Large-N Gauge Theories
Large-N Gauge Theories
Large-N Gauge Theories
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
B. Cheremushkinskaya 25,
117218 Moscow, Russia
email: [email protected]
1. Introduction
The large-N limit of Gauge Theory was proposed in 1974 by t Hooft [1]
for quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The dimensionality of the gauge
group SU(Nc ) was used as a parameter, considering Nc as a large num-
ber and performing an expansion in 1/Nc . The motivation was an expan-
sion in the inverse number of field-components N in statistical mechanics
where it is known as the 1/N -expansion, and is a standard method for
non-perturbative investigations.
The expansion of QCD in 1/Nc rearranges diagrams of perturbation
theory in a way which is consistent with a string picture of strong inter-
action, whose phenomenological consequences agree with experiment. The
accuracy of the leading-order term, which is often called large-N QCD or
multicolor QCD, is expected to be of the order of the ratios of meson widths
to their masses, i.e. about 1015%.
While QCD is simplified in the large-Nc limit, it is still not yet solved.
Generically, it is a problem of infinite matrices, rather than of infinite vec-
tors as in the theory of second-order phase transitions in statistical me-
We start these Lectures by showing how the 1/N -expansion works for
the O(N )-vector models, and describing some applications to the four-Fermi
interaction and the nonlinear sigma model. Then we concentrate on the
YangMills theory at large Nc .
The methods described in these Lectures are developed mostly in the
seventies and the beginning of the eighties. They are used over and over
again when discussing a relation between Gauge Theory and String Theory.
The conformal invariance, described in Section 2 for the four-Fermi
interaction, is used in the modern approaches based on the AdS/CFT cor-
respondence [2] (discussed in the lectures by L. Thorlacius at this School).
The notion of the large-N limit, described in Section 3, is widely used, in
particular, in Matrix Theory [3] (discussed in the lectures by W. Taylor
at this School). The loop equation, described in Section 4, has been re-
cently applied [4] for studying the AdS/CFT correspondence. The large-N
reduced models, described in Section 5, are applied to a nonperturbative
formulation of superstring [5] and very recently to noncommutative gauge
theory [6].
The content of my fifth lecture at this School, which was devoted to an
application of the large-N methods to Matrix Theory at finite temperature,
is not included in the text. It is mostly contained in Ref. [7].
The simplest models, which become solvable in the limit of a large number
of field components, deal with a field which has N components forming
an O(N ) vector in an internal symmetry space. A model of this kind was
first considered by Stanley [8] in statistical mechanics and is known as
the spherical model. The extension to quantum field theory was done by
Wilson [9] both for the four-Fermi and 4 theories.
In the framework of perturbation theory, the four-Fermi interaction
is renormalizable only in d = 2 dimensions and is non-renormalizable
for d > 2. The 1/N -expansion resums perturbation-theory diagrams after
which the four-Fermi interaction becomes renormalizable to each order in
1/N for 2 d < 4. An analogous expansion exists for the nonlinear O(N )
sigma model.
The 1/N expansion of the vector models is associated with a resumma-
tion of Feynman diagrams. A very simple class of diagrams the bubble
graphs survives to the leading order in 1/N . This is why the large-N
d x + m
S , = . (1)
In d = 2 this model was studied in the large-N limit in Ref. [10] and is
often called the GrossNeveu model.
The dimension of the four-Fermi coupling constant G is dim [G] =
m 2d . For this reason, the perturbation theory for the four-Fermi inter-
action is renormalizable in d = 2 but is non-renormalizable for d > 2 (and,
in particular, in d = 4). This is why the old Fermi theory of weak interac-
tions was replaced by the modern electroweak theory, where the interaction
is mediated by the W and Z bosons.
The action (1) can be equivalently rewritten as
d x + m +
S , , = , (3)
where is an auxiliary field. The two forms of the action, (1) and (3), are
equivalent due to the equation of motion
= G (4)
@ @
- @
@ I
6 6 @ @
@ @
@ - I
@ @ @
a) b) c)
- @
@ I
@@ @
- @
@ @
d) e)
Figure 1. Diagrams of the second order of perturbation theory for the four-Fermi vertex.
The diagram b) involves the sum over the O(N ) indices.
6 ?
- -
- -
a) b)
Figure 2. One-loop diagrams for the propagator of the -field. The diagram b) involves
the sum over the O(N ) indices.
(N 1) G2
B (G) = . (10)
The four-Fermi theory in 2 dimensions is asymptotically free as was first
noted by Anselm [11] and rediscovered in Ref. [10].
The vanishing of the one-loop Gell-MannLow function in the Gross
Neveu model for N = 1 is related to the same phenomenon in the Thirring
model. The latter model is associated with the vector-like interaction
of one species of fermions with being the -matrices in 2 di-
mensions. Since a bispinor has in d = 2 only two components 1 and 2 ,
Figure 3. Bubble diagram which survives the large-N limit of the O(N ) vector models.
both the vector-like and the scalar-like interaction (1) for N = 1 reduce
to 1 1 2 2 since the square of a Grassmann variable vanishes. Therefore,
these two models coincide. For the Thirring model, the vanishing of the
Gell-MannLow function for any G was shown by Johnson [12] to all loops.
Gn+1 N n G (11)
as N since
G. (12)
Therefore, all the bubble graphs are essential to the leading order in 1/N .
Let us denote
n loops
= G + . . . + G2 + Gn+1 +...
In fact the wavy line is nothing but the propagator D of the field with
the bubble corrections included. The first term G on the RHS of Eq. (13)
is nothing but the free propagator (8).
Summing the geometric series of the fermion-loop chains on the RHS of
Eq. (13), one gets analytically1
1 dd k sp k + im k + p + im
D1 (p) = N . (14)
G (2)d (k2 + m2 ) ((k + p)2 + m2 )
Recall that the free Euclidean fermionic propagator is given by S0 (p) = (ip + m)1
due to Eqs. (3), (5) and the additional minus sign is associated with the fermion loop.
@ 6 6
@ 6 6
@ @ 6 6
@ @
Figure 4. Some diagrams of the 1/N -expansion for the O(N ) four-Fermi theory. The
wavy line represents the (infinite) sum of the bubble graphs (13).
g2 2d
G= , (15)
g = . (18)
- - @
a) b)
Figure 5. Diagrams for the 1/N -correction to the -field propagator (a) and the
three-vertex (b).
8i d3 k k + p
S 1 (p) = ip + . (20)
N (2) |k|(k + p)2
8 d3 k (k + p1 )(k + p2 )
(p1 , p2 ) = 1 + , (22)
N (2) |k|(k + p1 )2 (k + p2 )2
2 2
(p1 , p2 ) = 1 ln + finite . (23)
2 N p2max
An analogous calculation of the 1/N correction for the field is a bit
more complicated since involves three two-loop diagrams (see Ref. [14]).
The resulting expression for D1 (p) reads
" !#
|p| 1 2 2
N D(p) = 2+ 2+ + 2 2 |p| ln + finite .
g 8 N 3 p2
The linear divergence is canceled to order 1/N providing g is equal to
g = 1 + , (25)
which determines g to order 1/N . After this D1 (p) takes the form
1 N |p| 16 2
D (p) = 1 2 ln 2 . (26)
8 3 N p
To make all three expressions (21), (23), and (26) finite, we need loga-
rithmic renormalizations of the wave functions of - and -fields and of the
vertex . This can be achieved by multiplying them by the renormalization
Zi () = 1 i ln 2 (27)
where stands for a reference mass scale and i are anomalous dimensions.
The index i stands for , , or v for the - and -propagators or the three-
vertex , respectively. We have, therefore, calculated
= ,
3 2 N
v = 2 ,
= 2 (28)
3 N
to order 1/N . Due to Eq. (4) coincides with the anomalous dimension
of the composite fields
= . (29)
Note, that
Z2 Zv2 Z = 1 . (30)
This implies that the effective charge is not renormalized and is given by
Eq. (25). Thus, the nontrivial zero of the Gell-MannLow function persists
to order 1/N (and, in fact, to all orders of the 1/N -expansion).
