Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines March 2019

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Offshore Skills Assessment Program

Applicant Guidelines
March 2019

Department of Education and Training

Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines
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Document particulars

TRIM ID EDU19/933 File Offshore Skills

Assessment Program
Applicant Guidelines
Content last updated February 2019 Document status FINAL

Due for review November 2019

Point of contact Trades Recognition Australia (TRA)

Approval authority Dr Richard Chadwick

Branch Manager
Tuition Assurance Taskforce and TRA
Date of first approval to 1 March 2019

Note: This is a controlled document in its electronic form only. Paper copies of this document are
not controlled and should be checked against the electronic version before use.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, all material
presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
( licence.
The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website
(accessible using the links provided) as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU licence
The document must be attributed as the Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines.

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Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines
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Table of Contents

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The Offshore Skills Assessment Program
Section 1 Applicant Information
Terms explained in the Glossary are bolded when they first appear in this document.

Introduction to Trades Recognition Australia

Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) is an Australian Government business unit attached to the
Department of Education and Training (department). It is the relevant assessing authority for
nominated occupations under the Migration Regulations 1994.

TRA engages registered training organisations (TRA-approved RTOs) to perform aspects of the skills
assessment process on its behalf under certain programs. The skills assessments are for people who
have gained trade skills overseas or in Australia for the purpose of migration and skills recognition.

TRA offers several different skills assessment programs which are based on your occupation, country
of passport, where you studied and the type of visa you are seeking.

Program objective
The objective of the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP) is to determine whether an
applicant is able to work in Australia at the required skill level for the nominated occupation. This
aims to ensure successful applicants can contribute immediately to Australia’s skilled workforce.
A skills assessment through OSAP is for people who are applying for a skilled migration visa to
Australia (excluding 485 or TSS visas), who work in a nominated occupation and hold a passport from
a nominated country or Special Administrative Region (SAR).

Applicant Guidelines
These guidelines describe OSAP and outline the requirements in applying for a skills assessment.

You must read the eligibility requirements for OSAP before starting an application (see Section 2.1).
If you do not understand any part of the eligibility requirements, please contact TRA through the
TRA website (
These guidelines do not provide specific information on visa or points requirements for migration.
All enquiries relating to migration requirements must be directed to the Australian Department of
Home Affairs (Home Affairs) (
You are advised to check with Home Affairs before commencing your application, to ensure the
appropriate visa pathway has been identified, and that TRA is the correct assessing authority for
your nominated occupation.
TRA reserves the right to amend these guidelines as necessary. Information about changes to the
guidelines will be documented in the recent document change history table in Section 8 and posted
as a news item on the TRA website.

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Section 2 Assessment Process
2.1 Eligibility
The nominated occupations, nominated countries, and SARs for the OSAP are listed on the OSAP
Program page on the TRA website:
It is compulsory for applicants seeking a skills assessment in a nominated occupation and nominated
country or SAR to have an assessment through the OSAP (excluding 485 or TSS visa applicants).
OSAP is also compulsory for applicants applying for permanent migration in the following licensed
trades: Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic, Electrician (General), Electrician (Special Class)
and Plumber (General).
The program is open to applicants from all countries who wish to undertake a skills assessment in a
nominated occupation who can travel to Australia or a nominated country for an assessment.
Should you choose to travel to a nominated country for assessment, it is your responsibility to
ensure the correct visa for that country is obtained prior to your travel to that country.
If you wish to apply for a skilled migration visa (excluding 485 or TSS visas) but your nominated
occupation is not listed on the OSAP Program page on the TRA website, you need to apply for
assessment under the TRA Migration Skills Assessment Program.

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2.2 Steps in the assessment process

Choose a TRA-approved RTO

Documentary Evidence Assessment

Technical Assessment
(practical skills demonstrations are
mandatory for licensed Pathway 1


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2.3 Pathway 1: For applicants who do not have a relevant Australian VET
Choose a TRA-approved RTO
You are required to select an RTO to conduct your skills assessment. This is completed through the
RTO Finder (
located on the TRA website by:
 Selecting your nominated occupation from the list available.

