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Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain

Article  in  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering · September 2019

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319


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2 authors:

Timir Patel Ashutosh Dubey

VIT University Bajaj Auto


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Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain View project

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox

for an Electric Drivetrain
Timir Patel, Ashutosh Dubey, Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao

 The torque provided by the motor is not enough to

Abstract— This paper focusses on the designing and accelerate the vehicle at the required rate and thus the torque
optimizing of a planetary gearbox for an FSAE formula electric needs to be increased at the expense of speed. This can be
car. The conventional arrangement of single or double stage achieved by placing an efficacious transmission system
reduction transmissions are bulky and uneconomical for an between the motor and the differential (which has a 1:1
FSAE car because of their less power to weight ratios and high
transmission ratio). An arrangement of gears is an ideal
volume to weight ratios. A planetary gearbox gives a balance
between weight and power transmitted. The procedure for the system to achieve this goal. Gears are used in almost every
design was an iterative process to determine the optimum Transmission system to transmit power from one shaft to
dimensions and materials for the gearbox. The method utilized another and to regulate the speed and torque. Gears have a
the standard equations for gear calculations and computational high efficiency and can be manufactured using basic
simulations for designing and CAD modelling for various parts machining processes. The different gear arrangements that
of the gearbox. The transmission shafts and bearings are can be used are a single stage gear reduction, a multistage
designed using the standard force equations. The lubrication reduction and a planetary or an epicyclic gear train. In single
system is also selected according to established methods. and multi-stage gear train, the gear axes are fixed, and the
Keywords: Epicyclic Gearbox, Electric Drivetrain, Planetary gears rotate about their respective axes. However, in a
Gearbox, FSAE formula electric car, Gear Design, Shaft Design, planetary gear train, the axes of some of the gears are not
Gear Lubrication fixed but rotate about the axes of other gears. Planetary gear
trains can transmit at very high transmission ratios and
I. INTRODUCTION require smaller gears in a compact space [2].
In today`s age, conventional fuels are depleting, and the
automobile industry is adapting the concept of electrically III. METHODOLOGY
powered vehicles. Planetary gearboxes are widely used in First, to start designing the transmission system, the power
the efficient transmission of power in electric vehicles. obtained and the output parameters from the motor is
These types of gearboxes are compact and have a higher needed. The motor used in our car is the EMRAX 208,
torque to weight ratio than compound gear trains. With more which is an AC 3-phase synchronous motor, delivering a
efficiency than that of normal series gearing, their use is maximum power of 75 kW. The maximum torque obtained
becoming more and more prevalent in the automotive field, is 120 N-m @ 5500 RPM [3]. The required speed and torque
especially in the case of formula student electric vehicles for achieving the desired acceleration and speed of the car
[1]. Low spatial requirement and a high power-to-weight are calculated and thus the transmission ratio for the system
ratio make these gearboxes superior, especially when can be obtained. Now, to transmit power to the differential
compared to double-step single reduction gearboxes [1]. The placed at the center of the drive shaft, a chain drive will be
planetary arrangement also keeps the motors concentric to used whose input will be the output from the gearbox. Thus,
the driveshaft, thus providing more efficient packaging of the gearbox transmission ratio can be obtained. Now, the
components [1]. High transmission ratios can be obtained gearbox arrangement is made such that the annular or the
from relatively compact arrangements of gears using a ring gear will be stationary, and the sun gear will be used as
planetary gearbox instead of using compound gear trains. the input with the carrier as the output as shown in figure 1.
This arrangement can be used for gear ratios of 3:1 or more
II. OBJECTIVE and is relatively simple to implement. The design procedure
The main objective for this system is to make a trade-off for the gears is carried out in accordance with the PSG Data
between speed and torque to provide a necessary push to Book and the formulae used are referred from the book as
accelerate the vehicle. well. An important thing to note is that the planet gears need
to be arranged with bearings and so the planet gears need to
be designed while considering the bearing dimensions that
can be used and the gear dimensions must be adjusted
accordingly. According to DIN 3990, the material below the
Revised Manuscript Received on September 23, 2019 root of the gear teeth must be 3-6 times the module of the
Timir Patel, Final Year student, Mechanical Engineering. at Vellore teeth [4]. Computational simulations are carried out to
Institute of Technology ensure the safety of the design. After the gear design, the
Ashutosh Dubey, Final Year Student Mechanical Engineering. at
transmission shafts and the bearings are selected. An
Vellore Institute of Technology
Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, Associate Professor, School of appropriate lubrication system
Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT Chennai is selected, and the housing is
designed accordingly.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6834 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain

Heavy-duty arbors, bushings, wear pins, bearings, sprockets,
gears and shafts etc. Or can be used for high tensile
applications un carburized but through hardened and
tempered [5].
Table-II: Material Properties (EN10084 - 18CrNiMo7 )[5]
Typical Chemical Analysis
Carbon 0.18%
Silicon 0.20%
Manganese 0.70%
Chromium 1.65%
Nickel 1.55%
Fig. 1. Planetary Gear Arrangement Molybdenu
IV. DESIGN PARAMETERS Typical Mechanical Properties – Quenched and Tempered at
200⁰ C
The motor used is the EMRAX 208 which is an AC 3-phase Yield Tensile
Elongatio Impac Hardnes
synchronous motor which delivers a maximum power of Section Strengt Strengt
n t Izod s
75kW. The maximum torque obtained is 120 N-m@5500 h h
mm MPa MPa % J HB
RPM. Now, assuming the weight (m) of the car with the
25 1050 1295 14 45 380
driver will be 320 kg and the radius (r) of the wheel is 9
50 950 1160 15 51 340
inches, to achieve a speed of 0-100 km/h or 0-27.77 m/s in
100 815 1010 16 53 300
less than 4 seconds (which is our target), the acceleration
should be, Gear Calculation
We initially assumed the module(m) as 2 mm and number of
teeth on planet gears (Zp) are 18 as suggested by AGMA. As
the planet and the sun gear are made of the same material so
Now, to find the torque required at the differential will be,
by default, the planet is going to be treated as the weaker
element and all the designs are based on the planet.
Thus, if we need 507.67 N-m at the differential, then the
Final Drive gear ratio needed will be
The top speed in RPM when the gear ratio is 4.5 is From the above two equations we get the values shown in
Therefore, Table-III: Dimensional Values of gear
Sr. Type No of Diameter RPM
No teeth
1. Planet 36 72 1834
Thus, the design parameters for the transmission system are 2. Sun 72 144 5500
shown in table-I, 3. Ring 144 288 0
Table-I: Design Parameters for the transmission system
Torque at the differential 507.67 N-m
RPM at the differential 1223 RPM
Final Drive Ratio 4.5
Now, the transmission ratio from the chain drive, which is
connected to the differential, will be 1.5.
Therefore, the transmission ratio required from the planetary
gear set would be,
Gear box ratio,

Thus, the design gear box ratio will be 3:1.

Gear Material
18CrNiMo7- 6 Chrome-Nickel-Moly Carburizing Steel
Fig. 2. Sun Gear
generally supplied annealed to HB 229(max). Carburized
and heat treated, it develops a hard wear resistant case of
HRC 60-63 and a tough strong core with a typical tensile
strength range of 900-1300 MPa, in small to fairly large
sections [5]. The material properties are shown in table-II.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6835 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

Where: -
σw is the allowable stress
Pc is the circular pitch which is equal to π times of module
yp is the form factor which is based on tooth profile (20°
involute) and number of teeth
b is the face width of the planet




Fig. 3. Planet Gear By using the Lewis equation, the face width can be
calculated for the sun, planet and the ring gears.
Beam Strength (Fs)
Considering a gear tooth as a cantilever beam its strength
can be calculated under the tangential load.

Dynamic Load (Fd)
It is sum of tangential load (Ft) and dynamic induced load


Wear Load (Fw)


Fig. 4. Ring Gear (15)

Procedure for the Gear calculations

Ultimate strength = 1200MPa
σes is Surface endurance limit
Yield strength = 850MPa
Ø is Pressure angle
Surface Endurance strength = 1500Mpa
Ep and Eg are the Young’s modulus of the planet and the sun
gears respectively.
Criteria for safer design
1. Static Load (Beam Strength) should be greater than
Dynamic Load

(4) 2. Wear Load should be greater than dynamic Load

Note: - When both the criteria are satisfied only than the
gear design should be consider as a SAFE design.
By using all the input values and the above equations are
From the above three equations, Pitch line velocity and gear design calculation is c complete and the output values
Tangential Load is calculated. are in table-IV.

