MPESA API Test Cases

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The key takeaways are testing the core API integration including authentication, certificate management, functionality tests over HTTPS portal.

The objectives of the test cases are to test authentication using OAuth, test transactions over HTTPS portal, and test functionality.

The parameters that need to be validated in the requests include ProviderID, ProviderPassword, MerchantCode, MSISDN, etc.

Testing Broker- Core API integration

Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

Security credential is correctly to test successful authentication of the third

Authentication encrypted party

Security credential is incorrectly to test unsuccessful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted third party

To test successful request sent over https on

Send request with transaction type
Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal
B2C with command ID
"PromotionPayment" to the Broker
- B2C account has a valid initiator
username ,password and receiver Partner is able to successful move funds from
Functionality tests party account is valid the organization to the customer MSISDN
Send request with transaction type
B2C with command ID Transfer of funds for B2C account with
"PromotionPayment" to API insufficient balance is unsuccessful. Request is
Gateway- B2C account has processed by the gateway and appropriate
Functionality tests insufficient balance error message is retuned in the result
Send request with transaction type Transfer of funds for B2C account with invalid
B2C with command ID initiator username is unsuccessful. Request is
"PromotionPayment" to API processed by the API gateway and
Gateway - B2C account has wrong appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests initiator username result
Send request with transaction type Transfer of funds for B2C account with invalid
B2C with command ID initiator password is unsuccessful. Request is
"PromotionPayment" to Broker - processed by the API gateway and
B2C account has wrong initiator appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests password result
Send request with transaction type Transfer of funds from B2C account with
BusinessBuyGoods with command invalid initiator password is unsuccessful.
ID "PromotionPayment" to Broker - Request is processed by the API gateway and
with an invalid recipient merchant appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests account or store result

Send the request with an valid To test whether the request will go through
Functionality tests command id with a valid command id

Send the request with an invalid To test whether the request will go through
Functionality tests command id with an invalid command id
Send the request with a valid To test whether the request will be allowed
Functionality tests amount between 1-70000 on Mpesa with a valid amount

Send the request with a negetive

amount or a large amount e.g To test whether the request will be allowed
Functionality tests 50000000000000000000000000 on Mpesa with a negetive amount

Send the Party B with an MSISDN of To test whether an MSISDN of 12 numbers

Functionality Tests 12 numbers will be accepted

Send the Party B with an

organization shortcode of 12 To test whether an MSISDN of 12 or more
Functionality Tests numbers numbers will be accepted

Send remarks with less then 200 To test whether less then 200 characters will
Functionality Tests characters be accepted in remarks

Send remarks with more then 200 To test whether more then 200 characters
Functionality Tests characters will be accepted in remarks

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send result url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send result url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL with an ip To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests and port with an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL without an To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests ip and port without an ip and port
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Authentication is

1) Request is sent to
API gateway is
unsuccessful A valid
1) Requestis isreturned
response sent to to
API Gateway
the Partner.
Portal displays
successfully. https
2) Transfer ofAfunds
and transaction
is isto
successful is returned
from any
the Partner. MSISDN
1) Request is to sent to
2) Transfer of funds
3) Valid
API result is
from B2C business
returned withA valid
account to Customer's
response error to
is returned
MPESA account is
the Partner.
2) Request is sent to
3) Transfer
APIValid of funds
Gateway is
from B2C business
returned withA valid
account to Customer's
response error to
is returned
MPESA account is
the Partner.
2) Request is sent to
3) Transfer
APIValid of funds
gateway is
from B2C with
returned business
successfully. A valid
account to Customer's
response is error to
MPESA account is
the Partner.
2) Transfer of funds
3) Valid result is
from B2C business
returned with
account to Customer's
appropriate error
MPESA account is
3) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid Amount
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid Party B
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid Remarks
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
Testing API Gateway- API Gateway integ

Subject Test case


Authentication Authentication

Certificate management Certificate management

Authenticate using correct

Certificate management SPid+Password+Timestamp+ServiceID

Use C2B to send request with transaction type

RegisterURL with command ID "RegisterURL " for
Transaction type management both confirmation and validation URLs

Use C2B to send request with transaction type

RegisterURL with command ID "RegisterURL" for
Trasaction type management only Confirmation notifications

Use C2B to send request with transaction type

RegisterURL with command ID "RegisterURL" for
Trasaction type management only Validation requests from API Gateway

API Gateway sends

"C2BPaymentConfirmationRequest" to third
Functionality tests party

API gateway sends

"C2BPaymentConfirmationRequest" to third
Functionality tests party

API Gateway sends

Functionality tests "C2BPaymentValidationRequest" to third party
API Gateway sends
Functionality tests "C2BPaymentValidationRequest" to third party

