Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

Conference Paper · May 2018


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Mahendra Patil
Atharva College of Engineering, Malad


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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
PP 06-11

Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements

in Mobile
Siddhika Arunachalam1, Shruti Kumar2, Harsh Kshatriya3, Prof. MahendraPatil4
(Department of Computer Engineering, Atharva College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, India)
(Department of Information Technology, Atharva College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, India)
(Department of Computer Engineering, Atharva College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, India)
(Department of Computer Engineering, Atharva College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, India)

Abstract: A new mobile network generation usually refers to a completely new architecture from Analog (1G)
to GSM (2G) to CDMA (3G) and finally to LTE (4G). So, the next fundamental step beyond fourth-generation
LTE networks is being referred to as “5G” by the industry. The term 5G is also known as World Wide Wireless
Web (WWWW). The main purpose of the 5G is to design the best wireless world that is free from limitations and
hindrance of the previous generations because wireless system designers have been facing the continuously
increasing demand for high data rates. This paper throws light on the development of 5G technologies as a
cornerstone for realizing breakthroughs in the transformation of mobile networking. This paper represents the
introduction of 5G technology, evolution, need, hardware and software requirements, specifications, network
architecture of 5G wireless technologies and its future scope.
Keywords - 5G, MIMO, WWWW, LTE, IoT,latency

I. Introduction
5G offers enormous potential for consumers and industry as well as the prospect of being considerably
faster than existing technologies. 5G holds the promise of applications with high social and economic value in
which mobile will play an ever more important role in people‟s lives leading to a „hyper-connected society‟. A
significant role will be played by the Global System Mobile Association (GSMA) in shaping the strategic,
commercial and regulatory development of the 5G ecosystem. Areas that will be included are the definition of
roaming and interconnect in 5G, the identification and alignment of suitable spectrum bands. The technical
requirements that necessitate a true generational shift for 5G are sub-1ms latency and >1 Gbps downlink speed.
The 5G network is efficient and appealing as the billing interface is highly advanced. It offers huge quantity of
broadcasting data in GB which can sustain more than 60,000 connections. It also offers huge bi-directional
bandwidth [1].
Massive MIMO is a pre-5G technology that will make the network future ready for meeting the data
demand coming from digital revolution. It provides faster data speeds on existing 4G mobile devices without
any upgrades or plan change. Massive MIMO deployment uses green technology thereby reducing carbon
footprint. It also creates 3D beams both on vertical and horizontal towards users that are located within its
coverage footprint. The signal quality (SINR) is improved by 2-3dB due to the coverage and reducing
interference across users in different beams. 5G uses data rate of 20 mbps and frequency band of 2-8 GHz
which is enabled by OFDM and millimeter wireless. Recent technology constituents like high-speed packet
access (HSPA) and long-term evolution (LTE) will be launched as a segment of the advancement of current
wireless- based technologies. Overall, 5G will be aiming to reduce up to 90% of the power consumption in
devices and network centers and strongly highlight itself as a greener technology[2].


Fig. 1. 5G logo

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile


Fig. 2. Cellular Generations [2]

Technology Features 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G
Start/ Deployment 1970 – 1980 1990 - 2004 2004-2010 Now probably 2020
Data Bandwidth
2kbps 64kbps 2Mbps 1 Gbps Higher than 1Gbps
WiMax, LTE
Technology Analog Cellular Digital Cellular Technology CDMA 2000, UMTS, Wi-Fi WWWW
Technology EDGE
Mobile Telephony Digital voice, Integrated high-quality Dynamic Dynamic
Service (Voice) SMS, Higher capacity audio, video and data Information Informationaccess,
packetized data access, Wearable devices with
Wearabledevices AI Capabilities


Switching Circuit Circuit, Packet Packet All Packet All Packet

Core Network PSTN PSTN Packet N/W Internet Internet

Key differentiator Mobility Secure, mass Better Fasterbroadband Lower battery
adoption internet experience internet, lower consumption
Low capacity, Digital signals are reliant on Accommodates lower
Drawbacks unreliable handoff, location and proximity, network capacity Being deployed Yet to be implemented
Poor voice links, Requires
less secure strong digital signals,

 It has Ultra low latency which ranges between 1ms and10ms.
 It gives enough capacity for unlimited datatransfer.
 The 5G technology presents the high resolution and fast Internetaccess.
 It provides billing limits in advance which makes it more attractive andefficiency
 Theinformationfromthedatatransfer in5Gtechnologyorganizea moreaccurateandreliableresults.
 It also supports virtual privatenetwork.
 It has high peak bitrate
 Better connectivity irrespective of geographicregion
 Supports large number ofdevices
 Highcapacitytoallowmoreconnectivityofdevicesconcurrentlyandinstantaneously[5].

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

Fig. 3. Features of 5G


Many of the industry initiatives that have progressed with works on 5G identify a set of eight requirements:
 1-10Gbps connections to end points in thefield
 1 millisecond end-to-end round-trip delay(latency)
 1000x bandwidth per unitarea
 10-100x number of connecteddevices
 (Estimation of) 100%coverage
 (Estimation of) 99.999% availability
 90% reduction in network energyusage
 Up to ten years battery life for low power, machine-type devices[6].

