Quality of Work Life

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that quality of work life refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, and commitment employees experience in their work lives. Factors like attitude, environment, opportunities, nature of job, people, stress level, career prospects, challenges, growth and development influence quality of work life.

According to the document, major factors that influence quality of work life include work load, working conditions, career growth, compensation and benefits, working environment, family life and transportation facilities.

A good quality of work life attracts and retains talent for organizations. It also meets the twin goals of enhancing organizational effectiveness and improving employees' quality of life at work. Satisfied employees are more productive for organizations.

ISSN 2321 3361 © 2016 IJESC

Research Article Volume 6 Issue No. 7

Quality of Work Life

Avjeet Kaur
Associate Professor –Human Resource Management
PhD Thesis
The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of Quality of work life. How and why the organizations and employees both
are striving together to improve Quality of life to make efficient and effective utilization of human resource of the organization.
Quality of Work Life refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, involvement and commitment individuals experience with
respect to their lives at work. QWL indicates a proper balance between both at work and personal life which also ensure
organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. Major factors that influence and decide the Quality of Work Life are
attitude, environment, opportunities, nature of job, people, stress level, career prospects, challenges, growth and development and
risk involved in the work and rewards. QWL practice involves acquiring, training developing, motivating and appraising for the
best performance of the employees as per Organizational objectives. The study concluded that an appropriate organization culture,
compensation policy, career growth and relative facilities can leads to a satisfied employee mindset which ensure the overall
organization productivity of employees.

Keywords: Career, Enhancement, Empowerment, Job Environment, Job satisfaction, Motivation, Organizations, Quality of work
life, Organization Productivity, Organization Culture, Relative Facility,

Introduction trustworthy, responsible and capable of making valuable

Human resource plays an important role in the success of any contribution to the organization (Rose,Beh, Uli & Idris, 2006).
organization, because most of the problems in organizations However, quality of work life is directly influenced by job
are human and social rather than physical or technical. A good satisfaction and external environment and personal like. There
quality of work life not only attracts new talent but also retain should be a proper level of balance in work life and total life
the existing talent. Quality of work life involves job security, space. In my research, I have identified some major factors
good working conditions, adequate and fair compensation and that may directly affect the quality of work life experience and
equal employment opportunity all together. QWL aims to the factors are, work load, working condition and career
meet the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of organization growth, compensation and benefits, working environment
and improved quality of life at work for employees. But which are directly influence the job satisfaction. These factors
today’s employee would not believe in such values of work. are controllable by the company. Besides, family life and
Employees work for salary, and continue to work as long as transportation facilities are the other factors that directly
conditions of work are encouraging and pleasant and terms of influence individual’s mental motivation.
employment are favorable
Concept of QWL
QWL refers to the level of happiness or dissatisfaction with
one's career. Those who enjoy their careers are said to have a Objectives of Quality of Work Life:
high quality of work life, while those who are unhappy or
whose needs are otherwise unfilled are said to have a low  To increase in individual productivity, accountability
quality of work life. Quality of work life is viewed as an and commitment.
alternative to the control approach of managing people. The  For better teamwork and communication.
best companies in the world are those that realize the worth of
 For improving the morale of employees.
their employees and continue to invest in them towards their
growth and development. The quality of work life approach  To reduce organizational stress.
considers people as an asset' to the organization rather than as  To improve relationships both on and off the job.
costs'. It believes that people perform better when they are  To improve the safety working conditions.
allowed to participate in managing their work and make  To provide adequate Human Resource Development
decisions. This approach motivates people by satisfying not Programs.
only their economic needs but also their social and
 To improve employee satisfaction.
psychological ones. To satisfy the new generation workforce,
organizations need to concentrate on job designs and  To strengthen workplace learning.
organization of work. Further, today's workforce is realizing  To better manage on-going change and transition.
the importance of relationships and is trying to strike a balance  To participate in management at all levels in shaping
between career and personal lives. Quality of worklife is a the organization.
philosophy or set of principals which holds that people are  To improve employee satisfaction;

