Science - Bird Feeder

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GCU College of Education  



Teacher  Jessica Babington-Brown 

Candidate:  2nd grade 
Grade Level:  April 2020 
Date:  Science 
Creating a Bird Feeder 
Plan Title 
Lesson  In this lesson, we will be using an interactive website called Mystery 
summary  Science. Students will explore and investigate which types of birds will 
and focus​:  visit a bird feeder based on what they eat. They will then draw their own 
bird feeder and build their own prototype using available tools.  
Classroom  According to the class profile, there are 12 students who are English 
and  Language Learners. Three students, who are 3rd graders, are one grade 
student  below their learning level. For this reason, they are learning 2nd grade 
math. Students will be put in pairs according to their academic levels.  

National /  2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the 
State  diversity of life in different habitat 
Standards:  K-2 ETS1-1: Ask questions, make observations, and gather information 
about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that 
can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or 
K-2-ETS1-2: Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to 
illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve 
a given problem. 
K-2- ETS1-3: Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the 
same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each 
Specific learning target(s) /  Teaching notes: 
objectives:  This is the 2nd-graders 1st study on birds 
Students will be able to make  and animal biodiversity.  
observations of birds and their habitat. 

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Students will be able to ask questions 
and make observations about birds and 
bird feeders. 
Students will create a sketch to model 
their bird feeder. 
Students will be able to analyze and 
compare what types of food a bird eats 
and create a bird feeder designed to 
attracts a specific type of bird  
Agenda:  Formative assessment: 
1. Opening: ​I will discuss with  Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs to the 
students what we will be doing  side:​ I will ensure that the students fully 
today and today’s goals for the  understand what we are doing in the lesson 
class. I will then ask students  before we go in pairs.  
questions to access their ​prior 
a. Questions​: Have you ever 
seen a bird feeder?  
b. Where have you seen 
c. Do they all look the same?  
d. How are they different? 
2. We will then watch the first part 
of our video on an outdoor bird 
feeder. We will continue by 
asking students questions about 
four different bird feeders and 
four different birds. These will be 
our ​vocabulary words:  
a. Bird Feeder 
b. We will then discuss what 
feeders would attract a 
c. Finches:​ What type of bird 
feeder is needed for 
d. Jays:​ What type of bird 
feeder is needed for jays? 
e. Woodpecker​: What type of 
bird feeder is needed for a 
f. Cardinals:​ What type of 
feeder is needed for 
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i. Question: What bird 
do you think would 
come to the feeder?  
3. Learning and Teaching 
Activities: ​We will be creating 
our own bird feeders. Since 
different types of bird feeders 
bring in different types of birds, 
students will be able to choose 
which type of bird feeder they 
want to make.  
a. Learn vocabulary word: 
PROTOTYPE: first version 
to find if ideas will work.  
4. Each student will get a worksheet 
before starting their bird feeder. 
They will answer questions to 
determine which bird feeder they 
will design. They will be 
answering questions such as 
“What does the bird eat?” and 
“Where does the bird like to 
stand when it eats?” 
5. Once finished, they will draw two 
ideas for their bird feeder.  
6. Hands-on activity: ​Students will 
then begin to develop their bird 
feeder prototype out of paper 
plates, paper cups, pencils, 
aluminum foil, pipe cleaners, 
tape, and scissors.  
7. Closure: ​Students will complete 
a summative assessment at the 
end of the lesson.  

