Hypanated Technieqes Degradation Study

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Worldwide regulatory authorities like International Conference on Harmonization
(ICH), the United States Food and Drug administration (FDA), and the Canadian
Drug and Health Agency (CDHA) are emphasizing on the purity requirements and the
identification of impurities in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). In recent
years, hyphenated techniques have received tremendous attention as it is been seen as
the principal means to solve complex analytical problems. The combined power of
separation technologies with spectroscopic techniques has been predominantly used
over the years for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of unknown compounds
from complex natural product extracts or fractions. The market of medicine is getting
flooded with many formulations in which combination of different API is there. Each
of this can undergo process of degredation and lead to formation of cytotoxic,
genotoxic and other types of impurities. The hyphenated techniques have provided
analytical chemist a tool to come over the challenge associated with impurity
profiling and determination of safety and efficacy of API. Among all hyphenated
techniques, the most exploited techniques for impurity profiling of drugs are Liquid
Chromatography (LC)-Mass Spectroscopy (MS), LC-NMR, LC-NMR-MS, GC-MS,
and LC-MS. This reveals the need and scope of impurity profiling of drugs in
pharmaceutical research.

Hyphenated techniques means combination of two techniques in which one is used to carry
out isolation or separation of component preferably chromatographic technique and other is
used for identification like mass, NMR or IR spectroscopy. Chromatographic procedure
plays important role in separation of pure or nearly pure fractions of chemical components in
a mixture while spectroscopy procedure give selective information for identification by
carrying comparative study with standards or library spectra.

Few decked by Hirschfeld has introduced the term “hyphenation” with refer to the on-line
combination of a separation technique and one or more spectroscopic detection techniques.
In recent years, hyphenated techniques have received tremendous attention as it is been seen
as the principal means to solve complex analytical problems. The combined power of
separation technologies with spectroscopic techniques has been predominantly used over the
years for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of unknown compounds from complex
natural product extracts or fractions as well as the use has started taking place for carrying out
impurity profiling as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of impurity and allied
To obtain structural information leading to the identification of the compounds present in a
crude sample, liquid chromatography (LC), a high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), or capillary electrophoresis (CE) are attached with
spectroscopic detection techniques like Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), photodiode array
(PDA), UV–VISIBLE absorbance or fluorescence emission, mass spectroscopy (MS), and
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), has resulted in the various new modern
hyphenated techniques, e.g., CE-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS, and LC-NMR. The hyphenation does
not always have to be between two techniques; the coupling of separation and detection
techniques can involve more than one separation or detection techniques, e.g., LC-PDA-MS,
The development of various hyphenated techniques has provided the natural product
researchers with extremely powerful new tools that provide excellent effective separation as
well as acquisition of on-line complementary spectroscopic data on an LC or GC peak of
interest within a complex mixture. [8-14] 

The market of medicine is getting flooded with many formulations in which combination of
different API is there. Each of this can undergo process of degredation and lead to formation
of cytotoxic, genotoxic and other types of impurities. The hyphenated techniques has
provided analytical chemist a tool to come over the challenge associated with impurity
profiling and determination of safety and efficacy of API.
The various sources through which impurity can get incorporated in pharmaceutical products
is, use of specific reactants and reagents in reactions, heavy metals, ligands, catalysts, other
materials like filter aids, charcoal, used during manufacturing and degraded end products
generated during storage of manufactured bulk drugs. The generation of degradent may occur
due to processes like hydrolysis, photolytic cleavage, oxidative degradation, decarboxylation,
enantiomeric impurity, and so on due to exposure to various atmospheric conditions. The
various pharmacopoeias like British Pharmacopoeia, United State Pharmacopoeia, and Indian
Pharmacopoeia have slowly started incorporating limits of allowable levels of impurities
present in APIs or formulations.
Hence it has become need of the hour to use various hyphenated techniques in identification
and quantitation of impurities. This reveals the need and scope of impurity profiling of drugs
in pharmaceutical research.
Systematic Approach for Impurity Profiling:

