Experiment No. - 2 Fine Measurements

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Experiment No.

(2): Fine Measurements

Aim of the experiment:
You will determine the density of material, by measuring the
mass and volume of a cylinder made of material. You will be
familiarizing with basic measurement tools such as the balance
and vernier caliper.
Density is a physical property of materials. Density of a material is
defined as the mass per unit volume: . density can determined
experimentally by measuring the mass and volume of a sample of a
substance. The volume of a regular shaped object can be calculated from
length measurements.
The vernier caliper consists of a movable jaw slides linearly along the
main scale. The main scale is attached to the fixed jaw. The main scale is
divided so that its marks are 1.0 mm apart. Vernier scale is a movable
scale parallel to the main scale, it has 10 or more equally spaced marks in
addition to the index mark. To make a measurement, the jaws are gently
closed down on the object to be measured.

In the figure above, a: acute measuring shank, b: long measuring shank

c: slide with vernier, d: ruler with a millimeter scale, e: feeler for depth
(2) Fine Measurements Experiment:
By using the given apparatus determine practically the density for the
given material (cylinder) by the fine measurements method given that:
1- Object:
Determination of density for the given material
2- Theory:
Volume of cylinder:

Density of cylinder:

3- Unit of density is

4- Techniques:
 Measure the diameter of cylindar .
 Calculate the sphere radius ⁄
 Calculate the cylinder voluome by the formula
 Measure the high of cylinder
 Measure the mass of cylinder
 Calculate the material density by the formula
 Calculate the Percentage Error
5- Results:

Quantity Measure Unit in Final Unit in S.I.

Lab. Measure
Mass: M 216.3 g 0.21603 Kg
Diameter: D 24.62 mm 0.02462 m
Exactly diameter:D 24.6 mm 0.0246 m
Radius: r 12.3 mm 0.0123 m
Height: h 50.02 mm .05002 m
Exactly height 50 mm 0.05 m

6- Data Analysis:

7- If density= 9000
then Percentage Error =

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