 Reviewing the list of TRA-approved RTOs.

Payment for services

Fees for OSAP skills assessments are paid to TRA via the TRA Online Portal. However, you will first
need to contact your chosen TRA-approved RTO to obtain a unique RTO Assessment Payment
Identifier Code for the service you require e.g. documentary evidence assessment, technical
assessment, etc.

Once you have obtained the RTO Assessment Payment Identifier Code, you must register a
username and password in the portal before you can make a payment. You will use the same user
name and password for each payment you make.

Please keep your username and password secure.

If you have any difficulties making a payment, you should email TRA for assistance at
[email protected].

Documentary Evidence Assessment

You must submit decision ready documentary evidence of your identity, skills and employment
experience to a TRA-approved RTO for assessment. The RTO will advise you about the
documentation that must be provided which may include:

 recent passport-sized photographs

 a copy of the biographical identification page of your current passport

 evidence of skills and experience including, but not limited to, training documents, evidence
of employment and employment statements

 copies of each document in original language accompanied by a copy of the English


 evidence of your payment (payment receipt from TRA).

You must be able to demonstrate that you have completed full-time paid employment in your
nominated occupation, or an occupation that is directly related to your nominated occupation,
based on the followings standards:

 Licensed Trade with no formal training – six years work experience.

 Licensed Trade with formal training – four years work experience.

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 Non-licensed trade with no formal training – five years work experience.

 Non-licensed trade with formal training – three years work experience.

You must also have worked for at least 12 months in full-time paid employment in your Nominated
Occupation in the three years prior to lodging your application.
Evidence of part-time employment can be counted towards the employment requirement, on a
pro rata basis.
If the evidence provided indicates you have the necessary skills and experience relevant to your
nominated occupation, you will be invited to participate in a technical assessment with one of the
RTO’s assessors. Before you can start your technical assessment, you must make a payment for the
technical assessment through the TRA Online Portal. Your RTO will issue you with a RTO Assessment
Payment Identifier Code that you can use to make the payment .

If the documentary evidence does not sufficiently demonstrate skills and experience relevant to your
nominated occupation, the RTO will forward a recommendation to TRA that you be found
unsuccessful. Following TRA’s final decision on the RTO recommendation, if you are found to be
unsuccessful, the RTO will provide you with final outcome documentation including information
about any identified skill gaps. The final outcome documentation will also contain information about
your options for review or reassessment, including the relevant RTO Assessment Payment Identifier
Codes which can be used to make a payment for these services through the TRA Online Portal.

Technical Assessment
You will be required to participate in a technical assessment of your skills and knowledge. This will
be conducted by a qualified assessor who will also be a qualified tradesperson in your nominated
The assessor will focus on collecting evidence to determine if you meet the requirements of the
relevant VET qualification in the Australian Training Package for your nominated occupation. This
will involve a technical interview and may involve a practical demonstration of skills and/or
gathering evidence from any nominated employers or other referees.

If you are applying for one of the licensed occupations of Airconditioning and Refrigeration
Mechanic, Electrician (General), Electrician (Special Class) and Plumber (General), a practical
demonstration of your skills is compulsory.

The RTO will discuss the assessment requirements with you before conducting the assessment.

All technical assessments will be conducted in English without assistance. Interpreters are not

Once your technical assessment is complete, the RTO will forward either a successful or unsuccessful
recommendation to TRA to make the final decision. Following TRA’s final decision on the RTO
recommendation, the RTO will notify you of your outcome and issue you with the final

You will have met the standards set by TRA under OSAP if:

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 All evidence you have provided can be verified by the TRA-approved RTO as meeting the
requirements for a successful skills assessment.
 You were successful in meeting the requirements of the technical assessment.

 TRA agrees with the RTO’s recommendation for a successful outcome.

