Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock An
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock An
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock An
12.1 Introduction
Prebiotic supplementation of animal diets began in an attempt to increase
concentrations of beneficial intestinal microbiota. It was understood that pre-
biotics inhibited growth of intestinal pathogens and decreased concentrations of
stool odor-causing metabolites. Since the use of prebiotics began, several
countries have banned the use of antimicrobials in livestock animal feeds,
and several more have placed restrictions on the quantity of antimicrobials
that can be used. Prebiotic supplementation has become increasingly popular
as the body of evidence supporting its use continues to grow. As this literature
expands, the number of potential prebiotic substances has grown beyond those
that are naturally occurring, such as those found in chicory and yeast products,
to include a large number of synthetic or chemically/enzymatically manufactured
Definition and types of prebiotics. To be considered a prebiotic, a compound
must conform to the following guidelines: first, it must be resistant to diges-
tion in the upper gastrointestinal tract (remain unaltered through hydrolytic-
enzymatic digestion); second, it must selectively stimulate one or a limited
number of beneficial microbiota; and third, it must benefit host health by
improving colonic microbiota composition (Roberfroid et al., 1998). Fructans
are one of the most popular prebiotic supplements available, comprising 61%
of the publications on the topic of prebiotic supplementation. While fructans
occur naturally in feeds, hydrolytic and enzymatic methodologies have pro-
duced fructans of varying chain lengths. Examples of fructans include fruc-
tooligosaccharides (FOS), short-chain FOS (scFOS), oligofructose (OF), and
inulin, as well as several blends of varying chain lengths. Generally, fructans
contain a linear chain of fructose, which can vary in length from 2 to 60 units,
with or without a glucose unit on the end of the chain (Flickinger et al., 2003).
Fructans escape hydrolytic digestion due to their b-(2,1) bonds (Flickinger
et al., 2003).
Mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) research comprises 33% of the reports about
prebiotics. Similar to fructans, several forms of MOS are available. These forms
can differ greatly in their ability to influence intestinal microbiota. The crudest
form of MOS is unmodified yeast (Saccharomyces cervisiae), which appears to act
as a prebiotic due in part to the MOS contained in its cell wall. In addition,
purified yeast cell wall has been extracted and utilized in animal feeds. Manna-
noligosaccharides are able to bind with certain intestinal microbiota due to the
mannan component in its structure and thereby prevent attachment of micro-
biota to the intestinal cells (Spring et al., 2000).
Soy oligosaccharides also have received attention as prebiotic supplements,
comprising 9% of prebiotic literature. These oligosaccharides have been fed intact
as a component of the whole soybean, or as purified raffinose and stachyose to
determine their individual and synergistic effects. Raffinose and stachyose are
noted for gas production which occurs when these oligosaccharides are fed intact
in soybeans or as purified oligosaccharides. Additionally, several guar fractions,
namely gum, germ, hull, and meal, have been investigated as potential prebiotics
due to their fermentative characteristics.
Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) and trans-galactooligosaccharide (TGOS/
TOS) research comprises 9% of prebiotic literature. Galactooligosaccharides are
produced by subjecting lactose to microbial galactosyltransferases (Tzortis et al.,
2005). Trans-galactooligosaccharides are water-soluble, contain galactose units
with b-linkages that prevent hydrolytic digestion, and are rarely found in feeds
(Houdijk et al., 1998). Gluconic acid, a GOS-like prebiotic, also has been inves-
tigated (Biagi et al., 2006).
In addition to naturally occurring prebiotic substances, several synthetic pre-
biotics have been investigated. Lactosucrose, also called 4G-b-D-galactosylsucrose or
contains galactose, glucose, and fructose and is produced by Arthrobacter spp. K-1
(Fujita et al., 1990). Isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) is produced by the enzymatic
transgalactosylation of glucose and contains isomaltose, panose, isomaltotriose,
and other oligosaccharides with four or five glucose residues (Zhang et al., 2003).
Pullulan consists of glucose units linked as a-1,6-maltotriose subunits (Spears
et al., 2005). g-Cyclodextrin is a ring-shaped oligosaccharide composed of a-1,4-
linked glucose units (Spears et al., 2005). Both pullulan and g-cyclodextrin are
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 355
the same media, which can lead to inaccurate quantification (Rastall, 2004).
Additionally, it is now known that several microbial species are dependent
upon one another for growth and maintenance of the colony in question
(NRC, 2007b). To culture such microbial species individually is impossible
using current plating methods.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) initially was developed as a quali-
tative tool to identify two or more species in a growth medium. With FISH, a
fluorescent marker is hybridized to a specific region of microbial DNA. The
microbe then is fixed to a microscope slide (Harmsen and Welling, 2002).
The accuracy of FISH counting varies greatly, as general practice is to count the
number of microbiota in a specific area and multiply by the entire area to arrive at
a conclusion. Further advancements in FISH technology allowed separation and,
thus, quantification of microbiota by joining FISH with flow cytometry.
To address the problems associated with plating, molecular methods have
been developed to more clearly understand the makeup of the intestinal micro-
biome. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) has provided insight into the microbial com-
munity of the intestine. Primers and probes specific to a microbial genus or
species are prepared, and then added to a mixture of DNA and buffer to quantify
the genus or species based on their DNA. This method, like the others, is not
without its problems. First, the numbers of microbes quantified do not strictly
represent viable microbiota, as the primers and probes amplify DNA of all the
cells present. This may lead to an inaccurate count of changes in microbiota due
to prebiotic activity (Middelbos et al., 2007a). Second, the primers and probes
may not be specific enough to the species in question. While the primers and
probes selected for each organism strive to specify an exact microorganism, there
can be cross-reactivity among species and genera of microorganisms with similar
genetic codes. Therefore, each primer/probe pairing should be checked against
a ‘‘negative control’’ or a pure culture of microbial DNA that should not react
with the primer/probe pairing. While several issues remain unsolved as regards
current methods in quantifying microbial communities, technologies continue to
Outcome Animals/
variables treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic dose;
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment source Major findings
Jeusette Plasma leptin 12 Obese dogs Basal diet (Obesity Control (0%) No effect of scFOS supplementation
et al. (2005) (between 1 and veterinary diet, Royal on leptin, insulin, ghrelin, or gluose
9 yr; 21.9 0.8 kg) Canin, France) fed to
promote weight loss
Plasma insulin Chemical 2% scFOS (Beghin-Meiji
composition 34% CP, Industrie)
10% fat, 19.8%
dietary fiber, 1%
Plasma ghrelin Study continued until
ideal BCS obtained
(5 out of 9)
Blood glucose
Spears et al. Food intake Five purpose- Basal diet: Hill’s No supplement (0 g) ↑ g-cyclodextrin:
(2005) bred adult dogs prescription diet
(3.7 yr; 28.9 kg) d/d- Rice and Duck
Apparent ileal 1 g high molecular
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Vanhoutte Fecal population Seven adult dogs Basal diet: see Propst Baseline Inulin:
et al. (2005) banding patterns et al. (2003)
Chemical 4.5 g/d OF ↑ Streptococcus lutetiensis
composition not
10 d study 5.6 g/d inulin
Gouveia Number of Eight dogs (2–6 Basal diet not Control (0 g) MOS:
et al. (2006) leukocytes, mo) all suffering provided
neutrophils, and from
lymphocytes gastroenteritis
Fecal microbiota Chemical 2 g MOS (Bio-MOS) Elimination of E. coli in 85.71% of
composition not animals
10 d study
Verlinden Nutrient Four adult Basal diets: hydrolyzed 0% Supplementation Inulin:
et al. (2006) digestibility beagle dogs protein diet (Hill’s z/d
(2–11 yr; 6–15 kg) ultra, allergen-free);
intact protein source
(Hill’s d/d with duck
and rice)
Fecal Chemical 3% Inulin (Raftifeed IPS, ↓ Fecal DM (12%)***
characteristics composition: DP 2–60; Orafti, Tienen,
Hematology Hydrolyzed-18% CP, ↓ Apparent CP digestibility in intact
3% TDF protein + inulin diet (4.6%)***
Serum and fecal ↑ Estimated bacterial protein
IgA, IgG, IgE, IgM content in feces (% of fecal DM, 16%;
and % of CP intake, 33%) in intact
protein + inulin diet*
Intact protein-14%
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
CP, 5% TDF
21 d study
. Table 12.1 (Cont’d p. 362)
Outcome Animals/
variables treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic dose;
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment source Major findings
Adogony Mammary, nasal, Eight Control diet: 31% CP, 0% Supplementation scFOS:
et al. (2007) and blood primiparous 16% crude fat, 7.8%
immunoglobulin female beagles TDF
concentrations (10–12 kg)
Diarrhea Test diet: 30% CP, 1% scFOS (Profeed, ↑ IgM in colostrum and milk (40%)**
incidence 15% crude fat, 6.6% Beghin-Meiji, France)
Gestation d 35 ↑ Blood IgM concentrations (60%)***
through weaning
Apanavicius Food intake Six hound-cross Control diet: 32% CP, 0% Supplementation scFOS and Inulin:
et al. (2007) puppies (12 wk) 19% fat, 3% TDF
Gastrointestinal scFOS diet: 32% CP, 1% scFOS ↓ Change in food intake following
tract 19% fat, 3% TDF infection (26%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Body Inulin diet: 30% CP, 1% Inulin ↓ Enterocyte sloughing severity
temperature 19% fat, 5% TDF (9%)**
after infection
Ileal and colonic Maintenance of ileal Na +
nutrient and ion -dependent glucose transport
transport (400% ↓ in control, no change in
supplemented puppies)
14 d study Inulin:
Apanavicius Microbial ↑ Change from baseline in fecal
et al. (2007) populations acetate (control: 37.7 mmol/g;
(con’t.) inulin 85.5 mmol/g) and SCFA
concentrations (control:
53.5 mmol/g; inulin: 145.5 mmol/g)**
↑ Change in fecal lactobacilli
concentrations (7%)**
Middelbos Nutrient Six purpose-bred 350 g/d Control – no Supplemented diets:
et al. (2007a) digestibility adult female supplemental
dogs (4.5 yr; fermentable
23 kg) carbohydrate
Fecal microbial 14 d study Control + 2.5% cellulose ↓ CP digestibility (15%)**
Fecal Control + 2.5% beet ↑ Fecal bifidobacteria concentrations
fermentative pulp (14%)**
↑ Fecal lactobacilli concentrations
Immunological Control + 1.0%
indices cellulose + 1.5% scFOS
(Nutraflora P-95)
Control + 1.0% ↑ Fecal butyrate concentrations
cellulose + 1.2% (67%)**
scFOS + 0.3% yeast cell
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
. Table 12.1
Outcome Animals/
variables treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic dose;
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment source Major findings
Middelbos Apparent ileal Five purpose- 280 g basal diet 0 g supplementation YCW:
et al. and total tract bred adult
(2007b) nutrient female dogs (4 yr;
digestibility 23 kg BW)
Serum IgA, IgM, Chemical Controlþ0.07 g YCW ↑ ileal nutrient digestibility (10% DM,
and IgG composition 30% (Safmannan) 11% CP)***
CP, 21% fat, 4% TDF
Fecal microbial 14 d study Controlþ0.35 g YCW Linear ↓ in monocyte counts
populations (control: 1.0 thousands/mL;
0.65% supplementation:
0.7 thousands/mL)**
Controlþ0.63 g YCW Linear ↓ in fecal E. coli populations
(control: 9.1 CFU/g DM feces; 0.65%
supplementation: 8.2 CFU/g DM
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Controlþ0.91 g YCW
For research published prior to 2004, please refer to the review of Swanson and Fahey (2006)
BW body weight, CFU colony forming units, CP crude protein, d day, DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DM dry matter, g gram, IgA immunoglobu-
lin A, IgE immunoglobulin E, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgM immunoglobulin M, kg kilogram, mo month, MOS mannanoligosaccharide, OF oligofructose, SCFA
short-chain fatty acid, scFOS short-chain fructooligosaccharide, TDF total dietary fiber, yr year, YCW yeast cell wall, wk week
*P < 0.001, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 363
factor significantly into the general health and well being of all animals, the
majority of canine prebiotic research has focused on monitoring changes in gut
microbiota. Microbiota reside in all areas of the intestinal tract, but are generally
studied in feces rather than using invasive techniques to obtain colonic contents.
