Vision XL User Guide

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Vision XL

User Guide
Vision XL

Copyright and Restrictions

October 2006
Vision XL User Guide
Vision 6.3.3
Disclaimer: Vision is used in conjunction with third party companion products, such as operating systems and database
systems. Vision is only supported for companion products that are in turn currently supported by their respective parent
company. Please refer to the Vision Support Policy for full details.
Copyright © 2006 Infor Global Solutions Technology GmbH and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor Global Solutions
Technology GmbH and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks listed herein are the
property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names and data used in the exercises
herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Infor Global
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against the law to copy the software on any other medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. The
licensee may make one copy of the software for backup purposes.
147-149 Colin Street
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Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
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Vision XL User Guide

October 2006
Vision XL

SECTION 1: ABOUT THIS GUIDE ........................................................................................................... 1
Recommended Audience and Prerequisite Knowledge......................................................................................................... 1
Course Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Typographical Conventions....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision Documentation............................................................................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 2: XL OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 3
Query Definition Types ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Data Send..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Analyze ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Format Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Alerts............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Utilities.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Macro Builder.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Recalculate ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Zero Suppress.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Drilldown ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
V-cubed (Cube Analysis) ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
SECTION 3: STARTING VISION .............................................................................................................. 9
Section Objectives ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Loading the Vision XL Add-In................................................................................................................................................. 9
Add/Remove Add-ins Utility.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Logging On and Off Vision .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Changing Your Password ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Show or Hide the Vision Toolbar and Menu........................................................................................................................ 12
Vision XL Options ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
SECTION 4: QUERY DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................13
Section Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Query Definition Types ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Components of a Query Definition Form: Definition Tab ................................................................................................ 14
Components of a Query Definition Form: Report Style..................................................................................................... 16
Components of a Query Definition Form: Options............................................................................................................ 17
Working with Query Definition Forms ................................................................................................................................. 18
SECTION 5: DETAIL REPORTS ............................................................................................................. 24
Section Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Creating a Detail Report .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
SECTION 6: SUMMARY REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 28
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Creating Summary Reports...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Extraction Type......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Creating User Defined Outputs.............................................................................................................................................. 33

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SECTION 7: DATA LINK AND DATA SELECTORS.................................................................................. 36

Section Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Creating Data Links.................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Creating Data Selectors............................................................................................................................................................ 38
SECTION 8: SUMMARY LINK ................................................................................................................ 40
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Creating a Summary Link ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
Format Tables ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Defining a Format Table.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
SECTION 9: QUERY TEMPLATES ......................................................................................................... 45
Creating a Template.................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Using a Template ...................................................................................................................................................................... 46
SECTION 10: SETTING QUERY FILTER CRITERIA ................................................................................ 48
Section Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Lookup List ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Cell Reference............................................................................................................................................................................ 49
Automatic Filter Lookup ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Defined Name........................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Pattern Matching....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Wildcard Characters.................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Filter Options ............................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Filtering With Segment ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
SECTION 11: HIERARCHIES .................................................................................................................. 57
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Global Hierarchy....................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Business Hierarchy.................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Hierarchy Designer................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Creating a Hierarchy................................................................................................................................................................. 60
SECTION 12: COMBINING VISION XL FUNCTIONS .............................................................................. 66
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Combining Vision XL Functions ........................................................................................................................................... 66
SECTION 13: DRILLDOWN .................................................................................................................... 67
Section Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Using Drilldown........................................................................................................................................................................ 67
SECTION 14: V3: V-CUBED .................................................................................................................... 73
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
V3 Tabs....................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Working with V3 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Format Tables ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Cube Profiles ............................................................................................................................................................................. 78

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Storing Cube Results ................................................................................................................................................................ 79

SECTION 15: MACRO BUILDER ..............................................................................................................81
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Using Macro Builder................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Creating Macros ........................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Deleting Macros ........................................................................................................................................................................ 85
SECTION 16: REPORT DESIGNER ......................................................................................................... 86
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Working with Report Designer............................................................................................................................................... 86
Function Launcher.................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Using Function Launcher ........................................................................................................................................................ 90
SECTION 17: DATA SEND ...................................................................................................................... 92
Data Send................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Using Data Send........................................................................................................................................................................ 92

Vision XL User Guide

October 2006
Vision XL

Section 1: About This Guide

Recommended Audience and Prerequisite Knowledge

This guide is designed to quickly help you become familiar with Vision. Prior to working through the
guide, it is recommended that you be familiar with the Windows environment, your financial package
and Microsoft Excel.
To gain an understanding of the functionality of the features of Vision XL, it is recommended all
examples and exercises are completed.
The examples and results of any information extracted in this document should be used as reference
only. Please note that the database used to develop the training course may differ from your database.

Course Objectives
By the end of the course you will be able to:
ƒ Load the Vision Add-in.
ƒ Use the Vision XL functions of Data Link, Summary Link, Detail Report and Summary
Report to extract data from your financial database into an Excel worksheet.
ƒ Create your own User Defined Output data items.
ƒ Use Drilldown to drill on data associated with formulas.
ƒ Create simple Format Tables.
ƒ Use Macro Builder to create a Vision XL macro that automates Vision XL activities.
ƒ Use Data Selector to create drop-down lists from Excel and your financial database.

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Typographical Conventions
To facilitate your use of the Vision User Guide, the following conventions have been used:

Formatting Conventions Type of Information

Numbered Lists Step-by-step procedures. You can follow these

instructions to complete a specific task.

Special Bold Items you must select, such as menu options,

command buttons, or items in a list.

Italic Emphasis Used to highlight the name of the window

displayed or field referenced.

CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. For example,


Vision Documentation

Online Help
Vision includes Online Help that provides detailed information for using the Vision features.
To gain access to Online Help select Help from the Vision menu.

Internet Resources

Web Site
You can obtain additional information on Vision from the Vision Web site at:

Print Documentation

Vision Installation Guide

The Installation Guide provides detailed information on the installation of Vision products.

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Vision XL

Section 2: XL Overview

Vision XL provides an intelligent link between your database tables and Microsoft Excel, allowing you
to access and exchange data held in your database tables from within Microsoft Excel.
Access to Vision XL commands can be found in the Vision menu on the Excel menu bar or on the
Vision XL toolbar.
Vision XL provides the following purpose-built functions and utilities, which can be used together or

Query Definition Types

Data Link
Data Link returns the value of a single record. A single formula can output multiple data items for
that record. Data Link provides a dynamic link between Excel and your database. The link is
represented by a formula in a cell within an Excel worksheet.

Summary Link
Summary Link can be used to extract the balance of a filtered range. One formula can output multiple
data items for the selected range of records. Summary Link also maintains a dynamic link to your
tables. The link is represented by a formula in a cell within an Excel worksheet.

Summary Report
Summary Report can be used to extract a summarized listing from your database into an Excel
worksheet. There is one row in Excel containing all the output data items for each summary level. For
example; if the summary level is a date, there would be one row in Excel for each date.
Summary Report query can be saved as a formula so the function can be re-run to extract the current
data from your database. The report definition can be saved as a External Definition or Internal
Definition for retrieval later.
After Vision XL has generated the values for your worksheet you can apply all the usual Excel
facilities, including charts, graphs, filter and pivot. You can save, print and export it as you would any
other Excel worksheet.

Detail Report
Detail Report provides a detailed listing from your database into an Excel worksheet. There is one
row in Excel for each record in your database.

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Detail Report query can be saved as a formula so the function can be re-run to extract the current
data from your database. The report definition can be saved as a External Definition or Internal
Definition for retrieval later.

Data Send
Data Send writes data from an Excel worksheet to your database. The data is extracted and validated
according to a Data Send definition. There may be several different definitions available. This will vary
according to the serduct currently in use.

Analyze has two functions the firstly being to display the recalculation time in seconds for each
summary link in a report. Secondly to determine if data filter items have been omitted or duplicated in
a report.

Format Tables
A Format Table allows the user to define cell definitions based on the value of another cell or
calculated value in the worksheet. If a cell value falls in a user-defined range, the cell can be replaced
with text, formulas, field references or any combination of these. You can also replace the cell font
and background colour.

Alerts are used in conjunction with the Vision Alert product to do conditional processing depending
on whether or not the Alert has fired.
An Alert is defined in Format Tables and is fired when any of the conditions defined in the Format
Table are met.


Data Selector
Data Selector is used to create and display a lookup on single or multiple columns of data. The source
of information displayed in Data Selector lookups is the output of a Summary Report or Detail
Using these Vision XL functions saved as a Setup or Internal Definition ensures the data displayed in
the lookup is always current as the file is re-extracted each time the Data Selector is used. The output

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from the Data Selector can be from any column within the display. The information output from a
Data Selector can be referenced as filter criteria when running Vision XL reports.
Data Selectors, i.e. the buttons, can be displayed anywhere on your worksheet and can be edited at a
later stage. There is no limit to the number of Data Selectors that can be added to a worksheet.

Function Launcher
Function Launcher allows users to open a Workbook or External Definition without the necessity of
opening a function such as a Summary Report, or Detail Report, then loading the previously saved
Workbook or External Definition.
There are three options:
• Open the Internal Definition or External Definition definition
• Open the Internal Definition or External Definition in Report Designer
• Run the report.
Function Launcher remembers the last Workbook or External Definition that was accessed through
Function Launcher.

Macro Builder
Macro Builder allows a user to create an Excel macro that automates Vision XL activities without
needing to write the VBA code. A button is created in the worksheet when a macro is defined. A user
can then click on the button in the worksheet to execute the macro. This macro may, for example,
select where the report is to start, clear the previous information, ask for the user to input a date, and
then run a Summary Report using the input date as one of the filter criteria.
A series of commands and functions are defined as steps in Macro Builder. These are then selected to
define the commands and sequence required to run the macro. Any number of steps can be stored in
a macro.

Comment Viewer
Comment Viewer will display comments that have been added to a cell in Excel. Comments can be
displayed, printed or saved to file.

Offline Formulas
Offline Formulas retains values that have been extracted using Vision XL formulas when the Excel
workbook is opened or recalculated and the Vision XL Add-in is not loaded. There is a check beside
the Offline Formulas function in the Utilities menu to indicate this workbook has Vision XL formulas
protected offline.
If the workbook has Offline Formulas enabled and the Vision XL Add-in is NOT loaded, then the
Vision XL formulas are not recalculated and the existing value is retained (i.e. does not return

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If the workbook has Offline Formulas enabled and the Vision XL Add-in is loaded, then the Vision
XL formulas are recalculated and the value re-extracted from your database.
Once this function has been applied to an Excel workbook, all current and future Vision XL formulas
in that workbook are flagged as offline. This function does not prevent users from amending or
deleting the Vision XL formulas or changing the extract figure.

Product Tasks
The Product Tasks utility executes a pre-defined procedure. The procedure is only performed once.
However, if External Definition Formula has been enabled the procedure is repeated each time the
workbook is recalculated.
The procedure could be used to extract data for specific tables in Vision XL. Vision generates and
populates tables from the database. In the case where data in the database frequently changes it needs
to be reflected in Vision's tables. By including the Tasks utility within the worksheet, Vision is
instructed to update specific tables by extracting the latest data from the database when the worksheet
is recalculated. Combined with Vision Alert, the extraction could be performed at scheduled times.

