrhitrc ln onc and thc same bhava with
either Mercury or Saturn, the perron born necessarily
assunoesthc habit of a devotee and bccomesgifted wrth
long sight.
qiqft {Tgsrt I
il{rrQdEI qIEi{Eg{f wq1qffi R qfu alaqtl
Skrio 40. If the iord of the Lagna having no as
pect of other planetson itself,aspectSaturn,or if Saturrr
a6pectthe lord t-r{the Lagnadevord of strength, there rs
the yogaleadingto the assumptionof aeceticism.
as iie1l rs Iire tre.rt slolia are itl ,lld"{,{8f.
Also {(lJI{'J, .\dh1a1'a.\V, slolia -1.
ffqirs;q,iardts'fig{qeqstffii;q'iel er$irqr
*qr+{"rsirzt q q;a tl
f,qK,f;oEfhiifrh fr* t
ffqrwEtq{r {gftr*r qrRq* {r qfr
*qt{ihqrs6tft frqalqrtq-dhtq{q n ut tt
caqqitswqs 91's
st 4t-4n
a Drekkana
Stoku 4i. When the Moon occupies
planec' the yoga iea"Js
of Saturn and is aspectedbv that
The sameis the case
to the renunciation of the worid'
of Saturrror \{;rrs
when the Moon occupying an amsa
planet leadinq to the
is aspected by Saturn' if the
wich Rahu' Keltr
ssgumptionof aeceticismbe associated
occupy a malefic 1ms-a'
or Guiik" and at the same time
the holy
,i.-o.rron will hre guiltv of apostasyfrom
CY qqiqtq-'ilqlr
g;gilFqff* c'i-.|*d qlgfiiaqlg: t
q.qiah .1ftgainh il q;tfa{a ff?'gk atq tt
gb r
saqrmilllrffi wrtl qdarfi sI gloli
q* qiae glf*$i tt
ffirtfifqar qio{\cre{tq} attr I
;ti#,tu-"mtihilr fratrqfttiqfuft tt Bqll
oi leading to
SIoha 4L. lf strong plarrets capable
be obscured by the Sun'r
arce.ticiEm(uitte Sl.lS sipru'l
greatreverencelor aece-
t"tt, ,f," personsborn will have
initiated into the
tics,"tttouilt they may not become
to above be overcome
tofy ota.t. If the'planetsreferred
in planet:ry *r,''nd aspectedby other planets' the
intn the holrr
;;;; .on..rntO will seek admission
order without $ucces6'
T'hissloka is fronr Brihat Jataka'
p l a n e t sa s r n s l o k a
I f t h e S u n f o r n r s a c o n j u n c t i o nr v i t h o t h e r
irecclme Sanyasin at all'
\5, supro theu tlre tuan does tlo"
the stroug planei but doei'
i n t b e s c h o o l o f p h i l o s o p h yd e n o t e db v
thought' If the 1''iant1
not make hinr a Saoyasinof that school of
9t4 wrdscrftnre Adh.xv

that is defeatcd (by conjunction as abovo)

bo aspccted by any
planet, then the man makes persistent
efiorts for atteining tho
in view. ";l

P R O F E S S I O NL, M L I H O O D .

Iqfttift eqa-dlsqGni\xqrcfl
trl-e'it qiit* tqqlqrt-e*qEqftTrt{rilqgr{r||
Sloha 43. There is acqsisirion of wealth,
from the father,mother,a foe,a friend,a brother,a wiie
or an inferior, accordingas the sun or any of the other
planetstaken in ordt-r occupiesthe 10th place reckoned
from the Lagnaor the Moon ; secondlv,by meansof the
profcssionprescribedfor the ruler of the t0th house
for the ruler of the Navamsa occupied by the planet
owninq the lOth place from the Lagna,from the Moon
or from the Sun.
Find tfre planet or planets occupying the l0th place
from the Lagna as q'ell as from the tr4oon. Ascertain
which ot
t h e m i s s t r o u g e s t . I f t h e S u n b e s u c ha p r a n e t ,
the nativb sots
p a r e n t a li n h e r i i a n c e( f r o m t h e f a t h e r ) ;i f i t b e t h o
M o o n ,h e i n b e r i t s
property from the mother ; if Mars, he gets
money from enemies;
if Mercury, from friends ; if Jupiter, from brothers
; if venus,
from wiie; and if the planet be Saturn, he gets rvealth
from iofe.
riors, such as servants, etc.
I)lanets in midheaven or aspiring to Midheaven(<trqrfqarfrq:
- D a s a m a b h i l a s h i n a h aa)r e t o b e
t r e a t e da c c o r d i n g l y .
Secondly,find out the ruiers of the lOth house countod
tbe Lagna, the Sun and the Moon. Take tho strongost of
Find out in wbat Navamsa ho is. The ruler of thet Navamsa
influencethe profession.
I-et us take the example gi,r,onin ths notes to Adh.
V, Sl. /.
l'here is the lVloon posited in the lOth place r*koned frcn:
sI.48 tf,lfqCfrsscrcr 916

the Legnaas well as from the Sun, and thereare no'plauetsin the
l0th house from the Moon. The Moon is tberefore the only pla-
net that influenceshis income.

According to the other view, the lords of the lOth places rec-
koned from the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon are Saturn, Saturn
and Venus respectively. Saturn and Venus are in Dhanurnavamsa
and Simha Navamsa respectively. The lords of these are Jupiter
and the Sun; and the stronger of them is the Sun. The Sun is
therefore the planet that influences the profession.

cf , gqr6r
{?qrq+q€fiq*: m€qf,tqT: miq I
eEnPfaliflqT$r: €enr;n q6\:
6fu6rterilfizaeqiaqt,lqttqt tl
Arso {RAdT
\\ i.e


aetftnfrlaqr {lfiiqls;q'ql flfi: g1
f4qs*:rri,eFt: {rk(ittEqi qq;et61li:t
RSqr{qfRdEqq(qdlTflslr:q: II
A c c o r d i n gt o B h a t t o t p a l a ,i t i s n o t c o r r e c t t o p r e d i c t t h e p r o .
fessionby considering the strongestalone of the planets (l) posited
in tbe tenth houser€ckoned from the Lagna and the Moon, or (2)
o w u i u g t h e t e n t h h o u s ec o u u t e l f r o r r r t h e L a g n a , t h e S u n a n d t h e
I\{oon. Every one of these should be consideredfor determining
the source of income of the native. He quotes in support of bis
view tbc frllowing:,lokas of qriT (Gargi).

sqqr;aftrr)qrsRt q6rqflrrf$qir:I
|r: eqargq,ilQnr:rr
h sis,iqEr
ear&trRqr\'q}qqrflfiqfid(: r
9r6 eraqqTfiurh Adh.xv "

ild=rqrq€fafr qtdfl q€4\ qqr I

qqf:afaqqrrnsfisq{ng Gfifhaq tl
I f t h i s i ' i e r vi . r ea c c e p t e d ,t h e i n c o n r ef o r t h e n a t i v e ; t ] r l u e s t l r J n
w i l l h a v e t o b e d e t e r m i n e dw i t h r e f e r e n . e t o t h e p i a n e t sJ u p i t e r
(tbe lord of the Navamse Ilasi occupied by Saturn)antl the Sun
i t h e l o r c lo f t h e N a v a t r t s rot c c u p i e db y V e n u s ) ,i . e . , f r c m t h e s o u r -
ces ntentionedin siokas 'f4 and 49 irqfra'
To cletermine tbe w"aysby which a person wili earn money,
t h e p l a n e t sw h i c h a r e i n t h e l s t , 2 n d a n d t h e 5 t h ( o p p o s i t et o t h e
l l t h ) h o u s e s ,r n a f r i e n d ' s h o u s e ,i ,n a n e n e m y ' sh o u s e o r i n h i s
own house,indicate the source If tbe planets be bad' there will
be uraximum labor aod miuimurn income; if they be good, there
will be minimum labor and maximum income. If the Sua is
exalteCin the above position and at the same time stronq (in good
houses,etc.,) then the person concerned will earo money by his
own exerrion. lNot" that the Sun in exaltation causesmaximuur
labor and maximunr incorne, the Same whea the other ma106cs
are posited in the tenth house ] If more than one planet be strong,
then tire natlve will have more than one source of income'
The professionor occupationof a native rs qenerally ludged
from the planet or planets occupyingthe tentb houseand, if there
should be none there, from those in the lst aod also from tbose
aspectingthe Sun and the Moon' Further, the planet which is
positecl very near the Sun or the lOth bhava whether before ot
after in the radix of a native and its condition-whether strong oI
weak-due to its position and aspect exert much influence in this
qqifnwiiroenlffid't qd qdildr
m{wqqt{rlfrlq{5lrdf{ wgeftg I t
Fri'FqrrqEil{frfhiffih U qtde* u BBll
S/ol+a44. An astrologer is to declarethe acquisl'
of nrealth by any person with refurenceto the predoni'
st. {6 qtq*sqFr: fl?

nance of the Lagna or the Mocln as tbe caseEay be in

his horoscope. As to the profession that he is likply
to folJow,those that are proficient in the subjectgay, it
rs to be determin:d through the lord of the sign owning
the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the lfth bharra.
lf the Navamgareferred to in the above belong to ttle
Sun, the person concerned will earn a living by dealing
in medicine,nrool, grtssr water, grain, work in gold,
pearlsand the lihe, as aiso by playing the part of an
emissarybetween peoplervishirrgto approacheachother.
The occrrpationscoming under ttre Sun are: iolue hoaorablc
:mploymeut either under the State or under some public body ef
irren,kings, princes, emperors,dukes, earls, baronsretc., all titled
a l , L ' o i n t m e n t su n d e r t h e . ' r o v , ' n , j e w e l l e r s , g o l d s m i t b s , g i l d e r s ,
owners of woollen mills or workers there, minters or moa.rqpioy.
eciin rnints, :rnd tbe like.

q-M ilfffiq uiq qgqffiqqrttq r

rrtrErfrqrfltt s\ tl
S/ofra 45. If the Navan sa under referencebe thar
of the Moon, the person concerncd gaios a living by
dealing in things derived from water euch as coochs,
pearls, etc., bv agriculture, earths of various kind, by
indulging in interesting controversies, by purchaseof
articles of apparelin which the wealth of lordly women
is wont to be laid out.
The cnrprloymentssrguified by thc Moc,u generall,y ioclude
sailors,, roariners, navig,rtors, fisherinen, watermen, boatmeu,
dealers in pearls, those working io oearl fisheries, rrridwives,
918 rTl]|F|lRrtrt Adh. xv.

crqftrqrcue{t rrn I
ffi qrawrl€qr(qilg.dftqfA*rrrn ft Bqtl
Sloho 46. If the Navirmsa in question belong to
Man, tbe person gains a livelihood by metallurgy, by
war, by exhibiting tricks in which the operation of fire
rE apparentlyarrested(wireru - Agnisthambha) and by
engagingin other people'squarrels,in any act of daring,
aod laetly by resorting to the professionof a robber.
The professionsindrcatedby Mars are all kinds of rnilitary
rnen, sucb as soldiers, generals,colonels,captains, doctors, physi.
:iaas, apothecariei,chemists, butchers, executioaets engine dri,
'crs'and tha like---generally all workers in rron, steel or fire.

nqfs.cr}fidr€riEil$qttr r
e\ \
q{r{qo€qrilcqqn gtiiamrsq{stgtfrl u Be ll
Sloka 47, If the Navamsabelong to Mercurl the
perron concernedwill try to earnhis livelihood by p,;,''
ouing the arts,by poe$y, by the -'..,i ;;ion of traditicnal
doctrines,by a knowledgeof the stars.by the reciration
of the Vedas or muttering of prayerson behalfof others
at the rnEtanceof the priest thar has to dirccc their
religious ceremonies.
Mercury's employments denote literary authors, translators,
wrltcrs. accountants, fstrol ogers, school masters. nrathematicians,
pocts' lawyers, book.sellers,printers, postmen, etc.

8c tl
Slofra48. If the Navamsa belong to Jupiter, the
percoo concerned,s.ry the astrologert, will not trcsort .to
sl. 4e-60 qtdtsntrr 919

utury a6e Eourceof living, but will Eupport himcelf

with what he can earnby playing the role of an ins'
tructor in the serviceof Brahmineand deities,and by
teachingduties in the dcmainof moralsand traditional
observances baeedon scripturecandother old authorita'
tive works
The occupaticns denoted by Jupiter include judgcs, priosts,
loarned men' senators, preachers, clergymen, bishops, ministcrs
and bankers.

gwffirtqqsnrqtilrf,{t Trnailqqqrgr.rqf
gfrqilurrqt\Tlqrftqrr rdta Uq\rgeft u Bqtl
Sloka 49. lf the owner of the Navamsa in quea,
tion be Venus, the living will be derived from a place
where gold, ruby, elephantsor horsesare produced; and
by ruch meansas traffrckinq in cattle, jagqery, cooked
rice, salt, curdled milk and by the alluremerrtof a female.
Venus s professronsindieate dealers rn gold, ruby, clopbants'
or horses,cows, jaggery; hotel.keepcrs, confoctioneri, shcphcrds.
musicians,painters, I inen drapers,jewellers, players,ernbroiderors,
larridaries,scent-dealers,maid servants, etc.

F{{rt gftmur.iruriqani(irfl€qi*qrtr r
kqnqnraqii{qusfl c.ir;qiil{r{qFr{oq || \ o ff
Sloha 50. [f Saturn be the owner of the Navamsa
occupiedby rhe lord of the iOth placefrom the Lagna
or the Moon, the personconcernedwill live by engaging
in some vile pursuit, by works of art, etc,, executed in
wood, by the carrying out of puniahments,etc., inflicted
on criminalo, by the bearing .of burdens and by the
overreaching of other peopledue to their being murully
at variancc.
strCI qrHftffi A&. xv.
3aturn's employments includs shoe'makers' scavcDgets'grav6-
diggEfs, rmdcrtakets and all persons engaged in similar vile pur'
srtits; tboy also include gardeners, miners, brick-layerg etc,,
q*qurtr(qaffi{fqrilqrtilrr finm t
qetr q{fiq{ftqatsr!lrclswWfrqr! q!\t
Stoha 51. Personaat whosebirch maleficplanets
occupythe four Kendraeconcern themselveswlth the
Eitesand uoagesof the low vulgar people,haveno pro-
pertg, poeaes$ thencelves of other people't wo$en rnd
rredth, are ignorant,and by evincing heroirm occelton'
ally becomeobjectsof royai favor.
'bc found
Thie as well as slokas 52' 55. 56, 58 and 66 ate to
iD ctt$fi{.t.

fierg.\FFIMT U'drqq1'iq611 {qr€r! |

tr{l eg! ||
qtdqliiqqftIlurlal q{I TrfiPd{'(r(s,-frsl)
Stoha 3L. Personsat whore birttr, benefic planets
occupy the four Kendras will be iordly mea and tu.rn
out the best of theit race and founders of faoiliea ; dY
they will be endowed with an intellect that can compre'
bend all things anC have abundant wealth, fame and
excellentvirtues, by meansof whictr they will become
royal lavorites.
u{qqi{nils ficq1 wi1t goqw!(Et I
qrftarqrqqqtilrq;ilal qit qrqt ll \1 ll
Sloka 53. If benefic planete be in the l0th bhava
reckoned from the Lrgna or the Moon or in a Navamea
owned by the Raei of the l0th bhava, the person born
will alwaye be beneficent. But if malefic planeta be in
s[. 64-86 ilqdi$sqffis 98r

* P€rsoa born
will be addictedto evii deede.
T*tnd{fr qx eqtqr*1q&qqrI
WtfrTsi{-qtqft vrq(frqeEll \B rr
Sloka 54. If the tord of the Rasi occupiedbv ttr*
planetowning the t0 bhavaor an amsathereofbe rnale'
fic and aseociatedwith an srcir lUpagraha) such as
Dhuma,the personborn will be wicked'
ffirr dt qt(s{rEqrfr*t wafi vrvffit I
Rtr{ *tt {rwft ilsnitangh q}rftqrgi d'reom'
Sloha 53. If the planet occupyingthe 10th piace
from the Moon be the Sun, the personconcernedwil'l
succeedin all that he uodertakes ; if Marsu he will be
rashand evil'minded; if Mercury, he will be learnecl;
if Jupiter,he will be a king's peer; if Venus. a voiup"
tuary; and lastly, i[ the planet in question be Saturn'
he rrill be afllictedwith sorrow.
wlr( u{rrt rft qeiUiqqsrtq'tfd-
cqTPdi{qffi;(i qoqrqiqqqrrtfrqr
R{$ql {{i,qd{ qgfr ghurgh il-
dlitdteigkqn rrfigi {r} <itr'frriqtre
S/oftrr 56. If the Sun occupying the lOth place
{rom the Moon be associated with Mars. the persort
born will be addictel to wine and to femrlesbalonqing
to otber people; if the Sun in the sameposition b: esso-
ciated with Mercury, the person bcrn wili h.lve a
knowledge of tbe stare aod will evince a fondn':ss f'rr
ruch obiects as valuable articles obrained fror6 satir'
womca an"d ornaments; if Jupiter be a*ociated wich
e22 wtnxftill Adh,xv.
tne Sunin the position referredto, the personborn will
be guccessfulin all his undertakingsand enjoy the
esteemof his sovereign;if Venus be in conjunction
with the Sun in the t0th bhavafrom the Moon,b: will
enjoy royal favcr and will havea wife with increasing
wealth; if Saturnbe togetherwith the Sunin tire posi
tion advertedto above, the persotr born will be poor
and dejected.
ki dtqqdrf*rcqgi ?qi\sr qrdfuf I
sdt qnits\str({qrfluar
{{R{i frqt
tEt q.a(gq{taqr{s arniil Tnofrqr lf \s ll
Slofra 5?. [f Mars and Mercury occul]ythe l0th
placefrom the Moon, the perEonborn will earll hin
livelihood by rneansof his scibntific knowledge; il
Marg and Jupiter occupythat place, he will dominatc
over the vulgar people; if Mars be asgocirtedwith
Venugin the 10th placefrom the Moon, the personwill
becomea merchant trading in foreign lands; if Mart
and Saturnbe in that pceition; the perEonconcerned
will engagein daringdeedsand will be childless. If
Mercury and Jupiterbe togetherin the l0th placefrom
the Moon, the peroon born will be barren,od dejected
opeecb, renownedand in royal favor.
qrf wEqq]gq $Ug*Rvra$vq
crlt g*gi g iireaqj qllilr qFrdr
ilit q{qa\qarqq$fr
Eril finiltrqdhn \e ll
Slora 68. If Mercury and Venur occupytbe l0tb
st. 69-81 vrq*sqrr e23

placefrom the Moon, the personboro will be blecsed

with leaming, wife anC weatth; if Mercury occupy
that placewith Saturn, the person will be either a
copyistof bcoks or betakehimselfto unbgcomingwayc'
If Jupiterbe combined with Venus in the t0th bbava
from the Moon, the perron brrn dill be a protectorof
the Brahminicalcommunity,estee m:d by his sovereign
and possessed of greatlearning. If the planetassociated
with Jupiterio thacposttionbe Saturn,the pereonborn
will ckilfully contrive to trouble every body and wrll
tenaciourlyadhereto his undercakings.
gqarilowrlttit*atf i\w{tiR t
*ftryaq| rrt mSst fttrrn( u \q tl
S/ofra 59. If Venus and Saturn occupy the lOth
placefron the Moon. the person born will manufacture
a fragrant black powder and similar cosmecicsubstances,
will practise medicine and engagein trade'

fiilqmnqt fi.t gqg*lirhsftqr r

frqdurri Ersftctktrctt{t*rtrr}q ll Qoll
S/oAa 60. When the lord of the 10th bhava is a
bencfic planet, or is in conjuncrion with or aspecteJby
a beneficplanet,or is in occupationof a beoefic Navlm'
ca, the person born will be in a position of authority'
qr{Tfqtqqgt laffirft {ifut t
trit *inrol il s'tr{t {{tln {Istt qt ll
S/olc 61. If the lord of the l0th bhava, associated
with Saturn and aspectedby the lord of the 8th bhava,
occupy a malefic Navamsa or a Kendn Rasi, the person
boro will have to 6rcf t{tc behests of a cruel oaster.
924 qrnacrfu& Adh.xv"

il{e0 ftrnmt grgsiift&h I

qrtrrarftqrr0ftfttitvfirq q+{ n Qetr
Eloha 82. \Vhen the Moon occupying the sigrr
Cancer and aopected by Jupiter and Venug attains a
Paravata or other higher Vaiseshikamsa, the per$on
born will enjoy good reputation and af{luenee.
ql+t glTrfg* g{q€qqAsftErI
grftioh ilsfr qf;ittqrai{wrin{ll qft lt
S/c'ta 63. When the lord of the 10th bhava ie
associatedwith a benefic planet or is in the midgt of
two beneficplanetsor occupiesa Navamsaof a benefic
planet, the person born wrll have fame and a high sense
of honor.
qfifht sdtirqTqgtqrrrftqrtardrqqrtt
qrdlsqildftqnri{qrare{diqhq{1ffi{tar nqstl
S/ofta 64. When the l0th bhava is occupied 1s
well as aspectedby a maleficplanet and the lord of that
bhava is reduced in strength, the person born will be .t
slanderer,without self respect, with oo name,Power!
influenceor act that he can call his own.
uftnq{ttni qriifr-qdg*r
q$lirtiqas* qgElililqq]q+{ ll E\ ll
S/ofta 65. If the lord of the lOth bhavaae aleoof
the Navamsa vlhich it occupies-if theee two planets
be as:ociated with Saturn and in conjunction wirh or
aspectedby the lord of the 6th bhava, the person born
will have many .rrives.
qggftRtrttft q {fb* hd$srruql
uilt tUtndifBqf* ocqri{rr'iitffititt
s!.8tu8? qeqqfr$$qrqr 996

fr;{ qft q{oft dM Erfdreqdu!

ffirqgt g qrfi\sqil fd{t itf\*sFqqt uqqlr
SJofra66. If Mars and the lord of the 4th bhava
beingstrongoccupya Kendra. a Trikona or the llth
bhava,and if the lord of the 10th bhavabe aspectedby
or in conjunctionwith Venusand theMoon,the peroon
will engagein such pursuitr as agricultureand will
havewealth of cattle. If Mercury be connectedwith
the 10th bbava,the peroon concernedwill alwayc be
engaged in merca4rtiletransactions,andaccordingas the
planetor planetsoccupying the 10thbhavaare benefic,
maleficor both, he will be vigorouo,slothful ot of a
oired nature.
n qq orsrfli[$oq il
orrqneailqmt{sqfi qfl flfli\Eoi}ilqil
urqqnilq{irs $[6rrogifs ({qir ftqil qq I
Sloha 67. It is through the llth bhava irom the
Lagna that every accumulation of inconing wealth is
expected; the planet in the I tth bhava when poecerred
of full strengtlris capableof giving wealth. If the Sun
be such a planet, much wealth is derived by the perroo
coqcerned from paternal kinsfolk ; if the Moon, froo
maternal relations ; if Mars, froro personll exetcion; if
Mercury be the planet occupying the llth bhava in full
utrength, wealth comes to the person concernedfrom a
dear master,a discerning friend or a maternaluncle.
This as well as tbe uext five slokas apPear iu g315gq.
eg6 (tcflrtftwi Adh. 1ff.

Wbat caa be divinid from tbe lltb ooeva is thus statco b

the seme worlt
unlttqlnfr qnrEfiqn{oift;ili q I
qKrqfil? {giary1s}glt a{ftm;q{rtq 1s
lrlso qromrqcq
aqqs{rfi t
faut4i* €rrrerqrte6$:tt
freirq is aaotherreadingfor etfrt in the 4th quarter of the
sloka. The tracslarienwill then be : " if Mars,fronr a brother."
difr qesft *EurqqqnrqnGg**i
Snr diqaqta{FrrEir{GnrfteRqttt\:
ilCtilffiR$6qrf*e'{iqru{eeii rfir
Mtq*q flfM fuKqr iitcr n qc rl
Slo},z 6f. Jupiter in the l'l.th bhava when in fuil
sffength gives wealth through the inscrumentality of
rcriptl.rral learning, observanceof sacrificial rites and
worthy sons. Venuc in the sane advantageousposition,
seeuru accesEron of fiches through femalesand know-
l"dg. of the fine arts such as poecry, dramar and music.
Saturn when thua placed gives abundanceof wealth and
corn producedftom agriculture through the exertionsof
q^de and temaleElaves. The casteof tbe p.lanetsasPrct-
ing or occupying the bhava in question indicates the
claseof personc from whom the income of the rteroon
concernedis derived.
qFrq{sgqaq{r grrqi 'Tt{rgqrqrfti
ft*fiarqd {tfd qgililcffifri* Ein t
I wrRggHrfrsriv{iad
qrfrqqitwwrrtaqitr{frqrRnr tt it tt
sl, ?0-?t qlqrftEqt{s 9?,1

Slofta 69. If the planet occupyiogthe llth
be beoefic,tbe person born will have wealth
if the planet
by fair means;ihe samewill be illgctten
in the bhavabe malefic; and mixed if the occupanto-of
the bhavabe of u ti*"d' nature' This fact' thc
ger ehould clearly state as revealedby the horoscope'
if ,n planet in the llth bhava be strong and
posEess every
deratingly friendly, dre pereonborn will
omiablJquality and will be surpassinglybleesed
'*o-"", such as vehicles' ornamento'
every meansof enjoyment
articlesof luxuriotts appliancesarid
qrrd itror qulwqd*qlft6rer{rt
ffiqqt qlt xlttd g{te i\qr*t ll so }t
Slofra 7Lr. If the lorde qf the 2rrd urd the lJth
Lrhavasbe friendly to the lord of the Lagna' the aetrolo'
ger may declare that wealth of the person 'Joocerned
will be given awav to be trsedbeneticentlyoQ behal{ .oi
good*Jrka, Gods and Brahmins' If tbe planetin
itth bhavabe weak or overthrown in planetar!
or depretsedor owtting att inimicalsign or a StTt
(Dustthana)or produceatorim (Rekayogavide A:dh'VI'
supra),the personconcerned will have to go abeggiog
dai[y for hic subaistence.
il*t RqtsqEr{mqi qqrilileqlqqq
qift qihsdlqqKlqsi\$il tti srqt I
Rrffigdr g{srgt {i iavmrgr
efrl**qqmliflsi\d;{ sqnrftq ll st ll
9ffi rtrrrftq!& A&. XS.
Sloh.a71"" If the lord of the llrh bharnbe the Sus
or the Moon, the personborn will acquireaffluenceby
servinga king or one like him; if it be lvfara, wealth
will be gor through the instrumentalityof royal minis,
tcn, an elderor an younger brother or by agriculture;
if it be Mercury, the meansof acquiring wealth will be
knowledge,relationeor sons;.if it be Jupiter, it ie
tbrough the obaervance of hio religious duties that the
perton concernedwill attain to prooperity; if Venus
own the I tth bhavanthe rrchesof the peroonconcerned
will comethrough women, preciouoBtones,elephante
and other valuablequadrupeds;and rastly,if Sarurnbe
tfie owner of the I lth:bhava,the:perEonborn will have
to acquirehis wealth by purouingan ignobleoccupation.
for Ra\s'l-ct rn the 6rst gqarter rrf
thc stoka.
srq€Frqn'korqfirE Wdprffi
srt {RsqFqtg qatr{gfrfrild{t I
C\ \ . \
iqrdeflrq[Rtqt.fni liilqfr ll sl 1s
Sloha72. lf the lord of the llrh bhava be in a
Kendraor Trikona from the Lagna,or if there be a
ualefic planet in the I tth bhava or if the tord of the
latter occupya Rasi or amsawhicb ie ita eralcationits
own or a friend'a, the person born will be wealtby.
Tbc predrctionin regard to wealth ahouldbe madein
accordance with the strength of the planet asrociated
with tbe bbava or its lord, andir will come from the
claecof personswhosekarakathe aseociatedplurcr oay
reprGsent,and during its dasaand apahara.aod frgm the
qu.tter belonging thereto-
sl. ?8-?4 qtlTftsttrlr g29

ort& t-q'rt fifrt il nqFqtI

srt il qrqsgcqqorqgfrth tt

ll eTq6rr{r}Tr?il5eTl
fffm {qnrftqMq,i R-{qqfuilt( |
ftffit q€* qr'& g;mmntsvn
ffTrt{tr{tefr ft {rFtqrgfosqiltsdftt \el
Stoka 73. [t is through the lZth bhava, its lord
and Saturn that an astroiogcr should divine a Person's
wandering far, misfortung or evil doom, liberality, tbe
comforts of bed, etc.; dignity and waste of wealth.
When the planet in the 12th bhava owns as well ar
occupiesa moveablesign, or is the lord of a Dustthana
or is in conjunction with or aspectedby Saturn, the
person born will indeed have to roam over many lands
and forest regions.
This sloka as also slokas 74-79 and 82 & 83 are in qn{c€t.
What can be asc:ertained from the 1Zth bhava is stated in the
same work thus :
qaqarfrsRftaq{ I
r\1so "il<T.nl{WI
{fiqii 6rrr4rrfrqoe}fri;q qq q I
s{{aaqqFqrtft.ndti qqffid: n
gt gqgtfrrqlufrfrfr
ilflt iqresfiffi RtacqrqHflQI
980 dttlrqrfrarf Adh.xv.

Rrst ffi t'w sfri frffiT&iRvar

fr{afrqqreqi g ffid ftqaqritfril{ il \eBtl
,Sloka 74. When the planet in the lZth bhava is
benefic and is associatedwith as well as aspectedby a
benefic planet,and when the lord of that bhava is weak
and occupiesits inimical or depressionsign, the person
born will not have to spend his wealth. When the
planet occupying the l2th bhava ia weak, but its lord
is in great strength, the personconcernedwill dissipate
hie wealth. When planets of a mixed character are
associatedwith the lord of the 12th bhava, the persons
concernedwill have expenseof ,r mixed nature-

{uEq{rt{ft rirqq{,fiqft$aq'i iiqudefc|qt qr t

qffiRsqqrEtffifiS qrirrslR qu*{E{nqartn\e\tl
Sloka 75. If the lord of the 12th bhava occupy
benefic Vargas,all outlay of money will be on approved
legitimateobjects. The outlay will be questionableand
bad when the lord of the l2th bhava is io conjunction
with or aspected by a weak planet. The person con-
cernedis Iiable to suffer evil from that classof percons,
whose karakathe weak planet in grrestion reprerents,
during itg dasaand apahara.

fit* qodt aqqisftqnr-

q[rafg\ Eiqqrfuiiar{Iinqq I
Rth qgfiqqi srciqia
tita t{qgus{i{arutfttt sE rr
Sloha 76. When a maleficplanet owning the 6rh
or the 8th bhava oicupies the l2th bhava in strengch,
sr 77-78 q1q|frgrqtTr 931

;;;ffi;;; to ag.cur-
ture and monetrry trangactions. when the 12th bhava
being a quadrupedor a biped aign (aide Adhyaya 1,
sloka 16) ie occupied by a planet of a quadrupedor
biped character(aide Adhyeya 2, sloka 12), the person
concernedwill suffer the total loes oi all oervantr and
RnRfrq(siffi ftqgctr
qffin< ewftcqlqgt t
ftrt nqESftw sEil
Enilrg{Gst{E{IqTqlrriftll s\e ll
Stoha '17. A person will have his wealth consum-
ed by peopleof the Brabmanaand other castesaccording
as the planets in the 12th bhava represent these' If
female planets be in that bhava, it is through femalee
that his wealth will go out ; if male planets be in the
bhava,loss of wealth will be brought about by an enemy'
If the bhava in questionbe owned by a friendly planet,
the person concernedwill have to lay his money out on
account of his friends.
gtltragi uftqq qff
qrtsE{RT{te itqrE{fiort
ierq'{l qq{sqqdeis en-
(qqftrqEa g qirqwftll ec ll
Stoka 78. If the lZth bhava be occupied bv "
beneficplanet, the personborn will be liberal, virtuous
and engaged in agriculture. If a malefic planet be in
that bhava,the person concernedwilt be captious, suffer'
ing fron eye'disease,flatulent, restlessand roving. If
932 {Rrrcrftqre ,tdh.xv.
the planetin the 12th bhavabe in exaltation,in its own
or in a friendly sign,the personwill be beneficent.
qlgEls{Efrilga*q{tfiiftq il{ d-
fr* mrr*gtfkerc\ anrqsftdqq
Errfrftgftsdr "q{rnrftqq irqwr
1ftrqrgfigtRil qtt turtwqTgriqrxrtu\e\ tl
Sloka 79. If rhe Sun ,rr,the waning Moon be in
the l2th bhava, the wealth of the person born will be
liable to be seizedand confrscatedby the rulers. Mars
occupyingthat bhava in conjunction with or aspected
by Mercury destroys the wealth in various ways" Ju-
piter, the Moon and Venus in the lZth bhavahelp to
conoervewealth. When Mercury occupies that bhava
in conjunction with or aspected by Venus, the people
concerned will have the comforts connectedwith the
aqitr dwrfirt g{ErisqFqilt
g{dftiE} q'iHrrq.i'qtq,tt co tl
S/oia 80. If the lord of the l2th bhava be in its
own or exaltation sign and has attained beneficvargas
and is aspectedby a beneficplanet,the personborn will
enjoy tfie comforts of a bed on the couch.
Rfteq* u*i aqft qulqi t
{Fqnrtq il s} qtlrcft{fril{ ll 6t tl
oloha 81. When the lord of the 12th bhava is in
the highest exaltation point or is aspeccedby the lord
of the 9th, the person born will have the good fortune
to lie on a bed adorned with jewels and precioue stones
regtingon a handsomecouch.
sl. 82-83 {€q{t'rsr{t{r 933

S il Garqt Rqsi GqiHqRrt

dtt ftrfuollltqrni cTTiIRr
ffii r
flqrqiuturq.rlibhofqr{ri}ri qr,ii
fit Fsqq{rHgqgi arar'{(0r uiq l dR tl
Stoha 82. When Venus, Satrrrnor the Moon oc-
cupiesa Trikona position in respect to the gth bhava
and when the house representingthe bhava occupied
has Ketu in it, the person born will easily become
liable to the misfortune called (Narapatana,i. e",a
aleepingman falling on him which is regardedas a dire
portent). If Venus in the position abovereferredto be
associatedwith a mllef ic planet,the portent may be the
fall of a sleepi'g woma. or a chameleonlizard on the
personconcerned. If Mars be so associated,the portent
may take the form clf the presenccof a tortclise in the
house. If Merc.ry combine wirlr lvlarsintheposition
indica:ed, the person horn may be bit by a dog and
srrfft:rfrom tlre rabics.
n b o v e n r e : r n i r r qi s l t r r t r e n t l t i v e . \ ' . S .

ff (riiqerr{gf g ii*rae{Hrfq}rri}qt
fr:t gt?rqfr qsqfhil€bsqil qr;r{: I

qrq'iqrihqi qt wuir oi u'ft srqt

s;qr0 tqdlsi qfq qg$l q iid{rt n dl tl
.Slotn 83. If the 1,lth bhav.r, with Saturn and.
Rahu or Ketu in it, is occupiedby the lorcl of the gth
bhava or aspected by the lord of the 6th, the person
born goesto hell. If Jupiter bc in rh,: Lagna, identical
rvith Dhenus and with the Mesha Navamsa rising,
*n.* """l9l:"1
Venus occupy the ?th, and the Mooo the sign Kanya,
the perscnborn wrder this yoga reeche;the seatof the
highesthappinessat last.

g!fr gsutrfrtqsgitangfr qtE

g q:r ffi aalqqrdew t
oiqr gnMftil(giil rrgrqqTfrTd
(SF{atg{ fitfi ftgd fr*ftrrttq;qql ll dB ll
qfr dtaqq{Eqqrr
tqnqiffit qlffiqlftqft
qe[(tirsqtqt ll
S/ofta 84. If a planet owning a malefic house
occupy a g:(sn" (Dustthana)in strength' the bhava re'
present"dby the malefic house is said to be advanced'
But if the lord of the 8th bhava be weak in any sign,
the bhavarepresentecl by that sign is said to be impaired.
If the lord of the Lagna occupied or aepectedby a
benefic planet occupy any bhava in strength,that bhava
receivesmuch benefit thercfrom. The caseis different
when the lord of the Lagna is in depression,or in an
inimical house.
Thus endsetc.
P 311
Adhyaya XVI.

