The Effect of Graphene Dispersion On The Mechanical Properties of Graphene/epoxy Composites

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The effect of graphene dispersion on the mechanical

properties of graphene/epoxy composites

Long-Cheng Tang a,*, Yan-Jun Wan a, Dong Yan b, Yong-Bing Pei a, Li Zhao a, Yi-Bao Li c,
Lian-Bin Wu a,*, Jian-Xiong Jiang a, Guo-Qiao Lai a
Key Laboratory of Organosilicon Chemistry and Material Technology of Ministry of Education, Hangzhou Normal University,
Hangzhou 310012, China
Department of Polymer Engineering, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology,
Beijing 100029, China
College of Chemistry and Life Science, Gannan Normal University, Jiangxi 341000, China


Article history: The effect of dispersion state of graphene on mechanical properties of graphene/epoxy
Received 24 September 2012 composites was investigated. The graphene sheets were exfoliated from graphite oxide
Accepted 23 March 2013 (GO) via thermal reduction (thermally reduced GO, RGO). Different dispersions of RGO
Available online 4 April 2013 sheets were prepared with and without ball mill mixing. It was found that the composites
with highly dispersed RGO showed higher glass transition temperature (Tg) and strength
than those with poorly dispersed RGO, although no significant differences in both the ten-
sile and flexural moduli are caused by the different dispersion levels. In particular, the Tg
was increased by nearly 11 C with the addition of 0.2 wt.% well dispersed RGO to epoxy.
As expected, the highly dispersed RGO also produced one or two orders of magnitude
higher electrical conductivity than the corresponding poorly dispersed RGO. Furthermore,
an improved quasi-static fracture toughness (KIC) was measured in the case of good disper-
sion. The poorly and highly dispersed RGO at 0.2 wt.% loading resulted in about 24% and
52% improvement in KIC of cured epoxy thermosets, respectively. RGO sheets were
observed to bridge the micro-crack and debond/delaminate during fracture process due
to the poor filler/matrix and filler/filler interface, which should be the key elements of
the toughening effect.
 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction years, graphene sheets have been incorporated into a wide

range of polymer matrix, including epoxy [5], polystyrene
Since the discovery of graphene using the simple Scotch tape [6], polypropylene [7], polyethylene terephthalate [8], polyan-
method [1], composites filled with graphene have been widely iline [9], nylon [10] and polymethylmethacrylate [11] for vari-
investigated to achieve superior electrical, thermal, and ous functional applications.
mechanical properties. The outstanding performance is In order to achieve optimal enhancement in the property
attributed to the large specific surface area of graphene and of graphene/polymer composites, several key issues should
its exceptional properties such as electrical conductivity, ther- be resolved, i.e., improved dispersion of graphene, alignment
mal conductivity and Young’s modulus [2–4]. In the past few of graphene in polymer and surface modification of graphene

* Corresponding authors: Fax: +86 571 28868905.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.-C. Tang), [email protected] (L.-B. Wu).
0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CARBON 6 0 (2 0 13 ) 1 6–27 17