Fifty-five percent of authors observing changes in microbiota reported increased
bifidobacteria (Middelbos et al., 2007a; Swanson and Fahey, 2006), while 32%
reported increased lactobacilli (Apanavicius et al., 2007; Middelbos et al., 2007a;
Swanson and Fahey, 2006). Potentially pathogenic microbiota generally decreased
in response to prebiotic supplementation. Thirty-six percent of authors reported
decreased clostridia (Spears et al., 2005; Swanson and Fahey, 2006); however,
two authors reported increased clostridia in response to scFOS and OF supple-
mentation (Swanson and Fahey, 2006). Escherichia coli was reported to decrease
in response to MOS-supplementation (Gouveia et al., 2006; Middelbos et al.,
2007b; Swanson and Fahey, 2006), while streptococci increased in response to
fructan supplementation (Swanson and Fahey, 2006; Vanhoutte et al., 2005).
Overall, prebiotic supplementation appears to benefit the microbial ecology
of the dog.
Commensurate with changes in microbiota populations, changes in fermen-
tative end-products occur with prebiotic supplementation. Increased concentra-
tions of fecal SCFA, particularly butyrate, were reported in 46% of studies
observing changes in fecal metabolites (Apanavicius et al., 2007; Middelbos
et al., 2007a; Swanson and Fahey, 2006). Concentrations of acetate and propio-
nate increased in 23 and 31% of studies, respectively (Apanavicius et al., 2007;
Swanson and Fahey, 2006). Most SCFA are generated via carbohydrate fermentation.
Conversely, branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA), ammonia, phenols, and indoles
are generated via protein fermentation. In general, concentrations of BCFA,
phenol, and indole decreased in response to prebiotic supplementation (Swanson
and Fahey, 2006). Ammonia concentrations responded inconsistently to prebiotic
supplementation: 23% of studies reported increased ammonia (Swanson and
Fahey, 2006) while 15% of studies reported decreased ammonia in feces (Swanson
and Fahey, 2006).
Prebiotics have demonstrated clear effects on nutrient digestibility. Crude
protein digestibility is negatively impacted by inulin consumption (Middelbos
et al., 2007a; Verlinden et al., 2006). However, ileal dry matter and crude protein
digestibilities increased in dogs fed diets supplemented with yeast cell wall
(Middelbos et al., 2007b). Although no differences in nutrient digestibility
were observed, dogs consumed less food in a linear fashion when provided
diets with increasing concentrations of g-cyclodextrin (Spears et al., 2005).
364 12 Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Closely tied to nutrient digestibility, fecal quality and consistency are affected by
prebiotics. As reported in 50% of published studies, higher concentrations of
supplemental prebiotic compounds led to decreased fecal dry matter (Swanson
and Fahey, 2006; Verlinden et al., 2006). Three percent supplementation of inulin
resulted in a decrease in fecal dry matter in dogs consuming both hydrolyzed and
intact protein diets (Verlinden et al., 2006). Also affected by prebiotic supple-
mentation are fecal volume and fecal score. Thirty-five percent of studies
reported an increase in fecal volume with prebiotic supplementation (Swanson
and Fahey, 2006). Fecal scores were reported to increase in three studies (de-
creased consistency) while decreased fecal score was reported in two studies
(Swanson and Fahey, 2006).
Increased immune responses also have been observed in dogs consuming
prebiotics. When fed to primiparous beagles, scFOS increased IgM concentra-
tions in colostrum, milk, and blood (Adogony et al., 2007). Under a Salmonella
typhimurium challenge, puppies consuming either scFOS or inulin experienced
decreased enterocyte sloughing and maintenance of sodium-dependent glucose
transport (Apanavicius et al., 2007). While feed intake decreased, it appeared
that supplementation of prebiotic fructans allowed for normal metabolism to
occur. When fed diets supplemented with increasing concentrations of yeast cell
wall, a linear decrease in monocyte concentration was observed (Middelbos et al.,
Felines. Five studies involving prebiotic supplementation of felines have been
published (> Table 12.2). Increased bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, along with
decreased clostridia, staphylococci, and E. coli have been reported (Swanson and
Fahey, 2006). Supplementation with fructans also increased fecal nitrogen of
microbial origin in supplemented cats (Hesta et al., 2005; Swanson and Fahey,
2006). Fecal fermentative end-products – ammonia, phenol, and indole –
decreased with lactosucrose supplementation (Swanson and Fahey, 2006), whereas
inulin increased total SCFA concentrations (Swanson and Fahey, 2006).
Nitrogen and crude protein digestibilities decreased in response to supple-
mentation with fructans (Swanson and Fahey, 2006). This likely would be
observed in response to other prebiotics; however, these effects remain open
to investigation in the cat. Fructan supplementation also increased fecal nitro-
gen excretion and decreased fat digestibility (Hesta et al., 2005; Swanson and
Fahey, 2006). With respect to fecal characteristics, fructan supplementation
decreased fecal dry matter and fecal score while increasing dry fecal output,
fecal volume, and number of defecations per day (Hesta et al., 2005; Swanson
and Fahey, 2006).
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 365
. Table 12.2
In vivo experiments, listed in chronological order beginning in 2005, reporting effects of
prebiotics in catsa,b,c
Outcome treatment Dietary
variables (age, initial information; time Daily prebiotic Major
Reference quantified BW) on treatment dose; source findings
Hesta Urea Four female Basal diet fed for 0% FOS:
et al. metabolism cats (>7 yr; ME requirement of Supplementation
(2005) 2.2 and 4 kg) ideal BW
Fecal odor Chemical 3.11% FOS ↑ Fecal
components composition 29% (Raftilose), DMB moisture
CP, 37% crude fat, (6%)***
1% CF
3 wk study ↑ DM fecal
↑ Fecal N
↓ Urinary N
↑ Fecal
bacterial N
(% of N
For research published prior to 2004, please refer to the review of Swanson and Fahey (2006)
BW body weight, CF crude fiber, CP crude protein, DM dry matter, DMB dry matter basis, FOS fructooligo-
saccharide, kg kilogram, ME metabolic energy, N nitrogen, yr year, wk week
*P < 0.001, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Poultry. Prebiotic research has been conducted in poultry since 1990 and, as a
result, a large database of research is available in this area (> Table 12.3).
