Ultrasonic Imaging and Sizing of Stress Corrosion Cracks in Welded Austenitic Components Using The Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
Ultrasonic Imaging and Sizing of Stress Corrosion Cracks in Welded Austenitic Components Using The Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
Ultrasonic Imaging and Sizing of Stress Corrosion Cracks in Welded Austenitic Components Using The Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
The detection and evaluation of intergranular stress corrosion cracks (IGSCC) using ultrasonic
testing is aggravated due to the crack properties. Their complex branched geometry dramatically
influences the defect signals, thus amplitude-based sizing techniques may fail. In this contribution
we report on examinations on specimens with artificially grown IGSCCs, where we have applied
conventional techniques using angle beam inspection. The defect sizing has been performed on the
basis of reconstructions using the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT), where we have
evaluated the mirror angle and crack tip signals. Results of dye penetrant testing and radiography
are shown for comparison.
1. Introduction
The occurrence of service-induced damages in dissimilar welds in various foreign nuclear power
plants has stimulated respective investigations in Germany [1,2]. In dissimilar welds, the problem of
crack initiation and growth by intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) mainly affects the
nickel-based weld material. For Cr-Ni-steels, not only the weld itself is susceptible to IGSCC, but
also the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The detection and evaluation of such cracks using ultrasonic
testing is aggravated due to the crack properties. The complex branched geometry of IGSC cracks
dramatically influences the defect signals, thus amplitude-based sizing techniques may fail.
Simulations for optically measured, real rough crack surfaces have shown that the initially
specularly reflected beam field becomes more and more diffuse as the crack face is increasingly
branched. Correspondingly, the reliability of the ultrasonic sizing technique is decreasing. We have
examined a set of austenitic base metal specimens with artificially grown IGSCCs, where the
Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) [3,4] has lead to an improvement of the signal-to-
noise ratio, especially for the crack tip signals. Here, we also report on examinations on welded
specimens, where we have applied conventional techniques using angle beam inspection. The defect
sizing has been performed on the basis of SAFT-reconstructions, where we have evaluated the
mirror angle and crack tip signals. Results of dye penetrant testing and radiography were at hand for
comparison. The advantages of SAFT particularly for the enhancement of the tip signals as well as
further improvements based on a combination of several inspection modes will be discussed.
Figure 1 Etched macrographs of fatigue crack (left), intergranular stress corrosion crack in
austenitic base material (middle) and in the HAZ of an austenitic weld (right).
crack diameter ratios /D = 1 and /D = 1/6, respectively, referring to two different inspection
crack of 2 mm diameter. Figure 4 shows the scattered radiation patterns for the wavelength-to-
frequencies. For the lower frequency, the radiation lobes are similar to the specular field
patterns scattered at smooth cracks. At the higher frequency, the scattered radiation patterns
appear considerably diffuse, indicating deteriorated ultrasonic detection capabilities.
Figure 2. Left: ATOS II SO optical system as shown on the ‘gom’ website [7]; right: fringe
projection on the examined ferritic weld specimen.
smooth medium strong
Figure 3. Optically measured crack surfaces of the examined specimen in projected views.
Figure 4. Three-dimensional point cloud representation of the ultrasonic field scattered at the
model crack with smooth, medium and strong roughness (low frequency: blue, high frequency:
black) [5].
Efficient ultrasonic inspection of welds relies on various techniques which are based on the angle
beam incidence of longitudinal and transverse waves from both sides of the weld. Here, besides
operation in transmit-receive or impulse-echo mode a combination of both is also possible [8]. The
use of 3D-SAFT has been proven to be most beneficial with respect to the improvement of the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [9]. This is particularly useful in view of the enhancement of the crack-
tip signals which are in many cases buried within the (grain) noise signals. In addition, IGSCCs
often are more blunted than (straight) fatigue cracks, which also causes a weakening of the crack-tip
signals. Thus, SAFT imaging of the crack-tip signals and the mirror-angle reflections is required to
reliably determine the crack depth and to perform the sizing of the cracks.
