2019 Year of Prayer Lenten Prayer Guide

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2019 Year of Prayer

Lenten Prayer Guide

Brothers and sisters in Christ, Shalom! Another year had gone
by and we are even closer to the event (Celebration of Hope)
that God has ordained. All preparations are being done at the
greatest of urgency and intensity. It is not a time to sit back
thinking that all are in control. Yes, all human preparations
should already be almost completed. However, we cannot be
complacent and slow down. The blessings of God for us is at
stake. Are we to take it lightly? Of course not! We must not
miss out on the blessings that accompany His work. It will be
to our benefit to take hold of the great and bountiful harvest
that God had prepared for His people in Singapore.

With so much at stake we cannot relent on the most

important aspect of preparation—Prayer. We must pray
even harder and more earnest in beseeching prayers to God.
We cannot take it for granted that it will all be smooth sailing.
The enemy is not going to just give up its ground. On the
contrary, the enemy will put in more firepower and effort to
disrupt what God wants to do for us. It is for us to stop it in
its track. Our weapon is prayer, more specifically prayer with

Not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God. That

is our war cry and that is why we need to pray and pray like
never before as we draw nearer. What are we that God would
even be mindful of us? It is because He loves us. His love for
us is the motivation for us to respond with gusto, to trust in
Him, to believe in Him.

Through the year of prayer 2018, much efforts and meetings

were organised to spur us to pray and beseech God. Now,
in 2019, as we come so close to the main event, we must
not stop. Without the Lord there is nothing we can do. Our

strength and abilities needed to fulfill the task will need to
come from the Holy Spirit. We will have to pray just to get
through the day.

Lent, a long-standing tradition of the church for fasting

and prayer that we may find favour with God, would be an
appropriate time to cry out to God to turn Singapore towards

This simple prayer guide seeks to help us in our daily prayer

(for the next 40 days) to beseech God with a broken and
contrite heart. It is meant to supplement the Lent devotions
that you are already using. It is by no means trying to
supersede it.

In the spirit of Lent, it is also good for us to include fasting

alongside our prayers. Fasting need not necessary be from
food. It can be fasting from worldly pleasure that draws us
away from God (e.g. excessive time-consuming mobile

Let us, together as one, beseech God to help us fulfill the

work He had put upon our shoulders with the Celebration of
Hope event as a catalyst.

In His service,

Revd Barry Leong

Prayer Convener
Celebration of Hope

Prayer Guide
It is always the right thing to begin our prayer with
thanksgiving, just like the apostle Paul. Indeed, there are a
lot to give thanks for. Let us begin.

Day 1: Wednesday 6 March (Ash Wednesday)

Let us thank God for:
• The impending great and bountiful harvest of souls in
our nation.
• The unity of different church groups and organisations
working as one for His Kingdom work.
• Providing the necessary financial and manpower
resources for the event.

Day 2: Thursday 7 March

Let us thank God for:
• Making available the speakers for the various language
groups for the event.
• The effort put in by individual Christians going about
to do personal evangelising. May their efforts find
favour with God.
• Sustaining our leaders throughout the preparation
period and strengthening them for the final push.

Day 3: Friday 8 March

Let us thank God for:
• The preparation thus far. There are greater challenges
ahead, but we know that the Holy Spirit will be with us.
• The power of the Holy Spirit strengthening us to lift His
• The Holy Spirit working in the lives of those who have
yet to know Him, preparing them to receive the gospel
with willing hearts and accepting Jesus as their Lord
and Saviour.

Day 4: Saturday 9 March

Let us thank God for:
• The great and bountiful harvest. It is not just a harvest
but a bountiful one.
• Finding us faithful to bestow such a great task to us.
May we not fail Him as we humble ourselves to follow
His leading.
• Giving us all a chance to show the world that we are one
because we are in Christ. By working in unity, we show
the world that Jesus Christ is Lord.

This week’s prayer we come to God in humbleness.

We beseech God to:

Day 5: Monday 11 March

• Hear our cry to give of ourselves for Kingdom work. This
will include our finance, time, and other resources.
• Bring forth Christians to serve in the various areas to
ensure a smooth running of the event.
• Send us out to continue to invite people to hear the word
of God.

Day 6: Tuesday 12 March

• Continue to give wisdom to the steering committee to
lead the various committees to execute the event proper.
• Protect Bishop Rennis Ponniah, chairman, and

Dr Lawrence Chia, co-chairman, as they helm the whole
committee in the planning and executing the CoH event.
• Protect and give wisdom to the Executive committee and
working committee that they will be able to find success in
their various areas of responsibilities.

Day 7: Wednesday 13 March

• Protect and give wisdom to the various speakers in the
different language groups as they prepare to minister in
the events leading up to the main CoH event.
• Watch over the preparation and executing of the children
programme during the event. The children need God too.
• Watch over and bless all volunteers ready to serve.

