Love Has No Color: By: Martin Ijir

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Love Has No Color

by : Martin Ijir

Nature has divine qualities 

Beyond national divides 
So heart enfold immortal love
Where one sees mountain dance and move

In this do love has no color

Skin pigment shouldn't be honor 
For all bears reddish clot
As we tread on earth path

So soil of time embraces our body

As the enlived soul transpired to the sky
All become one in a starky heaven
Where no divide and rule leaven

Only unending peace it brings 

Shrinking hearts with joy and unending smiles 
As they commune in glows of divine instinct 
For the greatest commandment is love

As bird fly above 

So cloud of hate gives love as chance
Embracing one with will of divine
So our earth become an undying paradise
I Am Here For You.
by : Wyatt R

Hush, be quiet.
Let that frantic voice
trail away into a silence.
Wrap your arms around me
and I will do the same.
Your hurt hurts me,
your panic is felt through me.
Please don't walk here alone.
I don't know your hurt
nearly as much as you do,
but just know that I
am here for you now.
Grasp onto me
and cry out every tear
that's built up inside you
over the long, long years.
We will start anew tomorrow
when the morning comes.
I will not go,
I will not leave you.
I am here for you.
Please hush, be quiet.
Those shadows
cannot come near you,
I will protect you.
Let those frantic words
that collect
in your hoarse voice
fall into a silence.
We will hold each other
like this until we can
hold onto this peace.
We will carry
a piece of each other.
I will not let go
throughout the night.
I am here for you.
by : Stephanie

You come into this world alone,

And you go out of this world alone.

There are some moments though,

When you don't feel so alone.

You make some friends in your lifetime,

They'll come and go.

When they're here, 

you'll cherish them,
When they leave you,
You'll be heartbroken.

In those moments you'll truly know,

What it's like to be completely alone.

When it's your time to leave this world,

You'll be alone,
But it will not be as lonely as those moments.
I'm gone, gone into the wind.
by: Allie

I'm still here.

Patiently waiting.
Tapping my foot.

I'm still here.

Where you left me.

I'm still here.

Wiping my tears.
You aren't coming back.

I think I'll go now.

Turn off into the snow.
Let it over take me.

I'm gone now.

The tree is bare.
The wind has stopped.

I'm long gone now.

The tree has budding leafs.
And I'm gone.

Gone into the wind.

How I Need You
by : Bianca Sarahi

Like the first drop of rain upon the dryness of the earth
Plants in the desert eagerly soak it up, the sigh of relief almost audible
And the farmer that thanks the heavens for the blessing on his crops
That is how I need you

Like a dose of the most soothing cough syrup after a night spent fighting a relentless
The pain with each cough that reaches every aching part of the body
Each swallow of the throat begins to soothe upon receiving the magical medicinal
That is how I need you

As a sip of water satisfies the runner that has justcompleted an agonizing 26 miles
Every step, every mile marker that exhausts their body more
Every deep inhale a gust of wind that produces dry exhales
The same way that first sip of water brings them comfort
That is how I need you

As your arms around me brings calm to the storms

As the taste of your lips provides a treat sweeter than a mouthwatering slice of red
velvet cake
As only you know how carve a smile on the face that only knows one expression
A deepening glare that changes to smiles
That is how I need you
Sleeping Beauty
by : Benji James

Rainy nights, cloudy skies,

chasing me all through my life,
This time I've just had enough.
People always said,
“When you get older, It'll get rough.” 
But I didn't realise just how much.
When childhood memories are all you've got,
every day you're telling yourself, you can't give up.
You live each day, the way you've been, taught.
And you placed your trust, in the ones you love.
They don’t seem to be receiving your call,
this time nobody's here to break your fall.
It just tears you apart.
Every time you play this part.
You’ll never be a work of art,
nobody will ever see,
what lays inside of your heart.
Oh, sweetheart, you'll never top this chart.
Give me the morphine,
so I can't feel a thing.
Take some more sleeping pills,
to get me through this.
Just let me overdose,
I've never been this close.
Put me to sleep, sleeping beauty,
I've taken my vows,
it's time to make these lights go out.
Not Done With You Yet
by : Will Wilson

When the black and white 

Look more like grey 
And you cannot decipher your
Faith from fallacy 
When all their philosophies 
And self-seeking philanthropies 
Begin to look like truth

Just hold on
Don't let go 
I'm not done with you yet

When the answers and

The truth cut their ties
And the light you held
Died on the inside 
When religion and rationale
Can't coincide
And your intentions were to see clear
But the smoke got in your eyes 

Just hold on
Don't let go 
I'm not done with you yet

It's dark...
But the sun will come, I know 
The shadow is evidence of the glow

Just hold on
Don't let go

Just hold on
Don't let go 
I'm not done with you yet
I'm not done with you yet
by : Eric W

I can feel it.

