Safety: Operation and Maintenance Manual Excerpt

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Operation and Maintenance

Manual Excerpt

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© 2010 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
July 2010

Operation and
G3406 and G3412 Generator Sets
GNA1-Up (Generator Set)
R7A1-Up (Generator Set)
R7E1-Up (Generator Set)
KAP1-Up (Generator Set)
KAR1-Up (Generator Set)

6 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Safety Section

Safety Messages
SMCS Code: 1000; 7405

There may be several specific safety messages

on the package. The exact location of the hazards
and the description of the hazards are reviewed in
this section. Please become familiar with all safety

Ensure that all of the safety messages are legible.

Clean the safety messages or replace the safety
messages if the words cannot be read or if the
pictures are not visible. When the safety messages
are cleaned, use a cloth, water, and soap. Do not use
solvent, gasoline, or other harsh chemicals to clean
the safety messages. Solvents, gasoline, or harsh
chemicals could loosen the adhesive that secures
the safety messages. The safety messages that are
loosened could drop off of the package.

Replace any damaged safety messages or missing

safety messages. If a safety message is attached
to a part of the package that is replaced, install a
new safety message on the replacement part. Any
Caterpillar dealer can provide new safety messages.

Do not operate or work on this engine unless you

have read and understand the instructions and
warnings in the Operation and Maintenance Man-
ual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the
warnings could result in injury or death. Contact
any Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals.
Proper care is your responsibility.

The safety messages that may be attached on the

package are illustrated and described below.
SEBU7572-06 7
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Illustration 1
8 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Read the Manual Before Operating Improper Jumper Cable

(1) Connections (2)
The safety message for reading the manual before The safety message for the connections for the
operating the unit is located on the outside of the jumper cables is located near the electric starting
door of the control panel. motor. This motor can be located on either side of
the engine.


Do not operate or work on this engine or genera-

tor set unless you have read and understand the IMPROPER JUMPER CABLE CONNECTIONS CAN
instructions and warnings in the Operation and CAUSE EXPLOSION RESULTING IN PERSONAL
Maintenance Manuals. INJURY.

Failure to follow the warnings and instructions BATTERIES MAY BE LOCATED IN SEPARATE
could result in injury or death. Contact any COMPARTMENTS. WHEN USING JUMPER CA-
Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals. Prop- BLES, ALWAYS CONNECT POSITIVE (+) CABLE
er care is your responsibility. TO POSITIVE (+) TERMINAL OF BATTERY CON-
SEBU7572-06 9
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Electrical Shock (3) Open Vandal Door (4)

The safety message for electrical shock is located The safety message for keeping the vandal door
on the valve cover bases. open during operation is located on the outside of the
door of the control panel.


Ignition systems can cause electrical shocks.

Avoid contacting the ignition system components Always operate this unit with the vandal door
and wiring. open. Operating the unit with the vandal door
closed restricts access to the emergency stop
Do not attempt to remove the valve covers when button and could result in injury or death.
the engine is operating. The transformers are
grounded to the valve covers. Personal injury or
death may result and the ignition system will be No Step (5)
damaged if the valve covers are removed during
engine operation. The engine will not operate The safety message for no step is located on the
without the valve covers. crossbeams for the radiator.


Do not climb on the crossbeams for the radiator.

Personal injury may result. Use an adequate ladder
or use an appropriate work platform for climbing.
10 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Electrical Distribution (6) High Voltage (7)

The safety message for electrical distribution The safety message for high voltage is located on
(generator) is located on the covers of the generator. the following components: the terminal box, the
connection box, and the circuit breaker box.


Do not connect generator to a utility electrical dis-

tribution system unless it is isolated from the sys- Personal injury or death can result from high volt-
tem. Electrical feedback into the distribution sys- age.
tem can occur and could cause personal injury or
death. When power generation equipment must be in op-
eration to make tests and/or adjustments, high
Open and secure main distribution system switch, voltage and current are present.
or if the connection is permanent, install a double
throw transfer switch to prevent electrical feed- Improper test equipment can fail and present a
back. Some generators are specifically approved high voltage shock hazard to its user.
by a utility to run in parallel with the distribution
system and isolation may not be required. Always Make sure the testing equipment is designed for
check with your utility as to the applicable circum- and correctly operated for high voltage and cur-
stances. rent tests being made.

When servicing or repairing electric power gener-

ation equipment:

• Make sure the unit is off-line (disconnected

from utility and/or other generators power
service), and either locked out or tagged DO

• Make sure the generator engine is stopped.

• Make sure all batteries are disconnected.
• Make sure all capacitors are discharged.
SEBU7572-06 11
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Automatic Starting (8) Read the Manual Before Operating

The safety message for automatic starting is located
on the following components: the terminal box, the
The safety message for servicing the engine is
connection box, and the circuit breaker box.
located on the following components: the terminal
box, the connection box, and the circuit breaker box.



When the engine is in the AUTOMATIC mode, the

engine can start at any moment. To avoid personal Do not operate or work on this engine unless you
injury, always remain clear of the the engine when
have read and understand the instructions and
the engine is in the AUTOMATIC mode.
warnings in the Operation and Maintenance Man-
ual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the
warnings could result in injury or death. Contact
any Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals.
Proper care is your responsibility.
12 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages

Coolant Pressure and Hot Surface CSA Hazardous Atmosphere (11)

(10) The warning label for the Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) hazardous atmosphere is located
The safety messages for the coolant pressure and
on the left side of the engine on a flat surface.
the hot surface are located near the top of the
radiator on the front and on the rear.