*qodrqwilatffiftrqqtqt r
ftfrry€ng,.fqrd* {ut llq n I tl
Sloha 1. S/e are now gorngto treat of the female
horoscope with its characteristiclunation, Rasig and
planets,becauseit is a means of promoting prosperity,
power, health,offspring, knowledge and fame.
qqt.f,t(ilq: gwrqrTqrqEolt
ftt* t
qrTrsr} II.=rlqrdsqqiilqqraFrrtt lt t ll
Slahu 2. There is nothing in the world like a
horoscopeto help men in the acquisition of wealth, to
savethem like a boat in a seaof troubles and to Eerve
them as a guide in their journeys.
T h e o b j e c t o f t h i s s l o k a i n t h i s A d h y a y ai s o n l y t o s h o w t h a t
it is the q?qtn+ (Sthri Jataka) that (is alluded .to by the word
rrfrq in the slolia and which) helps or guides the husband in the
sea of troubles.
ffi q{iksfrqrfY{rmgtr
q{Tferqtrsq{qitffinnRre${ir t
qrgrilqdt rilqqn*r urd c{rrqfr*r
{iqlgrgn,Itdwfiso*diffiqrfu,Fqttf I ff
v36 nRttqtftilil Adh..xvr.

Stoka 3. The female horoscopeis to be written

in a fine neat eheet of paper with correct planetary
tablesserviceablefor referenceand exhibiting thc alma'
nac (of the day of birth in question). lt is to show
also the Ashtakavargas(Adhyaya 10) of planets,their
positional and other six.fold strcngth (e-<3o-Shadbala)
the length of life of the person concerned, the rllqrwdt
(Gocharaphala)r.4, the effectsof the progressof planets
in their orbits, the frrrso (Yogaphala, Adhyaya 7) and
the rrr*ss (Bhavaphala,Adhyayas f t-15). The horo
scopeshould give at the same timc the DasaTables
mentioningthe number of children destinedto live to
a great age, the happiness of the husband, the great
prosperityand fame which the whole family is to enjoy.

duriq;qs(ifllqgfrd'Tdirfr *wlrq
mqtttgngri Gqwserq{tqfft*q r
TEUrTqgurWrqE.ffl(ibqrqilqi {frr
ffiai dlrrs s* qiq il I tl
Sloha 4. effect may accrue from the
horoscopesof females that is applicable only to mcn,
shouldbe ascribed to the husband The goodand evil
affecting thcir per$on should be calculated from thc
Moon and the Lagna whir:hcverof them is stronger"
It is from the ?th place front thc l-agna or the Moon
that all that is worthy or unworthy in thc husbando
ehould be ascertained,and the deatli of thc husbandsis
foretold tirrough the Sth bhava (from chc Lagnaor thc
Moon). Ail this should be well weighcd by the strength
or weaknessof the planets, herreficand malefic, bcfore
an announcementis macie.
sl.6 rtrfrsnrrq: e37
c/. n"oa?rt+t
qqisqqi flq aqftd dqi &+ il qt(
rTrqeqfiqqrt gaia aang*riliqrcf,T{ |
rrflttgqrnrr€qqircHH rf,tri gerq
Hof,dgg{qElF€grtil: s(r<{ti fial tt
Whatever eflect nray accrue fronr the horoscopeof a female
that is applicable only tct men should be ascribedto the husband.
Het prosperity and happinessiras to be deducedfrom the 8th house
(from the Lagna or tbe Moon rvhichever is strong). Children
should be declared through the 9th house and matters rolating to
her appearance,beauty, etc. should be deternrined from thc I*gna.
It is fronr the 7th place that her welfare and tire (nature of the)
husband should be ascertained while her associationand chastity
should be predictedfrom an exatninationof the 4th houso. Bene-
lics in these housesproduce good results, while malefics in thc
above houses are productive of evil unless they happen to or*'n
[ h e h o u s e si n r v h i c h t a s e t h e e f l e c t w i l l b e g o o d .

ff q;{ft o{tftds{qH.t rdq$q(r

$nqirdrft ilqirqQ!gTrqEfr{aq I
tffigqTg* gqwR€f)( ffi*qr n \ tl
Sloha 5. Of thc Lagnaand the Moon, find which
ir the stronger. tt is with reference to this that the
luck, beauty atrdstrengthof women shouldbe announced'
Chrldren and wealth in abundanceshould be declared
through the 9th bhava therefrom, Wedded happinero
or otherwise should be gathered from the 8th b-hatr;
husband'cfortune from the Tth Someastrologerc opioe
that the well-being or the reverse of the husband can be
determined from the 9th bhava.
9'38 srdrqrRqtr Adb.)rvl.

tq6li ftrfra ilrrq-rrwq{:tqE:

gi neume:qfugrisrlq *Rkg: I
xmqrqB*fr{rqfrgd q{tqrnodr
t,f qnqirqqanfud antailqi €q{ u E tl
Sloha 6. Somehold that widowhood is found out
through the 8th bhava ; beauty,fame and fortune through
the Lagna; the son ttirough the -<th; wedded happiness
with the husband through the ?th, asceticismas well at
the exceedingtranquillity of women through the planets
occupyingthe 9th bhava All else whether due to the
bhavasor yogasare the samein regard to both men and
grt on?ursilqR ndW:rcr
ilrqTo]ftilrtgftgEEfrsrb{ta iqet t
q\qt gwraftryl.ToIgiiUmqrRai
{riqilgfr iler g{Tqlftd tl rgtt
Sloku 7. li the Lagnaand the Moon be in an
even sign,thc femaleborn wilI havethc form and charac'
teristics of the best of her sex. If they bc aspectcdby
or associatedwith a benefic planet, she will possess
excellentqualities, of steadfast virtue and prospcrous.
If the sign occupiedby them be an odd one,she would
be masculinein form, fickle'minded, mascutint-in her
be,rringand sinful ; and if they be aspecced by or asso'
ciated with malefic planets, she will be profligate.
cf. q-d-fit{r
al g'q'il nl'qrdl
nqge6e{ftet t
sl.8-9 frerils.{ncr eJ9

qgqeRileei+im ieqtqt
gEeqfAGE<rtfrui qRqrtt
If Uotl the ascendant and the Moon are in even signs and be
aspecteci bi' benefic planets, the wonran born will bear good sons,
possessan cxcellent husband and be well-ornamented. Slte will
be very prosperous and possess excellent qualities. It the Lagna
and the \Ioon are in odd signs and be aspected by or associated
witb malelic planets. she will be masculine in her bearing, insin.
c.re, ungovernable and cruel beyond measure to her husbanC; and
she will be poor.

ohz\ilqq&* g{sfr ftiqrusiftfi

arii itqgqruftttrrtqfrruqttqt* t
Wqr{ncrfr g qHffifi qft{t* n e{fl
ffirfr{gtasq€{olElEs tilId R(l tt c tl
Sloht 8. If, in an odd sign, both the Iagne aut{
the Moon b: associacedwith or aspectcdby a benafic
planet, the qualities, the aspect,the positio'n, the glit
and the intelligenceof the fcmale born will bc of a mix,
ed kind; but if, in an cven sign, both the Lrgna and the
Moon be associatedwith or aspectedby a malefic planet,
the characterof thc femaleborn, say the wise astrologers,
will be shaped wholly by the influence of the plrnec
associated with or aspecting thc lord of thc even siqn
under reference.
{tqr;qrrd ffi q{g} qref*mseil{€fr qi{n\g; il
Sloka 9, When the Lagna is in an odd sign;
when the maeculinepianeteptedominatein strength;
when the Moon| Mercury and Venu6 are strong and
when Saturnhrs ordinary strength;the female born
will'fr e deprCralettd lct ,hrrbandcwill be mrny"
940 qrdfcrnnta Adh.xvl.

srf ffi $qdrq*{g*{Atr trg crtrsrail|

frsqrfrfld rqor{atEgRritqrrrctq enfl tt
Sloka 10. When the Lagna is in an even aign,
and when lvlars,Mercury, Iupiter and Venus have the
greateststrength; the femaletrorn will ba virtuous and
becomewidely celebratedfor her conspicuous ability
to understandthe intrinsic qualities of all thingr.

firt q.qqtq,tqGtr fietgsh.e*r

ntfit{qft*r grM qq\Enilrsnqr
n a\ \ A \ \
SIFTRRSNnEq{IilRtg qFo{RIil qTq
fr mnftqft n tt rl
Slofrc i1. Wiren Saturnhasbut mediumstrength;
when the Moon, Venus and Mercury are weak; and
when the remainingplanetsarepoo$essed of realstrength,
the femalethat is born in an odd Lagna will associate
with many.men. When Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and
Venus are strong and when the rising sign is an even
one, the woman born will become celebratedfor her
koowledge of every science developing ultimately into
an expounder of the scriptures.
T t r r sr l o k a i r f r o r t rR l i l r a t l a t a k e .

n ftiluq€q tt
oil fiq.ri qt rrftft qrdtqiftrhqga-
ffitqqqrsqor rT{AgilqRr{{ff {+( |
ioqr qrggct{* gqtrd il€fi q diqtq*
(Mt qRrdtMrqqq qrw{rqlRlntt lR ll
sl. 12-13 qisnlstqrqr 941

Sloka 12. When the Lagna or the Moon, which'

ever of them is stronger,is in ;r Rasibelongingto Mars.
the femaleborn in a Trirnsamsa of Mars will be ill'
behaved; she will be a menial or slave if born in a
Trinsamsa of Saturo ; worthy and virtuous if in that
rif lupiter ; depravedif born in that of Mercury ; addict'
t:d to a paramour if the Trimsamsa of trirth bc that clf
c/, no4ftell
q+ rM omfrrftaftaia*g*qra
6EIErqriit gfieftr+r qlqrflf,t ?quft|
{sfr TE{tTqFqqfitn g=q1g{tf{',11r
nfr aq{dt qgs+Rqrqr''rftgqrdlrgil ll
tr€;qr nfirrti-dirft agnrfirftqfrT{rgq:tr
qr+ it gqI@Ifq{Atfiuqrilaftreqtftstu{t
{Ft Ere-qnwf}mfirs.ft fi"q{ql*,t €rq
{.thf {q-{nl q$tqftqr{: gfiteFqqffi tt
ot rnfrmrFtri
nt{t gr{ff gr.{rgirtt gq,f:q+rt
ftsqef qtur{rsRftt-solwlaErq&ql
g{tt g{{s{r q gqil olffiqr qrqil ll tl ll
Slofta 13. In a Lagna owned by Venue, a female
born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will b€ vicioua and
quarreleome; she will be chasteand a mother of many
children if born in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter; remarried
if in that of Saturn ; she will be fond of all the arts,
mueic'-vocal and instrumental-if born in a Trimsamsa
of Mercury; il the Trimsamsa of her birth be owned
942 ffitrili Adb")ryL
by Venus, ehe will be fond of wiec nen, a fxlorite of
het husband,and liked by people.
ffitsq?{qe frrqqd oi A S{rF{dr
r|adhfivnsqm $rgil glqrfPffit {tdt I
*i qfqu gqq ftqft freqnfrqfff{t
dl* qwtiqrr{wr*ftitqrfrqrrr\ rr tB tl
Sloha 14. When the Lagna is a sign owned by
Mercury, the femalcborn in a of Mars will
have sons; if born in a Trimsamsaof Saturn, ehe will
be a widow, have her chiidren still born, or of the form
of a eunuch; if in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she would
be chasteand devoted to her husbrnd; if io that of
Mercury, she would be virile, famous and handsome;
if the Trimsamsaof birth be that of Venus, she will b:
conrpicuousfor her eleg;rntattire, ornamentE,cattle and

o* qq.Jt rrt qoqfi frurtgeqiq*

qrdrqnfrirEffisur qrtim qftd,ir
R,{rilrGqq iiffirqrg1ornrranr
frt itr.-quonfr
uggili{i{* {rusrn lr tl
Slofto 15, When the Lagna is a srgn owned by
the Moon, and the Trimsamsa of birth is owned by
Mars, thc femaleborn will be endowed with physical
btrength; and if the Moon be aspected by maldic
planeu, she will take delight in ministeriog to rbe
ahuEem€ntsof her paramours; if the Trimeamsabe that
gf Saturn,she will becomea widow; if tbe samebeloog
to Jupiter, she will be short.lived and will have fe,:.,r
children ; if of Mercury, she will be skilleC in the arts ;
sr 16-11 ffismr: 943

if the Trimeamqaof birth be that of Venus, she will be

trgffi ilft {fuft Er{3=.q1qt{t
ilfi ffidfutr q $irfi q;Eiu*g:fu{r I
ilfir iIr{grTIgun-,ii*tqe $itsnr
Wr rgfqF({q $qft*{rFEilItftrqit ll qq tl
Slola 16. When the Lagna or the Moon happens
to be in a sign owned by the Suo,and the Trimsamsa
of birth that of Mars, the femaie born will have a mas'
culine dicposition. If the Trimsamsabelong to Saturn,
she will b: unchasteand unhapPy; if to Jupiter, she
will be the beloved of a royal husband and endowed
with good qualities ; if the same belong to Mercurv,
she would be masculine in her ways and vicious ; and
lastly if born in a Trimsamsa of Venus. she will be
attachedto an unworthy husband and will suffer from
{rfi{q .IN qg5igre rnrrtsEr
Raqrilrqmfttftgaqttqftn qi(l
qtqiir qqqettwrqntq]*qq t$ilr
{ttfr EFH{Fqurs gil{il veqwrF{il ll ts ll
Sloha 17. When the risirrgsign is owned by
Jupiter,the femaleborn in tlre Trimsarrs:rof Mars will
be renownedand havea following; shewrll be indigent
if bprn in the Trimsamsaof Saturn; if the Trimsamea
of birth be Jupiter's, she will have an abundanceof
wealth, clothing and ornaments;if she be born in thrt
of Mercury, shewiil be vittuous and highly respecAed;
if in that of Venus, she will possesschildren, good
clotbingand ornamencs.
944 cnTrqrftrrt Adh.xvl.

r<tt qft g+.nftesorqrugrsr
{*ilr $oer gqi{rqf{ilr grar ffsql sd
o};$s.efrrrfis ffio ffi{iquilr qtq n lz tl
Sloku 18. When the riaing sign belongs to Saturn
and ie strong, the fcmale born in a Trimsamsa of Mare
will be distreesed; if her birth be in a Trimsamsaof
Saturn,shc will be dialiked by her husband; if in that
of Jupiter, she will strictly adherc to the cuEtomaor
uEageof her family ; if in Mercury's, she will know all
things but unchaste; if in a Trimgamsaof Venue, she
will be barren and profligate; the effectsdue to Trim,
EamEaahould be announcedafter correctly weighing the
influenceof the Lagna and the Moon.
srrAtftqqrwffi*m* g+.iitq
ri Eiir$sot qqfrrr*rtftt irRa?rI
wffi{qrilf ftrilqMcry(ilTril
ql il'rR ffift qdwq|gffi il tq tl
Slof"a 19. When malefic planets occupy the ?th
bhava,the female born wrll become a widow; if the
planetsin the ?th bhava be of a mixed sort, ehe will
remarry; if there be in the 7th bhava a weak malefic
planecaspectedby a beneficone, the female born will
be put away hy her husband; if Venus and Mars occupy
eachother'e Navamsa, the woman will be addictedto
other men; if theae two planetsbe associatedwith the
Moon in the 7th bhava, she will associate with other
men at the instance of her own husband.
Tlris sloka is taken fronr Brihat lataka.
st. 20-21 ffissqt{:

fiwg*t srai {FdT€sdI+i (qq. I
fiAi* gr{trt q{F'ITEl}ilqriqfdqaltqqf}a lt
[''or Llrefirst PuCu, c/.
qnq'\{qqf,:"iiafiqqt fq}' ga'iqi"r.tr
dftrft 'rt qft eriri{I qqutmqal ufrq r
slei q tlwrrlt 5+rl: {t5il gar ll 1" ll
Slohu 2ll, A femalc rs styled wanton when sh"
loreakeshcr lrusband;rnd resorts to anothelrf her
from lust. A womatt rs said to bc temarriedwhetr'
organo{ gcneratiunbcing unbrokcu,she is takcn
aB a wife auother tirnc with tl"c prop(:rmatrimonial
r ites.
{trn{ onrrkgg* qrrl wd g{ot qrqs}|
EsIilWit llRtll
*i".it frfrtn-aqrttfrfiqleqiuri
Sloku 21. When a sign of Srturn or lvlars is the
Lagnaanil the Moon or Venus (according as the birth
ie by night or day) aspcctedby a maleficplanet ctccupies
it, thc femaleborn in thc yoga will lead an unchaate
life rvith thc mother; when the scttirrg Navamsa be
longsto Mars and is aspectedby Saturn,she will havc
diseasedwomb ; II the Navamsa under reference
belongsto .r l>enefic planet, slrc will havc irandsomc
h i p s a n d b c r n u c hl i k e d b y h e r h u s b a n d .

ts IrotttUr,,,-fi'Jl;t;.
Cf , itcl;hlr(qi
ara flqa;q $qwqqFr* {.ltfqldiflI;q{fll qrqt I
rit .ld nrstgia zDfiae'irfi{ Uqrgqi{ ll
946. drRrrctftill Adh.xvl.
Fa.Rqdwrt FRa\qrt qw nle guar€CI+aea r
diah.qqqirnfa*fti e 6nfrft6q'rg{T
grrfi gxtfr rt
Also rlRf+ait

sltrtrlt da*rfrrfiRgt fie{i ;frdrI

flil Fr+ $€rr {reE{tftt qEfarr
$ q gu*it afriareDqii'rqYf:d r
Ff€qTilqrt*oft qfiqg,lr qqft rr
lllother is indicated !y Venus in rray-births and by the
in night-births (Chapter l1l_l 5 su1tra). f.agna rnust
be one of
Arres, Scorpio, Cepricorl and Aquarius; Venus or f.he
Moon a1
the case may be should occupy the Lagna aud be aspectecl
bv a
n r a l e f i cp l a n c t ' T h e f e m a l e o w n i n g t h i s n a t i r r t y b e c o m e s
r a l a l o n r gw i t h t h e r n o t h e r . r f a N a ' a r n s e o f \ I a r s b e
s e t t i n ga ' d
be aspectedby Saturn, she suffersfrom diseased organs.
tf the
Descenda,ntbe rn a giutaeia (ubhergrahanavamsa) cr be occupied
by be.nefics,or the ruler is aspectedby benefics or in
Exirr igu.
bhamsa), she is loved by her husband.
T h e f i r s t q t < ( P a d a )o f t h e s l o k ah a s b e e nr n t c r t r r c t e t l
by Bhat-
t o t p a l a i h u s : " w h e n a s i g n o f S a t u r n o r ' M a r si s t h c
the Moon and Venus aspected (both of them) by
a malefic"lrlanet
o c c t r p yi t . " T h i s i s n r - ' ta c c e p t a b l e .
qo*tsnil qri firqxafrtf{t r
qtarftqcqfririt diqril0 q tRurtn RRtl
Slohu 22, When a weak malefic planer occr_rpies
the ?th and is aspeccedby a beneficone, the femrle co.
cernedwil be pur away by hcr husband (C/. slok.r3O
inlra), if the malefic planetin the 7th bhava ba depresa,
ed or in an inimical house,she will be at variancewith
her husband. , .-
c/. m.z-<ifd+r
q:q$ilitttt €li;{. ugrft q :i*leqfqfRnr
sl. 23-24 qtcfirss|rrq: 9'17

sqgl qfiiqt ffi {HqErdRt

i{,{trr{fri qquorqir'fiofrig il r
ri'rrqrstrqgftqenr+i qwr g-{.tlufi
qrqQ ftgEliqt -.qi\qfl qm qTtrr- fr ll Rl ll
SYcAa?3. If thc Sun occr:pyingthe ?th bhava be
aspectedby inimical planets,the female born will be
cast away ; if Mars occtlpy'r similar poaition' she will
become a wtdow ,-rr her husband and herself will
becomemutuallv embittered ; when goodand bed planets
occupythe ?th bhava,the femaleconcernadwill remarry;
when saturn io the Trh bhavais lspectecby an inimical
planet,she will atcainto a good old ageand yet have
her husbandalive.
cf. Uqsqtnn
s.qel rGqr$qa frqqrqrc}s<(lfilftqt
a;irrqr.itfdhstoq*qa wi ri;sfa tl
Also qr{{J{{o{
qsq frqq'r}qfdgmr$rfiri q fq'{qtreg ert} 1
qrqtqrfidi{q'{fi q;qit q gifatirnt qlq ll
qrq*fqEtftri qrfrgttq-qtergn
qnr{fi iiodtdi iqnsqrq;q}qffiri{dr I
+i qrq'& qt e qiail qrt gffiIftdi
q;il(dilo{ft Tri{rikfiqotn gd* t*t ll 18 ll
Stoka 24. \l/hert a malefic sign repr':sentingthe
7tb bhava is occupiedby Saturn the femalewill become
efflictedwith widowhood. lf Venus and Mars occupy
eachother's Rasi or Amsa, she will be a coquetie and
addictedto a paramour. (C/. sloka L9, supru.) If the
Moon be in the ?th bhava, she will lead a depravedlife
e4[] flfl{qrftmre Adh.xvr.
along with her husband. if the Moon and Venus
occupy the lst bhava identical wi,h a sign o.wnedby
Saturn or Mars and if a malefic pla.rer be in the 5th
bhava,the femaleconcernedwill be barren.
c/ ,tti.,iteq,
11lote{ irr fttpq.

w*=qti ftnrii qwnqmrrrl6q:1


atq nnq q;i gaft qfirr sQ rr

q;qr{ii fiare'i} nirrgdn}q4l 4Er I
1;'.;qrqEfaHr aiii qai qrqergntt
. q. ^\ r
ftisr qqiqil gqqqfr iFqr I
\A \ C

gilmTI {nrtTEfl wril i[OT(tdti tTlftNgrtrAil( R\
Sloku 25. When Mars occtrpic-* a Navamsabe,
longingto the Rasi of the 7th blravaand is aspectedby
Saturn,the femaleborn will have the bad luck to be
disliked hy the husband. llut when Mars is occupying
:.rNavamsaof Vcnris in th,: llasr rcprercntirrg the 7th
bhavaand is ,rspectecl l)y ir hr:tr,:f
ic planet, shc rvill be
rhe favorite of hcr husl)and.
lTi{rihtiqrft qftafturt
q;(fr sr{F{i{rEsgrr
riikg* rirfirdir
qq{Ig{Ef]qnr qit geq6qft-qilsrqr
qrdfdrqR oqqr gitr{TrwrRrlvrianr n iq rl
S l o h u 2 b . l f t l r i : M o o n : r r r dV e n u s b c i n ; r s i g n o f
Mars identical with rhe L:gira,rlre femaleborn will
have an aversionto hcr husband; if the Moon and Mer,
cury be in the position described above, she will be
skilled in the discussion rrf the highestrruths; if lvf;rrs
lnd Mercury be in the l.agna rdverteclto, she will tre
sr. 2?-28 tngttrss|tfqt 949

voluptuous; if thc Moon, Mercury and Venus combine

in the Lagna under referen:e, she will possesoevery
comfort; if Jupiter be in the Lagna aforesaid, she will
bear good sons, be intelligent and have ornaments.

{Tqr |t|Fn&il! gq{il G} wfi qT-

wtft qrqrrE+ 'rTqlrilolf*iI
Gluitrqfr q$ q frqqrfartw lTrfhfl
ft.t r".r.ft! t}ft deuftnfrqqtlt qil tt Retl
Sloka 27. If the benefic planetsbe in their exalta,
tion, but the 8th bhava containing a maleficplanet be
representedby a maleficslgn and aspectedby a malefic
planetat the sametime, the femaleborn in the yoga will
be afflicted with widowhood; when the lord of the
I{avamga occupied by the owner of the 8th bhava is
also malefic,the woman concerned will without doubt
becomea widow; if several benefic planets be in the
Sth bhava,the female will die prior to her husbandir,
the prime of her life.
grfrqtr; errtf qrtssqQsr{r
{ndfk ffi |
r rri1erg;rr
S-g'r*qtfr ggaqrfl
qti qt n-edqirflngarrurEfterilqar
u R4tl
S/o&o 28. When benefrcplanets cccupy the 9th
bhava and there is a malefic planet rn the 7th or the 8th,
the femaleborn will live long with her huoband,afflu-
ttoc€,:r numerous progenyand the accesscriesof comfort
and happiness; if malefic planets be in the -ith bhava,
rh,: woman concerned will havc many children ; if
Dhanus or Kataka be th: Lagna in the latter case.she
ilrirscrRilt Adh.xvt.

will become poor and distressed by bearing manv

ohildren to hcr hucband.
c/. -ro4turoliitl (by :1'{a1
lirqFqr+fkd Rt* qcrqsraseisft 4TI
.r{: gagil:qrf,,iiq+r€q *{i tt
.u{, grfig:qa.Ir
lra qR(Pada). Accordingrto Mantreswara the eflect of rnale{ics
occupying the 4th house is to make the female unchaste.
Qf. o n^
ga trigifi qqfi S€il ll

*rqrfr.qgtqftxqio* frttr qq{rgm

gltrsft.rieq\RgqfiaHq{€'.ttq ll R\ ll
Sloka 79. When Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika or
Kaoya is the Lagna and the Moon ie in the 5th bhava,
the femaleborn will hlve few sons(C./.sloka43 infra)',
if malefic planets occu[]y the 9th placc from the 8th
bhava or the 8th from the Lagoa, she will be afflictcd
with poverty and sorrow ; when rhe above placesare
occupiedby benefic as well as malefic planets,she will
have good arrdevil for her lot; if those placesbe occtt'
pied exclusivelyby benefic planets, she rvill be blesscd
with prosperity and good fortune, When the lord of
the 6th bhava is in the 6th and the lord of the latter is
in the Lagna, her death will be caused by a sharr)
gf. nrfora-+quoted in €lrRq'
sl. g0-32 frgfrssrtq:
fiefttq+oqE qei freft qei t
fiqrdtqrrgttgort qt( tt
olililsqqTrt)' wii{:t<qorFffi t
*'qqtwfqfi, q{qrerrtquratt
qtqt ge'K qaqqqqG+Et
Ftrr 6rst qt< (Pada), uide slr-rlia$infro'

T(ffir €IT€ft$Rltffiqqrq+( il t
fiAt grttR€crlffr,onqqftffir ffir llloll
S/r.rAa30. lf all the malefic pianets be in the 7th
bhavafrom the Lagna, the female born will become
rrridow; if the planets in the ?th bhava be mixed' the
femaleconcernedwill remarry ; if malefic planetsoccu'
pying the ?th bhava be weak, shc would be repudiated
by her husband.
Vide slaka l') supra.

*wqat{Frd irrrt* giltg+i qfr wtm:'q t

$ qR|irflrr{ilftdiqFfrmr{ifiqG atq tt 1? tt
SloA{r 31. When the Moon occupiesthe ?th bha-
va from the Lagna in conlunction with Venus and Marc'
at the
the [emaleborn will associatc with anothcr man
insranceof her hucband. The eameetfectfollows
Navrrmsl owned
the Moon occupiesin the ?th bhava a
by Saturn or Mars. (Vide sloka L9, snpra')
gilffigilfictil qrn q ilt E{ftqrfrS qq 11
""t Sloha 37. When planets in the Raeis or Ancas
ics and are
of Saturn and Mars are aspected by malef
lRnsrr(amt Adh.xvl.

or the Moon (if the birth be in the night), the female

born will abandonthe traditional virtue of her caEte,
taking to harlegguin companywith her mottrer.
T h i s s l o k a s h o u l d b e r e a da l o n g w i t h l l l _ 1 5 s u p r a . , \ c c o r d _
ing to the latter, venns and tl'reil{o,' rc:;pectively play the role
of mother during the day and night.
Cf. also sloka 21, Eupra.

