Calceria Group

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Dr Satheesh Kumar P K

Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Calcium compounds and their preparation, properties and clinical

According to Mendeleef, Calcarea comes under group 2A

Alkaline earth group —

1. Beryllium

2. Magnesium

3. Calcarea

4. Strontium

5. Barium

6. Radium

General characters of alkaline earth group medicines:

Mental character – Sluggish, Indolent, Anxious

Aggravation from cold (Chilly patient)

Predominantly tubercular

Involvement of nervous system and endocrine system


Calcarea Group of Medicines

Calcarea acetica

Calcarea ars
Calcarea brom

Calcarea carb

Calcarea caust

Calcarea chlor

Calcarea citrica

Calcarea calcinata

Calcarea flour

Calcarea formicum

Calcarea glycerophos

Calcarea glutamica

Calcarea gluconica

Calcarea hypophos

Calcarea hydrxidum

Calcarea hyposulfurosa

Calcarea hydroiodica

Calcarea iodata

Calcarea lactica

Calcarea lact. natronata

Calcarea lact. phos

Calcarea met

Calcarea mur

Calcarea nitrica

Calcarea oxalica

Calcarea oxydata

Calcarea phos
Calcarea picrica

Calcarea pantothenica

Calcarea pyrophos

Calcarea permanganica

Calcarea renalis

Calcarea sulph

Calcarea silicata

Calcarea silica flour

Calcarea stib sulph

Calcarea sul. Hahn

Calcarea versalis

Calcarea sulphurica – Plaster of paris

Calcrea silica fluorica — lapis alba

Calcarea renalis — Urate of limime renal calculi

Calcarea sulphurata Hahnemanni– Hepar sulph

Calcium is a major mineral element of the body. It constitutes 1.5 to 2 % of the body weight of the adult
human. The adult body contains 850 to 1400 gm of calcium. About 99% of the calcium in the body is
found in the bones.

The amount in the blood is usually about 10 mg/ 100 ml. There is a dynamic equilibrium between the
calcium in the blood and that in the skeleton. This equilibrium is maintained by parathyroid gland and
chole- calciferol.

Calcium needed by the body for:

The formation and maintenance of bone and teeth,

Coagulation of blood,
Regulation of neuromuscular irritability and

Muscular contractility.

All the salt of lime affects the nutrition of the body; hence they are of great use in infancy and childhood
when growth must be accomplished. They favor the development of bones, glands and other tissues.

No clear-cut disease due to calcium deficiency has ever been described even under condition of very low
intake. It has been established that if the intake of chole calciferol is adequate, the problems of rickets
and osteomalacia does not arise even with low calcium intake. On the other hand no deleterious effects
have been observed in man as a result of prolonged intake of large amounts of dietary calcium, neither
have any benefits been demonstrated.


Milk and milk products are main source of calcium. Fish, vegetable, fruits, cereals (ragi rich in calcium)
and drinking water are other sources. (Green leafy vegetables are the cheapest natural source of
calcium but the bio availability of calcium is poor. Presence of oxalic acid, which forms an insoluble
substance with calcium, namely calcium oxalate, which make the complete absorption of impossible.
Availability of calcium from a good source like milk is adversely affected by the simultaneous
consumption of green leafy vegetable)

Recommended in take of calcium (adult) – 400 –500 mg / day.

Non-Homoeopathic uses of Calcarea group of Medicine

Calc iodata– used as a dusting powder and in lotion, in ointment as antiseptic and deodorant.

Calc sulph – Dried gypsum or plaster of paris used for making plaster splinter and other fixed dressing.

Calc phos – Used as an antacid.

Calc hypophos –Has been used for ricket and impaired nutrition.

Calc chloride – Used to correct increase capillary permeability as in urticaria and dermatitis
herpetiformis, also in alkalosis and acidify the urine.

Calc carb – Antacid – in the management of peptic ulcer and other condition of gastric hyperacidity.
(Calc acetica – the first of the lime preparation proved by Hahnemann. Identical with those of Calc
carb, both being prepared from oyster shells)

Common features of calcarea group of medicines


Suited to lymphatic, scrofulous and tuberculous person

Fat person with lax fiber

Fat children who are slow in movement, of irregular growth with enlarged and hard lymphatic glands

Calc ars: suited to lymphatic, scrofulous and tuberculous person. Fat women approaching climaxis. Fat
person (mentally depressed and anxious)

Calc brom: Suited to children who are of lax fiber, lymphatic, nervous and irritable. Fair haired and fat

Calc carb: Leucophlegmatic constitution. Large head and large features with pale skin and chalky look
and in infants – open frontenelles. Scrofulous constitution- enlarged and hard lymphatic glands.
Tendency to obesity in youth.

Calc flour: Scrofulous- indurated glands of stony hardness

(Calc phos—is an exception to the common fatty, flabby constitution of calcarea which is scrofulous
emaciated children who are slow in learning to walk, with sunken flabby abdomen)

Mentally they are sad, depressed and melancholic with great anxiety.

Calc ars: Mentally depressed and anxious

Calc brom: Nervous and irritable

Calc carb: Melancholic sad. Disposition to weep even about trifles

Calc flour: Depressed, anxious and indecisive

(Anxiety of calcarea usually about the future or about the health)

Indolent sluggish behavior. (Always desire to lie down)

All most all calcarea group medicines have a general weakness, aggravation from motion or aversion to
motion, amelioration from lying down and ailments from either mental or physical exertion. All these
features contributing to indolent, sluggish nature of the calcarea.