Increased bifidobacteria (Cao et al., 2005; Jiang et al., 2006; Sims et al., 2004;
Terada et al., 1994; Thitaram et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2003) and decreased clostridia
(Biggs et al., 2007; Butel et al., 2001; Cao et al., 2005; Sims et al., 2004; Terada
et al., 1994) have been reported in 30% of studies that investigated the microbial
effects of prebiotic supplementation. Fifteen percent of studies also reported
increased lactobacilli (Baurhoo et al., 2007a; Jiang et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2003);
however, one author reported decreased ileal and cecal lactobacilli with MOS
. Table 12.3
In vivo experiments, listed in chronological order, reporting effects of prebiotics in poultrya,b (Cont’d p. 368)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Coon et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
TMEn Eight Leghorn roosters 30 g (precision-fed) test SBM ESBM:
Chemical composition ESBM ↑ TMEn (21%)**
44% CP
(78%) digestibilities**
↓ Excreta sucrose (54%),
raffinose (35%),
stachyose (37%), total
water-soluble CHO
(90%) digestibilities**
↑ Excreta hemicellulose
(52%), cellulose (35%)
Coon et al. ↑ Excreta true DM
(1990) (con’t.) digestibility (25%)**
↑ Intestinal transit time
↑ Cecal pH (9%)***
Leske et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
Nutrient 6–9 Leghorn roosters 30 g (precision-fed) soy Control (0%) 1% raffinose:
digestibility protein concentrate
TMEn Chemical composition Control + 1% raffinose ↓ TMEn (10%)**
73.1% CP, 0.36%
stachyose, 0.05%
48 h study Control + 5% stachyose 5% stachyose:
Control + 1% ↓ TMEn (12%)**
raffinose + 5% stachyose
Control + 6% sucrose 1% raffinose + 5%
Control + 1% ↓ TMEn (12%)**
raffinose + 5%
stachyose + Control + 6%
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
cresol on d 62 (34%)**
↑ Cecal acetate on d 62
↑ Cecal butyrate on d 62
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 372)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Leske and Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
Coon (1999a)
TMEn Seven adult Leghorn 25 g (precision-fed) test SBM ESBM:
AA roosters diet
NSP 48 h study ESBM ↑ DM (11%), cellulose
digestibility (7%), noncellulosic NSP
(22%), arabinose (27%),
fucose (29%), galactose
(25%), glucose (16%),
mannose (13%), xylose
(39%), uronic acid (18%)
↑ TMEn (14%)**
↑ Digestible cellulose
(414%), noncellulosic
NSP (519%)**
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
TMEn Nine roosters Roosters: 25 g 47% CP SBM 47% CP SBM (10:1 vs.
(precision-fed) test diet control):
AMEn 20 Male Ross Ross 48 h study 47% CP SBM extracted ↑ TMEn (9%)**
broiler chicks with 80% ethanol, then
water (10 parts ethanol/
water: 1 part SBM)
Chicks: unlimited access 44% CP SBM 44% CP SBM (8:1 vs.
to test diet control):
12 d study ↑ AMEn (14%)**
Leske and 44% CP SBM extracted ↑ TMEn (8%)**
Coon (1999a) with 80% ethanol, then
(con’t.) water (8:1)
44% CP SBM (water:
ethanol vs. control):
44% CP SBM extracted ↑ AMEn (14%)**
with water, then 80%
ethanol (water:ethanol)
↑ TMEn (21%)**
Leske and Hydrogen gas Two male Ross Ross 6 g (precision-fed) test 47% CP SBM No differences among
Coon (1999b) production broiler chicks (10 d, 156 g) diet treatments
28 h study ESBM (a-galactoside-free)
ESBM with a-galactoside
concentrations of
standard SBM
Fernandez Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
et al. (2000)
Salmonella 6 or 12 Ross-1 broiler Mash diet (ingredients, Control (0%) All dilutions of HCC
challenge chicks (1 d) chemical compostion dosed prevented cecal S.
not provided) enteritidis colonization
(12/12 control birds
Cecal 9 d study – Chicks Control + 2.5%
microbiota primed with hen cecal D-mannose
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
kg Stafac
↑ BW at wk 15 (3%)**
↓ F:G from wk 0–3 (6%),
0–6 (4%), 0–12 (3%),
0–18 (3%)**
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 378)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Fernandez Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
et al. (2002)
Salmonella Five ross-1 broiler chicks Wheat-SBM mash diet Control (0%) MOS:
challenge (1 d) (ingredients and
chemical composition
not provided)
Cecal 2 wk study - chicks Control + 2.5% (w/w) MOS ↑ Total anaerobes (4%)**
Microbiota (except control) dosed
with HCC adapted to
designated treatment
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
composition virginiamycin
Control + 200 ppm MOS ↑ Daily weight gain
(8%), feed conversion
(13%), energy utilization
(6%), protein utilization
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 380)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Samarasinghe Intestinal Control + 1 g/kg turmeric ↑ % Live carcass (2%),
et al. (2003) microbiology root powder liver (25%), abdominal
(con’t.) fat weight (55%)**
↓ Coliforms (58%),
yeasts and molds (84%),
total viable microbial
counts (51%) in
intestinal contents**
Shashidhara Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
Production 1,560 Cobb broiler Corn-SBM-rice bran diet Control (0 g/kg) MOS:
responses breeders (1,440 female, Chemical composition ↑ Egg production on wk
(hatchability, 120 male) (Males) 15.7% CP, 7.6% 60–62 (3–6%)**
sperm count) fiber, 1.0% Ca, 0.34% P
Immune (Females) 16.1% CP, Control + 0.5 g/kg MOS
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Hatchability [total
response 5.6% fiber, 3.3% Ca, (Bio-Mos) (0.6–5.2%) and fertile
0.33%P egg sets (0.8–5.3%)]**
8 wk study ↓ Infertile (5–30%) and
dead-in-shell eggs (18,
26% on wk 64 and 66)**
↑ Sperm count (18%)**
↑ IBDV antibody titer in
breeder females (17%)**
Shashidhara Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
(2003) (con’t.)
Production 1,440 Cobb breeders Same as study 1 except Control (0 g/kg) MOS:
responses (1,284 female, 156 male) 12 wk study
sperm count)
Immune Control + 1 g/kg MOS ↑ Hatchability (fertile
response egg set only, 1–3%)**
↓ Infertile eggs
↑ IBDV antibody titer in
breeder females (15%)
and chicks (47%)**
Xu et al. (2003) Performance 60 Male Avian farms Corn-SBM diet Control (0 g/kg) 2 g/kg FOS:
responses broiler chicks (1 d)
(Feed intake,
Intestinal Chemical composition Control + 2 g/kg FOS ↓ F:G (5%)**
microbiota (initial–final) 22.8– (Meioligo-P)
18.2% CP, 0.94–0.81%
Ca, 0.85–0.67% P
49 d study Control + 4 g/kg FOS ↓ Cecal E. coli (8%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Protease (27%),
amylase (75%)
↑ Jejunal villus height:
crypt depth (26%),
microvillus height
Xu et al. (2003) ↓ Jejunal (17%), ileal
(con’t.) crypt depth (25%)**
↑ Ileal villus height
(16%), villus height:
crypt depth (55%),
microvillus height (39%)
Yusrizal and Performance 32 Ross Ross broiler Corn-SBM diet Control (0%) Inulin:
Chen (2003) responses chicks (16 male, 16
(BW, feed female; 1 d)
intake, F:G)
Carcass Chemical composition Control + 1% inulin Males:
composition (initial-final) (Raftifeed IPF)
21.3–19.8% CP
Serum profile 6 wk study Control + 1% OF ↑ Carcass % (2%)**
(Raftifeed OPS)
↑ BW at wk 2 (10%)**
↓ F:G at wk 6 (18%)**
Intestinal ↓ Abdominal fat as %
morphology carcass (32%), % live
weight (30%)**
↓ Serum cholesterol
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↓ Abdominal fat as %
carcass (30%), % live
weight (30%)**
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 384)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Yusrizal and OF:
Chen (2003)
↑ BW at wk 2 (5%)**
↑ BW (10%)**
↑ Carcass weight (13%),
carcass % (3%)**
↑ Gut length (8%)**
↓ F:G at wk 2 (4%), 5
(13%), 6 (18%)**
↓ Serum cholesterol
Zhang et al. Performance 72 Male Arbor acres Corn-SBM diet Control (0%) 0.3% IMO:
(2003) responses broiler chicks (1 d)
(BW, feed
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
intake, feed
Immune organ Chemical composition Control + 0.3% IMO ↑ ADG (7%)***
weight (initial–final) 22.1– (IMO-900)
18.0% CP, 1.1–0.8% Ca,
0.52–0.40% P
7 wk study Control + 0.6% IMO ↑ Thymus weight (49%)**
Intestinal and Control + 0.9% IMO ↓ Crop isobutyrate
cecal (61%)**
Zhang et al. ↓ Duodenal isovalerate
(2003) (con’t.) (61%)*
Control + 1.2% IMO ↑ Jejunal butyrate
(102%), isobutyrate
Intestinal 0.6% IMO:
↓ Duodenal isovalerate
All concentrations IMO:
↑ Feed efficiency (3–6%)
↓ Crop isobutyrate
↓ Duodenal acetate
Sims et al. Performance 180 tom Hybrid turkey Ingredient composition Control (0%) MOS:
(2004) responses poults (1 d) not provided
(BW; feed
Intestinal Chemical composition Control + bacitracin (BAC; ↑ BW at 18 wk (6%)**
microbiota (initial-final %) 29–17% 55 mg/kg until 6 wk, 27.5
CP, 6.1–10.2% crude mg/kg after)
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Cecal enzyme Chemical composition Control + 0.1% MOS ↓ Cecal tissue weight
activity (initial-final) 28.8–25.9% (Bio-Mos) (19%)**
CP, 4.4–5.5% crude fat,
3.4–3.7% CF, 1.3–1.1%
Ca, 0.73–0.64% P
Cecal 8 wk study Control + 0.25% MOS ↓ Molar ratio of cecal
metabolites propionate (60%)**
Control + 0.5% MOS 0.25% MOS:
Zdunczyk ↑ Cecal DM (19%), pH
et al. (2004) (11%)**
↑ Cecal propionate
↑ Cecal a-glucosidase
(68%), b-glucosidase
(200%), a- galactosidase
(89%), b-galactosidase
(219%), and
b-glucuronidase (65%)**
0.5% MOS:
↑ Cecal acetate (40%),
butyrate (72%), total
SCFA (42%)**
↓ Molar ratio of cecal
propionate (60%)**
Cao et al. Performance 1,500 Arbor acres Isolated soy protein- Control (0%) FOS:
(2005) responses commercial broiler hens cornstarch diet
(BW, feed (28 d)
Cecal Chemical composition Control + 4.1 g/kg green ↓ Mortality (42%)**
microbiota 18% CP, 79.8 g/kg Ca, tea polyphenols
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
40.0 g/kg P
Cecal 14 d study Control + 4.1 g/kg FOS ↑ Cecal bifidobacteria
metabolites (9%), eubacteria (5%)**
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 388)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Cao et al. ↓ Cecal bacilli (28%),
(2005) (con’t.) lecithinase-positive
clostridia (30%),
Peptococcaceae spp.
