Impact of Technology in Indian Banking

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Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Research Paper

Impact of Technology on Banking Sector KEYWORDS : Computerisation,
Automatic teller machine, Plastic Money,
in India E- Banking, Net Banking

Manjusha Goel Research Scholar, Singhania University, Rajasthan

ABSTRACT In the world of banking and finance nothing stands still. The biggest change of all is in the, scope of the
business of banking. Banking in its traditional from is concerned with the acceptance of deposits from the cus-
tomers, the lending of surplus of deposited money to suitable customers who wish to borrow and transmission of funds. Apart from
traditional business, banks now days provide a wide range of services to satisfy the financial and non financial needs of all types of
customers from the smallest account holder to the largest company and in some cases of non customers. The range of services offered
differs from bank to bank depending mainly on the type and size of the bank.
Technology has been one of the most important factors for the development of mankind. Information and communication technology
is the major advent in the field of technology which is used for access, process, storage and dissemination of information electronically.
Banking industry is fast growing with the use of technology in the from of ATMs, on-line banking, Telephone banking, Mobile bank-
ing etc., plastic card is one of the banking products that cater to the needs of retail segment has seen its number grow in geometric
progression in recent years. This growth has been strongly supported by the development of in the field of technology, without which
this could not have been possible of course it will change our lifestyle in coming years.

INTRODUCTION Based on the recommendations of these committees and work-

In recent time, Indian banking industry has been consistently ing groups, the Reserve Bank issued suitable guidelines for the
working towards the development of technological changes and banks. In the 1980s, usage of technology for the back office
its usage in the banking operations for the improvement of their operations of the banks predominated the scene. It was in the
efficiency. To get the benefits of enhanced technologies, Indian form of accounting of transactions and collection of MIS. In the
banks are continuously encouraging the investment in infor- inter-bank payment systems, it was in the form of clearing and
mation technology (IT), i.e. ATMs, e-banking or net banking, settlement using the MICR technology.
mobile and tele-banking, CRM, computerization in the banks,
increasing use of plastic money, establishment of call centers, Two momentous decisions of the Reserve Bank in
etc. RBI has also adopted IT in endorsing the payment system’s the 1990s changed the scenario for ever there are:
functionality and modernization on an ongoing basis by the a) The prescription of compulsory usage of tech-
development of Electronic Clearing Services (ECS), Electronic nology in full measure by the new private sec-
Funds Transfer (EFT), Indian Financial Network (INFINET), a tor banks as a precondition of the license and
Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System, Centralized Funds b) The establishment of an exclusive research institute for bank-
Management System (CFMS), Negotiated Dealing System (NDS), ing technology institute for development and Research in Bank-
Electronic Payment Systems with the ‘Vision Document’, the ing Technology.
Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) and India Card –
a domestic card initiative, implemented recently (2011). As the new private sector banks came on the scene as tech-
nology-savvy banks and offered several innovative products
Indian banking environment has become more compatible as at the front office for the customers based on technology, the
compare to the standards of international financial system, by demonstration effect caught on the reset of the banks. Multi
the positive impact of all these efforts. This study makes an at- channel offerings like machine based (ATMs and pc-Banking),
tempt to map the impact of IT on banking sector for scheduled card based (credit/Debit/Smart cards), Communication based
commercial banks operating in India including public, private (Tele-Banking and Internet Banking) ushered in anytime and
and foreign sector banks in India. The results convey that all Anywhere Banking by the banks in India. The IDRBT has been
SCBs have shown a significant and improving trend in their per- instrumental in establishing a safe and secure, state of the art
formance due to the adoption of IT. This adoption is required communication backbone in the from of the Indian Financial
mandatory to take the country into the 21st century. NET work (INFINET) as a closed user group exclusively for the
banking and financial sector in India.
As a central bank in a developing country, the Reserve Bank of LITERATURE REVIEW
India (RBI) has adopted development of the banking and finan- In order to improve operational efficiency, quality of customer
cial market as one of its prime objectives. “Institutional develop- service and to speed it up, the Committee on public Sector banks
ment” was the hallmark of this approach from 1950s to 1970s. (1978) “recommended a judicious use of computers for selected
In the 1980s, the Reserve Bank focused on “improvements in services of banks. Apart from an increase in efficiency, it will re-
the productivity” of the banking sector. Being convinced that duce the load of routine and repetitive work and leave sufficient
technology is the key for improving in productivity, the Reserve time for staff to provide better customer service.
Bank took several initiatives to popularize usage of technology
by banks in India. In their study ‘Services Marketing - Challenges and Strate-
gies’, Dr. Chidambaram and Ms.K.Alameleu (1996) suggested
Periodically, almost once in five years since the early 1980s, the that banks should become technology friendly by investing in
Reserve Bank appointed committees and working Groups to de- technology a bank can carve a niche for itself. Well-furnished
liberate on and recommend the appropriate use of Technology premises are a must for the satisfaction of both employees and
by banks give the circumstances and the need. These commit- customers. Professionalized. Well-trained and motivated em-
tees are as follows: ployees will improve the marketability of a bank.’”