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 8305 http://ijesc.org/
 To Improve physical and psychological health of 4. Improved quality performance.
employees which creates positive feelings; 5. Increased commitment to the values and goals of the
 To enhance productivity of employees; organization.
 To reinforce workplace learning; 6. The anchoring of the development of a quality organization
 To Improved management of the ongoing change and
transition; and About QWL Strategy:
 To build the image of the company as best in
recruitment, retention, and in general motivation of  Improve communication with employees
employees.  Strengthen family friendly programs
 Provide all employees with Internet access
Importance of Quality of Work Life:  Increase investment in workplace learning
 Improve the effectiveness of supervisors and team
Improved Quality of Work Life was not considered an leaders
important factor in India until recently as there were important  Evaluate the effectiveness of diversity management
impending factors like resource deficiency, environmental practices and
threats and some services of financial problems.  Improve ability to manage change and transition
Quality of Work Life program has become important in work  The programs, policies and services through Quality
place for the following reasons: of Work life Programs:
1. Increase demands at work  Support faculty and staff efforts to manage the
2. Loss of long term employee guarantees competing demands of work and personal life
3. The need for enhanced work place skills
 Support health promotions and wellness
4. Greater competition for talent
 Express appreciation for faculty and staff
5. Increased women in work force
contribution to the university, highlight outstanding
Good quality of Work Life leads to an atmosphere of good individual contributions and recognize long term
impersonal relations and highly motivated employees who commitment.
strive for their development. Though monetary benefits still
occupy the first place in the cost of elements like physical Strategies to improve Quality of Work Life: By implementing
working conditions, job restructuring and job re-designing, some changes, the management can create sense of
career development, promotional opportunities etc. are gaining involvement, commitment and togetherness among the
importance rapidly. As such, workers expect the management employees which paves way for better Quality of Work Life.
to improve all these facilities which thereby improve Quality
of Work life. If provided with good Quality of Work Life, a. Job enrichment and Job redesign
employees concentrate more on both individual as well as b. Autonomous work redesign
group development which in turn leads to overall c. Opportunity for growth
development. d. Administrative or organizational justice
e. Job security
According to Walton (1975) proposed eight conceptual f. Suggestion system
categories. They are as follows: g. Flexibility in work schedules

o Adequate and fair compensation Employee participation Quality of Work life improvements
o Safe and healthy working conditions are defined as any activity which takes place at every level of
o Immediate opportunity to use and develop human capacities an organization which seeks greater organizational
o Opportunity for continued growth and security effectiveness through the enhancement of human dignity and
o Social integration in the work organization growth. A process through which the state holders in the
o Constitutionalization in the work organization organization, management, unions and employees - learn how
o Work and the total life span to work together better to determine for themselves what
o The social relevance of work life actions, changes and improvements are desirable and
workable in order to achieve the win and simultaneous goals
Successful organization is turning through the introduction of of an improved quality of life at work for all members of the
Quality of Work Life strategy to the people who work in them organization and greater effectiveness for both the company
to maintain competitive advantage. The benefits to both and the unions.
management and workers include:
1. Improved organization performance through the
development of people. The role of human resource department in QWL efforts varies
widely. In some organizations, top management appoints an
2. Increased co-operation and team work within and across all
executive to ensure that QWL and productivity efforts occur
the levels of the organization including movement towards
throughout the organization. In most cases, these executives
management or trade union partnership.
have a small staff and must rely on the human resource
3. Increased environment in doing a good job .