for good adhesion/interaction. As well known, due to the rials Co., Ltd.). The curing agent was 4-methylhexahydroph-
entanglement of graphene produced by the synthesis and tahlic anhydride (MHHPA, Puyang Huicheng Chemicals Co.,
the clusters of graphene caused by the intermolecular van Ltd.) accelerated with a trace of N,N-benzyldimethylamide
der Waals force, they are usually present in the form of (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.). Natural graphite
agglomerates [12]. Consequently, the dispersion and exfolia- flakes were supplied from Huadong Graphite Factory (Pingdu,
tion of graphene in a media becomes a challenge. Especially, China). All materials for the oxidation of graphite flakes such
when they are mixed with a polymer, it will aggregate in ma- as concentrated sulfuric acid, concentrated nitric acid and
trix. The poor dispersion and exfoliation of graphene not only hydrochloric acid were purchased from Beijing Chemical Fac-
significantly lower their efficiency as reinforcement but also tory, China. Potassium chlorate was provided from Fuchen
would cause graphene to slip by each other when forces are Chemical Reagents (Tianjin, China).
applied to the composites.
In recent years, a variety of processing methods e.g., in situ 2.2. Preparation of graphene sheets
polymerization, melt mixing and solution blending have been
proposed to disperse graphene into polymer matrix [13]. Gener- Graphite oxide (GO) was prepared by completely oxidizing
ally, the vast interfacial area created by nanofillers can influ- natural graphite flakes in a solution of sulfuric acid, nitric
ence the behavior of the surrounding polymer matrix for acid, and potassium chlorate for 96 h [21,22]. After drying in
several radii of gyration even at extraordinarily low content a vacuum oven at 80 C for 24 h, the thermal exfoliation of
[14], producing a co-continuous network of greatly altered GO was achieved by placing the GO powder in a quartz tube.
polymer chains [15]. Accordingly, significant enhancements The sample was flushed with argon for 10 min, and the quartz
in glass transition temperature (Tg), thermal stability and ulti- tube was quickly inserted into a muffle furnace preheated to
mate strength were obtained for polymer matrix at low graph- 1050 C for 30 s to get the graphene sheets (thermally re-
ene content such as 0.05 wt.% [16,17]. Notably, it is well duced GO, RGO).
established that the different processing usually induces dif-
ferent dispersion levels of nanofillers in the matrix and thus re- 2.3. Fabrication of composites
sults in different effects on the electrical properties of polymer
composites [18–20]. For example, Li et al. reported that the Epoxy composites containing the highly dispersed RGO were
nano-, micro- and macroscopic dispersion states of carbon prepared by the following procedures. The RGO sheets were
nanotubes (CNTs) in matrix obtained through employing dif- first dispersed in ethanol by sonication at 60 C for 2 h.
ferent processing methods showed fundamental discrepancies The RGO/ethanol solutions with different RGO weight frac-
in the corresponding percolation thresholds of CNT/epoxy tions were then mixed with the epoxy by sonication at
composites [19]. Kim et al. found that three different processing 50 C for 30 min. The blend (80 mL) was further processed
routes (in situ polymerization, melt compounding, and solvent using a planetary ball mill (PM 400, Retsch) equipped with
blending) caused different effects on the electrical conductivity four steel containers (125 mL) and three different types of
of graphene/polyurethane composites, which could be also zirconia balls (3, 6, 11 mm in diameter and the corresponding
attributed to the different dispersion levels of graphene in the 250, 50, 10 in number). The high shear stress applied by the
thermoplastic matrix [20]. Therefore, the dispersion state of milling impact can break up the agglomerates of RGO sheets
graphene is crucial to determine the final performance of the and improve their exfoliations to generate the highly dis-
graphene/polymer composites, and it is necessary to under- persed RGO/epoxy dispersions [23–25]. To avoid any intense
stand the effect of graphene dispersion on the properties of shock stress which could destroy the RGO structures, the
the composites. Unfortunately, whether the different disper- rotating tray was controlled at a low speed of 200 rpm to en-
sion states of graphene can lead to a different impact on the sure that the shear stress is dominant [23]. Then, the mixture
mechanical properties remains an important open question was degassed at 80 C in a vacuum oven for 6 days to remove
in polymer composites. the ethanol, followed by addition of the hardener with a re-
In this study, two different specimens with the poorly and sin-to-hardener weight ratio of 185:170 by using mechanical
highly dispersed graphene were prepared depending upon mixing (800 rpm for 30 min). After degassing (at 60 C for
whether a ball mill procedure was used during the dispersion 20 min), the blend was poured into preheated steel molds
process or not. Discrepancies in the thermal, electrical and (60 C) and cured in an oven. A four-step curing procedure
mechanical properties of graphene/epoxy composites with was used: from room temperature to 90 C for 30 min, then
different graphene dispersion were examined with respect to 120 C for 60 min, afterwards to 140 C for 30 min and final-
to low weight loadings of graphene. Moreover, the fracture ly to 160 C for 120 min. Fig. 1 shows the processing steps used
behaviors were also characterized based on the microscopic to fabricate the composite.
morphologies of the composites studied. On the other hand, the epoxy composites with the poorly
dispersed RGO were prepared by sonication for 2 h in the eth-
anol at 60 C, while the ball mill procedure was not used
2. Experimental during the dispersion process. It was expected that, when
the high shear stress in the ball mill process was employed
2.1. Materials in the dispersion process, the composites with highly dis-
persed RGO sheets could be obtained. But, without using the
The epoxy resin was standard diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A high shear mixing, the aggregates of sheets could remain in
(DGEBA) (Wuxi Resin Factory of Bluestar New Chemical Mate- the epoxy matrix. Moreover, according to our recent work
18 CARBON 6 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 –2 7

Fig. 1 – Schematic of the preparation of RGO/epoxy composites.

