Key IPCC Conclusions On Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations

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Key IPCC conclusions on climate

change impacts and adaptations

by Martin Parry1, Osvaldo Canziani1 and Jean Palutikof2

Introduction included 12 key messages, which are measurable impacts. The author team
summarized here. of this chapter examined more than
29 000 environmental data series
The IPCC Fourth Assessment on and found that 89 per cent of these
Climate Change 2007: Impac ts, 1. Impacts of climate exhibited trends consistent with
Adaptation and Vulnerability (IPCC, warming. Most of the available data
20 07(a)) add re s sed three main
change are are terrestrial, rather than oceanic,
issues: impacts of climate change occurring now and are concentrated in Europe
which are observable now; future and North America, leading to dif­
effects of climate change on different A new development in the IPCC Fourth ficulties in drawing a global pic­ture.
sectors and regions; and responses Assessment was the introduction of Nevertheless, the conclusion is that
to such effects. The assessment a chapter dedicated to observed and natural systems around the world are

Figure 1 — Changes in glacier extent on Mt Kilimanjaro

1912 to 2003 (IPCC, 2007(a)

1 Co-chair, IPCC Working Group II, Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

2 Head, Technical Support Unit, IPCC Working Group II, Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008 | 

being affected by regional climate terr e s tr ial biolo gi c al s y s te m s, Other effects of regional climate
changes, particularly temperature including such changes as earlier changes on natural and human
increases, and that these temperature timing of spring events (e.g. leaf environments are emerging, although
increases are very likely to be the unfolding, bird migration and egg many are difficult to discern due to
result of anthropogenic emissions laying; and shifts in ranges of plant adaptation and non-climatic trends
of greenhouse gases. and animal species). In the oceans, such as land-use change. These
and mainly at high latitudes, we can include earlier spring planting of crops,
Mos t evident are reduc tions in currently observe shifts in ranges increase in forest fires in northern
snow, ice and frozen ground, which, and abundance of algae, plankton high latitudes and warmer and drier
in turn, are leading to enlargement and fish. conditions in the Sahel, leading to a
and increased numbers of glacial reduced length of growing season.
lakes, increased ground instability Probably the most important effect
in permafrost regions and mountain of greenhouse gas emissions is in
regions. Although the greatest redu­ the oceans, which have become 2. Key impacts and
ction in ice ex tent has occurred increasingly acidic as carbon dioxide
in the Arctic, some of the most is absorbed by water to become
the most vulnerable
obvious has been in tropical carbonic acid. So far, we have places can now
mountain environments such as on
Mt Kilimanjaro (Figure 1).
recorded an average pH reduction
be identified
of 0.1. Increasing acidity is expected
to have major effects on shell-forming
There is extensive evidence that organisms, but research on this is in Since the IPCC Third Assess­
recent warming is strongly affecting its infancy. m e n t ( 2 0 01), m a n y a d d i t i o n a l

Figure 2 — Global impacts projected for changes in climate (and sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide where relevant) associated
with different amounts of global average surface temperature change in the 21st century (from IPCC, 2007(a), Technical Summary)

 | WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008

Figure 3 — Regional impacts projected for changes in climate (and sea-level and atmospheric carbon dioxide where relevant),
associated with different amounts of global average surface temperature change in the 21st century (from IPCC, 2007(a),
Technical Summary).

s tudies, par ticularly in regions main conclusions regarding these • Some ecosystems, especially
tha t previously had b e en lit tle impacts are summarized in Figures 2 tundra, boreal forest, moun­
researched, have enabled a more and 3. From this assessment, the tain, Mediterranean-type
systematic understanding of IPCC author team identified those ecosystems, mangroves and
how the timing and magnitude of systems, sectors and regions most salt marshes, coral reefs and
impacts are likely to be af fected likely to be especially affected by the sea ice biomes;
by change s in climate and s ea climate change.
level as so cia ted with dif fering • Low-lying coasts, due to the
amounts and rates of change in The most vulnerable systems and threat of sea-level rise;
global average temperature. The sectors are:

WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008 | 

Figure 4 — Changes in water availability for the 2090s relative to 1980-1999. Values are the median for 12 climate models. White areas
are where less than two-thirds of the models agree and hatched areas are where 90 per cent of the models agree (from IPCC, 2007(c)).