API Gateway sends

Functionality tests "C2BPaymentValidationRequest" to third party

API Gateway sends

Functionality tests "C2BPaymentValidationRequest" to third party

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Accessing C2B Simulate Transaction

Calling an API of C2B Simulate Transaction

Test C2B Simulate Transaction without any input

Calling an API of C2B Simulate Transaction:

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Authorized access without payloa

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction commandID is mandatory

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Amount is mandatory

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction MSISDN is mandatory

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction BillRefNo is mandatory

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction ShortCode is mandatory

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for Command ID
Test C2B Simulate Transaction = CustomerPayBillOnline
Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify
Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for Command ID
Test C2B Simulate Transaction = randomValue

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for amount = 0

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for amount
Test C2B Simulate Transaction above 70000

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for a negative
Test C2B Simulate Transaction amount

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction MSISDN is not numeric

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

MSISDN exceeding maximum allowed length (>
Test C2B Simulate Transaction 12 characters)

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

MSISDN less than minimum allowed length (less
Test C2B Simulate Transaction then 12 char)

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction BillRefNumber is not numeric

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

BillRefNumber exceeding maximum allowed
Test C2B Simulate Transaction length

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction BillRefNumber less than minimum allowed length

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Shortcode is not numeric

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

ShortCode exceeding maximum allowed length >
Test C2B Simulate Transaction 6 characters

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

shortcode is less than minimum allowed length
Test C2B Simulate Transaction (<5 characters)
Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify
Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for Amount is
Test C2B Simulate Transaction not greater then 70000 and not negetive

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for MSISDN (12
Test C2B Simulate Transaction digits)

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for MSISDN

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for BillRefNo

Calling an API of C2B Payment Request to verify

Test C2B Simulate Transaction Normal Flow with all Valid inputs for Shortcode
eway- API Gateway integration

Objective Expected Results

To test successful authentication of third party

using consumerkey:consumersecret and hashing
Autheticate using Oauth it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third party

using consumerkey:consumersecret and hashing
Autheticate using Oauth it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on the

Test transaction over https portal portal

1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully.

To test successful authentication Authentication is successful
Partner receive a success response from API
2) Successful registration of the ConfirmationURL
Partner is able to make a successful register for the specified short code
confirmation and Validation URL
1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully.
Partner receive a success response from API
Partner is able to make a successful register 2) Successful registrationof the confirmationURL
confirmation URL
1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully.
Partner receive a success response from API
Partner is able to make a successful register Gateway
Validation URL 2) Successful registration of the Validation URL
1) Third party successfully receives the validation
1) Request
request is sent
from to Third party successfully.
API Gateway
Third party successfully receives the confirmation 2) Third party respond
a success the
request sends an acknowledgement to API confirmation
3) The request
subscriber to APISMS
receives Gateway
from MPESA
Gatewayparty does a successful registerURL with showing a success or failure (customer may have
responsetype Complete
2) Third party successfully receives the enough or not enough money in their mpesa
confirmation request account)
1) Request is sent to Third party successfully.
2) Third party fails to send acknowlegement to 4)
2) third party Receives
API Gateway sends aconfirmation request from
success to MPESA
API Gateway in a case confirmation URL was
API Gateway
1) Third party successfully receives the registered
confirmation request sends an acknowledgement 5) Third party sends a successful confirmation
to API Gateway acknowledgement to API Gateway.
2) third party respond with a success
message/code to API Gateway
1) Third party successfully receives the validation
request from API Gateway
2) API Gateway receives the failure message and
respond to MPESA to cancel the transaction
1) Third party successfully receives the 3) The subscriber receives a failure SMS from
confirmation request sends an acknowledgement MPESA
to API Gateway
2) third party respond with a failures
1)Third party does a successful registerURL with
message/code to API Gateway
responsetype Complete
2) Third party successfully receives the Validation
request 1) Request is sent to Third party successfully.
2) Third party fails to send acknowlegement to 2) API Gateway sends a success to MPESA
1)Third party does a successful registerURL with
API Gateway
responsetype Cancelled
2) Third party successfully receives the Validation
request 1) Request is sent to Third party successfully.
2) Third party fails to send acknowlegement to 2) API Gateway sends a cancel request to MPESA.
API Gateway