Do not disconnect equipment unless power has

The coolant is hot and the coolant is under pres- been disconnected or the area is known to be non-
sure. Do not touch the hot surfaces. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual for the proce-
dure to follow when you check the radiator. Approval by the CSA is a requirement for engines that
operate in hazardous locations. Volatile flammable
gases are present in these locations. The gases are
normally confined within closed systems. The gases
can only escape if the system accidentally breaks
down. The CSA warning is intended to prevent a
hazardous atmosphere from igniting.

Volatile flammable gas that is contacted by a spark

will cause an explosion. This could result in personal
injury or death. Also, property could be damaged.

Do not disconnect electrical equipment unless the

power has been disconnected. Otherwise, ensure
that the atmosphere is not hazardous.
SEBU7572-06 13
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

Generator Set Lifting (12) Attach a “Do Not Operate” warning tag or a similar
warning tag to the start switch or to the controls
The safety message for lifting the generator set is before the engine is serviced or before the engine is
located on the engine mounting rails. repaired. These warning tags (Special Instruction,
SEHS7332) are available from your Caterpillar
dealer. Attach the warning tags to the engine and to
each operator control station. When it is appropriate,
disconnect the starting controls.

Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the engine,

or around the engine when the engine is being

Engine exhaust contains products of combustion

which may be harmful to your health. Always start the
engine and operate the engine in a well ventilated
area. If the engine is in an enclosed area, vent the
engine exhaust to the outside.
Cautiously remove the following parts. To help
prevent spraying or splashing of pressurized fluids,
hold a rag over the part that is being removed.

Improper lift rigging can allow unit to tumble caus- • Filler caps
ing injury and damage.
• Grease fittings
Before lifting the generator set, read this Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Generator Set Lifting” • Pressure taps
topic in the Operation Section.
• Breathers
If improper equipment is used to lift the generator
set, injury and damage can occur. Use cables that • Drain plugs
are properly rated for the weight. Use a spreader bar
and attach the cables according to the information Use caution when cover plates are removed.
on the safety message. Gradually loosen, but do not remove the last two
bolts or nuts that are located at opposite ends of
the cover plate or the device. Before removing the
i02602865 last two bolts or nuts, pry the cover loose in order to
relieve any spring pressure or other pressure.
General Hazard Information
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450; 7405

Illustration 3

g00104545 • Wear a hard hat, protective glasses, and other

Illustration 2 protective equipment, as required.

• When work is performed around an engine that is

operating, wear protective devices for ears in order
to help prevent damage to hearing.
14 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
General Hazard Information

• Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can snag Fluid Penetration
on controls or on other parts of the engine.

• Ensure that all protective guards and all covers are

secured in place on the engine.

• Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers.

Glass containers can break.

• Use all cleaning solutions with care.

• Report all necessary repairs.
Unless other instructions are provided, perform
the maintenance under the following conditions:
Illustration 4
• The engine is stopped. Ensure that the engine
cannot be started.
Always use a board or cardboard when you check
• Disconnect the batteries when maintenance for a leak. Leaking fluid that is under pressure can
is performed or when the electrical system is penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can cause
serviced. Disconnect the battery ground leads. serious injury and possible death. A pin hole leak can
Tape the leads in order to help prevent sparks. cause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your skin,
you must get treatment immediately. Seek treatment
• Do not attempt any repairs that are not understood. from a doctor that is familiar with this type of injury.
Use the proper tools. Replace any equipment that
is damaged or repair the equipment. Containing Fluid Spillage
California Proposition 65 Warning Care must be taken in order to ensure that fluids
are contained during performance of inspection,
Some engine exhaust constituents are known to the maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of the
State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and engine. Prepare to collect the fluid with suitable
other reproductive harm. containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component that contains fluids.
Pressurized Air and Water
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
Pressurized air and/or water can cause debris Dealer Service Tools Catalog” for the following items:
and/or hot water to be blown out. This could result in
personal injury. • Tools that are suitable for collecting fluids and
equipment that is suitable for collecting fluids
When pressurized air and/or pressurized water is
used for cleaning, wear protective clothing, protective • Tools that are suitable for containing fluids and
shoes, and eye protection. Eye protection includes equipment that is suitable for containing fluids
goggles or a protective face shield.
Obey all local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
The maximum air pressure for cleaning purposes
must be below 205 kPa (30 psi) when the air nozzle
is deadheaded. The maximum water pressure for
cleaning purposes must be below 275 kPa (40 psi).
SEBU7572-06 15
Safety Section
Burn Prevention

Asbestos Information • Comply with applicable rules and regulations

for the work place. In the United States, use
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) requirements. These OSHA requirements
can be found in “29 CFR 1910.1001”.

• Obey environmental regulations for the disposal

of asbestos.

• Stay away from areas that might have asbestos

particles in the air.

