Development of Submersible Electric Motor Propulsion To Support Maritime Sector in Indonesia

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2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)

October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Development of Submersible Electric Motor

Propulsion to Support Maritime Sector in Indonesia

Cuk Supriyadi Ali Nandar, Asep Andi Suryandi, Katri Sumardi Sumardi
Yulianto, Dewi Rianti Mandasari Development Department
PTIP - TIRBR Risea Propulsion Indonesia
BPPT Batam, Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract—The Indonesian Government is working to develop procedure is based on motor flux analysis. The geometric
Indonesia as a global maritime axis by accelerating the sea toll dimensions of the magnetic lamination machine have been
program as one of its main sectors of development. Therefore, a determined first. Then, modifications of the stator and rotor
lot of marine vessels will be highly needed. Bow thrusters are a slots are made.
type of propellers that help a better maneuverability of the ships
at lower speeds. Currently, most ships in Indonesia still use Previous researches are mostly applied for bow thrusters
conventional electric motors. The technology has some with a conventional system that used standard gear driven. In
weaknesses such as high noise, ease of lubricant oil leak, and this application, the motor is placed on the vessel and gear
low efficiency. This paper proposes a design of the submersible reduction is used to drive the propeller so that there are losses on
electric motor. The electric motor is connected directly to the the gear and increase the noise. In addition, the possibility of
propeller without gears so that it can increase system efficiency,
leakage of lubricants on the gear that can pollute the
reduce noise, and vibration level, and also it is environmentally
environment. To remedy these shortcomings, this paper
friendly due to no lubricating oil leak. The design and
simulation results show that the performances of the designed
proposes the use of submersible electric motor on the bow
electric motor meet the requirements of naval architect and thrusters. The design of submersible electric motors is different
propeller designer. from conventional electric motors. Motor dimensions must
adjust with ship design, submersible electric motor technology
Keywords—Design, Electric machine, Maritime, Ship, Bow also offers technologies with compact design, higher efficiency,
Thruster, Submersible Motor. reduced noise and easy maintenance. The submersible electric
motor is more environmentally friendly because it can be
I. INTRODUCTION coupled with propellers without gearbox; the gear box can
increase the chance of oil leakage that can pollute the
Due to its simplicity, durability and low cost, induction
environment. This motor is also designed by direct sea cooling
machines are widely used as propeller driving so that it doesn’t require an air cooling system. The design of the
motors. Generally, propellers with induction motor drives serve motor will be applied for the first-class Navigation ship of the
as an auxiliary driver used for low-speed, transversal, dock and Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.
station maneuvers. Additional propulsion systems are usually
placed in the bow of the ship (bow thruster). For large vessels II. SYSTEM DESIGN
and required high maneuvers, a pair of bow thruster motors is
used. [1] Bow Thruster is a transverse propulsion unit to give greater
maneuverability in confined waters. The position of the bow
Development of motor design as a driver of the ship has thruster is in the front position of the ship as shown in Figure 1.
begun. Nikolaou [1] optimized the shape of squirrel cage
motors using sensitivity analysis of stator and rotor geometry
parameters. This method is implemented in NEMA motor
design B, C and D design.
Changzhi [2] optimized underwater motor design based on
Alopex and Chaotic optimization algorithm analysis. This
hybrid optimization method to complete the nonlinear
optimization design. This optimization will be applied to the
airgap flux density for the underwater motor. Figure 1. Bow Thruster Position Illustration in Ship.
Boglietti [3] determines the motor geometry based on the
electromagnetic design of a three-phase induction motor. This