The Languages utility allows the user to change, for a Product, the predefined names for tables, fields
and lookups listed in the definition form. These user-defined changes can be exported and imported.

Formula Export
Use the Formula Export utility to export a report definition to another Vision application, such as
Vision Word or Vision Executive.

Formula Import
Use the Import Formula facility to import a report definition from another Vision application, such as
Vision Word or Vision Executive.

Formula Fill
Formula fill copies a single formula, applying relative address references, over a defined range. The
formula is copied from the top-left to the bottom-right of the range. Any cells within the range that
already contain data will remain unchanged.

Output to PDF
Vision XL workbooks and worksheets can be output to a PDF document. A PDF document file size
is smaller than a Internal Definition and so it can be quickly sent via e-mail. In addition, security

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passwords and permissions use 128-bit encryption to ensure that the original PDF document cannot
be tampered with.
When outputting the contents of a workbook, a PDF page is created for each worksheet that contains

Hierarchy Designer
Hierarchies is a powerful tool that enables Vision Users to group information for aggregation and
consolidation. Vision groups multiple and non-contiguous data item values under newly created data
items. The new data items can have more meaningful headings to better describe the data it
represents. For example a hierarchy could be account types, regional office, dates or periods.
Vision supports:
• Base hierarchies – reporting from the same database on the one server.
• Global hierarchies – reporting from different databases from the same Product on the one

Period and Date Filters

Vision period and data filters selection displays the period selection and date selection dialog along
with the current period override.

Vision Recalculate functions recalculate both Vision XL and Excel formulas simultaneously. There are
three Vision Recalculate functions:
• Recalculate Range
• Recalculate Worksheet
• Recalculate Workbook
Always use the Vision Recalculate functions when recalculating Excel workbooks containing Vision
XL formulas. Using the F9 key may not always give the correct results due to the multiple cells being
output from one formula – a Vision XL feature.
When the Vision XL Add-in is installed, Vision XL resets the Excel calculations function to manual
so entries in the worksheet can be changed without causing Excel to recalculate automatically.

Zero Suppress
Give you the ability to hide either rows or columns that are zero. To reactivate columns or rows use
the undo zero suppress function.

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Drilldown will allow you to perform ad hoc drill downs on a single cell containing a Vision XL
formula such as Summary Link, Data Link and External Definition formulas.
Data items may be added or removed from the Output window in the Drilldown definition form to
allow you to define your analysis.
After the initial drill down on a single cell in Excel, multiple levels of analysis can be defined, based on
one row in the Drill worksheet.
The Drilldown button on the definition forms of other functions will allow you to perform a drill
down without first extracting the data.

V-cubed (Cube Analysis)

V-cubed allows you to perform multi-dimensional analysis on multiple cells in Excel containing
Vision XL Data Link and Summary Link formulas, or Detailed Report and Summary Report External
Definition Formulas.
V-cubed can be performed across multiple serducts and across multiple dimensions. Multiple Product
formulas can only be viewed if they contain an identical number of fields and field types; the Validate
feature checks this.
V-cubed Profiles can be saved into a file and then viewed offline. No changes can be made to the
Cube when it is offline, but all the Drilldown information can be viewed.

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Vision XL

Section 3: Starting Vision

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Loading the Vision XL Add-in
• Controlling Vision XL Add-in with Add/Remove add-in utility.
• Logging on and Vision XL menu.
• Vision XL Options

Loading the Vision XL Add-In

Vision XL uses an Excel Add-In. The first time Vision XL is loaded you must browse and select the
Add-In from the Vision directory.

Tip: Loading the Vision XL Add-in can also be done with the utility described below.

1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. If the Vision XL logon screen appears, click Cancel.
3. From the Tools select Add-Ins.

4. Click the Browse button and open the Vision folder.

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5. Select the Vision XL Add-In, LsAgXLB.xla. If the Vision XL Add-In has previously been
added to Excel you will receive the following message:

6. Click the Yes button.

7. Click the OK button to close the Add-Ins dialog box.
The pre-logon Vision XL menu is appended to the Microsoft Excel toolbar.

Add/Remove Add-ins Utility

The Add/Remove Add-ins utility controls the inclusion of Vision XL and Vision Word Add-Ins in
their respective host applications.

Add/Remove Add-ins can be started from:

• The Setup tab in Vision Maintenance.
• The Client menu in Vision Setup.
Microsoft Word and Excel should be closed before changing add-in settings.

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Logging On and Off Vision

Prior to using Vision, you must obtain a user name and password information from your

To logon Vision, from the Vision menu select Logon or click the Logon button on the Vision
To log off Vision, from the Vision menu select Log Off or click the Log Off button on the Vision

Changing Your Password

In order to maintain a high level of security, it is advisable to change your password on a regular basis.
On the logon dialog box, click the Password tab and enter a new password.

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Vision XL

Show or Hide the Vision Toolbar and Menu

When you logon to Vision XL the Vision menu is automatically added to your Excel menu bar.
To display the Vision menu as a toolbar, select Show Toolbar from the Vision menu. To return the
toolbar to the menu, click the Show Menu button, .

Floating Vision XL Toolbar

Vision XL Options
To customize Vision, from the Vision menu select Options. The following options are available:
Logon at Startup: automatically logs on to Vision when starting Excel.
Default Report Function Output as Formula: automatically sets the default External
Definition Formula to Yes. By storing definitions as formulas they can be used in Drilldown
Default Internal Definition File Name: automatically generates a Internal Definition for
Summary Report, Detail Report, Data Send and Macro Builder report definitions. The Internal
Definition name is based on the definition type and an incremented number. For example,
SummaryReport#, where # is a number.
Optimize Summary Link Formulas: improves reporting performance. A collection of results
are retained in memory so that they can be reused with subsequent Summary Link formulas. This
only operates in the current session of Vision. Once Vision is exited, the in memory results are
not returned. When the worksheet is recalculated XL identifies unique Data Filter Items in the
query definitions. Similar query definitions will be amalgamated to form a single query which is
extracted and stored in memory. The data set covers the range of data required for reporting.
Individual Summary Link formulas in the worksheet report from the extracted in-memory data

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Section 4: Query Definitions

Section Objectives
In this section we will:
• List the query definition types.
• Describe a query definition form layout.
• Explain how to complete query definition forms.

Query Definition Types

In Vision there are a total of four query definition types: two link query types and two report
definition types. Each definition serves to return specific information from the database.
Query Definition Types
Formula Link Definition Types Report Definition Types
Data Link Summary Report
Summary Link Detail Report

Query definition forms are used to define and select criteria for Summary or Data Links and Summary
or Detail Reports. Vision XL query types are listed on the Vision menu, upon selection the applicable
definition form is displayed.

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Components of a Query Definition Form: Definition Tab

Definition forms have one or more tabs. The definition tab consists of the following areas: a Filter
window, a Selection List window, and Output window and control buttons.

Filter window
The filter window is used to define data item filters. Mandatory data item filters are automatically
displayed in bold in the Filter window. The mandatory filters displayed are dependent on the Product
and Table selected, and they must always have filter values applied.

Show Details
If enabled, the Selection List Window and Output Window are displayed. The Show Details option
(denoted by the vertical chevrons) can be deactivated for a Vision user profile in Vision Setup so that
these windows are never displayed. This prevents other users from extensively modifying the original
query. Alternative filter criteria can be set but the Data Items that are output remains unchanged.

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Selection List window

The Selections List window contains all the available data items and dependent tables relating to the
table selected in the Table field in the Filter window. The display is similar to outlines in Excel, i.e.,
you can use '+' plus and '-' minus signs to expand and collapse the dependent tables.
Data items can be dragged from the Selection List window to the Filter window (to be used as
additional filtering criteria) or the Output window (to be output to Excel). Data items that are output
are highlighted in green.

Output window
The Output window shows data items that will be output to Excel. The Output window also displays
the file path of each data output item to assist in identifying its source.
For Data Link and Summary Link functions, the Output window displays the Target Cells column. A
Target Cell is the cell address where the data item is to be extracted into the worksheet.

Enter Y to lock formulas from recalculating or N to allow recalculation of formulas. Use this feature
if a workbook contains several queries and you do not need all of them to be extracted. Locking the
query formula reduces workbook recalculation time. You can use a cell reference to direct all your
formulas to a single cell which controls the lock. For example, on a worksheet with multiple formulas,
set the lock to $A$1 and enter Y in cell A1. These formulas will not recalculate.
To override the lock function, open the definition form to re-extract the locked cells.

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Components of a Query Definition Form: Report Style

Summary and Detail Reports also have additional tabs the second tab being for report style.

Report Style
Report Style sets the layout of the report. There are two Report Style options:
• Auto Format: apply a format selected from the Auto Format area.
• Designer: apply a custom design. Designs can be created, edited or deleted by using the
Edit and Delete buttons in the Designer area.

Output Table Names

When checked, the names of the parent and dependent tables from which the information is extracted
are output to the first row.

Output Data Item Names

When checked, the names of the data items that are extracted are output to the second row. If the
Output Tables Names check box is clear, data item names are output to the first row.

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When checked, totals are included for numeric data output items that have been defined in Vision as
data that can be summed.

Excel Pivot Table

If enabled, creates the report as a Pivot Table. The Pivot Table is initially empty. Drag Data Items
from the Pivot table Field List to the Pivot Table grid.

Components of a Query Definition Form: Options

Summary and Detail Reports also have additional tabs the Third tab being options

General Settings

Show Message
Use this to indicate whether you want to display Vision XL messages. The default entry is Y-Yes to
show all messages.

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Create Definition Formula

Create Definition Formula allows you to use Vision Recalculation functions to re-extract previously
saved Detail Report and Summary Report reports without opening the definition form.
When using a Detail Report and Summary Report, a formula can be created and stored in the cell at
the top left hand corner of the output. The Create Definition formula contains the information
required to run the Internal or External Definition. Double-clicking the cell containing the formula
opens the relevant definition form for the Internal or External Definition. If enabled, either a
External Definition or Internal Definition name must be specified.

This sets the direction to display information in your worksheet. You can display information either
down or across. The default entry is Downwards.

File names
Report definitions can be saved as External Definitions or Internal Definitions.

Internal Definition
The internal definition function stores the extraction criteria within the Excel workbook. The criteria
cannot be accessed by other workbooks. The Excel workbook must be saved to save the Internal

External Definition
The external definition function stores the extraction criteria to your file system and can be loaded
into Vision XL. This allows query definitions to be shared among multiple users’ workbooks.

Working with Query Definition Forms

Query definition forms can have up to three tabs:
• Definitions tab - sets the data items to be output to the worksheet.
• Report Styles tab - only available on report definition forms: Summary Report and Detail
Report. Sets the layout and appearance of results extracted in a tabular form.
• Options tab - only available on report definition forms: Summary Report and Detail Report.
Sets the file formula and where the definition settings are to be stored..

Step 1: Define Filter Criteria

On the Definition tab, the query filter criteria are specified in the Filter window. Product represents
the database to extract information from. Table represents the parent table to extract data from.
Depending on the table selected, additional items may also be listed.

