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Ann Wigmore Chart for Raw Foods & Living Foods 07/03/2007 10:36 PM

Living Foods Whole Foods Avoid Altogether

for 100% Raw diet for 80-95% Raw diet in any diet

PROTEINS sprouted legumes (peas, steamed sprouted all animal meats and
– leguminous seeds beans, lentils, mung, beans, slow-cooked luncheon meats; all fish
are protein- alfalfa, clover – alfalfa dried beans and peas and sea-foods (crayfish,
dominant; and clover are tiny (soups), tofu, tempeh; lobster, oysters, prawns,
– green leaves and beans, the smallest of steamed fibrous greens etc.), sushi; birds
grasses are chief the legume family), raw like kale and collard (chicken, turkey,
protein source for green beans and peas; (spring greens in UK); ostrich); eggs;
virtually all animals LIVING greens grown at nut butters, unsoaked pasteurized milk and
(humans too) home in Sprouter, nuts and seeds; raw cheeses; hydrolyzed
except the big cats, Energy Soup, green cheese (not for vegans) vegetable proteins; soya
some bears, etc. smoothies, green juices meat analogs; protein
powders (vegan ones
too – they don't
resemble anything in

CARBOHYDRATES sprouted grain crackers, sourdough breads (no refined grains and flours
– grain seeds are breads, cereals, and yeast); slow-baked like white bread, rolls,
carbohydrate- warmed cereals; grain sprouted grain breads; cakes, cookies, white
dominant; as are milks; sprouted pie unleavened whole-grain rice, noodles, pasta; all
starchy vegetables; crusts; bananas and all crackers; oat flakes, yeasted breads and flour
– fruits are simple fruits except avocado; muesli and natural products; muesli and
carbs, quickly raw sweetcorn, root sugar-free granola; granola with sugar; all
utilized by body for vegetables (carrot, beet, popcorn and other breakfast cereals;
energy turnip), tubers (potato, puffed grains; slow- bakery and health store
yam), gourds (pumpkin, cooked whole grains baked goods containing
squashes), vegetable (amaranth, barley, oil, sugar, additives
fruits (bell pepper, buckwheat, corn, kamut,
cucumber, okra, tomato, millet, oats, quinoa, rice,
zucchini, baby butternut) rye, spelt, teff, wheat);
pasta made from whole
unrefined grains

FATS / OILS non-dairy yogurts, small amounts of all bottled oils not
– edible raw seeds cheeses and sauces unrefined raw sesame, clearly labeled “raw
(flax, pumpkin, made with fermented flax or virgin olive oil; unheated unrefined”;
sesame, sunflower) seeds and nuts; seed raw nut butters; raw commercial nut butters;
and nuts are fat- and nut milks; home- sesame tahini; never eat peanuts and peanut
dominant made raw nut butters; heated oils; remember butter; pasteurized
sprouted or soaked ALL oil is 100% fat and butter, cream, cheese,
seeds and nuts; even cold-pressed oil milk; pizza and ice-
avocados; coconuts and lacks co-factors like cream; all foods
raw coconut oil; raw lipase enzyme to digest containing or cooked in
olives; durians (an Asian it, while raw seeds and oils
fruit) nuts are only 50% fat
and include their
minerals, vitamins, Page 2 of 7
Ann Wigmore Chart for Raw Foods & Living Foods 07/03/2007 10:36 PM


VEGETABLES raw sprouted greens steamed (no oil - add stale or wilted;
– eat organically (esp. home-grown, e.g. olive oil and garlic after); irradiated; canned;
grown (no broccoli, fenugreek & slow-baked soups, frozen; pickled;
pesticides or radish sprouts, stews, casseroles, overcooked; cooked with
fertilizers) and sunflower & buckwheat broths; non-raw sea sugar or salt;
inorganic if fresh greens, green pea vegetables (arame, supermarket produce
from farmers market shoots), green leaves green nori, hijiki, Irish (unless labeled organic);
(cabbage, collard, kale, moss, kombu, wakame) frozen vegetables are
lettuce, spinach, parsley usually blanched
etc.), roots, stems (cooked)
(celery), edible flowers
(nasturtiums, pansies,
etc.); fermented (raw
sauerkraut); home-dried,
blended in soups,
smoothies and sauces;
juiced; raw sea
vegetables (dulse, kelp,
black nori)