Successful applicants in the non-licensed occupations will be awarded the relevant Australian VET
Successful applicants in the licensed occupations will be issued with an Offshore Technical Skills
Record (OTSR). The OTSR is sufficient evidence to apply for a provisional licence with Australian
state and territory licensing authorities.
For OTSR holders who wish to progress to a current, identified Australian occupational licence and
be awarded the relevant Australian VET qualification, Australian context gap training and a period of
supervised employment will be required. The gap training covers Australian-specific knowledge such
as workplace health and safety regulations, codes of practice and other Australian standards. For
further information refer to the
Licensing( page on the
TRA website.
If successful, you will receive an outcome letter which can be presented to Home Affairs with your
visa application.
You will not have met the standards set by TRA under OSAP if:
 The documentary evidence provided to the TRA-approved RTO is not decision ready.
 The documentary evidence provided to the TRA-approved RTO is not relevant to your
nominated occupation.
 The documentary evidence provided contains insufficient detail to meet OSAP requirements.
 The documentary evidence is found to contain false or misleading information.
 You were unsuccessful in meeting the requirements of the technical assessment.
 TRA agrees with the RTO’s recommendation for an unsuccessful outcome.
If unsuccessful, the RTO will provide you with the final outcome documentation, including
information about any identified skills gaps. The final outcome documentation will also contain
information about your options for review and reassessment, including the relevant RTO Assessment
Payment Identifier Codes which can be used to make a payment for these services through the TRA
Online Portal.

2.4 Pathway 2: For applicants who have a relevant Australian VET

qualification or a current, identified Australian occupational licence
Note: For holders of a current, identified Australian occupational licence
If you need a skills assessment outcome for migration purposes, you will need to undertake a
Pathway 2 assessment through a TRA-approved RTO. However, a successful Pathway 2 assessment

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does not result in the award of a Certificate III. If you want to be assessed for a Certificate III
Australian VET qualification, you should approach an RTO for a recognition of prior learning (RPL)
assessment. RTO details are available on

Choose a TRA-approved RTO

You are required to select an RTO to conduct your skills assessment. This is completed through the
RTO Finder located on the TRA website by:
 Selecting your nominated occupation from the list available.
 Reviewing the list of TRA-approved RTOs.
The TRA-approved RTO selected must not be the RTO that issued your Australian VET qualification
(if applicable).

Payment for services

Fees for OSAP skills assessments are paid to TRA via the TRA Online Portal. However, you will first
need to contact your chosen TRA-approved RTO to obtain a unique RTO Payment Identifier Code for
the service you require e.g. documentary evidence assessment, technical assessment, etc.

Once you have obtained the RTO Payment Identifier Code, you must register a username and
password in the portal before you can make a payment. You will use the same user name and
password for each payment you make.

Please ensure that you keep your username and password secure.

If you have any difficulties making a payment, you should email TRA for assistance at
[email protected].

Submit documentary evidence for assessment

The RTO will advise what documentation must be provided, but you must submit decision ready
documentary evidence of your identity, skills and employment experience. This will include an
Australian VET qualification or current, identified Australian occupational licence.
You also need to demonstrate at least three years full-time, paid employment in a directly related
occupation. This must include 12 months full-time, paid employment in your nominated occupation
in the three years prior to lodging the application. If you are applying with a current, identified
Australian occupational licence, the 12 months full-time, paid employment must be in Australia.
Evidence of part time employment can be counted towards the employment requirement on a pro
rata basis.
The type of work undertaken must cover a broad range of skills in the nominated occupation. If the
evidence indicates that you have the necessary skills and experience relevant to your nominated
occupation, you will be invited to participate in a technical assessment with one of the RTO’s
Before you can start your technical assessment, you must make a payment for the technical
assessment through the TRA Online Portal. Your RTO will issue you with an RTO Assessment
Payment Identifier Code that you can use to make the payment.

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If the documentary evidence does not sufficiently demonstrate skills and experience relevant to your
nominated occupation, the RTO will forward a recommendation to TRA that you be found
unsuccessful. Following TRA’s review of the RTO recommendation, the RTO will notify you of the
outcome. If you have an unsuccessful outcome confirmed, the RTO will advise you of any identified
skill gaps.