(11%), Streptococci spp.
(25%), Staphylococci
spp. (43%)**
↑ Cecal valerate (54%)**
↓ Cecal phenol (31%),
cresol (48%), ethyl
phenol (35%), and
indole (36%)**
Cetin et al. Blood 24 White hybrid Corn-SBM diets Control (0 g/kg) MOS:
(2005) metabolites converter turkey poults
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
(15 d)
IgG and IgM Chemical composition 1 g/kg MOS (Bio-Mos; ↑ IgG (37%),
(initial–final) 27.52– reduced to 0.5 g/kg after IgM (44%)**
19.45% CP, wk 8)
4.89–5.25% CF
15 wk study 1 g/kg Probiotic (Primalac ↓ a-naphthyl acetate
454; reduced to 0.5 g/kg esterase positive T
after wk 8) lymphocytes (21%)**
Lee et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
Performance 90 Mixed-sex Ross Ross Corn-SBM diet 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, or 10% of Guar gum:
responses broiler chicks containing no guar Guar gum, Guar germ, OR
(BW, feed Guar hull
F:G, mortality)
Carcass and Chemical composition ↑ BW (8–9%), F:G
deboned (starter-finisher) 22.8– (10–14%)**
breast muscle 17.7% CP, 0.96–0.77%
yield Ca, 0.46–0.36% P
6 wk study 5% treatments (vs.
↓ Feed consumption
↓ Carcass weight (16%),
deboned breast weight
(14%) and yield (5%)**
7.5% treatments
(vs. 2.5%):
↓ Carcass weight (16%),
carcass yield (2%),
deboned breast weight
(18%) and yield (8%)*
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
10% Treatments
(vs. 2.5%):
↓ Feed consumption
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 390)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Lee et al. ↓ Carcass weight (35%),
(2005) (con’t.) carcass yield (5%),
deboned breast weight
(43%) and yield (19%)**
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Performance 100 Mixed-sex Same as study 1 All treatments with or Guar meal:
responses Ross Ross broiler chicks without Hemicell
(BW, feed (endo-beta-mannanase):
F:G, mortality)
Control (0%) ↓ BW (14%)**
Control + 5% guar meal ↑ F:G with (8%) and
without Hemicell
Guar hull:
Control + 5% guar germ ↓ BW (14%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Bifidobacteria
(BW, feed (10–11%)**
1% IMO:
efficiency) ↓ BW gain (10%)**
↓ Salmonella enterica ser.
Typhimurium (31%)**
Control + 1% IMO
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 392)
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Thitaram et al. Cecal Chemical composition Control + 2% IMO
(2005) (con’t.) microbiota 22.5% CP, 5.3% crude
fat, 2.5% CF, 0.45% P
21 d study Control + 4% IMO
Zaghini et al. Performance 24 Warren laying hens Corn-SBM diet Control (0%) MOS:
(2005) responses (44 wk, 2.2 kg)
Egg Chemical composition 2.5 ppm aflatoxin B1 ↓ Egg weight at wk
production 14.79% CP, 3.23% crude 2 (6%), 3 (4%)**
and quality fat, 4.54% CF, 3.53% Ca,
0.86% P
Liver histology 4 wk study 0.11% MOS (Bio-Mos) ↓ Yolk a* color (6%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Zdunczyk ↓ Cecal acetate (46%),
et al. (2005) valerate (35%), total
(con’t.) SCFA (34%)**
↓ Cecal E. coli (15%)**
Jiang et al. Performance 72 Male Arbor acres Corn-soy protein isolate Control (0%) 4 g/kg stachyose:
(2006) responses broiler chicks (1 d) diet
(BW, mortality,
Cecal Chemical composition Control + 4 g/kg stachyose ↑ Cecal butyrate on d 21
metabolites (starter-grower) 220.5– (23%)**
200.0 g/kg CP, 10.2–9.6
g/kg Ca, 6.7–6.4 g/kg P,
12.3–10.9 g/kg lys, 7.0–
5.7 g/kg met, 10.7–9.1
g/kg met + cys
Cecal 42 d study Control + 8 g/kg stachyose 12 g/kg stachyose:
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Linear ↓ OM digestibility
on d 42 (control: 81.76%;
4 g/kg: 81.57%; 8 g/kg:
80.30%; 12 g/kg: 80.51%;
16 g/kg: 78.46%)**
. Table 12.3 (Cont’d p. 396) 394
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Jiang et al. Linear ↓ CP digestibility
(2006) (con’t.) on d 42 (control:
63.22%; 4 g/kg: 62.48%;
8 g/kg: 60.21%; 12 g/kg:
62.21%; 16 g/kg:
Quadratic ↑
bifidobacteria on d 21
(control: 8.09 log CFU/g;
4 g/kg: 8.58 log CFU/g;
8 g/kg: 8.18 log CFU/g;
12 g/kg: 8.02 log CFU/g;
16 g/kg: 7.72 log
Quadratic ↑ lactobacilli
on d 21 (control:
7.63 log CFU/g; 4 g/kg:
8.69 log CFU/g; 8 g/kg:
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
kg P
10 g/kg Schisandra ↑ Serum (41%), heart
chinensis glutathione reductase
activity (39%)**
↑ Antibody titer against
Newcastle disease virus
on d 21 (18%), 28
↑ Spleen lymphocyte
proliferation (28%)**
Baurhoo et al. Performance 160 Male Cobb broiler Corn-SBM based diet Control MOS:
(2007a) responses chicks (1 d)
(BW; feed
Cecal Chemical composition Control with antibiotic ↓ Feed intake (9%), BW
microbiota (starter-grower) (9%)**
22.0–20.0% CP, 1.0–0.9%
Ca, 0.50–0.47% P
Intestinal 42 d study Control + 0.2% MOS (Bio- ↑ Villus height on d 28
morphology Mos; 0.1% in grower diet) (7%)**
and histology
Control + 1.25% lignin ↑ Goblet cells per villus
on d 28 (79%), 42
↑ Cecal lactobacilli on d
42 (5%)**
Control + 2.5% lignin ↓ E. coli in litter on d 28
(76%), 42 (30%)**
Baurhoo et al. Performance 208 Male Cobb broiler Corn-SBM based diet Control MOS:
(2007b) responses chicks (1 d) Control with antibiotic ↑ Cecal lactobacilli on d
(BW; feed 38 (3%)**
Control + 0.2% MOS (Bio- ↓ E. coli on d 9 post-
Mos; 0.1% in grower diet) challenge (18%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
digestibility (6%)**
8 g/kg MOS 4 g/kg TOS:
8 g/kg TOS ↑ ile digestibility (5%)**
8 g/kg TOS:
↑ ile (8%), lys (8%), met
(5%), val digestibility
Biggs and Conventional roosters:
Parsons (2007)
4 g/kg Inulin:
↓ met digestibility
8 g/kg Inulin:
↓ met digestibility (3%)**
Biggs et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
Performance 40 Male Corn-SBM diet Control (0 g/kg) Inulin:
responses Hampshire Columbian
(BW, feed chicks (1 d)
intake, G:F)
Nutrient Chemical composition 8 g/kg Inulin ↓ Metabolizable energy
digestibility 23% CP, 1.27% lys, on d 7 (8%), 14 (4%), 21
0.53% met, 0.90% (4%)**
met + cys
Metabolizable 21 d study 8 g/kg OF ↓ ile (4%), met (4%)
energy digestibility on d 3**
8 g/kg scFOS ↓ arg (2%), cys (7%), his
(4%), ile (4%), leu (4%),
lys (3%), met (4%), phe
(3%), thr (6%), val (7%)
digestibility on d 7**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
8 g/kg MOS
8 g/kg TOS
↓ arg (5%), cys (13%), his
(7%), ile (8%), leu (6%),
lys (5%), met (5%), phe
(6%), thr (10%), val (8%)
digestibility on d 21**
digestibility on d 21**
↓ Metabolizable energy
on d 14 (4%)**
↓ met digestibility on d
3 (5%)**
Biggs et al. ↓ arg (2%), cys (5%), his
(2007) (con’t.) (3%), ile (3%), leu (3%),
lys (2%), met (4%), phe
(3%), thr (5%), val (3%)
digestibility on d 7**
↓ arg (2%), cys (4%), his
(2%), ile (3%), leu (3%),
lys (2%), met (3%), phe
(3%), thr (5%), val (4%)
digestibility on d 7**
↓ arg (2%), cys (5%), his
(2%), ile (2%), leu (2%),
lys (2%), met (2%), phe
(2%), thr (4%), val (3%)
digestibility on d 21**
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Performance 40 Male Same as study 1 Control (0 g/kg) Inulin:
responses Hampshire Columbian
(BW, feed chicks (1 d)
intake, G:F)
Nutrient 21 d study 4 g/kg inulin ↑ Metabolizable energy
digestibility on d 7 (7%), 14 (3%), 21
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Coccidiosis Chemical composition Control + 10 g/kg MOS ↓ oocyst shedding on d
challenge 215.6 g/kg CP (Bio-Mos) with or without 5 (55%), 12 (70%)**
(oocyst count, coccidial challenge
lesion scoring)
19 d study ↓ Lesions from Eimeria
acervulina (72%)**
Lan et al. Cecal lactic 60 Male Arbor acres Corn-SBM diet Negative control (0% SBM, SBM oligosaccharides:
(2007) acid bacteria broiler chicks (1 d) 0% antibiotics)
Intestinal Dietary composition Positive control (SBM, ↑ Lactic acid bacteria
morphology 202.1 g/kg CP, 10.0 g/kg antibiotics) (determined via
Ca, 6.4 g/kg P threshold cycle values,
15 d study Negative control + 10 g/kg
SBM oligosaccharides
Rehman et al. Performance 20 Ross 308 broiler chicks Corn-SBM-wheat diet Control (0%) Inulin:
(2007) response (BW) (1 d)
Intestinal Dietary composition Control + 1% inulin ↑ Jejunal villus height
histomorpho- 24.9% CP, 3.5% crude (Raftiline-GR) (20%)**
logy fat, 1.5% CF, 1.1% Ca,
0.87% P
Nutrient 35 d study ↑ Crypt depth (31%)*
↑ Short-circuit current
with glucose (669%)
and glutamine (1,571%)*
↓ Basal values of
transmucosal tissue
resistance with glucose
(47%) and glutamine
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Jejunal neutral
(40–51%), sulfomucin
(23–66%) goblet cells
on d 21**
↑ Ileal villus height
(31–33%), villus surface
area (56–57%) on d 21**
Solis de los ↑ Ileal crypt depth on d 7
Santos et al. (30–49%), 21 (41–57%)**
(2007) (con’t.)