Day 8: Thursday 14 March

• Pray for the vision of CoH to continue to catch on. That
the spirit of it will continue even after the event.
• Pray that the churches will continue to work as one
always. Let CoH be the catalyst for the churches to find
common grounds always and stay united.
• Pray that the churches will be willing troops of God,
working as one united entity, for the spread of the gospel.

Day 9: Friday 15 March

• Pray that Christian brothers and sisters will offer up holy
lives to the glory of God.
• Pray for the Lord to touch our hearts that we may offer up
the necessary help and finances for the CoH event.
• Pray for Christians of the nation to be renewed in holiness.

Day 10: Saturday 16 March
• Pray that we will be deeply convicted of our tolerance of
sin in our nation.
• Pray for all of us to know of our brokenness and the need
for the Lord.
• Pray for us to be restored by the Lord so that we can bring
that reconciliation to the lost.

Day 11: Monday 18 March

• Pray for the nation to turn from darkness to the light of
the world.
• Pray for the nation to let justice and mercy to flow like
rivers under God.
• Pray for the leaders of the nation to be able to stand
strong and firm under pressure from without and within
to uphold justice and righteousness.

Day 12: Tuesday 19 March

• Pray for God to forgive us of our less than desirable effort
in evangelism.
• For forgiveness in our disunity.
• Pray that we may truly be one with the Lord and thereby
with one another.

Day 13: Wednesday 20 March

• Pray for our Christian leaders of the marketplace to come
full force to participate in the CoH event.
• Pray for all Christians in the marketplace to move
earnestly in reaching out to those in the marketplace
and public square.

• Pray for all of us to long to work in unity for the
advancement of the kingdom of God.

Day 14: Thursday 21 March

• Beseech the Lord for the churches in Singapore to
continue to work together to turn the nation towards God.
• May the revival in Singapore come in a mighty way
and continues till the Lord returns.
• May a prayer movement emerge and we continue to trust
in God through prayer.

Day 15: Friday 22 March

• Pray that our prayers and evangelism will never stop or
lose momentum.
• Pray that we will be resolute in our desire to serve God in
• May we work hard while it is still day.

Day 16: Saturday 23 March

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon all venues prepared
for the CoH events. That all who come into those venues
will feel the presence of God and be convicted to believe.
• Pray for protection of all venues and people during the
CoH event. That no ill will come upon anyone during the
time of the events.
• Pray for favour of the Lord to be upon all who are coming
for the event.

Day 17: Monday 25 March

• Pray for more people to come and pray and beseech the

Lord at the Morning Prayer (6:30am to 8:30am) at Kum
Yan Methodist Church.
• Pray for the continued welfare of the nation. As the nation
grapples with the uncertainty of the change in leadership,
pray that people will know that God is in charge and has
prepared the right person to lead Singapore.
• Pray that as we enter this exciting time of God’s visitation,
we will be earnest to seek Him and serve Him.

Day 18: Tuesday 26 March

• Pray for church leaders in Singapore to be bonded in heart
and spirit that we may bring the gospel to the lost.
• In that one spirit, may we all be blessed as we uphold the
name of Christ.
• May we be faithful to God’s calling and work in synergy to
bring in the mighty harvest.

Day 19: Wednesday 27 March

• Pray that the Christian community may be blessed as we
practice righteousness, compassion and steadfast love
under the rule of God.
• Pray that we will stand firm in the way of life worthy of the
• Pray that we will be ready, in season and out of season, to
stand up to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Day 20: Thursday 28 March

• Pray that we will be more engrossed in giving than
• Pray that we will be ready to offer up our lives for Christ
more than we want to keep it.
• Pray that we will want His will be done more than our own

Day 21: Friday 29 March

• Pray that we will keep ourselves spiritually fit and
equipped to lead people to Christ.
• Pray that the churches will do even more to equip the flock
for the work of Christ.
• Pray that many more will be added to the kingdom
because of participating in the preparation.

Day 22: Saturday 30 March

• Pray for the church leaders and the various committee of
CoH to remain strong and courageous.
• Pray for God to protect His mighty soldiers in this work.
• Pray for the health and wellbeing of the church leaders as
they toil daily in the work of Christ.

Day 23: Monday 1 April

• We continue to pray for the Lord’s provision for all the
needs of the CoH event, the finance, preparation of the
stadium and other locations, all other logistics.
• Continue to keep all the invited speakers in good health
and spiritual wellbeing.
• May the wisdom of God be with all who are ready to
minister, in various capacities, to the lost. That they may
gain favour with man and God.

Day 24: Tuesday 2 April

• Pray that we will be in step with the Holy Spirit in His work
of CoH.
• Pray that the favour of the Lord continues to be upon us as
the work gains pace towards fulfilment.
• Pray for wisdom and strength for the various leaders,
especially Revd Tony Yeo and Revd Lewis Lew, carrying
out the operations work of the event.