[26], the density of the epoxy resin and curing agent was In order to provide stable values of the resistivity, the samples
determined to be 1.16 and 1.08 g/cm3, respectively. The were finely polished and tightly pressed between two cylin-
density of RGO sheets can be taken as 2.2 g/cm3, as reported drical electrodes to ensure a good electrical contact. All of
in previous work [27]. Thus, the estimated volume fraction the conductivity measurements were carried out at room
for 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.20% weight of RGO sheets then com- temperature. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA)
putes to volume content of 0.025%, 0.051% and 0.102% was made in tensile mode using a Dynamic Mechanical Ana-
(Table 1). lyzer (NETZSCH, DMA 242), which was performed at 1 Hz with
a constant heating rate of 3 C/min ranging from 30 to 200 C
2.4. Characterization in air atmosphere. The specimens’ dimensions were 15.0 mm
long · 4.0 mm wide · 0.5 mm thick. The ratio of applied dy-
The microstructures of RGO and graphite and the composites namic stress to static stress was 1.5. The glass transition
were examined by a transmission electron microscopy (TEM, temperature (Tg) of the studied materials was measured by
HITACHI H-7650). RGO sheets were dispersed in ethanol by the temperature at which the loss factor curve showed a max-
sonication for 15 min and some pieces were collected on car- imum peak.
bon-coated 200-mesh copper grids for TEM observation. For Tensile and flexural tests were performed at room temper-
the RGO/epoxy composites, the samples were cut using an ature using an Ametek Ls100plus, following the ASTM D-638
ultramicrotome (LKB Nova) equipped with a diamond knife. and ASTM D-790, respectively. Standard dumbbell-shaped
Thin sections, 100 nm in thickness, were cut from a mesa specimens (80.0 mm long · 12.5 mm wide · 4.0 mm thick)
of about 1 · 1 mm2 and collected on 200 mesh copper grids. with the length of the narrow region of 28 mm were made
The thickness of RGO sheets was also identified by an atomic for tensile tests at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Rectan-
force microscopy (AFM, Digital Instrument D3100). The dis- gular specimens (80.0 mm long · 10.0 mm wide · 4.0 mm
persion of RGO in epoxy matrix was verified by using both a thick) in flexural tests were loaded with a span of 64 mm at
transmission optical microscopy (TOM, Nikon Eclipse LV100 a crosshead speed of 2.0 mm/min. At least five specimens
POL) and a scanning electron microscopy (SEM, HITACHI S- were tested for each set of conditions.
4800). Raman spectra were recorded with SENTERRA Micro Quasi-static fracture toughness tests were performed fol-
Raman Spectroscopy (Bruker Instrument, Germany). The lowing the ASTM D-5045 with compact tension (CT) speci-
excitation wavelength was 633 nm from He–Ne laser with a mens (36.0 mm long · 36.0 mm wide · 7.0 mm thick). A pre-
laser power of ca. 15 mW at the sample surface. X-ray photo- crack was made by lightly tapping a sharp fresh razor blade
electron spectra (XPS) measurements were performed by VG into the bottom of the saw slot in the specimen. The plane
scientific ESCALab 220I-XL equipped with a hemispherical strain fracture toughness (critical stress intensity factor, KIC)
electron analyzer and a Mg Ka X-ray source. can be calculated as follows:
Direct current (DC) electrical conductivities of epoxy com- Pmax f ða=WÞ
posites with low conductivities than 106 S/m were measured KIC ¼ ð1Þ
by a ZC-90G resistivity meter from Shanghai Taiou Electronics
where Pmax is the maximum load of the load–displacement
(China) [28]. The samples with 88.0 mm in diameter and
curve for CT specimens, f(a/W) is related to the geometry of
2.0 mm in thickness were tightly pressed between two
the sample, B is the thickness of the specimen, W is the width
cylindrical copper electrodes that had a diameter of 50 mm.