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 8306 http://ijesc.org/
department for help with employee training, communications,
attitude survey feedback, and similar assistance. In other The unions and workers should
organizations, the department is responsible for initiating and 1. Educate and make workers aware of QWL.
directing the firm’s QWL and productivity efforts. Perhaps the 2. Identify areas of collaboration with management.
most crucial role of the department is winning the support of 3. Encourage workers to participate in QWL activities.
key managers. Management support particularly top
management support appears to be an almost universal The professional organizations should
prerequisite for successful QWL . By substantiating employee 1. Organize workshops and seminars to bring about
satisfaction and bottom-line benefits, +which range from greater awareness of QWL.
lower absenteeism and turnover to higher productivity and 2. Initiate specific research projects in this field.
fewer accidents, the department can help convince doubting 3. Provide professional assistance to organizations to
managers. The policies and practices of the department also help generate internal competence.
influence motivation and satisfaction indirectly. Rigorous 4. Develop state-of –art profiles on QWL.
enforced safety and health programs, for example, can give
employees and supervisors a greater sense of safety from Literature review
accidents and industrial health hazards. The motivation and
satisfaction of employees act as feedback on the Taghi Shahr Ashoob (2006) concluded that there is a positive
organization’s QWL and on the department’s day-to-day and significant relationship between quality of work life and
activities . organizational commitment. Ali Najafi (2006) concluded that
there's a positive and significant correlation between quality of
BARRIERS TO QWL work life and managers' profiting. This means that as the
quality of work life increases, the profits of the organization
 Resistance to change both by management and will also improve. Michael (1992) studied the impact of
employees. quality of work life on organizational commitment, and
 There is a general perception that Q.W.L. concluded that after providing quality of work life, changes
implementation will cost much to the organization. also take place in commitment. Davoodi (1998) in a research
 Continuous increase in QWL may result in less entitled "Study of The Impact of Quality of Work Life on Job
productivity, i.e.., after a certain level the Satisfaction among Operational Staff of Mobarakeh Steel
productivity will not increase in proportion to the Complex" concluded that involvement in decision making
increase in QWL. related to work and work conditions has a significant
 Widespread unhappiness due to comparison with relationship with job satisfaction, and this relationship is direct
colleagues. moderate. Maryam Fallah (2006) in a dissertation entitled
"Study and Analysis of The Relationship between Quality of
 Regional prejudice
Work Life and Performance of Kosar Economical
 Skepticism about the performance appraisal system
Organization Staff" concluded that there's a significant
and promotion criteria.
relationship between quality of work life and performance of
staff. A high quality of work life is essential for organizations
to continue to attract and retain employees. QWL is a process
in which organizations recognize their responsibility to
In our country, recently many changes have introduced in the
develop job and working conditions that are excellent for the
Government policies like privatization. The Government
employee and organization. Robbins (1989) defined QWL as
organizations are mismanaged incurring heavy loss on public
“a process by which an organization responds to employees
money either due to corruption by bureaucrats’ intervention of
needs by developing mechanisms to allow them to share fully
politicians and Trade Union leaders and their affiliated
in making the decisions their design their lives at work”. QWL
political parties with the motives of winning elections. The
has been well recognized as a multi-dimensional construct and
scope for transfer of technology has increased and inflow of
it may not be universal or eternal. The key concepts captured
investments from non-resident Indians allowed. The
and discussed in the existing literature include job security,
privatization created many avenues for many unemployed
better reward system, higher pay and opportunity for growth,
people by reducing severity of the problem. Hence, it is
participate groups, and increased organizational productivity
absolutely necessary to improvement in the Quality of Work
among others.
life of our country. Following are some suggestions that can
help, to a large extent, improve quality of working life in
According to J. LIoyd Suttle, “Quality of work life is the
degree to which members of a work organization are able to
satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in
The Employers should
the organization.”More specifically, QWL may be set into
operation in terms of employees perceptions of their physical
1. Provide physical amenities at the work place, health
and psychological well-being at work. It includes virtually
and safety and welfare provision.
every major issue that labor has fought for during the last two
2. Involve workers in decision-making on all matters.
decades. Quality of Working Life is a term that had been used
3. Initiate suitable forms of work design
to describe the broader job-related experience an individual
4. Formalize QWL experience for future use.
5. Develop an appreciation of changing environment.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 8307 http://ijesc.org/
separate causes of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. It
Whilst there has, for many years, been much research into job has been suggested that Motivator factors are intrinsic to the
satisfaction, and, more recently, an interest has arisen into the job, that is; job content, the work itself, responsibility and
broader concepts of stress and subjective Stress at work is advancement. The Hygiene factors or dissatisfaction-
often considered in isolation, wherein it is assessed on the avoidance factors include aspects of the job environment such
basis that attention to an individual's stress management skills as interpersonal relationships, salary, working conditions and
or the sources of stress will prove to provide a good enough security. Of these latter, the most common cause of job
basis for effective intervention. Alternatively, job satisfaction dissatisfaction can be company policy and administration,
may be assessed, so that action can be taken which will whilst achievement can be the greatest source of extreme
enhance an individual's performance. Somewhere in all this, satisfaction. An individual's experience of satisfaction or
there is often an awareness of the greater context, whereupon dissatisfaction can be substantially rooted in their perception,
the home-work context is considered, for example, and other rather than simply reflecting their “real world”. Further, an
factors, such as an individual's personal characteristics, and individual's perception can be affected by relative comparison
the broader economic or cultural climate, might be seen as am I paid as much as that person - and comparisons of
relevant. In this context, subjective well-being is seen as internalized ideals, aspirations, and expectations, for example,
drawing upon both work and non-work aspects of life. with the individual's current state (Lawlerand Porter, 1966).
Hackman and Oldham (1976) drew attention to what they
described as psychological growth needs as relevant to the In summary, where it has been considered, authors differ in
consideration of Quality of working life. Several such needs their views on the core constituents
were identified- of Quality of Working Life (e.g. Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel & Lee,
2001 and Warr, Cook & Wall, 1979). It has generally been
1. Skill variety agreed however that Quality of Working Life is conceptually
2. Task Identity similar to well-being of employees but differs from job
3. Task significance satisfaction which solely represents the workplace domain
4. Autonomy and Feedback. (Lawler,1982).

