Agro Techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants Vol-II PDF

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Agro-techniques of

Selected Medicinal Plants

Volume II



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National Medicinal Plants Board

Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India, Room No. 309, 3 Floor, AYUSH Bhawan,
B-Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi – 110 023
© National Medicinal Plants Board, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India, 2014.

Price: Rs. 104/-

ISBN No – 978-81-909121-3-6

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without prior permission of the National Medicinal Plants Board, Department of AYUSH,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Published by National Medicinal Plants Board

Disclaimer:- The agro-techniques covered in this publication are based on the reports of
various institutions/organizations and may not meet agronomic requirement of a particular
crop in another agro-climatic region. The National Medicinal Plants Board, therefore does not
take any responsibility for any variation in the agronomic practice, crop yield and economic
returns indicated in this publication.

Photographs on Cover Page: Glycyrrhiza glabra (Top row)

Tribulus terrestris, Evolvulus alsinoides (L to R, Second row)
Bergenia ciliata, Clerodendrum serratum, Solanum surattense (L to R, Third row)

Designed & Printed by Global Print & Pack, New Delhi 011-41406269

i) Foreword v
ii) Acknowledgement vi
iii) Abbreviations ix
iv) Introduction xi

1) Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees 1

2) Angelica glauca Edgew. 4
3) Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. 8
4) Aristolochia indica Linn. 11
5) Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. 14
6) Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don 18
7) Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban 22
8) Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker 25
9) Cineraria maritima Linn. 28
10) Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon 32
11) Cryptolepis buchanani Roem & Schult. 34
12) Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk 37
13) Embelia ribes Burm. f. 40
14) Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. 42
15) Fumaria parviflora Lam. 45
16) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. 49
17) Habenaria intermedia D.Don 53
18) Leonotis nepetaefolia (Linn.) R.Br. 57


19) Malaxis muscifera (Lindley) O. Kuntze 59

20) Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC. 62
21) Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. 65
22) Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. 68
23) Piper longum Linn. 71
24) Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern 75
25) Premna mucronata Roxb. 77
26) Psoralea corylifolia Linn. 81
27) Roscoea purpurea Smith 84
28) Salvadora persica Linn. 88
29) Solanum surattense Burm. f. 91
30) Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem. 95
31) Tribulus terrestris Linn. 97
32) Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal 100

Glossary of botanical terms 104
Glossary of medical terms 111

There is resurgence of use of traditional medicine across the globe. According to an
estimate, the global market of traditional therapy stood at $60 billion in 2002 and is estimated
to touch US$ 5 trillion by 2050. The Indian systems of medicines use medicinal plants as the
main raw material and their accelerated growth is pushing strongly the demand for medicinal
plants. It is getting difficult to meet the ever-increasing demand sustainably through wild
collection. Therefore, cultivation of medicinal plants has occupied central stage for the
development of the sector.

The cultivation of medicinal plants offers opportunities for crop diversification and
income generation to the farmers. However, development of sound agro-techniques for the
plants that have traditionally been collected from forests has been a major challenge in
promoting their cultivation. It is in this background that a need was felt to develop agro-
techniques for some of the important medicinal plants by involving key R&D institutions and
Universities in the country. Accordingly, Department of AYUSH, Govt. of India decided to
support studies for development of agro-techniques under the “Central Sector Scheme for
Development of Agro-techniques and Cultivation of Medicinal Plant” specifically for those
plants that are used in AYUSH systems of medicine.

Projects were, therefore, allocated to 33 scientific organizations consisting of

agriculture/horticulture Universities and the R&D institutions of Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) etc. which have
infrastructure and expertise for development of agro-techniques of 115 medicinal plants. The
performance and progress of the projects was monitored by the Project Evaluation Committee
(PEC) set up by the Department.

Out of the 115 plants, agro-techniques of 50 medicinal plants were published entitled
as “Agro-techniques of Selected Medicinal Plants” (Volume – I) and 32 medicinal plants have
now have been selected for the publication as the Volume-II. The Agro-techniques of
medicinal plants selected for this publication are based on the reports received from different
organizations/institutions. Development of Agro-techniques of such plants is an attempt of
NMPB towards promoting medicinal plants cultivation through standardized Agro-
techniques and thereby to make available to the industry the raw material of quality and
standardized chemical ingredients. This would not have been possible without the efforts of
Principal Investigators (PIs) and Project Staff in the respective organizations that were
assigned the projects for development of Agro-techniques. The National Medicinal Plant


Board acknowledges the contribution of all the PIs, Co-PIs and their respective Organizations
asthis publication is primarily based on the reports provided by them. Some information on
plants regarding their morphological characters, therapeutical characters, chemical
constituents and taxonomical characters have also been taken from the published literature of
Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic, Unani, India formularies/pharmacopeias, Wealth of India etc.

The Agro-technique developed by an institution located in a particular geographical

area is the outcome of its best scientific efforts in a particular context. Therefore, the findings
given are only indicative and may not meet the exact agronomic requirement of a particular
crop in another agro-climatic region, as no agro-technique can suit all the diverse climatic
regions. Therefore, anyone seeking to enter into cultivation as a commercial activity may be
well advised to revalidate the agro-techniques from an R&D institution/University, located in
the region, where cultivation is to be undertaken. Further, we also need to consider the fact
that there is a certain inevitable time lag between the time of study and time of publication.

National Medicinal Plants Board expresses its gratitude to Ministries of Environment

and Forests, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, Science & Technology, Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE), Indian Council of Medical
Research (ICMR), Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha (CCRAS), Central
Council for Research in Unani Medicines (CCRUM), Agriculture and Processed Food
Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Indian Institute of Forest Management
(IIFM) and individual experts in the field who participated in the meetings of the Expert
Committees and provided their valuable inputs on the draft text, which went through several
stages of refinements and improvements before finalization.

I would also like to extend my thanks and also wish to place on record the guidance and
encouragement received from Sh. Anil Kumar, Former Secretary, Department of AYUSH,
and my predecessors Shri R.B.S Rawat, Shri B.S. Sajwan, and Shri Bala Prasad, former Chief
Executive Officers, NMPB who have put in untiring efforts in initiating and supervising the
standardization and compiling of agro-techniques. National Medicinal Plants Board
gratefully acknowledges the technical support received from Dr. D.C. Katoch, Joint Advisor
(Ayurveda) in steering these agro-techniques for publication. I also acknowledge the
valuable contributions made by Dr. Rajendra Gupta, Agricultural Scientist (Retd.), NBPGR;
Dr. Baba Brindavanan, Dabur India Limited; Dr. S.K. Pareekh, Principal Scientist, NBPGR;
Dr. Mayaram Uniyal, Ayurvedic Expert, Government of Uttarakhand, Dehradun; Dr. V .K.
Singh, Former Deputy Director, CCRUM for their technical inputs and overall support in
publication of these guidelines. In particular, contributions by Dr. Kavita Tyagi, Consultant
(Agronomy) is sincerely acknowledged for undertaking editing of the whole documents. I
would like to convey thanks to my colleagues in the NMPB Mrs. Meenakshi Negi, Deputy


CEO, Shri T.U. Haqqi, Assistant Adviser (Botany), Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Assistant Director
(Ay.), Dr. N. Padma Kumar, Research Officer (Botany), Sh. Sunil Dutt, Research Officer
(Medicinal Plants /Agronomy), Dr. M. S. Rawat, Research Officer (Botany), Dr. Sadia Ayub,
Research Officer (Biochemistry), Sh. Shahidul Khair, ARO (Phcg), Shri Akif Alvi
(Marketing Assistant), Dr. Lalit Tiwari (Senior Research Assistant), Sh. Hemant
(Stenographer), Sh. Rama Krishna (Office Assistant) and all other Officers / Staff of NMPB,
Department of AYUSH and to everyone who has been directly or indirectly involved in
bringing out this publication.

(Jitendra Sharma)
Chief Executive Officer, NMPB
New Delhi
27th Feb., 2014

ASU Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
AYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy
@ at the rate of
BA Butyric acid
°C Degree Celsius
CCAU Chaudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University
CIMAP Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
cm Centimeter
DAP di-ammonium phosphate
Dicho Dichotomous
DP Di-phenyl
DW Dry Weight
EC Emulsion Concentration
FYM Farm Yard Manure
FW Fresh Weight
FWB Fresh Weight Biomass
GA3 Gibberellic acid
gm Gram
ha Hectare = 10000 m2
IAA Indole acetic acid
IBA Indole butyric acid
K Potassium
K 2O Potassium Oxide
kg Kilogram
lit Litre
m Metre
mg Miligram
ml Mililiter
mm Milimeter
µm Micro metre
µg Micro gram
msl Mean sea level
MT Metric tones
N Nitrogen
NAA Naphthalene acetic acid
NMPB National Medicinal Plants Board
NPK Nitrogen + Phosphorous + Potassium
O Oxygen


P Phosphorous
P 2O 5 Phosphate
pH acid/alkali value of soil (below 7 pH – acidic; above 7 pH- alkali)
PPM Parts Per Million
Sps Species
sqm Square metre
TRF Triademophon
t Tonne
WDP Wettable Dispersible Powder
ZnSO4 Zinc Sulphate

India has 15 Agro-Climatic zones and medicinal plants are distributed across all bio-
geographic regions, diverse habitats and landscapes. Around 70% of India's medicinal plants
are found in the tropical areas and around 30% in the temperate and alpine areas. World Health
Organization (WHO) has estimated that approximately 80% of the world population still
relies on traditional medicines, which are mostly plant-based drugs. About 6198 species of
plants are estimated to be used for human and veterinary health care in the country, out of
which about 2,700 plants species are reported to be used in the codified Indian Systems of
Medicine viz. Ayurveda (1800 species), Siddha (500 species), Unani (400 species) and Amchi
(300 species). In addition to their use in preparation of traditional medicines, the medicinal
plants are being used in preparation of various pharmaceuticals and health products under the
modern system of medicine.

The global resurgence of interest in complementary and alternative systems in general

and in Indian Systems of Medicine in particular is increasing the demand of Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani (ASU) drugs, which use mostly medicinal plants as raw materials.
Medicinal plants have so far largely been collected from wild resources. Moreover, the plant
material collected from these sources is replete with the problems of adulteration and mis-
identification. Therefore, cultivation of genuine, authentic variety of medicinal plants may be
the only way to have raw material of required quality. The non-availability of proper
techniques and authentic planting material are the main constraints in cultivation of medicinal

National Medicinal Plants Board is striving hard to promote and propagate the
Medicinal Plants for inter-alia ensuring sustainable supply of raw material to Ayurveda,
Siddha and Unani (ASU) industry. Keeping in view the need of development of Agro-
techniques, the Department of AYUSH implemented “Central Scheme for Development of
Agro-techniques and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants” through reputed scientific institutions,
engaged in this area and with expertise in this field.

This book has been complied in continuation of the “Agro-techniques of Selected

Medicinal Plants”(Volume-1) which included agro-techniques of fifty plants, primarily for
growers and research workers with the aim to provide standardized cultivation techniques.
This book contains thirty two important medicinal plants, which were not covered in the first


Need for Agro-techniques

Medicinal plants have so far been collected from wild resources. However, the plant
material collected from these sources is replete with the problems of adulteration and mis-
identification. Further, the plant material collected from the wild may also be contaminated
by other species or parts thereof. The wild varieties also differ with respect to the presence of
the active constituents from area to area. All such conditions may have adverse
consequenceson the quality and efficacy of the ASU drugs. In view of this, cultivation of
genuine, authentic variety of plants may be the only way to have raw material of required
quality. However, cultivation of these plants has never been easy and commercially viable.
This is the basic reason for their exploitation from wild sources. Non-availability of proper
techniques and authentic planting material are also some of the main constraints.

The safety and quality of medicinal plant materials and finished products depend on
various factors like genetic makeup, environmental conditions, collection and cultivation
practices, harvest and post-harvest processing, transport, storage practices etc.

The Agro-techniques included in this book provide information on propagation

material, nursery technique (raising propagules, propagule rate and pre-treatment), planting in
the field (land preparation & fertilizer application, transplanting & optimum spacing,
intercropping, interculture & maintenance practices, irrigation practices and disease & pest
management ), harvest management (crop maturity & harvesting, post harvest management,
viability of seed, chemical constituents, yield & cost of cultivation).

The medicinal plants are the basic source of raw-material for preparation of Ayurvedic
medicines. Therefore, the quality of Ayurvedic products critically depends upon the quality
of raw-material. By adopting good agro-technique of medicinal plants, the safety and quality
of medicinal plant materials and finished products could be assured.

Good Agricultural Practices

Government of India has notified Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) under Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940. The quality of raw-material, however, depends upon the collection
and cultivation practices used for procurement of medicinal plants. World Health
Organization (WHO) has already published guidelines on Good Agriculture & Collection
Practices of medicinal plants. National Medicinal Plants Board has also finalized guidelines
for cultivation of medicinal plants and collection from wild sources. The Board has also
approved Scheme for voluntary certification of standards under Good Agriculture Practices
(GAPs) and Good Field Collection Practices (GFCPs) through the Quality Council of India,
which is the national nodal agency for accreditation of certification bodies. Adoption of the
agro-techniques available in the book would help in following Good Agriculture Practices as
well as getting certificates.

Agro-techniques of
Selected Medicinal Plants
Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees
Syn. Justicia paniculata Burm. f.
Fam. Acanthaceae

Ayurvedic name Kalmegh, Bhunimba

Unani name Kalmegh, Chirayita Desi
Hindi name Kalmegh
English name Creat
Trade name Kalmegh
Parts used Dried Leaves and
Tender Shoots

Andrographis paniculata

Morphological Characteristics

I t is an erect, annual herb and 30-90 cm tall with upper part of stem quadrangular while the
lower part nearly rounded stem. Leaves are opposite sessile or subsessile, linear-lanceolate
or lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, acute, glabrous or minutely puberulous beneath and base cuneate,
margin slightly undulate.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pedicelled, biliped, white-purple or spotted purple and solitary. Pedicel is
2.5–10 mm in size, slender and glandular pubescent. Bracts are acicular and 2.5 mm long.
Calyx lobes are subacute, 2.5-3.7 mm long and glandular. Corolla is 7.5-12.5 mm in size, tube
about half as long as the corolla. Filaments are hairy and anthers are purple beared at base.
Fruit is a capsule, oblong, 18-20X4.5–5.0 mm, young ones sparsely glandular and hairy; when
mature it is glabrous. Seeds are subquadrate, yellow to brownish in colour and rugose.
Flowering and fruiting occurs in October – December (North India).
The species is a native of tropical South-East Asia and occurs throughout hotter parts of India.

Climate and Soil

The plant comes up well in tropical and subtropical regions all over India. It is a hardy species,


therefore, can be grown in medium fertile sandy loam to clay-loam soils, possibly with
irrigation. It can withstand partial shade of trees, say few hours, but it is cultivated in open
Propagation Material
It can be easily raised through seed and vegetative methods. But in commercial cultivation,
propagation through seed is easy and economical.
This crop is grown during cooler climate and it remains for 120 days in field; usually, ratoon
crop is also taken all over north India. Cooler climate helps plants in synthesizing more bitter
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising of Nursery: Seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours and sown in the nursery
beds in early September. About 650-750 gm seeds are required for raising nursery for
one hectare of land. Nursery is prepared with soil, sand and organic matter in 1:1:1
ratio and sown in early September at 5 cm spacing in rows and it takes 8-10 days for
germination to commence. Six weeks old seedlings are planted in field at 30X15 cm
or 15X15 cm spacing. Direct sown crop is broadcasted thinly and has a seed rate of
1.5 kg/ha. It matures early, but nursery raising is preferred. For nursery beds, FYM @
20 kg per square meter as basal dose is mixed in the soil.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The land should be prepared well by
repeated ploughing to make soil pulverized. For main field, FYM @ 20 t/ha is given as
basal application. It is given NPK (75:75:50 kg/ha) in two split doses i.e. first at
planting stage and second 40 days after plantation. Use of 5 kg Azospirillium + 5 kg
Phosphobacteria per hectare has also given good results.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: 10-25 cm long seedlings raised in the
nursery beds during September are transplanted in the main field (after 6 weeks of
sowing) at a distance of 30X15 cm between plant to plant and row to row.
Ÿ Irrigation: 4-6 light irrigations are required till harvesting the crop.
Ÿ Weeding: Since it is a herbaceous plant, the field should be free from weeds. Two to
three weedings are essential during the crop season viz. at 20 days and 60 days after
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: It is a hardy plant and not attacked by any pest and disease.
Agro-technique study carried out by Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus,
Chennai – 600 025.

Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures after 120 days of sowing. It is
harvested when most plants are in bloom. It is at this stage, the plants should be
uprooted. However, a small lot of healthy plants should be left in the field for seed
production. When the fruits become mature, these should be picked up and dried in
the sun and seeds are collected. The seeds should be kept in open sun for complete
drying. After this, these are stored in air-tight containers for next sowing.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After uprooting the plant, first it should be dried in the
sun for two days and afterwards in the shade. This properly dried material should be
packed in laminated gunny bags, lest it absorbs moisture. The harvested dry material
should be stored in dark, airy and moisture-free places.
Ÿ Viability of Seed: One year of storage from the time of harvest.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The leaves contain three bitter principles;
deoxyandrographolide, andrographolide and neoandrographolide. These are also
present in whole plant. The leaves should yield 2.5% chemical constituents on
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: The yield (whole plant) is 2.5 t/ha. It has sizeable
demand and yields a reasonable profit to the growers. It is commercially cultivated in
several States of India. Rs. 25000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.
Therapeutic Uses
The whole herb is bitter in taste and is source of several diterpenoids of which a bitter water
soluble lactone “andrographolide” is important. The
plant is acrid, cooling, laxative, antipyretic,
antiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant,
sudorific, anthelmintic, digestive and stomachic. It is
useful in burning sensation, chronic fever, malaria
and intermittent fever, inflammation, cough,
bronchitis, skin diseases, intestinal worm, dyspepsia,
flatulence, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids
and vitiated condition of pitta. The plant is often used
as a substitute for Chirayita (Swertia chirayita). Andrographis paniculata in field

Angelica glauca Edgew.
Fam. Apiaceae

Ayurvedic name Chorak

Hindi name Chora, Choru, Gandrayan
Trade name Gandrayan
English name Angelica
Parts used Roots/ Rhizome

Angelica glauca

Morphological Characteristics

I t is a glabrous aromatic perennial or biennial herb, 1-2 meter tall. Stem is hollow. Root is
thick rhizomatous. Leaves are unipinnate, bipinnate, or tripinnate, large pinna is toothed,
ovate or lanceolate.

Floral Characteristics
Inflorescence is compound umbel with numerous rays. Flowers are white, yellow or purple in
colour, bracteate; florets white or purple. Seeds are small in size and winged. Fruits/seeds are
1.25 cm by 0.6 cm in size.

The plant is endangered in status, which is distributed in Western Himalaya from Kashmir to
Uttarakhand, in alpine scrub and forest shades between 2700-3700 meters.

Climate and Soil

It requires cool and temperate climate. It can be cultivated between 2000-3000 meters above
msl. It requires deep rich porous and moist soil with shady situations. For its ideal cultivation,
the plenty of organic manure is required.

Angelica glauca Edgew.

Propagation Material
Seeds and rootstock spilts.

Fruits Rootstocks

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds are sown
immediately after harvesting during
November and December inside
polyhouse. Seed viability is very low
and moist seeds have a better
germination potential than dry seeds.
Germination takes 25-40 days. Seedlings
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Approximately 50,000 plants or 6.2 kg seeds are
required for its cultivation in one hectare land area.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be ploughed
thoroughly followed by harrowing to bring the soil to a fine tilth and free from weeds.
Seedlings are transplanted 45X45 cm apart in April and May. Apical portions of roots
are transplanted during the rainy season at 45 cm apart. By this method, plants can be
harvested within two years.
Ÿ Green Manuring: Sheep and goat manure is reported to be good for its cultivation.
Approximately 15-20 tonnes of manure is required for one hectare of land initially, at
the time of starting cultivation in lower altitudes. Manuring is done before planting. If
Agro-technique study carried out by High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre (HAPPRC), HNB Garhwal
University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand.


required, manuring should be done after the completion of the vegetative growth phase
during October or in the winter after two or three years of cultivation. At higher
elevations, where forest litter is available, it enhances growth as well as survival and
Ÿ Transplanting the Seedlings to Main Field and Optimum Spacing: After four to
six months growth of seedlings raised inside a greenhouse or in a small nursery,
transplanting is done at the beginning of the rainy season. Raised beds are better for
growth. If the site is moist or has good irrigation facilities, transplanting can be done
during April and May.
Ÿ Intercropping System: It requires similar climatic and edaphic conditions as
Saussurea costus, so intercropping with this plant is beneficial.
Ÿ Intercultural and Maintenance Practices: The intercultural operation like weeding/
hoeing is carried out periodically as and when required.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Irrigation twice a week during the dry season is required.
Ÿ Weed Control: Weeding once a month and earthing every month during the rainy
season and every two to three months during the dry season is essential.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease
and pests have been reported.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Under
cultivation, harvesting can be done
within two to three years. Roots are
harvested during September and October
when seeds become partially mature.
Harvesting can be done after every two
years, once the cultivation is well
established and gives the maximum Seedlings
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting the rhizomes, an apical portion is
transplanted in a field for future crops. The remaining portion is washed with water to
remove soil, and roots are cut into small pieces and put in partial shade for drying.
After complete drying, roots are stored and packed in cloth bags.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Roots contain 1-1.5% volatile oil, valeric acid, angelic acid,
lactones, sesquiterpenes, --cadinene, umbelliprenin, terpene alcohol and angelisine
Ÿ Yield: At high altitudes of Garhwal, nearly 593-600 kg/ha yield is estimated under

Angelica glauca Edgew.

cultivation which is greater than all medicinal plants traditionally cultivated and thus
has great potential as a cash crop. For a long time the collection of this species has
been done by Bhutiyas (tribes) from nature, and they still sell it as a condiment in
valley villages to earn money. Nearly 15-25% A. glauca is sold in trade of medicinal
plants by local people, especially from the Niti and Mana Valleys of Uttarakhand.

Therapeutic Uses
A. glauca is used in dyspepsia, constipations, ulcer of palate, infantile atrophy, dysentery,
menorrhagia and rinderpest. Roots/rhizomes are used as a drug for wounds and gastric pains.
It has stomachic, carminative, stimulant, and sudorific properties. It is useful in anorexia,
spasms, flatulent colic and bronchitis. The powdered root is administered in warm water for
children's stomach ailments; it also checks vomiting. It is also used for flavouring
confectionery and liquors. The leaves and stem act as a stimulant, cordial and used in stomach

Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.
Syn. A. agallocha Roxb.
Fam. Thymelaeaceae

Ayurvedic name Agaru

Unani name Ood Hindi /Agar
Hindi name Agar
English name Aloewood, Eaglewood,
Trade name Agar
Parts used Fragrant Resinous Wood
and Oil

Aquilaria malaccensis
Morphological Characteristics

T his plant is a large evergreen tree about 20 meters tall and 1.5–2.4 meters in girth with
somewhat straight and fluted bole. Leaves are alternate 0.5-10 cm by 2-5 cm, oblong,
lanceolate or elliptic, caudate, acuminate and glabrous with slender nerves. Venation is
parallel. Petiole is 0.3-0.5 cm long. It is commercially used as fragrant and in prepation of
drugs. The tree contains plenty of oleoresin and has irregular dark patches. The wood burns
with a bright flame giving off pleasant smell.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are white in colour, bisexual, pedicellate, in both axillary and terminal umbellate
cymes, shortly pedunculed, perianth, companulate, lobes 5 spreading and densely pilose.
Pedicels is 0.5-0.8 cm long, slender. Perianth remains persistent in fruit and 1.3-1.5 cm long,
silky densely villous, connate at the base. Stamens are 10, anthers 10 with subsessile disc.
Ovary is subsessile, villous and two-celled. Stigma is large, subsessile. Fruit is capsular,
3-5 cm long, obovoid, pericarp coriaceous and densely tomentose. Seeds are ovoid with a
long tail.

Bengal and North-Eastern States of India namely Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram,

Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.

Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.

Climate and Soil

This is a tropical tree which grows over high rainfall tract throughout humid regions. The
region experience low temperature variations between 200C to 280C and relative humidity
around 80%. It grows over sandy loam and slightly acidic soils.