The user isappropriate error
able to view the message in the
testing page for C2B
To verify that the user can access APIs format {
Simulate Transaction
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Error
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
Message - "
To verify that the user must provide valid inputs format
} {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Error
Message -appropriate
error message in the
format {
To verify that the user must provide valid inputs }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid ID- "
format {
commandID }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
Amount - appropriate
error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid "
format {
Amount }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid MSISDN" appropriate error message in the
format {
msisdn }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
BillRefNo appropriate
error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid -"
format {
BillRefNo }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid Shortcode"
ShortCode }
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
commandID "ResponseDescription".
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
format {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid CommandID - "
format {
commandID }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid Amount - "
format {
Amount }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid Amount - "
format {
Amount }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid OUTPUT:
Amount- "appropriate error message in the
format {
Amount }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid OUTPUT:
MSISDN - appropriate
" error message in the
MSISDN format
} {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid MSISDN- "
MSISDN format
} {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
MSISDN - appropriate
error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid "
format {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid BillRefNumber -"
format {
BillRefNumber }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
To verify that the user must provide a valid BillRefNumber"
format {
BillRefNumber }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid BillRefNumber - "
OUTPUT: appropriate error message in the
BillRefNumber }
format {
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
OUTPUT: appropriate error- Shortcode
message in-"the
To verify that the user must provide a valid "errorMessage": "Invalid
format {
shortCode }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid OUTPUT:
-" error message in the
format {
shortCode }
"requestId": "",
"errorCode": "",
"errorMessage": "Error Occurred - Invalid
To verify that the user must provide a valid Shortcode - "
shortCode }
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
amount between 1-70,000 "ResponseDescription".
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
MSISDN "ResponseDescription".
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
MSISDN "ResponseDescription".
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
BillRefNo "ResponseDescription".
OUTPUT: appropriate acknowledgement of
success message with "ConversationID",
To verify that the user must provide a valid "OriginatorConversationID",
Shortcode "ResponseDescription".
Testing API Gateway- Core API integra

Subject Test case

Authentication Autheticate using Oauth

Authentication Autheticate using Oauth

Authentication Security credential is correctly encrypted

Authentication Security credential is incorrectly encrypted

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal

Send request with transaction type B2B with
command ID "BusinessPayBill" to the API
Gateway - B2B account has a valid initiator
username ,password and receiver party account
Functionality tests is valid

Send request with transaction type B2B with

command ID "BusinessPayBill" to API Gateway-
Functionality tests B2B account has insufficient balance

Send request with transaction type B2B with

command ID "BusinessPayBill" to API Gateway -
Functionality tests B2B account has wrong initiator username

Send request with transaction type B2B with

command ID "BusinessPayBill" to API Gateway -
Functionality tests B2B account has wrong initiator password
Send request with transaction type B2B with
command ID "BusinessPayBill" to API Gateway -
with an invalid recipient merchant account or
Functionality tests store
Send the request with an valid command id e.g
Functionality tests BusinessPayBill/BusinessBuyGoods

Functionality tests Send the request with an invalid command id

Send the request with a valid amount between 1-

Functionality tests 70000

Send the request with a negetive amount or a

Functionality tests large amount e.g 50000000000000000000000000

Functionality Tests Send the Party B with an MSISDN of 12 numbers

Send the Party B with an organization shortcode

Functionality Tests of 12 numbers

Functionality Tests Send remarks with less then 200 characters

Functionality Tests Send remarks with more then 200 characters

Functionality tests Send result url with an ip and port

Functionality tests Send result url without an ip and port

Functionality tests Send queuetimeout URL with an ip and port

Functionality tests Send queuetimeout URL without an ip and port

ateway- Core API integration

Objective Expected Results

To test successful authentication of Partner using

consumerkey:consumersecret and hashing it to
create the Oauth token Authentication is successful

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and hashing
it to create the Oauth token Authentication is unsuccessful

to test successful authentication of the Partner Authentication is successful

to test unsuccessful authentication of the Partner Authentication is unsuccessful

To test successful request sent over https on the

1) Request is sent to and
API gateway successfully. A
portal Portal displays https transaction is successful
valid response is returned to the Partner.
2) Transfer of funds is successful from any
organization to organization
Partner is able to successful move funds from 3) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
the organization to another organization
valid response is returned to the Partner.
Transfer of funds for B2B account with 2) Transfer of funds from B2B business account to
insufficient balance is unsuccessful. Request is Customer's MPESA account is unsuccessful
processed by the gateway and appropriate error 3) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
message is retuned in the result
valid response is returned to the Partner.
Transfer of funds for B2B account with invalid 2) Transfer of funds from B2B business account to
initiator username is unsuccessful. Request is Customer's MPESA account is unsuccessful
processed by the API gateway and appropriate 3) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
error message is retuned in the result
valid response is returned to the Partner.
Transfer of funds for B2B account with invalid 2) Transfer of funds from B2B business account to
initiator password is unsuccessful. Request is Customer's MPESA account is unsuccessful
processed by the API gateway and appropriate 3) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
error message is retuned in the result
valid response is returned to the Partner.
Transfer of funds from B2B account with invalid 2) Transfer of funds from B2B business account to
initiator password is unsuccessful. Request is Customer's MPESA account is unsuccessful
processed by the API gateway and appropriate 3) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
error message is retuned in the result
To test whether the request will go through with You should get an appropriate success message:
a valid command id The service has been accepted successfully