{tftearrrqtt dni13
Rrisrgqet aqrMft; {Errinl
g{wq{{fi wqamdt
il at;erflgrtnrrqr( ft 1t tt
Slo&a 33. When a Navamsaof Mars occLrpyirrg
the ?th placefrom the Lagnais aspectedby the Sun and
Mercury, the female born will have a diseasedwo nb
(C/. sloka 21, sufiro) ; but when rhe Navamsa under
referencebelongeto a beneficplanet,the femaleconcern.
ed will be much liked by her husbandand blessedwith
children; elseshe will bocome an object of aversionto
her husband.
ilqTffiqftfr q Rqqrflqat wt
qffiqrftqli stft $ufl qrqr+qr€t I
(|6ilrnfli{rrw{rqG gt w{ qi wqqr
qI(Q g gqrt gurEdl {rfr igqir n iB ff
Sloho 34. If the malefic ptrn*i, occupying thc
?th bhava be rwo, the femaleborn will be lustfully
inclinedand become a widow ; if they be thrce, she
will be unchastc and ulrimately do away .with her
husband; when a beneiic lli.lrr,:r is in thc ?th bhava.
sr. 36-36 ffisqlrr 963

the femaleconcernedwill become the favourite wife of

a king's minister; when there are three such planets in
that bhava,she will becomethe queen of a ruler of tbe
s il
*\ quq,rrrrwil{Fmr srqTftwrq+( t
tq",i ruilil qFilrErn(T ueunt
ffqrfiilIiq$ grdt tr"qlw( FUR ll 1\ ll
Slofta 35. When Venus and Saturn occupy each
other's Navamsaor aspect mutually, the femaleborn in
the Eth rising Navamsaof Kumbha will be afflicted
with too much lust; she will becomea widow when a
malefrcplanet occupies the ?th place from the Moon;
if the planet in the ?th bhava from the Moon be auspi-
cious, the yoga will $ecureto her sovereign authority
(a royal domain).
It will be seen that the 8th Navamsa of Kumbha is Vrishabha
Navanrsaand is owneclbv Venus.
c/. 'lrtedt
g{rfRd}qft qwqt{FrgF,rl
d*sq afh,rrrrlfr qeit I
eitqrqtitqrrqntflr{E:qtqr rdtfii: ilq q geqrEifrfildqF?r
Also .ilil{it{(ul
er;fr.q{r}qrqfifRarqff ng} qziftr
t;q'{nrFnTrt ftnrn qrit qil*RfirrH;rif\:ll
Also g€sqloq
z*flFrlqfHdfR*qwqtin {rh il qG qa{tffiqqi<r:i
i{tf\: dtqaqfafiqoq{ts snrf:d nqfi qilFftftqdri.l: 11
dqrqot {ftrgrgt *iqlFEm{il gnqdftdi aTqI
rir ffA qft ilx qrdrgtrdhmqtetfrriin uq rr
961 ilC'5trrR!||l Adh.xvr.
Sloka 36. When the rising sign at the birth of a
femaleie occupieCby the Moon and Venus,shewill be
rhort,temperedand live in easeand comfort. In every
casewherethe Lagua is occupied by the Moon, the
femaleborn generally lives in easewith no craving for
carnalenjoymentand is amiable.
c/. fcqa* quotedin arcrte.
dil{rftilr S,pqqufre.* *6u* q I
gt +orar g*r.nqgfrIgidar een{aaiq tt
gB €qgrnftrrnilotq.dtffqgfTEtu t
u'rfuilr ff{gqrgtqr sililr$il u{gumfrqrtt le tl
Sloha 37. If a sign owned by Venus orthe Moon
be the Lagnaat the birth of a female,she will be amiable
for virtues and good looks. If the Lagna belong to
Jupiter or Mercury, she will be skilled in fine arts. If
Jupiter, lvlercury and Venus occupy the Lagna, the
femaleborn will be renowned for the possessionof
evety feminine excellence.

fl-{Tqdl i{qq{q*;R{A
wG* q{ft diowlkn q t
ilEfl ggxqi-d gRqfrgtnal
w wegq{ffitM q+al fl 1( ll
S/o&a38. When Jupiteroccupiesthe 5th, the 9th
or a Kendra bhavaor is in exaltationat the birth of a
female,shewill be well-behaved,chaste,bearinggood
oono, happy and poseessed of excellences;she will
verily bring credit to her own and her husband's
sl. 39-40 *cfr${rcr 956

crdftt {t(lcilrqr€dfr: ggr I
qgr{ga$6,r qg} {eqi{
a-dfrg{Tflnt {rqfi{ q ftr ll lq ll
Slola 39. If the Lagna at the time of birth of a
femalebe aspectedby beneficplaneta,shewill be skilled
in the arte, pure-minded,modestat all times,handsome,
bearingworthy sonsand have muchwealth and enjoy'
ment; shewill be highly in favor with her husbandand
becomethe recipientof a thousandblessings'
snfr{qil ftosrmrqffetrffir
w{ffit qrfrnt fuil+( ll 8o ll
Sloha 40. When the Moon occupiesKataka iden'
tical with the ricing sign and when Venuc, Mercury,
born will
Jupiter an,J the Moon are strong, the female
be profoundly learnedin the several sciencesand artt,
and renowned for her spiritual influence. When a
malefic planet is in the ?th bhava, the female concerned
will devote herself to asceticism corresponding to the
planete if any in the fth bhava. The yogas enumerated
hitfierto are to be considered in connection witb the
time of birth and the time of gift of a girl in marriage.
The readiug fiqe}<q{t is hopelossly corrupt. It ought to bc
something likc lft q'qqt
Qf. snr+el quoted in inlct'
1t qrffi T{t qE Qqrrqqft iFq. I
966 qtilFrlnirqtr Adh. XVI.

qrsqTqrlirfrdqTi?q qtqqq \q tt
ef',fnivgt$, qrilr$qGtfiortrrlat t
d qaqrfiqlsrqi+,nrdgs{rdTq tl
Also see next .,lol;a.

erqi r*sqt gqfrdsd,{h I

ntsfr iirqrrilErq<T
$ert +tuGqi{EFrsriR;arqrqit€sS fiMcq tt
Sloko 41. When a malzfic planet is in the 7th
bhava,the woman concernedwill without doubt devote
herselfto the asceticismanswering to the planet in the
9th bhava. The yogas mentirrned hitherto become ap,
plicable in connection with the time of marriage, the
time of selectinga girl, the time of her gifr and the time
when a query is maderegardingher.
This as well as sloka 43 have been taken frorn llrihat Jatalia.
Any planet-whether beneficor malefic--will not bring about
widowhood but will make the woman born more devoted to her
h u s b a n d . S h e w i l l s a c r i f i c eh e r s e l f f o r h i m a c c o r d i n gt r t h e p h i -
losophical temperamentdenotedby the planet in the 9th house as
d e s c r i b e di n A d h : X V . S l . l 5 s u p r a .
A n i m p o r t a n tp r i n c i p l e i s e n u n c i a t e d h e r e . T h e r e r n u s t b e a
planet in the 9th*positive Trikona of the zodiac-to give good
r e s u l t s a t t h e t i m e o f r n a r r i a g e ,b e t r o t h a l ,e t c . , o r a t t l r e t i r n e o f
talk regardingrnarriage.
eTrhqrt qtqrnqdtniqa;qi d qrft fi:ea*q r
qrilert sInnIAgi,i fioel F{ dfihqa ginEr ll
Also flr(t{rdl

fr qrfheqirqi qe Aqil qqfAdiq I

ilil qqt qq{qtk tl
sl. 42-43 ffistqrq: 967

q;qsrt fiaft a ft=mqiq{il aqt r

fi=.q elqi a q.dl*rsrr-tnrqfruefi
ffiq;giltslu q i*eiqi i{dr ilenI
diqi h'm gHrt qei arqftuqiqtt BRtl
Sloh:t 42. Tlre {orcgoinq inquiry in regard to
femalesis applicrblc,as is saidby a wisc sagc,to the time
of their birth, the time of thcir marriagc, the time of
query and th'- time of going in qucst of them and may
leadalso to the revelation of the character of their
rtset filrqil fiqt"{frt
qat fuil qrntr (aI {q qRsr t
si€{ig qrui qq}E ttQni
wqffiSqrcTgatffi ll 81 ll
Slohu 43. When the 8th bhrva is occupied by a
maleficplanet,the woman conccrnedbecomesa widow
and the widowhood will occur at the age(period after
marriage)signified by thc ruler of the Navamsaoccupied
by the lord of the 8th house; when benefic planets
occupythe Znd houseat the sametime, the woman her-
self will,die before her husband and she will have few
children wfen the Moon is in Virgq Scorpio, Taurus
or Leo.
The period given for eaclt planet in tlre Naisargikayurdaya
(vide V-2 supra) system is the period meant here when widowhood

If born with any one of the signs Virgo, Taurus, Leo and
Scorpio as the Lagna and a malefic pianet in the 8th bhava and
a benefic planet in the Znd bhava, she dres without undergoing
widowhood and without issuer
958 lrtaffia Adh.xvr.

ft{tr{fr {ftfr qeq$flqftgrrr

Ti €Fgqi qiGqq,Trqeinh €F!Iq:
qth es girg Efimi nqr: qri qsil tt
Al"o w<R-d
trqsetE fuqr fiq-<rRqftiqi{* qe r
ds fiiTttirryqqr{ aer' nfrffffi, tt
ffqT@qqfte ftrfttq{Qseqg1rqR I
sru{qigqgt frftftt qr&q erq ll
Also qrcnrr<q
\qaqereqnQEseq* r-qeTdtfrftqil qq qtt I
€cg:qT*6q qFfr5il.{rqr,
nl*drqrtil: er.e{ R u
rqrfr,ilffi {mT* qhqraftsg ileqgtr I
sdro{+gqA+H gnil {gil q }*q. rr
Also q-ir{irtl

tt"gfr qiiq-uqfiqi Frc,i dtfr: tt

UertsR*,l16BtRqfi qr€qnqqr
The following additionel information from qi-d11frfir
will be
found to be useful.
+EqrfiqFqd q ftf,t td: +frri ;FITI(
Qerargtq{qt*rqfrdrg-ffi d;f,r ftEr I

n fiqqrsT{r€ngil srr &}qTT{r ll
Astrologers declare',that t. (l) eldest brother, (2) mother,
(3) fathor, and (4) youngest brother respectively of a person will
die (soon efter the marriage) if his wife be born under the stars
(l) Jyeshta(2) Aslesha (l) tvtmta and (4) Visalrha. Females born
under the asterisms Qlitrn' Ardra, Aslesha' Iveshta, Satabhishak,
Moola, Srittika and Pushyatwill be barrsa, .will becomewidows
sr 44-46 f,risqtq; e69

will be without wealth.

ffqt€t+tqtl|nl: n€{!\:gFqFr4I{IFlil:
(Fwrgg gqq+45flor*-Ciqrqrflqat t
,rg:ffimft ggffiltil +Eqrqrftsr
f,rqfrtftgq$ql q gdgqtq€naisei tt
If the lorcls,rf (t) the Lagna, (Z) ttre 9th houseand(3) thc
sign occupied by the l\loon be associated rvith benefics and are
posited in good housesand be of brilliant ravs (be not be eclipsed),
the woman concernedwill be held in high esteernby her relatioos.
She will do many good deeds,will be very bandsome and be pros'
Derous. She witl please her husband, bear good sons and be
virtuous in her disposition,the period of this happy life with her
husband depending on the strength derived by the 8th house from
bcnelics (either by associationor aspect).

cH fr{rt gqTgTrtqffifrt{r gt
qsd qwrfr q qfr il o{fd srqi
sffit ilgt gqq€gtqgFdqFrrrs ll 88 ll
Slohu 44. When the 8th bhavahas strengthof a
mixedcharacterowing to its beingoccupiedor aspected
by auspiciouoaEwell as inauepiciousplanetc, the pair
will die at one and the $ame time, say the astrologe$
unanimously. When the lords of the 7th bhava and
the Lagnaare together in one bhavaor when the lotd
of the ?th bhava is in the Lagnaand the lord of the
latter occupies the ?th bhavain conjunction with an
auspiciouaplanet, the husband and the wife will die
refts qqtq m d RqtrmqM I
{a{{l(ilqeiiqqTit E{HAI} qRqtsilqis ll B\ ll
960 qRrr5crFqrt Adh.xvl.
Sloho 45. Wben auspicious planets occupy the
2nd bhava,say the reveredseniors,the femaleconcerned
will haveher death ar the time of the ripening of their
Dasasand during the Antardasa and Apaharaof the
planetoccupyinsthe 8th bhava, its lord or tlre lord of
the Navamsa wherein is the lord of the 8th bhava
(whicheverof them may have predominant strength).

$G $ru{
r t
iqqw?+;i mlqi {r qfut
qgqng(a<it.rrEtqrfr qttt il 8E tl
Sloko. 46. Wl'ren thc krrd of the 3rd bhavalrap,
pens to be a male planct of predbminant strength
occupyinga malesign idcnticalwitn'the 2nd, a Kcndra
or a Kona bhava ;rnd is aspectcd'by or in conjunction
with a male planct,the girl born will have a brother
deetinedto enjoy much wcaltir and happiness,
trilErurHqor$ilgt FtotT(l qeqilI{rqril

lnot't'igoruqird€iT(t sn(iTq.€tit u Be tl
Slofut.17. hc girl at whose birth the lor..Js of the
ird and th: llth L:havasfrom thc Lagna occupy the 5th
bhavawill havc a brother endowed with thc spirit, the
v i r t u e s a n d t h c m a j c s t i cm i e n o f a r u l c r o f m e n .

il srEqfronqrq.tl
\ \ \
qQil Ir,qEqF(( rtitiTo{Fq troTon{d
A \ \A'

qalflr dr ,r\ r
dlqrqrqtirc\ {ftsi {rrsftqigriqr
ffErrt{r ffiort* qqUtiiei qqrttFqalll 8c ll
sl. 48-49 ffic.qrr, e61

Sloka 48. When the ?th bhava is without streugth,

unoccupied and aepected not by a benefic but by a
malefic planet, the female born will bave a contemptible
wretch for her hueband; when Mercury is in the 7th
bhava, the husband will be impotent ; if Saturn be a6so'
ciated with Mercury in the same bhava,the woman
will be barren or loathed by her husband; when a
moveablesign representEthe 7th bhava, he will alwaya
be awaY from home'
Porhaps the readiug must be xai qlq +mt: (*rar={lgtv).
C/, rr.iqld-{ quoted in tinw.
gqtQ gib uel qrqq-(ftilfhil r
n)'qcr€ar{t} qat flgo* qq( tt
gqqFqgisFtq qft: frqsil, ql:q I
qr gffi qrsfrHi q fre qqlfrdi ll
est qru{} q ilfr+ qt.titr* |
qalqqrsiljo:<tI( ftqdreTt qiq tt
llso 'itd+Iu{q
q* q-qqqflq\qda?df+a friil
qrqfiigftq\, {Tt€q:dlfia, t
arfr* gqq-{q}qfiUq qos}qqfrfad
aa] a* dt-fqtvrftrritaqk q f{rrRqfa:tl
r\lso fEsslil{
q;+ +Tge{isqes<qq{ {i'i'qq(4lqti
*frseh gur-{taittJ-tfi* qsffitf}aa:
qit qrqfr 6rqi {erii#iqrfia}diqftr
qd firequtitqftil{'i qrt {T*qr I
{iar{ q;(gi fitFEqqir qiq qE{'rrqt
g* qr;nqg:gdt q {fti ?:dsRqdriq ur
Lr I
962 qrilsqrrtqfi Adb.xvl.

Sloka 49. Wben the Sun occupiesits own Na'

vamEain the 7th bhava, the female born will havea
husband gentleand diverting by his excessiveplayful'
neEE. When the Moon occupiessucha position, she
will be h.ppy; when Mars is in the sameposition,the
husbandwill be devotedto his wife though playingthe
gallanttowardsother women; if the planetoccupying
its own Navamsa in the Tch bhava be Mercury, the
huabandwill be learned; if Jupiter be in that bhava,the
femaleconcerned will get a spousewho will haveall his
senseg undercontrol; if it be Venus,the huebandwill
be handcome and voluptuous;lastly,if it be Saturn,he
will be an old dolt.
ef. q,iqrd* quoted in (lacc.
aTFt*eint eq{qaiffiqt T€: r
ffesril eaiil qiif €f,w{{r:qR: ll
*tsri eiq|* *} dAA ftdq' qft' r
sl"iset eiah de qnlfqarqq(gsl rr
qiisFt qirrh eii gqqr{f+Fitfuq: r
E*sFt €i{r+ d} +qrfrITrnril(gS n
qtsrt €tql* &} z*irWl ,ria.qR:t
qqssqrrfddiSqtelq non tl
qt;qItEIS\ gurEr{qrr-.* qrftflIt{{ssil g rnsttls I
fiRsSret{uirqqri rdtfinfdsqm{ nqrnlt \o ll
Slota 50. When a femaleis born in a Navamsa
belongingto the Rasi of the 7th bhava, her husband
will be softbodieci,possessedof excellentqualitiee,and
full of assurance.When Saturnin the ?th bhavaoccu-
pier hia own Amsaor Rari, the femaleconcerned will
be wedded to an old and dull
exceedingly huaband.
st.51-52 {sqif3tqmr 963

e qq.I€rrnfqir .Iai
Rett mfi{rai{ffifr qnt*fi qtqr
qqfgrEqqisfr qR rqorilttqr*nq tl \t ll
Slola 61. A femalewill haver decrepithusband
when the lorcl of the 9th bhavarnd lupiter happento
occupya g:<llct(Dustthana) at her birth; hc will be
tong,titt.Jancl wealthy if the two planetsoccupya Tri'
lord of the 4th bhavaor Mercury, the husbandwill be
a perEonof learning; if they be associatedwith Mars
o, S",.rrn,he will be an agriculturist; if with Rahuot
Ketu, a villain; if with the lord of the 6th bhava, he
will becomea robbepchi'eftain.
,furr: qffi Rautqr$ qttqurt
q-e 6rgurFE(:6{r(I$rft errrdqiq t
{xs r((fro$ qgirqrtftr'sTFil: $q
ffi qqqnt tt \R ll
Sloha 52. Thehusbandwill befair'limbed,lustful
and have fiery eyes when the Sun occupies the ?th
bhavain a femrle'shoroscope;if the Moon be in that
bhava the husband o[ the female concernedwitl be
handaome, worthy, spare,voluptuousand troubledwith
ailmeots; if Mars be in the ?th bhava,ghewill have for
her apouse,a man humble in appe:'rance, delightingin
crueliy, rudolent,with a ready tongue and of a ruddy
hue; if Mercury occupy the bhava in question, the
hurband will be a man of taste, amply endowed with
learning,wealth and excellentgualities.
e64 qnriFTrfuilt Adh.xu.

fiqt5ffiqrRrEr nTffq ild gtf

{rd ffifrdfuqgtr urat uRr qqrqfrrI
qA r{ut{trsftrrcgrqr{tqfrrfiqt
n* ErfrfUfr fW qk*flqlsrn ir$qs\Q
Slohu 5:J. If the plarer occupying the ?th bhava
be Jupiter, the husbandof the femaleconcernedwill be
a peraonblessedwith long life, with wealth and power
equalto a king's,and lustful in his youth ; if Venuo, he
will be lovely, ever playful and diverting and gifted
with the highestpoeticalfaculcy; if Saturn, hc will be
old, infirm and wicked; and lastly if Rahu or Ketu be
in the ?th bha'.ra,the hueband of the femaleconcerned
will be a low, evil,mindedwretch or somesuch person,
t aritqqqre*fiqrdi frqlf'qmatq-cr
gifiweds w*qtatagrnrgar:
d urqqftrstit ilgo raqmsr&ffi{rttull
tq-crqffit qrffiqrRqrt
rft diaEqairq{il
dtqr(il.qrrT:qt€{l tl
S/oArr54. In thie chapter on FemaleHoroscopy,
we have given accurately with referenceto hucbands
the sameinformation which we gave while treating of
men's horoscoperegarding wives such as the regions
from which they may come,their status,the frrotection
of their virtuc and the quaiities evincedin their acts.
The numberof children will correspondto tire number
of Navamsasattainedby the powerful amonqthe planets
c;ccupyingthe ?rh bhavaor its Amsa. The lord of that
bhavawhen occupying a Kendra will producc m':cl:
jubilation on marriageand otb.crfestal occagions.
Thur endr&c.
il sl${t$,Etl[ttffi3 ll
Adtryaya XVII.


The (qtuqm) kalacbakra'system of ayurdaya rsferred to el-

rady in Adhyaya 5, stoka 33, is based on the Moou's position in a
;fqFfqr{ or quarter of an asterism. For the purposes of this ayur'
daya, the 27 stars from Aswini to Revati are classified into nine
groups of three eacb, the five odd groups or triads beircg' strled
ttq (Savya) or aRtol (Dakshina) and the four even ones ae slrrflal'
(Apasavya) nq (Vama) or iIfi (Uttala). The peculiaritv of a n{
(Savya) triad !s that its l2 padas (qta) are assigned to the l2 Rasis
from Mesha onwards. [n an l,r{€e{ (Apasa''ya) triad, the t2
padas belong to the I 2 Rasis reckoned in a reverse order from
zia6 gou*'
qq (Savya)
The 12 Naksbatra'lradas (a{Tqa) whether of a
or of an 3{qA-C (Apasavyal triad can be brought under the four
triangular signs according to the Rasis to which they are severally
assigoed. Iu accordance with this classification,four kinds of
c{qER (paramayus) or maximum life will be shown to result.
(Yide sroka l2).
(Kalachakra nakshatrapadayus) iu its
Each qnqrqfi-qqaqt<l1rr.
eotire length comprises nine rnahadasas ( qcKal ) presided ovgr
by nine Rasis aod their lords. The orCer in which the saveral
Naksbatra padas got each its nine rnahd.dasas is indicated in the
rnnemonic formulas for the w4 (Savya) and qcsq (Apasavya)
cbakras respectively. These formulas are expressod by couvcs'
tional letters qaqqft (Katapayadi) referred to already in page 696.
Two additional letters S aail Ft used in the formulas denote the
numbers I I and l2 respoctively
966 rRrrwacR Adh. xvII,

The following hints may give a clue to ths law govorning tho
essignment of the rnRhqrlagssto.the sovoral Naksbatra padas.
In I (qqfi (Savya cbakra) tbe mahadasas begin from Mesha
onwards to Meena and thence they pass on to Vrischika and go in
a rcvcrse order up to Dhauus and thence revert to Mesha and cad
is Mccna.
'Thus wc have bad 3 cycles reprcsentiug 36 mabadrsss for the
first four Rasyamsas ( <r+it ) or the first nakshatre of a triad.
Thc 4th cycle begins with Vrischika and passing on in a reverse
ordcr ends in Dhanus. The 5th cycle ruus from Mesha to Meena ;
thc 6th from Vrischika backward to Dbaous, These three cycles'
give the kalachakra dasas to the four nakshatra padascomprising
the sccond star of a $;q (Savya) triad. The 7th' 8th, and 9th
cycles are identical with the lstr 2nd and 3rd cycles-respectively
Thus it will be seen the four padas of the 3rd star of a tfat
(S*wa) triad have the same mahadasasas those of the first.
Tbore are uine cycles also corresponding to the twelve padas
of an s{c€Eq(.\pasavya) triad, but with this difference. The cycles
in this cbakra run in an order exactly the opposite of what obtains
in the Sdzfqfi (Savya chakra!. The first cycle begins with Dha'
nus aud ends with Vrischika. The second runs from Meena to
Mcsha in tbe reverse order. The third passes from Dhaous to
Vriscbika identically with the lst. These three cycles assign tbe
mabadasato the first four padas comprising the first oakshatra of
an r|{q6q (Apasavya) triad. The 4th and the 6th cycles are
idcttical with the 2od, i, e., from Meena in a reverse ordcr to
Mcsha while the 5th is with the lst or the 3rdr i. 8., from Dhanus
to Vrischika. These three enable us to find the mahadasasof the
qq€at (Apasevya)
middle four padas forming tbe second star of an
It is a peculiarity of the agqpq*q5 {Apasevva chakrr) that tbe
hst four padas bave the same mehadasas as the middle ones; tbat
is thc 7th, 8th and 9th cycles eortespond to thr 4th' 5th and 6tb
rcopoctivety in an arqq6{qfr (Apasavya chakral'
For tbe lengths of the rnahadasa periods of the several Rasis
and their lords, thr reader is reierred to stolra 6.
sr.1-3 ffilktcr 96?

that thc iraximum length of the life of any person whether born
in the beginning, middle or eud of a qETTqK (nakshatra pada)
should not exceed the length of the nine mahadasas(for that pada)
reckoned from that at birth.
For a knowledge of the terms,fu (OeUa), jils (Jeeva), cuEF{IR
(lvlandukagati), c{.{rft (Markatagati), (Simbavalokua),
the reader should refer to slokas gg_.g2. In connection with the
16grn5 qoEfirrfil (Mand"La gati) and rtaqfr (Markata gati), it will
be interesting to note that in a Hqa;6 (Savya chakra), the trvo
movements take place from Kanya to Kataka and Simba to Mi.
thuna rospectively, while in an aTq€-o{qrf,(Apasavya chakra) they
are invariably from Kataka to Kanya and Mithuna to Simha and
these occur only in the cycles which run from vrischika to
nus and tice acraa.
A reason for this wiil appear wheu we remember that
it is
only by such an arrangement the order of planets iu both
cycles can be made identical.

{otrqq(||rfl;i fu* q{qFR'rr{

ffiq{qwdtglqfu{urils{u t tl
rrqrutq?R{qt* r{qlCIr r
ilarqilrrfrtmi nnuqot Tfr [ t tl
SlokasL-2. Bowing to Siva,the aupremeaoul,the
prime cau6eof all things, standingin the centre of ttre
planetary syEtemsand comprehendingin his onoi,
rciencethe 64 branchesof knowledge, the all-benign
goddesa ParvariaekedrharEupreme Ruler of all GodaL
follows : " Tell me,oh lord, in detail the entire courlc
of the wheel ol time irrarq$(Kalachakra)."
lfi snq I
qtqGectrslt q;i iqt tqqqrt I
*diq frqH?strt((.|tq(qnf,{I[ illtr
e66 ffi Adh' XVU
t - t -
'- -------*


qrR; I

9T0 ttcffint Adh. xVlI.

----_t-T -'d;-l;|"-
*' roin'- sl
F?!! I*' Ir _ lFo" rolsr{n?- tol
i L____l_.-1-=- -l----l
F, hs t-ll^
*, 'j};* ,iH;*,_
)lh- ,3
j c.I
,"8 I -
':v I l,n- rlot- ,io,- oi+'- 6
wn *' rtl.og.- '
slm<a- 5lo-as'cq-
rEb l*'l i*uno-
Fi zle- 6
| | ge: lq- sl'- eiit-
rol6"-ns"-zlu"ru*-tol+artr- s
lssqq'<' I F*u-
t--.-_L---+------.-r- --.-1-'
I I 1 'rlu- rrln- roiit-. .:
ut' 4lc+taf ilta{t- lc
li"n.- tolginrra* | | l-
l^ I ln rltr- 2lq- llq- s
lrs: lc
f.dr{cE:i iag"-"u- rlrvuum-tolal5u- zl*e{"-
I l,i,- llct- 5lcr-
4lm- (
I srw: im=qo- sifir€."R-slr+aa- ztla<nu- t
ttt--_-t-.1--l rll
I I le- gir- sft- 7i(- |
la-uwr:I rt log+'- lo,zia-+gs-zlo"'gn- l6\*-+r1t-
GEErrSsrflrr e7t

q- rlqt- zlr- tl** slo- ol-

tq-g.r- zlf"gn-rolag"*-si,nr<a-sj+z+a-<-
2,q- l1
l6ils-6;r- ft-4


10rts+-q- j--.1 ",*]
z[t- s'frr- I
tollDrma- 2fr"<'g{- I

ti*- -t.
ST- t6ldqtqr- siftr<f*-
;r-l tzlo-
qt.<qrfi- toprrw-
972 ilRtT'|lRilI Adh.xvl[.

Easwara said-
Sloha 3. ' I am of the nature of the Sun eod
thou art declared to be the Moon. The whole universe
coneistingof mobile and immobile things is brought
about by the conjunction and opposition (separation) of
the Sun and the Moon.
q{fl*rrftrderqf€qt frSffimilltlrutf I
xrmlil eK{ afrrqrmcirRqrqrftrWcfls ll
Sloka 4. Draw five straight lines from weEt to
eastand five cross"wisein such a manner that the inte,
rior four squaresare left vacant (are not representedin
the chakra). The reeultingtwelve squaresarethe twelve
celegtial signs Mesha and others, the lords of the east
and other pointa of the compass.

firail{lTffi l l
Filurffig qqFeq?il tt \ tl
Sloha 6. Wise mensay that Mars, Venuo,Mer,
cury, the Moon, the Sun,Mercury,Venus,Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn,$aturnand Jupiterare respectivelythe lords of
the signs from Meshaonwards and also of their

{te,f?r{EFmnr I
ttffi qrffi Eqr(ll q lt
qglt-+ rrrrccEr
S|oha 6. 6, 21, 7, 9, 10, 16 and 4 are the yearo
respectively of the 7 planets reckoned from the Sun.
The yearo of the signs correopond to the yearEof their
lsg?q(qc5risnGs r
d{Tr{ qqHqnnER.qsi *[ tt s tt
8r.7-11 q(I{*ssrq: vt3

mdqqi{Rd.q{rftg \S q r
dqsr{ Ef\flEftit qurlqw6rm!ll c ll
SJaftas 7-8. In the 5 triads of stars beginning
reopectivelywith Aswini, Punarvasu, Hasta,Mula and
Purvaprorhtapada,reckonthe quarters from \{ecba in
the cd*ut (Pradakshina)order. ln tl'refour triads com'
mencingwith Rohini, Maktra, Visrkha, and S'ravana,
reckonthe quartersfrom Vrischika in the sull6o (Ap-
pradakehina) order.
q*i qEiMrfs {}ard ii;q*.gar ll q ll
6Gnqrqri(**qftrt {rd6t qiQrira tt t " ll
Slokas 9-10. The qx (chakra) consisting of a qftq
(Dakshina) triad of stars should be cast in the cfiq
(Pradakohina)order from Mesha to Meena among the 12
Rasis to which the Navamsas composing the triad be-
long. Again, the 12 quarters of the triad called lm
(Utara) (in contrast with qf*qr (Dakshina) of the pre-
vious sloka) are to be assigned to the 12 Rasis in the
slrqftq (Appradakehina) order from Vriscbika to
Dhanuo. Thuc, qftq (Dakshina) and Ytt (Uttara) have
to be apprehendedas distinct each from the other.
qTiffi fu$ ffrq r
ffi qrqiiqatilt fft {torilll tt l}
Stoto 11. Thus, the triadu of stars reckonedfiom
Aswini are to be distinguishedas qftq (Dakshina)aod
sw (Uttara) just as their padasare reckoned in the
sqftq (Pradakshina)or rrglhq (Appradakehina)order
974 rril'5qrfud Adh.xvII.
of Raois. In the q:c (Savya)triad the reckoningbegins
with it (Deha). In the qq€6q(Apasavya)triad it be-
ginewith ** (Jeeva).
iln*f qflEffi(r $qr( ilT s'iurr{is eeE( il t R tl
Sloha 17. In the rftr (Amaas) i. e. quarrersof the
nakshatrasrepreeentingthe housesMesha, Vrishabha,
Mithuna and Kataka,the greatest life is declared to
result,beingmeasured respectivelyby the numbers100,
85, 83 and86. The sameholds good in respectto the
Trikona Rasisof the four foregoing.
qfirg3qitildiafrfr {s'arqq I
q+ q nrqiqrck rnm*qt u tl tl
fi{s do-fiMqril frsrqqqsaqqt
Slolas 13and t3l. There.canthus be a thorough
knowledgeof the ageof a person when what are called
|6 (Deha) and sfra(Jeeva)are previously settled. Io
ihg f,cqqs(Savyachakra) the first division of every
Rari is called|6 (Deha) and the last is termed dr
(Jeeva). In the q$rtqrx (Apasavya chakra) this is
kdt Tfl {rss*'gft* ftr fueru tB tl
eil ilRr{ q+EgR tqr rrdt r
Slohas13+-14+. When Rahu, Ketu,Maro,or the
Sun happento be in the conjuncrion of tr (Deha) and
ilr (Jeeva),there will be deathin conoequencethereol.
If they happento be in tc (Deha)alone, diseasesetc in.
Cy. ntrrrr
Sl. 16-17 d€Ed$ttrcr 9?6

ffit qu qgil+Onr iilt tl

qr Fqlig fl** fqdtrlflqftc; 1
ce n$qtfrt dq{rqu da. rr
k+t rTQTqril*q,itt E Euq: I
epqi sfrtrqrlqeqil qTxrt{q: tl
dti ff+ T{rng: n}ft{m}.P' ftqd:I
€?gfir€qftwqr arFng<lanfifr tt
Nrq.Jii qrds{frrfr **q qrd{rlt t\ tt
g€*qffit q{ fistqPffi{dq I
iqaftqdg* ii,ri 'fi'oqqgrn(ll qq ll
Slolas 14]-16. When Mercury, Jupiterand Ve-
nuEgo to a house which representstt (Deha) or sfic
(Jeeva), and pror-
then everything tendsto happinebo
perity and there is an end of sorrow and sicknesc.
When the tt (Deha) or the *q (Jeeva) house ic
occupiedby a mixture cf good and bad planetc, the
effectwould be of a mixed nature.
Parasara adds:
dti dt+ qil tlq: *oit dtq' Ra' ftqa' t
tqfi+ q g'e* r
grfr*eurfrtg'fitt gr rtq tt
qtrguqti+ {qqrGgEqte.t
fi g.{ffi s1ErflGffii€t(tl
manffi qoq.{rrftdqt
qqqigq'{ftq qrqiffiuF,qt lt ls u
e76 qrilrdt!f, Adhxvrr
Bloha L7. At the time tfere ic a lHra gim-
havalokana, backward glanceof a lion, aidc infra cloka
89-91)or a rcqqqft (Mandukagati,a frogleap)happens,
there ic danger of untimely death from which one ic
releasedby an expiation.
af. 'm{t
q"{+ g g.{r6qrfqfr*}q rTQqqq.
Tfoi rrrtq qqq r{fi ll
fiRTrqt*$t qrsRffreirfqgisR q I
t medrlqmnqqrr
ffi g r&+ qrsfrqlt i\ &q q r
fkrqdsi iq ar€{iq st ota. rr
ftaffiqri q qp-qfiqfrtiqq,r
efi€rgq€fut qrqfhnHlilqrd tl
dtnsTkt qrt -qt .nfr fqfu{ r
ir{nql: m+}qrt rr6+gftrrttr{.tt
f{<tsftgi qTtfaqi ;qrftrliqEq, r
nznrsd qA q*,,ffiRM rr
frErgIffi frqrnqr*,iqt gq:rr
{iry EfIt qrtaqtr*fr ttrnq r
\e or
u*t trt qr{t;5{qgft! n td tl
Sloic 18. When there is a transit from Meena to
Vrischika, fever attacksthe personsconcerned. When
there is a paosagefrom Kanya to Kataka, the death taker
place of one'gmother, relation or wife.
ifiRrnrat qrt eurfrtitaql t
ftttEfu qrilqab*gdft{e(tf tq tl
"-""".""""9, """"-"""
""""" "31
a panage from Kaaka
SJofta19. When there is
wiae irtro-
to $inha (after a qqssd - Mandukapluti), a
iog* .t o,tld predict a iir.".t due to an ulcer or
When there is a passagefrom Simhato Mithuna'
will be diseaeeor deathof one'sown wi[e'
g1r;g€frR?rrtlqt"t{G glr t
g{ft"fuqqti qIqqESqq{ ll 1o ll
Sloka ZO. When the transit ir from
relative is to
to Mesba, the death of a son or other such
L. When an auspicious planet occupiet
"ppr"t "nded. when it has
the houre of trangit, there is no risk; but
a malefic planet, there is danger'
irFtrns6& qfr r{qrt Tfft u+( t
wd Matiq g{qrrf qFr"qRll lt ll
Stoka 71. When there ig a transit from Kanya
during the
Ketakathe personconcernedbecomesgreat
;;;;; portion of it, and goesupona happytrip towardo
the north.
fr{tg M qrt K{qI'iRs*nqt
srqtit c t*-si g€qnrtrrffi ll 11 ll
Sloka 22. When there i$ a transit from Simtrato
M it hu n a , t h e f o r me rp o rti o n th e re o fsh ouldbeshunn
as inauspicious at the commencement of an undertaking;
but :r trip then in the southwestwill be auspicious'
dW,ttfq{q|flat4qqr(rrrqdqi( tt 11 ll
Stoha. 73 When tbere is a transit from Kataka
to $imha in a q€q (savya) movement, there is failure
one's business and sickness comes in its wake ; and
ftrwftufr Adh.xvll
in plain Englioh, there is a paEsag€from Simha towards
Vrishrba through Mithuna,
qt{tTIf{* rri scrqqn ttifeqI
qrqrit qriqrrr6qrft+g€ftfu',,
Sloha 24. When there is a passagefrom Meena to
Vrischika, i. e. in the northern direction, croubledig-
appearo. When the transit is from Dhanus to Mesha,
the parcageis risky ; disease ancl cleathof a relaticin
may occur.
dr {qfaqnG g{ qEfrqfq\ |
gqlte WCiftrq{iqffi'rt Eurrq.
n R\ tl
Sloka 25. When thi-. passageis reversed, i.
from Mesha to Dhanus there is prosperity, marriage
and other euch auspicious evenc When the house
transit io occupied by a bencfic pranet. there
will be
royal favor leadingto every kind of prosperrr.r.

t& hqrqltqrq{rild}qqr{t
qr*m kffit ?gd *,t qutqrqh ffirq rr
Sloha 26. ln the caseof the qr (Chakra) lrlong
ilg to Mesha, Dhanus and Simha, the lor,J of rhe ia
(Deha) is Mars and the lorcl of fia (Jeeva)
is Jupitel.
In the caseof the sa (Chakra) belonqingto Vrishabha,
Kanya and Makara, the lorcJof rhc il fb.hr)
is Saturn
and that of *e (Jeeva) is Mercury. This holda good
for sscqrr ($avya chakra). This is to he
taken in
reverse orcier for the $Tq€6q-.t5
(Apasavya chakra).