The final outcome documentation will also contain information about your options for review or
reassessment, including the relevant RTO Assessment Payment Identifier Codes which can be used
to make a payment for these services through the TRA Online Portal.

Technical Assessment
You will be required to participate in a technical assessment of your skills and knowledge, conducted
by a qualified assessor who will also be a qualified tradesperson in your nominated occupation.
The assessor will focus on collecting evidence to determine if you are capable of undertaking the full
range of tasks expected of a tradesperson in Australia for your nominated occupation.
This will involve a technical interview of skills and/or gathering evidence from nominated employers
or other referees.
The RTO will discuss the assessment requirements with you before conducting the assessment.
All technical assessments will be conducted in English without assistance. Interpreters are not
Once your technical assessment is complete, the RTO will forward either a successful or unsuccessful
recommendation to TRA to make the final decision. Following TRA’s review of the RTO
recommendation, the RTO will notify you of the outcome and issue final documentation. If you have
an unsuccessful outcome confirmed, the RTO will advise you of any identified skill gaps.

The TRA-approved RTO will notify you of the outcome of your assessment.
You will have met the standards set by TRA under OSAP if:

 All evidence you have provided can be verified by the TRA-approved RTO as meeting the
requirements for a successful skills assessment.

 You were successful in meeting the requirements of the technical assessment.

 TRA agrees with the RTO’s recommendation for a successful outcome.
If successful, you will receive a skilled migration outcome letter which can be presented to
Home Affairs with your visa application.
You will not have met the standards set by TRA under OSAP if:
 The documentary evidence provided to the TRA-approved RTO is not decision ready.

 The documentary evidence provided to the TRA-approved RTO is not relevant to your
nominated occupation.
 The documentary evidence provided contains insufficient detail to meet OSAP requirements.

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 The documentary evidence is found to contain false or misleading information.

 You were unsuccessful in meeting the requirements of the technical assessment.

 TRA agrees with the RTO’s recommendation for an unsuccessful outcome.
If unsuccessful, the RTO will provide you with the final outcome documentation, including
information about any identified skills gaps.
The final outcome will also contain information about your options for review and reassessment,
including the relevant RTO Assessment Payment Identifier Codes which can be used to make a
payment for these services through the TRA Online Portal.

2.5 Review
If you disagree with an assessment outcome, you may lodge an application for an assessment review
with the TRA-approved RTO that conducted your skills assessment. To start the review process, you
must first pay the review fee to TRA via the TRA Online Portal. The RTO Assessment Payment
Identifier Code for the review will be provided in the final outcome documentation.

2.6 Reassessment
If skills gaps were identified in your original skills assessment and you have undertaken training
and/or additional employment to address the gaps, you may lodge an application for a reassessment
with the TRA-approved RTO that conducted your skills assessment. To start the reassessment
process, you must first pay the reassessment fee to TRA via the TRA Online Portal. The RTO
Assessment Payment Identifier Code for the reassessment will be provided in the final outcome

2.7 Fees
Fees for a skills assessment are paid directly to TRA via the TRA Online Portal. The following fees
apply to OSAP skills assessment services:
Assessment step Fee Amount (GST Excl)

Documentary Evidence $1,280.00

Documentary Evidence - Review $700.00

Documentary Evidence - Reassessment $450.00

Technical Interview - Pathway 1 $2,000.00

Technical Interview - Pathway 1 - Review $700.00

Technical Interview - Pathway 1 - Reassessment $1,000.00

Technical Interview - Pathway 2 $900.00

Technical Interview - Pathway 2 - Review $700.00

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Technical Interview - Pathway 2 - Reassessment $450.00

Practical Assessment $2,200.00

Practical Assessment - Review $700.00

Practical Assessment - Reassessment $1,100.00

2.8 Fee Refunds

The circumstances in which TRA will refund a payment are limited and detailed in the TRA Payment
and Refund Policy under Forms & Policy on the TRA website
PLEASE NOTE: Refunds will not be provided if you do not meet program eligibility requirements or if
you withdraw your application:
 For documentary evidence assessments - after decision ready documents have been
supplied to your chosen RTO.