978-1-5386-2934-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 12

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows that the

optimum propeller performance on speed 635 rpm. This speed
used as a reference for the electric motor designer in determining
the specifications of electric motors and design processes.
C. Electric Motor Specification
In principle, the design specifications of induction motors for
constant and variable speeds are different. Motors for constant
(a) (b)
supply V and f, at some point of time, are supplied from
Figure 2. (a) Standard Gear Driven, (b) proposed e-Pod Bow Thruster. variables V and f for variable speeds. Thus we need to specify
the motor specifications for supply V and f constant or
In general, the bow thruster is using Gear Driven as in
variable. The design principle, in general, can be used for
Figure 2 (a), while the design of this paper is e-pod bow constant and variable speeds. However, variable speed may be
thrusters which are directly coupled to the propeller as shown specific limits in the design, for example in geometric aspects
in Figure 2 (b). (rotor slot geometries, for example) causing different final
In particular, the radius of the axisymmetric body of the e- configurations. [3]
Pod Bow Thruster needs to be minimized. This depends on the Based on the data of capacity, the dimensions of naval
design of the electrodynamics of the propulsion motor, such as architect and motor rotation of the propeller designer, technical
the speed and length of the motor. In addition, motor speed and specifications of the motor can be found in Table I. Once the
power affect the efficiency of propeller [4]. In implementing electric motor specifications have been determined, the next step
the design of bow thrusters motor system required the following is the detail engineering design of electric motors.
A. Electric Motor Capacity
Parameters Value Unit
Motor capacity determination for vessel drive is determined
by the naval architect. Capacity determination based on ship Power 160 kW
weight and dimensions. From the calculation of the naval Speed 635 RPM
architect, the required electric motor capacity is 160 kW.
Voltage 400 Volt
Naval Architect also needs to expend the dimensions of the Current 357 Amp
bow thrusters to achieve the best performance of a diameter of Number of 3
no more than 100 cm and length no more than 150 cm. In the Phases
process of design of this electric motor, dimensions must be
Frequency 43.5 Hz
considered. If the diameter is too large, it can cause the propeller
too close to the surface of the water so that the thrust is reduced, Insulation Class H
if the diameter is too long, it will cause the propeller to stand out Amb. Temp 25 °C
which can affect the overall performance of the vessel. This
diameter is also very important for the propeller designer in D. Electric Motor Design
determining the diameter of the propeller before performing the Two major approaches to motor design can be made. First,
optimization of the propeller form. is used mathematical approach. This approach allows flexibility
in design and is commonly used as an algorithm in commercial
software. The second approach is based on the experience of
the designer. This approach has very low flexibility because the
new motor design does not match the design of the previous
motor. In the last 20 years, the use of Finite Element Method
(FEM) is a method often used in the design of electric
motors. [5]
In designing an electric motor there are several processes
and calculation procedures performed, the following are the
steps in the calculation of the induction motor: [6] - [8]
1) Stator Calculation
Some calculations in determining motor dimensions are as
Figure 3. Propeller Performance (Power Vs RPM). - Bore stator diameter:
B. Electric Motor Nominal Speed ଴ െ ሺͲǤ͸Ͷ͹ ൈ ʹͷǤͶሻ
To perform the design of electric motors, propeller ͳǤͲ͵ (1)
ͳǤͳ͹ͷ ൅
performance chart is needed. It come from propeller designer as ’

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Where Rotor calculations include the calculation of air gap, rotor

D : Stator Diameter diameter, a number of slots, and rotor shape dimensions.
Do : Stator Outer Diameter - Air Gap
P : Number of Pole
ߜ ൌ ሺͲǤͲͲͳ͸ ൈ ‫ܦ‬ሻ ൅ ሺͲǤͲͲͳ ൈ ݈ܽሻ (2)
- Stator Slot Shape Where:
Stator slot dimension is critical to determining performance į : Air gap
and ease in the manufacturing process. The slot shape selected D : Stator Diameter
in this study is shown in Figure 4. la : Stacking length
- Rotor Diameter
‫ܦ‬௥ ൌ ‫ ܦ‬െ ሺʹ ൈ ߜሻ (3)

Dr : Rotor Diameter

- Rotor Slot Shape

The selected rotor slot dimension is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 4. Stator Slot Shape

From the calculation obtained the dimension of stator slot as

in Table II.

Name Value Unit

Hs0 0 mm
Hs1 3.44 mm
Figure 6. Rotor Slot Shape
Bs1 14.07 mm
From the calculation the dimension of rotor slot are shown
Hs2 38.05 mm
in Table III.
Bs2 10.59 mm

Name Value Unit

- Stator Winding
Hs0 2.052 mm
The mechanism for preparing stator windings is shown in Hs01 1.308 mm
Figure 5.
Hs1 0.744 mm
Hs2 24.869 mm
Bs0 3 mm
Bs1 6.604 mm
Bs2 6.604 mm
Rs 0.381 mm