• Water resources in low-latitude • Asian megadeltas, such as the 3. There are very likely
regions, due to decreases in
rainf all and higher ra te s of
Ganges-Brahmaputra and the
Zhujiang, due to large populations
to be impacts due to
evapotranspiration; and high exposure to sea-level altered frequencies
rise, s torm surge and river and intensities of
• A g r i c ul t ur e in l o w - l a t i t u d e flooding.
regions, due to reduced water
extreme weather,
availability; and climate and sea-
level events
• Human health, especially Within other areas, even those with
in ar e a s w i t h low a d ap ti ve high incomes, some people can
capacity. be particularly at risk (such as the The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
poor, young children and the elderly) con­cluded, with increased confidence
The most vulnerable regions are: and also some areas and some over the Third Assessment, that some
activities. weather events, such as heat waves,
• The Arc tic, because of high storms and droughts, that can have
rates of projected warming on Many of the regional differences in large impacts, are likely to become
sensitive natural systems; impact will stem from changes in more frequent and widespread in
water availability (which is essential the future and, in some cases, more
• A f r i c a , e s p e c i a ll y t h e s u b - for human health and food produc­ intense. In general, the related
Saharan region, because of low tion). Over the past five years, we impacts are expected to be broadly
adaptive capacity and projected have developed a clearer picture of negative, including reduced water
changes in rainfall; how water availability may change availability, damage to crops and
regionally, with indications of impor­ increased potential for diseases,
• S m a ll i s l a n d s , d u e to hi g h tant decreases in southern Europe especially those transmit ted by
exposure of population and and in northern and southern Africa. insect vectors. For example, it is a
infrastructure to risk of sea- If these projected changes should conclusion of the Fourth Assessment
level rise and increased storm occur, then impacts in these regions that intense tropical cyclone activity
surge; and could be severe (Figure 4). is likely to increase through the 21st

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Jocelyn Ausustino/FEMA
Figure 5 — New Orleans, USA, on 30 August 2005, the day after Hurricane Katrina struck.

century. Thus, it is reasonable to areas. Working Group II concluded 5. The overall effect
expect events such as Hurricane that an abrupt change in the
Katrina, which hit New Orleans in Meridional Overturning Circulation
of climate change
August 2005 and caused an estimated in the North Atlantic (i.e. weakening will be negative
4 000 fatalities, to occur more often of the Gulf Stream), which could lead
in the future (Figure 5). to cooling in north-western Europe
would be ver y unlikely to occur The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
during this century. makes it clear that the impacts of

Wheat, mid- to high-latitude

4. Some large-scale
climate events
have the potential
to cause very large
impacts, especially
after the 21st century
The IPCC Working Group I Fourth
Assessment Report concluded that
complete melting of the Greenland
ice sheet, associated with a 1.9°C to
4.6°C global average temperature
increase relative to pre-industrial
levels, could lead to sea-level rises,
over millennia, of 7 m. For the West
Antarctic ice sheet, complete melting Figure 6 — Sensitivity of wheat yield in mid- to high latitudes. Responses indicate cases
would contribute 5 m to sea-level without adaptation (orange dots) and with adaptation (green dots). The studies analysed
rise. If this occurred, there would be here include a range of precipitation changes and carbon dioxide concentrations (from
widespread inundation of low-lying IPCC, 2007(a)).

WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008 | 

future climate change will be mixed current targets to reduce emissions example, climate change has
across regions, but negative overall. assume a global average temperature been included in the design of
Some low-latitude and polar regions in c r e a s e of ab ou t 1. 5° C ab ove infras truc ture proje c t s such as
will experience net costs, even for present (i.e. 2°C above pre-industrial coastal defences in the Maldives and
small increases in temperature. Other temperatures). A significant amount the Netherlands. Other examples
regions might experience some of potential impact will therefore include prevention of glacial lake
benefits for increases in temperature need to be adapted to, regardless outburst flooding in Nepal, policies
up to 2°C or 3°C before negative effects of how effective are our efforts at of water management in Australia,
become more general. An example of mitigation. a n d g ove r nm e n t r e s p o n s e s to
this is possible increases in wheat he a t wave s in s om e Eur o p e an
yield for a temperature increase of countries.
1°C-3°C at middle and high-latitudes 7. Some adaptation
but decreases in yield above 3°C Much more adaptation is
(Figure 6).
is occurring now, n e e d e d, howeve r. T h e ar r ay o f
but on a limited potential adaptive responses avail­
T h e s e r e gion s ar e the c ur r e n t
basis, and more is able is ver y large, ranging from
“breadbaskets” of the world, so p ur e l y t e c hn o l o g i c a l (e .g . s e a
the effects here would be keenly needed to reduce defences), through behavioural
felt on food prices elsewhere; and, vulnerability to (e.g. altered food and recreational
since agricultural production is a choices), to managerial (e.g. altered
major part of global production, this
climate change farm practices) and to policy (e.g.
explains why there is a wide band There is growing evidence of human plan­ning regu­lations). We do not
of uncertainty about the aggregate ability to adapt to obser ved and k n o w, h o w e ve r, h o w e f f e c t i ve
ef fec ts of climate change (with anticipated climate change. For various options are at fully reducing
global losses between 1 and 5 per
cent of gross domestic product
expec ted for a 4°C warming — a
conclusion which reinforces that of
the Third IPCC Assessment). It is
virtually certain, however, that such
aggregate estimates of costs mask
significant differences in impacts 1973 1987 1997
across sectors, regions, countries
and populations. In some locations
and among some groups of people
with high exposure, high sensitivity
and/or low adaptive capacity, net
costs will be significantly larger than
the global aggregate.
NASA ( Chad)

6. Adaptation will be
necessary to address
impacts resulting
from the warming
which is already
unavoidable, due
to past emissions

Working Group I concluded that,

even if emissions were stabilized 2001
now, global temperatures would
increase on average by a further Figure 7 — A composite of images showing the diminishing Lake Chad (West Africa)
0.6°C by 2100. Furthermore, some from 1973 to 2001.

 | WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008

devel­op­ment /local governance).
Thus, difference in impact between
these future conditions is largely
explained, not by climate change,
but by differences in vulnerability
due to wealth and technology. This is
important, because it suggests that
choice of development pathway can
be a key to reducing impacts from
climate change.