Aggravation from mental and physical exertion – Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc caust, Calc fl, Calc iod, Calc
pho, Calc sil.

Aggravation from physical exertion – Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc fl, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sil, Calc sulph.

Lying down amelioration — Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sul.

Aggravation from motion — Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc pho, Calc sul and Calc sil.

Aversion to motion — Calc carb, Calc sul.

4. Thermal reaction – Most of them are chilly patient.

Medicines Cold aggravation Cold amelioration Lack of heat

Calc carb +++ + +++

Calc ars +++ +++

Calc flour +++ + ++

Calc phos +++ +++

Calc sil +++ ++

Calc sul + ++

Hep sul +++ +++

Calc iod +

5. All most all medicines have tendency to take cold easily

Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc pho and Calc sul.

6. Side affinity—predominantly right sided.

Calc carb

Calc iod Right sided

Calc pho

Calc ars

Calc acet Right sided pain

Calc caust – pain right eye, right cheekbone, right articulation of jaw.

7. Miasm—psora and syphilitic are predominant.

Posra — Calc carb, Calc acet, Calc flour, Calc pho and Calc sul

Syphilitic—Calc flour, Calc iod

Sycotic – Calc carb.

8. Almost all calcarea have stitching type of pain both internally and externally.

Pain stitching — Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc iod, and Calc sil.

Externally– Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc pho.

Internally– Calc carb, Calc phos, Calc iod, and Calc sil.

9. Dreams

Calc carb, Calc caust, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sul and Calc sil.


Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc acet, Calc fl, Calc sulp, Calc pho, Calc sil and Hepar sulp.

Dead of the

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc fl, Calc iod, Calc sil.


Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc sil


Calc carb, Calc pho, Calc sil and Hepar sulp.

Amorous dreams

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sil

With pollutions

Calc carb, Cal acet, Calc phos

10. Desires and aversion


Alcoholic drinks

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc iod, Calc sul

Calc carb: Desires for beer, brandy, whisky and wine

Ailments from alcoholic drinks

Calc ars: Complaints of drunkards after abstaining. Craving for alcohol

Cold drinks

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc sul

Cold food aggravates her complaints:

Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc phos, Calc sil


Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc sul


Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc mur, Calc sul and Calc phos



Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc sulp, Calc sil


Calc carb, Calc sulp, Calc sil

Milk aggravation:

Calc carb, Calc sulp, Calc sil

Calc group has a general aggravation from milk and aversion to milk

11. General aggravation at night and evening

Aggravation at night Aggravation evening

Calc carb Calc carb

Calc iod Calc iod

Calc phos Calc pho

Calc sil Calc sul

Calc ars Calc sil

Hepar sul Calc ars

Calc sul

12. Aggravation on ascending

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc pho, Calc sil and Hepar sulp

13.Aggravation after bathing

Calc carb, Calc sulph, Calc sil and Hepar sulp

14.Almost all calcarea medicines are anaemic

Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc lac, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sil, Calc met and Hepar sulp.

15. Many of them are anticonvulsant

Convulsion: Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc phos, Calc sil and Calc ars

In children: Calc carb and Calc phos

During dentition: Calc phos

Convulsion with out consciousness: Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc phos and Calc sul

Epileptic convulsion: Calc carb, Calc sulp, Calc phos, Calc sil and Calc ars

Epileptiform convulsion: Calc carb, Calc sulp, Calc phos, Calc iod

Convulsion after suppressed eruption

Convulsion after exertion

Convulsion from fear (fright from)

Convulsion with hydrocephalus Calc carb.

Hysterical convulsion

Puerperal convulsion

Titanic convulsion

Trebling externally (twitching)

Calc carb, Calc caust, Calc flour, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sil, Calc mur and Calc sulp.
16. Dropsy – both external and internal

External: Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc pho, Calc sil, Calc sulp and Hepar sulph.

Internal: Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc sil, Calc sulp and Hepar sulph.

Cardiac and renal dropsy: Calc phos

Hepatic dropsy: Calc carb

17.Almost all calcarea have emaciation and marasmus

(Constitutionally they are fat and flabby)

Emaciation: Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc flour, Calc hp, Calc iod, Calc pho, Calc sil, Calc mur and Calc ox.

Ravenous appetite with emaciation: Calc carb and Calc flour.

Emaciation of the affected parts: Calc carb

Marasmus of the children: Calc carb, Calc phos, Calc sil.

18. Haemorrhagic tendency

Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc iod, Calc sil, Calc sul and Calc ln (Calc lactica natro nata.)

19. Tumors cystic

Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc phos, Calc sul and Hepar sulph.

20. Perspiration cold and profuse

Profuse: Calc carb, Calc ars, Calc iod, Calc sul and Calc sil.

Cold: Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc phos, Calc sul Calc sil and Hepar sulph.
21. Sleeplessness

Calcarea group has restless and disturbed sleep. Frequent waking from sleep. Sleep disturbed by fright,
anxiety, dreams or thoughts.

22. Menses too frequent, copious and protracted

23. Ravenous hunger with weak digestion

Calc carb, Calc iod, Calc phos, Calc sul and Calc sil.

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