Table 1 – Glass transition temperature and electrical conductivity of neat epoxy and its composites with poorly and highly
dispersed RGO.

Composite Poorly dispersed RGO Highly dispersed RGO

wt.% vol.% Tg (C) C (S/m) Tg (C) C (S/m)
0 0 146.3 ± 1.7 (6.91 ± 1.69) · 10 146.3 ± 1.7 (6.91 ± 1.69) · 1011
0.05 0.025 149.8 ± 2.1 (1.68 ± 0.52) · 1010 152.9 ± 1.9 (9.23 ± 1.85) · 1010
0.10 0.051 149.7 ± 1.5 (3.25 ± 1.06) · 1010 154.3 ± 2.2 (4.57 ± 1.13) · 109
0.20 0.102 148.1 ± 1.6 (6.92 ± 1.75) · 1010 157.4 ± 1.8 (1.47 ± 0.41) · 108
CARBON 6 0 (2 0 13 ) 1 6–27 19

of the specimen, and a is the sharp crack of length which the work where the blurry hexagonal symmetry of the graph-
should be between 0.45W and 0.55W. For CT samples, f can ene was also maintained [35]. Comparatively, the graphite
be expressed as: which is composed of many graphene held together by van

a a a  a 3 der Waals forces shows relatively smooth features without
f ¼ 2þ ð0:086 þ 4:64  13:32ð Þ2 þ 14:72 the corrugated morphology (see the black arrows in Fig. 2e).
 a 4  a 3=2 Furthermore, the typical TEM image of the core section of
5:6 1 ð2Þ RGO (see the inset in Fig. 2d) presents 3.5 nm in thickness,
indicating that many sheets are composed of 3–6 such
The tension of CT specimens was also accomplished on
stacked single-layer sheets. After sonication, however, the
Ametek Ls100plus at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. At least
AFM image in Fig. 2f indicates that the thickness of a small
five specimens of each composition were tested, and the aver-
RGO sheet is only 1.23 nm, which is consistent with the val-
age values were reported. The microcopy analysis of fracture
ues of well exfoliated graphene [36–38], implying that some of
surfaces of CT samples were sputtered with gold for 20 s and
the few-layer graphene stacks are exfoliated into individual
observed under SEM.
sheets in the solvent.
Raman spectra of graphite, GO and RGO are shown in
3. Results and discussion Fig. 3a. The Raman spectrum of the pristine graphite displays
a prominent G peak as the feature at 1581 cm1, correspond-
3.1. Morphology and characterization of RGO sheets ing to the first-order scattering of the E2g vibration mode and
a 2D band at 2684 cm1 due to the second-order two-phonon
In order to investigate the morphology and structure of RGO mode. A weak D band adsorption at 1335 cm1 indicates the
sheets, SEM, TEM and AFM have been utilized. A representa- presence of defects inherent in the graphite and the edge ef-
tive SEM image of RGO powder in Fig. 2a exhibits that the fect of graphite (A1g mode). The significant structure changes
sheets are highly agglomerated powder with a ‘‘fluffy’’ struc- during the oxidation from graphite to GO; the G band is broad-
ture, as reported in [29,30]. The dimensions of RGO sheets ened and shifted to high frequency, and the D band becomes
are from submicron to several micrometers, and, as shown higher relative intensity, showing an increased G/D intensity
in Fig. 2b, a relatively large sheet is approximately 4 · 7 lm2. ratio of 0.846 indicating the distortion of the bonds and
The surface of RGO exhibits the bumpy texture in which destruction of symmetry possible due to the reduction in size
many corrugations with several hundred nanometers can be of the in-plane sp2 domains caused by the extensive oxida-
discernible (Fig. 2c). The isolated oxygen reaction sites and tion. When GO transformed to RGO, the G band slightly
the resultant defects during thermal reduction of the GO shifted back to the location of the G band in graphite. An in-
[31], as well as extremely small thickness of the resulting creased G/D intensity ratio of 0.915 compared to GO reflects a
graphene, casue a wrinkled topology of RGO at nanoscale slight increase in the average size of the sp2 domains upon
(Fig. 2d) [32,33]. Selected area electron diffraction of those reduction of GO [39]. The XPS data can offer more information
stacks display only weak and diffuse rings, suggesting the about the chemical compositions of pristine graphite, GO and
loss of long range ordering [34], though it is not as perfect RGO. As shown in the scan (Fig. 3b), pristine graphite is com-
as pristine monolayered graphene. This is in agreement with posed of a rich C and a small trace of O and the atomic ratio of

