ANN-111: Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology (2+1)

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ANN-111: Principles of Animal Nutrition

and Feed Technology (2+1)


1) Provitamin
2) Zymogen
3) Glycogen
4) Micelle
5) Metabolic water
6) Silo
7) TDN
8) Crop residue
9) Hay
10) Tannin
11) Bitot spots
12) Rickets
13) Thumps
15) Transamination
16) Silage
17) Starch equivalent
18) Metabolisable energy
19) Saponin
20) Mineral supplements
21) Prebiotic
22) Koilin
23) Gluconeogenesis
24) Glycolysis
25) Zymogen
26) Peat scour
27) Antioxidants
28) Essential amino acids
29) Feed additive
30) Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
31) Teartness
32) Alkali disease
33) Mucosal block theory
34) Pica
35) Parakeratosis
36) Exudative diathesis
37) Goitrogens
38) Alkalosis
39) Starch equivalent
40) Calorie protein ratio
41) Silo
42) Haylage
43) Straw
44) Biological value
45) Heat increment
46) Antinutritional factor
47) Unconventional feed
48) Oxidative phosphorylation
49) Sugars
50) Metalloenzyme
51) Rumen degradable protein
52) Antioxidants
53) Goitre

1. Vitamin A and vision

2. Thumps
3. Pit silo
4. Biological value
5. Metabolisable energy
6. TCA cycle
7. Urea cycle
8. Protein supplements
9. Beta oxidation of fatty acids
10. Glycogen synthesis
11. Protected protein
12. Methanogenesis
13. Haylage
14. Crop residues
15. Write a short note on vitamin A and Vision
16. Write a short note on Calcium homeostasis
17. Explain the Interrelationship between calcium and vitamin D
18. Write about classification of protein with examples
19. Write briefly about the functions and deficiency diseases of vitamin A
20. Metallo enzymes vs. metal activated enzymes
21. Factors affecting iron absorption
22. Role of minerals in wool production
23. Role of minerals in maintenance of osmotic pressure and acid base balance
24. Nutritional anemia
25. Classify feedstuffs with example
26. Partitioning of feed energy
27. Hay making
28. Milling byproducts as livestock feed
29. What are all the advantages of grain processing and list out different grains
processing methods?
30. Bound water and metabolic water
31. Plant and animal composition
32. Organic matter and inorganic matter
33. Embden-Meyerhof pathway of glycolysis
34. Digestion of protein in the rumen
35. Beta oxidation of fatty acid

VIII. Write essays

1. Discuss in detail on the general functions of minerals.
2. Classify feed additives and discuss on the advantages and disadvantages in the use
of antibiotics as feed additives.
3. Explain the role of B vitamins as co enzymes.
4. What are the precautions that are to be taken while feeding urea to ruminants.
5. Explain the different phases in silage fermentation.
6. Explain urea treatment of paddy straw.
7. Explain how
a. Milk fever can be prevented
b. Thumps can be prevented
8. Soil-plant- animal interrelationship
9. Write in detail about the digestion of carbohydrates in ruminants and non ruminants.
10. Enlist macro and micro minerals and write in detail about the function and
deficiency diseases of calcium and phosphorus
11. Enlist water soluble vitamins and discuss about the functions and deficiency
diseases of thiamine, riboflavin, APF and vitamin C
12. Functions and deficiency disorders of copper
13. Role of minerals in the development and densification of bone
14. Mineral – vitamin interrelationship
15. Importance of minerals on reproduction
16. Silage making.
17. Processing of roughages to improve its nutritive value.
18. Direct and indirect calorimetry.
19. Different methods of assessing protein quality of feedstuffs for non-ruminants.
20. a. Energy rich feed ingredients.
b. Classify antinutritional factors and discuss in detail about the antinutritional
factors which decrease the utilization of protein.

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