Module5-Nash J Old Testament Books
Module5-Nash J Old Testament Books
Module5-Nash J Old Testament Books
Name: Jacinta
The book of Genesis is a narrative genre. The key themes and events that took place in Genesis
was that the universe was formed by God and He was also the reinforcer. Other key themes that
took place in Genesis were the fall of man, the flood, and admirable history of Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, and Joseph. Adam and Eve were the first to introduce sin and death in the world. After
Adam and Eve sinned, it was easy for mankind to sin. God became increasingly upset and
destroyed the whole world with a world wide flood. The only family that was spared was Noah
and his family. God showed his love and mercy. Mankind had not learned their lesson and began
to build the tower of Babel. Their reasoning was to build a tower that would reach the heavens.
God confused the language and therefore, mankind was forced to disperse about the world.
Abraham had a son named Isaac and Isaac had a son named Jacob. Jacob was later renamed
Israel. Jacob had a son named Joseph and he was sold into slavery by his brother. Joseph was
taken to Egypt. Later, Jacob and his family moved to Egypt due to the cruel famine.
The book of Exodus is a narrative and law genre. The key themes of Exodus is God's
deliverance, providence, holiness, and law. The major events that took place in Exodus was the
birth and call of Moses, the Israelites leave Egypt, and the 10 commandments. Moses was born
during the time of hardship. Moses was born and delivered into the family of Pharaoh. Moses
was raised by the Pharaoh daughter who looked at him her son. While Moses was trying to
protect a fellow Hebrew, he killed an Egyptian. He escaped into Midian. While in Midian, he
met his wife Zipporah. God appeared to Moses and instructed him as the chosen one to free his
people from Egypt. Moses and his brother Aaron returned to Egypt and demanded that Pharaoh
let the Israelites go free. Pharaoh refused and God sent plagues which ended with the death of the
firstborn. The only people that were spared were the ones that had the blood of the lamb on their
doorpost. Finally Pharaoh released the Israelites, but then changed his mind. He decided to attack
the Israelites that lived near the Red Sea. God parted the water and allowed the Israelites to
cross. The Egyptians were then demolished. While the Israelites were on their journey through
Mt. Sinai, God presented them with the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were a
list of religious and moral directions that created a covenant between man and God.
The book of Leviticus is the first book of the Bible that is the law genre. The key theme in
Leviticus is sacrifice/offering, worship, and holiness. The main events that took place during
Leviticus is priest begin their ministry and the death of Nadab and Abihu. God taught his people
that they were to be separate for holiness. sin had to be dealt with a certain way and that is where
sacrifices began. Sacrifices were symbols of repentance from sin and obedience to God. Sacrifice
had to be perfect. Worship was opened through offerings and sacrifices Aaron and his sons were
anointed by God as the priest of Israel. God appeared and set the altar in flames. Two of Aaron
sons neglected to make the right preparations for approaching the altar and God sent fire to
consume them. God forbids homosexuality. Sexual sins were punishable by death. God also
directs Israel not to eat camels, rabbits, and pigs. The Israelites were allowed to eat fish and some
birds. At the end of it all, God promised to give Israel great abundance and success if they
obeyed the laws. If they disobeyed the laws, they would be given famine. As long as the
Israelites confessed and repented for their sins, God promised to keep his covenant and never
leave them.
The book of Numbers is the narrative genre. The key themes in Numbers are the census,
rebellion, wandering, and Canaan. The key events are spies sent into Canaan, Aaron made the
high priest, and water from the rock. Numbers begin with the census of the Hebrew. The men
who were not Levite and over the age of 20 numbered 603,550. The journey from Sinai to Moab
takes place. Spies were sent out to investigate the land after complaining was said during the trip.
