State and Proof Any Four Properties of DFT. A/M 18 (B) Determine The DFT of The Given Sequence X (N) (L, - 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1) Using DIT FFT Algorithm. A/M 18
State and Proof Any Four Properties of DFT. A/M 18 (B) Determine The DFT of The Given Sequence X (N) (L, - 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1) Using DIT FFT Algorithm. A/M 18
State and Proof Any Four Properties of DFT. A/M 18 (B) Determine The DFT of The Given Sequence X (N) (L, - 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1) Using DIT FFT Algorithm. A/M 18
11. (a) Explain the classification of continuous time signals with its mathematical representation. A/M 18
(b) Describe the different types of system and write the condition to state the system with its types. A/M
12. (a) (i) Find the Z transform of x(n) = rn cos(n) u(n). A/M 18
(ii) State and proof the Parseval's theorem. A/M 18
(b) (i) Find the circular convolution of the two sequences x1(n) = {1, 2, 2, 1} and x2 (n) = {1, 2, 3, 1}
A/M 18
(ii) How do you obtain the magnitude and phase response of DTFT? A/M 18
13. (a) State and proof any four properties of DFT. A/M 18
(b) Determine the DFT of the given sequence x(n) = {l, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1}using DIT FFT algorithm.
A/M 18
14. (a) Design a Chebyshev filter for the following specification using bilinear transformation. A/M 18
0.8 ≤|H e( jω )|≤1 , 0 ≤ ω ≤0.2 π
|H e ( jω )|≤ 0.2 ,0.6 π ≤ ω ≤ π
(b) Design a filter using Hamming window with the specification N = 7 of the system A/M 18
−π π −π
H d ( e( jw ) )=e− j 3 ω , ≤ ω ≤ ;otherwise zero ≤ω≤π
4 4 4
15. (a) Explain the various types of addressing modes of digital signal processor with suitable example. A/M
(b) Draw the structure of central processing unit and explain each unit with its function. A/M 18
16. (a) Determine the frequency response H ( e jw ) for the given system and plot magnitude and phase
response, y ( n ) + y ( n−1 )=x ( n ) + x (n−1). A/M 18
(b) Determine the impulse response of the given difference equation
y ( n )= y ( n−1 )+ 0.25 y ( n−2 ) + yDetermine theimpulse response of the given difference equationthe system nsforma
Plot the pole zero pattern and check its stability. A/M 18
NOV / DEC - 2018
11. (a) (i) Illustrate the condition of the system to be causal and linearity. Check the same for the given
System y ( n )=x ( n ) + . N/D 18
x ( n−1 )
(ii) Check the time invariant and stability of the given system y ( n )=cos x( n). N/D 18
(b) (i) Determine the values of power and energy of the given signal x ( n )=sin ( π4 −n ) . N/D 18
(ii) Explain the types of signals with its mathematical expression and neat diagram. N/D 18
3 z2
12. (a) Find the inverse Z transform of X ( z )=z + ROC|z|>3. N/D 18
( z−1 )( z−3)
(b) Find the frequency response for the given sequence ·and plot its magnitude response and phase
1 for n=−2−1,0,1,2
response x ( n )=
0 otherwise .
. N/D 18
13. (a) Determine the DFT of a sequence x (n)={1, 1,1,1,1,1,10 }using DIT algorithm, N/D 18
(b) Determine the DFT of the given sequence x ( n )= {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1 } using DIF FFT algorithm. N/D 18
14. (a) Determine the order of the filter using Chebyshev approximation for the given specification
α P =3 dB , α S=16 dB , f P =1 KHz and f S =2 KHz Find H(s). N/D 18
(b) Design an ideal highpass filter using Hanning window with the specification N= 11 of the system
π π
H d ( e jω ) =1 for ≤|ω|≤ π ; otherwise zero |ω|≤ . N/D 18
4 4
15. (a) Explain the various types of addressing modes of digital signal processor with suitable example. N/D
(b) Draw the structure of central processing unit and explain each unit with its function, (13) N/D 18
π 3π
16. (a) Design an ideal bandpass filter with a frequency response H d ( e ) =
1 for ≤|ω|≤
0 otherwise
4 find the