Propagation Material
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds mature during July-August. It loses viability soon. Thus
seeds are sown within a week of collection. Raising seedlings in poly-bag is preferred.
Seed germination is more than 80%.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: 4500 plants/ha are required.
Planting in the Field
Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Before transplanting of seedlings,
land should be thoroughly ploughed and harrowed to bring it up-to a good tilth. FYM
@ 20 t/ha may be applied at the time of land preparation supplemented with NPK @
60:60:40 may be applied in split doses. The fertilizer level is increased with age from
3 year onwards.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Seedlings when attain a height of 30-40 cm
should be transplanted in the field during rainy season (April-June) at optimum
spacing of 3X 3 meter.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Annual or biennial medicinal herbs viz. Andrographis
paniculata (Kalmegh), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandh), Rauwolfia serpentina
(Sarpagandha), Bacopa monnieri (Bhrami), Piper longum (Pippali) etc. may be
cultivated as catch crops till the trees attain growth.
Ÿ Inter-culture and Maintenance Practices: Spading and simultaneous weeding at 90
days after transplanting is required.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Rainfed plantation.
Ÿ Weed Control: Hand weeding is done after 90 days of transplanting, thereafter
Gramoxone @ 0.5 kg/ha may be applied when necessary. Glycel @ 1.5 kg/ha may be
applied to eradicate weeds.

Agro-technique study carried out by North East Institute of Science Technology (NEIST) Jorhat 785006, Assam.


Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Attack of Heortia vitessoides is observed during May-
August. This causes defoliation of whole tree. Application of Thiodan @ 2 ml/lit at 15
days interval during infestation is found to control the pests effectively.

Harvest Management
Agar-wood develops a peculiar, persisting strong odour because of infestation by a fungal
identified as Zeuzera conferta, it penetrates the hard wood, through wounds, injury or borers.
All attempts to induce artificial infestation have failed; it is a natural phenomeon. It develops
black patches and stores resinous oil which is separated through distillation of the woody
chips. This oil has high value in medicine and perfumery industry.
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Time of harvesting depends on disease infestation
in hard wood. Agar is regarded as a pathological product formed as result of infection.
Black patches in the bark indicate occurrence of infection and can be used for
harvesting hard wood to commercial use.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Wood chips or chips powdered mechanically without
generating heat are soaked in water for 2-3 days and transferred to stainless steel vessel
which is part of a distillation unit. The distillation is done for 30-36 hours. Oil and
water is collected in a separator and stored. The oil and water ratio in the condenser is
kept low on account of the high boiling point. Oil is stored in closed container
preferable in Aluminum bottles.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The woody chips have an essential oil commonly known as
Agar oil from 0.8% to 2.2% in fungal infested wood of 8-50 years old plant. The wood
contains hexadecanoic acid (25.0%), pentadecanoic acid (6.7%) and oleic acid (4.9%);
other constituents range from 0.1 to 2.1%.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation (Hectare): This oil is exceptionally costly.

Therapeutic Uses
Wood is used as stimulant, aphrodisiac, tonic in diarrhea, vomiting and used in skin related
ailments like wounds, injuries, pain, indigestion, heart related ailments, blood purifier against
gout, impotence and urine related disorders. The plant acts as anti-inflammatory, stimulates
the nervous system, antirheumatic and antiparalysis.

Aristolochia indica Linn.
Fam. Aristolochiaceae

Ayurvedic name Isharmul

Unani name Zarawand Hindi
Hindi name Kiramar
English name The Indian Birthwort

Trade name Ishar-mul

Parts used Leaves and Roots

Aristolochia indica

Morphological Characteristics

A ristolochia indica is a perennial creeper with a woody rootstock. Leaves are alternate,
entire with more or less undulate margins, somewhat cordate, acuminate or obovate.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers constitute of greenish-white or light purplish perianth with inflorescence in axillary
cymes or fascicles, 1-2 lipped, hairy within limbs dilated. Stamens are six in number, adnate
and filaments are not distinguishable from the style. Anthers are adnate to column. Carpel is
six locular with two ovules. The flowers are usually foetid in odour. Fruit is globose, oblong,
septicidal, six valved capsule and opening from below upwards. Seeds are many in number,
flat and winged.

Plant is distributed in lower hills and plains of India, Bengal and Assam.

Climate and Soil

It grows in warm and moist climate, with temperature ranging from 200C to 330C, and annual


rainfall ranging 100-150 cm and spread out to a greater part of the year. It can also be cultivated
over well drained sandy- loam soil rich in organic matter. It needs irrigation at lower elevation
where rainfall is low.

Propagation Material
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds mature during May-July. Germination of seed is about
80%. Seeds may be sown in rows over raised beds and 10 cm apart. Seedlings at 4-5
leaves stage can be transferred in polybags or kept in the nursery bed till it attains
15 cm height, when it is ready for transplantation. Seed viability remains at 70-80%
up to one year. Seeds should be treated in Bavistin/Captan/Thiram before sowing.
About 30,000 seedlings are needed for one hectare land.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Land should be deeply ploughed and
harrowed twice and made into good tilth. FYM @ 10 t/ha alongwith NPK @
25:60:100 kg/ha during land preparation may be applied. Later N @ 25 kg/ha may be
applied after planting and again at 3 months interval.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Seedlings may be raised in May-July and
their transplantation done in August-September. 60X60 cm spacing is
optimal requirement.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Annual herbs like chilli can be grown as intercrop.
Ÿ Inter-culture and Maintenance Practices: Hoeing and hand weedings are carried
out simultaneously 45 days after planting, thereafter at 6 months interval in first year.
In second year, periodicity of interculture remains same.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Usually rainfed crop, but supplementary irrigation is needed
during dry seasons.
Ÿ Weed Control: Pre-emergence application of Pendimethaline @ 1.0 kg/ha or
Simazine @ 2.0 kg/ha may be applied, thereafter hand weeding at 90 days after
transplanting and later as per weed population. Application of post-emergence
herbicides is not suggested.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Leaf blight is observed in the plantation during winter
season. Application of Dithane M-45 @ 3 gm/lit at 15 days interval is found to control

Agro-technique study carried out by North East Institute of Science Technology (NEIST) Jorhat – 785006, Assam.

Aristolochia indica Linn.

the disease. Infestation of Pachlioptera aristolochia is found to attack the vines and eat
on tender leaves during May-August. Application of Rogor 30 EC @ 0.02% keeps the
moth away. Thiodan 35 EC @ 0.09% is also found effective against the insect.
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Crop matures after one year growth but the leaves
are pruned and harvested after 180 days onwards periodically. The collection of roots
is advisable after two years of age.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Leaves and roots after collection are cleaned thoroughly
and all foreign matters are removed. These may be dried in shade for a week when it
has 10-12% moisture and then it is ready for storage. It is packed in air tight polythene
bags and stacked in bamboo or wooden crates.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Plant possesses aristolochic acid upto 0.017% and essential
oil upto 0.5%. Besides, it has potassium and β-sitosterol. Two sesquiterpene
hydrocarbons viz. ishwarane and aristolochene have been identified from the root and
their structure is established.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Estimated yield is 640 kg/ha/year in the second year
and onwards.

Therapeutic Uses
The dried roots and rhizomes are used as a bitter tonic. The fresh juice of leaves and bark is
used in the bowel complaints of children, diarrhoea and intermittent fevers. The root is used in
skin diseases. It heals wounds and destroys the toxic effect of all poisons. In the olden days, it
was used against snake-bites in Southern India. The plant possesses emmenagogue,
abortifacient, antiarthritic, anti-inflammatory, antiperiodic, diuretic and antibilious

Bergenia ciliata ( Haw.) Sternb.
Fam. Saxifragaceae

Ayurvedic name Shailagarbhaja, Pashanbheda

Unani name Zakhmehayat, Pakhanbed
Hindi name Pakhanabhed, Pashanbheda
English name Hairy bergenia

Trade name Pashanabhed

Parts used Rhizomatous Rootstock or

Bergenia ciliata

Morphological Characteristics

T his is a rhizomatic herb with fleshy leaves, growing upto 30 cm tall, having a stout
creeping rhizomatous rootstock with scars and intermittent axillary buds. Plant is quite
hardy and able to survive frost during winter turning reddish in colour. It is evergreen and
flowers in April to June. Its flowers are white-pink and purple in colour. Stem is short. The
rhizome comes out from the cervices of rocks and hangs in the air in sloppy areas. Leaves are
5-30 cm long, glabrous, sparsely hairy in margins, broadly obovate or elliptic, finely or
sparsely denticulate or shallowly sinuate-denate.

Floral Characteristics
The flowers are bisexual, white, pink or purple with long cymose panicles 4-10 cm long. The
fruit is a capsule and rounded in shape. Seeds are greyish in colour, minute and numerous in
one capsule.

The plant is endemic to Northern and Eastern temperate Himalayan region in Himachal
Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and North Eastern hilly states between altitudes of

Bergenia ciliata ( Haw.) Sternb.

1200-3000 meter in the cold or glacial mountain rocky slopes in stone crevices. It is also found
in adjoining countries like Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan upto Tibet and China at higher

Climate and Soil

Plant grows well under humid, temperate climatic conditions, where temperature generally
remains below 20 C. Plant grows well over sandy, slightly acidic soils with high porosity and
rich in organic matter or forest humus. However due to its hardy nature, this species can be
grown well over medium loamy to clay soils, supplemented with manure. It tolerates light
shade and grows well under open sunny conditions. But the vegetative growth has been found
better in shade.

Propagation Material
Rhizome Segments: 8-14 cm long and 23-26 gm in weight are used for direct planting;
annular segments of 2 cm thickness are preferred for nursery raising.
Seeds: Seed germination is low and seed viability is very poor.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: It takes about one month to develop a mother nursery which can
supply planting material for raising cultivation.
i) By Rhizome Segments: The crop can be raised by direct planting of 7.5-12.5
cm long rhizome segments (average weight: 23-26 gm) with 2-3 nodes as
propagation material for quick and faster regeneration in the field in late
summer or onset of monsoon. It is treated with 100 ppm IBA solution for two
minutes. Raising crop through rhizome segments can reduce crop cycle by one
year in comparison to propagation through seed sown. However, it requires
large quantity of rhizome sections for planting. It is noted that the smaller
rhizome segments of about 2 cm thickness can be planted at spacing of 10X10
cm in nursery. The rate of growth is slow and as it takes about 18 months time
for raising plants in nursery for field planting.
ii) By Seed Method: The seeds are very minute in shape and exhibit poor
viability and germination potential. They exhibit slightly recalcitrant nature and
need to be used immediately after maturity in spring season (March-April). The
seed is stratified for 15 days at 4°C to improve germination. Storing will lose
viability. Seeds are sown over top surface of raised beds or poly bags over the
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), S.A.S
Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, (b) Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu, and (c) Herbal Garden, Herbarium
and Research Institute, Joginder Nagar, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.


moist layer of forest litter or farmyard manure preferably under greenhouse

conditions. The seeds take 60-90 days for germination. After germination, the
seedlings are picked out at two-three leaved stage and planted in fresh nursery
beds at spacing of 10X10 cm and takes a season to grow large before planting in
the field in next summer.
iii) Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: About 88,000-90,000 plants are needed
to plant one hectare land for which approxmately 18-20 quintals fresh biomass
of rhizome is required. Before planting, the rhizome segments should be
treated with 100 ppm IBA solution for two minutes or soaked in plain water for
two hours.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: It is a hardy plant hence it can be
planted in spring as well as summer in the hills; although the best time for planting is
monsoon time (July). Land preparation is as usual for growing crops in hills. Add 35 t/ha
of FYM and plough the deep in the soil. After planting, make 9-12 cm raised beds or
shallow ridges for intercultural operations. For proper water retention and enhancing the
porosity of soil, add sufficient quantity of locally available peat moss or the forest litter. It
enriches soil with useful microfauna and micorrhiza, which help growth.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The rooted plants should be transplanted in
the field in 12-15 cm raised bed at a spacing of 30X30 cm. While planting in the raised
beds, keep at least 5 cm space on each side of bed along the length so that three rows of
plants can be adjusted.
Ÿ Intercropping System: The maximum height of plants which can be achieved under
optimum growing conditions may be 30 cm with heavy leaf biomass. Intercropping is
possible when the two crops growing together do not compete for same nutrients.
Experimental study was also conducted by planting annual crop of Swertia
angustifolia (Chirayita) plants in a spacing of 15 cm in straight line between the gaps
of two rows which showed very encouraging results and it was concluded that because
these two crops have different maturity period and crop cycle, hence they can be grown
together successfully.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: The leaves of plants are prone to decay
during rainy season. Such leaves must be removed immediately from the plants to
avoid any fungal infection. The slope of water drainage can be put toward inner side of
field to protect the fertile soil from washing away.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The crop should be given irrigation an interval of 15 days in
summer season. Sprinkler irrigation can be tried to keep the humidity level high at
canopy level.

Bergenia ciliata ( Haw.) Sternb.

Ÿ Weed Control: Broad leaved weeds and some perennial grasses are common during
rainy season which should be uprooted immediately. Six weeding operation are needed
per year.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Leaf hopper and snails generally attack the foliar part of
crop. No bacterial and fungal diseases were reported. To check the disease, the extra
foliar growth should be removed. Sometimes extreme frost conditions are observed in
high hills which lead to leaf and flower decay.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crops mature in autumn from the second year
and onwards. However, it is recommended to harvest roots during third year.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The underground rhizomes are taken out and after
removing the leaf and soil debris, they are washed thoroughly under running water
and cut it into small pieces of 5 cm long and allowed to dry in partial shade for 8-10
days or till complete drying (4-6% moisture stage). The dry rhizomes are packed in
gunny bags and stored in cool and dry conditions.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The rhizome of Bergenia ciliata contains bergenin (0.6%),
gallic acid and tannic acid (14.2%), glucose (5.6%, mucilage and wax).
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: The plant yields 7.0-7.2 tonnes rhizomes per hectare
(dry biomass) after second year when the crop is raised through rhizome cuttings. The
cost of cultivation for one hectare may come to Rs.74,455/- .

Therapeutic Uses
The drug is used as litholytic agent for urinary calculi. It is widely used in the treatment of
dysuria, cystisis, crystalluria and renal failure,
vertigo and headache. The rhizomes and roots
of the plant act as astringent, tonic and have
anti-inflammatory effect and are applied as
poultice for stiff joints, boils, abscesses and skin
infections. The root powder is considered to be
a mild diuretic, but in higher doses, it exhibited
anti-diuretic action. Various Ayurvedic
classical drugs such as Pashanabhedadi kwath,
Pashanabhedadi ghrit, Pashanabhedadi Churan
etc. are prepared from Pashanbhed rhizome. Bergenia ciliata in field

Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don
Syn. Vinca rosea Linn.
Fam. Apocynaceae

Ayurvedic name Nityakalyani (S)

Unani name Sada Bahar
Hindi name Bara Massi/ Sada Bahar
English name Periwinkle

Trade name Sada Bahar

Parts used Root/ Leaves

Catharanthus roseus

Morphological Characteristics

C atharanthus roseus is a perennial small herb

or sub-shrub, up to 90 cm in height. Stem is
erect, lax branching with flexible long branches,
purple or light green. Leaves are simple, cauline,
opposite, ex-stipulate, petiolate, elliptic ovate to
oblong, 4-10 by 2-4 cm glabrous to pubescent, base
acute or cuneate, apex obtusely apiculate and
lateral nerves 10-12 pairs. Petiole is 1.0- 1.5 cm

Floral Characteristics
Inflorescence is recemose oraxillary or terminal
cyme or solitary/paired and shortly pedicillate.
Flower colour is pink/white and tubular, swollen in
the region of anthers, throat of corolla-tube hairy. Dried leaves
Androecium contains 5 stamens included in the corolla tube, filaments are very short,
epipetalous, anthers forming a cone-like structure above the stigma. Gynoecium contains two

Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don

carpels, which are free below, but united in the stylar region. Ovaries are two, free and single
style with dumbbell stigma. After fertilization, the carpels separate and form two fruits which
form a pair of elongated follicles. Seeds are small in size and black in colour, 1000 seeds may
weight 1.2 gm.

Plant is a native of West Indies. It is distributed throughout tropical and sub-tropical parts of
India. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Assam are
ideally suited for the cultivation of the plant.

Climate and Soil

The cosmopolitan distribution of the plant shows that it can grow in a variety of soils and
climates. However, its growth is better in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The plant also
grows in sub-tropical areas of northern India but the growth is slow due to extremely low
temperature during the winter. It can be grown in any type of soil except those which are
highly saline, alkaline or water-logged. Light soils, which are rich in humus, are preferable
for large scale cultivation, since harvesting of the roots become easy. A well distributed
rainfall of 100 cm or more is ideal if the plant is to be grown as a rainfed crop.

Propagation Material
Seeds (Seeds not older than one year should be used).
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Freshly harvested seeds (not older than one year) should be
used. Seeds can be sown either in a nursery and then transplanted or sown directly in
the field.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Direct sowing can be adopted during the
monsoon months, particularly if large area has to be cultivated. About 2.5 kg of seeds
are required per hectare. Seeds are mixed with about 25 kg of fine, moist sand to
ensure even distribution. Seeds are sown in rows 45 cm apart; subsequently seedlings
are thinned maintaining a distance of 30 cm between plant to plant.
Ÿ Transplanting the Seedlings to Main Field and Optimum Spacing: If seeds are
scarce and irrigation facility is available, transplanting can be adopted with advantage
since only about 500 gm of seeds will be enough to plant one hectare. Seeds are sown
in nursery beds, two months before transplanting. An area of about 200 sqm under
nursery gives enough seedlings for transplanting one hectare land. The seeds take
about ten days to germinate and about 60 days to reach transplanting stage.
Agro-technique study carried out by Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh.


Transplanting is done at 45X30 cm spacing. One hectare requires about 74,000


Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be ploughed
thoroughly followed by harrowing to bring the soil to a fine tilth and free from weeds.
After the green manure crop is ploughed in or after the application of farmyard
manure, as the case may be, the land is prepared as usual practices for any other
agricultural crop. A basal dose of 250 kg of superphosphate and 65 kg muriate of
potash are also incorporated in the soil. 110 kg urea is applied to the crop in two splits.
First application is made 10-15 days after transplanting and the second application is
made one month later. This is for an irrigated crop. When the crop is grown under
rainfed conditions, half the quantities of manure and fertilizers mentioned above
should be applied.
Ÿ Green Manuring: Farm yard manure at the rate of about 10 t/ha is applied in those
areas where it is available at reasonable rate. If irrigation is available, it is
advantageous to grow a leguminous crop, such as sunhemp or horsegram, prior to
sowing or transplanting and ploughing it when it attains flowering stage. When this is
done, application of farmyard manure may be dispensed with. This helps in building
up the fertility of the soil. The green manure seeds should preferably be treated with
bacterial inoculum, prior to sowing, to increase the development of root nodules which
absorb atmospheric nitrogen and fix it in the soil. For treating seeds with inoculums
jaggery solution is prepared by dissolving about 50 gm of jaggery in 500 ml of water,
boiled, cooled and green manure seeds are wetted with this solution. Then, rhizobium
culture (@ 300 gm/ha) is sprinkled and mixed well. The stickiness of the jaggery
helps the rhizobium culture to adhere to the seeds.
Ÿ Irrigation and Intercultural Operations: Places where rainfall is evenly distributed
throughout the year, the plants do not require any irrigation. However, the areas where
the monsoon is restricted to a particular period, 4-5 irrigations once in fifteen days
during February, March and April months are needed to get optimum yield. The first
weeding is done after about 60 days from sowing or transplanting and the second after
additional 60 days.
Ÿ Diseases and Pest Control: The plant is generally resistant to the attack of various
pests and diseases. Occasionally, some plants have been found to suffer from 'Little-
leaf' disease, resulting in stunted growth of the plant. The disease can be checked from
spreading by uprooting and destroying the affected plants and spraying organic
phosphorus insecticides once in 15 days when the infection is prevalent. A, die-back,
caused by Pythium aphanidermatum Edson Fitzp., has been found to affect the crop
during the monsoon. It is observed that mulching between the rows with any straw

Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don

reduces the incidence of die-back to a considerable degree. Varieties 'Nirmal' and

'Dhawal' developed by CIMAP have a high level of field resistance to the die-back

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop is harvested after about 12 months from
sowing. The crop is cut at about 7.5 cm above the ground and dried in shade. The field
is then copiously irrigated and when it reaches at proper moisture level, it is ploughed
and the roots are collected. The roots are washed thoroughly and dried in shade. If
there is demand for leaves, two leaf-stripping can be taken, the first one after 6 months
and the second one after 9 months from sowing.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting, the whole plant is dried in shade. At
this stage, light threshing will separate the seeds, which can be used for the next
sowing. The leaves and stems are also then separately collected. Seeds collected this
way will have fruits of various degrees of maturity and hence will have poor
percentage of germination. It is, therefore, advisable that only mature pods should be
collected during two or three months before the crop is harvested.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: At present, more than 100 alkaloids have been isolated from
the various parts of the plant, of these vinblastine (VLB) and vincustine (VCR) present
in its leaves, and ajmalicine, present in its roots are medicinally important. VLB is
used in the treatment of Hodgkins disease, non-Hodgkin lymphomas, testicarcinomas,
and sometimes against breast cancer and chorio-carcinomas. VCR is used against
acute leukemia, Hodgkins disease, non-Hodgkin lymphomas, rhabdomyosascomas,
Wilm's tumors in children and breast cancer. Ajmalicine is used for the treatment of
Ÿ Yield: Under irrigated conditions, about 1.5 tonnes of leaves, and 0.5 tonnes of roots
on air-dry basis are obtained per hectare. The yield of leaves and roots under rainfed
conditions is 0.75 t/ha each on air-dry basis. Rs. 25000/- is the cost of cultivation for
one hactare.

Therapeutic Uses
Plant is used in cancer and diabetes; root paste is used in septic wounds; root decoction is used
in fever; leaves are used in menorrhagia; leaf juice is used in blood dysentery. The decoction
of leaf is used for babies in gripping pain while the latex is useful in scabies. Plant contains
hypotensive, sedative and antiviral activities.

Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban
Syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn.
Fam. Apiaceae

Ayurvedic name Mandookparni

Unani name Khulakudi, Brahmi
Hindi name Brahmi
English name Asiatic Pennywort, Indian
Pennywort, Gotu Kola
Trade name Brahmi
Parts used Whole Plant, Mainly

Centella asiatica

Morphological Characteristics

T he plant is a small trailing herb. It is the only species of Centella found in India. Stem
is glabrous, pink striated and rooting at nodes. Leaves are fleshy, orbicular to reniform
and dentate. Petiole is long, smooth on upper surface and hairy below.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pink and white in fascicled umbels. The fruits are oblong, dull brown, laterally
compressed, pericarp hard, thickened and woody white.

The plant occurs in marshy places throughout the country in tropical and subtropical regions.
Climate and Soil
Plant naturally grows over moist, fertile, loose, sandy loam and clayey soil. Thrives best in
monsoon periods in well drained beds.

Propagation Material
The plant is propagated by rooted suckers and seeds.

Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The plants grow well under shade and can tolerate heavy shade.
One-node stem cuttings can be planted. The root develops from the nodes.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: 300 kg rooted suckers are needed to plant one
hectare land. No specific pretreatment is required.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be prepared well by
giving one ploughing and two harrowings, followed by planting. Manure (FYM) at the
rate of 20 t/ha should be mixed thoroughly with the soil at the time of field preparation.
NPK fertilizers @ 100:50:50 kg/ha in 4 split doses are given.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The planting can be done in February-March
at a spacing of 45X45 cm with irrigation. It is an irrigated crop.
Ÿ Intercropping System: The plant can be grown as pure crop in orchards of Mango
and other trees.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: There is a profuse growth of weeds in the
beds; hence it requires continuous hoeing and weeding. During monsoon months, it is
essential to prevent water logging in the beds.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: During dry months fortnightly irrigation is needed and needs
drainage during rainy season.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease, pests or any other physiological disorder was
observed in the experimental plantation.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures in 90 days period after planting. It
is harvested through hand-cutting at fully grown leaf stage. The leaves are harvested in
sunny weather to facilitate drying.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Unwanted material is sorted out from the crop before the
harvested material is dried in shade.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Asiatic acid, asiaticoside, madecassic acid, brahmic acid,

Agro-technique study carried out by Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT) Bhubaneswar – 751013, Orrisa.


thankuniside, centellose. Total triterpinoids are in leaves and they are approximately
1.0% of leaves.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: As a pure crop, 10-12 t/ha/years yield is obtained by 3
harvests in a year. After second year, the yield begins to decline, needing fresh
planting. Rs. 40000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The whole plant has therapeutic values. It is used as nervine tonic, for improving
memory and mental disorders. It is anti-leprosy, diuretic, stomachic and used in
insomnia, asthma, abdominal disorders and fever. Decoction of the plant is given in the
treatment of leprosy.

