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Chapter 1

Tilapia is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish

From the tilapine cichlid tribe. Tilapia are mainly fresh water fish inability shallow

Streams, pond, river and lakes and less commonly found in brackish water.


Tilapia fish is one of the species of fish that mostly raised on the different bodies of freshwater. It is
commonly raised in lakes which one of the suppliers of fish nowhere else found in the different areas in
the world.

One of the major sources of income here in the Philippines is fishing. The land distribution is
seemingly mountains which was covered by terrestrial ecosystem and freshwater ecosystem as well.
Small fishermen were utilized their small areas for fishpond. They raised tilapia for business purpose.
Some of them are utilized the pond to raise tilapia for their consumption.

Nowadays, because of the increasing demand of tilapia, many researches have conducted their
research study which was focused on the production of tilapia in order to supply the needs of the people

The organic ways of farming is now suggested to the farmers by the Philippine Government. It
aims to lessen the effect of synthetic chemicals that infect the health of the people.

The study will serve as a guide for more studies that might be conducted by the future
Objective of the Study
Generally, the study aimed to determine the production of tilapia

Lighting and its effect on tilapia production

Specifically, it aimed to:

1. Determine the effect of lighting on tilapia production in terms

of weight gained, feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, length
2. Determine the financial analysis of tilapia lighting and its effect on
tilapia production

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused only on lighting and its effect on tilapia production

In terms of weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, length gain, width gain, mortality rate,
survival rate and financial analysis

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted at Purok Paghedait, Brgy. Masiag,

Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat

Definition of Terms

Lighting - to attract the insect and its effect on tilapia production.

Fingerlings As soon as the fry grow up to 10–15 cm size or roughly equal the size of a finger

Brackish water - (Brackish water) is a broad term used to describe water that is more saline than f
freshwater but less saline than true marine environments.

Tilapia - is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapia cichlid tribe.
Mortality - is the number of dead fish in the production.
Protein - is a large biological molecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or
more long chains of amino acid reside.

Commercial Feeds - providing the balanced nutrition needed by farmed fish.

Natural food is found naturally in the pond. It may include detritus*, bacteria*, plankton*, worms,
insects, snails, aquatic plants and fish.

Supplementary feeds are feeds regularly distributed to the fish in the pond.
They usually consist of cheap materials locally available such as terrestrial plants, kitchen wastes or
agricultural by-products.
Chapter 2


Lighting Effect
Light intensity has an important environmental influence on the quality and yield of aquatic products.

It is essential to understand the effects of light intensity on water quality and fish metabolism before
large-scale aquaculture is implemented.

In this study, two low-intensity light levels, 0 lx and 100 lx, were used to stress Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus), with a natural light level (500 lx) used as control.

The pH, dissolved oxygen and ammonia contents were significantly lower in the water used in the 0 lx
and 100 lx groups than in controls, while the levels of nitrite and total phosphorus were apparently

Moreover, the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria, Vibrio and total coliforms in aquaculture water were
157.1%, 314.2% and 502.4% higher, respectively, after 0 lx light stress for 15 days.

The survival rate of Nile tilapia decreased significantly to 90.6% under 0 lx light on the 15th day.

Of the immune-related genes, the expressions of IFN-γ, IL-12 and IL-4 were 390.3%, 757.8% and 387.5%
higher under 0 lx light and 303.3%, 471.2% and 289.7% higher under 100 lx light, respectively.

These results indicate that low-intensity light changes the physicochemical parameters of aquaculture
water and increases the number of bacteria it hosts while decreasing the survival rate and increasing the
disease resistance of Nile tilapia.

Supplementation of insect
Fish culture plays an important role in supplying high-quality proteins and omega-3 (n-3) long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Aquaculture has been the fastest growing sector in agriculture.

Fishmeal is an important component of commercial fish feeds, but ensuring a sustainable supply of
fishmeal is in question. A good source of proteins in aquafeeds is insects.

For the past 20 years, investigations have been carried out on insect meals as alternative sources for

Thus far, the results on replacing fishmeal in feeding aquaculture species have been promising.

However, some challenging issues including costs and scaling up of insect production remains.
In this review, we aim to summarize the status of applying meals of eight insect species in formulated

We also discussed issues in replacing fishmeal in fish feeds with insect meals and listed some future
research directions to make insect meals an important source of proteins for green, profitable and
sustainable (GPS) aquaculture.

It is certain that in the near future, large-scale insect farming and processing to produce insect meals as
an ingredient of fish feeds will have positive impact on the sustainability and profitability ofaquaculture

Commercial feeds
Complete feeds may also be regularly distributed.
They are made from a mixture of carefully selected ingredients to provide all the nutrients necessary for
the fish to grow well.

They must be made in a form which the fish find easy to eat and digest.

These feeds are quite difficult to make on the farm and are usually quite expensive to buy.

Supplementary feeds are feeds regularly distributed to the fish in the pond.

They usually consist of cheap materials locally available such as terrestrial plants, kitchen wastes or
agricultural by-products.

Supplementation of Natural food is found naturally in the pond. It may include detritus*,
bacteria, plankton, worms, insects, snails, aquatic plants and fish.

Their abundance greatly depends on water quality. Liming (see Chapter 5) and fertilization (Chapter 6), in
particular organic fertilization, can help you to provide a good supply of natural food to your fish

Supplemented of Madre de Agua leaf meal mixed feeds and combination of 90% mixed feeds
and 10% Madre de Agua leaves.

For the growth performance experiment, pigs in treatment 1 were fed 100% mixed feeds while pigs in
treatment 2 were offered fresh MdA leaves in addition to the mixed feeds.

On a dry matter basis, the MdA leaves that were used contained 18.07% ash, 15.80% crude protein,
1.15% crude fat, 15.42% crude fiber, 4.70% calcium and 0.32% total phosphorus.

It has 6.35% digestible crude protein, 8.90% digestible ash, and 1668 kcal DE/kg.

Copra meal
Copra is the dried meat, or dried kernel, of the coconut used to extract coconut oil.

The earlies evidence of the extracting and use of coconut oil from copra is in early tamil literature from
the 1st century AD,(1) the world originate from Malayalam word copra (2)(3) coconut oil is extracted
from it and this has made copra an important agricultural commodity for many coconut producing

Countries. It also yield coconut cake, which is mainly used as feed for livestock
Chapter 3


The materials used in the study were the following: Three thousand (3000)

Fingerlings, fish net, bamboo, tie nylon, feeds, weighing scale, plastic bag,

Calculator and recording (ballpen, and record book), commercial feeds and

And solar lighting.

Experimental Design and Treatment
The study was carried out in complete Randomized Design (CRD). Each

Treatment was replicated three (3) times with five hundred (500) fingerlings per


The treatment were as follows:

T0- Commercial Feeds (Control)

T1- commercial feeds with lighting : 2commecialfeeds

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