↑ ileal neutral (60–92%),
sialomucin (72–116%),
sulfomucin (32–72%)
goblet cells on d 7**
0.455 g/kg MOS:
↑ Duodenal villus height
(21%), surface area
(38%) on d 7**
↑ Duodenal crypt depth
on d 21 (3%)**
↑ Duodenal sulfomucin
goblet cells on d 21
↑ Jejunal villus surface
area on d 7 (89%)**
↑ Jejunal lamina propria
thickness on d 21
↑ Jejunal sialomucin
(31%), sulfomucin (50%)
goblet cells on d 7**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Jejunal sialomucin
goblet cells on d 21
↑ Ileal lamina propria
thickness on d 7 (44%),
21 (38%)**
Performance Chemical composition Feed withdrawal (molted) ↓ Number of hens
responses 16.5% CP, 3.5% Ca, positive for Salmonella
(feed intake, 0.48% P enteritidis in crop
BW, ovarian (17%)**
Crop and cecal 28 d study 90% alfalfa + 10% layer
metabolites ration
Donaldson Crop, cecal, 90% alfalfa + 10% layer
et al. (2008) and organ ration + 0.375% FOS
(con’t.) Salmonella
Intestinal 90% alfalfa + 10% layer
Salmonella ration + 0.75% FOS
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Same as study Same as study 1 Same as study 1 Same as study 1 No differences
1 observed
Study 3 Study 3 Study 3 Study 3 Study 3
Same as study Same as study 1 Same as study 1 Same as study 1 0.375% FOS:
1 except no
feed intake
↓ Number of hens
positive for Salmonella
enteritidis in intestines
↓ Intestinal Salmonella
enteritidis colonization
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
2 g/kg MOS:
↓ Feed conversion
during wk 1–3 (4%)***
. Table 12.3
variables Animals/treatment (age, Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Yang et al. ↑ AME (2%)**
↑ Ileal pH (5%)**
↓ Ileal lactobacilli (8%),
coliforms (8%)**
↓ Ileal lactic acid (47%),
total SCFA (42%)**
↓ Cecal propionate
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Metabolizable Eight male Cobb broiler Same as study 1 Same as study 1 MOS:
energy chicks (1 d)
Nutrient ↓ Soluble NSP
digestibility digestibility (20%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
AA amino acid, ADG average daily gain, AMEn metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen, BAC bacitracin, BW body weight, Ca calcium, CF crude fiber, CFU
colony forming unit, CHO carbohydrate, CP crude protein, cys cysteine, d day, DM dry matter, ESBM ethanol-extracted soybean meal, F:G feed:gain ratio, FOS
fructooligosaccharide, g gram, h hour, HCC hen cecal contents, IBDV infectious bursal disease virus, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgM immunoglobulin M, IMO
isomaltooligosaccharide, kg kilogram, lys lysine, met methionine, mmol millimole, MOS mannanoligosaccharide, NSP non-starch polysaccharide, OF oligofruc-
tose, P phosphorus, ppm parts per million, SBM soybean meal, SCFA short-chain fatty acid, TMEn true metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen, TOS trans-
galactooligosaccharide, val valine, wk week
*P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 413
Nutrient Chemical composition 19.75% CP, Control + 1% ↓ Nitrogen retention (6%)**
digestibilities 0.97% Ca, 0.50% P, 1.09% lys, 0.37% stachyose
met, 0.75% met + cys
Nitrogen 7 d periods Control + 2%
retention stachyose
Control + 23.5% SBM
(0.16% raffinose,
0.75% stachyose; no
soy protein isolate)
Davis et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
(2002) Performance 54 Weanling Hampshire Duroc Corn-soy diet with supplemental Cu at Control (0%) MOS:
responses (ADG, Yorkshire x Landrace barrows (18 d- 0 or 175 ppm
ADFI, G:F) old, 6 kg) Chemical composition (initial-final) Control + 0.2% MOS ↑ ADG with (76%) and without (47%)
1.5–1.2% lys, 0.98–0.77% thr, 0.27– Cu during phase 1**
0.24% trp, 0.90–0.72% met + cys
38 d study ↑ G:F with (62%) and without (38%) Cu
during phase 1**
↑ ADG during phase 3 (8%), overall
↑ G:F during phase 3 (7%)***, overall
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Performance 36 Crossbred barrows and gilts Corn-soy diet with supplemental Cu at Starter: MOS:
responses (ADG, (20 kg) 0 or 125 ppm in starter and grower
ADFI, G:F) phases and 0 or 175 ppm in finisher
Chemical composition (grower- Control (0%) ↑ ADG without Cu in finisher phase
finisher) 20.2–16.7% CP, 1.10–0.85% (7%)**
lys, 0.78–0.64% thr, 0.24–0.19% trp,
0.67–0.57% met + cys
Study end at 106 kg average BW Control + 0.2% MOS ↓ ADG with Cu in finisher phase (5%)**
Control (0%)
Control + 0.1% MOS
Control (0%)
Control + 0.05% MOS
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
. Table 12.4 (Cont’d p. 422)
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Houdijk et al. Intestinal and Four castrated Great Yorkshire- Cornstarch-casein liquid diet Control (0 g/kg) 40 g/kg FOS:
(2002) fecal metabolites Landrace Great Yorkshire pigs Chemical composition 168.4 g/kg CP, Control + 10 g/kg FOS ↓ Ileal pH (6%)**
(38 d, 10.4 kg) 18.7 g/kg crude fat, 17.7 g/kg (Raftilose P95)
hemicelluloses, 49.1 g/kg cellulose, 5.4
g/kg lignin
37 d study Control + 40 g/kg FOS ↓ Ileal acetate (32%)**
Control + 10 g/kg TOS ↑ Ileal isovalerate (405%)**
Control + 40 g/kg TOS ↑ Fecal pH (11%)**
Intestinal and ↑ Fecal isobutyrate (100%)**
fecal microbiota 40 g/kg TOS:
↑ Fecal pH (11%)**
↑ Fecal isobutyrate (143%)**
overall (11%)**
Circulating Control + 3% brewer’s ↓ Overall daily gain (9%)**
antibodies yeast
Intestinal Control + 3% brewer’s ↑ Lactobacilli on d 28 (4%)**
morphology yeast + 2% citric acid
Fecal metabolites ↓ Total coliforms on d 14 (3%), 28
White et al. Yeast + acid diet:
(2002) ↓ Feed intake on wk 3 (10%), 4 (14%),
(con’t.) overall (10%)**
↓ Daily gain on wk 1 (23%), 4 (11%),
overall (9%)**
↓ Bifidobacteria (6%), aerotolerant
aerobes (7%) on d 28**
↑ IgG (42%)*
↓ Isovalerate (32%)**
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Performance Eight Hampshire Landrace- Same as study 1 except 39 d study Control (0%) Yeast diets:
responses (ADG, Yorkshire pigs (11 d old, 4.1 kg)
Fecal microbiota E. coli K88 challenge on d 29 Control + antibiotic ↓ Coliform shedding (10%)**
E. coli challenge Control + 3% brewer’s ↓ Coliforms in jejunum (23%)*
Circulating ↓ Coliforms in cecum (9%)**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Jejunal villus height (17%)**
↑ Jejunal villus height:crypt depth
↑ Protease (56%), trypsin (43%), and
amylase (30%) activities in small
intestinal contents**
6 g/kg FOS:
↑ ADG (7%)**
↓ F:G (8%)**
Xu et al. ↑ Bifidobacteria (8%) and lactobacilli
(2002) (10%) in small intestine**
(con’t.) ↓ Clostridia in small intestine (22%)**
↑ Bifidobacteria in proximal colon
↑ Trypsin (50%) and
amylase (40%) activities in small
intestinal contents**
↑ Jejunal villus height (15%)**
All concentrations FOS:
↓ Clostridia in proximal colon
Correa- Salmonella 48 piglets (2 d) Sow’s milk replacer formula (Advance Control (0 g/L) Soy polysaccharide:
Matos et al. typhimurium Baby Pig Liqui-Wean) Control + 7.5 g/L ↑ Ileal sucrase activity (131%)**
(2003) challenge methylcellulose
Performance Chemical composition not provided Control + 7.5 g/L soy ↓ Ileal transmucosal
responses (BW, polysaccharide resistance (39%)**
feed intake) ↑ Colonic total SCFA (70%)**
Physical activity 14 d study Control + 7.5 g/L FOS ↑ Fecal moisture (100%)**
Stool consistency FOS:
Histomorphology ↑ Ileal sucrase activity (152%)**
Disaccharidase ↑ Colonic total SCFA (50%)**
Intestinal electro-
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
. Table 12.4 (Cont’d p. 426)
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
LeMieux Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
et al. (2003) Performance 35 Weanling Yorkshire Landrace Corn-soy diet with no additional Zn Control (0%) No effect of supplementation