(b) Compute the response of the system y ( n )=0.7 y ( n−1 )−0.12 y ( n−2 ) + x ( n−1 ) + x (n−2) to input
x ( n )=n u( n). Is the system stable? N/D 18
April / May - 2017
11. (a) Determine the following systems are linear, stability and time invariance of the system (i)
y ( n )=x (2 n) (ii) y ( n )=cos x( n) (iii) y ( n )=x ( n ) +nx (n+1). A/M 17
(b) (i) Explain the process of quantization and its error types A/M 17
(ii) Compute the Nyquist sampling frequency of the signal x ( t )=4 sin c ( 3πt ) A/M 17
12. (a) (i) State and prove convolution and Parseval’s theorem using Z transform. A/M 17
(ii) Find the Z transform of the system x ( n )=cos ( nθ ) u(n) A/M 17
(b) Find the inverse Z transform of X ( z )= ,|z|>1 using residue method. A/M 17
( x+ 0.2 )( x−1 )
13. (a) Determine the 8 point DFT of the sequencex ( n )={1 , 1 ,1 , 1 ,1 , 1, 0 , 0 }. A/M 17
n n ≤7
(b) Compute 8 point DFT of the given sequence using DIT algorithm x ( n )= {0 otherwise }. A/M 17
14. (a) Design a 15 tap linear phase filter using frequency sampling method to the following discrete
frequency response H
2 πk
( )
15 {
= 0.4 k=4 A/M 17
0 k=5,6,7
(b) Using bilinear transformation, design a high pass filter, monotonic in passband with cutoff frequency
of 1000 Hz and down 10 dB at 330 Hz. The sampling frequency is 5000 Hz. A/M 17
15. (a) Discuss the feature and architecture of TMS 320C50 processor. A/M 17
(b) Explain the addressing modes and registers of DSP processors. A/M 17
16. (a) The analog signal has a bandwidth of 4KHz. If we use N point DFT with N = 2m ( m is an integer)
to compute the spectrum of the signal with resolution less than or equal to 25 Hz. Determine the
minimum sampling rate, minimum number of required samples and minimum length of the analog
signal. What is the step size required for quantize this signal. A/M 17
0.5 ( 1+ z−1 )
(b) Convert the single pole low pass filter with system function H ( z ) = into band pass filter
1−0.302 Z−3
with upper and lower cutoff frequencies u and l respectively. The lowpass filter has 3dB
bandwidth and ωp=π /6 and ωu=3 π /4 , ωl=π /4 and draw its realization in direct form II.
A/M 17
Nov / Dec - 2017
11. (a) (i) Determine the power and energy of the given signal. State the signal is power or energy
(b) (i) Determine whether the system is linear or not y ( n )=ax ( n ) +bx (n−1). N/D 17
(ii) Determine whether the given system is causal or not y ( n )=x ( n ) + X 2 ( n−1). N/D 17
(iii) Determine whether the system is time invariant and stability: y ( n )=e x ( n). N/D 17
12. (a) (i) State and prove any three properties of Z transform. N/D 17
(ii) Find the Z transform of X ( n ) =r n cos ( n θ ) u(n). N/D 17
1 1
(b) (i) A discrete system has a unit sample response h ( n ) = ∂ ( n ) +∂ ( n−1 ) + ∂ ( n−2 ) . Find
2 2
the system frequency response. N/D 17
(ii) Find the convolution of the two sequences X ( n ) ={1,2−1,1 } and h ( n ) ={1 , 0 ,1 , 1} using
graphical methods. N/D 17
13. (a) (i) State and prove any two properties of DFT. N/D 17
(ii) Determine the DFT of the following sequence x ( n )={5 ,−1,1 ,−1,2 }. N/D 17
(b) Find the DFT of a sequence x ( n )={1 , 2 ,3 , 4 , 4 , 3 , 2 ,1 } using DIT – FFT algorithm. N/D 17
14. (a) Obtain an analog Chebyshev filter transfer function that satisfies the given constraints
1 |H ( j )|≤ 1; 0≤ ≤ 2
≤ . N/D 17
√ 2 |H ( j )|<0.1 ; ≥ 4
jω π π
(b) Design an ideal lowpass FIR filter with a frequency response. H d ( e ) =1 for− ≤ ω ≤
2 2
¿ 0 for ≤ ω ≤ π
Find the values of h(n) for N=11. Find H(z). Assume rectangular window. N/D 17
15. (a) Draw the architecture of TMS320C50 and explain its functional units. N/D 17
(b) Explain the classification of instructions in DSP processor with suitable examples. N/D 17
16. (a) Design Butterworth filter using the impulse invariance method for the following specifications:
0.8 ≤|H ( e jω )|≤ , 0 ≤ ω ≤0.2 π