If g is chosen exactly at the critical point g , then the renormalization-
group equations
d ln i
= i g2 , (31)
where i stands generically either for vertices or for inverse propagators,
possess the scale invariant solutions
i i (g ) .
For the four-Fermi theory in d = 3, Eq. (32) yields
1 p2
S(p) = , (33)
ip 2
8 p2
D(p) = , (34)
N |p| 2
!v !
2 p22 p1 p2
(p1 , p2 ) = f , , (35)
p21 p21 p21
where f is an arbitrary function of the dimensionless ratios which is not
determined by scale invariance. The indices here obey the relation
v = + (36)
which guarantees that Eq. (30), implied by scale invariance, is satisfied.
The indices i are given to order 1/N by Eqs. (28). When expanded in
1/N , Eqs. (33) and (34) obviously reproduces Eqs. (21) and (26). Therefore,
one gets the exponentiation of the logarithms which emerge in the 1/N -
expansion. The calculation of the next terms of the 1/N -expansion for the
indices i is contained in Ref. [15].
Scale invariance implies, in a renormalizable quantum field theory, more
general conformal invariance as is first pointed out in Refs. [16, 17]. The
conformal group in a d-dimensional space-time has (d + 1)(d + 2)/2 param-
eters as is illustrated by Table 1. More about the conformal group can be
found in the lecture by Jackiw [18].
A heuristic proof [16] of the fact that scale invariance implies conformal
invariance is based on the explicit form of the conformal current K , which
is associated with the special conformal transformation, via the energy-
momentum tensor:
K = 2x x x2 . (37)
d(d1) d(d1)
Lorentz 2
rotations x = x 2
Poincare + d translations x = x + a 2
d2 +d+2
Weyl + 1 dilatation x = x 2
x x (d+1)(d+2)
Conformal + d special conformal (x )2
= x2
+ 2
Differentiating, we get
K = 2x , (38)
which is proportional to divergence of the dilatation current. Therefore,
both the dilatation and conformal currents vanish simultaneously when
is traceless which is provided, in turn, by the vanishing of the Gell-
MannLow function.
Conformal invariance completely fixes three-vertices as was first shown
by Polyakov [19] for scalar theories. The proper formula for the four-Fermi
theory reads [20]
( d2 )( d2 v )
(p1 , p2 ) = 2v
(v )
dd k k + p1 k + p2 1
d/2 1+ /2 1+ /2 d2+2
, (39)
[(k + p1 ) ] 2
[(k + p2 ) ] |k| /2
where the coefficient in the form of the ratio of the -functions is prescribed
by the normalization (33) and (34) and the indices are related by Eq. (36)
but can be arbitrary otherwise2 .
The only restriction 0 is imposed by the KallenLehmann representation of the
propagator while there is no such restriction on since it is a composite field.
d3 k k + p1 k + p2 1 1
= ,
2 [(k + p1 )2 ]1+ /2 [(k + p2 )2 ]1+ /2 |k|1+2 /2 v (p2max )v
where Eq. (36) has been used and
(p1 , p2 ) = . (41)
While the integral in Eq. (40) is divergent in the ultraviolet for v < 0, this
divergence disappears after the renormalization.
Equation (23) is reproduced by Eq. (40) when expanding in 1/N . This
dependence of the three-vertex solely on the largest momentum is typical
for logarithmic theories in the ultraviolet region where one can put, say,
p1 = 0 without changing the integral with logarithmic accuracy. This is
valid if the integral is fast convergent in infrared regions which is our case.
d2 x( ~
Z = D~n ~n 22
e 2 (42)
~n2 (x) = , (43)
The first term in the exponent is nothing but the sum of one-loop diagrams
in 2 dimensions
N X1
Sp ln 2 + u (x) = (46)
2 n n
The name comes from elementary particle physics where a nonlinear sigma model in
4 dimensions is used as an effective Lagrangian for describing low-energy scattering of
the Goldstone -mesons.
dg2 N g4
B(g2 ) = . (52)
d 2
The analogous one-loop perturbation-theory formula for any N reads [21]
(N 2)g4
B(g2 ) = . (53)
Thus, the sigma-model is asymptotically free in 2-dimensions for N > 2
which is the origin of the dimensional transmutation. There is no asymp-
totic freedom for N = 2 since O(2) is Abelian.
The fact that a path integral has a saddle point at large N implies a very
important feature of large-N theories the factorization. It is a general
property of the large-N limit and holds not only for the O(N ) vector mod-
els. However, it is useful to illustrate it by these solvable examples.
The factorization at large N holds for averages of singlet operators, for
Z 1
1 N Sp ln[ ]
2 +u + d2 x u
h u (x1 ) . . . u (xk ) i Z Du e 2 2g 2 u (x1 ) u (xk )
in the 2-dimensional sigma model.
Since the path integral has a saddle point at some u (x) = usp (x) which
is, in fact, x-independent due to translational invariance, we get to the
leading order in 1/N :
h u (x1 ) . . . u (xk ) i = usp (x1 ) . . . usp (xk ) + O , (55)
which can be written in the factorized form
h u (x1 ) . . . u (xk ) i = h u (x1 ) i . . . h u (xk ) i + O . (56)
Therefore, u becomes classical as N in the sense of the 1/N -
expansion. This is an analog of the WKB-expansion in h = 1/N . Quan-
tum corrections are suppressed as 1/N .
We shall return to discussing the large-N factorization in the next Sec-
tion when considering the large-N limit of QCD.
3. Large-N QCD
The method of the 1/N -expansion can be applied to QCD. This was done by
t Hooft [1] using the inverse number of colors for the gauge group SU(Nc )
as an expansion parameter.
For a SU(Nc ) gauge theory without virtual quark loops, the expansion
goes in 1/Nc2 and rearranges diagrams of perturbation theory according
to their topology. The leading order in 1/Nc2 is given by planar diagrams,
which have a topology of a sphere, while the expansion in 1/Nc2 plays the
role of a topological expansion. This reminds an expansion in the string
coupling constant in string models of the strong interaction, which also has
a topological character.
Virtual quark loops can be easily incorporated in the 1/Nc -expansion.
One distinguishes between the t Hooft limit when the number of quark
flavors Nf is fixed as Nc and the Veneziano limit [23] when the
ratio Nf /Nc is fixed as Nc . Virtual quark loops are suppressed in
the t Hooft limit as 1/Nc and lead in the Veneziano limit to the same
topological expansion as dual-resonance models of strong interaction.
The simplification of QCD in the large-Nc limit is due to the fact that
the number of planar graphs grows with the number of vertices only expo-
nentially rather than factorially as do the total number of graphs. Correla-
tors of gauge invariant operators factorize in the large-Nc limit which looks
like the leading-order term of a semiclassical WKB-expansion in 1/Nc .
We begin this Section with a description of the double-line represen-
tation of diagrams of QCD perturbation theory and rearrange it as the
topological expansion in 1/Nc . Then we discuss some properties of the
1/Nc -expansion for a generic matrix-valued field.
Here [ta ]ij are the generators of the gauge group (a = 1, . . . , Nc2 1 for
SU(Nc )) with the normalization
tr ta tb = ab . (58)
The (Euclidean) action reads
S[A] = dd x 2
tr F , (59)
F = A A i[A , A ] (60)
is the non-Abelian field strength and g is the coupling constant.
The propagator of the matrix field Aij (x) has the form
1 il kj 1 ij kl
Aij kl
(x) A (y) = D (x y) , (61)
Gauss 2 Nc
where we have assumed, as usual, a gauge fixing to define the propagator
in perturbation theory. For instance, one has
D (x y) = (62)
4 (x y)2
where the factor of 1/2 is due to the normalization (58) of the generators.
