Fast and Cost-Effective Room Temperature Synthesis of High Quality Graphene Oxide With Excellent Structural Intactness. Jiadong Qintgerbre

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Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198

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Fast and cost-effective room temperature synthesis of high quality

graphene oxide with excellent structural intactness
Jiadong Qin a, Yubai Zhang a, Munkhbayar Batmunkh a, Ge Shi a, Mohammad Al-Mamun a, Porun Liu a, Wei Li b,
Dong-Chen Qi b, Huijun Zhao a,⁎, Yu Lin Zhong a,⁎
Centre for Clean Environment and Energy, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland 4222, Australia
School of Chemistry and Physics, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Graphene oxide (GO) is well known as a key material to the commercialization of graphene-based applications
Received 5 June 2020 due to its excellent processability and abundant starting materials. However, producing high quality GO with ex-
Received in revised form 18 June 2020 cellent structural intactness still remains a challenge despite the significant research effort over the past decade.
Accepted 6 July 2020
Herein, we demonstrate an effective approach to achieving well-oxidized GO within only 5 h of oxidation time at
5 °C or 25 °C from expanded graphite as a starting material. Our finding reveals that the well-oxidized GO synthe-
sized at 25 °C can regain more graphitic sp2 networks and thus becomes as conductive as the GO prepared at 5 °C
by means of thermal annealing or green chemical reduction. We also found that green chemical reduction using
vitamin C (VC) is more efficient in restoring the electrical conductivity and reducing the defects in the GO pro-
duced at room temperature. The protocol reported in this paper offers a promising, sustainable way to fabricate
high quality GO with minimal energy input, while being cost-effective.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [15–18]. The spacing expansion is more dramatic when gasifying the
thermo-decomposable intercalants, namely forming the expanded
Since the discovery in 2004, graphene, a monolayer of carbon atoms graphite [19,20]. In addition, applying external heating (≥ 35 °C) can
arranged in hexagonal rings, has been sitting in the spotlight owing to thermodynamically favor the diffusion process [21,22]. Owing to the in-
its fascinating properties [1,2]. As the most important graphene deriva- expensive sources, good dispersibility, rich oxygen functional groups
tives, graphene oxide (GO) and its reduced form, reduced graphene and high product yield, graphite oxide route has been successfully
(rGO), have been the subject of intense exploration and achieved scaled up from lab-scale researches to industrial mass production
great success in a diverse range of applications, ranging from energy- [12,23].
storage and -conversion devices [3,4] to ionic and molecular sieving Despite its preliminary commercialization, the graphite oxide route
membranes [5,6] to biomedical applications [7–10]. The ultimate goal with harsh oxidation conditions, such as the use of strong acids, oxi-
of developing these applications is to promote the broad commerciali- dants and heating, usually introduces uncontrollable functionalities
zation of graphene-based products with high performance and cost- and enormous permanent defects into final products. This will result
effectiveness [11]. In order to realize this goal, the scalable and cost- in poor electronic properties of rGO, including electrical conductivity
effective fabrication of GO materials is of significant importance [12]. and charge-carrier mobility, which are undesirable for electro-
Currently, the exfoliation of chemically oxidized graphite into single conductive applications [24]. To preserve the sp2 honeycomb structure
layers using the KMnO4-based Hummers method [13], namely the in graphene basal plane, using low reaction temperature (<0 °C) in
graphite oxide route, is the most extensively used method to produce the graphite oxide route can effectively minimize the loss of carbon
GO in bulk [12]. Typically, it involves the edge-to-core diffusion of oxi- atoms in the GO. The resulting highly intact rGO exhibited excellent
dizing agents in the narrow graphite interlayer galleries, which deter- electronic properties that are comparable to the pristine graphene
mines the reaction rate of forming GO [14]. To facilitate the conversion [25–27]. However, the low temperature modified methods are of higher
of graphite into GO, one common strategy is to pre-intercalate graphite cost due to the necessity for low temperature control, poor GO yield
with foreign species which enables to expand the interlayer spacings (<50%) and significantly more time-consuming process (>1 day per
⁎ Corresponding authors.
To obtain high quality GO without compromising cost-effectiveness,
E-mail addresses: (H. Zhao), our group recently reported a simple but effective method to synthesize
(Y.L. Zhong). GO with rich thermally labile oxygen functional groups from
2214-9937/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 J. Qin et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198

