Synthesis-Microstructure-Mechanical Properties-Wear and Corrosion Behavior of An Al-Si (12%) - Flyash Metal Matrix Composite

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J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E 4 0 (2 0 0 5 ) 5 9 8 9 –5 9 9 7

properties-wear and corrosion behavior of an
Al-Si (12%)—Flyash metal matrix composite
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, BMS College of Engineering,
Bangalore 560 019, Karnataka, India
E-mail: m [email protected]
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering,
Bangalore 560 019, Karnataka, India
E-mail: krk1 [email protected]
Published online: 8 September 2005

In the present investigation, Aluminium based metal matrix composite containing up to

15% weight percentage of flyash particulates were successfully synthesized using vortex
method. The properties like density, hardness, microhardness, ductility and ultimate tensile
strength were investigated. The MMC produced was also subjected to corrosion, dry sliding
wear and slurry erosive wear test to investigate its behavior under different material
wearing conditions. The results of microhardness revealed higher hardness of the matrix
material in the immediate vicinity of flyash particle. The addition of flyash particles reduces
the density of composite while increasing some of their mechanical properties. The results
of wear studies have shown that the resistance to wear increases with increase in
percentage of flyash. Corrosion resistance decreases with increase in flyash content. The
macrostructural and microstructural characteristics of the MMC were investigated with
particular emphasis on the distribution of flyash particles in the matrix. Macrostructural
studies have shown near uniform distribution of flyash particles in matrix. Analysis of
fractured surface of tensile test specimen is also made which revealed brittle fracture
behavior of MMCs.  C 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

1. Introduction base metals. In particular, the particulate reinforced

The flexibility associated with metal matrix compos- metal matrix composites are attractive because they
ites (MMC) in tailoring their physical and mechani- exhibit near isotropic properties compared to contin-
cal properties as required by the end application have uously reinforced counterparts and are easier to pro-
made them suitable candidate for a spectrum of appli- cess using standard metallurgical methods. Particu-
cations related to automobile and aeronautical sectors late reinforced MMC’s provide additional advantage
[1, 2]. of being machinable and workable. The primary dis-
The emergence of novel processing techniques cou- advantage of all MMC’s however, is that they suf-
pled with the need for lighter materials with high fer from low ductility and inadequate fracture tough-
strength and stiffness has catalyzed considerable sci- ness compared to their constituent matrix material
entific and technological interest in the development [3].
of numerous high performance composite materials as Nowadays the main focus is given to Aluminium as
serious competitors to the traditional engineering al- matrix material because of its unique combination of
loys. The majority of such materials are metallic ma- good corrosion resistance, low electrical resistance and
trixes reinforced with high strength, high modulus and excellent mechanical properties. Reinforcement mate-
often brittle second phase in the form of fiber, partic- rial in MMC’s may be carbide, nitrides and oxides.
ulate, whiskers embedded in a ductile metal matrix. For the past few years new particulate composite con-
The reinforced metal matrix composites offer oppor- taining flyash has been developed. Flyash is byproduct
tunities for sufficient improvement in efficiency, re- of coal combustion, which is used as filler or func-
liability and mechanical performance over traditional tional extenders in plastics, paints, resins and additive

0022-2461  C 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

DOI: 10.1007/s10853-005-1303-6 5989
TABLE I Chemical composition of Al alloy used as matrix material
in wt%

Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Al

12.2 0.322 0.002 0.621 0.065 0.0215 Bal

to cement. Millions of tons of flyash powder are gen-

erated in coal based thermal power plants and only a
small portion is being utilized [4]. Flyash is a waste
by product and is being used as filler in aluminium
matrices [5] and various components such as pistons,
engine cover, connecting rod castings have been made
out of cast aluminium alloy—flyash composite [6]. Fly-
ash particles are very light materials with a density of
2.1–2.6 g/cm3 for precipitator flyash and density as low
Figure 1 SEM micrograph of flyash used in the study.
as 0.4–0.6 g/cm3 for cenosphere particles.