Centella asiatica in field

Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker
Fam. Liliaceae

Ayurvedic name Musli Bhed

Unani name Musli Safed, Biskandri
Hindi name Safed Musli
English name India Spider Plant
Trade name Safed Musli
Parts used Tuberous Root

Chlorophytum arundinaceum
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a perennial herb with a short hard root stocks;

roots often thick, fleshy and cylindrical. The
leaves are 15-35 cm long and oblanceolate. The
plant is considered endangered species in the

Floral Characteristics
Inflorescence is dense; flowers are arranged in
raceme and shortly branched. Flowers white,
anthers as long as or longer than the filaments and
yellow in colour. Bracts are usually long and over
topping the shortly pedicelled buds. Cells of the
orbicular capsule are 3-4 seeded and black
Cluster of underground Dried root pieces
Distribution tuberous root
Plant is distributed sparsely over Eastern India, mainly Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, Assam and few
places in Orissa and Meghalaya.


Climate and Soil

A tropical and subtropical climate with humid atmosphere is suitable for its growth.
Temperature 200C-250C, rainfall 150-200 cm and relative humidity around 70% is suitable for
its better performances. Sandy-loam and organic matter rich in clay loam soil is suitable for the

Propagation Material
Seed and root tubers.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Root stocks @ 7-10 quintals are required per hectare.
Germination of untreated seeds is about 9-12%. Seed treatment with concentrated
sulphuric acid for half an hour, followed by treatment of Gibberellic acid (GA)
100 ppm enhances germination upto 38%.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: 45000-50000 seedlings per hectare as a mono
crop; whereas 30000-40000 seedlings are required for plantation with Cajanus cajan
(Pigeonpea) as a shade plant.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Land should be ploughed, harrowed
2-3 times to make it to good tilth. FYM @ 20 t/ha may be applied during land
preparation. NPK @ 90:30:30 kg/ha is recommended; of this, N is split in 3 doses. The
first split of 30 kg N with entire quantity of P and K may be applied at the time of land
preparation and rest of Nitrogen be applied after 3 and 6 months of planting.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Seeds may be sown in line during March in
raised beds 10 cm apart. Frequent watering is necessary. By May-June seedlings are
ready for transplantation. Shade must be provided in the plantation. 60X30 cm is
recommended optimum spacing.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Cajanus cajan is found as a good intercrop providing shade to
the growing plants.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Hand weeding and hoeing at 4 months
interval in first year; thereafter, twice in a year will keep the fields free from weeds.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Largely rain fed irrigated in dry season only or as required.
Ÿ Weed Control: Weed control is required at 45 days after planting and thereafter at
4 months interval. Pre-emergence application of Simazine 2.0 kg/ha or
Pendimethaline @ 1.0 kg/ha is followed by hand weeding.
Agro-technique study carried out by North East Institute of Science Technology (NEIST) Jorhat – 785006, Assam.

Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker

Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No pest and disease infestation is observed in the
plantation. Deficiency systems of iron are observed sometimes. Soil testing of the
land under cultivation is carried before planting.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: One year; harvesting time April – May.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Uprooting by hoe. Tubers must be cleaned from foreign
material and then dried under shade for 15-20 days before packing in clean sacks and
stored over wooden pallets.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Plant contains Sapogenine (0.1%), high percentage
of starch, carbohydrate, sugar and minerals like magnesium, potassium and tannin.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: 500-800 kg dry root yield in second year after
planting. Rs. 40000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Tubers having medicinal value are used as general tonic, containing the steroid
sapogenine (1-2%), protein (10-20%) and calcium. Tubers are fat free. The tubers have
high aphrodisiac property. It is also useful in diseases like renal calculus, leucorrhoea
and diabetes.

Cineraria maritima Linn.
Syn. Senecio maritima DC.
Fam. Asteraceae

Hindi name Cineraria

Trade name Dusty miller, Silver Dust
Parts used Leaves

Flowers of Cineraria maritima

Morphological Characteristics

P lants are usually annual herbs, but in suitable growing conditions turn into perennials.
Roots are branched. Tap root is yellow in colour in young plants, but on maturity turn into
light brown. Stem is erect, branched, solid and cylindrical, covered by wooly white hairs and
appears silvery in colour. Leaves are cauline; 8.5-9.5X6.5-7.5 cm in size, surface wooly,
silvery and white in colour with unicostate reticulate venation and petiolate. Petiole 3.0-3.5
cm long, exstipulate. The leaves are growing above ground, ovate spathulate, but on maturity
these become pinnatifid with oblong and obtuse segments; lobes narrow at the base, but
widening and toothed towards the apex.

Floral Characteristics
Inflorescence is a capitulum, 9-13 mm in diameter and arranged in corymbose branched
raceme. Each capitulum is subtended by 12-14 involucres. Capitulum consists of two types of
florets: ray and disc florets. Ray florets are peripheral, pistillate, zygomorphic, and epigynous.
Pappus is hairy. Petals are 5, gamopetalous, ligulate and yellow in colour. Disc florets are in
central, bisexual, actinomorphic, epigynous, tubular, aestivation valvate and yellow in colour.
Stamens are 5, epipetalous, syngenesious, dithecous, introrse and opening by longitudinal

Cineraria maritima Linn.

slits. Pollen grains are rounded and exine rough, 24-35 µm in diameter. Gynoecium is
unicarpellary, unilocular, syncarpous, placentation basal, ovary, inferior, style simple
0.5-0.6 mm long and stigma bifid. Ovule is anatropous with basal placentation. Fruit are
achenes, 1.0-1.3 mm long and ribbed.

This is an exotic species native to Western and Central Mediterranean regions where it grows
in arid, scrub like habitats. So far this plant is not reported to grow wild in India. Some limited
commercial cultivation of the plant has been taken up in Nilgiri hills.

Climate and Soil

C. maritima requires warm sunny site in cooler sub-tropical to temperate climate. Plants are fairly
drought tolerant. Excessive rainy conditions are not suitable for the growth of this plant. On the
basis of growth behaviour, alluvial, sandy and hilly soils have been found suitable for its
cultivation. Fields should be well drained and there should not be any water logging in the field.

Propagation Material
Plants may be grown both from stem cuttings as well as from seeds. Growing from seeds was
found to be better method of propagation in sub-tropical conditions, since most stem cuttings
did not survive after initial sprouting. However, in Nilgiri area plants are usually multiplied by
splitting the rooted branches that grow from the base of the plants.

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: At sub-tropical conditions, plants should be raised from seeds.
Achenes (seeds) sown in December exhibit maximum germination. However, in
temperate conditions, plants may also be raised or multiplied through splitting of the
rooted branches.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Seeds are small; therefore, before sowing they
should be mixed with dry soil or sand and may be sown by broadcasting in raised
nursery beds. After broadcasting, seeds should be covered with thin layer of soil.
During germination stage, watering is required every alternate day for two weeks and
thereafter the frequency of watering may be reduced to twice a week till the plants
grow tall and are suitable for transplanting. Seeds sown in the month of December
produce seedlings that become ready after one month for transplanting. Seedlings
should be transplanted in the field in late January or early February when they are
about 5.0 cm in height.
Agro-technique study carried out by Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP),
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.


Transplanting stage of the seedlings

Planting in the Field
Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer
Application: Before planting the seedlings,
the land should be ploughed and harrowed
several times and leveled. Weeds, roots and
stubbles are removed. During the
cultivation, no chemical manure is applied
and only farmyard manure is used. For good
growth of the plants approximately 10 t/ha
farmyard is required that can be divided into
two doses of 5 t/ha each. First application
should be just before the transplanting and
second before flowering.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing:
Seedlings should be transplanted in the Establishment of young plants in the field
field in late January or early February when they are about 5.0 cm tall. Immediately
after transplanting, the fields should be properly irrigated. Plants exhibited good
growth when the inter plant spacing in rows was 30 cm apart.
Ÿ Intercropping System: C. maritima plants grow usually upto 90 cm tall and require
ample sunlight for its proper growth and flowering. Therefore, the plant for
intercropping should be short and not of spreading type so that the plants may get
proper sunlight. Some of the suitable plants that can be grown as intercrop are
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Sadabahar (Catharanthus roseus), Sarpagandha
(Rauwolfia serpentina), Mentha species, Garlic (Allium sativum), Onion (Allium
cepa) and Chili (Capsicm annuum) etc.

Cineraria maritima Linn.

Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Regular monthly weeding is necessary

for proper growth of plants.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Immediately after the transplanting of seedlings, the fields
should be properly irrigated, followed by weekly irrigation for one month. Afterwards,
frequency of irrigation should be reduced to once or twice in a month depending upon
the atmospheric humidity.
Ÿ Weed Control: Regular monthly weeding
is required. It should be done manually.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: The
experimental fields showed no pest or disease
on the crop.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity: Leaves are used for the
preparation of eye drops. Leaf yield was
observed to be more before the bud
initiation. Therefore, plants should be
harvested before bud emergence for
optimum yield of leaves. C. maritima
plants, at the sub-tropical conditions, take
about 18 months to produce seeds to
complete its life cycle. Mature Crop
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Leaves should be harvested before flower bud
formation. Harvested mature leaves should be properly shade dried for about two
weeks and stored in plastic sacks and sealed. These sacks should be kept in dry, dark
and cool rooms.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Cinalbicol (C15H20O) and cinariolide (C15H18O2) are the two
constituents identified from the oil of Cineraria.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: In sub-tropical conditions estimated yield is obtained
1.5-2.0 t/ha of dried leaves. Rs. 25000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Leaf extract is used in the preparation of Homoeopathic eye drops, useful in eye infections,
conjunctivitis, blood congestion, removal of cataract and corneal opacity.

Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon
Syn. Rotheca serrata (Linn.) Steane & Mabb.
Fam. Lamiaceae

Ayurvedic name Bharangi

Unani name Bharangi
Hindi name Bharangi
English name Blue-flowered Glory Tree,
Trade name Bharangi
Parts used Roots and Leaves

Clerodendrum serratum
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a small shrub, 2-4 meter tall bearing opposite leaves and having woody rootstock. The plant
has quadrangular, glabrous branches. Leaves are large and ovate or oblong, usually ternate
whorled, coarsely and sharply serrate, glabrous and pale beneath with six pairs of lateral nerves.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are large pinkish-white in colour and numerous appearing in May to August month.
It has a stout deflexed compressed pedicel in lax, dichotomous, long terminal panicles. It has
leafy bracts. Calyx is cup shaped 5 mm long. Corolla is pale to pinkish blue with tube about
6-7 mm long; the lower larger lip like lobe is sky blue in colour. Stamens are long, exerted,
curved and bluish. The drupes are 1-4 lobed, bluish-black and glossy.

The plant is distributed over scrub forests throughout the tropical and sub-tropical parts upto
1500 m particularly in Bengal, Orissa and peninsular India.

Climate and Soil

Light to medium, particularly in laterite or red loam soils. It grows all over tropical and sub
tropical regions.

Propagation Material
Stem cuttings of semi hard wood.

Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The stem cuttings are raised in polybags in the month of May
and after establishing, the same may be transferred to the field.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Stem cutting to be treated in IBA 400 ppm for
early sprouting.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Ploughing and harrowing of field is
done to bring the soil to fine tilth. Pits of 60X60X60 cm are prepared and organic
manure (FYM) is mixed with NPK 75:75:75 gm per pit should be applied before
transplanting the sprouted cuttings.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The stem cuttings are raised in polybags and
after establishing the same may be transferred in the field at 2.0X2.0 meter spacing
during rainy season.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Weeding should be done as and when
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: In winter irrigation has to be given at 30-40 days interval and
during summers at 10- 20 days interval.
Ÿ Control: 2-3 manual weedings per annum are required.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Formation of sooty larval and mealy bugs is observed and
can be controlled through use of suitable pesticides.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Flowering takes place in next summer season and
root could be dug out in autumn viz.18 months age or over.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Shade drying of roots is desirable.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Root-bark yields saponine, mannitol and stigmasterol.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: 1.5-2.0 t/ha on dry basis. Rs. 12000-15000/- is the
estimated cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Root is useful in asthma, cough and scrofulous affections. It is given in fever and is useful in
sinusitis. Juice of leaves is used with ghee as an application to herpetic eruptions and
pemphigus. Leaves are vermifuge and bitter tonic. The root is one of the five ingredients of
Brahata panchamool and has a large demand. The plant is considered as antitoxic, antiseptic,
astringent and styptic.
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri, Maharashtra, (b) SKN
College of Agriculture, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Jobner, Rajasthan.

Cryptolepis buchananii Roem & Schult.
Fam. Asclepiadaceae

Ayurvedic name Krishna sariva

Hindi name Karanta
English name Indian Sarsaparilla
Trade name Shyamlata
Parts used Roots, Mature Stem

Cryptolepis buchananii
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a large climbing shrub with glabrous, shining leaves. Stem is cylindrical; branches pale,
glabrous, milky latex present, basal portion black and dotted. The external surface of the
root is dark brown or blackish with few transverse cracks. Bark adheres closely to the wood
and is odourless. Leaves are 7.5 – 12.5 cm X 3.8 – 6.3 cm in size, elliptic, oblong or oblong –
lanceolate, apex retuse or acute, apiculate, green above and whitish beneath.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pale greenish-yellow in short axillary panicled cymes and bracteate. Bracts are
ovate-lanceolate with scarious margins. Calyx is lobed, ovate and acute; corolla is lobed, lobes
0.6 cm long and linear or linear-lanceolate. Fruit is a follicle, 2.5-10 cm long, stout, straight,
terete and tapering. Seeds are 0.5 cm long in size, ovate-oblong, compressed and black in

The plant is distributed all over tropical and sub-tropical regions in India.

Climate and Soil

The crop prefers well-drained sandy-loam acidic soils with abundant organic matter (4.5 to

Cryptolepis buchananii Roem & Schult.

6.0). It grows well in subtropical warm climate with well distributed rainfall. It prefers shady
places and needs support for crawling and spreading and climbing.

Propagation Material
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: A nursery is raised by sowing seeds in the raised beds during last
week of April.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pre-treatment: Ten kg seeds are to be sown in nursery and
are sufficient for producing seedlings for transplanting in one hectare area. No pre-
treatment of seed is required.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: One deep ploughing or disking,
followed by 2-3 harrowing are sufficient for land preparation. Application of both
organic and inorganic fertilizers is essential to ensure a good crop growth. Organic
manure (FYM) @ 10 t/ha should be applied one month before planting. Inorganic
fertilizers NPK @ 130:100:60 kg/ha has been found optimum for this crop. Half of
nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus and potash should be applied as basal dose. Rest half
of nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied in two split doses, one at the time of first
earthing-up and the other at the time of second earthing-up (60 days after planting).
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: During the second week of June seedlings
get ready for transplantation. Plants should be transplanted at the spacing of 60 cm row
to row and 60 cm plant to plant. Approximately 27,000 plants are required for one
hectare land.
Ÿ Intercultural and Maintenance Practices: Earthing up should be carried out twice,
the first at 45 days and the second at 60 days interval after planting / establishment of
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Grown under rain fed conditions.
Ÿ Weed Control: To reduce the crop-weed competition during the early stages of crop
growth, 2-3 manual/hand weeding at 60 days, 90 days and 120 days after planting are
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease or pests was observed. However, blue beetle
(Corynodes perigrinus) is observed sometime on leaves and the beetle eats leaves. It
can be controlled with the use of suitable insecticide.
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
and (b) N.B.P.G.R., Regional Station, Shillong, Meghalaya.


Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop should be harvested in the month of
August-September. But seed can be collected from plants older than three years.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting the branches should be sun dried till the
moisture content is reduced to 10%. Only the dried materials are to be stored.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Stems posses alkaloids, buchananine identified as 6-O-
nicotinoyl-alpha glucopyranose and 1, 3, 6-O-trinicotinoyl-L-glucopyranaose.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: A good crop yields around 17.74 tonnes of dry
herbage. Rs. 42,561/- is the estimated cost of cultivation for one hectare for 12 months
crop duration.

Therapeutic Uses
Root is demulcent, alterative, tonic and is useful in loss of appetite, fever and skin diseases. It
is considered as a blood purifier and extensively used in skin diseases and leprosy. It is
prescribed to children for rickets.

Cryptolepis buchananii in field

Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk
Syn. E. prostrata Linn.
Fam. Asteraceae

Ayurvedic name Bhringaraja

Unani name Bharangi
Hindi name Bhangara, Bhringraj
English name Trailing Eclipta Plant
Trade name Bhangara
Parts used Whole plant

Eclipta alba
Morphological Characteristics

I t is an erect or prostrate, branched (occasionally rooting at nodes) annual herb upto 30-40
cm high. Stem is cylindrical or flat, rough due to appressed white hairs, nodes distinct and
greenish occasionally brownish. Leaves are opposite, sessile to sub-sessile 2.0 to 6.2 cm long,
1.5-1.9 cm wide, oblong, lanceolate, sub-entire, acute to sub-acute and strigose with
appressed hairs on both surfaces.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are white, solitary or two on unequal axillary peduncles involucral bracts are about 8
in number, ovate, obtuse or acute and strigose with oppressed hairs. Disc flowers are tubular.
Corolla is often 4 toothed. Stamens are 5, filament epipetalous, free, anther united into a tube
with base obtuse. Pistil is bicarpellary. Ovary is inferior and unilocular with one basal ovule.
Fruit is achenial cypsela, one seeded, cuneate, with a narrow wing and brown in colour.

The plant is distributed throughout India, ascending upto 2000 meter in moist places.

Climate and Soil

The plant is found to grow wild in a variety of soils viz. sandy to clay soil and vary common on


damp wastelands, low waterlogged areas, roadsides, paddy and other crop fields, preferably in
warm climate.

Propagation Material
Seed and stem cuttings.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Propagules could be
raised both from seed as well as stem
cuttings. Seed is preferred for raising
plantation. Seed germination is 75-85%
when freshly collected mature seeds are
sown in a well prepared nursery. The best
time is February–March or rainy season.
Seedling can be transplanted in April-
May or August under the climatic
conditions of North Eastern India, where
Flower of Eclipta alba
rainfall is well distributed. Any delay in
transplanting results in poor vegetative growth that can lower yield of biomass
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: 450-500 gm seeds or 25,000 propagules plus
10% for gap filling are required for one hectare. No pre-treatment of seed is necessary.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The soil should be ploughed and
cross ploughed to a fine tilth. The field should be well prepared and made weed-free
before transplanting. NPK @ of 30:40:20 kg/ha and FYM @ 15 t/ha should be applied
as basal dose during land preparation.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Best time of transplanting of propagules
is April-May in the climatic condition in North Eastern India. However, it can be
planted in August, where nursery is established in rainy seasons. The optimum
spacing is 20X20 cm.
Ÿ Intercropping System: It is a mono-crop.
Ÿ Intercultural and Maintenance Practices: Eclipta alba is 3 months crop. 1st
intercultural operation with 20 kg nitrogen after 20-30 days of transplanting, while 2nd
intercultural operation with 10 kg nitrogen @ 50 days after transplanting may be
adopted for optimum crop growth and yield of biomass.
Agro-technique study carried out by North East Institute of Science Technology (NEIST) Jorhat, Branch Itanagar,
Arunachal Pradesh.

Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk

Ÿ Irrigation Practices: As and when necessary.

Ÿ Weed Control: Manual weeding is preferable, whenever necessary.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease in particular was observed except certain insect
attack during early stage of crop growth which can be controlled by applying 0.30%
Rogor 30 EC fortnightly by foliar spray (2-3 times).

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: 3 months; the best time and stage for harvesting is
90 days after transplanting or at early flowering stage.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Above ground parts should be cleaned; shade dried,
packed in gunny bags and kept in cool and dry place. Care needs to be taken so that
there should not be any fungal infection during storage.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The plant contains an alkaloid ecliptine; other chemicals
identified are wedelolactone, demethylwedelolactone, wedelic acid, apigenin,
luteolin, b-amyrin, etc. Eclipta saponin C, a new triterpenoid glucoside, was isolated
together with daucosterol and stigmasterol-3-O-glucoside.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: 8 t/ha (FWB) during 1st cropping (April-July) and 3
t/ha (FWB) of ratoon crop (August-September). On drying, the herb loses 60% of
moisture. Rs. 15750/- is the estimated cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The whole plant is used as antiseptic, febrifuge, tonic, deobstruent in hepatic and spleen
enlargement and is emetic. In combination with aromatics, the juice is given in anemia, catarrh
and cough. The plant is also used as scalp tonic for promoting hair growth. Bhringaraj is
commonly used as deobstruent to promote bile flow and to protect the liver parenchymatous
tissue in viral hepatitis and other conditions involving hepatic enlargement. The fresh juice of
the leaves is given in the treatment of edema, fevers, liver disorders, and rheumatic joint pains;
it is also used to improve the appetite and to stimulate digestion. The juice is given with honey
to treat upper respiratory congestion in children. The hair oil is prepared from boiling the fresh
leaves with either coconut or sesame oil renders the hair black and lustrous.

Embelia ribes Burm. f.
Fam. Myrsinaceae

Ayurvedic name Viavidang,Bai bidang

Krimighna, Chitramandula,
Unani name Baobarang, Babrang
Hindi name Baberana, Wawrung
English name Embelia
Trade name Vidanga
Parts used Berries, Roots

Embelia ribes

Morphological Characteristics

I t is a large scandant shrub with long branches, slender, flexible, terete and long internodes.
The bark is studded with lenticels. Leaves are coriacous, 5X2-4 cm long, elliptic or elliptic-
lanceolate, shortly and obtusely acuminate, entire, glabrous on both sides, shining above,
pales and somewhat silvery beneath, base rounded or acute and main nerves numerous.
Petioles are more or less margined and glabrous.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are small, greenish-yellow, numerous in lax panicled racemes. Calyx is minute,
sepals connate, broadly triangular, ovate and ciliate. Petals are 5 and free. Stamens are 5, but
shorter than the petals. Flowering time is February. Fruits are 2.4-4.0 mm in diameter and
globular with warty surface, smooth, succulent. The colour of fruit is dull black and rarely dull

The plant is found in moist and shady places upto an altitude of 1500 meter.

Climate and Soil

Tropical and subtropical climate is required for the cultivation of this crop. Medium black well
drained soils are best suited for the crop. The optimum temperature required for the crop is
0 0
18 C-35 C, with annual precipitation of 700 to 1500 mm.

Embelia ribes Burm. f.

Propagation Material
E. ribes is propagated through seeds.

Agro-technique 13
Planting in the Field Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Crop is raised through
direct sowing of seeds in the field during June-July. The field is well ploughed followed by
harrowing to bring the soils to a fine tilth and free from weeds. The application of organic
manure (FYM) at the rate of 5-10 t/ha is recommended.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Seeds are sown directly in the field at
optimum spacing of 1.0 X1.0 meter.
Ÿ Intercultural Operations: The interculture operations like weeding, protective
irrigation, support or staking are to be done periodically as and when required.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No major disease and pest is noted. However, in case of
severe infestation bio-control measures are to be adopted.

Harvest management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures after 5-6 months of its sowing and
the fruiting starts in October-November, when these are plucked and stored after shade
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Seeds of Embelia ribes contain embelin 2.5–3.1%;
quercitol 1.0%; fatty ingredients 5.3% and alkaloid schristembine, a resinoid, tannins
and minute quantity of volatile oils.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: The crop yield is 190-200 kg seeds per hectare. Rs.
42500/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The fruits of Embelia ribes known in commerce as Baibidang are recommended for relieving
headache, rhinitis, haemorrhage, epilepsy and insomnia. The decoction of dried fruits is used
for fever and for chest and skin disease. Paste is applied for skin infection. The drug also
exhibits significant anti-fertility, antipyretic and antibacterial activity. The fruit powder, when
taken with milk, followed by a purgative has been one of the ancient remedies to get rid of
tapeworms. An infusion of the roots is given in the treatment of cough and diarrhoea. Fruits
show antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Embelin,
which is one of the active principles of the drug, is reported to possess a property of colouring
silk and woolen fabrics.
Note: The fruits of Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A. DC. are sometime mixed while marketing, which are 4-5 mm
in diameter and have characteristic oil gland not found in E. ribes.

Agro-technique study carried out by Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (DPRDKV), Krishi Nagar,
Akola, Maharashtra.

Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.
Syn. Convolvulus alsinoides Linn.
Fam. Convolvulaceae

Ayurvedic name Vishnugandhi,

Unani name Sankhaholi
Hindi name Phooli, Sharikha-pushpi
English name English Speed-wheel
Trade name Shankhapuspi
Parts used Whole Plant

Evolvulus alsinoides

Morphological Characteristics

I t is an annual/perennial herb with prostrate spreading branches in all directions. The root
system is deep. Leaflets are 2.5-5 cm long, elliptical, oblong and rounded at base. Leaves
are densely clothed with white appressed and long spreading hairs. In nature, seedlings appear
after 2-3 showers during July-August. Generally, the seedlings are abundant under the canopy
of trees or shrubs. The young seedling grows straight and produces lateral branches during
first week of August. The lateral branches spread in all directions. The flowering starts during
first week of August. Fruit formation takes place in the last week of August, while flowering
still continues. The dispersal of the seeds takes place from September to December. Plant dries
during November – December.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are blue in colour and axillary in position. They are either solitary or in pairs on the long
stalk. Styles are two and each is bifid. Fruit is globose with four-valved capsule containing dark
brown to black smooth seeds. The flower colour varies from dark purple to whitish-purple.

Plant is commonly found growing in open and grassy places, almost throughout India,

Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.

ascending upto 1500 meter in the Himalayas. It is cultivated also in the sub-tropical parts of
India, ascending upto 1800 meter elevation.

Climate and Soil

The plant prefers shady and humid climatic conditions. Growth is slow and becomes restricted
when the environmental conditions become unfavourable.

Propagation Material
Seeds: Collected during October-November from natural habitats.

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Mechanically scarified seeds are sown @ 2 seeds in each
polybag at 0.5 cm depth during June-July to raise nursery.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: It has hard seed coat, for the removal of hard
seed coat; the seeds are subjected to mechanical scarification which gives 80%
germination. 190 gm seeds are required for planting one hectare area.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The land should be prepared as for
vegetable growing and made weed free and planked to a uniform level. For maximum
yield, farm yard manure at the rate of 10 tonnes per hectare should be applied.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The seedlings are transplanted during late
July-August at 25X25 cm spacing under field conditions.
Ÿ Intercropping: Study revealed that intercropping did not cause any adverse effects on
the growth of Commiphora wightii and Evolvulus alsinoides, when both are grown
together. Non-significant results were observed when this plant is intercropped with
other crops/medicinal plants such as Pennisetum glaucum (Pearl millet), Cyamopsis
tetragonoloba (Guar bean), Vigna radiata (Moong bean), etc.
Ÿ Irrigation: Five days irrigation schedule was found to be suitable for obtaining
maximum growth and biomass yield under dry field conditions. However, in case of
rains, the irrigation schedule may be changed accordingly.
Ÿ Weed Control: Manual hand weeding and hoeing is required at an interval of 15-20
days during entire crop season.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No serious insects and pests are observed on the crop.

Agro-technique study carried out byDepartment of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.


Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: It is a rainy season crop and takes about four months
to complete its life cycle. The seedlings transplanted in the month of July attain its full
growth during September-October. This is the appropriate time for harvesting the
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Fresh herbage is perishable and should be stored in
gunny bags for marketing after proper drying.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Plant contains an alkaloid evolvine; β-sitosterol, stearic,
oleic and linoleic acid, betaine, pentatriacontane and triacotane.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: As a pure crop, 18.6 quintal (fresh herbage) per
hectare is obtained which is reduced to 1/3 after drying. The dry herb is stored in cool
and dry places. Rs. 5930/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The whole plant is used in form of decoction in nervous debility and loss of memory. The plant
is also useful as blood purifier and in bleeding piles. The fresh flowers with sugar are eaten as a
brain tonic. The leaves are made into cigarettes and smoked in chronic bronchitis and asthma.
It also improves complexion, voice and cures from intestinal worms. It promotes 'medha', the
power of memory.

Fumaria parviflora Lam.
Fam. Fumariaceae

Ayurvedic name Pittapapra

Unani name Shahtaraa
Hindi name Shahatra, Pitpapra
English name Fumitory
Trade name Pitpapra
Parts used Whole Plant

Fumaria parviflora
Morphological Characteristics

I t is an annual, much branched, diffusely spreading herb with watery latex. It shows much
variation in height; i.e. 15-60 cm. Leaves are glaucous, segments linear or oblong linear,
pointed at the tip, rarely broader than 1 mm short.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are small, rose to purple in colour, borne in racemes of 15-20 flowers. Racemes are
very often sessile and short. The fruit is slightly elongated and bracts are much longer. Sepals
are absent or minute (about 0.5 mm long), triangular-ovate acuminate and whitish. Corolla is
very small, about 4 mm long, white; upper petal with narrow wings, inner petals with a purple
or greenish tip. Fruit is 2 mm long and slightly broader, subround-obovate, very obtuse or
subtruncate, obscurely short articulate, rugose when dry and one seeded. Seeds are dark brown
in colour having a bitter acrid and astringent taste.

Plant is a native of Europe commonly found over the greater parts of India as a winter season
weed, mostly in wheat field.

Climate and Soil

Farm land and sunny situation are favourable for its cultivation. It can be grown successfully


on a wide range of soils. However, it thrives best on well drained, loose and friable sandy-
loam soils. The favourable pH of soil is 6.5-7.5. It is a cool weather crop and grows best at
mean monthly temperature of 15-25 C. The optimum temperature for germination is about
20-26 C. The plants withstand low temperature, but not below 100 C. Those plants grown in

temperature below 100 C, become stunted and bushy in appearance. It can be grown in open
sun and lower rainfall areas with irrigation facilities.

Propagation Material
The crop is raised through seed. Mature seeds are collected in the month of March-April.

Agro-technique 15
Nursery Technique
Crop raised by direct sowing.
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds are directly sown in the field at a distance of 30X15 cm apart
at 0.5–1.0 cm depth during November in moist soil. This is followed by irrigation after 8-
10 days of sowing. Broadcasting is not recommended due to high seed rate as well as
inconvenience in cultural operations and harvesting. The seeds germinate in about 12-15
days after sowing.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Before sowing, the seeds should be treated with
Thiram or Captan @ 2-3 gm/kg of seeds to avoid damage from fungal diseases. About
4-5 kg seeds are sufficient for planting one hectare land area.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Pitpapra does not require heavy
fertilizers. Well rotten FYM @ 12-15 t/ha should be applied at the time of field
preparation. This should be supplemented with a fertilizer dose of 40 kg N, 50 kg
P2O5and 20 kg K2O /ha.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: It has been observed at Jobner (Rajasthan)
that 2.25 lakhs plants/ha can be accommodated at 30X15cm spacing.
Ÿ Intercropping: The crop can also be grown as an intercrop with wheat and barley.
Ÿ Interculture Operations: About two weeding and hoeing are required for proper soil
aeration. First weeding and hoeing should be done at 35 days after sowing and second
at 60 days. In order to maintain optimum plant population, thinning can be done at the
time of first hoeing and weeding.
Ÿ Manure and Fertilizers: The basal dose 40 kg N, 40 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O per
hectare should be applied before sowing. Besides basal dose, 40 kg of N should be
applied as top dressing after 35-40 days of sowing.

Agro-technique study carried out by SKN College of Agriculture, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Jobner, Rajasthan.

Fumaria parviflora Lam.

Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Under Jobner (Rajasthan) conditions, 5 irrigations are sufficient

to get maximum return of Pitpapra. First irrigation should be given before land
preparation and sowing should be done at optimum moisture condition of the soil. If soil
moisture is insufficient for germination, another light irrigation may be given after 8-10
days of sowing. Subsequent irrigations are given at an interval of 18-20 days. The last
irrigation should be given at seed formation stage.
Ÿ Weeding Control: Care should be taken to keep the field free of weeds especially
during early stages when growth of the crop is slow. For an effective control of weeds in
Pitpapra, two weeding at 35 and 60 days after sowing are sufficient. Weeding can be done
manually because use of herbicides can deteriorate the quality of raw material, which is
used for preparation of medicines.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No infestations of diseases, insect-pests and nematode have
been observed.

Harvest Management
All plant parts of Pitpapra are medicinally important. Therefore, in order to get maximum
biomass, the harvesting should be done before starting of senescense or withering. It helps to
retain maximum alkaloids in the produce.
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop requires about 65-70 days for flower
initiation, which continues for next 20-25 days. Fruiting starts at 85-90 days after sowing.
The crop is ready to harvest after 100-110 days of sowing. However, for seed purpose, the
crop needs additional 15-20 days.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The harvesting can be done by uprooting the whole plant at
maturity. For safe and easy uprooting, a light irrigation can be provided before
harvesting, if soil moisture content is high, the harvested crop should be kept for a day in
sunlight to reduce the moisture level. Further, drying of the produce should be done in a
shaded place. It takes 3-5 days to dry the produce. During drying, the crop should be
upturned 1-2 times for preventing from fungal infection. Improper and delayed drying
changes the colour to black or brown, which lowers its quality and fetches lower price.
Dried biomass can be packed in gunny bags and stored at cool and dry place. For seed
purpose, the above ground portion should be harvested by sickle at seed maturity.
After thrashing and winnowing, the seed should be packed in polythene /cloth bags
and stored at cool and dry place.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Protopine, cryptopine, d-bicuculline, L-aldumine,
fumaridine, fumaramine and d-hydrastine are the chief alkaloids of Pitpapra.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Under optimum conditions, a fresh biomass of
2.5-3.0 t/ha can be obtained after drying. Rs. 21000/- is the cost of cultivation for one
hectare and the gross return obtained in terms of profit is Rs. 29000/ ha.


Therapeutic Uses
The plant is bitter in taste, cooling and expectorant. It increases 'Vata', removes indigestion,
biliousness, fever, burning of the body, fatigue, urinary discharges, vomiting, thirst, enriches the
blood and is useful in leprosy. The leaves are bitter and cooling. They cure bilious fever, blood
diseases and allay thirst. The dried plant is regarded as efficacious in low fever, and is also used as
an anthemintic, diuretic, diaphoretic and aperients and to purify the blood in skin diseases.

Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
Syn. Loquiritae officinalis Moench
Fam. Fabaceae

Ayurvedic name Yashtimadhu,

Unani name Mulethi, Asl-us-soos
Hindi name Mulathi
English name Liquorice
Trade name Mulhatti, Liquorice
Parts used Roots and Stolon

Glycyrrhiza glabra
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a perennial under shrub, reaching up to 120 cm height under cultivation. The stolon
crown gives rise to a number of long semi-woody stems which bear compound pinnate
leaves. Stolon is nearly cylindrical, upto 2 cm in diameter. Outer surface is yellowish-brown
or longitudinally wrinkled with patches of cork. Its odour is characteristics and taste is sweet.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pale blue in colour and flowering occurs from 2-3 years of planting onwards. Pod
is 2.0 - 2.5 cm long with 2 to 5 seeds.

The plant thrives in a dry and sunny climate and is cultivated in the sub-tropical and warm
temperate regions, chiefly in the Mediterranean region.

Climate and Soil

It grows well in sub-tropical climate in North-West India. Mulethi is a hardy plant and grows
over rich forest soils, ranging from pH 5.5 to 8.2. In nature, it has wide distribution from dry
cold temperate parts of Asia to Mediterranean climates, where annual temperature varies from
25°C in summer and 5°C in winter season.


Sandy-loam fertile soils with pH 6.0 to 7.5 have been found to promote good root development
in India. The plant thrives in cultivation, where the locality receives 50- 100 cm rainfall
annually and cultivation is supported with irrigation.

Propagation Material
Propagation is usually carried through stolons cuttings of about 10-15 cm. Seed can be used,
but seed-set is poor in India and seed germination is low. Vegetative method of propagation is,
thus recommended. A variety “Haryana Mulhatti-1” released from Ch. Charan Singh Haryana
Agricultural University, Hissar is recommended.

Agro-technique 16
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The old crown of roots dry out in autumn may be divided into
10-15 cm long pieces having 2-3 buds. These are used as planting material. It could
be placed in furrows mode in rows at planting. The crop remains in the field for 3-4
years duration for proper growth of stolon for high yield. It requires 300 kg of
planting material for one hectare land.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pre-treatment: It was found that the capacity of seeds to
germinate differ with the stages of their maturation. During milky waxy ripe stages,
the seeds have poor germination capacity and the shoots have low survival capacity,
but if seeds are collected in July, they show highest germinating capacity. This is a
long duration crop and the preparation of field should be of good tilth and the fields be
leveled well to avoid stagnation of water. It was observed in a particular case that
scarified seeds germinated slowly and their germination reached upto 29.4% with the
75% survival.
Planting in the Field
Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be ploughed
thoroughly followed by harrowing to bring the soil to a fine tilth and free from weeds.
Farm Yard Manure (FYM) has been found useful for good development and growth of
underground roots and should be applied at the rate of 10 t/ha at the time of field
Ÿ Transplanting the Seedlings to Main Field and Optimum Spacing: As stated, the
cuttings of the underground stem/ stolon of 10-15 cm length, possessing 2- 3 eye buds
are planted 6- 8 cm deep in the soil at a distance 60X45 cm or 90X45 cm during spring
seasons. The stolon begins sprouting in 15- 20 days after planting. Light and frequent
irrigation is necessary during spring planting until the cuttings sprout and establish
themselves in the field. Once the plants grow upto 20 to 30 cm tall, the rows are raised
Agro-technique study carried out by (a)Indian Institute of Horticultural Research(IIHR), Bangalore and updated from
published work of (b)GujaratAgricultural University University, Anand, Gujarat and (c) College of Agriculture, CCS
Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.

Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.

to facilitate root development. The root system grows horizontally at remains at 30 cm

depth in the soil.
Ÿ Intercropping System: As the plant occupies the land for 3-4 years, the cultivator
prefers to take a crop of carrot, potato, cabbage between the ridges during the first 2
years. However, it is considered advisable to do away with the practice and keep the
area continuously clean to keep it free from weeds.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The crop requires irrigation at an interval of 30-45 days in dry
summer season. The plant sheds leaves in November and one to two irrigations is
given during winter season to maintain root health. In all 7- 10 irrigations are given to
the crop per year. It is important to avoid water-logging in the field as stagnation of
water in the field will cause damping-off disease and root rotting which cause large
scale damage to the growing plants.
Ÿ Weed Control: Three to four hoeing – cum- weedings are required in the first year of
planting and in subsequent years, two hands weeding- cum- hoeings are recommended
to keep the fields weed free for healthy crop growth.
Ÿ Pests and Diseases: Survey of literature revealed very few reports on diseases and pests
of Glycyrrhiza glabra caused by Gentrospora acerino. The plant is also reported to be
affected by panash mosaic caused by virus. G. glabra plants were found to be affected by
Myllocerus undecimpustulatus Faust, the insect belonging to the order Coleoptera of
family Curculionidae.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: It is found that high yields are obtained from 3 or 4
years of planting. Manual digging is carried for harvesting of roots. Using disc harrow
for digging has proved successful and is highly economical. It over turns the soil,
which is left in field for sun drying; later the roots are sorted out and cleaned. The crop
is harvested in winter season i.e. November or December to obtain roots contaning
high glycyrrhizic acid.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting and removal of soil and other residual
particles, the roots are cut into pieces and dried. At the time of harvest, the roots
contain 50- 60 percent moisture and should be dried in the sun for 2- 3 days and then in
shade for next 10- 12 days. The dry roots should possess not more than 10% moisture
when these are ready to be stored in polythene – lined bags. The roots are cut into
pieces of convenient size and are sorted into grades, based on thickness and stored.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Liquoric acid, glycyrrhizinic acid, flavonone glycoside-
rhamnoliquiritin, pinocembrine, prunetin, isoglabrolide and glabranine are found in
roots. Total of 27 flavonoids are present in the roots, 3 were characterized as
liquiritigenin, liquiritin and isoliquiritigenin. From roots, three new compounds were
isolated i.e.7-acetoxy-2-methyl isoflavone, 7-methoxy-2-methyle isoflavone and 7-
hydroxy-2-methyl isoflavone.


Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: The yield of dry root at Hissar (Haryana) is recorded
around 7 t/ha.While at Anand (Gujarat) 10 to 20 months crop has given an average
yielded of 2.5-5.0 t/ha. Rs. 100000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The plant root is a demulcent, mild expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. An extract of
the root provide relief in treating peptic ulcers. It has glycyrrhizic acid as main constituent and
this has showed anti-viral and anti-inflammatory actions. The plant extract is used as a
sweetener in tonic, laxative and given in sore throat and in cough remedies.

Glycyrrhiza glabra in field

Habenaria intermedia D. Don
Fam. Orchidaceae

Ayurvedic name Riddhi, Vrddhi

Hindi Name Riddhi
Trade name Riddhi
Parts used Tuber

Morphological Characteristics

H abenaria intermedia D. Don is a tuberous

rooted, monopodial terrestrial orchid found at
an elevation of 1500-2800 meter in Western Habenaria intermedia
Himalaya. Stem is terete, 25-50 cm long, bears four
to many leaves; leaves are rounded at the base, long
and acuminate.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are large, greenish-white and 1-6 in an
inflorescence. Petals are white and crescent
shaped, recurved and adherent to dorsal sepal, lip is
pale yellowish-green in colour. Life cycle of the
Habenaria in its natural habitat starts in mid May,
marked by sprouting of tubers and it comes in full
bloom up to September. After fruiting, it enters into
a dormant period of its life cycle in October.

The species is well distributed in open grassland at
high altitudes 1500 to 2800 meter above msl. Being Flowers of Habenaria intermedia
a light demanding species, it prefers southern or eastern slopes. It is more often found in open
exposed soils, a characteristic of pioneer species in succession.


Climate and Soil

It prefers loose sandy loam and brown hilly soil rich in humus content. The mean annual
0 0
rainfall is 100 to 150 cm and mean annual temperature is between 10 -15 C. This species
grows well in open meadows as well as along steep slopes.

Propagation Material
The orchid seeds being endospermic in nature, do not usually germinate. The vigour of
seedling is also very poor. Hence, the vegetative part i.e. tubers are recommended for the
propagation of this species.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising of Propagules: Direct raising of
plant from tubers either by half or full tuber
with apical portion intact gives the best
results. Planting is done on raised beds in
rows at an optimum spacing of 20X20 cm.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Soil
treatment with pesticide or solarisation is
useful to kill most of the insect pest of soil
including white grubs. Cut portions of the
tuber are treated with fungicide (Mercuric
Chloride 0.05%). Root hormone treatment
for root induction is not required.

Planting in the Field Raising Propagules in Beds

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Sandy-loam soil rich in organic
matter is suitable for the cultivation of this species. Raised beds are suitable for
cultivation as these facilitate good drainage. First Ploughing is carried out just after
harvest, followed by mixing of the half rotten FYM and leaf litter to the soil. Field is
then left fallow for the entire winter. In May, second ploughing is carried out to make
the soil more pulverized. Just before planting of Habenaria, the remaining half of the
organic manure is added to the field. Raised beds are prepared for planting. The size of
bed depends upon the size of field terrace available.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Stored tubers are planted in first week of
May. In case storage facilities are not available, tubers are planted just after the harvest
of crop in first week of November. Planting as a pure crop in one hectare of land, at a
spacing of 20X20 cm will require 250,000 tubers.
Agro-technique study carried out by Non-wood Forest Products Division, Forest Research Institute, a unit of Indian
Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

Habenaria intermedia D. Don

Ÿ Viability of Seed / Planting Material: Under optimal condition of storage, tubers

remain viable for a period of six months. They sprout in the next growing season (in
May). Seed viability has not been tested.
Ÿ Intercropping: Intercropping trials with crops like Zingiber officinale (ginger),
Colocasia esculenta (colocasia) and Curcuma longa (turmeric) will require 30,000 to
35,000 tubers per acre.
Ÿ Manure & Nutrient Requirements: Mycorrhizal association is necessary for the
increasing nutrient uptake efficiency in its natural habitat. Adding of soil from natural
areas along with the tubers is recommended to provide mycorrhizal association and 10-
15 tonnes of FYM and leaf mould per acre are optimal for the crop growth. Inorganic
fertilizer is avoided. Organic manures are added twice a year, during winter period and
again during the planting season.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Frequency of irrigation depends upon the moisture content of
the soil. This species is planted just before the onset of the rain. No irrigation is
required during a normal rainy season. However, irrigation becomes necessary during
a drought year or in case of low rainfall. During early stage of the crop, irrigation is
done twice a week.
Ÿ Weed Control: Frequent weeding is required during the rainy season. Mulching of the
beds by dried leaves ensure low growth of weeds, checks soil erosion and helps in
moisture conservation during the dry period. This also reduces the cost of weeding
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Minor attacks of white grub are common in the tubers.
There are no specific fungal attacks reported in the field, but during storage, moist
bulbs are susceptible to attack by rot fungus. While grub attack can be minimized by
application of Phorate 10 gm or any other broad-spectrum insecticide at the time of
planting as a basal treatment or manual collections or through solarisation of soil. The
fungal attack can be reduced during storage by light drying of tubers under shade.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: It takes about one to two months to mature the crop
and harvesting is done in the second week of November after complete senescence.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Harvesting should be done at the end of October when the
crop stalk and leaves are completely dried after fruiting. Storage of harvested tubers can
be done in the bed itself by burying these in soil over the winter period, in a pot or brick
chamber filled with sand or inside the pit on the sloppy terrace. Storage in sand and pit
gives high viability of the tubers but sometimes rodent's attack and water accumulation
might damage the tubers.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: By following the standard package and practices, per
acre yield of tubers is 550-600 kg. Rs. 23000/- is the cost of cultivation for raising
crops on one acre of land.


Therapeutic Uses
The drug belongs to the group of the “Eight Tonic Herbs”, known as Ashtavarga, which is
rejuvenating and age sustaining. It is used as one of the ingredients of Chywanaprasha

Leonotis nepetaefolia (Linn.) R. Br.
Syn. Phlomis nepetaefolia Linn.
Fam. Lamiaceae

Ayurvedic name Granthiparni

Hindi Name Hejurchei
Trade name Barchi Buti
Parts used Whole plant

Leonotis nepetaefolia
Morphological Characteristics

T he plant is a tall and erect with height 1-2 meters. The stem is stout, obtusely quadrangular
with thickened angles and deeply sulcate. Leaves are 5-15X3.5-10 cm, membranous,
ovate, acute, coarsely crenate-serrate and finely pubescent on both sides and base shortly
cuneate. Petioles are 2.5-10 cm long and winged in the upper part.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are orange-scarlet, in axillary, dense, globose and many flowers are in whorls. Fruits
are oblong, ovoid or obovoid, dry angular, obtuse or truncate nutlets.

Plant is originally native to tropical and subtropical Africa; it is now naturalized all over the
world. In India it grows along road sides in abandoned fields in tropical and subtropical region.

Climate and Soil

The crop prefers warm temperature of more than 300 C and well distributed rainfall of 1600-2000
mm. It also prefers sandy loam to loamy soil with sufficient humus content having pH of 4.6 to 6.5.

Propagation Material


Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The crop is raised through direct sowing of seeds in the field
which gives best results. For one hectare of land 20 kg seeds are required.
Planting in the Field
Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Generally one deep ploughing or
disking, followed by 2-3 harrowing are sufficient for land preparation. Organic manure
(FYM) @ 5 t/ha should be incorporated in the main field at the time of land preparation.
Inorganic fertilizers should be applied @ 100: 80: 60 kg/ha of N:P2O5:K2O respectively.
Half of N and doses of P2O5 and K2O should be applied as basal dose. Remaining half of
nitrogen should be top dressed in two splits at 60 days and 90 days after sowing.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: In this region, June is the ideal time for
sowing in the main field. Row to row distance of 30 cm and plant to plant distance
30 cm. should be maintained. Seed should be sown at 4-5 cm depth.
Ÿ Intercultural and Maintenance Practices: Two or three hand / manual weeding at
60 days, 90 days and 120 days after sowing should be carried out.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Grown as rainfed crop.
Ÿ Weed Control: Manual hand weeding.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: The crop is free from any serious diseases and pests
except leaf rust (Puccinia sps.) which can be controlled by spraying Hexaconazol (5%
EC) @ 5 ml/l at monthly intervals.
Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Keeping in view the yield of active chemical
ingredients, the best time for harvesting of leaves is November and that for whole plant
is March.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting the plant parts are dried in shade to
bring down the moisture content to 15% and then it is cut into pieces and stored in
gunny bags.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Steam distillation of seeds yield 2% of volatile oil
containing linoleic acid (11.9%), oleic acid (64.6%). The leaves yield a bitter
principle, fatty oil 1%, a resin, resinic acid and ash 7%.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: A good crop yields around 27 t/ha of whole plant.
Rs. 29,775/- is the estimated cost of cultivation for one hactare.
Therapeutic Uses
Flowers ash is applied to burns, in ringworm and other skin diseases. Leaves are used for
rheumatism and act as spasmolytic, anticancerous, antidermatophytic and mild anthelmintic.
Agro-technique study carried out by National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resource (NBPGR), Regional Station,
Shillong, Meghalaya.

