Andhra Pradesh Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 PDF

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Government of Andhra Pradesh has identified
biotechnology as a key thrust sector for industrial
development. The sector has tremendous
potential to build robust knowledge base and
foster innovation, research and development.

Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 aims to enhance

competitiveness of the sector and make Andhra
Pradesh one of the most preferred destinations for
biotechnology investments, attract new
investments worth ₹6,000 crore in the sector and create additional employment
opportunities for 5,000 skilled personnel by 2020. Various best-in-class policy
instruments and fiscal incentives have been offered to spur growth in the sector.

The development of biotechnology sector in Andhra Pradesh is predicated on

robust infrastructure, including land banks, 24X7 power supply, industrial parks, CONTENTS
and a large base of scientific & technical manpower. The state is also investing
01 Preamble 04
heavily in life science parks and incubation centers to develop synergy between
IT, academia, industry, hospitals and R&D labs. 02 Policy Target 10

I am certain that the Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 would act as a strong foun- 03 Definition of Project 11
dation for the development of the Sector in the State and make it a leading
destination for both domestic and global investment. 04 Ease of Doing Business 13

I look forward to welcoming investment in biotechnology sector, and promise a 05 Life Science Knowledge Centre 17
conducive environment to nurture innovation, promote new technologies and
06 Mega Life Science Park at Visakhapatnam 18
facilitate business maturity.

Join us as we embark on the growth trajectory of Sunrise Andhra Pradesh. 07 Mini Life Science Parks 20

08 Incubation Centres 22

09 Fiscal Incentives 24
Nara Chandrababu Naidu
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh 10 Awards & Recognition 29

11 Andhra Pradesh Biotechnology Committee 30

01 Srikakulam
V izianagaram

V isakhapatnam


a. Introduction to Andhra Pradesh Guntur

Andhra Pradesh is strategically located on the Southeast coast of India and is a Prakasam
natural gateway to East & Southeast Asia. The state has a population of 4.93 crore
(as per population census - 2011), accounting for 4% of country’s population, residing
Anantapuram Kadapa Nellore
in 4.9% of Country’s geographical area. Andhra Pradesh has abundant natural
resources (barytes, limestone, bauxite, and a number of minor minerals), fertile land
and river basins, water resources, extensive canal system and conducive agro-climatic Chittoor

conditions. The State has the second longest coastline in India and is also one of the
largest producers of marine products.

At current prices, the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Andhra Pradesh was
₹ 4,75,859 crore in 2013-14. Between 2004-05 and 2012-13, the average annual
GSDP growth rate of Andhra Pradesh was 7.25% while the average per capita
income (at current prices) increased from ₹ 46,345 in 2008-09 to ₹ 88,876
in 2013-14.

Andhra Pradesh, over the years, has established a strong presence in agro and food
processing, textiles, chemicals & petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy,
electronics and electrical engineering sectors.

