7 Method Statement For Gypsum Partition
7 Method Statement For Gypsum Partition
7 Method Statement For Gypsum Partition
Revision No : 02
Page No :1/9
Prepared by
Revision Revision
No Description
00 partitions SW
1. Purpose
2. Principles
3. References
4. Personnel and Responsibilties
5. Method of Construction
6. Codes and Standards related to this section
7. Pre Construction Activities
8. Delivery, Storage and Handling
9. Construction
10.Cleaning & Handing over
11.Temporary works
12.Tolerance for Partition and lining works
14.MEP conduits, AC duct Openings, Grills etc
15.Materials ,Equipment and Plant
16.Manpower to be used
17.Supervision Arrangement
18.Temporary works
19.Health,safety and envioronment requirement
20.Security Arrangement
21.QC Approvals & other documentations
22.Records to be produced
23.Site safety Engineers approval
1.0 Purpose:-
This method statement provides the control sequence and methodology that will be used for the
construction of Gypsum Partition, Lining and Ceiling in order to achieve compliance with the Contract
Specifications and Drawing.
2.0 Principles:-
The principle of this document is to ensure that all methods and stages for the construction of gypsum
partition and ceiling is detailed for smoooth progress of the work.
This method statement is prepared in general for all types of Gypsum partition, lining and ceiling as
detailed on Contract Drawings and approved Shop Drawings encompassing:
Inspection & Testing
Final Approvals
Risk Management
3.0 References:-
Contract specifications for gypsum partition and ceiling.
All related codes and standards referenced in the Contract specifications.
Contract drawings.
Approved workshop drawings.
Approved MEP builders work drawings.
Approved material submittals.
Program of works.
Project Quality Plan
Approved project safety plan and procedures.
4.0 Responsibilities
The Construction Manager will be responsible for the delegation to designate persons as well as the
QA/QC department the responsibility for the inspection and acceptance of any work.
5.2 Submit for approval of shop drawings detailing sections of different types of partitions, lining
and ceiling with junction details, floor and soffit fixing deatil etc.
5.3 Build sample partition , ceiling and mock ups to a minimum size 3000mmx3000mm and provide
a schedule of materials used in the samples/mock up for approval of the Engineer.
5.4 Submit Method Statement, Inspection & Test Plan to the Engineer for approval.
7.2 Inspect and ascertain conformance of existing base structures and preceding trade works done
by others.
7.3 Ensure materials have been obtained from approved suppliers .
7.4 Ensure MEP co ordination function takes place and all relevant personnel are aware
of requirements prior to commencing of work in each work zone.
7.6 Ensure all constraints on operations have been identified and precautions are taken.
7.7 Ensure QC and HSE monitoring documents and procedures are established and approved.
7.8 Arrange all necessary personnel, equipment and services as required for the works and
ensure adequate water, lighting, power and access arrangements are in place.
7.9 Where further information/ clarification in respect of Contract drawings are required the
matter shall be referred to the Engineer by means of a request for information. (RFI)
7.10 Implement Employee induction procedures and Tool Box Talks for ongoing risk assessment
and identification of hazards.
7.11 Ensure the structure is not overloaded when materials are distributed within the structure.
7.12 Erect scaffold and access platforms in accordance with approved temporary works
documents and safety procedures.
A team of surveyors and his gang allocated specifically for layout marking are given an
orientation about the site requirement by Site Engineer. This team will carry out layout marking
as per approved drawing in concurrence with the schedule of work. The layout would be marked
with chalk line on the floor. These lines will get transferred to the slab with the help of
Laser/plumb to maintain the verticality of Partition. Once the setting out is completed the end
points will be marked with permanent markers. The type of partition as per wall key will be
marked alongside the marking, for easy reference. The level and line for setting out would be
taken from the authenticated bench mark and grid lines given by the Main Contractor at site. The
layout will be cross-checked by Site Supervisor before proceeding with installation.
Top tracks will be fixed onto the soffit as per the particular wall type. The tracks will be fixed
securely with wall plug & self taping screws, at a maximum spacing of 600mm centre in
staggered manner. The floor tracks will also be fixed in the same manner with same hardware.
The studs will be installed as per approved shop drawing between the top and bottom tracks. The
frame work will be inspected by ROCHANA TECHNICAL SERVICES supervisor and Site
Engineer against shop drawing details and discrepancy, if any will be rectified prior to
proceeding further.