-Rangarajan committee -1 in early 1980s. Gaston Leblanc (1 990) studied customer motivations towards
-Rangarajan committee -11 in late 1980s. the use and nonuse of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cus-
-Saraf working group in early 1990s. tomers of a financial institution. An analysis of results based on
-Vasudevan working group in late 1990s. demographic variables revealed significant differences between
-Barman working group in early 2000s. users and nonusers in terms of education only. Results also
show that convenient accessibility of a financial institution and


Research Paper Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

avoidance of waiting lines is the principal reasons for using the tion of bank branches had started with installation of simple
automated teller.41 computers to automate the functioning of branches, especially
at high traffic branches. Thereafter, Total Branch Automation
Robert Rugimbana and Philip Iversen’s study (1994) was to was in use, which did not involve bank level branch networking,
determine the association between consumer ATM usage pat- and did not mean much to the customer.
terns and their perceptions of ATM attributes by identifying
those variables that distinguish users and non-users. The re-
sults based on a survey of 630 retail banking consumers from
two separate Australian banking institutions suggest that suc-
cessful marketing strategies must focus on the most important
attributes of ATMs as well as identify different user groups and
develop strategies to maximize their patronage.42
Networking of branches are now undertaken to ensure better
Mathew Joseph, Cindy McClure and Beatriz Joseph (1999) ex- customer service. Core Banking Solutions (CBS) is the network-
plored the use of technology in the de1iver.y of banking services ing of the branches of a bank, so as to enable the customers
as it is being employed to reduce costs and eliminate uncertain- to operate their accounts from any bank branch, regardless of
ties. Results indicated that consumers have perceptual prob- which branch he opened the account with. The networking of
lems with some aspects of electronic banking.43 branches under CBS enables centralized data management and
aids in the implementation of internet and mobile banking. Be-
Mark R Nclson (1999) studied the trends and patterns sur- sides, CBS helps in bringing the complete operations of banks
rounding the interface between the marketing and information under a single technological platform.
services functions within the financial services industry It was
found that many banks lack alignment or integration between CBS implementation in the Indian banking industry is still un-
their marketing and information services functions. Improving derway. The vast geographical spread of the branches in the
this cross-functional interfa1:e may lead to more effective use country is the primary reason for the inability of banks to attain
of information technology to support the marketing function in complete CBS implementation.
many banks.44
The study by Ali Yakhlef (2001) found that as more and more Satellite banking is also an upcoming technological innovation
of the transaction processing load is taken over by technology, in the Indian banking industry, which is expected to help in
banks are concentrating on strengthening their marketing ap- solving the problem of weak terrestrial communication links in
proach and re-inventing their business model. Traditional bank many parts of the country. The use of satellites for establishing
branches, with an infrastructure supporting transaction pro- connectivity between branches will help banks to reach rural
cessing, were being transformed into an open-space interface and hilly areas in a better way, and offer better facilities, par-
within which bank experts engage intimately with their custom- ticularly in relation to electronic funds transfers. However, this
ers, delivering specialized, advisory services with more focus on involves very high costs to the banks. Hence, under the proposal
retail banking.4” made by RBI, it would be bearing a part of the leased rentals for
satellite connectivity, if the banks use it for connecting the north
CHANGING FACE OF BANKING SERVICES eastern states and the under banked districts.
Liberalization brought several changes to Indian service in-
dustry. Probably Indian banking industry learnt a tremendous DEVELOPMENT OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS
lesson. Pre-liberalization, all we did at a bank was deposit and The major and upcoming channels of distribution in the bank-
withdraw money. Service standards were pathetic, but all we ing industry, besides branches are ATMs, internet banking, mo-
could do was grin and bear it. Post-liberalization, the tables bile and telephone banking and card based delivery systems.
have turned. It’s a consumer oriented market there.
Technology is revolutionizing every field of human endeavor ATMs were introduced to the Indian banking industry in the
and activity. One of them is introduction of information technol- early 1990s initiated by foreign banks. Most foreign banks and
ogy into capital market. The internet banking is changing the some private sector players suffered from a serious handicap at
banking industry and is having the major effects on banking re- that time- lack of a strong branch network. ATM technology was
lationship. Web is more important for retail financial services used as a means to partially overcome this handicap by reach-
than for many other industries. ing out to the customers at a lower initial and transaction costs
and offering hassle free services. Since then, innovations in ATM
Retail banking in India is maturing with time, several products, technology have come a long way and customer receptiveness
which further could be customized. Most happening sector is has also increased manifold. Public sector banks have also now
housing loan, which is witnessing a cut-throat competition. The entered the race for expansion of ATM networks. Development
home loans are very popular as they help you to realize your of ATM networks is not only leveraged for lowering the transac-
most cherished dream. Interest rates are coming down and tion costs, but also as an effective marketing channel resource.
market has seen some innovative products as well. Other retail
banking products are personal loan, education loan and vehi-
cles loan. Almost every bank and financial institution is offering
these products, but it is essential to understand the different as-
pects of these loan products, which are not mentioned in their
colored advertisements.