pre-intercalated graphite at room temperature (25 °C) [28]. In compar- product was denoted as GO-5C5h. After the purification, GO was homo-
ison to the conventional graphite oxide routes (reaction geneously dispersed in 200 mL DI water by magnetic stirring and then
temperature ≥ 35 °C), the advantages of our approach are that the resul- 5 mL GO dispersion was collected to deposit onto a nylon membrane
tant GO is not only less defective but also restores more electrical con- (average pore size: 0.22 μm) by vacuum filtration, followed by drying
ductivity after simple thermal annealing at only 150 °C in ambient air. in an oven at 60 °C overnight. The polymer membrane was then gently
This makes the room temperature GO (RT-GO) more conducive and peeled off. The weight of the freestanding GO films can be used to mea-
cost-effective to electroconductive applications relative to the tradi- sure the concentration of GO dispersion (CGO, mg/mL). Moreover, the
tional GO. For example, RT-GO can be blended well into composite yield of GO can be measured based on the total volume of the purified
slurry and converted to conductive binders in lithium ion batteries GO dispersion (200 mL) and the mass of the starting graphite (1 g).
after mild annealing at 150 °C [28]. The benefits of the facile deoxygen- All samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C.
ation and high structural integrity of RT-GO have also been demon-
strated by Li and co-workers [29]. Furthermore, it is worth noting that 2.3. Reduction of the free-standing GO films
the RT-GO prepared by Li’s group, which was oxidized for 3 h, exhibited
comparable defect density and electrical conductivity to the GO oxi- Mild thermal annealing and green chemical reduction were used to
dized at 5 °C for 12 h (low T-GO) after chemical reduction. reduce the free-standing GO films. The good dispersibility of GO in
The diffusion of oxidants in natural graphite or pre-intercalated water allows it to form a smooth membrane with even thickness,
graphite proceeds in a noticeably slower manner at room temperature which is key to the reliable measurement of sheet resistance. The ther-
and below, thus requiring much longer reaction time [14,28,30]. To ad- mal annealing of GO films was carried out in the 150 °C oven for 5 h in
dress this issue, the use of expanded graphite with larger inter-galleries ambient air. For the chemical reduction, GO films were dipped in a VC
spacing as the starting material is likely to facilitate the propagation of aqueous solution (10 mg/mL) for 24 h, followed by washing with excess
oxidation under mild conditions [19,20,31–34]. Herein, we demon- DI water to remove the residual VC solution. Then the VC reduced GO
strated that the conversion of expanded graphite into monolayered films were dried in the 60 °C oven overnight.
GO can be accomplished within only 5 h at both 5 °C (low temperature)
and 25 °C (room temperature). Further, this enabled the direct compar- 2.4. Characterizations
isons between RT-GO and low T-GO under the same reaction conditions
except for temperature. We further found that in spite of its higher ox- X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra were measured using a Bruker D8
idation degree and lower electrical conductivity, RT-GO could regain advance diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). The ele-
considerably more electrical conductivity as compared to the low mental analysis of GO and rGO samples were carried out using X-ray
T-GO after a simple thermal treatment at 150 °C or mild chemical reduc- photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with the Kratos Axis Ultra using a
tion by vitamin C (VC). In addition, VC was found to be more efficient for monochromatized Al Kα x-ray source. For XPS spectra, the binding en-
the restoration of conductivity than the mild thermal annealing process. ergy scales were all calibrated by aligning the dominant graphitic car-