Fig. 2 – Micrographs of (a) a SEM image, (b), (c) and (d) typical TEM images of RGO (inset: the measured electron diffraction
pattern and the cross-section of RGO), (e) a typical TEM image of graphite, (f) a typical AFM image of RGO.
20 CARBON 6 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 –2 7

(a) Graphite 1581 (b) Graphite C1s

D band G band 2D band

Intensuty [a.u.]

Counts [a.u.]
1588 C1s

RGO 1586 RGO C1s


500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 250 260 270 280 290 300 520 530 540 550
Raman Shift [ cm-1 ] Binding Energy [eV]

Fig. 3 – (a) Raman spectra and (b) XPS survey scans of graphite, GO, and RGO.

C/O is 8.1 calculated by the peak area of C1s to O1s. While images of epoxy dispersions with 0.2 wt.% RGO before curing.
the peak intensity of O 1s (ca. 533 eV) is significantly in- Clearly, the well dispersed RGO can be obtained through using
creased relative to the C 1s peak (ca. 286 eV) after oxidation the sonication process (Fig. 4a), although many small and
to GO, and the atomic ratio of C/O is 2.0. In contrast to GO, black clusters of RGO in the epoxy matrix are still found in
RGO sheets show two peaks, which is similar as those of Fig. 4b. Comparatively, the dispersion level of RGO does not
graphite. The C/O ratio is raised to 7.3, consistent with re- change obviously after the ball mill process (compare Fig. 4a
ported values for highly reduced GO [40]. These Raman and with Fig. 4c), but the aggregate size indeed becomes smaller
XPS results as well as TEM images reflect the fact that some (see Fig. 4d). It suggests that the exfoliation degree of RGO
defects still remain in the restored graphitic structure result- sheets seems to be highly improved after the high shear mix-
ing from the removal of oxygen functionalities of GO [38], ing process as previously reported in the literature [23].
which may lead to a deterioration of the electrical properties After curing the epoxy composite samples, the dispersion
of RGO sheets. of RGO sheets in the matrix in Fig. 5 shows obvious differ-
ences. The RGO sheets dispersed in the epoxy resin without
3.2. Dispersion level of RGO sheets in epoxy resin using the ball mill process are in the form of agglomerates
(see Fig. 5a). While, after using the ball mill process, the
The aggregates of the prepared RGO shown in Fig. 2 would be sheets present a relatively good dispersion in the matrix
obstacles to obtain a good dispersion of graphene and were (Fig. 5b). These phenomena are quite different from the RGO
hardly broken into individual flake in the epoxy resin. The dispersion before curing shown in Fig. 4, suggesting the re-
solution mixing was usually employed to disperse the graph- agglomeration of RGO during curing of resin. Similar phe-
ene sheets in previous work [31,41–45]. Fig. 4 shows TOM nomenon was also found in the CNTs/epoxy composites

Fig. 4 – TOM images of epoxy suspensions filled with 0.2 wt.% RGO before curing prepared (a), (b) without and (c), (d) with
using the ball mill process.
CARBON 6 0 (2 0 13 ) 1 6–27 21

Fig. 5 – TOM and TEM images of cured epoxy composites filled with 0.2 wt.% RGO prepared (a), (c) without and (b), (d) with
using the ball mill process.