The early 1980s were instrumental in the introduction of mech-

anization and computerizations in Indian banks. This was the
period when banks as well as the RBI went very slow on mecha-
nizations, carefully avoiding the use of ‘computers’ to avoid re-
sistance from employee unions. However, this was the critical
period acting as the icebreaker, which led to the slow and steady
move towards large scale technology adoption.

The process of computerisation marked the beginning of all
technological initiatives in the banking industry. Computerisa-


Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Research Paper

RTGS Over the years, the banking sector in India has seen a no. of
The other payment and settlement systems deployed were changes. Most of the banks have begun to take an innovative
mostly aimed at small value repetitive transactions, largely for approach towards banking with the objective of creating more
the retail transactions. The introduction of RTGS in 2004 was value for customers and consequently, the banks. Some of the
instrumental in the development of infrastructure for Systemi- significant changes in the banking sector are discussed below.
cally Important Payment Systems (SIPS).
Taking advantages of the booming market for mobile phones
and cellular services, several banks have introduced mobile
banking which allows customers to perform banking transac-
tions using their mobile phones. For instances HDFC has intro-
duced SMS services. Mobile banking has been especially tar-
geted at people who travel frequently and to keep track of their
The payment system in India largely followed a deferred net set- banking transaction.
tlement regime, which meant that the net amount was settled
between banks on a deferred basis. This posed significant set- RURAL BANKING
tlement risks.RTGS was launched by RBI, which enabled a real One of the innovative scheme to be launched in rural banking
time settlement on a gross basis. To ensure that RTGS system was the KISAN CREDIT CARD (KCC) SCHMME started in fis-
is used only for large value transactions and retail transactions cal 1998-1999 by NABARD. KCC mode it easier for framers to
take an alternate channel of electronic funds transfer, a mini- purchase important agricultural inputs. In addition to regular
mum threshold of one lakh rupees was prescribed for customer agricultural loans, banks to offer several other products geared
transactions under RTGS on January 1, 2007. to the needs of the rural people. Private sector Banks also real-
ized the potential in rural market. In the early 2000’s ICICI bank
RTGS minimizes systemic risks too, in addition to settlement began setting up internet kiosks in rural Tamilnadu along with
risks, as paper based funds settlement through the Interbank ATM machines.
clearing are replaced by the electronic, credit transfer based
RTGS system. High systemic risks are posed by high value in- NRI SERVICES
terbank transfers, so, it is considered desirable that all major With a substantial number of Indians having relatives abroad,
interbank transfers among commercial banks having accounts banks have begun to offer service that allows expatriate Indians
with RBI be routed only through the RTGS system. The RTGS to send money more conveniently to relatives India which is one
system had a membership of 107 participants (96 banks, 8 of the major improvements in money transfer.
primary dealers, the Reserve Bank and the Deposit Insurance,
Credit Guarantee Corporation and Clearing Corporation of In- E-BANKING
