Yesbud Project Template 1

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Type the title of your project here


Paul Mudzwiti, 2Name of Lecturer

Yesbud University, School of Humanities & Social Sciences
SIN Number
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for International conferences. Use this document as a
template for your course project, if you are using Microsoft Office Word 6.0 or later. Use this template as an instruction set.
Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the
bottom of this column. Abstract must be between 300-500 words. Do not change the font and style of writing in each
section. Number of pages for the whole paper must be between 5-10 pages, Font: Abstract; Roman 9, Single spacing and
Main Paper; Roman 10, Single spacing. Key Issues to address in the abstract: Purpose/Objectives, Methodology/Design used
in the project, Results/Findings, Originality/ Value of the project.

Keywords: Specify five key words and separate them with commas. The title becomes the basis for most on-line computer
searches - if your title is insufficient, few people will find or read your paper.

1.6Establishment of the gap and Personal

1. INTRODUCTION critique summary
1.1 Background
Quite literally, the Introduction must answer the Detailed and careful evaluation of the literature
questions, "What was being studied in the project? review presented focusing on; past methodologies
Why was it an important question? What did we used, results or findings obtained, sample sizes,
know about it before the study was conducted? How location and year when the research was conducted
will this study advance our knowledge?"
Key concepts in the project must be clearly 2. METHODOLOGY/RESEARCH
defined or explained DESIGN
Historical perspective or interventions
2.1 Project Design / Approach
1.2 Statements of the problem Research design refers to a plan of a research
Demonstrate or show existence of the problem study. The design of a study defines the study type
that the project seeks to address. The problem must (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental,
be clearly stated, Quotations from reliable sources experimental, review, meta-analytic) and if
supporting the existence of the problem may be applicable, data collection methods and a statistical
presented. analysis plan. Research design is the framework that
has been created to seek answers to research
1.3 Objectives of the project questions.
The objectives of the project must be clearly The research design shows that the researcher
stated (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, is able to tackle the research problem in a coherent
Realistically stated and Timely) and explicit way. Research design is a blue print or
plan for conducting a research project, it shows the
1.4 Theoretical Framework / Model
approach taken when conducting the project. Must
Identification of a theory or model for the follow the scientific approach or methodology in
project or development of a conceptual framework order to arrive at valid and reliable results and
The theory or model identified or constructed conclusions.
must be applied the problem being investigated and
There are many ways to classify research
designs, but sometimes the distinction is artificial and
1.5 Literature Review
other times different designs are combined.
(Global, regional and Zambian perspective, previous studies and Nonetheless, the list below offers a number of useful
comparative studies)
distinctions between possible research designs.
Review of literature related to the study,
literature must be narrowed down and funneled from
Descriptive (e.g., case-study, naturalistic observation,
global, regional and Zambian perspective. Previous survey)
studies and comparative studies may also be reviewed
and presented.
Type the title of your project here

Correlational - e.g., case-control study, observational

study Qualitative data analysis (Related themes)
Semi-experimental - e.g., field experiment, quasi-
experiment 3.2. Discussion and Interpretation of Findings
Experimental - experiment with random assignment Interpretation of research findings and
Review - literature review, systematic review explanation for the findings obtained
Meta-analytic (meta-analysis) Key project findings must be compared with
Other research types include action, causal, other local or international research findings
exploratory, historical, mixed-method and Comparison between the research findings
philosophical research. generated in the project undertaken and the findings
that other researchers produced. Implications,
2.2 Sampling procedure Lessons learned and Recommendations
Sampling technique for data collection,
Probability sampling techniques (Simple CONCLUSIONS
random, Stratified random, Cluster, Systematic and It is important to have a strong conclusion. The
Cluster-multistage sampling) goal of your conclusion is not to introduce any new
None Probability Sampling ideas, but to sum up everything. Specifically, your
techniques(Convenience, Purposive, Quota and Snow conclusion may restate the main idea of your project,
ball sampling). Justification for choosing the thesis statement, summarize your objectives and
sampling design appropriate for the project must be make a final impression of the project results. You
stated as well as its application. may number your conclusions

2.3 Target populations and Sample size ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Target population or institutions and reasons Acknowledgement of the input and guidance
for targeting them must be stated, applied consistently made by lecturers, supervisors etc. May also
with the project design and sampling technique and acknowledge help received from institutions;
the sample size to be considered in the project. Government Ministries, government departments,
NGOs, firms, Businesses, Households, etc.)
2.4 Instruments of data collection
Data collection tools to be used for data REFERENCES
collection; between 20-50 questionnaires (Harvard System/ style, Must be arranged in alphabetical order)

2.5Data analysis techniques In-text citations are used when directly quoting or
Method of analysis to be used, and the tools paraphrasing a source. Depending on the source type,
to be used for analysis Rhemaforms, SPSS, STATA, some Harvard Reference in-text citations may look
EVIEWS, Excel, etc. something like this :(Fitzgerald, 2004).
Book References: Last name, First initial. (Year
2.6Ethical Considerations published). Title. Edition. (Only include the edition if
Ethical clearance, seeking respondents it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher,
consent, Confidentiality of results, any other Page(s).
Journal References: Last name, First initial. (Year
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue),
3.1. Results / Research findings
Presentation of research findings, must APPENDIX
clearly show the background characteristics of the Attachment of questionnaires and/or any other
respondents that were involved important documents
Graphical presentation
Using appropriate charts for the variable being
presented (pie, bar, area, scatter plots, tables, etc.)
Scope of data analysis may include
The use of frequencies, percent, proportions,
ratios, cross tabulations, etc. show graphs and figures.

Analytical topics may require

Regression models, Hypothesis testing using chi-
squire tests, test, etc.Show graphs and figures.
Researcher must separately submit the
electronic copyof their data (Excel, SPSS, and

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