We concentrate in this Section only on the structure of diagrams in the
index space, i.e. the space of the indices associated with the SU(Nc ) group.
We shall not consider, in most cases, space-time structures of diagrams
which are prescribed by Feynmans rules.
Omitting at large Nc the second term in parentheses on the RHS of
Eq. (61), we depict the propagator by the double line
i - l
Aij kl
(x) A (y) g2 il kj = j k . (65)
Each line represents the Kronecker delta-symbol and has orientation which
is indicated by arrows. This notation is obviously consistent with the space-
time structure of the propagator which describes a propagation from x to
The arrows are due to the fact that the matrix Aij is Hermitean and
its off-diagonal components are complex conjugate. The independent fields
are, say, the complex fields Aij ii
for i > j and the diagonal real fields A .
The arrow represents the direction of the propagation of the indices of the
where the subscripts 1, 2 or 3 refer to each of the three gluons. The rel-
ative minus sign is due to the commutator in the cubic in A term in the
action (59). The color part of the three-vertex is antisymmetric under in-
terchanging the gluons. The space-time structure, which reads in the mo-
mentum space as
1 2 3 (p1 , p2 , p3 )
= 1 2 (p1 p2 )3 + 2 3 (p2 p3 )1 + 1 3 (p3 p1 )2 , (67)
by (ta1 )i1 j1 (ta2 )i2 j2 (ta3 )i3 j3 , with f abc being the structure constants of the
SU(Nc ) group, and using the formula
1 i1 j3 i2 j1 i3 j2
f a1 a2 a3 (ta1 )i1 j1 (ta2 )i2 j2 (ta3 )i3 j3 =
i1 j2 i3 j1 i2 j3 ,
which is a consequence of the completeness condition (64).
The four-gluon vertex involves six terms each of them is depicted
by a cross which differ by interchanging of the color indices. We depict
the color structure of the four-gluon vertex for simplicity in the case when
i1 = j2 = i, i2 = j3 = j, i3 = j4 = k, i4 = j1 = l but i, j, k, l take on
.......... .
...... .........................................
..... ........ ...... ....
.... ...... .... ...
. ... ...... ... ...
... ..
... ... ... ...
.... .... ... ...
... ... .. ...
... ..
... .. .. .
... ... .... ....
... ... .. ...
... ... . .
... ... ... ...
... ...... ... ..
.... ..... ..... ....
...... ......... ...... ....
....... ..................................
Figure 6. Double-line representation of a one-loop diagram for the gluon propagator. The
sum over the Nc indices is associated with the closed index line. The relative contribution
of this diagram is g 2 Nc 1.
and there are no deltas on the RHS since the color structure is fixed. In other
words, we pick up only one color structure by equaling indices pairwise.
The diagrams of perturbation theory can now be completely rewritten in
the double-line notation [1]. The simplest one which describes the one-loop
correction to the gluon propagator is depicted in Figure 6.4 This diagram
involves two three-gluon vertices and a sum over the Nc indices which is
associated with the closed index line. Therefore, the relative contribution
of this diagram is g2 Nc .
In order for the large-Nc limit to be nontrivial, the bare coupling con-
stant g2 should satisfy
g2 . (71)
This dependence on Nc is similar to Eqs. (12) and (47) for the vector models
and is prescribed by the asymptotic-freedom formula
24 2
g2 = (72)
11Nc ln (/QCD )
Figure 6 g2 Nc 1 (73)
The point is that elements of both the SU(Nc ) group and the U(Nc ) group
can be represented in the form U = exp iB, where B is a general Hermitean
matrix for U(Nc ) and a traceless Hermitean matrix for SU(Nc ).
Therefore, the double-line representation of perturbation-theory dia-
grams which is described in this Section holds, strictly speaking, only for
the U(Nc ) gauge group. However, the large-Nc limit of both the U(Nc )
group and the SU(Nc ) group is the same.
........ ......................... ................
...... ... .. ....... .....
..... ........ ..... ....
............ ... ...
... ..
.. ... ... ..
.... .... .. ...
... ..
... ... .. .
.. .
... ... ... .
.. ... .. ..
.. ..
.. .. .. ....
... ... .
... ...
.... .... .. ..
..... ...... ..... ....
...... ........ ...... ....
....... ........................... ................
.......... .
.......... .
....... .........................................
..... ....... ...... ....
.... ......... .... ...
... .................. .... . ...
. ... .... ... ... ....... ..
. ......... . . .... ..... .....
... .... .... .... ..................... .. ..
.. ... ......... ... .. .
.... .
.. .... ... ............ ..
... ... .. ............ .. ..
... ... ..
.......... ............. .. ....
... ... ..
.......... ......... .. ..
.... ... .. ...
... ... .......... ......... ....
... ....... ....
.... ..... .. ..
...... ........ ...... ....
....... ..................... .............
while the number of all the graphs grows with n0 factorially. There is no
dependence in Eq. (80) on the number of external lines of a planar graph
which is assumed to be much less than n0 .
It is instructive to see the difference between the planar diagrams and,
for instance, the ladder diagrams which describe e+ e elastic scattering in
QED. Let the ladder has n rungs. Then there are n! ladder diagrams, but
only one of them is planar. This simple example shows why the number
of planar graphs is much smaller than the number of all graphs, most of
which are non-planar.
We shall discuss in these Lectures what is known about solving the
problem of summing the planar graphs.
Equation (79) holds, strictly speaking, only for the relative order while
the contribution of tree diagrams to a connected n-point Greens function is
(g2 )n1 which is its natural order in 1/Nc . In order to make contributions
of all planar diagrams to be of the same order 1 in the large-Nc limit,
independently of the number of external lines, it is convenient to contract
the Kronecker deltas associated with external lines.
Let us do this in a cyclic order as is depicted in Figure 9 for a generic
connected diagram with three external gluon lines. The extra deltas which
are added to contract the color indices are depicted by the single lines. They
can be viewed as a boundary of the given diagram. The actual size of the
boundary is not essential it can be shrunk to a point. Then a bounded
piece of a plane will be topologically equivalent to a sphere with a puncture.
.............. .........
......... ........
....... .......
....... ......
...... .....
..... ....
. ....
.... ...
. ...
... ...
... .
. ................................... ...
... ......... ............................... ......... ...
... ......... ...... .... ...
.... .
.. ... .
.... ... ..
... .... ............. .. . ..
... .. ... ............ ............. .... ...
. ......... .... .... ..
... .... .... .... ....
.... ... ...
....... ... ... ..
.. .. .. . .
. .
......... .......... ..
. ..
. . .. . ...... . ... . .
. . .
.. ................
... .. ...
. . . . .
. .
... ... ... ... .... ......... .
. . ... ...
... ... .... ... ....... .......... .. .
. ..
... ... ... ......... ......... .. .. . . ..
... ... .... ... .. ... . . .
.... ..... .. . ..
... .... ......... .. .. ...
..... ........ .... ... ...
... ...... .................................. .........
... ........ . ...
... ........... .................. ...
... .
... ...
... ...
... ...
.... ..
.... ....
..... .....
...... .....
....... ............
........ ...
........... ........
................. ................................
We have introduced here the factor 1/Nc to make G3 of O(1) in the large-
Nc limit. Therefore, the contribution of the diagram in Figure 9 having one
boundary should be divided by Nc .
The extension of Eq. (81) to multi-point Greens functions is obvious:
(n) 1
G1 n (x1 , . . . , xn ) h tr [A1 (x1 ) An (xn )]i . (82)
The factor 1/Nc , which normalizes the trace, provides the natural normal-
G(0) = 1 (83)
of the averages.