Dispose of Waste Properly

Illustration 5

Caterpillar equipment and replacement parts that are

shipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free. Caterpillar
recommends the use of only genuine Caterpillar
replacement parts. Use the following guidelines
when you handle any replacement parts that contain
asbestos or when you handle asbestos debris.

Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might be

generated when you handle components that contain
asbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can be hazardous
to your health. The components that may contain g00706404
asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands, lining Illustration 6
material, clutch plates, and some gaskets. The
asbestos that is used in these components is usually Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
bound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal environment. Potentially harmful fluids should be
handling is not hazardous unless airborne dust that disposed of according to local regulations.
contains asbestos is generated.
Always use leakproof containers when you drain
If dust that may contain asbestos is present, there fluids. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a
are several guidelines that should be followed: drain, or into any source of water.

• Never use compressed air for cleaning. i01480768

• Avoid brushing materials that contain asbestos. Burn Prevention

• Avoid grinding materials that contain asbestos. SMCS Code: 1000; 4450; 7405

• Use a wet method in order to clean up asbestos Do not touch any part of an operating engine.
materials. Allow the engine to cool before any maintenance
is performed on the engine. Relieve all pressure
• A vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a high in the air system, in the hydraulic system, in the
efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) can also be lubrication system, in the fuel system, or in the
used. cooling system before any lines, fittings or related
items are disconnected.
• Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
• Wear an approved respirator if there is no other When the engine is at operating temperature, the
way to control the dust.
engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under
pressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters or
to the engine contain hot coolant.
16 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention

Any contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause Flammable fluids that are leaking or spilled onto hot
severe burns. Allow cooling system components to surfaces or onto electrical components can cause
cool before the cooling system is drained. a fire. Fire may cause personal injury and property
Check the coolant level after the engine has stopped
and the engine has been allowed to cool. A flash fire may result if the covers for the engine
crankcase are removed within fifteen minutes after
Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing the an emergency shutdown.
filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch
with a bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly in Determine whether the engine will be operated in an
order to relieve pressure. environment that allows combustible gases to be
drawn into the air inlet system. These gases could
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali can cause the engine to overspeed. Personal injury,
cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact property damage, or engine damage could result.
the skin, the eyes, or the mouth.
If the application involves the presence of combustible
gases, consult your Caterpillar dealer for additional
Oils information about suitable protection devices.
Hot oil and hot lubricating components can cause
Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil, and
personal injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the
debris from the engine. Do not allow any flammable
skin. Also, do not allow hot components to contact
the skin. materials to accumulate on the engine.

Store fuels and lubricants in properly marked

Batteries containers away from unauthorized persons. Store
oily rags and any flammable materials in protective
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause personal containers. Do not smoke in areas that are used for
injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact the skin or storing flammable materials.
the eyes. Always wear protective glasses for servicing
batteries. Wash hands after touching the batteries Do not expose the engine to any flame.
and connectors. Use of gloves is recommended.
Exhaust shields (if equipped) protect hot exhaust
components from oil or fuel spray in case of a line,
a hose, or a seal failure. Exhaust shields must be
Fire Prevention and Explosion installed correctly.

Prevention Do not weld on lines or tanks that contain flammable

fluids. Do not flame cut lines that contain flammable
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450; 7405 fluid. Clean any such lines thoroughly with a
nonflammable solvent prior to welding or flame

Wiring must be kept in good condition. All electrical

wires must be properly routed and securely attached.
Check all electrical wires daily. Repair any wires
that are loose or frayed before you operate the
engine. Clean all electrical connections and tighten
all electrical connections.

Eliminate all wiring that is unattached or unnecessary.

Do not use any wires or cables that are smaller than
the recommended gauge. Do not bypass any fuses
and/or circuit breakers.
Illustration 7 Arcing or sparking could cause a fire. Secure
connections, recommended wiring, and properly
All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures maintained battery cables will help to prevent arcing
are flammable. or sparking.
SEBU7572-06 17
Safety Section
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention

Inspect all lines and hoses for wear or for Lines, Tubes and Hoses
deterioration. The hoses must be properly routed.
The lines and hoses must have adequate support Do not bend high pressure lines. Do not strike high
and secure clamps. Tighten all connections to the pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are bent
recommended torque. Leaks can cause fires. or damaged.

Oil filters and fuel filters must be properly installed. Repair any lines that are loose or damaged. Leaks
The filter housings must be tightened to the proper can cause fires. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for
torque. repair or for replacement parts.

Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do not use

your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a board or
cardboard to check for leaks. Tighten all connections
to the recommended torque.

Replace the parts if any of the following conditions

are present:

• End fittings are damaged or leaking.

• Outer coverings are chafed or cut.
• Wires are exposed.
• Outer coverings are ballooning.
• Flexible part of the hoses are kinked.
• Outer covers have embedded armoring.