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Mandatory data items appear in bold. Additional filters can be defined by dragging data items from
the Selection List into the Filter window. To set filters for the filter items, double-click on the item or
select the item and type the values into the filter fields.
For details on other techniques to set Data Filter Item filter criteria see Setting Query Filter Criteria

Step 2: Select Output Fields

The Selection List window lists all the fields found in the parent table selected in the Filter window.
Any of these fields can be output to the worksheet. Drag data items from the Selection List to the
Output window or double-click the data items to include them in a report.
Selecting a table in the Selection window and clicking the Add Table button will add the entire table.
Once transferred to the Output window, data items are highlighted in green in the Selection List. To
remove a data item from the Output window, drag it back to the Selection List or select the data item
and press the Delete key. To remove all output items related to a table, select the output item and
click the Remove Table button.

Associated Buttons
Add / Remove all Data Output Items relating to the parent or selected
dependent table to the Output window.

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Step 3: Ordering Output Data Items

The order that data items are displayed in the Output window determines the order they are output to
the worksheet. To change the order of the items, drag an item into position or select an item and click
the Move Up or Move Down button. The Move to Top button moves the item to the top of the list
and the Move to Bottom button move the item to the bottom of the list.

Associated Buttons
Promote / Demote Data Output Items in the Output Window. Data is
extracted to the Executive worksheet in the order in which Data Output Items
are listed.

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Step 4: Sorting Output Data Items (Summary or Detail Reports only)

Click the Sort button to display the Sorting dialog box. From the Selection List drag the output item
into the Sorting area.

To toggle between sorting the Data Output item in ascending ( ) or descending ( ) order, click
the data item.
Click the arrows on the right hand side of the Sorting list to change the output order. The Sort
Number displays the order number, and includes parenthesis ‘( )’ for items sorted in descending order.
Select the Top option to limit either the number of sorted records returned or as percentage of total

Associated Buttons
Sort Data Output Item values in ascending or descending order.

Step 5: Extraction Type

Extract modes represent the type of calculation performed on the data during extraction.
The Extraction Type button is available on the Definition tab of the query definition form. All data
items selected for output that use this function and have a default extract mode. Data items displayed
in red in the Selection List have additional extract modes associated with them. The default extract
mode for quantity and amount data items is Sum. For all other data items the default is Count for
Summary Link and None for Summary Report.
For further information see the Extraction Type section.

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Associated Buttons
Change the Extraction type for a Data Output Item.

Step 6: User Defined Output

User Defined Output allows you to define customized output items. A number of preset functions are
available to use within your formulas including text string functions, mathematical functions and data
functions. Rows can be conditionally output based on the result of the formula. Click the User
Defined Output button in the definition form. Enter a description for the output. In the Formula
window, enter the formula for the output. Double-click or drag data items from either the Output
section or Selection List to help define the formula. Select a Format for the data and then click the
OK button.

Associated Buttons
User Defined Output defines customized output items. Preset text string
functions, mathematical and data functions can be incorporated into formulas.

Step 7: Report Style Tab (Summary and Detail Reports only)

The Report Style section allows you to set the layout and formatting of the report. To apply a
predefined format, select the AutoFormat option and then from the AutoFormat dropdown select the
desired format. To customize your own report, select the Designer option, and then click the
Designer Edit button.

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The Output Table Names option inserts the names of the parent and dependent tables that the data is
extracted from into the first row of the report. The Output Data Item Names option inserts the
names of the data items extracted to the second row of the report. The Totals option inserts a row at
the bottom of the report and sums numeric data.

Step 8: Internal and External definitions – Options tab (Summary and Detail Reports
The report extraction criteria can be saved for future retrieval. The external definition saves the
extraction criteria within a file, allowing you to open the report in other Excel workbooks. The
internal definition saves the extraction criteria within the Excel Workbook. Enter the name of the
External or Internal file in the corresponding field. To retrieve a file that has been saved, click the
internal definition or external definition button at the bottom of the definition form.

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Section 5: Detail Reports

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Creating a Detail Report definition

Detail Reports provide a detailed listing from your database into an Excel worksheet. Use Detail
Report to extract data from a range of data into an Excel worksheet.
There is one row in Excel for each record in your database. Vision XL includes a sum total of
numeric results at the end of the report.
Detail Report query can be saved as a formula so the function can be re-run to extract the current
data from your database. The report definition can be saved as a External Definition or Internal
Definition for retrieval later.
If the Create Definition Formula is set to Y on the options tab of the Definition Form, the report can
be run using the Vision Recalculate functions.
You can set a transaction limit in Vision Setup to limit the number of transactions extracted at any
one time. When the transactions extracted reach that number, a message appears notifying you of the
limit and the first cell in the extraction is coloured blue with a note of the limit attached. You must
reset the limit in Vision Setup to view further transactions.

Creating a Detail Report

1. Select Detail Report from the Vision menu. The Detail Report definition form is displayed.
2. Select the Lock option, if you want to prevent the formula from being recalculated.
3. Select a Product. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available products. Select
the required Author Product and click OK.
4. Select a Database. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available databases.
Select the required database and click OK.

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5. Select a Table. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available 'parent' tables.
Select the required table and click OK. Alternatively, click the Find button and enter the table's

6. Enter filter criteria in the From field for the listed data filter items. If this filter criteria is:
• Unknown: Click the Filter assist button. A list of records is obtained from the table. Select a
record to extract data from. Click OK.

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• To be accessed from an Excel name or cell reference: Double-click the Filter field. Select
the name from the names list. Click OK. The name is inserted into the Filter field, the field
turns green.
• A date filter: Click the assist button. The Account Code dialog box is displayed.
In addition to the mandatory filters, shown in bold, additional data filter items can be
included in the definition. Drag data items from the Selection List into the Filter window.
When a data item is added to the Filter window more than once it has a number added to
make it unique (i.e. #2 added will indicate that this filter is being used for a second time).
7. Enter Filter To criteria details.
8. Select data items to output. There are several ways to place an item in the data output window:
• Drag the item from the Selection List to the Output window.
• Double-click the item in the Selection List. It is automatically transferred to the Output
• Click the Add Table button to transfer all items to the Output window.

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9. You have the option to perform the following functions:

• Modify the order in which data output items are extracted.
• Load a User Defined Output.
• Sort the output table fields.

• Drilldown.
10. Select Options tab, the following options are available:
• Set the Show Message option.
• Set the Direction option.
• Set the External Definition Formula option.
• Save the definition form details as an External or Internal Definition so it can be retrieved
11. Select Report styles tab, the following options are available:
• Select a Report Style.
12. Click OK on the Definition Form to perform the query.

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Section 6: Summary Reports

Summary Report can be used to extract a summarized listing from your database into an Excel
worksheet. There is one row in Excel containing all the output data items for each summary level. For
example; if the summary level is a date, there would be one row in Excel for each date.
Summary Report query can be saved as a formula so the function can be re-run to extract the current
data from your database. If a Create Definition Formula is set to Y on the options tab of the
Definition Form, then the report can be run using the Vision Recalculate functions. The report
definition can be saved as a External Definition or Internal Definition for retrieval later.
After Vision XL has generated the values for your worksheet you can apply all the usual Excel
facilities, including charts, graphs, filter and pivot tables. You can save, print and export it as you
would any other Excel worksheet.

Creating Summary Reports

1. Select Summary Report from the Vision menu. The Summary Report definition form is

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2. Select the Lock option, if you want to prevent the formula from being recalculated.
3. Select a Product. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available products. Select
the required Author Product and click OK.
4. Select a Database. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available databases.
Select the required database and click OK.
5. Select a Table. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available 'parent' tables.
Select the required table and click OK. Alternatively, click the Find button and enter the table's
6. Enter filter criteria in the From field for the listed data filter items. If this filter criteria is:
• Unknown: Click the Filter assist button. A list of records is obtained from the table. Select a
record to extract data from. Click OK.
• To be accessed from an Excel name or cell reference: Double-click the Filter field. Select
the name from the names list. Click OK. The name is inserted into the filter field, the field
turns yellow.
• A date filter: Click the assist button. The Period Selection dialog box is displayed.
In addition to the mandatory filters, shown in bold, additional data filter items can be
included in the definition. Drag data items from the Selection List into the Filter window.
7. Enter Filter To criteria details.
8. Select data items to output. There are several ways to place an item in the data output window,

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• Drag the item from the Selection List to the Output window.
• Double click the item in the Selection List. It is automatically transferred to the Output
• Click the Add Table button to transfer all items to the Output window.
9. You have the option to perform the following functions:
• Modify the order in which data output items are extracted.
• Modify the output's extraction type.
• Load User Defined Output.
• Sort the output table fields.
• Drilldown.
10. Select Options tab, the following options are available:
• Set the Show Message option.
• Set the Direction option.
• Set the Create Definition Formula option.
• Save the definition form details as a External or Internal Definition so it can be retrieved
• Select a Report Style.
• Save the definition form details as a External or Internal Definition so it can be retrieved
11. Select Options tab, the following options are available:

• Select a Report Style.

12. Click OK on the definition form to perform the query.

Extraction Type
Extraction Types represent the type of calculation performed on the data during extraction.
The Extraction Type button is available on the Definition Tab of the query definition form. All data
items selected for output that can use this function and have a default Extraction Type. The relevant
symbol is displayed to the left of the data item in the Output window.

The default Extraction Type for quantity and amount data items is Sum. For all other data items the
default is Count for Summary Link and None for Summary Report. Data items displayed in red in the
Selection List have additional Extraction Types associated with them.

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The available Extraction Types are different for the type of data item selected for output. For
example, Sum and Average are available for quantity or amount data items but not for any other data
item type.
Data items transferred more than once to the Output window are displayed with the next available
Extraction Type.

For example, the first time ‘Other Amount’ is added to the Output window Sum icon is displayed, as
Sum is the default Extraction Type for quantity data items. A second ‘Other Amount’ data item
output item automatically displays the Count Extraction Type and if ‘Other Amount’ is added a third
time, the Extraction Type is Average.

Associated Buttons
Change the Extraction type for a Data Output Item.

Statistical Extraction Types

Icon Mode Description
Sum: Output the sum of the values in a column for all rows.
Count: Count and output the number of rows.
Average: Output the average of the values in a column for all rows.
Minimum: Output the smallest value in a column for all rows. If the column is
non-numeric, the output is the lowest entry based on a collating
sequence. For example, if the column contains names, the output is
the first name alphabetically.
Maximum: Output the largest value in a column for all rows. If the column is
non-numeric, the output is the highest entry based on a collating
sequence. For example, if the column contains names, the output is

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the last name alphabetically.

Distinct Sum: Output the sum of the unique values in a column for all rows.

Distinct Count: Count and output the number of unique rows.

Distinct Average: Output the average of the unique values in a column for all rows.

Reverse Sign option Change numbers that normally appear as positive to negative and
vice versa (i.e. revenue account balances will appear as positive

Non-Statistical Extraction Types

There are three additional non-statistical Extraction Types:

Short Description

These are displayed automatically when applicable data items are transferred to the Output window.
These modes are predefined on some data items to resolve issues between how the data is stored in a
database and the value required when output to a report.
Users have the choice of outputting Code, Short Description or Description by changing the default
Extraction Type. A data item can also be output multiple times with a different Extraction Type, for
example Code and Description.