Though the two terms in the index-space representation (66) of the
three-gluon vertex look very similar, their fate in the topological expansion
is quite different. When the color indices are contracted anti-clockwise, the
first term leads to the planar contributions to G(3) , the simplest of which is
p p pp p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pp p p p p p pp p p pp pp pp pp ppp
pp ppp pp p pp p p pp p
p p p p pp ppppppp . ..... ..... ..... ....................... ..... ..... ..... ..p.ppppp ppp p p p p p
.. ..... p p p
ppp .. ..... .... ..... ..pp p
ppppp ....... ... ... pp
p.pp...p.p..... ....p p
.. pp
.............. .....................
.. p
.. pp
pp .......
.. p
... ....
.. p
.... . . ... . . .
.. pp
.. ... .......
pp ......
........... ....... . ... ..
p p p p
p p p p
p p p p
p p
........ .... ......
ppp ......
. .
... .....
.... .
... . .
.. pppp p p pp
... .. .
ppp .......
.. .. . .
. pp p p p
.. ..
p p p ...
... ..... ...
.. .
.... ....... ..
ppp ................ p p p
p p
... .
p p
. .
p p
. . .
p p
. . . ..
p p p
......pp.p.p..p..p p p p p
p p p p
... . . ... . ..
. .. .
............ .................
.... ........... . ........ .. .. ... ...
. ...
. . ...
.......... . . .. . .
.... ..
....... ....... ..... ...
.. .......... ...... .........
pppp ......................... ....................................... .........................
....... . ...
......... ..... ....
p pp
... ... .. ... ..... . ..........
pppp p
...... .... .....
pp pp
...... ...... ..
ppp pp p
........ .
.. .
. .
. ......
............. ...................... ....... .... ...... ........
............ .......... ......................... ...
p pp pp ppp ...... p
pppp pp pp
.. .
... ...... ..................................................
ppp.p.pppppppppppppppppppppppp..p..p..p...pp ppppppppppppppppp
. . .....
.... ..
... ..
a) b)
Figure 10. Planar a) and non-planar b) contributions of the two color structures in
Eq. (66) for three-gluon vertex to G(3) in the lowest order of perturbation theory.
................................. ..............................
........ ...... .......
...... .... ..... ......
.... ... .... ....
....... ............ ... ...
.... ............. .......... .... .. ...
... .... ... .
... . ... .. .
.. ........ .... .... ... ...
. .
.... .... . . .
... .... ... ............. .. ..
.. ...
... ........... ....
.. .....
.. .... ..
... .. . ... ... ...
... ........................ .. ... ...
... ..
...... ........ ...
. ... ..
... . .
. .... ......... . ..
... .
. .. . ......... . .
... ............ ........ ..... ...
... .
....... .... .......... ... ...
........ .. ..... ....
........ . ......... .......
......... ...
................................ .......................................
a) b)
One gets
tr P e i dx A (x)
Zx1 xZn1
dx1 1 dx2 2 dxnn G1 n (x1 , . . . , xn ) .
= i ... (84)
n=0 x1 x1
The reason is because the ordering along a closed path implies the cyclic-
ordering in the index space.
... ... ...
Figure 12. Graphic derivation of Eq. (89): Z [j] is denoted by an empty box, W [j] is
denoted by a shadow box, j is denoted by a filled circle. By picking a leftmost external line
of a planar graph, we end up with a connected planar graph, whose remaining external
lines are somewhere to the right interspersed by disconnected planar graphs. It is evident
that jZ [j] plays the role of a new source for the connected planar graph. If we instead
pick up the rightmost external line, we get the inverse order Z [j] j, which results in
Eq. (90).
where the symbol includes the sum over the d-vector (or whatever avail-
able) indices except for the color ones, we write down the definitions of the
generating functionals for all planar and connected planar graphs, respec-
tively, as
tr (j A)n
Z [j] (86)
W [j] tr (j A) . (87)
Nc conn
The planar contribution to the Greens functions (82) and their con-
nected counterparts can be obtained, respectively, from the generating func-
tionals Z [j] and W [j] applying the non-commutative derivative which is
defined by
j (y) f (j) = (d) (x y) f (j) , (88)
j (x)
where f is an arbitrary function of js. In other words the derivative picks
up only the leftmost variable.
The relation which replaces the usual one for planar graphs is
A graphic derivation of Eqs. (89) and (90) is given in Figure 12. In other
words, given W [j], one should construct an inverse function as the solution
to the equation
j (x) = J (x)W [j] , (91)
W [j] = 1 g2 j D j , (93)
where the propagator D is given by Eq. (62). Using Eq. (89), we get ex-
Z [j] = 1 g dd x dd y D (x y) j (x) Z [j] j (y) Z [j] . (94)
While this equation for Z [j] is quadratic, its solution can be written only
as a continued fraction due to the non-commutative nature of the variables.
In order to find it, we rewrite Eq. (94) as
Z [j] = , (95)
g2 dd x dd y D (x
1+ y) j (x) Z [j] j (y)
Z [j] = . (96)
1 + g2 j j
1 + g2 j j
1 + g2 j j
i -
i j ij = j . (97)
.......................... ..........................
.......... ....... .......... .
...... ..... ...... ......... ...........................
..... .... ..... ....... ...... ....
.... ... .... ...... .... ...
.... ... . ... ...... ... ...
. ... ... ... ... ...
... .... .... ......... .......... ... ...
... ..
. ...
... .. ... ... .... .. .. ...
... ..
. . ..
... .. ... .. .. .
.. .. .
... ... ... .... ...
. ...
.... ....
... ... ... ....... ...... . . ...
... ... ... ... . .. .
... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ..... ... ..
.... ... .... ...... .... ....
....... .....
.. ...... ............ .........................
...................................... ........ .. ... ........
a) b)
Figure 13. Diagrams for the gluon propagator with a quark loop which is represented
by the single lines. The diagram a) involves one quark loop and has no closed index lines
so that its order is g 2 1/Nc . The diagram b) involves three loops one of which is a
quark loop. Its relative order is g 6 Nc2 1/Nc .
Figure 13a g2 . (98)
Analogously, the relative order of a more complicated tree-loop diagram in
Figure 13b, which involves one quark loop and two closed index lines, is
Figure 13b g6 Nc2 . (99)
It is evident from this consideration that quark loops are not accom-
panied by closed index lines. One should add a closed index line for each
quark loop in order for a given diagram with L quark loops to have the
same double-line representation as for pure gluon diagrams. Therefore,
given Eq. (79), diagrams with L quark loops are suppressed at large Nc
1 L+2genus
L quark loops . (100)
The single-line representation of the quark loops is similar to the one of
the external boundary in Figure 9. Moreover, such a diagram emerges when
one calculates perturbative gluon corrections to the vacuum expectation
value of the quark operator
O = , (101)
where stands for one of the combinations of the gamma-matrices:
= I, 5 , , i 5 , = [ , ] , . . . . (102)
1 (3) (4)
2 n1 n0 n0
(g ) Ncn2 Ncn2 n1 +n0 B (103)
(3) (4)
where the total number of vertices n0 = n0 + n0 is introduced. The extra
factor of 1/NcB is due to the extra normalization factor of 1/Nc in operators
associated with external boundaries.
The exponent on the RHS of Eq. (103) can be expressed via the Euler
characteristics of a given graph of genus h. Let us first mention that a
proper Riemann surface, which is associated with a given graph, is open
and has B + L boundaries (represented by single lines). This surface can be
closed by attaching a cap to each boundary. The single lines then become
double lines together with the lines of the boundary of each cap. We have
already considered this procedure when deducing Eq. (100) from Eq. (79).
