Terminal Sample 2 Solved

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad

Department of Management Sciences

Terminal Section A: Spring 2017

Class: BBA 2 Date: 21-07-2017

Subject: Accounting I Instructor: Zaheer Swati
Time Allowed: 30 Minutes Max Marks: 30
Registration # Signature


(Time allowed: 30 Minutes) (Marks 30 * 1 = 30)

Note: Understanding of a paper is a part of examination

A. Write appropriate choice in Answer Sheet (A).

1. Revenue is generally recognized being earned at the point of time when?

(a) Cash is received (b) Billed to customers (c) Production is completed (d) Goods are delivered

2. Accrual-basis of accounting?
(a) Result in higher income than Cash-basis of accounting ? (b) Is not acceptable under GAAP
(c) Leads to the reporting of more complete information than does cash-basis (d) Non of Above

3. Items such as a sales slip, a check, a bill, or invoices are examples of?
(a) Balance sheet accounts (b) Income statement accounts
(c) Cost of goods sold (d) Source documents

4. Ledger is a book of?

(a) Original entry (b) Final entry (c) Secondary entry (d) All cash transactions

5. Accounting which recognizes an event as the transaction when cash is received or paid?
(a) Cash basis of accounting (b) Accrual basis of accounting
(c) Cost accounting (d) None of the above

6. Which of the following transactions occurs on daily basis in a large business organization?
(a) Purchaser of equipment (b) Payroll (c) Credit sales (d) Payment of suppliers

7. All of the following are true regarding journal entries except?

(a) Journal entries show the effects of transactions
(b) Journal entries provide account balances
(c) The debited account titles are listed first (d) Each journal entry should begin with a date
8. Which one of the following is used to record financial transactions in date wise order?
(a) Account (b) Voucher (c) General Journal (d) General Ledger

9. Excess of Debit side over Credit side is called?

(a) Debit Balance (b) Credit Balance (c) Liability Accounts (d) All of before

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10. When a Liability is reduced or decreased, it is recorded on the?
(a) Right or debit side of the account (b) Left or debit side of the account
(c) Left or credit side of the account (d) Right or credit side of the account

11. X sends back Rs. 80 of faulty goods to Y. In which book of prime entry would Y record this transaction?
(a) General Journal (b) Purchase Return Journal
(c) Sales Journal (d) Sales Return Journal

12. Which account has usually debit balance?

(a) Owner Equity (b) Purchase (c) Purchase returns (d) Discount received

13. The respective normal account balances of Sales, Sales Returns and Allowances, and Sales Discounts are?
(a) Credit, Credit, Credit (b) Debit, credit, debit
(c) Credit, Debit, Debit (d) Credit, Debit, Credit

14. The arithmetical accuracy of books of account is verified through?

(a) Journal (b) Trial Balance (c) Ledger (d) None of the given options

15. The Cash of a business would change as a result of?

(a) A supplier being paid by check and deposited (b) Raw materials being purchased on credit
(c) Non-current assets being purchased on credit (d) Wages being paid in cash

16. Which of the following is not a book of prime or original entry?

(a) Sales daybook (b) Purchase daybook (c) Debtor’s account (d) Cashbook

17. Bank statement also called?

(a) Pass book (b) Cash book (c) Credit book (d) Debit book

18. Adjustment is to record depreciation at the end of the month in?

(a) Cash Payments Journal (b) Cash Receipts Journal
(c) General Journal (d) Purchases Journal

19. If a business shows a debit balance in its own record of its bank balance, this indicates?
(a) The business has a bank overdraft (b) The business is a debtor in the books of bank
(c) The business has money in the bank (d) The ledger entry must be wrong

20. If a company uses special journals, credit sales should be recorded in which journal?
(a) General journal (b) Purchases journal (c) Sales journal (d) Cash receipts journal

21. Favorable balance means?

(a) Credit balance in the cash book (b) Credit balance in Bank statement
(c) Debit balance in cash book (d) both b and c

22. A company issues check to pay account payable. The effect of the transaction is to?
(a) Increase assets and liabilities (b) Increase assets and decrease liabilities
(c) Decrease assets and liabilities (d) Increase assets and stockholder's equity

23. The transaction will be treated as a contra entry when?

(a) Cash withdrew from bank for domestic use (b) Check received from customer and deposited
(c) Cash drew from bank for office use (d) 1 and 3 only