Outputting Segment Sub-Strings

Segment is used to output a sub-string of a longer string. Within the code the array of segment
characters may represent a region, country or department. By filtering with a segment from a list of
codes it is possible to perform detail Drill analysis in both setting Data Filter Items and Data Output
Segment is reserved for alphanumeric fields. Segment functionality can not be applied to numeric
reference fields, where the field is referential and numeric. In this case consider using text functions
such MID as part of a User Defined Output.
In Vision, Segment is implemented in two areas:
• As Data Filter Item criteria, such as part of an account code which represent a company
department. Only account codes matching the specified segment are extracted.
• As Extraction Type, where the Data Output Item value can be stripped by a set number of

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There are two settings two determine a Segment: Offset and Length. Where Offset is the starting
point of the segment in the string and Length is the number of characters in the segment.
For example:
A Data Output Item has a Segment setting of Offset = 3 and Length = 3. If the Data Output Item
value is 'ID235ZA', then the string '235' is output.

Editing Extraction Types

1. Do one of the following to display the Extraction Type dialog box:
• Click the data output item for which you want to edit and click the Extraction Type button.
• Double-click the data output item.
2. Select the extract type.
3. Select Reverse Sign if required.
4. Click OK. The new Extraction Type symbol is displayed.

Creating User Defined Outputs

User Defined Output allows you to define your own output data items.

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A number of preset functions are available to use within the formulas you create including text string
functions, mathematical functions and data functions. These functions are one line VBScript
formulas. These functions are explained in Appendix B in Vision Help.
Multiple-line VBScript formulas, such as “If” statements, can also be used.
It is also possible to conditionally output rows based on the result of a formula defined in the User
Defined Output. There are two conditions available; include if true or exclude if true.

Caution: User Defined Output data items that conditional output rows must be the last data item in
the Output window.

1. Click the User Defined Output button.

2. Enter a description name for the output in the Description field.

3. Enter a formula for the output. You can do this by one or more of the following methods:
• Type a formula.
• Click the Formula assist button to select a Formula Option.
• Drag or double-click data items from the Selection List window. The data item appears in the
Formula field.
• Drag or double-click functions from the Functions window. The function appears in the
Formula field where you modify the variables as required.

Note: Each function, including bookmarks {=A1}, contains variables that need to be replaced. For
example, the function, Mid(text, startpos, length) could be replaced with Mid(Description, 5, 4), where
text is a data item, startpos is the starting position and length is the number of characters to return.

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4. Enter a default value to be output if an error occurs within the formula that you create.
5. Select a format for the Format field.
6. Click the Test button to check the formula returns the correct result. You will be prompted to
enter test values for each of the fields.
7. If the test was successful, click OK on the User Defined Output dialog box. A symbol and the
output description will appear in the Output window.

Combinations creates a User Defined Output based on two or more Data Output Items by
concatenating the values, separated by a dash ‘-‘. This allows you to combine multiple Data Output
Items into a single column to save space. Combinations can be applied to alphanumeric or date field,
but can not be used on numeric or summation fields.
Combinations is available by right-clicking the Data Output window.
In the example below, using Combinations a new User Defined Output has been created with the
Data Output Items: Name and Lookup. The UDO result is inserted into a single column, rather than
spanning two.

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Section 7: Data Link and Data Selectors

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Creating Data Links.
• Creating Data Selectors.


Data Link
Data Link provides a dynamic link between Excel and your database. The link is represented by a
formula retained in a cell within an Excel worksheet, which can be saved with the worksheet and
copied to other locations in your worksheet.
Data Link only returns the value of a single record, however, a single formula can output multiple data
items for that record. When outputting multiple data items, you can define the Target cell in Excel for
the output data items.
Once you have set up a worksheet using Data Link you can easily edit the link from within the
worksheet to immediately return the same set of information for a different code by using Recalculate
Worksheet or Recalculate Range.

Data Selector
Data Selector is used to create and display a lookup on single or multiple columns of data. The source
of information displayed in Data Selector lookups is selected by using either an Excel defined name,
an Excel cell range or Setup and Internal Definitions within Summary or Detail Reports. Using a
Setup or Internal Definition as the data source ensures the data displayed in the lookup is always
current as the file is re-extracted each time the Data Selector is used.
The output from the Data Selector can be from any column within the display. The information
output from a Data Selector can be referenced as filter criteria when running Vision XL reports.

Note: If a Data Selector displays multiple columns then you can sort the data by any column by
clicking on the bar at the top of the column. Clicking the column will toggle the sort sequence
between ascending and descending order.

Data Selectors, i.e. the buttons, can be displayed anywhere on your worksheet and can be edited at a
later stage. There is no limit to the number of Data Selectors that can be added to a worksheet.

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Tip: Also see Automatic Filter Lookup which in certain circumstances may negate the need to create
a Data Selector button to lookup values from the data source.

Creating Data Links

1. Select Data Link from the Vision menu. The Data Link definition form is displayed.

2. Select the Lock option, if you want to prevent the formula from being recalculated.
3. Select a Product. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available products. Select
the required Author Product and click OK.
4. Select a Database. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available databases.
Select the required database and click OK.
5. Select a Table. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available 'parent' tables.
Select the required table and click OK. Alternatively, click the Find button and enter the table's
6. Enter filter criteria in the From field for the listed data filter items. If this filter criteria is:
• Unknown: Click the Filter assist button. A list of records is obtained from the table. Select a
record to extract data from. Click OK.

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• To be accessed from an Excel name or cell reference: Double-click the Filter field. Select
the name from the names list. Click OK. The name is inserted into the Filter field, the field
turns yellow.
In addition to the mandatory filters, shown in bold, additional data filter items can be
included in the definition. Drag data items from the Selection List into the Filter window.
7. Select data items to output. There are several ways to place an item in the data output window,
• Drag the item from the Selection List to the Output window.
• Double click the item in the Selection List. It is automatically transferred to the Output
• Click the Add Table button to transfer all items to the Output window.
8. You have the option to perform the following functions:
• Modify the order in which data output items are extracted.
• Load a User Defined Output.
• Drilldown.
9. Select a Target Cell if required.
10. Click OK on the definition form to perform the query.

Creating Data Selectors

1. Click Vision on the Excel menu.
2. Select Vision > Utilities > Data Selector. The Data Selector Maintenance dialog box appears. The
reference to the current cell is displayed.

3. If required, select a new cell or Name where the extracted information is to be displayed.
4. Select the data source in the Range/External Definition field, do one of the following:
• Select a range of cells in Excel.
• To select an Excel Name, double-click the Range/External Definition field.

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• To select a Internal Definition, click the Range/External Definition assist button and click
the Yes button when prompted.
• To select a External Definition, click the Range/External Definition assist button and
click the No button when prompted. Select a External Definition using the Open External
Definition dialog box.

Note: Names and Internal Definitions must be contained within and saved to the current Excel
workbook for extract information to appear in the lookup.

5. Select the Column field from which the information is extracted. For example, if a range
includes the code, name, address and contact details in that order, entering 1 in the Column field
returns the code, 2 returns the name and so on.

Note: If a number less than 1 is entered, the information is extracted from column 1. If a number
greater than the number of columns is entered, the information is extracted from the last column.

6. Select the Alignment option where the Data Selector button is placed relative to the extracted
information Cell field.
7. Click the Add button. The Data Selector button is placed on the worksheet.
8. Click Snap to Cell to ensure the data selector button stays in position when rows and columns
are resized.
9. Click Close to return to the worksheet.

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Section 8: Summary Link

Summary Link maintains a dynamic link to your tables. The link is represented by a formula retained
in a cell within an Excel worksheet, which can be saved with the worksheet and copied to other
locations in your worksheet.
Summary Link can be used to extract the balance of the filtered range. One formula can output
multiple data items for the selected range of records.
The output is calculated using the selected Extraction Type such as Sum, Count, Distinct Count and
Minimum. User defined calculations are also available.
Once you have set up a worksheet using Summary Link, you can edit the formulas within the
definition form to return the same information against different data.

Creating a Summary Link

1. Select Summary Link from the Vision menu. The Summary Link definition form is displayed.

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2. Select the Lock option, if you want to prevent the formula from being recalculated.
3. Select a Product. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available products. Select
the required Author Product and click OK.
4. Select a Database. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available databases.
Select the required database and click OK.
5. Select a Table. Click the Filter From assist button to present a list of available 'parent' tables.
Select the required table and click OK. Alternatively, click the Find button and enter the table's
6. Enter filter criteria in the From field for the listed data filter items. If this filter criteria is:
• Unknown: Click the Filter assist button. A list of records is obtained from the table. Select a
record to extract data from. Click OK.
• To be accessed from an Excel name or cell reference: Double-click the Filter field. Select
the name from the names list. Click OK. The name is inserted into the Filter field, the field
turns yellow.
• A date filter: Click the assist button. The Period Selection dialog box is displayed.
In addition to the mandatory filters, shown in bold, additional data filter items can be
included in the definition. Drag data items from the Selection List into the Filter window.
7. Enter Filter To criteria details.
8. Select data items to output. There are several ways to place an item in the data output window,

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• Drag the item from the Selection List to the Output window.
• Double click the item in the Selection List. It is automatically transferred to the Output
• Click the Add Table button to transfer all items to the Output window.
9. You have the option to perform the following functions:
• Modify the order in which data output items are extracted.
• Modify the output's extraction type.
• Load a User Defined Output.
• Drilldown.
10. Select a Target Cell if required.
11. Click OK on the definition form to perform the query.

Format Tables
A Format Table allows the user to define cell definitions based on the value of another cell or
calculated value in the worksheet. If a cell value falls in a user-defined range, the cell can be replaced
with text, formulas, field references or any combination of these. You can also replace the cell font
and background colour.
Format Tables in Vision XL can be accessed in two ways:
• Format Tables on the Vision menu bar
The Target Cell definition is driven by the value of a Source Cell. If the Source Cell value
falls in a user defined range, the Target Cell can be replaced with text, formulas, field
references or any combination of these. You can override the Target Cell font and
background colour and also include blank cells in a Format Table range.
The Target Cell and Source Cell can be the same cell or different cells.
Examples of when this method would be used are:
The Format Table is based on cell containing an Excel formula and this formula cannot be
defined in a Vision XL Definition. For example: the difference between the value of the
Actual ledger and a Budget ledger.
The report length does not vary when re-extracted. For example, a report defined using
Summary and Data Link.
• Within User Defined Output
Format Tables defined as part of a User Defined Output have a large amount of additional
functionality available:
The Format Table trigger is not restricted to a single value compared to a set range but can
be any values compared to any other values. For example any invoices that are over 60 days
and the amount of the invoice is greater than 1,000.
Additional functions include:
• Change report cell attributes such as font and colour for a single cell or the whole row.
• Send an e-mail based on a row in the Format Table and include in the e-mail reference
information from the report. For example, only e-mail debtors over 90 days.

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• Add a comment to the cell when the report is output to Excel. The comment can contain
reference information such as account number, contact, and telephone number.
• The formula used to trigger the Format table is VbScript so complex conditions are possible.
• Dictionary, Cell references, Named Ranges and VbScript variable references are supported.
• All the VbScript inbuilt functions can be used. For example, DateDiff to calculate the
number of days between two dates.
• Comparisons and Calculated values may be stored as VbScript variables and passed to the
next row or output in a comment.