They suggested that such needs have to be addressed if In the present study, QWL is defined as the favorable
employees are to experience high quality of working life. In conditions and environments of a workplace that support and
contrast to such theory based models, Taylor (1979) more promote employees satisfaction by providing them with
pragmatically identified the essential components of quality of rewards, job
working life as basic extrinsic job factors of wages, hours and Security and growth opportunities .
working conditions, and the intrinsic job notions of the nature
of the work itself. He suggested that a number of other aspects QUALITY OF WORK LIFE According to G Nasl Saraji, and
could be added, including- Individual power, Employee H Dargahi survey QWL is a comprehensive, department wide
participation in the management, Fairness and equity, Social program designated to improve employee satisfaction,
support, Use of one's present skills, Self development, A strengthening workplace learning and helping employees had
meaningful future at work, Social relevance of the work or better manage change and transition by conducting descriptive
product, Effect on extra work activities. Taylor suggested that and analytical study they showed that the majority of
relevant quality of working life concepts may vary according employees were dissatisfied with occupational health and
to organization and employee group. safety, intermediate and senior managers , their income,
Warr and colleagues (1979), in an investigation of quality of balance between the time they spent working and with family
working life, considered a range of and also indicated that their work was not interesting and
apparently relevant factors, including- Work involvement, satisfying. According to Guna Seelan Rethinam, Maimunah
Intrinsic job motivation, Higher order needs strength, QWL is a multi-dimensional construct, made up of a number
Perceived intrinsic job characteristics, Job satisfaction, Life of interrelated factors that need careful consideration to
satisfaction, Happiness, and Selfrated anxiety. They discussed conceptualize and measure. It is associated with job
a range of correlations derived from their work, such as those satisfaction, job involvement, motivation, productivity, health,
between work involvement and job satisfaction, intrinsic job safety and well-being, job security, competence development
motivation and job Satisfaction, and perceived intrinsic job and balance between work and non work life and he
characteristics and job satisfaction. In particular, Warr et al. concluded as QWL from the perspective of IT professionals is
found evidence for a moderate association between total job challenging both to the individuals and organizations.
satisfaction and total life satisfaction and happiness, with a Cunningham, J.B. and T. Eberle, (1990) described that, the
less strong, but significant association with self-rated anxiety. elements that are relevant to an individual’s quality of work
Mirvis and Lawler (1984) suggested that quality of working life include the task, the physical work environment, social
life was associated with satisfaction with wages, hours and environment within the organization, administrative system
working conditions, describing the “basic elements of a good and relationship between life on and off the job. Chan, C.H.
quality and W.O. Einstein, (1990) pointed out QWL reflects a concern
of work life” as - Safe work environment, Equitable wages, for people’s experience at work, their relationship with other
Equal employment opportunities and, Herzberg (1959) used people, their work setting and their effectiveness on the job .
“Hygiene factors” and “Motivator factors” to distinguish European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
between the Conditions (2002) described that the QWL is a multi-