dia Ltd.) as at end-August 2009. The reach and utilisation of the Technology has creating e-banking or electronic banking. E-
RTGS has witnessed a sustained increase since its introduction Banking can be defined as the automated delivery of new and
in 2004. The bank/branch network coverage of the RTGS sys- traditional banking services and products directly to customers
tem increased to 58,720 branches at more than 10,000 centres through electronic, interactive communication channels.
facilitating the increased usage of this mode of funds transfer.
Technology has affected and changed banking with the many
benefits and convenience e-banking has created. It includes the
system that enables bank customers to access accounts, transact
business or obtain information on financial products and ser-
vices. Customers can now quickly complete transactions such
as 5-10 minute deposits/withdrawals to 30-60secs ATM depos-
its/withdrawals ,online checking accounts, online transfers and
many e-banking transactions. The accessibility of e-banking has
been possible due to the technological advancement in laptops
or personal computers, kiosk, Touch Tone phones, personal
digital assistant (PDA) and automated teller  machines (ATM).
According to industry analysts (, electronic bank-
ing provides a variety of attractive possibilities for remote ac-
count access, including: Availability of inquiry and transaction
services around the clock; worldwide connectivity; Easy access
to transaction data, both recent and historical; and “Direct cus-
tomer control of international movement of funds without in-
PLASTIC MONEY termediation of financial institutions in customer’s jurisdiction.
Plastic money was a delicious gift to Indian market. Giving res-
pite from carrying too much cash. Now several new features E-Banking is becoming increasingly popular among retail bank-
added to plastic money to make it more attractive. It work on ing customers. E-Banking helps in cutting costs by providing
formula purchase now repay later. There are different facts of cheaper and faster ways of delivering products to customers. It
plastic money credit card is synonyms of all. also helps the customer to choose the time, place and method by
which he wants to use the services and gives effect to multichan-
Credit card is a financial instrument, which can be used more nel delivery of service by the bank. This E-Banking is driven by
than once to borrow money or buy products and services on twin engine of “customer-pull and Bank-push”.
credit. Banks, retail stores and other businesses generally is-
sue these. On the basis of their credit limit, they are of different IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON BANKING
kinds like classic, gold or silver. Technology has influenced all aspects of banking activities
including storage, processing, and collection of information.
Charged cards-these too carry almost same features as credit There are a few areas in banking that has been seriously influ-
cards. The fundamental difference is you can not defer pay- enced or impacted which includes;
ments charged generally have higher credit limits or some times
no credit limits. Tracking lending worthiness (Credit Scores)
Technology has created or led to the creation of the credit bu-
Debit cards-this card is may be characterized as accountholder’s reau. The system mathematically tracks customer’s payment
mobile ATM, for this you have to have account with any bank of- records to provide data which help banks make decisions on the
fering credit card. amount and who they should borrow money to. The advance