Defining a Format Table

1. Select the cell you want as the Target Cell.
2. Select Vision > Format Tables.

3. Select a Value Cell. The Format Table will fire if the value in this cell matches the value of the
Target Cell.
4. Click the Format Table assist button.

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5. Enter a Code, a Description and Range formats in the Format Table definition form. A double
arrow is displayed next to the range format you are defining. Click Add to make a second
6. Click Save to save the Format Table details.
7. Click OK to return to the worksheet.

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Section 9: Query Templates

Query Templates facilitates the sharing and management of predefined query definitions across Vision
client applications. A template contains details of Data Filter Items, Data Output Items and Report
Style settings. Completed and incomplete templates can be saved for future refinement.
Templates are stored on the server in the Vision centralized database. You can create and then share
templates by placing them in the ‘Library’ folder work area. In addition, each Vision user is provided
with their own dedicated folder, which is not accessible to other Vision users connected to the server.
You can create customized sub-folders in the ‘Library’ and their personal folder work area. A lock
ensures that the template or folder can not be deleted by another Vision user.

Code: an automatically generated code that uniquely identifies the template.

Description: the table on which the template is based.
Comments: additional notes about the template.
Modified by: the Vision user that last saved the template.
Modified on: the date and time the template was saved.
Lock: if enabled, prevents Vision users other than the author from deleting the template.

Creating a Template
1. Complete, or partially complete, the query definition form.
2. Right-click the Filter window.

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3. Select Save a Template on the short-cut menu. The Save Template dialog box is displayed.

• To add a new folder, select the folder in the tree where the sub-folder is to be created, and
click the New Folder button.
• Templates are stored in the Vision centralized database on the server. The template can be
saved to the 'Library' folder, which is accessible to all users, or to your personal folder.
4. Click the Save In button.
5. Complete the Template Details.
6. Click Save.

Using a Template
1. On the Vision menu, click Query Templates.

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The Open Template dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Template.
3. Click the Open button.
4. The query template is opened into the query definition form.

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Section 10: Setting Query Filter Criteria

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Setting Data Filter Item filter criteria using a lookup list.
• Setting Data Filter Item filter criteria by applying a cell reference.
• Explain Automatic Filter Lookup.
• Setting Data Filter Item filter criteria with a Defined Name.
• Setting Data Filter Item filter criteria with Pattern Matching.
• Filter Options
• Filtering a Data Filter Item string by a segment sub-string.

Setting filter criteria for Filter Data Items can be done in several ways:
• Lookup assist button
• Cell reference
• Defined name
• Pattern matching.
For Vision users the most common method is clicking the Lookup assist button for the active Data
Filter Item. A list of available values is returned from the database.

Lookup List
The simplest way to set Data Filter Item criteria is by a lookup list. The lookup list is generated from
data retrieved from the selected Data Filter Item in the database. The two values, ‘From ‘and ‘To’,
define the filter range from which Vision can output.

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Clicking the Data Filter Item assist button on the query definition form displays the lookup list:

Data Filter Item Assist Button

Lookup List

Contiguous and non-contiguous ranges can be selected from the list by holding down the SHIFT or
CTRL key and clicking the values with the cursor. After clicking OK, the '<<' syntax is placed at the
beginning of the filter criteria and the Filter From field is shaded light green to identify it as a
Combination setting, as shown below:

Cell Reference
Data Filter Item criteria can be defined by the contents of a worksheet cell. Vision XL can refer to a
cell reference in a formula in a way similar to that of Microsoft Excel. By changing the value in the
referenced cell, the Query definition’s filter criteria is modified when the worksheet is recalculated and
results are extracted.
1. In a worksheet cell, type in the filter criteria.
If the filter is to be defined by a range of values, type the two values in two separate cells.

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2. Select a new cell in the worksheet; this will contain the query definition.
3. Open a query definition form.
4. Select the Data Filter Item in the Filter window, for which the range held in the cells is valid.
5. Click in the Filter From box.
6. Select the cell containing the filter criteria in the worksheet. The cell address is placed into the
Filter From box and shaded yellow. The cell’s value is shown in blue.

7. Repeat the process for Filter To box.

8. Click OK
9. Recalculate the worksheet to extract the query definition.
The query is bound by the filter range 10000 to 19000. By changing the value in the cells, say B1
is now set to ‘15000’ and worksheet is recalculated, the query returns a revised result for the new
range 15000 to 19000.

Current Period and Date Override

A cell reference can control the Current Period or Date Override applied in query definitions.
The Current Period Override function defines a filter using a period that is not the current period of
the database. For example, if the period has recently rolled over, but for reporting purposes the
definition needs to be based on, or relative to, a current period of the month before.
Use the Current Date Override function when you need to filter using Due Dates. For example, you
may want to display the value of a debtor's account, one week from today. Use the current date
function to modify the date to seven days time.
In the worksheet a series of query definitions can reference a single Current Period Override value
held in a cell. When the Current Period Override value is updated, all the extracted results reflect the
revised Period. This saves time as the individual query definitions do not need to be modified, a
simple change to one cell in carried through to the queries.

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Type (not click) the cell address into the Current Period Override box. Changing the cell value
updates the query's Period filter. In the example below the cell B2 contains the Current Period
Override value '2004/001'

Automatic Filter Lookup

Following on from using a cell reference to set filter criteria is the Automatic Filter Lookup feature
inbuilt into Vision XL.
The Automatic Filter Lookup (AFL) automatically creates a lookup list when the filter criteria are set
by referencing Excel cells.
Double-clicking a cell that contains the Data Filter Item criteria opens the corresponding data filter
item lookup dialog box. In the lookup list the filter range can be revised and the new value
automatically reflected in the corresponding worksheet cell.
In the example below, double-clicking cell A1 opens the data filter item Code lookup list. The current
filter value is 10000. A revised value can be selected from the lookup list, for example 11000; this will
automatically be updated in cell A1. The worksheet should then be recalculated to extract the
modified query definition.

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Note: The AFL feature does not operate with a cell that contains a defined name cell reference or it
in turn references another cell. For example, A1 contains '=!Sheet1B8' and B8 contains the value for

Defined Name
Data Filter Item criteria can be defined by a Defined Name. The Defined Name refers to a cell range
in the worksheet.
First create a Defined Name, and then reference the Define Name in the Data Filter Item.
1. In a worksheet cell, type in the filter criteria.
For example, cell B2 could hold the year ‘2004’.

2. In Excel, define a Name to refer to the cell. In this case ‘This_Year’. Click OK.
3. On the Insert menu, click Names.
4. Type in a Name. In this case, ‘This_Year’

5. Click the Add button, then OK.

6. In the query definition form, select the Data Filter Item.
7. Double-click the Filter from field.

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Available defined Names held by Excel are listed in the Names dialog box.

8. Select the defined Name and click OK.

The defined Name is inserted into the Filter field which is shaded yellow. The Name’s value is
displayed in blue, in this example ‘2004’.

Pattern Matching
Pattern matching involves using a wildcard to specify the filter criteria. For example, inserting the
percent sign ‘%’ before and after a string of data searches for and extracts those items that match the
data string. If you enter ‘%Comp%’ in a Filter From and Filter To field, all data that include the letters
'Comp' in the description are extracted.
Vision requires a prefix to perform Extended SQL LIKE (*=) and NOT LIKE (*!) searches with the
wildcards: _, [ ] and [^]. The SQL LIKE search is automatically implemented with the wildcard % so a
prefix is not required.
The wildcard filters are summarized below:
Prefix Wildcard Filter Action
% Any string of zero or more characters.
_ Any single character.
SQL LIKE *= [] Any single character within the specified range (for
example, [a-f]) or set (for example, [abcdef]).
[^] Any single character not within the specified range (for
SQL NOT LIKE *! example, [^a-f]) or set (for example, [^abcdef]).

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In the event that the requested data ends with blank characters, place % at the end of the search
expression. For example, 'Software ' would not be returned by *=Softwa_e because the last character
is blank. The search expression *=Softwa_e% would successfully return data.
1. Open a report definition form.
2. Select the Data Filter Item in the Filter window.
3. Click inside the Filter From box.
4. Type in a wildcard, for example *=_e%, which returns results that start with any letter and the
second letter is ‘e’. Returned words can be of any length.
The Filter From box is shaded green.
5. Click OK, and Recalculate the worksheet to extract the report definition.

Wildcard Characters
You can use a number of search expressions, i.e. wildcards, in definition forms and dialog boxes to
search for the information you entered and extract it to Excel.
Wildcards are available when filtering on any data item and description. Filters with wildcards use only
a single filter value not a range. Any value entered in the Filter To field is ignored.
The wildcard filters are:
‘%’ (percent) to substitute any number of characters for the percent.
‘_’ (underscore) to substitute any single character for each underscore.
‘>>’ (greater than twice) to define the search as case insensitive. This can be used in conjunction
with all other wildcards.
‘*>’ (asterisk and greater than) to include reserved characters such as %, < and > literally in a
search. This prevents the Comparison Operator logic or SQL LIKE search from working.
Everything after *> is taken literally. For example, to search for 'Discount items 20%' (%
meaning percentage, and not a string), type *>Discount items 20%

Filter Options
Filter Options can assist with setting filter criteria for Data Filter Items by providing comparison
operator and pattern matching syntax.

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Right-click the Data Filter Item and select Options from the short-cut menu.

The Filter Options dialog box is displayed.

Filter Options has three main sections:

• Default: enter comparison operator and segment syntax.
• Combination: specify contiguous and non-contiguous ranges for Data Filter Items.
• Literal: use reserved characters such as %, < and > literally as Data Filter Item criteria.

Filtering With Segment

Segment is used to filter a small section of a longer code. Within the code the array of segment
characters may represent a region, country or department. By filtering with a segment from a list of
codes it is possible to perform detail Drill analysis in both setting Data Filter Items and Data Output
Segment is reserved for alphanumeric fields. Segment functionality can not be applied to numeric
reference fields, where the field is referential and numeric.

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In Vision, Segment is implemented in two areas:

• As Data Filter Item criteria, such as part of an account code which represent a company
department. Only account codes matching the specified segment are extracted.
• As Extraction Type, where the Data Output Item value can be stripped by a set number of
There are two settings two determine a Segment: Offset and Length. Where Offset is the starting
point of the segment in the string and Length is the number of characters in the segment.

Filter Options – Segment

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Section 11: Hierarchies

Hierarchies are a powerful tool that enables Vision users to group information for aggregation and
Vision supports:
• Base hierarchies – reporting from the same database on the one server.
• Global hierarchies – reporting from different databases from the same Product on the one

Global Hierarchy
Vision groups multiple and non-contiguous data item values under newly created data items. The new
data items can have more meaningful headings to better describe the data it represents. For example, a
hierarchy could be account types, regional office, dates or periods.
A global hierarchy can be defined across multiple companies or business units that have disparate
Charts of Accounts. In this case the charts from the various companies must be mapped to a user-
defined hierarchy node to provide a uniform reporting structure.
However, if the companies have the same charts then Vision’s Business Hierarchy logic can be
applied without the need for a hierarchy to be created.
Hierarchies are shown in green in the Selection List, immediately below data item on which it is based.
The level at which hierarchy results are outputted can be controlled by the Hierarchy Extraction Type.