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 8308 http://ijesc.org/
dimensional construct, made up of a number of interrelated autonomous, flexible working time, work groups, career
factors that need careful consideration to conceptualize and growth and development, relation with supervisor. The result
measure. It is associated with job satisfaction, job showed that there is no significance relation between
involvement, experience, career growth and development. There was the
most significant relationship between work environment and
Quality of human resources depends on the quality of working organizational trust then physical environment. The
life offered through the management or organisation. Quality relationship between colleagues and supervisor affects the
of work life is a concern not only to improve life at work, but work environment on QWL. Taylor (1979) more
also life outside work. It is nothing but having a work pragmatically identified the essential components of Quality
environment where an employee’s activities become more of working life as; basic extrinsic job factors of wages, hours
important. This means implementing procedures or policies and working conditions, and the intrinsic job notions of the
that make the work less routine and more rewarding for the nature of the work itself. He suggested that relevant Quality of
employee. 2.David lewis et al (2001) studied on the extrinsic working life concepts may vary according to organization and
and intrinsic determinants of quality of work life. The employee group. Mirvis and Lawler (1984) suggested that
objective of the research was to test whether extrinsic or Quality of working life was associated with satisfaction with
intrinsic or prior traits test predict satisfaction with QWL in wages, hours and working conditions, describing the ―basic
health care. The variables used extrinsic traits: salary or other elements of a good quality of work life‖ as; safe work
tangible, intrinsic traits: skills, level, autonomy and challenge, environment, equitable wages, equal employment
prior traits: gender and employment traits, co-workers, opportunities and opportunities for advancement. Baba and
support, supervisor, treatment and communication. Survey Jamal (1991) listed what they described as typical indicators
was conducted in 7 different health care and respondents was of quality of working life, including: job satisfaction, job
1,819/5486 staff (33%). Data was gathered from the circulate involvement, work role ambiguity, work role conflict, work
questionnaire and test applied for data analysis was regression role overload, job stress, organizational commitment and turn-
method and factor analysis. The findings showed pay, over intentions. Bertrand and Scott (1992) in their study
supervisor style, commitment and discretion, all play a role in ―Designing Quality into Work Life‖ found that improvements
determining QWL. Female employees were less satisfied with in the quality of work life are achieved not only through
these traits than male. external or structural modifications, but more importantly
through improved relations between supervisors and
Mina. Petal (2013) studied on Relationship between self – subordinates. Datta (1999) in his study ―Quality of Work
esteem, organizational attachment and perceptions of QWL in Life: A Human Values Approach‖ say that in a deeper sense,
Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization ofIsfahan. The objective of quality of work life refers to the quality of life of individuals
the research was to find out the relationship between self- in their working organizations—commercial, educational,
esteem organizational attachment and perception cultural, religious, philanthropic or whatever they are. Modern
ofQWL.Sample size has taken 195 employees and simple society is organizational society. Individuals spend much of
random sampling for data collection. Pearson correlation their lives in organizations.
coefficient and multiple regressions were used to analysis the Pg :9/14
data. Variables studied that were dimensions of QWL:
Employee participation, career development, problem solving, Hence, the importance of quality of work life is
job security, employee communication, job pride, fair pay, unquestionable. Normala and Daud (2010) in their study
industrial safety and protection, and organizational identity, ―Investigating the Relationship between Quality of Work
Dimensions of self-esteem: self-acceptance, living Life and Organizational Commitment Amongst Employees in
consciously, self-responsibility, living purposely, personal
integrity and self- assertiveness, dimensions of Organizational Malaysian Firms‖ say that the quality of work life of
attachment: Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, employees is an important consideration for employers
intend to leave the organization, group coherence, interested in improving employees‘job satisfaction and
organizational identity and organizational interest Findings commitment. mindset in their work field in order to utilize
showed that positive relationship between dimensions of their full potential and to add value to the organization. A
Organizational Attachment and QWL. There is a Positive satisfied employee is an asset for a company as he orshe will
relationship between pillars of self-esteem and dimensions of ensure the full productivity. To begin with, quality of work
QWL. Self-responsibility, integrity, fair pay with living life is such a concept that directly related to the satisfaction.
purposefully, living consciously, self-acceptance, job security According to Dolan, Garcia, Cabezas and Tzafrir (2008),
with purposefully are not co-related with each other. Self – quality of work life is a major concern for employees and how
esteem is co-related with organizational Attachment organizations compact with this issue is both of academic and
practical consequence.
Aloys.N.K (2013) studied on working Environment Factors Therefore, job satisfaction and satisfaction in private life both
that Affect QWL among Attendants in Petrol Stations in are important for having a positive quality of work life
Kitale Town in Kenya. The objective was to identify working experience. Mostly the quality of work life considers the work
environment affect QWL.The method used was exploratory life and it is to change the climate at work along with human-
survey with coefficient of co-relation test for data analysis. technological-organizational interface(Luthans, 1995).
Findings showed that positive co-relation between work According to (Davis &Cherns, 1975;Sashkin & Burke, 1987),
environment and mode of QWL job enrichment, job rotation, quality of work life is not only enhancing the company’s