All hangers are fixed to the soffit of slab with the help of anchor nails at a maximum spacing of
1200 mm centre to centre. After hangers are fixed then the wall angles are fixed to the walls at
the perimeter of ceiling area.Then the main channels are fixed to these hangers also at a maximu
spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre with the help of channel screws. After fixing main channels
then the furring channels (Hat Sections) are fixed to the bottom of main channels in
perpendicular direction at a maximum spacing of 600 mm centre to centre with the help of
channel screws. The frame work will be inspected by ROCHANA TECHNICAL SERVICES
supervisor and Site Engineer against shop drawing details and discrepancy, if any will be
rectified prior to proceeding further.
After the inspection of frame work by ROCHANA TECHNICAL SERVICES Site Engineer, one
side boarding will be done. Boards will be installed along the stud direction with plaster board
screws at 3000mm C/C distance in the middle and 200 mm c/c at ends. The screw heads will be
driven 2-3mm from the external face to allow for the filling of screw heads. After frame work
and one side boarding is done , an inspection request (IR) will be raised to get frame work
approval & MEP clearance . The other side boarding will be commenced only Upon receipt of
written approval for framework & MEP Clearance.
After receiving approval from contractor/consultant for framing and the clearance from MEP
contractor to board then the boarding will be done. Boards will be installed with plaster board
screws at 300mm C/C distance in the middle and 200 mm c/c at ends. The screw heads will be
driven 2-3mm from the external face to allow for the filling of screw heads.
9.4 Insulation:-
The approved insulation material will be inserted inside the partition as per the wall key
reference. Adhesive/pin will be used to hold the insulation from slipping off from its position.
For doors and window openings, as per the approved drawing and door opening schedule, frame
work would be done as shown in the shop drawing details. Particular attention would be given
for squareness of openings.
9.6 Taping & Jointing:
First coat is the initial jointing process where the joint tape is fixed over the thin jointing
compound applied over the joints. Another layer of jointing compound application would be
done over the tape. This would be approximately 100mm wide. Screw heads also will be
covered by the application of the joint compound.
Second and third coats will be applied successively after having dried each previous coats,
feathered 50mm beyond the limits of previous coats. This would be sanded smooth , after drying
to receive decoration.
When all the activities are completed, the area will be thoroughly cleaned. The area will then
inspected by ROCHANA TECHNICAL SERVICES Site Engineer. An inspection request will
be raised (IR) to facilitate Main Contractor’s & Consultant’s inspection.
13.0 Inspections
13.1 Stage 1 inspection will be done when the framing of partition is done and one side boarding is
completed, ready for MEP to satrt their works.
13.2 Stage 2 and inspection will be done when the MEP have completed their part of the works and
the insulation is fixed and the partition is ready to receive the second side boarding. The
inspection of the MEP services will be raised by the MEP subcontractor.
13.2 Stage 3 and final inspection is done after the partition is boarded and the joints treated to receive
the skim coat/following trade works.
13.4 Extent of area for one inspection may be divided into floor or zone or one typical
apartment/typical floor.
14.1 Openings required for MEP services penetrations will be incorporated as per the site MEP
works executed.
14.2 Partition will be handed over to MEP contractor for conduit marking ,fixing of box outs etc
after first side boarding is done to the parttion.
15.2.7 Plumb
15.2.10 Scrapper 8”
15.2.11 Scrapper 4”
- 4 Engineer
- 4 Foreman
- 12 Chargehand
- 1 Safety Officer
- 1 QA/QC
17.1 Supervision arrangement will be lead by Site Enginner who will be assisted by Foreman and
Charge hands.
17.2 Surveyor will be responsible for setting out from the main grid lines issued by the main
17.3 MEP requirement will be co-ordinated with MEP Contractor by MEP Co-ordinator.
19.2 All tools will be checked for safe performance and maintenance records
19.3 Site house keeping will be maintained properly. All construction debris shall be taken off
the work spot/floor and disposed through the chutes availed in every floor by main contractor.
20.0 Security arrangement
20.1 Ingress of unauthorised people to the site will be controlled by site gate keepers on both
entrance to the site by main contractor.
21.0 QC Approvals and other documents used at site.
Not Approved :
Reasons :
24.0 Attachments