Extensive characterizations revealed that more conjugated sp2 carbon bon (C=C/C-C) peak at the position of 284.6 eV. Raman spectroscopy
networks and less defective structure recovered from VC reduction led was conducted on the free-standing GO and rGO films employing a
to the greater increase in the conductivity of the RT-GO with respect Renishaw inVia Raman microscope with a 532 nm laser source. UV–
to that of the low-T GO. On account of the mild but efficient oxidation vis spectroscopy of the GO aqueous dispersion was performed on an
process coupled with eco-friendly reduction methods, it is expected Agilent Cary 5000 spectrophotometer. Scanning electron microscopy
that the RT-GO derived from expanded graphite will offer significant ad- (SEM) was conducted on a Joel JSM-7500FA microscopy with an accel-
vantages towards the bulk-scale, sustainable production of graphene erating voltage of 15.0 kV. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images were
materials at low cost for electroconductive applications. collected on a Bruker Dimension Icon AFM using a peak force tapping
mode. The lateral dimensions of graphite sources were observed
2. Experimental through an optical microscope (Olympus LEXT OLS5000). The samples
for the SEM and AFM were prepared by spin-coating diluted GO disper-
2.1. Materials sion (~0.1 mg/mL, mixed solvent: 50 vol% ethanol +50 vol% DI water,
sonicated for 30 min) onto a silicon wafer. The statistical analysis of
Expanded graphite powder (≥ 99% carbon, 6 μm) was purchased the number of layers was carried out based on the line profiles of
from Qingdao FRT Graphite Co. Ltd. KMnO4 (99.0%), concentrated more than 120 pieces of GO sheets from AFM images. To track the
H2SO4 (98%), aqueous H2O2 solution (30% w/w), N,N-dimethylform- weight loss during the heating, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was
amide (DMF), ethanol (undenatured, 100%) and hydrochloric acid performed using a Netzsch STA 449F3 analyzer under pure argon (Ar)
(32 wt%) were all purchased from Chem-Supply. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic atmosphere. For the TGA test, GO samples were gradually heated from
acid, C6H8O6) was purchased from Ajax Chemicals. Deionized (DI) 50 to 1000 °C at the rate of 5 K/min. The electrical conductivity of the
water was used in all experimental procedures, including the synthesis GO and rGO films were measured using a Jandel RM3000 four-point
reaction and purification. probe system with a linear arrayed head (probe spacing of 1 mm).
The film thicknesses were measured to be around 30 μm using a mi-
2.2. Synthesis of RT-GO and low-T GO crometer (resolution 0.001 mm). The conductivity measurement was
based on the conversion of sheet resistance (Ω per square) of multiple
GO samples were prepared from expanded graphite according to our points on a single film into the electrical conductivity (S/m).
recent protocol based on the modified Hummers method [28], while the
ice bath was replaced with a chiller-controlled 5 °C water bath. For the 3. Results and discussion
preparation of RT-GO, the reaction system was placed in the 5 °C
water bath in the first hour. Then, the temperature was increased to 3.1. Chemical properties of as-prepared RT-GO and low T-GO
25 °C at which point the reaction system was stirred for a specified pe-
riod (2 h, 4 h and 8 h) before exposed to water-induced hydrolysis. De- In this work, we prepared GO samples using two different oxidation
pending on the period of oxidation, the resulting GO were termed as temperatures, namely 5 °C and 25 °C, from expanded graphite (see ex-
GO-25C3h, GO-25C5h and GO-25C9h, respectively. On the other hand, perimental detail). XRD was used to investigate the conversion of ex-
for the low T-GO, the entire reaction process was carried out in the panded graphite to graphite oxide, as shown in Fig. 1a. As compared
5 °C water bath for 5 h, followed by water-induced hydrolysis. The to the original expanded graphite, all GO samples lost the strong
J. Qin et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198 3

