Lesson Plan - Sets

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A. Identity
Name of School : SMK 3 Pekalongan
Subject : Chemistry
Grade / Semester : X/2
Main Material : Oxidation and Reduction Reaction
Target Group : Visionary and Approaching SETS
Time Allocation : 4 x 45 minutes (2 meetings)

B. Core Competencies
KI 1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
KI 2. Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and displayed as part of
the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment as well as in position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the
association world.
KI 3. Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, and procedural,
based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with human
insight, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events in
specific areas of work to solve the problem.
KI 4. Processing, reasoning, and providing in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of learned in school independently, and able to carry
out specific tasks under direct supervision.

C. Basic Competencies and Indicators

KD of KI 1:
1.1. Recognizing the regularity of the particle structure of matter as a manifestation of the
greatness of Almighty God and the knowledge of the structure of matter particles as a
result of human thought f kreati tentative truth.
1.2. Recognizing order in all the interactions of chemical compounds as the nature of the
power of God Almighty

KD from KI 2:
2.1. Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open,
able to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough, responsible, critical, creative,
innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and
discussions are embodied in everyday attitudes.
Indicators :
Curiosity by explaining examples of redox reactions that occur in everyday life.
Responsible for performing the task

2.2. Indicate cooperative behavior, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and
saving in the use of natural resources.
Working together in groups, be polite and tolerant in the expression
Demonstrate a caring attitude environment

3. 5 Analyze the development of the concept of oxidation-reduction reactions and determine

the oxidation numbers of atoms in a molecule or ion
Distinguishing the concept of oxidation and reduction in terms of the incorporation
of oxygen release, release and acceptance of electrons, as well as an increase and
decrease in oxidation
Determine the oxidation number of atoms of the element in a compound or ion
Determining the oxidizing and reducing agent in a redox reaction
Mention examples of redox reactions (science) in everyday life and connect with the
technology (technology), the community (society) and the environment

4.5. Proving event reduction reaction oxidation

Analyzing the experimental data and the combustion reaction handover electrons,
so as to explain the events of the oxidation reduction reaction

D. Learning Objectives
Learners can:
1. Distinguishing the concept of oxidation and reduction in terms of the incorporation of
oxygen release, release and acceptance of electrons, as well as an increase and decrease in
2. Determine the oxidation number of atoms of the element in a compound or ion
3. Determining the oxidizing and reducing agent in a redox reaction
4. Mention examples of redox reactions in everyday life in association with SETS

E. Learning Materials
Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
The concept of oxidation - reduction
The oxidation number of an element in a compound or ion

F. Approaches, Models, and Methods of Learning

Approach : SETS / Salingtemas
Strategy : Cooperative learning
Learning Methods : Experimentation, discussion, exercises, and assignments

G. Teaching and Learning

Meeting I
1. Introduction Activity (10 minutes)
a. Delivering learning goals today
b. Motivating students to give examples of redox reactions that occur in everyday life
then ask questions to guide students in learning the topic.
Have look at the surface of an apple that has been bitten or sliced? Why apple
surface color that was light colored (yellowish white) becomes darker (brown)?
What happened?
Why is a rusted iron?

2. Main Activity (70 minutes)

The teacher divides the students into several groups, each consisting of 4 students.
The teacher provides information on the concept of oxidation-reduction.
Students discuss in groups for m erancang reaction experiments combustion and
handover hasilmya electrons and presented to the same perception.
As a group s ISWA experimenting combustion reaction of magnesium ribbon and
handover electron
Students m engamati and record the results of the experiment the combustion
reaction magnesium ribbon and handover electrons.
Students discuss in groups, m enganalisis the data to infer the combustion reaction
and the handover of the electron
Each group m enyajikan experimental results reaction combustion and handover
Students from the other group was given the opportunity to comment or respond with
good language and manners.
Teachers review the students' work.
The teacher explains the concept of redox based incorporation and release of oxygen,
based on the capture and release of electrons, based on the change in oxidation
Students listen to the teacher's explanations
Students with guided teacher makes a summary / conclusion of the lesson.

3. Closing (10 minutes)

a. Students work on the problems of evaluation by the teacher.

b. Teachers give reading assignments for the next meeting.

Meeting II
1. Introduction Activity (10 minutes)
a. Delivering learning goals today
b. Motivating students by asking questions to guide students in learning the topics to be
studied and dug prior knowledge students, such as:
How much is the oxidation number of H and O in H 2 O?