Analysis Using Hierarchies

If a hierarchy is applied during analysis, only the values defined in the hierarchy are used to filter and
return drill results.
Hierarchies are user-defined and generally represent a sub-set of the data item on which it is based.
Hence a hierarchy may also be a sub-set of the figures being analyzed.

• Hierarchies are only supported on MS-SQL and Oracle databases.
• Vision does not support consolidation where node values are divided into percentages.
• Hierarchies is not supported on multiple database installations

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Business Hierarchy
A Business Hierarchy is a conceptual model which encompasses data consolidation and aggregation
from multiple companies or business units (databases) that form a hierarchical structure. A Business
Hierarchy is not a hierarchy in its own right, however, a hierarchy may need to be created in order
apply Business Hierarchy logic when reporting.

Vision can report from multiple companies using a single query. The companies are combined in the
Filter window. A plus ‘+’ is placed between each company listed.
Vision can report from multiple companies using a single query. In a query definition form there
several methods to specify multiple companies on which to report:
• In the Company/Business Unit lookup list, hold down the CTRL key and select the
• Refer to a cell that contains a list of companies.
• Create a Vision Language Dictionary key associated with a list of companies.

A cell reference to a list of companies, separated by ‘+’

The companies are combined in the Filter window. A plus ‘+’ placed between each company listed
determines that the query is applying Business Hierarchy logic.

Note: Subsequent filter data item lookup lists are populated from the first company specified. In the
example above this would be from ‘PK1’.

A hierarchy need not be created to perform Business Hierarchy query extraction. However, it is
assumed that each Business Unit has the same structure, for example account code 11000 refers to
'sales' in all business units. Similarly, segment 2 equals 'department' and that the codes within segment

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2 are identical. If the Business Unit structures are not the same then a user-defined hierarchy with
nodes mapped to the Business Units’ chart of accounts should be created to align differing databases
into a uniform structure.

• Business Hierarchies is only supported on MS-SQL and Oracle databases.
• Company databases must have the same collation sequence.

Hierarchy Designer
The Hierarchy Designer interface can be divided into two main areas:
Hierarchy Designer: This area is its self made up of two areas the visual representation of the
hierarchy and also the product, name and details mapping area.

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New Hierarchy Window: In which the hierarchy name is entered along with selecting the table for
the hierarchy is to build in and the hierarchy item that the hierarchy is to be based.

Creating a Hierarchy
1. Select Utilities > Hierarchy Designer.
2. Select the Product in which the hierarchy should reside and click OK. Existing hierarchies are
listed in the Hierarchy Picker dialog box. To modify a hierarchy, select the hierarchy and click the
Open button.
3. Click the Add New button to create a new hierarchy. The New Hierarchy dialog box opens.
4. Complete the New Hierarchy dialog box as per above and click OK. Hierarchy Designer is
displayed. Access to node operations is made by a right-click short cut menu and toolbar. The left
pane is used to create the Hierarchy Tree consisting of level and child nodes. Only the end leaf
node can be associated with data ranges and are shown in red.

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5. Create a hierarchy structure by adding Level and Child nodes. Right-click an existing node, add
level/child level, list node names in the Hierarchy Members dialog box and click OK. Each branch
ends with a leaf node.

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6. Select a leaf node.

7. Right-click the Range table and select Choose Range to lookup a range. Choose Range is on
the Ranges menu. A lookup dialog box displays range of values from the Data Output Item. The
range of values is associated with the leaf node.
• The From Code and To Code boxes contain the selected range. Both the From and To
Code boxes must be completed, even for a single code (i.e., From 10000 to 10000). Further
ranges can be appended to the Range list.
• A child node can also be associated with mask. A mask consists of standard SQL wild card
characters (e.g. _ % [ ]).
• To delete a range, select the range and press the DELETE key. Click the Yes button to
confirm. For other delete options see the Ranges Menu. If the Hierarchy is to report from
multiple databases, add a Database Filter.
• A single Group Member is created for the column in the database path. If additional
Hierarchies are created using the same column, a default column needs to be nominated in
the Group Members panel. The default column is applied when the Hierarchy is selected.

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8. On the File menu, click Close. The new Hierarchy is created in the Product database and can be
accessed from the Selection list window of a query definition form.

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Section 12: Combining Vision XL Functions

Vision XL functions are not mutually exclusive and can be used in conjunction with each other.
Reports can be created with combinations of Data Link, Summary Link, Detail Report and Summary
Report. Functions can also be used as filter criteria. For example, a Detail Report can use a Data Link
as a company or account filter. A change to the Data Link function would then cause a change in the
Detail Report on recalculation. This allows you to create more robust reporting solutions.

Combining Vision XL Functions

Several Vision XL functions can exist within the same worksheet or workbook. They may or may not
be linked.
When combining Vision XL functions you should be aware of the order in which functions are
recalculated. The order may be important depending on how the functions depend on each other.
Vision Recalculate is performed in the following sequence:
1. Non-Vision Formulas i.e., Microsoft Excel formulas
2. Tasks
3. Data Link
4. Summary Report
5. Data Balances
6. Summary Link
7. Detail Report
8. Format Tables
9. Non-Vision Formulas i.e., Microsoft Excel formulas
In instances where you require formulas to be recalculated in a different order, you can use Macro
Builder to recalculate specified ranges in the required order, or alternatively recalculate your worksheet
multiple times.

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Section 13: Drilldown

Section Objectives
In this section we will cover:
• Describe and perform Drilldown analysis on extracted results.
• Adhoc Inquiries.
• Expand analysis on drill results.
• Breakout analysis on drill results.
• Printing drill results
• Outputting drill results to different file types.

Drilldown is available from Vision XL and allows you to perform ad hoc drill inquiries on a single
extract query formula created by:
• Summary Link
• Summary Report
Using Drilldown, you can drill down on the amount to display the composition of that amount to the
summary or transaction level. The cell value is analyzed in greater detail so as to return the
transactions that contributed to the total value of the cell.
Once the drill result has been extracted further analysis can be performed on the result with Adhoc
Adhoc Inquiry shares similar functionality to Vision Executive, so in addition to Drilldown and
Transaction Drilldown, it also provides access to Breakout and Expand analysis tools. Drill paths can
be saved and replayed on extracted drill results.
By incorporating Vision Executive capabilities it is possible to output the analysis results to a printer
or multiple file types from Vision XL.

Using Drilldown

The Drilldown definition form is displayed each time you drill down. Data items may be added or
removed from the Output window in the Drilldown definition form to allow you to define your
analysis criteria.
The Drilldown button on the query definition forms allow you to perform a drill down without first
extracting the data. Extracted information can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

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Adhoc Inquiries starts when the Drilldown definition form is extracted. Adhoc Inquiries is derived
from Vision Executive analysis tools. From the Adhoc Inquires interface further analysis can be
perform on the returned results.
Drill results are retained even after the Adhoc Inquiries window is closed, and are only purged once
you have logged off from Vision XL. However, the customization of templates or style settings are
retained based on the user name.

1. Recalculate the workbook.

Failure to recalculate may cause a mismatch between the original extracted value and the Adhoc
Inquiries results.
2. Select the query definition formula result you wish to perform further analysis.

3. On the Vision menu, point to Drilldown then select one of the following:
• Summary - to perform drill to transactions.
• Transaction - to drill to drill transaction level.
• Cube - perform Cube Analysis.
If Cube is selected, the Criteria tab of the Cube Analysis definition form is displayed, See V-
cubed section for details on this analysis tool. If Summary or Transaction is selected, the Criteria
tab of the Drilldown definition form is displayed.
The original Data Output Item(s) extracted is shown in bold type.

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4. From the Selection list, select data items for the Output window. The values of the new Data
Output Items are used to perform the Drill analysis.

Note: The message "Microsoft Office Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE
action." is displayed if the Drilldown definition is not completed and executed within approximately
90 seconds. Microsoft Excel is waiting for Vision XL to finalize an operation.

5. On the definition form, complete the Options tab to apply report layout formatting.
6. Click OK. The Adhoc Inquiries interface is displayed.

Adhoc Inquires

From the Adhoc Inquiries interface a number of actions can be taken.

• Addition analysis of drill results: Drilldown, Transaction Drilldown, Expand, Breakout and
• Print output results to different file types.

Expand Analysis
Expand is a form of drill analysis made on all Summary Link definitions found in a single row. Adhoc
Inquires expands the query based on data output items specified. The original row effectively
becomes the sum total.

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The Expand supports multiple levels expand, with the inclusion of sub-totalling where appropriate.
Expand (+) and collapse (-) toggle buttons control the level of detail displayed.
Before Expand:

After Expand, by city

Breakout Analysis
Breakout analysis can be performed on results returned from Summary Link and Summary Report
queries. Breakout automatically creates mirror images of a report on separate dependent worksheets
utilizing the Breakout criteria. The Breakout criteria are defined by Data Output Items in the Output
A Dependent Worksheet is created for each value of the selected Data Output Item. By combining
the results of the individual Dependent Worksheets would produce the results found in the Primary

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On the right a Breakout is made on

the Data Output Item 'Code'. 'Code' is
comprised of the values A, B and C.
Dependent worksheets are created for
each value of 'Code'.
For example, after creating an initial
report for a company, Breakout could
further divide the report into
individual reports for each department
within the company.
The Data Output Item would be the
collective name for the departments.

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Printing and Outputting Files

You can send the Drill results to a printer. On the File menu, click Print. The Print dialog box is
displayed. You nominate which Drill results from the Drill tree are to be printed.

The Drill results can be output to three file types:

• Files compatible with Microsoft Office applications.
Finally, the Drill results can be sent via e-mail if e-mail settings have been completed in Client Setup.

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Section 14: V3: V-Cubed

V-cubed provides insight into summarized business operations and trends. The cube can be
populated from a query extraction from a relational database or an OLAP Product.
Data source columns are selected to form the dimensions of the cube. The dimensions can be a row
(x-axis), column (y-axis) or slicer (z-axis). A measure is a quantity value returned from the data
source, its location is determined by the intersection of three dimensions. By default, the Slicer
dimension displays all values from the output item which effectively squashes the cube to produce a
two-dimensional view.
Additional dimensions can be used to further 'slice' through the formula result. A 'slice' acts as a filter
by only applying a single value from the dimension to locate the measure result. This provides a third
dimensional view of the measure result. The Slicer dimension can be toggled through each successive
value using the Slicer window.
By default, a slicer dimension initially includes all values in the calculation of the measure. As further
row or column dimensions are included in V-cubed, new levels are created.
Cube analysis can be performed on several formulas, but they must be from the same product and
have the same tables.

V3 Tabs
V-cubed has four tabs:
• Criteria: contains the Criteria definition form. It displays the current filter criteria and allows
you to select the dimensions you want to use for analysis from the Selection List.
• Options: is used to specify whether a data output item is a measure, dimension or slicer.
• Cube: displays the results of V-cubed. Data output items can be used as column, row or
slice dimensions.
• Chart: displays the selected measure results from the Cube tab in a chart.

Menu Controls
The Cube tab display is controlled by a right-click menu and a series of sub-menus.

Show Cube Transactions

List transactions that constitute the measure result.

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Perform an ad-hoc drilldown on a measure result.