To test whether the request will go through with The request shall not go through with an
an invalid command id appropriate error thrown: Invalid CommandID

To test whether the request will be allowed on You should get an appropriate success message:
Mpesa with a valid amount The service has been accepted successfully

To test whether the request will be allowed on The request shall not go through with an
Mpesa with a negetive amount appropriate error thrown: Invalid Amount

To test whether an MSISDN of 12 numbers will be You should get an appropriate success message:
accepted The service has been accepted successfully

To test whether an MSISDN of 12 or more The request shall not go through with an in
numbers will be accepted appropriate error thrown:Invalid Party B

To test whether less then 200 characters will be You should get an appropriate success message:
accepted in remarks The service has been accepted successfully

To test whether more then 200 characters will be The request shall not go through with an in
accepted in remarks appropriate error thrown:Invalid Remarks

To test whether the request will be accepted with You should get an appropriate success message:
a valid ip and port The service has been accepted successfully

To test whether the request will be accepted The request shall not go through with an in
without an ip and port appropriate error thrown:Invalid ResultURL

To test whether the request will be accepted with The request shall not go through with an in
an ip and port appropriate error thrown:Invalid ResultURL

To test whether the request will be accepted The request shall not go through with an in
without an ip and port appropriate error thrown:Invalid ResultURL
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

Security credential is correctly to test successful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

Security credential is incorrectly to test unsuccessful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

To test successful request sent over https on

Send request with transaction type the portal
Certificate management Test transaction over https portal
Account Balance with command ID
"AccountBalance" to the gateway -
Paybill account has a valid initiator
username ,password and party A Partner is able to successful move funds from
Functionality tests account is valid the organization to the customer MSISDN
Send request with transaction type Checking of balance for paybill account with
Account Balance with command ID invalid initiator username is unsuccessful.
"AccountBalance" to API Gateway - Request is processed by the API gateway and
Paybill account has wrong initiator appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests username result
Send request with transaction type Checking of balance for paybill account with
Account Balance with command ID invalid initiator password is unsuccessful.
"AccountBalance" to gateway - Request is processed by the API gateway and
Paybill account has wrong initiator appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests password result
Send request with transaction type Transfer of funds from paybill account with
Account Balance with command ID invalid initiator password is unsuccessful.
"AccountBalance" to gateway - with Request is processed by the API gateway and
an invalid party A merchant account appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests or store result

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an valid with a valid command id through the API
Functionality tests command id i.e AccountBalance gateway

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an invalid with an invalid command id will go through to
Functionality tests command id API gateway

Send the request with an invalid To test whether the request will be allowed
Functionality tests identifier e.g. 6 on Mpesa with an invalid identifier
Send remarks with less then 200 To test whether less then 200 characters will
Functionality Tests characters be accepted in remarks

Send remarks with more then 200 To test whether more then 200 characters
Functionality Tests characters will be accepted in remarks

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send result url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send result url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL with an ip To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests and port with an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL without an To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests ip and port without an ip and port
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Authentication is

Authentication is
1) Request is sent to
API gateway
Portal displays https
successfully. A valid
and transaction is
successfulis returned to
the Partner.
1) Request is sent to
2) Valid result is
API Gateway
returned with
successfully. A valid
appropriate error
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Request
is sent
Valid result is to
API Gateway
returned with
successfully. A valid
appropriate error
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Request is sent
Valid result is to
API gateway
returned with
successfully. A valid
appropriate error
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid Remarks
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

Security credential is correctly to test successful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

Security credential is incorrectly to test unsuccessful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

Send request with transaction type

To test successful request sent over https on
Transaction Reversal
Certificate management Test transaction over with
portal the portal
ID "TransactionReversal" to the
gateway - Paybill account has a valid
initiator username,password,
amount and ReceiverParty account
Functionality tests is valid Partner is able to successfully reverse funds
Send request with transaction type Reversal for paybill account with invalid
Transaction Reversal with command initiator username is unsuccessful. Request is
ID "TransactionReversal" to API processed by the API gateway and
Gateway - Paybill account has wrong appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests initiator username result
Send request with transaction type Reversal for paybill account with invalid
Transaction Reversal with command initiator password is unsuccessful. Request is
ID "TransactionReversal" to processed by the API gateway and
gateway - Paybill account has wrong appropriate error message is retuned in the
Send request with transaction type result
Functionality tests initiator password
Transaction Reversal with command Reversal from paybill account with invalid
ID "TransactionReversal" to Receiver party is unsuccessful. Request is
gateway - with an invalid processed by the API gateway and
ReceiverParty merchant account or appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests store result