responses (ADG, or Yorkshire Landrace Duroc (contained antibiotic) Control + 0.2% MOS
ADFI, G:F) over 3 barrows, boars, or gilts (20 d, 4.8 kg) (Bio-Mos)
phases and
Control + 0.3% MOS
Chemical composition (phase 1–3)
23.8–18.9% CP, 1.6–1.1% lys, 0.9% Ca,
0.8% P
28 d study
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Performance 25 Weanling Yorkshire Landrace Corn-soy diet with supplemental Zn at Control (0%) 0.2% MOS:
responses (ADG, or Yorkshire Landrace 0 or 3,000 ppm (contained antibiotic) Control + 0.2% MOS ↑ ADG without Zn in phase 2 (11%),
ADFI, G:F) over 3 Duroc barrows, boars, or gilts (17 d, phase 3 (14%), overall (18%)***
phases and 5.4 kg)
Chemical composition same as study Control + 0.3% MOS ↑ ADFI without Zn in phase 2 (22%),
1 overall (14%)***
28 d study ↓ G:F without Zn in phase 2 (9%)***
↑ G:F with Zn in phase 3 (17%)***
↑ G:F with Zn (8%)***
Study 3 Study 3 Study 3 Study 3 Study 3
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Performance 25 Weanling Yorkshire Landrace Corn-soy diet with supplemental Zn at Control (0.0%) 0.2% MOS:
responses (ADG, or Yorkshire Landrace 0 or 3,000 ppm (contained antibiotic) Control + 0.2% MOS ↓ ADFI without Zn in phase 2 (5%)***,
ADFI, G:F) over 3 Duroc barrows, boars, or gilts (16 d, overall (9%)**
phases and 4.9 kg)
↑ ADG without Zn in phase 2 (17%),
overall (6%)***
↑ G:F without Zn in phase 2 (24%)***
Chemical composition same as study
21 d study
LeMieux ↓ ADG with Zn in phase 2 (14%),
et al. (2003) overall (16%)***
(con’t.) ↓ ADFI with Zn in phase 2 (10%)***,
overall (11%)**
↓ G:F with Zn in phase 2 (5%)**
Study 4 Study 4 Study 4 Study 4 Study 4
Performance 20 weanling Yorkshire Landrace Corn-soy diet with supplemental Control (0%) 0.2% MOS:
responses (ADG, or Yorkshire Landrace antibiotic at 0.00 or 0.75% (no
ADFI, G:F) over 3 Duroc barrows, boars, or gilts (18 d, supplemental Zn), or with
phases and 4.7 kg) supplemental Zn at 0 or 3,000 ppm
overall (no supplemental antibiotic)
Chemical composition same as Control + 0.2% MOS ↓ ADFI in phase 2 with (4%) and
study 1 without antibiotic (10%)***
27 d study ↓ ADG in phase 2 without antibiotic
↓ G:F in phase 2 without antibiotic (6%)
↑ G:F in phase 2 with antibiotic (7%)**
↑ ADG in phase 2 with antibiotic (2%)**
↓ G:F in phase 2 without Zn (6%)**
↑ G:F in phase 2 with Zn (7%)**
Mikkelsen Performance 28 Mixed-sex Landrace Yorkshire Cornstarch-wheat-fishmeal-casein Control FOS:
et al. (2003) responses (BW, piglets (4 wk) diets
feed Chemical composition not provided
Fecal scores 4 wk study Control + 4% FOS ↑ Daily feed intake on d 14–28 (12%)***
(Raftilene ST)
Fecal microbiota Control + 4% TOS ↓ Fecal valerate (30%) and
(Elix’ or) isobutyrate + isovalerate (23%) on d 3**
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
and 28 (38%)**
piglets (40 d, 12 kg) without antibiotics or prebiotics (w/w) FOS intestine (8–14%)**
Intestinal Chemical composition 22% CP, 4.6% ↓ pH of digesta samples along large
morphology crude fat, 0.9% CF, 6.3% ash intestine (4–12%)***
↑ Butyrate (110–243%), total SCFA
(13–70%) along large intestine*
10d study ↑ Acetate (12–54%), valerate (3–444%)
along large intestine***
↓ Cecal isobutyrate (50%), isovalerate
↑ Colonic total SCFA (42%)**
High Lactose + Inulin:
↓ Ileal pH (3%)**
Pierce et al. ↑ Jejunal villus height (4%)**
(2006) ↓ Ileal lactobacilli (50%)**
↓ Colonic bifidobacteria (9%)**
↑ Cecal propionate (27%)***
↓ Cecal isobutyrate (33%), isovalerate
(11%), total SCFA (25%)**
↑ Colonic propionate (27%)**
↓ Colonic total SCFA (27%)**
Lynch et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
(2007) Nutrient Four meat-line boars large Wheat-SBM diets with high (200 g/kg) Control (0%) High CP + Inulin:
digestibility white Landrace finishing boars CP or low (140 g/kg) CP ↓ Hemicellulose (2%)**, N (3%)*
(74 kg) digestibility
N balance Chemical composition Control + 12.5% inulin ↑ ADF digestibility (3%)**
(Raftiline ST)
Ammonia High CP: 202.4 g/kg CP, 127.8 g/kg ↑ Fecal N excretion (33%)**
emissions NDF, 47.4 g/kg ADF, 20.0 g/kg crude ↓ Urinary N:fecal N (25%)**
Low CP + Inulin:
↓ NDF (16%), ADF (13%),
hemicellulose (18%) digestibility**
Low CP: 148.2 g/kg CP, 103.1 g/kg ↓ N digestibility (3%)*
NDF, 53.7 g/kg ADF, 14.4 g/kg crude ↑ Fecal N excretion (22%)**
↓ Urinary N:fecal N (26%)**
6 d study
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Cecal and colonic Six Meat-line boars Large Same as study 1 Same as study 1 High CP + Inulin:
microbiota white Landrace finishing boars
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Lynch et al. Low CP + Inulin:
(2007) ↑ Cecal bifidobacteria (3%)*
↑ Cecal enterobacteria (10%)**
↓ Colonic propionate (6%)**
↓ Fresh feces:urine ratio (22%)**
Yasuda et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
(2007) Digesta inulin Six weanling Corn-SBM diet Control (0%) Inulin:
content Yorkshire Hampshire Landrace
Intestinal pigs (7.7 kg) Chemical composition 18.5% CP, 4.3% Control + 4% inulin ↑ Inulin in stomach (0.5%), upper
saccharide CF (Synergy 1) jejunum (3%), and lower jejunum (5%)
concentrations **
6 wk study ↑ Fructose in stomach (151%), lower
jejunum (156%), and ileum (3,175%)**
↑ Raffinose in lower jejunum (300%)**
↑ Stachyose in lower jejunum (6,100%)
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
Digesta inulin Six weanling Same as study 1 except 8 wk study Same as study 1 Inulin:
content Yorkshire Hampshire Landrace ↑ Inulin in stomach (1%), lower
pigs (11.2 kg) jejunum (1%), and ileum (2%)**
↓ Glucose in stomach (150%)**
↑ Fructose in stomach (400%) and
lower jejunum (600%)**
↑ Sucrose in ileum (700%)**
Tako et al. Blood Six weanling Corn-SBM diets Control (0 g/kg) Inulin:
(2008) hemoglobin Yorkshire Hampshire
Landrace pigs
Cecal microbiota Chemical composition 18.1% CP, 4.5% Control + 32 g/kg ↑ Duodenal expression of ferritin
CF, 54.4 mg/kg Fe inulin (Synergy 1) (63%), divalent metal transporter 1
(300%), transferring receptor (67%),
cytochrome b reductase (75%), mucin
(122%), ferroportin (150%)**
Intestinal 6 wk study ↑ Colonic expression of ferritin (50%),
transporter gene divalent metal transporter 1 (133%),
expression and transferring receptor (83%)**
↑ Cecal lactobacilli (171%) and
bifidobacteria (100%)**
ADF acid detergent fiber, ADG average daily gain, ADFI average daily feed intake, BW body weight, Ca calcium, CHO carbohydrate, CF crude fiber, CFU colony
forming unit, CP crude protein, Cu copper, cys cysteine, d day, DM dry matter, DMI dry matter intake, Fe iron, F:G feed:gain ratio, FOS fructooligosaccharide,
g gram, G:F gain:feed ratio, GOS galactooligosaccharide, h hour, IgA immunoglobulin A, IgG mmunoglobulin G, IGF-I insulin-like growth factor-I, IRA ileo-rectal
anastomosis, kg kilogram, L liter, lys lysine, met methionine, MOS mannanoligosaccharide, N nitrogen, NDF neutral detergent fiber, NSP nonstarch polysaccharide,
OF oligofructose, OM organic matter, P phosphorus, ppm parts per million, SBM soybean meal, SCFA short-chain fatty acid, thr threonine, trp tryptophan, TOS
trans-galactooligosaccharide, mg microgram, wk week, Zn(O) zinc (oxide)
*P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
440 12 Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
prebiotic supplementation (Estrada et al., 2001; Lynch et al., 2007; Oli et al., 1998;
White et al., 2002; Xu et al., 2002). Concentrations of intestinal and fecal yeast
increased in response to FOS and TOS supplementation (Mikkelsen et al., 2003;
Mikkelsen and Jensen, 2004). When challenged with Oesophagostomum denta-
tum, pigs supplemented with inulin experienced decreased intestinal Oesopha-
gostomum dentatum eggs and worms (Petkevicius et al., 2003).