The number of faces for a closed Riemann surface constructed in such
a manner is n2 + L + B, while the number of edges and vertices are n1 and
n0 , respectively. Eulers theorem says that
2 2h = n2 + L + B n1 + n0 . (104)
We have thus proven that the order in 1/Nc of a generic graph does not
depend on its order in the coupling constant and is completely expressed
via the genus h and the number of virtual quark loops L and external
boundaries B by
generic graph . (106)
The contribution of all planar graphs to the average on the LHS of Eq. (108)
is of order 1 in accord with the general formula (106) for B = 1.
In order to verify the factorization in the large-Nc limit, let us consider
the index space diagrams for the average of the product of two colorless op-
erators O (x1 ) and O (x2 ) given by (107). It involves a factorized part when
gluons are emitted and absorbed by the same operators. The contribution
of the factorized part is or order 1 as above.
Alternatively, the connected correlator of the two operators is associated
with the general formula (106) for two boundaries B = 2. Its contribution
is suppressed by 1/Nc2 in the large-Nc limit. For this correlator, at least
one gluon line is emitted and absorbed by different operators O (x1 ) and
O (x2 ). Notice, that these graphs themselves are planar, while the suppres-
sion comes from the number of boundaries.
This example illustrates the general property that only (planar) dia-
grams with gluon lines emitted and absorbed by the same operators survive
as Nc . Since correlations between the colorless operators O (x1 ) and
O (x2 ) are of order 1/Nc2 , the factorization property holds as Nc :
1 1
tr F 2 (x1 ) tr F 2 (x2 )
Nc Nc
1 1 1
2 2
= tr F (x1 ) tr F (x2 ) + O . (109)
Nc Nc Nc2
For a general set of gauge-invariant operators O1 , . . . , On , the factor-
ization property can be represented by
h O1 On i = h O1 i h On i + O . (110)
The action, Nc2 , is large as Nc , but the entropy is also Nc2 due
to the Nc2 1 integrations over Aa :
DAa e Nc . (112)
The Jacobian
[A] 2
e Nc J[] (114)
in Eq. (113) is related to the old entropy factor, so that J [] 1 in the
large-Nc limit.
The original partition function (111) can be then rewritten as
2 2
Z D e Nc J[]Nc S[] , (115)
where S [] represents the YangMills action in the new variables. The new
entropy factor D is O(1) because the variable [A] is a color singlet.
The large parameter Nc enters Eq. (115) only in the exponent. Therefore,
the saddle-point equation can be immediately written:
= . (116)
Remembering that is a functional of A : [A] , we rewrite the
saddle-point equation (116) as
= ( F )a = . (117)
A Aa
It differs from the classical YangMills equation by the term on the RHS
coming from the Jacobian (114).
Given J [] which depends on the precise from of the variable [A],
Eq. (117) has a solution
A (x) = Acl
(x) . (118)
Let us first assume that there exists only one solution to Eq. (117). Then
the path integral is saturated by a single configuration (118), so that the
vacuum expectation values of gauge-invariant operators are given by their
values at this configuration:
h O i = O Acl
(x) . (119)
Eq. (117). However, this will not change Eq. (119) since the operator O is
gauge invariant.
In fact, the idea about such a master field in multicolor QCD may
be incorrect as was pointed out by Haan [30]. The conjecture about an
existence of only one solution to the master-field equation (117) seems to
too strong. If several solutions exists, one needs an additional averaging
over these solutions. This is a very delicate matter, since this additional
averaging must still preserve the factorization property. One might better
think about this situation as if Acl
(0) would be an operator in some Hilbert
space rather than a c-valued function. Such an operator-valued master field
is sometimes called the master field in the weak sense, while the above
conjecture about a single classical configuration of the gauge field, which
saturates the path integral, is called the master field in the strong sense.
The concept of the master field is rather vague until a precise form of
the composite field [A], and consequently the Jacobian [A] that enters
Eq. (117), is not defined. However, what is important is that the master
field (in the weak sense) is space-time independent. This looks like a simpli-
fication of the problem of solving large-Nc QCD. A Hilbert space, in which
the operator Acl (0) acts, should be specified by [A]. We shall consider in
the next Subsection a realization of these ideas for the case of [A] given
by the trace of the non-Abelian phase factor for closed contours.
A natural candidate for the composite operator [A] from the previous
Subsection is given by the trace of the non-Abelian phase factor for closed
contours the Wilson loop. It is labeled by the loop C in the same sense
as the field A (x) is labeled by the point x, so we shall use the notation
1 H
(C) [A] = tr P e i C dx A (x) . (120)
Nobody up to now managed to reformulate QCD at finite Nc in terms
of (C) in the language of path integral. This is due to the fact that self-
intersecting loops are not independent (they are related by the so-called
Mandelstam relations [34]), and the Jacobian is huge. The reformulation
was done [35] in the language of SchwingerDyson or loop equations which
will be described in the next Section.
SchwingerDyson equations are a convenient way of performing the
semiclassical expansion, which is an alternative to the path integral. Let
us illustrate an idea how to do this by an example of the 3 theory. The
RHS of the SchwingerDyson equations is proportional to the Plancks con-
stant h. In the semiclassical limit h 0, we get
D 2 E
12 + m2 h (x1 ) . . . (xn )i + (x1 ) . . . (xn ) = 0 , (121)
whose solution is of the factorized form
provided that
h (x)i cl (x) (123)
2 + m2 cl (x) +
(x) = 0 . (124)
2 cl
Equation (124) is nothing but the classical equation of motion for the
theory, which specifies extrema of the action entering the path integral.
Thus, we have reproduced, using the SchwingerDyson equations, the well-
known fact that the path integral is dominated by a classical solution as
h 0. It is also clear how to perform the semiclassical expansion in h in
the language of the SchwingerDyson equations: one should solve them by
The reformulation of multicolor QCD in terms of the loop functionals
(C) is, in a sense, a realization of the idea of the master field in the weak
sense, when the master field acts as an operator in the space of loops.
The phases j (C) are gauge invariant and normalized so that j (C) 1
as Nc . For simplicity we omit below all the indices (including space
ones) except color.
The commutator of s can be estimated using the representation (126).
Since [i , j ] ij , one gets
1 1
(C) , C g2
2 (127)
Nc Nc
All observables in QCD can be expressed via the Wilson loops (C) defined
by Eq. (120). This property was first advocated by Wilson [36] on a lattice.
Calculation of QCD observables can be divided in two steps:
1) Calculation of the Wilson loop averages for arbitrary contours.
2) Summation of the Wilson loop averages over the contours with some
weight depending on a given observable.
At finite Nc , observables are expressed via the n-loop averages
Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn ) = h (C1 ) (Cn ) i , (128)
which are analogous to the n-point Green functions for 3 theory. The
appropriate formulas for the continuum theory can be found in Ref. [37].
Great simplifications occur in these formulas at Nc = , when all ob-
servables are expressed only via the one-loop average
W (C) = h (C) i tr P e C dx A
. (129)
This is associated with the quenched approximation.
For example, the average of the product of two colorless quark vector
currents (101) is given at large Nc by
(x1 ) (x2 ) = J (C) h (C) i , (130)
Cx1 ,x2
....... .............. .............................
..... ....
x2 ............ .....
... ... ... ..
. ... .. ..
. x2 .
.. .. .... ..
... ..
. .
.. .
.... ... .... ...
....... .... ....... .....
x1 ...
... .......
..... x1 ..
....... x
..................... . ..
. .
.. ....
............................... 3
a) b)
Figure 14. Contours in the sum over paths representing observables: a) in Eq. (130)
and b) in Eq. (131). The contour a) passes two nailed points x1 and x2 . The contour b)
passes three nailed points x1 , x2 , and x3 .
where the sum runs over contours C passing through the points x1 and x2
as is depicted in Figure 14a. An analogous formula for the (connected)
correlators of three quark scalar currents reads
(x1 ) (x2 ) (x3 ) conn = J (C) h (C) i , (131)
Cx1 ,x2 ,x3
where the sum runs over contours C passing through the three points x1 ,
x2 , and x3 as is depicted in Figure 14b. A general (connected) correlator
of n quark currents is given by a similar formula with C passing through n
points x1 , . . . , xn (some of them may coincide).
