THS2 2019 v2 Syllabus

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This course (Thesis Course 2 for MGT/IBS Majors) is the final requirement of students enrolled in the Business
Management (MGT) Program or Interdisciplinary Business Studies (IBS) Program, during which they must
complete a thesis that focuses on a particular business-related problem or concern previously proposed in the
Thesis 1 course.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:


Effective communicators  Effective delivery of presentation; active participation of group
members; convincing and satisfactory answers are given to questions
asked by panel members
Critical and creative  Results of the study substantially provide insights towards the
thinkers attainment of research objectives, and consequently of the research
problem; hypotheses are clearly proven or disproven by the results of
the study; conclusions are formulated with the research objectives and
statements of hypotheses in mind; recommendations, if any, clearly flow
from the results of the study.
 Shows evidence that research process undertaken adheres closely to the
operational framework, which must be adequately illustrated in the
presentation of findings and discussion of results; paper substantially
covers the variables sought to be investigated; findings do not contradict
assumptions stated in the study
Technically proficient and  Thesis contains the essential elements from the Preliminaries (i.e. Title
competent professionals and Page, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, List of
leaders Appendices) to the main body (i.e. Introduction or Background of the
study, Statement of the Problem, Research Objectives, Theoretical /
Conceptual Framework, Operational Framework, Review of Related
Literature, Research Design and Methodology, Presentation of the
Findings, Discussion of Results, Conclusion and Recommendations) to
the Appendices
 The thesis is written in correct grammar, and in a manner that is
organized and easy to understand; tables, figures, and appendices are
properly labeled and effectively supplement the textual material;
citations and bibliographic entries correspond to each other, and follow
the APA format
 The processes of data gathering and data analysis are clearly explained;
shows evidence of adherence to the proposed methods; explains any
deviation from the proposed methodology (e.g. those related to
sampling, sources of information, etc.) that could significantly affect the
results of the study.
Service-driven, ethical, and  Thesis conclusion and recommendation contribute to the betterment of
socially responsible citizens society and individuals
As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student is required to do and submit the following
during the indicated dates of the term.


LO 1: Review of thesis Thesis proposal (with letter 3 week
proposal to assess to thesis coordinator for
attainability of research any changes in research
objectives, research design, design and methodology
and methodology to solve previously approved by
the research problem/s proposal defense panelist.
The letter should be
approved by the thesis
LO 2: Ability to gather and First thesis draft 6th week
analyze data to solve the
thesis problem
LO 3: Recommend solution Final thesis draft 9th week
to the thesis problem and
identify future implications
and areas for further

Note: Each LO need not have its own output or work. Outputs may be in the form of a product to be submitted
or a performance to be done (e.g., demonstration).

RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT: Please see Thesis Final Paper Rubric

The student will be graded according to the following:
Thesis Proposal (Paper and Oral Presentation – Please see rubric) 70%
Peer Evaluation 10%
Self Evaluation 10%
Advisers (Attendance, Attitude, Learning and Contribution) 10%
Final Grade 100%

LO1 1. Introduction to the Week 1-3 Group meetings and consultation with
course thesis advisers. If changes in research
2. Review of the course design and methodology will be made,
requirement a letter to the thesis coordinator should
3. Assess attainability of be submitted disclosing the changes
proposed research approved by the thesis adviser.
objectives, research
design and
LO2 1. Data Gathering Week 4-9  Group meetings and
2. Thesis Writing consultation with thesis
3. Review of the course

requirements advisers
 Data gathering and analysis
 Writing of thesis draft

LO2 Submission of first draft to Week 5  Consultation with thesis

thesis advisers adviser

Submission of final thesis Week 6  Consultation with thesis

draft to adviser adviser
Submission of thesis for Week 8  Consultation with thesis
oral presentation adviser
Thesis Defense Week 9  Distribution of thesis to
Week 10  Thesis presentation to panel
 Evaluation and grading of
thesis presentation
Revised thesis Week 11-  Writing of thesis revisions
12  Approval of panel of revised
 Re-defense for group/s with
grade lower than 70%
Week 13  Submission of final copy
(hardbound and CD’s) to the
DSI Department c/o DSI



May 25, 2019 General Assembly TBA
June 10, 2019 Deadline: Letter of Changes DSI until 4PM only
July 22, 2019 Deadline: 3 ringbind thesis DSI until 4PM only
July 27 or 29 2019 Thesis 2 Defense proper Faculty Center
August 3 2019 One week revision of thesis deadline DSI
August 9, 2019 Final Thesis (bookbind) DSI

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,
5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Cooper, D. and P. Schindler. (2008). Business Research Methods (10th ed). McGraw-Hill.
Huck, S. (2008). Reading Statistics and Research (5th ed.). Pearson Education, inc.
Yin, R. (2003). Applications of case study research ( 2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
Yin, R. (2003). Case study research: design and methods (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
Zikmund, W. (2003). Business research methods, 7th ed. USA: The Dryden Press.