Changes in fermentative end-products as a result of prebiotic supplementa-
tion of swine follow patterns similar to that of other non-ruminant species. While
some inconsistencies occur within the literature, acetate, butyrate, and total SCFA
increase with prebiotic supplementation (Biagi et al., 2006; Correa-Matos et al.,
2003; Loh et al., 2006; Mikkelsen and Jensen, 2004; Petkevicius et al., 2003; Pierce
et al., 2006; Shim et al., 2005; Tsukahara et al., 2003; Tzortis et al., 2005; Xu et al.,
2005). Fecal propionate concentrations increased in 28% of studies (Loh et al.,
2006; Petkevicius et al., 2003; Pierce et al., 2006; Smiricky-Tjardes et al., 2003; Xu
et al., 2005), whereas decreased propionate was observed in 22% of studies
(Lynch et al., 2007; Petkevicius et al., 2003; Tzortis et al., 2005). Isobutyrate and
valerate concentrations also increased with prebiotic supplementation (Houdijk
et al., 2002; Mikkelsen and Jensen, 2004; Shim et al., 2005; Tsukahara et al., 2003),
whereas isovalerate concentrations were variable (Houdijk et al., 1998; Mikkelsen
et al., 2003; Pierce et al., 2006; Shim et al., 2005; White et al., 2002; Xu et al.,
2005). Lactate and cupronic acid increased with GOS and FOS supplementation,
respectively (Mikkelsen and Jensen, 2004; Tzortis et al., 2005).
Changes in intestinal morphology with respect to prebiotic supplementa-
tion were observed by ten authors. Villus height and villus height:crypt depth
increased in response to fructan supplementation (Pierce et al., 2006; Xu et al.,
2002; Xu et al., 2005). Fructan supplementation increased cell density, crypt
height, crypt depth, crypt density, epithelial cell count, mitotic cell count, mucin-
containing cell count, and number of goblet cells (Howard et al., 1995; Tsukahara
et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2005). Cell death (CD) markers, mast cells, eosinophils,
IgA, and IgG decreased in the lamina propria when pigs were supplemented
with inulin (Krag et al., 2006). While observed in only one study, inulin
increased intestinal expression of ferritin, divalent metal transporter 1, transfer-
ring receptor, cytochrome b reductase, mucin, and ferroportin (Tako et al., 2008).
Changes in nutrient digestibility occurred in response to prebiotic-
supplemented diets. Dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility, nitro-
gen digestibility, and nitrogen retention decreased in response to prebiotic
supplementation (Lynch et al., 2007; Rideout and Fan, 2004; Smiricky-Tjardes
et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2001). Fiber digestibility also decreased in response to
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 441
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; time on Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) treatment dose; source Major findings
Berg et al. Fecal Nine quarter horses: Pasture grass ad libitum with Control (0 g/d) All concentrations FOS:
(2005) metabolites six male, three corn-oat concentrate
female (489–539 d, supplement at 1% BW
400.6 kg)
Fecal Chemical composition 8 g/d FOS Linear ↓ pH (control: 6.48; 8 g/d:
microbiota (concentrate) 13.44% CP, 6.44; 24 g/d: 6.38)*
3.93% fat, 0.61%Ca, 0.56% P
10 d blocks 24 g/d FOS Quadratic ↓ fecal E. coli (control
4.90 log10 population; 8 g/d:
4.75 log10 population; 24 g/d:
4.93 log10 population)*
Linear ↑ fecal lactate (control:
0.36 mg/g; 8 g/d: 0.41 mg/g;
24 g/d: 0.47 mg/g)**
Linear ↑ fecal acetate (control:
2.13 mg/g; 8 g/d: 2.18 mg/g;
24 g/d: 2.52 mg/g)**
Linear ↑ fecal propionate
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Plasma L-lactate (188%),
D-lactate (275%)**
↓ Fecal pH (3–42%)**
↓ Plasma bicarbonate (37%)**
↑ Plasma glucose (26–80%),
cortisol (100–950%)**
van Eps 10 g/kg BW OF:
and Pollet ↑ Heart rate after 4 h
(2006) (24–70%)**
↑ Rectal temperature after 8 h
↓ Plasma sodium, chloride after
24 h**
↑ Plasma potassium at 16–32 h
↑ Neutrophils after (56–100%)**
↑ Plasma fibrinogen (63%)**
↑ Plasma insulin at 12, 40, 44 h**
12.5 g/kg BW OF:
↑ Plasma sodium, chloride at
8 h**
Bailey et al. Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1 Study 1
(2007) Glucose Ten native-breed Pasture (mixed sward with Sward: 138 g/kg DM Grass:
tolerance horses (15.1 y) clover) for 2 mo, then mature fructans (DP 3), ↑ serum insulin concentration
Timothy hay for 7 d Timothy hay: (107%)**
34 g/kg DM
Insulin Hay:
sensitivity ↓ serum insulin vs. grass serum
insulin concentrations (34%;
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
. Table 12.5
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; time on Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) treatment dose; source Major findings
Bailey et al. Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2 Study 2
(2007) Glucose 10 laminitis-prone, Hay for 2 wk, then high- Hay: 4.1 g/kg/d; Laminitis-prone horses:
(con’t.) tolerance 11 control native- protein grass (15% protein) Grass: 6.1 g/kg/d
breed horses (15.1 (includes 3 g/kg
y) inulin top-dressed
on grass)
Insulin ↑ Serum insulin concentrations
sensitivity with fructan addition (206%)*
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
Plasma TG
Crawford Plasma amine Six laminitis-prone, Hay for 2 wk, then high-CHO Control (0 g/kg) Inulin:
et al. (2007) concentrations 6 control mixed, diet (2/3 hay plus 1/3 dried ↓ Fecal pH (10%)*
Hoof wall and adult native-breed grass)
coronary band horses (13.2 y,
temperature 337 kg)
Fecal 3 wk study 3 g/kg inulin ↑ fecal tyramine (2.5-fold),
metabolites tryptamine (2-fold)**
Respondek Cecal and 4 cross-bred, cecal Commercial pelleted feed Control (0 g/d) scFOS:
et al. (2007) colonic cannulated (HIPPO 122) and wheat straw;
metabolites geldings (7 y, 425 barley fed on d 21 in place of
kg) morning concentrate meal
Cecal and Chemical composition: 30 g/d scFOS ↓ Streptococci 5 h post-barley
colonic 11.16% CP, 1.91% fat, 17.24% (Profeed P95) consumption (6%)**
microbiota CF, 40.4% NDF, 20.3% starch
↓ Lactobacilli (7%), lactate-
utilizing microbiota (6%),
streptococci (9%) 29 h post-
barley consumption**
↑ Cecal L-lactate concentrations
5 h post-barley consumption
↓ Cecal L-lactate concentrations
29 h post-barley consumption
↑ Cecal D-lactate
concentrations 29 h post-barley
consumption (121%)**
24 d periods ↑ Cecal acetate (21–25%),
butyrate (30–49%), total VFA
↓ Colonic acetate proportion
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
post-barley consumption
BW body weight, Ca calcium, CF crude fiber, CHO carbohydrate, CP crude protein, d day, DM dry matter, DP degree of polymerization, FOS fructooligosacchar-
ide, g gram, h hour, kg kilogram, mg milligram, NDF neutral detergent fiber, OF oligofructose, P phosphorus, scFOS short-chain fructooligosaccharide,
TG triglyceride, VFA volatile fatty acid, wk week, yr year
*P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
. Table 12.6
In vivo experiments, listed in chronological order, reporting effects of prebiotics in pre-ruminantsa,b
Outcome Animals/
variables treatment (age, Daily prebiotic
Reference quantified initial BW) Dietary information; time on treatment dose; source Major findings
Kaufhold Performance Seven 11 L/d whole milk Control (0 g/d) FOS:
et al. responses (BW, Simmental Red
(2000) feed intake, Holstein veal
ADG) calves (10 wk old)
Hematological Chemical composition: Control + 10 g/d ↑ ADG (10%)***
profile 122 g DM/kg, 274 g CP/kg DM, 273 g Crude fat/ FOS (Profeed P95)
kg DM, 379 g Lactose/kg DM with with morning
supplemental milk replace and vitamin premix meal
to allow ADG of 1.4–1.5 kg
↑ Leukocytes on d 14
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ Absolute BW gain
↑ Eosinophils on d 21
↓ Post-prandial
plasma glucose
concentrations on d
21 (12–27%)**
↓ Lactate (37%) and
NEFA concentrations
(46%) on d 14**
↑ Insulin
concentrations on d
14 (58–63%)**
Heinrichs Performance 24 Holstein calves Milk replacer and calf starter feed Control (0 g/d) MOS:
et al. responses (BW, (2 d)
(2003) skeletal
Blood Chemical composition: 1.4 g/kg ↑ Rate of recovery
metabolites Milk: 20% CP, 20% fat, 0.75% Ca, 0.70% P antibiotic from diet-induced
Starter: 20.9% CP, 3.03% fat, 1.65% Ca, scours (41%)*
0.88% P
Fecal scores 6 wk study 4 g/d MOS (Bio- ↓ Scour severity score
MOS) in category 2 (38%),
3 (50%)*
↑ probability of
normal fecal score
after wk 3 (13%),
overall (86%)*
ADG average daily gain, BW body weight, CP crude protein, d day, DM dry matter, FOS fructooligosaccharide, g gram, kg kilogram, L liter, MOS mannanoli-
gosaccharide, NEFA non-esterified fatty acid, wk week
*P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
. Table 12.7
In vivo experiments, listed in chronological order, reporting effects of prebiotics in adult ruminantsa,b (Cont’d p. 452)
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; time Daily prebiotic dose;
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) on treatment source Major findings
Franklin Performance 19 Multiparous dairy Alfalfa silage-concentrate Control (0 g/d) MOS:
et al. responses cows (14 Holstein, TMR
(2005) (BW-calves) 5 Jersey)
Blood Chemical composition 18% Control + 10 g/d MOS Dams:
metabolites CP, 3.1% fat, 37% NDF, 24%
(cows and calves) ADF
Colostrum 4 wk study ↑ Serum rotavirus
analysis neutralization titer (2%)**
Serum Ig analysis Calves:
↑ Serum protein concentration
at 24 h (29%)***
↓ Serum IgA (13%)**