|H ( e jω )|≤ 0.2, 0.6 π ≤ω ≤ π
Realize the designed filter using direct form II structure. N/D 17
(b) (i) How mapping from S-domain to Z-domain is achieved in bilinear transformation
(ii) Apply Bilinear transformation to H ( S )= . N/D 17
( S +1 ) (S +2)
May / June - 2016
1. Determine if the system described by the equation y ( n )=x ( n ) + is casual or non-causal. M/J 16
x ( n−1 )
2. What is an Anti-Aliasing filter? M/J 16
3. Determine the Z-transform and ROC of the following finite duration signals M/J 16
(i) x ( n )={3 ,2 , 2, 3 , 5 , 0 ,1 }
(ii) x ( n )=δ (n−k )
4. Compute the convolution of the two sequences x ( n )={2 , 1 , 0 ,0.5 } and n ( n ) ={2 , 2, 1 ,1 }. M/J 16
5. Draw the flow graph of a point radix-2 DIF-FFT butterfly structure for DFT. M/J 16
6. What are the applications of FFT algorithm? M/J 16
11. (a) (i) Determine if the signals, x 1 (n) and x 2 (n) are power, energy or neither energy nor power
1 n
signals. x 1 ( n )=
u(n) and x 2 ( n )=e 2 n u(n). M/J 16
(ii) What is the input signal x ( n ) that will generate the output sequence y ( n )={1 ,5 , 10 ,11 ,8 , 4 , 1}
for a system with impulse response h ( n ) ={1 , 2, 1 }. M/J 16
(b) (i) A signal x ( t )=sin c(50 πt) is sampled at a rate of (i) 20 Hz (2) 50 Hz and (3) 75 Hz. For each
of these cases, explain if you can recover the signal x (t ) from the samples signal. M/J 16
(b) (ii) Determine whether or not each of the following signal is periodic. If the signal is periodic,
specify its fundamental period. M/J 16
(1) x ( n )=e j 6 πn
π 3π
(2) x ( n )=cos n+ cos n.
3 4
1 −1
12. (a) (i) Find x (n) if X ( z )=1+ M/J 16
1 −1
1− z
(ii) Find the response of the causal system y ( n )− y ( n−1 )=x ( n ) + x(n−1) to the input
x ( n )=u ( n ) . Test its stability. M/J 16
(b) Find the impulse response, frequency response, magnitude response and phase response of the
second order system. M/J 16
13. (a) (i) Summarize the steps of radix – 2 DIT-FFT algorithm. M/J 16
(ii) Compute the 4 point DFT of the sequence x ( n )={0 ,1 , 2 ,3 } using DIT and DIT algorithm. M/J
(b) Find the IDFT of the sequence X ( K )={4 ,1− j 2.414 , 0 ,1− j 0.414 , 0 , 1+ j 0.414 , 0 , 1+ j 2.414 }
Using DIF algorithm M/J 16
−π π
14. (a) Design an ideal low pass filter with a frequency response H d ( e jw ) =1 for ≤w≤
2 2
¿ 0 for ≤|w|≤ π Find the values of h(n) for N=11. Find H(z) and filter coefficients. M/J 16
(b) (i) Give the specifications P = 3 dB, S = 10 dB, fp = 1 kHz and fs = 2 kHz. Determine the order of
the filter using Chebyshev approximation. Find H(s). M/J 16
(ii) Apply bilinear transformation to H ( s )= with T = 1 sec and find H(z). M/J 16
( s +1 )( s+2 )
15. (a) (i) Discuss on the addressing modes supported by a DSP processor. M/J 16
(ii) Design a DSP based system for the process of Audio signals in an audio recorder system.
M/J 16
(b) (i) Explain the datapath architecture and the bus structure in a DSP processor with suitable diagram.
M/J 16
(ii) Elaborate on Radar signal processing using a DSP processor. M/J 16
11. (a) With neat figure explain block diagram of a digital signal processing system. State the advantages
convolution technique. N/D 16
(b) Distinguish the following with examples and formulae. N/D 16
(i) Energy vs power signal
(ii) Time variant vs time invariant signal.
12. (a) (i) Explain the role of windowing to realize a FIR filter. N/D 16
(ii) Compare and explain on the choice and type of windows selection for signal analysis.
(iii) Compute numerically the effect of Hamming windows and design the filter if
Cut-off frequency = 100 Hz.
Sampling frequency = 1000 Hz.
Order of filter = 2.
Filter length required = 5.
13. (a) What is the need for frequency response analysis? Determine the frequency response and plot the
magnitude response and phase response for the system. y ( n )=2 x ( n )+ x ( n−1 )+ 1 y (n−2).