The spies reported back that there were strong, evil giants who inhabited the land. Joshua and
Caleb reported a different finding. They reported that the land flowed with milk and honey. The
Israelites were punished for their lack of faith by wandering the wilderness for 40 years. During
this time the Israelites rebelled against God and Moses. They had no water. Moses was given
instruction from God to speak to a rock, but he disobeyed. He struck the rock with is rod. The
disobedience of Moses caused God to prevent Moses from entering the promised land. A new
census was taken and the number decreased to 601, 730. The Israelites camped out in Moab and
prepared to enter the Promised land.
The book of Deuteronomy is the law genre. The key themes of Deuteronomy is history, laws,
love and teaching. The major events that took place during Deuteronomy is the second giving of
the law, Joshua succeeds Moses, and the death of Moses. Deuteronomy focuses on Moses and
how he addresses the Israelites in preparation for entering the promised land. He goes over the
events of the past 40 years and encourages the Israelites to remember Gods miracles and
covenant with Israel. Moses repeats the ten commandments given by God at Mt. Sinai. Moses
gives explicit instructions to the Israelites to destroy all the native inhabitant ants of the promised
land so that the Canaanites do not interfere with Israel worship of God. Moses emphasizes the
rules from Leviticus and adds a new law that states that the Israelites are to cancel debts every
seven years. Moses is then instructed to go to Mt. Nebo to get a vision of the promised land.
Moses then dies and is buried by God in the valley of Moab.
Joshua is a narrative genre. The key themes of Joshua are Rahab and spies, battle of Jericho,
Achan's sin, and Joshua's death. The major events of Joshua are faith, guidance, and leadership.
After the death of Moses, God appointed Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and
to take control of the promised land. God guaranteed victory upon the Israelites as long as they
obeyed his laws. Joshua then sent two spies to investigate the territory. The men enter Jericho,
and a prostitute named Rahab hides them in her home. She informs the spies that the Canaanites
fear Israel because of its successes. Rahab ask for protection of her family when the Israelites
begin their battle over Jericho. The spies then profess to Rahab that her family will be spared
and they return to Joshua and report that the enemies are weak. The Israelites fail at conquering
Ai because of Achan's disobedience to God when he took something from Jericho. The Israelites
attack again and take over the city. The promised land is then divided among the tribes of Israel.
The Levites were given specific cities through the entire region. Caleb was given land for
trusting God. The family of Zelphehad was granted land because of the inheritance on behalf of
their father.
The book of Judges is a narrative genre. The key themes in Judges are discipline/compromise,
decay/apostasy, defeat/oppression, and repentance. The major events that took place during
Judges are rule of the judges of Israel, Gideon's call and rule, and, life marriage, and death of
Samson. The beginning of Judges starts by describing how the Israelites have failed to keep their
covenant with God and did not completely conquer all of the promised land. It is then described
in Judges that God comes to the rescue of Israel and a vicious cycle of sin, rescue, worship and
sin continues. The most famous judges are Samson, Deborah, and Gideon. During the last
section of Judges, two tribes of Israel have strayed far away from God. Dan has began
worshiping idols and the entire tribe of Benjamin are killed in a civil war. The book ends with
the most tragic observation. "In those days, Israel had no kin; everyone did as he saw fit."
The book of Ruth is of the narrative genre. The key themes of Ruth are faithfulness, kindness,
integrity, protection, prosperity and blessing. The major events of Ruth are Naomi and Ruth
return to Israel, Ruth meets Boaz, and Boaz redeems Ruth. The book of Ruth is a love story
between Ruth and Boaz. The beginning of Ruth begins with Naomi. Naomi husband had recently
died. Ruth was Naomi daughter in law. She remained loyal to Naomi by traveling with her to
Bethlehem and giving a beautiful speech that showed she had adopted Naomi's God. Ruth began
working in the fields that belonged to her father in laws relative, Boaz. Boaz was interested in
Ruth and invited her to join his workers for lunch. He encouraged her to stay in the fields. Ruth
gleaned in Boaz field through May until late June. Naomi encourages Ruth to go visit Boaz a the
threshing floor celebration. Ruth promptly followed the directions and laid at the feet of Boaz.
