Mind Bridge Asia - Corporate Profile

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MindBridge Consulting
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About Us

About us: effectively complementing our

Asian Business Training, enabling
us to provide more value to you,
our client. We specialize in using
business fundamentals and a
disciplined approach to develop
innovative solutions and provide
fresh insights. Our Consulting
Relationship capitalizes on your
industry knowledge and our
business expertise to attain
increased growth and profits for
your business.
In the Global village
businesses find themselves Our Vision
overwhelmed and mystified with
the liberalizing economic
“Mindbridge Consulting
environment, evolving consumer
envisions becoming the quality
preferences, increasing
leader in bridging the gaps in
competition and contemporary
Organizational Effectiveness by
business practices. Succeeding in
unleashing the People potential
this dynamic Global Business
within the organizations”
space requires constant learning
and developing.
MindBridge Consulting, a Our Mission
boutique OD and People
Development consulting firm, Mindbridge Consulting will
endeavors to enable and facilitate unleash the Organizational
the progress of enterprises by Potential by creating unmatched
bridging the performance gaps. Human capital for its client
MindBridge brings in innovative organizational thereby providing
expertise to unleash the latent them competitive advantage.
potential of the businesses,
driving growth and overcoming Our Core Values
impediments. With our strong
competency in People
development coupled with hands - Client Success is our
on experience in Business Success.
operations, we analyze the - Intellectual Honesty and
prevalent business conditions, Integrity will enable us to
develop recommendations and develop a sustainable
implement the solutions, with the business.
objective of building a growth- - Creativity and Innovation –
oriented sustainable business. Challenging status quo in
We are an End-To-End Business what we do.
Solutions Provider for the - Continued Learning
Corporate Sector. We develop
innovative solutions,

Our experience extends across

various industries, functional
domains and geographies

Our solutions for superior Business performance

Enhancing service

People Strategic
Capability Consulting

Customized Facilitator HR initiative ROI Competency
Training certifications Process Mapping

Content Open 360o Profiling

Strategic (Pre & Post Intervention)
Development Workshops Planning


Strategic Planning Solutions

MindBridge Consulting provides world class strategic planning solutions to

its clients to determine where an organization is going over the next year
or more, how it's going to get there and how it'll know if it got there or

MindBridge Consultants use a variety of perspectives, models and

approaches in strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is
developed depends on the nature of the organization's leadership, culture
of the organization, complexity of the organization's environment, size of
the organization, expertise of planners, etc. We help organizations
through various strategic planning models, including goals-based, issues-
based and scenario based models.

Our goals-based planning model is most common and starts with focus on
the organization's vision (and/or values), goals to work toward the
mission, strategies to achieve the goals, creating mission statements,
strategic planning (how) and action planning (who will do what and by

Developing Analyzing Clarifying the Stakeholder Mission U
Vision the opportunity values alignment statement T

Issues-based strategic planning is also undertaken by examining issues

facing the organization, strategies to address those issues, and action
plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the
organization's vision and values and then action plans to achieve the
vision while adhering to those values.


The MindBridge Organizational Leadership Suite®

MindBridge consulting offers comprehensive leadership development

interventions to help organizations retain and nurture talent at various
levels. The suite enables organizations to grow internal talent and ensure
comprehensive succession plan

•Corporate visioning & Mission setting

• Building Trust •Executing coaching in association with
Europe’s leading coaching firm*
• Strategic thinking
• Value based leadership

Level 5
• Situation based leadership
• Managerial effectiveness
• Emotional intelligence Level 4
• Performance review and appraisal
• Goal setting thru NLP • Managing in a global business environment
(in strategic association with Managing
• Business data analysis Cultures LLC, Chicago)
• Need based customized programs Level 3
(Team Building etc)

Level 2
• Personal effectiveness
• Creativity and problem solving
Level 1
• Decision Making

Developmental interventions are supported by world class tools to ensure

skill development at the individual levels. Our customized profiling tools
based on proprietary concepts offer pre and post assessments of
individual participants thereby enhancing the process of ROI calculation
developmental interventions.


The MindBridge Team Effectiveness Interventions®

Effective alignment and collaboration within various teams in an

organization is the foundation of its success. MindBridge consulting helps
client organizations achieve the success critical collaboration at individual
and team levels to ensure effective business execution.

‘MindBridge Team Effectiveness Interventions’ which are based on the

principles of experiential learning enable deep coherence and bonding
among teams.

We specialize in designing and conducting high stress and low stress

interventions focused around various constituents of the team
effectiveness model:

Procedures and

Trust Comissioning &



Communication Leadership

Our proprietary management games, project simulations and activities

enable participants to reflect upon the core issues of team performance in
a fun atmosphere and inculcate the best performance driving behaviors.


Our Exposure

MindBridge Consulting Team comprises of professionals with hands on

industry experience backed by par excellence academic record. Blend of
technical, commercial and behavioral experts gives us unmatched
capability to provide innovative and implement able performance enabling
solutions to our clients.

Few of the clients with whom our consultants have worked include:


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