Comparethe followin, Tr"#1r, astrologicalworl<tna're

sI.26 qrE*sr+rr{: 9T9

il (r3{rls il

*qe q qd tfr trsffq:q+lffin:t

ulrg*-ii-e&*'qurqtcTfb,{: tI
q$q qEii tq] ftgi frq e=qhr
q-* u€* g*fro*-6*gqrwrrtl
figqs z,ittt' q{ fiq: qft1ffia:
gsq-s]sdd s$l}d ustq, tt
odqq e'i qd frii frq, q-*1ff,c't
Q;a&flrqgf,rq) gd-q} gQKqIll
ffrredh* tt fril fiq sd=qit
trqrqr:m{r tq: q,i dtq{fi wa: t
** ws* gngva<r&fr*qry,
6]66rqr: e,i iq: ffqr frq qt]=qt r
g{q* gp,fi.*g€ft ftfr gv, rt
t&rc solt q id fiii ss:F€it:I
g=e&ntftd\ ,l}di gtfi"q] gr: F€n:ll
qrq<tq,il tq, srq eri q1qqfaF€d:I
r{6(s qd qd figii frq s=qf r
q-{ gt: ga: gmi gWgqrtoqr tt
*qe Eq*itte] ngi\ q1qs.qt r
gnEtii\gQ&-.]g€fi* qgi{q, tt
ftae g e.i fri te: mdaq:ffiq:
q-{A$ Wfir} $fi-a} g€€,il tl
980 fiiltFwnqrt Adh.xvil.

I d{srqr* [

qf{*e qg{q} }q: 6fo61 F€ir: I

gw.* Ua'frtfr
ru: 1frrqf*'u*t'u
*fr*rq' e,i iq, m-qr{q {i rga' 1
fi-q"rrEniisurq.* u*1gffior: rl
€Fqr{n:fiqfiTfre, 5rtra.qili $(: I
frffiqgxr: gae*\ $rrfi dqrtl
ftaq {fbfr ad fi+ ffq gft F}rr:I
unq* .T{' *tq' qq.g-alrr{: gsl: ll
gfrre -sdid ftit *q {ft rqd' r
$i-* gofiq'gsd"+ {ft: ffi ,,
flgae q,i *+ sqfrt( s;qt t
*Fq1TqrqqlftFt;qqr rugqrtt1
tqer qmtlki fqgq ffq g'qt r
ffi"Sdgnngerr<diq{r' tl
iq€ c eq t* qu{q: q-+tHn:I
gqkRilil"qrtf yg*'uRat: g;q: tl
ftqe q qd ff+ t(, +fo+:F€a:I
ga,i'* gtfiepd'qr di: nrft tt
$q€ g sqi E* ftgi) *q e'qt t
ft'qTqngtfr q-Elfrq: gq: :rfi: lt
qstq eq t€l figq frq s"qf t
fiqftgt{sltgtqqtfi*rtr: 11
qTqed qq {qt N t( {fr rsd' t
gElqfiffiq-qfr'<t qq: sq: tt
sL q?-30 lfFEdsEqrq!

s$ tfr grqtlri rrffdt*i gtqrqrung*tlqrrt

{|i\ dt-qrnffi ffir wi qh *f*dters{ttt{ ll
Sloha 2'1. ln the €6tTcs(Savyachakra),the lotd
dfa Jeevais Mer'
k (Deha) is Venus and the lord of
cury in the caEe of the ?s (Chrkra) belonging
Miitr,tn",'fhula and Kumbha' With resPectto the
iAh;k;;i;ned by Kataka, Vrischika and Meena' the
iord, of dta lJeeva) and Q6(Deha) are respectively
Jupiterand the Moon.
qffifr qtoiqu*it a {wt ll qc lt
Stoha 28. When Mara,Saturn,the Sun and Rahu
death is
occupy tt (Deha)and sftq(Jeeva)separately'
to b.-f.rr.d' Of this there can be no doubt
severalof them occupytheseplaces'
tard qatri flqgfri q(frq{ |
ilrqt t*rrqliur €;qt ilr tqqr ll 1q ll
Sloku 29. The planet occupying the ta (Deha)
producesa dangerous;nalady while the one occupying
tf both the tt
ih. ,tru (Jeeva) brings on great riak'
(Deha) unu(Jeeva)bc occupied by the malefic pla'
the personconcernedbecomeca victim'
qtEffi q+rflrqlqruqfrftft t
qgtt{Rtrqqrffiffi ll 1o lt
Slofta 30, With two malefic planets in the
(Deha)or frq (Jeeva) there will be growing diseae;
with ihree of rhem,there oughtto besuddenor untime
ly death. when all the four are preaent,deathretc in.
982 qmwrfrcril Adh. XVII.

C{Gafif, a qrqrtsfrirQnI
et+qttisf dnqrn l? rr
sloaa 31. If ?a (Deha) and sfis (Jeeva)
be simul_
taneouell occupied.by a malefic planet,
there is danger
to be leared from the king, robb"., o, other
such aqency,
but if they be simultaneously occupied
by two malefic
planers,dearh will undotrbtedlyhappen.

qft-qrqrtfr fa{rq;} qaFHFtir{

qli {rquil ftq {ruiilqqili rt-ir
st rt
gft qtq€Fn wq g*sftqqn1ry( |
d wtq iiln arq nii ffi Fn{ n tt tl
Slokas 32-33. Damageby fire
will resulr when
the Sun ir in such a maleficposition. The
Moon in
the game position will cause injury by
will bring on hurt inflicted by a deadly
Y"rr i""pon
Mercury will producetroLrbledue to flatul.rr.",
in such an inauspicious position will cause
trolUi. in
the ctomach. Ventrs will bring on risk by f
ire; Saturn
p r o d u c e sc o l i c ; R a h u g i v e s b i r t h t c
a i l m e n t sd u e t o

HrilqrirldTdtEi Enqr;tqtts$crsI
q-c] rq*runftq! il 18 tt
wilseqrJ{qn: tfr Rlnqaqar t
gril {Twrrrr*e}
qr{iqf{Tilfrrrtsu l\ tl
f.t't qwrerFidiq{ flqgisrTinI
qTqstsftih&g{+ gsuffs{r( 1
iE tl \a

Sloha 34-1J6. .lupirer in rhe Brd house.

Mars in
sr. 37-38 gsqqtsqrqt
the ?th, Saturn i' the natal star, Rahu in the 9th house,
the Moon in the :th, the Sun in the l2th, Mercury in
the 7th and Vcnus in an inimical hotrse are eaehof
them c{qten;T (Maranastthana) or death occasioners.
When the planetwhicir is ihus cermedTT{orrqH (Marana-
stthana)is in conjunctior)with a maleficpla.et or aspect,
ed by one such or occupies an inimical or clepressicrn
houseor ie destitute of strength, the person concerned
comesto grief.

rrtafrqqoq tl
qEt sirft fiiiqrqficiqni
eili{eqflfiqnqiftqwgfr q r

swrf*ilrJ{ lt ls tl
Sl,,ku i7. The Sun, whcrr in ie (Deha) or cft-d
(Jeeva)causcsadversities of various sorts, loss
weaitit, disease, frrVsr, r isk f rom enemies, loss of one.s
placc,biliotrs affcctiorrs,sPlcen,diarrhoca,ct_lrrsumption,
of thc ,r.rr,rlg,lsll ol catcle.rrrd l.:inclrerj
tlisc,r.-*c and the
loss of brother or cithel Jt-arrclation-

qRrrqqqqg€ R{trcrTqsqq
( rai* qriig{ {gTgoftiiri-
€Hdi qggtqngd qftii lt lc tl
. 38. The Moon leads to association with
one'sown kith and kin culminating in the acquisition
c.i u virgin girl as ;t helpmatc; to healtlr, ornamentt,
luxuri...xrsapparel and respect in the land ; to acts of
984 (ft[ffi{A Adb. xvil.

gift and to the propitiation of Gode and Brahmins at

bathsin holy waters; to soft rePo$eand pleasantmeals.
Sur6tr6 firilqwrB+(-
Sft crquot qrdrfril{t{ t

Ssftr ll lq fl
Stoha 39. Mars in a bad position, produces
inflammationof the body, diseaseand dread of fire and
robbers,quarrel with kindred, death of a brother or
other dear relation, loss of land and treasure, falling off
in rank, policy leading to war, colic, piles, leprosy,
dangerfrom venomousreptiles and foemen.
cqwgfurtd ittqfri uqq q I
MlqrqqkftEqqifr qtaqr ll 8o ll
Sloka 40, Fever, amall,pox, biliousness, knotty
tumour, dangerfrom venomous reptilee, fire, wcapons,
robbers, foes and thc king should a wiae astrologer
predict in addition, with rcspectto Mars.
drqr {frfr gEilflqtqw{-
urii fitdqrgfu*fWq( il Bqrl
SloAa 41. Mercury securesthe favor of benevolenc,
trusty great men, a knowledge of worldly a{fairs, good
manoers,an insight into Vedas,phrlosophy and science;
the acquisition of wonen, progeny, wives, royal orna'
ments, kine, elepharrtsand horseg; thc irrcrcaEc of
diecernment,wealth, intellect and fame.
€€qislFlr 9E5
sL 48-44
------v----. - -'----'---'--

qiqrrtfr Aft'{rrlgdqedi
rqriiihrqftquKqarq{ |
drgl orrrgcqwrtilwnti
qrtrrdittftcri q qtqurq ll 81,ll
Stoka 42. Jupiter leadsto the many joys of afflu'
ence, eminent rank, coronation in the kingdom,
of a
esteem of kings and similar honors ; blessings
family life, ornaments, abundant food, wealth, health'
fame, victory and beneficence'
g$: $tfr tfrorqgs*rgiilA-

ftffiwtg*r{qNr{ll BQlt
Stoka 43. Venus secures sexual delight and
fine aiparel, wealth, cattle, vehiclee, gemsand
,rorr., ; musical concerts'dancing parties,lordly
ficence,good fame,great liberality and association
the virtuous.
q;<r $tR q-ct egUeqgg-
q;Eqffiqitftgqsq'i ilvtitl t
nr{ ualriufrqrftrqtiiinqr{ll 88 ll
Slohtt 44. Saturn brings about quarrels, ;'ir;sical
pain, death,affliction of rclativcs ; dreadof firc' er:*micg
ind ghosts, trouble from venomous reptilcs, Ioss ot
hon&, of wcalth, clf self respect; of wife, o{ children,
of homrcomforts, of agriculture,of trade and of cattle.
eE6 ftr6'{rftqt Adh.XVII
- *\ \. ^ ^
q ilq{tit dTnq 1 B\ tl
Sloka 45. An astrologer may predict
that when
Rahu occupiesia (Deha), the people concerned
annoyancefrom enemies, see their relations
in trouble,
have to take to a wandering life, are afflicted
with palsy
and have to fear dangerfrom their king.

Erii?i*;$il{t q ailiqr{i qruq{ n Bq tl
Sloha 4G. \l/hen Ketu occupiesta (Deha),rrou,
ble cropsup from thievcs, fire and bieeding,
lossof relations,loss.f pracearrdr,ss of wearth
res u lt .

lt {fr iatrmil{ rr
fl eted q!fi'EflT$"cTqll
oETqi[E{tFFrbiarip'i Tr€(g{{qI
|| Bs fl
gqti gli sri srqdqoq;qqr I
ilenTrq{qrg*glTg* gqriqu{ il Bc tl
eqrcgfhdq€{tq nqi}qt i
fiomxqrt C TrGrrrli ?q1qaqfr Bq tl
S{ilrGani q iqe iqqud qtq n \o tl
Slokas +7-SO. Ac the time the qrrqatr (Chakra_
riasa)of the Lagna is in progress,heaith of body,
lrappiness,acquisitio' t,f fame, orllaments, dominion
sl. 51-53 qgqtfrsrqqr e87

wealth, children, wives and apparel may be aonounced.

If tbe Lagna be in an auspicious sign, everything will
come off auspiciously; it will be otherwise when the
Lagna is in a malefic sign and also when occupied by a
malefic planet. When the Lagna being in a benefic
sign is also occupied by a benefic planet, the result will
be exceedinglyhappy. If the planet in the Lagna be in
its swakshetra,in its exaltation or in a friendly house
and the emqtrr(Chakradasa)of the Lagna be in pro-
gress,dominion, wealth and honor from the sovereign
will accrue. If, on the other hand, the planet in the
Lagnabe depressed,cclipsed, or in an inimical house,
there will be loss of children, wife and such other dear
objects; if the Lagna and its occupants be of a mixed
character,the astrologershould declare the effect to be
of a mixed nature.
if<ii.rtrfoq*;g uaw;qiiqdaqI
qlqi gd(rrdiikr.riZqtffiq n \l tl
flqrfi Er{qgi;iq q-dgqrirroqrr{{ |
grrd u.oii ailirTrq*$owqqTn \R ft
Slokt 5l-52. During the a;6q,rrr(Chakradasa) of
the 2nd Rasi may be expected increaseof wealth and
corn, good food, acquisition of children and wives,
lands, cattle, honor by the sovereign, attainment of
knowledge, eloquenceand amusementin good company
When the Rasi in question is auspicious, such gooo
effectas has been said above will follow: it will be
otherwise when the Rasi is malefic.

qwfrGqsofiiiq 6ia'f{ ra.iwlqu \Q lt
q88 tnmsrlt{ilRl Adh.xvtrI.

qqqnrikiqfr gqtrfi g,i l\( ll \u ll
S/ofras 53-54. When the qrn{m (Chakradasa)of
the 3rd Rasi ripens, it will be the good fortune of the
person concerned to enjoy much happinesa, to get in
abundancefruits edible and palatable,to display heroisrn,
firmoess and self-control,to be presentedwith ear-rings,
appareland neck-ornaments,to attain to dignity and to
possessfood, drink and other good things of life in
abundance. The astrologeris to announcegood effects
when the Rasi is good.
qcffirq{'s qft nditqur\l
tt \\ tl
{tflfi fl*qrrrRrr€ctmrf}rtEorrr
ftngR qakild f,rgerfr5itiharq.t
{r:U$rri\gR q T{firi {trg€q. ll \q ll
qrtqq{ort q grlftrrs{(q{qq I
grr{ fiT{ frsmqrq{ t*araaq ll \s ll
Siolas 35-57. Whenthe =rtrq?rr(Chakradasa)of
the 4th Rasi begins.to ripen, the person concerrnd will
get vehicles,ornaments,new lands in the frontier; make
pilgrimagesto sacredshrines and the like; obtain cons'
picuoushonor from his own community; cnjoy purity
cf the heart; engagein somegreatenterprise; be bless'
ed with wife and children; engaqe in agriculture;
acquire new friends and new landed properiy, new
housee; derive much happiness; commandgood health,
reEourcesand articles of the toilette such as perfumes,
we4ring appareland ornaments. The good things the
astrologeris to divine when the Rasi is good; but all
this will be aboent when the Rasi is bad.
S1.63-63 n$q*stcrq: 989

g{${vtilr* qh rrcqrlfi flsrqcrlq I

6tgarffiqadiqrfu4rgqiqurqll \c ll
sTqili qotorri qta;ErGqqtiqqqt
sqq&qqqift qrtarrd{Worqll \1 i;
g,rrrrefwui qaq'rqrfis{qq.
tiqdrd'rr* qrurft qEEgftqll Q" ll
Slotas 58-60. During the ar'"{tr (Chakradasa)o1
the 5th Rasi may be had kingship,honor by the sove-
reign, acquisition of wives and children, exceeding
,,rf,ility, *ound health, the cherishing of relatives, dis-
pensingof food, acqttirementof fame,jubilee and great
prorp.riry, beneficence,attainmentof wealth, vehicles
*."iing appareland ornlments' The astrologershould
as befoie apportion the effects properly accordingas
they are due to malefic or benefic RTsis and the presence
in them or aspectof them by rnaleficor benefic planets.
He is to add loss of plact:t'r positirln when thc Rasi is
a moveableone.
qtq $8triiq qfiqr*sfl,i qqq t
airriiiivqqtffiqnari qagqq.ll lt tt
qiageqqug r?mufiqqi+rq I
qqatffisoxdgffi;gitawr\ ll qRll
q;wi iqrronit ruqOftF{dsrs..
$q{ qo+i qrf}q{ qiTrlt tl Ql tt
SJo*a.s6l-63. Dtrring tire ripening of the ?*{f,t
(Chakradasa)of the 6th liasi, the person coocerned has
to apprehend danger from fire, trouble froro thieves'
from enem-bs,from poiso.n, frorq the sovereign, loss
firilsqrtqtt Adh. XVIr.
place,great risk due to gonorrhoea, colic, jaundice
kindredailments, dia*hoea and consumption, ill,fame,
loss of wives, wealth, childrenand relatives, captivity,
being put in irons, ha.rassmenton a.ccountof debts and
poverty. These will be the effects when the Rasi is
malefic. The effect will be mixcd when rhe 6th Rasi
is benefic.

ncreihqnq qiiqTi irrrr6:I

digq gzorli q u(Rqgsrftr.qu qs tl
aRninwqvrfii qrq\Fi q€'Er{:
gqildi qo qei girfrnq{fvttt qq rr
Slolas 64-55. During rhc ripening oi the q$E{rr
(chakradasa)of the 7th Rasi may be expecced
the joy with a weddcd consorr; the birrh ,rf u .oo,
pleasures of the tablc-such as ghee, dhal
and sugar;
successin agriculturt:,acquisition of cattle, elephants
and ornaments, hon,tr by the sovercign and great
rcnown. when thc Tth Rasi is beneficand is occupierJ
by a benefic planer, the gord cffecrs spoken 'f
surely follow.

EgqT(tttisd qEq:dqmrqq t
amr;rrfir;qrr{ig+rqrfifr$Tqn €.Qrr
qft r{qqi}avqqrirrEqt$'{qI
qrq{'wq{{rir notq iiiarti,il. l q\etl
S/o&cs66-67. During the arqm (Chakradasa)
the 8th Rasi there will be much misery, wasteof wealth,
loss of place,loss of relations.griping pain in the privi_
ties and the stomach, poverty, famine and dange,
anlenemy. These effects tl-re astrologer may aonounce
sr. 68-72 {r8Eqfrstr[rqr

when the Rasi is mrlefic and occuoied bv a malefic

grrqirEqtr*rtrrqd iTqii rEq I
griux*orrriui\duaqqqq"tr q. II
ginrfi gri qi qrrilrfufiqdq:u qq tl
S/oAas68 69. Whcn the axqnr (Chakradasa)of
the 8th Rasi sets in, good will certainly result-via.
children, friends, wivcs, wealth, agriculture. cattle,
houses,ornaments,:rccomplishmentof good works and
charity ; thc securingo{ aclherentsamongrnenconnect-
cd with thc gre;rr men in power. All rhis will accrue
when the Rasi is propitious. It u,ill be otherwise
when the Rasi is rnalefic.
i[qqTEtt1516{rGqTi[?q(q?q I
t ' \

mqtffiqngiliqq;g{Sf qAT.q{qn so ;p
qr{HGi{qrtwi nirgqr isrd{n(r;rqI
€F[qT,OqaIztTiT{IdtrE{aqt ll ul 11
Slofta.s70--71 When the sxEar (Chakradasa)of
the Rasi of the 10rh bhavais in progressand when that
Rasi is propitious, rhe following goodthings may be
predicted by :r, competent astrologer*acquisitionof a
kingdom,honor by a king, qood fame,greacrejoicing in
the society of one's wives, children and relatives,pos-
sessionof authority, sound health, pleasarrtrecreaticns
in companywith good people, the fruit of good works
and supremacy.
qaretnrnqlun t
iqiqaqrnrqqd oqa tt \eRll
992 fitffiqrftrril Adb.xvn.

xqrqmfr grtq,I
uqffi qaiqsiffi{F( g,rici ll \el l)
S/oftas 72-73. During the ss-qdn(Chakradasa) of
the Rasi of the llth bhava, the pers)n concerned will
come into possessionof money, health, ornlsents and
have an accession of varied property and household
furniture. good planets appear in the Rasi in
questicn, the astrologers declare there will be, as the
reeult hereof, comfort and happiness securedto the
females,the children and the relatives, return from re'
productive investments,real prosperity, royal favor and
good fellowship.
6qqqT({rqri iarffi qq(Egft{ |
=inrfttqfiqriirgdi{{dieau_usB tl
ErftEit{i*a'i flqlii g ;t {ttq: ll \${ ll
SJofrus74-75. When the qxqm of the Rasi of thc
12th bhava is in progress and when that Rasi
to be malefc, the followirtg evils may without doubt
crop up-bodily suffering, loss of place,encormterwith
nobibers,fire, royai diepleasure and the like I ffsuble
hom relatives from women and from tlre king ; obatruc'
tion of activity, lassittrde, loss in agriculture, in csule
and in lands; poverty and watrt of occupation.

il {fr qsEttTsCIqll
€ili(il(ttr;iilai wflai q,o{iEir{ |
t'ffiqr fitq'tsin iqirqrq"qisgaril rgqtr
Sloka Tti. S/e have thus stated the effect of the
bhavasfrom the Lagna to the twelfth (both inclusive)'
sr.?7-8r q(qd$rilt 993

speciallypointed out.
aqilda{i{q qqrqffi q'hqk t
rrfr* qogt<imfqreqrfrtt se ll
ffi gt& Kftfr n--grieiq t
qofisft?tqQifrqrfiftts( ll rgcll
q$sqaqqqtl qrq{rrkftfut t
eqlfu\ e q{i {d fu $€c-.ll\eqll
S/ofras77-'lg. In accordance with the strengthof
the planetowning a particular Rasi under consideration
st o,rld the astrologer use suitably the rule enunciated;
when the lord o{ thc Rasi in question is possessed of
strength occupying a varga belonging to its exaltation
hourq to a friendly sign or to itself and when the asso'
ciated planetsare friendly and thc aspectingones
the gooJ effects statedalready may be announced'
*h"n thc lord of tl-rellaei has no strenqtli bcing in
depression,in an inimical houscor cciipsedby the Sun's
.rf, o. when it occupiesthc 6tir, tl'r'riith clr the l?th
bhava.rndthc aspectinqplanctsard nrilcflc or unfrienciiy
-when such is at birth the st;ttt:ol the planet owning
the Rasi under consideration---th,-r cffcct produccd by it
will be pain{ul.
mi aqitgqiqt gd mgq{ uoqt
qfuqq q(i aFi qiq.qn?iqlsqr{ll eo ll
qftqq qilfilfli ffigfiqsai gqq I
qii i{Ggui frt{ sodq q t{qt ll el tt
by a Rasi is of
S/o&as80-81. The effectproduced
{rcscrRqre Adb. xvn.
two sorts: bad as well as good. If the lord of the Rasi
be without strength, the person concerned will suffer
the evil effects. If the planet owning the Rasi predo,
minate in strength, the effect of the Rasi will be good ;
and if the Rasi be capableof producing good as well as
evil, while its lord continues predominant,the good
will undoubtedly come to pass.

slfti qtnfrQ qrnrriutsii il |

qffi{Is,i qm iiiuq$T{Eq. n a1 11
Sloha t2. If the lord of the Rasireferredto in the
precedingslokas be in a movaablesign or occupy a
Navamsa owned by ; moveablesign and if the iloqx
be that producedby a moveablesign, the
person concernedwill haveto go to a foreigncountry.
qt{{* ilil t{ qarsiw{qi qfr r
Rt{rrqi ErsiiRramTridfiftfit{ ft cl fl
Siotc 83. In thc casc-advcrteclr,r in thc preced_
ing sloka,rhe repairingto a foreigncouncrywill continue
as long as the ar (Chakrr) in question lasts. If one,
and not both, of the abov: conditions have the charac*
terigtic of movability, the astrologershould decidethe
question of the person concernedgoirrg to a foreign
country or being in his native placejust as the balance
of forces tends to the one or to the other.

tilqrt q qiqifi mqiqlt q q<no{ |

$Ofl',lrfit' qeRql;fG1;tiq qrqO{ ll <B ll
q?itt ilqdtqr* qr;flit q qi$o{ |
ilq{rdig mfiiF gllqt\qqtqrQtt d\ tl
sL 84-gg+ tlt({ItsrlTr4r 995

fffis qtfth ilETUrt

q*{ftftr r
ililftqrffit Ueitqr frqtaqsn cq n
Sloka 84-S6. Planetary.ff..cJ*hich it is possible
to foretell have been described, sorneof them in the
s{ruqrq (SangnyaSdhyaya)I e. in the chaprer on Defi-
nitions, Adhyayas t & Z), some in the chapreron oci
dta (KarmaAjeeva-Adhyayal5), somein thai treatins
the edr?rq (Asraya) yogas (Adhyaya T), and some in
connection with the particular positions of planets
(Adhyaya 8), with the Rajayoga,Chandrayoga,Nabha,
sa yogas(Adhyaya ?) and the like, and alsogomeas due
to good and bad aspectsand to the combinationsin one
and the samebhava of two or more planets. An intel,
ligent astrologershould,by a dueexerciseof his faculties,
consider well these plandtar.ye{fectsas they have been
describedby ancient sagesand utilise them for making
his predictions in connectionwith the ifirqsrq{r (Kala",
chakradasa ).

@n1rl* g q,n\;qq Efrur{|

qq ili{* ild ftfitq ir .o rr
q.i il fiqS Ersfi{rqftelqrrfrqsI
{rsf\eRn{iifififiiE n c4,tl
qqlGuqrdqqtqi sofi€rr{ |
Sly&as87-83+. Lay our upon the floor a diagram
rf the qiqrqam(D;rkshinaCliakra) which begins *irr,
deshaand ends with Mecna. Draw arso a'other dia,
lram on the ground, of thc strrqs lUttara Chakra)
rcginning with Vrischika and endirrg with Dhal
rus in th: reverseorder. Success
or failure and whether
qrilTcrRqrt Adh.xvII

can ascertain as pointed out by the Rasis and the
planets in a horoscope according to their strength.
Every body can have such things foretold in respectto
his life in the way that has been pointed out.

sroqfirrft*qriii\m t{qRftr ll cq ll
qrdqrrqdiq g8i,rqqd ffn I
ft{rqdwi;TIrr gnlrlm rriq ll io ll
S/oAas 89-90' The progress of 'steq* (Kalachakra
wheel of time) has beenascertained by encient sagesto
take placein three ways-(1) liqq'trlcn(Mandukagamana)
a frog's leap; (2 ) 1ud'ruua(Prishtatogamana)a going
backward in view to the sarnemovement; (3) ihersa;i$i
(Simhavalokana)the glancingof a lion which consistsin
returning by the way traversedalready.

sBil qqt iq qi**qftoilrqitt

ffisqiqrqiq'frr hqfrqftr ll ql tl
ffi"{sffir fkglqqi{ogfi qftl t
Slofrr.s9l-9i l. Ihe s,:cond of the three move,
m i : n t sm e n t i o u c Ji n t l r c p r c v i o u ss i o k ao c c u r si n r e s p e c t
to the signs KatakaanCSimha, The third, r.e.,fharadr-
*a is a direct passagcbetween Meena and Vrischika, as
alsobetwecnDhanusand M,:shacither way. The frog's
leap is the dircct passagebetwccn Karrya and Kataka,
as well as Simha and Mithuna (avoiding in each case
the intermediatesien).
ll qR tl
frHqolurqi cq11ftaffiHru;Tq
raguqlRqniq wnsnifiqt{ |
sl. 9r-96 ilrqrtqrrt 997

qt il qet qt frroilftsi Tq{ ll qi ll

qremrct ilsR E{Ibfirfrt qft t
S/ofras 92-93+. At the time of 1ftfr6re-dc'a(Sinha'
valokana), aetrologerEEay,there will be suffering caured
by fever, loss of place, of a loving relation or other such
frerson,distress to personshaving the samestatus aEthc
owner of the horoscopein the family, accident in water
such as falling in a well, danger from poisotl, fire of
some deadly weapon, and being thrown from a vehicle.
Alt this is likely to happen when the ftilc-drm (Simha'
valokana) is synchronous with the qarb4(Daoachidra),
f. e. the dasa period, bhukti, apahara, etc. of an illplaced
nalefic planet (uide next sloka).