Impurity profiling is systematic approach for identifying, elucidation of structure and

qualitative and quantitative determination of impurities and degradation products in bulk
drug materials as well as pharmaceutical formulations.
For any API achieving 100% purity is note possible. Initially if there was a mention that the
compound is 99% pure it was enough. But nowadays various regulatory authorities have
started insisting on detection of composition of remaining 1%. This is due to few facts like in
treatment of diseases like if a person is diagnosed with hypertension, disease like diabetes, for
rest of his life he or she has to be put on medicine. The drugs or formulations prescribed to
him or her have to be used for very long time. Though the presence of impurities is going to
be limited still prolong exposure to even small quantity may lead to features like genotoxicity
and cytotoxicity. Hence it is need of the hour that proper impurity profiling for all
formulations has to be done.
Discovery of various hyphenated techniques has turned out to be blessing for analytical
chemist as in fixed dose combination type of formulation qualitative analysis with impurity
has become easier.

Why there is need for identification and quantitation of impurity?

 Impurities may lead to causing incompatibility with other substances.
 Impurities can lead to lowering of the shelf life of the substances.
 Impurities may cause difficulties during formulations and use of the substances.
 Sometimes Impurities may change the physical and chemical properties of the
 Therapeutic effect can be reduced.
 May lead to showing toxic effect after a certain period.
 Are going to be injurious when present above certain limits.
 It may cause changes in odor, color, taste of the substance.

Hence Identification, quantification, and control of impurities in API and the drug product are
critical in drug development.


During or after manufacturing of bulk drugs various types of impurities might be generated
due to hydrolysis, photolytic cleavage, oxidative degradation, decarboxylation, thermal,
enantiomeric impurity, and so on due to exposure to various atmospheric conditions. Hence
under systematic approach impurity profiling is done by carrying out force degradation study.

Basics for carrying out force degradation and reasoning related to use of specific
degradation condition:
A systematic approach now has been developed for stress testing of pharmaceutical products
which can generate the degradation in most efficient way. Many different types of stress
conditions are employed for the degradation study These includes acid hydrolysis by using
HCl having concentration range between 0.01 to 1 N. and alkali hydrolysis using NaOH in
the range of 0.01 to 1 N, while for oxidative degradation use of 3% H 2O2, and photolytic
degradation use UV light having specific flux as mentioned in ICH Q1B is done. For acid,
alkali hydrolysis, and oxidation, the study period is 1 h whereas for light study period is 24 h.
All stress conditions employed for forced degradation studies are initially carried out at room
temperature (25°C). It should include the effect of temperatures in 10°C increments (e.g.,
50°C, 60°C etc.) above that of accelerated testing, humidity (e.g., 75% RH or greater), acid-
base hydrolysis, oxidation, and photolysis. Stress testing should induce not more than 5-15 %
degradation of the main compound. Stress conditions employed for forced degradation study
as per ICHQ1A (R2).
Reason for hydrolytic degradation study using HCl and NaOH