Slicer / Rows / Columns

Lists slicer/rows/columns dimensions. For the selected dimension the following actions can be
Filter members: Lists dimension members. These are the individual values that are held by the
dimension. Members can be ignored in cube calculations.
The Filter Member dialog box consists of two windows:
• Dimensions: all dimensions in the Cube.
• Members: all values found in the dimension.
Dimensions derived from a Hierarchy include levels for a serduct hierarchy. Dimensions derived from
an OLAP Hierarchy are split into the level names.
Use the Filter window to clear members not to be included in Cube calculations.
Slicer Window (For Slicer dimensions only): Use the Slicer window to filter measure results.
The Slicer window displays all members for the selected slicer dimension.
• In the Slicer dialog box, select a member and click OK to only display measure results that
apply to the member value.
• Select a Slicer dimension and press '+' and '-' keys on the numeric keypad to cycle through
slicer members displayed in the Cube.
• Click the Reset button to clear slicer filtering and display all measure results.
Totals: Displays dimension row/column totals. The Show Column Totals/Show Row Totals option
must be enabled.
Sort: Sort the dimension members in ascending or descending order.
Orientation: Changes the dimension orientation to column, row or slicer. The current orientation is

Visible: Display measure in cube.
V-cubed can report measure results as follows:
• Sum: total summation of measure members. [Default]
• Count: total number of measure members.
• Average: average of measure members.
• Minimum: minimum values for measure members.
• Maximum: maximum values for measure members.

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Edit Format Tables: Opens the Format Tables dialog.
Show Format Tables: Implement the Format Table in the cube.
Show Empty Cells: Displays dimension members with no values.
Show Row Totals: Activates totals for all row dimensions.
Show Column Totals: Activates totals for all column dimensions.
Hide Single Totals: For dimensions with only one member, only display the total once.

Working with V3
1. Select a cell containing a Vision formula.
2. Select Vision > Cube Analysis.

3. In the Criteria definition form tab select output items to be used as dimensions and measures.

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4. In the Options tab, nominate data output items as measures, dimensions or slicers.

5. Click the Populate Cube button.

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6. Drag dimension fields to the different axes to display data in rows or columns.
7. Expand or collapse the dimensions to view different levels of data.
8. Use the Filter window to filter dimensions and members.
9. Use the Slicer window to filter measure results.
10. Drill down on a measure result.
11. Use the Charting feature to show trends in the data.

Note: It is recommended that V-cubed is not performed on over 10000 transactions as defined in

Format Tables
Format Tables controls the visual appearance of Measure results based on satisfying a set of criteria.
Format Tables are assigned to Measures.
The Format Table consists of a series of conditional statements. From the top of the list, the first
statement that is true is implemented, even if further statements can be fulfilled.

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Creating a Format Table

To create a Format Table:
1. On the Cube tab, right-click and select Options > Edit Format Tables.

2. Click the '+' add Format Table button. A 'New Format Table' definition is created. Double-click
the Format Table definition to rename it.
3. Click the '+' button to add a conditional statement. Click the '-' remove button to delete a
conditional statement.
4. Select a Type comparison.
5. Type in a From value.
6. If required, type in a To value. This is only required for the Type 'Is Between' and 'Is Not
7. Click the Font Colour cell and select a colour.
8. Click the Background Colour cell and select a colour.
9. Select the Measure and Format Table.
10. Click the Assign button.
11. Click OK to return to the Cube tab. To implement Format Table in the Cube, select the option
Show Format Tables.

Cube Profiles
Cubes can be quickly generated by using a saved Cube Profile. Rather than recreating the cube from
scratch, the Cube Profile sets up the framework for the cube. Cube Profiles are listed if the selected
query definition has a similar structure. The new filter criteria are taken from the query definition.

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Data output items, including extract type and whether reverse sign is applied, are defined in the Cube
Profile. They are assumed to be identical to those defined in the query definition.

Saving Cube Profiles

To save the current Cube criteria profile to the workbook:
1. Select the Other tab.
2. Enter a profile name in the field.
3. Click the Save To Workbook button. The profile name is included in the Cube Analysis Profile
dialog box when the V-cubed utility is started from the menu.

Opening Cube Profiles

If V-cubed detects a previously saved profile in the workbook, it is listed in the Cube Analysis Profile
dialog box.
From the Cube Profile you can either:
• Select the profile and click OK. The profile is loaded into the Criteria tab.
• Select the profile and click the Populate Cube button. The profile is loaded and the Cube
tab is populated.
• Click Cancel to load the query definition selected in step 1 into the Criteria tab.

Storing Cube Results

The V-cubed toolbar has four icons:

Open a V-cubed file

Save a V-cubed file

Start Chart Designer

Export the Cube grid to an Excel workbook

Unlike storing a Cube Profile in a workbook, the V-cubed file (*.lcf) can be viewed without the need
for the query definition. Cube analysis can be performed 'offline'. When viewed offline, analysis can
only be performed on existing extracted output items and so it is not possible to add further
dimensions or measures that don't already exist in the V-cubed file.

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Saving Cube Results

To save Cube results:
1. Click the Save File button.
2. Enter the filename and file path for the Lasata Cube File (*.lcf) and click the Save button.

Loading Cube Results

To load a Cube results:
1. If a Cube is to be viewed offline and you are unable to logon to the database, run the offline
Cube Viewer application. In the Vision program folder click Cube Viewer.

Note: Drilldown can not be performed while offline.

2. In the Cube application, click the Open File button.

3. Select the location of the Lasata Cube File (*.lcf) and click the Open button.

Export Cube Matrix

The V-cubed matrix results can be exported to an Excel workbook. A snapshot of the Cube results is
placed in tabular form. The Cube's dimension column and rows names are used as labels for the table.
1. Click the Excel button on the V-cubed tool bar. A Save to Excel dialog box appears.
2. Enter a filename and file path for the Excel workbook.
3. Click the Save button.

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Section 15: Macro Builder

Use Macro Builder to create an Excel macro that automates the Vision XL activities you perform
frequently. Macro Builder stores a series of steps, i.e. commands and functions that can be run
whenever you need to perform the task.
For example, you can create a macro that enters a value in a formula; recalculates your worksheet and
runs a macro relating to the worksheet; opens a Detail Report External Definition in which to save
the new data; then moves to another workbook after the macro has finished.
Any number of steps can be stored in one macro and you can modify existing macros.
Always begin building a macro where you require the macro button. It does not have to appear on the
same worksheet that the result appears.
The sequence that the steps are displayed in the Macro Recipe window is the macro execution

Using Macro Builder

Macro Recipe
Begin the creation of a macro by adding macro steps i.e. activities and data, into the Macro Recipe
window. Different fields are displayed above the window depending on the step you enter.

Double-click the step you want to store in the macro. If parameters need to be entered for the step,
the relevant fields are displayed in the Macro Recipe window. Many steps do not require data to be

Step Parameter Fields

Fields that require parameters to be entered for the step are displayed in the Steps window. Different
parameters are required for different steps.

Enter the cell range to: select, clear, delete, print, name, set a print area, recalculate or insert

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Note: If you run a macro that includes an extraction step, for example, Run Detail Report, directly
before the Name Range step, and leave the Range field clear, the active range, i.e. the Detail Report
extraction, is used.

• a worksheet or workbook name to recalculate, activate, insert, delete, rename or print
• rows or columns to insert or delete
• a External Definitionname to run

Enter the cell that you want to select the region surrounding that cell or where you want to enter a
value. You can enter a cell reference or defined name if required.
If you select a range for this field, only the first cell is entered.

Enter a name to call the range or to rename the specified worksheet.
If you run a macro that includes an extraction step, for example, Run Detail Report, directly before
the Name Range step and leave the Range field clear, names the cell range containing the extracted

Enter a message to:
• Display in a separate window when the macro is run.
• Prompt for a value to be entered in the specified cell. When you run the macro, the message
appears and you can enter a value. For example, 'Enter account code'.
If the Screen Updating step is defined within the macro as N (No), i.e., do not update the screen
when the macro is running, the message defined in this step still appears when you run the macro.

Default Value
Enter the value to be placed in the cell if one is not entered manually when the macro is run. For
example, enter an item code.

Screen Updating
Enter a Screen Updating code to indicate that you want to inhibit the display in Excel while the macro
is running. Enter Y (Yes) to show display and N (No) to inhibit display.

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If the Screen Updating step is defined as N and a Message step is defined in your macro, the message
still appears when you run the macro.

Enter an Interactive code to indicate that you want Excel to be active while the macro is running.
Enter Y Yes to keep Excel active and N No to make it inactive.
Range/Worksheet Name
Enter a cell range or name of the worksheet you want to recalculate, activate, insert, delete, rename or
print. To reference the active worksheet, manually type the worksheet name, click a cell or range of
cells in that worksheet or use the assist button. The active worksheet is used if you leave this field

Range/Workbook Name
Enter a cell range or name of the workbook you want to recalculate, activate or print. To reference
the active workbook, manually type the workbook name, click a cell or range of cells in that
workbook or use the assist button. The active workbook is used if you leave this field blank.

To reference the file name you require, type the file name, enter a cell reference or click the assist
button to search for the file name you require. Double-click the file name or click the file name then
click Open.

Insert Formula
Click the assist button to display the Data Link, Summary Link, Detail Report or Summary Report
definition form. Enter your selections then click OK to save your entries and return to the Macro
Builder function.

Macro Name
Enter the name of the Vision XL or Excel macro that you want to run using Macro Builder.

Number of Cells
Enter the number of cells you want to allow the cursor to move from the current cell in the active
worksheet. This can be either up, down, left or right.

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Click the Workbook assist button to cycle through all open workbooks in Excel or to enter a
workbook name in any related workbook step. The Workbook Name dialog box that appears displays
all open workbooks. Select any workbook and click OK to transfer the workbook name to the step
field. You can use the arrow buttons to move between workbook names.
All workbooks referred to within a macro must be open for the macro to run.

Creating Macros
1. Select Vision > Macro Builder. The Macro Builder definition form is displayed.

2. Select Steps from the Steps list to be included in the Macro Recipe. There are three techniques to
add Steps:
• Select the Step and click the Add button.
• Drag the Step from the Steps list to the Macro Recipe window.
• Double-click the Step in the Step list.
To remove a Step, select the Step in the Macro Recipe and press Delete. Alternatively, drag
the Step back to the Steps list.
Some Steps require addition information, such as a cell reference, range or workbook name.
These details should be entered into the empty field above the Macro Recipe list and may
originate from another workbook.

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3. Click the Workbook assist button to select an open workbook other than the active workbook.
Use the arrow keys to toggle through open workbooks.
4. As required, double-click the empty field for applicable lists or select a range in the active
5. Use the arrow buttons to reorder Steps in the Macro Recipe window.
6. Click Options tab on the Macro Builder definition form.

7. Enter a Macro Name.

8. Enter a Button Name which is to appear on the macro button.
9. If you wish, enter a short cut key letter to call the macro. The default is CTRL + [letter]. Hold
down the SHIFT key whilst typing in the letter to use CTRL+SHIFT+ [letter] combination.
10. Save the definition form details as a Setup or Internal Definition so it can be retrieved later.
11. Click OK. A macro button is placed on the active workbook's worksheet.
12. Reposition and resize the macro button.

