Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
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1 author:
Paul Kahoro
All content following this page was uploaded by Paul Kahoro on 15 October 2018.
Background: Developing an Information Technology or Information System (IT/IS) strategy
that can be supported by a business strategy is imperative in generating business and IT value in
organizations today. In light of the ever changing business environment and the endless evolving
IT, nonetheless, organizations are yet to learn how to develop and implement an effective IT
Objective: To further build up on this issue, the objective of this paper is to provide a review on
the extensive research on developing IT/IS strategy for business and IT value.
Method: This study was carried out through the analysis of already existing published academic
research papers from relevant journals, local publishers, and observation of already existing
IT/IS strategies.
Results: The findings from our research submit that there are 5 critical success factors that
organizations should consider. The research also pinpoints practices as well as challenges faced
while developing an effective IT strategy.
Conclusion: This study will hopefully contribute to the greater body of knowledge on the
development and the implementation of IS/IT strategy in organizations for optimal business as
well as IT value.
In spite of the ongoing debate about the will sustainably drive IT strategy as has
strategic value of information systems (IS) conventionally been the case (Frohman,
the role of IS within organizations is 2010).
evolving. Rather than being demoted to the
With Technology becoming so much more
behind the scenes roles of the enterprise,
crucial to development and delivery of
IT/IS is now being appreciated in the
organizations business strategy, much more
boardrooms and is expected to play a
focus needs to be paid to Information
leading role in delivering high end value and
Strategy development than it has been
business transformation. In their research,
rewarded in the past. To further explore how
(Weiss & Anderson, 2012) found that
organizations are working towards
increasingly Chief Information Officers and
improving IS strategy development and
IT professionals are taking change and risk
implementation, the publishers convoked a
management positions. They are
community of practice that included senior
encountering internal and external pressures
IT managers from an assortment of
to decipher both business and technical
industries. This paper will initially describe
problems (Hu & Huang, 2009). With the
the communities of practice as used in this
increase in critical duties of IT‟s role, it can
research. Then, it will take an in-depth look
no longer be presumed that business strategy
at how our comprehension of IT/IS strategy
has transformed over time. It will then
deliberate on some significant success
features for IT/IS strategy establishments,
followed by how some organizations are
evolving into a more formal IT strategy
development process. Finally, this paper will
seek to revise and build on already existing
frameworks for IS strategies.
STRATEGY Fig 1.0 IT strategy Elements (Henderson &
IT strategy is an all-inclusive plan that Jason, 2008)
information technology management
specialists use to guide and structure their
organizations (Henderson & Jason, 2008).
IT strategy is the overall plan which consists PRESENT AND FUTURE
of objective, principles and tactics relating From a general perspective, a strategy is an
to use of the technologies within a particular approach towards doing business (Gebauer,
organization. Such strategies primarily focus 2011). Initially, the purpose of an IT
on the technologies themselves and in some function was to comprehend the business‟
cases the people who directly manage those strategy and then come up with a plan to
technologies. The strategy can be implied support it. Nonetheless, all too often, IS‟s
from the organization's behaviors towards strategic contribution has been subdued by
technology decisions, and may be written IT managers narrow understanding of
down in a document (Floyd & Wolf, 2010). business strategy as well as poor
understanding of IT‟s capabilities.
Consequently, most formal IT plans were
geared more towards tactical and tangible
lines of business needs or opportunities for
operational integration rather than on
supporting enterprise strategy (Burgelman & IS STRATEGY FRAMEWORK
Doz, 2003). With reference to (Galliers R. D., 2011) they
attempted to further polish the IS strategizing
In the present, IT is leading to considerable
framework as presented in (Galliers R. D.,
disruption as business models in many
2005). The framework was not meant to be a
industries (i.e., the way companies add
prescriptive tool, or a solution. It is a sense-
value) are under attack by new technology- making (Gebauer, 2011) devise, meant more as
enabled approaches to delivering products an aide memoir, to be used to raise questions
and services. Today “strategists [have to] and facilitate discussion concerning the
honestly face the many weaknesses inherent strategizing elements and connections that may
in [the] industrial-age ways of doing things. or may not be in place in any particular
They [must] redesign, build upon and organization. Exploitation strategy (Deliberate) -
Environmental and organizational analysis -
reconfigure their components to radically
Codified „solutions‟ e.g. Enterprise systems,
transform the value proposition.” (Tapscott,
„Knowledge management‟ systems -
D;, 2011). Such new business strategies are
Standardized procedures and rules - Information
inconceivable without the use of IT. Other
services (sourcing).