↑ Serum rotavirus
neutralization titer (5%)***
Mwenya Total tract Four nonlactating, Alfalfa hay cube-oat straw Control (0%) GOS:
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
↑ N retained (144%)**
↓ Uric acid (23%), allantoin
(19%), total urinary excretion
. Table 12.7
variables Animals/treatment Dietary information; time Daily prebiotic dose;
Reference quantified (age, initial BW) on treatment source Major findings
Mwenya ↓ Absorption of purine
et al. derivatives (26%)*
(2005) ↓ Microbial N (24%), N supply
(con’t.) (27%)*
↑ Ruminal acetate (9%)*
↓ Ruminal propionate (29%),
total VFA (9%)*
↑ Ruminal acetate:propionate
↓ Ruminal isoacids (26%)*
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
ADF acid detergent fiber, ADL acid detergent lignin, BW body weight, CP crude protein, d day, GOS galactooligosaccharide, Ig immunoglobulin,
IgA immunoglobulin A, kg kilogram, MOS mannanoligosaccharide, N nitrogen, NDF neutral detergent fiber, TMR total mixed ration, VFA volatile fatty acids
*P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P < 0.10
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 453
prebiotics in the diet of very young and very old animals should remain low so as
not to drastically change diet digestibility. Very young animals require highly
digestible diets to maintain rapid growth rates. While this is important for all
species, it is of particular importance for livestock species as profit is closely tied
to optimal animal growth and health. While not as great a concern for production
livestock species, some aging animals experience a decline in diet digestibility as
they approach senior and geriatric status. A dilution of nutrients at this life stage
can lead to loss of muscle mass and stimulate other health concerns.
Health status. As demonstrated by several studies, animals with challenged
immunity respond better to prebiotic supplementation as compared to healthy
animals. When exposed to pathogenic microorganisms and parasites, poultry and
swine exhibited more consistent responses to treatment with prebiotic supple-
ments than control groups. While still important in disease prevention, use of
prebiotics may not appear as efficacious in healthy, non-challenged animals.
Prophylactic use of prebiotic supplements is important, however, in non-
challenged animals as the changes that they induce in intestinal microbial ecology
lead to an overall healthier animal.
Species. While supplementation appears to have clear benefits to most animal
species, certain species respond poorly to prebiotic compounds. For example,
the majority of research published in horses links fructan consumption to
laminitis. Indeed, fructans have been used to induce laminitis and rapid intake
of carbohydrate has been shown to induce laminitis. In contrast, pre-ruminants
appear to benefit from the addition of prebiotic compounds to their diets. These
animals do not have a strong microbial population established in their rumen and
are highly affected by microorganisms in their environment, particularly due to
susceptibility to diet-induced shifts in microbiota. Prebiotic supplementation
of these animals can influence the populations of microbiota that establish
within the rumen and, potentially, can lead to an improved ruminal environment
for the animal.
Animal housing. The way in which an animal is housed can greatly affect its
response to prebiotic supplementation. Companion animals, generally accepted
as indoor pets, are less likely to exhibit a dramatic response to a prebiotic
compound unless ill when compared with some livestock species. Livestock
species also respond very differently, which generally can be related to the type
of living conditions in which they reside. One would expect a greater response to
prebiotic supplementation of poultry housed in a floor pen where the birds have
free access to their environment, including excreta of other birds, than would be
observed in group-housed swine or possibly even caged poultry.
454 12 Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
12.4 Conclusion
As evidenced by the body of literature covered in this essay, prebiotic supplemen-
tation of companion and livestock animals demonstrates many benefits. By
increasing beneficial microbiota while decreasing populations of potentially
pathogenic microbiota, animal owners and producers can improve the health
and well being of their animals. Prebiotic compounds also improve fermen-
tation in the intestine of animals, as has been observed in all species to which
prebiotics have been fed. Increasing SCFA concentrations provides energy to the
colon, allows for proper cell maintenance and turnover, and can contribute to
the beneficial microbial environment by decreasing intestinal pH. Fermenta-
tion associated with odor- and disease-producing compounds such as phenols
and branched-chain fatty acids generally decreased with prebiotic supple-
mentation, adding to the list of benefits of prebiotic supplementation. While
some conflicting information exists, benefits generally outweigh costs of supple-
mentation. With proper consideration of health status, living conditions,
species to be supplemented, and age, prebiotic supplementation as a nutritional
intervention strategy has the potential to improve overall health status of
many species.
12.5 Summary
Prebiotics have been investigated in companion animals and many livestock species
with varied, but generally positive, results.
When prebiotics are fed to non-ruminant companion and livestock animals, similar
responses are observed across species. Prebiotics can aid the host animal in fighting
microbial infections, improving growth performance responses, improving micro-
bial ecology, and optimizing animal health.
Prebiotic studies in the equine generally have dealt with induction of laminitis with
fructans, implying that horses do not tolerate large concentrations of fructans.
However, there are no published studies investigating the effects of other prebiotics
or low concentration supplementation strategies.
Ruminant and pre-ruminant studies with prebiotics are sparse, but measurable
changes in fermentative end-products, nutrient digestibilities, and immunological
indices have been noted.
Several considerations must be taken into account prior to prebiotic supplementa-
tion with regard to age, species, housing conditions, and health status to obtain
optimal results.
While prebiotics have been widely researched, much research remains to be per-
formed as results with some species are sorely lacking. Improved technologies allow
for the creation of novel prebiotics that should be investigated in select animal
Overall, prebiotics have the potential to improve animal health by altering gastroin-
testinal events that impact host animal metabolism.
List of Abbreviations
AA amino acid
ADF acid detergent fiber
ADFI average daily feed intake
ADG average daily gain
ADL acid detergent lignin
AMEn metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen
BAC bacitracin
BW body weight
Ca calcium
456 12 Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition
CF crude fiber
CFU colony forming units
CHO carbohydrate
CP crude protein
Cu copper
cys cysteine
d day
DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
DM dry matter
DMB dry matter basis
DMI dry matter intake
DP degree of polymerization
ESBM ethanol-extracted soybean meal
Fe iron
F:G feed:gain ratio
FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization
FOS fructooligosaccharide
g gram
G:F gain:feed ratio
GOS galactooligosaccharide
h hour
HCC hen cecal contents
IBDV infectious bursal disease virus
IgA immunoglobulin A
IgE immunoglobulin E
IgG immunoglobulin G
IGF-I insulin-like growth factor-I
IgM immunoglobulin M
IMO isomaltooligosaccharide
IRA ileo-rectal anastomosis
kg kilogram
L liter
lys lysine
ME metabolic energy
met methionine
mg microgram
mmol millimole
mo month
Prebiotics in Companion and Livestock Animal Nutrition 12 457
MOS mannanoligosaccharide
N nitrogen
NDF neutral detergent fiber
NEFA non-esterified fatty acid
NSP non-starch polysaccharide
OF oligofructose
OM organic matter
P phosphorus
ppm parts per million
qPCR quantitative polymerase chain reaction
SBM soybean meal
SCFA short-chain fatty acid
scFOS short-chain fructooligosaccharide
TDF total dietary fiber
TG triglyceride
thr threonine
TMEn true metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen
TMR total mixed ration
TOS trans-galactooligosaccharide
trp tryptophan
val valine
VFA volatile fatty acid
wk week
YCW yeast cell wall
yr year
Zn(O) zinc (oxide)
Adogony V, Respondek F, Biourge V, Rudeaux infection affect food intake, fever, and
F, Delaval J, Bind J-L, Salmon H (2007) epithelial sloughing from salmonella chal-
Effects of dietary scFOS on immunoglo- lenge in weanling puppies. J Nutr
bulins in colostrums and milk of bitches. 137:1923–1930
J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr 91:169–174 Awati A, Williams BA, Bosch MW, Gerrits WJJ,
Apanavicius CJ, Powell KL, Vester BM, Karr- Verstegen MWA (2006) Effect of inclusion
Lilienthal LK, Pope LL, Fastinger ND, of fermentable carbohydrates in the diet
Wallig MA, Tappenden KA, Swanson KS on fermentation end-products on feces of
(2007) Fructan supplementation and weanling pigs. J Anim Sci 84:2133–2140
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