2. Materials in flyash. Average particle density was 1.36 g/cm3 .

2.1. Matrix material By using froth floatation method carbon content has
The matrix material used in the experimental investiga- been determined and was found to be 1.9 wt%. This
tion was an Aluminium alloy (Si-12.2%) whose chem- value was found to be nearer to the loss on ignition
ical composition (in weight percent) is listed in Table I. value.
This alloy has a composition very close to the Al-Si
eutectic. It therefore has a low melting point (577◦ C).
Aluminium and silicon have no solid solubility be- 3. Experimental procedure
low the eutectic and the microstructure solidifies as 3.1. Processing
silicon particles in an aluminium matrix. Aluminium- The synthesis of the metal matrix composite used in
silicon alloy in its unmodified state is extensively used the present study was carried out by using stir casting
in sand casting and die-casting. The molten metal has method. Al-12%Si alloy in the form of ingots were used
high fluidity and solidifies at constant temperature. for the trials. The cleaned metal ingots were melted
Aluminium-silicon castings have good corrosion re- to the desired super heating temperature of 800◦ C in
sistance and good weldability. The microstructure can graphite crucibles under a cover of flux in order to min-
be refined by rapid cooling to increase the strength and imize the oxidation of molten metal. 3-phase electrical
ductility. resistance furnace with temperature controlling device
was used for melting. For each melting 3–4 kgs of
alloy was used. The super heated molten metal was
2.2. Reinforcement material degassed at a temperature of 780◦ C. Flyash partic-
The reinforcement material used in the investigation ulates, preheated to around 600◦ C were then added
was flyash particulates of assorted size with an aver- to the molten metal and stirred continuously by us-
age particle size of 10 µm. The flyash was collected ing mechanical stirrer at 720◦ C. The stirring time was
from Mettur thermal power plant, Tamilnadu, India and maintained between 5–8 min at an impeller speed of
micrograph of flyash is shown in Fig. 1. Particle size 550 rpm. During stirring, Magnesium was added in
was estimated by using SEM (scanning electron micro- small quantities to increase the wettability of flyash
scope) and sieve analysis. The spheroidal flyash parti- particles. The dispersion of the preheated flyash par-
cles contain both solid spheres (precipitators) and hol- ticulates was achieved in accordance with the vortex
low spheres (cenospheres). The major components of method [7, 8]. The melt with the reinforced particu-
flyash as received from the source and used for rein- lates were poured into the dried, coated, cylindrical per-
forcement are listed in Table II in weight percentage. manent metallic moulds of size 50 mm diameter and
The flyash consist mainly Al2 O3 (30.40 wt%), SiO2 175 mm height. The pouring temperature was main-
(58.41 wt%) and Fe2 O3 (8.44 wt%). The loss on igni- tained at 680◦ C. The melt was allowed to solidify in
tion was found to be 1.6 wt% and cenosphere content the moulds. For the purpose of comparison, the base
was found to be 61 wt%. Gravity separation method alloy was cast under similar processing conditions as
was used to find the cenosphere content. Cenospheres described.
are hard, hollow, free flowing, microspheres found In this study flyash was added in weight percent-
age of 5, 10, 12, and 15% in Al (12.2 wt%Si) metallic
matrix using conventional casting method. The suc-
TABLE II Composition of flyash used as reinforcement in wt%
cessful incorporation of flyash particulates in the lim-
Carbon its exceeding 10 wt% using this technique can be at-
Al2 O3 SiO2 Fe2 O3 TiO2 LOI content tributed to the enhanced wettability of flyash particu-
lates as a result of the preheating of flyash particulates
30.40% 58.41% 8.44% 2.75% 1.6% 1.9%
to 600◦ C prior to the addition in the superheated liquid

metallic melt and addition of magnesium during stir- 3.5. Mechanical behavior
ring of metallic melt and flyash particulates mixture. Mechanical Strength measurements were made by con-
Preheating of flyash particulates seems to assist in (i) ducting tensile test. The cylindrical specimens were
removal of surface impurities (ii) free flow of particu- prepared as per ASTM standards E8. To minimize the
lates (iii) desorption of gases and (iv) altering of sur- effect of surface irregularities and surface finish, the
face composition owing to the formation of thin oxide gauge sections were ground using 800 grit emery pa-
layer. per in order to remove all circumferential scratches and
machine marks.