Illustration 8
g00704135 • End fittings are displaced.
Make sure that all clamps, guards, and heat shields
Gases from a battery can explode. Keep any open
are installed correctly. During engine operation, this
flames or sparks away from the top of a battery. Do
will help to prevent vibration, rubbing against other
not smoke in battery charging areas.
parts, and excessive heat.
Never check the battery charge by placing a metal
object across the terminal posts. Use a voltmeter or i01359666
a hydrometer.
Crushing Prevention and
Improper jumper cable connections can cause
an explosion that can result in injury. Refer to
Cutting Prevention
the Operation Section of this manual for specific SMCS Code: 1000; 4450; 7405
Support the component properly when work beneath
Do not charge a frozen battery. This may cause an the component is performed.
Unless other maintenance instructions are provided,
The batteries must be kept clean. The covers never attempt adjustments while the engine is
(if equipped) must be kept on the cells. Use the running.
recommended cables, connections, and battery box
covers when the engine is operated. Stay clear of all rotating parts and of all moving
parts. Leave the guards in place until maintenance
Fire Extinguisher is performed. After the maintenance is performed,
reinstall the guards.
Make sure that a fire extinguisher is available. Be
familiar with the operation of the fire extinguisher. Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan
Inspect the fire extinguisher and service the fire blades will throw objects or cut objects.
extinguisher regularly. Obey the recommendations
on the instruction plate. When objects are struck, wear protective glasses in
order to avoid injury to the eyes.
18 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Mounting and Dismounting

Chips or other debris may fly off objects when objects If the wiring harness is reconnected with the ECS in
are struck. Before objects are struck, ensure that no the AUTOMATIC position or the MANUAL START
one will be injured by flying debris. position, the storage capacitor of the ignition system
may discharge. If the wiring harness is reconnected
with the ECS in the AUTOMATIC position or the
MANUAL START position, the storage capacitor of
Mounting and Dismounting the ignition system may fire a spark plug. The spark
plug will ignite any gas which is in the cylinder. The
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450; 7405 crankshaft can rotate and the crankshaft can be
damaged. The driven equipment can also rotate and
Inspect the steps, the handholds, and the work area the driven equipment can also be damaged. Personal
before mounting the engine. Keep these items clean injury or damage to the equipment may be a result.
and keep these items in good repair.
Gas that has accumulated in the exhaust system
Mount the engine and dismount the engine only at may also be ignited.
locations that have steps and/or handholds. Do not
climb on the engine, and do not jump off the engine. Magneto (If Equipped)
Face the engine in order to mount the engine or The storage capacitor in a breakerless magneto can
dismount the engine. Maintain a three-point contact be charged by turning the magneto by hand. The
with the steps and handholds. Use two feet and one storage capacitor can be charged even when the
hand or use one foot and two hands. Do not use any wiring harness is disconnected from the magneto.
controls as handholds.
Before connecting the wiring harness to a breakerless
Do not stand on components which cannot support magneto, discharge the storage capacitor to the
your weight. Use an adequate ladder or use a work ground. Use the following procedure to discharge the
platform. Secure the climbing equipment so that the storage capacitor:
equipment will not move.
1. Attach one end of a wire to the magneto housing.
Do not carry tools or supplies when you mount the
engine or when you dismount the engine. Use a hand 2. Contact the other end of the wire to the connector
line to raise and lower tools or supplies. pins for the wiring harness that is on the magneto.

You will hear a “snap” when the storage capacitor

Ignition Systems 3. Ground all of the connector pins.
SMCS Code: 1550
This will ensure that no charge is in the magneto.
Ignition systems can cause electrical shocks. Avoid Some breakerless magnetos have more than one
contacting the ignition system components and storage capacitor.
Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position before
Do not attempt to remove the valve covers when the connecting the wiring harness. If the ignition switch
engine is operating. The transformers are grounded is in the OFF position, the storage capacitor is
to the valve covers. Personal injury or death may immediately discharged to the ground when the
result and the ignition system will be damaged if the wiring harness is connected to the magneto.
valve covers are removed during engine operation.
The engine will not operate without the valve covers. Caterpillar Digital Ignition System
When the ignition harness is reconnected, ensure (CDIS)
that the Engine Control Switch (ECS) is in the STOP
position or the OFF/RESET position so that the The Caterpillar Digital Ignition System (CDIS)
ignition system is immediately discharged. replaces mechanical parts that are prone to wear.
The system provides more precise control of ignition
SEBU7572-06 19
Safety Section
Before Starting Engine

The digital ignition system includes a timing disc,

a speed sensor (timing), a timing control, and
wiring harnesses. There is no magneto. The sensor
monitors the rotation of the timing disc in order to
sense a reference position of the crankshaft. The
sensor sends a signal to the timing control for each
Engine Starting
cylinder. The timing control initiates the ignition by SMCS Code: 1000
providing a pulse to the transformer of the proper
cylinder. If a warning tag is attached to the engine start switch
or to the controls, DO NOT start the engine or move
There are two options for providing the electrical the controls. Consult with the person that attached
power for the timing control: the warning tag before the engine is started.
• The customer provides a source of 12 VDC or All protective guards and all protective covers must
24 VDC. (The customer can order a belt driven be installed if the engine must be started in order
alternator and a battery from the factory.) to perform service procedures. To help prevent an
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
• An alternator enables self-powered ignition. around the parts carefully.
The optional alternator is installed onto the magneto If there is a possibility that unburned gas remains in
drive. A wiring harness connects the alternator to the exhaust system, refer to the purge procedure in
a voltage regulator in order to provide the correct this Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine
voltage to the digital ignition system. Voltage for the Starting” topic in the Operation Section.
timing control is regulated to 27 ± 3 VDC.
Start the engine from the operator's compartment or
For further information, consult your Caterpillar from the engine start switch.
Always start the engine according to the procedure
i02453806 that is described in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Engine Starting” topic in the Operation
Before Starting Engine Section. Knowing the correct procedure will help to
prevent major damage to the engine components.
SMCS Code: 1000 Knowing the procedure will also help to prevent
personal injury.
Inspect the engine for potential hazards.
To ensure that the jacket water heater (if equipped)
Before starting the engine, ensure that no one is on, and/or the lube oil heater (if equipped) is working
underneath, or close to the engine. Ensure that the properly, check the water temperature and the oil
area is free of personnel. temperature during heater operation.