The weights J (C) in Eq. (130) and J (C) in Eq. (131) are completely
determined by free theory. If quarks were scalars rather than spinors, then
we would get
1 2 1
R 2 (t)
J (C) = e 2 m 2 0
dt z
= e mL(C) scalar quarks , (132)
where L(C) is the length of the (closed) contour C. For spinor quarks, an ad-
ditional disentangling of the gamma-matrices is needed (ee, e.g., Ref. [38]).
........................ ........................
..... ..... ..... ......
... ... .... ..... ....
.. ... .. ..... ...
.. .. .. .....
... ... ..... .. .
. ......
... ..
... .. .. .....
.. .. .... .....
. . ... ...
... ...
. ... .
. ....
... .... ... .....
..... .
.. ..... ..
.. .....
... ...... .... ......
............................. ............................
a) b)
Figure 15. Examples of a) smooth contour and b) contour with a cusp. The tangent
vector to the contour jumps through angle at the cusp.
the renormalization of the mass of a heavy test quark. This factor does not
emerge in the dimensional regularization where d = 4. The multiplicative
renormalization of the smooth Wilson loop was shown in Refs. [39, 40, 41].
If the contour C has a cusp (or cusps) but no self-intersections as is
illustrated by Figure 15b, then W (C) is still multiplicatively renormaliz-
able [42]:
W (C) = Z () Wren (C) , (134)
while the (divergent) factor Z () depends on the cusp angle (or angles)
(or s) and Wren (C) is finite when expressed via the renormalized charge
gR .
x 6 Cxy
Cyx ?
Figure 16. Contours Cyx and Cxy which enter the RHSs of Eqs. (137) and (141).
It is also convenient to use the matrix notation (57), when Eq. (135) for
the Wilson loop takes on the form
* +
1 g2
tr P F (x) e i C d A = tr P e i C d A ,
Nc 2Nc A (x)
where we have restored the units with h = 1.
The variational derivative on the RHS can be calculated by virtue of
the formula
(y) 1 ij kl
= (d) (x y) il kj (138)
A (x) Nc
which is a consequence of
Aa (y)
= (d) (x y) ab . (139)
Ab (x)
The second term in the parentheses in Eq. (138) same as in Eq. (64)
is because A is a matrix from the adjoint representation of SU(Nc ).
By using Eq. (138), we get for the variational derivative on RHS of
Eq. (137):
i d A
tr Pe C = i dy (d) (x y)
A (x)
1 1 1
i d A i d A
i d A
tr P e Cyx
tr P e Cxy
tr P e C . (140)
Nc Nc Nc3
The contours Cyx and Cxy , which are depicted in Figure 16, are the parts
of the loop C: from x to y and from y to x, respectively. They are always
closed due to the presence of the delta-function. It implies that x and y
should be the same points of space but not necessarily of the contour (i.e.
they may be associated with different values of the parameter ).
F(C) 1 x
- x
(x) | |
where an infinitesimal loop C (x) is attached to a given loop at the point
x in the -plane and | | stands for the area enclosed by the C (x).
For a rectangular loop C (x), one gets = dx dx , where the
symbol implies antisymmetrization.
Analogously, the path derivative is defined by
1 x q - x q
x F(Cxx ) F F
|x |
where x is an infinitesimal path along which the point x is shifted from
the loop and |x | stands for the length of the x .
These two differential operations are well-defined for so-called function-
als of the Stokes type which satisfy the backtracking condition they do
not change when an appendix passing back and forth is added to the loop
at some point x:
F = F . (145)
If x is a regular point (like any point of the contour for the func-
tional (129)), the RHS of Eq. (144) vanishes due to the backtracking con-
dition (145). In order for the result to be nonvanishing, the point x should
be a marked (or irregular) point. A simple example of the functional with
a marked point x is
i d A ()
a [Cxx ] tr ta P e Cxx (146)
1 i
d A i H
tr P e C = tr P F (x) e C d A .
(x) Nc Nc
1 H 1 H
x tr P B (x) e i C d A = tr P B (x) e i C d A , (148)
Nc Nc
B = B i [A , B] (149)
1 H i H
tr P F (x) e i C d A = x tr P e i C d A , (150)
Nc (x) Nc
i.e. via the action of the path and area derivatives on the Wilson loop. It
is therefore rewritten in loop space.
A resume of the results of this subsection is presented in Table 2 as
a vocabulary for translation of YangMills theory from the language of
ordinary space in the language of loop space.
F (x) field strength (x)
area derivative
F Schwinger-Dyson Loop
= /A equations equations
where the sum on the RHS is present for the case of a functional having m
marked (irregular) points xi x(i ). A simplest example of the functional
with m marked points is just a function of m variables x1 , . . . , xm .
By using Eq. (153), the path derivative can be calculated as the limiting
x() = d . (154)
x ( )
or, using the definitions (128) and (129) of the loop averages, as
x W (C) = dy (d)
(x y) W2 (Cyx , Cxy ) 2 W (C) .
(x) Nc
This equation is not closed. Having started from W (C), we obtain an-
other quantity, W2 (C1 , C2 ), so that Eq. (157) connects the one-loop av-
erage with a two-loop one. This is similar to the case of the (quantum)
3 -theory, whose SchwingerDyson equations connect the n-point Green
functions with different n. We shall derive this complete set of equations
for the n-loop averages in this Subsection later on.
as Nc .
Equation (159) is a closed equation for the Wilson loop average in the
large-Nc limit. It is referred to as the loop equation.
To find W (C), Eq. (159) should be solved in the class of Stokes func-
tionals with the initial condition
W (0) = 1 (160)
for loops which are shrunk to points.
The factorization (158) can itself be derived from the chain of loop
equations. Proceeding as before, we get
1 x
Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn )
= dy (x y) Wn+1 (Cxy , Cyx , . . . , Cn ) 2 Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn )
X 1 I h
+ dy (d) (x y) Wn1 C1 Cj , . . . , Cj , . . . , Cn
Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn ) . (161)
Here x belongs to C1 ; C1 Cj stands for the joining of C1 and Cj ; Cj means
that Cj is omitted.
Equation (161) looks like the SchwingerDyson equation for the 3 -
theory. Moreover, the number of colors Nc enters Eq. (161) simply as a
scalar factor Nc2 , likewise Planks constant h enters in the 3 -theory. It is
the major advantage of the use of loop space. What is said in Subsection 3.6
about the semiclassical nature of the 1/Nc -expansion of QCD is explicitly
realized in Eq. (161). Its expansion in 1/Nc is straightforward.
At Nc = , Eq. (161) is simplified to
x Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn ) = dy (d) (x y)Wn+1 (Cyx , Cxy , . . . , Cn ).
ppp pp
..... ..
...... ..
ppp .. .. .. .. .. ......... (n) .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......ppppp x
.. ..........
............... .....
.. .
......... .............
ppp pp
.. ........
ppp ppp
. . .
. .
... .
p pp p p
p p p pp ........ pp p
.. .
p p ppp p
ppppppp .......
p.p.p.ppppppp pppppp p p p p pp p p p p ppp ppp p p p p p p p p p
x2 p p p p p p pp p p
Figure 17. Graphic representation of the terms on the RHS of Eq. (164).
Wn (C1 , . . . , Cn ) = W (C1 ) W (Cn ) + O (163)
provided W (C) obeys Eq. (159) which plays the role of a classical equa-
tion in the large-Nc limit. Thus, we have given a non-perturbative proof of
the large-Nc factorization of the Wilson loops.
a) b) c)
Figure 18. Planar diagrams for W (C): a) of order with gluon propagator, and of order
2 b) with two noninteracting gluons and c) with the three-gluon vertex. Diagrams of
order 2 with one-loop insertions to gluon propagator are not drawn.
limit, only planar diagrams survive. Some of them, which are of the lowest
order in , are depicted in Figure 18.