Deleting Macros
1. Select Vision > Macro Builder. The Macro Builder definition form is displayed.
2. Click the Options tab on the Macro Builder definition form.
3. Select the macro to be deleted in the Macro Name list.
4. Click the Delete button. The macro is removed.
5. Click OK to dismiss Macro Builder.

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Section 16: Report Designer

Report Designer can be used to customize the format of the data extracted to Excel and is available in
the Detail Report and Summary Report functions.
Using the Report Designer definition form, you can format the information to be output including
the location of output items, subtotaling information, creating page breaks and titles, inserting filtered
columns and inserting section headers.
Formatting similar to Excel is available in the Report Designer including decimal places, colours, font
types and font sizes.
Excel formulas can also be used to perform calculations on the extracted data. For example, a cell can
be defined to calculate the average unit cost price by dividing the cells that are defined to extract
values for quantity and cost.
Only one design can be created for each set of definition data for each function.

Working with Report Designer

A title appears once at beginning of report. Names are available for use in the Title section.

Page Header
A page header appears once in Excel and prints at the top of each page when the report is printed
from Excel. Names are available for use in the Page Header section.

Header/Subtotal Section
There is no limit to the number of Header/Subtotal Sections. The sort order defined in the reports
must reflect these sections to ensure the output is meaningful. There can be nested Header/Subtotal
Sections. When defining nested breaks on data items you must include the data items for the first
Header/Subtotal section in the second Header/Subtotal section.

Note: A warning message will display if the sort order sequence and selected change of data items are
not compatible.

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There is no requirement to have both Header and Subtotal sections; you can have either Header or

Detail Section
Increase the number of rows in the detail section to output multiple lines of details. Data items in the
Output window do not have to be in the sequence of output in the Report Designer. You are also
able to define alternating coloured rows in the output.

Total Section
The total section is for grand totals at the end of your report. Add Field Total to any column requiring
a grand total. Names are available in the Total Section. There is only one Total Section per report.

Field Total
Field Total is available in Subtotal and Total sections. They are added, in these sections, to the
columns that are to be totaled.

Excel Names can only be defined in non-repeating sections, Title, Page Header and Total sections.
Named ranges can be used within a report or externally after the report has been output to Excel. For
example, define the Field Total cell in the Total Section as "Total Amount". In another worksheet
reference the named range as defined in the Report Designer. This allows a named range to continue
to be used even though the output from Report Designer is a variable length. Names defined in
Report Designer will overwrite named ranges in Excel.

Codes defined in the Dictionary can be added to any section in Report Designer. Dictionary Codes
can be used for:
• Redefining data items.
• Creating a value in dictionary for use in multiple reports and this would only necessitate
changing the value in one place, dictionary.
• Multilingual translation.

Column Filtering
Column Filtering allows the same data item to be output in multiple columns with different filtering
criteria. Only data items that have been selected in the Filter window when defining the report are
available for filtered columns. If a data item has not been included in the Filter window when defining

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the report then the filtered columns within Report Design have to be opened after adding the data
item to the Filter window.
The filter ranges defined in the Filter window is overridden by the filtered ranges selected in Column
Filtering. You can create multiple Filtered Columns if they have the same filter criteria but different
Output data items. When created together through Column Filters they are synchronized and any
changes, moves or deletion affects all the columns created with the same Filtered Column number.

Report Designer Profiles

A Report Designer Profile is used by the Report Designer Wizard to define filtered columns.
A Profile is a list of filter ranges that form the columns in the report. The filter ranges can be obtained
from data output item values or defined manually.
To build a Report Designer Profile:
1. Click the Build Profiles button on the Report Designer definition form. Alternatively, Build
Profiles can be accessed within the Report Designer Wizard. The Build Profile dialog box is
2. Select a data output item from the Output Field / Profile Name window.
3. Click the Get Unique Values button. All unique values for the output field are returned from
the data source and displayed in the Filtered Columns Values window. They form the column
headings for the report.
4. Use the order buttons to demote and promote filtered column values. The list of Filtered
Column Values can be amended.
5. Select a Filtered Column Value and either:
• Add a Filter Column Value. Enter new values in the From, To and Column Description
fields and click the Add to Profile button. Clicking the Value From assist button displays
all Output Field values.
• Delete a Filter Column Value. Click the Delete button.
• Change the Value From or Value To field, click the Update Selected Item button.
6. Enter a Profile Name into the field.
7. Click the Save button. The Report Designer Profile is appended to the data output item. To
delete a Profile, select the Profile in the Output Field / Profile Name window and click the Delete
Profile button.
8. Click the Exit button to close the Build Profile dialog box.

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Report Designer Wizard

Report Designer includes a Wizard to assist in creating a report design.
The Report Designer takes the output data items and a defined Profile to create the report design.
To create a design using the Report Design Wizard:
1. Ensure that at least one data output item will be sorted. This can be verified by checking whether
a data output item in the Report Designer definition form's Output window has a sort number.
2. Click the Wizard button on the Report Designer definition form. The Designer Wizard is displayed.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Select a Profile from one of the output data items. If available, the Profile is attached to the data
output item and can be displayed by clicking the expand tree icon. The output data item's Profile
values are listed. The values represent the filtered columns in the report. By default, all values are
selected and so all columns will be displayed in the design. Click the Build Profiles button if you
need to build a Report Designer Profile.
5. Clear the check box for Profile column values that you do not wish to display to further refine
the report.
6. Click the Next button. Page headers (the profile's caption) and totals can be included in the
report design.
7. Clear report design options that are not to be displayed.
8. Click the Next button. Pre-selected data items are listed.
9. Click the Next button. Sorted output data items are listed in the Create Sub Totals window. With
no output data items in the On Change Of window, no sub-totals are displayed.
10. If required, double-click output data items to place them in the On Change Of window. A sub-total
is created each time the output data item changes.
11. Double-click output data items to return them to the Create Sub Totals window.
12. Click the Finish button to generate the report design. At this point, the report design can be
manually modified.

Note: Output data items in the report definition form that don't exist in the Profile will cause Vision
to display a warning message. Once the message has been cleared, remove the output data item from
the data output list on the Definition tab of the form before extracting the report. The report design
remains unaffected.

Function Launcher
Function Launcher opens the Vision XL function associated with a specified Setup or Internal
Definition and loads the Setup or Internal Definition. Function Launcher can also open the Report
Designer if required.

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You can enter a Setup or Internal Definition name, cell reference or Name in the Setup/Internal
Definition field to specify which External Definition or Internal Definition you want to edit, either by
clicking the assist button or by typing. Click OK to load the relevant function: Summary Report,
Detail Report or Macro Builder. The Function Launcher window then closes.
The last Workbook or External Definition opened is retained in the Setup/Internal Definition field
allowing you to continually update the same report without having to reselect it each time. Select the
Report Designer check box to load the relevant function and open the Report Designer when you
click OK.

Setup/Internal Definition
Enter a Workbook or External Definition name and file path or cell reference either by clicking the
assist button or typing.

Select the Open option button to open the relevant function only.

Open Report Designer

Select the Open Report Designer option button to open the Report Designer associated with the
External Definition or Internal Definition.

Select the Run Function option button to run the specified function directly from the Function
Launcher dialog box.

Using Function Launcher

1. Select the Vision menu from the menu bar.
2. Select Utilities > Function Launcher.

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3. Select either a External Definition or a Internal Definition using the assist button.

4. Chose to open the report definition, open the definition within Report Designer, or run the
5. Click OK.

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Section 17: Data Send

Data Send
Data Send writes data into your database that can then be viewed and used within the database.
Data Send is available from the Vision menu or the Vision toolbar. The Data Send definition form
has two windows. The top window is similar to the Filter window and allows you to choose the
product, company and definition you wish to run.
Once you have selected a definition, the lower window on the Data Send definition form is populated
with the fields you can use to write to your database.
Fields in bold are mandatory data items and must be mapped to a data column on your worksheet.
The red field is the Driver Code. This is the field that controls how many rows of data are sent to the
database. Data Send scans down each row and posts the cell's data. The process stops when the
Driver Code’s reference cell is blank or out of range.
For Data Send operations, worksheet data should typically be structured into columns, with each
column representing a field that already exists in the database.

Using Data Send

Note: Data Send definition form field names vary according to the Data Send definition.

1. Populate a worksheet with the data you want to write to your database. There are three ways to
do this:
• Enter the data manually
• Extract data using Vision XL functions and update the budget amounts
• Extract actual data using Vision XL functions and change the amounts to the budget
amounts you require

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2. Select Vision > Data Send. The Data Send definition form is displayed.

3. Select a Product. Click the assist button to list available products. Select the required Product
and click OK.
4. Select a Database/Company. Click the assist button to list available databases. Select the required
database and click OK.
5. Click the assist button to list available definitions and select the Budget Writeback definition.
6. Select an Error Cell. Select a cell in the worksheet if you wish to nominate a single cell in which
all error messages are to be collected. It is recommended that you do not assign the Error cell to
a cell that contains a formula since any listed errors would not relate the pre-existing formula
7. Select Comment Cell. Select a cell in the worksheet if you wish to nominate a single cell into
which warning or information messages about the Data Send process for the Product are placed.
The implementation of this feature is dependent on the Product's serduct.
8. Select the Matrix Send option if you want to repeat the send process over a specified range of
unique values (e.g., periods or dates). When enabled, a Matrix Replicator field name will be
highlighted in green. If a Matrix Replicator field does not appear when this is enabled, one can be
set manually. Select a field, right-click and select Matrix Replicator Field on the short-cut menu.

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9. Select the Skips Blanks option. If enabled, Data Send will continue if a blank cell is detected. If
disabled, Data Send will stop when a blank cell is detected.

10. Select the Mandatory Key Field and click the Driver Code reference cell or name in the
11. If Matrix Send has been enabled, click the Matrix Replicator Field and select the Matrix
Replicator range in the worksheet.
12. Select a Mandatory Field and click the corresponding reference cell or range in the worksheet.
Continue to map mandatory fields to reference cells.
13. Select a Field and click the corresponding reference cell or range in the worksheet. Unlike the
Mandatory Key Field and Mandatory Fields, not all Fields need to be mapped to the worksheet.
By clicking the assist button Vision XL displays the same lookups available when filtering. These
are existing values in the database and can be used as a guide as to the type of data that can be

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14. Select Options tab.

15. Save the Data Send definition form as a Setup or Internal Definition so it can be retrieved later.
It is recommended that the definition is saved as a Internal Definition.

Note: By default, the Abort if error option is enabled. This prevents data being posted if an error is

16. Set the Show Message option. If you are comfortable with using Data Send you can turn off
confirmation messages.
17. Click the Preview button to view worksheet data you intend to post to the database. Only the
top 100 records are displayed. The top row lists the corresponding field names. The Preview
window by default only shows fields made visible by the definition. These fields can be viewed by
selecting the Show All option. Show All displays visible and invisible fields.
18. Click the Close button to dismiss the Preview window and return to the Data Send definition form.
19. If the preview was successful, select the Write Data option. If the option is disabled data is not
posted to the database.
20. Click OK to write data.
21. Click Yes to overwrite existing values in the database. A confirmation message displays the
number of records successfully posted.

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