APA citation style. (2007). Retrieved February 17, 2008, from
Thesis Guidelines 2019

-Enroll on your designated thesis course as listed in your flowchart. For instance all MGT should enroll either
THS-MG1 or THSMAN1, while all IBS should enroll either THS-IN1 or THSINT1. –For Thesis 2, proceed to
same thesis course code but ensure you enrolled to the right adviser. Failure to do so will receive a 0.0 from the
wrong adviser.

Submit your papers on the allotted time. Failure to do so means a 0.0 for the entire course. Penalty deductions
of minus 2 from adviser’s 10 will be given for those who submitted late one hour after deadline.

I. Groupings
1. Minimum requirement for each group is at least 2 members.
2. Maximum limit for each group is 4 members only.
3. Each group compose of strictly either all MGT or all IBS
4. Each member should have at least finished BUSIRES, IBS-RES or the like.
5. Enrollment for thesis 1 shall be open prior to the start of the term and a section transfer would occur
one week after General Assembly.
7. Enrollment for thesis 2 shall follow the respective adviser assigned from thesis 1, unless a letter of
change for the adviser was issued by the students or the adviser defer duties due to other reasons.
8. In case a group member wants to change grouping, this can only be done on the next term with a letter
of request for the transfer to another group. The accepting group shall sign on the letter as acceptance.

II. Thesis (follow APA format, Times New Roman 12, Double Space)
A. Format (Thesis 1)
1. Background of the study
a. Statement of the problem
b. Objectives of the study
c. Significance of the study
d. Scope and limitations
2. Review of Related Literature
a. Synthesis (optional)
3. Framework of the study
a. Theoretical Framework
b. Conceptual/Operational Framework
c. Hypothesis/Proposition
d. Assumptions of the study
e. Operational definition of terms
4. Methodology
a. Research Locale
b. Research Design
c. Sampling Design
d. Research Instrument
e. Statistical Treatment of Data
5. References

B. Format (Thesis 2)
1. Continue chapter 1 to 4 from thesis 1
2. Chapter 5 – Results and Analysis
3. Chapter 6 – Conclusion and Recommendation

C. Topics

Groups may choose to do a basic research or an applied research, preferably on a topic or problem
encountered while doing their coursework in MGT major subjects starting with Busires/IBS res or other
Business Research course. Topics must be approved by the thesis adviser before any work can be done.
A study or project done for a host company may be approved as a research topic, provided that the
research design and methodology meet the standards of a thesis project, and provided that additional data
gathering will be undertaken. The proponents must also secure the written consent of the host company to
undertake the research project.
Groups may choose to follow research agenda of the DSI department.
Business plans, Strategy Papers, Feasibility Analysis, and Information System Plans are not allowed as thesis
topics. Companies used for these papers, however, can still be the respondents for the thesis.
 IT/IS Development for MSMEs
 Entrepreneurial/Management
 Corporate Entrepreneurship
 Business Development/ Market Research
 Entrepreneurial Mindset
 Family Business
 Supply Chain Management
 Sustainable Business
 Social Entrepreneurship
 Information Technology/Information System
 System Analysis and Design
 Technology & Innovation Management of SMEs
 Events Management
 Entrepreneurship Education
 Internationalization Patterns of SMEs
 Integration of Sustainability in Business Education
 Business & Poverty Alleviation
 Innovation Capabilities
 Information Technology/Information System

III. Adviser and Panelists

After the GA, the thesis coordinator should prepare the list of students with their tentative thesis titles or
topics. This shall be forwarded to the DSI faculty pool for selection of thesis adviser via the rankings provided
by the department. Each faculty could select a maximum of 4 per program (with a maximum total of only 8
groups assigned to the faculty). As per requirement by the registrar, section transfer should be done during 2 nd
week of the term.
Panelists are randomly selected from the DSI faculty pool and be based on the availability of the faculty
on said time slot. For thesis 2, retention of same panel if possible.

IV. Defense Proper

1. Defending groups must be ready with their presentation equipment before their time schedule. They
are likewise required to come in business attire.

2. Defending groups are discouraged from buying food for the panelists. The DSI Department will take
care of providing the food, using the budget taken from the thesis fee paid by the students.

3. In case any of the panelists is absent during the scheduled defense, the adviser and the other panelist
should report this to the thesis coordinator. The thesis coordinator, after contacting and confirming
with the panelist of his/her unavailability, will meet with the thesis adviser and the panelist present,
to decide to continue or to re-schedule the defense. If defense will continue as decided, then the

thesis coordinator will sit as replacement panelist. If the coordinator is not available, the assistant
thesis coordinator will sit as panelist. In case the assistant coordinator is not available, then any DSI
faculty available at the time of the defense will be requested to sit as panelist.