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b. Introduction – Biotechnology
The biotechnology sector, characteized recognition of sector’s potential as an Chart 1: Market break-up of Indian Biotechnology Sector
by high investments and high demand, effective tool in combating palliative in terms of total revenues in 2013
continues to remain the mainstay of challenges, demographic changes,rising
scientific research across the world. incidence of chronic diseases,increased Indian Biotechnology Sector
The sector promises extraordinary governmental funding and significant 3% 1%
potential in many emerging areas such advances in product technology.
as oncology, bio-similar development, 14%
Indian Biotechnology industry has been
development of vaccines and viral drugs,
a key driver of India’s enhanced profile.
new drug developments, improved 18% 64%
The industry has evolved over the last
healthcare delivery systems and
three decades to a mid-maturity stage.
innovation in medical devices.
Today, it is among the top 12 biotech
Research and value creation have been destinations in the world, 3rd in Asia
Bio-Pharma Bio-Services Bio-Industrial
primary focus areas in the last decade. Pacific and hosts about 2% share of the
The next decade is likely to see among global biotech industry. Bio-Agri Bio-Informatics
By FY-17, India’s biotech industry is
• Faster commercialization of research estimated to cross approx. ₹ 70,000 crore Export Potential
from ₹ 25,800 crore in FY 12, growing at In 2013, revenues from bio-pharma exports reached
• Co-location of innovation hubs to
compound annual growth USD 2.2 billion and accounted for approximately 51%
drive collaboration
rate (CAGR) of 21.9%. of the total revenues from the biotech industry.
• Strengthening links with VC Bio-services sector comprising of clinical research,
Growth drivers specific to biotech
community for start-up proximity and contract manufacturing and research is mainly
sector in India include cost effective
asset options export dominated and a
manufacturing capabilities, improved
• Life sciences consortia for investment clinical capabilities in India and high growth potential
in pre-emptive technologies & innova- availability of a skilled pool of scientists sector.
tive science and engineers.
• Collaborations with academic partners The biotechnology sector is divided into
five major segments:
• Using co-development and joint
bio-pharmaceuticals, bio-services,
venture deals to build scale in markets
bio-agriculture, bio-industrial
Some of the major growth drivers for and bio-informatics.
biotechnology sector include continued

and strong impetus on R&D, global

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c. Why Andhra Pradesh? d. Tactical advantages that AP offers:
Andhra Pradesh's position as i. Robust Infrastructure
a Biotech Destination Andhra Pradesh has robust infrastructure in terms
of good road network, 4 major ports, 4 active
The Government plans to develop Currently, a host of global
airports and 24x7 power for industrial/commercial
Visakhapatnam as the biotechnology and national players have made
use. Additionally, the State is creating a land bank
hub of Andhra Pradesh. Government Visakhapatnam their manufacturing
of 10 lakh acres to facilitate industrial development.
of Andhra Pradesh shall encourage hub, especially for bulk drug exports.
Also mega projects like Visakhapatnam-Chennai
partnerships with private players Several Japanese and American
Industrial Corridor (VCIC) and Chennai-Bengaluru
for development of infrastructure companies are operating in
Industrial Corridor (CBIC) will help develop new
in the form of life sciences parks Visakhapatnam along with
economic centres in the state, which will further
and skill training centres etc. Indian companies.
give philip to industries based in Andhra Pradesh.
at Visakhapatnam.
ii. Large base of Scientific and Technical Manpower
The State has over 120 polytechnics, 225
engineering colleges and 35 pharmacy institutions
which feed the industry’s requirement for skilled
manpower. The State also boasts of a peaceful
labour situation owing to the government’s welfare
policies (Andhra Pradesh was the first State to
amend Contract Labour Act, defining core and
non-core activities). Andhra Pradesh is uniquely
positioned to access the global talent pool by
leveraging a strong diaspora active in this sector.

iii. Technology Convergence

The government is confident that the natural
symbiotic convergence of Information Technology,
Biotechnology and Pharma will catapult the State
into the forefront of major global biotechnology
centres. The State is investing heavily in life science
parks and life science knowledge & incubation
centres which will not only breed new technology

and foster innovation but also help develop
a synergy between IT, Academia, Industry,
Hospitals and R&D labs.

02 03
Policy targets are as follows: a. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME):
a. Enhance competitiveness of the GoAP will follow the MSME definition laid out by Government
sector to make Andhra Pradesh of India for MSME as per MSMED Act 2006. The definition for
one of the most preferred MSMEs will be revised automatically as per the guidelines of
destinations for biotech investments
GoI from time to time
b. Attract new investments worth
₹ 6,000 crore in the sector by 2020 b. Large Industrial Project
c. Create additional employment Large Project is an industry unit in which the investment on
opportunity for 5,000 skilled plant and machinery is less than ₹ 50 crore and more than
personnel in the sector the investment threshold for Medium enterprises decided
by 2020 and 10,000
by the MSMED Act 2006 of GoI
people by 2025
c. Mega Project
Project with capital investment of over ₹ 50 crore or creating
local employment for 200 people will be accorded
mega project status and tailor-made incentives will be
offered based on factors such as investment and technology