When Boaz had awaken Ruth asked for her rights. Boaz told Ruth that there was actually another
relative that was closer and had the rights. Boaz went to the city gate the next morning. He stated
the need to redeem the land owned by Elimelech. Boaz found out that he needed to marry Ruth
and so that is what he did. They had a son. Boaz and Ruth were the great grandparents of David.
The books of Samuel are narrative. The key themes of 1st and 2nd Samuel are God's
sovereignty, and the need for dependence upon God. The major events that take place during 1
and 2 Samuel are the call of Samuel, Saul anointed King of Israel, David anointed as God's new
chosen King of Israel, David and Goliath, and David and Bathsheba. The 1st book begins with
the birth and dedication of Samuel to Hannah. Samuel is taken to the temple to serve God. In a
battle with the Philistines, Israel loses the Ark of the Covenant. It is later returned after the
Philistines are overcome with plagues. Saul is anointed by Samuel to be the chosen king of
Israel. Saul makes terrible decisions and disobeys God. Samuel tells Saul that God has rejected
him as king. God then selects David to be the king. Samuel anoints David and David kills the
Philistine giant Goliath. Saul pursues David for the throne and twice David has the chance to kill
Saul. Saul ultimately ends up committing suicide.
The 2nd book of Samuel begins by David being crowned King. The northern part of Israel
rejects God by choosing Saul son as King. David is then asked to be King of the north after Ish-
Boseth is killed. David states that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. The second half of the
second book of Samuel focuses on David's faults. David has a baby with Bathsheba and has her
husband killed. After being confronted by Nathan, David repents. Bathsheba gives birth to
Solomon and Absalom. Solomon was the future king of Israel whereas Absalom was the
rebellious one and ultimately put to death for treachery.
Both 1st and 2nd Kings are narratives and prophecies. The key events of 1st and 2nd Kings is
David's death, Solomon's reign, the division of the Kingdom, and Elijah and Elisha ministry.
The major events that take place during 1 and 2 Kings is the devotion to God, consequences of a
divided heart, receiving correction, sin and repentance, idolatry, evil kings/good kings, God's
patience, and Judgment. The first book of Kings describes the reign of the kings of Israel and the
split of Israel into the Northern and Southern divisions. Following the death of David, Solomon
becomes the king of Israel. Solomon uses wisdom that he is granted from God. He then begins
building the temple David prepared to build. Seven years later, the ark is bought to the temple.
Solomon eventually falls and begins to worship the gods and lust after often women. Once
Solomon dies, the nation splits between Northern and Southern. The new king Reheboam puts
Jeroboam as King. Everyone but Judah and Benjamin create the Northern Kingdom. The prophet
Elijah is sent to warn Ahab against idol worship. During 2nd Kings it discusses the two divided
kingdoms of Israel. It blatantly shows what happens when one kingdom obeys God and what
happens when the other disobeys God. God sends various prophets to Israel to bring hope to
them. Elijah then takes Elisha as his apprentice. Elisha doubles the miracles that Elijah
performed. The Northern Israel is held captive by Assyria during Hoshea reign. The Southern
kingdom did not do any better.
The 1st and 2nd Chronicles are both of the narrative genre. The key events that happen in 1st and
2nd Chronicles is that David is made King, Ark is returned to Jerusalem, Solomon is given
wisdom, Solomon builds temple, dedication of the Temple, Kingdom divides, Cycle of Good and
Bad kings, and Judah falls to Babylon. The major themes that took place during 1st and 2nd
Chronicles is Gods people, true worship, peace, prayer, reform and national collapse. The first
book of Chronicles is written following the exile to comfort who had just escaped Babylonian
bondage. The beginning of 1st Chronicles starts with the genealogies of the past nations. It
begins with Adam and goes all the way to King David and the Priests. The next section of 1st
Chronicles states how Saul lost his life in battle, how David is made King, and the building of
the temple by Solomon. The book ends with Solomon being the King. 2nd Chronicles is mainly a
book about the kings. It shows how the righteousness were blessed and how sin was harmful.