[46]. It is expected that the re-agglomeration of RGO sheets Table 1). Interestingly, the Tg data for the composite with
could be more limited at highly dispersed/exfoliated state the highly dispersed RGO is particularly striking: an unprece-
probably because the interfacial area created by graphene dented shift of nearly 11 C occurs at only 0.2 wt.% of the RGO
are enhanced significantly. The TEM graphs of RGO/epoxy sheets (Fig. 6d and Table 1). As reported in our recent work
composites can demonstrate this. It is clearly seen that the [48], although CNTs were well distributed in the matrix and
agglomerates and closely packed RGO are prevalent in the well-wetted by the epoxy resin, no significant shift of Tg
sample without using the ball mill process (Fig. 5c), which be- was observed even at 1.0 wt.% loading. It suggests that the
came significantly exfoliated and highly dispersed after the RGO sheets are much more effective to increase the Tg value
high shear mixing (Fig. 5d). of epoxy resin than the CNTs, which is consistent with the
previous results [47,49].
3.3. Glass transition temperature and electrical Several reasons are probably ascribed to the above phe-
conductivity nomena. First, for the epoxy composites with pristine CNTs,
localized clustering leads to nanotube-rich and nanotube-
Fig 6 shows the dynamic mechanical properties of neat epoxy poor regions [48], which make the polymer molecules to move
and its composites. One can recognize that the incorporation easily and thus decreased or remained the Tgs [50]. Similar
of RGO sheets results in the increase of the storage modulus phenomenon should be also occurred in the epoxy compos-
in the whole temperature range (Fig. 6a and b), compared to ites with the poorly dispersed RGO and thus results in a slight
that of neat epoxy. This can be well explained by the reinforc- change in Tg value (Table 1). Second, although no clustering of
ing effect of the nanofiller leading to increased stiffness. In the CNTs was observed in some CNT/epoxy systems, the
comparison, the slightly more modulus enhancement ap- nanotubes are curled up and thicker, resulting in a decrease
pears to occur for highly dispersed RGO than that for the of the surface area in contact with the polymer and a smaller
poorly dispersed ones. On the other hand, the changes in Tg Tg shift compared to the highly dispersed graphene [47]. Note
in epoxy composites are particularly important, not only be- that, in some epoxy composites with functionalized CNTs,
cause they yield insights into the fundamental changes in the decreased degree of cross-linking induced by partial
polymer chain dynamics, but also because the associated absorption/reaction of the curing agent even led to a drop in
gains in thermal stability are critical for many applications Tg [51,52]. Furthermore, the nanoscale surface roughness of
[47]. Determined from the midpoints of glass transition re- graphene with many corrugated morphology could be an-
gions of the damping curves, the Tgs of RGO/epoxy compos- other key factor. As shown in Fig. 2, both the wrinkled
ites are listed in the Table 1. It can be found that the Tg structure and large specific surface area of RGO sheets likely
values for the composite with the poorly dispersed RGO induce strong interfacial interactions with polymer chains
sheets are slightly enhanced by about 2–3 C (Fig. 6c and and substantially larger influence on the thermal properties
22 CARBON 6 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 –2 7

(a) 3000 (b) 3000

Poorly dispersed Highly dispersed
2500 2500

Storage modulus [MPa]

Storage modulus [MPa]

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 0 wt% 1000 0 wt%

0.05 wt% 0.05 wt%
500 0.10 wt% 500 0.10 wt%
0.20 wt% 0.20 wt%
0 0
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
o o
Temperature [ C] Temperature [ C]

(c) 1.4 Poorly dispersed

(d) 1.4 Highly dispersed

1.2 1.2

1.0 0 wt% 1.0 0 wt%

Tan Delta
Tan Delta

0.05 wt% 0.05 wt%

0.8 0.8
0.10 wt% 0.10 wt%
0.6 0.20 wt% 0.6 0.20 wt%

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
o o
Temperature [ C] Temperature [ C]

Fig. 6 – Dynamic mechanical properties of cured epoxy composites containing: (a) and (c) poorly dispersed RGO; (b) and (d)
highly dispersed RGO.

