Petrochemical Margins Chemicals Pta Margins Up by 7% Mom in Mar'18

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Daily Call

REP- 300 March 15, 2018

Petrochemical Margins Chemicals

PTA Margins up by 7% MoM in Mar’18
PSF Margins Margins Remained Green in Mar’18
PSF Margins Based on two (2) weeks data, margins of Polyester Staple Fiber (PSF), Polyvinyl Chloride
USD/ton Average Margins
330 (PVC) and Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) registered a growth of 11.5% MoM (USD
300 275/ton), 1.8% MoM (USD 358/ton) and 7.2% MoM (USD 167/ton), respectively. The
270 monthly changes in margins are positive for ICI Pakistan Limited (ICI) and Lotte Chemical
240 Pakistan Limited (LOTCHEM).
Exhibit: Petrochemical Margins
(USD/ton) Mar-18* Mar-17 YoY Feb-18 MoM 1QCY18 1QCY17 YoY



PSF Margins 275 289 -4.7% 247 11.5% 254 224 13.5%


PVC Margins 358 407 -12.0% 352 1.8% 325 389 -16.6%
PTA Margins 167 103 61.7% 156 7.2% 150 101 48.4%
Source: Source: Bloomberg, Yarn Merchants Source: Bloomberg, Yarn Merchants Association, * two weeks data
Association, AHL Research
PSF Margins up by 11.5% MoM to USD 275/ton
Based on the latest two (2) weeks data, PSF margins have registered a growth of 11.5%
PVC Margins
MoM (down by 4.7% YoY) to an average of USD 275/ton during the month of Mar’18. The
PVC Margins rise in margins was witnessed amid downturn in MEG (-4.4% MoM) prices which offset the
USD/ton Average Margins
500 impact of higher PTA prices (+1.4% MoM). On the other side, PSF prices also inched up by
1.5% MoM, thus expanding the margins by 11.5% MoM. During 1QCY18, margins
350 registered a growth of 13.5% YoY.
PVC Margins up by 1.8% MoM to USD 358/ton
200 After making a low of USD 234/ton in Jan’18, PVC margins have jumped up to USD 358/ton
150 based on two (2) weeks data of Mar’18. Data reveals that the margins are up by 1.8% MoM.




Although, Ethylene prices were also up by 0.6% MoM to USD 1,213/ton, the rise in margins
was driven by higher PVC prices (up by 1.0% MoM) to USD 970/ton on average compared
Source: Bloomberg, AHL Research to USD 960/ton in Feb’18. During 1QCY18, margins registered a decline of 16.6% YoY.

PTA Margins up by 7.2% MoM USD 167/ton

PTA Margins
During Mar’18 (based on two weeks), PTA margins displayed an increase of 7.2% MoM to
PTA Margins USD 167/ton (up by 61.7% YoY). The rise in margins was owed to higher PTA prices (1.4%
USD/ton Average Margins
170 MoM) tagged with stable Paraxylene (PX) prices at USD 948/ton. During 1QCY18, margins
160 registered a growth of 48.4% YoY.
140 Exhibit: Petrochemical Margins During Month of March
(USD/ton) Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18
110 407
100 400 358
289 275





300 261 252

223 206
200 167
Source: Bloomberg, AHL Research 88 87 103
PSF Margins PVC Margins PTA Margins
Analyst Source: Bloomberg, Yarn Merchants Association, AHL Research
Rao Aamir Ali
Outlook & Recommendation
[email protected]
PVC and PTA margins currently hover around USD 352/ton and USD 173/ton, respectively
and will settle at USD 325/ton and USD 120/ton in the longer run, we view. We have a “BUY” call on LOTCHEM with a Dec’18 target price of PKR 11.0/share.

Daily Call
March 15, 2018
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Equity Research Ratings

Arif Habib Limited (AHL) uses three rating categories, depending upon return form current market price, with Target period as December 2018 for Target Price. In addition,
return excludes all type of taxes. For more details kindly refer the following table;

Rating Description
BUY Upside* of subject security(ies) is more than +10% from last closing of market price(s)
HOLD Upside* of subject security(ies) is between -10% and +10% from last closing of market price(s)
SELL Upside* of subject security(ies) is less than -10% from last closing of market price(s)
* Upside for Power Generation Companies (Ex. KEL) is upside plus dividend yield.

Equity Valuation Methodology

AHL Research uses the following valuation technique(s) to arrive at the period end target prices;
 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
 Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
 Sum of the Parts (SoTP)
 Justified Price to Book (JPTB)
 Reserved Base Valuation (RBV)

The following risks may potentially impact our valuations of subject security (ies);
 Market risk
 Interest Rate Risk
 Exchange Rate (Currency) Risk

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Daily Call
March 15, 2018
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