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 8309 http://ijesc.org/
productivity but also employee identification and a sense of providing a superior work environment. The private
belonging and pride in their work. Based on various companies should create a career growth opportunity within
researches we can identify some determinants of quality of their environment that may lead to a better performance and
work life which are –adequate and fair compensation, safe and therefore a better productivity. Moreover, participation
health work environment, opportunity for career growth and management will increase the enthusiasm of employees as
security, social integration in the work organization which they will have an opportunity to participate with their ideas.
relates to freedom of speech, work and total life space and the
social relevance to the work. In the context of quality of work High degree of QWL leads to job satisfaction which ultimately
life, organizations have policies and benefits for proper results in effective and efficient performance. A happy and
employee valuation. Quality of work life is often considered in healthy employee will give better turnover, make good
two direction, one is to removal of negative aspects of work decisions and positively contribute to organizational goal. An
and working conditions and other direction is the modification assured good quality of work life will not only attract young
of work and working conditions to enhance the capability of and new talents but also retain the existing experienced
employees and to promote behavior which important for talents. Work life balance must be maintained effectively to
individual and society (Kotze, 2005). ensure that all employees are running at their peak potential
and free from stress and strain. So it is up to the organization
According to Dessler (1981),quality of work life was seen as to focus on their workers and improve their quality of work
the level to which employees are able to satisfy their personal life so that attrition, absenteeism and decline in workers‘
needs not only in terms of material matters but also of self productivity can be checked. Necessary suggestions were
respect, contentment and an opportunity to use their talents given by the investigator for the same.
make contribution and for personal growth. So it is very
important for an organization to provide employees proper QWL in India can be improved through a variety of
valuation which will satisfy them and will ensure the instrumentalities like education and training, employee
productivity It is a fact which also controls the mental health. communication, union participation, research projects, and
According to Plug, Louow & Gouws (1991) mental health is a appreciation of changing environment. A good human
state of relative good alteration that is escorted by feeling of resources practice would encourage all employees to be more
satisfaction, a zest for life and the actualization of potential productive while enjoying work.
skills as well as absence of psychopathological conditions. So
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