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an valid with a valid command id through the API
Functionality tests command id i.e TransactionReversal gateway

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an invalid with an invalid command id will go through to
Functionality tests command id API gateway

Send the request with an invalid

identifier e.g. 6. The valid identifier To test whether the request will be allowed
Functionality tests is 1 on Mpesa with an invalid identifier
Send remarks with less then 200 To test whether less then 200 characters will
Functionality Tests characters be accepted in remarks

Send remarks with more then 200 To test whether more then 200 characters
Functionality Tests characters will be accepted in remarks

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send result url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send result url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL with an ip To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests and port with an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL without an To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests ip and port without an ip and port

Send the Occasion with less than To test whether Occasion will be accepted
Functionality tests 200 characters with less than 200 characters

Send Occasion with more then 200 To test whether occasion will go through with
Functionality tests characters more then 200 characters

Send the amount with a different To test whether the transaction will be
amount that was sent during c2b reversed with an amount not matching the
Functionality tests with a valid transaction ID intial C2B request
To test whether the transaction will be
Send an invalid transaction ID that reversed with a transaction ID not matching
Functionality tests does not exist the intial C2B request

Send the TransactionID with a valid To test whether a valid transaction can be
Functionality tests Transaction ID and valid shortcode queried
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Authentication is

Authentication is
1) Request is sent to
API gateway
Portal displays https
successfully. A valid
and transaction is
successfulis returned to
the Partner.
1) Request is sent to
2) Valid result is
API Gateway
returned and
successfully. A valid
transaction is reversed
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Request
is sent
Valid result is to
API Gateway
returned with
successfully. A valid
appropriate error
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Request is sent
Valid result is to
API gateway
returned with
successfully. A valid
appropriate error
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid Remarks
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

Security credential is correctly to test successful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

Security credential is incorrectly to test unsuccessful authentication of the

Authentication encrypted Partner

Send request with transaction type

Transaction Status Query with
To test successful request sent over https on
command ID
Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal
"TransactionStatusQuery" to the
gateway - Paybill account has a
valid initiator username ,password, Partner is able to successfully query the
Transaction ID, Identifier Type and transaction from the organization that
Send request with transaction type
Functionality tests party A account is valid received it
Transaction Status Query with Checking the status of a transaction for
command ID paybill account with invalid initiator username
"TransactionStatusQuery" to API is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
Gateway - Paybill account has wrong API gateway and appropriate error message is
Send request with transaction type
Functionality tests initiator username retuned in the result
Transaction Status Query with Checking the status of a transaction for
command ID paybill account with invalid initiator password
"TransactionStatusQuery" to is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
gateway - Paybill account has wrong API gateway and appropriate error message is
Send request with transaction type retuned in the result
Functionality tests initiator password
Transaction Status Query with Checking funds from paybill account with
command ID invalid initiator password is unsuccessful.
"TransactionStatusQuery" to Request is processed by the API gateway and
gateway - with an invalid party A appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests merchant account or store result

Send the request with a valid To test whether the request will go through
command id i.e with a valid command id through the API
Functionality tests TransactionStatusQuery gateway

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an invalid with an invalid command id will go through to
Functionality tests command id API gateway

Send the request with an invalid To test whether the request will be allowed
Functionality tests identifier e.g. 6 on Mpesa with an invalid identifier
Send the Party A with a MSISDN of To test whether a MSISDN of 10 digits will be
Functionality Tests 10 digits accepted

Send the Party A with a MSISDN of To test whether a MSISDN of more or less
Functionality Tests more then 10 digits then 10 digits will be accepted

Send remarks with less then 200 To test whether less then 200 characters will
Functionality Tests characters be accepted in remarks

Send remarks with more then 200 To test whether more then 200 characters
Functionality Tests characters will be accepted in remarks

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send result url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send result url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL with an ip To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests and port with an ip and port

Send queuetimeout URL without an To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests ip and port without an ip and port

Send the amount with an invalid To test whether a transaction that does not
Functionality tests transaction ID that does not exist exist can be queried

Send the Occasion with less than To test whether Occasion will be accepted
Functionality tests 200 characters with less than 200 characters
Send Occasion with more then 200 To test whether occasion will go through with
Functionality tests characters more then 200 characters
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is
successful Authentication is successful

