Errors, Data Analysis and Fine Measurements: Experiment Number 1

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Number 1

Errors, Data Analysis and Fine Measurements

I. Objectives of the Experiment

1. Studying the types of experimental errors and some methods of errors and data analysis.
2. Developing the skills of using the Vernier caliper and the micrometer properly to
determine the density of a metal cylinder.
3. Estimation of the uncertainties in the measurements and in the results.

II. List of Equipment:

1. Hand calculator.
2. Pencil and ruler.
3. Few sheets of Cartesian graph papers.
4. Vernier caliper, micrometer, a metal cylinder, and a balance.

III. Theory
The main sections of this theoretical coverage are:
1. Introduction
2. Data taking procedures
3. Significant figures
4. Reading measurements scales
5. Personal errors
6. Developing proper lab habits
7. Accuracy and precision
8. Systematic errors
9. Random errors
10. Propagation of errors
All of those sections were covered in details in the previous introductory pages of your lab


Part 1: Calculations and Data Analysis:
1. Significant Figures
(a) Express the number listed in data table 1 to three significant figures, writing the numbers
in the first column in normal notation and the numbers of the second column in scientific
notation (powers of 10).
Table 1

1.065 = ……………………………… 67,000 = ………………………………...

2347 = 0.3140 =

10.07 = 29.35 =

0.1133 = 0.007865 =

26,302 = 970,000,000 =

b) A rectangular block is measured to have 11.2 cm x 3.4 cm x 4.10 cm. Calculate the
volume of the block, showing explicitly how doubtful figures are carried through the
calculations (by underlining) and report the final answer with the correct number of
significant figures expressed in normal and scientific notations.

c) A cylinder is measured to have an average diameter of 4.25 cm and an average

circumference of 13.39 cm. What is the experimental value of π, to the correct number of
significant figures?
(Show calculations)


Part 2: Fine measurements
The most common measuring instrument is a meter stick or a ruler which is normally
graduated in cm and mm. The fraction of mm can not be estimated precisely using such
instruments. In a vernier caliper and micrometer, however, the fraction of mm is estimated
1. The Vernier Scale: The vernier scale, a very ingenious device invented by Pierre
Vernierin 1631, has the great advantage of enabling one to determine the fraction of any
division with much greater certainty. The vernier device consists of an ordinary scale or
main scale and a vernier scale which is arranged to slide next to the main scale. The main
scale is divided into certain units e.g. cm, inches, degrees, etc. The divisions in the vernier
scale are smaller than those on the main scale. The vernier scale is marked off into n
equal divisions. These n divisions on the vernier scale usually have the same length as n-1
divisions on the main scale. The vernier division then is 1/n shorter than a main scale
division. The quantity 1/n of the main scale divisions is called the least count of the
vernier. It is the smallest fraction of the main scale that can be read with certainty. As
shown in figure 1, the vernier caliper may be used to measure an outer diameter, an inner
diameter, and a depth.

Figure 1: The Vernier Caliper.

2. The Micrometer Scale: Measurements can be made with much greater precision with the
micrometer caliper than with a vernier caliper. As shown in Figure 2, this instrument
consists of a rigid frame, F, in semicircular form. An anvil, A, and the end of rod, R, are
the jaws of the micrometer caliper. A precision thread is machined on one end of the rod,
R, and inside the tube, S. Rotating cylinder, C, moves the rod. The pitch of the thread, or
distance the rod moves per revolution, is usually made 1 mm or 0.5 mm for the metric
system of units. The head end of the cylinder, H, is usually divided into 50 equal parts
about the circumference. The main scale, S, is marked off in mm divisions for the metric
system of units. A knurled knob, K, is a rachet device which, when used, prevents the


application of too much force on the jaws. Using the rachet to make the final adjustment
of the jaws against an object being measured prevents damaging the precision threads and
jaws and prevents the object being measured from being deformed.

Figure 2: Micrometer Caliper.

In the case of a vernier caliper and a micrometer, if the zero of the main scale does not
coincide with the zero of the moving scale when the jaws touch each other then there exists a
zero error which must be taken into consideration in taking measurements. The proper
procedure for taking measurements will be explained in the laboratory section.
As an application on the use of the vernier caliper and micrometer, the densities of a metal
cylinder and a metal sphere will be determined. The density of a material is defined as the
mass per unit volume of that material, i.e.
𝜌= !

Where ρ (rho) stands for density, M for mass and V for volume
The volume of a right circular cylinder of diameter d and height h is given by:
! !! ! !
𝑉!"# = 𝜋( ! )! ℎ = !
Thus the density of the cylinder is given by:
𝜌!"# = !!! ! (3)

The volume of the sphere is
! ! !! !
𝑉!"! = ! 𝜋( ! )! = !
Thus the density of the sphere is given by:

𝜌!"! = !!! (5)


Experimental Procedure: (Cylinder)
1. Measure the height h of the cylinder 5 times using a Vernier caliper.
2. Measure the diameter d of the cylinder 5 times using a micrometer.
3. Measure the mass M of the cylinder 5 times using a sensitive balance.

Use the computer or your calculator and calculate the mean value and the Mean deviation for
the height h the diameter d and the mass M.
Write your results only:
h= , ∆ℎ = ,𝑑= , ∆𝑑=

𝑀= , ∆𝑚 =

Calculate the mean density ρ using mean values and then calculate the uncertainty (∆𝜌) using
error propagation method.
Data Table:(Cylinder)
Zero reading of Vernier =
Zero reading of micrometer =

Trial Height ℎ−ℎ Diameter d 𝑑−𝑑 Mass 𝑀−𝑀

h (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M (g) (g)
(Vernier) (Micrometer)

Mean height: ℎ =
Uncertainty ∆ℎ =
Mean diameter 𝑑 =
Uncertainty ∆𝑑 =
Mean mass 𝑀 =
Uncertainty ∆𝑀 =
Mean density 𝜌 =
Uncertainty ∆𝜌 =


Data Table:(Sphere)
Zero reading of micrometer =
Trial Diameter d (mm) 𝑑−𝑑 Mass 𝑀−𝑀
(mm) M (g) (g)

Mean diameter 𝑑 =
Uncertainty ∆𝑑 =
Mean mass 𝑀 =
Uncertainty ∆𝑀 =

Mean density 𝜌 =
Uncertainty ∆𝜌 =

*Show all your calculation in separate pages.


(1) Give the final value of density of the Cylinder in SI unit (kg/m3).

𝜌 = … … … … … … … … … … ±. . . . … … … . . … … . . 𝑘𝑔/𝑚 !

(2) Give the final value of density of the sphere in SI unit (kg/m3).

𝜌 = … … … … … … … … … … ±. . . . … … … . . … … . . 𝑘𝑔/𝑚 !


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