Titus 3: 1-11 Kingdom New Testament: Faith Working Through Love

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Working Through Love

The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation by N.T. Wright

Titus 3: 1-11 Kingdom New Testament

1 Remind them to submit to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for
every good work. 2 They are not to speak evil of anyone, nor to be quarrelsome, but
to be kindly. They must be completely gentle with everyone.
3 We ourselves, you see, used at one time to be foolish, disobedient, deceived, and
enslaved to various kinds of passions and pleasures. We spent our time in
wickedness and jealousy. We were despicable in ourselves, and we hated each other.
4 But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, 5 he saved
us, not by works that we did in righteousness, but in accordance with his own
mercy, through the washing of the new birth and the renewal of the holy spirit, 6
which was poured out richly upon us through Jesus, our king and savior, 7 so that
we might be justified by his grace and be made his heirs, in accordance with the
hope of the life of the age to come. 8 The saying is sure.
I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have put their faith in God
may take care to be energetic in good works. Such things are good and profitable for
people. 9 But stay well clear of foolish disputes, genealogies, quarrels, and squabbles
about the law; they serve no purpose and are worthless. 10 If someone is causing
divisions, give them a first warning, then a second, and then avoid them. 11 You
know that a person like that is twisted, sinful, and self-condemned.

WRIGHT. Copyright (c) 2011 by Nicholas Thomas Wright. Courtesy of HarperCollins
Publishers. Used by permission.
Faith Working Through Love
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation by N.T. Wright

Philippians 1:27-30; 2:14-18; 3:20-4:1; 4:4-9 Kingdom New Testament

1:27 The one thing I would stress is this: your public behavior must match up to the gospel
of the king. That way, whether I do come and see you or whether I remain elsewhere, the
news that I get about you will indicate that you are standing firm with a single spirit,
struggling side by side with one united intent for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not letting
your opponents intimidate you in any way. This is a sign from God: one that signifies their
destruction, but your salvation.
29 Yes: God has granted you that, on behalf of the king, you should not only believe in him,
but also suffer for his sake. 30 You are engaged in the same struggle which you once
watched me go through; and, as you now hear, I’m still going through it.

2:14 There must be no grumbling and disputing in anything you do. 15 That way, nobody
will be able to fault you, and you’ll be pure and spotless children of God in the middle of a
twisted and depraved generation. You are to shine among them like lights in the world, 16
clinging to the word of life. That’s what I will be proud of on the day of the Messiah. It will
prove that I didn’t run a useless race, or work to no purpose.
17 Yes: even if I am to be poured out like a drink-offering on the sacrifice and service of
your faith, I shall celebrate, and celebrate jointly with you all. 18 In the same way, you
should celebrate, yes, and celebrate with me.

3:20 We are citizens of heaven, you see, and we’re eagerly waiting for the savior, the Lord,
King Jesus, who is going to come from there. 21 Our present body is a shabby old thing, but
he’s going to transform it so that it’s just like his glorious body. And he’s going to do this by
the power which makes him able to bring everything into line under his authority.
4:1 Well then, my dear family—I miss you so much, you’re my joy and crown!—this is how
you must stand firm in the Lord, my beloved people.

4:4 Celebrate joyfully in the Lord, all the time. I’ll say it again: celebrate! 5 Let everybody
know how gentle and gracious you are. The Lord is near.
6 Don’t worry about anything. Rather, in every area of life let God know what you want, as
you pray and make requests, and give thanks as well. 7 And God’s peace, which is greater
than we can ever understand, will keep guard over your hearts and minds in King Jesus.
8 For the rest, my dear family, these are the things you should think through: whatever is
true, whatever is holy, whatever is upright, whatever is pure, whatever is attractive,
whatever has a good reputation; anything virtuous, anything praiseworthy. 9 And these are
the things you should do: what you learned, received, heard, and saw in and through me.
And the God of peace will be with you.

Faith Working Through Love
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation by N.T. Wright

Romans 12 Kingdom New Testament

1 So, my dear family, this is my appeal to you by the mercies of God: offer your bodies as a
living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Worship like this brings your mind into line with
God’s. 2 What’s more, don’t let yourselves be squeezed into the shape dictated by the
present age. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you can work
out what God’s will is—what is good, acceptable, and complete.
3 Through the grace which was given to me, I have this to say to each one of you: don’t
think of yourselves more highly than you ought to think. Rather, think soberly, in line with
faith, the true standard which God has marked out for each of you. 4 As in one body we
have many limbs and organs, you see, and all the parts have different functions, 5 so we,
many as we are, are one body in the Messiah, and individually we belong to one another.
6 Well then, we have gifts that differ in accordance with the grace that has been given to us,
and we must use them appropriately. If it is prophecy, we must prophesy according to the
pattern of the faith. 7 If it is serving, we must work at our serving; if teaching, at our
teaching; 8 if exhortation, at our exhortation; if giving, with generosity; if leading, with
energy; if doing acts of kindness, with cheerfulness.
9 Love must be real. Hate what is evil; stick fast to what is good. 10 Be truly affectionate in
showing love for one another; compete with each other in giving mutual respect. 11 Don’t
get tired of working hard. Be on fire with the spirit. Work as slaves for the Lord. 12
Celebrate your hope; be patient in suffering; give constant energy to prayer; 13
contribute to the needs of God’s people; make sure you are hospitable to strangers.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless them, don’t curse them. 15 Celebrate with those
who are celebrating; mourn with the mourners. 16 Come to the same mind with one
another. Don’t give yourselves airs, but associate with the humble. Don’t get too clever for
17 Never repay anyone evil for evil; think through what will seem good to everyone who is
watching. 18 If it’s possible, as far as you can, live at peace with all people. 19 Don’t take
revenge, my dear people, but allow God’s anger room to work. The Bible says, after all,
“Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 No: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him a drink. If you do this, you will pile up burning coals on his head.”
21 Don’t let evil conquer you. Rather, conquer evil with good.

Faith Working Through Love

The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation by N.T. Wright

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Kingdom New Testament

6 Here is a command we have for you, my dear family, in the name of our Lord Jesus
the Messiah. Keep away from any member of the family who is stepping out of line,
and not behaving according to the tradition that you received from us.
7 You yourselves know, after all, how you should copy us. We didn’t step out of line,
8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. We worked night and day, with
labor and struggle, so as not to place a burden on any of you. 9 It wasn’t that we
don’t have the right; it was so that we could give you an example, for you to copy us.
10 And, indeed, when we were with you, we gave you this command: those who
won’t work shouldn’t eat!
11 You see, we hear that there are some among you who are stepping out of line,
behaving in an unruly fashion, not being busy with real work, but just busybodies.
12 To people like that we give this commandment and exhortation in the Lord Jesus
the Messiah: do your own work in peace, and eat your own bread. 13 As for you, my
dear family, don’t get tired of doing what is right!

WRIGHT. Copyright (c) 2011 by Nicholas Thomas Wright. Courtesy of HarperCollins
Publishers. Used by permission.

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