Authentication is
unsuccessful Authentication is unsuccessful

Authentication is
successful Authentication is successful

Authentication is
1) Request is sent to Authentication is unsuccessful
API gateway
successfully. A valid
Portal displays https
response is returned to
and transaction is
the Partner.
successful Portal displays https and transaction is successful
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
1) Request is sent to
returned with success valid response is returned to the Partner.
API Gateway
message and 2) Valid result is returned with success message
successfully. A valid
transaction details and transaction details
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
1) Request is sent to
returned with valid response is returned to the Partner.
API Gatewayerror
appropriate 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
theRequest sent to
API gateway
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
successfully. A valid
returned with valid response is returned to the Partner.
response is returned
appropriate error to 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned to the Partner.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message is displayed: The
successfully service has been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid The request does not go through with an
CommandID appropriate error thrown: Invalid CommandID
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid The request does not go through with an
identifier appropriate error thrown: Invalid identifier
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message is displayed: The
successfully service has been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error The request does not go through with an in
thrown:Invalid Party A appropriate error thrown:Invalid Party A
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message is displayed: The
successfully service has been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error The request does not go through with an in
thrown:Invalid Remarks appropriate error thrown:Invalid Remarks
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message is displayed: The
successfully service has been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid The request does not go through with an in
ResultURL appropriate error thrown:Invalid ResultURL
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message is displayed: The
successfully service has been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error The request does not go through with an in
thrown:Invalid appropriate error thrown:Invalid
QueuetimeoutURL QueuetimeoutURL

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service The request does not go through with an in
has been accepted appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid The request does not go through with an in
Occasion appropriate error thrown:Invalid Occasion
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal
Send request with transaction type
Customer PayBill Online with
command ID
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to the
gateway - Paybill account has a valid
nsaction Type,Amount,Party A, Party
Functionality tests B, Phone Number is valid Partner is able to successfully get an STK Push

Send request with transaction type

Customer PayBill Online with
command ID STK Push for paybill account with invalid
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to API business shortcode is unsuccessful. Request is
Gateway - Paybill account has wrong processed by the API gateway and
shortcode but correct password and appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests timestamp result

Send request with transaction type

Customer PayBill Online with
command ID
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to STK for paybill account with invalid password
gateway - Paybill account has wrong is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
password but correct shortcode and API gateway and appropriate error message is
Functionality tests timestamp retuned in the result

Send request with transaction type

Customer PayBill Online with
command ID
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to STK for paybill account with invalid timestamp
gateway - Paybill account has wrong is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
timestamp but correct shortcode API gateway and appropriate error message is
Functionality tests and password retuned in the result
Send request with transaction type
Customer PayBill Online with
command ID
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to STK from paybill account with invalid Party A
gateway - with an invalid Party A is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
(party A in this case being the same API gateway and appropriate error message is
Functionality tests as phone number) retuned in the result

Send request with transaction type

Customer PayBill Online with
command ID
"CustomerPayBillOnline" to STK from paybill account with invalid Party A
gateway - with an invalid phone is unsuccessful. Request is processed by the
number i.e less then or more than API gateway and appropriate error message is
Functionality tests 10 digits retuned in the result

STK from paybill account with invalid phone

Send the request with an valid number is unsuccessful. Request is processed
command id i.e by the API gateway and appropriate error
Functionality tests CustomerPayBillOnline message is retuned in the result

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an invalid with a valid command id through the API
Functionality tests command id gateway

Send account reference (account

number) with less then 200 To test whether less then 200 characters will
Functionality Tests characters be accepted in account reference

Send account reference (account

number) with more then 200 To test whether more then 200 characters
Functionality Tests characters will be accepted in account reference

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send call back url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send call back url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port
Send the TransactionDesc with less To test whether TransactionDesc will be
Functionality tests than 200 characters accepted with less than 200 characters

Send TransactionDesc with more To test whether TransactionDesc will go

Functionality tests then 200 characters through with more then 200 characters

Send the amount greater then 0 but

less then 70000 *NB it is on
production environment thus To test whether the transaction will be
Functionality tests advisable to send 1 initiated with a valid amount

Send the amount as a negetive *NB

it is on production environment thus To test whether the transaction will be
Functionality tests advisable to send -1 initiated with an invalid amount

On the phone when the STK menu To test whether the transaction will complete
Functionality tests pops up enter a valid Mpesa PIN successfully with a valid Mpesa PIN

On the phone when the STK menu

pops up enter an invalid Mpesa PIN
*NB you have three tries before To test whether the transaction will complete
Functionality tests your Mpesa PIN blocks successfully with an invalid Mpesa PIN
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is
successful Authentication is successful