Once the bulk manufacturing of API has been done, it might not be used immediately for
formulation development. During its storage as well as manufacturing and storage of various
types of formulations API is not going to get exposed to acid or base. Still for degradation
study by
On what basis hydrolytic study using acid and base can be justified?
During storage pure API as well as its formulation is going to get exposed to various
atmospheric conditions. Sometime due to absorption of moisture certain structural features of
API would undergo process of breaking down and may lead to formation of ionic
components. Due to this acidic or basic properties may get imparted, which may cause further
degradation. Hence hydrolysis is one of the common chemical reactions used in force
degradation study over a wide range of pH. Hydrolysis is a chemical process that includes
decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water. Hydrolytic study under
acidic and basic condition involves catalysis of ionisable functional groups present in the
molecule. Acid or base stress testing involves forced degradation of a drug substance by
exposure to acidic or basic conditions which generates primary degradent in desirable range.
The type and concentrations of acid or base used in study depends on the stability of the drug
substance. Hydrochloric acid with concentration range between 0.01–1 M is used for acid
hydrolysis while sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide with concentration range 0.01–
1M is used for base hydrolysis are considered as suitable reagents for hydrolysis. Along with
this effect of temperature is also taken it to consideration.
Stress testing trial normally starts with use of room temperature and if there is no
degradation, elevated temperature of 50–70oC is applied. Stress testing should not exceed
more than 7 days. The degraded sample is then neutralized using suitable acid, base or buffer,
to avoid further decomposition. [15-20].
Qxidation conditions
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for oxidative stress degradation study of drug substance as
most sutiable agent, but other oxidizing agents such as metal ions, oxygen, and radical
initiators like, azobisisobutyroni-trile, AIBN can also be used. Selection of an oxidizing
agent, its concentration, and conditions to be applied depends on the stability of drug
substance. Generally the solution of drug is subjected to hydrogen peroxide solution having
concentration range between 0.1–3%. The study is done at neutral pH and room temperature
for seven days or till up to a maximum 20% degradation could potentially generate. [22].
The oxidative degradation of drug substance involves an electron transfer mechanism to form
reactive anions and cations. Amines, sulfides and phenolic structural features are susceptible
to electron transfer oxidation to give N-oxides, hydroxylamine, sulfones and sulfoxide[23].
The functional group with labile hydrogen like benzylic carbon, allylic carbon, and tertiary
carbonorα-positions with respect to hetro atom are susceptible to oxidation to form hydro
peroxides, hydroxide or ketone.
Photolytic conditions
The photo stability testing of drug substances must be carried out to find out whether
exposure to a light result in unacceptable change in the form of formation of photolytic
impurities or not. Photo stability studies are performed to generate primary degradants of
drug substance by exposure to UV or fluorescent conditions. Some of the recommended
conditions for photostability testing are described in ICH guidelines. Samples of drug
substance and solid/liquid drug product has to be exposed to a minimum of 1.2 million lx h
and 200 W h/m2 light. The most commonly accepted wavelength of light is in the range of
300–800 nm. The maximum illumination recommended is 6 million lx h. Light stress
conditions may induce photo oxidation by free radical mechanism. Presence of structural
features in the form of functional groups like carbonyls, nitro aromatic, N-oxide, alkenes, aryl
chlorides, weak C–H and O–H bonds, sulfides and polyenes in the drug are likely to
introduce photosensitivity degradation.
Thermal conditions
Thermal degradation (e.g., dry heat and wet heat) should be carried out at more strenuous
conditions than recommended ICH Q1 Aaccelerated testing conditions. Samples of solid-
state drug sub-stances and drug products should be exposed to dry and wet heat, while liquid
drug products should be exposed to dry heat. Studies may be conducted at higher
temperatures for a shorter period[22].Effect of temperature on thermal degradation of a
substance is studied using Arrhenius equation:
where, k represents specific reaction rate, A represents frequency factor, Ea represents energy
of activation, R is gas constant (1.987 cal/deg mole) and T is absolute temperature. Use of
temperature range between 40–80oC is done. The heating is done in chamber or use of
calibrated thermostatic dry heat oven is done.
Due to application of various degradation conditions generation of degradation products with
different physical and chemical properties is going to take place. Hence each one of the
product has to be first separated and then identified. The most common hyphenated analytical
technique used for monitoring forced degradation study is HPLC with UV and/or MS
spectroscopy. Now a days ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), UPLC-specific
photodiode array (PDA) and quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QTOF-MS/MS)
like techniques are being introduced for combining the chromatographic speed, resolution,
and sensitivity of
detection for peak purity, mass balance, and identification of degradation products. This has
lead to faster detection and identification of degradation products within short period of time
and less time is required to develop stability-indicating methods. [24-30]As generation and
detection of degradation products using suitable analytical technique has become faster it has
provided analytical chemist a tool to establish degradation pathway determination of shelf
lives of drug products. It has plaid significant role in formulation development process and
the testing can be applied different stages of pharmaceutical development is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Information Provided by Stress Testing at Various Stages

Development Stage Purpose of carrying out stress testing
Pre-formulation Useful in selection of compounds and
Compatible excipients, Formulation
Optimization, making selection of proper

Formulation registration batches and To carry out stability study, impurity

manufacturing profiling, finding degradation path way
and structural elucidation of degraded
products, determination of shelf life,
selection of packing material and
instructing storage condition.

Force degradation and impurity profiling study has become mandatory due to directives of
regulatory authorities. Carrying out force degradation study has become challenge of
analytical chemist. In force degradation, along with original compound various degradation
products are going to be formed. Separation and identification of each of the component is
must. Here development of number of hyphenated technique like GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR,
LC-NMR etc have made it easy task.

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