The large-Nc loop equation (159) describes the sum of the planar dia-
grams. Its iterative solution in reproduces the set of planar diagrams for
W (C) provided the initial condition (160) and some boundary conditions
for asymptotically large contours are imposed.
Equation (164) can be viewed as an ansatz for W (C) with some un-
known functions G1 n (x1 , . . . , xn ) to be determined by the substitution
into the loop equation. To preserve symmetry properties of W (C), the
functions G(n) must be symmetric under a cyclic permutation of the points
1, . . ., n and depend only on xi xj (translational invariance). A main
advantage of this ansatz is that it automatically corresponds to a Stokes
functional, due to the properties of vector integrals, and the initial condi-
tion (160) is satisfied.
The action of the area and path derivatives on the ansatz (164) is easily
calculable. For instance, the area derivative reads
W (C)
n 1
dx1 . . . dxnn c (1, 2, . . . , n)
= i
(z) n=1 C C
z z G1 n (z, x1 , . . . , xn )
+ ( ) G1 n (z, z, x1 , . . . , xn ) . (165)
The loop equation (159) is not yet entirely formulated in loop space. It is a
d-vector equation whose both sides depend explicitly on the point x which
does not belong to loop space. The fact that we have a d-vector equation
for a scalar quantity means, in particular, that Eq. (159) is overspecified.
A practical difficulty in solving Eq. (159) is that the area and path
derivatives, / (x) and x , which enter the LHS are complicated, gen-
erally speaking, non-commutative operators. They are intimately related
to the YangMills perturbation theory where they correspond to the non-
Abelian field strength F and the covariant derivative . However, it is
not easy to apply these operators to a generic functional W (C) which is
defined on elements of loop space.
A much more convenient form of the loop equation can be obtained
by integrating both sides of Eq. (159) over dx along the same contour C,
which yields
dx x W (C) = dx dy (d) (x y) W (Cyx )W (Cxy ) .
Now both the operator on the LHS and the functional on the RHS are
scalars without labeled points and are well-defined in loop space. The oper-
ator on the LHS of Eq. (166) can be interpreted as an infinitesimal variation
of elements of loop space.
Equations (159) and (166) are completely equivalent. A proof of equiv-
alence of scalar Eq. (166) and original d-vector Eq. (159) is based on the
important property of Eq. (159) whose both sides are identically annihilated
by the operator x . It is a consequence of the identity
F = [F , F ] = 0 (167)
in the ordinary space. Due to this property, the vanishing of the contour
integral of some vector is equivalent to vanishing of the vector itself, so that
Eq. (159) can in turn be deduced from Eq. (166).
Equation (166) is associated with the so-called second-order Schwinger
Dyson equation
d a w.s.
d x F (x) = h dd x dd y (d) (x y)
Aa (x) (x) Aa (y) Aa
in the same sense as Eq. (159) is associated with Eq. (135). It is called sec-
ond order since the RHS involves two variational derivatives with respect
to A .
As was first pointed out by Gervais and Neveu [45], this operator is noth-
ing but a functional extension of the Laplace operator, which is known in
mathematics as the Levy operator.6 Equation (166) can be represented in
turn as an (inhomogeneous) functional Laplace equation
W (C) = dx dy (d) (x y) W (Cyx )W (Cxy ) . (170)
with ab
2 2 /2
Rab = e a , (172)
where is the covariant derivative in the adjoint representation. The
regularized version of Eq. (168) is
dd x F
(x) = h dd x dd y y Rab x
Aa (x) (x) Ab (y) Aa
To translate Eq. (173) in loop space, we use the path-integral represen-
R a2
dt r 2 (t)
D E h i
y Rab x = Dr(t) e 2 2 tr ta U (ryx )tb U (rxy ) (174)
r(a2 )=y
with Ry
U (ryx ) = P e i x
dr A (r)
, (175)
See the book by Levy [46] and a review [47].
x 6 Cxy
Cyx ? rxy ryx
Figure 19. Contours Cyx rxy and Cxy ryx which enter the RHSs of Eqs. (176) and (177).
where the integration is over regulator paths r (t) from x to y whose typical
length is a.
Calculating the variational derivatives on the RHS of Eq. (173), using
Eq. (174) and the completeness condition (64), we get as N :
dd x dd y y Rab x (C) = dx dy
Ab (y) Aa (x)
Z R a2
12 dtr 2 (t)
Dr(t) e 0 (Cyx rxy ) (Cxy ryx ) , (176)
r(a2 )=y
where the contours Cyx rxy and Cxy ryx are depicted in Figure 19. Averaging
over the gauge field and using the large-Nc factorization, we arrive at the
regularized loop-space Laplace equation [48]
R a2
dt r 2 (t)
W (C) = dx dy Dr(t) e 2 0 W (Cyx rxy )W (Cxy ryx )
C C r(0)=x
r(a2 )=y
which manifestly recovers Eq. (170) when a 0.
The constructed regularization is non-perturbative while perturbatively
reproduces regularized Feynman diagrams. An advantage of this regular-
ization of the loop equation is that the contours Cyx rxy and Cxy ryx on the
RHS of Eq. (177) both are closed and do not have marked points if C does
not have. Therefore, Eq. (177) is written entirely in loop space.
(U V ) = (U ) V + U (V ) . (178)
While the loop equations were proposed long ago, not much is known about
their non-perturbative solutions. We briefly list some of the results.
It was shown in Ref. [50] that area law
e KA(S) ,
W (C) = (180)
with the action being the area A (S) of the surface S, is not a solution
for intermediate loops. Consequently, QCD does not reduce to this kind
of string, as was originally expected in Refs. [51, 52, 53, 54, 55]. Roughly
speaking, the ansatz (180) is not consistent with the factorized structure
on the RHS of Eq. (159).
Nevertheless, it was shown that if a free string satisfies Eq. (159), then
the same interacting string satisfies the loop equations for finite Nc . Here
free string means, as usual in string theory, that only surfaces of genus
zero are present in the sum over surfaces, while surfaces or higher gen-
era are associated with
a string interaction. The coupling constant of this
interaction is O Nc2 .
A formal solution of Eq. (159) for all loops was found by Migdal [56] in
the form of a fermionic string
d2 [k k +m4 g ]
D e
W (C) = , (181)
.......... ......
...... .....
.... ...
... ...
.... ...
.. ..
. ...
... ..
.... .
x2 = y ...
2 .....
... ..
.... ...
..... ....
....... .....
Figure 20. Graphic representation of the contour integral on the LHS of Eq. (186) in
the axial gauge. The bold line represents the gluon propagator (184) with x2 = y2 due
to the delta-function.
where the points x1 , . . ., x2k are still cyclic ordered along the contour. We
can exponentiate the RHS of Eq. (182) to get finally
dx dy D (xy)
W (C) = e 2 C C . (183)
1 2
D (x y) = ln , (185)
4 (x y)2
......... ...... ...................................
...... .... ........
.... ... ......
.... ... .....
. ... ..
.. ....
.... ..
.. ... ...
... ..
.. A 1
.. ...
... .
. .. 1 ..
... ... ... ..
... .. ..
..... .... .. ..
..... ..... ... ...
....... ...... ... .
........ ............. .. .
...... ........... ...
. ... .....
................ ...
... A 2
.. .....
2 ..... ...... . .
...... ......... ......... ...........
....... ........ .............................
a) b)
Figure 21. Contours with one self-intersection: A1 and A2 stand for the areas of the
proper windows. The total area enclosed by the contour in Figure a) is A1 +A2 . The areas
enclosed by the exterior and interior loops in Figure b) are A1 + A2 and A2 , respectively,
while the total area of the surface with the folding is A1 + 2A2 .
