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UOP BenfieldTM Process

Low cost removal of CO2 and H2S from natural and synthesis gas

Existing potassium carbonate systems can reduce energy usage by 15% or more
and increase capacity by 15-40% by adopting one or more of UOP's Benfield
process conversions. Services and products are available to lower your operating
cost and improve system throughput.

Originally developed at the U. S. Bureau of Mines in the early 1950s, UOP Benfield Process
the hot potassium carbonate (HPC) process has been modified and
Acid Gas Acid Gas
optimized by Benson and Field and, subsequently, UOP. The UOP Condenser
Acid Gas
Benfield Process is a thermally regenerated cyclical solvent process Pure Gas Knock-Out
Drum Reflux Benfield
using an activated, inhibited hot potassium carbonate solution to Pump Regenerator

remove CO2, H2S and other acid gas components. More than 700
Absorber Condensate
Benfield units have been put into commercial service, and Pump
competitors have installed their share of HPC systems. In addition Lean
to its wide use in ammonia and hydrogen production, the Benfield Filter

process has been applied in 50+ natural gas plants and in direct
iron ore reduction plants. Any of these units can now obtain Feed
Gas Hydraulic
significant performance improvements. UOP offers the opportunity Turbine
to upgrade any hot potassium carbonate system through the
selection (or combination) of three revamp options. Lean
Solution Carbonate Condensate
Flash Reboiler Reboiler
UOP Benfield ACT-1 TM
activator Lean Solution
ACT-1 activator promotes the absorption of carbon dioxide by hot
potassium carbonate solution by increasing mass transfer rates.
UOP Benfield LoHeatTM technology
ACT-1 activator can do one or more of the following in comparison
There are a variety of flow schemes available that permit process
with DEA activation:
optimization and energy reduction within the near-isothermal Benfield
• Lower the CO2 in the product gas by 25-85% unit operation. Existing plants can be revamped for either capacity
• Lower the carbonate solvent solution circulation by 5-15% increase and/or heat savings of 15-40% through the use of UOP’s
• Lower regeneration energy requirements by 5-15% proprietary LoHeat technology. This upgrade requires the addition of
a solvent flash drum with a range of configurations that progressively
• Increase feed gas throughput by 5-15%
increase energy savings as capital cost increases. UOP engineers
• Reduce the consumption of anti-foam and other chemicals
help potential customers perform economic analysis of the various
• Reduce or eliminate the reduction of vanadium valence state
options to determine the best fit for your operation. Ask your UOP
from V+5 to inactive V+4 in ammonia or hydrogen purification
sales representative for an inquiry form to start the process of
service, thus reducing the need to add inhibitor
determining the best revamp option for your operation.
Conversion to ACT-1 from DEA activation can be done “on-the-fly”
UOP proprietary packing
without a complete replacement of the solvent inventory. UOP will
provide a detailed procedure, and on-site advisory services are For HPC systems that have the ability to increase feed gas rates

also available. from upstream sources, UOP tower internals can be used to
de-bottleneck the absorber and regenerator towers to allow higher
vapor rates. UOP has teamed with Raschig to provide the highest
capacity column packing for Benfield service. Depending upon the
type of packing you currently have, capacity increases of 5% to
more than 20% can be realized.

A combination of revamp options can result in even more capacity

and/or energy savings. Design packages ranging from functional
process specifications through complete equipment datasheets
and operating manuals can be provided. As with all our UOP
processes, service is always readily available through UOP’s
worldwide technical service organization. The process
improvements achievable depend on the application and the
options chosen for your revamp.

UOP has access to many years of experience upgrading HPC
systems all around the world. Our services range in complexity
from simple chemical addition (ACT-1 activator) to a full range of
revamp options that include equipment additions. More than 25
competitor HPC units and even more Benfield units have already
been upgraded.

For more information

For more information on Benfield technology services, please
contact your UOP representative or visit us online at

UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company

25 East Algonquin Road © 2013 UOP LLC. All rights reserved.
The information in this document should not be construed as a representation for
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017, U.S.A. which UOP assumes legal responsibility, or an authorization or recommendation
to practice a patented invention without a license.
www.uop.com UOP 4524-3c March, 2013

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