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Academic  Key vocabulary:   Function:   Form:  
Language:  -Bird Feeder  Students will  The structure I will 
- Finches  demonstrate their  be implementing will 
- Jays  understanding of the  be through 
- Woodpeckers  vocabulary words  interactive teaching, 
through designing  a graphic organizer, 
- Cardinals  their own bird feeder  and a hands-on 
- Hummingbird  (their bird feeder  activity.  
- Prototype  prototype). They will   
  be making their bird   
feeder based on   
which bird they want 
to see at their bird   
Instruction - Mystery Science Interactive Lesson 
al  - Worksheets and Prototype Idea Sheet 
Materials,  - Projector 
Equipment  - Paper hole punch 
and  - scissors 
Technology - aluminum foil 
:   - tape 
- paper cups 
- paper plates 
- pipe cleaners 
- Summative assessment 
- Bird feeder inspiration sheet 
Grouping:   For this activity, all students will be working together to answer 
questions. They will be working separately to complete their bird 
A. Opening 
Prior  Students will be asked prior knowledge questions to begin our section: 
knowled 1. Have you ever seen a bird feeder?  
ge  2. Where have you seen them? 
connecti 3. Do they all look the same?  
on:  4. How are they different? 
Anticipat I begin by speaking with students about how learning about birds and bird 
ory set:  feeders is meaningful to the students and their lives. I will explain that it 
will help us to learn and identify different bird species, and teach them how 
to care for different animals.  

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B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice): 
I Do  Students Do  Differentiation 
1. Direct Interactive  1. Direct Interactive  1. Hands-On 
Instruction: ​We will  Instruction:​ Students  Activity: 
begin by asking  will answer questions to  Students will be 
students​ prior  develop prior  given a choice as 
knowledge  knowledge skills. They  to how they 
questions.   will watch the video and  would like to 
2. We will then watch  learn new vocabulary  create their bird 
our interactive video  words.  feeders.  
about bird feeders. I  2. Graphic Organizer:  2. Graphic 
will show students  Students will work on  Organizer: 
different types of  their graphic organizer  Students will be 
birds and the bird  worksheet and create  getting extra help 
feeders that they like  two drawings of what  to complete their 
best. We will learn  they want their bird  worksheets. For 
our new ​vocabulary  feeder to look like.   example, 
words.   3. Hands On Activity:  students will be 
a. Finches  Students will create  read the 
b. Jays  their bird feeder  questions and 
c. Woodpeckers  prototype out of  the teacher will 
materials passed out by  come around and 
d. Cardinals  the teacher.  monitor 
e. Hummingbird  4. Closure: ​Students will  progress. 
3. Graphic Organizer:  complete the  3. Summative 
I will pass out a  summative assessment  Assessment: 
worksheet to help  about birds and bird  Students will be 
them choose which  feeders.   getting extra help 
type of bird they  to complete their 
want in their bird  summative 
feeder. They will  assessment. For 
then draw two ideas  example, 
for their prototype  students will be 
bird feeder.  read the 
4. Hands-On Activity:  questions. The 
I will pass out  teacher will come 
supplies for students  around to 
to create their own  monitor student 
bird feeders. I will  progress.  
walk around the   
classroom to  Early Finishers:​ Early 
monitor their  finishers will be allowed 
progress.   to silently read a book 
5. Closure: ​Students  on birds or animals.  
will complete a 
assessment in the 
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form of a worksheet 
about what they 
learned this lesson.  
Summat The summative assessment will be in the form of  Differentiation: 
ive  a quiz. Students will answer questions about  4. Hands-On 
Assessm what they learned in their animal adventures  Activity: 
ent:  section on birds and bird feeders.   Students will be 
given a choice as 
to how they 
would like to 
create their bird 
5. Graphic 
Students will be 
getting extra help 
to complete their 
worksheets. For 
students will be 
read the 
questions and 
the teacher will 
come around and 
6. Summative 
Students will be 
getting extra help 
to complete their 
assessment. For 
students will be 
read the 
questions. The 
teacher will come 
around to 
monitor student 

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Closure:    As a closure, we will have a summative assessment. We will then go over the 
  answers together in class. Lastly, I will remind students why learning about 
bird feeders is important. They will tell me what their favorite part of the 
lesson was.  
Homew As homework, students will be asked to look at the bird feeders outside of 
ork:   their home (if they have one). Come back to school the next day and tell us 
what their bird feeder looks like and what types of birds came to it. If 
students do not have a bird feeder, they will be instructed to look out their 
window and see if they found any of the birds we learned about within the 

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