 For technical assessments – after the Technical Interview/Practical Assessment has taken

2.9 Timeline
The TRA-approved RTO can advise how long the assessment process will take. Typically, an
assessment will be completed within 13 weeks from the date of submitting the required
documentary evidence.

2.10 Use of agents or representatives

You are not required to nominate an agent or representative for OSAP. However, if an agent or
representative is nominated to act on your behalf during the skills assessment process, you must
notify your chosen TRA-approved RTO. The TRA-approved RTO cannot write or speak to a third party
regarding the skills assessment without written approval from you as the applicant.
If you choose to use an agent or representative, you must provide the chosen TRA-approved RTO
with a signed nomination form from this person. Nomination forms are available on the
Forms & Policy page on the TRA website. A new form must be completed and submitted to the
TRA-approved RTO if you change your agent or representative. Information provided on these forms
will replace any previous agent details held by the TRA-approved RTO.
Home Affairs provides advice about the use of migration agents in Australia. Visit the Home Affairs
website ( for more information.

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Section 3 Applicant responsibilities and documentary
3.1 Applicant roles and responsibilities
As an applicant you must:

 Accurately and honestly complete the required skills assessment application and declaration
forms issued by the TRA-approved RTO conducting the skills assessment.
 Provide authentic and current evidence to the TRA-approved RTO to enable the skills
assessment to be conducted.
 Ensure the documentary evidence submitted to the TRA-approved RTO is complete and
decision ready.

 Participate in the skills assessment as advised by the TRA-approved RTO.

 Pay all skills assessment fees to TRA.
 Have lodged, or intend to lodge, an application with Home Affairs for a skilled migration visa
(excluding subclass TSS and 485 visas).

3.2 Documentary evidence

TRA-approved RTOs must be able to verify the content and validity of all documents you provide to
support your application. Therefore, the following minimum quality control standards apply to
documents submitted electronically:
 Scans must be of original documents; scans of copies will not be accepted.
 Scans must be in colour; black and white copies will not be accepted.
 The minimum scan resolution is 150 dpi (dots per inch).
TRA-approved RTOs can request that you present original documents for verification, and will
discuss these arrangements and any additional requirements with you.

3.3 Employment statements

All statements provided to a TRA-approved RTO relating to your employment or work experience
must be signed by your employer or their representative who is authorised and capable of making
the statement. All employer statements must be on letterhead used by the employer’s business.
Every employment statement provided to a TRA-approved RTO must include:
 start and end dates of employment

 the business address of your workplace

 normal hours of work

 the nature of employment (full time, part time)

 your job title (occupation)

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 a detailed description of the tasks undertaken along with the machines, tools or equipment
 the name, position, contact details and signature of the person authorised to make the
statement and the length of time they supervised you.
TRA-approved RTOs may contact an employer to verify information provided in an employer
statement. A contact telephone number is required for every person who supplies an employment
statement. Verification checks will be conducted on telephone numbers provided.

Section 4 Program administration

4.1 TRA roles and responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of TRA in relation to OSAP include (but are not limited to):

 Consider the RTO recommendation and make the final decision on an applicant’s skills
assessment outcome.
 Ensuring the objectives of the program are met.

 Providing up-to-date information about program processes and procedures.

 Contract management and monitoring of TRA-approved RTOs.

 Responding to enquiries about the program.
 TRA operational program policy development and advice.
 Accepting program payments.
 Developing and maintaining an appropriate IT system to support the program.
 Liaising with Home Affairs and relevant stakeholders about the program.

 Responding to complaints that cannot otherwise be dealt with by the

TRA-approved RTOs.
 Managing program evaluations.

 Undertaking compliance and investigative measures as required.

4.2 TRA-approved RTO roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of TRA-approved RTOs to deliver the assessment services include (but
are not limited to):
 Meeting their obligations under the VET Quality Framework.