Etrcalqtwqtqtq E{rrqfr n qBtl

qnfufifr il{t TfiF( ftff{er I
Sloha 94*. term eqrrfua(Dasachidra),aetrolo,
gers srY, is applied to a period when the dasa of a
mal:fic, eclipsed, depressedor ill-placed planeg is in
qtrt,{rft*{il{q\ woi grir tf q\ tl
itfrqt itqrrqrfte{tirilihn{f*q t
Sloha 93L. At the time a ccqdrlc?r(Mandukagama,
na) occurs, the death of a revered person or of one'c
parentsmay happen; or there may be danger from
poison, deadly weapons, f ire, fever or incendiary
quqs€qiq6t s{Hqn{tsq il qq rf
SJoAa 96. If the qqRitrr{n (Mandukagamana)referg
to a €Eqs:6(Savyachakra),there will be distress to per-
q|tsqrft-{re Adh XVII.

sonsin the family holding equal status with the owner

of the horoscope.
ffignqq'q* qqfturqdttq I
qwtwfrfr q diqntr.tqq.;1\u ll
Sloka 97. When the wq+nil (Mandukagaci) is
between Simha and Mithuna the astrologermay predict
the deathof the mother or of the person concernecl,a
complicatedfevcr or dangerfrom a liing or {oemcn.
qa it6rqo\* A qgqtsqqfrqq^|
gisfr.rqi qEt q{qt;rrT${q!ll q4 ll
itgqwnlroarilruqHg iil €i(! |

Sloka 98-93'. ln a fkqradr+'(Simhavaloka) having

reference to a qElrqis(Srvya chakra), the evil cropping
up will be danger from a quadruped or fire. When
there is a gusmna (Prishtatogamana)in a q64qr (Savya
chakra),there wilI be loss of wealth, grain and cattle,
diseaseor deathoi a fathcr, or thc demise of persons
of equalstanding.
r{oRsrrqiqr} qiigarffiqRqqq
ll \o. ll
ilqcEtqr{ildit qq;gfttriiq{ |
fkrqdrqi qft qraqriitq{itr ll too ll
Slolras99-100. On thc other hand, when the qx
(Chakra) is edqs;r(Apasavya) and thcre is a wq*gii
(Mandukapluthr),it may occasionilln:ss and trouble to
the wife or children of the personconcernedor a severe
fever to himself, or dang.:rfrom a beastor an enemy' or
loss of place. If there b: a f&ar+oirt (Simhavalokana)in
an qqq€4s:n(Apacavyachakra). the evil to be dreaded
may be loss of place or the death of the person's father.
sl. 101-104 Q8qdsrqmr 909

sgfr.rqdilsfr q€frft qE;gft(|

qi(lt lot tl
ftgftt {qfti{ S.rtwqrni
Sloku lO7. if there be a gud'rrrea(prishtathogama-
na) in an srqtr6rqx(Apasavyachakra),the astrologermay
predict an accident in water, Ioss of place,loss of father.
the incurring thc displeasureof a sovereign and the
person'shaving to betakein consequenceto an inacces-
sible jungle.

rraq?hq?.tl rl
qdTrfturigw: rEqiletnilr ft I
"R ff
t 0 Z . T h e s t a r sA s w i n i , K r i t t i k a , p u n a r v a s u ,
Aslesha,i'l.rsta,Ilevari, Moola. Purvaproshtapada,
rashrdaand Swati conf..rrm, as th.. sagessry, to the firsr
four of the forrnulasfor the quqq* (Savyachakra.
l\erRgwr inofiXl[vr];4qi]1q1u.I
{IaiTqtrFetEmqrftq€ri?sqfi r?glu t"i tl
Slohu i0J. The l;rstfour of the formulas for
€€{qr (Savyachakra)appiy in their order to
the four
Padas of the stars c)hirrra, uttarabhadrapadrBharani
' -----'
P u r v a s h a d haan d P u s h y ; r .
qtrar qHt qriiqgsqqil toB tl
sloAri r04- The first four of the formuras
for the
a{q€6qqs(Apasavyachakra)are apoiicableto the
Visakha,Rohini, Makhaand Sravana.
1000 rcrqrfurr Adh.xvu

q?ilft {Fqr-.qqrd{qTfrqi{rR qd$rdft qqt ll

Sloha 105. ThestarsSathabishak, Anuradha'Jyesh'
ta, Mrigagira,Sravistha,Uttara phalguni,Purvaphalguni
and Ardra conform to the last four formulasfor the
qrrs.{!:E ( A pasavYachakra)'
I qq (|6qq$q|itqtlit ll

frttrrfrqlilet\qt ll t ll iafiIfiq*grqr ll q ll
q+ruftqFrqsq.ll1 ll qFrtqet qftq{rq. ll I ll
q ll E ll
tq{qrrtnqrq.ll \ ll $ilffiqtff
gfraarvr ftar 11u ll qrqHn* agFtftlll4 ll
il qq1qq6{qr+ffi tt

qihqrrsftq ll t ll mur€gffimr ll R ll
qfr{Tfkrwmtq.tt 1 tt *frttlihrtqrqa ll I ll
rgffift(tftiliq tt q tt firugwer{rtr ll q ll
.r\qt{rffi8i u s ll ffiilf;Ift{r ll d ll
to their
Astrologersare divided into two schools according
One class explain that each
manner of applying these formulas'
a particular type and gives
formula applies to a nakshatra'pada of
comp:sing the entire life repre-
the order of the Rasi-mahaclasas
and that the subsidiary portions of
sented by the nakshatra'pada
Rasis mentioned in the formula.
*"t, R."i.*ahadasa belong to the
that each formula is
The aslyologersof the other class say
of tbe Rasi owning the corres'
concerned only with the mahadasa
rule indicate the order and the
and the letters in the mnemonic
of the subsidiary periods of the mahadasain
iroportion"te lengths
such Rasi-malradasas
qourtion i and that a life consists of several
order of the nakshatra-padas'
fottowing oue another in the natural
sl. 105 ss{ftmt 1001

the initial rrlahedasa being that of the quarter asterism occupied

by the Moon in theilhoroscopeunder examination.
An illustration will make the whole thing clear. Talie for
irrstance the case of the horoscopt given in page 237 sdlrfd.
Moon's position is 9 :igns, 14 degrees, 29 minutes, 39
seconds. These when reducedto rninutes give 17,069'65. Divi.
ding this by 800 (the number of minutes of a star), we get 2l stars
and 269'65 minutes. Ihe person was born after 169'65 minutes
had passed in the 22nd star acz, Tqq (Sravaua) ld. e. after
69'65 minutes had passedin the 2ud quarter of the star, and the
llasFbwning this nakshatra.pada is Tula in the Apasavya chakra.
The mnemonic formulalcorresponding to this padais arqRagfrlt-.lvt
which when translated into figures will become 6-7-8-12-11
10-9-8-7. According to the lirst school 83 years or
200 "
28'90+75 years having expired before birth, about 3 years of Vris.
chika Kuja d^sa (qia65s({n) still remain to be passedat the time
of birth of the person concerned. The rnahadasathat follows
next will be that of Sc-gt, then $uAfr<rJr, q{11ffit{r, qEfe.(tft,
qf*mssiitr and gor{fmtqrr follow in their order. fhe sub-
sidiary portions of each of these mahadasasbelong to these 9 Rasis.
e. /., the bhuktis of the l0 years of {trgnttr will be (l) {rrgt
g 3x. l 0 y e a r s; (, .2\, gj _i r.T- _ .^4x l0 " \) *q_d_w_l ;.I^ 4' x l 0
illa y e a r s ; (, 3
J: ;rj Vears;
(+) q-g,jr years; (si ziaq,T', years; (6)gdqgn
%l! lrln
1 6x l 0 g x 16
/ /r {_q- l_$-t_T. _ - U , - y c a r s ; ( 8 ) g o r g * t 6 x 1 0
y e a r s ; (/ _
83 --
years ; and (9) lie*r,$',1t{f ,."rr. Sinrilarly for the other dasas.
Thc secondschool will nraintain that the initial mab.adasa
the horoscope under reference is that of Eotgm out of whicb
tffi * 16 or 5'57 years baving elapsed already, there is still
l0'43 years to be,passedand the mahadasasto follow are those of
q,.-4lgq,f.l€(h, ih4{Tq, fhTagq,
Zcqgm and so on. The order of
the subsidiary periods in each mabadasais that of tbe Rasis of tbe
I c t t e r s i n t h e c o r r e s p o r l d i o gf o r * r u l a ; e . g . t h e b h u k t i s o f t h c 5
1002 rRfrffi Adh.xvil.

years of fk€{+fin of the horoscope under reference will be (l)

,fitc{ T# years;(2)}q-s-q
ffi ,"orr' (3)Ec,rgs
qxs ^5x5 , - , _+etqq 2 11 5
_ - - -100
(a) lqgq-g{ v"".r; (5) kfia=1jj r"tts; (6)
years;(z)wqrgqffi ,.rrr; (a)gora* t.rqfi!,""r. and (9)
^ 7x5
faffiOs v""rr. The astrologers of Southern India belong
to this latter class.
r'iry< in his qoPiil\+t refers to both the schools in the two
following slokas :
eeGlnnlalfi qrqtql{qTftql;rrafiqR'ilft|
tqi atftq q{tTqrp'ql qrr{tfirisrFqft *fiqrg: 11
There are a number of formulas each composed of a number
of moemonic syllables referring to the several nakshatra'padas
beginningwith the lst pada of Aswini and giving Rasis in a cer-
tain order. It is with referenceto the order of Rasis in these
formulas that the Rasi-rnahadasasof which a life is to consi:;t
should be determined. The qFFImq(Vakva Krama), nten t'f t'rnt'
school say, should be adhered to.
Kl q{r arqfiq{qt;ttI
faqratqif'q'{ qdqlg{lql:ll
.fhe initial rnahaclasaof a life belongs to the lord of the Iiasr

owning the nakshatra-padaoccupiedby the N'loclnat the time of

birth, being so tnuch of the liasi'mahadztsaas correspondsto the
ghatikasthat yet remain of the nakshatra-padaand the order of the
mahadasas follows the natural order of the nakshatra-padas
reckoned from the aforesaid one. This is the opiuioo, say the
sages,held bY the other school.

$dit{t{rql ffiii*-irs{I6qq i I
rrrftqiqTtYfr{{q ll I oQll
Sloka106. 5, 21,7,9,10, 16 and 4 are the years
respectivelyof the 7 planets reckoned from the Sun.
The yean of tlre signs corresPond to the years of their
st 10?-109 a(qdsrqrq: r003

il sr'(zrifiq. tl
<qt q{Fq{goqiwtgrteqqr *( |
oeqqril&ntqr q{fl{Ftri{*rr ( os !l
Sloha 107. The period of antardasaof a planet in a
rrtrfirr (Mahadasa)is found out by multiplying the iatter
by the number of yearsassignedto the planetand divid-
ing the product by the number of years constituting
the entire Ayus cf the Chakra. The result will consist
of years,monttrs,days &c.
qinnail uffirq{r6tkEr irqilfhqnrgrfttni
sr6(rrrr{Tr grafliil gs€fr{r6{ltTgl lt
Sto&n 108. The years assigned to the lord of the
main Chakra dasa should be multiplied into the years
for the lord of the Rasi whereof the bhukti in the main
dasa is required. The product is to be divided by the
maximum life-period for the particular Navamsa to
which the ;Froqln(Kalachakra) belongs. The result in
the form of years, months, days and ghatikas represents
the bhukti required- it is said in this connectionthat
ttre lords of g;vra (Dustthana) produce abundance of
misery and illness.

*ci qar(tqiid'qtlcir Woq ilil;ililql il{r I

^ \ \ Co Qa

SqqRfrl rtqlg(atqd {rlFd{ftrili q16"q1sll I "q ll

Sloha 109. "I he subdivisions (watqt:-antaraJaha)of
a eubpericd (bhukti or antardasatreatedin its turn aEE
whole) are to be obtainedby multiplying the number of
days composing the particular bhukti chosen by the
number of years of the mahadasa of the planet whoge
antara is required, and dividiug the product by th
I004 acnfiil* Adh.xvlr.
figure representiog the orxinum Ayus in years for the
quarter abterism concerned. The quotient will be in
dayr etc. In this way, the big, small and smallerclivi,
sions of a planetary period styled Dasa, Antarclasa,
Antara and Vidasa may be obtained.

ffimr ilqri dr €l rq?dr ser{|

ntr egov(fu qqnEflso{n t l, tl
SJofr:rI l0 What is called qqq{gtrr(Sukshmadasa),
j. c.the subdivisions of a nr{? (Nakshatra)
or Kala,
chakraantaracan be obtainedby multiplying the figures
in Vighatikas of the antara in question into the number
of years of the mahadasaof the planets sev:rally and
dividing the producr by the number of yearsof the
maximum Ayus appropriateto the particular Kalachakra
or nakshatra.padaunder consideration.
ilFrffiqirRrfl $il qwg6qqqrftftTtt I
qfrqrhqR{&fuil}( nt t ttl
Mgorrf <r'nirEr
G *mqasqqrtqilqffiil wffiqrffi
wciilss{nqf ll
Slofta 111. When the pakaof a planetin the dasa,
antardasa,etc. of another planet ir required, multipty
the number representing the years of the mahadalaof
tlp former into the figure denoting the yearst months,
days etc. of the latter and divide the product by the
fixed number oi years for the maximum Ayus. The
guotient *ilt b" the paka required This rule is to be
applied in the caee of el'ery paka that has to be found
Thus ends &c.
cTRr[rTrft :
u q{Faturtqrq,ll
AdhyaYa XVIII.

Oli Dls,rs -rxtr ANTTRDASAS'

qqrg*ur n,oqEF(girEn qngi{rg{ q( t

ut qu,qsttq q$ \t qqr itnrdf E{rn{ ll ll
Slola 1. Sagessay that good and evil cometo a
personborn in this world in accordancewith the good
and b.rd dagaire has to passthrough, I quote faithfully
the ecsenceol whrt the sageshave said, and treat of the
distinction between good and evil in a dasaas diffusely
as I can.
{org€furqql it qirf irqrgilistEilgttt I
qfls$r t{st T{rurtqorigiliorq{il f{{FIs ll t lt
S/oArl 2. A person attains to a voga good or bad
exactly in accordance with the strength of planetary
pocitions ; and the cbaracterof the dasa that he will
L*re is dependenton the character of the yoga; and all
that men experience in the world is comprehendedin
the good and evil cropping up in ttre dasas; and the
dlatiib,rtion of this good and evil should be declared
ruitably to the conditions of the four castes'
rit Sfdflcns'l
r000 rrtt$qnwrTil AdtL XVIIL

ffiru fraqqtilewqfr-q-
tililrGqm,flffi"qts tt l tl
Sloha 3. Count the etarsfrom Krittika in groups
of nine. The planets presiding over the dasaebelong-
ing to the nine srars composing each group are reEpec-
tiveiy the Sun,the.Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter,Sarurn,
Mercury, Ketu and Venus respectively and their years
a r e6 , 1 0 , ? , 1 8 , l F , 1 9 , I 7 , 7 a n d 2 0 .
q{q+flan r t
ffirit+rilqqm rqirnl qEfr'1ff6qqqqEn(gs ilBtl
Sloha 4. Planets prove propitious when they
have predorninant strength, in their progress towards
exaltation,when they have more than the averagenum.
ber of benefic dots correspondingly with the bhavas
they dominaterwhen they occupy the l0th, the I Ith and
the first bhavas; when they have attained to exaltation
and other benefic vargas and lastly rviren they posress
six-fold strength.
ffi<rfrrqitqdlq{qrrrr ercqf+9fr$fiqqilr!
nfrrsilqoqqrtEfisilf n \ tr
Sloku 5. But planetsproduce evil when ( l) they
own the Rasi occupiedbv Mandi; (2) they occupythe
bhavagcontainingMandi; (3) they are asgociated with
fewer than the average er
numt of benefic dots ; (a) they
are in inimical, depressedor eclipsedsigns ; (5) they are
in a rrrEsFt (bhava sandhi) or associated with malefic
planets; and lastly when they occupl' portions of Rasi,
Sandhi (which have been termedinauspicioua).
For the ternr {l{HFq (bhava-sendhi), see Sripatipaddhati,
sl. 6-8 rtEtqdsqtqr 1007

Adhyaya I, Sloka 8.
qilqii*rllfr qfr eq fir<twE{tqlr e{q I
mqfi{ritqq ffig{fl of 9,il' il gqil Etn il llqll
Stoka 6. Ascertain the Lrgna or the rising sign
at the time of commencement of a dasa' If the lord
thereof be in this Lagna or in the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th
or the llth house from it, or if the Lagna be included
in the emf lSaptavarga)o[ the lord of the dasa, i' c' iI
the rising sign, hora, drekkana,saPtamEa, navamsa,dwa'
dasamsa or trimsamsabe owned by the lord of the daea
or i[ a friendly planet or a benefic one be in the Lagna,
the dasawill prove ausPicious.
v i d , ei n f r a . s l o k a 1 4 .
f ' h i : ; ; i u r l t h t : n e x t I r v e s l o k a s l r ; . t v eb e e t tt a k e t r l r o t r t S r i p a t i '
qqfqrlqq g€B{q{ilgq.fr qtsqEtrrftirefq I
{Riffiuilqqqfukqcqrft q;frs€g {Rsorftll e ll
Slctho T. Moon produces beneficial effects
when in the houseo[ a friend of the lord of the dasaI
or in the exaltation hou.se of the lattcr or in the ?th
houae,a houseor in any one of the scec (Upa-
chaya) houseswith referenceto the qtttanr(Daeanathha).
(atde inf ra, sloka 14.)

sts fli{s qilQIiqq}:s t{rE:

miliii :t{Ftt
dsrqaftuqtemiNql ll c ll
Sloka 8. In the favorable positions mentioned
tu the previous sloka, the Rasi occupiedby the Moon
1008 urdqr{rltni Adh.xylr,
*"ld r-r.*t,
Wealth, etc.,at the time of birth. Thc Moon in one
gf these favorablepositions promotes prosperity in
respectto the bhava representedby the Rasi oCcupied.
In the unfavourablepositions,the bhavarepresented
the Rasi(occupiedby the Moon) suffersdamage.
qrn{+tqu€G{ORqqdlqrrogilqt{i)r r
m;qfu'gGgqrgqr€{fu q*smqrffiR tf q tl
Sloha 9. What has been described by the an-
cients such as srr€ickr (Varahamihira) as the effect of
the Moon being in his own house or thar of other pla-
nets should be mentioned in this connection. For it is
the Moon that producesgood and evil to be experienced
in the form cf mental srareo(pleasureand pain).
sinfudR qwu qt gqri*t*issmi ft qw(r
tirgiliur ffirg ilawiqr{kilqmg{ g{ a n I o tf
S/oAa 10. The good and evil to be experienced
by men in the dasas or planetary periods should be
deterrnined in accordancewith the qe (Ishta) and ru
(Kashta) of the planet who is the lord of the daeaas
wotked out previously (aitre eftcRcqft (sripatipaddhati)
Adhyaya4, sloka 4).

qftuedfi grriegd nor;lftur;qurircued

w& g rQerrQ
sorft qil sdr i{ qMiqt tl
Sloia i l. Men experiencegood when the
(Ishta)portionof a planet'sinfluenceis greatly
in .*..s,
gf the +u (Kashta)portion. But when ih" lrir., i, pr",
dominant,evil has to be mostly suffered. n", *i..
the {r (lshta) and +u (Kashta)are even,the effectsare
orgrqqlsdl*t 1009
sl. 12
ptanetary influence
of a mixed kind. In alt casesthe
rhould thus be interPreted'
sq\fie '{q T+qGuqI
kt';qrt qe qqg'rgrfi
qrr{milds+iiat q ffiffi{ ilq irc{ E{rq.nlltlll
is mentionedas
Sloho 12. Wha'tever substance
on Definitions)
belonging to a planet in the (ch;rpter
q6cwr+-Brihatjataka Adh'
t*oio iS"ngn"an y avt. t:t i d e
20)' and what'
lI, sloka 12 aLo ';tr.-ttt.Adhyaya II sloka
a planet in the
ever catling is declared appropriate to
Adh,' X'
chapter on*Profession (aiii 1' w'-Brihatjataka
sloka I etc. also er.cr. AdhyayaXV,slokas'13-50)'
the presenceof
ever has been spokenof as'the e{fecto[
XVIII-1 etc'
planetsin bhavas (ui'Je1' wr' XK'1, etc'
*'or' VIII'slokas 3C-ll7) anclo[ their being aseoci-
"l*o and of their
ated witir or aspected by otlrcr planets'
yogas)' all this
combinations o[ yogas (exceptNabhasa
in their
must bc duly assign.d to the planetsconcerned
several dasas.
qrrqi qqqlQilfififq+il*g qq{tqn
{qldtqfiofqaqsfit q*{R;ar
\ \\
ft* r
qrifrrRqrqifi sa qFq qln{ft( ll
This as rvell lrs tlttr ttcxt tw{J slol'its ttrc fr'-rttt
o[ any plaoett
ln predicting the several eflects of the dasa
orrll' whrtt has
Varahanrihirasays that it lvill not clo to nrenlion
plr'rLicular l'rlattct
been describcd to lxrppeu in the daserof tlrat
functionirrg as
well , of the planet, viz., its influencedue to its
1010 Etilulrft{ft Adh.xvtn.

in tbe rasi occupied,to its assocration with other planets, to ths

bencfic dots obtained in its Ashtakavarga, to its occupation of any
particular decanate, Navamsa and orher vargas,
etc. Ari these
eflects will also havc to i.,e suitlrbl). atltleclon. Thc
constitueot of the I(alapuruslra reprcscnterl L,l, tlrc planet, tlte
p o l i t i c a l g r ' d e t 1 ' p i i i c dl ^ , i t , t b r ;
l r a r t i c u l i l r r . o l , u r a s c r i b e dt o i t ,
t h c s u b s t a n . c t y D i t l r r r l ,r ' e g e t a b l om , incral arrrl arriural kingdol'
r e p r e s e n t eb d y i t , t h c p r e c i o u ss t o n c t v p r f i e db y i t , t h e a r t i c l e
apparel, thc cor:stituent eleruent of the body represented
by it;
the particular flavor ascribecr to it, trre efiects crue to ail these
have to be 6ttingiy brought in during the dasa of the planet
consideration. l-or instance, in the sun's <rasa,shourd the
be ausl:iciousin thc narivity, royal favour, self satisfaction,
s i t i o n o f r e d s u i r s t a n c c s ,o f c o p p c r : r u t l t h c l i l i e , c q 1 1 1 p a n y
peopie of the ['.slratriv' r'aste, the ,1u.rlit5'of possessio'
o f g o o d r " i t a 1e n e r g y ,e t r : , a l l t h e s ew i i l h a v c t o b e p r c c l i c t e t l
. I{,
the Sun be bad, the losr; of thrse has to be thought of siur.ilarty
rn thc c:ar,e of thr: l.Ioo' and other planots. F'or fnrthcr infornra-
tion tlre readet is rr.,ltcrre,lto thc a,alriiur (tra:ndhyayee) ,,o'1'lelt.
t a r l ' o n t h r : ;: , 1 t . r k a .
qsqqqi?$ct drrenuqiqri
qfturqiisoTik!qsR;ff€ql,ir rr tl tr
.S/oAal:l l)urinq thc auspiciousdasa perioclof a
pla'rt, rnen'sirrncr soul assuures a beneficcharacteraud
l c a C st h e m t o a r r a i n m u c h h a p p i n e sas n d w e a l t h R y
meansof tlre effc:ts clescribed al-ro'e for the several
dasaperiods,one can casily conjecturcthe tide of er,,ence
a man may ha're at any particuiar period as a result of
the effectsof the d;rsaruling at the time. Where pla
nets are void of strengrh,the effects though sttenu;ted
makethemselvcsfelt at leasrin drcamy reveries.
s(Efq$lst{tcf 101I
sl. 14
the irnet sotil
Should the dase perioclof anl' planet lre bad'
and nrisery aod loss ot
ossunlesa ruaiellc character fol tlie tiure
wealthwill be the result'
qrfiErrftfrffii WR rI Etstl-drstft qr
qR6qIs{EI (fl i*trrclq{l}Ig itt qlsq I
itt'rqJqqqflnjEqci qtmEte{
qqr €isuiiqnia gti qrqfi qldls;q$ lltBll
a planet
Sl,,,ftrli'l' When the lorcl of a dasa' or
the dasa;
f riendly to the sameis in the Lagna'initiating
.rrrqu of this Lagnais owned by the lord of the
" Lagna afore'
dasas; when a benefic pi.,t"t oc:upies the
in an srae (Upa'
aaid: or when th: lorcl .of a dasa is
lth) with respect
chaya)position, viz', (ird' l)th' 6th' l
prlve pros'
,o ttt. Lagna; the dasa in question will
;;;.. rfurt.n the Rasi occupiedbv the M;on happenc
of the daga'or a
to b" the exaltation sign o[ thc lord
or th3 ?th
friendly house, an Ufachaya, a Trikona'
dasa' the effects
housewith respect to the lord of the
different' the
wiil be h"ppy. If the Moon's plac: he
effectswill be lar from haPPY'

C/' slolias 6 and 7 suqrL('

Also c/. ir.trt+qtq
qrht arqftog{ gef- {q {r nii4 :'l '{'t
ql{i'l;{ I
RI(6'.ilflFSAI Rllgqqqw{qFqsfi qt
ft qdlqfi drotqqq : fr rr{iqta{r';.
galqnen;rnitqqft fiouq-qqrfiflqntqt{lt

d*e g* g€Adnrq feq4t'iorqfauurrdg

L0t2 lrrde'ttRllle Adh.XVIII

qqrqrilrsr rTrTrqTfh
qFE:{Jrrtfiqisrqqr ta.flteqrr
l . S o n r ci n t c r p r r : it t a s r e f e r r i n gt o t l r e I _ n g u l ( i n a n n t i v i t ] , )
al birth.

2. That is when tlre lord ot the dasa is the owner of tbe

Lagua Rasi, Lagna l{ora, I-agna I)ecanate, I-agna Navamsa,L:rg-
ua f)wadasamsaror Lagua Trirrrsarusa.

g€if er q.lsVrniri:fq 4t ,- rnn}. also he Interp.eterl thus :

" O r i f a i r i c u d l l ' p l a n e t . r a b e r e . f i r :. ' e h e i r r t h c V a r g e o f t h e .
lord of tbe dasa," or " rf the lord of the rl:rsabe in the Varga of a,
friendly or bene6c planet."

oslRsrJdrqstlEl C* gEtitqqr
q|*ril gqftrfieqgil€ilIsumi grq. I
** ErqR *urrrsftgqqrqrqriHqgrqils
Ail*q-{tg i q'{rsilff E{rqtgrq. n t\ tl
Sloia 15. When the lord of r dasa ripe for frui,
tion happensto be in a swakehetraor in its exaltation
or in a friendly houseor in an sqar (Upachaya) place
from the Lagna or has the aspecton it of a benefic or a
friendly planet, its dasa and bhukti will be favourable.
When a Kendra or a Kona is occupied by an exceeding,
ly benefic planet and the 3rd, the Grhand the llth
bhavasby malefic ones,there will be prosperity during
the dasaof those amongthem that are $trongand occupy
their exaltationor other such scqq (Upachaya)places.
Cy. qodirqqr
nlqdi fiorrqirar,drqg€{qeq:r
aqngEWt nsrit qarflqaAqiidE dq u
d{e gqlqwdqn:
gi a)t{qqrfr}Rqqil qqcqq,iqaJ:I
Sl. 16-18 iirgrE{llstlrq: r0l3

{;ir{itsfqfcax,iroi<gri gqfafartnrft
rar g.ra' qflwqr an4oiuisoq.tt
q;irqftgftfrt{rqi gi* {ri q-{qorrrnrftu
{r*rfrg{orrrft*iq rmnarig atnq{r n tq ll
S/oArr16. If cwo planetsbe mutually friendly and
have six fold strengch, there will be prosperity during
t h e i r d a s aa n t l b h t r k t i . B r r t i f t h c t w r ) l ) 1 . ] r ) ettrse i n i m i ,
crl and wclk, th:ir qrr (Paka) anJ -.{q{rt(Ap.rhrra) may
cntail evil.
Cf. qo{rFra,r
q-qfi qrfrnpj\ilaE *i-l ftgqfla.tqr r
qlaa qarqgili errrtrddrqnr{isr,il il4rdiqtl
qqt* ilf,r{q;ri.Eg{
6irit {TSrETrir: g{ qr t
gri g{6frqinq qfr qmq qrt iqg{ EE?iilgllull
Sloha 17. A planct produces ius effect upon the
bhava it occupiesduring its dasa,this effcct being good
or had ac.cordingto the natrrre o[ the planet. If the
planetlre a b.:neficone, good is t,; be expected, say the
astrologers,during its dasa, to the bhavaconcerned; if
the planct bc malefic. the bhavawill suffer evil.
cf. u,t*iua;
{frr4rr:ir{rrfniinrqdqlqqtdrfisflfr S{lq I
g:rqii.iariinr* rioq{ tt
qrnffiiler frqor qRflqfi-e t
iqqqiurqiiru Errrrrft
fr,i r,aiq{ft fr{qotf.firelll tc tt
1014 crdscrfrent Adh. XVIII.

S/ota 18. The dasaof a planecwiil be very auspi-

cious wh':n it is in conjunction with a beneficpianet.
If it be in.conjunctionrvith e nraleficone,its dasr.when
ripening will be berrenof cifecr. If thc plarrctconcern'
ed be asscciatedwith one of rnixed nature ar:d be
neither weak nor strong, ite dasa and apair;rr.r will ba
characterized by effectsof mixed nature.
qqEteq E{tqERiTqt$fAqruitungnd,
flgq?i qlqfrqqrq qr*si\giti gdr(a{ qrdr: il lq tl
S l o l a 1 9 . W h a t e v c r b e t h c m e t a i a s s i g n e dt o a
planet,the acquisition of property in thac metal takes
placedurir)gthe dasaand apabaraof rirat planet. if the
planetconcernedexert a malcfic infiucacc the property
i n t h e m e t . r l w i l l d i m i n i s h d u r i n g i t s d a s a; b u t i f t h e
influencebe benefic,the properry v"'ili receivcaccession.
€qiltrAq{Rrqqrh fiqdgfi{€inopi{r{{ |
C C \ Caa..
nqirfrrt rq-qi]a{T<tsil Ro tl
Slohu2A. f)ririn,-1 thr: ilasaof a planet lssocirted
w i t h a h o s t i l eo n e ,e n , 3 m i ewsi l l m u l r i p l y a n da l l u n d c r ,
t a k i n g sw i l l l a i l . O f r v h l t e v c r b u s i n c s so r c o n c e r na
planetis a karaka(promotcrl,tliat concern r,vrllsucceed.
as the wise say, dtrring th: d;rsr o{ thrt i-''irnet.
qisr{ffiitgrq{q c.rt a;urifqfq qqiq{pTrqI
r. {g^ ' '. Ca \ -
qI( iSFfiqIfr qt(Ril ?F;FI4IEilI{qqIIRqII
S / o l c ? i . l f m e n ' s s u c c e s *i n a b r r : ; i n r sosr c o n *
:ern bc the "iririrct oi inqurrr'. clt.: ;r.',tr(rlo.,.'- shuri.rlJ
predict tiic sui:cessoi the concerndurrnq tirc dasaof th-'
p i a n e tt i r r : i s t n e p r o l n o c e ro f t n ' . ) n c > r t lj r r q u e s t r o n
li the rnfiuenceof tirr pl"rn,:th: ior gi.rod,t)r,:prospcricy
sL22-23 aH{rrsqtqr 1016

cern will be a failure.
t|EIAffiq{tsifl rsE{I fl!ilntTEltql
tqdqflq qrfi€qtetEantqatI
qfr eq}qqiitititqir
*qrq E{K{r{€qi qilffiffi{ lt Rl ll
Sloka 22-. Royal favor is usually sccuredduring
the dasaperiod of the planet that is the karlka of royalty
(viz. Jupiter) or owns the bhava representing it (6th
bhava). The worship of the deity represented by a
planet comeson o?rcl)cs during the period of the ripen'
ing of its dasa. Perfection in the practice of religious
austerities,good works. etc., may be predicted to come
on during the advent of the dasaof the lord of the thh
bhava. The palmy time for sacrifices and other meti-
torious rrtes will be during the dasaand apaharaof the
lord of the 10th bhava.

uit,{qi qnnuriqrqi
wqqlfr{q{qqrfirr$fr( W w€q.I
cdqiiiaq{qe qioq: qft rficqisd'
qurrriErrileqtqfti qr+T,ei{r {t( u R1tr
Sloku 23. During thc Pakalu,J bhukti of a pianer,
the predominant qurlity chlracterisingic whether siE
( S a t v a )w e l R a j a s ) a n d a r < ' . I a m a s ) ( u i r i eA d h y a y a 2 ,
sloka 26) generaliymanifestsitself. Tnis manifestation
io(eruns or inauguratesche davaof the planet in caseit
should occupy one of the I asterisuls lroln the nrccl
(-ianmarksna).But if the pianec'sposition be in one of
tire 9 astcrisnas from the +:Sqi(Karmarksha), thc maniies-
r016 rntqrltqrt Adh. XVIIL
tation advertedto will takeplace sometime after the
dasabasset in. When the placeof the planetis among
the niile stars from the onqrd(Adhana), the manifesta_
tion in questionwill not takeplace,or if it takesplace
at all, it will be only so long as the dasalasts.
For q;rrqi,+riqiand ql.qrndde supra Adhyayag, Sl. Zg.g0.

