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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Austen

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MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.

1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Compacted Cast

Iron with Additive Manganese
1,a 1 1 1
K. M. Ahmad , M. R. Maarof , M. Ishak , M. S. Huzairi
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia,

Abstract. High composition of austenitic matrix in microstructure is contributed to its special characteristic in
reducing cracking and distortion. This special alloy will be in austenitic matrix when high temperature and also at
room temperature which make it successful avoid matrix volume changes. In this study, austenitic compacted iron
with minimum nickel contain of 12wt% is produced by using in-mould magnesium treatment. Magnesium Ferro
Silicon (MgFeSi) used in determining the graphite form. Some of nickel replace by manganese in range of 9wt% to
12wt% Mn while Nickel remain at 12wt% Ni at all parameter. This research focuses on to investigate the effect of
alloying elements on microstructure and mechanical properties. The outcome compared to standard of unmodified
austenitic cast iron as in ASTM standard. The matrix obtained was all in austenitic matrix with the presence of
compacted graphite distribution throughout the matrix. It is appeared that result shows increment of manganese at the
centre region between graphite in the microstructure. It is occurred when percentage of manganese addition was
increased. There are increases in hardness compared to unmodified austenitic iron. Tensile strength decreases when
the manganese content increases in alloy.

1 Introduction
Compacted Graphite cast iron (CGI) is also In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in
referred as vermicular graphite. It has inadvertently been Austenitic type of cast iron which can be an economic
produced in the past as a result of insufficient magnesium alternative to stainless steel as it is easier to cast and
or cerium levels in molten intended to produce spheroidal therefore suitable for precision casting of complicated
graphite iron [1]. CGI with rounded ends graphite irons shaped parts [6]. Therefore, austenitic cast iron also
possesses mechanical properties intermediate between offers an outstanding combination of properties that meet
those of grey and ductile irons. Its unique properties have a variety of industrial demands in withstanding the effects
led it to be used in many applications which are of corrosion, heat and wear [7]. However, so far to date
unsuitable for grey or ductile iron especially in there has been little attention given to Austenitic
automotive industry. CGI has high fluidity and low compacted iron (ACI) compared to austenitic gray iron
solidification shrinkage, its tensile strength are around 1.5 (AGI) and Ductile Ni-resist (DNR). Most studies in ACI
– 2 times of gray cast iron [2]. In comparison with ductile only been carried out in a small number of areas limited
cast iron (SGI), CGI has better damping properties, better to compacted iron only (without austenitic matrix). So
thermal conductivity and good castability. Based on these much so, there is no ASTM standard for this kind of
characteristics CGI fulfils the requirements for many special material.
light weight constructions especially automotive engine
blocks. ACI is produced by taking a normal melt grey iron
addition with controlling the carbon and silicon at lower
However, modification levels of graphite must be levels by adding various alloys to produce a stable
controlled strictly in the CGI production. According to austenitic structure at ambient temperature. Controls of
ASTM A842-85 standard requirement specifications for magnesium treatment and addition of anti-nodular
CGI castings state that the percentage of nodular graphite element to the melt such as copper and Manganese very
is 20% maximum and the formation of flake graphite important to promote graphite in the form of compacted.
must be avoided in the main parts of a casting [3,4]. In Anti nodular agent will interfere in nodularisation process
microstructure, 80% minimum of all graphite is needed to during solidification. Nickel cannot be neglects as the
be in the form of compacted (vermicular) according to main alloying element who acts as austenitic promoter
ASTM A247 (type IV) [5]. either in cast iron or ductile iron. Nickel becomes the
Corresponding author: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015

principle reason why the casting alloy has an austenitic

structure during solidification. With sufficient amount of
alloy addition, an austenitic microstructure may occur
and remained stable at room temperature.

Eventually, there are also suggestions using manganese

and copper as austenitic matrix promoter since they have
same function as nickel and at the same time they are
cheaper than nickel. However the uses of manganese will
(a) (b)
promote carbide while cooper is strong anti nodular
agent. Hence, this investigation will study manganese as
one of the addition alloying element use together with
nickel as austenitic stabilizer.

A consider amount of literature has been published

describing role of manganese in cast iron austenitic
stabilizer. Previous studies reported that manganese will
promote carbide in cast iron during the solidification (c) (d)
process. In ductile cast iron manganese will segregate at
cell boundary [8-11]. In previous studies by different Figure 1: Solid cylinder shape castings pattern in this
authors had found that, Instead of becomes a carbide experiment (a) plan view (b) side view (c) front view (d)
formation manganese also effect the cast iron in isometric view.
nodularity [12].

Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and

validate the effect of manganese in austenitic compacted 2.2 Mechanical test
iron on mechanical properties and microstructure.
Tensile test were carried out using universal
testing machine 50 kN was used according to ASTM
E8M at room temperature. CNC lathe machine was used
to shape the cast alloy specimen to produce dog bone
2 Experimental Set Up shape as shown in figure 2. The samples were further
examined using scanning electron magnetic (SEM) to
2.1 Material preparation assess the microstructure after fracture. Samples from the
specimens of 9wt%, 10wt%, 11wt% and 12wt% were
The material used in this study is ACI. Sample taken for the hardness test. The Rockwell hardness test
preparation of 200 mm solid cylinder shape castings machine was used to determine the macro hardness. Five
prepared by using a pattern as in figure 1. Materials will reading was taken from each sample and averaged. Every
melt in the frequency induction furnace. Magnesium batch of samples was named according to its manganese
treatment used in the casting was applied using In The weight percentage (wt %) temperature.
Mould Treatment Technique as it has high magnesium
recovery percentage [13,14], by employing 1.0 Fe-Si-Mg
in the reaction chamber. Experimental alloy of ACI
divided into four groups as 9Mn-12Ni, 10Mn-12Ni, 2.3 Microstructure analysis
11Mn-12Ni, 12Mn-12Ni wt%. Pure nickel and steel scrap
were added into the furnace to increase Ni percentage and Optical Microscopic (OM) and SEM were used
to control carbon content respectively. All charging for the microstructural characterization of the casting.
material was melted in the induction furnace, during base Metallographic samples were cut from the broken halves
material is melting Ferro manganese was added to the of the tensile specimen. Microstructural analysis was
charging material in the furnace. The molten then stirred come out using optical microscope model OLYMPUS
to make sure the alloyed elements smoothly diffused. The BX60F5, while fractographic and fracture conducted
melt then was tapped using ladle before pouring into using scanning electron microscopic model PHILIPS
green sand mould. XL40.

MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015

Table 1: Chemical composition of raw material.

C Si Mn P S Mg Ni Ca Cr R.E Fe
Pig iron 4.5 1.73 0.309 0.180 0.150 0.310 0.236 - - - balance
Steel 0.19 0.15 0.54 0.90 0.02 - - - - - balance
Nickel - - - - - - 99.0 - - - balance
FeMn - - 86.00 - - - - - - - -
Nodulant - 44.00 - - - 5.00 - 2.0 - 1.90 10.00
Inoculant - 70.00 - - - - - 2.0 - - balance

Figure 2: Dimension of tensile test specimen.


3 Result and Discussion

3.1 Microstructure Analysis

In figure 4 presents a typical as-cast matrix
images for each sample at 100x magnifications. All
samples are in austenitic microstructure with single bright
matrix and the graphite precipitated in the form of
vermicular (compacted). Generally, the figure shows dark
compacted graphite distributed and embedded throughout
in the austenite matrix. Austenitic compacted irons must
contain sufficient amount of nickel and manganese in (c)
order to promote austenitic characteristic. Literature
indicates that 18 wt% Ni for standard types of austenitic
ductile iron [15] and 13.5 wt% Ni together with presence
of 5.5 wt% Cu for standard types of austenitic gray cast
iron [3]. Through this study, the minimum used is 12
wt% with addition of manganese to assist in promoting
austenite matrix which is lower than the previous study


Figure 3: Microstructure of the modified CNR: (a) 9Mn-12Ni,

(b) 10Mn-12Ni, (c) 11Mn-12Ni, (d) 12Mn-12Niwt%.

It is suggested that when high manganese addition

alloyed, iron shows decreasing pattern of the graphite
(a) appearance in the microstructure. The graphite looks

MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015

becomes distantly each other such as shown in figure 4(a) as length graph, the increasing trend of area proportional
compared to figure 4(d). The formations of the carbide at to the increasing of manganese.
this region push the graphite aside. It is making the length
between graphite increases. Carbide formation will
3.2 Tensile properties for austenitic compacted cast
decrease the machinability of the iron and increase the
production cost. Therefore it is preferred to be low in
casting process. During the solidification of iron, Table 2 shows the influence of manganese
manganese move away from the solid phase (graphite) contains range from 9 wt% Mn to 12 wt% Mn in tensile
which is first nucleate and solidifies. Manganese is the properties of austenitic compacted cast iron for all heats.
last element solidifies after the nucleation of graphite. It The result shows that when a lot of manganese is added
has been grouping and segregated away from the to the alloyed iron, ultimate tensile strength, proof stress
graphite. So, if the manganese increases the carbide will and elongation shows the decreasing trend as shown in
increase as suggested by Rasidi and Hasbullah [11]. This figure 4(a)(b)(c). This is because of increasing of
occurrences indicates segregated carbide suppress the manganese led to an increases carbide phase amount at
existences of free graphite. Even though the combination inter space between compacted graphite and resulted to
of higher manganese wt% and less nickel wt% stabilized low properties of mechanical. There are several effects
the austenite matrix, it is also appears that those for this phenomenon such as a lot of carbide formation
combination promote carbide formation. clique together rather than small free form carbide.
Hence, this will encourage cracking characteristic that
responsible for the weakening overall material strength.