Research Paper Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

technology available has developed a scalable and resilient includes; paying bills, 24 hour view of accounts, transferring
credit bureau platform that enables banks to track customer’s money and many others.
necessary information. Technology has enable software pro-
grams which has provided banks with input file  preparation Customers access their banking information from a browser-
tools, validation tools and data entry tools. Collecting data al- software that runs the  banking programs on the World Wide
lows banks to deliver credit reporting solutions in the form of Web (www). Customers can personally and privately access
credit reposts, customer credit activity monitoring, fraud pre- their account information through the internet via a modem.
vention systems and debtor tracking services. Today, the tech- Technology has allowed us to dial into the bank via the modem
nologies in credit bureau infrastructures have enabled banks system which allows us to download date, and run programs
to collect, load, validate, store and disseminate both the posi- that make us access a wide verify of banking information such
tive and negative data as well as supplementary data (e.g. court as; account balances, number and types of banking transactions,
judgments, legal issues etc).The development and management bank statements, among others. On the downside, the internet
of the information technology for the Credit Bureau has pro- has decreased operation and transaction at physical-brick and
vided control over all processes involving the credit bureau as it motor banks as customer can basically conduct almost all the
relates to the banking industry. Some of the systems used in the transaction possible in a real back. Today, technology has helped
credit bureau includes; C++, C Sharp and Java, Oracle& SQL. All create many banks which have no physical location or brick and
these programs contribute significantly in the whole operation mortar branches.
of the credit bureau. The typical cycle and function of the credit
bureau as it relates to banks includes; storing information-cred- CONCLUSION
it histories, observing fraudulent behavior, previous enquires, Banks are basically surviving or in existence today due to tech-
validating data and many more nology. Technology has created better tools for evaluation cred-
it worthy customers (Credit check and credit bureau), storing
The Economy and Economy of Scale customers information and secure all the valuable information
Competition has forced banks to lower the cost or interest rates. which if placed in the wrong hands can cost us millions of dol-
Bank mortgages have recently Banks try to achieve economy of lars. This can also have a negative impact on the economy as
scale in banking procession instead of trying to be bigger banks banks would tighten their lending requirements and charge
(acquiring more assets, taking more risk etc). The current state higher interest rates to make up for the lost which would cre-
of the economy has also lead banks to tighten their lending and ated due to lack of security, storage and other technological ad-
restrict their lending guidelines. Banks seek to secure the best vancement. Thanks to technology, our information is safe, pro-
and most technologically advanced business structure and se- tected and we can feel confident that the money we put in the
cure competitiveness of economy of scales. bank will be their where we want.

Banks Contestability Technology had changed the way people obtain financial ser-
Technology is affecting the degree of contestability in banks. vices. It has also save time and money allowing people to
Due to the advancement of technology, banks superiority in in- conduct banking efficiently. Technology has helped banking
formation is deteriorated. New competitors have emerged and transform from bulk paper and waste to paperless communica-
the many barriers provided by banks have been declining and tion and means of transferring funds. The technology evolved
security breach is more imminent today. Some financial prod- includes telephone banking (telephone technology), credit
ucts, services and commodities are becoming more transparent. cards, debit cards (money transfer technology), electronic
Due to the lowered entry and deconstruction of some banks, money, and automatic teller machines.(2)These technologies
contestability in banking is rising have created efficiency and time saving methods of conducting
business for  people. Some importantly, technology has lead to
Technology Influence the Economics of delivery tighter security and safer methods of conducting business for
The advancement of technology has influenced the methods everyone. Bank security or compliance officers use computers
banks use to deliver financial products to its customers. Tech- and technology to help ensure that banks understand, follows
nology has created alternative delivery mechanisms such as the guidelines and control the risk of the complex and new world
internet, electronic transferred, ATMs, and many others which of financial services. Security has changes over many years
all reduce the dependence on the network as a core delivery through the advancement of technology, evolving from manual
mechanism. Now, financial systems are substantially over-sup- examining fraudulent activities to using advance computers and
plied with delivery systems through a duplication of networks program that can identify fraudulent activities, checks, and even
which allows or encourages the banks to change their delivery viruses(new age threat to banking). Technology advancement in
strategy, rationalize their branch network strategy and provide banks has lead to convenience, speed ,time saving and cheaper
or develop a wide Varity of delivery options. methods of conducting banking. Today, many people are slowly
deleting traditional methods of utilizing financial services or
Internet Banking money such as the change from checks to debit/credit cards and
An internet bank can be defined as a bank that provides account automatic payment.
balances and some transaction capabilities to retail custom-
ers over the World Wide Web. Technology has created internet
banking, also called online banking. The creation of the inter-
net through technology has lead to many banking transactions
or activity options via the internet. Some of  these activities

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