This is easy to understand in the axial gauge where the ends of the propa-
gator line can lie both on the exterior and interior loops, or one end at the
a) b) c) d)
Figure 22. Three type of contribution in Eq. (189) The ends of the propagator line
lie both on a) exterior and b) interior loops, or c), d) one end on the exterior loop and
another end on the interior loop.
exterior loop and the other end on the interior loop. These cases are illus-
trated by Figure 22. The contributions of the diagrams in Figure 22a,b,c,d
are A1 + A2 , A2 , A2 , and A2 , respectively. The result given by Eq. (189) is
obtained by summing over all four diagrams.
For the contour in Figure 21b, the Wilson loop average is
W (C) = e 2 (A1 +4A2 ) (190)
5. Large-N Reduction
The large-Nc reduction was first discovered by Eguchi and Kawai [57] who
showed that the Wilson lattice gauge theory on a d-dimensional hypercu-
bic lattice is equivalent at Nc = to the one on a hypercube with peri-
odic boundary conditions. This construction is based on an extra (ZNc )d -
symmetry which the reduced theory possesses to each order of the strong
coupling expansion.
Soon after it was recognized that a phase transition occurs in the re-
duced model with decreasing the coupling constant, so that this symme-
try is broken in the weak coupling regime. To cure the construction at
weak coupling, the quenching prescription was proposed by Bhanot, Heller
and Neuberger [61] and elaborated by many authors. An elegant alterna-
tive reduction procedure based on twisting prescription was advocated by
Gonzalez-Arroyo and Okawa [62]. Each of these prescriptions results in the
reduced model which is fully equivalent to multicolor QCD, both on the
lattice and in the continuum.
While the reduced models look as a great simplification, since the space-
time is reduced to a point, they still involve an integration over d infinite
matrices which is in fact a continual path integral. It is not clear at the
moment whether or not this is a real simplification of the original theory
which can make it solvable. Nevertheless, the reduced models are useful
and elegant representations of the original theory at large Nc .
We shall start this Section by a simplest example of a pure matrix
scalar theory. The quenched reduced model for this case was proposed by
Parisi [63] on the lattice end elaborated by Gross and Kitazawa [64] in the
continuum, while the twisted reduced model was advocated by Eguchi and
Nakayama [65]. Then we concentrate on the EguchiKawai reduction of
YangMills theory.
This is not true, as is already discussed, in the Abelian case for contours with self-
can be calculated at Nc = by
d Y
dpi D
Nc d
F [Sx Sx ]
F [x ] a (198)
a =1 i=1
2 Reduced
where the average on the RHS is calculated [63] for the quenched reduced
model whose averages are defined by
D E 1
F []
Reduced ZReduced
|ij |2 cos ((p
Nc tr V []+Nc i pj )a)
dij e ij F [] . (199)
which can be deduced, modulo the volume factor, from the partition func-
tion (193) by the substitution (195).
Notice that the integration over the momenta pi on the RHS of Eq. (198)
is taken after the calculation of averages in the reduced model. Such vari-
ables are usually called quenched in statistical mechanics which clarifies the
Since Nc it is not necessary to integrate over the quenched mo-
menta in Eq. (198). The integral should be recovered if pi s would be uni-
formly distributed in a d-dimensional hypercube. Moreover, a similar prop-
erty holds for the matrix integral over as well, which can be substituted
by its value at the saddle point configuration s :
F [x ] F [Sx s Sx ] , (201)
....... ......
...... .................................. ....
.. .... .
........ ...... ......
. ...
... ...... .....
.... .....
.. ......
i .
.. ...
... ...
k ... ...
... ...
... ..
...... ... .... ... .. ...........
... ..
................. . .. .................
... ...
. ... ...
... ..
... ... ... ...
j ... ...
... ......
... . k .....
... ...
.... ..... j
.... ................ ..... ............... ......
..... ................... .
...... .....
........ ......
Figure 23. Simplest planar diagram of the second order in 3 for the propagator in
the quenched reduced model (200). The momentum pi flows along the index line i. The
momentum pi pj is associated with the double line ij.
where the summation over the index k is just a standard one over indices
forming a closed loop.
In order to show that the quenched-model result (204) reproduces the
correction to the propagator in the original theory on an infinite lattice, we
pass to the variables of the total momenta flowing along the double lines:
pi pj = p; pk pj = q; pi pk = p q , (205)
for the second-order contribution of the perturbation theory for the prop-
agator on the lattice.
It is now clear how a generic planar diagram is recovered by the reduced
model. We first represent the diagram by the double lines and associate the
momentum pi with an index line carrying the index i. Then we write down
the expression for the diagram in the reduced model with the propaga-
tor (203). Passing to the momenta flowing along the double lines, similar
to Eq. (205), we get an expression which coincides with the integrand of the
Feynman diagram for the theory on the whole lattice. It is crucial that such
where the coordinates of the (lattice) vector x are measured in the lattice
units. The matrices are explicitly constructed in Ref. [62] and commute
= Z (210)
with Z = Z being elements of Z .
For the twisting reduction prescription, Eq. (198) is valid providing the
average on the RHS is calculated for the twisted reduced model which is
defined by the partition function [65]
Nc tr V []+Nc
ZTRM = d e . (211)
The path-ordered product in this formula runs over all links l = (z, )
forming a path Cx from infinity to the point x.
Due to Eq. (210), changing the form of the path multiplies Sx by the
Abelian factor Y
Z(C) = Z (2) (213)
where the product goes over six plaquettes forming a 3-dimensional cube
on the lattice, the product on the RHS of Eq. (213) does not depend on
the form of the surface S and is a functional of the loop C.
It is now easy to see that under this change of the path we get
[Sx ]ij [Sx ]kl |Z(C)|2 [Sx ]ij [Sx ]kl (215)
1 1
d A () d A
tr P e i = tr P e i (217)
Nc ddim Nc EK
where the LHS is calculated with the action (59) and the RHS is calculated
with the reduced action (216). Strictly speaking, this naive statement is
valid only in d = 2 or supersymmetric case for the reason which will be
explained in a moment.
The precise equivalence is valid only if the average of open Wilson loops
vanish in the reduced model:
i d A
tr P e Cyx
= 0, (218)
The point is that this gauge invariance transforms in the reduced model
into (global) rotation of the reduced field by constant matrices :
A A . (220)
Aij ij ij
A + a , (221)
The RHS is pretty much similar to the one in Eq. (159) while (d) (x y)
is missing.
This delta function can be recovered if the Rd symmetry is not broken
(d) (x y)
WEK (Cyx ) WEK (Cyx ) (225)
(d) (0)
due to Eq. (223) for the open loops.
This is not a rigorous argument since a regularization is needed. What
actually happens is the following. If we smear the delta function introducing
(d) 2 2 /2
(x) = e x , (226)
2 2 2
(0) d e x (d) (x) , (227)
reproducing the delta function.
The continuum version of the twisted reduced model can be constructed [69]
by substituting A A into the action (216), where the matrices
obey the commutation relation
[ , ] = B I , (235)
1 1
i d i d A
WTEK (Cyx ) = tr P e Cyx
tr P e Cyx
. (236)
They vanish for open loops which is provided by the vanishing of the trace
of the path-ordered exponential of in this definition. For closed loops
this factor does not vanish and is needed to provide the equivalence with
d-dimensional YangMills perturbation theory, since the classical extrema
of the twisted reduced model are Acl = and the perturbation theory is
constructed expanding around this classical solution.
The proof of the equivalence can be done using the loop equation quite
similarly to that of Subsection 5.2 for the EguchiKawai model with an
unbroken Rd symmetry.
I would like to thank the organizers for the warm hospitality in Iceland.
This work is supported in part by the grant RFFI 970217927.
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