Malaxis muscifera (Lindley) O. Kuntze
Syn. Microstylis muscifera (Lindley) Ridl.
Fam. Orchidaceae

Ayurvedic name Rishabhak/Jeevak

Hindi Name Jeevak
Trade name Risabhakah/Jeevak
Parts used Bulb

Malaxis muscifera
Morphological Characteristics

T his is a terrestrial and glabrous orchid less than 30 cm tall with small ovoid bulbs,
underground stem and fibrous root. Roots are fibrous; bulbs ovoid; stem is 15-30 cm
long, erect and swollen at base. Leaves are two elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, obtuse, unequal,
arising from the base of the stem and sessile.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pale yellowish-green in colour; terminal racemes 8-20 cm long spikes borne in
autumn season in second year and onward. It has 2-3 mm long bracts, lanceolate with acute
apex. Sepals are broadly lanceolate and laterals recurved; petals are linear but shorter than
sepals; lips are adnate to the base of column, sessile, ovate-rounded, abruptly pointed; basal
lobes thick, obscure. Column is very short, anthers sessile on its top; pollinia ovoid and free.
Fruit is a capsule, 6-8 mm long, broadly ovoid-oblong, ribbed and of light yellow colour.

Plant is distributed throughout hilly areas in India, upto 4000 meter above msl. It is found in
forests, shrubberies and grassy slopes. This plant is one of the threatened medicinal orchids
inhabiting hills in India.


Climate and Soil

The plant has been observed to grow well in sandy loam soil with high organic matter. It
prefers temperate climatic conditions with low rainfall.

Propagation Material
Bulbs (mother and daughter bulbs).
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: In nature, plants normally bears flowers and fruits during
September-October. Since the seeds of M. muscifera are microscopic, it is hard to get
seed germination under ex-situ and laboratory conditions. Hence, bulbs are used for
raising the crop.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: About 1,11,100 bulbs are required for planting
in one hectare area. Mother bulbs after about 2 years' growth are chosen for target
usage and the daughter bulbs should be used for planting subsequent crop. However,
sprouting in mother bulbs is better than that in daughter bulbs younger than 1 year.
Damaged bulbs are not to be used for planting.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be ploughed during
October to make the soil well pulverized. A basal dose of 25 t/ha of farmyard manure
should be applied at the time of land preparation.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The pseudobulbs should be planted during
mid October to early November at 30X30 cm spacing accommodating about 1,11,100
plants/ha as a sole crop.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The crop requires light irrigation at the time of establishment
soon after transplanting.
Ÿ Weed Control: Hand weeding two times at 25-30 days interval is necessary till
rainy season.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease or insect pest has been noticed in this crop.

Harvest Management:
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop attains senescence during October-
November of second year which is the right time of harvesting the crop.
Agro-technique study carried out by Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research), Palampur-176061, Himachal Pradesh.

Malaxis muscifera (Lindley) O. Kuntze

Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The bulbs should be separated from the plants, washed
and dried in shade before storing.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Yield of fresh bulbs of M. muscifera is about
60 kg /ha. It loses 2/3 of weight on drying.

Therapeutic Uses
This is one of the herbs of the Asthavarga group. Its preparations are considered as tonic and
rejuvenative drug. The bulb is sweet, refrigerant, aphrodisiac, styptic, antidysenteric,
febrifuge and tonic. It is useful in sterility, vitiated conditions of pitta and vata, seminal
weakness, internal and external haemorrhage, dysentery, fever, emaciation, burning sensation
and general debility.

Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC.
Syn. Mucuna prurita Hook.
Fam. Fabaceae

Ayurvedic name Kapikachu, Atmagupta

Unani name Konch
Hindi name Gonca, Kauncha, Kavach
English name Cowhage, Horse-eye Bean
Trade name Koncha, Kaunch beej
Parts used Seeds

Mucuna pruriens

Morphological Characteristics

T he plant is an annual, climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over 15 meters in
length. When the plant is young, it is almost completely covered with fuzzy hairs, shed
with age. The leaves are tri-pinnate, ovate, or rhomboid shaped. In young plants, both sides of
the leaves are hairy.

Floral Characteristics
The flowers are arranged in axillary arrayed panicles, 15 to 32 cm long and each have two to
many flowers. The accompanying leaves are about 12.5 cm long. The vines come into
flowering after 120-125 days of sowing and continue to bear flowers and fruits till 180-200
days. Mucuna pruriens bears white, lavender or purple flowers. Its pods are about 10-20 cm
long and are covered with loose white to creamish hairs that cause a severe itching if they come
in contact with skin. The chemical compounds responsible for the itch are a protein, mucunain
and serotinin. The seeds are shiny black, brown or spotted white in colour.

Pod Characteristics
Pods are 4 to 10 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide at the time of maturity. The husk is very hairy and
carries upto seven seeds. The seeds are round or flattened, uniform, ellipsoid, 1.0 to 1.9 cm
long, 0.8 to 1.3 cm wide and 4 to 6.5 cm thick. The hilum, the base of the funiculus (connection
between placenta and seeds) is surrounded by a significant arillus (fleshy seeds shell).

Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC.

Globally this species is widely distributed in the tropical regions of Asia and Pan Tropics. It is
found in most part of India, upto 1000 meter elevation includes Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Climate and Soil

The crop grows in all types of soils, but sandy loam soil with good drainage and pH between
5.50 to 7.50 is preferred. It thrives in sub-tropical to tropical climate with a minimum
0 0
temperature of 15 C in winter and maximum of 38 C in summer months. The crop is seen
growing in varied climate such as coastal humid climate to dry arid climate. Hence the crop is
said to be highly acclimatizing and adaptive.

Propagation Material

Agro-technique 20
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The crop is raised by direct sowing of seeds in the field. The seed
is treated with Captal or any other contact fungicide before planting to protect against
soil borne diseases.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Seed Viability: The seeds harvested from the mature fruits are viable for more than
two years, recording viability of more than 90%. The germination percentage declines
after 2 to 3 years of storage.
Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be ploughed well to
make the soil porous to facilitate germination and sprouting of seeds. Farm yard
manure at the rate of 10 to 20 t/ha at the time of land preparation is applied to the field.
Ÿ Time of Planting: It is 180 to 200 days duration crop and is sown in last week of June
prior to onset of rainy season. The germination takes 8 to 10 days and the field is
stocked with young growing vines in 9 months period. These vines need support of
bamboo sticks for better growth and higher seed production.
Ÿ Spacing: Results from field experiments have shown that planting at a distance of
1X0.75 m/ha or 1.0X0.6 m/ha depending upon soil fertility produces 2.5 to 3.0 t/ha of
seed on pandal support system.
Ÿ Manure and Fertilizers: Field experiments on the use of fertilizers have shown that
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post,
Bangalore-560089, Karnataka and updated from data generated at (b) Zandu Foundation for Health Care,
Vapi (Gujarat).


75, 50 and 50 kg/ha of N, P2O5 and K2O respectively produce high seed yield. They are
applied preferably in 2 to 3 doses. The fertilizers P and K are applied along with FYM
at the time of sowing. The crop begins to produce mature pods after 140 days and 2 to 3
pickings of pods are taken at the interval of 20 days during pod maturing. The pods are
plucked when they turn brown and appear drying.
Ÿ Irrigation: It is given fortnightly irrigation during dry season and one irrigation per
month is required in winter during pod picking.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Sometimes, collar rot during initial stges of seedling
growth has been found which can be managed by applications of 2 kg Trichorich (a
formulation of trichoderma in neem cake) and 2 kg Pseudomonas fluorescens
mixed with 500 kg FYM and applied to the root region. Amongst insect pests, the
leaf eating hairy caterpillar is found to damage the crop during pre-flowering stage.
To control the pest, Neem soap is recommended to be sprayed at the rate of 5 gm/lit.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures in about 140 days after sowing.
Mature pods are harvested to collect seeds from the pods. At the time of harvesting the
pods turn to greyish-brown in colour indicating maturity for picking. Normally 3-7
seeds are found in a pod and 5-6 pods per inflorescence are generally available. Thus,
about 25-30 bunches can be harvested per plant. Normally 100 seeds weigh 90-110 gm.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The pods thus harvested from the field are dried in the
sunlight for 4-7 days; the seeds are further dried in shade to reach approximately 7-8%
moisture in the seeds. The seeds are normally stored in gunny bags made of jute and
then covered with polythene to protect from absorption of atmospheric moisture.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The seeds contain high amounts of L-DOPA that is used in
the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It also contains lecithin, a glucoside and a
number of alkaloids including nicotine, prurienine, pruriedine, the seed kernel contain
fatty oil.
Ÿ Yield: Seed yield is high between 2.5 to 3.0 t/ha on large scale cultivation. The
L-DOPA content from the seed range between 3 to 4%. A high yielding culture called
“Zhandu Kanchha” is developed through crossing and selection by Zandu Foundation
of Health Care. It yields high L-DOPA (4.5%) and high seed yield; the seed is devoid
of stinging hairs. Rs. 20000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Seeds are used as tonic, aphrodisiac and the in treatment of Parkinson'disease. The decoction
of the seeds is used in rheumatic ailments. Farmers raise it as a fodder and green manuring
crop in Central and Southern Indian States.

Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.
Syn. Paederia foetida Linn.
Fam. Rubiaceae

Ayurvedic name Gandha Prasarani

Unani name Gandhali, Parsarini
Hindi name Gandheli
Trade name Gandha Prasarini
Parts used Whole Plant

Paederia scandens

Morphological Characteristics

P aederia scandens is a slender, glabrous, twining shrub, foetid when bruised. Its leaves
are opposite 5-15X1.8- 5.0 cm in dimension with long petiole, ovate or lanceolate, base
acute or rounded. Petiole is 1.0- 2.5 cm long. Flowers are in panicles, 5-12 cm long,
puberulous, cymose at the extremity and bracts are minute and ovate.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are sessile and pedicelled; calyx is small, tube campanulate; corolla is tomentose.
Fruit is crowned by the conical disk and minute calyx-teeth.

It is mainly found in lower tracts of Eastern Himalayan States viz. Assam, Bengal and Bihar,
North East States upto 800 meter.

Climate and Soil

The crop can be grown under the hot and humid climatic conditions, where average relative
humidity is high (85%) and maximum & minimum temperature varies between 160 C and 300 C


respectively and rainfall is 150-200 cm. It is cultivated in plains to a higher altitude upto 600 m
above msl. Soil should be sandy-loam and acidic in nature.

Propagation Material
Vegetative propagation by cuttings.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Cuttings may be planted in raised beds at 10 cm apart row and
5 cm within a row. Double node stem with leaves is recommended for planting in the
month of August and September. Seed germination is low around 25-30%.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: 22,400 cuttings/ha are required. Growth
hormone like IBA may be used for early sprouting.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Land should be prepared to fine tilth
before planting. FYM @ 15- 20 t/ha can be applied for good initial growth. NPK @
100:50:50 kg/ha may be applied by broadcasting. A dose of nitrogen based fertilizer at
40 kg may be applied after each harvest.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Best time of transplanting sprouted cuttings
is during September in Assam. Staking is to be provided when it attains a height of
90 cm or over. Optimum spacing is recommended at 60X60 cm.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Winter vegetables may be grown as intercrop.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Hoeing along with weeding, is necessary
at 45 days after planting; thereafter, once in a year.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: It is a rainfed crop in Assam.
Ÿ Weed Control: Weeding is done at 60 and 90 days after transplantation.
However, where-ever pre-emergence weedicide like simazine @ 2.0 kg/ha, or
oxyflurefen @ 2.0 kg/ha is applied, the weeding could be delayed to 120 days and
thereafter after each harvest.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No pest and diseases have been observed in the trial

Agro-technique study carried out by North East Institute of Science Technology (NEIST), Jorhat – 785006, Assam.

Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Crop matures after six months. First harvest of
vines can be done at 6 months (March-April) from the date after transplantation;
thereafter, at 4 months interval (July-August and October-November).Winter
harvesting is not advisable.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Plant contains friedelan-3-one, β-sitosterol and
epifriedelinol; the leaves and stem gave iridoid glycosides – asperuloside, paederoside
and scandoside; sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol; ursolic acid, hentriacontane,
hentriacontanol, ceryl alcohol, palmitic acid and methyl mercaptan.
Ÿ Yield: Yield 1.2 t/ha (Dry weight basis) annually.

Therapeutic Uses
Whole plant is used in Indian System of Medicines. The plant is considered specific for
treating rheumatism and all types of neurological diseases. It is extensively used in paraplegia,
rheumatism and sciatica.

Paederia scandens in field

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn.
Fam. Phyllanthaceae

Ayurvedic name Bhui-amalaki, Tamalki

Unani name Bhui-amla
Hindi name Bhui Aamla
Trade name Bhui-amla
Parts used Whole plant

Phyllanthus amarus

Morphological Characteristics

P hyllanthus amarus is an annual herb 60 to 75 cm tall, quite glabrous. Root is stout and
woody. Stems are often branched at base and angular. Leaves are numerous, sub-sessile,
disticthious, stipulate and paripinnate with small leaflets. The leaflets are oblong, having
nerve obscure and base rounded. Root is stout tortuous and woody.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are very minute, shortly pedicelled numerous and axillary and yellowish in colour.
Sepals are 5-6, ovate-oblong outer acute, coriaceous with pale margins; disk in both sexes
of glands; male flowers 1-3 pedicelled; female flowers are solitary, larger and erect.
Stamens are 3, sessile on a short column didynamous, styles minute, reflaxed very short.
The fruit is capsule, minute, globose and dehiscent. Seeds are with strong parallel and
transverse ribs.

The plant is distributed throughout India mainly in trophical and subtrophical parts of

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn.

Climate and Soil

The plant grows in tropical and subtropical climate over well drained sandy -loam soil for its
luxurious growth.

Propagation Material
Seeds (They are viable upto six months from the time of harvest).
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds are sown in raised nursery beds during June after rains and
seedlings later transplanted on ridges in well laid out plots.
Ÿ Seed Rate and Pretreatment: About 4 kg seed may be needed for raising seedlings
for planting on one hectare of area. No specific pretreatment of seed is recommended.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The soil should be ploughed,
harrowed and plucked and made into a fine tilth. 20 tonnes of FYM is applied during
land preparation. For nursery beds, farm yard manure at the rate of 10 t/ha is mixed in
the soil along with 100 gm Azospirillum + 100 gm Phosphobacteria + 100 gm
Trichoderma as basal medium. In main field 25-30 t/ha of FYM isapplied as a basal
medium + 2.5 kg Azospirillum + 2.5 kg Phosphobacteria is given before
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: 15-20 days old seedlings of 8-10 cm height
are transplanted at 30 cm distance in rows in the field immediately after the first
monsoon shower. If there is no rain; the field should be irrigated immediately after
transplantation. For one hectare area about 4.0 lacs seedlings are needed at an
optimum spacing of 25X25 cm.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: The crop needs hand weeding at 30 and 60
days interval after planting.
Ÿ Irrigation: Irrigation is required during dry season if monsoon rains is scanty. The
frequency of irrigation depends on the moisture content of soil.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Powdery mildew disease occurs during rainy season. This
is controlled by spraying biopesticides like Azadirachtin, Trichoderma viridie,
Pseudomonas cholotorapsis etc.

Agro –technique study carried out by (a) Advanced Centre in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai and updated
from information generated by (b) Zandu Foundation of Health Care, Vapi (Gujarat).


Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures in 80-90 days when it should be
harvested; it has maximum active chemical ingredients at fruiting. However, seeds
collection is done after 110-120 days old crop.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Whole plant is pulled manually and shade dried. The
dried herb is stored in polythene lined gunny bags at cool, well ventilated godowns.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The herb contains three crystalline lignans including
phyllanthine and hypophyllanthine (non-bitter part). In addition, five flavonoids have
been identified viz. quercetine, astralgin, quercitrin, isoquecitrin and rutin. Four
alkaloids have also been separated. The total phyllanthin lignans range between 1 to
1.2% in the dry herb.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: A yield of 2 to 3 t/ha of dry herb is obtained.
Rs. 27,500/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The plant is widely used to tone-up sluggish liver and also given in chronic liver condition
and jaundice. In Unani medicine, the plant is used in jaundice as deobstruent, diuretic,
cooling and astringent. In recent studies, the herb and its root have exhibited antiviral
actions on Hepatitis-B.

Piper longum Linn.
Fam. Piperaceae

Ayurvedic name Pippali, Pipplamul

Unani name Filfil Daraz
Hindi name Pippal
English name Long Pepper
Trade name Piplamul
Parts used Dried Spikes and Roots

Piper longum

Morphological Characteristics

L ong pepper is the fruit of Piper longum which is a slender, much branched, ascending
herb and needs support for its proper growth. The leaves are 5-9 cm long and 5 cm wide;
lower leaves are broadly ovate, deeply cordate with big lobes at the base, sub acute, entire and
glabrous; upper leaves are dark green and cordate with short petiole or nearly sessile. The
young shoots are drooping type.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are unisexual arranged in erect spikes. Female spikes are 1.25-2.00 cm long arising
singly from leaf axil are cylindrical, short and stout. It gives rise to multiple fruit, which is
shining dark green when immature and blackish-green when fully mature. Male spikes are
longer, slender and are 2.5-7.5 cm long. The male spikes are dehiscent and non-productive.

Long pepper is a native of the Indo-Malaya region. It is found growing wild in the tropical
rainforests of India. Indian long pepper is mostly derived from the wild plants, but is also
grown in small area in the Khasi hills, the lower hills of West Bengal, Eastern Uttar Pradesh,


Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It occurs wild in the
forests of Andhra Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands as well.

Climate and Soil

The plant requires hot, humid climate and an elevation between 100 to 1000 msl. Higher
elevations are not conducive to high yields. It needs partial shade for its ideal growth. Partial
shade of about 20-25 % intensity is found to be optimum. The crop thrives well in a variety of
soils. It is cultivated successfully in laterite soils with high organic matter content, water
holding capacity and well drained fertile black cotton soil. However, light, porous and well-
drained soil rich in organic content is most suitable for its cultivation.

Propagation Material
Long pepper is propagated through stem/vine cuttings at the beginning of rainy season.
However, it can be easily propagated through the terminal stem cuttings obtained from one
year old growth and 3-5 internodes. Vine cuttings can be rooted in polythene bags, filled with
the common pot mixture. The nursery can be raised during March and April. The cuttings
planted in March-April will be ready for planting in the main field by the end of May.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Stem/vine cuttings are transplanted soon after the setting in of
monsoon rains. The best time for raising nursery is during March and April to avoid
mealy-bug attack on roots, 10 % DP is to be mixed with the potting mixture. Normal
irrigation may be given on alternate days. The cutting will be ready for planting where
excess moisture is available by the end of May.
Ÿ Transplanting the Seedlings: The crop cannot survive in water logging conditions.
Raised beds of 3.0X2.5 meter are prepared and pits are dug at a distance of 60X60 cm
and dried cow-dung or farmyard manure at the rate of 100 gm/pit is applied and mixed
with soil. Two rooted cuttings or suckers with roots are planted in each pit. To avoid
any water stagnation in beds, channels are laid out to drain excess rainwater.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field needs 2-3 ploughings
followed by harrowing and leveling considering the slope of land to facilitate
drainage of excess water. Pippali needs heavy manuring. In soils with low fertility,

Agro-technique is carried out by Directorate of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research (formerly it was National
Research Centre for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants) DMAPR, Anand, Gujarat.

Piper longum Linn.

the growth of the plant is very poor. About 20 t/ha FYM or any other organic
manuring is applied at the time of area preparation. In the subsequent years also a
similar quantity of FYM or organic manure is to be applied before the onset of
monsoon. No chemical fertilizer has been recommended so far in this crop.
Ÿ Transplanting the Seedlings to Main Field and Optimum Spacing: Raised beds of
3.0X2.5 meter are prepared and pits are dug at a distance of 60X60 cm.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: In the first year, weeding is required as
and when necessary. Generally two to three weedings are sufficient. Once the crop
grows and covers the field, no serious problem of weed is noticed.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Irrigation is utmost essential during summer months. One or
two irrigations in a week depending upon the water holding capacity of the soil, is
needed. Even in the monsoon period if there is a failure of rain for quite some time,
irrigation has to be given. In irrigated crop, fruit production continues even in summer
Ÿ Pests and Diseases: Phytophthora leaf, stem rot and anthracnose are important
diseases of long pepper. Spraying of 0.5 % Bordeaux mixture at 15 days interval and
soil drenching of 1.0% Bordeaux mixture at monthly interval reduce the loss caused by
these diseases effectively. Application of 0.25% neem seed kernel extract or any other
neem based insecticides as spray, is effective to control mealy bugs (Helopeltis
theivora) damaging tender foliage and spikes.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Vines start flowering six months after planting.
Fruits take about two months to mature from its formation. Full-grown mature fruits
are harvested before ripening, when it is firm and blackish-green. Harvesting of over-
matured or ripened fruits reduce the quality of the produce as well as it does not break
easily after full drying. Yield of dry fruits in first year is about 100-150 kg/ha and it
attains up to 0.75 -1.0 t/ha in third to fourth year. Thereafter, yield starts declining and
gradually becomes uneconomic after fifth year. Therefore, it is usually cultivated as a
4 to 5-year crop.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The harvested spikes are dried in the sun for 4 to 5 days
until they are perfectly dry. The dried spikes are then stored in the moisture proof
containers. Besides fruits, roots and thicker basal stem portions are also collected
before crop is abandoned. These are cut into small pieces of 3.0-5.0 cm long and dried.
On an average about 500 kg roots are obtained per hectare.


Ÿ Grading: The dried thicker parts of the stem and roots are called piplamool. There are
three grades of piplamool. Grade I with thick roots and underground stem, it fetches a
higher price than Grade II and III which consists of either roots, stems or fragments.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Fruits contain about 20 % dry matter, volatile oil, resin,
alkaloids (4-5% piperine) and a terpenoid substance. Root contains piperlon gumine
as major alkaloid in addition to piperine.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Yield of dry fruits in first year is about 100-150 kg/ha
and it attains up to 0.75-1.00 t/ha in third to fourth year. The yield of dry spike during
first year is around 0.5 t/ha. It increases upto 1.2 t/ha in the third year. After third year,
the vines become less productive and should be replanted. The average yield of roots is
0.5 t/ha. Rs. 62500/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Plant root is used in Ayurveda as a carminative, tonic to the liver, stomachic, emmenagogue,
abortifacient and aphrodisiac. Fruits contain haematinic, diuretic, digestive and general tonic
properties, besides being useful in inflammation of the lever, pains in the joints, snakebite,
scorpion sting and night blindness. The plant is also used in dyspepsia, abdominal pain and
diuretic splenopathy, anorexia, asthma, fever and act as anti-haemorrhoidal and appetiser.

Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern
Fam. Asteraceae

Ayurvedic name Rasna

Hindi name Rasna, Roshna
Trade name Rasna, Baisurai
Parts used Leaves

Pluchea lanceolata

Morphological Characteristics

I t is a perennial herb, occurring in Indo-Gangetic plains, 30-60 cm tall. Stem and branches
are terete, slender and softly pubescent. Leaves are 2-6 cm in length, sessile, oblanceolate or
oblong, coriaceous, finely silky and pubescent on both surfaces, margins entire or obscurely
dentate near the apex.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are white or purple, yellow or lilac in many headed compound corymbs. Capitulum
is ovoid or campanulate, 6-7 mm in compound pubescent and corymbs. Involucre is ovoid
or broadly campanulate of imbricated scales; outer involucral-scale is 2.5-4.0 mm long,
2 mm broad, 5-3 serrate, obtuse, silky pubescent, tinged with purple outside apex. The
innermost scales are few, linear, scarious, subacute, slightly narrower and longer than the
outer; all rigid when dry and tip of outer ones often breaking into 1-2 shallow lobes.
Receptacle is flat and naked.

Plant is found in Punjab, upper Gangetic plains, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Climate and Soil

Plant grows in open waste lands over sandy-saline lands in low rainfall areas.