Ensure that the engine is equipped with a lighting Engine exhaust contains products of combustion
system that is suitable for the conditions. Ensure that which can be harmful to your health. Always start the
all lights work properly. engine and operate the engine in a well ventilated
area. If the engine is started in an enclosed area,
All protective guards and all protective covers must vent the engine exhaust to the outside.
be installed if the engine must be started in order
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
around the parts carefully. Engine Stopping
Do not bypass the automatic shutoff circuits. Do not SMCS Code: 1000
disable the automatic shutoff circuits. The circuits are
provided in order to help prevent personal injury. The To avoid overheating of the engine and accelerated
circuits are also provided in order to help prevent wear of the engine components, stop the engine
engine damage. according to the instructions in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Stopping” topic
The initial start-up of a new engine or a engine that (Operation Section).
has been serviced make provision to shut the engine
off, in order to stop an overspeed. This may be
accomplished by shutting off the fuel supply to the
engine, or shutting off the ignition system.
20 SEBU7572-06
Safety Section
Electrical System

Use the Emergency Stop Button (if equipped) ONLY Rubber couplings may connect the steel piping of
in an emergency situation. Do not use the Emergency the cooling system and the radiator. This causes the
Stop Button for normal engine stopping. After an piping and the radiator to be electrically isolated.
emergency stop, DO NOT start the engine until the Ensure that the piping and the radiator is continuously
problem that caused the emergency stop has been grounded to the engine. Use ground straps that
corrected. bypass the rubber couplings.

On the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine Ensure that all grounds are secure and free of
that has been serviced, make provisions to stop corrosion.
the engine if an overspeed occurs. This may be
accomplished by shutting off the fuel supply to the
engine, or shutting off the ignition system.
Generator Isolating for
i00887114 Maintenance
Electrical System SMCS Code: 4450
SMCS Code: 1000; 1400
When you service an electric power generation set
or when you repair an electric power generation set,
Never disconnect any charging unit circuit or battery
follow the procedure below:
circuit cable from the battery when the charging unit
is operating. A spark can cause the combustible
1. Stop the engine.
gases that are produced by some batteries to ignite.

Check the electrical wires daily for wires that are

loose or frayed. Tighten all loose electrical wires
before the engine is operated. Repair all frayed
electrical wires before the engine is started.

Grounding Practices
Proper grounding is necessary for optimum engine
performance and reliability. Improper grounding will
result in uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in
unreliable electrical circuit paths.

Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can result in

damage to main bearings, to crankshaft journal Illustration 9
surfaces, and to aluminum components. Uncontrolled
electrical circuit paths can also cause electrical 2. Attach a “DO NOT OPERATE” or similar warning
activity that may degrade the engine electronics and tag to the engine prime mover starting circuit.
communications. Disconnect the engine starting circuit.

For the starting motor, do not attach the battery 3. Disconnect the generator from the distribution
negative terminal to the engine block. system.

Use a ground strap to ground the case of all control 4. Lock out the circuit breaker. Attach a “DO NOT
panels to the engine block. OPERATE” or similar warning tag to the circuit
breaker. Refer to the electrical diagram. Verify that
Ground the engine block with a ground strap that is all points of possible reverse power flow have
furnished by the customer. Connect this ground strap been locked out.
to the ground plane.
5. For the following circuitry, remove the transformer's
Use a separate ground strap to ground the battery fuses:
negative terminal for the control system to the ground
plane. • power
• sensing
• control
SEBU7572-06 21
Safety Section
Generator Isolating for Maintenance

6. Attach a “DO NOT OPERATE” or similar warning

tag to the generator excitation controls.

7. Remove the cover of the generator's terminal box.

8. Use an audio/visual proximity tester in order to

verify that the generator is de-energized. This
tester must be insulated for the proper voltage
rating. Follow all guidelines in order to verify that
the tester is operational.

9. Determine that the generator is in a de-energized

condition. Add ground straps to the conductors
or terminals. During the entire work period, these
ground straps must remain connected to the
conductors and to the terminals.
22 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications

Product Information

Model Views and


Model View Illustrations

SMCS Code: 1000; 4450

The illustrations show various typical features of

G3400 Generator Sets. The illustrations do not show
all of the options that are available. Because of
individual applications, your package may appear
different from the illustrations.
SEBU7572-06 23
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications

Illustration 10
Naturally aspirated G3406 Generator Set
(1) Control panel (8) Radiator filler cap (15) Oil Drain
(2) Circuit breaker (9) Lifting eye (16) Gas pressure regulator
(3) Battery charger (10) Air cleaner (17) Customer connection
(4) Oil filler (11) Battery (18) Gas Shutoff Valve (GSOV)
(5) Crankcase breather (12) Starting motor (19) Generator
(6) Oil level gauge (13) Exhaust
(7) Oil filter (14) Water drain
24 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications

i01536004 For turbocharged engines, the inlet air is compressed

by the turbocharger. The turbocharger is driven by
Product Description the engine exhaust. The air is cooled in an aftercooler
before the air enters the carburetor. The air becomes
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450 more dense from compression and cooling. This
provides more oxygen for combustion.
The G3400 Generator Set consists of an engine, a
generator, and a control system. Air is mixed with fuel in the carburetor before
combustion. The throttle is controlled by a governor.
Engine Description The governor efficiently maintains the engine rpm
that is selected by the operator.
Ignition System
The valves and the valve mechanism control the
flow of air and exhaust gases in the cylinder during
G3406 Engines use the CAT Digital Ignition System.
engine operation. Each cylinder has two inlet valves
G3412 Engines use the CAT Digital Ignition System and exhaust valves. The camshaft actuates the
rocker arms and valves through mechanical lifters
or the Electronic Ignition System.
and pushrods.
Digital Ignition System
Lubrication System
The digital ignition system includes a timing disc, a
speed sensor (timing), a timing control, and wiring The engine lubrication oil is supplied by a gear-driven
harnesses. The sensor monitors the rotation of the pump. The oil is cooled and the oil is filtered. A
timing disc in order to sense a reference position bypass valve provides unrestricted flow of lubrication
of the crankshaft. The sensor sends a signal to the oil to the engine parts if the oil filter elements become
timing control. The timing control calculates the plugged.
correct ignition timing. The timing control initiates the
ignition by providing a pulse to the transformer of the Cooling System
proper cylinder.
The jacket water coolant is circulated by a
Electronic Ignition System gear-driven centrifugal pump. G3406 Engines have
one temperature regulator. G3412 Engines have
The system provides dependable firing and low two temperature regulators. The 90 °C (194 °F)
maintenance. The system provides precise control of temperature regulators regulate the temperature of
the duration of the spark and the ignition timing. the coolant. Heat can be removed from the coolant
by a radiator or a heat exchanger.
The system also provides diagnostic capability that
enhances troubleshooting. The primary ignition wiring For engines with a Separate Circuit Aftercooler
is routed internally through the engine. (SCAC), the air is cooled by a heat exchanger. The
water that cools the air in the heat exchanger is in
The engines are equipped with protection from a circuit that is separate from the jacket water. The
detonation. A detonation sensor is located on each aftercooler coolant is pumped by an auxiliary water
side of the cylinder block. The ignition timing is pump. The SCAC is required to operate at 32 °C
retarded when excessive detonation is sensed. If the (90 °F) or 54 °C (130 °F). The operation temperature
maximum retarded position is attained and detonation depends on the engine rating and the application.
continues to occur, the ECM shuts down the engine.
Generator Description
Inlet Air and Fuel System
The SR4B brushless generator can be used with
G3406 Engines are available with natural aspiration the following loads: mixed loads of motors and
or turbocharged with separate circuit aftercooling. lights, SCR-controlled equipment, computer centers,
installations of communications, and petroleum
G3412 Engines are turbocharged with separate drilling applications.
circuit aftercooling.
The generator set packages can be utilized for prime
Inlet air is filtered by an air cleaner. power generation or standby power generation.
SEBU7572-06 25
Product Information Section
Model Views and Specifications

SR4B generators are utilized in three-phase full-wave i04003047

excitation and regulation. The generators are either
four pole or six pole design with six lead configuration Specifications
or twelve lead configuration depending on frame size.
The generators are capable of producing electrical SMCS Code: 1000
power in either 50 Hz or 60 Hz applications.
S/N: GNA1-Up; J1E1-Up
S/N: R7A1-Up; CRF1-Up

Specifications S/N: KAP1-Up; CTP1-Up

Table 2
SMCS Code: 1000
G3412 Engine Specifications
S/N: R7E1-Up; CRE1-Up
Cylinders and arrangement 65 degree V-12
S/N: KAR1-Up; CTS1-Up Naturally Aspirated
Table 1 Aspiration Turbocharged with
separate circuit
G3406 Engine Specifications aftercooling
Cylinders and 6 Bore 137 mm (5.4 inch)
Arrangement In-Line
Naturally aspirated Stroke 152 mm (6 inch)
Aspiration Turbocharged with Total displacement 27 L (1648 in3)
separate circuit
aftercooling Firing order 1-4-9-8-5-2-11-10-3-6-7-12

Bore 137 mm (5.4 inch) Rotation (flywheel end) Counterclockwise

Stroke 165 mm (6.5 inch)

Total displacement 14.6 L (893 cu in)
Firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4
Rotation (flywheel end) Counterclockwise

Illustration 12
G3412C Engine design
(A) Inlet valve
(B) Exhaust valve
(C) Flywheel

Illustration 11
G3406 Engine design
(A) Inlet valve
(B) Exhaust valve
(C) Flywheel
26 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

Product Identification

Plate Locations and Film

SMCS Code: 1000; 4450

Engine Identification
Caterpillar engines are identified with serial numbers, Illustration 14
with performance specification numbers, and with Location of the Serial Number Plate on G3412 Engines
arrangement numbers. In some of the cases,
modification numbers are used. These numbers For G3412 Engines, the Serial Number Plate is on
are shown on the Serial Number Plate and the the left side of the cylinder block near the front of
Information Plate that are mounted on the engine. the engine.
Caterpillar dealers need these numbers in order to
determine the components that were included with
the engine. This permits accurate identification of
replacement part numbers.