10. Sustainable
development may
reduce vulnerability
Figure 8 — Estimated millions of people per annum at risk globally from coastal flooding.
to climate change
Blue bars: numbers at risk without sea-level rise; purple bars: numbers at risk with sea-
level rise (from IPCC, 2007(a), Technical Summary) and climate change
may impede
nations’ abilities to
risks, nor their cost. This is especially 9. Future vulnerability achieve sustainable
true for larger amounts of warming
depends not only on development
over the long term and the IPCC
authors concluded that adaptive climate change but pathways
capacity cannot be expected to cope also on development
with large amounts of long-term Sustainable development can reduce
warming. This is why (as argued
pathway vulnerability to climate change by
below) the combination of mitigation enhancing adaptive capacity and
and adaptation will be essential. increasing resilience. At present,
Projected impacts of climate change however, few plans for promoting
8. Vulnerability to can vary greatly due to the choice sustainability have explicitly included
of f u ture e c onomic and so cial either adapting to climate change
climate change can development pathway. New research impac ts or promoting adaptive
be exacerbated by on potential impacts allows for dif­ capacity. On the other hand, it is

the presence of ferences in regional population,

income and technological develop­
very likely that climate change can
slow the pace of progress towards
other stresses ment under alternative scenarios. It sustainable development (e.g. impede
is now clear that development can be achievement of Millennium Devel­
Non-climate stresses can increase a strong determinant of vulnerability opment Goals), either directly through
vulnerability to climate change by to climate change. increased exposure to adverse impacts
reducing resilience and can also or indirectly through erosion of the
reduce adaptive capacity because of To illustrate, Figure 8 shows estimates capacity to adapt.
resource deployment to competing of the global number of people at
needs. For example, lower-than- risk of flooding under dif ferent
normal receipts of rainfall in the assumptions of socio-economic 11. Many impacts can be
S a h e l have c o n t r ib u te d to t h e devel­opment. This indicates that the
reductions in the area of Lake Chad projected number of people affected
avoided, reduced or
over the pas t 3 0 year s. Equally is considerably greater under the A2- delayed by mitigation
impor tant, however, may have type scenario of development (a future
been increased human abstraction world characterized by low per capita A small number of impact asses­s­
of water from the rivers and streams income and large population growth) ments have now been completed for
that feed the lake. It is probably the than under other futures such as A1 (a scenarios in which future atmospheric
combination of climate change and high income/high population world); c o n c e n t r a t io n s o f gr e e nh o u s e
other trends that explain the lake’s B1 (sustainable development/global gases are stabilized. Although these
shrinkage (Figure 7). gov­ernance); and B2 (sustainable studies do not take full account of

WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008 | 

uncertainties in projected climate see these impacts now. This makes References
under stabilization, they nevertheless adaptation essential, particularly
provide indications of damage avoided in addressing near-term impacts. IPCC, 2007(a): Climate Change 2007:
Impacts, Adaptation and Vulner­ability.
or vulnerabilities and risks reduced However, unmitigated climate change
Contri­bution of Working Group II to
for different amounts of emissions would, in the long term, be likely to the Fourth Assessment Report of the
reduction. exceed our capacity to adapt. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani,
It is essential, then, to develop a J.P.Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden
and C.E. Hanson (Eds.), Cambridge
12. In conclusion: we portfolio or mix of strategies that
University Press, Cambridge, United
includes mitigation, adaptation,
will need a mix of te c h­nologic al development (to
Kingdom, 976 pp.

adaptation and enhance both adaptation and IPCC, 2007(b): Climate Change 2007:

mitigation measures mitigation) and research (on climate The Physical Science
Contribution of Working Group I
science, impacts, adaptation and
to meet the challenge mitigation). But analysis of the
to the Fourth Assessment Report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on
of climate change, but benefits of various mixes of Climate Change. S. Solomon, D. Qin,
strategy is severely restricted at
this is hampered by present by lack of information on
M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis,
K.V. Avery, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller
a lack of information potential costs of impacts, by lack (Eds), Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, and
on the costs and of comparable information on the
New York, USA, 996 pp.
damage that could be avoided by
benefits of adaptation adaptation and, especially, by lack of IPCC, 2007(c): Climate Change 2007:
understanding of how these impacts Synthesis Report. IPCC, Geneva,
Even the most stringent mitigation will var y under dif ferent socio - Switzerland, 102 pp.
efforts cannot avoid some impacts economic development pathways.
of climate change over the next few It is important that these gaps in our
decades. Indeed, we are beginning to knowledge are filled quickly.

 | WMO Bulletin 57 (1) - April 2008

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