2. Main Activity (70 minutes)

The teacher divides the students into several groups, each consisting of 4 students.
Teachers provide oxidation numbers, determine the oxidation
number of an element in a compound or ion and oxidant-
reductant entuan pen in redox reactions.
Teachers provide practice questions regarding the determination
of the oxidation numbers and determination of oxidizing -
reducing agent in the redox reaction of students to work on.
Students work in a group practice questions regarding the
determination of the oxidation numbers in a compound or ion,
and erratic k an oxidizing - reducing agent.
Vice t ach group writes the answers on the board.
Students from other groups analyzing the results of the present
group work.
Teachers provide reinforcement concept of oxidation number
and determination of oxidant-reductant.
Students with guided teacher makes a summary / conclusion of
the lesson

3. Closing (10 minutes)

Teachers give homework individually seeking information
relating to substances that are oxidizing and reducing agents.
Teachers submit lesson plans for the next meeting.

H. Tools / Media / Sources of Learning

1. Chemistry Textbooks for vocational Class X, Michael Proto, publisher, Jakarta, in 2010
2. Websites containing information on the oxidation-reduction reactions
3. Tools and materials practices combustion reaction and the reaction of magnesium ribbon
handover electrons.

I. Learning Products
Human Resources
Students who understand the concept of oxidation reduction reactions, oxidation number,
oxidizing and reducing agent in a redox reaction, and the linkages SETS on redox
reactions in everyday life.

Non Products Human Resources

Reports the results of experiments
K umpulan the discussion of oxidizing and reducing agents.

J. Program Evaluation and Learning Outcomes

Program Evaluation
Adequacy and appropriateness of planning, implementation, and evaluation through observation
of self, groups, and processes for teachers and students.

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

a. Cognitive Aspects
Test your understanding of the concept of oxidation reduction, oxidation number, oxidizing
and reducing agent in a redox reaction, as well as examples of redox reaction in our daily
b. Affective Aspects
Observing the attitude of learners in the learning
c. Psychomotor Aspects
Observing the ability of learners to conduct experiments and discussions as well as the
skills to manage the group discussions.

Pekalongan, July 2014

Head of SMK 3 Pekalongan Subject Teacher

Tusriyati, S.Pd. Nur Hayati, ST

NIP. 196 01207 19 86 03 2 00 6 NIP. 19780716 201001 2010

A. Identity
Name of School : SMK 3 Pekalongan
Subject : Chemistry
Grade / Semester : X/2
Main Material : Oxidation and Reduction Reaction
Target Group : Visionary and Approaching SETS
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (1 meeting)

B. Core Competencies
KI 1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
KI 2. Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and displayed as part of
the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment as well as in position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the
association world.
KI 3. Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, and procedural,
based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with human
insight, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events in
specific areas of work to solve the problem.
KI 4. Processing, reasoning, and menyaji in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of learned in school independently, and able to carry out
specific tasks under direct supervision.

C. Basic Competencies and Indicators

KD of KI 1:
1.1. Recognizing the regularity of the particle structure of matter as a manifestation of the
greatness of Almighty God and the knowledge of the structure of matter particles as a
result of human thought f kreati tentative truth.
1.2. Recognizing order in all the interactions of chemical compounds as the nature of the
power of God Almighty

KD from KI 2:
2.1. Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open, able
to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough, responsible, critical, creative,
innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and
discussions are embodied in everyday attitudes.
Curiosity by explaining examples of redox reactions that occur in everyday life.
Responsible for performing the task

2.2. Indicate cooperative behavior, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and
saving in the use of natural resources.
Working together in groups, be polite and tolerant in the expression
Demonstrate a caring attitude environment

3. 6 Apply the IUPAC rules for naming simple inorganic and organic compounds
Giving the name of the compound according to IUPAC

4. 6 Reasoning IUPAC rules for naming simple inorganic and organic compounds

D. Learning Objectives
Learners can:
Giving the name of the compound according to IUPAC

E. Learning Materials
Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
The nomenclature of compounds

F. Approaches, Models, and Methods of Learning

Approach : SETS / Salingtemas
Learning Model : Cooperative learning
Learning Methods : Discussions, exercises, and assignments

G. Teaching and Learning

1. Introduction Activity (10 minutes)
a. Delivering learning goals today
b. Motivating students by asking questions to guide students in learning the topic.
Heartburn drug containing Mg (OH) 2, what is the name of the compound?

2. Main Activity (70 minutes)

The teacher divides the students into several groups, each consisting of 4 students.
Students examine the literature about the nomenclature of inorganic and
simple organic compounds.
The teacher gives some writing about the nomenclature of compounds based
on oxidation numbers to work with students.
Students examine the literature to answer questions relating to the
nomenclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds.
Students m enyimpulkan application of the rules of nomenclature of simple
inorganic and organic compounds.
Each group presented the group's work to the class.
Students from other groups analyzing the results of the present group work.
The teacher explains the nomenclature simple inorganic and organic
Students with guided teacher makes a summary / conclusion of the lesson.

3. Closing (10 minutes)

Students work on the problems of evaluation by the teacher.
Teachers give reading assignments for the next meeting.