Serial Number Plate

Illustration 15
Typical Serial Number Plate

The following information is stamped on the Serial

Number Plate: engine serial number, model, and
arrangement number.
Illustration 13
Location of the Serial Number Plate on G3406 Engines
Information Plate
For G3406 Engines, the Serial Number Plate is on
the right side of the cylinder block near the rear of
the engine.

Illustration 16
Location of the Information Plate on G3406 Engines
SEBU7572-06 27
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

For G3406 Engines, the Information Plate is located

on the top surface of the flywheel housing above the
timing window.

Illustration 17
Location of the Information Plate on G3412 Engines

For G3412 Engines, the Information Plate is located Illustration 19

on the top surface of the right side of the aftercooler. Generator Identification Plate

g00361974 g00601027
Illustration 18 Illustration 20
Typical Information Plate Serial Number Plate

The following information is stamped on the

Information Plate: maximum altitude, high idle, Output Lead Wiring
horsepower, full load rpm, and other information.
All generator lead wiring information can be found
on a decal that is located on the side panel of the
Generator Identification generator's terminal box. If the generator is equipped
with a circuit breaker, the decal may be found on the
The generator identification and information plate is sheet metal of the circuit breaker panel.
located on the left side of the generator.

When service is required, the information that is i03649244

given on this plate should be used. The generator
identification and information plate includes the
Emissions Certification Film
following information: serial number, model number,
SMCS Code: 1000; 7405
and the rating of the generator set. The generator set
consists of the engine and generator. All pertinent
Note: This information is pertinent in the United
generator data is also included on the plate in order
States, in Canada and in Europe.
to provide the information that is necessary to order
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for an Emission
Control Warranty Statement.
28 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

This label is located on the engine. Table 3

Reference Numbers
i02135788 Engine Model
Reference Information Serial Number
Arrangement Number
SMCS Code: 1000; 4450
Packaging Arrangement
Identification of the items in Table 3 may be needed
in order to obtain parts and service. Some of the
numbers are on the engine Serial Number Plate Fuel Filter Element
and/or Information Plate. Locate the information
Lubrication Oil Filter
for your engine. Record the information on the Element
appropriate space in Table 3. Make a copy of this
list for a record. Retain the information for future Auxiliary Oil Filter Element
Air Cleaner Element
The top level part numbers in the Parts Manual for Fan Drive Belt
the engine are listed with the engine arrangement
Alternator Belt
Capacity of the Lubrication
The packaging arrangement may also be called a System
pricing arrangement or a customer arrangement. This Oil type
is the total package with attachments and options
that are not included in the engine arrangement. Capacity of the Cooling
The performance specification can be used by Performance Specification
your Caterpillar dealer with the Technical Marketing Number
Information system. Before the engine leaves the
factory, the engine performance is tested. Detailed Low Idle rpm
performance data is recorded. The performance High Idle rpm
specification number can be used for obtaining the
data. Full Load rpm
Power Rating


Generator Lead Connections

SMCS Code: 4450

Lead Numbering
The Wye (Star) configurations and the Delta
configurations are the most common generator lead
connections. The following three-phase connection
diagrams illustrate the proper connection and lead

The leads are numbered clockwise from the top and

from the outside inward. The diagrams show lead
numbering for the six and twelve lead generators.
SEBU7572-06 29
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

Wye Configuration Diagrams

6 Lead

Illustration 23
12 Lead Wye Configuration - Low Voltage

Terminals T10, T11 and T12 become neutral connection when
Illustration 21 the terminals are tied together.
6 Lead Wye Configuration
Terminals T4, T5 and T6 become neutral connection when the Delta Configuration Diagrams
terminals are tied together.
6 Lead
12 Lead

Illustration 24
Illustration 22
6 Lead Delta Configuration
12 Lead Wye Configuration - High Voltage
Terminals T10, T11 and T12 become neutral connection when
the terminals are tied together.
30 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

12 Lead If the neutral wire is grounded and one of the phase

leads becomes grounded, the excessive current
will open a load circuit breaker in order to isolate
the fault. The excessive current will collapse the
generator voltage, if the circuit breaker does not trip
first. The result depends on the particular generator
electrical characteristics, type of fault, and trip rating
of the circuit breaker. An undervoltage device may be
required in order to provide an adequate short circuit

