Norma de Megado

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* Optional


16. Inspect control power transformers.

l. lnspect for physical damage, cracked insulation, broken leads, tighüress of
connections,defective wiring, and overall general condition.
2. Verifu thatprimary and secondary fuse or circüt breaker ratings match drawings.
3. Veriff correct flrnctioning of drawout disconnecting and grounding contacts


1. Perform resistance measurements through bolted elechical connections with a low-

resistanceohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 7.1.1.
2. Perform insulation-resistance tests on each bus sectior¡ phaseto-phase and phase-to-
ground"for one minute in accordance with Table 100.1.
3. Perform a dielectric withstand voltage test on each bus section, each phase-to-ground
with phases not under test grounded, in accordance with manufacturer's published data. If
manufacturer has no recommendation for this test, it shall be in accordance with Table
100.2.The test voltage shall be applied for one minute.*
4. Perform insulation-resistance tests on conhol wiring with respect to ground. Applied
potentialshall be 500 volts dc for 300-volt rated cable and 1000 volts dc for 600-volt rated
cable. Testduration shall be one minute. For units with solid-state components or contol
devices that cannot tolerate the applied voltage, follow the manufacturer's
5. Perform electrical tests on instrument transformers in accordance with Section 7.10.
6. Perform ground-resistance tests in accordance with Section7.l3.
7. Determine accuracy of all meters and calibrate watthour meters in accordance with
SectionT. 1 l. Verifu multipliers.
8. Control Power Transformers
l. Perform insulaüon-resistance tests. Ferfoün measurements from winding-to-windingand
each winding-to-ground. Test voltages shall be in accordance wiü Table 100.lunless
otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
2. Perform a tums-ratio test on all tap positions.
3. Perform secondary wiring integrity test. Disconnect tansformer at secondary
terminalsand connect secondary wiring to a rated secondary voltage source. Verifr correct
potential at all devices.

Prge 34
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