factors, also facilitated by IT, are further
influencing business strategy. Increasingly,
globalization is altering the economic
playing field. As countries and companies
become more deeply interrelated, instability
is amplified. Instead of being generals
plotting out a structured campaign, business
leaders are now more likely to be
participating in guerilla warfare (Eisenhardt,
2008). Flexibility, speed and innovation are
therefore becoming the watchwords of
competition and must therefore be
incorporated into any business through IT
(Hitt, Keats, & DeMarire, 2009).
Fig 2.0 Redesigned structure of IT Strategy
once a year but this no longer is doable in blueprint for the sustainable development of
the current business environment because it the enterprise this must involve both
make IT to lag behind the business side due business and IT. This architecture includes
several programs that are carefully broad yet specific strategy. IT manager and
time back where IT strategy was the programs in a few themes. This also
CHALLENGES organization.
Looking at various organizational trends, we
Secondly, there is lacking a fund model
can observe that IT leaders are in the
which is enterprise- wide. For every
present day making progress in articulating
program to take off there require negotiation
IT strategy and going further to link it with
for its funding between the business lines
the organization‟s business strategy hence
which control resources. This is not always
making it more effective. On the other hand
very clear with IT about who is supposed to
business leaders are also becoming open to
take the IT strategies and expound them into
integrated processes. Despite all of these we
detailed IT plans for the rest of the
cannot ignore the fact that there are still
organizational leaders to understand.
some organizational barriers that are
hindering the development of strategy. Thirdly, use of the traditional planning
and budgeting practices presents a
challenge. This is because it leaves out the attention to the process, the business and IT
element of IT strategy, the business and IT leaders are bound to get better; unfortunately
strategies are not always done in parallel or the present managers possess rudimentary
even around the same period in time, hence skill which hence limits their ability to
the two are never aligned. Also business develop a quality strategy.
plans change often and this further degrades
IT strategy is all about getting a middle
the situation making IT strategy grow
ground between competing strategic
further apart. Annual budgeting practices
imperatives. It is seen as a balancing act
tend to put an organization‟s expenditures as
between tact and operational commitments
fixed whereas the organizations are in a
and the work done by the managers that
rapidly changing environment hence proving
leads to long term capabilities. Key
the practice not to be practical. This
decisions on which trade-offs to make
therefore means that today‟s IT
between different types of IT work, makes
organizations need to have a longer view in
the essence of an effective strategy. Very
there resource allocation practices and also
few businesses are able to do this very well
reserve a clause to enable them make
(Burgelman & Doz, 2003). This is because
changes to it more often .
traditional business thinking is more
Fourth, business and IT leaders have inclined to short term profitability and on
become good at implementing projects but the other side IT leaders are more incline to
have not been able to develop better skills in a long-term view. Balancing the allocation
strategizing and innovation. This has of resources to various projects is critical
resulted in many business areas having not making sure that the respective projects are
so well thought about business and strategy neither overfunded nor underfunded. This
which has detrimental consequences to the can also be considered as a continual
business in terms of performance and challenge facing both business and IT
staying relevant in a particular field. Leaders leaders in the present times.
in both organizational functional units have
to challenge each other so as to get them
think beyond the general issues for example
“growing the business by 25% this year is a
realistic target for us”. With this kind of
Tapscott, D;. (2011). Promise and Peril in the
CONCLUSION Age of Networked Intelligence.
Today‟s organizations are considering Burgelman, R., & Doz, Y. (2003). The power of
effective strategy development as a critical strategic integration. Sloan
Management Review, 42(3), 28-38.
and important practice. There is enormous
growth of the use of IT in organizations Eisenhardt, K. (2008). Has strategy changed?
Sloan Management Review, 43(2), 88-
today which then increases the dependency
of organizations to IT. This has led to the
Floyd, S., & Wolf, C. (2010, Feb). Technology
sudden relevance of IT strategy in business.
Strategy. Encyclopedia of technology
Currently most organizations are still getting and innovation management, 1(1), 125-
accustomed to the development of an 128.