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2.2 Comparison of X-ray CT and metallography for Figure 4. The scattering matrix at 5 MHz for a slot of length
imaging SCC 1 wavelength, obtained using an analytical solution. The
scattered amplitude at a distance of 1 wavelength from the slot
Following the X-ray CT scans, the small material sample was for unit incident amplitude, for a specified incident angle θin and
mounted and analysed using incremental metallography with scattered angle θsc , can be read off the matrix
fluorescent dye penetrant inspection at each stage, so as to compare
the different techniques. The metallography was performed using a Analytical solutions, the Kirchhoff approximation and a finite
Leica DM2500 microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, element (FE) technique were all considered and were implemented
Germany) and an example image is shown in Figure 3(a). The in MATLAB (MathWorks Inc, Massachusetts, USA). Analytical
sample was polished down in 0.25 mm increments. The images solutions for ultrasonic scattering only exist for simple shapes
obtained with metallography (Figure 3(a)) and dye penetrant such as side-drilled holes[6] and slots[7], which provide important
(Figure 3(b)) had a better contrast than those obtained using X-ray validation cases for other models. The Kirchhoff approximation can
CT (Figure 3(c)), but there was obviously a significantly lower be applied for high frequencies or for scatterers whose details are
resolution in the slicing direction (normal to the images shown in large in size compared to the wavelength[5]. It uses the assumption
Figure 3). In addition, the problem of low contrast with X-ray CT that when a plane wave is incident on a scatterer, the reflected wave
has been overcome by using image processing. Therefore, X-ray from each portion of the scatterer that it strikes directly is the same
CT in conjunction with image processing was selected as the as that from an infinite planar surface with the same normal.
method for extracting crack geometries to input into the computer An FE technique was considered because it was thought that a
model. more flexible and accurate technique than the analytical solutions
neither does it correctly simulate tip diffraction or scattering from uin (ω ) = e ikrT ⎜ ⎟ D (θ T ,ω ) uT (ω ) ...................(1)
small lengths. These are all interactions likely to occur with SCC, ⎝ rT ⎠
so it is important that a method is used that simulates them correctly. where k = ω/c, c is the ultrasonic velocity, rT is the distance
6. Conclusion
In this paper, the tools required for the efficient simulation of
ultrasonic array data from real stress corrosion crack shapes have
been developed. The Kirchhoff approximation and an efficient
finite element method were compared with regards to their ability
to correctly simulate the ultrasonic scattering from branched crack
Figure 11. (a) Stress corrosion crack marked on an X-ray CT shapes, and the FE method was selected. The FE method was
image; (b) outline of the crack and single layer of elements incorporated into an efficient hybrid model, which simulates the
around it (as inputted into hybrid model); and (c) simulated TFM ultrasonic array response from cracks. The hybrid model results
image of the crack and backwall were compared to experimental results for branched shapes and
showed good agreement. A repeatable way of extracting real crack
geometry from X-ray CT images in a form that can be inputted into
5. Use of methodology for array design the hybrid model was established. The ultrasonic array response
The work described in this paper can be exploited in industry as from a real crack shape was successfully simulated. Finally, an
an array design methodology. The ultrasonic array response from array design methodology, which makes use of the efficient hybrid
real crack geometries for different array parameters and imaging model and real crack shapes, was outlined. The methodology is
techniques can be obtained. These can be compared quantitatively, not only applicable to stress corrosion cracking problems but to
for example by comparing the amplitudes of the crack indications any straight or branched cracking issues. The methodology is
relative to a reference indication, such as that from the backwall. In applicable to industrial scenarios where a reliable and bespoke
this way, the best array parameters and mode of operation can be ultrasonic array is required for a cracking issue.
determined. In the case of in situ inspections, certain parameters,
such as array size, are limited by the geometry and assembly of
components. These constraints can easily be included in the M V Felice is supported financially by the Industrial Doctorate
computer model to ensure that no time is wasted developing an Centre in NDE and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of
impractical array. 1851. The dye penetrant and X-ray CT work mentioned in this
Two advantages of the methodology, which make it viable paper was carried out by members of the NDE team at Rolls-Royce
for use in an industrial setting, are its speed and the fact that it plc, Bristol.