AMETank Marks Management Example

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Marks management example.

This is a brief description on how the new marks logic will work for the AMTank application version

I created an AVI video that will show in the AMTank application interface the example that I will describe
in this document.

1. I started by adding 3 nozzles, SA, SB and SC, they are similar; they will have SN01 as mark.
2. I added another nozzle, SD, different as the previous group; it will have SN02 as mark.
3. I added another nozzle, SE, different as the previous groups and it will have SN03 as mark.
4. Finally, I added another nozzle, SF, different as the previous and will have SN04 as mark.

The first 3 minutes of the video shows how the nozzles were added and sizes modified.

Now, in the “Drawings” branch of the model I created, the first button in the Work Area is the “Marks
Management” group of user inputs, if you click this button, a pop up window will be displayed showing
you the configuration of the different appurtenances groups and their marks.
In this case we only have shell nozzles, and the first line in this window is the Shell Nozzles With Marks
information. If you click on the label, a new window will pop up showing you the Mark index and the
nozzles groups with that mark index.

In the example (see previous image), you will see nozzles “SA, SB and SC” with index 1, “SD” with index
2, “SE” with index 3 and “SF” with index 4. The index is the mark number that will be created for each

One important thing is that in the order that you see the marks in the window, will be the order the
nozzles will be located in the drawings. If you are showing 3 nozzles per drawing and you have the group
shown in the previous image, that means that nozzles marks 1,2 and 3 will be in the first shell nozzles
drawing, and nozzle mark 4 will be in the second shell nozzles drawing.

If you continue from minute 3 in the video, you will see the orientation and shell nozzles drawings
displayed and how the BOM looks like.

The first change I made in the video, is changing the indexes of the different groups, this is shown in the
minute 5:20 in the video, index 1 changed to 10, index 2 changed to 11, index 3 changed to 12 and index
4 changed to 13. This will update the orientation drawing appurtenances table and the nozzles drawings
BOM with the new mark indexes assigned.

If you see from minute 6:50 in the video, now an interesting change was made, the first group (nozzles
“SA, SB and SC”) mark was changed to 14, the next group (nozzle “SD”) kept index 11, the next group
(nozzle “SE”) index was changed to 16 and the last group (nozzle “SF”) kept index 13.

This change affected the nozzles marks, but the group order is the same, the nozzles 14, 11 and 16 are
shown in the first nozzles drawing, and the nozzle 13 in the second, similar as it was before, but with the
BOM info updated.
If you now go to the 8:40 minute in the video, another change was made and this one is critical, because
changed the order of the nozzles displayed in the drawings. The configuration before doing this next
change is:

This change is not with the groups indexes, but now, the change to SORT the indexes. After just checking
the “Sort Marks?” option, the marks for the groups will be the same, but the nozzle shown in the “SN02”
drawing will not be the mark 13, but the mark 16.

If you go to the10:08 minute in the video, you will see how the mark indexes are at the moment, if you
uncheck the option to sort the marks, you will have the previous order.

The last of the changes made was to just RESET the marks to the original design, and it was made just by
clicking the “Reset Shell Nozzles Mark” button.

There is a button at the very bottom of the window that will reset ALL MARKS for the components listed.

I strongly recommend to RESET ALL MARKS just before you will start to clean/edit drawings that you will
release. Because in the design mode, you can be adding, deleting or changing components, and the
marks are going to be updated, remember that the mark of a group that is deleted, will not be going to
be used or assigned to another group. That is why, if you do not RESET, you may have shell nozzles with
marks 1, 3, 4, 6, etc., with those indexes missing because of deleted nozzles.

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