Cldfqwnrtizr qrfi{r su4 qh I

flil* *qfrqqrrstrEln Rutl
Sloka,Z4. A planet in a Sirshodaya sign yields
fruit at the initial portion of the period of life influenced
by hirn. But the samc planet in a Prishtodaya sign
does it at the final stage. Bur if lre shouid be in a sign
which bas both the characterisrics,he becom:s fruitful
at all times.
c/. lro,.'ifr+t
miq uinqscrtqqf+'lfts-sqsqqligr+ir; ll
q}{q q{rrRvrqfiqftrgi{iruqril-
reatfrTqte{ffgq{d fl*sr6rtsqq11
dqffirq{fuqn qtqtrhqilmlqfi .
itqmqilrufuwtrqrsqifiqtn rrr\ tl
Sloha 25. The dasa of the lord of the 6th bhava
may leadto waiiing and lamentation. During the paka
or the apaharaof thc lord of the [Jth bhava, dcath may
set in. When the dasaor apahara of thc lord of tlrc
?th bhava is in proqress, a near relative may be lost.
Without overlooking the above, the astrologer may
predict prosperity in general during the apaharaor
bhukti of planerspresiding ove: the asterisms termed
raq (Sampat), trr'** f Sadhaka),'iia ( Ma i rra),ntnie (Parama
maitra)and hrl (Kshcma).
sr. 26-2? qg|qft$qfrt 1017


The terrr.rsn;q, ;6q and orltTtdhave been explained already in

Atlhyaya 9, slokas 78-80. The nine stats counted from any one of
t h e a b o v e t h r e e a r e t e r m e d r e s p e c t i v e l y( t ) i l q ( z ) t ' { t ( l ) R q q
(+)tq (s) mgr (r-,)arra (7)e"r(8)tt au.l(s) crclq.
c/, qotnQqt
q tri iirrq {$, gcsffr
'1un orisqqHrTq{: q}rtql} aq{ ll
f,Irnqa{s{ ffinfa{R dEeqqqiqq
ntt firfbqsffi1ffr gilqq I
airrrrgfi rr]+frqqqqr
qrRaiisqq tflqrit -qrqlaqfli€?q. ll
f*qoelort{itq qrqfusftg{or t
il{{rqi ufr iiraq €drrfrqii qlqr( ll lq ll
cyclic divi-
oneof the three cycllc
Sloha 26. When, in one dlvl-
sions into which the twelve bhavas may be arranged
under certain conditionsfor Ayurdayapurposes,there
is a maleficplanet devoid of etrength,the pereoncon-
cernedmay comeby his deathduring its dasa. ln case
the weak planet in queetionhappensto be benefic,all
will go well.

ii{mrqqilfitarftn {itlsoxil ll 1\ell
Sloha27. When the dastof a planeto;' .'t,"rrga
t{€ia{ lRiksba,Sandhi)is in progreEs,a pergLr'"may
be afflictedwith sorrow and diseare. Wben a planet
has progreseed no further than the 30th desreeof a Rasi,
its daeamay producedeath.
1018 crtrsqtltfrt Adh.XVIII

ffie\ ff'qft * qarqq s qf{ aqu€q} a{ril'f I

qrii g{ agger.aftdaEtrqnqilriiriq n Rd tl
Sloha 78. A planet occupying irs depressionat a
birth is not competentto produce good effects,nor is
anotherassociatedtherewith. if the depressedplanet
b e i n c o n j u n c t i o nw i t h R a h u , i r m a y d o h a r m ; a s a l s o
the planet occupyinga house owned by ic and rhe one
r:wning its depressionRasi.
ffiqsrildi,{ruritqr$tqTfidr i};gq[.u{gfir I
ffiiqr* qRrrrartcuratqrd xnii*uq$fr;e'r nq,o.
Sloka 79. When any one of the sever,ribhav;rs
s u c ha s t l r e L a g n ai s t h e s u b j e c tc i i n q u i r y ,a n d r v h e n a
p l a n e te x c e e d i n g l -irn' i m i c a l t o t h e l o r d o f t h e b h a v a
u n d e rc o n s i d e r a t i o n. o c c u p i e sa h o u s ev o i d o f b e n e f i c
d o t s ,t h e a s t r o i o g e rr,e i v i n g u p o n t h e u n a n i m o u sd e c l a -
ration of eminent sages:may announce that the bhava
i n q u e s t i o nw i l l s u f f e ra n n i h i l a t i o nd u r i n q r h e r i p e n i n g
o f t h e d a s ao f t h e i n i m i c a lp l a n et r e f e r r e ct io ,
m*qqqqnq'{Rwtgrd faerru{qI
erdr;qwqqgqEqcilr iq q{
n{ f}ih}iqiq rrQotl
S i o h a 3 0 " T h e d a s ap e r i o d o f a p l a n e t o w n i n g a
flqrtrlFr(Eadhasthana) as well as of rhe one associated
t h e r e w i t hl e a d st o d i s e a s ed, i s t r e s sa n d o t h e r s u c he v i l s .
During the dasaand apaharaof a planet occupyinga
Kendra from the srweilq (Badhasthana),sorrow and
tcreign travel wiii crop up. lf two planetsoccupy the
sl.3l slgTq{tsrqr{rt 1019

Sth and the 8rh pl4cesin respectto each other, the

astrologermry prediccdanger,exile or someuntoward
eventduringtheir paka and apehrrai but if the planeto
in questionbe benefic and friendly,th: effect will be
m ix ed.

and qrs-i^r" n"o"::l;:.

sir{rr2nd '*
3Ti6€(rliiqi eTlqirqiifi'n q qrqrqrt faft;err
n,iiqt drqrJtqqr{i 4;1g \trf}ft *Rqrg: 1g
qiftqitql qri' ert{qqt<\'mrrq t
?'trstiffdflF-\*t et{xtg"qi1 11
i h c I - a g n a ( * l i c t l r e i c , i l ) i 1 ' t ho r o f q u e r y ) i s a r n o v e a b l e ,
rrnmor"ealrlo er dual sign), tlre I I th, the 9Lh and the 7th places
ihc:-efrorn talien in order arc tertrletl :it{JBfl{{: or troublous positions.
p l a n e t o r v n i n g a ' { l r l l q - i i i Ta s u ' e j I l s t h c o n e o c c u p f i n g i t o r i t s
'uidc .'\tlhl'al'a 2' s/. *8).
I{en<ira iq caliecl 1t'{.1i. (,\iso

q* q1ffiq{ril }T4frqEq{irElqf}qrft+r*
wqr{rqnuCx+arqgrqritqiiqd}qcl TtTt(|
{rq{ii.i ftqft g€fq( gkn"q}qqffitll (tt
Si'',,trz31. if the planet ripening the fortune of a
personat any time be the one termed{te (Deeptha)(ttide
Adh, 2, slokas ltj 13), he will becomea king rvith an
abundanceof wealch, fame, prtronageand iearning to
makehim happy ; if a stul (Swasch,r),he rviil hrve
eecuredto irim the beneficsof old traditions, religious
observancesn the hearing of pious homilies, exceeding
comfort, health and wealth ; if a g,ia (M'rdicha), its
gifts co lrim rvill be in the form of royal favour, pow
and worldiy happtncss; if a ttta (S.rntha),the effe
r0n arrdsqrftfrrt Adh.XVIII.

will be exemption from ailments,happiness, prosperity,

the goodwill of the rulersand a spirit of errterprise.
q* drilq ftqrftiqqffiq sftfkq{qEn,
ffiftilt$qqgil{itr {tGaqrr({r I
ilt ilit'{ tr,i ftffiq{firr nirtirnrlqrerq
Pqqb{n€urq dtr?qqFitriia0atqfiftr 1R
S/oAo 32. Whcn thc drsa of a planct tcrmedton
(Saktha) is in fruition, a person rvill evincda predilec,
tion for learning,educrtion,money,religiousausteritiee,
acquieitionof supernaturalporversand works of charity.
During the proqress of the dasaof a planet called,ftfla
(Peedita),a person may hav,:to apprehenddangerfrom
robbers,enemiesand the rulers of the land, or lose an
younger brother. Distrcss is all the legacy that a {ta
(Deena) planet could leave. The dasa of the ill-condi,
tioned planet termed iaoo (Vikala) leads to distress
and disease; that of a ,ao (Khala) produces mental
anguish; and laetly,the planet in the dfa (Bheerha)state
keeps the person urrder its infuence irr dread of

ftoeeildrrilqdnut*;grqrqtg q& r
qurftsftEr[rriur d g,i iTrsgqqEtql!n QQtl
S l o f r a 3 3 . N o t e d o w n t h e s ef o u r s t a r s : v i r . ( l )
the cne occupied by the Lagna; (2) that occupied by
the Moon ; (3) that indicatedby the name of the perEon
concerned: and (4) that occupiedby the Moon at the
time of the query. Ascertain which of theseis Etrongest.
Starting with the dasa of the lord of this predominant
star and following the order of the aakehatra dasas,
sL 34-35 sTgrErirsIqtq: l02L

astrologersof eminence annQuoce th: good or evil

falling to the lot of the person concerned'

siqfff{{Ro{fi il Wlifiifrr qurqorr?t

ftrlqiltc{g{ q tt s{f:a (tqFqs(itilulr( 18
Sloka 34. If the ltasi containing the vica (Ut-
panna)nakshatra(vide next sloka) be stronger than any
referreclto in the preceding sloka, it is tluitc possible
th.rt the psrson about wirern clivination is to b: made,
may get the {ruits of all rhe drsas of his life calculated
from the Utpanna nakshatraas the starting point' It is
to be understoodas a genetal rule that ail pl'rnetshave
a tendencyto work evil at thc cnd of their severaldasas.

EFIIqtiqteK qaqq{rsq}iqqdil Ettt

tlTtElqr;K{rrsqdi;sqHiltqt;qErcqtqil |
wqt iq qilEtrtattqi {igqEl $rta$It
areqrircrnqq'Tii*qqqed{ilqd}et ll 1\ ll
Slofta 35. Ascertain the 5th, the Sth as well ag
the ,{th star from ate* (Janmarksha),i' e' the star occtt-
pieclby the Moon at the time o{ a person'sbirth' Cycles
o{ dasasarc calculated {rom every one of these as the
starting point. Tlre ,Jasacounted from the 5th is called
vua (Utpanna) ; that from the 8th, $Itsrt (Adhana);
tl',at fiom the 4th, &u (Kshema). It the dasas in these
cycleahave their ends iallying with eachother or with
the end of the dasataken in the same order from
(Janmarkoha),f. e. giving the same number of yeart'
monthe,etc., it is a sign that the life of the person con'
cerned is to end with the dasa. In the case of people
endowed with short, long and mediumlives, the denise
rc?2 qRf|FTTTGilil

will happenat the closeof the 3rd, the ?th and the 5th
cf , sil{rd
firqr} qft e{( r
Erf,qqEqt q]t q,g,}A efidit rt
qqrT0 sftdit r

n frqfurd{Tr
artwrgqrqjqanr {qt qqrr
n lE il
S l o h o 3 6 . I f t h e b i r t h o f a p e r s o nb e d u r i n g
time, his exit from the rvorld is to ba thus derermined;
Add tlrc figures for the Sun and Srrurn, and find our
t h e a s t e r i s ma i ' r dt h e p o r t i o n r i r er eo f i n d i c a t c db y t h i s
totai. In the c€rq{rr(mahaJasa)of this asierism, frnd
out which period correspcndsto the particuiar portio'
of the star already found. Ihe deach of the person
c r : n c e r n ewd i l l o c c u ra t t h i s p o i n r o f t i m e . i f r h e b i r t h
be during night, add the f iguresfor cheMoon and Rahu
ascertainas beforethe particularperiod of the mahadasa
c o r r e s p o n d i ntgo t h e p o r t i o n o f r h e a s t e r i s mi n d i c a t e d
by the total, This will give rhe rime of itr?or(Niryanaj.

u Sib*qrrrrr
gfb*ike'aqilqil ilw qsitqil |
uamrtq q(gqil il Qetl
Sio,trl il?. Ascertain the asterism occupied by
Mandi at the time of a p.r-qon'sbirth. The drsa of
Gulika is reckoned from this srar. The lords of the
R a s i a n d t h e N a v a m s a o c c r r p i : d b y G u j i k aa s w c l l a s
sl. 38 agr{frsqrqr 1023

t h e p l a n e ti n c o n j u n c t i o n ( / i / c r n l l v c o ' o p 3 r a t i n gw) i t h
the Upagrahaare death-dealing plan':tsin tir: horos:one.

R T[sqil ll
iiirrrRrg* q ilqrir inttflf {Eilf I
irrsrRrii*ud Tfl q{ii lrr Errrll lc ll
| | iqilsnsi
ft a'qreqriqqE{Isqld€ng
q'fag*qE{I(* q;rufr
5i c,ta 38. The lords of chetwo eighth piaces urg:
<ari (Ayusthaney),the Suuand Venus, as alstltire Moon
a n d M a r s a r e c a l l e d K a r a k a s ;t h e f i r s t t w o , o f t h e
native'sq€q-Ayus (.:{riretrg:-Jathasyayuhu); the second
pair, of the iather ; the thjrd, of tire mother' Firrd the
dasacorresponding to that one amongthe three r{otrr?r
(SoolaRasis)of a Karaka,wirich tl're conditions of the
horoscopeunclerexaminationmay pclintto and f ind also
w h e n t h e d a s am a y b e i n p r o g r e s s . T h i s d a s a ,i " e . t h e
dasar:f the iord of the qorrflr (SoolaRasi) pointed to by
the horr-rscope may prove €gr (Mrrtyuda) or fatal.
T l r c s l o k a r s l e r l ' l e r s c . 1 4 . t r t c u o r d t n gl o t h e + z c f l i e d e q t
(l(atapayarli sankhl.:rlsigni{iestire nurnber8. Iiere tire dual fhT{r
thc lords oi the trvo r\r'us-
l ) o i n t st o t h e t W o p l i i n e t s t l r a t u rc
*{aqeqt{gi -r a7j, t'i2., t}rc stl ^nd the 3rci
thanas (-lui ralqr:
p J a c e sf r o r n t h e 1 a g n a . i u t e r p r e t a t i o l lg i v e n a b o v c i s t u r t h e r
s r r p p o r t ebdY t h e f o l l o r , r ' i n g : - -
" r[ag*,,ii:qtufteq;fi:I t;qn{iiiqdt" (ifqdt).
', q,i,tpie'iifi"quii qajiq fiq*nr, @l(.r
q;e*q{liil qfr g qrq{Iifi:" (n1e+oa).
The , : 1 ; E { o f t h e s c c c n c lh a l f i s d l ( ' T g f i q g { q l { ? l i R l d i l t
qe{t-{t i{l q(l qrfr ott 6g{r ll word rir'1er is brought in fronr
1024 qrdEqrft{ril Adh.xvrn.
the preceding sloka. {,oqi (Soolarksha) is the 8th Rasi from the
place occupiedby the I{aral<a or its 7th, whichever of them is
found to be stronger. flWi meansthe {Loli and its triangular
Soola dasasare helpful to {ind the if,ch (Niryana) of auy par-
ticular relative signilied by tbe liaraka under consideration.

ilffirffifuilUtGS dtg

qrsfrs{ n lq tl
SJoftc39. Shouldthe signs representing the Rasi
and other Vargas (Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, etc.,)
occupied by the Karaka under considerationhappento
be etrong either by the aseociationof, or aspectby,
benefice, one may predictgoodresulteat the yearsigni,
fied by tbe numberof years allotted to the lord of thc
respectivesignrepresenting the Varga(according to the
Udu dasasystem)increased by 6. But if the sign happens
to be eitlier the debilitation or inimical house of the
karakaplanet,or be also occupiedor aspectedby a
maleficplanet,onq hasto divine only evil duringthc
The above uieaning is only tentative. "orfrq{tot{cqiFtiigig"
has been taken to nreanas " rvith 6 years added." As it is not
explicit as to to what uunrber this ti sli,..ruld
be added, it is inter-
preted as the years accordiug tu lhe Udu dasa systeur allotted to
the lords of the several vargersoccppiedbl' the karaka in questiou.

ll TlarE{rfhtqrtl
qr Se-
liild{qaf {d eqi\QqroJ{*iir
frqtqaq{r Rtqnoil {Fqrftaqrsil{|
sl. 40-42 qgrqt'isqtqt 1026

({ qqgif g ilqltrqs qr{ g slT{eFI

\\ \ \ n. ^\ A .

E?nqqr?ir{ril q-sgitt€ ({rqi {urq ll 8o ll
Sloka 40. If at a birth, the planet owninq the
asterismor the Navamsa occupiedby the Moon ahould
aspectthe latter or be in conjunction rvith it, the Kala.
chakra dasaeof these planetswill be fraught with the
specialeffectsto be mentioned. Diseasecrops up when
the iq (Deha) of the dasasin question is associatedwith
an evil planet; and diiziness when such a planet occu-
pieo the fre (Jeeva) If both the tE (Deha) and *q
(Jeeva)be occupied by malefic planets, and the evil
influence thus become overpoweringly strong, death
will follow as a consequence.

qrfrftorUuirqfi aqurqt
fitqf,i Tq{rqilwi.Rruri
*.qq ftqqftfti rr{d}( tt;itsu Bt tl
Sloha 41. If a malefic planer occupy the Lagna,
aotrologerssay thrt during the progrcst of its dasa,there
will be much distress and disease,loss of wealth,and
risk from rulers and foes, when the apaharabelongeto
a maleficplanet. The effeccwill be wholly mixed in
the apaharaof a benefic planet.
oqt&qqtr*t6 qrqudi IIESTT{
tq*gq.i q{ qqFe affiffir{FTqn Bq tt
Sloha 42. Durirg the rime of the dasaof the lord
of the Lagnaand the bhukti of a male{icplanet therein,
l0t6 Cltr'tqrfufr Adb.xvilL

aEtroiogersunanimously say that there will be much

evil to be apprehendedtaking in the form of disease,
death or loss of place.
qilfuqfirrqrt q'quffl rn{qq I
*rfigRtqq qM a d'uqr ll 81 ll
S/oln 43. At the time the dasaof the lord of the
Znd bhava is in progress and in the bhukti of Saturn,
loss of wealth,and quarrel with frienCsand relations
will undoubtediycrop up.
qilftqr qrq€ft vR erq {rrqnqiriiaRifirunqI
qrqrFEi(sqt n}n rr BBl!
Sloka 44" If the lord of the 2nd bhava be malefic,
astrologersdeclaretirat there will be ioss of wealth
during the antardasas of Saturn, Mars, Rahu and the
Sun. The sameholds good when a malefic planetoccu,
p i e st h a t b h a v a .
qnflqar qiq€q€d{ arFirt{rqtlk ^nqrouiqrq
qnr?iiilrifrqaiailuriqrn€stii\xiqriqifr nsqtt
S/ola .15. When a malefic planet occupies the
2nd bhava,the person concernedwill have to suffer
during the antardasaof that planet througlr the ill-will
of the ruler of tl're land, lossof honor, loss cf wealth,
i m p r i e o n m e n ti ,o s s o f h i g h s t r t u s a m o n gm e n ,a r t dm a y
incur the hatredof his friends.
qrq{i frtqiilqart qrqri}qt'Trrriiq=Rlutt{
wa{{mqRrrw}t{:d wrrrfe gqrf}qiEIltsq li
Slolc .i{1. If a rnaleficplanetowning the 3rd bha
va tre associatedwith ;r pianetalso malefii:, troubiervill
cometo tire per$onconcernedthrougirthe instrumenta'
sl. 47.-4s qgrqli$|lrql 10s7

lity of foes,weapons and tbieves during rhe antardasa

of maleficplanets. is not an unlikely result even
when the lord of the 3rd bhavain questicnis associated
with a beneficplanet.
nrr ot x qainrurirriihi{Rqa*iiirq;ll 8e ll
Sloka 47. Dtrring the dasa of the lord (when
maiefic)of the 3rd bhava and in the bhukti of Saturn
Mars, Rahu Ketu or the Sun an astrologermay gene'
rally predict lossof brorhersand sisters,or, at all events,
a m i s u n d e r s t a n d i nwgi t h t h e m .
frni\Erqrqgtttq qrhC qrq{{Ufk6lbI
srt;gfi q.gqiitti{ uuqrftdrf}u?anrmgr
Sloku 48. At the ripening of the dasaof the lord
of the 4th bhavr, when other than benefic, and during
the bhukti of a maleficplanet,astrologerssay tlrere will
be loesof place,quarrelwich relatives, damrgeto agri-
culture and kindred pursuics'to cattle and to weaith'
qr* lfloqqiqsgdrffi${sI
dt qiqarwri gaftnorrr-
gritaq;gutom{iltsi{iqqll 8\ ll
S t o k a 4 q . I n t h e d a s ro f t l t : l , r r d o f t h c 5 t h b h a v a ,
when a mal<:ficplanet has its ap;tirara,astrologerssay
there wili bc danger to be apprehende<l frcm the sove'
rcigr.r,or a dc:rrson mav fail ili. llut dirrirg the apehera
o[ a bencfrrplanet, there will be accesgionof wealth
ani c.hilttren, kind attentions {rom the rulers and kins-
men and the attainins of what is wished tor.
1028 qr|Fcrftlre Adh.XVIII.

qD{qmrqig glmui
g$'r tnqo{{ 6q(i I t}rq t
qr* qoeurqtqrqorqili
qffffituqet q fiqt qEF( tr \o tl
S/o&c 50. .Wise rstrologers say that in the dasa
of the lord of the 6th bhavaand in the bhukri of planets
not benefic. a perBon has to apprehend danger from a
king or from fire ; he may suffersome misfortune or
becomeliable to disease In the dasaof the lord of the
?th bhava and in the apaharaof a planer in the <qq
(Khala)state,the personconcerned nray lose his wife
and becomea wanderer.

wffirfiihrwc{ qnr;gidEr{tq I
qft qM{qtq rrwiiqnjRqqfqfi
ud qrqfrrTintrr
frqonfdq ftd{qq.n \t tl
Sloho 51. During the dasaof the lord of the 8th
bhavaand in the apaharaof a malefic planet, rhe astro,
loger may prerJictrisk from foes, loss of life, of wealth,
of fame, rambling about or ejection from a placeof
honor. Durins the bhukti of a malefic planet in the
dasaof the lord of the gth bhava,the evil cropping up
may be deathoF parents,accrualof iniquitieE,imprison,
ment and waste of wealth.
rilrw norzuTrseqt ud qqrqd\ai
{sr$ qqi{€giig€q{ililfi' a i{w+q I
q;cnr*qufiuUifisqioritrqrt grci
rqdtqfiil{ri tqwi fiqrq ard f}gr l \R tl
sI.52-55 engrqfrstqrq! 1029

10th bhava in the co (Khala) state ripens, there will

crop up, during the gftn (bhukti) of maleficplanets,sick-
nessto those that are dearly loved, removal from office,
loes of comfort and fame, and waste of money. In the
dasaof the lord of the 1lth bhavaand during the bhukti
of Saturn,Mars, the Sun or Rrhu, th:re may be affliction'
ruin of aqricultural and other opsrations' danger from
tire sovereign and loss of wealth.
aqtltqri rRq;Efiqud qornqqffgi({ |
qsH{ qnq;rer{q sqft{uri iiqfritqlEsll \1 ll
Slohu 5i). When the dasa of the lord of the l2th
bhava is in progress and when the bhukti of the Sun,
Saturn or Mars has set in, the persrn concerned, $&Y
the astrologers,will be at variance with his wife, sons
and relations,and will suffer loss of strength,of honor
and of wealth. During the bhukti of Rrhu, he may be
e x p o s e dt o r i s k f r o m P o i s o n .
qFgii qr qwi ;ttgtt{ |
ll \8 ll
qrqfrattqlqsru 6g Efifrow?ofrtg
Slokrt.t';4. During th" d".i and bhukti of planets
which occupy the 6th or the 8th placefrom each other,
men suffer loss of place or lose of life. During the dasa
and antara of two weak planetsoccupying the samebha'
va, the death of the person concerned may be preCicted.

qrqi mq sttffiqrri{6qit a tmt ll \\ ll
Stohu llt. When the drsa of a maleficplanet is in
progress,and the antardasaof a planet likewise malefic

htt let iq the death of the person concernedwill surely

ilflftrril! qHIstrffitfumr t
ffitqr*gfirffqEnqt €fr.t+( tt \q tt
Sloka 56. If malefic planetsoccupy a malefic Rasi
and be asaociatedwith or aspected by inimical planets,
thc dcath of the person concerned will happenduring
the daEaof such malefic planets.

qdfrftqtq qs {{{ffiq Wq;ffi;ili I

Irguldf {iq;i qrqrizrqfrqqr n \s tl

Sloka 57. Mark the planet rl'ratis inimical to the

lord of a €€ (Mrityu) dasr During thr bhukti, antara
rnd rukshmadasa of this inimicrl planet. the time of
deethof the personconcernedwill indeedcome. There
need be no doubt of this when the inimical planet
hrppene to be malefic.

SilRffr{qgrral Errq{Qr
qrflitri qoq{ilffiqrfiqQ I
€s"rs{ sqoflqfEqqtrqf
uurrgnql: tt \d ll
S/ofta 58. It is at the outset of thc dasaof a male,
fic planetthat the effect of its being in its exaltationor
other varga will appear. Tts influence over the bhava
and the iike that it presides o rer will be felt in the
piddle of the dasa; while the aspectupon it bearsf ruit
towards the conclusion. This holds good, say the
astrologers,in the caseo[ all malelic planets.
st.59-60 wrqft$sfrt 1031

q|qqrfi qr{qFf gnit ffiilftq[nsi qTsqQI

il{rqr* gMil(*i qt ilRrqrut{ {qk ti \q tl
SloAa 59. In the cage of every beneficplaoet, its
effect upon the bhava it presides over apperdrsat the
beginningof its dasr; while the influence due to its
position in the several vergas manifests itself in the
middle of the dasa. What is due ro the aspecrof other
planetsupon it comes on at the end. All astrologerg
recognisethe distinction thus set forth between the
Nakshatradasasof bencfic and malefic planete.

ll {Rqffi({rrwilq'6ut tl
il eTeTr;a{{tt(5olfr
Uefrkufrr tr Q"tl
S/ofta 60. During the progress of the Sun's dasa,
the generaleffects to be noted will be-money,making
by stealthy rnining and other ways, trouble from fire
and beasts, inflamnation of the eyes,illness affecting
the stomachand teeth,separationfrom wife and children,
loss among reverend seniors and parentsand general
decay among Eervants,kine and propsrty.
qf. ara+ru<n
qriitrnqi fRfi?rrqin)qie*,flfragn;tqrqrtt
Frrrrrr:tlT( tt
sflrRf{fiar qri'}q*: svq,tRf{iqrqr
ft32 qrr(r6qfffi Adb. XVIII.

qiorq fioarll
"qqa E=dtqtqaqtrtr qSidrgarq-ffigfna f'1ontt
Zqrflrq}rfQaq-geii;enraiiql {{€: rf,fo:F{t( tl
qsetdilgitrd iEarqret{rrqru Et ll
Sloka 6L. Mulciply the yearsof a }lahadasaby
the yearsof the planet whose antardasais required.
The product when divested of the f igure in the unit's
placewill repreEentthe rronthscomposingthe antardasa.
Multiply the figure in the unic's place omitted in the
last operationby 3. The result will be the numberof
daya forming part of the antardasarequired.

il {Frq{rFTi
Ri{qqdqrriqdira.ii d u qRtl
Sloka-62. During tlie dasaand bhukri of the Surr,
a personmay .rcquireweaith through Brahming<-rr Ksha,
triyar, or by a resort to arms or other ways ; he may at
the eametime have much mentai suf{ering and leada
wanderinglife through a foreignwild counrry.
Cf, qodirQ+t
t{tatrgolasfqt qqii qltqat,tz?Hfn qnrIIq( |
;qilcqcF qa+Fq*rrqqq f.tqi qni rfqnia ,rlenr.iifq*l
qqq iqr{sqtr t
qrii q;tqarFiti
n qq tl
SloAr:63. When the N4oonhas its bhukti during
t h c p r c g r e s eo f t h e S r r n ' sd a s aa. p e r s o nw i l l h a v ea c c e s ,
sr. 64-66 qgrqfrsqlrrr'

sion of wealth through the instrumentality of relatives

and friends, indulge in idle paatimesin the companyof
intimate and respectablepeople and guffer oevetely
f r o m j a u n d i c ea n d k i n d r e d a i l m e n t s .
Af . ro{riqmr
{{ft qqrErft qe}qqrQi: tl
A.lso ;itil+F{tsl

+rlfi q-qcdtnrqi g<oiqwmrfigqrfr{

Fgafi qng€tfit{ft fir}fiq'thqq qq q tt
q*€ae Nflrqr* gul-srrilt qR er,{gi: r
rrqnqrri) qwl q qpg *vifitd;qflqtr *rq rt
(ctsraii{qrftnq+{ gqrft{ |
H.nftdqrt gi qrgcqrrditr qB tl
Sloka 64. When Mars has its apaharain the Sun'g
daoa,an astrologermay foretell to the perEon concerned
acquieitionof wealth in the form of gems and gold,
royal favor leadingto prosperity,contrraction
and trano-
mission of bilious and allied diseaaes.
c/. qo{r?t-.{,r
qtllii qqft qq ua;gfidaruq] qrft aqr&q.trtq
Also qTildl+l1''ri
qwoTfiRqq q fiqi r
qgo +qftataqqrrqi
gfiwogea:fto qra{ lr
GTs6t.g€qr{ ffg{qlftf|gi{ I
qEGgtiua\grdqtwtits..r* lf q\ tl
Sloka 65, Pang of death prematurely settiog in,
1034 rtnuqtftnt Adb.xvlll

trouble from relatives ag also from enenies, loee of place

or mental mioery may be expectedin the bhukti of Rahu
in the Sun's mahadasa.
c/. sodftrr
Rw,il qqEftilqlfrq)
ftqrqq fevvFiqrn'ga:I
firilerintq*wfq tl
T{{s{ sdGd NqilqurTiliqI
ftsqfqTwaifrftr.illi gt rt QQtt
Sloka 66. What is all.worthy-wealth got through
a wortby con, honor to Gods and Brahmanas,virtuous
actr, good traditional observanc$, good society and
good conversation will distinguish the antardasaof
Jupiter during the Sun's mahadaea.
Cy. nce{f1Q61
ftgnqtfifiqqqrftr;qtgri-iqSagw;gxaaq t
liri qil sflnfr'ftct{{tq. tt
qqfdq qrqitTrf,r
A,lso qirq.lrrtq
flAeqFqrfagsgbor q6ar qfafiqg{r{ig I
{qrFffflnqarfr q< qr+Itrrrqtq61;qed ll
r{qri{qrod alagftrt}wq t
fi{ril,fit sit 1sQutl
Sloha 67. During the bhukti of Saturntn the Sun'g
dasa,a person ahould be prepared for hostility from
every one, want of energy, an ignoble calling, mental
worty, and liability to rick from the rulers or tbieves.
c/. sodR{,r
qil(ft: gnfitq: feqr ri gelrr: flqf4qfi€q;gfi: r
qRHr qqfhqqqftsa rila\ sfrEgqn-dirti tt
sl. 68-?0 rUrqrlsrwrr 1036

a lso qrfr{l{ol
qR[ I
a1nft1frrfr,ftfiei' {0-qqnrcnlTqnqq:
f,{iloqfdqrfq qqFn d{ {Ha\ {rgqs;61q! g
r;gfrcrwiqrd(rts( q{wrqI
iti*gt*qqrirfr{tw{e gt tt qall
S/ota 68. Trouble from relatives' mental dittreao,
depressionof epirits, wasteof money and slight comfort
are what may be expected in the apaharaof Mercury
during the progressof the Sun'sdasa.
c/, qodft+t
firrdi qs{{frq{tsn{|
qqnqrf}'it, Uo qifa Gqqrdqr'{tt
Also nmEn{WI
fiafitr<gRat$, qlqn'\etfifteaqit r
qq'q{rqTfi€ilrsqa fi*' gt '{Tgqaiqqfi tt
qir6itri ffi{ilr,i *etqqrft Er t
{+c<{t rq} il Eqrl
SloAe 69. Throat-disease, mental anguioh,ophth,
almia or prematurc death may be expected in Ketu'e
bhukti in the Sun's mahadrsa'
c/. woailit+,r
qFgfil{. I
u€Fqq: €da5gr{fiqfr frq}tq qnRrur
uiliqarqfhiinuq'i.fiidl qqrfinfi qd ftqqry:tl
qorqrfrqnqni I
AFdqrE$riiittrc<.tt q,fr ll so 11
Slt ka 70. Acquisition of pearlsor other produca
of the sea, fatigue, addiction to bad femalesand pofit-
l086 ilrTrrliqrl Adh.XVIII.

lessdiscussionwill markSukrs's bhukti in the Sun's

o/. 'n-safi*l
ftrilur wtgErftqtsqa{iR,qrrJ(qaqFqfi"gfrq. r
gofr*rgr+qdtqtfilt ui|: gh q{fi rtrqr;inq tl
Also sFffitrltol