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The Government has introduced a set of b. Labour Concessions:
initiatives that will ease the compliance In light of the continuity of operations
procedures for new and existing biotech required for this knowledge intensive
industry, it has been decided to ease
a. Industrial Category: the labour laws in terms of working
Life Sciences sector to be classified as hours, work schedules, etc. General
Industrial Sector to provide power at permission is granted to all Life
industrial tariff for both Life Sciences Sciences companies to have 24*7
units and parks at par with other operations to run in three shifts,
industries subject to approved precautionary
measures taken to ensure the safety
of employees, particularly women

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c. Scientific Regulatory Approvals: Since agriculture is a State subject, conduct
A guidance cell will be set up under of confined field trials requires a No-Objec-
Andhra Pradesh Biotechnology tion Certificate from the State Government.
Committee (APBC) to assist and advise Since the trials are time bound (season
the business units on regulatory specific), timely issuance of NOC is very
compliance and procedures. critical. Hence, it is proposed to constitute a
To effectively deliver the service, committee with the following members for
an expert with considerable experience examining each case within 30 days from the
in regulatory matters related to life date of application and make recommenda-
sciences sector will be placed on an tions, based on which agriculture depart-
annual contract basis in the guidance ment will issue NOC.
cell. The guidance cell will offer advice
Committee Composition:
on the process of filing applications,
guidelines, etc. in addition to i. Commissioner Agriculture
disseminating information on the
different regulations with amendments ii. Member Secretary, Pollution Control
from time to time. Board

d. Agri-Biotech Committee: iii. 1 representative of NGO

Andhra Pradesh is known as the Seed and special invitees (2)
Capital of India and it continues to be
iv. Director of Life Sciences Mission
in the top position due to locational
will be the Convener
advantage and a conducive environ-
ment for both breeding as well as seed e. Single Desk Clearance:
production and storage GoAP shall create an e-platform for
facilitating all industrial clearances in 21
The regulatory approvals for R&D are
working days. This platform shall inte-
granted by the Government of India
grate requisite pre/post commencement
through committees such as Genetic
services and clearances provided by
Engineering Appraisal Committee
multiple agencies/departments through
(GEAC) and Review Committee on
the investment lifecycle
Genetic Manipulation (RCGM).

With advancement in technology and Subject to counterpart industry
impetus on R&D, skill addition has also (Private/PSU/Quasi Government
emerged as a parallel challenge for institution) investment in knowledge
sustenance of cutting edge centre(s), GoAP shall contribute
innovation/production centres in ₹ 20 lakh per annum for a period of
biotechnology sector. 5 years to sustain initial
Through its skill development initiatives,
GoAP is committed to not only increase the c. JNTU Kakinada Knowledge Centre
availability of skilled manpower but also to will also establish an Incubation
progressively augment skill sets of the Centre to facilitate and promote
workforce. To that end: budding entrepreneurs

a. The Government shall establish Life d. The Government shall explore the
Sciences Knowledge Centres at Andhra concept of industry capstone project
University, Visakhapatnam; JNTU, for final year students (For Bachelor
Kakinada; Horticultural University, and Master Degree) on pilot basis
Tadepalligudem; NTR UHS, Vijayawada for select universities for courses
and SVVU Tirupati such as B.Tech Biotechnology,
M.Tech Biotechnology, organic
b. These centres will be developed under
chemistry and microbiology.
sister school concept with world’s
The Capstone project will be in
leading biotech institutes and
addition to the existing curriculum
universities and promoted in PPP mode
and can be for one to four months
in partnership with Industry/academia /
Government of Andhra Pradesh