2nd Chronicles tell what events led up to the confinement of Israel by Babylon. 2nd Chronicles
are also written after the exile. The book begins with Solomon being the King. Details are given
about the temple being built as well as situations where Solomon displayed his wisdom. 2nd
Chronicles also speaks about the visit with Queen Sheba and the story of King Jehoshaphat
alliance with Ahab. It is also stated how Israel split into North and South. Jeroboam was crowned
king of the north and David was crowned King of the south. The ending of 2nd Chronicles talks
about the 20 kings and how the Northern Kingdom was captivated by Babylon.
The book of Ezra is of the narrative genre. The key themes of Ezra is rededication, opposition,
God's Word, and faith and action. The major events that took place in the book of Ezra was that
the first exiles return from Babylon, the temple is rebuilt, the second exiles return from Babylon,
and Ezra deals with the sin of intermarriage. In the beginning of the book of Ezra starts with 42,
360 Jews returning from exile because of a legal order by Cyrus of Persia. The building of the
temple is immediately began by Jews going to Jerusalem to start arranging, accumulating
materials, and building of the temple. The building of the temple was delayed because Israel's
enemies overpowered and terrorized them while they were trying to construct the temple. It took
a total of 20 years for the temple to be completed. Later, the last of the Jews return from exile.
Ezra was one of the Jews to return. Ezra job was to clean the Jewish community. Although Ezra
taught what the right thing was to do, the priests married heathen wives. With the heathen wives
came along the pagan religions.
The book of Nehemiah was of the narrative genre. The key themes was vision, prayer,
leadership, problems, repentance, and revival. The major events that took place in Nehemiah was
that Nehemiah begins rebuilding wall, Israelites confess their sins and rededicate themselves. The
beginning of the book of Nehemiah focuses on how Nehemiah, a Jewish cupbearer, was sent to Jerusalem
to rebuild the temple wall because Jerusalem lacked a wall to protect them from attack. Nehemiah
gathered workers and within a few weeks, the wall was complete. In order for the wall to be completed so
swiftly, Nehemiah had each family build a section in the front of their home. By the end of the 52nd day,
the wall was completed. Following the completion of the wall being built, Israel is renewed as a unified
nation. Ezra holds a renewal ceremony and teaches the Law on intermarriage, debts, priesthood, working
the land, honoring the Sabbath, and tithing.
The book of Ester is of the narrative genre. The key themes in Ester is God's sovereignty,
deliverance, action and wisdom. The major events that take place during the book of Ester is that
Queen Vashti is deposed, Esther is chosen as new queen, Haman plots to kill the Jews, and God
delivers the Jews through Esther. The beginning of Ester states that Persia is ruled by King
Ahasuerus. Ester is crowned queen by King Ahasuerus, who does not know of her Jewish
heritage. Esther's uncle Mordecai overhears a plan to assassinate the king. He promptly reports it
and receives public honor. Mordecai refuses to bow down to Haman and Haman devises a plan
to have all the remaining Jews in Persia to be killed. Overhearing the plans, Mordecai tells
Esther. Esther then tells the King and ask for protection of her people from Haman's plot to kill
them. Ahasuerus ultimately hangs Haman on the very gallows that he built for the Jews. The ring
of signet, the rights for protection of the Jews, and Haman's former position as prime minister is
given to Mordecai.
The book of Job is a narrative genre. The key themes of Job is suffering, Satan's attacks, God's
goodness, pride, and trusting. The major events that take place during the book of Job is Satan's
challenge, God allows Satan to plague Job, Job loses everything, Job debates with his friends
about "why?", Elihu's speech, God speaks to Job, and Job is restored. The book of Job shows
how a man's faith was attacked by Satan in a test to prove that one man would be unfaithful to
God. Job was a great example of faith. Although he lost everything, he was still faithful to God.