Lewis Equation

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6836 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain

Table-IV: Calculated Load Values

Sr. No Parameter Value
1 Tangential Load, Ft 555.555 N
2 Face width, b 20 mm
3 Beam Strength, Fs 6467.1569 N (24)
4 Dynamic Load, Fd 3851.541 N
5 Wear Load, Fw 10246.0158 N (25)
Now, after calculating d1 and d2, the higher of the two is
VI. SHAFT DESIGN selected as the shaft diameter.
Material for the shafts Carrier shaft
Among the high number of steels, AISI 4340 steel is widely
used due to a combination of high mechanical strength,
ductility and hardness. This steel is applied in tractor and
airplane crankshafts, shafts with high mechanical demands
and vehicles in general [7].
Material = AISI 4340
Yield Strength, σy = 470MPa
Allowable Strength, σallow = 235MPa
Shear Strength, τ = 0.57σy = 267.9MPa
Allowable Shear Strength, τw = τ/f.o.s = 133.95MPa
Input Shaft

Fig. 6. Loads on the Carrier Shaft

Fig. 5. Normal Load and Torque on the Input shaft

The length of the shaft (L) needs to be predetermined. The
loads are shown on figure 5. The equations used to calculate
the diameter of the shaft are given below.

Fig. 7. Torque on the carrier shaft

(17) The loads on the carrier shaft are shown in figures 6 and 7.
The load F1 shown in figure 7 acting on the carrier shaft can
be calculated using the equation.

(19) (26)
The normal force acting on the gear Fn is calculated in
(20) equation (18).

Here, kb and kt are the combined shock and fatigue factors
for bending moment and twisting moment respectively. (28)
Using the values for the equivalent torque and the equivalent
moment, we can find the diameter using the equations given
below. (29)
Now, the diameter of the shaft can be calculated using the
equations (20), (21), (22), (23), (24) and (25) and following
the same procedure as the input shaft. For the output shaft
that is connected to the carrier, the same equations are used.
The final diameters for the shafts are given in table-V. The
carrier shaft and the carrier
are shown in figure 8 and
(23) figure 9 respectively.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6837 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

The dynamic load rating (C) is calculated using the below

The bearing selected based on the values obtained is the
SKF NKIS20 which is shown in figure 10 [9]. The
characteristics of the needle roller bearing are as follows: -
Inner race diameter = 20 mm, Outer race diameter = 42 mm,
Dynamic Load factor = 32500 N, Race width = 20 mm.

Fig. 8. Carrier Shaft

Table-V: Shaft Diameters

Shaft Minimum Safe Diameter
1 Input, d1 25 mm
2 Carrier, d2 20 mm
3 Output, d3 25 mm
Fig. 10. SKF NKIS20 Needle Roller Bearing [9]


Selecting the proper industrial gear lubricant is important for
the long-term efficient operation of the gear drive. There are
many factors to consider when selecting an industrial gear
lubricant for any application. These factors are summarized
in Table VI [10].
Factors Affecting Selection of Industrial Gear Lubricants
Factor Requirement
Gearing type Low slide, low speed
 Spur and bevel Moderate Slide, moderate to high
 Helical and spiral loading
bevel High slide, high loading
 Hypoid Excessive sliding, moderate to high
 Worm loading
Highly loaded industrial gear drives
Fig. 9. Planet Carrier
Loading require the use of extreme pressure
gear lubricants.
VII. BEARINGS Rougher surfaces require high-
Surface finish viscosity oils, smoother surfaces
The bearing used between the planet gear and the carrier can use lower viscosity oils
shaft is selected using the below equations which are As load is increased, viscosity must
Transmitted Power
referred from the PSG Data Book. The bearing type used is be increased.
the needle roller bearing. Needle roller bearings come with The higher the speed of the gear
Gear speed drive, the lighter the viscosity needs
numerous advantages compared to the other members of the to be.
bearing family. They can handle a rigid and larger shaft in a Some types of extreme pressure
given application. They possess a high load capacity Materials compatibility additives can attack yellow metals
compared to roller bearings of comparable OD or single-row such as brass and bronze.
ball. They cost less than the other types of bearings. Needle The industrial gear lubricant`s
viscosity must be used must be
roller bearings offer great rolling characteristics in a small Temperature selected based on the lowest and
cross-section [8]. highest operating and/or ambient
temperature experienced.
Selection of Viscosity of lubricant
(30) Method 1
We can calculate the Viscosity using the below equation