3) Performance Calculations
Performances can be calculated by calculating the
maximum value of the apparent flux density in the stator tooth
Figure 5. Circuit Arrangements on the Stator. using equation (4).
2) Rotor Calculation ĭ ߨ‫݌‬ĭ௠
‫ܤ‬௦௧௠ ൌ ʹ ௠ ൌ (4)
ܵଵ ʹܵଵ ‫ݐ‬௦ଵ Ɛ௔ ܵ‫ܨ‬
‫ ݐ‬Ɛ ܵ‫ܨ‬
‫ ݌‬௦ଵ ௔

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Where: la : Stacking length

Bstm : Maximum value of the apparent flux density in the SF : Stacking factor
stator tooth
The maximum value of flux density in the rotor core to meet
ʌ : Phi (3,14)
the criteria for good design is Brcm ” 1.55 T.
Ɏm : Maximum value of the flux
p : Number of poles Electromagnetic design of the motor, especially the rotor
S1 : Number of stator slots can be optimized for operation on the low slip. Further
tS1 : Stator tooth width improvements to performance can be obtained by choosing the
la : Stacking length right number of poles and motor frequencies. [9]
SF : Stacking factor
E. Minimum Shaft Diameter Calculation
For good design criteria, the maximum value of the apparent
The calculation of the propeller shaft is done using codes &
flux density is 1.4 ” Bstm ” 1.9 T.
standards [10]. The calculation gives the minimum diameter
The maximum flux density value at the stator core can be value in the material used as follows:
calculated by equation (5).
Ȱ௠ Ȁʹ
‫ܤ‬௦௖௠ ൌ య ‫ܪ‬ ‫ܥ‬ଵ
‫ ܦ‬െ‫ܦ‬ (5)
‫ ܦ‬ൌ ͳͲͲ ή ‫ ܭ‬ή ඨ ή ൬ ൰ (8)
ቀ ଴ െ ݀௦ଵ ቁ κ௔ ܵ‫ܨ‬ ܴ ܷ ൅ ‫ܥ‬ଶ
Where: Where:
Bscm : The maximum flux density value at the stator core D : Diameter
Ɏm : Maximum value of the flux K : Multiplier Factor.
D0 : Stator outer diameter U : Strength Material
D : Stator diameter C1, C2 : Constant Material conforms to ABS Code
dS1 : Depth of stator slot
la : Stacking length In this study selected K: 1.14 assuming the worst case value,
SF : Stacking factor C1: 560 and C2: 160 according to ABS Code. By the formula
(8) the minimum diameter of the Shaft is 53.1 mm.
The maximum value of flux density in the stator core to meet
the criteria of a good design is 0.8 ” Bscm ” 1.5 T. F. Prototyping & Manufacturing
The maximum value of the apparent flux density of the rotor From the calculation results, 2D and 3D drawing are made
tooth can be calculated by equation (6): as a reference for the motor manufacturer. 2D and 3D drawing
ߨ ൈ ‫ ݌‬ൈ ĭ௠ are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.
‫ܤ‬௥௧௠ ൌ (6)
ʹ ൈ ܵଶ ൈ ‫ݐ‬௥ଶ ൈ ݈ܽ ൈ ܵ‫ܨ‬ Based on manufacturing drawings, the manufacturer can
Where: produce motors according to the design. The results of the
Brtm : The maximum value of the apparent flux density of submersible electric motor manufacturing is shown in Figure 9.
the rotor tooth
ʌ : phi (3,14)
Ɏm : Maximum value of the flux
p : Number of poles
S2 : Number of rotor slots
tr2 : Rotor tooth width
la : Stacking length
SF : Stacking factor
The maximum value of the apparent flux density of the rotor
tooth to meet the criteria of a good design is 0.9 ” Bscm ” 1.2 T.
The maximum flux density value at the rotor core is shown
as follows. Figure 7. 2D Drawing
‫ܤ‬௥௖௠ ൌ (7)
ሺ‫ܦ‬௥ െ ‫ܦ‬௦௡ െ ʹ݀௖ െ ʹ݀௥ଵ ሻ ൈ ݈ܽ ൈ ܵ‫ܨ‬
Brcm : The maximum flux density value at the rotor core
Ɏm : Maximum value of the flux
Dr : Rotor diameter
Dsn : Shaft diameter
dc : diameter axial cooling air holes in the core area
dr1 : The depth of rotor slot

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Figure 11. Flux density on the stator (m1 and m2) and rotor (m3
and m4).
Figure 8. 3D Drawing