The principle of the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique SAFT is based on the division of
the evaluation volume (in 3D) or the evaluation plane (in 2D) into voxels or pixels, respectively,
and on the addition and storage of the recorded, spatially dependent signal amplitudes in the
respective voxels (or pixels) according to the times-of-flight and the probe divergence angle. The
amplification of the defect signals (signals of the reflectors) is due to coherent superposition, while
the noise signals are diminished by incoherent superposition. The nominal incidence angle, the
beam divergence angle, the probe’s index point and the exact probe position on the wedge as well
as the voxel (pixel) size influence the achievable accuracy of the SAFT reconstruction. To optimize
the efficiency of the SAFT reconstruction we apply
• acquisition and digitization of the RF-A-scans via line scans in 2D or via meander- or comb-
like scans in 3D,
• virtual extension of the transducer aperture via equidistant scanning with probe position
distances and line-to-line distances equal to one third of a wavelength,
• selection of small volume elements (voxels) to enhance the resolution,
• selection of ultrasonic sensors with small diameters to enhance the lateral resolution
and with large beam divergence to improve the SNR.
We have performed the measurements using an inspection system which consists of a two-channel
electronic unit for ultrasound generation, a standard data acquisition module, an intelligent scanner
control unit, a three-axes manipulator with flexible sensor holdings and of an industrial PC [10].
We have performed conventional angle beam inspection with shear waves at 45° incidence in order
to detect intergranular stress corrosion cracks in several base metal specimens, prepared by MPA
University of Stuttgart [11]. The average depths range from 2.5 mm to about 16 mm. For
comparison, two specimens with several notches extending over the whole sample width were also
available. In Table 1, the specimen dimensions and the crack characteristics are listed. The crack
depths had been determined using X-ray radiography and dye penetrant inspection at both sides of
the specimens.
The inspections have been performed using 2.25 MHz and 3.5 MHz standard probes with
appropriate wedges to generate shear waves at 45° incidence. The specimens were scanned in two
directions (+45°, -45°) and the recorded RF-data were then processed using the SAFT-algorithm.
To illustrate the performance of 3D-SAFT in terms of crack depth determination, we have first
examined Specimens P22 and P27, which contain artificial flaws (EDM notches). Figure 5 shows
the reconstruction results for the 2 mm and the 10 mm notches. The sizing can be efficiently
performed by evaluating the mirror angle and the crack tip signals. In the following, we
representatively focus on the results obtained Specimen P35. Figure 6 shows the results of the
SAFT-reconstruction of the +45° and -45° inspection datasets.
The SAFT-B-Scan images show the reconstructed indications as projections over the sample
width. The crack depths determined using the mirror angle reflections and the various tip reflection
signals are ranging from about 13 mm to 16 mm. These values show excellent agreement with the
values determined by dye-penetrant and X-ray inspection (Table 1). Looking at the superposition of
the +45°- and -45°-reconstruction results [8], we see a remarkable agreement of the reconstructed
branching crack geometry in comparison with the two reference inspection methods, as illustrated
in Figure 7. Similarly good results have been obtained for Specimen P36, where similar images of
the actual crack geometry had also been determined using dye penetrant and x-ray inspection.
Table 1. Characteristics of the examined specimens and reflectors. The depths of the cracks have
been determined by dye penetrant testing at both sides of the specimens.
SAFT, B-Bild
SAFT, B-Bild
Figure 5. SAFT-B-Scan image for Specimen P22: evaluation of the 2 mm and the 10 mm notches
on the basis of the reconstructed crack tip and mirror angle signals.
3D-SAFT, B-Bild
3D-SAFT, B-Bild
Figure 6. 3D-SAFT reconstruction for Specimen P35 for +45 ° (top) and -45 ° (bottom) angle beam
inspection. The RF-datasets were preprocessed using a 2 MHz filter; when using a 4 MHz filter, no
significant differences arise.
Figure 7. Comparison of crack imaging by means of dye penetration (left), ultrasound and SAFT
(center) and x-ray (right) for sample P35 (the scaling is not exactly identical).