 Conducting an assessment of the evidence an applicant provides in accordance with the

RTO’s documented processes and procedures.
 Making a recommendation to TRA about each applicant’s final outcome.

 Notifying the applicant of the skills assessment outcome including issuing the appropriate

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 Liaising directly with the applicant in response to enquiries, acknowledging applications,
managing the assessment and review processes and complaint handling.
 Meeting quarterly with an RTO-Advisory Group, consisting of RTO, regulator, employer and
employee group and skills services organisations (SSOs) representatives, to confer on the
skills assessment process, quality assurance, industry changes and integrity matters (if

4.3 Privacy
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by TRA is subject to the Privacy Act 1988
(Privacy Act). Schedule 1 of the Privacy Act contains the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which
outline the rules for handling personal information.
The Privacy Act defines ‘personal information’ as:
“Information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably
(a) Whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
(b) Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.”

Privacy Information
Under the APPs, the department is required to have a clearly expressed and up to date policy about
the way the department manages personal information. This policy contains information about how
you may access the personal information the department holds about you, and how you may correct
any inaccuracies in that information. We will correct your personal information if it is inaccurate
(subject to restrictions on such access/alteration of records under the applicable provisions of any
law of the Commonwealth).
It also includes information as to how you may make a complaint about a breach of the APPs, and
how the department will respond to such a complaint.
A copy of the department’s privacy policy is available on the department’s website at:
More information about the Privacy Act, including a copy of the full text of the APPs, can be
obtained from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at:

TRA collects applicants’ personal information for the purposes of:
 Verifying skills assessment outcomes under the Migration Regulations 1994.

 Quantitative and qualitative research to inform policy and program management.

 Conducting investigations and ensuring compliance with relevant laws, awards or

 Ensuring compliance with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines (2011).
Personal information collected by the department will only be used for the purposes outlined above.

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In the course of assessing your application, TRA may receive unsolicited personal information about
you from a third party. If TRA would normally have been able to collect that information or it forms a
part of a Commonwealth record, it will be treated in accordance with the APPs. If not, TRA will
destroy or de-identify that information.

TRA may give some or all of the information it collects from the applicant or a third party to Home
Affairs, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Australian Federal Police, TRA-approved RTOs, the
Australian Skills Quality Authority, contractors, the Fair Work Ombudsman and other Australian and
state/territory government agencies.
TRA may disclose the applicant’s personal information to these entities for the reasons that are
listed above in the collection section.

Privacy Complaints
Please note, applicants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of all information
provided to TRA.
Complaints about breaches of privacy should be referred to:
Privacy Contact Officer
Legal and Compliance Group
Department of Education and Training
GPO Box 9880
Email: [email protected]

4.4 False or misleading information

TRA-approved RTOs will take reasonable steps to verify the validity of information received
throughout the skills assessment process.
The applicant is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of all information provided to the
RTO chosen to conduct the skills assessment.
If TRA or a TRA-approved RTO determines that information previously supplied is false, misleading,
non-factual or incorrect information, and that by relying on that information the applicant has been
incorrectly assessed as successful, TRA will notify Home Affairs.
TRA may refer matters to the appropriate authorities for investigation where information that has
been provided to support an application is known or believed to be false.
NOTE: Penalties under the Crimes Act 1914 and the Criminal Code Act 1995 may apply for making
false or misleading statements and providing false or misleading information or documents.

4.5 Relevant legislation

TRA is the relevant assessing authority for a range of trade and associate professional occupations
under the Migration Regulations 1994.

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Under Subregulation 2.26B(2) of the Migration Regulations 1994, TRA sets the standards against
which a person’s skills are assessed.

Section 5 Contact Details

5.1 Locate a registered training organisation to conduct a skills assessment
To locate an RTO to conduct a skills assessment, please use the RTO Finder located on the TRA
website by:

 Selecting the nominated occupation from the list available.

 Reviewing the list of TRA-approved RTOs.