H. Tools / Media / Source of Learning

1. Chemistry Textbooks for vocational Class X, Michael Proto, publisher, Jakarta, in 2010
2. Websites containing information on the nomenclature of compounds
I. Learning Products
Human Resources
Learners are able to reflected on the compound according to the IUPAC name.

Non Products Human Resources

The task of working independently LKS

J. Program Evaluation and Learning Outcomes

Program Evaluation
Adequacy and appropriateness of planning, implementation, and evaluation through
observation of self, groups, and processes for teachers and students.

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

a. Cognitive Aspects
Test your understanding of the compounds according to IUPAC nomenclature.
b. Affective Aspects
Observing the attitude of learners in the learning
c. Psychomotor Aspects
Observing the ability of learners to conduct discussions as well as the skills to manage the
group discussions.

Pekalongan, July 2014

Head of SMK 3 Pekalongan Subject Teacher

Tusriyati, S.Pd. Nur Hayati, ST

NIP. 196 01207 19 86 03 2 00 6 NIP. 19780716 201001 2010

A. Identity
Name of School : SMK 3 Pekalongan
Subject : Chemistry
Grade / Semester : X/2
Main Material : Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
Target Group : Visionary and Berpendekatan SETS
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (1 meeting)

B. Core Competencies
KI 1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
KI 2. Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and displayed as part of
the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment as well as in position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the
association world.
KI 3. Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, and procedural,
based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with human
insight, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events in
specific areas of work to solve the problem.
KI 4. Processing, reasoning, and menyaji in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of learned in school independently, and able to carry out
specific tasks under direct supervision.

C. Basic Competencies and Indicators

KD from KI 2:
2.1. Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open, able
to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough, responsible, critical, creative,
innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and
discussions are embodied in everyday attitudes.
Curiosity by explaining examples of redox reactions that occur in everyday life.
Responsible for performing the task

2.2. Indicate cooperative behavior, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and
saving in the use of natural resources.
Working together in groups, be polite and tolerant in the expression
Demonstrate a caring attitude environment
3.5. Giving an example of the application of the reduction and oxidation reactions in the
context of SETS
Understanding the specific application of redox reactions within the battery cell use.
Elaborating on the topic SETS linkage element r e action of oxidation and reduction
by using the example of technology products that have been discussed or another

D. Learning Objectives
Learners can:
Elaborating on the topic SETS linkage element r e action of oxidation and reduction in
battery cells, batteries, metal plating, and waste treatment.

E. Learning Materials
Application of Oxidation and Reduction Reactions in the context SETS

F. Approaches, Models, and Methods of Learning

Approach : SETS / Salingtemas
Learning Model : Cooperative learning
Learning Methods : Discusion and assignment

G. Teaching and Learning

1. Introduction Activity (10 minutes)
Teachers conduct a discussion with the students about the application of oxidation-reduction
reactions in everyday life that the redox reaction in the battery cell.

2. Main Activity (70 minutes)

The teacher divides the students into groups so ng each consisting of 4 students.
Each of the two groups were given a discussion of one topic application of
redox reactions is the reaction in the battery cell, the reaction in batteries,
metal plating, and waste treatment.
Each group was asked to discuss a topic chosen, its implementation
(technology) in life as well as its impact on the environment (environment)
and community (society).
Each group was asked to lower the discussion results in a written report.
For groups with similar topics were asked to compare the results of the
discussion and give each other feedback.
Representatives of each group with a different topic of discussion was asked
to present the results, to include a discussion of the combined results of the
two groups together.

3.Closing (10 minutes)

Forum summed implications SETS guided teachers on the topics discussed.

The teacher assigns each group to spruce up the results of the discussion of
each group.
Collect written reports from each group.

H. Tools / Media / Sources of Learning

1. Chemistry Textbooks for vocational Class X, Michael Proto, publisher, Jakarta, in 2010
2. Websites containing information on the battery cell, the reaction in the battery, metal plating,
and waste treatment.
I. Learning Products
Human Resources
Learners who understand the implications of linkages SETS for oxidation reduction reaction
in the battery cell, battery, metal plating, and waste treatment.

Non Products Human Resources

Set of results visionary discussion SETS

J. Program Evaluation and Learning Outcomes

Program Evaluation
Adequacy and appropriateness of planning, implementation, and evaluation through
observation of self, groups, and processes for teachers and students.

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

a. Cognitive Aspects
To test the introduction of the ingredients are oxidizing and reducing agents
b. Affective Aspects
Observing the attitude of learners in the learning
c. Psychomotor Aspects
Observing the ability of learners to conduct discussions as well as the skills to manage the
group discussions.

Pekalongan, July 2014

Head of SMK 3 Pekalongan Subject Teacher

Tusriyati, S.Pd. Nur Hayati, ST

NIP. 196 01207 19 86 03 2 00 6 NIP. 19780716 201001 2010

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