During the first part of the book, God gave Satan permission to attack Job in any way, but just to
spare his life. Job ended up losing everything including his children, his land, his animals, and
even his health. Jobs wife thinks the best thing for him to do would be to curse God and to
commit suicide. However, Job remains faithful to God. Jobs gets terrible advice from his friends
and they tell him that his suffering is because of the sins he may have committed. God tested Job
faith and also humbled him. God restored Job. God also humbles Job with a series of questions
that only he could answer. In the end, Job receives the double amount of his possessions before
the beginning of his trials.
The book of psalms is of the psalm genre. The key themes of psalm is praise, God's power,
forgiveness, thankfulness, and trust. The book of psalms contains praises, laments, thanksgiving,
and blessings that are administrated at God and is a model for how mankind is to express
themselves and communicate with God. Psalms expresses psalmists, praise, worship, repentance,
and the need of God, God's power, trust, thankfulness, and forgiveness. The authors of Psalms is
King David, Asaph, Solomon, the sons of Korah, Ethan, and Moses. The most popular and well
known Psalm is the 23rd Psalm. It shows a good example of how God provides satisfaction,
protection, sustenance, and comfort when there is a good relationship with him.
The book of Proverbs is of the wisdom genre. The key themes of proverbs is wisdom and
understanding, and the fear of the Lord. The book of Proverb contains short expressions and
phrases that make clear the matters of life, perception, and good judgment and principles. The
most common is antithetic parallelism. During antithetic parallelism, the author makes a
statement that is followed by the exact opposite of that statement. The beginning of Proverbs is
generated toward young people, often telling how they are to live and the benefits they will reap
is they obey the directions given to them from their parents. There is also a warning against lust
and deceitful women. Next, general wisdom is applied to many different topics such as the wise
against the foolish. In the final part of Proverbs, it talks about those in leadership positions,
instruction and the warning for daily life.
The book of Ecclesiastes is of the wisdom genre. The key themes in Ecclesiastes is searching,
emptiness, work, death, and wisdom. The first 7 chapters of the book of Ecclesiastes focuses on
all the non religious things that the Preacher tries to find completion in. Some of the things the
preacher tried was scientific discovery, wisdom and philosophy, mirth, alcohol, architecture,
property, and luxury. The preacher also tried different philosophies to find meaning, such as
materialism. He found that everything that he did was meaningless and a temporary diversion.
He found out that without God, he had no purpose or longevity. In the following chapters 8-12,
the preacher gives suggestions and comments on how life is supposed to be lived. He comes to
ending that without God, life has no meaning. The preacher recommends that the reader
acknowledge God early in life and follow His will.
Song of Solomon
The genre of the Song of Solomon is Psalms. The key themes of the Song of Solomon is sex,
love, commitment, beauty, and problems. The book of the Song of Solomon is in the form of a
conversation between a husband, the king, and his wife, the shulamite. The following are three
parts to the book of the Song of Solomon: The courtship, the wedding, and the maturing
marriage. The bride to be wishes to be engaged. She also knows that she wants love to develop
naturally. The king adores the Shulamite's bueauty, and her insecurity about her appearance is
wiped clean. The Shulamite has a dream where she loses Solomon and searches through the city
to find him. With the help of the city guards, she finds her beloved and clings to him, taking him
to a safe place. When she wakes, she continues to vow not to force love. On the wedding night,
the husband again adorns the beauty of his wife and the wife invites her husband to take all she
has to offer. They make love and God blesses their union. Over time the marriage matures, and
the husband and wife go through a difficult time. In the second dream, the Shulamite ignores her
husband and he leaves. Ridden with guilt, she searches the city for him; but this time, the guards
beat her. This is symbolic for her pained conscience. Things end happily as the lovers are
reunited and make peace. At the end of Song of Solomon, the husband and wife are confident
and secure in their love, they sing of the lasting nature of love and want to be in each other's
The book of Isaiah is of the Prophetic or prophecy genre. The key themes of Isaiah is holiness,
punishment, salvation, messiah, and hope. The major events that take place in the book of Isaiah
is the Call of Isaiah, prophecy of virgin birth, and suffering servant. The book of Isaiah reveals
God's judgment and salvation. God is holy and can not allow for sin to go unpunished. Isaiah
also understands that God is a God of mercy, grace, and compassion. The nation of Israel is blind
and deaf to God's commands. Judah is correlated as a vineyard that will be trampled on. God
mercy and promises to Israel will not allow Israel or Judah to be completely destroyed. He will
restore Israel, forgive and heal the Israelites. Isaiah focuses on salvation from the Messiah. The
last section of Isaiah states that God promises a reward to those who remain faithful to Him. Isaiah
describes how the New heaven and the new earth gives hope to those who are hurt and condemns those
who are immoral.