Fig. 4. Requirements of 5G [7]


 5Gwilldeliversuperioruserexperienceandbetternetworkenergyefficiency,aswellasincreased
 Mostly due to video streaming, mobile data traffic is risingrapidly.
 Each user has a growing number of connections with multipledevices.
 TheemergenceoftheIoT(Internet ofThings) meansnetworksmust handlebillions of moredevices.
 Network operators are under pressure to reduce operationalexpenditure.
 Operatorsalsoneednewapplicationsformobiletechnology whichopensupnewrevenuestreams[8].

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

Network capacity 10000 times the capacity of the current network
Peak data rate 20Gbps downlink and 10Gbps uplink
Cell edge data rate 100 Mbps
Latency < 1 ms
Bandwidth Possibly 1-2 GHZ
Connection density 1 million connected devices per square km (0.38 sq. miles)
5G mobility 500km/h high speed
Spectral efficiency 30bits/Hz downlink and 15 bits/Hz uplink


9.1 UWB Networks
5G network technology has higher bandwidth at low energy levels. In addition, UWB provides the needed cost-
effective, power-efficient, high bandwidth solution for relaying data from host devices to devices in the
immediate area
9.2 Bandwidth
5G has 4000 megabits per second, which is 400 times faster than today‟s wireless networks.
9.3 Smart antennas
Switched Beam Antennas support radio positioning via Angle of Arrival (AOA) information collected from
nearby devices.
Adaptive Array Antennas: It provides improved capacity and safety for wireless systems. This kind of arrays can
be used for interference rejection through spatial altering, position location through direction ending
measurements, and developing improved channel models through angle of arrival channel sounding
9.4 Multiplexing
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) employs analog- to-digital conversion in combination with spread
spectrum technology. Audio input is first digitized into binary elements. The frequency of the transmitted signal
is then made to vary according to a particular pattern, so that it can be intercepted only by a receiver whose
frequency response is programmed with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitter
frequency [1].


5G network will be the single unified standard of different wireless networks, including wireless technologies
(e.g. IEEE 802.11), LAN/WAN and WWWW, unified IP and combination of the broadband [9].
Other requirements are Software Defined Radio, Packet layer, implementation of packets, encryption, flexibility
etc. [1].

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile


Fig. 5. Network Architecture for 5G [10]

Fig. 5 shows 5G network architecture for mobile systems. It uses flat IP concept, so that different RANs (Radio
Access Networks) can use the same single Nanocore for communication. RANs which are supported by 5G
architecture are WiFi, WiFiMAX, GSM, LTE etc.
11.1 Aggregator
5G aggregator which is located at BSC/RNC place aggregates all the RAN traffics and routes it to gateway
11.2 IPnetwork
It reduces number of network elements in data path and hence reduces the cost.
11.3 5Gnanocore
It comprises of All IP network (AIPN), nanotechnology, cloud computing [11].

11.4 AIPN
Flat IP architecture is an important part of 5G network. The All-IP Network (AIPN) is an evolution of the 3GPP
system to meet the increasing demands of the mobile communications market. AIPN provides a competitive
edge in terms of both performance and cost.

11.5 Nanotechnology
It is the application of nanoscience to control process on nanometer scale between 0.1 and 100 nm. Core
features like self-cleaning, self-powered, sensible to the environment with which it is been interacting, flexible
and transparent will be loaded with the nano equipment in the 5G nanocore [12].

11.6 CloudComputing:
A Technology that uses the central remote server and internet for maintaining data and applications is called
Cloud Computing.
The Cloud computing has three segments as follows:
11.6.1 Applications: It is based on software services ondemand.

11.6.2 Platform:Theproducts whichare usedtodeployinternetisreferredastheplatform.

11.6.3 Infrastructure: The infrastructure is the backbone of the entire concept. Itsvendorsallow users to build
applications in this platform [7][13].

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Analyzing 5G: Prospects of Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

12.1 Inter-cellInterference
It is caused due to variations in size of traditional macro cells and concurrent small cells.
12.2 Efficient Medium AccessControl
The user throughput will be low, latency will be high, and hotspots will not be competent to cellular technology
to provide high throughput where dense deployment of user terminals are required.
12.3 TrafficManagement
Compared to traditional human to human traffic in cellular networks, overload and congestion can be caused
due system challenges i.e. RAN challenges when the number of Machine to Machine (M2M) devices in a cell
increases [14].


5G technologies have revealed a new era in mobile communication technology.5G technologies are
likely to appear in the market by 2020. It is expected to significantly improve the Quality of Service in the
context of increasing growth of data volume in mobile networks and wireless devices. The main aim of 5G is to
design a Multi-Bandwidth data path by integrating the current and future networks for a new architecture of the
5G real wireless world. The user can simultaneously be connected with several wireless access technology and
multiple data transfer path are possible. 5G technology offers high resolution for crazy cell phone users. TV
channels can be watched at HD clarity on our mobile phones without any interruption. In 5G the network
operators will be connected with one single core and have one single infrastructure which will be promoted by
the concept of super-core.

In this paper, we have surveyed 5G technology for mobile communication. It is going to be a new
revolution in wireless system market. The mobile network performance and capability requirements will be
pushed to their extremes which will be given by the foundation of 5G. It is presenting many new challenges as
well as opportunities for the test and monitoring industry 5G. Tremendous data capabilities, unrestricted call
volumes and infinite data broadcast within the latest mobile operating system are offered by Fifth generation
technologies. It should make an important difference and add more services and benefits to the world over 4G.

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