3.2. Density
Density measurements were carried out on the base 3.6. Fracture behavior
metal and reinforced samples using Archimedes’s prin- Fracture surface characterization studies were carried
ciple [9]. The buoyant force on a submerged object is out on tensile fractured reinforced samples in order to
equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. This principle provide insight into the fracture mechanisms operative
is useful for determining the volume and therefore the during tensile loading of samples. Fracture surface ex-
density of an irregularly shaped object by measuring its aminations were accomplished using SEM.
mass in air and its effective mass when submerged in
water (density = 1 gram/cc). This effective mass under
water will be its actual mass minus the mass of the fluid 3.7. Sliding wear behavior
displaced. The difference between the real and effective Wear has been defined as the displacement of mate-
mass therefore gives the mass of water displaced and rial caused by hard particles or hard proturberances
allows the calculation of the volume of the irregularly where these hard particles are forced against and mov-
shaped object. The mass divided by the volume thus ing along a solid surface [10, 11]. Two body sliding
determined gives a measure of the average density of wear tests were carried out on prepared composite spec-
the object. imens. A Ducom, Bangalore make computerized pin-
on-disc wear test machine was used for these tests.
The wear testing was carried out at a constant sliding
velocity of 95 m/min with a normal load of 14.7 N. A
3.3. Hardness and microhardness cylindrical pin of size 5 mm diameter and 40 mm length
Bulk hardness measurements were carried out on the prepared from composite casting was loaded through
base metal and composite samples by using standard a vertical specimen holder against horizontal rotating
Brinnel hardness test. Brinell hardness measurements disc. Before testing, the flat surface of the specimens
were carried out in order to investigate the influence was abraded by using 2000 grit paper. The rotating disc
of particulate weight fraction on the matrix hardness. was made of carbon steel of diameter 50 mm and hard-
Load applied was 500 kgs and indenter was a steel ball ness of 64 HRC. Wear tests were carried out at room
of 10 mm diameter. temperature without lubrication for 2 h and 20 min.
Microhardness measurements were carried out in or- The principal objective of investigation was to study
der to investigate the influence of flyash particle on the the coefficient of friction and wear.
matrix hardness. Load applied was 50 gms and inden-
ter used was Vickers indenter. Microhardness measure-
ments were made on the particle and in the vicinity of
the particle. Round specimens of diameter 20 mm were 3.8. Fog corrosion
prepared and polished on different grit of emery paper. The oldest and most wildly used Salt Spray [Fog] corro-
An average of 5 readings were taken for both bulk sion testing method [12] was used in the investigation.
hardness and microhardness measurement A fog of NaCl solution was introduced in to a closed
chamber where specimens were exposed at specific lo-
cations. The concentration of the NaCl solution used
was 3.5%. Corrosive fog was created by bubbling com-
3.4. Macro and microstructural pressed air through hot deionized water—Salt solution
characterization which was maintained at a temperature of 50◦ C.
Macrostructural study was conducted on the as pro- The specimens for fog corrosion test were prepared
cessed and machined composite castings in order to in- by cutting specimens of size 10 × 20 × 5 mm from
vestigate distribution of flyash particles retained in the the composite castings. The surface of specimens were
MMC. Castings were plain turned on lathe to remove abraded by using 600 grit size emery paper and de-
5 mm of material to reveal the particle distribution on greased. Before testing, the specimens were weighed
macroscopic scale. to an accuracy of 0.001 gms and exposed to corrosive
Microstructural characterization studies were con- atmosphere for a period of 240 h (10 days). The spec-
ducted on unreinforced and reinforced samples. This is imens were suspended in corrosive chamber at regular
accomplished by using scanning electron microscope. intervals exposing the abraded surface to salt solution
The composite samples were metallographically pol- fog. After corrosion testing, the specimens were im-
ished prior to examination. Characterization is done mersed in clark’s solution for 5 min and gently cleaned
in etched conditions. Etching was accomplished using with a soft brush to remove adhered particles. After
Keller’s reagent. drying thoroughly the specimens were re-weighed to