The wind which caressed your face
brushes by me
and leaves me
The miles are not real,
state lines and roads apart,
but not
in all the same.
The sun sets and I see
your face in the sky
and feel your arms
around me.
You are still so close.
Days pass
and we fly through the sky
while the moon bears its stolen light
onto the ocean floors,
and the waves carry your
laughter and your words
over the sand and grass and
into my ears and over my
and the sun rises with 
a gentle and calming touch
into my arms and over my 
to start the day
and I find
that you are still
not so far away.
The Night Sky
by : Valsa George

As the sun moves to the western horizon

Colors are skilfully blended in a palette
In an instant the sky becomes an exquisite canvas of art
Making even Van Gogh burn in jealousy

With the last glimmer of sunset

When the shadows chase the light,
The aerial folks fly back to their nests
Like black and white specks dotting the sky

With a dark drape stretched across the Earth’s face

The arrival of the night is a spectacular sight
Cicadas and crickets welcome her with their ceremonious band
And street lamps blink their eyes to catch a better view

While truant clouds still wander around aimless

The cerulean sky signals them to hurry
Stars slowly appear in the night sky
Like sequins stitched on to a blue brocade

The crescent moon smiles down

The empress of the night, proud and regal
She and her retinue keep guard over the slumbering Earth
The unpaid sentries of the night!

A gentle breeze makes a palanquin ride

Wafting in the scent of opening buds
The beauty of the night sends me to raptures
My heart exploding like foaming wine in a bottle

Yet I cannot but keep wondering

How many dark secrets
The night holds
Within her tenebrous folds!
by : Toilah

Sky-blue, wind blowing in the air

Hot-sand introduced us to summer! 
A plane was passing by, 
And waves were dancing and facing the shores!
On the landscape, 
One can see them,
They are everywhere,
Massive wings displayed while kitesurfing.
Them people gliding, riding and living
Above the water,
United and empowered
By the sea!
The more wind blows, the happier 
Their masters were.
While I was in the car sitting and wondering about life.
I was there questioning life about its own essence.
I expected a sort of an epiphany of my life. 
But nothing happened,
Instead, I ended up eating crisps.
by: Nicholas Slater

All the things I've said to you 

Each word that I've uttered 
All the poems that I write to you
Each phrase carefully selected 
Everything I do for you 
Is from my heart of hearts 
I love you truly I do 
I'm sorry I'm so complicated 

Forgive me for my untrust 

I have learnt an important lesson 
I will no longer give into fear 
And see through my imagination 
This filter my mind creates
Based on past relationships 
Is not the reality of us my love 
A moment of unawareness 

I want to see you as you are 

My beautiful butterfly 
I know you love me so much 
So please don't lose faith in us
Just give me a little time 
To learn to trust once more
in your bright light shining   
I can learn to love again
by : Isabel Chamberlain

Fire burns within your lungs,

you tell me you love me
but the smoke blackened your tongue
and turned your heart to dust.

Dad, how do you expect me to love

when one cigarette is never enough,
you throw on the porch each cigarette bud;
teach me, how do I smile at a dying man?

With each and every Marlboro,

your voice grows husky and heavy,
I’m not fooled by your light tone,
your feet are heavy with each Marlboro.

I can smell it on your hair,

I can smell it on your shirt,
some smells are too strong
for cologne to dare to mask.

The warning on a box of smokes

is obsolete, they don’t scare you,
you’re not afraid of the smoke you blow
from between your chapped lips and yellow teeth..

In your coffin, between your fingertips,

I’ll place, like a pressed rose,
your very last cigarette,
so in your grave you can take one more smoke,

The last chapter of the death you lit,

but Dear Dad, how many cities are littered 
with your nicotine sticks,
how many skies have you turned gray?

How many more cigarettes

until you’ve had enough?
Here's To The Girl
by : Don Bouchard

Who faithfully waters flowers

In the too-small pot upon the stoop,
Blossoms smiling at morning sun,
No fear of nooning heat
Her ministrations prove that love
Transcends the tightness of their tiny space,
And so they bloom and glow.

Here's to the Man whose only Love

Anticipates his steps before sun-fall...
His only thoughts of coming home to her;
She is his haven 'gainst a solemn world;
This little house with flowers on the step
A place where love and blossoms grow.
by : Ananya Nagar

I didn’t cry when you left

Neither did I say anything to anyone
I just kept quiet for a few days
But, I've observed everything
And suffered even more
That blue shirt,
Which you often used to wear
Is ironed and arranged
in the wooden closet
Your specs are still kept 
on the television..
And the umbrella .. 
waiting for the rainy season..
In The last rains
We were soaked and drenched
I did not touch your umbrella ..
I know,
That you do not like
If  your things are misplaced
I’ve told the cobbler
To mend your old shoe
Your watch is repaired
With a battery brand new
Taylor has stitched your pants
With a lining inside
And Your bed is done
And mom waiting by its side.
Dad ... I know
You will be tired by the journey
But this time,
Please stand still
And Rest for some time
I will take off your shoes
And massage your legs
To make you de-stress
Whatever you’ll say
I'll do it all
Unspoken Words
by : Chloe Megan

Do you see that old man

filthy and wrinkled on the street
he's a statue where the feet often steps
and yet his soul never did leave

Do you see that young lady

Pained and teared in her heart
sitting by the lonely bench 
her eyes teary, staring at the sun

Have you seen that small child

cold and starved by his fate
drinking water despite its filthiness 
smiling despite the cruelty of the world

How many unspoken words are there

roaming around in the thin air
knowing how large the world is
Yet the love is so small, so rare

Knowing how heartless people can be

knowing that their beloved ones left
and yet they wore shades of smile
With their unspoken words behind everything else
by : Mikayla

the feeling when you start growing

apart from a friend, 
the feeling of a movie sucking
compared to the book,
the feeling when you fail a test
you studied hard for,
the feeling when you look in the fridge,
and there is no food, 
the feeling in your stomach when all these
things happen, 
that's the feeling i get when i 
look in the 

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