Unloading by Trucks
Unloading by Trucks
Unloading by Trucks
Checking of trucks /Dampers Before entering the Gate the driver should clear Driver should posses DMC card
shall be done as per all the formality of fitment of vehicle and all which automatically verify all
checklist before taking the related paper of material. the vehicle fitment
Vehicle inside the plant No. Helper/cleaner is allowed for the entry in
the plant.
Taking the vehicle at road 1.Ensure the WB plate form is free for the Periodically check the WB ,by
weigh Bridge for placement of vehicle. Avery Engineers by using the
weighement. 2.No driver is allowed to leave the vehicle , he Know weight, to ensure
just have submit his paper to WB clerk accuracy of WB.
3.WB clerk register the Gross weight in system Applied hand brake while
with truck ID and other details. remaining on weigh bridge.
4.Truck leave the WB after the permission of WB
Taking the vehicle to the Loaded trucks operator should followed Route Speed limit should be
unloading station map displayed in various site. maintained 16 Kmph.
Engine on lights on to be
No.over taking of vehicle
Removal of top covering / Trucks should bring to untie station Before removal of tarpaulin,
tarpaulin before unloading. trained attendants in safety harness were there engine should be
for removal of tarpaulin stopped,ignition Key removed
.Before unloading should ensure that tarpaulin and wheel chock should be
to be Folded and kept in a safe place applied.
Only trained attendees are
Unloading of Material Yard Supervior guide the trucks to designed Ensure reverse horn,hand brake
space where the material to be unloaded. applied before
Claim shell operator place the machine suitable Engine stopped , keys takenoff
position so the its boom bucket empt yout the and handover to claimshell
material from trucks. operator after applying wheel
Truck operator remove the back side flap choke .
standing at the side of the vehicle. No persons should be allowed
Claim shell operator empty out material and near the boom operator or near
inform the truck operator to trucks.