of the matrix [53], even probably affect the curing reaction which should be responsible for the higher electrical conduc-
rate by changing the maximum exothermic heat flow temper- tivity obtained in the highly dispersed RGO/epoxy composites
ature [54]. Such an effect has been suggested by the previous (Table 1). Apparently, more research is needed to construct
molecular dynamics studies in which the polymer mobility the effective percolating network in the graphene/epoxy com-
was altered due to geometric constraints at nanofiller sur- posites, and it is beyond the scopes of this study.
faces [55]. Hence, in the graphene/epoxy composites, good
dispersion of the sheets leads to a substantial interphase 3.4. Tensile and flexural properties
zone around each sheet in which the mobility of the matrix
polymer chains is constrained [47]. Therefore the dispersion Fig. 7 shows the tensile and flexural properties of the RGO/
state of graphene in the matrix is better, which should result epoxy composites. The elastic and flexural moduli increase
in an increase of the surface area in contact with the polymer with the increase of RGO loading regardless of the dispersion
matrix and a larger Tg shift. level (see Fig. 7a and c). However, the ultimate strength of the
The electrical conductivity, C, of the epoxy composites composites with the highly dispersed RGO has no significant
with poorly and highly dispersed RGO sheets are shown in Ta- change for both tensile and flexural tests, but those of the
ble 1. An electrical conductivity of 1011 S/m was measured composite with the poorly dispersed RGO decreases dramati-
for the neat epoxy resin, which is typical for such a polymer cally (see Fig. 7b and d). Similar results can be found in other
[56]. As expected, the electrical conductivity of the compos- graphene/epoxy systems [49,58]. The graphene agglomerates
ites containing highly dispersed RGO sheets is one or two or- in the epoxy composites can lead to cracks to initiate and
ders of magnitude higher than that of the composites with propagate easily and, consequently, produce the reduced
poorly dispersed sheets (see Table 1), although both systems strength of the composites [57]. Comparatively, the highly dis-
still exhibit high electrical resistance at low RGO content. It persed graphene fillers are more efficient than the aggregated
is well established that electrical properties of the polymer ones in transferring applied load [17,41].
composites depend on the microstructures such as filler dis- In general, the tensile and flexural properties of the graph-
persion state, filler geometry and content, as well as filler-fil- ene/polymer composites are slightly improved, but not en-
ler interaction [18]. In this work, the geometry, content and ough as expected [41,44,57], especially for the elastic
interaction of the conductive RGO are almost same in both modulus. Three reasons may explain the mild enhancement
the composite systems studied. Thus, the dispersion level of in these properties of the graphene/epoxy composites. First,
RGO is crucial to determine the final electrical properties of a strong interfacial bond between the graphene sheet and
epoxy composites. The good dispersion levels of RGO in the the surrounding matrix is crucial to determine the properties
cured composites can produce the formation of an effective of the polymer composites [20,59]. However, the interfacial
network for electron path transmittance (see Fig. 5) [57], bond between the RGO sheets and the polymer resin in this
CARBON 6 0 (2 0 13 ) 1 6–27 23

(a) 3.3 (b) 70

Poorly dispersed
3.2 Highly dispersed

Tensile strength [MPa]

Elastic modulus [GPa]

3.0 50

Poorly dispersed 40
2.8 Highly dispersed

2.7 30
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
RGO content [wt%] RGO content [wt%]

(c) 3.1 (d) 180

Poorly dispersed
3.0 Highly dispersed
Flexural modulus [GPa]

Flexural strength [MPa]


2.8 140

Poorly dispersed 100
Highly dispersed
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
RGO content [wt%] RGO content [wt%]

Fig. 7 – Tensile and flexural properties of cured RGO/epoxy composites: (a) and (c) modulus; (b) and (d) strength.

work is weak and the load transfer from the polymer to the Poorly dispersed
0.8 Highly dispersed
sheets should be not large enough for the sheets to be broken
under loading. There is evidence of the debonding of the RGO
KIC [MPa.m ]


which can be observed by SEM as shown in the later section.

The second reason may be related to the structure of graph-
ene because the weak van der Waals forces exist between
individual shells of the graphene agglomerates [60], slipping
between the shells will occur. Finally, most of the RGO sheets
in epoxy show significant curvature (see Fig. 2). Upon loading,
the sheets need to extend and rotate first along the tensile 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
direction to maximize their improvements on the tensile RGO content [wt%]
modulus. Accordingly, the relative reinforcement effect is
Fig. 8 – Fracture toughness of cured epoxy composites as a
limited for the composites with the wrinkled graphene.
function of RGO content.