The genre of the book of Jeremiah is prophecy. The key themes are sin, punishment, God is Lord of
all, New hearts, and faithful service. The major events that take place during the book of Jeremiah is the
call of Jeremiah, and the fall of Jerusalem. The book of Jeremiah was a message to Judah for the out of
control worship of idols. After the death of King Josiah, Judah had basically relinquished God and His
commandments. God promised there would be severe consequences for the worship of idols and Jeremiah
was warning Judah that their judgment was at the hand of God. On many previous accounts, God had
delivered Judah from their destruction. God no longer showed Judah mercy. King Nebuchadnezzar
conquered Judah and they continued to rebel. God brought Nebuchadnezzar and Babylonian armies to
demolish and abandon Judah and Jerusalem. Even though God gave Judah their most severe judgment,
He promised that Judah would be restored back into the land that He had given them.
The book of Lamentations is of the genre of Psalms. The key themes of Lamentations is the
destruction of Jerusalem, God's mercy, sin's consequences, and hope. The book of Lamentations
consist of five chapters. During the book of Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah understands that
the Babylon was used as God's accessory for delivering judgment on Jerusalem. In
Lamentations, it is clear that sin and rebellion would cause the wrath of God to be descended. To
grieve deeply is appropriate in a time of pain or agony, but repentance should be followed
The genre of Ezekiel is prophecy. The key themes of Ezekiel is God's holiness, sin, restoration,
leaders, and worship. The major events are Ezekiel's call. The purpose of the book of Ezekiel
was to allow Judah one last chance to repent before judgment was cast upon them. Ezekiel also
prophesied how God was going to release his people from the captivity of Babylon. In the
beginning of Ezekiel, the prophet Ezekiel is called upon and receives visions that causes him to
challenge the nation's sinfulness. Ezekiel carries the message of destruction but also gives them
hope that God's promise to penalize for wrongdoing based on their own deeds. He also
prophesies the demolition of nations who have made fun of God because of the captivity of His
people. The nations that did this were Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyra, Sidon, and Egypt.
During the end of the book, God is shown as a Shepherd who is yearning to bring his lost people
home. In a vision that Ezekiel has, he is taken to a valley of bones. While there, he speaks the
Word of the Lord and the bones rise, covered in skin and becomes alive. This vision showed that
there was hope for the captive nation and that it would be brought up from the pessimistic
situation it was in.
The book of Daniel is apocalyptic and prophecy genre. The key themes in Daniel are God is in
control, purpose in life, perseverance, and God's faithfulness. The major events that take place in
the book of Daniel is Daniel interprets the King's dream, fiery furnace, writing on the wall, and
Daniel in the Lion's den. The beginning of the book of Daniel is focused on his time in captivity.
Daniel had performed some courageous acts. Daniel and his friends refused to eat the food of
the king, Daniel prayed although it was not allowed, and he refused to worship the kings idol.
There were evident results from remaining faithful to God. Daniel and his friends were healthy
although they refused to eat the food of the King, They were not eaten by the lions, and when
him and his friends refused to worship the idols, they were not killed in the furnace. Daniel
always praised God. The last part of the book talks about the visions God gave Daniel. Daniel
explains the outcome of several different kingdoms and predicts events of the Messiah and the
upcoming apocalypse.