determine the percentage weight loss. One set of spec- TABLE III Microhardness of matrix material around flyash particle
imens were tested and weighed for every 48 h for 10 Distance (µ) Test1 (Hv) Test2 (Hv) Test3 (Hv)
days and another set of specimens was tested continu-
ously for 10 days. 0 533 463 489
10 316 379 396
20 234 307 257
30 134 167 138
3.9. Slurry erosive wear 40 117 248 210
Erosive wear is defined as the loss of material from a
solid surface due to relative motion in contact with a
fluid that contains solid particles [11].
The experimental arrangement for slurry erosive
wear consists of stirrer, which can hold 4 specimens
at a time, and a water-cooled pot. All 4 specimens
were dipped in slurry of distilled water—silica sand
and stirred at a speed of 376 m/min. The slurry was
prepared by mixing 80-micron size silica sand with
distilled water in the ratio of 1:2 proportions. The pH
value of slurry is found to be around 8.5. The slurry
wear test was performed at ambient temperature and
testing time was 14 h.
The specimens for the slurry erosive wear test were
cut from composite ingots and plain turned to a diame-
ter of 7 mm. Before testing, specimens were weighed to
an accuracy of 0.001 gms. After testing specimens were
dried and re-weighed to determine percentage weight
Figure 3 Average microhardness of matrix material around flyash
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Density measurement
The results of density measurement on the base metal in Fig. 2. The results reveal that an increase in the fly-
and reinforced materials are shown in Fig. 2. The re- ash particulates weight percentage in MMC increases
sults reveal that an increase in the percentage of flyash the material hardness. Higher hardness results because
particulates in MMC decreases the material density. of inclusion of flyash particles like cenospheres and
Lower density results especially because of presence of presipitators [13].
particles like Cenospheres, which are hollow spheres The results of microhardness measurements con-
with very low density of 0.4–0.6 gm/cm3 . Earlier stud- ducted on the composite samples containing 12 wt%
ies [13] and the results mentioned above show similar of flyash particles is shown in Table III. Measurements
density variations. were made using 50 gms load. The results indicate that
hardness vary in the vicinity of flyash particulate de-
pending on distance from interface. But the variation
4.2. Hardness measurements does not show a clear trend. Near the particle-matrix
The results of bulk hardness measurements conducted interface the hardness value is higher compared to other
on the monolithic and reinforced materials are as shown regions. Fig. 3 shows average microhardness values at
different distances from interface. Lack of clear trend
in variation of microhardness values of matrix can be
attributed to influence of neighboring particles which
are present beneath and sides of the particle under

4.3. Macro and microstructural

Macrostructural studies revealed reasonable uniform
distribution of flyash particles and slight macrosegri-
gation of particles. The distribution of flyash particles
is influenced by the tendency of particles to float
due to density differences and interactions with the
solidifying metal. It is therefore a strong function of the
solidification rate and geometry of castings [7]. Photo
macrograph Fig. 4 shows the distribution of flyash
Figure 2 Variation of Density and Hardness with variation in percentage particles (10% weight percentage) in permanent mold
flyash. cast ingot. Higher concentration of flyash particles

Figure 4 Photo-macrograph of Al-10% flyash MMC. Figure 6 SEM micrograph of Al-15% flyash composite.

Figure 5 SEM micrograph of unreinforced matrix material. Figure 7 SEM micrograph of Al-15% flyash composite.

was obtained at the top and lower concentration at the particles will increase the ultimate tensile strength of
bottom of the castings. Central 80% length of castings the material but ductility of reinforced samples is infe-
had near uniform distribution of flyash particles. A rior compared to base metal. The addition of the flyash
more uniform distribution of particles will be obtained particles increases strength mainly by the load transfer
by increasing the solidification rate. from matrix to the reinforcement due to the differences
Microstructure of matrix material is shown in Fig. 5. in the elastic constants. There was significant decrease
Microstructural studies of MMC with 10% flyash in % elongation, with 15% flyash composite showing
shows that there is no void or discontinuities (see lowest elongation of 2%.
Figs 6, and 7) and preferential presence of flyash The tensile fracture surface of flyash-reinforced sam-
particles away from silicon particles. At some places ples is shown in Fig. 11. The fractographs taken in
there was clustering of flyash particulates. The mi- SEM revealed absence of dimples which are indicative
crograph in Fig. 8 shows distribution of particu- of ductile fracture. The metal matrix composite speci-
lates with low magnification. Fig. 9 shows that there mens behaved as a typical brittle material. These results
is good interfacial bonding between flyash particles are consistent with mechanical properties results which
and Al matrix. Good interfacial bonding can be ob- show a reduction in elongation (see Fig. 10). As evident
tained by heating of flyash particulates prior to dis- from the fractograph 12 there is no breaking or cracking
persion and addition of magnesium in small quantities of spheroidal flyash particles and because of destruc-
during stirring which improved wettability of flyash tive testing some particles with weak interface bonding
particles. were found dislodged. Fracture has taken place within
the aluminium matrix and along matrix-reinforcement
4.4. Mechanical behavior
The ultimate tensile strength and percentage elonga-
tion obtained during tensile test are shown in Fig. 10. 4.5. Fog corrosion
It is found that the addition of flyash has significant The results of salt solution fog corrosion test are shown
effect on the tensile properties. The addition of flyash in Fig. 13. The resistance to corrosion is good in

Figure 8 Optical micrograph of (a) 15% flyash composite (b) 10% flyash composite.

