Copyright (C) 2018 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). All rights reserved.
Success Storiesー ICT
Copyright (C) 2018 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). All rights reserved.
Success Storiesー ICT
global talent and knowledge about the become a catalyst for digital innovation.” He
Japanese market in an optimal manner. This continues that many Japanese firms are
is our hybrid solution. The JDC plays an “seeking opportunities for overseas
important role in such customer service expansion as the domestic market shrinks
delivery. We also opened another JDC in due to the declining population, while also
Nagpur and already placed 300 to 400 facing the challenges of digitalization in
employees there. We second employees Japan. This is a chance for us to help
from the JDCs to Japan and vice versa.” Japanese companies to digitalize and
globalize their business. Additionally, the
Supporting Japanese companies to digitalization of Japanese society itself also
digitalize and globalize their business presents another opportunity for us to grow
At its headquarters in India, TCS focuses our business.”
on co-innovation with other companies and
academia, as seen in the establishment of Support from JETRO
the India Innovation Center in April 2017 in JETRO provided temporary office space as
Bengaluru in collaboration with Panasonic well as information on office locations as the
India Pvt. Ltd. TCS Japan is also focusing on company was preparing to open its office in
co-innovation with other companies as Osaka. Mr. Lakshminarayanan thanked
evidenced in the launch of the Co-Innovation JETRO for its support on the occasion. He
Network (COIN™) in Japan. Lakshmi said that “in addition to providing the
emphasizes: "Co-innovation can be achieved necessary support for companies
by bringing together a network of universities, establishing or expanding a foothold in Japan,
start-ups, client companies, and our own JETRO also plays a crucial role in
company. It is easier to achieve positive encouraging them to do so.”
outcomes if we can utilize the knowledge of
other companies, develop and create things
jointly than by trying to make innovation on (Interviewed June 2018)
our own. COIN™ is a network for
co-innovation and our clients are at the
center of that network.”
TCS Japan is also focused on enhancing
its brand perception in Japan. As one part of
this effort, the company has sponsored a
team in the Japanese Super Formula
Championship since 2017. In order to
increase the popularity of motorsports in
Japan, TCS has become the title sponsor of
Nakajima, the first Japanese full-time F1
driver. TCS is also working with the team on
improving the efficiency and accuracy of race
and machine data analysis.
On the company’s future business
aspirations, Mr. Lakshmi says: "We want to
Copyright (C) 2018 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). All rights reserved.
Success Storiesー ICT
Company history
Copyright (C) 2018 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). All rights reserved.