Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon
We all have the notion that eating -sh would be the better option
over bacon when it comes to health. And the truth is, it really is …
most of the time! Fish is a low-fat, high-protein food that has a Page 2 of 14
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon - Dr. Axe 1/1/20, 4(31 PM
range of health bene-ts. However, given what we know of -sh and its
sources today, we may have to re-examine this statement.
Fish can either be one of the best foods for you or detrimental to
your health depending on where it’s sourced. There is a world of
difference between a -sh that is caught in the wild vs. farm-bred or
farm-raised 1sh. The most common farm-raised -sh are: salmon,
tilapia, cat-sh, swai, “sea” bass, and cod (the last two surprise a lot
of people).
So what’s wrong with that? Well, it all depends on how the fresh or
frozen tilapia -lets were raised … and where. What are the exact
dangers of eating farm-raised -sh? Page 3 of 14
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon - Dr. Axe 1/1/20, 4(31 PM
Farm-raised tilapia has always been a popular source for -sh, not
only because it’s widely available in the U.S., but it’s also very
inexpensive. (1) However, before you stock up on tilapia, you may
want to know about its correlation to inWammation. Recent studies
have shown that eating tilapia may worsen in3ammation, which
can lead to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and a world of other
serious health problems.
People who resort to eating more -sh as a way to get their dose of
omega-3 fatty-acids and lessen their risk of heart attacks may want
to hold off on the tilapia. In fact, a scientist from Wake Forest
University has found that the inWammatory potential of tilapia is far
greater than that of a hamburger or pork bacon, and therefore make
it a 1sh you shouldn’t eat. (2) Page 4 of 14
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Not only that, because farm-raised -sh are kept in cages, they have
the tendency to be fattier, and can have a higher concentration of
omega-6 acids. The problem with getting too many omega-3 and Page 5 of 14
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These are only some of the dangers that have been linked back to
eating farm-raised -sh. What does this tell us? No. 1, we need to -nd
out where our -sh is coming from. Not all -sh are created equal, and
sad to say, farm-raised -sh, instead of helping us, may even harm
us. Page 7 of 14
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Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon - Dr. Axe 1/1/20, 4(31 PM Page 9 of 14
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon - Dr. Axe 1/1/20, 4(31 PM
The common name for nearly a 100 species of cichlid -sh, it comes
from three distinct genera: Oreochromis, Sarotherodon and Tilapia.
Mainly a freshwater -sh, tilapia live in shallow streams, ponds, rivers
and lakes — and adapt well to being farmed.
Tilapia are farmed extensively in many parts of Asia and the U.S.
They are increasingly found in outdoor -sh farms in tropical
countries like as China, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Page 10 of 14
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The largest tilapia producers in the world are China, then Egypt (!).
Currently, it’s the fourth most consumed -sh in the U.S.
Going way back, the aquaculture using Nile tilapia began in Ancient
Egypt. In fact, tilapia is considered one of the three main types of -sh
caught from the Sea of Galilee during Biblical times.
Today, the three most commonly -shed and eaten species of tilapia
are Nile, Blue and Mozambique. Oreochromis niloticus, or Nile Tilapia,
are the oldest variety of tilapia.
Therefore, if you ever do eat tilapia, make sure you ask were it was
raised. Seafood Watch recommends to “buy tilapia (“izumidai” in
sushi) farmed worldwide in recirculating aquaculture systems,
Ecuador in ponds and Peru in raceways.” (10) Page 11 of 14
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There are a lot of shrimp nutrition facts, but shrimp actually holds
the designation of being “the dirtiest of all seafood,” says Marianne
Cufone, director of Food and Water Watch. She says it’s hard to
avoid, as 90 percent of shrimp sold in the U.S. is imported. (11)
Part of this has to do with the fact that less than 2 percent of ALL
imported seafood (shrimp, crab, cat-sh or others) gets inspected
before its sold, which is why it’s that much more important to buy
domestic seafood. Page 12 of 14
Eating Tilapia Is Worse Than Eating Bacon - Dr. Axe 1/1/20, 4(31 PM
But rather than buying cheap, frozen tilapia -lets, a better option that
is both inexpensive and easy to make is a homemade salmon
patties recipe that is high in omega-3 fats and protein.
When I eat out, I also ask my server if the -sh is farm-raised or wild-
caught. Most servers know this answer or can quickly go ask the
head chef. As a quick rule of thumb for salmon, if it’s Paci-c or
Alaskan, it’s most likely wild-caught; if it’s Atlantic salmon, it’s almost
always farm-raised.
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