Figure 10 Variation of ductility and UTS with variation in percentage


Figure 9 SEM micrograph of Al-flyash interphase.

unreinforced specimen compared to reinforced com-

posite specimens. Formation of oxide layer is visible
within 6 h of commencement of test. The type of cor-
rosion is pitting corrosion. After 24 h it is observed that
the formation of pit is more rapid in reinforced samples
than unreinforced samples. The presence of flyash par-
ticles will act as sites to initiate pits. There will be build
up of corroded particle debris in the pits. Pits initiate at
flaws within the surface film and at sites where the film
is damaged mechanically under conditions in which Figure 11 SEM fractograph of Al-10% flyash composite.
self repair will not occur. Fig. 14 shows the weight
loss of MMCs after 240 h of continuous test. Weight
loss was found to be highest in metal matrix composite
having 15% flyash. loss. The presence of flyash particles essentially
improved wear resistance in the beginning 8–10 h.
But after 8–10 h of testing weight loss was found to
4.6. Slurry erosive wear be almost nil in all cases. Decrease in weight loss is
The results of slurry erosive wear are shown in Fig. 15. because of formation of oxide layer on the surface
The results show increase in slurry wear resistance of the specimen which retards wear by acting as a
with increase in flyash content. Compared to base protective layer. This is evident from the Fig. 16 where
metal, composite with 15% flyash showed less weight wear rate has decreased after 8–10 h of testing. After

Figure 12 SEM fractograph of Al-10% flyash composite. Figure 15 Percentage weight loss during slurry erosive wear.

Figure 13 Percentage weight loss in fog corrosion test.

Figure 16 Variation of slurry erosive wear rate with time.

has increased with increase in flyash content. Incor-

poration of flyash content significantly reduces wear.
This is evident from the amount of wear observed for
base metal and composite with 15% flyash content.
This is because of the presence of hard flyash particles
which will increase the overall bulk hardness of the
Figure 14 Percentage weight loss in fog corrosion test after continuous
240 h of testing.
material. The inclusion of flyash content will change
the wear mode from mild to severe. This is evident
from the comparison of wear behavior graph of base
metal with that of composites. There is smooth, linear
12 h of test, the specimens were reground with 1200 variation in wear for base metal compared to rough-
grade emery paper and slurry wear test was repeated ness observed in wear behavior curves of composite
with same experimental condition. The results of re- with flyash particles. The change in the coefficient of
peated test showed similar wear behavior as shown in friction of aluminium matrix composites with time is
Fig. 16. shown in Fig. 18. It is observed that the coefficient
of friction for composite with 15% flyash is lower.
In composite with 15% of flyash, a steady state of
4.7. Sliding wear behavior nearly constant coefficient of friction was observed.
Fig. 17 shows the results of dry sliding wear behavior In all other cases there is variation in coefficient of
of MMCs with different percentages of flyash content. friction owing to the effect of material microstructural
From the graph it is evident that the resistance to wear heterogeneity.

Figure 17 Sliding wear behavior of MMC with different percentages of flyash.

Figure 18 Variation of coefficient of friction of MMC with different percentages of flyash.

5. Conclusions around flyash particle. The area around flyash particle

(1) Metal matrix composite up to 15% flyash was will be potential pit-initiating site.
synthesized successfully by using vortex method. (9) Incorporation of flyash particles in aluminium ma-
(2) Macro and microstructure revealed near uniform trix can lead to the production of low cost aluminium
distribution of flyash particles in the center portion of composites with improved hardness, strength and wear
the casting. But there is slight agglomeration of fly- resistance. These composites can find applications in
ash particles on macroscopic scale. The microstructure automotive components like pistons, cylinder liners and
also revealed good interfacial bond between matrix and connecting rods. These composites can also find appli-
flyash particles. cations where light weight materials are required with
(3) The density of MMC has decreased with increase good stiffness and strength.
in flyash content.
(4) The hardness of MMC increases with increase in
flyash content and the microhardness was high near the Acknowledgments
vicinity of flyash particle. The authors would like to thank the authorities of
(5) The Ultimate tensile strength increased with in- AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education)
crease in flyash content. Where as ductility has de- New Delhi, India for financial support provided during
creased with increase in flyash content. the course of this investigation.
(6) The fractographs have shown that the fracture is
of brittle in nature. References
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