Pick of The Week Ongc LTD

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May 6, 2019

Pick of the Week

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd

Analyst: Tarun Lakhotia/ Hemang Khanna (Email: [email protected]; Contact: +91 22 6218 6427)
CMP (Rs) Target Price (Rs) Potential Upside (%) 52 Week H/L (Rs) Mkt Cap (Rs mn)
171 215 25.7% 192 / 128 2147454
Key Highlights:
 We expect the government to exempt upstream PSUs from sharing subsidies on LPG, finding comfort from the
recent increase in budget provision for Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG subsidy to Rs.295 bn for FY2020, which is
adequate up to Dated Brent crude price of US$65-70/bbl on a recurring basis.
 We assume the government will manage entire burden related to DBT of LPG subsidies going forward.

 Recent adequate increase in FY2020 budget provision for LPG subsidies should allay investor concerns on subsidy
sharing for upstream PSUs, which we believe will be certain by 4QFY19 results.
 Gas production has grown well in the recent months.

 OVL production volumes increased in 3QFY19.

 We expect ONGC’s net oil realization to remain steady over the next few years.

 Domestic gas price to increase further in 1HFY20.

 We raise EPS estimates, excluding HPCL, to Rs.24.3 (+7%) in FY2019E and Rs.25.6 (+3%) in FY2020E, factoring in (1)
modestly higher gas volumes, (2) higher other income and (3) other minor changes.
 We assume stable crude realization, higher gas price and modest increase in production volumes.

 Our fair value based on 9X FY2020E EPS plus value of investments increases to Rs.215 from Rs.210.

 ONGC's earnings are highly sensitive to oil and gas prices and exchange rate assumptions.

Financials (Rs mn)* FY18 FY19E FY20E Price Performance (3 Years)

Sales 1,557,670 2,080,353 2,114,016
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
Growth (%) 11.7 33.6 1.6 160 Nifty
EBITDA 573,191 769,646 814,668 140
EBITDA margin (%) 36.8 37.0 38.5
PBT 330,634 487,703 515,611
Net profit 223,467 312,169 328,638 100
Adjusted EPS (Rs) 17.4 24.3 25.6 80
Growth (%) 3.0 39.7 5.3











P/E (x) 9.8 7.0 6.7

ROAE (%) 9.0 11.8 11.6 Source: Bloomberg

ROACE (%) 9.3 12.0 11.6
Free Cash Flow 84,838 263,106 214,478 Share Holding Pattern (%)
Source: Kotak Insitutional Equities; *Consolidated

Financials (Rs mn)* 9M-FY18 9M-FY19 % Chg DII

Revenues 610,343 828,961 36 15.7%
EBITDA 328,746 470,916 43
EBITDA Margin (%) 53.9% 56.8%
PAT 140,301 226,712 62 FII Promoter
6.5% 64.3%
PAT Margin (%) 23.0% 27.3%
EPS (Rs) 10.9 17.7 62
Source: Kotak Insitutional Equities; *Standalone Source: Bloomberg

This one pager on the company is extracted from last KIE update dated February 15, 2019 and it does not contain events beyond that date. We take no obligation to update the
KIE recommendations. While source of all other information is taken from Kotak Institutional Equities, the price performance and shareholding pattern chart is inputted by Kotak
PCG research team (with source as Bloomberg). It is advisable to read the full KIE report before taking any investment decision on the above company recommendation.
Definitions of ratings
BUY – We expect the stock to deliver more than 15% returns over the next 12 months
ADD – We expect the stock to deliver 5% - 15% returns over the next 12 months
REDUCE – We expect the stock to deliver -5% - +5% returns over the next 12 months
SELL – We expect the stock to deliver < -5% returns over the next 12 months
NR – Not Rated. Kotak Securities is not assigning any rating or price target to the stock.
The report has been prepared for information purposes only.
SUBSCRIBE – We advise investor to subscribe to the IPO.
RS – Rating Suspended. Kotak Securities has suspended the investment rating and price target
for this stock, either because there is not a sufficient fundamental basis for determining, or
there are legal, regulatory or policy constraints around publishing, an investment rating or
target. The previous investment rating and price target, if any, are no longer in effect for this
stock and should not be relied upon.
NA – Not Available or Not Applicable. The information is not available for display or is not
NM – Not Meaningful. The information is not meaningful and is therefore excluded.
NOTE – Our target prices are with a 12-month perspective. Returns stated in the rating scale are our
internal benchmark.
Rusmik Oza Arun Agarwal Amit Agarwal Cyndrella Carvalho Ledo Padinjarathala, CFA
Head of Research Auto & Auto Ancillary Transportation, Paints, FMCG Pharmaceuticals Research Associate
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+91 22 6218 6441 +91 22 6218 6443 +91 22 6218 6439 +91 22 6218 6426 +91 22 6218 7021

Sanjeev Zarbade Ruchir Khare Jatin Damania Krishna Nain K. Kathirvelu

Cap. Goods & Cons. Durables Cap. Goods & Cons. Durables Metals & Mining, Midcap M&A, Corporate actions Support Executive
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+91 22 6218 6424 +91 22 6218 6431 +91 22 6218 6440 +91 22 6218 7907 +91 22 6218 6427

Teena Virmani Sumit Pokharna Pankaj Kumar Deval Shah

Construction, Cement, Buildg Mat Oil and Gas, Information Tech Midcap Research Associate
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
+91 22 6218 6432 +91 22 6218 6438 +91 22 6218 6434 +91 22 6218 6425


Shrikant Chouhan Amol Athawale Faisal Shaikh, FRM, CFTe Siddhesh Jain
[email protected] [email protected] Research Associate Research Associate
+91 22 6218 5408 +91 20 6620 3350 [email protected] [email protected]
+91 22 62185499 +91 22 62185498


Sahaj Agrawal Malay Gandhi Prashanth Lalu Prasenjit Biswas, CMT, CFTe
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
+91 79 6607 2231 +91 22 6218 6420 +91 22 6218 5497 +91 33 6625 9810
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