The book of Hosea is of the genre of prophecy. The key themes are God's judgment, God's love,
and restoration. In the beginning of the book of Hosea, he is told by God to marry Gomer who is
a harlot. Gomer ends up being unfaithful and ends her relationship with Hosea. Hosea remains
faithful, and finds and redeems his wife. This symbolizes how Israel is like the harlot, Gods
bride, who left God for other customs, cultures and religions like worshiping idols. Hosea then
tells Israel that God longs for them to repent and return to Him. Even with the warnings, Israel
remain unfaithful and reject God. The wicked Northern kingdom pushes the poor into slavery
and they continue their idolatry. Promptly following after, the Israelites are taken captive
The book of Joel is of the prophetic genre. The key themes of Joel is punishment, forgiveness,
and the promise of the Holy spirit. The book of Joel was written to the Southern Kingdom to
warn the of their sin and to repent unless they would soon face judgment. Joel compared God's
judgment to a plague of locust that would inflict unbearable damage to the land. This was a small
comparison as to what God's wrath would be on the Kingdom. Later in the book, God directly
speaks to Israel through Joel, once again calling them to repent and return or face judgment. Joel
compare and contrasts the coming judgment to the blessings that God would bear to Israel if only
they would repent.
The genre of Amos is of prophecy. The key themes in Amos is everyone answers to God,
complacency, oppressing the poor, and superficial religion. The book of Amos was written by
Amos close to the fall of the Northern Kingdom. The book of Amos called the kingdom to repent
for their sin and the worship of idols. Amos first vision was of God roaring like a lion stating that
if the kingdom did not repent, he would disperse them about the world. The book begins with the
Northern Kingdom facing imminent destruction. God was concerned with the condition of the
hearts of his people. He knew that their hearts was not with Him. Amos prophesied the fall of
Damascus, Gaza, Edom, and Tyra. Amos also wrote of the coming fall of Israel and gave
specific examples of the judgment they were to face in the near future. During the last part of the
book, Amos explains that he hopes that Israel will be restored of their nation.
Obadiah uses the prophecy genre. The key themes of Obadiah are justice and pride. The book of
Obadiah is used to show how God judges those who obstruct his children. Obadiah is the shortest
book in the Old Testament. In Obadiah, Edom is succumbed by God's powerful judgment. Edom
is the descendants of Jacob's brother Esau. In the beginning of the book, Obadiah starts by
stating how wicked, evil and prideful Edom was. He then explains exactly what transgressions
and offenses that Edom has committed. Obadiah then compares the nation to Jacob and Esau. He
states that Edom should act like a brother to Israel. But instead, they are in constant conflict with
Israel and have rejected God since their existence. The book ends with Obadiah prophesying the
fall of Edom at the hands of Israel.
The book of Jonah is of narrative genre. The key themes of Jonah are God's sovereignty, God's
message to all the world, repentance, and God's compassion. The major events of Jonah are
Jonah and the whale, Nineveh repents, and God spared Nineveh. God sent Jonah to encourage
the nation of Nineveh to repent. In the beginning of the book, God gives Jonah directions to go to
Nineveh, which is considered a dangerous nation. God wants Jonah to tell them that God wants
them to repent. Jonah disobeys and gets on a ship that is headed to Tarshish. While at sea, a
storm appears and threatens to destroy the ship. Jonah tells the crew that the reason the storm has
appeared is because he disobeyed God. His sailors then threw him overboard. Jonah was then
swallowed by a great fish. After spending three days in the belly of the fish, Jonah is coughed up
on the shore. Jonah then obeys God and travels to the nation of Nineveh. Jonah preaches and the
nation repents.