Fig. 1. Chemical characterizations of various GO samples. (a) XRD patterns for the starting expanded graphite and GO. (b-c) High resolution XPS C 1 s spectra with deconvolution to indicate
the contributions from different carbons. (d) TGA curves for GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h measured in pure argon at a heating rate of 5 K/min.

graphitic peak at 26.4°, which can be associated with the interlayer retained higher residual mass at higher temperatures (>150 °C) in
spacing between unoxidized graphene sheets (3.46 Å). Instead, the pure argon atmosphere. In addition, the sharpest weight loss occurred
main characteristic peak at around 11° appeared for all samples, indica- between 136 °C and 200 °C for both GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h, suggesting
tive of an expanded interlayer spacing after oxidation (~ 8.04 Å). In ad- similar thermally labile oxygen functional groups were presented in
dition, GO samples showed a weak broad peak centered at around 22° both samples. From the XPS survey spectra (Fig. S6), GO-5C5h showed
(see Fig. S1), and it is attributed to the less oxidized parts in GO a C/O ratio of 4.05, which was higher than that of the GO-25C5h
[35–37]. For the GO oxidized at 25 °C, the intensity of this broad peak (3.40) and GO-25C9h (3.17). The high C/O ratio indicates the limited ox-
is highest in GO-25C3h and decreases to the same level in both GO- ygen functionalization at 5 °C, thus contributing to the lowest GO yield
25C5h and GO-25C9h. This implies the content of the less oxidized GO for GO-5C5h as shown in Table S1. The XPS C 1 s spectra (Fig. 1c-d and
has reached the minimum when the oxidation time is 5 h. In the case Fig. S7) can be deconvoluted into five components: C=C/C-C
of the mild oxidation at 5 °C, the GO-5C5h exhibited a similar proportion (284.6 eV), C\\O (286.8 eV), C_O (287.8 eV), COOH (288.8 eV) and
of less oxidized parts to the GO-25C5h and GO-25C9h. Therefore, it can π-π*satellite (290.6 eV) [38–40]. According to the deconvolution results
be concluded that the conversion to GO was completed for the GO- (Table S2), GO-5C5h evidently retained higher fraction of sp2 conju-
5C5h, GO-25C5h and GO-25C9h. The freeze-dried powders of these gated carbon (61.13 at.%), as compared to the GO-25C5h (54.62 at.%)
three GO samples can be readily re-dispersed in a 50 vol% ethanol/ and GO-25C9h (52.65 at.%). Meanwhile, the π-π* satellite tail towards
water solvent, forming black dispersions of concentration of higher binding energy was more pronounced in GO-5C5h, correlated
0.1 mg/mL (Fig. S2). We also compared the XRD patterns of our ex- to more π conjugated network, in comparison to the other two GO sam-
panded graphite-derived GO (GO-25C9h) with the GO produced from ples produced at room temperature [41]. The UV–vis spectra (Fig. S8) of
pre-intercalated graphite, as reported in our previous work, using the diluted GO dispersion shows obvious redshift occurred in the absorp-
same experimental conditions (Fig. S3) [28]. It is apparent that, al- tion peak (~ 250 nm) of GO-5C5h relative to GO-25C5h and GO-
though the pre-intercalated graphite was much larger in flake size 25C9h. This is indicative of larger conjugated graphitic domains in the
(Fig. S4), the resultant GO from it had a smaller proportion of less- GO-5C5h [18], consistent with the XPS results.
oxidized regions relative to that from the expanded graphite. This is Apart from different functionalities, the differences between the
possibly due to the lower acid wettability of porous expanded graphite structures of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h can be revealed from their
with some trapped air, which leads to limited accessible diffusion paths Raman spectra (Fig. S9), which involve the defect-activated D band
for oxidizing agents [14]. (1340 cm−1) and the sp2 carbon-related G band (1590 cm−1) [42]. It
More in-depth chemical information of our GO-5C5h, GO-25C5h and is predicted that GO-25C5h was more defective than GO-5C5h since
GO-25C9h can be revealed from the TGA and XPS characterizations more defects would be introduced to GO along with the depletion of
(Fig. 1b-d and Figs. S6-S7). TGA results (Fig. 1b) confirmed that GO- carbon atoms from graphene backbone during higher temperature oxi-
5C5h was less oxygen functionalized than GO-25C5h since the former dation [25,26]. This is evidenced by the wider D band for GO-25C5h,
4 J. Qin et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198