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Visakhapatnam shall be developed as the biotechnology hub of AP. iv. Further the park will also have:
The Government will encourage new partnerships from private players for a. Incubation Centre
development of a mega life sciences park with multi-tenanted lab facilities, b. Skill development and training centre
common testing facilities, incubation and skill training centres in Visakhapatnam: c. Provision for housing will be exclusively for executives and workers
of the industrial units housed in the mega life science park
i. This park will be developed over approximately 200 acres on
Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis v. GoAP shall provide financial assistance up to 50% of cost of
infrastructure for critical external infrastructure facilities like roads, power,
ii. GoAP shall provide land on lease basis or give it as part of equity
water, waste management and testing facilities etc. up to ₹ 15 crore
iii. The park shall have a plug and play lab space (minimum 50,000 sq.ft.)
The developer of industrial park, availing incentive under this scheme will not
a. 25% subsidy on lease rentals for plug-and-play Lab space up to
be eligible to avail incentive under any other scheme of the State government.
5,000 sq. ft., leased by life sciences startups limited to ₹ 5 lakh pa
However, the units coming under the Industrial Park, will be eligible to avail
for 3 years
incentives under other schemes of State government.

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Government of Andhra Pradesh proposes 2. These parks will have a minimum of 4. Potential locations of mini life
to encourage the development of 10 units each science parks are as follows
dedicated mini life sciences parks to be
3. GoAP will provide financial assistance i. Kakinada (Marine, Agri & Aqua)
developed under PPP mode.
for critical external infrastructure
ii. Anantapur (Bio Pharma, Bio
1. GoAP intends to develop 3 mini life facilities such as roads, power, water,
Similar, Formulations)
science parks over a period of next waste management and testing
3 years for which GoAP would provide facilities etc. on a case to case basis iii. Guntur / Chittoor (Agri
land on lease basis or give it as part & Food Tech, Animal Bio Tech)
of its equity

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08 iii. To identify best practices for rapid commercialization of research
and innovations with significant socio-economic outcomes

iv. For nurturing the creation of new IPRs in Life Sciences & Biotech

INCUBATION CENTRES sector especially from young students or high-risk

early-stage entrepreneurs, a support system as well as
felicitation/recognition mechanisms have to be created in the
Government of Andhra Pradesh will setup ii. To spin-off technologies/innova- proposed knowledge centers.
incubation centre in PPP mode to nurture tions from academic and R&D These incubation centres will be setup in:
innovation and take potential technologies institutions and create innovative
a. Mega Life Sciences Park in Visakhapatnam
to the market place with the following start-ups in hi-potential sectors
objectives: where there is maximum impact in b. JNTU in Kakinada
terms of employment generation, c. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University in Tirupati
i. To facilitate strong linkages between
economic value creation and
academic institutions, research d. Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences in Vijayawada
societal impact
institutions and industry

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towards covering scientist and support not exceeding ₹ 5 lakh for a
While the State offers attractive range i. Co-financing of industry technician cost. This will be period of 6 months limited to 10
of incentives for setting up of new sponsored research: approved on case to case basis by researchers per annum. The scheme
industrial enterprises, it recognizes GoAP proposes a matching the APBC constituted by the will also be applicable to Scientists
that the Life Sciences industry, contribution of up to ₹ 25 lakhs for Government interested in sabbatical research
characterized by high investments and biotech related projects of public work. The program and engagement
long gestation periods, needs special importance where an equal amount iii. Attracting Global Talent:
of the researchers shall be approved
focus to help sustenance and growth has been funded by private/public To attract global talent for
by APBC.
of the sector. Biotech facilities will get sector companies. The research conducting breakthrough research
the following special benefits. outcomes will be reviewed by APBC in the State, the Government iv. Patent Registration:
proposes “Yellapragada Subbarao GoAP proposes to provide financial
9.1 Special financial incentives ii. Collaborative Research Grant: Life Sciences Scholarship”. assistance towards expenses
proposed for R&D The scheme aims at accelerating The objective is to incentivize joint incurred for patent registration.
collaborative research for market research programs of A.P based The financial assistance will be
In order to promote innovation and
driven product development institutions with researchers limited to 75% of the cost subject to
applied R&D in the research &
between scientists from at least pursuing post-doctoral India a maximum of ₹ 25 lakh. This
academic institutions, the Government
3 A.P based research institutions specific life sciences research in top assistance will be given only to
of Andhra Pradesh proposes to offer
and/or academic institutions. 100 global institutes/universties. those projects that are approved
special incentives for organizations
Government proposes to offer Government shall provide financial by APBC
engaged in applied research and
financial assistance up to
development activities encompassing
₹ 25 lakh per project per annum
the following:

24 | Biotechnology Policy 2015-20

GROW. Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 | 25

9.2 Incentives for
Manufacturing Activities
ii. Salient features of this package
a. Power are as follows:

i. Power cost reimbursement: a) The State proposes to develop

Fixed power cost reimbursement and establish a database of existing
is proposed to be provided at new and ready to transfer
₹ 1.5 per unit (upper ceiling) technologies including their status,
for 5 years from the date of source and availability
commencement of commercial
b) The acquisition of technology can
be in any form including purchase
b. Technology Acquisition Fund of drawings and design, technology
development through engaging
i. The Government proposes to establish
experts/institutions, technology
a technology acquisition and
development through any Research
development fund, for acquisition
and Development Institution and/or
of high impact technologies patented
Consultancy form or any other
not more than 3 years back, which
can ultimately result in localization
of manufacturing and further to c) The State Government shall also
large scale employment generation. provide financial assistance in the
APBC will approve the list of form of interest subsidy @ 3% per
technologies every year. annum on term loans, received from
An annual budget of ₹ 2 crore banks / financial institution towards
will be instituted for the same. purchase of capital equipment
necessary for technology up
gradation, for a period of 5 years,
subject to maximum of ₹ 3 lakh per
year, to MSME units

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GoAP will introduce awards to showcase and highlight important achieve-

ment of the Life Sciences and Biotech industry. The award will
be given to stakeholders in following category

1. Life Sciences and Biotech companies

a. New Ventures – Most Promising Venture
b. Biotech Companies – Best Performing biotech company
c. Innovation leader – Company that has displayed the maximum
innovation in its product
2. Universities/Academia – Notable contribution to the Biotech industry
3. Associations – Effective representation of the Biotech industry

Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 | 29

sector for approval to Empowered

ANDHRA PRADESH Committee of Secretaries, set up

under the ambit of Industrial
e. Undertake International promotion
of biotechnology industry of Andhra
BIOTECHNOLOGY Development Policy 2015-20 Pradesh. APBC shall also liaison with

COMMITTEE (APBC) b. Undertake thought leadership role

appropriate Indian and international
biotechnology organizations in order
and hold seminars, facilitate research,
The incentives and initiatives for the - Scientific Community (2) to provide a large resource base for
represent trade and interact with
biotechnology sector envisaged by the - Business Community (2) investors in Andhra Pradesh
various State and central Government
GoAP for the industrial development - Academia (2) departments f. Constitute jury for GoAP awards
and employment generation can be - Biotechnology Association (2) for the biotechnology sector
c. Provide advisory services on case to
effective only through a coordinated and - GoAP Officials (Industries, Pollution Detailed guidelines governing APBC
case basis for the statutory norms and
concerted effort. Thus in order to realise Control Board, Agriculture etc.) will be issued separately.
procedures which needs to be
the potential of biotechnology sector, Convenor of APBC will be Secretary, followed in biodiversity / genetic
GoAP will set up an APBC to facilitate Industries. engineering space
administration and management of these Note: Incentives mentioned in the
APBC’s main objective will be to d. Evaluate proposals seeking incentives Biotechnology Policy 2015 - 20 will be
plans. The committee will be headed by
nurture the biotechnology industry for patents, research grants and other extended to industries as per guidelines
Chief Secretary to the Government and
in Andhra Pradesh. APBC would IPR related issues to be notified separately.
have the members representing following
undertake following tasks
a. Evaluate proposals for mega
projects in the biotechnology

Note: Incentives mentioned in the Biotechnology Policy 2015 -

20 will be extended to industries as per guidelines to be
notified separately.