There are some instances in which it is undesirable

to ground the neutral wire. An ungrounded generator
neutral lead is acceptable in the applications in
which definite measures have been taken in order to
prevent grounds to the phase leads. An example of
such measures are ground fault protective circuits.
Ground fault protection requires that the entire group
of distribution circuits should be studied and treated
as a system. The owner should engage a certified
and registered consultant if a new distribution system
is being developed. The owner should also engage
Illustration 25
g00669312 a certified and registered consultant if an existing
system should be modified for the ground fault
12 Lead Delta Configuration
Terminals T6 and T9 become the neutral connection when the
terminals are tied together and grounded. This reflects the terminal
T2 and T10 connection as the high phase. Neutral resistors and reactors may be added to the
system for two reasons: to provide protection during
faults and to limit neutral currents.
Grounding the Frame
In any generator set installation, the frame of the Single Units
generator must be positively connected to an earth
ground. This connection is the first one that is made In a three-phase, four-wire system, the neutral wire
at the installation. This connection is the last one that should be grounded according to local wiring codes.
should be removed. The ground connection must be
flexible in order to avoid possible breakage in later In applications, in which definite measures are taken
operation. in order to prevent grounds to the load leads, an
ungrounded neutral can be used. Be sure to check
Ground connection cable or straps should have at your local wiring codes.
least the current carrying capacity of the largest
line lead to the connected load. Joints in cables or Multiple Units
straps must be clean, free of electrical resistance,
and protected from possible oxidation. Bolted ground Operation of multiple generators in parallel, having
connection joints eventually oxidize. The joints are all neutrals grounded, may result in the circulating
frequent sources of radio frequency interference current through the neutral connections. In order
(RFI). Silver soldered and bolted joints are electrically to eliminate the possibility of circulating currents,
and mechanically sound. ground the neutral of only one generator. If multiple
generators are alternated on line, a switch should
Neutral Connections be installed in the neutral ground circuit of each
generator. In this case all neutral ground circuits
The generators with grounded configuration usually except one can be opened. Be sure that one of the
have the neutral grounded when the generator is neutral ground circuits is closed.
installed. However, there are some cases when
definite measures can be taken in order to prevent
ground faults on the load side. The purpose of the
grounding of the neutral is to prevent load side
equipment damage. The purpose of the grounding of
the neutral is also to prevent harm to personnel.
SEBU7572-06 31
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

Parallel to Utility Wye (Star) Configuration Diagrams

When a Wye (Star) connected generator is going 6 Lead Generators
to operate in parallel with a utility system (infinite
bus) and when the secondary of the step-down
transformer in the utility system is also a Wye
connection, the following may happen. The grounding
of both Wye neutrals may result in circulating currents
through the neutrals. Also, the coordination of ground
fault protection requires an entire system study. A
study should be done by a certified and registered
consultant who is familiar with generator systems.
The study will determine which grounding method
should be used.


Voltage Connections
SMCS Code: 4450

Three-Phase Voltage Connections

The Wye (Star) Configuration for a 480 V generator g00626053
Illustration 26
and the Delta Configuration for a 240 V generator are
given in the following diagrams. Typical Wye (Star) Configuration (60 Hz, 6 Lead)

The terminals must be connected securely. The 12 Lead Generators

terminals must also be insulated with a good quality
electrical tape.

If a Delta Configuration is used, a two-thirds winding

pitch is recommended and is required with 590 frame
size generators and above. If the generator winding
pitch is not two-thirds, third harmonics will cause
a high circulating current. The generator will need
to be derated. This current can exceed the winding
current rating causing generator overheating and
damage which may pose a fire hazard. A Wye (Star)
connected generator may require a two-thirds pitch
winding if the neutral is solidly grounded. Refer
to the Specifications, LEBX6693, “Generator Set
Installation Drawings” for more information. A floating
neutral does not require a two-thirds pitch winding.

Illustration 27
Typical Series Wye (Star) Configuration (60 Hz, 12 Lead)
This is a typical high voltage connection.
32 SEBU7572-06
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

12 Lead Generators

Illustration 28
Typical Parallel Wye (Star) Configuration (60 Hz, 12 Lead) Illustration 30
This is a typical low voltage connection. Typical Delta Configuration (60 Hz, 12 Lead)

Delta Configuration Diagrams Single-Phase Current From a

6 Lead Generators
Three-Phase Generator
Three-phase current and single-phase current
can be taken simultaneously from a generator
that is connected for three-phase service. In the
Wye (Star) Configuration, connect the load to the
three-phase leads (any two of the three leads). In
the Delta Configuration, connect the load to the
three-phase leads (any two of the three leads). In
both configurations, this will provide single-phase
voltage at the same voltage as three-phase voltage.

Connect the load to any phase lead and neutral lead

of the Wye (Star) Configuration. This will produce
voltage at 58% of three-phase voltage.

Refer to Operation Section, “Generator Operation”

for allowable single-phase loading unbalance.

Single-phase power that is taken from a three-phase

source can be a problem. Ensure that the
single-phase loading is equally distributed.
Illustration 29 Do not exceed the nameplate current rating for any
Typical Delta Configuration (60 Hz, 6 Lead) one phase.
SEBU7572-06 33
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information

Wye (Star) Configuration Diagrams Delta Configuration Diagrams

6 Lead Generators 6 Lead Generators

g00626132 g00626135
Illustration 31 Illustration 33
Single-Phase Voltage Diagram with 6 Lead Wye (Star) Single-Phase Voltage Diagram with 6 Lead Delta Configuration
12 Lead Generators
12 Lead Generators

Illustration 34
Illustration 32
Single-Phase Voltage Diagram with 12 Lead Delta Configuration
Single-Phase Voltage Diagram with 12 Lead Wye (Star)

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