which is associated with more disordered and defective structures freestanding membranes, using a mild thermal treatment in a 150 °C
[43,44]. In addition, the intensity ratio of D band to G band (ID/IG), oven for 5 h in ambient air [28], or a green chemical method based on
which can be calculated from a two-component fitting, is lower in GO- VC which is commonly recognized as a safe but effective reductant
25C5h (0.99) compared to GO-5C5h (1.18). According to Ferrari et al. [56–58]. For the chemical reduction, GO samples were soaked in the
[43,45–48], the variation of ID/IG would experience two distinct stages VC aqueous solution (10 mg/mL) for 24 h, followed by rinsing in DI
during the gradual conversion of graphite into GO. In the first stage, water and drying in a 60 °C oven.
the ID/IG increases with defect density at a low defect concentration. The changes in the electrical conductivity and the corresponding
Upon reaching a critical defect concentration, however, the ID/IG starts film thicknesses of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h are displayed in Fig. 3 and
to decrease in the second stage. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude Table S3. In contrast to the slight change in the film thicknesses, a con-
that both GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h were in stage 2. siderable enhancement in the conductivity of both GO films was ob-
served. In the as-synthesized state, the GO-5C5h (3207 S/m) was five
3.2. Morphological characterizations of low T-GO and RT-GO times more conductive than the GO-25C5h (576 S/m), attributed to
the higher content of conducting sp2 conjugated carbon (as demon-
In order to investigate the morphology of our GO sheets, the as- strated in the XPS results). As for the deoxygenated state, it is observed
prepared diluted dispersions of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h (~ 0.1 mg/mL) that the VC reduction (> 40,000 S/m) can recover more conductivity
were spin coated onto a Si/SiO2 wafer for SEM and AFM characterizations. than the thermal conversion (~ 20,000 S/m). Moreover, a more striking
First, from the particle size analysis based on the SEM images (Fig. 2a-b), enhancement in the conductivity was observed for the GO-25C5h after
both samples shared the similar distributions of lateral dimensions, par- both thermal conversion and chemical reduction, resulting in rGO-
ticularly 1.18 ± 0.97 μm for GO-5C5h and 1.37 ± 1.13 μm for GO- 25C5h as conductive as rGO-5C5h. This indicates that the structural in-
25C5h (average ± standard deviation). Second, the thickness of individ- tactness of GO-25C5h is similar to CH-5C5h and could restore more sp2
ual sheets can be revealed from AFM imaging. As is evident in Fig. 2c-f carbon as compared to the GO-5C5h during the reduction. We also com-
and Fig. S10, nearly 90% of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h flakes can be exfoli- pared the electrical conductivity of our reduced GO-25C5h with previ-
ated into a single layer with a thickness of 1.2–1.6 nm [49]. The minor ously reported rGO (Table S4). It clearly demonstrates that our
presence of few- or multi-layered GO (≥ 3 layers) is possibly caused by reduced GO-25C5h prepared based on room temperature oxidation
the less oxidized parts or restacked sheets during the rapid drying. shows the advantages of not only energy-saving and environmentally-
friendly processing, but can also exhibit comparable or even higher con-
3.3. Electrical conductivity of low T-GO and RT-GO before and after ductivity than those in the literature.
3.4. Chemical properties of reduced low T-GO and RT-GO
To restore the electrical conductivity of GO, reduction methods with
low cost, environmental friendliness and broad applicability are pre- The dramatic change in the conductivity arises from the transformed
ferred [28,50–55]. Here we reduced our GO samples, in the form of chemical properties of GO, namely the oxygen functionalities and the