250 Length Area Table 2: Mechanical properties of alloyed irons in the

210.80 experiments.
Area (μm²)

137.53 Room temperature test

Length (μm)

90.19 Ultimate Stress
100 Macro
48.63 materials tensile at 0.2 Elongation
30.63 37.93 40.93 hardness
50 strength % (%)
(MPa) offset
0 (MPa)
9 10 11 12 9 Mn-12
265.42 129.16 13.56 80.2
Percentages of manganese (wt%) Ni
10 Mn-12
260.21 120.82 11.94 83.1
Figure 4: Graph Comparison between Percentages of 11 Mn-12
Manganese (%), Length of Graphite (μm) and Area of graphite 248.02 118.92 12.61 86.6
12 Mn-12
190.56 118.49 11.12 87.8
An analysis is conducted using A ProgRes Capture Pro
v28.8 Imaging Analysis Software and Video Test- From the figure 5 test result, it is evident that material
Structure by randomly selected the flake or worm shape was relatively strong than the standard of DNR and AGI.
graphite and calculate the length and area for each The highest tensile strength is 265.42 MPa higher than
percentages of Mn. The red highlight color in figure 3 is austenitic gray cast iron which is 207 MPa and lower than
the selected graphite for the measuring process. The austenitic ductile iron (DNR) 379 MPa. It is cannot be
comparison between Manganese percentages and the argued the high value tensile strength of DNR related to
Length of graphite is being made to determine the effect its nodule graphite formation compare to compacted
of the Manganese percentages on the characteristic of graphite which well known as crack arrester. As the
graphite. The average of length data was collected from result, nodule graphite successful increase the mechanical
9% Mn, 10% Mn, 11% Mn and 12% Mn is compared and properties compare to compacted graphite.
graph that produce is shown in the Figure 4. Figure
shows that the highest length of graphite is at 12% Mn
which is 48.63 μm. The lowest value of average length is
at 9% Mn which is 30.63 μm. Based on graph above,
there are increasing trend on the length of graphite
proportional to the percentages of manganese. When
more manganese is added to the alloyed iron, there are
increasing in the length of graphite. The highest area of
graphite is at 12% of Manganese which is 210.80 μm²
and 9% Mn contain in alloyed iron has the lowest area
value which is 90.19 μm². The graph shows same pattern

MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015

Table 3: The EDX checking Data.

Point (%)
a b c d e f g h
Si K 1.67 1.86 1.68 1.73 1.74 1.71 2.13 2.19
Mn L 4.46 5.98 4.87 3.98 5.46 5.96 4.18 3.75
Ni L 10.06 10.84 12.28 12.64 12.37 12.1 11.65 8.14

Ultimate tensile strength (MPa)

Table 3 shows element of silicon, manganese and nickel
at the region between graphite. It is shows increasing
150 reading pattern for manganese at a certain point. Overall,
100 the highest reading is at point b and point f second. Most
of the high reading located at the centre of the region.
50 Point c and d shows some of the inconsistence reading.
0 Nickel reading shows increasing pattern until it reaches a
peak reading, then decreasing graph pattern start. Blue
9Mnwt %

10Mnwt %

11Mnwt %

12Mnwt %

spot in the picture in table 3 shows where the position of

Energy Dispersion X-Ray Spectrometer (EDX) reading
obtained, from right start with point a to point h.
12 3.3 Hardness test
Elongation (%)

6 90
Macro hardness (HV)

4 88
2 86
0 84
9Mnwt %

10Mnwt %

11Mnwt %

12Mnwt %

9Mnwt %

10Mnwt %

11Mnwt %

12Mnwt %

Proof stress (MPa)

124 Figure 6: macro-hardness.
120 Manganese one of the carbide promoter and it is already
118 proved. The existences of carbide in the iron will increase
the hardness reading as shown in figure 6. The higher
hardness reading is 87.8 HV but lower than any types of
DNR which is the lower is in range 121 HV to 171 HV.
9Mnwt %

10Mnwt %

11Mnwt %

12Mnwt %

But it was surprising that the percentage of elongation of

the austenitic compacted iron lower than DNR type D-2C
and D-5.
Figure 5: Comparison of tensile properties and macro-hardness
of the alloyed iron: (a) ultimate tensile strength, (b) proof stress,
(c) elongation.

MATEC Web of Conferences 74 , 00009 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20167400009
ICMER 2015


The authors would like to be obliged to Universiti

Malaysia Pahang and Malaysia Government for
providing laboratory facilities and financial assistance
under project no. RDU 140135.


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