The life of the bearing (Lh) is assumed according to the
where, V40 = Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt
required time. For our case, the life was 4000 hrs. This life
V1 = Pitch line velocity of
is converted to life in revolutions (L) used the below
the lowest speed gear, feet
per minute (fpm)

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6838 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain

= 0.262 X speed (pinion rpm) X pinion diameter (inches) generated by the hot lubricant oil. The casing is shown in
If there is no oil cooler on the industrial gear drive, it’s best figure 12.
to determine the maximum expected ambient temperature
during operation and:
1. Increase one ISO Viscosity Grade if the ambient
temperature exceeds 95oF (35oC).
2. Increase two ISO Viscosity Grades if the ambient
temperature exceeds 122°F (50°C).
Method 2
A decent method for deciding the necessary viscosity for a
gear drive is the AGMA 9005-E02 "Industrial Gear
Lubrication" standard (in the past AGMA-D94). The
AGMA 9005-E02 standard shows recommended viscosity
grades for industrial gear drives working under ordinary Fig. 12. Gearbox Housing
loads over a scope of speeds and surrounding temperatures
Calculated viscosity index (VI) is 76.988 by equation (34) at
40°C and from the plot given in figure 11 at temperature of The CAD models are used to simulate the operating
70°C VI is 68. So, finally a lubrication oil of viscosity index conditions and ANSYS Workbench is used to simulate the
of 68 is selected. structural strength of the gears. The static structural
simulation is selected in ANSYS Workbench. The CAD
models are made using SOLIDWORKS. The mesh used is
shown in figures 12 and 16. The results are shown in the
below figures 13, 14, 15 and 17.

Fig. 11. Viscosity Index Chart [11]

ISO grade 68 oil od SAE20W lube oil selected for our gear
box and sump lubrication mechanism is selected for the gear
box according to reduction ratio, operating temperature and Fig. 12. Meshing between Sun and Planet Gear
RPM of carrier.


The gearbox casing is an important transmission component.
The strength of the gearbox casing is an important parameter
to be considered while designing. In a power
transmission system, the vibrations generated by the gear
mesh are transmitted to the gearbox housing through shafts
and bearings. The casing is an essential part
of the gear box, it provides support to the shafts and
bearings and hence the gear loading [12]. The primary
requirements of a gearbox casing are rigidity and
effective vibration damping properties. The material
selected for the housing is Aluminum as it is light weight,
has good machinability and higher strength to weight ratio.
It is clamped together using six bolts and uses ring gear as a
frame. The size of housing is equal to the size of the ring Fig. 13. Deformation in Sun and Planet Mesh
gear and has enough space inside the casing for a smooth
lubrication mechanism. Silicon six-hole replaceable flange
gasket and sealant is used to seal the lubricant oil however a
small hole is provided at the top for releasing of the gases

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6839 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

power and provide enough reduction to satisfy the static and

dynamic requirements of the car in a compact design.
The finite element analysis done on the gear geometry
implied that the gears were safe and the maximum
equivalent stress on the gear tooth did not exceed the
allowable values under maximum load conditions. The
maximum stress seen was around 48.695 MPa shown in
figure 15 which is well below the allowable limit. The
maximum equivalent strain reached a peak value of
0.0002366 shown in figure 14.
The material used is durable and can work against the wear
load and compressive load on the gear teeth. The shaft
material used is also suitable for the applied load and the
shafts are designed keeping the operating conditions in
mind. The bearings used are selected based on their dynamic
Fig. 14. Deformation in Planet and Ring Mesh load rating and are designed to handle a enough number of
cycles according to the operation. The casing is made of
6061 alloy aluminium to reduce the overall weight of the
gearbox. The carrier is designed keeping in mind
machinability and reduced weight.
The gears are designed based on the Lewis equation and
checked from dynamic point of view and wear load point of
view. The module is kept at an optimum value and the
number of teeth on the gears are increased to accommodate
the bearing in the planet gear. This is done to satisfy the
condition that the bore diameter should be 60% - 70% of the
root diameter of the gear.
ISO grade 68 oil od SAE20W lube oil selected for our gear
box And Sump lubrication mechanism is selected for the
Fig. 15. Stress in Planet and Ring gear box according to reduction ratio, operating temperature
and RPM of carrier.
The final specifications of the gearbox are given in table-
VII. The CAD models of the final gearbox arrangement is
shown in figure 18. The interior of the gearbox is shown in
figures 19 and 20.
Table-VII: Final Specifications