B. Electric Motor Performances

From the motor calculations, a simulation is performed using
FEM and Matlab software. The performance of the electric
motor is shown in Figure 12.
The simulation results show the motor can produce a torque
greater than the demand of Naval Architect. So to achieve a load
of 160 kW the electric motor will work 71% of the the maximum
generated power to extend the lifetime of the motor.
Figure 9. Motor Prototype
There are several factors that causes different result, such as
III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS different approaches in analyzing the motor, where in the initial
approach used Finite Element Method (FEM) while in Matlab
The results of the study and analysis are presented as using analytic approach, and the difference of parameter
follows: description between the two simulations.
A. Electromagnetic Analysis Figure 13 shows the motor performance comparison
Figure 10 shows the meshing motor results, total mesh of between the performance data results (PD) of the motor, FEM
39,456. In figure 10 visible mesh density is higher air gap than and Matlab tests, the comparison results show that motor
on other motor parts. performance of PD and simulation (FEM and Matlab) is still
different. The difference is caused by the actual geometry
Figure 11 shows the motor's flux density, the flux density in difference from the manufacturer with calculations based on the
the tooth stator 1,933 Tesla (m1) and in the stator core 1,394 literature obtained.
tesla (m2), while the flux density in the tooth rotor is 1.873 Tesla
Output Power
(m3) and the rotor core is 0.789 Tesla (m4). It shows that the

flux density of the cores in both the stator and rotor cores is 200.00
Name X Y


greater at the pointed end.

Curve Info max
m1 654.0000 0.0000
175.00 OutputPow er m9
m2 649.0000 69.7764 207.0392
Setup1 : Performance
m3 645.0000 117.7157 OutputPow er_1
150.00 m4 641.0000 154.4114 Imported
m5 637.0000 179.8238
Air Gap 125.00
m6 632.0000 197.9584 m3
Y 1 [k W ]

m7 654.0000 0.0000
m8 649.0000 81.8857
Rotor m9
645.0000 166.0550
641.0000 203.1440
75.00 m11 637.0000 219.3095
m12 632.0000 216.7531



Stator 0.00

0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00

RSpeed [rpm]

Figure 12. Motor performance kW vs Rpm

(FEM:Red line, Matlab: Blue line).

Figure 10. Mesh Details in Air Gap

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The optimum design of submersible electric motors for ship
propulsion has been proposed in this paper. The designed motor
is different with the conventional electric motor. Besides the
dimensions must adjust with ship design, submersible electric
motor technology also offers advantages technology with
compact design, high efficiency, reduced noise and easy
maintenance. In addition, submersible electric motors are more
environmentally friendly because they can be coupled with
Figure 13. Graph of Motor Performance Comparison between propellers without a gearbox, the presence of gear box can
Performance Data (PD), FEM and Matlab increase the likelihood of leakage of lubricants to the
environment. Electric motors are also designed by direct sea
C. Shaft Strength Analysis cooling so that they do not require an air cooling system
To support electrical performance, the study also considered anymore. In addition, the product developed is the use of
the strength calculation of electric motor shaft. The simulation electric propulsion systems that provide flexibility, high torque
refer to 2 different cases when the shaft does not rotate (static at low speed compared to the diesel engine propulsion
case) and when the shaft rotates (dynamic case). One of the system. The result of design has been applied to manufacturing
simulation results of the strength of the shaft structure is shown stage and will be delivered to ministry of transportation of
in Figure 14. Indonesia for navigation ship propulsion. To prove the
performance, electric motors have been tested without
The simulation result shows that the maximum stress load. Simulation and factory test results show electric motors
equivalent on the static shaft is 52.984 MPa. Located on the meet the performance according to the design.The electric
inner side of the roller bearing pedestal. While the thrust motor has a good performance by producing more power than
bearing area stress equivalent magnitude is 17.662 MPa ~ the desired power. It may to extend the life of the electric
35.323 MPa. It show that maximum stress equivalent value is motor.The electric motor rotary shaft has a safety factor above
still far from the yield strength specification of ASTM A815 4, it means the motor may operate in satisfactory and safe
which is 450 MPa. Thus the value of the safety factor is 8.4922. operation.

This work was supported by the Research National
Innovation System Incentives Program funded by the Ministry
of Research Technology and Higher Education Republic of

Figure 14. Static Simulation for Shaft Structure Analysis. REFERENCES

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