FRUITS fresh sauces, salads, cooked fruit desserts; unripe; irradiated;

– eat organically shakes, smoothies; raw steamed fruits; baked canned or preserved
grown (no fruit pies; fruit ice cream; apples and bananas; with chemicals and
pesticides or home-dried fruit soaked or steamed added sugar; dried with
fertilizers) and unsulfured dried fruits sulfur; supermarket fruit
inorganic if fresh (unless labeled organic);
from farmers market frozen fruits are usually
raw (check with supplier)

SNACKS vegetable sticks (carrot, rice cakes; puffed kashi; natural and unnatural
celery); fresh fruits; natural granola; junk food snacks;
home-dried fruits; unleavened crackers; commercial health food
sprouted trail mix; trail mix; popcorn (no snacks; candies,
sprouted grain crackers; butter); rice syrup chocolate; biscuits,
dried-fruit and nut candies; unsoaked crackers, cookies,
candies; soaked seeds seeds and nuts cakes; chips or crisps
and nuts; dehydrated
nut and seed yogurt
chips; home-dried
vegetable chips

CONDIMENTS unpasteurized miso and unrefined sea salt; onion products containing
– to make food tamari; vegetable salts, and chives; chili spices; additives, including citric
taste good rock salt, Celtic sea salt; powdered vegetable acid, salt, pepper,
kelp powder, dulse broth; natural cooking vinegar, MSG
flakes; raw sauerkraut; wine; agar-agar flakes (monosodium
lemon juice; raw apple or arrowroot powder to glutamate), oils, eggs,
cider vinegar; fresh and thicken sauces colorings, flavorants and
dried herbs; garlic, preservatives
ginger, cayenne Page 3 of 7
Ann Wigmore Chart for Raw Foods & Living Foods 07/03/2007 10:36 PM

SWEETENERS stevia herb; raw stevia liquid; fruit syrups; white sugar, turbinado
– use sparingly in unrefined date sugar; maple syrup; brown rice sugar, brown sugar;
final diet; unrefined dried cane syrup, barley malt; corn syrup, cane syrup;
– eat Energy Soup juice (Rapadura); raw amasake (a cooked Blackstrap molasses;
to end sugar unfiltered honey (not for fermented sweet rice); dextrose, glucose,
cravings vegans) sorghum molasses, fructose; xylitol, sorbitol;
Barbados molasses sugar substitutes and
artificial sweeteners

DRINKS fresh fruit and vegetable bottled natural fruit and tap water; coffee; black
– drink 15 minutes juices; spring, filtered or vegetable juices tea; soda; alcohol;
before or one hour distilled water; green (preferably artificially sweetened
after meal, never juices with wheatgrass unpasteurized); herb fruit drinks; limit
with a meal juice; Rejuvelac (a raw teas; grain coffee; green pasteurized juices
fermented wheat drink); tea; always use distilled (apple, orange, etc.)
add to distilled water, a water for herb teas so
few grains of rice or the water sucks
blades of wheatgrass for maximum nutrients out
24 hrs before drinking, of herbs
to restore minerals

Living Foods Whole Foods Avoid Altogether

for 100% Raw diet for 80-95% Raw diet in any diet

“I wake up feeling clear and energized in the morning ... What is most
profound for me about this light eating pattern is the flow of cosmic energy
I feel coursing through my body. ... During the day it feels as if joy is
simply running through every cell independent of external factors.”
Gabriel Cousens (rawfood medical doctor), Conscious Eating (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 2000)

Eat Whole Nuts and Seeds, Not Oils

Try to reduce the oil you use until one day you're eating none! Even cold-
pressed virgin olive oil on your salad will coat the nutrients and slow down
absorption, in the same way oil coats the plate.

Oils are not a whole food. Way back in 1978 macrobiotic doctor Rudoph
Ballentine (M.D.) wrote in Diet & Nutrition, a holistic approach:

"Oil is essentially an empty food like refined sugar, containing

calories, or fuel, but none of the other nutrients which the
body needs. ... Refrigerating the oil, putting it in a dark bottle,
and keeping it tightly capped slows the process of oxidation, Page 4 of 7

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