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24. An amount of Rs. 1,000 is debited twice in the bank statement. When overdraft as per the cash book is the starting point?
(a) Rs. 1,000 will be deducted (b) Rs. 1,000 will be added
(c) Rs. 2,000 will be deducted (d) Rs. 2,000 will be added

25. Depreciation is?

(a) The amount spent to buy a fixed asset (b) The salvage value of a fixed asset
(c) The amount of money spent in replacing assets
(d) The part of the cost of the fixed asset consumed during its period

26. The adjusting entry to record unpaid salaries is?

(a) Salary Expense (Dr) & Cash (Cr) (b) Salary Payable (Dr) & Salary Payable (Cr)
(c) Salary Expense (Dr) & Salary Payable (Cr) (d) Salary Payable (Dr) & Cash (Cr)

27. The report of company that shows overall profit on the sale of their goods or the provision of their services?
(a) Trading and Profit & loss account (b) Cash flow statement
(c) Income Statement (d) Both a and c

28. Which of the following is the largest single expense of most merchandising firms?
(a) Cost of goods sold (b) Rent Expense (c) Amortization Expense (d) Salaries Expense

29. Which type of inventory system is updated inventory system?

(a) Periodic inventory system (b) Contingency inventory system
(c) LIFO (d) Perpetual inventory system

30. The specific cost identification inventory cost flow method has all of the following characteristics except?
(a) It identifies the cost of each physical item available for sale with either the ending inventory or cost of goods sold
(b) It relates cost flow to the specific flow of physical goods
(c) It is especially applicable when small and inexpensive items are handled in large quantities
(d) It requires individual identification of items some device like tags or serial numbers

Best of Luck

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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad

Department of Management Sciences

Terminal Section B & C: Spring 2017

Class: BBA 2 Date: 21-07-2017

Subject: Accounting 1 Instructor: Zaheer Swati
Total Time Allowed: 150 Minutes Max Marks: 70
Registration # Signature

(Attempt all four questions 10 * 4 = 40)
Note: Understanding of a paper is a part of examination

Q1. Record the following transaction in General Journal as June, 2017

01. Starts a business by opening a bank account with Rs. 50,000
09. Goods purchase of worth Rs. 10,000 by cash and trade discount received 10%
11. Unearned sales of Rs. 3,200 earned during the June.
24. Paid Salaries Expenses of Rs. 1,200; Rent Expenses of Rs. 1,400 and Carriage Expense are outstanding Rs. 2,400
29. Sold Goods to Ahmed Ali on cash Rs. 4,000


General Journal
Amount (Rs.)
Date Account Title and Explanations Ref Debit Credit
June Bank 50,000
O.E 50,000
9 Purchases 9,000
11 Unearned Sales 3,200
Sales 3,200
(Unearned sales now earned)
24 Salaries Expenses 1,200
Rent Expenses 1,400
Carriage Expenses 2,400
Cash 2,600
Carriage Payable 2,400
29 Cash 4,000
Sales 4,000
Total Rs. 71,200 Rs. 71,200

Q2. Prepare a Trial Balance for Ahmed Brothers Pvt. Ltd. at May 31st, 2017?

Description Amount Description Amount Description Amount

Marketable Security 6,500 Owner's Investments 95,000 Maintenance Exp. 5,000
Bill Payable 1,000 Rent & Rates Expense 400 Miscellaneous Expenses 6,800
Unearned Revenue 17,500 Acc. Dep. _ Equipments 14,000 Accrued Expenses 1,500
Outstanding Salaries 2,500 Machinery 32,000 Unexpired Insurance 48,500
Prepaid Rent 14,000 Drawings 18,800 Vendor's Payables 500

Ahmed Brothers Pvt. Ltd.