Authentication is
unsuccessful Authentication is unsuccessful

Portal displays https

andRequest is sent
transaction is to
API gateway
successful Portal displays https and transaction is successful
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
returned and the STK valid response is returned.
push is sent to the 2) Valid result is returned and the STK push is sent
users phone to the users phone

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API Gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
1) Request is sent to
API gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
1) Request iserror
sent to 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
API gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is 1) Request is sent to API gateway successfully. A
returned with valid response is returned.
appropriate error 2) Valid result is returned with appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error The request does not go through with an in
thrown:Invalid Remarks appropriate error thrown:Invalid Remarks
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted An appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid The request does not go through with an in
ResultURL appropriate error thrown:Invalid ResultURL
The request shall not go
through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service The request does not go through with an in
has been accepted appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate error
thrown:Invalid The request does not go through with an in
Occasion appropriate error thrown:Invalid Occasion

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service The request does not go through with an in
has been accepted appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate error The request does not go through with an in
thrown:Invalid amount appropriate error thrown:Invalid amount

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service The request does not go through with an in
has been accepted appropriate success message: The service has
successfully been accepted successfully

The request shall go

through but will show
failed on the call back The request goes through but will show failed on
url due to wrong PIN the call back url due to wrong PIN
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal

Send an STK query request to the

gateway - Paybill account has a valid
Shortcode,Password,Timestamp and Partner is able to successfully retreive a valid
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID transaction

Send an invalid STK query request to

the gateway - Paybill account has a
Shortcode,Password,Timestamp and Partner is able to successfully retreive a valid
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID transaction

Send an invalid STK push query STK query for paybill account with invalid
request to gateway - Paybill account shortcode is unsuccessful. Request is
has wrong shortcode but correct processed by the API gateway and
password, correct appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID and timestamp result

Send an invalid STK push query STK query for paybill account with invalid
request to gateway - Paybill account password is unsuccessful. Request is
has wrong password but correct processed by the API gateway and
shortcode, correct appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID and timestamp result
Send an invalid STK push query STK query for paybill account with invalid
request to gateway - Paybill account timestamp is unsuccessful. Request is
has wrong timestamp but correct processed by the API gateway and
shortcode, correct appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID and password result

Send an invalid STK push query STK query for paybill account with invalid
request to gateway - Paybill account timestamp is unsuccessful. Request is
has wrong timestamp but correct processed by the API gateway and
shortcode, correct appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID and password result

Send an invalid STK push query STK from paybill account with invalid
request to gateway - Paybill account CheckoutRequestID is unsuccessful. Request
has wrong CheckoutRequestID but is processed by the API gateway and
correct shortcode, correct appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests CheckoutRequestID and password result
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is
successful Authentication is successful

Authentication is
unsuccessful Authentication is unsuccessful

Portal displays https

and transaction is
successful Portal displays https and transaction is successful

Portal displays the

results of the query and
gives details of the STK Portal displays the results of the query and gives
transaction details of the STK transaction

Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message

Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message

Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message
Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message

Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message

Portal is unable to
query and throws the
appropriate error Portal is unable to query and throws the
message appropriate error message
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of Partner

using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal
Send request with transaction type
Check Identity with command ID
"CheckIdentity" to the gateway -
Paybill account has a valid
nsaction Type, Phone Number,
Callback URL and TransactionDesc is
Functionality tests valid Partner is able to successfully get an STK Push

Send request with transaction type

Check Identity with command ID Check Identity for paybill account with invalid
"CheckIdentity" to API Gateway - business shortcode is unsuccessful. Request is
Paybill account has wrong shortcode processed by the API gateway and
but correct password and appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests timestamp result

Send request with transaction type Check Identity for paybill account with invalid
Check Identity with command ID password is unsuccessful. Request is
"CheckIdentity" to gateway - Paybill processed by the API gateway and
account has wrong password but appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests correct shortcode and timestamp result

Send request with transaction type Check Identity for paybill account with invalid
Check Identity with command ID password is unsuccessful. Request is
"CheckIdentity" to gateway - Paybill processed by the API gateway and
account has wrong timestamp but appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests correct shortcode and password result
Send request with transaction type Check Identity from paybill account with
Check Identity with command ID invalid phone number is unsuccessful.
"CheckIdentity" to gateway - with Request is processed by the API gateway and
an invalid phone number i.e less appropriate error message is retuned in the
Functionality tests than or more then 10 digits result

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an valid with a valid command id through the API
Functionality tests command id i.e CheckIdentity gateway

To test whether the request will go through

Send the request with an invalid with an invalid command id will go through to
Functionality tests command id API gateway

To test whether the request will be accepted

Functionality tests Send call back url with an ip and port with a valid ip and port