Rvqrq w.€r$oiq qii q qlfeeqar,oi{lerq1

qEF+{qrfE+frfAfis terffrdi qrsq{iqqrd:ll
Eil* ftqilqtn ftEqj.i qtqqt I
utqtqffit qr\ q{rct g(rqlsqq u st tl
Sloka 77. In the inirial portion of the Sun'sdasa,
the father of the person concernedrvill fall ill, and there
will be much expense. In the middle, there will be
trouble to every one whether biped or quadruped in the
household. In the end, there may be easeand comfort.
dt ffqqEi'qrqq ilfodtsqEri}rq
grdtftcfllq;gq{utE nltf\qqq{ t
dtq WwhrqaTq dr qrt Wrof\{
ftat qrfeEqn{rnwt frqq{ {r Eft{ n sRtl
Slaha. 72. During the progressof the Sun,emaha-
daraoccupyingthe deprcssionNavamgain its exaltation
house,a person has to apprehend ill,fam:, danger,the
deathof a eon, a wife or somepaternalrelationand loss
of property in connection with agriculture and other
purruits. But in the dasaof the sameplanetoccupying
the exaltation Navamsa in the depressionhouse, the
perBonconcernedwill attain regalprosperity,happiness,
though towards the end thereof there day occur loss of
wealth or his own demige,
sl. 73-74 srErEtilsr{rrq: 1037


qqit qoiitt qniu qret.fill sl ll

Stoht 73. f)uring th..: progress of the Moon's
maha<lasa, a personwill have accessto sacredprayers,
ecripture and Brahmanas; he will exerl fascin'rtionover
young females, and secure to himseli women, wealth
and lands; he will have a profusionof flowers, cloths,
ornaments, perfumes and various valuable objects of
enjoyment; but if therebe anything to checkthe Moon's
strength,the effecton the personconcernedwill be that
he will be poor and suffer from wind'disease'
The reading in q.odftqt is slightlv diflerent viz'',
q1ft rsgfqilqeffil qnilq: ll

il eTqqqqilqFFiTt{rrsorfr ll
ffiu* tadqt "{qdtEq{nrq*r qsqqrqq.I
r.sti{ d'fqlil fiarfr Grgi gritir ir'i q
quaii{'i A EdrFaHqfi
Sloka 74. Devotedattention to learning,love and
gilk and
muaic--vocai as rvell as instrumental-suits of
other articles of attire which succe$Ein these purauito
1033 rltrTqnGlld Adh. XVIII.

gGnerallyEecures,refined society-sound health-good

renown such ae even royal ministers and army leaders
ecteen and envy-journey to sacredsLreamsand places
in company with f,rmily and friends-and lastly what ie
dear to the heart, the acquisition of lands, cows and
horces-abundant wealth and power-these are what
the Moon will give in the ripeningof its own dasaand
ngReseqsalgdqi qni firrft dla{tf}* rr
itri iiftqsifi q qr;ffid $reilqqr
ftzqrmrn(bd qo(qrnr.itgi trs\ tl
Sloha 75, Disease,petulance,loss of place, wa$te
of wealth, trouble from friends and brothers may be
expectedto crop up in the bhukti of Mars in the Moon'r
c/. q.,a{i/Q-q;t

fqaflafidA'iiiOiqrlaiiftfirilFctrrt ll
Also fld{,It{tut
+)rrdritofrwfiiq i'fipft F{T;rd: q;gft q I
gntcflei rrqfr*rfifi ,iqlqeqlftoliprqr+
iigfrurrn( bd ffg;Tltiqiqq{ |
r f*kg€flsllt nf,rq;nq{F(t ll uQ 11
Siola 76. During the antara of Rahu in the
Moon's mahadasa, a personhasto suffer distresson ac'
count cf riskg frcm foes and dangerousdiseases,loss of
relativer and waste of wealth ; he has no easein fact.
-""" ""-*5ly: ""","","",___'
c/. m-oetft*r
fta')qRgtfrq-ga{ r
Tdr(srdwrt'ritfit ffrcnr-etn \eetf
Sloka 77. In the Moon"smahadasa and in Jupiter'c
apahara,a person will get vehicles and the like articleg,
abundanceof clothing and ornaments. He will achieve
what he strives for.
___CF n
qHqrrl;|{n: $€Iffi qq{qqg€:Hqrrrrr:I
itqneafirfrqarqatrqfqqq*$ gn] rt
ftftreeqTqqqr-qrilIlla'qrftdq{qarfiq*q( r
ge)esqaifqqiarqi gt gruri afirqirnet tt
qr{qtgrr*g:d qrdqtqtR{teqr
{rfr qi((fl?ili tr ed fl
Sloha 78. Mental anguish caused by a mother,r
cuffering,wind and bilious affe*ions, sriff words and
discussion with unfriendly people are what a person
has to be prepar6dfor, in the apaharaof Saturn,iuring
the progressof the Moon's mahaCasa.
c/. m-o-<iiQ+r
6qqns*q+qfl( I
\rilrrftE€: gG.gaeiltar
qrq{rfituqrqhs* q1n;ge{{i}-ntqt rt
Also qRTnf.{tst
*itfi qraraqtarfq
iqi nfififlriTqq{riqfie: rf
I040 f,rdrqrftwr Adh. xvlll,

qr{Errkinfrf*eqwwil{qr I
{qqY'rq{rfriitq;Erupein eq tl
Slohu 79. Accessionof wealth from relationson
the mother'sside,learnedmen seekingasyltrmand acqui-
sition of clothing and ornamentswill mark the bhukti
of Mercury in the Moon's dasa.
c/. qodlii+r
Rnirq {fi qrqafi*rrgfq qGqrdqqrEq: u
Also .i|ir{f+Ttr'l

glderrrit qfiqntagfiq t
ftqiqlaisgadrq$dBua;qq{tFd{IU ll
q sihirqrii{ican
dlfui ryg<Ri t
tfr q;(qil;tr 1 do tl
S/ota 80. Illnessof a wife, lossof relativ:s,suffer,
ing from diseasesof the stomach arrd loss of property
crop up in Ketu's interval in the Moon's dtsa.
c/. so'.?fr{t
fqneeoqq,if|;gf}i-gtrfiriqirqq qqqr
qrfl€etdi{ftnqftqi hOfiqrfir qr;q$Esqn
dwt ultqEriaqo{qtqd
qnqiqqr*it u,fr ff(firFei tt dt tl
Slota 81. During the period of time allottedto
Venus in the Moon's dasa,a person may get a dowry
on behalfof his wife and enjoy the comforts derivable
from agriculture,cattle and the likc, water-productsand
clothing; he may becomeliableto any diseaseconetitu'
tionally inherited from his mothcr.
SI. 8243 gtgrq{ttstlTFlt 1041

c/. m'oatQ-+r
ileuraaggqqrsalR:FqsssRkqlqq :I
Also il{"til{Jnt
qnrqqt*fdfieisriioitqdi*qt-qala go, t
g\6l$olqTqrt{qerR-ittqrrqif( fHhqgcq:ll
{q{rqst,s{ aqrfraniftgqq{ t
fu gqrmslii rfr q-nq{n<ttt dRll
Sloha 82. Power almost regal, exemption from
ailments,decadence happinessand prosperity
of enemies,
are what may be exp;cted in the Sun's bhukti in the
Moon's mahadasa.
c/. qoatfi+r
(tlqlnqqfrl qtdl i\.r{rf}arRqfi;gf}: I
Also nfaldt+{(ul
q\rfliftq,{ai q qlfo nlaig'rrhgft fiin: tt
sTrfrqr{saiqQ ilitra{Hntiiigr t
Itlsri{rfFr{rqtqrgo €issis'€( ll 41 ll
Slofrn 83. The effectdue to the bhava over which
the Moon presidesmay come off rn the commencement
of its mahadasa ; that due to tl're character of the sign
representingthe bhavaas well as to the Moon's position
will be seenin the rniddle; what is due to the aspect
on the Moon of other planetsand' what affects the part
of the body denoted by the bhava wrll appeartowards
the end of the mahadaea.
t042 rHfifuft Adh.xvilI.
qm{iqgf,q {Fgilwwa{rffi
\r.Tr{il**q RRtr *{{qqmqq r
frilqleqtfigi g unti fiqrwrirqt'
iii{ gdEl{q;ggef{terq,T},t
ftgr n dB tl
Sloka 84. Aetrologers opine that in the ripening
of Mars' mahadasathere may be attempts at money-
making by taking to fire arms and by engagingin wars
among rival kings and by other \ffays; there may be
coming in of money also by medicine, by trickery, by
fraud, and by diverse cruel acts; there may be suffering
causedby fever arising from a morbid state of bile and
blood : there will be seena propensityon the part of the
perEonconcernedto resort continuallyto the societyof
low women and a crop of hatredemanatingfrom sons,
wife, relatives and reverend seniors. And in conse,
quence of all this, the person will haveto eat bad

tl . ll
$qrftE{ gtqF{ xil{tgl {qTsqqI
q{flqffind q gi $qq{t;di n d\ tl
Slola 85. Greatheat,dislikeof friends,annoyance
Irom brothers, danger to be dreaded from a ruler and
ruin of all undertakingswill be rhe characterrsticfeatures
of Mars'own interval in thc planec'smahadasa.
c/. qddl?Er
sSfrfrq freqqrqqfim'ifirgfHft:
arft wstq Rdtqq.tr
sl. 86-83 qw{*ss[|at 1043

{ffififr{ qnqFqftil{ilq I
nd cqE{rftftll zq ll
Slofra 86, During Rahu's bhukti in Mars' dasa
thereis peril to be apprehendedfrom rulers, robbers
andthelike; destructionof wealth andcorn andsuccess
in evil purauits.
Cf, qotfq*t
qe;gqrf}: t
qrelffirfisqrw finrff,:Stqfhrfr{qtrdt
srppq{fsq qfi.et figsrqitqI qfrE{Fdtnil
gwft{r'r ll
&wqownfi qod q liilqqq I
w(q{ qd fr€{ gfr sqffiFtr ll de ll
Sloka 81. Acquisition of wealth and lands through
Brahmanas,freedomfrom illness, public esteem,aocen'
dancy and happiness will mark Jupiter's interval in
cl. nc{t&mr
Glfi gqsrql E1'l gH{r
n-anrfifQawglfi{Tfi1fr: I
qqfi $qinl;c: RSf 11qfro1
Also qtfrqtqtq

q?qqqqffi {r* Sqq{il?d ll dd ll
SJoAa88. Illness leading to much misery, evil
threatenedby enemies,robbers and kiogs and loss of
1044 crirocrRilril Adh. XVIII.

wealth are what a person has to put up with in the

bhukti of Saturn in Mars' mahadasa.
c/. wodrt+r
sv{rfi fiqtt: qtFllidgcoli
EUQ{qIT Ru,ii ritfitnqrfiqrf}r-
,iqfi gqq{lqw+,i q'qqlh ll
Also :il{;[l+{t'rl

*,o1g{lFqqaSent qTuli{qlulTFf,ilfit{tst
spqnqrq qG.lTreqilrdi{ll *qquFnlft ll
trqqqlqrqrinu€q]sFqwq(I I
{TitItTIqqrb{igi gqqdrr;trll cq ll
S/ofra 89. Accessionof wealth from the trading
community, abundanceof houses, cows and grain,
trouble f rom enemiesand mental worry -these, a person
may havein the interval of Mercury in Mars'mahadasa.
c/. noafft*r
,r{fi qqgr*il qeq}qrtQrfi,
fieisfia'i}n, 1
{q5nqRfrerldi\qii qr
AIso slddtlT{ur
{tei fq{l,i Ud{rrfd}:t
ee,ii.qEq;dfa qo4qgffreqft qR sqRe:tl
gikttsr {rililt q;g0r6tdfs:rq
gsrTrffi{:Kt*fi $qftrF(i ll 1o ll
Sloka 90. Great suffering brought on by a dieease
of the stomach, trouble from relat ons and brothers,
'l 353: "-"---Yj
"-Y*T:"-* "".-"-
and oppoeition of bad people have to be apprehendod
when Ketu has its interval in Mars' dasa.
c/. mo<tfr+t
eEf hnqq{tet
furqqqqtrtrBnqrd\srlilqt( |
wrwqqg,'* q]frfr il ftqRr:
qfa{rfa{G *g: *iargrcq ll

s([;r{qui qq q;g*qlqilqqq I
dieihqilfrlt$i gh fiqq{r-ft ll ql ll
S/ola 91. Jewel for the wife, clothing, incoming
of money,from relatives, odium o[ lemales and their
society(nevertheless)will be what a person may exPect
in the bhukti of Venus in Mars' dasa.
c/. woritft+t
gfq qfinfiqrnfqqqmeEmn
agefirfriiiqtq{*qitu, 1
qftqqqRilfiqlqi qtqqtqt-
qqEdaqqrgqiiqi qfiq-q' tl

rtaafqnt|n iiq r;{\ qnatmX;} tt

srqiil(gee{ usi aqft{Fqaqt

ercqqqm(rd rfr .TJqqrrrtiltll qR ll
Stoka 97. Blame,odium of the elders,quarrelwith
them, suffering causedby disease,h:art-ache occasioned
by one'sown party are what may croP up in the Sun's
apaharain Mars' drsa.
1046 lntcrftni Adh. XVIil.

c/. su{ftmr
{qiFnqRWTgq€;qqqn: qRqEqaqrqfrqEia:g{e I
Also qkrifirrr€t

eq g=flqtB qgqrfanqK t
qoqiqqr*frqq fiquqrq,rrg{trqucaFd(F,{:
qrn+,{Efe.1na+rnukr\qrfAhsfi aqfh rr

rrttfrrcti EqgifiIIIftriA
ftnrwt qfiat qt fiqqn<i tt qQtl
Sloha 93. Various comfr:rts that wealth affords,
cloths, pearls,precious stones, orname!)ts,heavy aleep
and ardent passion may mark the Moon's bhukti in
,Marg" mahadasa.
c;. m-cdrfQmt
et{eaalarpnan'vugfi : I
qqfrUrqarft{erfQnx{tet qr8raqqqti
{ito'il sqqrt tt
Also ;illiFmi{(ut

R+(q *nqfifirdi-giire w+ fiarl +tft rr
{r4rq qrqrdqrqrftdaqqr I
q$\ {qrf}r*u},frftqTi ail q+( u qB tl
Sloha 94. At the out$etof Mars dasa,there will
be humiliationand waste of wealth. In the middle of
the daea,there may be danger to be apprehendedfrom
rulers,fire, brigands,an'Jthe like ; chesamewill happen
aleo in the concluding portion of the dasa.
sl. 96-96 qUtqfrsst{t 10c?

sqfgeq qwflilirq qft

ffiqrrrar q(otg(frilqq t
ati g eWqqili'{qirar
wqntqftq-{.rrdqgci{Ef}il n q\ tl
S/r,rArt95. If Mars occupy the d:pression Navam,
sa in its exaltation house,there will be according to the
astrologers,death among the children and brothers of
the personconcerned,during the dasa of the planet. If
it be in the houseof depressionand occupy the exaltation
Navamsa,the effect will appear in the successof agri-
culture and other operations and in the accessionto
l a n d s ,w e a l t h ,g r a i n a n d m a t e r i a lc o m f o r t s .

ftG'{Gfrqtkiiara{q morgnftfr*rrgsq(
sdtEttniqqt{qrdiiqrqgRw( qgft{r:u qq tl
Sloha 96. Loss of such things as comfort, happir
ness,wealrhand worldly statug, the pang of parting
with a wife, children and relatives, illness iq the
extreme,residcncein a strange land, and a dispoeition
to wrangleare what Rahu briogs about.
rqEq{nmqiisqqri. fl rq;gfi qq(fiaamr{Erfiq
fqg-qtguflaa q116qlEflg1
4nrEqqil nqrqQ'iqgeq{fad.T I
.It gqfFqfi{iq
erqsoTqfleai:fft6] qfFrq+liiq:rr
' qEar,ilfiil{r;I
l0C8 rnnrflqil Adb. XVIII.

UFG tt
ilqntri R{rt q gkiTtt qi{qq I
(G{rdi gn{ ti trg.flert tt q'sll
Sloku 97. Illness of a wife, a controversy, failure
qf the intellect, waste of wealth, roaming in a far'off
lrad and dietreas will be the characteristicfeaturesof
Bahu'l bhukti in Rahu'e dasa.
cf. wiRtr
ftngegsgqst{t{ qwsrngfiqgfi;gfr:I
rfigqTrgsqiaprrin fiygf4pqt e<rR tr
aqrffidrd q ilqffit T{r{rq(l
gFor$qM gft n5fin-n\ll qc ll
Slofta 98. Total disappearanceof ailments and
enenies,royal favor, accessionof wealth, acquioitionof
children and great perseverencewill mark Jupiter'o
bhukti in Rahu's dasa.
Cf. co/.tfq-{r
gfudtfr' g{{aqpi frtlqil qlce{t flITl{rT:I
grffiilurad g$qd] rr
qrffi<uit fti l;gMEftsi(t
qQ{rfr{rd q {* ffSE{rrd il qq tl
Slola 99, A diseasedue to wind and bile, the
distresr of relatives, friendaand well wishers, and resi-
dencein a remote foreign land are what may crop up
during $aturn's interval in Rahu's dasa.
SL T()G-IOS qftqfrsqtrt 1049

c/. qtrdfq-dr
sfffinqqqtrR<* cqi+firsEla ftK: I
€IrffTHa qq-gft,iit fift larg: qfi{sqr*+ n
fteq?gsonffifti q qilqqq t
{rqfiftT{rniftgq ag3fltt\ tt t"" ll
Sloha 100. The society of friendc, relatives,wife
and children,accessionof wealth aod royal favor can
be enjoyedduring Mercury'sbhukti in Rahu'sdasa.
c/. qsoElft-*r
qr'ft t
grcfhfe:gaciwrrrfr qftftfr'q.qqiitq
+gftwrpur*noqfrgqenqcwilRuft€t n
*{ cqnilfr l gr;nd qg{q{ t
qfrq(qqTslR*ft trgffid tt tot ll
Sloka 101. Brigandage,loss of wealth and honor,
lossof children, death among cattle, misfortunesof all
kinds await a personin Ketu's bhukti in Rahudaua.
c/. n'c{tft-+r
Grrrfff{arRq,iftrihrr flfr(#q€g€frt'q,nI
frqeqrff,:seq: g€qlrehqErql'il(tftrertr tt
Rt{Trerf,{xrfr!qqrq(gtqqt I
ffig{t{ir ail(g} {r$firFtri ll t"1, ll
Sloka 101. When Venue has itg bhukti in Rahu
dasa,there will be accesgionof vehicler, r,.'-brellac,
chowriesandwealth of varioussorts from forpiga lande;
but there may be trouble from dieaaees,foes and
'r** ilcrcrftqrt Adb.xvlll.

q/. cioilR-dr
*1qFE: ttqiiqqKat gffir{IiT$q€tfl{Irl{: I
u,il: t
qrdqftRr ftRr qftrffiil{n{ I
tqnt{r{iqrirtfr ngqffiai ll t ol tt
Sloka 103. Love of charitable acts, contentment,
cessationof all violence ancioutrage and the spreadof
a contagiousdiseasewill mark the Sun's bhukti in Rahu
c/. q-o.drt{T
srRaqqrqrqfd{teiaqr}: fi qrf}{T€tl€fi{rqgRlT
: I
eqgnrfi{rt'leq'igdsq{fifi1rRqreil tt
trfigqadflql u* qi(Eil;tt ll loB ll
Bloho 104. When the Moon has its bhukti in
Rahu dasa,there will be an abundanceof enjoyments,
good crops,coming in of moncy and communion with
kith and kin.
Cf. q,c{h!-*t
a{ian: we} qiwr afifreffinqilqETq{q: I
S€[iqdH:nfi.eqq ,riqfan]qilq$R iqfifaq, tt
qiqfig qrdrI
i\qitqitEl$ RTr( ui qgqrn-fttt t o\ tl
Stoha 105. A combinationofall possiblecalamities,
bewilderment in every work and a culpablefailure of
memory will be the characteristic featurer of Mars'
interval in Rahu d asa.
sl, l0B-103 qW{frsrlt{r M5t

Cf. ssfrRnr
zqlfrineqq nfrRqtqrflrrni,rqR il qilQn:I
qqqq€a€nqqtsiqqrasqlgR sq\e5q:tt
r.fk.frfvgrc rd&rTRn+qaqr;qiltr{|
Mt+{ uqqFdq twrudrritgd EEfriltl
Sloha 106 Rahu occupying Cancer, Taurus or
Aries, aay the astrologers, will secure to the person
concernedduring the ripening of its dasa wealth and
corn, edification and arnusement,honor from the sove,
reign, wives, servants and dependants happy and
qrfrn{tnqtrdqtra}{fliiqrt gaqnor{q.I
trnftqs il{Ei q E{nE{rtE$[o<r
Sloha 107. Astrologerssay that Rahu in Kanya,
Meena,or Dhanusgivesto the personconcernedduring
its dasa wife and children, lordehip of lands and a
carriagedrawn by men.
All theseare liableto be lost at the conclueionof
the dasa.
qqqfltEqffqr**zqle qr€}-
qhrAq qRqT+
wcdfr {{r qr I
qgqdg€{tof gr(KEr(mt ll I o< ll
Sft.rfrc108. When Rahuis in Leo,Virgo or Cancer,
a personbecomesa king or a king's peer during the
ripeningof its dasa; he wilt commandan army com,
posedof elephantsandhorses,will behighly beneficent,
exceedinglywealthy, devoted to pleasureand dearly
attachedto his wife and children.
lo6tl lTcTqrftnt Adh.xvilI.
- @
I u Y Y V V Y V V Y r Y U - r : r Y - ! ! v v ! v v v Y I Y U U - ! v v u v v r v v t

ffird g!€fl*fr q{nqgi qa€tt{ |

q{r+ qfuarEqftilflrd qq=gfr(ll tol tl
Slokq 109. At the outset of Rahu dasa, a person
cufferg distress; in the middle of it, he may have much
enjoyment; but in the end, he may becomebereavedof
his parentaand even los: his status.
grq{rftfttqmr{nfr nwddfug& ftqfrq t
trrilqrtgr{mRqr{t*rqdr t tiqr* utfr tt
Stoka 110. Jupiter securesto the person concerned,
during its dasa, rank, wealth, vehicle, apparel, royal
qood will, purity of heart, power' knowledge,practice
correspondingthereto, wife, children and all else con'
nected therewith.
c/. q.cdftqt
i{rqn'qrtqtfi{fr : qftqaqRqKft
sTrnga riln{ I
flIgqTe{H{fl qrfd gftfrrr' *&itq: {flffi:ll

tl tl
il{lfr TrM tffidcrqa{ r
ffiltgtlraE{rdn ttt tl
Sloha 111. Royal favor, great diligence, achieve'
ment of everything attempted. learning and scienceare
what a perEonmay expect in Jupiter'e dasa and bhukti.
c/. q6{R6r
*qrrqtrFo{gqnu0itqq:<rn flrgaffrfa{dlqfAqlliq I
enqrEwrgnqsgRRefHR'tqft tqgil Rdtqqu
St. 12-l 14 qerqdsmr 1069

hgfr qinri gr{orciq6qqq,

s*{T{qqrslrfr{f,r ffqq{rd ll ttR ll
Sloka I12. A feeling of aversion, mental anguish'
waEteof wealth through the sons,failure of businessare
what a perEon may have to be prepared for during
Saturn'sinterval in Jupiter's mahadasa'
c/. qoeiii+t
flq sr+qfreqfl
iqqmarqqFdIH{Aq Sg'qqgq{tsr I
i{t a.{ifinft ?a+\ ;tilqlq ll
Also std{F{(rt
w'ot-,hgfr qt qE gttnrqi qftts*q* n
Mq ttqrit trqat gr{Ha{|
qisqt{rdtifi q ixt ff{flrd ll ttl ll
Sloka1L3. Acquisition of wealthby meansof the
trading community, royal favor leading to material
comfoits and perfectpracticeof hospitalitywill mark
Mercury'sbhukti in Jupiter'smahadasa'
- ured&mt
frqR,*ftaqFeftq h{€qsorfr:t
<adordagmtgedi'itqhfqdsrrtEttit€q* rt
Also slil{frRot
uqgkilneqg{€qrfi sRfqilcFq€rqilfr t
moryxlRgt*rfrqa sqfqgt dt+saiqqa: ll
f&nqrqqefiatRfolFsllK:fm q{tert
gftA{Hi qdt-gg} hqifitqra qd fitq ll
uilqqroqsrit'd'lqw qqT'{R3 1
ge'wq{rErftt*fi flqq{I;d tt ttu ll
10d.4 arilscrft{rl Adh. XVIIL
Sloha 114. Acquioition of pearl and coral orna_
ments,pilgrimagesto holy shrines, increase of wealth
and sufferingfor the aakeof reverendse'iors and the
king will mark Ketu's intervalin Jupiter.smahadasa.
c/. r.odfi+r
{reaoilqqfrue*ffiilq, ftr"qqr aaq*lQgqqqq
qrq;gfAd{gqelfrrdfq, fr\engflEs qqlft*g, rr
EErrfA qq{rfrlsrqTqdqqI
di{rqrq{RAfrufi *qq{n-,ilin tt\ tl
Sloha 115. Acquisition of vehicles and other
valuableproperty, the glory of umbreltas and chowries,
trouble from femalesand public odium are to be looked
for in Sukra'sinterval in Jupiter's mahadasa.
c/. s-oa?ft+r
qrfi }rqqrgteE,tl
Also sldfrnrrul
q tlsnfioqrfE+ftqrrs: I
Rl;rTFftni 6qfi;lq-€F,{,{rr},
gt qtqqnt qt|It ll
flqtaq:q66qmqrtftt qEritftqo q *Ra. rr
{rfirr{i q{ fie{ Tftffii ffirrrq( t
rrcf{{Kqrtr{rfr 61qqur;at
il ttq tl
Sloha 116. Flight of enemies, victory, ease,great
diligence, coming in of wealth, royal favor and sJund
health are what a per$onmay expectin the sun'a interval
io Jupiter's mahadaga.
sl. 11?-118 {gtqfrswtqs 1066
v v v v v v v v v v v v v ! Y v ! Y ! r v v ! v Y i Y v ! ! v v v v r Y v v v Y g v v t _ d

- qodficT
Also skf$Tl{(ul
garriaaftqqegal{fifieatqttf,ulfqqs{ t
qri q\{rrf5et faiqil qlqTqqt{q q{i qqa: ll

drue'r€rdq{ rrqqtfi g€Halt l

R"qqeRwrl{ q-t dtEqil?ili11| {u ll
Sitr&a 1l?. Power acquired under femaleimpulse'
royal favor leading to material comforts, acquisition
fine appareland ornaments,are what a person may look
for in the Moon'g interval in Jupiter's mahadasa'
c/. *-o-t-it?+it

+nigrqqfiqmqqtorlssqdqeqqrfrandiff,erq{ t
gqi ffqrqt{IG{fl€fA
kfaqidqqriqqdtE wifri tt
Also qkFnF{{st
fiilqqta' l
Geraaadgilqt ertr fiarn\ dtaflqqlt tt
6{ird q tqrt cqtqT{q{frq{ |
qaini iiwrd gil dlqqur;eitt t td ll
of spirits'
fever,greatrisk, lossof wcalthanddepression
; p;;" must be preparedfor in Kuja's interval in
- mosirq*r
qoryahqqfieqils'ielig&ae.EfAftaqfqnqqtqq t
1066 rfcrqriTfii Adb"xvm.
Also 'fRFffrKE

{utmqqrsqqilf+iq, s*qrieqrqsqFrdqr
*aqar,iisftrtiqr: erqtrgefiqqaf qqrt tl
dfi G qrRqir{qrRq{ter qrrqnfr.rtfrrorI
dq6i uqq frqFc{U qq{Fa*frq rr
t{b{rr{ ti qfrq({{nqqI
qi€ffifr adt*qqtlrrd n ttq tl
Sloha. t t0. Apprehensionof every trouble,diseaee,
occagionfor every possiblecalamity,and deprivation
income-this falls to the lot of a person in Rahu'sbhukti
in Jupiter's mahadasa.
Cf, so(iftdr
gaq* q-srlqiiei r
eggqqt ilqr eq* {,i
ffidr swrdiqatuiMrqnr
ili gr++* qit qartrq{ff(gd
fffiqilR€q{ tqrf\qidUil nlRofl
Sloka 120. Jupiteroccupyinga depression Navam_
sa in its exaltationsign bringson during the progress
of ite dasadangerthrough robbers,foesand rui.rr] th"
hatredof wife and sonsand bad luck generally;Uut
when the planet is in the exahation Nivamsa'in its
depressionsign, it Eecuresduring its dasato the p.r.*
concerned,royal favor, materialcomforts,learning,
dom, fame,wealth and the influencewhich uu.t iling,
carry; and it may even be the lordehip of the whj"
sr. 121-182 wrcql$qtqt iorr

qd Nfielt
iroft$qrqqaTitTqnr{ ll
Sloka 121.Astrologers declare that during
posseseion of
dasaof Saturn, a person may come into
birds and coarsegrain
;;;;t, a$ses'..tut., old women, guild' town-
lnd g.t *.rlrh by int administrationof a
ruler of a
ship or village community and becomethe
low tribe.
o/. sa-fi|q-fiI
qgftiq-g$fR: gaERqq'lilqqiir'suqtfi : ql(€Kr$dltl: 11
{rfis&{s RqqrtgarGfrtrr( qrdi<taftfiomqs'qolq{|
gdrft qfi*Hgfi qqlgrTrmfht eaalfrHqTqil{l( ll

ffinraqtfqnqi$i q qriw\ri{gfirmnqt
rpnrift*mr;rtni m'fritq;qr€<trquritt t1l ll
Sloha 127. ln its own dasaand bhukti, Saturn may
bring on diseaseand suffering through the trouble,and
torment which thd personunder its influenceis madeto
undergo; by exciting his envy and pride, it leadsto
much sorrow and mental anguish; by exposing him to
the rapacity of kings and freebooters'it depriveShin pf
hie wealth aod store of grain.
c/. wo4iR-tt
ufqqfAusqQltug4l:qqqTqiiltq€qdiqq{ |
fiqqiflilFa{q?lrfaq tt
1068 qrialllnqa Adh XVIII.

nqftw{*t hqeqrmritqr
wtr.i EEfun tql ft
Sloka 123. In Saturn's dasaand bhukti, a person
has to encounteropposition, incur the displeasureof the
king's men, keepold servant,women,and be in dread of
his cattle being poisoned; his wife and children have
much suffering; himself being liable to fever, wind or
phlegmailmentsand to colic,
gt*lffiqtfiE& s-.qqfqrtrrqEr
gt q=Eq{rr.ft
UftqlfrrEnrqrsift rt tRBtl
Sloka 124. Increaseof happiness,
wealth and fame,
the benefitsaccruingfrom acLsof piety and customary
religious observances, agriculture and commerce,
person may expect to have in Mercury.s interval
Saturn's dasa.
c/. no<?r?mr
gqrrcqqftigleai qRil Zqoroi fiqqfdqgR: r
frqafas' fi(ng{rw nfqqTqilftFr
ilil$gk ii
Also qtil+trTttT

qrrsilqugr*qqa'{Trcqfin fiuqqn, I
Gfwqn=q*{:msTdtqeil r{iSi nfiqr+srirrt
qnitrud iri uoi dFgdir r
grn{qqfl*fi tfr qqq{rr;r\rr tR\ tl
Sloha 125. Diseasecausedby wind and bile, quarrei
with vile wicked people and dread of evil dreims. &
sl. 126-127 qgrqfrsqtTr 1059

etu's interval in
Saturn's mahadaea.
c/. n-c<lft*r
qfift{teqqft"qsq gdET#lq€qfi:qaa{ t
qTgqnaniQa qq €gq.Htqdi hgq* tt

ffg*t qtfrfr qrqrRqqaruft{|

6.qriAg€qm'rftufi ffqq{Fitt ll tREll
Sloha 126. A person experiencesthe good will of
relatives,the approbation of the people, accession of
wives, property and wealth, and the joys arising from
agricultlreand kindred pursuitspendingSukra'sinterval
in Sani-dasa.
c/. ro<?rQ+r
Sfritqqrqqfiadqq' t
gqfiffitqafnteqni qqqlqQlftflr
uiicqa ll
Also flildi-{Wt
: t
*vrfirprg{*oqoGq: aitqiqtnTGsf,eqg+
qm: fl*tqtrqrgqrq,qivl
qqr;qfiTv:frsR$a€ tt
g{,il;t}ffiai '{ Er*fiR'ffrir{ t
qqr'd{qTiqrfrft ,TIfi ff(E{rr(i ll tl\e ll
of wife and children, trouble from
Sloku 1,27.L'.-rss
the king or robbers,and a sinking ofthe heart, a person
hagto experience, during the Sun's bhukti in Saturn'E
Cf. qn-o-{i\*t
q{q q EI figqq snn$qfu+ qd{tTsiTI
'Eq'{r;qfa6gtdf(e a1a* lt
1060 c|urcrRilril Adh. XVI[.