Fig. 2. Morphological characteristics of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h. (a-b) Size distributions of GO sheets based on the SEM images (inset). (c) AFM image of GO-25C5h flakes and (d) the
corresponding line profiles of the numbered flakes. (e-f) Distributions of number of layers based on 121 pieces of GO-5C5h sheets and 176 pieces of GO-25C5h sheets from AFM images.
J. Qin et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198 5

(also known as D" or D3 band) [61–63]. This indicates that the VCrGO
samples were less disordered and amorphous than the original and
thermally converted ones [44,48,64]. Meanwhile, a small shoulder ap-
peared in the right side of G bands in VCrGO, tied to another defect-
activated D' band centered at around 1620 cm−1 [46]. In addition to
the narrower D and G bands, the greater ID/IG in the VCrGO samples,
with respect to the unreduced or thermally converted states, suggests
a decrease in the defect density and larger sp2 carbon domains in the
second stage when GO were subject to VC reduction [43,47]. Therefore,
VC is more effective in reconstructing intact sp2 domains in GO and thus
restoring more conductivity than the thermal reduction.
To unveil the differences between the VCrGO-5C5h and VCrGO-
25C5h, the Raman spectra GO and their precursors, namely GO-5C5h,
GO-25C5h, VCrGO-5C5h and VCrGO-25C5h, are fitted into four compo-
Fig. 3. Changes in the electrical conductivity of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h before and after nents, including D, D", G and D' bands [64,65] (Fig. S11) and the fitting
thermal conversion and chemical reduction. results have been summarized in Table S5. It can be observed that the
ID/IG of the VCrGO-25C5h (2.05) is higher than that of the VCrGO-
5C5h (1.77), while as aforementioned, the original GO-25C5h had a
structural integrity, in the course of thermal conversion and VC reduc- smaller ID/IG, or more defects, than the GO-5C5h. Based on the reduction
tion. Raman spectra (Fig. 4a-b) exhibit the differences not only between in the ID'/IG ratio as well as the FWHM (full width at half maximum) of
thermal conversion and VC reduction, but also between the VC reduced D, G and D' bands, the Raman fitting reveals that the GO-25C5h could re-
GO-5C5h (VCrGO-5C5h) and GO-25C5h (VCrGO-25C5h). For the ther- gain more graphitic sp2 domains together with reduced defects via VC
mal conversion of both GO samples (Fig. 4a), neither D band nor G reduction in comparison to the GO-5C5h [47,65]. This can also be con-
band underwent noticeable changes, as previously observed experi- firmed by the sharper and stronger 2D band (~2700 cm−1), which is
mentally [57,59]. This is likely to be ascribed to the lattice damage in- the second order of D band [42], for the VCrGO-25C5h (Fig. 4b), as it is
duced by the thermal deoxygenation of GO [60], which offsets the indicative of the more expanded sp2 domains and less amorphous struc-
restoration of sp2 carbon. In contrast, in the case of VC reduction ture [66,67].
(Fig. 4b), the D and G bands notably sharpened, accompanied by a Aside from Raman spectroscopy, XPS was further employed to mea-
shrinkage in the inter-band regions between 1500 and 1550 cm−1 sure the changes in the oxygen functionalization of the VCrGO. The

Fig. 4. Chemical characterizations of thermally converted and VC reduced GO. (a-b) Changes in the Raman spectra of GO-5C5h and GO-25C5h between original and reduced state. (c-d)
XPS C 1 s spectra of the two VC reduced GO (VCrGO) samples. The dash-dotted lines indicate the asymmetrical shapes of the main peaks.
6 J. Qin et al. / Sustainable Materials and Technologies 25 (2020) e00198

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