3.5. Fracture toughness

epoxy is featureless with a typical brittle fracture process, and
The KIC values of the composites with RGO content are plotted it is very smooth (see the inset in Fig. 9a), revealing its nature
in Fig. 8. In the composite with the highly dispersed RGO, the of weak resistance to crack initiation and propagation [26]. In
KIC value increases with the sheet content. While, in the com- the case of the composite containing the poorly dispersed
posite containing the poorly dispersed RGO, the KIC increases RGO, the fracture surface exhibits relatively rough with some
first with the increase of sheet content but saturates at river-like structures (Fig. 9b). It should be noted that the RGO
0.1 wt.% (see Fig. 8). At a given filler content, the gains in KIC sheets dispersed in the epoxy just using the sonication exist
values are 24% i.e., from 0.493 ± 0.048 MPa m1/2 for neat epoxy in the form of agglomerates, which is consistent with the
to 0.611 ± 0.039 MPa m1/2 for the composite with 0.2 wt.% TOM and TEM observations in Fig. 5. The RGO rich region indi-
poorly dispersed RGO; while the gains become 52% cated by a black square in Fig. 9b is magnified and shown in
(0.748 ± 0.038 MPa m1/2) for the composite with 0.2 wt.% Fig. 9c in order to verify existence of the RGO sheets (see
highly dispersed RGO. It indicates that the well dispersed the black arrows). Comparatively, the composite with the
RGO sheets are much more effective on toughening epoxy re- highly dispersed RGO exhibits a rougher fracture surface
sin than the poorly dispersed sheets. (Fig. 9d), and numerous tortuous and fine river-like structures
The morphologies of CT fracture surfaces of the neat with hackles and ribbons can be observed (see the black ar-
epoxy and its composites with 0.2 wt.% RGO are presented rows in the inset). Normally, the improved surface roughness
in Fig. 9. As shown in Fig. 9a, the fracture surface of the neat is accompanied by the creation of matrix plastic deformation,
24 CARBON 6 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 –2 7

Fig. 9 – SEM images of CT fracture surfaces: (a) neat epoxy; (b), (c) and (e) 0.2 wt.% poorly dispersed RGO/epoxy; (d) and (f)
0.2 wt.% highly dispersed RGO/epoxy. (The long white arrows at the bottom right corners indicate the crack growth

Fig. 10 – TEM images of RGO/epoxy composites: (a) the delamination and (b) the crack bridging of RGO sheets.

and thus much fracture energy is likely dissipated [61,62]. fracture surfaces were observed. As shown in Fig. 9e and f, the
Therefore the better dispersion state of RGO in matrix could wrinkled morphology of RGO can be seen for the composites
lead to an increase of the energy dissipation during the frac- with the poorly or highly dispersed RGO (see the white ar-
ture process and a higher fracture toughness value as shown rows). However, some gaps between RGO sheet and matrix
in Fig. 8. can be also found on the surface (see the black arrows in
In order to further investigate the fracture behaviors of the the figures), indicating that the sheet/matrix interface is still
RGO/epoxy composites, the high magnified SEM graphs of CT weak in both these two systems. As a result, the debonding
CARBON 6 0 (2 0 13 ) 1 6–27 25

of RGO occurs and thus induces many river-like structures on Foundation for Scholars of Hangzhou Normal University (No.
the fracture surface. More experimental evidence about the 2012QDL022) and the Scientific Research Fund of Zhejiang Pro-
debonding of RGO sheets can be observed under TEM. As vincial Education Department (No. Y201224314), as well as the
can be seen in Fig. 5c and d, the gap between the sheet and Youth Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province
matrix can be also clearly observed. Normally, the diamond (20122BAB213008). L. C Tang wishes to thank Dr. Y Bai (Hangz-
knife used in ultramicrotome would induce a relatively high hou Normal University) for his help with Raman measurement.
stress during the preparation of TEM specimen. Under such
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