Propagation Material

Agro-technique 24
Seeds can be directly sown in field.
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seedlings of crop could be produced through planting of
transition zone cuttings of the plant in the main field during September-March.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field is ploughed and harrowed
well, to make a fine tilth. The crop responds well to the basal application of
nitrogenous fertilizer.
Ÿ Sowing of Seeds and Optimum Spacing: Fresh seeds collected during October-
March are directly sown in rows in the field. The spacing of 90 cm plant to plant and
120 cm row to row, gives optimum crop stand of 5000 plants/ha.
Ÿ Intercropping System: No information available.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Rainfed crop, irrigated when required.
Ÿ Weed Control: Two manual weedings are required at an interval of one month each
after the crop is 40 days old.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No disease and pests have been noticed in trial plots.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop is manually harvested at flowering stage
when chemical contents are maximum.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The harvested crop is shade dried and stored in gunny
bags in air-cooled rooms for marketing.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Plant contains choline, pluchine taraxsterol, β- and
γ -sitosterol, leaves give quercetin and iso-rhamnctin.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: An average crop produces 40 t/ha of dry herb.
Rs. 15000/- is the estimated cost of cultivation for hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Whole plant is used in Ayurvedic medicine. Pluchea lanceolata is accepted as classical drug
for arthritis. Its decoction is given for rheumatic conditions, muscular pains, edema, and fever
and also applied externally as massage oil. The leaves are aperients, used as a laxative,
analgesic and antipyretic.
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology (NDUAT), Faizabad,
Uttar Pradesh and (b) Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi.

Premna mucronata Roxb.
Syn. Premna mollissima Roth
Fam. Verbenaceae

Ayurvedic name Agnimantha (Brhat)

Unani name Arni
Hindi name Arni, Agethu
English name Dusky Fire Brand Bark
Trade name Agnimanth
Parts used Root and Root Bark

Premna mucronata
Morphological Characteristics

I It is a small tree. The branches are spiny; bark is thin, pale and exfoliating; wood is light
brown and scented; leaves are ovate or ovate-oblong, long-acuminate, base rounded,
cordate or tapering, entire or irregularly dentate; blade 7-15 cm long; petiole 2.5 cm long.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are arranged in terminal, corymbose, trichotomous panicles and are greenish in
colour. Calyx comprised of 4 or 5 sepals, with rounded and nearly equal teeth. Corolla lobes
are equal or bilabiate, upper lip retuse or emarginate, lower lip of 3 equal lobes and throat
closed with white hairs. Fruit is a globose drupe, green when young, dark at maturity,
3.5-4.5 mm in diameter. The mature trees start flowering in April and fruiting in May & June.

It is a natural inhabitant of lower and outer sub-tropical, Himalayan tracts extending from
Chenab in north-west India to Bhutan in the east and extending to an elevation of 1400 meter.
It is also found in dry forests tracts of South-West Bengal, Orissa and coastal Peninsular India.

Climate and Soil

The plant is well adapted to the sub-tropical hilly tracts in outer Himalayas with average


annual rainfall around 100 cm, and the tropical regions of eastern and Peninsular India. In
north India, it is often found on dry slopes and large, natural, degraded soil bunds. The plant is
able to thrive on average clayey or pebbled shallow soils. It has done equally well under
experimental plantation on deep loamy soil with good drainage and a pH range of 7.3 to 8.0.

Propagation Material
Seed is the best propagation material, even though it has a short viability of about three
months. Seeds can be collected from mature plants from mid May to June.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seed should be sown in June, preferably in poly bags,
immediately after collection and drying for a few days. The pulp of the fruit withers off
after drying. As the seed is hard and stony, soaking it in water for a minimum of 72
hours is necessary. Seed germination is around 70%. Mechanical or acid scarification
improves seed germination to 85%. About 100 gm seed is sufficient to raise plants for
one hectare of land. Vegetative propagation through air layering and root coppices
should be taken up during the rainy season in the month of July.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The land is cleared of weeds and
vegetation and ploughed twice to loosen the soil. It may be left as such for few days,
tilled again and planked to bring it in fine tilth. Pits, approximately of 1.0X1.0X1.0
meter size, are dug up uniformly at 4.5X4.5 meter distance in the field. 50 gm of
Phorate 10 gm granules or 10 litres of 5% suspension of Chlorpyriphos in water are
added to the pit as anti-termite treatment, before filling it with the soil mixture. The
soil of each pit is mixed with 5-10 kg FYM, 90 gm nitrogen, 100 gm P2O5 and 80 gm of
K2O. The pit is filled up with this soil mixture up to the ground level. The growing
plants are given 90 gm of nitrogen and 5-10 kg of organic manure after every 6 months.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Plants raised from seeds and vegetative
propagation in the month of June are ready for transplantation after about 75 days
when they acquire 5-7 leaves and become 25 cm tall. Transplantation at this stage has
shown a sizable rate of mortality. However, plants retained in poly bags during winter
season and transplanted in the following June-July months give over 90% survival
rate. In all, 500 plants are required for one hectare.
Ÿ Intercropping System: The tree can be planted over bunds of fields which are used
for growing fodder and vegetables, both in summer and winter months. In addition to
its roots, which are used for medicinal purpose, the tree can be lopped for fodder in lean
Agro-technique study carried out by National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), S.A.S
Nagar, Mohali, Punjab.

Premna mucronata Roxb.

months. The silage obtained from the lopped parts has good shelf life.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Pruning is required in the second to fourth
years for good bole development of the tree and lopping for fodder may be selectively
resorted to. However, not more than 50% of foliage should be taken at one time.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Irrigation is required regularly after transplanting till the plants
establish in field. After establishment of plantation, normal rainfall is sufficient for
subsistence of crop. However, in dry season, two irrigations a month in summer and
one irrigation a month in winter are required. The plants usually develop good roots
system and establish in one year.
Ÿ Weed Control: Pre-emergence application of Atrazine 50% WP @ 1 kg/ha may be
given before planting in field. Thereafter, 2 to 3 weedings of pits are recommended in a
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Termites attack is common in the initial stages. Most of the
damage can, however, be prevented by treating each plantation pit with about 50 gm of
Phorate 10 gm granules or 10 litres of 5% suspension of Chlorpyriphos in water before
refilling the pit with soil and manure mixture. Aphids and Thrips are found to feed on
Premna leaves. Spraying the foliage with methyl-parathion @ 2gm/lit of water per
plant controls the insects effectively.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Plants grown from seeds start bearing flowers and
fruits at the end of 4 years when they are still shrub by in appearance and about
2.5 meter tall. Flowering starts in April followed by fruiting in June. However, the bark
is found to be immature with respect to constituents and seldom exceeds 4 mm in
thickness even after 4 years. Trees from 8 years onwards only show optimum bark
characteristics and attain a sufficient average girth of 120 cm and are appropriate for
bark extraction. Hence, usually 8-year old trees are uprooted for roots. Also, the bark
may preferably be harvested from the trunk and main branches using non-destructive
methods. Longitudinal peels of bark about 10 cm broad and up to 20 cm long are
peeled off in a semi-overlapping manner. Peeling is avoided during flowering and
fruiting season and rains (July-August).
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The root is dried in open sun for 2-3 days so that the moisture
content comes down rapidly and possibility of fungal contamination is minimized. It is then
spread out in shade (appx. 12-15 days) so that the moisture content is reduced to less than
10%. Clean and dried roots are stored in well aerated, clean, gunny bags in a cross ventilated
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Bark contains aromatic bis-nor-diterpenes and some
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: About 6-8 kg of root is obtained from an 8-year old


tree. Thus, about 3 tonnes of root is expected per hectare of plantation in the forest.
Rs. 26900/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare in the first year which comes down
to Rs. 10,500/ha for subsequent years.

Therapeutic Uses
The root is an important ingredient of “Dasmoolarishta” a traditional Ayurvedic preparation
given as cure for obstinate fevers. It has febrifuge, cardio-tonic, and stomachic properties, and
is considered a nervine tonic. Traditionally, the root preparations are valued for anti-
inflammatory conditions and neurological problems.

Psoralea corylifolia Linn.
Syn. Cullen corylifolium (Linn.) Medik.
Fam. Fabaceae

Ayurvedic name Bakuchi

Unani name Babchi
Hindi name Babchi, Bakuchi
English name Purple Fleabane
Trade name Bavchi, Bakuchi
Parts used Seeds

Psoralea corylifolia

Morphological Characteristics

B abchi is leguminous, erect, annual herb that grows 60-100 cm tall. The plant branches
profusely and its stem and branches are covered with white hairs. Leaves are simple, 2.5-
7.0 cm long, petiolate, rounded, with toothed margin and both sides covered with conspicuous
black glandular dots. The seeds are surrounded by a sticky oily pericarp which contains

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are axillary, blue in colour and arranged in 10-30 flowered racemes. Calyx is nearly
sessile. Corolla is yellowish-blue and little exerted. Pods are 5 cm long, subglobose, slightly
compressed, closely pitted and beaked; seeds are oblong, flattened dark brown and covered
with a mucilaginous layer. The seeds swell when placed in water. When the seeds are rubbed
they give an aromatic odour and tastes slightly bitter.

It is mainly found in plains of Central India and Eastern part of Rajasthan, Punjab, and
adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh. It is sporadically cultivated in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and
Tamil Nadu States.


Climate and Soil

The crops can be grown well in sub-tropical climate receiving low to medium rainfall over a
variety of soils ranging from sandy medium loam to black cotton soils. Red loamy soil with
good organic matters and a pH ranging from 6.5-7.5 are good for cultivation.

Propagation Material

Agro-technique 26
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: No propagules are raised. The crop is raised through direct
sowing of seeds which germinate easily. As a sole crop 8 kg seeds are needed for one
hectare area.
Ÿ Prapagule Rate and Pretreatment: No specific pre-treatment is required for seeds
before germination.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The land is prepared by ploughing
2-3 times with disc plough harrowed and planked to make the soil to a fine tilth before
onset of monsoon. The area is divided into plots of convenient size. The main and sub-
irrigation channels are laid out. NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) at the rate of
60: 60: 30 kg/ha are given as basal dose and mixed in the soil together with 10 t/ha of
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Seeds are directly sown in lines at an
optimum spacing of 60X30 cm to raise crop.
Ÿ Intercropping System: This crop can be cultivated as intercrop in tree plantation in
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Regular weeding (2-3) and hoeing
operations are needed during early period of growth to control weeds.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The crop is rainfed and can stand partial drought conditions.
However, 2-3 irrigations are required after sowing, depending on soil conditions and
distribution of monsoon rains.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: Powder mildew is common problem during the winter
months. Control measures involve spraying wettable sulphur (sulfex) at the rate of 3%
at weekly interval for 3 to 4 times. Leaf roller caterpillar is another menance and is
controlled by 2-3 spray of 0.2% Endosulfan at fortnightly interval.
Agro technique study carried out by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri, Maharashtra.

Psoralea corylifolia Linn.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures after 200 days of sowing when
pods turn purple in colour. The seeds are collected after complete drying of the pods.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Shade dried seeds are stored in gunny bags for
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Psoralone and isopsoralone, isopsoralidin, corylidin,
triacontane and β-sitosterol-B-D-glucoside are present in the seeds. In particular,
psoralens are active principles for inducing pigmentation.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: A yield of 1.0-1.2 t/ha of seeds (dry weight) is
obtained. Rs. 10,000 to 12,000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
Seeds are used in the treatment of leprosy, leucoderma, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Seed
oil is recommended for application over scalp to treat dandruff.

Roscoea purpurea Smith
Fam. Zingiberaceae

Ayurvedic name Kakoli

Hindi name Kakoli
Trade name --------
Parts used Fasciculated Tuberous Roots

Roscoea purpurea
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a terrestrial, herbaceous and tuberous perennial herb. Root is thick, fleshy and
fasciculated. Stem is leafy, elongate, leaves 5-6, lanceolate. Flowers are few in a sessile
spike borne in autumn and pale-lilac, purple or white in colour.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are few in a sessile spike, pale lilac or white. Floral bracts are oblong, hidden in the
sheaths of the upper leaves. Calyx is green and slit deeply down one side of the flower expand.
Corolla tube is dilated upwards, lip 2-3 lobed; upper segment is ovate and lower lanceolate.
The staminode is oblanceolate in shape, half as long as the upper segment; whereas fertile
stamen is as long as the staminode. Capsule is cylindrical and varies greatly in size.

The plant is distributed from an elevation of 1500-2500 meter in Himalayan region and Khasi

Climate and Soil

The plant grows in moist shady places over sandy-loam soils rich in humus. Soils having

Roscoea purpurea Smith

adequate percentage (50%) of sand has good

porosity for tuber growth. It grows best in areas,
which receive moderate to high rainfall and at
elevation ranging from 1500-2500 meter,
preferably over north slopes. Other sites with mild
slope have also been found good especially, where
there is a good summer rainfall. The locations,
where the rainfall is scanty, but more or less flat
area is preferred for cultivation, so that it can be
irrigated as and when required. Tubers are very
delicate and susceptible to water logging.

Propagation Material
Fasiculated tubers.
Fasiculated Tubers
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Season and Time of Raising Crop: Planting of tubers is done in April, when soil
temperature starts rising in the hills. The tubers, weighing about 4-5 gm each, are
found suitable and give maximum growth and yield. The tubers are planted at the
depth of 8 cm in furrows at 30 cm distance row to row and plant to plant distance is kept
at 15 cm.
Ÿ Pretreatment before Sowing: The tubers should be dipped in 0.01% bavistin
solution for ½ hour before sowing followed by shade drying to protect against soil
borne fungi. The crop prefers partial shade of trees for growth.
Ÿ Method of Planting (Direct Sowing/Planting or Nursery Raising): Tuber is sown
in the warm environmental conditions in the month of April.
Ÿ Time and Method of Nursery Planting: Tuber and seeds are suitable for its
propagation at the spacing of 15X10 cm. However, plants raised by seeds show high
mortality rate and the number of fingers formed are less which takes more time for
maturity. Hence the tuber is the best part for its propagation.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Planting: First ploughing should be done with soil turning
plough in the first week of March. Land having slopes should be ploughed across the
slope. The field should be kept open for 15-20 days in order to receive sufficient
sunlight and allows weeds to get rotted and removed. Before second ploughing, well
Agro-technique study carried out by National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Regional Station, Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.


rotten FYM should be applied in the field. Second ploughing should be done in the first
fortnight of April depending upon the soil moisture. Planking should be done after 2nd
and 3 ploughing to break remaining clods and make the soil friable. If sufficient
winter residual moisture is not present in the soil then a light irrigation should be given
before planting the tubers.
Ÿ Manure and Fertilizer Used (Basal): It grows very well in humus rich soils. FYM
dose of 25-30 t/ha is recommended. It should be spread uniformly in the field and
mixed well in the soil. Unlike annual crops, the entire quantity of FYM is applied in
split doses. First applications of ¾th of the total FYM is done at the time of area
preparation and rest ¼th should be applied at the time earthing which is carried out in
the beginning of next rainy season.
Ÿ Days for Completion of Germination/Sprouting: Sprouting takes one month period.
Ÿ Optimum Crop Stand /Hectare: 32,000- 40,000 plants/ha.
Ÿ Inter-cropping System (If Grown in Orchard/Plantations etc.): Intercropping
trials were conducted in the peach and apricot orchard by adopting the same (sole crop)
package of practices. The yield obtained per unit area was same as obtained from the
sole crop.
Ÿ Interculture Operations: In areas of heavy rainfall, two earthings, one after about
30-35 days and second after the monsoon is recommended, so that tubers do not get
exposed to sunlight. Hand weeding for 3-4 times is required, depending upon the
intensity of weedy flora. There are no serious diseases, insect pests, nematodes noticed
in trial plots. However, crops should be protected from water stagnation to avoid tuber
rotting ensuring proper drainage.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The residual moisture of the winter rains is captured for the
sowing. If the rains are not enough, a light irrigation should be applied before planting.
Once tubers sprout, a weekly irrigation is required during summer season.
Ÿ Weed Control: Manual weeding at an interval of 30 days is required depending upon
the frequency of weeds.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop takes 2 years to produce mature tubers.
The tubers are harvested by digging in autumn preferably in the month of October.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The tubers are washed in running water. Mother tubers
should be removed and then rest of the tubers should be dried in shade or in partial
sunlight. Dried tubers can be stored in well airy gunny bags / bamboo baskets. For seed
purpose, healthy fresh tubers of uniform size can be selected and stored in soil pits in
cooler areas or bamboo baskets. These should be treated with 0.01% Bavistin solution
for half an hour followed by shade drying before storing to protect from fungal infection.

Roscoea purpurea Smith

Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: The cultivation trial conducted at Shimla has given
1.2-1.4 t/ha yield of fresh tubers in the first season and 2.5-3.0 t/ha in subsequent year.
The difference in the yield was mainly observed due to weight and size of tubers and
not due the number of tubers.

Therapeutic Uses
Kakoli is an Ashtavarga plant. Its fleshy tuberous roots are used in treatment of impotency and
leucorrhoea. Its root powder is mixed with sugar and taken with milk as tonic in general debility.

Salvadora persica Linn.
Syn. S. indica Wt.
Fam. Salvadoraceae

Ayurvedic name Pilu

Unani name Pilu, Miswak
Hindi name Khara Jhal, Chota Pilu,
English name Mustard Tree, Salt Bush
Trade name Khara Jhal, Tooth Brush
Parts used Roots

Salvadora persica
Morphological Characteristics

S alvadora persica is a large shrub or small tree of Thar Desert. The branches are drooping,
terete and glabrous. A typical desert plant grows as a mangrove perennial tree as well as
under extreme saline (salt stress) and drought conditions. Thus the seeds are dispersed by the
birds. The plant produces three types of fruits, i.e. pink, purple and white. The purple fruit
bearing plants showed better seed traits, viz. seed weight, size, thickness, volume, density and
viability and germination percentage as compared to other two types of fruit bearing plant.
Hence, in the present studies seeds of purple fruit bearing plants were selected to develop agro-
techniques. The leaves are shed twice in a year, i.e. October-November and February-March,
but plant never becomes leafless throughout the year. New leaves appear twice in a year, first
during April-May and second during September to December and thereafter new leaves
develop slowly. During winter season (cold stress) anthocyanin pigments have been noticed in
leaves. The gall formation has been commonly observed on every plant part except roots.
These galls have been reported to possess some growth promoting principles.

Floral Characteristics
The plant bear flowers in September-October. The flowers are greenish-yellow borne in
axillary and terminal compound panicles. Calyx is glabrous, lobes rounded; corolla is twice as
long as calyx; stamens exerted; fruit is a drupe, globose, red when ripe. The plants produce

Salvadora persica Linn.

fruits with and without seeds. The fruits are formed in autumn and takes 3 months to increase
in size and mature during April-May. In natural conditions the germination of seeds takes
place during rainy season (July and August).

It survives under both saline and drought conditions throughout the Indian arid zone.

Climate and Soil

It grows well under arid environment, salt stress conditions and low moisture with high
temperature. Soil mixture of 1:2:1 ratio of sand, clay, FYM is best; higher clay content is

Propagation Material
Seeds collected during April-May from purple coloured healthy fruits.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds are soaked for 24 hours in fruit pulp solution (Salvadora
persica). They gave maximum germination and shoot growth. Two seeds are sown
per polybag at 1.0-2.0 cm depth during June under nursery conditions. Thus 15 gm
seeds are required for planting one hectare area at a spacing of 5 X 5 meter under field

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: First ploughing of land is done in the
first week of June, and left fallow for 20-25 days for solar exposure for drying weeds,
aeration and facilitating decaying crop residues. Thereafter, a second ploughing is
done and field leveled through planking. The crop is given NPK at 30:20:15 kg/ha plus
hexameal treatment. Half of N and entire quantity of P and K are applied basally and
the rest is given after 120 days.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Spacing of 5X5 meter is optimum for good
growth under field conditions.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Weeding and hoeing are carried out
manually at 20 days after planting repeated after every 20 days in rainy season and
after rains at 45 days intervals upto 3-4 years of age.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Fortnightly irrigation schedule is more suitable for increasing
the collar diameter, biomass, bark & root yields and Harvest Index, while monthly
irrigation is suitable for growth and height of the plant.

Agro-technique study carried out by Department of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.


Ÿ Weed Control: Manual hand weeding is a better option for weed control in S. persica
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No serious insects, pests and nematodes were observed in
this crop.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Seeded fruits require 4-5 months for maturity, i.e.
from December to April-May. The whole plant is used medicinally, but roots are used
for preparation of Meswak toothpaste. The plant may be uprooted after 2 years of
growth at any time of the year for root production. The roots are separated dried.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: Uprooted whole plants are separated into leaf, stem and
roots with the help of stainless knife/scalpels. Stem branches and roots are used
freshly. If these are not used freshly, then these should be stored in well ventilated
shady places, so that moisture loss takes place continuously.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Root contains elemental y-monoclinic sulphur, benzyl
glucosimolate, a methoxylbenzyl derivative of urea named salvadourea, m-anisic acid
and sitosterol. Root bark and stem bark contain trimethylamine. Seed oil is rich in
myristic, lauric and palmitic acids.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Plantation of crop at 5X5 meter spacing in one hectare
area yielded 200 kg roots after two years. Rs. 6800/- is the estimated cost of cultivation
for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The root contains steam-distillable oil, which has 90% Benzyl isothiocyanate, a compound
responsible for decreasing dental caries and used in the preparation of Meswak toothpaste.
The chemical present in the plant can control gingivostomatitis, skin infection and
conjunctiva. The root bark is tonic, stimulant, emmenagogue. The stem bark is good for

Solanum surattense Burm. f.
Syn. S. xanthocarpum Sch. & Wendl.
Fam. Solanaceae

Ayurvedic name Kantakari

Unani name Katai khurd
Hindi name Choti Kateri, Ringni
English name Wild Eggplant, Yellow -
Berried Nightshade
Trade name Kantkari
Parts used Whole Plant

Solanum surattense

Morphological Characteristics

B ranches are spreading on the ground. The plant is very prickly diffused bright green
perennial herb, somewhat woody at the base. Branches are numerous, the younger ones
clothed with dense stellate tomentum, prickles compressed, straight, yellow, glabrous,
shining often exceeding and 1.3 cm long. Leaves are 5-10X2.5-5.7 cm, ovate or elliptic,
bearing stellate hairs on both sides (especially so beneath), sometimes becoming nearly
glabrous with age. Petioles are 1.3-2.5 cm long.

Floral Characteristics
Mainly flowers are axillary but some flowers are cymes and bluish-violet in colour. Pedicels
are short, curved with stellate hairy. Calyx is nearly 1.3 cm long, densely hairy and prickly,
tube short, globose, lobes 11 mm long, linear-lanceolate, acute and prickly outside. Cololla is
purple, 2 cm long, lobes deltoid, acute, hairy outside. Filament is 1.5 mm long, glabrous,
anthers 8 mm long, oblong lanceolate and opening by small pores. Ovary is ovoid, glabrous
and style glabrous. Fruits are berry, 1.3-2.0 cm in diameter, yellow or white with green veins
and surrounded by the enlarged calyx. Seeds are 0.25 cm in diameter, glabrous, smooth, sub-
reniform and yellowish-brown.


Plant is widely distributed throughout India in dry situation as weed ascending to 1500 meter
on the Himalaya, abundant by road sides and wastelands, mainly in Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

Climate and Soil

It is a hardy plant. It does well over light well-drained
sandy-loam to rich loamy soils having pH of 7.0-8.0.
The crop can also be grown under over saline lands.
Kantakari is essentially a warm season crop grown
mainly in tropical and sub tropical regions. Generally a
long period of warm, preferably dry weather with
abundant sunshine is required. Temperature range of
21-27 C is most favourable for its growth and
reproduction. In northern India, the crop is adversely
affected during December-January due to frost as it
causes injury to vegetative parts and recovers in the
spring season. Flowers of Solanum surattense

Propagation Material
The crop is raised by seed. The seeds are yellowish-brown in colour, small in size i.e. 2.5
mm in diameter and glabrous. The seeds have no dormancy period and can be sown after
few days of harvesting. It takes 10-15 days to germinate and the percentage of germination
is around 60-70%.

Agro-technique 29
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours. This
facilitates germination. Seeds take 10-15 days for germination. Raising seedlings in
the nursery and later transplanting in field produce good crop strand. Generally
nursery beds are prepared in the size of 7.5-10 meter long, one meter width and
10-15 cm above the ground level. An area of about 500 sqm is required to raise
seedlings for one hectare area. Well decomposed farmyard manure is mixed into the
top soil of the nursery beds at the rate of 10 kg/sqm. The seeds are sown around 15 June
in rows made at a distance of 7.5 cm at 0.5-1.0 cm depth. Seeds are mixed in the sand
which helps in proper distribution of seeds. After sowing, the rows are covered with a
thin layer of the mixture of well rotten FYM and fine sand. Thereafter, the beds are
irrigated. Light watering is required daily.
Agro-technique study carried out bySKN College of Agriculture, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Jobner, Rajasthan.

Solanum surattense Burm. f.

Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pre-treatment: 1.25 to 2.5 kg seeds are required for planting on
one hectare area. For raising good and healthy plants, the seeds are treated with
fungicides like Captan or Thiram @ 2.0 gm/kg.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field is ploughed, harrowed and
planked well, to obtain a fine tilth. Well decomposed application of FYM at the rate of
12.5 tonnes and NPK 30:40:20 kg/ha as basal dose was found optimum for optimum
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The seedlings are ready for transplanting in
6-7 weeks after sowing in nursery beds; it has attained 10-12 cm in height and bear 4-6
leaves. Watering should be withheld 3-4 days in nursery before transplanting so that
seedlings get hardened. Before uprooting, the beds are thoroughly soaked with water
to facilitate easy removal of seedlings without much root injury. About 37,500 plants
are recommended for planting in one hectare area by adopting 60X45 cm spacing. It
gives high yield.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: Initially, the plants grow at slow rate and
are unable to compete with fast growing rainy season weeds. Therefore, early weeding
is essential to keep weeds under control. Later, the crop spreads easily and smoother
weed. Thus, one hand weeding at 20 days after transplanting and second at 45 days
after transplanting is recommended. The crop responds well to the application of
manure and fertilizers. The crop is given 90:60:40 kg of NPK, of which 30 kg N with
entire P and K is given basally before planting seedlings. Adequate supply of nitrogen
increases fruit size and colour. High level of phosphorus throughout root region is
essential for rapid root development and increasing number of flowers. Besides basal
dose, 30 kg of N should be applied as top dressing in two equal doses i.e. 45 and 90
days after transplanting.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Kantkari crop is raised as a rainfed crop where the amount of
annual rainfall is 400-600 mm and well distributed in the season. It requires protective
irrigation when it enters reproductive phase; moisture during both growth and fruiting
should be adequate for proper plant development. It has been found that three
irrigations viz., first twenty days after transplanting, second irrigation at flowering
time and third irrigation at fruit development were found desirable to fetch the higher
Ÿ Weed Control: Weeds compete for moisture, nutrients, sunlight and space with the
crop resulting in reduced yield and quality. The growth of Kantkari is slow at initial
stage due to which it is unable to compete with fast growing weeds; therefore, in order
to keep the field weed free, a shallow inter culture operation is to be done at initial


growth. Usually, two hoeing and weeding at 20 and 45 days after transplanting are
needed for an effective control of weeds, proper aeration and good growth of the
plants. The crop is spreading in nature and do not allow weeds to grow at later growth
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No serious pest and diseases have been observed on this crop.

Harvest Management
The plants produce flowers at 50-60 days after transplanting. Generally, this period occurs in
the month of October. Fruiting starts in the month of November. The plants have
indeterminate growth, meaning that flowering and fruiting continues together.
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: It takes about five months from transplanting for
first picking of matured berries. Complete crop harvesting can be done in the month of
March. The berries are harvested before its colour turns from green to yellowish.
About 2 to 3 pickings are done at 20-25 days intervals. Fruits is picked manually and
kept in open for sun drying. Similarly, complete plant including roots is harvested at
the end of season. It should be done before abscission of leaves starts.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The whole plant should be uprooted after giving a
shallow irrigation. The berries and whole herb should be dried in sun and dry herb is
packed in gunny bags and stored in cool and dark place. Seed material for next crop
should be obtained from fully matured and dry berries. After cleaning, seed should be
treated with any fungicide, and then packed in polythene bags and kept at cool and dark
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Carpesterol, solanocarpine, solasonine, solamargine and
β-solamargine are the chief alkaloids of Kantkari.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: An average crop of Kantkari yields about
16-20 t/ha of dry biomass (Panchang) including 500 kg berries (dried) under good
management practices. After drying, 15-20% dry matter can be obtained under these
conditions. Rs. 21938/- is the estimated cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic uses
Panchang (whole herb including roots) and berries, have anthelmintic property, useful in
bronchitis, asthma, fever relieving, thirst and given in urinary concretions. The leaves have
good application for piles. The fruit is laxative. Fumigations with the vapour of the burning
seeds of this plant are found useful for the cure of toothache.

Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem.
Syn. Tecoma undulata (Sm.) G. Don
Fam. Bignoniaceae

Ayurvedic name Rohitak, Rohira

Hindi name Rugtrora, Rohitaka

English name Rohida Tree

Trade name Rakhta rohida (Rohida
Parts used Bark

Tecomella undulata

Morphological Characteristics

T ecomella undulata is a slow growing small deciduous tree with drooping branches and
stellately grey-tomentose innovations otherwise glabrous. Leaves are usually opposite, 5-
10 cm long, simple, narrowly oblong, obtuse and entire with undulate margins.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are pale-yellow to deep orange, arranged in few flowered corymbose racemes on
short lateral branches. Calyx is campanulate, lobes broadly ovate, obtuse and mucronate.
Corolla is companulate, veined, stamens exserted, flaments glabrous, stigma 2-lamillate.
Capsules are slightly curved, smooth and seeds are winged.

Plant is distributed in drier parts of North-West and Western India extending eastwards to the
river Yamuna and ascending to an altitude of 1200 meter in the outer Himalaya.

Climate and Soil

The plant prefers subtropical climate having medium to light soil.


Propagation Material
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Seeds are sown in the month of May on flat beds/raised nursery
bed or polybags.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Pits of 60X60X60 cm are to be
prepared at an optimum spacing of 4 meter between row to row and 3 meter between
plant to plant and filled with FYM. NPK in the ratio of 750: 600:300 gm/plant is given
as single basal dose.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: Plantation of seedlings is done at a spacing
of 3X4 meter in the month of July-August.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Aromatic grasses / annual species of medicinal plants can be
cultivated as intercrop.
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: One to two harrowing is to be given in the
middle space for keeping the field clean.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Irrigation may be given as per the season during winter at 30-40
days interval and summer at 20-30 days interval. After establishment of the crop, it is
not necessary to give frequent irrigations.
Ÿ Weed Control: Weeding is done as and when required to keep the field weed free.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: The plants need to be protected from termites and stem
borer for which suitable insecticides are used.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: The crop matures after 3-4 years and should be
harvested for its bark during summer (April-May).
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The bark is shade dried and stored in gunny bags in dry,
ventilated places for marketing.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: Bark contains alkanes; heart wood contains iridoid glycosides
6-o-veratroyl catalposide and tecomelloside and flowers contain flavonoids.
Therapeutic Uses
Plant is anti-leucorrhoeic, used in enlargement of spleen and leucoderma; bark febrifuge, anti-
syphilitic, given in liver diseases. Flowers are used in diabetes.
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Issapur Farms and (b)
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri, Maharashtra.

Tribulus terrestris Linn.
Fam. Zygophyllaceae

Ayurvedic name Gokhru, Gokshura

Unani name Gokharu, Khaar - e -
Khasak Khurd
Hindi name Chotagokhru
English name Land-Caltrops, Puncture
Trade name Gokhru
Parts used Entire Plant

Tribulus terrestris
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a trailing perennial, hirsute, procumbent and branched herb. The stems and branches are
pilose and young parts are silky-villous. Leaves are stipulate, opposite usually unequal and
abruptly pinnate. Leaflets are 5-8 in pairs with length 0.5- 1.3 cm, sub-equal, oblong to linear
oblong and mucronate; petiolules very short and pilose.

Floral Characteristics
Flowers are yellow, solitary, axillary, 8-12 mm in diameter and appear during July-August.
Style is short and stout; ovary is bristly 5-10 lobed and with 5-12 celled; fruits are globose and
spinosus produced during autumn. It consists of 5-12 woody cocci, each with two pairs of hard
sharp spines, one pair longer than the other. Each coccus contains several seeds with
transverse partition between them. The seeds are obliquely pendulous and have hard seed coat.

The plant is found throughout sub-tropical parts of India, ascending upto 1000 meter as a weed
along roadsides and waste places.

Climate and Soil

Gokhru requires tropical, subtropical and semiarid climate, preferably open sun with warm


temperature. The species thrives on all kinds of soil from clay- loam to light sandy-loam, and
requires low rainfall. Water-logged and highly alkaline soil is unsuitable for cultivation.

Propagation Material
Seeds are used as planting material and collected during October-November.
Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: The crop is raised through direct sowing of seeds.
Ÿ Propagule Rate and Pretreatment: Approximately 1.0-2.0 kg seeds are required for
planting one hectare area. These seeds are soaked in water over night and treated with
20 ppm GA3 for 48 hours before sowing in the field during February-March.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: The field should be prepared well by
giving one cross ploughing and harrowing followed by planking. Manure at the rate of
10 t/ha should be mixed with the soil at the time of field preparation. A fertilizer
application of N, P and K at 60:40:40 kg/ha is recommended; the N is split in 2 doses,
first applied basally and the rest after 60 days.
Ÿ Optimum Spacing: Optimum crop stands at a spacing of 90X120 cm per hectare is
6000 plants. It takes about 30 days to complete germination. Usually 1-2 weeding are
needed to keep the crop weed-free.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: The crop is essentially a rain-fed one and watering is done only
during long dry spells.
Ÿ Disease and Pest Control: No significant pests and diseases have been observed in
this crop.
Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: It is long duration crop, remaining 240-250 days in
the field. The seeds ripen in October when the crop is uprooted. Seeds and roots are
separated and dried.
Ÿ Post-harvest Management: After harvesting the seeds and roots should be shade
dried and stored in gunny bags in cool-airy godown.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The plant contains saponins, diosgenin, gitogenin,
chlorogenin, ruscogenin and 2-5 D-spirosta-3-5-diene, kaemprerol, kaempferol-3-
glucoside, kaemperol-3-rutinoside and new flavonoid tribuloside. Accepted range of
active constituents in produce: 19-32 µg/9 kg dry weight.
Agro-technique study carried out by Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi.

Tribulus terrestris Linn.

Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: Yield per hectare: Fresh weight: 2.88 tonnes, dry
weight: 0.738 tonnes (Accepted range of active constituents in produce: 19-32 µg/9 kg
dry weight. Rs. 18000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses
The root is an ingredient of Dashmool group of drugs. Fruit and root are used in medicine.
The fruits are diuretic, aphrodisiac, emollient, expectorant, anodyne, anti-inflammatory,
cardiotonic, styptic and linthontriptic properties. The leaves are astringent, diuretic,
aphrodisiac, depurative, anthelmintic and tonic. They are useful in gonorrhoea, gleet, ultitis,
inflammation, menorrhagia, strangury, leprosy, skin diseases, verminosis and general
weakness. The seeds are astringent, strengthening and are useful in epistaxis, haemorrhages
and ulcerative stomatitis. The ash of whole plant is good for external application in
rheumarthritis. The roots are useful in cough, asthma, internal inflammation and anaemia.

Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal
Syn. Physalis somnifera Linn.
Fam. Solanaceae

Ayurvedic name Ashvagandha

Unani name Asgand, Asgand Nagori
Hindi name Asgandh
English name Winter Cherry

Trade name Ashwagandha

Parts used Root, Leaf and Seed

Withania somnifera
Morphological Characteristics

I t is a dense, hairy, erect, grayish-tomentose herb or under-shrub, grows up to a height of 1.5

meter. Its all parts are covered with whitish, stellate trichomes. Branching is extensive;
leaves are simple, alternate or sub-opposite, ovate, entire, basis cunate, 10 cm long. The roots
are stout, long tuberous, fleshy, whitish-brown.

Floral Characteristics
The flowers are greenish-yellow and found in few flowered clusters in axils; pedicels up to 4 mm
long. Calyx is 5 mm long and stellately tomentose; teeth 2.5 mm long, linear, acute and form a
deltoid base. Corolla is 8 mm long, divided rather more than ½ - way down; lobes lanceolate,
acute and pubescent outside. Filaments are 3 mm long, slender, glabrous and anthers are broadly
elliptic (almost orbicular), 1.25 mm long. Ovary and style are glabrous. The fruit is red-yellow
berry, smooth, 6 mm in diameter, enclosed in the inflated calyx which reaches more than 25 mm
diameter and is globose, slightly 5-angled, pointed with the connivent calyx-teeth and scurfy-
pubescent outside. Seeds are 2.5 mm in diameter, yellow and somewhat scurfy.

It is found throughout the drier parts in subtropical regions and upper Gangetic Plains.
Climate and Soil
Ashwagandha is grown on sub-marginal waste lands and low fertility areas. Plant grows well
in red, sandy, black and loamy soil with pH 6.5- 8.0 with good water drainage. It can be
cultivated upto an altitudes of 1000 meter. Ashwagandha prefers a sub-tropical climate. The

Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal

semitropical areas receiving 500-750 mm rainfall are suitable for cultivation of this crop. The
crop requires dry season during the growing period. Temperature between 20° C to 35° C is
most suitable for its cultivation. Late winter rains are conducive for the proper development
of the plant roots.

Propagation Material
Ÿ Direct Sowing: The seeds are sown directly in the main field by broadcasting. After
receiving 1 or 2 showers, the field is thoroughly prepared, divided into plots of
convenient sizes and the seeds are sown during the second week of July to August. A
seed rate of 10-12 kg/ha is required for this method of planting. If rainfall is more, then
the sowing can be done up to September.

Nursery Technique
Ÿ Raising Propagules: Plant to plant and row to row distance can be adjusted according to
soil fertility and variety used. The population should be dense at low fertility and more
distance at higher fertility land. When the seedlings are to be raised for transplanting, they
should to be sown in well-prepared, raised nursery beds. The seeds are usually sown
about 1-3 cm deep in June- July in nursery. The seeds in the nursery-beds are sown in lines
spaced at 5 cm and covered with light soil. The germination commences within 6-7 days
of sowing and within ten days from sowing it is complete. When the seedlings are
6 weeks old and sufficiently tall they are transplanted in 60X60 cm spaced in well-
prepared land in July-August.
Ÿ Prapagule Rate and Pre-treatment: About 5 kg of seeds are required to provide
enough seedlings for sowing one hectare. To avoid nursery diseases, the seeds are
treated with Therum-45 at the rate of 3gm/kg of seeds before sowing. A light shower
after sowing ensures good germination.

Planting in the Field

Ÿ Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application: Mostly organic manure should be
applied. For organic cultivation no fertilizer should be applied. N 25 kg, P 25 kg and
K 20 kg should be applied. All the quantity of P, K and 1/3N should be applied at the
time of sowing or planting. Remaining N in the split doses. Ashwagandha is usually
grown in fields, which are not well covered by the irrigation systems. The field on
which food crops cannot be taken profitably for the above reason may be used for
Ashwagandha cultivation. The soil of the field selected of Ashwagandha cultivation
should be well pulverized by ploughing, disking or harrowing. The field may be then
leveled. The crop of Ashwagandha does not require heavy doses of manure. In
Agro-technique study carried out by (a) University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka and (b) Central
Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.


Madhya Pradesh, where it is grown on commercial scale, no fertilizer is applied and

the crop is cultivated on only residual fertilizer. However, 200-300 kg FYM/ha may
be applied. 5-6 times vermi-compost or FYM may be applied row to row.
Ÿ Transplanting and Optimum Spacing: The seedlings after 25-35 days are
transplanted at distance of 20-25 cm to 10-15 cm row to row and plant to plant
respectively. It may be noted that since “Asgandh” is a late rainy season the time of
sowing is decided by the date of arrival of monsoon in that area.30 to 60 plants/Sqm or
3 to 6 lakhs plants per hectare should be kept when ¾ rain have over in August or
September sowing or transplanting should be completed.
Ÿ Intercropping System: Withania may be planted as intercrop with newly planted Cocos
nucifera (coconut), Mangifera indica (mango), Tectona grandis (teak), Simaruba
officinalis (simaruba), Jatropha curcas (jatropha), Pinus spp. (pine) and Populus
canadensis (populus).
Ÿ Interculture and Maintenance Practices: The directly sown crop is thinned at 25 –
30 days to maintain a plant population of 20,000–25,000/ha. Hand-weeding at 30 days
interval helps to control the weeds effectively. Total two weedings. 2nd weeding
after 2 months.
Ÿ Irrigation Practices: Light shower after transplantation ensures establishment of
seedlings. There is no need of irrigation if rainfall is at regular intervals. Excessive
rainfall/water is harmful to the crop. Life saving irrigation may be applied at required
intervals. Under irrigated conditions, the crop can be irrigated once in 10 days.
Ÿ Pests and Diseases: The early stages (seedling stage) of Withania somnifera caused
from fungus disease like damping of fungus, seedling blight, seed rotting, die-back
etc. Seed should be treated with thiram or capton(2-4 gm/kg) to reduce the effect of
seedling blight and leaf blight. 0.3% phytolone, diethane- 78 or D-45 is also spread on
crop. Leaf curl tobacco and urtches broom disease were also recognized in Withania.
These diseases are controlled through spraying of tetra-cyclinehydrochloride at the
interval of 15-20 days. Best way to uproot and burn the infected plants. Some insect
diseases were also identified on Withania, for controlling of insect diseases, 0.5%
melathyone mixed with 0.1 – 0.3% kithane can be used as spray at 10-15 days interval.

Harvest Management
Ÿ Crop Maturity and Harvesting: Harvesting starts from January and continues till
March. The plants start flowering and bearing fruits from December onwards.The
crop is ready for harvest in January – March i.e. 150 to 180 days after sowing.The
maturity of crop is judged by drying out of leaves and yellow red berries. The entire
plant is uprooted for roots, which are separated from aerial parts by cutting the stem 1-
2 cm, above the crown. The roots are cut transversely into small pieces (7 to 10 cm).
Occasionally, the roots are dried as a whole. The berries are plucked from the dried
plants and are threshed to obtain the seeds.

Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal

Ÿ Post-harvest Management: The dried roots, entire or transversely cut into smaller
pieces, have to be further water washed, cleaned, trimmed and graded. The roots are
beaten with a club, which removes adhering soil and breaks off the thin, brittle lateral
rootlets. Lateral branches, root crown and stem remains on roots are carefully
trimmed with the help of knife.
Ÿ Grading: The entire product is then carefully sorted into four grades based on the
thickness and uniformity of the pieces.
A-Grade: Root pieces up to 7 cm in length, solid, with 1.0-1.5 cm diameter; they
should be brittle and pure white on the inside.
B-Grade: Root pieces up to 5 cm in length, solid, with a diameter of less than 1
cm, the roots should be brittle and white on the inside.
C-Grade: Root pieces up to 3-4 cm in length, side branches solid, with a
diameter of 1 cm or less.
Lower Grade: Small root pieces, semi-solid, very thin or very thick, chopped and
yellowish on the inside.
Ÿ Chemical Constituents: The main constituents of Ashwagandha are alkaloids and
withanolides (steroidal lactones), the major groups of secondary metabolites of
medicinal interest. Among the various alkaloids, withanine is the main constituent.
The other alkaloids are somniferine, somnine, somniferinine, withananine, pseudo-
withanine, tropine, pseudo-tropine, 3-a-gloyloxytropane, choline, cuscohygrine, di-
isopelletierine, anaferine and anahytrine. Two acyl steryl glucoside viz. sitoindoside
VII and sitoindoside VIII have been isolated from root. The leaves contain steroidal
lactones, which are commonly called withanolides. The withanolides have C28
steroidal nucleus with C9 side chain, having six membered lactone rings.
Ÿ Yield and Cost of Cultivation: On an average yield from one hectare area under
commercial cultivation is an approx 0.5- 0.7 tonnes of dried roots and 30- 40 kg seeds.
Rs. 25000/- is the cost of cultivation for one hectare.

Therapeutic Uses:
The drug is rejuvenating agent; mainly used in Ayurvedic and Unani preparations. The plant
has anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, fungicidal, anthelmintic, anti-convulsant,
anti-stress, immunomodulatory and anti-pyretic properties. It is also used in insomnia,
weakness, ulcers and painful swellings as aphrodisiac and in leucoderma. The paste prepared
out of its leaves is used for curing inflammation of tubercular glands and that of its roots for
curing skin diseases, bronchitis, ulcer and dyspepsia and eye diseases. The fruits and seeds of
Ashwagandha are diuretic in nature. The leaves are reported to contain anthelmintic and
febrifuge properties. An infusion of the bark is given for asthma.

Glossary of botanical terms
Abaxial : Located from the side away from the axis
Abscisic acid : Plant hormone that inhibits growth
Achene : Single seeded, unicellular, dry, indehiscent fruit also called
Acicular : Needle like
Acuminate : Long, pointed, gradually tapering towards apex
Adaxial : Located on the side towards the axis. The adaxial surface of
a leaf is the upper side
Aerial root : An aerial root is a plant’s root that is produced above the ground
Agriculture : It is the science of farming, including growing plants and
raising animals
Airspace : These are the inter-cellular gaps within the spongy mesophyll
of leaves
Amplexicaule : Encircling of the node by leaf bases
Annual : An annual is a plant that goes through its entire life cycle
within a year
Apex : Tip, uppermost part
Apices (apex) : Top
Arable : Arable land is suitable for growing crop plants
Arcuate : Leaves with arcuate venation have veins that are curve
towards the apex (Tip)
Areole : Areoles are circular clusters of spines on a cactus
Aristate : Ending in bristle or awn
Articulate : Jointed
Auxin : Growth hormone found in plants
Awn : Bristle-like extension of a plant near its tip
Axillary bud : The axillary bud is a bud that develops in the axil (The angle
between the stem and the leaf) of leaf
Bark : Outer covering of stem and roots of woody plants
Berry : Small juicy, fleshy, stoneless fruit that contains one or many
Biennial : Plant which takes two years to complete the full life cycle
Bilateral : Two sides

Birch : These are broad-leafed, deciduous trees and shrubs with
paper like bark
Bladder : Small air-filled sac
Blade : Narrow flat leaf
Bract : Reduced leaf-like structure associated with a flower
Bracteole : A small bract or leaf like structures below perianth in a flower
Bud : A small developing part of a plant that will grow into a
flower, a new leaf or a stem
Bud scale : Modified leaf that covers and protects the bud
Bulb : An underground stem usually globular, that has fleshy leaves
emerging from the top and roots emerging from the bottoms
Bulbils : Vegetative propagative spherical structure arising at the leaf
Bulblet : A small bulb that grows from another bulb (for vegetative
Caducous : Falling soon
Campanulate : Bell-shaped
Canopy : It consist upper part of the trees of a rain forest
Capitulum : Head-shaped inflorescence, as in Asteraceae
Capsule : It is a seed pod that opens when it is dry and the seeds are
Carpel : Female reproductive organ of a flower
Caudex : An enlarged, woody base of the stem on some plants
Cauline : Arising from stem
Clade : A Clade is the group of all the organisms that share a
particular common ancestors
Cladodes : Modification of dwarf branches into leaf-like structure
Clasping : Wrapping
Cleft : A cleft leaf is one in which the margins between the irregular
teeth go more than half way to the mid rib
Comose : With long, white bunch of hair
Coppice shoots : It is a shoot that arise from an adventitious or dormant bud on
a branch or stem of a plant
Coquina : It is a type of lime-stone that is mostly made of shells and
shell fragments
Cordate : Heart-shaped
Coriaceous : Thick, stiff, leathery

Corm : A stem modification, underground spherical in shape with
reserve food material
Corona : Bundle of hair between corolla and stamens arising from base
of the corolla
Crenate : A crenate leaf has margins (edges) shaped like rounded teeth
Crisped : Tightly curled margin
Crystals : Solid, whose atoms form a regular pattern
Culm : Elongated straw or hollow stem of grasses
Cuneate : Wedge-shaped, tapering towards base
Cuspidate : Tapering to long point at tip
Cyme : Arrangement of flowers with older flower on top and younger
flower towards base
Deciduous : Plants lose their leaves seasonally, usually for the dry season
Dehiscent Fruit : A fruit splits open when it is mature, causing the dispersal of
its seeds
Diadelphous : Stamen divided into two groups 9+1 as in Fabaceae
Dicho.venation : It is a pattern of a leaf veins in which the veins branch in two
over and over again
Didymous : Two-sized (filament of stamens)
Dimorphism : Two forms
Dioceous : Male and female flowers on different plants
Dirt : Another name of soil
Discoid : Disc-shaped
Dispersal : It is a process in which an organism spreads out
Dominant : It is the most abundant species in an area
Dormancy : It is a period in which a plant has no active growth in
response to harsh environmental conditions
Elater : A cell or a part of a cell which assists in dispersing spores
Ellipsoid : Eclipse-shaped
Emarginate : Deeply and irregularly notched at apex
Embryo : An embryo is a developing plant still inside the seed
Entemophylous : Pollinated by insects
Endemic : Endemic plants are native to an area and are only found in that area
Entire : Even margin, complete margin, no cut or lobation on margin
(of leaves)
Epigynous : Ovary seated above perianth