Alsd qkHiTrRqt

sr( I
ftq*eq'flesa qfr;qr: qd fFqt ffqE{Fd{rUtt

wfrqtrt grdrgit wrwq I

q;A q;ffittFiti n tld tl
Sloha 128. Death of a revered matronly female,
sorrow, dislike of reirtives, coming in of money and
wind disease may bz expcctedduring the M:cn's bhukti
in the daeaof Saturn.
c/. ncalft-*r
qfinr(fidqqtqzqiU€ii fqqfhstqqq{ r
iri* +} tt
Also qrcsF{tq

fis +fbiogqifi,il'r) rrtq-JfRurr:

efi,ifialsfQ r
srotEflHqdifiar;n qftng* 6a,qar;611il
qrwgfr q{dt{ .Trrrftqqr-ii{q{
wiicrgEi{tstfr\ q;qE{n;ftu qlq tl
S/ofta 129. Loss of place, serious illness, various
apprehensions, distress of brothersand friends haveto
be looked for in Kuia's inrerval in Saturn'sdasa.
Cf. medr!-qr
qqpgfr q f,qfiq(€qraft aefi vrrt{qqT
efirkrnarqfqiq{rfaagufinfd{ftgt rr
Also qrc*rr{wr
qFqrqqnftnq.qq* qntsqrqufAqlqa erq t
FqrEflfiis q,ig,iii{rFd\{f}gdqqR ll
sl. 130-132 qsrqd$3rr: 1061

ffiistqwilr,{ *tReqftsrq t
rq+ilRmlR qr* qtqc{fiFilttl llo ll
Stoha 130. The anguish of diseaee in every [imb,
the devastation wrought by robbers, foes and rapacious
rulers, and the deprivation of wealth are what a person
may have to suffer during Rahu's bhukti in the dasaof
c/. q'oelft-+t
efiflfrqnqgfqfiG Hq{Tqkgrgeqq{q I
zrrqRrr=atftrifi qlflrqilrt
irqtEqffi q w{tii qtgttt I
qrqoTqq{Igifigft u<<rnrettr tlt ll
Sloka 131. Devotion to Gods and Brahmanas,royal
favor, great happinessand attainment of rank, a person
will have,during Jupiter's bhukti in Saturn'sdaga.
c/. so-(ifQnr
fiefiK qt( r
qqqr;q&{ft{T l{ lof ue<uerf*nqfioqgttt
trl5q q[d-{1l(vl

rol{afi gprd fierrit qqT€ql€Siriltfto:I

ltqro{orqgn}ar, ("]q {$qil i<firf qqft rl
*+ ffiqrfr tilgtf ${fd de,f no
qrfl* g fln{flffiqt s'&so rftaq t
qwidq.mqfrqrql qrsrEaligsi
ETlr*Rg-+r*ftqiq,tgrri flt{rr6q lt tlR ll
Sloka 132. Saturn occupying'the depression Na'
vamsain its exaltationhouse produceshappinessat the
commencementof its dasa, but towards the end, it ig
fraughtwith woe to the creatures concerned, If the
planetoccupythe exrltationNavamsa in its depression
Lour., the end of the dasais hrppy while in the initial
portion there may be evil to be fearedfrom robbersand
err.mier,muchmiseryand roan'ing in foreignlands'
cdqqTigengft*(qldiqftttsdstfr |
fiei q Kst ftq'qq't*{rqftqretq${Rflltltll
Sloka 13j. During the period that Mercury's influ'
encetakeseffect,a person will earn money through
relatives and
instrumentality of reverend seniors'
he will go
iriends; he will have fameand happines$;
dealing in gold
on an embassy, derive an income by
ware and suffer from wind ailment'
-" s-cdft*r
{gq{g(Wlfa(Fgrilflf,f}: tt
ft'qiqi\R gez{IlrTqlqq}eq Rdrqtfkaqrra geqflIqq.I
S{l€ qEcq{l
rilqer:qgfsffisn qilq*rt qTqT.rrdrfagaEi

ll tl
fr iqT'J6qqfdft;=w;if{{nqtqI
n{srql{dflqit fi*t qAqE{I<t ll t18 ll
Stoha 134. Acquisition of beautiful houses and
and relatives and
apparel,money through Brahmanas
be looked for in
success in every undertaking may
Mercury's bhukti in its own mahadasa'
-'. soajtq+t
fiqqr {Sqrt:gq flErff-di flti
sl. 136-13? dltlldtsqnrt r003

r;g$sr qfiilr{ tffidq(t

ur{rruqilfrft *fr fttqEil=ili ll tl\ ll
Sloha135. Troublefrom relatives,mental agony'
lossof comfort,dreadof an enemyand failure in busi'
ne6sareto be expoctedduring Ketu's interval in Budha
c/. qc<1iimr
ffiqFqfrgfr{El{Aqfrrqtnrarra:ft(fi tt
udqTfrt{qsqlt q{t{'i ilr t
T{ffii$ft gh drrqq{Id ll tlq ll
Sloho 136. Of{ering of acceptable presents to
reverendseniors, gods, fire and the Brahmanas,obser-
vance of duty conformable to religion and morality,
acquisition of wealth, clothing and ornamentswill mark
Sukra's interval in the dasa of Mercury'
c/. s'odfr{t
tqfrqtltt[qqflfiqi qFIqfrqKKIIIFIIt
qe{soqeft,iit q}qqrgR
snet fHt tt
Also qlf,:61-+Rrt

Gfru<efiryulqT${lgqq{T;ifl}sfi '{rrli tt
nnlqqriarfiiiqlqt ftriltar qISftil{tfiIqrtt I
tilfi qrqi figw-ntrt fha:qqn: qqqfldhfiq. tt
qq{quriqqrffi{Iqqtfr q6€qq I
qdeqomrfrftcf gqqfl<i tt tle ll
Sloku 137. Acquisition of apparel,ornaments and
wealth, royal favor, great ease, and hearing of moral
r064 mnrqrfiufi Adh. XVIII,

homiliesmay be expectedin the Sun'sbhukti in Budha

c/. q-g<ifi*t
frRgrgrwiT{utqqf,qffIqflqlqgt I
Usi.ft q Wn rq( {rgrTrf}figT-q+rektr
Also qlffihlrr(ol

E{'fitai I gGguoriflq-q{TutwR
qiqrR{gtrqnt tfrqe qr* nqi qqi tt
qFqrid: gqw +ffRE rrqq+iqpqffi;qfafl{ |
qt qTfr gth ilft ffi1: lTqEfld
hiiq tt
rMtqqa.i q*firqi+{rr{{|
qgcfisqflsifr qA firrfin-'dt tt tlc tl
Sloka 138. Diseases,ill'will of enemies,miscarriage
of every concern,risk from quadrupeds await a person
during the Moon's interval in Budha dasa.
Cf. woq'lfq{r
rtrqfl{rqgfrqqt,iqqgg'i arfi nlnqlfio}rf
Also qffiilrItq
qrqffiFrrrq€rq: qF€dqqrtr{qi fqqrq:t
fQrqdqr wg rn{fer qErqsiq$({i wa: 11
tqrftqqild n goq56n6fitt I
ll qlq ll
nqCifrqqriritg'i fpq-q11F*
S/ofra 139. Disappearanceof all danger lrom dis,
easesor enemies,fame derived from acts of charity and
beneficence,and royal favor accrue to a person during
ja's bhykti in Budha dasa.
st' 14G141 arrrlsrtlr 1066

sTftfffr{F ieqt tql qH qqtrffqg:ftcr t
EqrtrRrqqnil'ratflrgq(tfr iRfigt ll
Also qrfrfi"Fr(gl
qr( mrnrgcfrftfrgt,Rq:
gqmqrfuqunge: t
fres{fi q{q: qF} gqq wt qgflil(+ n
fte$gqq{rfr gt*ffifiWsTqt
ffqCtfrqilsiRrAM ll tgo ll
Sloha 140. During Rahu's bhukti in Budhadasa,a
persongetswealth from friendsand relativesand secureE
to himselfhappiness,learning,ornamentsandroyal favor'
c/. s-s-<itt-qt
qrr{fffitawgft: qqii\sfrffiqq qq{ |
q<fiRErrqffi rftflfrqqEflirrts$ tt

{s{--ggea{qffi{ gilrqR(l
t*ftsftMll tgt ll
Stoha141. When Jupiter hasits bhukti in Budha
daaa,a personwill incur the hatredof friendo,relatives
and elders; will haveadditionsto wealthand children,
and the like.
end will be liableto risk from diseases
c/. s-ddiftml
*qfrR€flaqrsfr: :
susq]iq{Fefhitq} qrrtqt tt
Also srtrdrtrGt
fl Ff,rgitr;r<gilsRE<r
ne+daqrarRHftc' t
sqrt tt
r;fl n: terqfiq5rqg:fi5ffi fr}sqE{li
1066 tttscrnilfi Adh.xv[I.

u.qGqwqrdfrrrfr frtqqil=* ll qul ll
Sloko 142. Acts of charity and beneficence,acqui'
sition of wealth, material comforts securedthrough the
instrumentality of petty chiefs, loss in agriculture and
the like will mark Saturn'gbhukti in Budha dasa.
c/. q-g-{fr{r
: q'intRq'€FqqGqTq
edqdqfigfrt*ih r
&rqrnqftif euffit ilrargft sqrctsfHitt
Also sftr{fiT{q

{-qq+i} rgq: qol{t I

sqttfbqarfrrqj ffiqffiqftqr t
stft qdisd fi{{rt q P+hqutul tl
Sloha 143. Mercury occupying the depreseionNa-
vamsain its exaltation sign, producesincompetencyfor
work in the person concernedand makeshim indigent
in its dasa.
frqqwaqTP{€tlqwqf}qdl t
$srfi ffi qf g{qi qqiofr ll t88 ll
Sloha 144. Mercury in depressionbut in the exal-
tation Navamsaordainsprosperityin the endof its dasa
thoughin the beginning thereofall be barrenof effect.
{ifi ft r{fr sRi\t6"dd

ftfiftgd q fufr*arqRqrdffitll t8\ ll

sl. 146-14? qUq&EffiTr 1067
nfluence Utgi"' to
ripen and yield fruit, a person feels distressed ; his
,*r" and judgment fail; he becomesafflicted with
variousdiseases ; his physical torments grow; his evil
actsmultiply ; his life ie oneof greatmisery' His com'
forts, if any, are but slight.
c/. ncclfQ*t
*nttmqrqft*ri\,{iei q {atRgsqt.q.t
frtitdss;ilfi: qgq{qR{tqr
frrRqfrdqmqt ft<qlilqnq' t
TT{R dgqrqi Nr €lqttrRq{Eq{qihtiuqfiqlqq q ll

soxsd{fli g(dfrdttnEriqI
ftsqtftq{H}frtil tsqwili ll tBE ll
Sloka 146. When Ketu 6as its intervalin its own
daoa,a person hasto apprehendthe death of his wife
an.l children, loss of happinessand wealth and evil
from his enemies.
c/. nu<lfttt
RgqqooqgefitqeeqqqEq: q3q tErgEI(( l
qffiqq{qrft Rtara f{fbfi otn qil Trt €ltqr( ll
*g{fursot r€ftrGq111tu.
cttrfteitqm}ft gh *gffird tt t8uelf
Sloka l4?. Illnessof wife and children, qtrarrels,
loss of relatives and friends, fever and dysentery ate
what one should be preparedfor in Sukra's bhukti in
Ketu daaa.
I068 ttdrwQlrt Adh.xvilr

Cl. s.o{tr{r
Gwt*et faqtfttq gge+G 6q51qgfn:1
qM qqfafrt ftrRrcm-nr* tt
Tirqi {ffi Rt1ttrlr-i{qq I
(ffifrt{ q tfr *gqqrd rt quull
Sloha148. Diaappointment, ptrysicalpain, exile in
a foreigncountry, peril and obstruction io every busi'
neEsare likely to crop up during the Sun'sinterval in
Ketu's dasa.
c/. u'o<t?rr
$qrrrui Fq6616ri14nin*RnqrrotqqI
zqaft{tr( oqrmf4trfr Gt frrftqcflflgqrt
qrrg{wflotdqffiarfui{dq I
$Kilqq{Tfrfrq-Afuqlllf,rt il t8q tl
Stoha.L49.Ennui affecting wife, children and
attendantg,dertruction of wealchaud corn, and dietress
of mind are to be lookedfor in the Moon's bhukti in
Ketu dasa.
c/. n-e(lftm
ggqqgqna\q ilfi: gilR{d Tgg:€qr{rqfi: I
qtRTfrqqr ftftqrqrggti rr

T;S{EIq{rmftSi*-gqqrdll t\o lt
Sloka 150. During Kuja's bhukti ia Ketu dasa, a
perton hagto incur the oditrm of his sono, wife and
youngerbrothera,to sufferpain from diseaoes,foeo and
bad rulers,artd to losetome relatives.
qclqisslrr 1069
Sl. 161-l5s
c/. n-e<lfitt
qs;€q{6{qq€qnit q{qft qarTqqqFd*tra. I
gf,qe{q{g{fei q qqR 5+ ';qqqtGqtTS:ll
rq-+r$4grdtfitnfftnrrrq t
{r* +-gftfitrt ll lrl
gsqHEdETE ll
Sloka151. Fearof kingsand robbers,sorrow'
of every businessand altercation with bad
to te e"p"ct"d in Rahu'sbhukti in Ketu dasa'
- q-ddR-dr
qarq qqP'ildtflT:1
qsqaqqqqfie?eraqffi rlis* ftrdFqgqqrg:tt
gt *qfintd ll l\1 ll
Sloha152. Approbation of Gods'Brahmanaeaod
eldere,king's good will, exemptionfrom ailments
for in
,.qoisiciorr'oflands and children may be looked
Jupiter'sbhukti in Ketu'sdasa'
Cf. s'o{irtdl
gt"qg q(ftqqrflH€qnqfifrfq: 1
qar.rqiqq{ilqrrt qqft qts* gfr ftrd;qaJqqll
q4prq T{Rr'{ gq;gil{Rffi{ |
{rfr M
tqsrqffiETmft ll t\1 ll
Sloha153. Misgiving in the heart,mentalanguish
dif ference with kith and kin and the abandonment
native countrv will mark Saturn'sinterual in Ketu dasa'
c/. qddftdr
qRqqffii: qfrsili figq{Rqqqs{sf,i q I
nqrgwtqdqftdgi ftKqlqrlgI tt
10?0 ltlrqIIKI Adh.xvilI.

r€ffiriqlt grEqfiFrqqI
gt *gfin ft tl t\B tl
Bffia 154. The society of relativee, friends and
the like, accessionof wealth to sons and wife, aod
happineos derivablefrom knowledgeaccruein Mercury'e
bhukti in Ketu dasa.
c/. s-cdfrdr
Sr{c{fi ng{rlR: frRqqftf}rfr,rrtqftsrt
qgafrffffi.i\ riuifrnft gt ftrfrq-.Ffi-Tw{tt
gqqEgilr*gr eE{rqi g€qEsI
qrt frqrtquf stft RSi fi{ n t\\ tl
Sloha 155. Ketu associatedwith a benefic planet
yields happinessin its dasa. If aspectedby a benefic
planet, it leads to the acquisition of abundant wealth.
ll{lqsWd fur qqT*gs{atl t
dfr uftqffitrt q6ngq il t\E fl
Sloka 156. When asgo:iatedwith malefic planete,
Ketu producesdanger throuqh the instrumentality of
wicked men and misery through acquired diseaseelead,
ing to waste of wealth.
qtrrfi gursilfti ErnqstT{rqlt{ |
Enntr ffiEhmifrqrrrt\s rr
Sloha 157. Three-fold is the effect of Ketu'g dasa.
At the beginningof it, eldersand relations are trken ill ;
in the middle of it, there is money coming in; at the
end there is happiness.

frnmrftqdiE fr€{ gwqqrcqpqqqffiqI

firs qqrt Ug,qirfriil tre
=l13:]"T" --"lTl
""",""-," :S'T: "-"""---"""'acquisi-
Sloha 158. Venus in its dasa leadsto the
tion of wife, children, wealth, exceediog
fortune and fameequalto a king't'
meanEof locomotio-n-,
c/. q-dfri\6r
*tergdq?npll tlqdqI€il{t'il ta*pofif\qqqrq'itar' t
ffi f*qrRft qqrqsft {l ffi i *aqrqqfqgqrqfr
qqfAutfrf il Er;qEIft++€{
fiqsfiqaqrqqrsfrurtr,iqr ll

tl rl
wqrdwmflffi qqtRg€wqq!|
RgIr{ qililr{ g* gnE{rdil} ll t\q tl
Stoha159. Acquisitionof conches, females'weatth
and apparel,goodwork and other auchmeansof
perfect-b"ppiness, of enemiesand attain-
,.nt of famewill mark sukra's bhukti in its mahadasfl.
c/. wc<lR-tt
qffitqqqrflqFqilqgqq: qqETgqHrqq:I
gfrgR' fhfrflffio-qfr uggt eqni qGrtaRtt
Ittflttti q Efrrllkffirqq{|
ilMitqitgnwrF&ll tQoll
Slokul60. ln the Sun'sbhukti in the dagaof Venuo'
the head'
a personbecomesliable to diseasesaffecting
in respectto
tt. U.tty and the eyes; he sustainsdamage
agriculrur",cattle proptrty and incurethe displea'
sure of the rulere.
ro72 r|Grftl|i Adh.xvln.
c/. wc<?ft*r
qqroRffifrorriqq:ftfr,zil qqqfr flifiqrq I
Urudqrqr;qq{elug€frgfi qTgsfrftqt rt
Also qfc-+fr<ur

Wftfr{fr q;gfiffrf,ffqilnqqn€e{: qT( |

#eqw-ffluqfi {rsr ,{r,hqR rififiin: ll
ftikstqqqmlfrqA g{E{nd ll tqt ll
Stoha I6L. When the Moon hasits interavl in the
dasaof Venus, a person suffers much pain from a disease
due to an inflammation in the nervous tissuesand from
lust and other evil passionsof human nature and what'
ever easehe can feel under the circumstaoces must be
small or slight.
qtqfr Enerrqfi
rt€i {ft €* +qqf il {ti{ |
q€ftU€qmqtqfr{fsifraq,ilefrae {RqftqR
Also qrtrmr{(q
qftiqd{qftsagi:rmes{€dlffie ftn{ t
t{{ q qilqi {r{qr-il{rrt feq{Til ff
thhrftqn:qffr wnsil qrBiTfr;mqr{|
{rffirilqlefidrs{quroTq:lfit q;qqtfr *trd. tt
furqmrfttriq qfut qiFrq{|
(rrwr{qrsifrof gsErrr;ilitl tql ll
Sloha 162. Flow of bile, diseaseof the eyes.great
exertion, coming in of money, acquisition of wivec and
lande are to be expected in Kuja'a bhukti in the dasr of
qurq*ss'rrqr 10?3
sL 163-164
rogam cha) is anot'her
" Bappifu ipi q " (Pitthasrigakshi
Ct. soEtqTI
g{R{rqgqq6;gffivqqsmffi$ si ll
[l5s qkT'dlrT(or

fiarsrretG+rrfr lr t+eqqkqq{fiMrqI
qrk$gt tsgi\itrrqrq
H--fiaqlilnw€g*C i $tqh' sl(€g fdqF{: t
stsrr+ qdqqm.ne\*eif*q qilqR fl(q. ll

froqKqaqrfiffga'i $6sq{ t
qftqTqlr{lftitn* grq{rFn\ll tql ll
Sloktt 163. Acquisition of black substances
relatives' evil from
a valuable prop."y, dislike oi
be expectedin Rahu's
friends, and injury by f ire may
bhukti in the rnahadasa of Venus'
c/. q-o-/ilfimt

ft fq,{q:gaaf}q{f,eEl{€qnnqirT':qfifit{itt
a.qa*rfiitfi q'iie:i soq\q<q'Hrilsg\tt
fiqaiqwft qqiqrtg€H€{ |
drgtrffi q Aqd gft gtErrr'.c\tt tqu ll
in Sukra's
Sloha164.During the bhukti of Jupiter
mahadasa,a persongets wealtb' appareland ornaments'
p"ti"t*t his religious dutie.s.leadinghin t9 ultimate
ir.ppiness;his wife anJ children may fall ill and
maYbe distressin cousequence'
1074 rftiqfiqfi Adh. XVilI

c/, q-o-qlft*l
ffiqqqRillcfFmfl q{ft qr.qqlrrrglfiqq: I
Rfiqrrsqgsq qlffiqi aRqweftartm-qrqh
Also qlil{f}rol
il4nrqiqrfFqff} u
Tqdqili,iloi wtrqiFrrr{ |
ffiqrrrqqT*frqq grffirJ(t il lq\ ll
Sloha L65. Liaison with femalesthat are past their
prime, accessionof houses, lands and wealth and the
disappearanceof enemieswill mark Saturn's bhukti in
Cf. q-o-fifrmr
il r
fifiqfqrqfi;ri€3{i: fifiqdqaqrq'rirni} tt
Also sld{Iqwt

Re{ t
\n \ \ . \
gEI(qHl qflql q{lTql {rqal(qT;d{ql EilI q( ll

gdirut*pltft tqdiit ue6uqr

gqqrtqqri'rfr gt gffEdrr(iil tqE tl
Sloha 166. During Mercury's interval in the dasa
of Venusa person secrrresthe comfort of his 8ons,
friends,wealtlr, royal favor, happincsson a large scale,
prosperitl' and sound health.
c/. q-it-'.ifq*t
a{qs}pqqqljr{q*qqifiqqeGedaqudrqrt: I
q=qi ||
qq{aaffi rffirR=gfi,igqqf:aq{refd
qtrddsqtat 10?6
sl. 16?-1?0

; tt*t-*
1ft: ntarft qq'qErafin
g<+r<tftftfiar-aufrinmiqt{ttC rr
toi r:gnd q u1{rerTrilqs{|
qffirnhfrgtqilmt tt tE\ell
and depriva'
flicted by enemies, misgiving in the heart
be preparedfor
tion of wealth are what a person should
in Ketu's bhukti in the mahadasaof Venus'
c/. radiff+;t
{qrTdlEfiqrilaq;ntq I
ftlsfi qlsafr{qiitE{lq.ll
erfrq <tra{qaRgfr:
sqtrfiqnrgfr frqtuffiqF{di I
qnr* trifirrdq s{r( qdt€gfrq.11lQc ll
Sloka 169. Venus in its exaltation sign but in the
loss of
depressionNavamsa causes loss of wealth and
statu* in its dasa.
: drqitruqqf}Eil
q(ri ufrqrisrc'itr{sl}i qwsft ll lqa' ll
Slofta 169. Venus in its depressionsign but in the
exaltation Navamsa gives to the person concerned
during the ripening of irs dasa, (successin) agriculture
anCtrade and accession to his wealth'

srqqtt{: ttesfit w\qi doqifril€riiw t

diddrqnq{r{i{fi iqrfieqil sot{qfrll lso ll
-,-- - l*i"*-
i919-",--""- -."--i*:Y-'l'
Sloha 1?0. As regardsthe crop of fruit borne, the
dasaof a planet having full strength or in its exaltation
is termed full or complete; that of a planet without
strength is termed emPty. The dhs.aof a planet in a
depressionor inimical Navamsa is to be understoodas
Thislsloka is from Brihat Jataka. q{fr (Prasuti) means
Radix position; Chart at birth tinre. tlwi (Sarnnurna) is the
name given to a dasa of the planet n'irich is in exaltatiorrand is
well-placed too.
frqlttae qdlqqnsq t
flrtqkqt wr hqr '{qrilrqfiqfqf,ttt
d{ifielqe dtqnftiqasq t
fiil q1qqai iqr qqlilrufqaifqjil tt
dtqirftrrnsrq f+fqeegilqq I
tqi ilq (nr iqr qETfii{,fi gt{I ll
rI: aT.9{{frqFqkl'llqifiqqi{* t
astfqesaTalq 6qtr:q?qfiqfk'it rt
Also Uult{t
4A;eI: I
)rei qai FgqeEgst:5if:n 'T,E
gq{;qqlfr ll
n<fr* t3fiai'rr:refirarftmr{tigoe HIfAI
fl.ilia<i\qqrtg )ft qrt'qfiertt
Also €Rrsdf

qqoi{|,{tfi{ qftq: esTt r
SL r?1-1?3 ffisstrr r0?7
- v - - - - v - - - - - - - v

)tei qni fi'.qfi qqq:g ({il' tl
dtq{E1acwt: {lsfqait,trd'ri,t
flqorl,qTqqq;qT q{ristq{}qqt{ tl

eqgrnrimtiuE{r1q;o{flg q t
(Tf,r{i*Tt{f aTI(qqtikil{rr*l tl tel ll
S l o k a 1 ? 1 . I n t h e m a i n d a s aa s w e l l a s i n t h e s u b '
sidiary dasaof the lord of the rnd or theTth placefrom
any bhava,there will happenthe destructionthereof by
(1) the planet occupyinq the [,irava; ('{]) the onE aopecE'
ing it ; or (3) the rrrtttt+ (bhava'karaka) representingit
Nolt s.

Vide also A<lhyaf a V, S1. 50, supra.

iH.iq**{wil qio+ qR tituart t

qflrl;(1i{rr+6uii}c f}geig({q.ll l\eRll
S l o h a 1 ? 2 . I f b ' - t t etfc p l a . n e t so c c u p y i r l ga T r i k o n a ,
the 2nd and tl're llrh l'liavas be strong. chcy produce
m u c h h . r p p i n e s si l r i r r : l r d a s r s t r n d a n t a r d a s a s .

qsq{ruzTrf}fis{irr1qUqi qK{qTiicII( |
fr* qqt {rggt{r{nil( ll
ilirresqrit Eqtr$uFii
git dTqqq€Eqqt iqrr*IiEriqi qrildqrft-
eiltsgK{'rsqg: tr
t ef w h i c h t i ) e r n r t t e r
S t o k a 1 7 3 .I n J , r t a k a p a r i j : .o
has beenculled f rom cvery astrc)logirai work and rvhich
1078 srd6crft{(a Adh. XVIII.

consistsof 18 Adhyayas,the whole subjectof astrology

beginning with the nature of the lodiacal signs and
ending with the fruit of the drsas or pianetaryperiods
has beentrcated by me under the auspicesof thc Sun
and other planets

T h u s e n d s& c .


tiineKttire qsli}RsrtlqsqTf\dA tT{ttt| |

;qlfifqr s{qoqqnt dffitr q|(sqriiGn(s
.S/otru174. (lonspicuouswith its eightecnbranches
in the form of adhyayas full of bright blooming star$
a n d d i s p l a y i n gm a i n l y a l l t h : f n r i t s t h : y h e : r r t, h e c e l e s '
tial tree <-rfhorcscopessratflfieta (JatakaParijata) has
b e e nf u l l y d e s c r i b e d .

srii ufuEToti EEqfr
qIqHTit qq6diailT{ itloT?titslifi{ll
rgqiffi Wdrqqftiql',itrrqdirrrftd
fr;qfrqa*qql gqst qFer6(.:i q Tqr( qs\

giqrqrEfr'{TEiigdiiga{T{q5frnoq I
q;<qieqtrqlfqrqffi ar{tqpotql;qqd
ilirqrd{-{rrufftTrkii qFi Ettt;a{u tl qsq ll
SL 176-L77 ugrqlilsErq! r0 79

Slohas175-116.The natureand the quarter of the

zodiacal signs; (zl) the motions of the planets, their
place, their character and forms ; (3) the conception
and otiier proc('ssesinvoived in the birth of every crea'
ture ; (4) tl'',eni:merousills that overtake children and
voung peclilein a stittc of adolescence; (5) the length
of lrii:; (6) the rule rcgarding planetary conjunctions
that mar the f c rtunes o[ the horoscopesin which they
o c c u r ; ( 7 ) k i n e . m a k i n gy o g a s ; ( f t ) b e n e f i c i a lc o m b r n a -
tions of two, three or more planets; (9) the effectsof
Mandi, year, etc., in their order ; (10) next in order
the Ashtakavarg;r and the reckoning of benefic dots ;
( l l ) t h e e f f e c t so { t h e l s t a n d t h e 2 n d b h a v a s ; ( 1 2 ) o {
the 3rd and the +th ; ( I 3) of the 5th and the 6tL ; ( 1't)
o f t h e T t h ,t h e t r t h a n d t h e 9 t h ; ( 1 5 ) o f t h e l O t h , t h e
l l t h a n d t h e l 2 t h ; ( l n ) t h e h o r o s c o p eosf w o m t - n ; ( 1 7 )
what reiatesto the Moon's pla.ceat birth and (f8) the
dasasand their subdivisions-these havebeentreatedof'
in the work.

dthqrit+hszfiiaiqr*iqarqs gqit
eTrRiqriiqqnde5qql ftqsu;lfrai t
EIil iq=gqgqtruil ft qsK { IEqIiEdi
qh q6uqrRqraqrfhriiatrqqg1tqriiq.ll t\es ll
S / o A , rl ? 7 . T h e t a l e n t c da n d i l l u s t r i o t r sV a i d y a n a
t h a , t h e s o n o f t l r c i l l r r s t r i o u s V e n k a t a d r i ,s o e m i n e n t
for his leatningand knowlcdgchasbrcn able,under'the
k i n d a u s p i c eos f t h e S u n a n d o t h e r p l a n e t st,o c o m p o s e
t h i s g q i C et o ; r t t r c , l o F yJ,a t a k a p a r i j a it na l S a d h y a y a s
embodyingall that is essentiali. r. the very nectarraised
-",:"*: ""-"-""1i3:
from the ocean of horary science, the author has been
able to compo$e this work in lyrical metresso as to
win the admiration of the learnedworld'

il {ii ,.1'iqlffiqriiqrc3qflfls u

ll dtqlrffiaftrqrq aql ll


'Ji.,,4fi)6rl\:1t: "Bca
l'lN 15. a-n
. i\,1.-

Line For Read


vi 2\ bp by
I 2L ffi5.etiRa *i*erirta
2 23 Sl kas Slokas
J 13 Ras is Rasis
6 sarfra ea*s
28 ISEqT:
13 Eirrol:

2T 15 +{ *
ZJ 15 frqnin fi-q{riiT
26 33 Thrimasmsas Thrirnsamsas
n rlftgztorq q!'*gamrq
27 23 qq 1q
28 8 Eve Even
ciftqtf qrRqrd
29 17
29 18 ?c*.+j: ?aor+:
30 22 g.rsdg grr*dg
3l 24 ff,iag+ qkRgo
32 2T Rajaspadada Rajaspada.
33 t9 *"e *r4
s;{rd q-4rdt
42 32
42 33 nis uiirg
60 25 ffi<c fisit<w
61 I Jnpiter Jupiter
7 a*Tqo qiq{o
Tl€toli q-6rsli
70 28
72 T4 srfui* esfblis
74 25 parternal paternaJ
77 2 ftttico: ftilrc*:

Page Line F-or Read

78 sefteyes soft eyes
80 intial initial
104 12 Saturm Saturn
105 10 aiierq i?(sl{
r25 4 iarf*qr tarf*qr
t')5 rt}I rrri
t26 23 [(a-nya K:rnya
170 2'2 t sticle testicle
I/ L 24 gatake Jat:rka
176 l9 RrqtnEr drqrcra
190 20 iift: iife
r92 b ir{TtrI.[' ccl{o
20r (; Tf,qcrEI {*u*i"1
216 27 *-e&iqer *;ABrr,arrqr
227 3 o of
227 12 fsign sigr';
246 6 ber:orn l;r:corr-re
246 th lhc
246 IJ ; Li f c c t c ;rffccterl
247 6 r icrvsof vicrvso[
2.17 2l ay;r riary:.r
247 24 ave h:rve
747 26 ciVilSS.fffIiII1 Jecvasarman
247 lt fur
t[cl 5 Jeevasarmma Jeevasarnran
2 57 8 thls this
267 t4 crqref*d qrcrdiii.a
278 26 N{ rs N{ars
280 24 nr cts rneets
286 22 cading rezrding
3 r4 23 qr;qqic
335 T7 ilIere Ilerc

I'age Line lior llead

380 29 nd and
39r 31 ithrv with
101 5 dlsritcrr {srRcil
420 2r tt3ffwg6 fleffqgA
+22 ltl eR sR
.+r){l )q Si rr Sign
527 ,1\) ''v lris ellth his rrye:rlth,
.5J8 t8 be rvili hr,rrvill
658 3 I(ujas t;rvarga I(u jashtavarga
658 I4 lrt: the
683 .5 t nr: the
730 osi qlll
734 a.l
th 6th
739 10 ,\l crcury Mercury
748 12 rc] t great
754 .tA
nunrher number
756 6 {5-ciir ,rs-{iir
783 9 {TT4Tq €TAFq
784 t2 iraig: *eig;
781 22 lrqcdrqriiEr{q rrnftrrqriltrdq
786 J crm rn:rncl cornrnand
796 20 denots <.littiltes
799 n
I l'ices l'isccs
i99 2B Ir
H00 8 tlro 6th the 6tlr
802 24 rvlll rvili
806 8 plscc 1;i:r.ce
s10 4 ll irr
813 z:) :rttrl and
E20 (] r-\
a:, grgrl ; i gr r
E 2I {\ illl(l ; i r(_i
il2(i Jd i 'rf

Page Line For Read

829 t4 occupfed occupied

833 29 rn:rYr oaI'
833 30 be he
838 5 desease disease
851 22 contses courses
851 28 tha the
1 ilfc* qrit#
871 25 associoted associated
898 22 1th 10th
916 1? maximum in minirnum in-
come come
923 25 Frilt
946 1l Arus Arres
948 16 Snbhagraha Subhagraha-
navalnsa navalTISa

932 l6 wonb womb

983 3 eaeh each
987 26 gooo good
1003 29 tho the
100? 29 In in
1032 13 ftrqtrrqt ffsFrtqi
7 ?ifcof
i0 4 0 {rol
13 creg ir?l

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