Table 2 shows a comparison of the crack depths and notch depths obtained for all specimens
determined by ultrasonic and by dye penetrant/X-ray inspection. A relevant discrepancy has only
resulted for Specimen P37, which should be considered again in detail. The cracks with depths of
less than 5 mm (Specimens P38 and P39) could not be sized, since the crack tip reconstructed
signals could not be separated from the mirror angle reflection signal. For IGSC cracks with such
complex geometry, the successful sizing of the crack in Specimen P30 shows that a crack depth of 5
mm can be considered as the lower resolution limit of the applied inspection approach. For smaller
crack depths, the crack can still be detected by the mirror angle indication but sizing is not possible.
Table 2. Comparison of the crack depths determined by ultrasonic inspection and SAFT processing
with the results of dye penetrant and x-ray inspection.
We have performed further investigations on a set of welded specimens with artificially generated
cracks. The specimens were also manufactured by the MPA University of Stuttgart, focusing on the
production of realistic flaws. In order to obtain several specimens with comparable welds but
different crack geometries, stainless steel plates were butt-welded, the welds being performed as
wide-gap or narrow-gap U-groove welds or asymmetric U-groove welds. Crack growth was
initiated by a corrosive liquid, which was placed over a starter notch located in the weld root. A
three-point bending load was applied. In all test specimens, the IGSCC have grown along the weld
seam in the HAZ. The final crack geometry and depths were documented by etched macrographs of
the two side surfaces, by dye penetrant and x-ray inspection.
In the following, we focus on a representative example of the inspection results. Figure 8
shows a schematic sketch of Specimen P15 and a macrograph of the weld and the IGSCC in the
HAZ. In the case of +45°-inspection, the ultrasonic wave travels only through the base metal before
interacting with the crack. Thus, ultrasound propagation is not affected by the inhomogeneous,
anisotropic weld and good results for crack detection and crack depth sizing are obtained. In this
way, the crack depth could be determined from the ultrasonic signals reflected at the crack branches
for most of the examined specimens. The crack tip signals near an austenitic weld are usually too
weak to be distinguished from the ultrasonic noise which arises from the interaction of the
ultrasonic wave with the grain structure of the weld. For Specimen P15, Figure 9 shows the + 45°-
scan through the base metal resulting from the standard B-Scan technique, where the mirror angle
signal and a reflection at an upper crack branch can be recognized (1 MHz dual element probe, from
[12]). In Figure 10, we display the standard B-Scan image and the superimposed 3D-SAFT
reconstruction images for the inspection from both sides of the weld (+45°/-45°, 3.5 MHz).
Figure 8. Schematic sketch and micrograph of the IGSCC near the weld – Specimen P15.
Figure 9. B-Scan image of the raw 45°-data - Specimen P15.
Figure 10. 3D-SAFT reconstruction – superposition of the +45°- and -45°-results - Specimen P15.
Here, the different parts of the crack are more clearly visible. In the +45°-scans, the ultrasonic wave
travels only through the base material before interacting with the crack. In the -45°-inspection, the
ultrasonic wave travels through the weld and is highly attenuated, thus not contributing at all to the
visibility of the crack. The corresponding C-Scan image shows a variation of the ultrasonic signals
along the x-direction parallel to the weld seam, indicating that the shape and orientation of the crack
branches vary along the crack as well.
6. Summary
We have carried out inspections using conventional ultrasonic techniques to detect IGSC cracks in
austenitic base material and in welded specimens in order to image the shape of the cracks and to
determine the crack depths. A significant improvement results from the post-processing of
ultrasonic RF-datasets using the SAFT-algorithm. We have shown that the 3D-SAFT imaging
allows a further evaluation of the ultrasonic data and the reliable determination of the crack length.
This is mainly due to the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio, especially for the various crack
tip signals characterizing the IGSCCs. The results show an excellent agreement of the SAFT-
reconstructed and the actual crack sizes. We have also illustrated that calculations based on
appropriate models provide useful information for interpreting the physical background of
scattering at rough surfaces. Respective models should be used for the optimization of such
complex test situations. This holds especially for inspection situations where the ultrasonic waves
have to travel through the weld before interacting with the defects. As our results have also shown,
further research has to be performed in this field.
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