Send call back url without an ip and To test whether the request will be accepted
Functionality tests port without an ip and port

Send the TransactionDesc with less To test whether TransactionDesc will be

Functionality tests than 200 characters accepted with less than 200 characters

Send TransactionDesc with more To test whether TransactionDesc will go

Functionality tests then 200 characters through with more then 200 characters
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Portal displays https

andRequest is sent
transaction is to
API gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned and the STK
push is sent to the
users phone

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error

1) Request is sent to
API Gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
1) Request is sent to
API gateway
successfully. A valid
response is returned to
the Partner.
2) Valid result is
returned with
appropriate error
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted
The request shall not go
through with an
appropriate error
thrown: Invalid

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate error

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

The request shall not go

through with an in
appropriate error
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal

Send the request with a partner

name you can identify yourself with To test whether the partner name should go
Functionality tests e.g. 'ABC LTD' through

Send the request with a credit score To test whether the correct credit score type
Functionality tests type as: Consumer will go through

Send the request with a credit score To test whether an invalid credit score type
Functionality Tests type as: Merchant will go through

Send the request with a credit score To test whether an invalid credit score type
Functionality Tests type as: Example will go through
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Portal displays https

and transaction is

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal
Send a valid request type, MSISDN,
PartnerID, PartnerPassword,
DocumentType, DocumentNumber To test whether a request type with all valid
Functionality tests and Date of subscription parameters will go through

To test whether a request type with

parameter new should go through to the
Functionality tests Send the request type as :"NEW" gateway

To test whether an invalid request type will

Functionality tests Send an invalid request type e.g. 123 go through to the gateway

Send the MSISDN with a valid

document type and document To test whether a subscriber details will be
number e.g National ID as used returned with a valid MSISDN and document
Functionality tests during registeration type will be subscribed to the service

Send the valid MSISDN with an

invalid document type but valid To test whether a subscriber details will be
document number e.g National ID as returned with a valid MSISDN and document
Functionality tests used during registeration type will be subscribed to the service
Send an invalid MSISDN with a valid
document type and valid document To test whether a subscriber details will be
number e.g National ID as used returned with a valid MSISDN and document
Functionality tests during registeration type will be subscribed to the service

Send an invalid document number

with a valid document type and valid To test whether a subscriber details will be
MSISDN e.g National ID as used returned with a valid MSISDN and document
Functionality tests during registeration type will be subscribed to the service

Send an invalid partner id with a To test whether a subscriber can subscribe to

Functionality tests valid partner password an invalid partner

Send an invalid partner password To test whether a subscriber can be

Functionality tests with a valid partner id authenticated with a valid partner
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Portal displays https

and transaction is
You should get an
appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an

appropriate success
message: The service
has been accepted

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
You should get an error
message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
Document Number
You should get an error
message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
Provider ID

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal

To test whether a valid response will be

Send a valid ProviderID, returned with the correct ProviderID,
Functionality tests ProviderPassword and MSISDN ProviderPassword and MSISDN

Send an invalid ProviderID but valid To test whether an invalid response will be
Functionality tests ProviderPassword and MSISDN returned using an Invalid ProviderID

Send an invalid ProviderPassword To test whether an invalid response will be

Functionality tests but valid ProviderID and MSISDN returned using an invalid ProviderPassword

Send an invalid MSISDN but valid To test whether an invalid response will be
Functionality tests ProviderPassword and ProviderID returned using an invalid MSISDN
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Portal displays https

and transaction is

You should get a

response giving you the
customers credit score

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid
Testing gateway- Core API integration
Subject Test case Objective

To test successful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test unsuccessful authentication of third

party using consumerkey:consumersecret and
Authentication Autheticate using Oauth hashing it to create the Oauth token

To test successful request sent over https on

Certificate management Test transaction over https portal the portal

Send a valid ProviderID, To test whether a valid response will be

ProviderPassword and returned with the correct ProviderID,
Functionality tests MerchantCode ProviderPassword and MerchantCode

Send an invalid ProviderID but valid

ProviderPassword and To test whether an invalid response will be
Functionality tests MerchantCode returned using an Invalid ProviderID

Send an invalid ProviderPassword

but valid ProviderID and To test whether an invalid response will be
Functionality tests MerchantCode returned using an invalid ProviderPassword

Send an invalid MerchantCode but

valid ProviderPassword and To test whether an invalid response will be
Functionality tests ProviderID returned using an invalid MerchantCode
Expected Results Actual Results

Authentication is

Authentication is

Portal displays https

and transaction is

You should get a

response giving you the
customers credit score

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

You should get an error

message saying: Bad
Request - Invalid

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