Trial Balance
As on May 31st, 2017
Amount (Rs.)
S. No Description Ref Dr. Cr.
1 Marketable Security 6,500
2 Bill Payable 1,000
3 Unearned Revenue 17,500
4 Outstanding Salaries 2,500
5 Prepaid Rent 14,000
6 Owner's Investments 95,000
7 Rent & Rates Expense 400
8 Accumulated Dep. _ Equipments 14,000
9 Machinery 32,000
10 Drawings 18,800
11 Maintenance Exp. 5,000
12 Miscellaneous Expenses 6,800
13 Accrued Expenses 1,500
14 Unexpired Insurance 48,500
15 Vendor's Payables 500

Total Rs. 132,000 Rs. 132,000

Q3. From the following particulars write up the Two column cash book for Swat Trading Co. for the month of June 2017

June 1 Favourable Cash Balance Rs. 28,000; Bank balance Overdraft Rs. 17,000
6 Total sales of worth Rs. 10,000 in which 3,000 apply to credit customers Mr. Ali
11 Received a check from Mr. Kazmi and deposited into the bank of worth Rs. 16,000
14 Withdrew from bank for office purpose Rs. 4,000 and for owner domestic use Rs. 2,000
18 Received check from Mr. Hamid of Rs. 22,000 and was not deposited in same date
23 Mr. Kazmi check of Dated 11th, June, 2017 was dishonoured and return by bank
28 Mr. Hamid check received on 18th June, 2017 were deposited into bank

Cash Book
For the month ended June, 2017
Receipts Payments
Date Description Ref Cash Bank Date Description Ref Cash Bank
2017 2017
June 1 Balance b/d 28,000 June 1 Balance b/d 17,000
6 Sales 7,000 14 Cash (c) 4,000
11 Mr. Kazmi 16,000 14 Drawing 2,000
14 Bank (c) 4,000 23 Dishonoured 16,000
18 Mr. Hamid 22,000 28 Bank (c) 22,000
28 Cash (c) 22,000

Balance c/d 1,000 Balance c/d 39,000

Total 61,000 39,000 Total 61,000 39,000
July 1 Balance b/d 39,000 July 1 Balance b/d 1,000

Q4. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement to find out adjusted balances in both books for Maria Waheed Ltd. on July
31st, 2017?
a) Debit balance as per Bank Statement was Rs. 9,000
b) Cheque issued amounted to Rs. 2,700 of which Rs. 900 was presented for payment on 31st July
c) Cheques paid amounted to Rs. 3,600 of which Rs. 2,500 were cleared
d) Bank charge of Rs. 1,400 was not entered in cash book
e) Dividend and commission collected by bank but not shown in cash book were Rs. 1,500
f) Utility bills paid by bank as per instruction was Rs. 1,900

Cash Book Bank Statement

(e) Div and comm 1,500 (d) Bank charges 1,400 (a) Bal 9,000 (c) Uncleared check 1,100

(f) Utility Bills 1,900 (b) Unpresented 1,800

Maria Waheed Ltd.

Bank Reconciliation Statement
As on July 31st, 2017
Balance As per Bank Statement (Dr) 9,000
Unpresented check 1,800
Dividend and commission 1,500 3,300

Uncleared check 1,100
Bank charges 1,400
Utility bills 1,900 (4,400)
Balance as per cash book (Cr) Rs. 7,900

(Attempt two questions 15 * 2 = 30)

Q1. Following are the Adjusted Trial Balance related to Naeem & CO (Pvt.) Limited. Prepare Financial Statements
(Income Statement, Statement of Owner Equity and Balance Sheet) for the year ended 31 st March, 2017

Naeem & CO (Pvt.) Ltd.

Adjusted Trial Balance
For the Period Ended 31st March, 2017
(Million Rupees)
S. No Heads of Accounts Debit Credit
1 Owner Equity 1,551
2 Drawings 560
3 Machinery 1,850
4 Sales 5,850
5 Account Receivables 530
6 Purchases 1,260
7 Wages 364
8 Bank Loan 356
9 Account Payable 528
10 Taxes 220
11 Cash in Hand 226
12 Note Payable 680
13 Inventory 264
14 Accumulated Depreciation _Machinery 350
15 Repair 61
16 Land 2,000
17 Financial Charges 25
18 Commission 35
19 Discount 94
20 Rent 46
21 Building 1,200
22 Deprecation of Machinery 50
23 Note Receivable 600
Total Rs. 9,350 Rs. 9,350

Naeem & CO (Pvt.) Ltd.
Income Statement
For the Period Ended 31st March, 2017
(Million Rupees)
Description Amount Description Amount
Purchases 1,260 Sales 5,850
Wages 364 Commission 35
Taxes 220
Repair 61
Financial Charges 25
Discount 94
Rent 46
Deprecation of Machinery 50

Net Profit c / f 3,765

Total Rs. 5,885 Total Rs. 5,885

Naeem & CO (Pvt.) Ltd.