Epiphytes : A plant which grows upon another plants
Exstipulate : Without stipule, a leafy structure at the base of leaf
Extrose : Facing outward
Fascicled : Clustered at one point
Fertilizer : A material, added to soil to increase fertility and output
Fibrous root : A fibrous root is a type of root of a plant that has a lot of side
Fluted : Hollow
Foliage : Type of leaf
Follicle : Dry dehiscent fruit opening only by ventral suture
Fragrant : Emitting sweet smell
Gamo petalous : Petals united with each other
Gamo sepalous : Sepals united with each other
Gamo tepallus : Perianth united with each other
Glabrous : Without any hairy structure
Graft : A shoot or bud that has been joined to another plant
Gregarious : Very long – robust, profuge
Gynaecium : Female part of flower having ovary, style and stigma
Habit : The general growth pattern of a plant
Habitat : A space suitable for the survival and reproduction of an
Haustorial root : Root absorbs water and nutrients from another plant (not
from soil)
Heart wood : Central hardest part of wood/trunk
Hormone : It is a chemical in plant that regulates the plant's growth,
reproduction and another functions
Humus : Humus is the rich organic portion of the soil
Hydric : These are environmental conditions which are very wet
Hypogynous : Ovary inferior, sepals, petals and stamen above the ovary
Imbricate : Arrangement of corolla with two outer, one inner, and two
with one side outer other side inner
Imparipinnate : Leaflet in odd number on top
Indehiscent : A fruit that remains closed at maturity is indehiscent
Indigenous : An organism is one that leaves naturally in a particular reason
and were not introduced there by man
Inferior ovary : An ovary located below the flower parts
Inflorescence : Arrangement of flowers

Lanceolate : Shape of convex lens
Lateral : Near or from the side of an organism
Latex : Oozing milky sap or milky sap inside plant tissue
Leaflet : In a compound leaf the individual blades are known as leaflets
Lemma : A bract in a grass speculate that is located below the stamens
and pistil of the flower
Lenticellate : Slit-like raised cortical structure on the branches
Liana : It is a woody climbing wine that grows on tree trunks in order
to reach sun light in the rain forest
Linear : Very narrow, like a line
Loam : It is a type of rich crumbly soil that contains an almost equal
amount of sand and silt, plus a small amount of clay
Lomentum : Single seeded cell of pod, septate, and constricted between
two seeds
Mesophyte : A plant that has moderate water requirements
Mineral : A mineral is a naturally occurring solid of definite chemical
compositions whose atom usually form a regular pattern
Moniliform : Beaded in a row like a garland
Monoculture : It is a system of agriculture in which a single type of crop is
grown in an area
Monoecious : Unisexual, male and female flowers on the same plant
Mucronate : Small projection at the apex (acume)
Mycorrhyzae : It is a fungus that grows in a symbiotic relationship with the
roots of a plant
Nutrient : It is a chemical that an organism need to ingest in order to
Oblong : Longer than broad with narrowing margin towards base
Obpyramidal : Inverted pyramid shaped
Obsolete : Minute or wanting
Obtuse : Blunt top (apex)
Orbicular : Almost circular
Ovate : Egg shaped
Palmate : Hand like structure of a leaf
Peat : A type of soil which is composed of in completely decomposed
plant material that waterlogged and low in oxygen
Pedicel : Stalk of flower
Pedicillate : Stalked flowers

Peduncle : Stalk of inflorescence
Perennial : A plant which continues to grow after it has reproduced, usually
meaning that it lives for several years
Perianth : Vegetative covering of sexual organ in flower, sometime
differentiated into calyx and corolla
Peripinnate : Leaflet in even number
Pesticide : An agent that kills unwanted plants and insects
Petiole : A petiole is a leaf stalk on a compound leaf, the petiole extends
from the stem to the first set of leaflets
Petiolate : Petiolate means having a petiole
Phylloclade : Modified stem
Phyllode : Leaf has enlarged midrib without blades
Pinnate : Compound leaf with leaflets arranged on same rhachis at length
Polyhederal : Many faced, many angled
Prickle : Sharp outgrowth of a plant's epidermis
Procumbent : Creeping on ground then rising up
Pubescent : Carpeting of small soft hair
Rachis : Midrib of a leaf
Radical : Arising from stem base (leaves or branches)
Receptacle : Terminal portion of the flower stock
Reniform : Almost kidney-shaped
Repand : Leaf has a wavy margin
Reticulate : Weaved
Rhizome : Subterranean part between stem and root bearing buds that may
be used as a propagative part
Rhomboid : Quadrihedral with only opposite angles equal
Rosette : A series of whorls of leaves or leaf-like structure produced at
the base of the stem, just above the ground
Rugose : Ridged, rough or wrinkled
Sapling : A small young tree
Sapwood : It is an outer layer of wood in a tree and contains living cells
Sarmentose : Growing among bushes, with long flexuous runners
Scale : Tiny green leaves
Scandent : Weak plants that need support; climbing without any climbing
organ, and so on
Serrate : Margin of leaf cut into saw-shaped structure, pointing upwards
Sessile : Without any stalk

Sinuate : Wavy margins
Spathulate : Service spoon shaped
Spike : Sessile flowers arranged on peduncle
Spikelet : It is a secondary spike found in grasses; it is cluster of two or
more flowers in the inflorescence
Staminode : Barren stamen (infertile anthers)
Stellate : Star-shaped arrangement of short stiff hair (trichomes)
Stipitate : Stalked
Stipule : Paired, appendages found at the base of the leaves
Striate : Marked with vertical lines
Succulent : Thick, soft and juicy
Suffruticose : A herb becoming perennial at base and herbaceous at apices
Syncarpous : Fused carpels
Tap root : Type of root
Terete : Lined
Terminal bud : A bud located at the apex of a stem
Terrestrial : Growing in soil
Tester : Seed coat
Thorn : Modified stem
Tomentose : Dense, soft, layer of hair or cotton easily scraped off
Truncate : Flat topped
Tuber : A swollen, subterranean root containing reserve food material
Turbinate : Tube shaped
Variegated : Spotted with various colour
Veinlet : Small vein
Venation : The arrangement and pattern of veins in a leaf
Villous : Long soft shaggy hair
Vine : A plant that needs support as it grows
Whorl : Arising more than two from one node (leaf or branches)
Wood : A secondary tissue found in seed plants which consists largely
of xylem tissues
Xeric : Dry conditions
Zygomorphic : A symmetrical plain of flowers not divisible into equal halves

Glossary of medical terms
Aborticide : Expels and kills embryo
Abortifacient : A drug that induces foetus expulsion
Abortive : Effecting abortion
Abortion : Expulsion of foetus which is not viable during the first five
Abscess : Localized collection of pus in any part of body
Absorbents : Agents which absorb toxins on its surface. Absorbents are
used in diarrhea or vomiting
Acidity : Sign of indigestion- increase in the acid content in stomach
Acrid : Producing irritation or biting and pungent
Adjuvant : An impure ingredient introduced into a preparation
AIDS : (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)- A disease caused
by HIV virus, which suppresses an antidote
Alexipharmic : Which neutralizes a poison, acts as an antidote
Alexiteric : Developing resistance against infectious diseases
Alopecia : Baldness, loss of hair, a natural or abnormal condition
Alterative : A drug that alters body condition by improving metabolism;
used against long effect of a medicine
Amenorrhoea : Failure of menstruation
Amoebicide : Kills amoebae (e.g. Ipecac)
Anaemia : Decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood, decrease
haemoglobin content of blood
Anaesthetics : Drugs that produce temporary loss of sensation
(a)Affects whole system by bringing unconsciousness
(b)Acts on specific parts of system
Analgesic : Pain killer
Anaphrodisiacs : Are agents which allay or diminish or weaken the sexual desire
Anasarca : Generalized oedema
Anodyne : A drug used to allay pain
Antacid : To neutralize acidic effect in abdomen
Antalkaline : Agents which neutralize an alkaline state of the system
Anthelmintic : A drug used to expel or destroy intestinal worms
Antiarthritic : A remedy against gout, rheumatism or affections of the joints

Antibiliary/A-biloius : Which are useful in bilious affections
Antibiotics : Agents produced by or derived from living cells of molds,
bacteria or other plants which destroy or inhibit the growth of
microbes (Antibacterial agents) in body
Antibodies : Are specific protective substances produced by the tissue cells
of the host in response to an antigen
Antibronchial : Working against respiratory track infection and Congestion
Anticoagulant : Substance which prevent clotting of blood
Anticonvulsant : Agents which abort or prevent convulsion
Antidiabetic : Medicine preventing or overcoming diabetes by lowering
blood sugar
Antidote : Counteracting the action or effect of poisons
Antidysenteric : Medicine given against dysentery
Antiemetic : A drug used to control vomiting
Antiepileptic : Used to relieve or prevent convulsion in epilepsy
Antifertility : A drug that inhibits formation of ova or sperm
Antigalactagogue : That decreases the secretion of milk
Antihistaminic : A drug used for controlling skin irritation and itching caused
due to increase of blood histamine
Antihydrotic : Drug which diminishes perspiration
Anti-inflammatory : A drug used to cure swellings
Antilithics : (Lithontriptrics)- Agents preventing or depositing of renal,
vesicant or biliary calculous medicines used for the relief of
calculous affections
Antimalarial : Prevents or cures malaria
Antineuralgic : Relieves neuralgic pain
Antiparasitic : Destroys parasites infecting the surface of the body
Antiperiodic : A drug that prevents recurrence of a disease
Antiphlogestic : An agent used for reducing or subsiding Inflammations
Antipodagric : Used in gout
Antipruritic : Used to relieve itching
Antipyretic : A drug or a medicine used to lower body temperature in fever
Anti-rheumatic : A drug used against joint pain and swellings
Antirhinitis : Clearing of nasal mucous by subsiding nasal membrane
Antiscorbutic : A drug that corrects or cures scurvy

Antiseptic : Prevention of putrefaction or sepsis of wounds and cuts
Antisialagogues : Which decrease or check the secretion of saliva
Antispasmodic : A medicine that releases nervous irritability and reduces spasm
or convulsion
Antisudorific : Anhydrotic
Antisyphilitic : A drug which is effective against syphilis
Antitubercular : Agents used against tuberculosis
Antitussive : A drug controlling cough
Antivirotic : Harmful to viruses; used to treat viral infections
Aperient : Mild laxative/cathartic
Aphrodisiac : Drug increasing the sexual desire and longevity
Aphthae : Small ulcers in the mouth
Appetizer : Increasing digestion and hunger
Aromatic : An agent that emits sweet smell
Arthritis : Inflammation of joints
Ascaricide : Drug that destroys round worms
Asthma : A disease characterized by wheezing, coughing
Astringent : A drug that contracts the muscular membrane
Atrophy : Wasting, emaciation, loss of tissue
Attenuant : An agent increasing the fluidity or thinness of the blood or
other secretion
Bacteriostatic : Agents which tend to retard the growth of microorganisms
but do not kill them
Balsamic : Medicine of healing or soothing kind
Bechic : Remedies for cough
Biliousness : Term used to describe the giddiness vomiting etc.
Bitters : Medicines that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, without
influencing the general system
Boil : An inflamed pus-filled swelling caused by infection of a hair
Bronchitis : Inflammation of the mucuous membrane in the bronchial tubes
Bronchodiltaor : A drug that widens the trachea, thus easing Congestion
Cancer : A malignant new growth in any part of the body
Cardiac : Pertaining to the heart
Cardiac Depressant : Reduces frequency or force or both of heart action
Cardiac stimulant : (Cardiotonic)- Stimulates frequency or force of heart action

Caries : Destruction in teeth
Carminative : A drug that releases intestinal gases or flatulence
Cataract : Opacity or clouding of the lens of the eye
Catarrhal : Mucous membrane inflammation with excessive secretion of
Cathartic : Drastic purgative, totally expelling rectal stool
Caustics : Substances that destroy or disorganize living tissue, by
destroying the vitality of the part on which it is applied
Cephalic : Pertaining to head
Cerebral Depressant : (Sedative)- Decreases functional activity of higher centres of
Chalybeate : Contains iron and is used as a tonic in anaemia
Chicken pox : A contagious diseases resulting in sporadic eruption of papules
Cholagogue : A drug inducing excessive secretion of bile juice
Choleretic : Drug increases bile secretion or formation by liver
Coagulants : Drugs that hasten blood coagulation
Colic : Severe spasmodic and gripping pain in colon region
Convulsants : Agents that cause convulsions
Cordiacs : Pertaining to heart
Corrosive : Drug that destroys organic tissue either by direct chemic
means or by causing inflammation, strong alkali or acid
Debility : Weakness of solid or muscular fibre
Deliriant : Blunt cerebral function so as to disorder or confuse the
Demulcent : Soothing medicine for digestive function
Dengue fever : An epidemic viral disease having fever and body pain
Dentrifices : Powder or parts used for cleaning the teeth and gums
Deobstruent : Removes obstructions in bowel
Deodorants : Substances which destroy, remove or correct offensive or
disagreeable or foetid odours and emanations
Depilatory : Kills growth or remove hair
Depressants : Diminishes functional activities of any cell, tissue, organ and
Depurant : Purifier
Derivativies : Withdraw blood from the seat of disease to some other part of
body, usually to relieve Congestion

Dermatitis : Inflammation of the skin causing discomforts such as eczema
Dessicant : Dries up moist surfaces
Diabetes : A metabolic disorder characterized by excessive elimination
of urine
Diaphoretic : Drug inducing perspiration
Diarrhoea : Gastro-intestinal disease resulting in the increased frequency
or fluidity of stool
Digestants : Aids the process or speed of digestion, often by increasing
the efficiency of break down and absorption of food in the
stomach and intestines
Diptheria : An infectious disease of throat and fauces in which false
membrane form
Discutient : Causes a tumour, exudates or other pathological formation to
disappear, reduces swelling
Diuretic : Increasing urination frequency
Dizziness : A condition of feeling giddy or unsteady
Dropsy : A leakage of the watery part of the blood into any tissues of
the body
Dysentery : Bacterial or protozoal infections in mucous membrane of
intestine, leading to blood or mucous in stool
Dysmenorrhoea : Painful menstrual flow
Dyspepsia : Indigestion with gastric pain
Ecbolics : Increases uterine contraction and aids in or hastens expulsion or
or Oxytoics delivery of child during birth; those which produce abortion or
facilitate parturition
Eczema : Acute non contagious inflammation of the skin
Emetic : Causes or produces vomiting
Emmenagogue : A drug that restores regularity in menstrual cycle
Emollient : Drug that soothes, softens, relaxes and protects the skin
Emulgent : An agent stimulates urinary or bile flow
Epilepsy : An affectation of the nervous system resulting from excessive
or disordered discharge of cerebral neurons
Epistatic : Vesicatory or substance, which applied locally to the skin,
produces a blister, causing redness of the surface
Errhines : Increases nasal secretions or discharge, resulting in sneezing
Escharotic : A powerful caustic, destroying tissue when in contract and
producing eschars (scarce or dry crusts)

Euphoric : Produces an artificial state of happiness
Evacuant : Purgatives laxative, cathartics, aperients
Excitant : Stimulates vital activity in any part of organism
Expectorant : A drug expelling phlegm from trachea
Febrifuge : A drug used to cure fever
Fisture : A linear sore with a narrow base
Flatulance : That presence of an excess of gas in stomach and intestine
Foeticide : Drug that destroys the embryo in vitro
Fungistatic : An agent inhibits the growth of fungi
Galactagogue : Increasing and activating mammary gland
Galactophyge : Decreases secretion and/or flow of milk
Gangrene : Death of tissues followed by putrefaction
Gastric sedative : Reduces gastric irritation, thus allaying nausea and vomiting;
increases gastric function, thus acting as tonic
Geriatric : Pertaining to old age
Germicide : An agent that kills germs and worms
Gleet : Chronic discharge from vagina
Goitre : Enlargement of thyroid glands
Gonorrhoea : Inflammation of the gentio-urinary passage with pain and
Gout : A purine metabolic disease with raised level of serum uric
acid (blood urea)
Gynaecological : Pertaining to female genital organ
Haematinic / : Are blood tonics, improves haemoglobin of the blood
Haemophilic : Loss of blood coagulation property in which blood continues
to flow on cuts
Haemoptypsies : Spitting of blood
Haemorrhage : Bleeding piles
Haemostatic : Blood coagulant, preventing bleeding
Helminthogogue : Wormifuge
Hemagogue : Destructive to the blood vessels
Hemolytic : Promotes destruction of red blood cells
Hepatic : Pertaining to liver
Hepatitis : Inflammation of the liver
Hepatic stimulant : Increases or stimulates liver function

Herpes : Viral disease with development of vesicles on inflammatory
Hodgkins disease : A disease characterized by progressive enlargement of lymph
glands and spleen
Hydrocholeretic : Increases secretion of relatively thin bile with high water
Hydrogogue : Promoting expulsion of water or serum
Hydrophobia : Dread of water contracted from bite of rabid animal
Hyper lipidemia : Reducing fat on joints
Hypertension : High blood pressure
HypnicorHypnotic : Agents to induce sleep
Hypoglycaemic : Lowering blood sugar
Hypotensive : Lowering blood pressure
Hysteria : Neurotic attack with unusual activities and symptoms
Impotence : Inability to engage in sexual intercourse
Impetigo : A streptococcal skin infection causing crusted erosions
Influenza : Acute infectious febrile disorder, cause by a virus
Insecticides : Agents kill insects and related microorganisms
Insomnia : Sleeplessness
Intoxicant : Excites or stupifies poisons
Irritant : Agent which induces inflammation or irritation
Jaundice : Deposition of bile pigments in body
Lactagogue : Increasing milk secretion
Lactation : Formation and secretion of milk
Laxative : Smoothening rectal wall and loosening the stool
Leprosy : Chronic contagious diseases due to infection with Lepra
Leucoderma : A skin condition characterized by defective whitish
Leucorrhoea : White fluid discharge from vagina
Laukaemia : A disease of blood with great increase in numbers of white
blood corpuscles
Lumbago : Muscular pain in the lumbar region
Malaria : Chronic fever caused by protozoa, Plasmodium, an acute
infectious epidemic disease
Measles : An acute viral infectious disease with fever and rash

Menorrhagia : Excessive menstrual flow
Menses : The monthly uterine bleeding of women
Migraine : A painful headache often accompanied by giddiness
Mumps : Virus infection which causes acute inflammation of parotid
Myopia : An optical defect of near vision which prevents a clear focus
Narcotics : Tends to paralyze nervous system, producing systemic stupor
and death
Nausea : Causes sensation of sickness of stomach, which may or may
not proceed to emesis
Nervine : An agent that increases nerve strength
Nerualgia : Sudden severe pains radiating along the course of a nerve
Nerve sedative : Allays nervous excitement
Nerve stimulant : Increases nervous excitement and irritability (stimulates the
Neuropathy : Diseases related to CNS (central nervous system)
Neurotic : A drug acts on central nervous system
Nutrient(Nutritive) : Medicines included in tonic and stimulant
Odontralgics/Odontic : Relieves or reduces severity of toothache
Oedima : Inflammation
Ophthalmic : Pertaining to eye diseases like conjunctivitis
Opiate : Promotes sleep
Opthalmia : Severe inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye
Orchitis : Inflammation of testis with hypertrophy and pain
Orthopedic : Relates to the correction of physical deformities
Ocytocic : A drug increases expulsive power of uterus and aids in
childbirth by stimulation of uterine contractions
Pactoral : Useful in diseases of respiratory tract
Panacea : It claimed to cure all or many diseases
Paralysis : Loss of the power of motion, sensation or function of any
part of the body
Paraplegia : Paralysis, loss of ability to move or feel in the lower part of
Parasiticide : Destroys parasites
Parturient : Parturifacient- Aids in child birth by inducing or accelerating

Peptic ulcer : Ulceration in stomach or duodenum due to hyper acidity
Phlegm : Mucous secretion in respiratory track
Phthisis : Pulmonary tuberculosis
Piles : Enlarged or dilated blood vessels or veins in swollen tissues
of the anal canal
Pneumonia : Inflammation of the lungs, resulting the lungs becoming solid
Post-natal : After child birth
Prophylactic : Prevents diseases (Quinine)
Pruritus : Skin itching
Ptalagogue : Silagogue
Pulmonary : Pertaining to lungs
Pulmonary-sedative : A drug which reduces coughing by relieving irritation
Pungent : Agent has a sharp and acrid taste
Purgative : Loosening stool to help exersion, thus curing Constipation
Pustulants : Produces pustules (pus containing lesions) usually for
purposes of counter- irritation
Pyorrhoea : A purulent discharge from gums
Rabies : A fatal virus disease passed on to man by the bite of infected
Refrigerant : Cooling effect
Rejuvinative : Antiageing, prolonging life
Relaxant : Reduces tension or strain of tissue, organ, system
Remittent fever : A fever which has the daily variation of 2°F but never falls to
Renal depressant : Decreases or suspends flow of urine by reducing kidney action
Resolvant : Causing resolution of a tumor or swelling
Respiratorysedative : Respiratory depressant- Decreases force or slows rate of
Respiratorystimulant : Increases or accelerates force or frequency of respiration
Restorative : Resumptive- Renews strength and vigour
Revulsant/Revulsive : Acts as a derivative or counter-irritant, when applied locally
Rheumatism : A general term used for disease of muscle, joint, bone resulting
in discomfort
Rickets : A vitamin-D deficiency disease of bones of children, marked
by faulty ossification

Ringworm : A contagious disease produced by fungi that affects skin, hair
or nails
Rubifacient : Producing counter effect on external application
Scabies : A contagious disease of skin caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabi
Sciatica : Neuralgic pain along the course of sciatic nerve
Sclerosis : Hardening of soft tissue resulting from overgrowth of fibrous
Scrofula : Tubercular cervical adenitis, with or without ulceration
Scurvy : A vitamin-C deficiency disease, causing extreme weakness
and spongy gums
Sedative : Central nervous system depressant in which a person is made
calm or asleep
Sialagogue : Increases salivation by stimulating secretion and flow of saliva
Simple Purgative : Causes active purgation without inflammation or depression
Small pox : An eruptive contagious disease marked by chills, high fever,
and headache
Somnifacient : Hypnotic; which produces sleep without delirium
Soporific : Drug that induces sleep
Sorbefacient : Produces or aids or promotes or facilitates absorption of
Spasmodic : Pertaining to spasms
Specific : Has direct curative or prophylactic influence on certain
individual diseases
Sprain : To wrench or tear a ligament or muscle of a joint without
dislocating joint or fracture of the bones
Sternutatory : Errhine; which causes sneezing
Stimulant : Increases or augments normal functional activity or specific
portions of body; as intestinal, cardiac and respiratory
Stomachic : A drug used for improving digestion
Styptic : Blood purifier
Sudorific/Diaphoretic : Induces profuse sweating
Synergist : Aids the action of another drug in one way or another
Syphilis : A venereal disease caused by Treponema pallidum
Taeniacide : Drug that kills tapeworms
Tatanus : An infectious disease caused by the Bacillus clostridium tetani
Thermogenic : Producing heat offer metabolism

Thrombosis : A blockage preventing the flow of blood in the body caused
by clot
Tonic : Improves or increase general bodily tone and vitality;
restoring strength and energy
Tonsilitis : Inflammation of the tonsils
Tranquilizer : A drug used to calm a person and reduce mental activity
Tuberculosis : An infectious disease caused by the Tuberculi bacillus
Tumor : An abnormal swelling of the body
Tympanitis : Swelling in tympanum
Typhoid : Infectious disease caused by bacteria, it causes fever and
intestinal disorders
Ulcer : Any open sore other than a wound
Urticaria : Nettle rashes on skin
Uterine sedative : Reduces hypermotility of uterus, hence prevents or tends to
prevent miscarriage
Vaso-constrictor : Medicine that causes diminution or constriction of lumen of
small blood vessels
Vaso-dilators : Produces dilatation of the peripheral vessels, and the
arterioles, lowers the blood pressure, and thus relieves the
heart, increase circulation and equalize blood pressure; used
to relieve internal congestion
Venereal : Sexual diseases
Vermicide : Agent the kills intestinal worms
Vermifuge : Expelling or destroying intestinal worms
Vertigo : Dizziness, a feeling of spinning
Vesicant : Irritates skin sufficiently to cause watery blisters or vesicles
to form
Vulnerary : A healing agent for wounds
Whooping cough : Cough with a peculiar whooping sound
Zomotherapy : Involves treatment of disease by administration of raw meat
diet, muscle plasma, meat juice etc.


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