5.2 General enquiries about OSAP

Contact Trades Recognition Australia on the details below:

Phone Monday to Friday: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Australian Eastern Standard Time, excluding public holidays (GMT +10 hours)
Outside Australia: +61 2 6240 8778
Within Australia: 1300 360 992
Email [email protected]
Post Trades Recognition Australia
Department of Education and Training
GPO Box 3022

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Section 6 Glossary
Term used in Guidelines Definition
applicant A person who submits an application to the Offshore Skills
Assessment Program.
Australian Training Package A set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications developed
by industry to ensure quality training outcomes to meet current and
emerging vocational skill needs.
current, identified Australian The registration, certificate or other form of authorisation required
occupational licence under law to perform work, that has been issued by the appropriate
Australian licensing authority and is relevant to the nominated
decision ready Means:
 All documents requested by the TRA-approved RTO are provided
when an application is lodged and conform to the format
 Employment statements conform to the requirements set out in
Section 3.3.
Department of Education The department is responsible for national policies and programs that
and Training help Australians access quality and affordable early childcare and
childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational
education and training, international education and research.
Department of Home Affairs Home Affairs has responsibility for administering the
Migration Act 1958 and associated Regulations.
Home Affairs works in conjunction with the Department of Education
and Training to deliver skilled trades/technical people and
professionals to Australia through the skilled migration program.
licensed occupations The occupations of Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic,
Electrician (General), Electrician (Special Class) and Plumber (General).

migration agent In Australia, people who want to provide immigration assistance must
be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration
A registered migration agent can use their knowledge of Australia’s
migration procedures to offer advice or assistance to a person wishing
to obtain a visa to enter or remain in Australia. They can also assist
people who are nominating or sponsoring prospective visa applicants.
Countries/SARS and regions One of the countries/SARs and/or regions listed on the OSAP Program
page on the TRA website.

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Term used in Guidelines Definition
nominated occupation The Applicants Nominated Occupation as provided in the application
for a skills assessment.
One of the occupations on the OSAP Program page on the TRA
Offshore Technical Skills The document that is issued when an applicant in a licensed
Record occupation has been found to have partially met the technical
competencies to be awarded a Certificate III Australian VET
qualification. An OTSR holder can apply for a provisional licence to
work in their occupation in Australia.
To be awarded the VET qualification for a licensed occupation, the
OTSR holder must complete Australian context gap training and a
period of supervised employment in Australia in their nominated
RTO Assessment Payment A unique code provided to each applicant by their chosen RTO to
Identifier Code enable them to select the correct payment in the TRA Online Portal.
reassessment A request to re-examine whether an applicant has addressed skills
gaps identified in their original skills assessment.
review A request to re-examine an application when the applicant does not
agree with an unsuccessful assessment outcome.
skills assessment The process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether
an individual can work to the standard expected in an Australian
Special Administrative One of the SARs listed on the OSAP Program page on the TRA website.
Trades Recognition Australia An assessing authority that provides skills assessment services for
people with trade skills gained overseas and in Australia for the
purpose of migration and skills recognition.
TRA-approved registered A registered training organisation approved by TRA to assist in
training organisation delivering skills assessments for the Offshore Skills Assessment
Program. They also issue nationally recognised qualifications in
accordance with the VET Quality Framework.
VET qualification A certificate, relating to an Australian VET course, given to a person
confirming they have achieved learning outcomes and competencies
that satisfy the requirements of a qualification.

Department of Education and Training

Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines
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Section 7 Acronyms
Acronym Meaning
APPs Australian Privacy Principles
OSAP Offshore Skills Assessment Program
OTSR Offshore Technical Skills Record
RPL Recognition of Prior Learning
RTO registered training organisation
SAR Special Administrative Region
TRA Trades Recognition Australia
VET vocational education and training

Department of Education and Training

Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines
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Section 8 Document change history
Version Date published Summary of change Authorised by
1.0 March 2019 TRA Dr Richard Chadwick
Branch Manager
Tuition Assurance
Taskforce and TRA

Department of Education and Training

Offshore Skills Assessment Program Applicant Guidelines
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