Day 25: Wednesday 3 April

• Pray for our brother Paul Samuel as he leads the
Infrastructure and Operations Planning Committee.
The work is overwhelming and tedious. May the wisdom
and strength of the Lord be with him!
• Pray for sharpness of mind and eye to manage every detail
without missing them out.
• Pray for peace and strength for the committee members
to deal with the challenges.

Day 26: Thursday 4 April

• Pray for the continual generosity of the people to
continue to fill up the needs for the event. May the
financial and manpower needs for the event be quickly
• We pray for the people trained (Project Andrew) to lead
others to Christ. May they put their training to great use.

Day 27: Friday 5 April

• Pray that the churches in Singapore will be renewed,
revived and reformed as they engage in this event.
• Pray that the churches in Singapore will be ready to
receive the power from on high as the Spirit of God moves
mightily among them.
• Pray that the spirit will not be quenched because of

lack of spiritual sensitivity to know the leading of God in
this movement.

Day 28: Saturday 6 April

• Pray for members within the churches to be able to flow
with the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
• Pray for the shaking of the churches to come out of
slumber and wake up to the time of harvest.
• Pray for readiness to jump up and grab the opportunities
for harvest.

Next week we will be entering Holy Week. It is good for us

this week to return to thanksgiving before we enter the
final week of Lent.

Let us thank God for:

Day 29: Monday 8 April

• His favour in renewing and revival of the Church in
• His pleasure to prepare a bountiful harvest for us.
• His initiative for us to respond and be blessed doing so.

Day 30: Tuesday 9 April

• The church in prayer with one voice for His work.
• The stirring of the hearts of Christians as we respond as
one body to His work.
• The opening of the way forward when we deal with
secular authorities.

Day 31: Wednesday 10 April
• Strengthening our faith by providing a venue that seems
unlikely in the beginning.
• Further encouragement for our faith by the favour of
secular authorities.
• Even further assurance of our faith when senior leadership
of different church groups felt the same vision and choose
to work together.

Day 32: Thursday 11 April

• Stable and safe nation that we can freely worship our God
without fear.
• Strong and fair government that deals with us justly.
• Sensible and spiritual church leadership that is willing to
meet up with the challenges of getting the Lord’s work

Day 33: Friday 12 April

• Trusting us with His great work of spreading the gospel to
the ends of the world.
• Believing in us to work together to carry out the CoH event.
• Having faith in us to humble ourselves to follow His
leading without question or complaint.

Day 34: Saturday 13 April

• Allowing us into partnership with the Holy Spirit in this
great work.
• Guiding us every step of the way even before we can see
what is happening ahead.
• Protecting us from falling as we trust in Him and Him alone.

As we enter Holy Week, we want to know that Christ bear
the cross for us and the world. It is for us to emulate Him
to bear the cross.

Day 35: Monday 15 April

Pray that:
• We will wholeheartedly praise God, not because others
are doing it, but we want to do it.
• Others will want to praise God too because of what the joy
they see in our lives.
• The nation of Singapore will come to know God and praise
Him in one voice.

Day 36: Tuesday 16 April

Pray that:
• We will face up to the challenges of being criticised and
reviled because of our faith.
• We will have wisdom from on high to deal with the
questions that are thrown our way.
• We will deal with the revilers with love and thus win
them over.

Day 37: Wednesday 17 April

Pray that:
• As the events for the Celebration of Hope happens, we will
earnestly beseech God to touch the hearts of all those we
• We will keep very close to God while we journey and
soldier on in life.
• We will re-look at our priorities in life and align it with God’s.
Day 38: Thursday 18 April (Maundy Thursday)
Our Lord humbled himself to serve others, that we may also
serve. Pray that:
• We truly live out the meaning of “came to serve and not to
be served.”
• We will understand that serving others does not mean
that we have lost our status and pride. Instead we gained
more by serving others.
• We serve out of love and passion for the lost, not for
the sake of numbers.

Day 39: Friday 19 April (Good Friday)

As Jesus hang on the cross to wash away our sins; may we be
willing to die to ourselves that others may also find eternal
life. Pray that:
• We will die to our own insecurity, shyness or whatever
reasons that will stop us from sharing the gospel to others.
• We will have the resolve to keep “knocking” on the hearts
of those who have yet to know Christ.
• We will die to ourselves by putting aside the desires of the
world in order that some may be saved.

Day 40: Saturday 20 April

As Christ descended to bring the gospel to those awaiting, we
also pray that we will go out into the world with the gospel.
Pray that:
• We will be strong and courageous to share our testimonies
about God to others.
• We will make the effort to invite our friends and loved
ones to the Celebration of Hope right from the onset.

• We will always be passionate about bringing the gospel to
the lost.


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