The book of Micah is of the prophecy genre. The key themes in the book of Micah are perverting
faith, oppression, the messiah, and pleasing God. Micah condemned the rulers, priest, and
prophets of Israel who abused and misinformed the people. This was the main reason as to why
Jerusalem was to be demolished. Micah proclaims that the deliverance of the people will go from
Jerusalem to Babylon and ends with the exhortation for Jerusalem to demolish the nations that
have gathered against her. The ruler that would defend the nation would be from Bethlehem.
Micah also sets forth a powerful and accurate arbitrary of Yahweh's necessity for justice. Micah
also announces that there will be judgment upon those who have followed the wicked ways of
Omri and Ahab. The book ends with a prophesy of Israel confessing it's sin and is assured of the
deliverance through Yahweh's mighty acts.
The book of Nahum is of the prophecy genre. The key themes in Nahum is God judges, and God
rules. Earlier, Nineveh had turned away from their evil ways to serve the Lord. Nineveh turned
back to their idolatry, violence, and arrogant ways 150 years later. Once again God sent one of
His prophets to Nineveh to preach the judgment in the destruction of the city and tried to get the
people of Nineveh to repent. The Ninevites did not listen to Nahum's warnings and the city was
captivated by Babylon.
The book of Habakkuk is of the prophecy genre. The key themes that is in Habakkuk is struggle
and doubt, God's sovereignty, and hope. The book of Habakkuk begins with Habakkuk crying
out to God and asking Him why His chosen people are allowed to suffer during their captivity.
The Lord answers Habakkuk stating that "You wouldn't believe it if I told you". Habakkuk then
states, "Ok, you are God, but still tell me more about why this is happening." God answers him
again and give him more information and then gives direction for the earth to remain silent
before Him. Then Habakkuk begins to write a prayer expressing his strong faith in God, even
though these present trials.
The book of Zephaniah is of the prophecy genre. The key themes are the day of judgment,
indifference to God, and day of cheer. The book of Zephaniah pronounces the Lord's judgment
on the whole earth, including Judah, Jerusalem and the surrounding nations. Followed are the
Lords blessing on all the nations that were faithful of his people in Judah. Zephaniah often spoke
bluntly because he knew he was speaking of the words of the Lord. The book of Zephaniah
begins with "The word of the Lord" and ends with "says the Lord". He knew that nothing could
save the nations from judgment. God is a gracious and compassionate God, but once all the
warnings were ignored, judgment was bound to happen. The prophets frequently called judgment
day the Day of the lord.
The book of Haggai is of the prophecy genre. The key themes consist of the rights priorities, and
God's encouragement. In the book of Haggai, God warns the people to listen to his words. He
also offered promises through Haggai to motivate them to follow Him. The people of Judah
refused to put God first in their lives and therefore were sent to exile in Babylon. God showed
Cyrus the Persian king to allow the Jews in exile to return to Jerusalem. Only a a few of Jews
returned with great joy and had put God first in their lives. They began to worship him and
rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. Their faith was met with the opposition from the local people as
well as the Persian government for 15 years.
The genre of the book of Zechariah is prophecy. The key themes is God's jealousy, the coming
King, and God's protection. The book of Zechariah teaches that everyone can obtain salvation.
The last chapter shows people from all over the world coming to worship and follow God. The
book also teaches that God desires that all of the people worship Him and accept those who do.
Lastly, Zechariah preaches that God is dominant over the world. Zechariah vision of the future
shows that God sees and knows everything that will happen. God does not eliminate the choice
to follow him or to rebel, but holds people responsible for the choices they make.
The book of Malachi goes by the prophecy genre. The key themes are God's love, sin of the
priests, sin of the people, and the Lord's coming. Malachi had wrote the words of the Lords
chosen people and priest who had gone astray. Priests were not taking the sacrifices seriously.
Animals that were not perfect were being sacrificed even though the law stated that animals that
were to be without flaws. The men of Judah were treating the women treacherously and were
often confused as to why God did not accept their sacrifices. The people weren't even tithing.
Regardless of the peoples sin and their turning away from God, Malachi states that God still has
love for His people.