4. A pre-defense conference will be called by the chair of the panel with the panel and the adviser. This
will allow the panel to set the direction of the question and answer portion to optimize the time
allotted. This can also be used by the panel to clarify some issues with the thesis adviser.

5. Each group will be given 15-20 minutes to present the highlights of the thesis before a panel of two
(2) faculty members, one of which is designated as the chairman. The next 30 minutes are allotted
for questions from the panelists. The last 10 minutes are allotted for the deliberation of the grade,
during which the group members are requested to leave the room.

6. The adviser is allowed to stay in the room during the defense, but is not allowed to answer for the

7. The group must make sure that the comments of the members of the panel are documented and
revisions are submitted a week after the defense. It is the responsibility of the group to look for the
panelists and let them sign on the panelist approval sheet after all revisions are met.

8. Once the defense is completed, the group will be given at least one week to submit the required
revisions to their panelists. Once the revisions are met, the group should accomplish the panelist’s
approval to be duly signed by BOTH of their panelists and the adviser.

9. The group should submit the following on the prescribed deadline given by the thesis coordinator.

10. If a student is absent during the thesis defense, he or she will incur a 0 grade for the oral presentation

11. The defense grade represents 70% of overall grade. The average grades of the panelists and adviser
(Chair + Panel + Adviser/3).

12. The panelists are requested to turn over to the panel chair the evaluation sheets, duly accomplished
and signed. The panel chair shall then turn over the three evaluation sheets and the Summary
Evaluation Sheet to the thesis coordinator.

13. If the group failed the thesis defense then it is automatic 0.0.


a. One (1) RINGBOUND copy –green back cover final thesis proposal, duly approved by the panel as
evidenced by the Approval Sheet, which should serve as the cover page of the thesis

b. No extension of the deadline will be made. The group that submits beyond the deadline will
automatically get a “0.0” for their defense grade. The group must comply to the requirements
prescribed by the panelists.

V. Grading
1. Each panelist will be provided with Thesis Proposal Paper Rubric (student will insert the grading
sheet rubric in their thesis paper), which will be the basis for the grades.

2. Grade composition
a. Thesis Defense Grade 70% (Chair + Panel + Adviser’s Grade/3)

b. Adviser’s Rating 10%
The adviser could give the remaining 10% provided the students were able to pass the defense
proper. Adviser could use the following breakdown:
i. 3% Attendance – the student actively meet up with the adviser for consultation that also
include general assembly.
ii. 3% Learning Assessment – the student show initiative and willingness to learn from the
adviser. Shows improvement from 1st week to the last week.
iii. 3% Contribution– the student provide good results in terms of assigned thesis work and
show good rapport with other group members.
iv. 1% Attitude – the student encourages other members to do their best and show great deal
of respect to other members as well as the adviser.

c. Self-Evaluation 10%
d. Peer Evaluation 10%

Note: If failed on thesis defense then it is automatic 0.0. There is no need to submit for peer and self-

VI. Documents
Three ring bind thesis should be submitted on the deadline set by the thesis adviser. Defense proper is
set 2 to 3 weeks prior to the department exams.

1. Thesis 2 – One book-binded thesis with green cover and proper DLSU labeling plus 1 CDs
(with softcopy of thesis and pertinent data)
2. Thesis 1 - One ring-binded thesis
3. All documents need the signature of the two panelists and adviser prior to the submission to
the department

VII. Best Thesis

1. Groups that get a grade of at least 97% are automatically nominated for best thesis
2. Groups that qualified will submit extended abstract for external panelists/judges to rate based on a
new rubric.
3. Groups ratings will be ranked and the highest score will be awarded gold, 2nd silver, third bronze
4. If only one group qualified as nominee for best thesis, the group will be automatically awarded Gold
5. In case of tie, then both groups shall be declared co-winners or co-medalists.

Grades Equivalent
4.0 97-100
3.5 93-96
3.0 89-92
2.5 85-88
2.0 80-84
1.5 75-79
1.0 70-74
0.0 Below 70

CLASS POLICIES: Please refer to student handbook

Prepared by:

Junius Yu
Thesis Coordinator

Noted by:

Dr. Harvey Ong

Chair, Decision Sciences and Innovation

Approved by:

Dr. Brian Gozun,

Dean, RVR College of Business


Regular weekly meeting with thesis adviser is required, unless stated by adviser. Schedule and venue will be as
agreed upon by the thesis group and the adviser. Please provide the courtesy and respect to your respective
adviser as well as your groupmates in attending meeting, submitting documents on time and become
responsible student.


I hereby attest that I have read and understood all the pertinent conditions stated from this syllabus and guidelines that are
needed to pass this course and do due diligence to remain truthful, honorable and responsible as a student of DLSU,
RVR College of Business, Decision Sciences and Innovation Department.

Signature and printed name of student

Date: ___________________

Noted by:

Signature and printed name of parent/guardian

Date: ___________________

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