30 | Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 | 31

Annexure I: Central Govt. Schemes

Agency Schemes Coverage Funding Agency Schemes Coverage Funding

Individuals/ teams Upto ₹ 50 lakh for
Biotech Ignition Contract Research technology
nascent ideas commercialization potential Funding on
Grant schemes (BIG) Scheme (CRS) validation and
into start-ups with 18 months case-to-case basis

World-class quality
Bio-incubators Support incubation space for Funding on case-to-case Conference, Travel, Conferences up to ₹ 10 lakh
For organizing
Scheme –BISS entrepreneurs basis for lab infrastructure Exhibition and Popular & funding above ₹ 10 lakh
and start-ups Lectures (CTEP) on a case-to-case basis

Small Business ₹ 20-50 lakh limited to 50% of ₹ 30,000-60,000 on travel,

Innovation Phase I - Research For travel
cost for projects below depending on Country of travel
Department Research Initiative for proof of concept C1 crore. In case of cost
of (SBIRI) is above ₹ 1 crore interest -
Biotechnology free loan limited to ₹ 50 lakh
DBT stall in Organizers can send the
Exhibition request to DBT for approval

Phase II - Late stage Soft loan limited to ₹ 10 crore.

₹ 24,000 for 3 lectures
development Simple interest @ 1% for loan Popular Lectures
+ TA & DA as per GoI norms
& up to Rs.1 crore and 2%
commercialization for loans between ₹ 1-10 crore

Partial Financial
assistance for
conference / Funding on
Department seminar / case-to-case basis
of Science & symposium
Technology -
with industry
Biotechnology Industry Science &
for high risk 30%-50% of project cost
Partnership Program Engineering
discovery limited up to ₹ 50 crore
(BIPP) Research Extra Mural Competitive mode
led innovation Individual centric competitive
Research Funding of funding under
research mode of funding
(Individual Centric) EMR

32 | Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 Biotechnology Policy 2015-20 | 33

Agency Schemes Coverage Funding Agency Schemes Coverage Funding

Start-Up Research ₹ 35000 per month Research work in

Grant (Young Research Grant + Start-up grant
the fields of
Scientists) limited to ₹ 23 lakh Council of Scientist basic salary
Science &
Scientific & ₹ 12,000-20,000
CSIR Research Technology,
Industrial (+DA+HRA+TA) &
Grants including
Research Equipment cost on
(CSIR) case-to case basis
Engineering and
Utilization of the To utilize expertise
Scientific Expertise and potential of
Board (SERB) ₹ 20,000 per month
of Retired Scientists large number of
(USERS) eminent scientists

sponsored in
Promotion of
Augmentation of ₹ 6-30 crore of funding for Defence
University Research Grant-In-Aid for
research activities upgrading R&D capacity at institutions for
& Scientific Research and
at universities universities Extramural research research on
excellence (Purse) Development
scheme phenomena/
grant Organisation
observations that
are of relevance to
military R&D

National Fund for For solving

Indian Council
Basic, Strategic and advanced scientific Limited to ₹ 50 crore
for Agricultural
Frontier Application and technological sanctions upon approval Department of Grants, technical Phase I funding upto
Research Technopreneur
Research in Agriculture problems in from competent Scientific and guidance and ₹ 15 lakh
(ICRA) Promotion
(NFBSFARA) agriculture authority Industrial mentoring from limited to 90% of project
Programme (TePP)
Research Ideas to Markets cost. Phase II funding limited
to ₹ 7.5 lakh or 90% of cost

Indian Council Ministry of

Test and validate Market Access To evolve specific Funding up to ₹ 2 crore
for Medical Medical Innovation Funding on case-to-case Commerce –
novel and highly Initiative (MAI) market and specific (Depending on the
Research Fund basis Dept. of
creative ideas Scheme product market/product/study)
(ICMR) Commerce

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