N/D 16
(b) Describe the need for Bit reversal and the Butterfly structure. For a sequence
x ( n )={4,3,2,1 ,−1,2,3,4 } obtain the 8pt FFT computation using DIT method. N/D 16
1. Check if the system described by the difference equation y ( n )=ay ( n−1 ) + x (n) with
y ( 0 )=1stable. A/M 15
2. Differentiate between Energy and Power singals. A/M 15
3. Determine the Z-transform of x ( n )=a n. A/M 15
4. Find the DFT of the sequence x ( n )={1,1,0,0 }. A/M 15
5. Determine the Fourier Transform of the signal x ( t )=sin ω0 t . A/M 15
6. Draw the basic butterfly flow graph for the computation in the DIT FFT Algorithm. A/M 15
7. Comment on the passband and stop band characteristics of butter worth filter. A/M 15
2 −1 2 −2
8. Realize the following causal linear phase · FIR system function H ( z ) = + z + z . A/M 15
3 3
9. How do a digital signal processor differ from other processors. A/M 15
10. State any two application of DSP. A/M 15
11. (a) (i) Find the impulse response of a discrete time invariant system whose difference equation is given
by y ( n )= y ( n−1 )+ 0.5 y ( n−2 ) + x ( n )+ x(n−1) A/M 15
(ii) Explain the properties of discrete time system. A/M 15
(b) (i) A discrete time system is represented by the following difference equation in which x (n) is input
and y (n) is output. A/M 15
y ( n )=3 y ( n−1 )−nx ( n ) +4 x ( n−1 )+2 x ( n+1 ) ; and n ≥ 0. Is this system linear? Shift
invariant? Causal? In each case, justify your answer.
(ii) What is meant by quantization and quantization error? A/M 15
13. (a) (i) Determine the DFT of the sequence x ( n ) =
, for 0 ≤ n ≤2
0 , otherwis e
. A/M 15
(ii) Draw the flow graph of an 8-point DIF – FFT algorithm and explain. A/M 15
(b) (i) Given x ( n )=n+1, and N=8, find X(K) using DIT, FFT algorithm. A/M 15
(ii) Use 4-point inverse FFT for the DFT result {6 ,−2+ j2 ,−2−2− j 2 } and determine the input
sequence. A/M 15
14. (a) A low pass filter is to be designed with the following desired frequency response.
−π π
H d ( e jω ) =
e− j 2 ω ,
0 , <|ω|≤ π
A/M 15
Determine the filter coefficients h d (n) if the window function is defined as ω ( n )= {01, ,otherwise
0≤ n ≤ 4
. A/M 15
(b) Determine H (z ) for a Butter worth filter satisfying the following constraints. A/M 15
√ 0.5 ≤|H ( e jω )|≤ 1; 0 ≤ ω ≤
|H ( e jω )|≤ 0.2; 34π ≤ω ≤ π
With T = 1 s. Apply impulse invariant transformation.
15. (a) Draw the architecture of a DSP processor for implementing a DSP algorithm. Explain its features.
A/M 15
(b) (i) Name the different addressing modes of a DSP processor. Explain them with an example. A/M
(ii) Write a note on commercial DSP processor. A/M 15
1. Given a continuous signal x ( t )=2 cos 300 πt. What is the Nyquist rate and fundamental frequency of the
signal. N/D 15
2. Determine x ( n )=u( n) is a power signal or an energy signal. N/D 15
3. What is ROC of Z transform? State its properties. N/D 15
4. State initial and final value theorem of Z transform. N/D 15
5. Calculate the percentage saving in calculation in a 256 point radix-2 FFT when Compared to direct FFT.
N/D 15
6. State circular frequency shift property of DFT. N/D 15
7. Define pre-wraping effect? Why it is employed? N/D 15
8. The impulse response of analog filter is given in figure 1. Let h ( n ) =ha (nT ) where T=1. Determine the
system function. N/D 15
11. (a) (i) Check the causality and stability of the systems y ( n )=x (−n ) + x ( n−2 ) + x (2 n−1). N/D 15
(ii) Check the system for linearity and time variance y ( n )=( n−1 ) x ( n ) +C. N/D 15
(b) (i) What is meant by energy and power signal? Determine whether the following signal are energy
or power or neither energy nor power signals. N/D 15
1 n ( )
(1) 1 ( n()
) =
( )
(2) x 2 ( n )=sin n .
(ii) State and prove the Sampling theorem. N/D 15
12. (a) (i) Find the Z transform and ROC of x ( n )=r n con ( nθ ) u(n). N/D 15
(ii) Find the inverse Z transform of X ( z )= ROC |Z|>1. N/D 15
3 z 2−4 z +1
13. (a) (i) The first five points of the eight point DFT of a real valued sequence are
0.25 , 0,125− j 0.3018,0,0.125− j 0.0518. Determine the remaining three points. N/D 15
(ii) Compute the eight point DFT of the sequence x={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} using DIF FFT algorithm N/D
(b) (i) Find the inverse DFT of X ( K )={7 ,− √2− j √ 2 ,− j , √2− j √ 2 , 1 , √ 2+ j √ 2 , j,−√ 2+ j √ 2 }.