Statement of Owner Equity

For the Period Ended 31st March, 2017

(Million Rupees)

Description Amount Description Amount

Drawing 560 Balance b / f 1,551

Net Profit b / f 3,765

Balance c / d 4,756

Total Rs. 5,316 Total Rs. 5,316

Naeem & CO (Pvt.) Ltd.

Balance Sheet
For the Period Ended 31st March, 2017
(Million Rupees)
Assets Amount Equities Amount
Current Assets: Current Liabilities
Cash in Hand 226 Note Payable 680
Note Receivable 600 Account Payable 528
Account Receivable 530
Inventory 264
Non Current Liabilities
Non Current Assets: Bank Loan 356
Machinery 1,850 Accumulated Deprecation 350
Building 1,200
Land 2,000
Owner Equity:
Balance b / f 4,756

Total Rs. 6,670 Total Rs. 6,670

Q2. Prepare Store Ledger Card (SLC) from the following information.

July 1 …………….. Beginning Inventory …………… 50 Pieces @ Rs. 20 ………………….. Rs. 1,000
2 …………….. Purchases ………………………. 100 Pieces @ Rs. 25 ………………….. Rs. 2,500
9 …………….. Purchases ………………………. 50 Pieces @ Rs. 28 ………………….. Rs. 1,400
18 …………… Sales ……………………………. 125 Pieces @ Rs. 30 …………………….. Rs. 3,750
20 …………... Purchases ……………………….. 85 Pieces @ Rs. 32 …………………….. Rs. 2,720
22 …………… Purchase ………………………… 100 Pieces @ Rs. 34 …………………….. Rs. 3,400
27 …………… Sales …………………………….. 150 Pieces @ Rs. 29 …………………….. Rs. 4,350

Required: Determine the Cost of Sales, Cost of Closing Stock, Sales and Gross profit / loss under each of the following
method by using perpetual inventory system, Cost are assigned on the basis of FIFO and Cost are assigned on the basis of
Weighted Average

Store Ledger Card (SLC) FIFO
Purchases Sales Balances
Date Description Units @ Amount Units @ Amount Units @ Amount

Store Ledger Card (SLC) Weighted Average

Purchases Sales Balances
Date Description Units @ Amount Units @ Amount Units @ Amount

Comparative Cost Sheet

Methods Balance Purchases Closing Stock CGS Sales Gross Profit

Best of Luck
Store Ledger Card (SLC) FIFO
Purchases Sales Balances
Date Description Units @ Amount Units @ Amount Units @ Amount
July 1 Balance b / d 50 20 1,000
2 Purchases 100 25 2,500 50 20 1,000
100 25 2,500
9 Purchases 50 28 1,400 50 20 1,000
100 25 2,500
50 28 1,400
18 Sales 50 20 1,000 25 25 625
75 25 1,875 50 28 1,400
20 Purchases 85 32 2,720 25 25 625
50 28 1,400
85 32 2,720
22 Purchases 100 34 3,400 25 25 625
50 28 1,400
85 32 2,720
100 34 3,400
27 Sales 25 25 625
50 28 1,400 10 32 320
75 32 2,400 100 34 3,400

Total 335 10,020 275 7,300 110 3,720

Store Ledger Card (SLC) Weighted Average

Purchases Sales Balances

Date Description Units @ Amount Units @ Amount Units @ Amount
July 1 Balance b / f 50 20.00 1,000
2 Purchases 100 25 2,500 150 23.33 3,500
9 Purchases 50 28 1,400 200 24.50 4,900
18 Sales 125 24.50 3,062.50 75 24.50 1,838
20 Purchases 85 32 2,720 160 28.49 4,558
22 Purchases 100 34 3,400 260 30.61 7,958
27 Sales 150 30.61 4,591.50 110 30.60 3,366.50

Total 335 10,020 275 7,654 110 30.60 3,366.50

Comparative Cost Sheet

Methods Balance Purchases Closing Stock CGS Sales Gross Profit

FIFO 1,000 10,020 (3,720) 7,300 8,100 800

Average 1,000 10,020 (3,366.5) 7,653.50 8,100 446.50


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