18CrNiMo7- 6 Chrome-Nickel-Moly Carburizing


Fig. 16. Mesh Shafts AISI 4340 steel

Casing Aluminium 6061 Alloy

Gear Specifications

Module 2 mm

Face Width 20 mm

Teeth-Sun 72

Teeth-Planet 36

Teeth-Ring 144

Fig. 17. Deformation in the planetary gear arrangement Number of

Planet gears


According to the above observations and simulations, we Input Shaft 25 mm

can imply that an epicyclic gearbox can be used as an ideal
solution for transmitting power to the differential for an Carrier Shaft 20 mm
electric formula car. The gearbox can efficaciously transmit

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6840 & Sciences Publication
Design and Analysis of an Epicyclic Gearbox for an Electric Drivetrain

Output Shaft 25 mm

Bearing Specifications

Input Shaft SKF 6010-2Z (Deep Groove Ball Bearing)

Carrier Shaft SKF NKIS20 (Needle Roller Bearing)

Output Shaft SKF 6010-2Z (Deep Groove Ball Bearing)

Fig. 20. Gearbox interior

The result of this project is a very compact epicyclic gear
reduction custom designed for the formula student electric
car. We went through an iterative design process and all
mechanical drivetrain components were scrutinized and
researched to result in the lightest design possible. This
report is significant research for the long-term vision of
Formula student cars. In this project the gear box is designed
and analyzed under static and wear load point of view
keeping the optimum light weight design in the mind. A
lubrication mechanism and suitable lube oil is also selected
for the gear box along with suitable bearings.

Fig. 18. Gearbox Assembly
We would like to thank our faculty advisor, Dr. Bhaskara
Rao, for guiding us through the elementary phase of the
project. We would also like to thank our professor Dr.V
Umasankar, for helping us in selecting lubrication
mechanism and lubrication oil. We would also like to show
our gratitude towards VITC Formula Electric for providing
us with necessary resources to carry out our research.

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5. S.T -Steel and Tube Private limited. -Stronger Everywhere-Case
Hardening Steel 18CrNiMo7- 6 or 17CrNiMo6
Fig. 19. Gearbox interior without carrier 6. Design Of Two Stage Planetary Gear Train For High Reduction
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7. Analysis of Quenching Parameters in AISI 4340 Steel by Using
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6841 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

8. Machine Design – An Informa Business Comprehensive Technical

9. SKF Bearing Catalogue- Needle roller bearings.
10. Lubrication Selection for Enclosed Gear Drive-Lawrence.G Ludwig,
Schaeffer Mfg.Company
11. Machine Lubrications Published by NORIA
12. Design Analysis of Industrial Gear Box Casing- Balasaheb Sahebrao


Timir Patel, a final year student at Vellore

Institute of Technology pursuing Bachelors in
Technology in Mechanical Engineering. Member
of VITC Formula Electric (Drivetrain Department)
Car Team at VIT Chennai. Member of SAE.
Email: [email protected]

Ashutosh Dubey, a final year student at Vellore

Institute of Technology pursuing Bachelors in
Technology in Mechanical Engineering. Member
of VITC Formula Electric (Brakes Department) at
VIT Chennai. Member of SAE. Accepted campus
placement offer from Bajaj Auto as a Graduate
Trainee Engineer
Email: [email protected]

Lokavarapu Bhaskara Rao, Associate Professor,

School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT
Chennai, Vandalur-Kelambakkam Road, Chennai-
600127, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: [email protected]

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5787098319/2019©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5787.098319 6842 & Sciences Publication
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