Stop and Check Test 1 Units 4-6: Choose The Correct Words. Complete The Words With A Prefix From The Box

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Stop and Check Test 1 Units 4-6

1 Choose the correct words.

1 I think grandma’s really sick, we … call a doctor 5 Complete the words with a prefix from the box.
il- im- in-
a must b can
mis- dis re-
2 If there is a fire, you … leave the office building.
a have to b are allowed to
3 You … make a fire in a forest in dry weather. 1 I __agree with your opinion. You’re too pessimistic.
a don’t have to b shouldn’t 2 What you’re asking is simply ____possible. We
4 You … drive on the left side of the road in can’t do it.
Australia. 3 I can’t pay you in cash. It’s ____legal.
a must b should 4 Did you see her ____action? She was not happy.
5 My cousins … play computer games on weeknights. 5 Don’t be so ____patient. Lunch will be ready soon.
a aren’t able to b aren’t allowed to
2 Choose the correct word or phrase. Write a composition about what will our lives be in the future.
1 Many people find it difficult to give up / in / away Do you think people will live in space? What might
chocolate. our cars be like in fifty years?
2 The whole family is looking forward for / to / after READING SECTION
the vacation.
3 I tried to call him but I couldn’t get across / through Until recently evidence that the world’s weather
/ into. is becoming more extreme and harder to predict
4 I decided to take on / in / up tennis to improve my was largely anecdotal, without the support of any
health. factual proof, and often angrily argued over. The
5 He cleaned his shoes after he took them off / took off majority of scientists pointed out that drawing
them / took his shoes off. conclusions based on a couple of scorching hot
summers or a particularly damp spring was
3 Choose the correct future form of the verb. misleading. There have always been occasional
1 Sally tells me that she definitely might work / won’t weather extremes, and, although it’s tempting to
work next week. believe the contrary, single events do not
2 He ’ll come / might come with us. He’ll call on indicate a general change to the climate.
Sunday to tell me.
However, a study by the World Weather
3 I ’m catching / ’ll catch the bus, so I might be late.
Organization suggests that there may well be
4 I don’t think people will ever live / are ever going to
factual evidence to support the idea that the
live on another planet.
world’s weather patterns are changing. By
5 You look very nice. Are you going / Will you go to a
recording weather events over the past two
job interview?
decades, the organization has been able to
ascertain that the number, although not
necessarily the strength of, such extreme
4 Complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing. weather events as floods, droughts, and
1 I saw an interesting program on TV. tornadoes has risen. Moreover, it predicts that
2 Last weekend wasn’t very relax____. I had to work weather events we now consider unusual will
a lot. have become the norm by the end of the next
3 I can’t sleep. I’m so excit___ about going to decade. The world’s climate has been setting
Disneyland! new records over the last year. Just over 500
4 She’s really relax____. She doesn’t worry about tornadoes hit the United States in May, causing
things. untold damage, and breaking the previous
5 My brother’s interest____ in space exploration. monthly record by more than 100. A heatwave in

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Stop and Check Test 1 Units 4-6
India killed hundreds, with temperatures rising to A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
an astonishing 49 degrees Celsius, and also 5 According to the study, in the next 100 years,
breaking all sorts of records. Meanwhile, heavy unusual weather events will eventually get back to
rainfall in Sri Lanka resulted in terrible floods and normal.
many casualties. And parts of Europe recorded A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
average summer temperatures five degrees 6 More scientists than usual have been recording
above what would normally be expected. Looked climate changes during the last 12 months.
at separately, none of these events is particularly A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
remarkable, but when put together they 7 The floods in Sri Lanka were the worst ever.
represent a clear and worrying change to the A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
world’s climate. 8 As with previous studies, the World Weather
Organization used this study to argue that global
As a general rule, the World Weather
warming was happening.
Organization only compiles and reports its
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
statistics. However, the figures for the last year
9 The World Weather Organization warned that the
were so alarming that the organization felt
figures showed that global temperatures increased at
compelled to issue a warning of sorts. It pointed
the same speed for the whole of the 20th century.
out that the increase in the world’s temperature
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
was greater between 1900 and 2000 than it had
10 According to the study, people are responsible for
been for any other 100-year period during the
global warming.
past 1,000 years. Not only that, but temperatures
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
from 1976 to 2000 rose at a faster rate than the
previous 75 years when surface temperatures
Listen to a woman give advice about how to get a
warmed up in an uneven way.
good night’s sleep. Underline the correct answer.
So, what or who is to blame? The World
1 In the past the woman used to sleep all night / most
Weather Organization avoids this question,
of the night / quite well.
defining its own role as a gatherer rather than an
2 One of the reasons for becoming a bad sleeper was
interpreter of information. The study recognizes
that Pam started drinking coffee / eating too
that global warming is taking place, and points
much / feeling worried.
out that the figures are irrefutable in this respect,
3 According to Pam, you should wake up at the same
but it has no opinion about whether global
time on week days / at weekends / every morning.
warming is a natural phenomenon or one that
4 It’s a good idea to include reading / watching TV /
humans are directly responsible for.
relaxation exercises as part of your bedtime ritual.
5 Pam mentions making sure your bedroom is cool /
Answer the questions according to the text. tidy / warm in order to create a comfortable sleep
1 Before the World Weather Organization’s study,
most scientists agreed that the world’s weather was, Listen to a radio interview in which a
in general terms, becoming more extreme. dictionary researcher talks about the
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say      expression ‘The real McCoy’. Tick () A, B, or
2 Scientists argue that one or two periods of unusual C.
weather does not mean the climate is changing.
1 What kind of book has Kathy just written?
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
A a dictionary      B a non-fiction book      C
3 The World Weather Organization carried out a
a novel     
study of weather events from the last twenty years.
2 What caused Kathy to write the book?
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
A a conversation with friends      B her research
4 The World Weather Organization’s study proved
that droughts are much more common than in the
C a moment in the bath     

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Stop and Check Test 1 Units 4-6
3 Who was Elijah McCoy?
A He bought and sold alcohol illegally.      B He
was an inventor.     
C He was a boxer.     
4 When did Bill McCoy work as a smuggler?
A the early twentieth century      B the mid-
twentieth century     
C the late twentieth century     
5 Where does Kathy believe the expression ‘the real
McCoy’ originated?
A Scotland      B Australia      C America     

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