(ii) Using FFT algorithm compute the DFT of x ( n )={2,2,2,2 }. N/D 15
14. (a) Design a Butterworth filter using the impulse invariance method for the following specifications.
0.8 ≤|H ( e jω )|≤ 1 0 ≤ω ≤ 0.2 π
|H ( e jω )|≤ 0.20.6 π ≤ ω ≤ π N/D 15
(b) Design a filter with desired frequency response. N/D 15
−3 π 3π
Hd ( e jω )=e− j 3 ω for ≤ω ≤
4 4
¿ 0 for ≤|ω|≤ π
Using a Hanning window for N=7.
15. (a) Explain the various addressing modes of a commercial DSP processor. N/D 15
(b) With Suitable block diagram explain in detail about TMS320C54 DSP Processor and of its memory
architecture. N/D 15
1. Is the system y ( n )=| x ( n )| linear and time invariant? Justify your answer. A/M 19
2. Define unit sample response of a system and state its significance. A/M 19
3. If x (n)represents the signal and X() represents the Discrete Time Fourier Transform of x (n), then
prove : x ( n−k ) FT e− jωk X (ω). A/M 19
11. (a) (i) Explain the features of Linear. Time Invariant, Causal and Stable Systems. A/M 19
(ii) A Digital System is characterized by the difference equation
y ( n )=x ( n )−0.5 y ( n−1 )+ 0.25 x ( n−1 ) . Check the system for Linearity, Time invariance Causality and
Stability. A/M 19
(b) (i) Explain the process of converting an analog signal to discrete time discrete amplitude signal with
necessary diagrams. A/M 19
(ii) A signal x ( t )=sin c ( 50 πt ) is sampled at a rate of 20 Hz, 50 Hz and 75 Hz. For each of these
three cases, explain if you can recover the signal x ( t ) from the sampled signal. A/M 19
12. (a) (i) State and explain any !our properties of Z-transform. A/M 19
(ii) Evaluate the frequency response of the system described by the system function A/M 19
H ( z) =
1−0.5 z−1
(b) (i) Determine the pole-zero plot for the system described by the difference equation
3 1
y ( n )− y ( n−1 )+ y ( n−2 )=x ( n )−x ( n )− x( n−1) A/M 19
4 8
(ii) Prove that a system having system function H(z) is stable, if and only if all poles of H(z) are
inside the unit circle. A/M 19
13. (a) (i) Compute the 2N point DFT of y (n) in terms of X (k ), where X ( k ) is the N-point DFT of the
sequence x ( n ) ,0 ≤ n ≤ N −1. A/M 19
(ii) Compute the DFT of the three point sequence x ( n )={2,1,1 }. A/M 19
(iii) When X (k ) is the DFT of an N-point sequence h(n), prove that X ( k ) is real and even, when
x (n) is real and even A/M 19
(b) (i) Evaluate the frequency response of the system described by the system function
X ( n ) ={1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1} A/M 19
(ii) Indicate how inverse DFT can be computed by using FFT Algorithm. A/M 19
14. (a) (i) Realize the IIR system with difference equation
1 1
y ( n ) + y ( n−1 )− y ( n−2 )=x ( n )−2 x ( n−1 ) + x (n−2) in cascade and parallel form. A/M 19
4 8
(ii) Determine H(z) for Chebyshev filter satisfying the following specifications.
0.8 ≤|H ( e jω )|≤ 1 for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2 π
|H ( e jω )|≤ 0.2 for 0.6 π ≤ ω ≤ π
Assume T=0.1 sec. Apply bilinear transformation method. A/M 19
(b) (i) Design a high pass filter 'using Hamming window with a cut-off frequency of 1.2 radians/sec and
N = 9. A/M 19
(ii) Summarize the factors that decide the choice of window in FIR filter design using windowing
techniques. Also compare the merits and demerits of windowing techniques. A/M 19
15. (a) Sketch the block diagram of typical digital signal processor and explain the functional elements.
A/M 19
(b) (i) Illustrate the different addressing formats of a DSP processor with examples. A/M 19
(ii) Highlight the features of a commercial digital signal processor. A/M 19
16. (a) Explain how digital signal processors can be used to implement Biomedical Signal Processing
Algorithms with a case study of your choice. A/M 19
17. (b) Suggest a DSP Architecture required for a DSP device to implement each of the following A/M 19
(i) FIR filter
(ii) 8 point DIT FFT.